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Twintail hero edition

>Symphogear XV+AXZ music

>AXZ HiBiKi Radio Archive

>GX Pastebin and Mega folder

>XV website

>Shirabe's cooking adventure

>XDU Events

>Symphogear XDU English Translation Sheet

>Compilation of pictures from the Symphogear Expo 2022 in Nagoya. Thanks anon!

>New Project has started: PROJECT SYMPHOGEAR -next-
>Furthermore, it has been decided that #SenkiZesshouSymphogear will be made into a movie

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Twintails and sidetails are a shit hair style. Still better than the feminist sidecut.
>Is it Annunaki tech or is it something created by humans?
There's literally no lore on "Goddess Zababa"

Memories and souls are two separate things in Symphogear though, Kaneko has been using an Asian spirituality concept known as 残留思念 or "thought remnant(s)" for his entire career which is basically the idea that thoughts can be burned into places or objects and proceed to do the whole lingering spirit spiel. In Wild Arms they're literally just Ghosts as far as I can tell, one game even has you straight up bring a person back to life. In Symphogear though they don't have souls and are just thoughts that have taken form. This is infodumped in the xdu pirate ghost ship event of all places, by a Fine remnant wearing her pirate outfit because I guess she used to hang out on blackbeard's ship a lot. Another event then brings it up again with Shirabe transferring the Fine remnants that were in her brain to AU Fine by walking into her like a retard. That's all in XDU so you could argue it doesn't count for the anime, but Kaneko also refers to Amalgam Germain as 残留思念 in an interview on the XV website so the concept is active in one way or another.
I guess at the end of the day the distinction is mostly academic, only real difference it makes is whether an afterlife exists. I mean, it's not like this "remants" have thoughts or feelings right? Did a Fine "ghost" just spend hundreds of years bored staring at the sea until someone who could see her came around? Or is she like a machine that only starts responding when given input?
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First Kiri of the thread.
I think the boat was tied to a necklace or something summoning it, and the necklace isn't destroyed (Chris gets it because blackbeard thought she's metal or something) so one way or another you're in for a lot of afk gameplay. I think you get a different approach on "life" when you're aware you're a "living" jpeg, the snapshot of 1700s Fine didn't even try to fuck anyone over.
But remember also that unless you're Fine, chances are you won't be aware of the utter pointlessness of your existence.
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Swords are nice
No they aren't. Swords cut people, those bring death and separate families.
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Whenever I see this pic I'm reminded of the best deepthroat vid I've ever seen, and how I never managed to find it again
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Kinda out of the loop, do we have any new info regarding the new project?
Movie or anime?
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Which geah is most likely to have a skeleton inside of them?
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I love Kiri tummy so much
>chubby dess noises
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She looks fine in that pic! It was tummy inspection day.
Later, though...
There's a related concept where this kind of thing is sometimes referred to as an 'echo of the past.'

Consider if an echo could bounce infinitely, and then on some random day - possibly thousands of years later after the thing that first produced said sound and has long since perished, someone comes along to hear it.

That's basically the idea. These are 'echoes of the past' that replay forever, except they still have a modicum of interactivity to them. Like an interactive movie with its playback set to infinite repeat.
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I think this is my favorite Symphogear poster. How do I make it flat? It’s made of the cheapest material known to man.
Oh shit, it looks good. Good luck making it flat though, you might want to get the OG pic and print it on displate or something like that.
That's actually so sick. Nice.
Need og pic
Try getting between a Shirabe poster and a Tsubasa poster, put something heavy on top
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Tsubasa knows how to keep her wife happy, stomach full and balls empty
>cute chubby dess noises
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I'm rewatching S1 and it's kind of funny how Hibiki and Tsubasa decide to oppose Fine without actually understanding what she's doing. It's true that later in the next episode she brings out her unhinged plan to unite the world through suffering, and it's true that Chris knows that Fine is fucked up. But Hibiki and Tsubasa don't know any of that (yet) they just instinctively understand she's the bad guy
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She's gotta watch those snacks
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All this souls talks makes me remember this event. Because the relic could make perfect copies and everyone wondered that if the original was destroyed and the relic copied them completely, were they still the same person?
Hibiki's answer was that the new her is still fighting for tomorrow or something heroic and that she is always Hibiiki.
>I'm rewatching S1 and it's kind of funny how Hibiki and Tsubasa decide to oppose Fine without actually understanding what she's doing.

reminds of of FF5 where the heroes finally confront Exdeath in his castle at the end of act 2 and are like "WHERE ARE HERE TO STOP YOU" and Exdeath goes "Stop me from doing what?" and the Heroes go "Uh......" to the point Exdeath calls them fools for trying to stop something they have no idea about

they don't make FF badguys like they used to.
I want to watch some SoL hijinks between the gears, which mobage scenes would you recommend?
I watched some birthday memorias and they were pretty neat, stuff like that basically
Hibiki is literally too retarded to understand philosophical dread. Sometimes the smartest move is to not be smart.
Hadn't she already tried to steal Durandal at that point?
It was pretty clear that she was malicious even if all pieces of the puzzle weren't there yet
The scheming does make her look sinister but what she initially revealed to the gears should sound pretty good, or at least worthy of consideration.
>I want to blow up the moon to break an ancient curse that prevents us from understanding each other
That sounds extreme but the idea that there's some kind of curse that's at the root of all the violence/hatred we see in the world is intriguing, or at least it merits some thought. It's the
>Blowing up the moon will cause a bunch of natural disasters which will allow me to unite humanity in pain and terror, with me as their immortal demigoddess ruler.
which is quite unhinged, but that comes in the next episode I think. And it's also funny because from what I remember Tsubasa's grandpa makes Genjuro look like a little girl. He would tear Fine to pieces
pretty much every memoria is SoL and there's like 300 of them
Events like the ruin explorer one or the entire summer event saga aren't really SoL but the entire meat is character interactions in comedic scenarios
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What do you think, guys?
Alright then, guess i'll just shoot scenes in the OP at random
Pretty cool, though i'd personally put the poster in a frame
Can’t. There’s a sprinkler in literally the most inconvenient spot, so there’s no room.
has art thumbnails but I guess they're kinda useless for you since the memoria numbers aren't in the title
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Sankyuu, anon
Swords are meant to be mindbroken
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Doesn't Carol straight up say "not giving a fuck about your sense of self is rule number 1 for alchemists" or something like that? Implying that yes, they know they're just killing and cloning themselves
>sprinkler literally just above collectable poster
Playing with fire, anon?
It's more that Alchemists are all fucked in the head and don't give a shit about ship of Thesus
After Hibiki gives her "the current me is always right here" speech Carol calls her an idiot and goes "I should know, because I'm one too"

Kanadeverse Prelati that was around for like 5 years fucking dies in that event and her perfect clone goes "I mean she achieved her objective, why should I give a shit I fuck around with my body all the time"
I just won’t set things on fire, dess.
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Who is this next to Hibiki? She doesn't look like Maria so I guess it's Fine?
I can tell by the hair and having seen many Fines in my time.
Those are Fine's bangs
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Fine body-hopped all the way to a different show!
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It's been awhile since I saw the Wolkenritter in official art. Signum looks stunning.
Fate looks fat. Look at her cheeks
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Instructions unclear, looking at Fate's cheeks
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Careful posting that stuff within Gungnir range, Blonde ex-villains aren't safe
Very cute annoyed Kyaroru
Living her best friday, how wonderful
Random thought brought on due to me watching Blu-Rays I bought recently:

Could the Geahs defeat the EVAs? Could they destroy the MP EVAs and prevent Third Impact?
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Carol is my princess! She's a little miracle!
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It depends entirely on how they do against the AT field. When it comes to the physical machines, I'm sure the geahs can do it because they vaporize a chunk of the fucking moon. The AT field however is something special that we don't have an equivalent to in Symphogear, at least I can't think of anything off the top of my head
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Short answer is no, since Evas are beyond even the Annunaki. Long answer is it really depends on how singing interacts with AT fields, maybe they couldn't punch out an EVA but they might be able to get through to the pilot and cure their depression, making them come down from their god-trip.

That said, what would realistically happen is that Shinji would witness all of his waifus being taken by the geahs in front of his eyes and he'd go full Third Impact
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She's female via magic, if she wasn't the Faust Robe wouldn't work on her, also I would vaginal nakadashi
Taming Asuka's tsun with Gungnir!
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>That said, what would realistically happen is that Shinji would witness all of his waifus being taken by the geahs in front of his eyes and he'd go full Third Impact

I know the EVA girls aren't the best written girls but there is no way they would abandon Shinji for some random girl.

Unlike those THOTs from that shitty Infinite Stratos harem anime (got, what the fuck did /a/ see in that garbage to the point they got renamed after it) that all went after Hibiki in SHC
>Tsubasa appears three times on the top row
How is that fair?
Infinite Stratos success in general is really something baffling. It's telling it got tons of imitators and all of them bombed. It being successful was an odd anomaly in the first place.
Kino. Would mating press Signum and Reinforce 1.
probably because it was the first of it's kind and then everyone tried to ride the hype train and ended up over-saturating the market with this shitty genre,

Watched 2 episodes of IS and went "fuck this Harem LN genre"
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The AT field is intensifying! Phonic gain flow is reversing, approaching negative infinity! Kirika's ego is dissolving!
>Tumbling dess, tumbling dess, tumbling dess...
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Houki was CUTE and the author did not deserve the hate for understanding that she's best girl
she was shit and so was everyone else in what little of that tr/a/sh I could stomach
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Asuka would do it even if it's just to make Shinji jealous, and she's mentally vulnerable enough that Bikki's simplest "trick girls into sex" strategies would work flawlessly. Rei wouldn't know what sex is, so again Bikki just plays it off as innocent. Mari would 100% be onto her, but would say "why not, might as well have some fun"
I dropped after S1 but Houki was definitely a cutie
>maybe they couldn't punch out an EVA but they might be able to get through to the pilot and cure their depression, making them come down from their god-trip.

What about if they fought the MP EVAs who have no pilots?
it was not even close to the first haremshit show
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Fate is super pretty!
it began the surge of shitty Harem LN animes like DxD and DaL
Symphogear and friends
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I just finished S1 on my latest rewatch. I used to think that S1 was the best season in terms of the plot but my impression this time around is that it's too corny for its own good. It has some great moments but at the same time it goes too far. Maybe I just happened to not be in the mood for that sort of thing today or something but that's how I feel. I watched a couple of episodes of G and it feels so much more polished to the point where I feel like S1 was just laying the groundwork for G. Maybe my feelings will change as I continue watching G but that's what I think at the moment
G OP has the best symbolism and even a mid OP episode summary
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Hibiki could fist Nanohas
>Nerfed because she had a sex toy stuck inside her
Even Maria would defeat her in that scenario.
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Maybe Maria always loses because she has a sex toy stuck inside her too. No man wants a spinster, so she has to cope somehow.
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Interesting theory.
God bless the virgin Maria…..
Does Cyclone ever make them lose fair and square? I remember some art without sex toys..
Zafira, the family dog.
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Vivio won.
So that's why she killed herself, trips confirmed.
I freaking love the look
They know
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>Did you really think that would work?
>For a minute there, yeah, I kinda did.
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Do Huckebeins count or are they not fair game because of hax?
Nope. It's always some sort of hentai handicap (drugs, magic draining monsters/plants, hostages, sex toy accidents, blackmail, etc).

Zafira "nerfed" Nanoha first.
This scenario could work because Nanoha in that pic is still wearing her strictly magical equipment from StrikerS so it should be cancelled by Eclipse. In FORCE proper, with Nanoha wearing the Fortress, Arnage would get stomped.
>the look
>oh you know it
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The Vivio doujin wasn't released yet so as far as we know there's no nerf going on. Pic related also seems like a fair defeat.
Props to Maria for pulling her weight against the final boss alone
She's trying so hard to be a little Chad.
That's what I like about Maria. Her endearing endless struggle to to be a little Chad.
Didn't none of the ACE equipment actually work? The Huckebein only lost when an even bigger villain showed up.
After the staff gets their ACE gear they don't lose again to the Hucks, unless you count Curren blindsiding Hayate (understandable) or Nanoha getting saved against the teleport guy. It's just that since Force is full of inconclusive events they don't exactly win either. Fate vs Cypha was entirely offscreen.
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Not really. AEC equipment only had issues on their first real fight against Tohma but it quickly improved. Signum forced Cypha to leave on their rematch, Nanoha one shot the entire Grendel Family and Teana of all people put most of the Hucklebein in a tight spot with her own AEC weapon.
Teana is so fucking sexy
Lads I'm in a LOTR mood
please send aid
since Kaneko is a jrpg writer his script for S1 was actually way too large, so one day him, Agematsu and the S1 director locked themselves in a room for many hours and just chainsawed the fuck out of it. I wonder what kind of stuff was in there.
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Forth! And fear no darkness!
Pure kino
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We shall reforge that which was broken. Harder, stronger, pure smooth steel.
Idk about plot but it definitely has the best character writing
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I'm going to watch the Assassin's Creed movie.
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Et Eärello
Endorenna utúlien
Sinomë maruvan
Ar Hildinyar
Tenn' Ambar-metta
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I want Tsubasa to bear my children

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