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THE GUIDE: http://gunpla.buyfags.moe/


For those new to gunpla/plamo or even just new to this thread; please read the guide. Please read it before asking questions, as there is a chance it has already been answered there.

For the unclear, "plamo" is a shortened form of "plastic model". If it's made of plastic, someone can probably help you here!
If you're new, you're gonna fuck up. Don't worry! If you're experienced, don't make the new people worry!

And don't forget to report shitposting and spam.

>Why won't anyone answer my question?
Try being specific, especially about your materials and process. Post images whenever possible; even if the kit/part looks bad, you are more likely to get help posting images.

>Why are my pictures sideways?
4chan strips EXIF data from images when they're uploaded to the site from your phone, including the orientation display tag. To fix this, save your images separately, or use an app that will rotate and save the images for you.
One commonly used app that works well on Android:

>A guide to other types of plamo:
>Kawaguchi gunpla tips:
>Gundam lineart:
Explore our extensive lineart links collection:
>Funaka's gunpla guides:
Building Gunpla: https://files.catbox.moe/fj5azc.pdf
Scratchbuilding: https://files.catbox.moe/2d9ppa.pdf
>Falldog's gunpla guide:
>Saintism's gunpla photography guide:
>Dalong's gunpla reviews and kit documentation
>Schizophonic's gunpla and plamo reviews

Past Groupbuilds:

Previous thread: >>22740845
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Build a mecha or vehicle that is meant for an indirect role in combat. This can concepts such as:
>Electronic Warfare And Communications & Airborne Early Warning And Control
>Minelayers and long-range weaponry spotters
>Scouting and Surveillance
>Commanding roles
>Sub-flight units to aid MS (Base Jabbers)
>Field Repairs & Supply
Basically any kind of combat role that isn't just "Robot made to shoot/punch another robot"

Submit your entries to gunplaplamo@gmail.com , include at least 5 finished pics and any WIP pics you took while working on your entry, as well as a brief description of your build.

START: 4/24/24
END: 7/31/24
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Show me your WIPs!
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it's fucking time lads
anime accurate sd?
>Recently released the N pack
>Here comes another one

How and why is this getting so much love from Bandai?
Not even bandai knows.
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I will buy 2 more copies to form a squad.
Balancing out bad karma from seed shit
>Even Japanese think G-Reco sucked
No wonder its HG line is dead.
There are 26 packs and it is one of the last two remaining. They're pushing a lot of projects around late UC and the transitional era to late UC, if you haven't noticed, and this has been going on for years.
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>1 random twitter guy
great source
watch, i can do this too
holy shit look the west hates katoki
>the west
Nice try but everyone here is Canadian or a Filipino pretending to be white
>holy shit look the west hates katoki
Everyone should for what he did to the Deathscythe in EW
actually im british
>Mornin' blud, do ye want sum tea?
nah bruv i 'ate tea
I'm so sorry for your loss.
Recently got a little Qant from a gacha machine, it's a silly little thing but I believe it still deserves to look as good as it can. There's a lot more translucent plastic here than I'm used to and unlike beam sabers where the only part I would need to file is hidden by the hilt, these are going to need filing in visible areas.
tldr: is it safe/advisable to file/sand translucent plastic and if so is there a trick to it so it doesn't look revolting?
Use glassfile to sand transparent parts. The transparency and gloss will be maintained.
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Superb, thanks for the tip. A glossy, glassy Zaku for your trouble.
>Ayyyy lmao
This looks like a Zaku shaped weed pipe
>Zeonic "With the Chronic" Industries
I'm listening
go and stay go.
Why Bandai haven't reprint more from The Origin kits? They only reprint RX 78 and Char Zaku. I want GM Guard damnit!
>bowl that's a zaku head
>and you have to make out with the zaku's snout to hit it
>the monoeye is clear glass so the flame lights it up
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no u
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Hasegawa getting back into Macross kits has been a blessing.

Dumb beginner question, if I apply waterslides I assume I'll have to topcoat the kit in some way otherwise the decals will likely peel eventually, right? I don't have the space to paint kits until I move so for now I'm only doing basic detailing.
It is not that easy for decals to peel off. But topcoat keeps them permanent since topcoat is a transparent layer of varnish, and harden when they dried. They still won't survive sanding and scribing though.
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Gundam RFV kits at SDCC
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>This abomination will get an MG before anything else.

I will be malding like you wont believe.
From a distance, it doesn't look that bad also did they really have to use a runner that has a cut part?
But why the guncannon rifle
I think they actually changed the proportion abit, like how Murasame Kai looks in lineart vs in kit form.
it looks like it has pillows for armour
>When I was drunk she looked good
Yeah, looks like Re GZ baloons but overdesigned.
my copium for this design is that it's only a "skeleton" and by the end, it will be upgraded to be a bulky monstrosity and be defeated by the heroic Zeon protagonist
>heroic Zeon protagonist
why has this never been a thing outside of 0083 and war in the pocket
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holy guacamole
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Because Gundam good, needs plot armor and space magic. At least with Thunderbolt, a souped up Zaku wrecked a gundam.
Cururuz Doan
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it can even do the surfing attack, very nice
I'm 5'11" and I feel like RX-78 here standing next to 6+ feet chads
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shit I think I may end up buying this thing despite getting ripped off just to add this beast to my huckebeins collection
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Huh? I was expecting the usual shitty metallic injection, but the gold parts look pretty ok.
So many cool GM and Zaku kits that they are just never reprinting
>Cururuz Doan
>one episode in the first series that wasn't even that good
you do have a point i guess
maybe if you're blind. still looks like the usual shitty metallic injection with swirls and stuff
>heroic Zeon
Cima is VERY heroic
Every Zeon is heroic.
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It has more gloss compares to the usual injection.
you didn't think kou was the protagonist, did you?

so true
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This bitch has been unhinged since her show ended.
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Yep I'm thinking it's based time.
>what no Miomio pussy does for a Mercurian tanuki
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This polycapless stuff is neat. The knees and elbows move when you bend the joints. It always bothered me when the knees were attached to the lower leg because when you’d bend the knee there was a huge gap in the armor
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I am super new to this and using 0.7mm Posca markers like a chud.
Get woke go broke is not limited to just losing money.
gundam has had a gay protagonist since the very first show, and it had brown people in it too
>gundam has had a gay protagonist since the very first show
oh god dont say stuff like that you know what will happen
people correcting him on his retardation?
yeah but also starting an autism war that will last the whole thread.
universal century exists solely to tell the story of romance between char and amuro
But I love autism wars
Heard some bad things about Koto's Siren.
Is it really that bad?
Is there hope for MSA-120
the answer to this question whenever it comes up regarding any kit is universally "no"
Seconding this, I have never built a kit with a bad reputation and found it to be as bad as its reputation. Lots of whiny babies online with fat fingers.
Wow we got ourselves a couple internet tough guys here
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in progress

Falke, my beloved
How do I top coat a Unicorn? should I mask tape the psycho frame when matte coating, or is disassembly basically required?
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Finally, Strike Freedom Spec 2
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god knows it wasn't that little bitch
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full mechanics kit already confirmed btw
Feels like it's gonna be a shit kit.
>Sucker punches girlfriend
Don't think anyone is going to fault him for that one.
>Boost Raider
Looks alright.
God it is so ugly.
I stand by my opinion it looks like a 'normal' Gundam kit that was put in a microwave just long enough to melt a bit all over.
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If they wanted to go all gritty and shit they should taken cues from Kondo instead
frfr on god I str8 up snap these bitches together like click click there ya go, it really be like that out here
>Someone already gave them the answers to the test and they still ended up failing
It amazes me.
I fucking hate realism fags so much.
I like it when it goes so far it circles around and is just goofy in its own way, very charming.
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Jesus what an ugly piece of shit, sucks that they are wasting time making kits of this shit instead of cool stuff like pic related.
And UC is dogshit along with Ad Stela.
I'm usually a contrarian faggot and like stuff people hate but this is something even I can't like.
>2 gm custom shields strapped on top of each other instead of usual zaku shoulder shield
>bunch of tank tread plates glued all over
>asymmetrical upper arms
>exposed machinery on thighs
>weird fingers on feet
What THE FUCK is going on
some of it makes sense logically as battlefield repairs - shoulder shield got wrecked, stick some enemy ones in the same place for "eh, close enough" results. Tank tracks from damaged units were actually used as improvised armor in some situations where resources were scarce. And Magella Attacks are big enough to work here.
The problem is that the execution sucks ass on a level previously thought impossible.
A rare case of actual taste around here.
The problem here is they tried to make it grounded to reality while completely fucking ignoring that it is a bi pedal mech. Those tank tracks are useless, the netting is for what exactly? Tacticool? I like the head and torso design tho and that shield seems fine.
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>requiem for vengance will save gund-ACK
also kino alert, kit when bandao
i can already feel the wasted potential in every aspect of this show
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please don't get a kit
please get a kit
I don't even think the chinese would like this.
oh god my fucking eyes
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>Thought pic related was gonna be the worst new model/design I saw this week
>Bandai: "Hold my sake"
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>ayo dem feddie crackers are racist, total white geneocide death for our Jewish mastahs
what's the problem with this Inquisitive looking fella? seems kinda fat but that's not really a bad thing, and a double eagle is cute
This was done by a Japanese designer, trying to appease the western crowd that loved Bayformers
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Even his eyes is screaming kill myself. Someone save the Gundam-ru
Old model look way better.
Worst thing is that when it's in motion it actually does kinda pull of that slasher villain vibe they seem to be going for.
It's just that it's done in spite of the design, and they probably won't keep up that portrayal for the entire show. Even if they do, I don't know if it will be enough to save the design.
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>We want the realism audience.

Look at how they did my boy.
>Here's your gundam pilot sisters.
there's a lot of monoeye GMs, though this depiction makes it look like a hologram or something
To emphasize what the other anon meant by "old model better"
>Proportions all over are squashed to shit
>New model's head looks like one of those inbred pitbulls when compared to the old one
>Generally less surface detail on his armor compared to the old one (complete lack of rivets by comparison, no inquisitorial Is on the legs, etc)
>While the new model is closer to GW's modern scale the armor makes him look like he's wearing a diaper
>That fuckhuge belt across his chest
>Overall weaker pose compared to the old one

Shit fucking sucks
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How the fuck can you botch the Gundam while making the Gouf custom somewhat faithful to the design?
did she have to be a pink haired cow nose ring tattooed strong womyn? I'd be fine if she was just a regular woman with battle scars or whatever, maybe an eyepatch too, plausible damage from being a soldier
imma be honest the new one looks better, old face sculpt looks like the guy is constipated
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She's a zeek, she literally has the Zeon logo tattoo'd on her cheek in your picture.
When will Bandai give the people what they want and make Ver. Kondo kits
Igloo bros... it's time
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It looks out of place, maybe because of how it's rendered?
am Igloo fan
I want to get off this ride
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Please God let this shit flop hard.
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I would rather have this mummy Zeon with battle scars than this edgy degen.
Well, Zaku tank and assault guntank are identical to originals as well
It looks like a flashlight floating in the middle of a hollow head
GM Camouf but uglier
That GM is a spy!
I thought this was 3D printed at first
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Picked up on my RG Strike Freedom Gundam again. This really is a lot of fun, and has rekindled my interest in RG's I'm gonna break out my RG Freedom Ver. GCP to build after this I think.
Ok China, I like this one.
That thing rocks
is that a tengu mask? I don't like everything else but that's awesome
>tengu mask
Kino alert. This and face with a scroll on the chest are great, the rest is rubbish
How many more updated HGs is Bandai going to make from the old non Gundam shows? So far we got 4 from L-Gaim in 2021, 2 from Votoms, 3 from Dunbine, and 1 from Dragonar, Xabungle, and Vifam. Do you think we will get much more?
probably, I imagine they'll at least try to do the main suit of most old shows (ideon when), even if a lot will end up as p-bandai
Worth it?
I would say yes for $45 bucks. Get two for kitbashing I guess.
Code Geass got Gawain HG recently, but it is PBandai.
if you like Blast Impulse, yeah
no telling if/when Destiny version will get its RG
also for that matter no telling if/when this railgun mold will be used again
first chud le woke joke that made me laugh
I hope you're proud
I would say it is worth it. The backpack is new and the military green looks cool.
you know as much as us bro. i assumed bandai was done with l-gaim until they did the batshu
NTA but i love it when Gwitch fans kill themselves.
Sunrise made this new Dunbine animation to shill plastic, I'm sure there's more on the way.
Also you forgot the new HG Bat-Shu for L-Gaim.
>make an animation to shill the kits
>make all the kits limited release
make it make sense
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Bootleg Aerial's prototype is here.
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>Also you forgot the new HG Bat-Shu for L
Oh shit you right
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All of the parts necessary for Brutishdog are spread across the three newest P-Bandai expansions so I could see us maybe getting a release (hopefully)
Is this meant to be from the same line as their Thor?
A patlabor HG would be cute
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Anf kit would be so nice...
I don't think so. Thor kit belongs to Entropy of Gods line.
Damn, Zaku I got a tiny fucking head
holy shit this is beautiful
I'd kill for a HG Brockary
anon put some decent effort in the joke
don't ruin it
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What would be the best way to remove these nubs cleanly?
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Holy fuck lmao.
how did this get greenlighted
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aw fuck guess its the knife then.
Honestly, undergate has always been annoying to work with. Use hobby knife and hope the final result won't look too atrocious, which most of the time, they are.
nice nippers would work pretty well. Godhand or Mr Hobby, if you don't want to use an open knife. Not many more option
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At the library.
Looks like HG head on MG body
The space is so small that I can't use my nippers. Knifing it is really rough. I'll just thoroughly sand it.
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Now for the weapons. This kit looks really nice, and feels solid.
Some faces look odd and the voice acting is as bad as expected, but it doesn't look awful. Somewhat optimistic.
Not as much as WfM. That show made me angry.
>Entropy of Gods
Wonder if they'll ever add to it
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>referencing old box art
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He's the pilot
Cute Matoran
Proportions are pretty goofy for a ninja looking robot
Small head and slim waist while everything else is too chunky
The Tengu mask is nice
>A good looking F90
How do I cancel my N order ?
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Thoughts on Todd Hi-nu?
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My favorite MS…look how they massacred my boy!
Lacquer paints are not chernobyl ffs
Only use that if you're literally huffing and puffing the paints, otherwise it's not really necessary
>good looking F90
Impossible. Design is trash.
But enough about your face
I think that one genuinely looks decent.
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>Someone bought all the freshly stocked Zaku III's and Bawoos in bongland
Whoever you are, go fuck yourself.
>N not good looking.

I swear to god, my taste is getting questioned here. It's probably the only other good looking one besides that concept one with the big ass shield thruster.
Weird how these two kits are collecting dust in stores here. I kinda want the Zak
The zak is super old
I do agree with you but its proportions look stumpy in the final product so that disappoints me.
I like the mega beam bazookas, looks really nice dual wielded
Looking to start buying 30MS (and 30MM) kits. How different are the Color A and Color C kits? Which one is better for a kitbash with a Figure-Rise Standard kit?
only my second pbandai purchase but I'm excited for it because I'm 100% going to forget I ordered it. Be a good suprise in a few months.
I hate you megablocks niggas so much it's unreal
as if the suit designs weren't bad enough there are niggers in it too
they use the exact same musical stinger that is used in star wars imperial march.
I just want my mecha musumes.
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The Black Knight Hi-Nu
I still have an unopened Kotobukiya's Red Five.
Still can't decide whether I should just build it or sell it and buy the Moderoid later.
>only the gundams
>no Crossbone Vanguard suits
>no grunts
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Unironically, I feel as though I knew the guy on the right from somewhere before.
You could be mistaking him for one of the other ten billion SEAniggers in markham
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No worry.
They got that covered with C.V. version of the F90 series.
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Bottom of the barrel snapshitter slop
Who is this for
I wanna befriend him, he could be a rich CEO type figure for all we know.
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Who is their Nagano? Their Katoki?
The Chinese instead hires known Japanese designers for their projects. I know Obari has done a ton of mecha designs for that one Chinese game Iron Saga
I think it's less ninja themed, and more just general tengu themed.
How can China become black ship and commodore perry on bandai when Bandai gunpla even beats Western action figures like Bionicle, Mattel, Hasbro?
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Was starrail's firefly poached Jap mecha designer?
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What will be it's reception among Japanese reviewers? Will it shelfwarm?
It's impossible to predict what the elevens will like, except for sequels that are exactly the same as a thing they liked.
Better than dual blitz and lightning buster which are shelfwarmer due to backpack's color separation issue.
they aren't shelfwarming. the scalpers in japan are still buying everything
I wish I knew but my google-fu is weak and there doesn't seem to be an official artist information anywhere for hoyo stuff. Might just be an hidden gem artist from China that they're gatekeeping for themselves
But immortal justice shelfwarmed spite better color separation.
We know that Korean designers are in Hoyo, and that's why Mihoyo is feminist spite being chink.
different regions of the world have different taste, who would have known
Is this actual shelfwarming or did you guys fall for the newly stocked shelf picture shit yet again?
namuwiki is source.
Cuz of Genshin being involved in Ppuri incident which is SBI of Korea.
This is literally Crossbone Vanguard erasure
it's not shelfwarming. it is ridiculously hard to find any new releases in japan currently.
First time I've seen this schizo on this board. Everyone be aware he posts this shit in various places and please let my reply be the only one he gets.
That’s absolutely retarded that blue archive doesn’t have bikinis. Why would anybody still play that shit if they do that?
몰?루. Tho BA's summer sale is dropping hard due to Nikke's bikinis. BA is just shilling by paying artists(not music but pic). BA cannot have vocal song to sing in karaoke for too much money on shilling.
I thought Iron saga as not Chink gacha for having bikinis. No way that Chink gacha can have bikini.
immortal justice was a shit design though, so no wonder it shelf warmed
Looks kino
>Seed designs are shit
Too the surprise of absolutely no one
Did Okawara ruin his legacy by working on SEED? Generally it seems like people like his work before it, but the SEED designs always get shit on here.
no, he took one for the team and tried to sabotage what was certain to be an absolute shit show movie
sadly, his greatness still shined through and the movie did well despite being a shit stain upon the franchise
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If you look at his G-Savior concept art, it already looks like proto-Seed art
His work was already tending towards shit in the 90's, the sameness of all the designs between G and X was super noticeable and probably one of the reasons why X did as badly as it did.
Why did they keep rolling it back with him all through the 90s and early 2000s if he was regressing as an artist?
objective quality can decline *and* still sell
Hope we get an HG Zakutank and Igloo Guntank out of this shit at least. We won't, but I can dream.
I found the og MG Gouf at my local store for 100 dollars, should I get it?
Was able to get the second colour on the GM CD, weather was appropriate to paint. As it stands I need 3 more painting days, 2 airbrush (metallic green and white, orange) and then one brush painting. Then sealing, washing, sealing again. Definitely not going to make deadline, but if we have a few other people who are racing to deadline and are looking at getting extensions then I will throw my hat in the ring for that. I just don't want to be the only idiot holding people up, so if everyone else is sorted then I will finish the build and post here but not delay the end of the group build.
I do think I've learned quite a bit on this build, but one of those things is that a group build that starts during my exams and then goes through the wettest part of winter is probably not the easiest to set a timetable for.
haha no you will take the ugly gundam abomination and you will be grateful
s. America? s. pacific?
Can't wait for the privilege to preorder the Devil Zaku variant with a giant tank tread for a hat on Pbandai.
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Recently Okawara designed a mecha for some PC chink game
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Just finished building this fucker. Fun build but hate the arms
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Young Master Asia is jacked.
Manifesting an Ingram 1 MG reprint (it will never happen)
Majority of /m/ is being operated by bunch of Pinoys with a hateboner for Okawara. Very little of Okawara's designs that actually being liked here, and when there is, example: Gelgoog, Amphibious MS, etc, the Pinoys usually argue that Tomino made the rough sketches first. The "criticism" toward Okawara has always been in bad faith and i won't afraid to call them out.
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I like it better than the Aerial
Man that looks so cool. I hope Okawara return to TV Gundam one last time before shitting the bed.
bunny ears instantly make any model better
fuck, he only got hotter as he aged but was still an absolute beefcake before,
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good news everyone, i didnt give up on this hobby, made some good progress on this car i started last year.
Just have to do all the carbon fiber bits now
I know the HG striker backpacks are all compatible with each other for the HG SEED, HGCE and EG kits but is that true for the shoulder parts too? Can you for example attach the old Perfect Strike's shoulder parts on the EG Strike, or the new Option Set parts to the old 105 Dagger HG?
Looks cool. What is it?

It gives me Full Metal Panic vibes.
But Chinese hate G-woke for China hates LGBT so much. This and bravern are't aired in China for being wokeshit.
give it classic proportions?
give it katoki proportions?
give it fucking Seed-pla proportions?

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Show insides
I'm a little conflicted rn. I like the camo green on this one better than the original but prefer the sword impulse 1.0's color over the spec II's. Overall definitely would buy this one.
how does one paint these faces without going completely nuts? i know you can use decals for the eyes, but the hair? that's way beyond my skill level to get looking as good as the promo images.
There literally hasn't been a single good new mecha design since the late 80s.
Not one.
the hair is usually prepainted/seperated (though the current stream assembly doesnt have it painted yet)
I'd imagine the beard is also prepainted but the eyes are purely decal and putting that on is a nightmare
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Ah, much better
I'm staring deep into the uncanny valley.
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It's a bit of an improvement but I just really hate how a OYW gundam is so not blocky
and the GM is even worse
I get that in the Netflix show Zeon are the good guys so blocky heroic looking Feddie suits would clash with that. But fuck you don't shit on classic iconic designs.
Shit, that's smaller than expected.
Hello, is this Bandai HQ?
One HG Falguen to go with my D-1 please, thank you
Don't forget some HG D-2 Custom, HG D-3 Custom, and their rainbow bazookas.
Mecha peaked with Votoms
Shining Gundam
The entire Cosmo Babylonia suite (including the new ones from Seed)
Katoki's 90's Zeta
Junchoon and her variants
Most of ZoE - I'm particular to the mecha'd Vic Viper
Aerial I don't want to hear it fag; JNTHED has deserved this spotlight for a decade now and he didn't disappoint
Flag, Garazzo and Aries
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Nigga what?
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aerial should have looked like this
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Proved his point
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It's Gouyocustom from Kyokai Senki line. Majority of KS look weird and ugly, but this one, along with Protogouyo looks pretty cool, they are kinda like a more realistic take on GM.
Neither of those are model kits.
Somehow with the RX-78-2 parade colors it looks even more disgusting.
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Contemplate this FAG then
>It keeps getting worse
Stop giving them P Bandai ideas anon
You can paint it all the way you want, the design is shit on a fundamental level with that safety helmet, retarded shield, the "worn out shoes with a toe coming out" feet, the tacked on stuff on the back and whatnot.
PB HG EX Gundam 3-pack (RX-78-1,2,3 colors)
And don't get me started on those possible Zaku recolors
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what are the chances this ships in a well packaged box and doesn't just have a label slapped on the actual kit box? Galactic is a pretty good seller, but does Amazon do the packaging? should I just spend 20 more and wait an extra week to get it from USA Gundam store?
the last kit I got from Amazon was an RG and it came in one of those paper bag things and was beat to shit
it should be fine, historically I've never had any kit actually get damaged in shipping - even when the box is heavily dented, the runners are untouched
amazon isn't that bad thankfully (most of the time).
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>we want the barbatos lupus rex monke arms
>minus the over the top design elements that made it look cohesive
>replace it with the "realistic" shit the ez8 had
>add some extra greebles to complete the look
alright, sending it o7
if it's anywhere as fucked up as my RG ill just return it and stop buying gunpla on amazon
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I can't tell if this is shading or what. Every piece of armor looks like somebody forgot to thin their paints. Also you forgot the tard helmet.
Hopefully you don't get the box full of empty runners I returned lmao
thought u meant frame arms girl and was disappointed when i enlarged
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The chink got their hands on another P-Bandai kits
i hope some of the p-bandai MSD molds get bootlegs soon, Marine Gundam would be nice
Efreet Nacht next please, mister Chang, xiexie
it's shipped and sold by Amazon so you're good. If it was a 3rd party seller It would be a hard no
I bought a GPU back in 2019 from Amazon, sold by and through Amazon, and it showed up with just a shipping label on the GPU box itself with no packaging.
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You can see that the seller is Galactic Toys, so you should be good. I've bought from their store directly and never had any issue, so I don't see why their Amazon front would be any different.

Also have fun, it's a really enjoyable build :3
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How come when the Japs do custom builds, it looks super clean and pleasing to the eyes.
Yeah galactic toys is on the r/gunpla list of approved retailers so they’re good.
>galactic toys is on the r/gunpla list of approved retailers
Not ordering there then
not the sharpest bulb are ya
Who is on the r/4chan list of approved gunpla retailers?
side seven exports
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Finally settled on a color scheme for the mg hi nu ver ka. It's the black knight's colors. I'll use tungsten steel for the lighter shade and meteoric iron for the darker, and candy apple red for the red. For some reason any other color scheme looks like ass on the hi nu.
i like the red face
thanks. this is the inspiration.
>black and red
Daring today, aren't we
Jumpwind? Let me know how it goes, I have that paint. It just arrived today.
for your next kit, try grey and violet
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been a while since we got a RG Eva, think the best unit could get one soon?
based, they're the best and I've been using their services for years
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does anyone have a list of kits that come with adapters for the standard 2-peg backpack? Not necessarily this exact part, just pieces made to fit with modern HGs. I know there's a lot of them between various build kits but shifting through all of them in hopes dalong did post a pic of them isn't very practical.
studio_g before glowies got to him
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https://gundam-store.dk operated by a cool guy.
You managed to find that picture so just get the kit it's from, you silly billy
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anyone recognize this black part?
>when you’d rather pay more money for the same shit just to btfo reddit
It's 3D printed.
I would rather pay more if the seller is reliable and trustworthy.
No, and I don’t know why anyone would.
All of the r/gunpla approved retailers are reliable and trustworthy, and lots of them offer lower prices. I’ve ordered from a bunch of them.
>Order from Spraygunner for a replacement needle.
>Chose USPS.
>Still stuck in transit and it's been more than 25 days.

Ah fuck, I should have chosen DHL or UPS.
but but but the anons here told me reddit is stinky and bad
just make your own
Seed kits mostly have these pegs.
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Yes, I also buy from newtypeHQ just to make sure trannies ACK them selves when my money goes towards itsagundam
I have a life
you could make an adapter like that in 5 minutes
I dont think that you do.
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Boy I sure did hate building this Striker Pack.

>8 Dragoons
>4 mounts

Mind-numbing. End result looks nice tho. I gotta finish the accessories then I'm gonna move on to panel lining and decals. Also this kit is kind of annoying to pose.
Bros. It’s over
Gundam WEED
Are polycapless gundams based? Or do you guys miss polycaps?
I prefer polycaps because in the event of one breaking or deforming while assembling I can just grab one of my billion other polycaps to replace it.
there's literally no reason to not use polycaps for HGs
Ok but why can’t the polycaps just be hard plastic?
most polycap kits are much easier to seam weld with no masking. a lot of these polycapless kits make you make drastic modifications or weld joints in then mask them, it's kinda annoying and there's no actual benefit over just using polycaps
because sometimes having soft plastic to connect two hard plastics pieces together is better.
fuck soft plastic, give me ABS and POM
what's the glass filer thing called? seen it used for removing nubs on flat surfaces, as opposed to sand paper
Fuck abs. You cant paint over it. Give me ps
glass file
yeah you can. i use lacquers on abs with no problems
Gunprimer raser (two models, either origin or plus)
>you can't paint over it
You're not supposed to.
If that was true they wouldn't give you instructions on what colors to mix
Contrast paint(or xpress color) can help.
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Is the Hangar Bay reliable for PBandai stuff?
yes, i've used him a few times over the years. most recently for the hg batshu. you'll need to email him to get a quote for shipping at the end of the month your preorders release if you selected the pay shipping later option and he usually takes a week to ship out, but he's reliable and i've never had any issues with him
?????? The absolute fucking state of this place
>painting on polycaps
>use metal primer/multi primer
Anyone tried this for weathering?
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Are Waterfall booths a meme?
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What modeling application is this?
Thanks, I preordered now. Weird so it's not free shipping?
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>Call the cops, I don't give a fuck
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This Sazabi when?
Something looks off here.
What is?
Hope they do a nightseeker next
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Never buying from him again
>held my shit for pre orders for ransome until i paid for DHL shipping because Ukraine war killed off all the othert shipping methods from Japan to europe for a while
>pre ordered GM spartan day one for the december pre order, and got it several fucking months late because the prick was too lazy to ship it until the end of the month after the second batch which was in may
>his prices in general being significantly worse than mandarake and surugaya, both for shipping quotes+base price especially now post 2022 slav chimp out
it depends on the kit, Turn A is polycapless and it is great.

polycapless gunpla is great if you want the gunpla to be very sturdy
>held my shit for pre orders for ransome until i paid for DHL shipping because Ukraine war killed off all the othert shipping methods from Japan to europe for a while
he just shipped mine via surface, which was even cheaper than the air options
>the prick was too lazy to ship
did you message him to request your shipping quote? he's always shipped my stuff a week into the month after the thing released, i usually ask for the shipping quote on the last few days of the month
i've done the math on a few things and it worked out almost identical. mandarake rapes you on shipping quotes but joel's are only like 200 yen above what the japanpost shipping calculator spits out
>Euros and Canadians need to use re-sellers to get P-Bandai stuff
>South Americans get price gouged out the ass
As much as I despair at Gunpla prices in the US being nowhere near as good as in SEA, I should count my blessings in that at least we don't have it that bad.
SEAmonkehs are getting scraps and leftovers, sure the prices are nice but goodluck getting one direct from PBandai.
literally doesn't bother me because every other brand costs what pbandai costs from resellers, and pbandai is higher quality than every other brand anyway. and bandai only puts out like 2 pbandai kits a year worth getting
Yikes. Experiences like kinda put me off. I'm a simple person, if you do good service I'll be a loyal customer.
what does my colonoscopy results have to do with plastic models? they came out fine
Damn that looks cool.
I'm trying to play it safe anon, just trying to keep my asshole from melting inside out and all that jazz.
Majority of the world don't have Pbandai store and it is also pressuring Bandai alot to hold accountability, which makes you wonder if Bandai's plan to chop off retailers is redundant because they are biting more than they can chew.
the only relevant parts of the world to Japan already has a P-bandai store so it's all good.
>Taiwan and Hongkong have pbandai shops
>Mainland doesn't
>relevant to Japan
yes actually. The Japanese fucking love France, especially because they're one of the biggest consumers of manga. I remember they had an exclusive Chainsaw Man museum/exhibit for example.
The Olympics are on right now anon
I have a goldfish.
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So. I leave the house to do some in-person work and my sister drops by while I'm away with her kids.
I come back to this. She says it's fine and that it's normal for children to play like that.
Oh no not the low effort snapshit
Rest in peace. Sue your sister. Tell her its a rare collectible and not a toy or go to their house and find the most expensive shit and play with it.
There were painted kits broken apart too, just not quite literally in half. Pretty sure one was even used as a chew toy. Others have various dings in them too.
Just link her to the cheapest ebay/amazon/suruguya/etc listing you can find and demand a replacement
Looking to branch out into other types of plamo. Any recommended mecha musume lines?
Your sister is a terrible mother. She should have taught her kids to respect others' property. It's a learning experience for you though, now you know to expect mannerless crotch goblins to show up in your home with no warning and thus to proof your valuable belongings against such.

That being said, pretty sure the Flugel cost me $67 on P-Bandai. Show her the electronic invoice and demand at least that much from her, plus for your other broken Gunpla.
At least you didn't have a room full of gunpla and anime figgies and despite having the door locked, the kids somehow broke in, and proceeded to smash everything
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>come home
>see this
what do?
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Damn, nobody told me RuneScape knights could look this good.
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So what themes do we have to vote for once the current group build ends in a few days? I'm curious so it can help me possibly decide what to build next.
Aura battler dunbine theme
Where's the PB second V Katoki?
where's the GP0's Katoki?
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Never really scratch built before but I want to start now by scratch building the Metal Spider's hip side grenade rack thing. It feels like a safe thing to start with since it's a fairly simple boxy shape and I can maybe just use a Jegan or Asmoday grenade, but I'm still wary of accomplishing nothing substantial since I have three working brain cells on a good day. Any tips on how to not fuck this up?
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shouldn't be too hard, it's a simple shape so just make a rectangular box out of styrene sheets, sand it down accordingly and add those other details afterwards. Personally I'm lazy and I would use a Jegan grenade storage as a base, and slap on styrene sheets around it to make the cover. Then I'd adjust the proportions of the kit itself (limb extension, higher waist) so the Jegan's big ass nade box won't look too big on a small GM
also if you're an autist when it comes to accuracy to the original design then you're better off 3D modelling and 3D printing, otherwise you're probably not going to accurately recreate it alone.
Are all RGs really fragile?

Was thinking of getting the RG Tallgeese, but don't see the point if it explodes if I touch it
Nope. Only the early ones. Rg Tallgeese is one of the newer ones so you should be good.
Seconding the first anon. Even most of the early ones don't "explode" though, that's just Zeta. The problem with the early ones is the joints get floppy over time.
Thanks anons
It won't explode but if you touch it the wrong way you'll get mustard gas.
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Sometimes you're alright Engage
the rx78 and zaku do
hell the scaled up mg3.0 flicks it's parts off like no tomorrow
Oh yeah you are right. Forgot about RX-78.
I got my compressor from them like 5 days early when I chose free shipping
Why does this look like the hyaku shiki?
That's basically a shiki.
What is it?
I'm not that anon, I'm just agreeing with you. Sorry I don't know.
You can skip Sinanju. It's a good looking kit but damn is it so flimsy.
I live in SEA. My backwards postal service is really shit, if I chose DHL or UPS they would do a home delivery or hand it over to the most competent carrier here.
It's in the filename.
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on a meta level it's a mix based on the initial Nagano Zeta design, the Mystery Nigga Zeta, Nagano's AE Type100 he drew for Newtype and his cover art version of Zeta
on a lore level it's Anaheim throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks after the Draig was destroyed (mixed with the fact the suit gets it's name that it's meant to last for a century)
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Started painting the core fighter on the gramps ver.ka. Handpainting takes a while but I like it :)
Yeah this shit looks retarded. I hate nagano’s skinny twink fagbots arc. I miss the days of the big bulky mortar heads.
This isn't from FSS and it's not by Nagano, retard-sama.
I like it fag. I like the Silver/Red/White motif.
Recently finished building the RG MK2 and simply from trying to put the beam saber into the left poseable hand the thing is already worn out.
Fortunately it includes a fixed pose rifle grip right hand so it'll at least reliably support the beam rifle.
does anyone have experience with gundamcenteralshop? they have a bunch of bootleg kits I've been looking for but the free shipping looks sketchy
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I heard that they reused the MK2 frame for the Sinanju which is why its so shit floppy. Meanwhile the God Gundam is so fun. I will buy another for custom painting.
How is the Aoshima Gunbuster kit?
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>listed some gunpla for free on a local group
>suddenly get more messages in the past couple days than the past couple years combined
wobbly garbage
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And D-4 and 5 while you're at it.
Wip on my group build
how do you make color schemes like this?
I hate those hands, never took them off the runners on my MKII.

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