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Previous thread: >>22746191
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Post your impressions on Gavv's cameo.
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It's fine. Not as exciting as previous ones aside from belt.
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Thanks for giving us another skip year Toei
Wow you were smart enough to hide your Rinne pics and lewd artwork of Atropos this time around, Kyle.
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It's more exciting than a few of the prior previews despite what other anons say. Yeah it's not full on in-episode previews like Ghost, Ex-Aid, Build, and Revice but what it gives us is a surprising amount of character details.
We know off the bat there's something not right with Shouma, showing he's super strong and acrobatic even untransformed (even on a Doylian level this is exciting because it means we might get more out-of-suit action, especially if we get a good amount of Sakamoto eps thanks to him not being busy with Ultraman this year), we've got signs that not only is he inhuman with the belt-stomach and glowing eyes when he transforms, but that the transforming hurts him. We can also see that his fighting style is very wild (in a whimsical way, not an Amazons way), acrobatic, and really bendy with some incredibly uncomfortable-looking poses he just naturally gets into. Seriously, look at this stance! My hips are screaming just looking at it!
If the show keeps up the cameo's momentum, it'll be if nothing else a strong start.
My worry is it'll be like the rest of Reiwa where all it really HAS is a strong start.
He really embodies the gummy aesthetic
>Cannot be worse than Saber, Gotchard, and Revice... right?
Geats showed us it can.
Geats wasn't bad, though.
I love the transition from his "human" form to a rider, the way he just melts into that is fantastic. I love the music, I love the fighting choreography, and I love that they brought the actual actor to appear in this, it's amazing.
My only issue is that it doesn't tell me anything about the main character other than he's a good person. I feel like the past three riders debuts, despite being voice cameos, gave me a better impression of their personalities than Shoma. He's god a sick fighting style and transformation, but that's about all I got. That's the only missing piece I'd say keeping this from being the best Reiwa movie debut to date.
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What's with all the food brainwashing in Kamen Rider lately? Feels like Agito or Kabuto may pop up at any moment.
As expected from such a simple suit very energetic fight style.
Unfortunately all main Riders have to fit to the format of "good natured" in some way. Something about his motif tells me that he's a kid that's always snacking, so he might be high-energy most of the time, but lazy other times. His mood will be tied to his hunger, and it's pretty one-dimensional in that regard. But maybe there's a catch where, the more he uses his belt, the more he'll lose his humanity to hunger? Might be a similar plot to Amazons.
What's the track in the movie's OST that has the Gavv part? The camcord doesn't let me hear that track well.
Yeah it wasn't bad, it was terrible.
Watch more shows.
It was okay at the start, but it slowly went to shit. It was very disappointing by the end.
>Acrobatic and strong outside suit
>Friendly and charismatic
>Transforming into Gavv is seemingly uncomfortable for him
>Fighting style is fun
I already like him more then Houtarou by a mile.
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> nobody mentioned Daigo's wife is also in the movie
So what wacky alien powers do you thing Shouma will have? I vote laser eyes
Can you guess who's the suit actor?
Mitchy is such a cool character, and I love his friendship with Kouta.
>Unfortunately all main Riders have to fit to the format of "good natured" in some way
Ow the edge.
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Chocodon and Domaru
Definitely lasers coming from somewhere
>fanny pack
>jack in the box driver
>gummy bear coating
but people will insist Gotchard was Rider at rock bottom
He probably won't be that much different from Ikki or Hotaro. But those two's debuts showed more of their personality and character. Ikki thanks to Vice for being a contrast to him and Gotchard by talking to the weird Chemmies. It showed their spin on that tired archetype, while Gavv doesn't show that much.
Revice also had a short movie released to tease the show, and that really should have been something they kept moving forward. That movie was better than most Revice episodes.
Well Saber didn't have a strong start so I think you're good.
This is the same kind of guy who praised Gotchard's movie cameo and then went on to complain about Houtaro all year long.
All I can say is whoever's writing is gonna make or break the show.
Gotchard will be the best thing ever when gavv turned out to be more boring than wizard
Trust me
>expecting foreigner to discuss in details about a movie they can't watch
Donut Goat
I'm PRETTY sure this is Kosuke Asai.
I make no promises of being correct, but I'm going off of a few factors here:
>Likes doing moves that literally fling him to the ground, basically weaponizing falling over
>Uncomfortable, weird poses
>Thinner build
I initially assumed Nawata in the pics prior but if he's in the scene with Valvarad, then that's just not the case.
Well it was obvious during Gotchard's cameo that they hadn't really figured out his full character yet. He was basically a complete trickster in the cameo while being all in-suit and the moment we learnt that Houtarou was Gotchard its like all the good will disappeared cause he was a total dork with no charisma. In Shouma's case he's appearing out of suit during his cameo showing off his in-show personality already flipping around and giving gummy sweets to people.
Can’t wait to see Domaru, it kinda looks weird to me
what humanity. This guy's pretty a fucking weird goblin birthing alien
>n-no don't complain much
Am i wrong to have an opinion here?
I thought the gauntlet was gonna be lame, but the way he uses it here is sick.
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Asai's balls aren't as big tho
if it actually is Komura then I'm expecting Gotchard with slightly better character writing
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>>expecting foreigner to discuss in details about a movie they can't watch
No one has explained well why there's a kid with Lachesis's mouth harp. Everyone on purpose keeps ignoring that. Is there some sort of time paradox too complicated to understand for non-Japanese speakers?
Gotchard IS the better series, the summer movie even better than RealXtime
Really deserves standing beside saber...though that's not ra high bar
Wish it's gonna be komura and another veteran partner
Food is part of the microcosm of life. It's very important. Gavv would use this as a life lesson throughout the series' run, even if the food theme focuses primarily on junk food collectibles.
takaiwa? Fujita?
No, I'm saying you're setting yourself up for disappointment.
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Say something about our protagonist Shouma (Hidekazu Chinen)
>Gotchard with slightly better character writing
Kajiki, Lachesis, and Spanner are fine when they get some spotlight. People here don't like character writing when it comes to the actual two MCs though.
He cute
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Suit still
My god you fags over analyze anything to a drastic degree if a cameo has you this worked up just don’t watch it. “Bu..bu..but it doesn’t show his personality enough” just stop. Do something more productive.
Dum-dum, he meant purple non human AT THE START OF THEIR SERIE
Also amazons doesn't count, it's not mainline rider
I need to protect him
>No one has explained well why there's a kid with Lachesis's mouth harp
You got baited hard by anon's fake summary, didn't you?
Can you not post like a fag please?
>have to duct tape the belt onto his belly every time he transform
>Complete trickster
I wouldn't call it being a trickster anon. He was definitely a lot more confident though.
It was more an inconsistent acting problem people have with them desu.
why are you replying to bait, retard?
yeah I probably should've said
>with actual likeable charismatic leads
>You got baited hard by anon's fake summary, didn't you?
Nigga, all the summaries so far don't explain shit about that kid. Read them again.
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*unzips belt*
Yes, it will all fall apart if the script itself not good. Reiwa is doomed.
Takahashi... chill out
This is why I only trust camrips and pics. The Chinese tend to miss lots of details because not necessarily they know Japanese.
There's a kid with a mouth harp riding Daybreak's motorcycle in one of the trailers. In case you missed it.
The fake summary I talked about "explained" the child as Supana and Lachesis' daughter.
Revice 2.0
alien femboy sexo
I hate takahashi..kobayashi is the better writer overall, and inoue of course
It didn't. Read it again. It just implied it without explaining the time paradox behind this. It was fake, retard. No one is denying that. Stop making an ass of yourself. If you don't have an explanation, then shut up.
Take your meds, autist-kun. Also what time paradox?
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Retard, just shut up if you don't have the explanation or spoiler I'm asking for.
I'm asking you what time paradox, you fucking schizo?
Fun to see Daigo spoiled that piece of info himself
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Anyone planning on picking this up?
pretty meh
I only can understand he's talking about wife (tsuma) but dunno about the rest, is there really Keiko Kitagawa as older Rinne?
He said that he and his wife even talked about the movie at home.

Since his role was Houtarou 20 years later, she asked if she could play the heroine (Rinne) of 20 years later as well, but DAIGO deflected the question, since he read the script and knew that she couldn’t.

He added that Keiko was also quite excited with the movie, as it was directed by Tasaki, who she was “in debt” to since PGSM (he was the main director back then).
>but DAIGO deflected the question, since he read the script and knew that she couldn’t.
Thought that it was obvious that only Hotaro, Clotho, and Atropos were still alive fighting Geryon. Rinne was like the first one implied to be dead since Q2.
Ah okay, so the movie didn't end with Future Hotaro getting everyone back, he's basically a branch of Hotaro's future then.
…I don’t think she watched the show weekly to know about that anon
We've known that Daybreak's is a split timeline ever since he commented his future didn't change even after intervening in the past, anon.
To thin to be Takaiwa, Fujita's moved into a directorial role.
>Dum-dum, he meant purple non human AT THE START OF THEIR SERIE
He literally said none of that. He outright mentioned Kiva, who isn't purple, says nothing about the start of the series, and uses "and" after Kiva to separate the two factors.
>Also amazons doesn't count, it's not mainline rider
Where did he ask for mainline Riders?
In your attempt to act smart all you did was embarrass yourself, ESL-kun.
Sex with Spanner.
Looks as good as I thought it would be, can't wait to watch /krg/ shit on it for a year and then jerk it off once whatever comes next starts airing like they do every series.
calm down, chesis
>can't wait to watch /krg/ shit on it for a year and then jerk it off once whatever comes next starts airing like they do every series
Ah yes, just like Revice, right?
Yeah, people were talking good shit about revice during Geats.

But generally, fuck /krg/ bunch of fake fans who are not true friends of justice.
>people were talking good shit about revice during Geats.
Woah, looks like we got a passing through anon from an AR World.
5ch reaction to DAIGO's performance on the movie
>DAIGO's reading was embarrassing.
>It's on the level of Kenzaki.
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>No matter the age, timeline, and actor, Hotaro is cursed to be always a victim of bad acting.
Fuck off, Kyle. We don't want you here.
I know some people have been hating his toku acting on Ultraman Saga.
There's a reason why it's easy to get him for commercials and stuff, especially Vanguard. Yet some autist thinks he's an expensive A-list actor.
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>Fuck off, Kyle.
Again? Holy fuck, anon. Rent a hotel room and have sex with Kyle if you are so obsessed with him.
Pretending to be someone else won't help you when you've already outed yourself like the retard you are, you disgusting pedophile.
I was expecting Willy Wonka from space. Hope we get some level of unhinged logic or something from him
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Pendejo, will you ever shut up.
Is it literally the same belt in just a new color and a couple new sounds? Or does it have a new VA, and more than a couple new sounds?
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So if the Gavv Belt is an organ, does that mean that the Gablade is a part of Shouma too?
I will only stop calling you out when you finally stop posting here.
Don't look up who his grandfather is
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Retarded cunt. Not leaving this place. I can tell you are new around here and a tourist, since you are the only idiot commenting over and over again "Oh, you are Kyle", "Kyle is here!", "Stop posting, Kyle!" Who in the name of fuck is Kyle and why we should give a fuck about some random gringo, when you people are more worthless in this fandom than any other Asian race? Just fuck off from this general. Nobody here cares about the discourse with your boyfriend.
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>Mexican getting this upset over Kyle memes
>Using my KEKera edit
What an irony, retard.
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The Shining cards make a new sound and there's a two cards yet to be revealed for Gotchard's finale. Otherwise seems most of it pretty much the same.
Tbf he *was* out last I heard. So he could be lurking these boards for all we know
Sento was the last well acted Rider.
Shining Nijigon?
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I feel like we should ban anyone who brings up here stuff like Kyle, Matt, or some random who nobody here cares about. Unless you are a Chinese or Japanese with leaks, I couldn't care less about your English drama. Keep it to your social media.

Do you mean when it comes to the main protagonists? Yeah. Aruto was decent though, considering his age. Motojima and Matsumoto are the only ones I have had big issues with. I never felt they were proper Kamen Rider protags.
Yeah, you're talking to him right now.
I legitimately didn't mind Ace at all
What a twist...
>I feel like we should ban anyone who brings up here stuff like Kyle, Matt, or some random who nobody here cares about
The only people who say this kind of shit are the ones who are getting called out and can't handle it at all, like Fatt Cunt. Nice way of outing yourself again, Kyle.
Kyle Carozza's a cartoonist and pedophile that got busted with CSEM, he's a manchild and toku fan so unfortunately not impossible he frequented the boards

...if I'm not talking to him now, but desu I doubt he'd pretend to be a lachesis fag, Alisa's too old for him even to fake lol
Probably. I was even thinking it's all 100 chemies split into two cards.
>but desu I doubt he'd pretend to be a lachesis fag, Alisa's too old for him even to fake lol
A Lachesisfag recently outed himself as a pedo, with two others potentially being pedos too since they saw nothing wrong with his folder:
Wasn't it just a drawing? The original file's dead there, but I was there at the time. You've been spending about it since.
*sperging damn autocorrect
From what I've heard, USA gives very light sentences for CP-related crimes, unlike tax and insurance frauds. Hoping the pedo stays behind bars is a lot to ask from that country, I guess. And now we are stuck also with a schizo calling everyone Kyle at the slightest praise for Gavv and criticism for Gotchard.

Good. But guess what, I already told you that there are like 15 of us, retard. What, you think only one anon here likes Lachesis, when Clotho and her Oricon interview surpassed in views Hotaro and friends'? The dark sisters have plenty of supporters here and in Japan. Their fan-meet-up this Sunday got as many visitors as the MC group's. So if you are going to be an absolute ass calling everyone here who posts Lachesis, Atropos, or likes the dark sisters "Kyle", you better be aware that this act is already becoming old and stupid so fast.

We are going to be frequently bringing them up next month and till the v-cinemas. So tell me, retard, will you keep calling here everyone Kyle for the next year or two?
>Wasn't it just a drawing?
Given it's a drawing of a real life child, that's damning enough. Kyle was a cartoonist, no doubt he gets off on drawings of children too.

That folder also had Reiyo pics typically used for coomerposting here.
>Wasn't it just a drawing?
That's the worst part. He's forcing a lolicon to be seen as equally bad as a real pedo and trolling with this issue. Both are bad, but clearly, 3d CP is way worse and rightfully illegal.
>I already told you that there are like 15 of us, retard
Simply liking Lachesis isn't the same as being one of the obnoxious avatarfags who are completely obsessed with her. And I doubt there's more than 3 of the latter.
>From what I've heard, USA gives very light sentences for CP-related crimes
In this case they definitely do, they released him a few days ago without bail apparently. Hence why I don't believe the guy sperging about him is correct, I don't think it's farfetched to say he isn't at least lurking.
Do you think we’ll get another irrelevant/underused P-Bandai LED belt rider? Demons, Glare and Dread are seriously some of the most unnecessary riders ever. I don’t know why they keep doing the multiple users crap either
>And now we are stuck also with a schizo calling everyone Kyle at the slightest praise for Gavv and criticism for Gotchard
No, I'm only calling you Kyle because you're obviously Kyle. Don't twist it to fit your narrative.
Shut the fuck up nigger
He's also Rinne coomer, so not just drawings. Coomerposting about Atropos has occasionally popped up here, likely done by that very same guy.
>still replying to himself
>that's damning enough.
We've been over this, it isn't. There's a huge difference between liking a piece of fan art and saving creep pics of the actress, let alone actual CP like Kyle.

The Reiyo pics on the otherhand I can't defend. Guy might actually be a hebe, but I mean that isn't exactly surprising with this board lol
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Great. Now we will have to endure Kyle and anti-Kyle's shitpost. That's what Twitter is for. Why the fuck they bring their drama over here? Better learn to ignore them and filter their posts.

>Do you think we’ll get another irrelevant/underused P-Bandai LED belt rider?
Totally. You know why. With a weakened yen and declining economy, they are desperate to squeeze out money from fans. Just buy what you want and ignore P-bandai stuff you don't care for.
The only pathetic one here is you, Kyle.
Filter "Kyle" and let the guy continue going rampant against the wall.
You couldn't be more wrong, Saborenigger
Or he's an adgy shitposter baiting for attention, that's what those posts always come off like to me.
>Now we will have to endure Kyle
We've been enduring your obnoxious ass for almost a year now.
Stop samefagging for once in your pathetic life
You know if this guy was Kyle he wouldn't still have his folder, pretty sure he got all of his computers seized.
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really hope komura wont fuck this up, i need gavv to be at least gotchard level of entertaining
Nice photoshop kyle.
Please slit your throat for the greater good.
I'm anticipating a slow burn with a decent hook and overall setting at the least.
Filtered. Bye-bye.
Lol lmao even
>a decent hook and overall setting at the least.
Wizard didn't have those.
good thing she wasn't Wizard's head writer
slow burn won't do
i like wizard, especially haruto but the main plot getting sidelined for like 40 eps infuriates me
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Wonder if we are going to get the main Gavv heroine to die 5 times, again.
I mean it was obvious where it was going. Hard to ignore outside circumstances regarding Koyomi too, her actress wasn't available for a lot of it which is pretty bad when the plot revolves around her ultimately.
but she's responsible for almost half of them
She was the head writer of four nichiasa shows and people here still obsess over one she wasn't in charge of
Even the dark sisters were better handled than Koyomi, despite one being a literal kid busy with school, and the other two working on stuff outside of Gotchard.
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>he's saboreschizo too
Welp, we finally found out the identity of the shitposter who's been singlehandedly ruining this board. Vulvaposter, yuaposter, saboreschizo, thanksgiving-kun, rinnepedo, atroposcoomer and the lachesis avatarfag? All him.
the white wizard/fueki twist many people already seen miles away but the other core plotline was barely touched
also she's like inoue that doesn't know how to integrate toys to the story
>fat fuck
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>also she's like inoue that doesn't know how to integrate toys to the story
At least Inoue delivers decent episodes and characters, now and then. Sharing cons but no pros with Inoue isn't a good sign.
We can still call you a pedo and warn anons about associating with a sick fuck such as you.
>woke up
>sees the thread going fast
>it's just one guy samefagging
The absolute state of this damned general
We don't want you here, pedophile.
Really? I thought of all things how Haruto gets his rings was pretty grounded. It's still magic at the end of the day, but the fact for example all of the stones that get turned into the Dragon rings come from Fueki and given to Wajima as Haruto develops in his magic was a cool touch. The whole movie ends up doing cool things with the rings as well with it being more common for people to make their own rings.
But the basic outline of the story wasn't by her
yeah I think Lupat is the worst case scenario of what Gavv could be
maybe heisei inoue, but now? Donbros inoue? Pretty much wasted
i'm afraid his daughter will follow his footstep
This is easily the worst site to discuss Rider
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the only reason I come here is because this is the one place I can talk about Rider without having to step on eggshell around someone's pronouns or palestine or whatever
You might genuinely be insane, damn
maybe i can cope with the fact that she been writing for sentai, therefore for rider she must've change her approach but nah
have to keep expectation very low
Like i said, stop samefagging for ONCE in your goddamned life!
Anon take your meds, your hallucinations are getting worse.
I'm not insane, it's pretty obvious that the general's resident shitposter has multiple personas/gimmicks to shit this place up with, his occasional slip-ups just make it even more so.

Fuck off, shitposting nigger.
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I miss when this general wasn't over taken by shitposters and false flagers
It's crazy to see how bad it's become
Why don't any of you realized he's capefag and been playing with you morons for years
Ohh you wanna play that game, kyle? Really?
We know about Thanksgiving kun, we don't know that it's all the same guy, let alone Kyle.
I'm gonna need lore on that one, I only started using the board a few years ago.
Genuinely just stop caring about fake internet points and that problem goes away entirely.
>he believes thanksgiving kun isn't kyle
And here we have another one of his gimmicks, repurposing past phrases others have used to call him out as his new shitposts.
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>Donbros inoue?
I beg to differ. Still better than most Reiwa stuff.
How many people does rinnepedo make seethe on a daily basis? Must be hundreds. Lmao
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>More filtered posts.
I get you, bro. Maybe things will calm down once the tourists leave. The general was pretty much dead before the movie and news about that pedo happened.
Why are you posting your own fabricated shitpost story, schizo?
Guy has even ruined Sentai threads. He's literally brain damaged.
The Vision Driver sold like crazy, so we'll definitely get another LED belt. I don't see them stopping with those unless the LED belts in two consecutive shows end up flopping or something.
because you guys have low standards when it comes to Sentai. If we got a Rider series that had the same flaws as Donbrothers nobody would like it
>Check relatives section on JP wiki page
>There's John Lennon and Yoko Ono
>shieats toy
>sold like crazy
>Maybe things will calm down once the tourists leave
Yeah, tourists such as you.
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>If we got a Rider series that had the same flaws as Donbrothers nobody would like it
I'm curious. Has Sentai ever had bottom-tier acting such as pic-related? Keeping it to protagonists, of course.
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my bait worked LOL
People here would shit on any new Rider season regardless of context
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Imagine hooking up with someone, and seeing that thing pop out when they undress.
Gekiranger and kiramei
Go watch more Toku instead of projecting and accusing others of being tourists.
>If we got a Rider series that had the same flaws as Donbrothers nobody would like it
people fucking love Kiva though
all of this just to make reiwa rider bad, good job
>he thinks there's just one shitposter
Adorable anon, your naivety is adorable
>Gekiranger and kiramei
I just know Gekiranger because of the chameleon waifu.
I'm people, I do love Kiva
And faiz and ryuki
Agito was the last good riinoue rider serie
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Rinne is nowhere near as bad as him.
He sounds like he’s struggling to say his catchphrase
I haven't seen Gekiranger in well over a decade but nobody in Kiramager was as bad as Rinne still is.
People hated Kiva back when it came out. It recently went through the Blade effect where more and more people are looking back on it fondly, but it's still not a very popular show (understandably so, it's a very flawed gem).
It would be very amusing if these posts are by the same person.
>It recently went through the Blade effect where more and more people are looking back on it fondly, but it's still not a very popular show
Blade and Drive suffer from the issue that their first arcs weren't as good as their final arcs. So many missed the best part of both series when they aired and found out that both shows improved too late.
Drive’s first arc was good. It just suffers from the usual Omori issues
>People hated Kiva back when it came out
They were wrong back then and they're still wrong now.
You need to be retarded to not understand both franchises are written with a different focus and have been that way for fifty years. Donbrothers main flaws are things that would not be present if he were to write another Rider show because they are Sentai issues.
Yes and so have previous Rider shows, newfag-kun.
The battle theme isn't anything I've heard in Rider before. A part of me hopes it's used in the actual show.
>nobody in Kiramager was as bad as Rinne still is.
Agree. Even the stoic and socially awkward villainess, who struggled to convey human emotions, acted well.
>main flaws are things that would not be present if he were to write another Rider show
Donbros’ main flaws aren’t exclusive to Sentai at all.
just off the top of my head
>some plot points literally goes nowhere or just resolved poorly (Point system, Juuto, Sentai Gears, etc)
>Murasame being an afterthought even for Inoue standards
>The obvious retcon in Jiro’s story.
>the video game motif is ignored completely
>You need to be retarded to not understand both franchises are written with a different focus and have been that way for fifty years. Donbrothers main flaws are things that would not be present if he were to write another Rider show because they are Sentai issues.

Nah, modern Inoue would have most of Donbrothers' flaws in Rider too, and they'd probably be magnified by Rider's toyline.

>Setting up plot points that then are ignored.
>Large parts of the toyline thrown into the show for no reason, and Rider has a bigger toyline where Bandai would never allow what Donbrothers got away with (many Sentai gears not used even once).
>An entire Sentai member that felt treated like he just existed due to the toyline but Inoue had no interest in him at all (Murasame)

Rider's bigger toyline would just multiply all those issues.

I enjoyed Donbrothers, but a Rider by modern Inoue would be just another disaster.
>but a Rider by modern Inoue would be just another disaster.
So Reiwa Rider?
People fucking love Faiz though
You never watched Faiz
Watching a show weekly on the most negative general in the board is a different experience than binging it. Kabuto has the same problems as Geats.
>Reiwa Rider
You mean the Build copycats?
Quit samefagging you dumbass newfag.
Unlike Geats, Kabuto is well-regarded here despite its mess of a plot because it still has enjoyable characters.
Dude’s an absolute freak
But everyone loves Geats?
Shit, maybe.
Nope I’ve see. Pretty much all of rider sans maybe last half of wizard and ghost, No one not even on sentai side has had that much cardboard cutout energy as that woman has had. Rinne is bad needed a coach to push her.
No idea how her V-cinema is going to work if the leaks are to be trusted.
And to add to this, this is comparing some of the past decade female yellows and pinks in sentai and thats a pretty low bar when it comes to “im just here”
I'm a little tipsy right now but I just want to say I am FUCKING HYPED for Gavv
Absolutely everything I have seen so far has put a big smile on my face. Today's news and clips have me even more excited. I really like Gavvs actor and the fact that the belt is his literal stomach
Loving Gavvs brutal and hyper fast fighting style and how the kick more focuses on how crazy the skid out after the impact is than the impact itself
I want Shoumas Jacket, it adds a lot to his henshin seeing him reveal Gavv underneath the zipper

Hoping Gavv is like an extraterrestrial super hero compared to Valen who is a more tactical militaristic rider ala birth or grease
>No idea how her V-cinema is going to work
The same way her focus episodes worked? What a dumb question.
Honestly, seeing Gavv in action is definitely helping to take away the "Zero-One but grape flavored" idea I had until now, I'm definitely warming up to him. Though it's going to take a while until I get used to the "belt is actually an organ" thing.
>The same way her focus episodes worked?
They don't work. That's the problem.
Strange to think something like this would take someone time to get used to.. when I see it I am instantly in love with the idea
It's genuinely a weird move for Kamen rider, a slight body horror angle actually
I think its really fucking cool and shows that the creative team are really thinking with this one. It couldve just been another belt dude. We got an ORGAN BELT MOTHER FUCKER
This shit is literally a part of his body, it already makes Gavv very unique
Sounds Strong.
When was the last time we had a Rider whose belt was an actual part of their body?
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Does anyone have Izusubs' .ass scripts for zero-one? I'd prefer all the scripts (episodes 1-45, the three movies) but I'll take what I can get.
Eww, plebbit. Go away
With Gavv being a granude and the base form having a monster motif, I hope we get a kaijin version of the Gavv suit
>Willingly browsing Reddit at all
>Posting it here
Fuck off
Agito? If not, Kiva with Kiva and Dark Kiva's Kibuckles. Ghost might be cheating a bit.>>
Praying to Christ this is OOO 2.0 and we get another Putotyra tier final form
It has got to be pure sugar extract, it makes Gavv extraordinaroly powerful while Destroying Souma Stomachs Stomach in the process
Give me evil gummy bear
Rijewel from Abaranger
>Aruto was decent though
The thing about Aruto is I kinda iffy about his character and writing, yet the actor is better in anything else but Zero-One.
>Blackstrap Gavv
It could be Kyle Broflovski
Hibiki was the last well acted Rider.
Why are Saberfags so fucking retarded?
Why are Anti-Saberfags so fucking mentally ill?
you starting shit without me, fake saboreschizo
do u think that shouma gets embarrassed when he eats too many gummis and births out gochizo in front of people??? and i would like to know if any of you have any pics of shouma birthing an gochizo from his belt while he looks nervous or embarrassed i just want to see it for a few laughs haha. another thing i am wondering is what do you think the gochizo smell like haha im just curious for laughs haha i would like to smell them
Shut the fuck up you shitposting ape
Gaim was my first Kamen Rider show and I loved the hell out of it. If I enjoyed the dark vibes and Rider vs Rider action, what would be a good series to check out next? There's like 40 of these series out right now.
>some plot points literally goes nowhere
Like most Sentai.
>Murasame being an afterthought
Like most side-villains in Sentai. It's more impressive Murasame didn't explode after his arc was up.
>The obvious retcon in Jiro’s story
That's not what retcon means.
>the video game motif is ignored completely
Happens all the time.
>Large parts of the toyline thrown into the show for no reason
And yet it still did more than what the last Reiwa riders did with unnecessary legend rider merch. Blaming Inoue for Toei wanting higher anniversary item sales because Zenkaiger underperformed is retarded.

>I enjoyed Donbrothers, but a Rider by modern Inoue would be just another disaster.
I repeat my first post. To think he would write a Rider show the same way he writes for Sentai is as retarded as saying Kuuga and Abaranger were written the same way and have the same qualities because they're both Arakawa.
All that said, I don't want him back either because Reiwa doesn't deserve him.
Ryuki, the show that inspired Gaim's writer.
>And yet it still did more than what the last Reiwa riders did with unnecessary legend rider merch.
The Legend Rider mech was Donbrothers' main collectibles though, not a side-thing to its actual gimmick. There's no Rider series that would get away with ignoring so much of the core toyline.

>To think he would write a Rider show the same way he writes for Sentai is as retarded as saying Kuuga and Abaranger were written the same way and have the same qualities because they're both Arakawa.

I mean, we saw him in stuff like Zi-O's Kiva episodes, Rider Time Ryuki and Zi-O vs Decade. There's nothing suggesting he'd treat Rider any differently than Sentai.
>Like most Sentai.

>Like most side-villains in Sentai.

>It's more impressive Murasame didn't explode after his arc was up.
Murasame didn't even have an arc. He makes his debut and then gets immediately sidelined, only receiving focus once in a blue moon.

>That's not what retcon means.
It was a retcon because later developments contradicted what was shown earlier on about his town's people.

> I don't want him back either because Reiwa doesn't deserve him.
Sentai doesn't deserve him yet here we are. It's Shirakura's call at the end of the day.
And you're not even the main target audience yet here we are
Man, I love Kamen Rider Kingoh
Including non-main series? Black Sun. Main series only? Ghost.
Neither are you, SEAmonkey, so shut the fuck up.
Is the blu-ray set a good purchase? How are the subs on it? Or should I just go the usual route and download fansubs instead?
Don't really like the suit. He looks like a minor character.
>Neo Decadriver kinda grew on me
>They're going back to the OG
I'm not complaining though.

What's weird is that Diend is still using the Neo Dindriver in Outsiders. I get they're unrelated productions, but do you think dying nerfed Decade?
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>now die!
>Gets sent off a bridge into the water

This is the 2000th time you've done this cmon man
I just consider Tsukasa with OG Decadriver in Gotchard movie is because not every audiences are too deep into every Rider lore, not everyone watched Zi-O or even the original Decade, so they don't want to change too much of the status quo.

Outsiders feel like something made for diehard fans so they put every details possible.
It should happen more
Decade is in the movie?
Not really just a nostalgiabait appearance
You can only do it so many times before it becomes a tiresome cliche
>main target audience
SEAniggers being retarded as always. The shows will never pander to you, unlike how they pander to the Chinks now.
Use either the SV-MirrorWorld or NonActionableFansubs releases. Don't waste your money on the Shout BD, it has bad video quality and subpar subs.
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Holy fuck she is so cute!
when did /krg/ get infested with chinks and chinkslurpers
I think it's because the Diend Driver is a weapon, not an actual part of the suit, so they're looser with keeping it on model, while with Decade the white belt has priority since it's his "on model" design.
when Toei started releasing their toku in China
ah so the usual westerners latching to something again because they're seething
Keep seething, SEAmonkey. You only have yourselves to blame for your terrible reputation.
Sounds like you were dropped on head as a baby
Well, they're not gonna stop with their work just because you're complaining.
>it's yet another shitposting battles between chinkworshippers and seaniggers
Can you guys just not?
Projecting much, little buddy?
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it's probably one guy samefagging
Those two sides are probably the same people
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Yeah this wins

Rijewel makes Reiyo look like she was classically trained
excited for Gavv, looks fun. Haven't been able to get into a rider show past the first few eps since build. Are any of them worth going back and watching before Gavv starts
There literally a built-in report button and filter function. Just use them.
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And she's still cute to this day.
Or you're just in denial.
Unironically, Saber is worth a watch. The only thing is that the first quarter can be messy and all over the place, but the pacing becomes much better after and I genuinely enjoyed it. I don't really like much of the other Reiwa shows to recommend them though, Geats might be decent but I got bored/sick of it towards the end and I didn't really like Zero-One because the job arc really dragged for me but I do admit I do really like the final arc and movies (Reiwa the First Generation and Real Time).
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Ironically another show where its worst actress gets constantly juxtaposed with an elementary school aged one who vastly outperforms her.
>Yeah, people were talking good shit about revice during Geats.
I swear to God that never happened at all. I even remember making a comment about how no one ever says a positive thing about Revice except Hiromi and even then Hiromi got shit on whether it was shitposting or not. Like genuinely, no one talked positively about Revice during Geats at all and I haven't even seen any posts saying anything good about during Gotchard either.
The only delusional person here is you.
This isn't like a hate thing on Revice by the way, just stating a general fact. I do know people also talked positively about Revi, Evil, and Demons' suits too of course and I completely agree.
Geats completely rejuvenated my interest in Kamen Rider, it’s worth watching for the action alone.
The first arc of Zero-One and the first half of so of Revice are also incredibly solid.
Gotchard isn’t anything mind blowing but it’s definitely worth a watch, just some solid more bog standard Kamen Rider.
I didn’t care for Saber at all, I think it really fails at making you connect with any of the characters in any capacity, but it’s V-Cinema was actually quite good. Worth just checking that out
Saber is the one Reiwa show that gets significantly better after the first few episodes. Zi-O and Gotchard get somewhat better after the beginning too, but their improvement isn't that big and their more episodic nature means the quality of each weekly arc varies quite a bit.
Is this bait? You literally proved my point that you have lower standards for Reiwa Sentai
archive exists
>I mean, we saw him in stuff like Zi-O's Kiva episodes, Rider Time Ryuki and Zi-O vs Decade. There's nothing suggesting he'd treat Rider any differently than Sentai.
All of those had nothing in common with Donbrothers outside of the humor, because they were written as Rider material and not Sentai material. Do you actually not understand both franchises have different ways of going about things?
>lower standards for Reiwa Sentai
Can you stop being retarded for a second? Sentai has always been this way because following an in-depth plotline is almost never the main focus dating back to before it was even Super.
Extremely common to introduce a new side villain/general, they get a few episodes in the spotlight, then explode unceremoniously. Go back to late Showa Sentai and the plot is out the window for almost the entire show with the exception of general fights because the focus has ALWAYS been the team.
Zi-O got better after Q1
Zero-One started very strong then got a bit limp then got better again
Saber started very weak but got way better and ended up with Reiwa's current best ending stretch
Revice started solid then fell into a fucking ditch. Unbelievable drop off, like there was BTS trouble.
Geats has cool factor in spades and is mostly pretty solid the whole way through.
Gotchard started super weak but grew into comfortable mediocrity with some bright spots (mostly concerning character drama, which its summer movie capitalized on 10 fold.)
And from Shouma's cameo in the Gotchard movie, Gavv looks like it'll be fun and intriguing when it comes to his origins.
>Asia and Latin America
Do they know nobody in Latin America has any money?
Revice fell off due to creative decisions, there's nothing that indicates the BTS issues affected the show in any significant way.
Why do so many Toku actors and singers travel all the way to Peruvian events then?
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I didn't say there exactly was, but it certainly felt like it.
In terms of Post-Build, Saber is unironically the only good one since it improves drastically after the beginning. It's also the most I've loved the cast since Build. Zi-O is fun as long as you turn your brain off and Zero-One is alright if you skip the job tournament bullshit which is an entire middle chunk of the show. Geats is more style over substance, kinda mid honestly but it's got cool bits. Gotchard is still airing and I feel like objectively it's decent or even good, but it's mind-blowingly average and I'm not as invested as I would like to be but that might just be because the protagonist can't act for shit. Revice and Black Sun just pissed me off with how bad they are, watch it if you're interested of course but they really are just not good.

Now if we're talking movies Shin Kamen Rider is fucking awesome and Zero-One: Real×Time and Saber: Trio of Deep Sin are bangers. Gotchard's summer movie sounds really good too from the stuff I've heard and seen, not that we can watch that anytime soon.
>with some bright spots
The Daybreak and Legend stuff is honestly the best parts of Gotchard and making the movie about Daybreak and including Legend was a wise decision.
>gen Z
Opinion discarded
Anon literally asked for post-Build, ESL
I feel like Black Sun didn't even want to be a Kamen Rider series and instead just wanted to be pure political satire which was so heavy handed it made my head spin.
>got any games on your Smaphone?
Black Sun had so much going for it too with beautiful suits for Black Sun and Shadow Moon, two great and prolific main actors, and Taguchi doing the special effects directing. The theme song by Chogakusei was fucking awesome too. But it ended up being the most painfully boring and gross show ever.
Believe it or not anon, LATAM is a pretty decent market for tokusatsu. Not only the have grown watching shows like Liveman, Flashman or Jiban, which were pretty big in places like Peru or Ecuador, and still harbor a pretty decent fan base nowadays, with the actors of said shows being very popular in such countries there's a reason you had things like a guy presenting Megumi Mori his own copy of her gravure back when she went to a convention in Peru a few years ago, but they also harvested some good enough success with their dubs of the first four Heisei Riders back in 2021. And that's only getting into account Toei toku, since they also got dubs for things like a fair amount of Ultra Shows, both Showa and Heisei, or even fucking Ryukendo, all of those rather popular as well.

Even if economy isn't their strongest point, it'd still find way more success there than in NA, given the facts. I honestly can't fault Toei from having them in their priorities.
Huh, I knew they got some shows in the 90s but I didn't know that was enough to carry the popularity to this day (even though fansubbers are almost all latin americans). I guess that does make sense. Definitely more than appealing to NA, like you said.
I legitimately don’t understand how anyone could say that Saber has one of the best casts ever, every single one of them feels like half of a complete character
>Saber has one of the best casts ever
Nah, it just has the best cast in Reiwa (so far).
>following an in-depth plotline
Why are you assuming that people wanted it to be like late heisei and reiwa rider?
The average 2000s Sentai puts some focus on the toys and at the very least explains where it comes from and its connection to the plot. Donbros going out of its way to make hints and never following up on it isn’t a good thing. The average rider and sentai would get destroyed for doing that
> they get a few episodes in the spotlight
That isn’t what happened to Murasame at all. He just appears for an episode and then disappears at random. His arc doesn’t even have a resolution, it just ends off-screen. He is the worst part of Donbros for a reason.
>Go back to late Showa Sentai
but this isn’t late showa sentai. We’ve had three decades worth of Sentai that’s done the opposite. If we’re talking about a 2020s show then mentioning things that were standard in the fucking 80s is irrelevant.
nah they all kinda alright, only thing i hate were the misunderstanding subplot and ren being annoying faggot more than michhy and mitsuki combined
Yeah kinda hard after watch the best Kamen Rider show ever. You should give Geats a chance in my opinion its the best Reiwa show to date.
The best thing about Wizard.
>kinda hard after watching the 5th best Kamen Rider show
Ftfy. Kuuga, Den-O, W and OOO are all better.
>no reiwa
There are a couple of ways to explain it story wise. 1. He lost half his power in Zio and he just never got it back to he is in a depowered state. 2. The Neo Decadriver ate shit when he got bitch slapped by the alternate Ohma-Zio during the special. Either way works.
she done any gravure?
I almost believed you up to that point and as much as I love W half the fucking show is filler.
Or maybe Tsukasa just didn't feel like using the Neo Decadriver that day.
gotchard will better because at least it's not reaching wizard level of boring
>muh character writing
Since heisei, i watched it for the action plot and characters.. nothing more nothing less
>two part eps
Bet you didn't even watch showa rider huh, poser?
You mean you don’t appreciate the fun bromance between Philip and Shotaro and their stupid antics?
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Episodic is just an alternate method of storytelling that lets you be more character-driven, it's not automatically worse than a serialized series simply by playing to a different style.
Kuuga, Fourze, OOO, Gaim, and Blade are the top 5 actually.
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this literally the proof that they still popular

And no, no saber rider at the top 25 lmao
Fuck listing shows. Who had the best belt gimmick? It’s Ryuki for me
This obsessed ESL can't stop talking about Saber
Yes and no. Gotchard, agito kabuto and blade are the few example why it's better to do both
>talks about heisei/showa series
>b-but saber
Like clockwork
that's the best movie rank, not individual rider
If Revice didn't have recency bias, it would rank way lower in most polls at that time.
Does anyone have the full set of these? I know they've been doing them since at least Saber, but I've never seen them compiled anywhere and honestly I'm not even totally sure what they're for. But I really dig them.
yet revice sold better than the one before it
No thats fine. But all the episodes about Santa and Queen and all the other characters were fucking pointless.
It's children's coloring paper you dumbass
You forgot to put "SaboreSuckDick" in your name field, retard.
>every single one of them
I wouldn't say every single one of them at all. The main trio are very fleshed out, Mei might seem annoying but she's genuinely the glue that holds everyone together, Ren has a slow burn but a very good development that turns his entire character around, and Yuri and Daishinji get short but sweet character development that changes their initial characteristics. The only ones I'd say are undeveloped are Ogami, Sofia, and the Shindai siblings. I also admit that I personally didn't like Touma very much at all but he pulls out some genuinely good moments and isn't half bad as a protagonist when he isn't trying to be goofy (I feel that TDS and Beyond Generations portray the best version kf Touma). Even with that though, the cast in general has great chemistry overall and are generally inoffensive and even the annoying ones become endearing like in the case of Mei and Ren. A lot of shows tend to lack that chemistry and cast synergy goes a long way.

Even ignoring all of that, Rintaro is genuinely one of the best secondary Riders and Kento's arc is incredibly well done and tragic. The emphasis on the trio and how important they are also really helps, something Takahashi shows fail to do with diminishing the roles of the secondary and tertiary. Yuri is also just awesome in general and is such a bro that he pretty much subs in as a secondary or tertiary Rider sometimes. So saying "every single one of them feels like half of a complete character" is very disingenuous.
I think that anon asked for the template for the past ones, don't be rude.
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>and isn't half bad as a protagonist when he isn't trying to be goofy
Goofy Touma is pretty good. All in all, Touma's a pretty well-rounded MC.
>Yuri is also just awesome in general
Even with all the shitposting that came with Saber, I've yet to see anyone make a single negative comment about based sword man.
Of course he's good, he got great debut and all..unlike that cringe tranny narrator
>no berserk form indicates a good show
Gotchadbros, we finally break the reiwa curse!!
>I've yet to see anyone make a single negative comment about based sword man
I heard he touches people
Tassel is more manly than you ever will be.
Are there no charismatic young actors recently or something? Kamen Rider's leads have been sorely lacking
We just had Ace.
Ace is good looking but he's not that charismatic
We have gavv
Houtarou is pretty much the only lead that isn't charismatic in some way, and Shouma seems charismatic too. So I dunno what you actually want "charisma" wise.
I want tendou or takumi in reiwa
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I consider you the gayest poster imaginable in this general
Soul Calibur 6's character creator still showing how stupid good it is six years later
It's impossible to be gayer than you.
>Not with us
you're talking crazy, friend
He wasn't there with the countless civilians who fell to their deaths while he was having a slap fight with Niramu over his mommy.
What was the announcement
What announcement? That they revealed Shouma?
Zim ZalaBim!

See, I can say random word too, anon. It doesn't make me funny
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No sound hacking this year
Doesn't count, that was before he became our friendly neighborhood deity.
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Everyone's hungry for Shouma's protruding transformation organ
I know it's supposed to be his stomach, but I am more reminded that it's on his navel
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What's above Super A Rank?
>do do do doo dun dun dun dun!
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I wish spanner didn't wear the clean alchemist look. he looks much better in his off-wear.
Minato/Kyoka's rank (silver ring with red gem) and Geryon/Fuga's rank (gold ring with red gem).
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crossover when?
i hate the cranking transformation pose. He had to keep cranking while using one hand to pose. Build's faster.
I think you know the speed is going to be changed around whenever need be in the series, anon.
Yes sound hacking this year.
It's just a pair of programming resistors. Should be absolutely fucking trivial to get all the sounds out.
true but for first impressions, not that desireable.
>No Alchemy logo
Is he splintering off? I can't imagine them doing betrayal arc with the episodes we have left
>Splintering off
Bro, where even are all the other high ranking alchemists? What the fuck are they doing that’s more important than countering the three abyssal kings?
the "high ranking alchemists" reminds me of BOARD
Must be some sort of allegory that the alchemy union are just a bunch of incompetent and inconsequential old men
Shut up nigger
it's been like that since showa, newfag-kun
In the Vcinema they’ll probably reveal that a lot of them also secretly evil too.
The villains better be meat and sausages and stuff.
Cropped for her pleasure (mainly for the benefit of anyone viewing on a phone)
it's gonna be fetish monsters
Lachesis doesn't appear in the group shot with all the Riders standing by Gotchard's side. I guess she will be busy dealing with Clotho and Atropos instead of fighting Geryon's kaijuu.
Didn't color mention that the monsters might be similar looking to Lords?
Which series have the best OST?
i'll start:
Kuuga & ghost
Finally, Blade tribute for its 20th anniversary
Color mention it's only simple animalistic design like lords not scary, gritty looking monster
That's hard to gauge because KR basically always has good music. Though the one that pops up in my head the most is the Zero-One OST.
I really hope that Go Sakabe coming back for Gavv it'll be another banger OST.

I need more Kamen Rider eating compilation
Kiva for sure
The Kiva default battle theme is so good
I still don't get the pun on Ixa
>Deep Breath playing while Shouichi gorging his bento
Man, Agito was a trip. If Gotchard does that with What Your Fire, people would be shitting the direction till no end
My best guess
that or "excalibur" I suppose

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