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Official Sites:

>YouTube OFFICIAL Channel:

>Official Ultraman Connection Discord

>Ultra Pastebin:

>Ultraman Arc now streaming on ULTRAMAN official Channel
>Ultraman Arc english dub now streaming on ULTRAMAN Official English Channel
>Ultraman Blazar The Movie: Tokyo Kaiju Showdown
>Premium Bandai/Ultra Replica News: Mebius Brace -ULTRA BROTHERS EDITION-, Evolthruster 20th Anniversary, Ultra Dimension Card Prop Design Edition 02 Set, Geed Riser, Gun Phoenix, Blazar Strone EX Selection, Ultra Capsule & Capsule Holder Set, X Devizer Compatible Cyber Card Set 02, Die-Cast Blazar Stone PROP EDITION, Earth Garon COMPLETE EDITION
>Figure-Rise Standard Ultraman Suit Jack -ACTION- and Geed Primitive has been announced
>Ultraman Blazar Comicalize manga being serialized in Televi-Kun.
>Ultraman: Rising released

Previous Thread: >>22717253
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>The Science Patrol were the ones that took out the final boss, not Man
Huh. I was pleasantly superised.

>Ultraman Arc now streaming on ULTRAMAN official Channel
>Ultraman Arc english dub now streaming on ULTRAMAN Official English Channel
>Ultraman: Rising released on Netflix
>Ultraman Blazar The Movie: Tokyo Kaiju Showdown to be aired at SDCC
>Premium Bandai/Ultra Replica News: Ultride Chronicle Hyper Strike Chester, Ultra Zero Eye NEO, Arc Cube Premium New Generation Set 01, Eye Slugger, Zero Sluggers, Ultraman Leo 50th Anniversary Set
>S.H.Figuarts News: Trigger Power Type, Father of Ultra, Ace Killer 5 Stars Scattered in the Galaxy Set, Beta Spark Armor & Hybrid Armor Option Parts Set, SS Evil Tiga, Ultraman Arc, Earth Garon Mod 4, Black King (When the Ultra Star Shines), Arc Solis Armour, Orb Origin (Ultraman New Generation Stars Ver.), Orb Trinity, Arc Luna Armour, Gomora Armour (New Generation Stars Ver.), Ultra Mantle (2nd reissue), King of Mons, Ultraman Zero (New Generation Stars Ver.), Ultradad, Geed Primitive (New Generation Stars Ver.)
>Figure-Rise Standard Ultraman Tiga has been announced
>Ultraman Taiga - The Complete Series + Movie Blu-Ray to be released by Mill Creek on July 30, 2024
>Ultraman: The Adventure Begins to get a home media release with a new english dub in 2025 alongside a novelization of the film
>TheUltraman and Ultraman 80 to get Blu-Ray boxes in Japan to be released November 22, 2024 and March 19, 2025 respectively
>Ultraman Arc Satur Armour unveiled at UlSummer 2024
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Grade this armor.
All the armors just being on the torso and arms is cheap. Would have been cool to have like Sun be arms, moon be legs and do a sort of choreo split between punches and kicks with the armor changes.
thats probably the final form
Probably not. If the final form is another armor it's going to be torso and arms again.
wasn't there something about arc's final form being gold and/or purple?
This is a stage show exclusive armor
Haven't they learned from X that standalone armors don't sell compared to actual power-ups?
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It's that or reuse kaijus
I’d much rather take less forms over more of the same kaiju.
I feel Arc's armors are made from the success of Blazar Fladran Armor.
I always had two ideas I would love to see but never will.
>Ultraman Lucha
>Luchador themed Ultraman that is wrestling based in fighting and has a more Latin soundtrack
>Transformation device is a Luchador mask
>Gains new forms by winning “Belts”, each belt a new theme
>Monsters are themed after Santo and Blue Demon movies, so you get a female vampire monster, a werewolf monster, a spider monster, a mummy monster, etc.
>Horror undertones akin to Dyna

The other was
>Mecha themed Ultraman that is given sentience through Specium energy shenanigans
>Forms are based on types of combat and are add ons similar to Liger Zero’s forms in Zoids
>His “Human form” is an android form that can move consciousness from the android body to the Ultraman body, but the Ultraman body can only be used a certain amount of time before a meltdown
Was it a success though?

Also the armor was made as a compromise since Tsujimoto can't give Arc form because budget dictates form or new kaiju
you know what shouldve been done? arc keeps the armor concept, but when he puts it on his body gets a new pattern with the corresponding color of the armor's theme. i doubt its that fucking expensive to make another arc suit thats blue instead of red and goes under the the moon armor. i doubt their budget is so fucking little that they cant afford copies of an existing suit in a diferent color.
The shitty entry level ones that I make in my garage cost several hundred dollars in materials alone, now scale that to a professional level where they're using industry grade materials and equipment, and have to pay a team of people
So how are we feeling about Arc so far?

I'm liking it, its not great, but its charming and has some amazing camerawork.
what you think the suits cost a million dollars each? take a good fucking look at Arc. the only features he has are the shit on his chest.
Low quality, hobby grade shit is hundreds. The actual up-close pro level stuff is going to be thousands. You don't seem to understand how multipatterned pleather and leather actually work and I thank God you're not involved in TsuPro's production or you'd bankrupt them.
digging that we seem to mostly be getting new kaiju so far
Shut up! Make my fanfic a reality! I don't care if we have to fire the jannitors!
was there ever a definitive reason why minami was written off Ultraman Ace? besides i'm surprisingly enjoying the show. the choju are really cool
I'm pretty sure it's as simple as "girls don't sell"
i see
you also have to keep in mind that Tsupro tends to make multiple copies of each suit for various purposes. So it isn't just a single new suit that they would have to make for a new body suit design
At least X still had Exceed. Maybe TsuPro started cutting the budget with Blazar since it wasn't going full-nostalgia
Too bad because Hokuto seriously needed some support considering he was dealing with the worst patrol ever. At least their Mebius episode was nice
For reference, if they spent 100,000 USD on other suits, it would be less than 1% of Tsuburaya’s profit from last year, but would offer a suite of other merchandising opportunities so it’s actual impact would be far less. So other anon suggesting another suit would far from bankrupt the company. Even with taking their liabilities into consideration and future products.
i'll be looking forward too that! thanks
finally someone understands. tsuburaya also made dedicated unique suits for forms just a couple of years ago. making an Arc suit thats orange or blue to put under the armor would cost them nothing at all budget wise since its a paint change if anything.
The wrestler one fits better for Kamen Rider.
Make the wrestling ultra have kinnikuman references to make it full circle
You guys are retarded.
Using just your own hypothetical, let's say one suit costs $100,000 to make. Congrats, that's your up close/presentation suit.
Now you need the stunt suit for more risky stuff where your suit actor can see and move and not damage the up suit. Probably a bit cheaper, we'll say $75,000 instead. Now you're up $175,000 for just ONE suit.

If we do form changes, that's minimum two more suits going by the typical Ultra patterns. So tripling that price, we're at $525,000 right there. We're now down half a million dollars and that's not even including the final form.

Tsujimoto made it clear that the budget pool for Ultra suits and kaiju suits are the same. When the cost is new kaiju vs new forms, this means a kaiju probably costs just as much.

"Tsuburaya's profits" are Bandai's, FIELDS, and Tsuburaya's profits, not including everything in-between related to things related to airing on TV and streaming services. So that 6.5B yen from Blazar last year is closer to about 2.15B or about $14M. "Half a million doesn't seem like much out of that" until you remember that those profits, again, have to be divvied up to more than just suit production. Filming crew, tokusatsu effects crew, director, producers, actors, stunt actors, stunt actor insurance, filming location licenses, digital effects team, all of that's taking from the same exact profits.

The mindset you're using is how TDG's overspending made TsuPro go under. If you think the bean counting suits in Tsuburaya's offices haven't done all the math by this point, I dunno what to tell you other than clearly your parents are blood-related.

>tsuburaya also made dedicated unique suits for forms just a couple of years ago
And we averaged less than 5 new kaiju a season. Now we're getting entire seasons of new kaiju. Your blindness is staggering.
I rather have more new kaiju than new forms at this point of time. Though, would a final form suit take away one kaiju suit or two?

On a related note, for the armors: do they make separate suits with different parts or do these armors work like vests?
>now we're down half a million not including the final
oh boo fucking hoo retard why the fuck are you acting like we're in 2013? a whole lot yapping that amounts to basically nothing
>lets say 1 suit is 100k
didnt realise you were tsupro's retarded financial advisor. pulled numbers right out your fucking ass
>Tsujimoto made it clear that the budget pool for Ultra suits and kaiju suits are the same
retard what i was talking about was a different COLOR of Arc's BASE fucking suit, not Orb's or Z's completely different fucking body sculpt. its a fucking paint change. Arc but blue under the moon amror. You get it now?
>do they make separate suits with different parts or do these armors work like vests?
i am guessing the armor goes above a separate suit from the main "naked" one. surely the armors rub against the suit and would cause paint issue
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Bamco isn't gonna let Tsuburaya overspend. A lot of the new suits are made out of old ones like they did in the Showa era and Ultra is now able to make money in China and SEA unlike the TDG days.
>didnt realise you were tsupro's retarded financial advisor. pulled numbers right out your fucking ass
Go ask >>22744427, retard. I was using his numbers. Good job invalidating the rest of your post with your flagrant illiteracy. I'd suggest you kill yourself but you'd probably do that wrong and hurt someone else.
>I don't wanna read your post further because it rapes my asshole wide open
No anon please do read the rest of the post. especially the fucking part where I point out your budget bullshit of trying to compare an alternate paint job of a copy of the existing base suit to a completely new body sculpt like other new gens had
Not quite. The 'reused' suits are usually suits they're about to retire now. Sphere Red King being a repurposed Ultraman Max Red King suit that they've had since 2005. Black King's suit from 2009 being used for Leodo.
It seems like pretty standard stuff but there's potential
I'm curious about this imagination angle, like one almost gets the sense that Arc isn't an actual "Ultraman" in the same sense that we think of the other Ultras, but because he assumed that form due to Yuma's thoughts
Right now it's looking like how interesting this show is will depend on how much it goes into these elements. There's not much of a hook otherwise
damn leodo was a retool? so much for saving budgets and sacrificing forms for new kaiju LMFAO
I think it was more 'Black King's suit is over 15 years old. Guess it's time to retire it'.
Granted, the Black King suit was originally just a new suit and retooled head. The head was reused from Femigon in Ultraman Mebius.
What on earth makes you think they cost $100,000 to make though? I would be willing to put my entire year salary up for grabs that it costs them sub $2k per suit. Point being it would be entirely feasible to make alternate suits very cheap.
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Is the Blazar movie going to be on Blu Ray or ripped soon?
Manga wins again
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>Alternate Dimension Train in the background
>On Marvel Earth, Spider-Man joins forces with the Avengers to battle Doctor Doom in New York City, but when several civilians are killed in a building collapse as a result, Spider-Man becomes demoralized and finds himself whisked away in a strange spacecraft called the Interdimensional Train. Doctor Doom stows aboard and both find themselves in the Tokyo of the Ultraman universe! Witnessing Ultraman battle a giant Kaiju, Doom craves the Giant of Light’s power and joins forces with Alien Mefilas and his army of Kaiju from the Monster Graveyard to steal it.
>none of the hacks from the other marvel comics are working on it
Thank god.
But anon, they are all hacks
How do I tell man Jack and Zoffy apart?
Zoffy got them stars
Man's chest pattern has the silver bits vertically touching the color timer.
Jack's chest patter is the other way around, having the silver strips horizontally touching the color timer

If all you got is the face then you're fucked
Lol thanks man
Wow I was not expecting father of ultra to die holy shit. That was a sad ending
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Tregear Armor by fan
>Ultraman and Spider-man are getting a manga team up against Doctor Doom
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So apparently.
>Blazar appeared in a new gen heroes stage show
>He somehow met Belial
>Belial screamed in his face
>Blazar just screamed back
>As Zero covered his ears and tried to escape
G.I Joe is doing an ultraman colab?
All I want is Ultraman fighting monsters made by Jack Kirby and Steve Ditko.
Question, when was Monster Graveyard become a thing? Where Monster resurrect and stuff.
He's fighting Galactus in the upcoming Avengers mini with Alien Zarab as Galactus' new herald
Doesn't the comic one has its plot revolve around Peter Parker disappearing? I wonder if they'll tie it together
Leo and Astra are peak Ultra design.
Imagine being one of the most feared and notorious evil beings in the universe and your attempts to intimidate this new Ultraman just result in him going "RrRrRrLLLLOOOAAH" in your face and jumping up and down like a madman.
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It gets better
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>"With Great Power there must also come Great Responsibilty". One of my favorite sayings
The original Ultraman
Episode 35 of Ultraman, the Seabozu one.
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August episode listing
>Episode 5 "The Sea of the Mountain Pass"
>Dr. Makino , the "Dinosaur Doctor" has come to Hoshimoto City! He is here to investigate a new species of fossil that was found at a mountain pass. Yuma is happy to meet the doctor, whom he also looks up to , but Hiroshi has a complicated look on his face. The doctor was actually Hiroshi's former teacher! Then, overnight, a phenomenon occurs in which the place where the fossil was found turns into a lake...
>Episode 6 "Welcome to Akebono House"
>Yuma and his friends went to investigate the signs of the monsters' appearance and met a mysterious manager at Akebono-so, an old inn in the mountains. As this is a place where an alien incident occurred in the past, Yuma and Rin are taken aback by Shu's sharper eyes than usual... And when they discover the secret hidden in the inn , what will Shu's decision be?
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>Special compilation "SKIP Fujiyama City Branch Office"
>SKIP branch offices are deployed all over the country. What are the offices like outside of Hoshimoto City? Let's take a look at the Fujiyama City branch office together ! Don't miss the exploits of the mismatched duo of Investigator Nakamura and AI robot Chappy!
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>Episode 7 "Full Moon's Response"
>The sweltering heat is at the end! But then a monster appears and starts absorbing the gas. There's nothing they can do about the monster, which also absorbs Arc energy. What's more, there's a possibility of a monster explosion, and Hoshimoto City is in danger of disappearing! Yuma is determined to face the situation with the mysterious girl's words in mind... But why did the monster appear?
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>Episode 8 "Internet Kanegon"
>This time, it's the economic crisis of Hoshimoto City! It seems that the electronic currency "Hoshipay," which has been popular in Hoshimoto City recently, has been eaten by a digital monster! SKIP is on the move! But how do they deal with the digital monster? With the help of the developer of "Hoshipay," Yuma and Arc rise up to save Hoshimoto City!
Giant Kanegon?
So Kanegon is eating cryptocurrency now?
Based opinion.
what the fuck is that
Recap episode already?
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> "Ultraman: Along Came a Spider-Man" by Matsumoto Shigenobu & Tomo Hirokawa will start on August 14, 2024 on Weekly Coro Coro Web.

>New York, Earth, in the MARVEL world. Spider-Man and the Avengers join forces to fight Doctor Doom. However, after seeing dead civilians in a collapsed building, Spider-Man loses his will to fight and is taken away by a mysterious vehicle called the Interdimensional Train. Doctor Doom also boards the train, but they both end up in Tokyo in the Ultraman world!
>After witnessing the battle between Ultraman and the monsters, Doctor Doom teams up with Alien Mefilas and his army of monsters resurrected from the Monster Graveyard, and tries to steal the power of the Giant of Light.
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Ultraman x Avengers synopsis
>Spider-Man has disappeared from New York. Space invaders have appeared before Ultraman. Unexplained monster activity has become common on Earth...
>This can only mean one thing: it's time for Ultraman and the Avengers to meet! What is the cosmic crisis so troubling that it forces MARVEL's strongest team and Japan's best heroes to join forces? >Shin and Sam, Specium Rays and Repulsor Beams, "THWIP!" and "Swatch!", each intertwine. Experience the hot crossover with "Ultraman x Avengers"!
Ultraman Arc Televi-kun scans
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Kaiju/kaijin that gonna appear on upcoming episodes (right to left)
>Electric Monster, Nezudron (Episode 4)
>Kyogesui Kaiju, Revijira (Episode 5)
>Mushroom Spaceman, Alien Curoco (Episode 6)
>Underground Monster, Homgar (Episode 7)
>Virtual Monster, Internet Kanegon (Episode 8)
Hope Mefilas gives Doom his business card
If there was a Shin UltraSeven, what Kaiju and Aliens would you like to see in it?
Metron and Pandon would most likely be in it
Here we go with the rat episode
rampardos rat
>the obvious gag of having it tethered to something and just can't reach
I never realized how much I missed the actually wall shaped barriers
>it's oji-sans and oba-chans cheering him on instead of kids
The armor looks a lot better in motion than in the stills
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How was Arc's fourth episode?
Episode 5 preview.
Arc is much closer to a Saturday morning cartoon than actual Saturday morning cartoons nowadays. I can see myself throwing on a random episode one of these days after a Street Sharks marathon or something
I would like too see shin versions of king joe and eleking.
a solis episode
Not enough.
We need Carnage Belial
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I've been out of the Ultraman scene for a hot minute. Are Blazar and Arc part of a new category or is this still the New Generation?

The last series I watched was Geed, what have been the standout series since then?
pretty nice, I always like it when the team helps get shit done
>Are Blazar and Arc part of a new category or is this still the New Generation
they're still considered New Gen, yes
Interesting, from my small understanding, isn't Blazar completely self contained, as in no guest Ultra appearances?
I really like Blazars design so I'm probably gonna check it out.
>what have been the standout series since then?
Z and Blazar.
First show since Nexus to be neither a throwback or a sequel or full of references, etc
Also doesn't have a lot of new forms like most new gen shows, focuses much more on new kaiju suits. Arc seems to be continuing this trend
This is kinda what burnt me out on Geed, I felt like I was missing a good deal of context not having seen EVERY single movie.
Honestly even without knowing who Zero and Belial are there's not much you need to figure out for their roles in Geed to work, one is a good guy and the other is a bad guy. Even by kid show standards Ultraman's overarching plots are simple.
That said if that kind of thing really bothers you, watch Orb (and finish Geed) before Z if you haven't already. Like the other anon said Blazar is standalone.
>isn't Blazar completely self contained, as in no guest Ultra appearances?
This thing isn't automatically makes him (and Arc) not part of New Gen.
As long as main Ultra series not getting a long hiatus they will still use the New Gen term for now, this isn't Kamen Rider that need to change their era name just because the real life said so.
what's stopping them from making another fighting evolution game? i'm emulating the 2nd one right now and it's amazing
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Mill Creek releasing Blazar's series and movie on BD in August.

Pretty good. I enjoy how Arc physically recoiled after every hit, the tethered gag and him taunting to it. This is the first ultraman show I’m watching week to week so I’m having a blast. 9/10
Holy shit. Skipping Trigger, Z, and Decker? Based.
>skipping Z and Decker
lets get the mid out of the way first
Great news and so soon too. Glad they can give the people what they want.
>skipping any series at all
Go back to /krg/
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nigga's obviously watching a guide offscreen
This means we have to skip Arc

Although judging from the lack of post-episode posts, I guess many are already doing that
I wonder why it took them until Arc to have the ultra demonstrate the toys themselves instead of relying on the human 'pilot' to demo?
someone had a brain blast at tsuburaya where they realised kids would probably enjoy roleplaying as the ultraman using the toys rather than the host using the toys
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I'm loving Arc, the fight scenes have been really clever.
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>electric rat episode
>first person we meet is a fattie wearing yellow and red

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