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Mahou Shoujo crossover edition

>Symphogear XV+AXZ music

>AXZ HiBiKi Radio Archive

>GX Pastebin and Mega folder


>XV website

>Shirabe's cooking adventure

>XDU Events

>Symphogear XDU English Translation Sheet

>Compilation of pictures from the Symphogear Expo 2022 in Nagoya. Thanks anon!

>New Project has started: PROJECT SYMPHOGEAR -next-

>Furthermore, it has been decided that #SenkiZesshouSymphogear will be made into a movie

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first for oyakodon
okay but it's just the two of them with nobody else involved
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Twin Tails = zwei wings
handlebars are good, but Basa's original dork haircut is unmatched
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Hello, I'm nobody!
Signum fights a nameless combat cyborg ripoff and the fight occurs mostly offscreen. That about tells you the amount of relevance the Wolkenritter had in the last two movies.
How would you go around writing a Geah vs Nanohas crossover
on the dates, the nanohas would all be quite old, since when nanoha was 9 was during the flip phone era.

the psp games had explicit time travel though, they could and did literally just show up in the gjallarhorn
first we need to figure out the topping hierarchy
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We already have the Nanoha side of things
einhart is fatecoded to the max, she'd get dommed by bottom vivio
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Loli Fate is a pimp but adult Fate is a wimp >>22743199 ? How does this work?
she was traumatized and becomes comfortable showing her womanly side as she ages
timelines lining up for crossovers isn't really an issue when your whole franchise is about lost history.
that doesn't make any sense
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Time is convoluted
I want it to be a running joke that Fate and Tsubasa never meet. One is always leaving the scene just before the other one enters.
that was a mistranslation, it's "time is stagnant" which is the whole theme of dark souls anyway
Miku is singing Shirabe song
Was this truly necessary?
Signum needed more ecchi. All swords should be required to have at least 30 ecchi scenes.
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I had a dream that I very vividly heard Ashita e no Flugel and I remember crying.
Post the boob squeezing scene
I am now picturing Kiri flying by flapping her head-wings while her body hangs limp below
kiri is propelled by her mullet
signum's skirt being so short is subtlelewd enough already
I'd make a mother out of the mother.
She has a boob squeeze scene?
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Well neither does Symphogear but we've had several hundred threads about it anyway.
Tentacles monster squeezes her boobs before Fate saves her
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Oh yeah, A’s. God damn it, Signum. You should know better than to job to tentacles
She was overworked but
>getting saved by your 10 year old enemies
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Also this. Signum had a decent amount of ecchi looking back, but it would have been nice to see more to balance out the insistent loli ecchi.
whip swords are inherently erotic weapons
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I mean....
who this?
Iris Heart from Hyperdimeonsion Neptunia. It does have mecha elements to it, soooo....
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Is it okay to let whip swords touch? Or are they an erogenous zone?
Only if wearing a condom.
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Yep. The duel ended in a draw but the asses clearly had a favorite
Aw, I wanted to post that image.
>I guess I'll be taking my loli and leaving

Also, I just realized it's another Nana girl who fell for a redhead. Maybe she has a type.
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does pink count as redhead?
For our purposes, yes.
does the carpet match the curtains?
Pink is just light red
Asses aside that duel was so cool. Pretty well coreographed. The movie not having the duel in the desert was such a bummer.
don't get me started on how shit the direction of the a's movie was
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The movie set up the disappointment by removing one of the best parts in the show.
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It was awesome, yeah. Short and sweet. Too bad the next one was also interrupted.
>oh you saw the cat coming? Well fuck you, there's another
Nanoha vs Book was wild, though, wasn't it? iirc she dumped a whole mag at point blank. Fate saving Nanoha was also really neat. >>22743475 on the other hand is unforgivable
Oh shit, removing that also stung. Nanoha on the brink of death after half a year if being in her own calls Fate's name and she appears! In that instant Fate became the ruler of cool. Fate saving Nanoha from big rock in the movie was also cool but it lost most of its impact since they've spent most of the movie together by that point.
it wasn't supposed to be wild, rein's icy facade breaking when nanoha does a stab meant more than all the screaming and crying she did in the new movie
I'm strictly judging by choreography/rule of cool here, I'd have to rewatch it to judge the entire context, but from what I remember this wasn't the parts I'd criticize the movie for.

It was also nice seeing the good guys jumping Vita and handling her nicely. A's was so dynamic, there were twists all the time, and the Chrono's dad subversion was a nice surprise.
My favorite part of A's remain the way they incorporated Fate's S1 arc as a climax for her. A follow up really made sense, you don't heal so easily.
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I liked the interruption. It was pretty shocking and helped us know more about Signum's character. Her frustration at having their honorable clash and her reluctant comply when masked man told her she has a mission to accomplish (absorb linker cores to save Hayate's life). Signum was already troubled for breaking her oath to Hayate and found solace in facing an admirable opponent like Fate but destiny won't let her have even that. I feel for my brave guardian knight at that moment.
You'd think she'd be at least relieved to not have to engage in a high stakes match where either Hayate or Fate dies... but the circumstances were definitely weird, yes
>Feedback loop where the more the Sonnet is into it, the more Chris is into it, the more Chris is into it, the more Sonnet is into it in a crescendo of lewdness
You fuckers got me actin up
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Ironic how a dead series has breathed new life into a dead general.
Hayate > Fate > Nanoha to me
Nanoha > Fate > Hayate for me
on what metric
Chris really is Vita more than Fate, huh?
How attractive I find them
Raw magic
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>instantly thinking about their kid versions
Anon… Is there something you want to tell us?
i calls it likes i sees it
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What if Signum but this one?
>Whole series fanbase immediately chimps out
I like the 2000s potato face in some of the Nanoha promo art.
It's funny that Nanoha was originally just a side character in her brother's VN
And then a side character got her own spinoff.
And then a side character from that got her own spinoff.
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Rise of the minor characters. 77 levels of fun. 777 customized skate boards.
nobody asked + fuck off
Stop being a piece of shit.
>Most Cures
Any other punchy Magical Girls?
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ACE is a magical girl too!
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Grown up Nanoha is a Goddess.
A cute.
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Why is she so fucking tall?
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Very good post
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She isn't? Signum and Fate are taller than her. Hayate isn't but then again Hayate is a midget.
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She's drawn with tall proportions
The one from the hentai doujins you're posting yes. I always noticed Cyclone draws Nanoha taller than canon.
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Official art too, though >>22743645
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This one is focusing from a lower angle, that's cheating. Here this one is a more accurate view of Nanoha's actual height.
That's still 7 heads tall, which is pretty big for anime
>Hayate is a midget
Consequences of the BoD feeding on her
Just like Ed with Al's body
Taller = more intimidating = better defeat
>5'11'' vs 6'0''
Over 1.60m is too tall for anime
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So what I take from this is that you consider Signum and Fate giraffes.

Nanoha is 158 centimeters, btw.
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I think this is my favorite design for any manga or anime character. Literally a 10/10.
It works great here because of the nice uses of shadows/tones so the cape isn't just all white and boring. Fate trading her black/red cape for a white one is an ok choice to highlight character development but it only works with good art
Subaru, Vivio, Einhart, Fuuka - the whole later Nanohaverse is built around it.
Face ruins it. Too moefied
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Is her Force design fine then?
I advise caution before going through with a general merge, I've seen a few happen and rarely does it go well
Yeah, much better
There's a Nanoha general?
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Her face shape is way better
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>Fate and Tsubasa walk into a bar
Who gets more chicks at the end of the night?
The ponytail is cute, but that's too much blur on the background.
Trick question! Neither one because their of them are gay.
She's also a tall girl
No but usually what happens from my experience is the stronger or existing general adopts the new topic but the majority don't care about it and get pissy when like half the thread is the same 5 people talking about the topic subject in question.
Granted, gookmoot took away the IP count so I can't tell how many people are even here in the first place.
Should we have a poll or something to see how popular an idea it actually is?
I always thpught her brother and sister had eroge energy
Who drew this? Style looks familiar
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Seeing these two together was one of the biggest missed opportunities of the Collab.
Said sister was one of the Routes
Also, actually their cousin
I never noticed Oskar von Reuenthal was her dad
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Hot blooded Chris and Vita is all I need
As expected, Japan never dissapoints. At least it's not Muvñuv-level cursed
Presea or Fine, who was the hotter abuser?
The canon route was Suzuka's sister
Who was a vampire, by the way
So was their entire family
fine is clearly hotter
Is that canon to the Nanohaverse?
Vita has the absolute most based mad-lad taste in weaponry.
Gigantic hammers? Nah.
Gigantic drills? Nah.
Gigantic rockets? Nah.

Gigantic rocket-accelerated drill-typed hammers? Fuck - yes!
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I cam totally see Chris and Vita starting on the wrong foot but quickly become awesome battle buddies.
Probably not
Alisa was a ghost and she clearly isn't in the Nanohaverse
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I want to talk things out dess
i am going to commit a crime
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Oh the gaybies will definitely try Vita's patience.
Why did they make her so slutty
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Cute indeed
A cute indeed
Blur removed
たなし (Drpow). Very cool person. Money that would normally have been wasted on Gear gacha instead pays him to then waste it on Gear pachinko. Wonderful cycle of Dess.
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Little did Fine know, their dynamic would soon be inverted
Hibiki's head is so weird, holy fuck.
Kind of insane how seconds earlier she went full psycho bitch and ripped a chunk of the moon in a moment of pure adrenaline
I believe I've heard it referred to as "hamster deformities"
Before she stremgthened her bones through training and Yukine milk, the gay thoughts bloated her skull
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>Nakama ka? Kazoku ka?
>Tomodachi da
was the most kino line
now post anon's fanart from last thread
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Realistically, wouldn't the shit that Carol tried to do in GX get the attention of the Time-Space Administrative Bureau and then they send Nanoha and crew over to kill Carol to knock that shit off? Only, they get there too late, Carol has been dealt with, and fused with Elfnein. The TSAB wouldn't know and detect Carol within Elfnein, and want to kill her to prevent mass death....of course, the Geahs will want to defend Elfnein.

Cue the battles.
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Well, that explains why she's the smallest geah then.
the tsab is fucking busy and the geahs solved the problem in like 4 hours or something
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More like busy fucking
fucking me
The TSAB is pretty lenient all.things considered. They'll only try to kill Carol (and Elf9) when she's an immediate threat. Otherwise the priority would be to arrest and contain. Followed by a trial and rehab fitting the crime. Let's not forget that half of Nanoha's friends tried to harm her at some point.
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Here's a picture of Chris enjoying a delightful novelty when she thinks nobody is watching her.
no wonder geahs are so strong, even without transforming
To be fair, none of them ever tried to outright destroy the entire world, or possibly even more.
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>Senpai, they're really sore and heavy......
>Muffled "hehe" in the distance
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why does this girl never let go of a gun? is she American?
The Wolkenritter did it indirectly. The awakened Book of Darkness was a world ending threat. Then there's the Saint Cradle that was destroyed in time before reaching it's optimal spot, if that happened it would've unlocked it's main armament that is capable to hit any target across dimensions basically being able to hold any place in the universe hostage at gun point.

For that last one not all of the villains got the pardon. Up to the last point in the story the mastermind and those closer to him in the villain group were still in prison.
When will she learn how to eat correctly?
>not even an entire day
>already halfway through the thread
Symphogear + Nanoha General is real
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Reignite the fanfic forges, activate the shipping workshops. We've got a job to do.
What is Chris so confident about?
She's at nipple biting height.
She can take her down like with Hibiki.
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Has Kaneko been this open with the western fanbase before?
OG post about how much Kaneko wants to do a Symphogear game.
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Hers are real, obahagloli.
Maria's are filled with Hopes and dreams, what are Chris' and Carol's filled with? Repressed childhood trauma?
Carol's are filled with genocide and genocide.
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Shirabe's are filled with hope! :)
it's hopeless...
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>There is always hope.
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Little bird, little bird
Fly through my window
Little bird, little bird
Fly through my window
Little bird, little bird
Fly through my window
Find molasses candy
> repressed childhood trauma
That would describe about 100% of all gears.
woman moment lol
Said the woman who became cataronic due to hopelessness multiple times
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New special at the Zababar, the cat-a-tonic!
It's like a gin & tonic!
That's already a drink.
>"THE CATATONIC" Ice a tall glass. Add equal parts dark and light rum, orange juice, and pina colada mix
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Kiri is a talented mixer. How does she do it with such low IQ?
She's good at performing stroking motions.
Shirabe passes the drink to Kiri and when Kiri is about to start shaking, Shirabe presses a button to activate the vibrator that makes Kiri shake really hard
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This seems a nice place to wet my whistle. Barkeep. I'll have a screaming viking.
Nana Mizuki. Thoughts?
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Quite possibly the greatest human being on the planet
Why is Kiri sitting on a dildo?
why aren't you
because I'm not a faggot.
Anon how fucking young are you?
Hey man, she could have a hole in her suit where her ass is. We just don’t know.
It's a dancing pole, retard. You can see it extending above her head.
Still can't get over how much of a dissappointment the last live was... Fuck covid
You do realize that anon was joking, right?
>merely pretending
Post it.
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Not real
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She's a super cute dork
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She cool
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Cool dork!
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comfy digits
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Cute too!
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This shit will never catch on
I wonder if the two in the front are, like, their transformed versions or something.
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Obviously. Duh.
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guys whats the general opinion on XV overall years later? havent been around since it finished airing 4 years ago and i was kinda disappointed with it, but everywhere i go now its hyped as the best season
even now years later moving on from dumb issues like disliking metanoia (the hug), i cant get over how bad noble red is and how weak/filler a quarter of the episode feel, especially 10-12
any just finished AXZ rewatch and rambling because i want to enjoy the last season this time
It was shit.
The fanfic forges never stopped, they're just mostly on Discord. Steeper Slumber got a new chapter this morning.
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I liked Shemmy
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i thought she was okay overall, but i loved her vibe and aura. her mincing noble red was peak
she also turned miku from the most average looking character to pure sexo
Sure would have been nice if she actually did something.
Sure would have been nice if that stuck so she could actually do something.
>but everywhere i go now its hyped as the best season
Is it really?
I question where he's going but western anime fandom frankly depresses me in general.
I liked it more, than AXZ, cause noble red, while bad, not as pathetic as main Illuminati team. They are B-team, so I didn't expect anything anyway
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Counterargument. While AXZ lacked in villains it more than made up for in actually focusing on the gears and given them character moments to bond and interact with people outside their usual pair. More to point, Noble Red were far more pathetic than the Illuminati and this is on top of getting more screen time that came at the expense of everything else in the plot. B-team my Aunt Petunia.
After watching more tokusatsu shows where the plot can become a "wreck" by fan standards near the end, I can't really fault XV much. It's basically the last stretch of a KR season - and there's a couple of those where people think it falls apart.

I've learned to just roll with it and enjoy what's in it I can enjoy.
They’re all nothing characters but the A-team did manage to defeat the Gears at one point early on at least once f you’re talking about powerlevels
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i didnt go to a specific place, i just googled XV discussions and reviews so youtube, MAL, r*ddit, facebook, blogs, wherever

i binged AXZ yesterday so this is an insane take for me. the illuminati team was great overall with cagliostro being fun and sanjeruman being a good character. dolls are still the most fun but illuminati were the best written. noble red were badly written, irredeemable, pathetic, and wasted time

never seen any tokusatsu but that makes sense. i think XV would be less harshly judged if it was any other season, but it being the final one made it a little more disappointing
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>i binged AXZ yesterday so this is an insane take for me.
Look I'm happy to agree they're a million times better than the Red shitters but that's really beside the actual point.
oh lol i replied to the wrong guy, i agree with you and was meant to reply to >>22744672
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It was pretty good overall, I think it's better on a rewatch than G, which loses a lot after the first time. The problem are episodes 9-12 are kinda bad and pointless and 13 feels rushed. Though it did give this shot which is one of the best in the series for me.
Shut up.
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i have the other once too
NTA, but you have zero reading comprehension. Anon was talking about the shot, not the line.
It's still kinda eh like the other two seasons after G, but it has redeeming factors, most especially the first half being the Wacky DMJii Show and Shemmy. And the music was pretty good, again my favorite besides the first two seasons.
I like it better than GX and AXZ, it has great moments and callback but it also has some pretty terrible writing and as a final season it feels inconclusive and unsatisfying.
I watched all 5 seasons for the first time January this year though, so I don't have much nostalgia for it
I liked them saying the thing, cope.
My most hated season.
Wiuld you consider Nanoha a sniper?
At least XV never bored me like AXZ.
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I love Chris.
I love Chris's mom.
> interact
Yeah, I wouldn't mind Chris and Maria actually interacting in their episode. ShiraBasa episode was great, can't complain there
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what about mom!Chris?
Kazanari property
Kazanari are quite greedy
The Quints of Dess...
How the fuck do you go from a shy loser like Hinata to Tsubasa’s manly voice
Hinata's got some badass moments
>No Yukarin Geah
I'm coping for her to be involved as a cast in NEXT. Bonus point if she's playing a lolibaba mentor character with a sadist streak
Chris is everyone's property.
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this goes beyond extreme doormat. this is next level
>female naruto character
I was more so talking about their voices anyway
South American school of communism
That's exaggeration, they get plenty of badass scenes! At least one per season! Between all of them!
Those lessons she learned in Val Verde haven't been forgotten.
XV was just ‘okay’. I find it to be interchangeable with GX and AXZ.
I want to see Tsubasa randomly decide she wants Chris to be get on stage with her in a special or something
Cute tummy
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>adult versions
You are a gentleman and a scholar
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It's because he spends his days sitting in an office that has english translators around these days.
Everything after G is pretty meh but it had some cool scenes, cool songs, and shemmy.
Shem-ha should have won.
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Feito-chan's grown up tummy
Never have I been so tempted to buy a figurine...
shemmy won because her children won
>"Look at my cute husband, raping a girl again. I love her so much"
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Do you think Kiri is bushy in her tushy?
she's as smooth as a baby
Space shark Shemmy best Shemmy
Like, ass hair?
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normally shark gals are sexo, but shemmiku is objectively superior to space shark shemmy by every metric
The Anunnaki thing gave me the dumbest idea
A Scooby Doo crossover
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Scooby Dess! Kiri will use her plentiful experience with dogs!
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I could see Kiri getting along with Shaggy and Scooby.
don't let the poor girl anywhere near those potheads, Linker has cooked her brain enough already
I'm sure that if you drew up a crossover chart with everything Symphogear has collabed with already, scooby doo is already in the Symphoverse.
We could connect them through the Anunnaki
Scooby can talk cause he's descended from them
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> And I would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for toy meddling kids!
1 > 5 > 3 > 2 = 4
It wasn't as good as 1 but it had some things I really liked such as autoscorers/Carol returning, good music, and other stuff like that.
Noble red was weak but I liked other stuff from the season like the Xtreme Vibes scene at the end.
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>Daphne and Velma /m/ahou shoujo transformation scene
>combined with the ass/boobs shots of Symphogear
>G that far down
>> 5 > 3 > 2 = 4
This is a shit take
I'm all for it if it means we get a Derpixon video on a similar vein to the Scooby Doo one
Fuck off /co/
Fuck on /co/
Other way around. First thing Shaggy and Scooby would try in their epic quest to figure out how to combine Linker with their cush is probably to just water the plants with it.
>Velma's transformation makes her gender-bend into a futa.
>She can finally do butt-stuff with anon.
Scooby is a descendant of the Anunnaki and Mystery Inc killed one once
>like zoinks gang I told you zwei wing concerts were haunted
>Actually shaggy, noise aren't ghosts, they're a special category of disaster. They're material and reduces carbon based life to its most base form
>Whatever they are, Maria is looking widely different with her black cape and spear and the noise are listening to her, looks like we have a mystery on our hands!
I can't believe the Scooby Gang is fucking dead
This obviously ends with them doing the hallway chase gag with the noise.
I ship Scooby with Arf
>implying shaggy and hibiki wouldn't hit it off over food
>Implying Genjuro wouldn't show Fred his kung-fu movies and train him
>Implying Daphne wouldn't take a very reluctant Chris and Tsubasa on a girls trip
I feel like there's a joke about Miku feeding Hibiki dog food here somewhere.
I feel like Fred would get paired up with Shirabe since he's the trap specialist
holy shit taste
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Gaybies are being tutored by Velma.
Fred is learning ninja techniques from ogawa to implement in traps
Daphne is getting the kung fu training.
>Even Velma considers Kiri a lost cause.
I do not think Velma is in any position to criticize anybody considering her own show
I like this.
It makes me happy.
You might want to move Chris or the poster behind her because this is like the 4th or 5th time I looked at this image and I only noticed her just now
>Shaggy and Scooby disguise themselves as Noise
>It works
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>Kiri slipping Zafi a Scooby Snack
If I had money I would commission this, probably with the shinai artstyle.
Scooby-Doo talk has me thinking about a Hex Girls crossover
>Ver, about to kill Scooby and the gang, slips and falls onto some plate armor displays
>Shirabe-chan, why that dog seems to be too close to that cat.
I ship Kiri with ALF
Melmac exists in-universe?
Doesn't AU Serena have a "Dwarf" that looks like ALF?
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Teana and Subaru would mesh great with the geahs.
I wish she had completely fused with Miku so we'd still have sex god Miku and we'd get a cool cost and return on Miku making her deal and dissolving into light
peak performance
I'd much rather just have Shemmy live on as Miku's alter ego that rises to the forefront whenever Miku wants to be a bad bitch but doesn't know how. Like how Carol was for Elf9 in XV.
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I could see Erio and Caro hanging out with the gaybies.
Erio is gonna get so much more pussy.
(My personal dream is that the poor guy at least gets to dick all the nubile lesibans he's surrounded by)
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Denotation and Reflection had such good Nana Mizuki tracks, holy fuck.
Get Back is my personal favorite.
Can we talk about the unmitigated, universe-shattering kino that was "Movie Aces" SACRED FORCE?
Even Chrono got to be super cool!
This is unironically one of my favorite scenes in anime period.
Sacred Force activates my entire mind, body, and soul
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Lame, having a complete fusion has NR get dominated and recruited by someone they had previously done the same completing the Cycle of Violence
Shemmy lost
How would you design a Symphogear trading card game?
There has to be a mana system revolving around phonic gain.
The players sing and swing cards around like weapons
XDU kinda did this when they realized the game is gonna EoS soon, but you need to hit her on the head for it to trigger and shemmy has no powers.
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>Dvergar or Norse dwarves (Old Norse dvergar, singular dvergr) are creatures in Norse mythology. They are associated with rocks, the earth, craft and metal work, wisdom, and greed. The dwarves came from maggots that formed on Ymir's skin as he was killed by Odin, Vé and Vili. Odin transformed the maggots into dwarves. It is said that dwarves are blacksmiths and built weapons for war between the gods.
What kind of resource system would fit best? There's too many.
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>gyaru Cags
I'd say I need more of this but if I got any I'd probably coom to death
Kiri seems to be going through that judging by the expression
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When will Shirabe meshi comes to an end?
When whoever is funding it checks the booksand realizes they've been sending money to a project they thought they cancelled years ago
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I still don’t know if it’s gay to jerk off to Cagliostro. It’s not like she’s an actual tranny, right? She’s biologically a girl now by way of magic. This is dumb and i’m thinking too hard, it’s just anime so i’ll listen to my dick.
Sorry, alchemy*. Same shit.
She’s voiced by a man
subaru and teana are bi
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Through Alchemy, she can be whatever you want her to be. However, Her VA is a dude
Haha faggot
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I wish there's more art of Carol in casual clothes or the tux
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Carol just makes every outfit work
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Its just gagshit with absolutely no plot to speak of so it could theoretically run forever but I'd imagine once the new projects near completion it gets axed so there's a clean break between the new and the old
True, she makes it looks so easy
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very cute, saved
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Why is Nanoha so intelligent? She had no problem outsmarting people older than her in battle when she was a kid.
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Fate is scary.
she turns failure into determination
she also had a great teacher
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>Geocoding is the process of converting addresses (like a street address) into geographic coordinates (like latitude and longitude), which you can use to place markers on a map, or position the map.
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Quick doodle by Nabe, and the reference game is top-tier as always
This movie is likely number 1 in Genjuro's training schedule
Fuck you, I hope Carol genocides you
nice costumes
Kanade, Miku, Genjuro, Carol, but no Serena? This is one of the strangest line ups yet.
Maria didn't feel like having sex that night, so Tsubasa decided she'd pull some strings to teach her a lesson
Carol is hacking 4chan to dox whoever posts the last image for this thread
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It's XV themed so you should really only be asking why Kanade is in (she's in BB too which is G themed)
Almost feels like they always keep Serena out because having all 9 Gears was XDU's thing or something
Quite the opposite, Serena couldn't come because Maria wanted to have sex last night
>should really only be asking why Kanade is in
Kanade was in XV (It was the only time Tsurugi-chan was happy during the entire season)
I can't remember Genjuro ever being in one either, that's the other odd thing.
cyber ghosts don't fucking count
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Bottom Basa was very happy when she got to rope Maria into her concert and at the start of RoH which is a damn shame because that would have been the perfect culmination of her character arc if the concert had been successful.
It made Basa smile, so it counts the most
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>Tonight, on "Bottom Geah"
What does BB stand for? Hibiki’s cup size?
Bloodborne, it's where Maria is from
She channels all of her bestial rage into devouring catering and bedtime with Tsubasa?
So many cute Carols!
Maria is week against incite swords
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Why not? They were an importatn part of the geah's lives.
these three are more important than Chris' parents btw
Because supercomputer recordings can't put on different clothes
they are actually.
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Is that the canon explanation for what they are? that's pretty fuckin' bleak. So are they on their way to the recycling bin?
they don't even exist, Yggdrasil overloads and pukes out all of human history (Akashic records) and Gears tiny human brains trip out and see only see things familiar to them
But in Shirabemeshi the Enki and Fine "ghosts" become real due to the power of love.
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Well now that's just hardcore depressing.
If it makes you feel any better, xdu had an event where Gilles de rais "resurrects" Jeanne d'arc by hacking into the records and downloading them into the brain of one of her distant relatives. Mass production waifus!
but did he modify her so she is chuuni as fuck and can control dragons?
that basically confirms there is no afterlife in the geahverse and all of the ghosts are either hallucinations or a character.ai of your deceased loved ones. When NR get Shemmy'd? They're dead, an AI copycat is puppeteering their corpses. Every time Carol switches bodies? She's fucking gone, no such thing as a soul exists, she just loads some memories into a blank body. Elf9 fucking died at the end of GX, they just downloaded an AI copy into Carol's body
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Souls do canonically exist actually. Igalima can cut them, Fine transfers her soul, and Jormungandr is a soul eater. It's just that Kaneko seems to hate confirming the existence of an afterlife so every instance of "ghosts" either has a "scientific" explanation or can be explained away by delusion.
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>Fine, Igalima
Is that really "souls" or is that humanity's cope explanation for not fully understandign Annunaki tech? Not even Fine knew about Yggdrasil
I thought it ate timelines. And then it turns out it's all in the same universe just different points in space, so does even Jormungandr know what the fuck it actually does?
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So pretty!
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Flying away to a new thread!
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Too late
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>Is that really "souls" or is that humanity's cope explanation for not fully understandign Annunaki tech?
Fine tanks the Igalima hit to make Shirabe survive in G and croaks it for good so its literally souls
>I thought it ate timelines. And then it turns out it's all in the same universe just different points in space, so does even Jormungandr know what the fuck it actually does?
It was always referred to as a planet eater. The game has actually always shown that you can still travel to the dead earths it leaves behind. It was confirmed to be a soul eater in the Gjallarhorn finale because the Gears end up inside of its belly only for the souls for everyone it has ever eaten to make them go X-drive.
Is it Annunaki tech or is it something created by humans? And even if was Annunaki, would the humans using it even know of it's true purpose? Maybe it just erases ones and zeroes. If I show a medieval peasant a chat gpt convo and then press delete, he could think I'm deleting someone's soul.
>Souls in J's stomach causing everyone to go Xdrive
I feel like that's a pretty big correlation to Carol burning memories to power up, the geahs are burning memories (recorded "souls") to power up.
Another thread led to a satisfactory conclusion thanks to Kiri. What would this general do without her.
i'm gonna spill to nanohas and geahs
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>Shaggy uses that to achieve Blanco.

I can't help but seeing a talking dog, and two dumbasses, one saying dess, and the other saying zoinks!
Her family runs a dojo iirc. Meaning she'd have learned from a young age the pivotal importance of the skill of identifying an opponent's weakness and turning it on them.

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