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Ganbari Edition

>New Player Guide
>Artbooks, music and emulation resources
>The link for the ACV xenia tutorial
>ACVD-friendly Xenia link
>Pre setup emulator and dlc pack for ACVD rpcs3

>Models for all Gen 1 parts
>Steam Page
>Emblem Editor Decals
>AC6 Part Spreadsheet

Other News:
>3D Modeling in AC6
>AC6 Model Kits and Shit

●Set matching to global for lobbies and use keyword acg to play with each other!

Previous Thread: >>22731523
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Raben is so lucky...
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>How I unironically select weapons
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If you have BASHO arms and it's not part of a BASHO full set in some sort of shitbox cosplay, my immediate assumption is that you're a massive queer.
I have basho arms because I have a melee weapon
Fires is the only good ending because it's the only one where Ayre finally shuts the fuck up
>chain and bubblers
Having to fire this shit in short burst fucks my fingers harder than chargeslop.
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>ALLMIND tries to emulate the whole support shit that you and Ayre have with Iguazu
>lasts like 5 seconds before she just tells him to fuck off
Eat shit, the BASHO arms pair well with the MELANDER and ALBA sets
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Maybe I'd consider using other arms if firearm spec stat did anything, recoil suppression wasn't a binary value (with only heaviest arms that weight more than all of your armaments combined having 1), melee spec wasn't a binary value (with only Basho having 1), there wasn't such crazy tonnage tax for negligible amounts of recoil suppression and most importantly, half of frame parts roster wasn't wasted on ugly overdesigned mirageslop that doesn't have a single square inch of smooth surface to put a decal on.
raven in that picture is thinking about the true best girl...
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What's your go to leg type and why?
RJ. I like jumping. And they look so fucking cool.
i like quads cuz it look cool and firing while moving
not a huge fan of the 6 gen gimmick
always medium regular biped with monoeye head
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Based and anfang-pilled
We need more physical melee weapons
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Just made this full Balam / Dafeng loyalist build, only exception is the booster (since they don't make boosters) and chose Furlong there for the connection with Michigan.

I will now continue to live free in Iguazu's head as a Redgun larp and it so happens I'm on the Alea Iacta Est path again.
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>leg type
For the exact same reasons as >>22743656.
Yeah I was using bipeds for a bit until I really gave RJ's a go and never looked back. Fit how I play too well.
Bring back turn rate Yamamoron you fucking coward
what now lightkeks
i would rather just be able to strafe without hardlock or holding an attack
Planet is closed because of Coral
I'm glad they had a unique design for the Moonlight in AC6, but part of me would've been happy if they just gave us a big stupid sword like that.
if they did the 'le armored souls' shitposting would be even worse than it is already
but yeah physical melee weapons like Front Mission would be pretty cool, punching enemy mechs with oversized knuckledusters or bonking them with giant clubs is fun
having old fashioned physical weapons would be nice, now i wouldn't want the DS style moonlight in AC since it have it's own identity in AC already
>find a 'katana'
>it's just a sharpened blade off of one of the PCA's giant hunter-killer choppers
Imagine there just being a huge AC sized Broadsword you find somewhere
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>bonking them with giant clubs is fun
with the same use to weapon ratio as the GS from monster hunter
as a collab item to hut rathalos on rubicon, some AC sized lacerator blade my dread
I'd just like to nearly endlessly zoom around, charging with my oversized pointy stick with a reckless abandon. The piledriver and the energy lance are both enormous steps in the right direction, but the need to be combined with stronger, more sustained rocket propulsion. Melee weapons cooldown also needs to be cut.
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>green iguazu
daring now are we
so basically you want melee animation to not cancel AB like it does with other weapons
Huh. Yeah, that might work just fine.
>BASHO arms on ALBA
>Looks good
Pick one
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I pick both.
What if the next game adds powerstancing to melee?
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Thanks for using Dafeng products.
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If a theoretical 6.5 what ending do you think they'll go with?
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It could only be liberator. Alea Iacta Est is a whole new world that's best kept vague. Fires could be interesting but it'd be hard to have a story without the corporations and the PCA and most people being dead. Now that I think about it a post Fires story would be really cool from an environmental perspective. It'd be like being inside a forest fire but red and on an interplanetary scale. But there's no way they'd kill Rusty and Ayre
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>Alea Iacta Est is a whole new world

I got that ending today and I was impressed. Amazing ending. FROM wants to build from there, clearly. As humans, mercs eat shit all the time. Those that don't die horribly, go insane and then die. Walter telling 621 to reverse his medical treatment is an incomplete solution from which “The Coral Network” presents an elegant solution: it's mercenary heaven, a red valhalla where you can go to rest and then download yourself into an AC.

When you discover this true Coral, ALLMIND's final plan becomes clear, she wanted to privatize this natural network of souls in order to have an unlimited stock of phantom mercenaries at her disposal and install franchises within the planets controlled partially or totally by the Enforcement System that controls the PCA.
>Walter telling 621 to reverse his medical treatment
I still wonder if 621 would even want that. Like sure they are in some sort of debt that led them to this entire situation but why go back on being able to better at syncing with your AC, especially after everything.
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I used to be a huge fan of the reverse jointed stuff, but lately I've cooled off on them. The regular bipedals let me move faster on the ground, carry heavier weapons, and at times I felt like it was harder to control the mech with those big jumps.
Damn the double barrel Arquebus laser rifle is a chonker
I think the point of reversing the surgery is about Raven becoming independent as a human being. The way people refer to 621 as a "dog" makes me think that people in those positions are considered socially inferior. Sure, there are lines that speak to the contrary, like Michigan inviting you (or Rusty) to switch sides but on the other hand you have carla saying that dogs don't get to choose their owners.
What's the point of a big robot if you won't give it a big gun?
I'm pretty sure Walther outright owns your ass, you are basically an indentured peon for him.
There seems to be an implication you(and many others) got augmented as part of some sort of debt. Although considering 621 is a gen 4 and they are all the way at 10 by the game I wonder just when they got the surgery.
Reverse joint every day. AC6 gave them this fantastic, distinct feel where you're trading stability for football field length ground dodges and massive hops. It's just a fucking travesty there's only three and a half sets. Mind Betas, Spring Chickens, Kasuars, and Nachtreihers being this unholy bastard child of a bipedal and a reverse joint but not actually reverse joint.
621 was on ice and their augmentation pre-dates the Fires of Ibis. Coral augmentation stopped almost immediately after the disaster. At minimum, 621 is around 70 if you assume their lowest age is around 20 before they got put in cryo.
>AC6 gave them this fantastic, distinct feel where you're trading stability for football field length ground dodges and massive hops
Dont forget their kicks do massive amounts of stagger
Considering that we know Walter has sent apparently multiple other dogs to Rubicon I wonder just how many he has on ice somewhere. Or where he's procuring them. Actually makes me wonder if there is some sort of market for augmented humans who are people that fucked up hard enough that they had to get the surgery and get put on ice until some buyer comes needing an AC pilot for whatever reason.
Story trailer implies he gets them from a wholesaler who runs some sort of cryo-storage facility filled with indebted, augmented humans.
I wonder if he paid extra for the skill or just lucked out and got a great bargain.
I don't think skill was ever a factor. The way the seller talks about 621, he refers to him like the pilot equivelant of a $300 dumpsterfire of a car. "Functional, but don't expect much else."
Really that mess that is the augmentations has to be a pain. 621 is covered in tubes and other shit, probably don't look much better inside the suit. Considering the gen 4s are said to have muted emotions I wonder if it's even enjoyable going out and fighting. Later gens are probably better off once they got to the 7's and truly figured out how to do it without coral. I do wonder what 621 does in their off time between jobs.
tulpa sex with their coral gf
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You have to remember 621 ended up in debt in the first place. This dude fucked up and not in the "player intentionally accrues debt to get Human+ in AC1" style of fucking up. He genuinely wasn't good enough to make it as a bog standard human pilot, 621 wasn't even close to Freud's level before the Coral augs.
To be honest, I don't think obsessing such mercantile, mundane things as "mercenaries" and "profits" in the face of literal aliens significantly changing your very biological nature (for the better) is a good direction to take things in. If there is to be a direct sequel, it should probably be about the coral'd pilots, now harmonious with their coralfus and at peace for the first time in their lives, being invaded by lesser beings: either actual mercs intending to make a profit out of it all somehow (where ALLMIND wanted to take it but, luckily, failed) or purist fanatics seeking to rid the galaxy of "xeno filth", or both, or both and then something else.
Has anyone ever beat Last Raven on a PSP? Like, an actual PSP. Or an emulator without changing the controls outside of the game.
This is legitimately insane. Even editing the controls to claw a la MH removes the ability to release parts which fucks you hard. And using the Dpad to control the camera is horrible anyway.
Just thought of a decent headcanon reason for purple-colored thrusters to exist for that anon from the previous thread. Maybe we'll see something like this in an expansion, doubtful, but it's always nice to hope.

>Circulating-combustion fusion generator developed by RaD. Designed and developed while under the influence, this generator combines the low recharge delay of combustion generators with a notably high boost to energy weapon output. This bizarre hyper-focus comes at the cost of a poor energy capacity ceiling.
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>The VCPL Laser Drones have a charge attack where the 6 drones merge into 2 high powered drones
>It's been nearly a year and I only just learned this
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Is it worth it? I want the Supplice, should I just wait?
Feels good man.
Why not just a plasma generator?
I feel like a current-combustion fusion generator made by some RaD junkie is much easier to explain in why it's so mediocre at everything beyond rapid regen rate and good energy weapon boosting compared to a plasma generator. Plasma weapons are just outright better than laser, so it would stand to reason plasma generators made by VCPL would need some massive contrivance to explain their downsides beyond making them obscenely heavy.
How will the devs address the stagger system in 6.5?
I have a feeling they will double down on it.
>Dumb decision
Nerf it into the ground to the point of irrelevance, like poise in Souls games.

>Smart decision
Implement more utility back gear and part-based mechanics that counter or suppress its effectiveness against you. Expanding upon and adding to the pool of equipment and player abilities akin to Pulse Armor which resets your stagger bar from 100 to 0 even while stuck in the animation.
Feels like a bandaid fix desu.
Those parts will effectively become mandatory.
Also people already hate fighting shield users.
Imagine fighting one + dealing with their OTHER anti-stagger equipment.
It would probably create a laser meta.
This is like saying anti-missile extensions were a bandaid fix to missile spam.

You're trading damage for defense. A shield user with a stagger buffer of some kind has literally halved their potential DPS.
4th and 5th had the right idea of letting you shoot the missiles, we have to bring that back
Also shield bulids only need 2 main hand weapons, because parries block like 80% of impact damage.
4th and 5th gen*
I still think it's fixable with just numbers tweaks
>cut down impact damage numbers across the board
takes longer to cause stagger now, more of a reward for constant and consistent pressure than landing a single burst
>reduce crit modifiers across the board
stagger isn't OP or required for dealing any real damage to bigger enemies/ACs anymore
>give weapons either high regular damage OR high impact damage but not both at the same time
you need to make compromises in your build or specialize if you want to stagger enemies consistently, some really powerful single-shot cannons can be the exception
>utilize the accumulated impact stat a lot more
e.g. shotguns can do fairly high impact damage but the accumulated impact will disappear instantly, so they're only really useful for finishing off an already damaged stagger bar, you'd need other weapons like assault rifles or missiles to slowly build the bar up first, encourages weapon variety instead of just running the gun that's best at everything (zimzam)
desu shields need nerfed hard. Online is just nothing but shield fags now.
Shields need to exist because they're the only way to reliably mitigate damage online. They were implemented this way on purpose.
Mitigating doesn't mean borderline nullifying it entirely. The best shields do exactly that. It's suicide to not run them online because your opponent now has basically twice your HP pool.
The issue is that there needs to be some form of active, timing-based mitigation online or else the game devolves into a pure DPS race that's decided in the build screen. Quickboosting doesn't cut it because Yamamura made some very poor choices and movement/positioning doesn't really matter because of hardlock and AB, so parrying HAS to be the core mechanic multiplayer is balanced around.
The exact same movement techniques from classic work in 6 even against hard lock in order to avoid damage. They won't dodge every shot in a high latency lobby, but constantly changing your velocity will disjoint most attacks.
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I find the typical Ocellus player is comically easy to kite.

>Mind Betas/Spring Chickens with some good back pedal QB thrusters
>They tard AB me with their Buerzels
>I jump over them and QB in that direction
>If they quick turn to try and AB chase, I just QB backwards again
>I have 50%ish EN remaining, land, get it all back
>They're now definitely out of juice if they tard committed, smart player stopped and we're both back at neutral with a 100 meter or so gap

It's easily flow charted. Just have to watch out for bad terrain that could get me stuck.
You know what they need to add is more shoulder options, including the ones that are already in the game just not usable such as PCA mechs having flares for missile defense.
Did anyone that's played AC4 (not AC4A, it's much faster) and AC6 feel like the speeds in those two games were similar? Like when I fought Joshua in my middleweight NEXT I was moving at speeds similar to my lightweight in AC6.
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Where do you think their arena rank was before 621 stole their identity(since 100% ALLMIND knew it happened thus 621 being at the bottom).
It's on his title card when you scan his wreck.
i'd be for extensions and internals parts, but where would you put them in the control scheme, or make them automatic?

>Counter-Missile Flares
>Ammo Backpacks (https://armoredcore.fandom.com/wiki/CM-AD-10)
>Assist Boosters
>Energy Weapon Cooling Units

Just to name a couple.
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Do you think Ayre disapproves of using the coral generators?
Really hope those sales men we're getting an expansion. Though hard to say if they had one really planned.
What do (You) think?
Can't tell if image is serious.
Ayre uses a Coral-powered AC in AIE so she can't get uppity about it
That said it'd be cool if she showed up in IBIS CEL-240
I just think the "Coral Pilots" no longer have bodies anymore. But again, why would someone who is pure free energy want to be limited by being inside a mecha? They could be a new faction that do want to disseminate Coral throughout the universe. But then again, maybe already did. Between the great Coral explosion of the real ending and 621 chilling in the beach clearly a lot of time has passed. The gang is fucking around in what clearly is a new planet.
I typed the part and clicked the first option, sue me.
Quads are such a cool concept but gen 3 ruined their aesthetics while AC6 ruined their gameplay.
Is there an English patch of the PS2 formula front? It’s more or less a different game from the PSP version outside of the designs. It even has more story
Coral by itself can't do shit except nuke itself which, if you're the Coral, would kill you. Its power comes from the ability to interface with machines.
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>Me accidentally activating hover mode for the millionth time by just trying to maintain two seconds of air time
The controller button for hover mode should have been B/Circle while airborne. That's a clear distinction between ground and air and would have worked while still allowing standard aerial movement.
It genuinely doesn't. Yes tracking is imperfect at oblique angles but if you actually do the testing you'll see that movement is so poorly synced over netcode that the overwhelming majority of shots will register damage regardless of how you move. You don't even need to actually manage your lockon, 'breaking' the tracking with constant QB chaining doesn't even matter because of how the netcode approaches registering damage.

The only reliable way across the network to mitigate damage is to parry it, because parrying is defender-sided while everything else is attacker-sided. Parrying at very least in practice requires timing and is functionally similar to evasion as a timing/reaction check so it's not really that bug of a deal. I agree the build tax of being forced to sacrifice your left shoulder for a shield is stupid but there's really no alternative. Multiplayer clearly wasn't a priority and fromsoft has 14 years of technical debt in their online features.
Fromsoft should make everything defender sided desu, getting staggered by laggy zooks sucks MORE than your hits not connecting.
This change would be the biggest buff to lightweights.
Can't see them using anything except the true end since a DLC would risk making one of the other ends canon.
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>claims to be flexing on Iguazu
>fails to noltice Iguazu is actually blue and not green
>not realizing TENDERFOOT's color scheme mirror's Iguazu's
For shame, Anon.
well you kinda trashed it when it tried to stop you from getting near the vascular plant so uh, good luck. I mean there's probably a hangar full of them somewhere but uh don't think about it too hard
The problem with defender-sided hit detection is that somebody with a bad connection is just untouchable because positions and movement will never be synced closely enough.
The system in place could work on paper but there are just some technical shortcomings that hold it back, hence why defender-sided parrying was a necessary failsafe that's become a defining skill. It's part of a wider problem that fromsoft's approach to networking is outdated and 'catching up' means an expensive development process parallel to making an actual game, which takes people and resources away from gamedev. Obviously AC6 just wasn't the game where they were going to tackle that issue.

We call this accumulation of necessary backend work that gets passed on from project to project 'technical debt' because it gets bigger the longer you wait, and you eventually need to pay it off.
>and you eventually need to pay it off.
Only if their actual native audience doesn't bite anymore. They prioritize Japan over everyone else so they do not need to fix anything from their own POV.
As I understand it, the Japanese network infrastructure is always a problem because they never intend to expand beyond the country and the archipelago is generally isolated. The Humboldt subsea project could fix this, but it is a work in progress.
God yes I would kill for one giant fucking sword on my light AC, even if I have to give up on other weapons
It comes with more weapons I believe. If you paint, the color of the plastic doesn't matter. Also koto is reprinting all their AC kits, I don't know if supplice was reprinted yet, if yes you can probably find it easily, if no then wait a bit more. I PO'd krasnaya because I want to do something cool with red paints, and the extra weapons it comes with is nice.
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Why no Balam route?
Why no Arquebus route?
Snail is cringe.
Snail is great.
Because you are tied to Walter, he is your project manager. You are a dog on a leash.
That stops being a problem after the ambush. And there is really no reason for him to object to having a mission to save Michigan considering all the other shit Walter lets 621 get away with.
Rubiconian ape.
621 practically never chooses to do anything for himself. He isn't just a metaphorical dog but a literal one heck LOADER 4 even has a dog snout. There is exactly one time when he chooses and that is after Walter dies.
Stick to the plan laid out by Carla and Walter or join with Ayre but no Arquebus choices. In other words the only agency 621 establishes when he doesn't have a leash is "fuck you Snail" and otherwise wants to follow someone else's lead.
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Why? He might be a bit too self important but he is basically a general for an interplanetary organization. They make great products too.
nta but he's not a good leader (leaves multiple Vespers to die, only relies on Freud who thinks he's retarded) and just a generally unpleasant chap to be around (always putting people down, a bit too happy with the ol brainwashing centre)
I hope you realize the netcode issues are just as bad for japan as everywhere else.
>In other words the only agency 621 establishes when he doesn't have a leash is "fuck you Snail" and otherwise wants to follow someone else's lead.
Well, to be honest, how much agency can you really have in a video game that's not a sandbox? Even in the older entries, canonically, the playable Raven can only do whatever missions that the corps and/or his handler/operator present to him.
He's not exactly an inspiring leader I agree but he did his job well. At least he did it better than Balam's team.
>leaves multiple Vespers to die
He sends Swinburne to the camp in case you spare him, which is somewhat deserved since he presumably embezzled money for that bribe. Aside from that, he leaves Maeterlinck and the Chinese Redgun to their fate. Sometimes stuff like that has to be done. You're the main character after all. What was he supposed to do? Come out himself? Send some MTs as cannon fodder? I agree that he is callous but I don't think he's cruel or that his tactics are more brutal than they have to be.
>3 ACs vs 1, plus cannon fodder MTs
They would have better chances for certain
>Aside from that, he leaves Maeterlinck and the Chinese Redgun to their fate. Sometimes stuff like that has to be done. You're the main character after all. What was he supposed to do? Come out himself?
He's literally hiding in a sewer with another MT squad about 200 meters away waiting to zap you
His task was to eliminate the RRI defenses around the vascular plant, right? His only options are either commit everything he can to defeat you, or do what he did and lull you into a false sense of security after you defeat a token Arquebus force while letting you handle the RRI. His plan is very callous but he did accomplish his mission while paying a fairly modest price of one terrible pilot (lower rank than Ziyi!!!) and one traitor.
He personally slighted me by trying to kill me multiple times. Can't say that for Michigan.
He let this piece of ass die.
>short hair
and nothing of value was lost.
Snail's a fag
You are too
She is a diversity quota hire. If they let a bimbo on the team she might as well look like one.
Colorblinds and colorweaks tend to be like that.
I bet he didn't even think of turning of HDR until someone called him out.
>what is teal
esls everyone
Source or fuck off.
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Someone’s making a porn game woth characters that are not in ACVI
Playing ac4 and I have now taken the missilepill. Goodbye dual rifles.
why are you posting mass effect 3?
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Oh? Are you suggesting your dog is based?
Try rockets too, the Technocrat dumb fire ones. It's fun to pelt arms forts with them, and if you can manage to hit an AC you'll nearly take them out in one shot.
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>everyone i fight seems to be able to dodge my missiles
>switch my missile setup, way more successful
>take a break for a week before playing again
>everyone i fight seems to be able to dodge my missiles
i'm starting to think all the active players are in a discord or something and are giving eachother tips, am i schizophrenic?
Missiles are easy to dodge
you're one of them aren't you...
Fuck bros he knows
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Nevermind, I found it.
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Based, pretty much anything in AC4 is good once you find a booster/generator setup you like.

>Arms Forts
Anon he's playing 4 no FA
I think they reissued supplice 2-3 years ago, that's probably why they are reissuing a different aaliyah this time.
Teal is basically a darker cyan/aqua so it depends on if it is more greenish or blueish. Interesting fact Iguazu and Michigan are the only two ACs out of all the Redguns with aqua colors but Iguazu's secondary color is black and Michigan's secondary is blue.

621's TENDERFOOT is purple and black as if he were poisonous or evil.
>michigan has red on his guns
>iguazu doesn't
This is why he fails.
Did they release a code for that AC if you didn't preorder?
From what I understand only the paintjob is pre-order exclusive the actual Melander parts are still unlocked normally.
Once we make an android body for her to inhabit I will (it will be deliberately designed to look like 2B).
I usually default to Bipedal because it feels the most heroic.
Also RJs sometimes if I feel like I need the hops.
i feel like RJs and bipeds should hate nacht users on prinicple alone
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Yeah but there's no way to access the AC data if you didn't preorder right?
Kinda sucks, I like the color scheme but it looks to use a lot of decals.
Finished ac4 and I kinda loved it kinda hated it. Felt a lot of missions were boring and I had the most fun dicking around in simulation, tuning my AC, and playing the missions where I got to kill other ACs. The story was cool, but damn it went by quickly. I figured you would get more missions with Joshua or something.
I really like the mech design in this game though, and I like how the game looks in general. Also the soundtrack is growing on me.
I think Joshua might appear in a couple missions of you replay them on hard. The missions can be a little boring at times but at least they feel somewhat varied. ACFA plays way better but I think the non AC or Arms Forts missions are a bit samey. ACFA also has the GOAT menu music.
I see. I might play hard mode a bit later, but I'll move onto FA for now.
Try this combo.

>Delayed six split missiles can force some poor dodges and rotate like a bumper car before zipping in to catch said poor dodges
>Cruise missiles are so slow that people often lose track of them and forget if they collided with the ground or if they're still chasing them
AIE is entirely based around 621 making a choice for himself though. ALLMIND never forces you to pursue Coral Release and Ayre has her reservations and simply tells you that she'll support you no matter what you choose. You pursue Coral Release because you want to.
Cute Ayre.

Erm actually the protag is a man that got his brain installed in a sexaroid.
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>actually the protag is a man that got his brain installed in a sexaroid.
Even worse.
What a wasted opportunity, damn.
>Ah time to test a new build on Snailteus again

On Normal difficulty he does show up in other missions but only to save your ass if you fucked up, for example the mission where you fight Barbaroi. If you totally fuck up the ambush and the fight drags on for a long time Joshua will actually show up to help you. On hard mode though he switches sides and helps the enemy. I agree that they should have used him more explicitly so that Seed a Barren Earth would hit harder.
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I wish there was a boss rush mode or the ability to fight bosses in the test simulator without having to do the whole mission
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My cute girlfailure schoolgirl wife, SMALLMIND
Overall which side has the best ratio for competent pilots?
>621 practically never chooses to do anything for himself.
It's not really the thing since the other paths are just from other factions offering different jobs, the key divergence point would probably be helping the Redguns climb the wall, thus G4 lives and G5 doesn't defect and the story would play out from there.
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RLF maybe? They got Rusty, Thumbman, Flatwell, Rokumonsen and possibly O'Keefe.
Otherwise Arquebus.
uuooooh ALLMIND cute and erotic ToT
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The truest mystery merc.
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Overseer has Walter and Carla who are both quite good, and of course (You) for most of the story. That's 3/3. 3/4, if you want to count Chatty. After that we have Branch, where again we have a 3/3 situation. In third place I'd probably say Arquebus. Most of them are mediocre but they have a few powerful pilots whereas the RLF only has Rusty and flatwell and a bunch of shitters to completely weigh them down. Balam's only formidable pilot is Michigan. ALLMIND comes in last since she doesn't have any notable pilots at all.
>ALLMIND comes in last since she doesn't have any notable pilots at all
>forgetting best girl kate markson(aka ALLMIND with a wig on)
Ah that's pretty cool. But yeah coming from ac6, i'm kinda surprised how far fromsoft has come in terms of missions and storytelling. That said, I really like tuning my ac and it's sad that the system didn't make it into 6.
I didn't forget about her. I just don't think she's a noteworthy pilot. If I forgot about anyone then it'd be Ayre, who is pretty brilliant in both her mechs. I didn't mention her because insofar as she's on anyone's side she's on your side.
what the fuck was his problem
Pretty sure ALLMIND had Sulla.
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>only has one actually good pilot that's loyal to her
>he gets fucking jumped and killed right when he has his anti-Balteus fit equipped
How unlucky can you be?
It's Sulla's fault for being a fuckwit and trying to kill us, actually.
Well what was he really supposed to do, we were literally about to do what he was going to do. Was basically bad timing.
Is he a good pilot? We know he killed some of Walter's hounds but on the other hand we saw some of Walter's previous pilots getting shredded by a bunch of PCA goons and a fucking cataphract, so it couldn't have been that hard.
Let us do what he was gunna do instead of talking mad shit and then getting hit. What does it matter who kills Balteus as long as it gets killed?
>the ability to fight bosses in the test simulator without having to do the whole mission
Yeah, I'd like that too. Something like a separate category in the arena, exclusively for the non-AC bosses you defeated.
Wasn't he supposed to make contact with ayre, so he would've had to stop the player regardless
You were there to destroy that one coral device.
Sulla also was there to destroy that one device to make contact with the coral. Don't think there was any way to resolve that peacefully.
Eh, he's ranked higher than the majority of the Vespers and Redguns I think.
This could be a neat NG+ feature. I think giving players this option on a first playthrough would really cheapen some of the bosses. Especially the "hard" ones like Balteus or the PCA enforcer
I think it's more causing the coral burst, he's trying to get ayre for himself, or at least some idea of that. Since ALLMIND should know it's a possibility and probably why Sulla was the one since he's one of the few augmented humans that was from a generation where they were using coral. The only other ones on there are Iguazu and 621(and O'Keeffe but they got upgraded).
He's got a decent rank, and was the best candidate for what ALLMIND wants due to being a gen 1.
>Eh, he's ranked higher than the majority of the Vespers and Redguns I think.
True, but he's 15C. That's below Chatty, Flatwell, O'Keeffe, Carla, Rusty, Snail, Brute, and a bunch of others. I don't have any objective evidence to support my argument here but I feel like he's barely at or just slightly below the cutoff for being a good pilot. That, and his lack of notable achievements is why I didn't include him. But you do have a point, you could make the argument that he counts as a "competent" pilot which is what the original question was about.

Since we're talking about arena ranks, how the FUCK did Dolmayan make it all the way to A in hia BAWS shitbox? I have to admit that seeing him up there with the heavy hitters in their fancy ACs is pretty cool but he's not exactly a challenging enemy.
i think they reuse his wreckage for The Collector, do you think they're the same guy?
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>Since we're talking about arena ranks, how the FUCK did Dolmayan make it all the way to A in hia BAWS shitbox? I have to admit that seeing him up there with the heavy hitters in their fancy ACs is pretty cool but he's not exactly a challenging enemy.
>only BASHO pilot that uses the melee stat on the frame's arms
>said pilot also abuses the shit out of melee cancel tech, probably did so even more in his prime
he's actually the RLF's most competent pilot, though you can't really fault them since they probably don't have enough parts to put out a lot of good builds
his mission fight is definitely the harder of the two as well, it's not reflected well by the arena fight
He's got a higher rank than a bunch of spec-ops mercenaries even though he's more-or-less solo, so it's appropriate to call him good in my opinion. The only other people above him in the ranking (except Chatty and Coldcall) are experts or in some way special in their own right.
>how the FUCK did Dolmayan make it all the way to A in his BAWS shitbox
The old fag is genuinely just that good. His AC has a coral reactor as well IIRC, so it's not a complete rust bucket.
Dolmayan is the only AC pilot smart enough to use a melee weapon with the BASHO arms.
>...Raven... I know you have a love of fat asses but

>how the FUCK did Dolmayan make it all the way to A in hia BAWS shitbox?

Anon, you're not exactly cutting edge either! You want to be next on the scrap heap?
it's simple
he also got a tulpa GF in his head to tell him what to do
He used to, way back in the day. Seria has left him long ago.
Didn't he break up with her?
I remember some people theorizing that ALLMIND was actually his ex-GF larping as an AI or something.
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who would you say would win on looks between her, Chartreuse and the nightfall pilot

pic unrelated
if only kircheis were here...
ALLMIND had 1 psycho (Sulla), 1 double agent (O'Keefe), 1 Weeaboo (Rokumonsen), 1 deserter (Iguazu), and in her route 1 cyborg (621). Now between these five there is implied to be an association with the assassin Coldcall but he is a contract killer so the only notable thing about him is that he is wearing the "psycho killer" colors signaling Allmind's pilot preferences.

Overall they are all pretty competent with only one loser among them.
>1 Weeaboo (Rokumonsen)
Why do you think he's associated with ALLMIND
He's using the Plasma Thrower, an ALLMIND-made weapon.
nta but he use almonds parts
nta but look real close at his build
Freud wipe them all
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I like Snail.
ravens don't eat snails tho, only frenchies and hedgehogs
Holy shit FA handles like I'm on crack compared to 4.
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Me too. The english VA did a 10/10 job

Snailteus is my favorite mission
t. frog
yeah it's kinda for insane people
Playing on 1.2 reg?
You should play 1.0 instead imo.
FA went through a lot of iteration from patch to patch and they ultimately settled in a good place. You feel faster and can do more with your energy but also feel like you're more in control even when the world's a blur.
The problem with Freud is his AC sucks and he is easily defeated. Despite being top of the arena Rokumonsen is tougher than him.

So how good are his skills then really? Keep in mind that he's also responsible for designing his AC to his exact specifications. They fucked up with Freud
Once you get used to it, there's nothing like it.
freud's not bad if you're running a balanced build, i think the devs probably built his AC before stagger became a huge part of combat
Nah. Flinching is a thing the problem with Freud is that the AI doesn't play like a player so the strategies a player would use with that loadout are not being utilized.
Did we ever figure out why this fucker is by far the hardest fight in the arena?
His loadout and propensity to kick can make life difficult if you get caught in close range but he's not a strong opponent if you keep that in mind and have a build that can engage at range and/or dodge at the right moments
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he'll yeah borther
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I haven't played any ACs except 6 but I fucking love the big fat boosters on this one. I hope they add similar looking parts in the future
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A custom AI tweaked to do at least one AB kick, literal missile hax, and no aim cooldowns as he can 360 no scope on a dime.
i'm on console so i can't look under the hood but he has the same combat AI as Raven
there's a couple with his type that make up a majority of the "hard" fights in the game
I'm assuming this is bait but if it's not, those boosters are not part of the AC
Like I said, I haven't played any of the previous AC games, so I wouldn't know anything about it. I just think the boosters are really cool.
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Yeah the VOB is cool, it's usually saved for fun missions too.
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>NEXT-equipped, gigantic boost units that allow for tremendous forward propulsion. The VOB system was specifically developed in order to counter Arms Forts' incredible long-range firepower. A NEXT installed with the VOB system can hurtle towards an entrenched AF at thousands of kilometers an hour while simultaneously dodging incoming fire
That sounds awesome
>I haven't played any of the previous AC games
Why are you here?
Please play 4 and 4A they are great.
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Better make sure you get a controller for AC4A unless you got sick Ace Combat skills on a keyboard.
Hey man he is interested in playing so there is no need to bite him.
Because I played and enjoyed AC6
If they ever release it on PC with M+KB support I'll gladly play it. Otherwise, I'm not interested. Sorry.
Speaking of 4th gen, I finally S ranked Marche Au Supplice on hard the other night. Such a great mission, the dialogue is great.
They run fantastically with a PS3 emulator. I assume there is M+KB support, but I'm not sure. They are such great games, you shouldn't miss out.
How is kbm on emulators anyways. All I know is t hat you can't 2nd stage on kbm-- not like u'd need that for pve but its still something to be noted
>s rank marche au supplice
nightmare of a mission lmao what did u use?
Full Aayliah core because I love it even though it isn't ideal
and here comes the cheese, dual Azans. Dual rifles are already good enough, but I had no idea these things packed such a punch. Rifle tier damage with machine gun tier fire rate. You delete ACs in seconds.
Being able to actually hear the dialogue without being instantly overwhelmed is nice.
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For the most part, if you do not have a mechanical keyboard you will find yourself being unable to do some things. Mouse movements can be kind of jank but the key issue is the emulator demands your mouse stay within the window. I decided to YOLO duckstation by not even bothering with a mouse for every AC game and the Kurasawa is no chicken shit two fused guns gimmick and made the games easy. I bad more trouble with PS2 games because the controller demanded like two thirds of my keyboard.
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Yeah, if you've ever seen the ACFA opening cinematic that's an actual in universe mission that took place to test the VOB.

>If they ever release it on PC with M+KB support I'll gladly play it. Otherwise, I'm not interested. Sorry.
Oh never mind, you're a faggot. Just get a USB controller it's like 15~20 bucks
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>Full Aayliah core
Based an Rayleonard pilled, beating ACFA with the default Aaliyah loadout is kino
My biggest problem with AC6 is that From has treat certain parts as "character exclusive" but at the same time there aren't enough parts in the game to make enough fresh AI ACs. Off the top of my head, Volta's Cannon Head is the only AC in the game that uses the Balam treads. Rusty is the only one who uses the VCPL Twin Blades, and Freud is the only one with the VCPL Drones.
IMO Sulla is one of the hardest fights in the game now after all the balance changes. Plasma missiles and the AllMind missile launcher fuck you up if you lack mobility, and he punishes you with the AllMind Bazooka when you'e staggered.
Yeah I should try that. Blading is fun and that plasma cannon does do some work. But
>Arteria Carpals
The only way I can S rank that is with technocrat rockets and dual motorcobras. Imagine doing that on hard with the default loadout. I'd be amazed if anybody has pulled it off without glitches.
You can probably do it with a specific regulation, the only part that would make it truly impossible would be running out of ammo
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What is your personal favorite of all your design /acg/?
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freud is also the only other NPC AC with the TURNER, i believe
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4th gen soundtrack might be my favorite music in any video game
2,4, and 6 are my favorites. But in general I've been a fan of the soundtracks these games have featured.
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>Oh never mind, you're a faggot. Just get a USB controller it's like 15~20 bucks

NTA but I'm in the same boat, I am 34 and owned a PC since I was 10 while never owning any console, it's not like I wouldn't have used one if it was given to me but I was a kid and by the time I could afford one myself I was already too entrenched on the PC and m/kb side (and was full on WoW + Dota by that point leaving time for nothing else).

First time I tried using a controller was in 2018 in FighterZ cause I fell for the "game this or that is way better on a controller" meme, if you want to understand what it feels like to try a controller for the first time after more than a decade of mkb, leave your controller aside and try playing any game with your feet. You might be able to do it, you might even be good at it but it felt so bad and unnatural that I just went back to mkb immediately. I also hope anyone that said Dark Souls was unplayable on mkb will burn in hell for eternity, almost missed the series altogether because of this and it turned out to be a huge fucking lie, I dare say it's even better on mkb because how fast you can turn with a mouse but I digress, don't care about peripheral wars.

Sucks that I missed a lot of good games as a result of this but so did you if you were mostly raised on consoles, you will never know the feeling of playing JazzJackrabbit or Worms in split screen as a kid, discovering Jagged Alliance randomly on a magazine CD and instantly becoming a top 5 to this day, setting up a local network with your friends before most of the country had internet so you can play Starcraft on BGH, having HoMM3 matches that would span for days / weeks because how bad we were and the list goes on.

If you fully captured both sides of gaming while growing up that's good for you, but before you call someone else a faggot maybe try to understand not all of us were as fortunate.

Thank you for reading my blogpost.
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Or instead of waiting on other people to make the game playable for him, he could just buy a cheapo controller and play the game.
Really hoping Koto Hoshino gets more breathing room in the follow-up to 6.

The point of my post was buying a console just for a few games or emulating them is the least of your problems (if you're like me) you still have to play on a controller and that will heavily cut into the enjoyment of the game, having to use a controller for the first time after decades of mkb is only something someone in the same shoes can understand.

I also doubt the older AC titles will top AC6 for me, to me AC6 looks exactly like the older games with a significantly higher budget and production value while only slightly altering gameplay. I don't consider losing turn rates, some customizability or the stagger system significant enough changes to claim AC6 is not an AC game anymore like some faggots keep claiming.

Do you know what a significantly different game in a franchise looks like? Going from BG1&2 to the jewed out pozzed nonsense BG3 is, seeing Fallout get turned into 3D first person slop with barely any depth or atmosphere to it, ANY BLIZZARD PRODUCT POST WOTLK and this just to name a few.
What all these have in common is not only the game is completely different (like BG becoming turned based) but it's also made by a completely different company that has nothing in common with the old one, none of the talent or values that produced the originals.

So to me, an outsider, to discover AC6 and see how good it is and still see people complain is insane, game might be different but it's still a fucking good game produced by the same company retaining most of the same people, you don't know how good you have it as an OG AC fan if AC6 the biggest of your complaints.
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>the difference between my S-rank run and my A-rank run of Defend the Old Spaceport is like 15 seconds
>i actually got 1k more money on my A-rank run
I mean, considering time is the biggest multiplier determining your S-rank on 99% of missions.
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>I poop on you kid
You can play the old games on mouse and keyboard, there are even mods to remove turn speed. But I don't recommend it.
Nigga, he WANTED to make ambient-slop.

Hey that's good to know, is it mkb directly on a console (iirc you could do it on ps4) or is it mkb on a PC through emulation? If it's the latter, which emulator?

I wouldn't mind the turn rates, in fact I wish AC6 had them too so I can make better use of lightweight builds.
Pcx2, and rpcs3.
There's AI vs AI for every modern From Software game except AC6 what the frick.
There’s a handful, but not much. The variant of Dantelion used for AC6 must be heavily derived compared to the one used in the Soulslikes.

Based, thank you for the tip.

Seems I have rpcs3 available directly on the repo (not a windows fag) might just set up IV and FA today see how it turns out.
dual pad works on pc as well btw
Did you mean modified?
There are backbooster in oldgen that were introduced in Silent Line I think. They don't look as impressive as VOB tho.

Got it working but do you happen to have an idea why my textures are fucked up? Was the same for the tutorial mech too.

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