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The time is here as this week is the 6th Anniversary Celebration Campaign for gbo2.

Starting on the next update will introduce the first ever five-star MS from of anti-Federation group main MS piloted by Mafty Navue Eri aka, Hathaway Noa, Xi Gundam has arrived from Gundam Hathaway.

The 6th anniversary has step ups and giveaways such as the five star 10 step up, and login rewards that include the new special crates.

The new ms currently is a modified Ez8v built for space combat, Gundam Ez8 [HMC] is here from SD Generations for console and steam current and upcoming ms is a double banner from Gundam Walpurgis, Zaku Machinery (EB) & Zaku Machinery with Over On as the newest 4 star.

The celebration will take place later this week, for 6 years of Gundam Battle Operation 2.

Previous thread:

GBO2 Clear Banner Art Page

/m/ Discord for Console/PC players, GBO and other games (RFA):

/m/ Steam group
/m/ Steam group chat

Console Clans:
Clan Name: /m/egafagot
Clan Tag: [MFG]
Leader: Mangojoyride
>Status: Full

Clan Name: /m/irage
Clan Tag: [M_R]
Leader: RFAokigahara
>Status: 2 slots

Clan Name: PureAndBlue
Clan Tag: [1PB]
Leader: Junhai_UC
>Status: 11 slots

PC Clans:

Current Clan Match Schedule:

>[PDT] 07/29/2024 (MON) 05:00 – 06:59
>[CEST] 07/29/2024 (MON) 14:00 – 15:59
>[EST] 07/20/2024 (MON) 08:00 – 09:59
>Ace Match, 700, 5 vs 5, Artic Base

>[PDT] 08/03/2024 (SAT) 05:00 – 06:59
>[CEST] 08/03/2024 (SAT) 14:00 – 15:59
>[EST] 08/03/2024 (SAT) 08:00 – 09:59
>Basic, 700, 6 vs 6, Mass Driver Facility
>Official Game Resources + Color Picker:

>Nipponese GBO players for reference

List of Premium Login Bonuses for August 2024 on Console and Steam coming soon.

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Video overview of Gundam Ez8 [HMC]

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Steam video overview of Zaku Machinery

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Steam video overview of Zaku Machinery (EB)

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So if the ship that shows up for a 4 Star pull is usually the Thoroughbred, then what would be the ship that shows up if you pull a 5 Star? The Albion? Or would we end up going into Zeta-era ships, and the ship that shows up for a 5 Star pull would be like... the Pegasus III, maybe?
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Sad news, on July 31 Tenda's X/twitter account will be terminated, her gradation has past and will move on to greater things, wish her luck mercenaries.
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I'm going to be it's the Ra-Cailum as it's used in both CCA and Unicorn since 5 stars might lean more towards later era UCs post Unicorn.
>I'm going to bet
Also, I have no idea what suits would even be 5 star worthy at this point.
any flagship suits from hathaway and after, ie. f91, crossbone
What the fuck is the Sliferail?
That sounds about right, yeah. Alternatively it could be the the Space Ark from F91 as the designated "You got a 5 Star" ship?
EoS soon I guess.
Maybe something like this.

Is it a sign of this game nearing EOS?

Customised Ground Gundam 350 cost raid from UC engage.
why am i getting blue border from a B game in a/b rooms? wtf am i doing wrong?
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reduced exp penalty but im not hitting anyone or dont have any leave penalty
What is the new part? I have zero interest in "Nascar but in the air" and am more interested in the part.
5% HP plus some defenses(6 of each I think it was? Probably have the wrong number but you get the idea).
ballistics and beam defense +9 and additional 5% HP. No mention how much slot parts used.
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sayonara tenda-chan
>drop the rarest MS yet created
>EOS a week later

incredibly based devs
Shitposting aside, I'm pretty certain the game has a year, maybe a year and a half left tops.
God, I'd be surprised if we get a 7th year
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Fake. They don't give out tokens for their fuck ups.
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what you mean? we got forty(40) tokens when they shut down clans for several months.
Games lasted longer then both GBO1 and GBON. So it honestly wouldn't be too surprising at this rate. Especially with Bamco at the helm.
I just hope that it would go into maintenance mode without new releases instead of complete shutdown, it's nice to view all these 3d models.
It'll be the drop pod that Xi Gundam showed up in
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>What the fuck is the Sliferail?
Another UC Engage suit.

Looks a lot better in the gbo render.
everything does, really
seriously UCE renders are so fucking awful what the hell
I disagree, it loses a lot of the bulk. Poly count aside, the design itself looks better in the engage render.
the model might actually be the same, it's just higher quality textures and better lightning
honestly i hope it just has the tackle like desert zaku DA with a the dullahan move set and ill be happy

also they better start giving supports in 700 Anti-Air Ranged Aux. Program LV1
Naw, there are some very clear geometry differences. For instance look at the forearms, engage's are much thicker even accounting for perspective. The knee joints are also different, with GBO's sitting much lower(notice the clipping on the bent leg)
Lame. I was hoping it was the busted New Beam Resist part guaranteed. Thanks.
>beam javelin in original design
>two beam sabers in gbo2
I mean what is there for Bamco to shut down? The main lobby is about the only thing they host
don't think they won't shut down even that if they think it's not profitable enough anymore
the smart thing to do would be leave 2 or 3 people to manage it and have everyone else work on another project but "management" and "smart" rarely coincide, especially in japanese companies
That lobby is expensive don't you know. And then add in the server that hosts the clan chat stuff?
>Implying the team isn't 2 people cranking out suits and 1 guy doing everything else.
I hope they just unlock the battle simulator and let you play it offline when this game finally goes under just so I can play with all my toys (but you know they wont)
if it was just 2 people working on the suits they would have had their funerals 4 years ago
Monthly newsletter, not that it has anything that we don’t already know.
New S ratings
>Knockdown enemy support
>Go in to finish it
>3 general teammates materialize from no where to get in my way and melee each other.
>The enemy generals right near us get to melt me.
Yes. It IS always shit teammates that make me lose.
I wonder which MS gets buffs or nerfs?
Ass Driver has quickly become one of my most hated maps. It's actually worse with the new design.
>Literally every team I am on has a retard that caps the usless point near our base at the start.
capping the point isn't the problem, it's the 4 fucking rounds of nascar in the middle
thankfully console fixed the map already
Teammates have been so much worse since the event hype started. Nothing but cowards and metashit every match.
>350 cost raid
It's a gen actually.

If anon looked close enough it has two beam sabers in its first design
Does it get it's own dedicated rifle or is it stuck with the shitty ground gundam one is the question.
meh rifle is the only thing that will keep it balanced, calling it now
Maybe it's a custom ground gundam rifle but I doubt it.
Looks like the shit ground beam rifle but that's probably for the best.
why are s- JP players on PC so dog, they almost universally revolve around trying to ape someone with MA2, they’re dog shit.
Most players are either cowards, and/or metashit abusers. When a teammate fights with me or actually plays in a non-selfish way I am always shocked. This only gets worse at A+/S for some reason. metafagging I get, but playing like a selfish bitch?
They spammed a metafag suit for rating. All the chads are hardstuck in A.
i stopped a A+ so i can get quick special battle ques, retired on a nice comfy 74% WR, the jaburo one is so fucking fun.
If GBO3 is coming right after, probably not.
Best we can hope is a Code Fairy sequel with an updated roster. I have always though that game's start menu screen looks like they planned to make multiple games
>Server connection is going to shit, lagging around map
>Hmmm wonder why?
>Close a few things it could be, torrents, one drive, etc
>Oh do I have steam downloading?
>Realise If I exit steam game closes

Gomen teamu-mayto......
Why would you close steam? You can pause steam downloads without closing the entire program.
>Every map
>No one but me has support when lobby forms.
>Impacted Shite
>5 fucking people have a support
No fuck you all. If you only play support on a support favorable map you can fuck off.
>Hit enemy general with Kshats mega charge beam
>Full hit
>Doesn't even do an 8th of his hp damage.
Amazing. Thanks for all the bullshit parts BB. Might as well disable the fucking weapon. 3.5 focus and shit travel time for shit damage?
both of the charged beams hit 6k+ normally
Everything I hit with Kshat does fuck all damage. I'm assuming all these faggots are running New Anti Beam. I can hit most suits with every weapon and not even get them to half hp. Once in awhile I will hit a suit and actually chunk their health. I am assuming they don't have the bullshit part.
skill issue
are Hazel Owsla and Haze'n-thley in the RT store by now? They came out so long ago I feel like they should be but I've never seen them
I hope we get the GM Shooter and MP Guncannon II soon too.
for me it's Zaku III Psycommu and Gouf Hover Type
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>Zaku III
kindly fuck off before you taste my shoe, whore
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>kindly fuck off
I refuse
so pc gets all this in.... like what September?
enough time to start saving
Yea. Even if you have 0 tokens right now you have enough time to save to guarantee Xi.
wouldn't you be like 60 short?
thank buds, more interesting the the ...350 melee gen????
was engage even manga or anything, or just strictly mobile dog shit?
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i had a mild stroke typing that, dont judge me please.
it's just a mobile game with its own story and some original mobile suits
the game is so ass it barely qualifies as a game at all but the story is good, it's all about a woman suffering
if you're going to insist on being a second support instead of a raid then... that's totally fine, really
just make sure you lock down the enemy support because newsflash: YOU are the one best equipped to it
you get 180 from just doing dailies for 2 months. missions and random gold crates should be more than enough to get the rest.
since it's anniversary it should also come with new boss battle etc. so that's a handful more tokens too
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I love 450 because I can play the Barzam and become a monster on the battlefield.
Prefer the Mk2 personally, but yeah 450 is pretty great yeah
>MP Guncannon II
Mk II is great, but that's 500 cost. 450 is Barzam, Marasai (With Beam Rifle) and Powered GM III fun time.
it's just an ugly GM SP II
That's only making me even more curious
here you go, for what it's worth engage renders are ugly in general even when designs are cool
They also have animated video shorts that are full of fanservice and OC


It doesn't look like a Guncanon at all and looks more like a GM Dominance Cannon.
Woof, that is pretty rough
Who saw the "Cannon" part of the "Guncannon" and thought that meant "shieldguns"?
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Well, GBO2 proved that you can make even ugly suits look halfway decent in their renders.
The idea is a mid-range support competing with GM Cannon II. Both are based on the GM platform and since GM Cannon was already taken but I guess they still wanted to evoke legacy of a previous suit the design team went with the next best thing, results be damned
you take that out of your fucking mouth, Mk-IV was always gorgeous and perfect
big zam boss battle, LET GO!!!!!
Yeah, truly a gorgeous and beautiful suit that didn't have a goofy head.
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Mk-IV is ugly. So is Mk-V for that matter.
someone's in INCOM and hyper beam saber distance and is too stupid to realize it
liking the zaku machinery, still funny it has 72 BASE turn speed, some melee raids almost reach 70
watching a teammate calling fire support while there is a fight literally 5 inches from the point is the most infuriating shit ever
I go out of my way to try to drop support fire in a way that catches my "teammates" in it.
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have you seen some of the players in this thread?
the call is coming from inside the house my man.
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I saw a fucking Nu pilot get out to repair at base.
>Whittle down all enemy generals with Kfat.
>Take fire doing it. Me and entire enemy team less than half hp.
> "Where is my team?"
>They are all crowded behind the broken wing of whatever it A side impacted shite.
>All have FULL HP
>Boost behind them suspending to support from near the cliff.
>Watch them all continue to dance behind the small piece of cover.
>Comms locked
>Some enemies go through their canyon to flank them from the hill.
>They are now in a cross fire. Still jittering behind the tiny piece of cover and slowly getting shredded from two directions.
>I stop bothering to help.
>Their one highlight is when an annoyed enemy rushes in to finish them off two of them melee bounce off each other then get vaporized.
If I was a youtube fag I would have saved the footage and uploaded it just to shame these fucking idiots. Why are you afraid of fighting in a fucking video game?
Was it Arctic Base
Colony Drop Area
Also it wasn't just "a guy" at our base, it was a full on team fight.
I have to assume at this point, that most 7/10 people in the lobby are some variant of Asian that has 0 capacity to play the game correctly in any fucking regard. This shit the past 2 months is worse then when the game took a dive from AC6 release, I try *really* hard not to vent here all things considered, but it is fucking insane.
>Be A flat shitter in B/C space lobbies
>Absolutely stomping
wow, maybe ranking does mean a little bit sometimes
Allies calling support fire when there is no one on the field is incredibly infuriating.
They should let you support fire the enemy base. Solves the base bombing issue and the support fire issue by just letting you nuke their base over the course of a match instead.
>5 more weeks until PC gets mobility enhancer
it's Act Zaku on steroids, makes sense
Or allies that spend the entire match going from base to base spamming support fire instead of actually fighting
Allies not calling down support fire on someone with Marker surrounded drives me nuts. AIM FOR ME. I AM READY TO DIVE.
>call support on enemies gangbanging a single ally
>retard tries to away from the support fire to delay his death slightly instead of diving into it to take out enemies with him
They're cowards and will not be witnessed. Though I was more specifically meaning the skill Marker. It's like half the reason to use those suits!
eh that's going a bit far. On Mk-IV I have support fire called on me maybe once every ten matches.
Think the last suit I had someone call it on was the Zaku Diver. I actually forgot that one had it since it seems like a strange choice for it. Was funny though for the obvious reason when I dived in.
huh, it's my go-to 400 nowadays but I don't think I ever had anyone call support fire on me, to the point I forgot it has marker at all. Really night seeker v space type is the only suit I relatively frequently see marked, probably because of how common it is.
I didn't even know she had a twitter.
its in every thread...
Yeah I do think we have a year or two at most left.
But then what's next?
I really wonder if we are going to get a new game.
But with the amount of money they made I'm sure we'll get something.
Maybe GBO3 on PS5/PC exclusive?
With the PS5 on it's way out according to sony themselves, I think they might just wait until whatever the next gen is. I know I wouldn't aim to develop a live service game for a platform that the company who makes it is looking to drop support for as my main platform at least and I'm not sure making the PC the primary platform is the best idea either(simply because that's not where most of the existing playerbase is).
I really want a GBO2 Next. I want actual grunts of all series fighting together.
I had no idea marker was even a skill that exists
does it just make you take less damage from support fire?
It lowers the damage you take from it, adjusts the timing a little, and lets your allies target you, the idea being someone can target you and then you dive into the enemy team.
Do enemies still get a support fire warning whenn you target an ally?
>I really want a GBO2 Next. I want actual grunts of all series fighting together.
Judging from the roster of GBO Next, you won't even have that many AU grunts and will be prioritize with main suits and UC grunts. Plus, iirc a Gbo Next 2 won't play like GBO1 and 2 and would play like an ExVS lite.
pretty sure they do, but depending on the situation by the time you get the warning it's too late to dodge. And it's easier to enable that situation if you have control over where the support fire will end up
weird, I was under the impression I've always been able to target allies
just that it wasn't worth it because 20s timer
I still can't believe they made a skill that requires team coordination to use effectively, in a game where no one can actually communicate.
anon they made a whole suit type that requires team coordination to use effectively unless the enemy team is particularly stupid or you are an actual newtype
Imagine if the sequel is as poorly received as SDGO's sequel, that likewise it completely collapses upon release due to developer incompetence and corporate greed.

In all honesty the game just needs to be better optimized. Fix all the underlying issues, slap on some fancy new graphics, and call it GBO3. I'd be satisfied.
>Top assist and damage as support against 2 Doga PTT cancer team.
Fucking ridiculous. Pull your weight you fucking losers.
Yeah I know it won't play like GBO. I just like Next too.
Ngl I think the game would be way funner if they added weekly token missions so people can get some playing sessions in that are more than 5 mins.
Those ones we got during the event last month that were dailies could turn into 7 weekly missions that give 2 tokens each. The day before and after reset as well as weekends would be more active as a result.
Nah, it's going to be PS5 exclusive for a couple of years and when the monetization curve finally drops off, you'll get your halfassed PC port that still has mangled controls that function as keyboard and mouse mapped to controller inputs.
PS6 maybe, but it's unlikely that by the time they sunset this game and make another that the PS5 is still relevant.
I havent played any gundam games besides gbo2 and sdba, and ive heard that bandai is known for shutting down Gundam games left and right, so imagine my suprise when you guys said this game has been going on nearly 7 years. I like the game and finally got around bearing with the matchmaking, but i can definitely see why its not everyones cup of tea. With that, what about this game is keeping it going? Do that many people buy tokens or something?
I always see people with platinums and whatever the new 7 step banner suit is first thing in the month so there's definitely whales
whales which remain here due to lack of competition as far as gundam games go
i'm going to find and rape all gook players
>With that, what about this game is keeping it going?
It's literally the only option for this kind of game, so people play it and with people playing it so do whales. Same with all the similar games before it. SDGO, Gundam Online, BO1, etc
Haze'n-thley is 480 tickets in RT store. Owlsa isn't in it yet
Not like Owsla is even worth playing anymore. Have fun being juggled to death by perfect gundams and TTT dogas.
NTA but i skip every post thats majority moonspeak

ive been making it a primary objective to shut down TTTs with my roswell jegan. its really satisfying to block their funnels with the fin shield. PGs im obviously at a disadvantage but fuck you im going for the jugular
Yeah, I really want Gerbera Tetra Kai after
God I wish. Could it be a 600? I'd love that, 600 suits always click with me.
make if a 600 gen
>Not a raid
Are you the same asshole at BB who made the Zudah F a gen?
I'm happy I ain't the only dude who wants this.
Give it all 3 beam rifles that come with the robot spirits model too.
there should be more Pezun suits
would like a High Speed Pezun Rick Dom Custom or a Pezun Dowas Barrage
I'd honestly like a AU GBO that plays like GBO2 that starts out with only grunt ms.
Blowing Aries out of the sky in a Tieren Long Range Type would be so cool. Honestly I just really like Tierens.

They can slowly ramp shit up in the higher costs with MC MS.
Theres just not enough content in any particular AO for a game like GBO2 IMO. Correct me if im wrong. I'll be content if, at the very least, the next game starts out grunts only.
Haven't played since Phenex release, what have i missed, are +600 cost matches still an unbalanced mess?
600 is mostly fine at this point, it's still ruled by flying fucks but there are more options to shoot them out of the sky now. 550 is completely fucking fucked between Geara Doga Psycommu Test Type and Perfect Gundam. 650 is fine I guess, fairly varied. 700 is ruled by Norn and possibly Xi soon.
Hey if GBO2 can include manga only units, I don't see why they can't do that for an AU GBO. Hell even though I think they're retarded, maybe give an official design for the Frozen Teardrop Gundam finally.
ps4 and 5 literally have built in recording

surely you aren't playing on pc
The problem is, UC is still more popular when it comes to anything AU so the odds of an AU GBO using manga units is very low compared to all the UC content that's around.
Well yeah. Bamco is notorious for bad ideas and continuing to double down on them.
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Damn, I forgot how solid Barzam Custom is.
Barzam is love, as is the Barzam Custom.
only thing wrong with the barzam custom is how hard it is to find the fucking conversion kit
Wish the Barzam got level 2 leg buffers. It’s like 70% leg.
Considering the amount of armor you can put on it, it's pretty good imo.
Now that's what I call based
New Survival mode
SURVIVAL “Attack of the Dom Dom Dom”

Some MS spec adjusted for Situation Battle “Activate! Double Zeta”.

■Adjusted MS
◎Team B
Greater MS spec
Greater MS spec
Greater MS spec
Greater MS spec
・Dwadge Custom
Greater MS spec

・Fixed a case in which the reaction would become “staggering” under certain conditions when hitting an armament with the damage reaction “strong stagger”.
・In Free Practice, some AI enemy MS were behaving unnaturally in certain MAPs when the AI was set to ON and now is fixed.
・The stabilizer of the “Messer Type-F02” had different behavior from that of the “Messer Type-F01” at the start of combat in space, and when performing a rapid ascent or descent and now is fixed.
・The “Radar Range Display” that can be set in Options > Others is now fixed, as the scale line was not displayed in the battle simulator correctly.

MS buffs
Psycho Bawoo
Zeta Gundam - added Anti-Blast Stabilizer LV1
Jegan D Type - lv2 added “Reaction Booster Program LV1”
Jagd Doga (GG) - added Active Guard LV1
Re-GZ - lv4 added Pursuit Melee Aux. Program LV1
Desert Zaku (DR)
Jagd Doga (QA) - added Defense Mode LV2, lv2 added Thruster Output Increase LV2
Advanced Hazel


5 star odds - 0.100%
4 star odds - 0.500%
>Psycho Bawoo
It seemed fine to me but I guess not. I'm kind of surprised.
>buffs a bunch of suits I like
>all extremely modest stat buffs that don't address the fundamental issues of the suit
At least quess doga can sometimes stagger using it's gatling without overheating. Sometimes. You are still gonna have to dump nearly the entire battery into it though. It's still shit and still worse than the 500 cost doga rifle everyone already ran.
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Nothing to see here folks. Totally balanced. Yeeeeep.
>Steamies can get the paypig suit for tokens
Cool, but Is it actually worth it?
>Alex got a buff
I literally played back to back sessions with this MS not too long ago where I topped the results score.
I remember it's a raid with heavy attack.
>Would have enough token to get the Xi
God I hate them, they gave all of them in one go before but now they are spacing it every week, fucking stingy ass company.
I only managed to get to step up 5.
I guess it's over for me I don't want to paypig.
One of the most damaging heavy attacks in the game
As expected Xi is Parfait levels of busted. Penelope better be at least as busted or 700 is a single suit cost again.
shoulder mounted searchlight causes stun..
and can be used while boosting, it's like dom's blinding gun
wires should either be counterable or have melee priority 0
Double their cooldowns while you're at it
The entire point is to counter cheeky raids bum rushing you. Just take them away from raids instead. And buff the support zaku with one so it actually works like a normal one for fucks sake.
>Xi Gundam in 1v1
>just stay floating above the enemies head without worrying about losing thrust
You also have melee priority 3, because it definitely needed that too.
Uploading is the part I don't feel like bothering with. I also don't have a PC(good enough) for webm editing.
If you can't get "webm for retards" working on your PC, your PC would not be good enough to play GBO2 either.
>No Doga PTT nerfs
Fuck you BB.
I'm not playing on PC.
So how many slots does the new part take? My interest in Xhit is zero.
>game has a chinese infestation
>release a suit called "Xi"
what the fuck is this xi jingping shit and why are Japs suddenly catering to chinks
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He's in
can't tell if retarded or pretending to be retarded (same thing)
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Maybe chinks will get banned if they get spotted playing as their president
It's obviously reference to Chinese president Xi Jingping you're retardee if your can't see it
nah, some people here are so stupid they'd say this seriously
You sound like an asshurt chink faggot. Kill yourself now.
>Back Giant Bazooka X2 ・Reload is shortened as “12.0””10.0″
h u g e
Xi is op, go figure, 700 sucks
Real question is how is Sliferail?
Ground beam, yes, but double melee and a sticky grenade make me hard (Striker and ECOAS Jegan player)
oh ok you are retarded after all
So fucking ugly. In was wondering if the GBO render would change ky.mind...NOPE!
>second head in its chest??
>gay Naruto arms
>Street walker boots
>Head ridiculously small like when a gundam puts on one of those stupid expansion armors.
God Hathaway protag/antag suits are so fucking ugly when the grunts are all cool.
So my strategy for the foreseeable future is to not play 700. Sound good or is the Xi not that obnoxious?
it's not that bad, it's just that 700 sucks in general
yep the overdesigned ugliness will make it so that only the biggest metafags play it just for wins
they cant use the excuse that they just like the suit looks like they did with perfect
>manage to eek out a lead in the last minute of the match
>things are looking great with half a minute left
>whole team decides to spread out and/or run away at the last moment just to get killed off anyway
>Put up 125k damage and go 8/2
Third overall?! Oh. I killed everyone too fast so my diversion/assist/pursuit are low. Sorry for carrying too hard.
How much damage control does it have? Seems like Norniggers would have enough firepower to easily shoot it out of the sky
Most modest GBO2 player. Did you beat your rival? I find when I do really well the game matches me against some HA spammer that was irrelevant to the match but scored insane damage and kills by targeting low health generals.
It's insane how dogshit most players are that the average damage with parsnip is that low.
Is ReGZ good again now? Health still seems too low. Obviously the designated shitting cost is a lost cause but I hope to use it in 600.
>3 Raid teammates
>They completely ignore the jumping fag support the entire match.
I wish Raids would be rolled back to the pre universal buff so I could have the spot and actually fulfill the role. Range peeking against generals IS NOT how you play as a fucking raid.
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Why in the FUCK is this only 205 tickets lmao
There are dogshit suits worth 3 times as much
Well I just played 700 for the hell of it and beat the shit out of the two Xi all match with ZIVIP. To be determined if this is a fluke or it really isn't that impressive.
It's just the usual mix of retards jumping on the hype wagon with the new OP suit and people not knowing how to play it well yet, probably.
Maybe. But they were both A+ and if you have ever touched a flight suit (which is probably low among shitters) you shouldn't have any issues. I have a feeling it's going to filter a lot of shitters and they will go right back to Norn figure skating gayness.
>Beat rival?
Yes. I would have raged about it if not.
What non-meta suits do you do well with? I don't know why but my best 600 general is level 2 Owsla and I basically never play non-native suits. It just fits my playstyle. Added bonus having no EA means shitters leave it alone.
Act Zaku Commander and Early Gelgoog for 400
Gelgoog VG for 450
Gaz-L Grau for 550
Doven Wolf and Zeta for 600
FA Hyaku Kai for 650
there's probably some I'm missing because I don't care about meta so I'm just picking my favorites that I rarely see other people use
Doven Wolf was always good but people want to play it like a blue support instead of murdering the shit out of someone as you slowly advance. It is a really good Ankshit counter.
I swear to god, not a single person was ever not surprised when I charged them with the belly beam and hit the downswing. Even when done repeatedly. That being said Ankshas are still a pain in the ass, I don't think there's an easy way to knock it out of the sky when charging right at you and you're a relatively big and slow target for it.
Mah nigga. You can easily kill a full health Raid with one rotation of weapons just by not being a pussy.
People remember the low melee resist so try to get in close but somehow forget about shock dampeners.
So funny to watch a guy shoot some piddly beam rifle and go into melee, not even registering that the beam did nothing.
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imagine lvl 3 assault dijeh in 700s
>title screen and other media show the xi in space
>can only be used on ground for some reason

i just want some consistency
there's really no reason why it shouldn't be usable in space anyway
just because it's biggest strength is atmospheric flight doesn't mean it can't move in 0g either
Is there meant to be a TB Acguy in the ZZ Sitbat on PS4? Or is this some weird hacking?
>space daily
>new ground sitbat
>neither space nor sitbat has any players
hacking, but a weird fucking choice
or it's a kapool and you need to go to the eye doctor
No. TB Acguy on the Zeta team. Grabbed some screenshots too.
well let's see em bitch
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Had to find a USB drive that fit in my Pro.
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why would you ever play a mode that doesn't let you choose the mobile suit you want to play
dogshit idea
I play this game to pilot monoeye fuckmachines not to have some visor or, allah forgive me for uttering this, visor forced upon me
hackers are ineffable
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yfw youll start seeing TB acguy at every cost itll be the first lvl 7 like a ufo or bigfoot it wont even pop up in match select
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seems you're not the only one
So hackers or the Sitbat being broken. Odd.
Because it's a fun excuse to play power crept mobile suits in re-created battles from the shows and the randomness of it adds some variety

>I play this game to pilot monoeye fuckmachines
Oh, you're the monoeye autist, nevermind.
the guy posted it with himself in the loto so probably broken
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The reason why it's ground only because it only few in earth's atmosphere in the movie. Had Gundam Hathaway 2 came out and there were space battles then Xi and Penelope would be capable to fly in space.
there are many, MANY suits that were only ever seen used in space but are ground use
Thats fucking retarded shut up
Then explain why its ground only. BB has started to realize that the overall player base plays ground maps more than space maps in the game and it shows.
Because BB is fucking stupid and inconsistent in everything they do. Messer is usable in space and was only ever shown in high atmosphere not actual space.
not everything has a logical explanation, these devs in particular can just make a stupid decision
maybe they just couldn't be assed to make a few slightly different space animations
Because its whole flight gimmick would be useless in space. Didn't stop them from allowing Byarlants in space but whatever
Messer's entire gimmick is useless in space too but it's space capable in game. Don't try and use logic for BB's shit. There's no reason for Xi not to be usable in space regardless of the gimmick.
>BB when hearing Gaijin complaints in their game
But in all seriousness, if there is enough demand then the next update will have Xi be compatible for space use like they did with a bunch of space only suits that can now be used on ground not too long ago.
Leave Xi Gundam to me
actually, the slow down funnels might fuck it up
it seems the battle is set as 6v6 when it's supposed to be 5v5, so one person on both teams gets a seemingly random ms
Oh NOW people want to cry about space compatibility when Schruzum Gallus is right there with no thrusters in space.

>bu-bu-but in the anime
in the anime Corin Nander fell to earth in a wooden barrel.
you're wrong and retarded on three different levels
so what's the animation for 5 star drops
>Schruzum Gallus
I got Xi on my first roll. It's pretty fun. A little bigger than I'd like to play as, but the funnel missiles feel pretty satisfying.
Odd. I was thinking of playing it but did not want to get randomly banned if reported for hacking, lol.
that's honestly a fair concern
I know from story perspective Hathaway was defeat on earth.
It's a space pod that drops down to the ground before opening. There's also a unique SFX for the 5* effect.
>chat bugged and instead of "good work" sent "nice to meet you" at the end despite the former being selected
great the game doesn't just fuck you over in every other way, now it makes you look like an asshole too. This is not the first time it happened either.
side b crashes down on to the base, leaving a giant crater with a gundamium crate at the center
>Use up all my Plat encourages
>Realize too late that it's a space day
Aww man.
Nu, Unicorn, and Xi all being the same cost is kind of bullshit. and now there is forced sortie where you go out with partial health...what is this EXVS?
Is it possible to roll for Xi after monthly reset?
I think just barely.
A new gundamslop suit just dropped that's ground only what did your expect?
>Forced sortie
>spent 15 minutes in queue for 600 space match
>dumb fucking nigger in a khsatriya is afk
>boots us all back to queue
>costs swap
sick of these retards. now everyone is gunna be playing fucking 300 space and 300 space is boring as fuck
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>finally get a match
>it's a lag fest for the first 3 minutes followed by bullying
I don't want to complain but after like an hour with steam breaking and shit I'll take it.
>what is this EXVS?
GBO has a long way to go before it has that kind of fast-paced gameplay.

It's enhancement skill that's unlocked be default.
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Zaku Flipper prey
You got like a 9 hour window to roll from monthly reset to banner reset.
I've been doing some perverted shit and running it as a shooter, rarely using my melee. It's been working too, cuz the instant stun grenade is abusive. Wouldn't use ugly Engage garbage normally, but they cursed me with it on the free 10 roll so I'd be remise not to use it at least a little. It's got a fun kit
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Imagine getting to cheat in a 700 and still getting gaped by a Bawoo
It's a bug not a cheat, retard.
What cheat? It's an oversight by devs when 5v5 sitbat turned into 6v6, where a random 6th player gets to used their last used ground MS in the sortie.
Instant stun grenade you say? Yeah, I'm ignoring Xi for it
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get ready for the next 5 star..
Sitbat bug fix coming.

I dont get the fuss, of all the matches ive played today most Xi players are retards who simply hover in the same spot ttrying to lock on f. missiles, only to get shot down almost immediately. Bought the rt unicorn, a direct hit with shrapnel round immediately knocks down the Xi in flight. Just like the FA Unicorn shouldve been support, it feels like the Xi was suited to more to a raid role, similar to the Sentinel. Seriously stop hovering in the same fucking spot and stop trying to rely on funnel missiles.
Give it a little bit for the shit players playing the shiny new suit to stop playing it and for the good players to figure the suit out. I've seen some insane shit from jap players on twitter already.
Penelope will be the raid. Don't forget these anni suits come in twos.
If the flying chicken is a raid I bet it would have a heavy attack.
for sure, nowadays it's more surprising when a new raid doesn't have a heavy attack
You talk like a fag and your shits all retarded.
Revolting. Gundam has gone through the "Netflix fikter" I see.
>Even in the situation battle I get a team full of cowards that don't advance.
I can't.
I've had worse. Half a team of disconnects.
Every time I've lost as feds it was because the Gundams were total pussies who refused to move up with the GMs
>Get my original love Dwage Custom in sitbat.
>Single axe downswing does 90%+ HP on full health Hyaku Shiki.
Good god. Is this thing adjusted or would I get the same results using the level 3? I might have to become an uplevel faggot just for this.
Is the buffed desert zaku DR viable enough compared to metal spider? I had the suit for a while but never sortied with it since 400 is wire hell and lack of evade is almost a death sentence
everything is viable if you know how to use it
Zaku DR's skill floor is rather low all things considered, you just gotta learn to feel out when you can get away with the full power tackle
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200% to 230%
damn supports are going to be hit with 9k tackles

hell im on PC and im already doing 6-7.5k on supports ive seen gens just instantly get crippled from a single tackle rotation cant wait for this patch to hit pc
Just had the faggot with ZZ play like a blue support and run away from every fight. Lost of course. Never used his saber.
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Stuck in C+/B- hell
>Play general, pull team through
>Get upto B-
>Get pushed into playing support/raid
>Retard generals can't keep team together
>Back to C+
in space right?
in space right?
>Alex buffs
Honestly I think all it really needed is a buff to HP. It's got like 13k which is quite low for the rest of the cost. I think MkII has a similar issue.
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dom resonance banner means its 400 and i have yet to see someone use it.
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I will continue to ruin 400 with Metal Spider until they nerf it. I will make sure every support's little nuts start quaking in fear when they see me.
i beat the shit out of a metal spider with gm cannon ii the other day
Nice. Shitters using the suit is what is stopping BB from finally nerfing the fucking thing so hopefully that moron stops playing it.
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400 is fucked. gens have the most obnoxious line up, raids are all giant uphill battle unless you use spider in which case its a gg for the support, and supports are like main 3 that all involve some stunlock gimmick so it requires metal spider to nuke it the moment he sees em while the other ones get mogged by aforementioned generals.
you are the problem
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I will abandon the spider and play Crab (Experimental) when the buff hits PC
Xi doesn’t even make the list for top three most overpowered suits at their cost released this year
first gunpla kit i ever got and I never realized how fucked it was until I built the gouf custom which never broke from moving its arms one angle
Did something happen with the Perfect Gundam? I've been doing a lot of 550 and all I see now are Roswells and Owslas.
on console it got hit with another nerf
it's still busted beyond reason but most meta players are too stupid to realize it so they are chasing other toys
It got slightly nerfed which means in the eyes of the average retard who plays this game it's now unplayable dogshit. It's still the best 550 gen and is still the only thing keeping PTT from being the top cost ruining suit.
God I regretted getting the Z'Gok E
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Kill yourself Sven you useless faggot, level 3 alex shithead. Fucking feeding the entire game. I would love to see how much damage he did. If he broke 50k I'll be shocked. Anyone who takes a suit above level 2 above like 350 is a fuckwit.
I will now sortie my GM Cannon II at 500 and outperform my entire team just to spite you
>and other things that only happened in my dreams
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wow, you're soooo coool anon
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oh nooo..
please don't FF me
oh boy it's the cooldown cheater keneoh
Until I actually got the suit I always assumed this thing has stealth; because it would always just randomly show up and merk our support.
It can see through walls, so it always knows where your support is to randomly merk them.
>schizo finally got new material
The usual stuff was getting stale I'm happy for you.
That's the ideal way to play the suit, really. You have personal radar that lets you see who's where so the best way to play the suit is to spam that off cooldown to hunt down the support.
Zaku I w/ Magellan Top is viable at higher lvls.
>zaku I with magellan top
>zaku I circumnavigation type
>calling people schizo when you're reposting the same webm of yourself hacking just to pat yourself on the back that you got away with it
not so fast,Kumfag
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>doesn't want to give me a (You)
lmao even
The CD on the Metal Spider BR is 5.5 seconds. The time between the shots in that webm is just shy of 6 seconds. Cope and sneed schizo-kun, enjoy the (You)
Since the schizo brought up the subject of clans, are we doing the clan match on monday morning or waiting for the one in August that is during westoid hours?
It's a Monday morning so almost certainly not. I'll make an announcement for it later anyway though.
I can take or leave the GM head Gundam desu but I really want that Armored GM when it comes on PC
Oh yea we'll be doing CBs for that for sure, don't worry. I want it too.
i have the spider and you don't take out the wire in less than a second, there's at least 2-3 seconds switching between weapons on it while yours are nearly instant
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>H4 Beam Rifle
>.0.77 seconds
>Grenade Launcher
>0.77 seconds
>Shot Anchor
>0.5 seconds
I'd rather not get the suit than play with cheaters to get it.
>last edited 10 minutes ago
>team actually pushes in after the wipe instead of falling back to let the enemy regroup
Lying about easily verifiable information is really boring.
It's probably just boredom. People get tired of playing the same shit every match. That's why update day is the absolute worst because all the once a week fags swarm.I'm and they all play meta then fuck off until the next update.
Guess I was raping them all too bad so they latched onto the suit. Wait fuck off these shitters will lose with it and get it overbuffed into a retard suit.
I would agree but a great Sniper 2 level 4 is the most devastating son of a bitch ever. Thankfully they are rare because they will single handy shut down a team.
Yeah, usually the team they are on. 9/10 of them are complete dead weight, sure that last one is strong but it's rare.
I've given up even hoping for that exception with one that can actually aim. Almost every time I give an uplevel suit pilot on my team a chance I get burned like with fucking Sven the Swedish cock sleeve earlier. I'll gladly spend another however many minutes queueing instead of getting a shit match because some asshole thinks using overtune parts on his shitbox will stop him from being raped by PTTs and Perfect Gundams.
one shot from a fully upgraded gm sniper II will prevent it from doing a full combo
I will continue taking my red rider into city and colony drop, you cannot stop me
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Patch notes reference sheets for this months anni update. Psycho bawoo and some other old favorites in the gen lineup got some touchups after far too long, especially something like Zeta gundam which is sad for an MC suit to be powercrept to the depths at its cost
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Jagd Doga twins got Active guard for its specific class types among other buffs. unwarranted imo for the GG but the support needed all the love it can get. hopefully now it can perform up to par with others at 650
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playing double barrel skeet shoot with floaty XIs all week has been most amusing, thank you BB
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cheeky end of month half off on the dom resonance banner
got him and zaku machinery
>raid boasts about actually doing his fucking job on the most broken advantage match ups

I just wish we get some mobile suit gundam wing suits before the game fades away. I would love to play Heavy Arms
If they ever did add heavy arms, I want it to have a mode swap like it did in SDGO where it opens all it's hatches, gets super slow and gets shock absorber. You slowly walk forward at about leg broken speeds while firing all your shit.
The only reason why the GM Striker doesn't have an armor purge mode is because the devs are too lazy. Clearly they don't appreciate Federation Hooligans.
I'm looking forward to suffering with the one good shrapzook in the game against the XI horde in two months.
Either that or Moon Gundam knife tricks.
>armor purge mode
Imagine if it made you drop your saber/spear and get stuck fighting with boxing-style blows while purged.
Does Over.On really lose maneuver armor when its grimoire activates?
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Really hope they give f01 the rapid fire mode on the BR at some point. F02 looks like it plays so much smoother with the two extra weapons. It makes me not even want to play it despite being one of my favorite suits.
Better off playing a support with a heavy stagger than trying to cope with any other gen. Especially since your own quessies should be nuking anyone dumb enough to bring a raid(at least until penelope releases and invalidates the existence of other raids).

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