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Secondary characters have no real response to this
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And how many have you managed? Weakling.
Kira could suck at least 30 and still go for more.
He says this in a room that has 2 pilots who have downed him before.
And CHADira beat both of them.
When did Kira ever beat Shinn?
I told you many times he beat him at ORB.
Kira STYLED on Shinn and had to run away in the end.

Anyways CHADira is undefeated and also the best pilot.
And now with his new OP Gundam he can style even the Turn A.
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Kira literally gets his ass kicked immediately after saying that.
Kira defeating Shinn at orb is pure contrivance. The whole bit where Destiny's battery depletes after firing it's cannon once despite being hooked up to a Nuclear reactor is absolutely stupid, and even Sunrise realised it's stupid since they had to retcon reasons for it to make sense that weren't even consistent with eachother (From Kira's railguns knocking the reactor out despite no cosmetic damage to Destiny burning out after activating some "Overclock mode" that only exists to patch up that bad piece of writing)
Yugioh GX did this character arc better
What, the season 3 one? It's been a while since I saw GX.
It might be contrivance but it still happened.

So did Shinn beating him. Or does that not count as a defeat that you're saying "undefeated"?
It doesn’t count because Kira himself didn’t care about it.
Athruns response of beating the shit out of him seemed pretty good
Nobody on his team seems to care about losses. Compass got completely humilated and shitstomped mid film and instead of being angry about how all their hard work was ruined, Foundation fucked over their big chance to shut down Blue Cosmos for good and that their iconic ship/on and off home for the last 3 years was trashed, their biggest concern is if Lacus is fucking Orphee now. Nobody gets angry at losses. It actually kind of annoying.
They know they’re gonna win in the end so why care?
Plus plenty of other good pilots with decent track records. Kira is skilled as a pilot and engineer, but absolutely sucks as a leader. Earlier in the movie Shinn was complaining about having little to do, while Kira was running himself ragged.
>From Kira's railguns knocking the reactor out despite no cosmetic damage to Destiny
I see this quite a lot lately. What is the source for this
Kira sleeps in the shed
Lacus has orgies in her bed
Keep seething over Kira, bitch.
We don't sign our posts here.
Keep crying.
We don't post our schedules here either.
Also, Kira never tells anyone that Agnes betrayed them. He was more concerned about the idea of Lacus cucking him. As far as everyone was considered she was dead until Luna beat her ass in the final battle. Though, would anyone even be surprised considering how much of a bitch she is?
Bizarrely enough Shinn's demonstrated better teamwork than the other two, given how he came up with an impromptu plan to shoot down the freedom and how he and the Minerva team took out the Destroy Gundams in Heaven's base
Maybe he's just used to working with a team more compared to Kira who's more often than not a one man army.
Kira works better as a one man army anyways.
Going in and all PEW PEW to all sides.

He's only able to effectively fight in the climax of both shows because he's the spear point of a joint effort, mostly alongside Athrun but with multiple others in mobile suits and warships backing him. He is absolutely at his best as part of a team, and all going in "PEW PEW" against everyone is usually effective against us mooks who he doesn't need to be his best against anyway.

His Freedom fight was still solo, which Rey just pointing out that Kira avoids the cockpit and in Destroy all he really does is note the Anti Ship Sword works great against them and tells Rey and Luna to equip them as well. That's good strategic prowess, I don't know if I'd call it teamwork though as it's not like he's coordinating a squad. Shinn does work well in conjunction with Rey, but then so does Kira with Athrun.
>Secondary characters have no real response to this

"We have the spine to kill and live with that decision; if it's the objective best choice." There you go.
That would probably just make Kira even more likely to not want them helping him. He doesn't want anymore death
I thought Kira had no problems with his allies killing. At least with Athrun.
By Freedom he really seems sick of it all, he just wants the fighting to stop and doesn't really give a shit who is or isn't justified. He still allows it to an extent and even kills a few himself, but I wouldn't be surprised if one of the reasons his major strategy is for him to solo everyone is just so he can disable everyone at his convenience without worrying about his allies killing anyone.
That may actually work if he was still using Strike Freedom, but isn't Rising Freedom a bit underpowered for those sorts of shenanigans? And that's ignoring the issue of what the other Compass pilots get; either Shinn gets Destiny back and goes on a rampage, or he gets stuck with a battery powered suit.
>but isn't Rising Freedom a bit underpowered for those sorts of shenanigans

Didn't seem to have much trouble in the opening scene
>Has three losses under his belt
I don't think you know what that word means ESL-tard.
Kira has never lost.
he was just doing his ultimate "my face to your fist" technique
I'm bleeding. Making me the victor.
>Compass got completely humilated and shitstomped mid film and instead of being angry about how all their hard work was ruined
That's literally the point of the scene OP posted you fucking retard
Kira's pissed about Lacus and Lacus only. Not one person in that scene seems remotely upset about the actual humiliation they went through and how their ship of several years just got destroyed like a chump. If Lacus didn't go with Foundation and was with them Kira would have just laughed the whole thing off like he did Angel Down.
Athrun beat Kira by self destructing the Aegis
Shinn beat Kira with the power of partswapping.

You're an idiot shitposter who probably never watched any gundam whatsoever.
>Fight ended in a draw (Athrun himself said he never beat Kira)
>Unofficial fight + Shinn had to cheat

Kira? Undefeated.
>Shinn had to cheat
This is a war, not a fighting tournament.
I mean thats reasonable and relatable writing. Imagine if the person you slept next to and had faith in betrayed you, youd be a mess and disregarding a bunch of other issues for sure. Emotions suck
I feel like you're missing the point. The issue isn't his laser focus. The issue is he doesn't bring it up at all and it's kind of important. Being more concerned with your personal problems is human, being so laser focused when you're in a position of authority and leadership and neglecting information that could impact the well being of others is being shit.
Athrun saw it (and shot at her to stop her from finishing Kira) so he probably reported it.
Kira was in the superior machine and lost with the Freedom being destroyed, Shinn won no matter how you look at it.

> Secondary characters have no real response to this

Schönkopf laughed.
Everyone in seed loses for being in seed. It's like being the fattest pig on the farm.
DEMENTIAthrun also said that Kira never tried to kill anyone...

> Unofficial fight

You whole post is obviously stupid as fuck, but this bit is particularly funny to me; what, to your mind, constitutes an official fight? What are the "rules" of war? Is CE now a participant in the Gundam Fight? I really want to see you try to piece an answer together that doesn't also indict Kira himself.
Cope ;)


And he’s right.
If we apply Gundam Fight rules to Operation Angel Down by itself, then Shinn gets disqualified first for having Impulse's head destroyed. However, Kira gets a tap on the shoulder for aiming for the cockpit, even if Shinn dodged the slash.
However, if we consistently applied Gundam Fight rules to the entire CE timeline, then Freedom was actually disqualified back in Seed for having its head destroyed by the Druggies, and not waiting four years to be admitted into the next Gundam Fight. But then on that basis the entire Earth Sphere in CE is going against the entire point of the Gundam Fight by having multiple full on wars, which points out how ridiculous this comparison is in the first place.
My guess is a fight where Kira wins. So, I guess the Foundation ambush is unofficial too.
Either way the only reason the other anon is making claims like "Shinn cheated" or "The fight is unofficial" is because Kira lost, and it messes with his headcanon that Kira is a god who always wins.
Kira effectively let Shinn almost kill him. That's makes Kira a complete retard but it doesn't mean Shinn is really better.
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Are we back to KEKthrun posting again?
37 dicks?!
kek he had no response for this
Wait I didn't see the movie, They really didn't repair the godawful Cagali & Athrun... everything?
They got reset to the state their relationship was in during the ending of SEED and Meyrin's relationship to him was written off as a short little crush she had
So who beat her with the ugly stick
Lacus is sitting on Shinn's cock
Are you the same bitch who shitposted that Barbatos is undefeated on twitter?
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Even defining it as a fight where Kira wins inherently begs the question "what about fights that don't involve Kira as a participant?" Are they all just "unofficial". Was the entire preceding war in SEED unofficial until Kira turned up? Who decides that in universe? And if only Kira is allowed to win "official" fights, then how is that not an indictment of him as a character in or out of universe. The reasoning is pretty obvious in universe, since it paints Kira himself as arbiter of conflict, lording it over people who don't let him have his way, but even out of universe it'd make him a massive Gary Stu.
Nobody in the staff likes Cagalli. Why else would they drop her for a harem in Destiny?
Kira in Seed was perfect. Destiny and Freedom made him become so fucking retarded it hurts lol. It's entertaining and I don't hate it but Kira's character arc in the beginning had a set beginning middle and end and he deserved everything he got in the original. Him turning into Jesus Yamato pacifist was great but then he becomes a total bitch in the sequels lol.
You know the rules
and so do I
A full commitment is what I'm thinking of.
SEED Kira was annoying.
Destiny Kira is peak Kira.
Freedom Kira is a bad parody.
>is peak Kira
>loses to Shinn

I guess the conclusion is that even at his peak, Kira was a loser
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>SHITnnfags are still seething over Kira being undefeated
Your jobber needed so many handicaps and he still couldn't beat our lord.
Meanwhile CHADira DESTROYED and EMBARRASED SHITnn at ORB who then FLED

No wonder he became another follower of the lord in the end.
It's funny that stuff like pic related is now outdated since according to Freedom Shinn hates Athrun now.
That was your reaction to reading dem facts, yeah


You're thinking of the Freedom

smartest Kuckira simp
I still find it funny.
When was the last time Kira piloted a suit that wasn't mary sue garbage made specially for him?
Rising Freedom in the Seed Freedom movie
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I liked Kira's characterization in this movie just for this. Buying into his own hype rather than an sanctimonious poser.
Rising Freedom was still built for him off the data of his previous suits just with limited power
yeah and since it was so weak, it was actually not mary sue bullshit, it was sorta engaging to see kira get ganged up on and have parts of his suit hacked off in succession
>Kira was gangbanged

Finally, he and Lacus have something in common.
It certainly says something that Fukuda's way of "apologising" to the Minerva team being mistreated at the end of Destiny is by having them do the exact same thing to someone else in the movie except their victim was more of a one note villain than they were
>shinn watching from above with the big dick gun hanging between the destiny's legs
Perhaps it's eluding me, but i can't remember a single time Shinn liked Athrun besides thinking he was a respected guy during their first meeting.
I just find it funny that Shinn is apparently on good terms with everyone except Athrun. Though, Fukuda claims they're not on bad terms but they're not buddy-buddy either.
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Cope ;)
The only one getting gangbanged is Luna while SHITnn watches.
>cope with you being a retard

I'll leave that to your disappointed parents.
You’re the only retard here
You've been crying over the unwavering fact of Kira being a cuckold for years kek
How was Kira a cuck before the movie?
If they ever make a continuation, can they even turn around Agnes as a character the way they did Shinn? As much of a jackass he could be, Shinn demonstrated some levels of being a decent and likeable person at times, and you could use Rey as a scapegoat for his worse behaviours towards the end of Seed Destiny. Agnes is just wholly detestable every second she's onscreen, and there's no-one else to blame that on. Fucking Ingrid is more redeemable, or at least she would be if Kira didn't vaporise her.
You're the only one that believes that.

He believes that since Kira and Lacus slept in separate beds at the beginning of Destiny that it means Kira is a "cuck"
And Kira isn't even a cuck in the film.
Everyone on /m/ knows it's true
Kira was cucked by Lacus in CE 72
Who cares. The point is it couldve easily been the torso beam and Shinn is only alive due to Kira’s mercy. He lost right then and there.
Yeah and Kira could've easily been the winner of their only actual fight. But he wasn't. Since he LOST.
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To be fair, Ingrid chose to die alongside Orphee. Just like Gladys back in Destiny, except Ingrid didn't leave a son behind.
Sounds like a retard.
But Kira in the movie not doing anything when he sees Orphee approach Lacus is a terrible look.
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People think Lacus was cucking Kira in Destiny because they slept in separate beds. I always thought it was meant to portray them as a pure couple.
cucking literally requires another person to come in and successfully take lacus away from kira by fucking her, people are fucking retarded
Yeah: purely cucked
We don't want too much drama, they deleted the scene about Kira and Lacus have big fight because of that and Kira makes Lacus cry

In this house Lacus and Kira actually share the same room they could just sleep together whenever they wants, the kids likely are afraid to sleep by themself
Would have been nice to see someone call out Lacus for her stupid behavior at the start of the movie and I'm saying this as a fan of their relationship.
>except Ingrid didn't leave a son behind.
Neither did Talia lmao
Fukuda is revealing a lot of stuff in Grendizer U streams of a YouTuber called serikasara
Oh right. Arthur's taking care of him now.
Do, they still sleep in the separate beds? Those beds are huge, even for just two people.
Don't you watch freedom? there is only one bed in their house they don't even have bedroom but just a double bed on Second Floor
kira should have died when shinn fucked him up in the frosty north but the creators had no balls
They both should have died
Too late by then. They'd already committed to Kira's takeover by then
in a row?
>Fllay should've been that person, It would've been hilarious and meta.
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Yup, that's a Buster.
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They are just secondary how will they response they can't do anything without Kira and Lacus, even Athrun and Shinn are just side kicks, Cagalli barely relevant outside her country so
Lacus is literally incompetent and irrelevant in the movie, what are you talking about? She does nothing in Foundation and is laughably gullible.
>The movie is about her
>She is irrelevant
>She is the one making choice and decision even if it is a mistake
>She is irrelevant
She is more of main character than Kira actually if you talk about the movie, Kira is just main character in sense of main mecha pilot, Athrun that could just be replaced with Shinn, I think Murrue can also put some sense into Kira don't need Athrun, Shinn still needs more indivual story to make him more relevant beyond mecha battle, Cagalli is not even supposed to be in the movie.
So, where does that leave Lunamaria, Mu, Meyrin, Agnes, Yzak, and Dearka?
They are supporting characters
Yes, I know she has the most screen time, she is still irrelevant, I'm saying this as someone that liked Lacus before the movie.

Every single answer is in front of her and she takes the wrong decision at every opportunity, the only thing she did all movie was dock the Proud Defender into the Strike Freedom and even then she doesn't even pilot it, it's all work of Heinlein.
That's Kira's response to why he insists on trying to solo every battle, which in that case is very much wrong. Athrun and Shinn can keep up with him just fine and Hilda is no slouch either. The fact that Kira says they're all weaker than him and not able to fight alongside him and then Athrun promptly kicks his ass makes that clear. Now if Kira was talking about political relevance or breaking the 4th wall and talking about relevance to the plot maybe he'd have a point but that's not what the conversation is about.
>Every single answer is in front of her and she takes the wrong decision at every opportunity

So just like Athrun and Cagalli in Destiny
Yes, especially Athrun, and people rightfully criticized him being a retard.

You don't do the same because you'd forgive anything Lacus did, look at how you ignored everything I said. Your reply means you agree that Lacus is irrelevant and stupid in the movie.
How is she irrelevant for you just because she makes mistake or she is not a mecha pilot? It is not about screentime but about who is the story about , Kira is like the plot device in which everything happened because he becomes Lacus boyfriend if he is not, then there is no reason for Orphee to nuke Eurasia, Orphee may actually get with Lacus, it has not been proven yet that Destiny Plan is wrong Lacus likely give up and choose destiny plan too if Lacus choose then everyone likely will too, because she is the guide for peace, than other characters could do what? What relevancy of other character in this?
Please learn how to speak English properly and format your sentences.

You do understand that both Lacus and Kira taking into consideration the Destiny Plan is retarded, right? That alone should tell you how much effort Morosawa and Fukuda put into this shit.
Reminder Durandal did nothing wrong
>You do understand that both Lacus and Kira taking into consideration the Destiny Plan is retarded, right?

Moment of weakness. After all the stuff they'd been through lately they stopped to consider if maybe they'd made a mistake after all since Blue Cosmos wasn't going away.

If anything the movie confirms the Destiny Plan will not work in the context of CE. It will just flip the board to give the Coordinators all the power and make them the oppressors which is why some people in Plant wanted it.
Weakness doesn't fucking excuse Lacus thinking that people who believe in the Destiny Plan (literally strips humanity of free will) have a point.

They stopped 3 genocidal maniacs and someone who wanted to turn humanity into slaves for 3 years, but one year of fighting against weak Blue Cosmos suits that get fodderized by Kira on their own make them consider the Destiny Plan?
The problem with CE is that the universe revolves so heavily around Kira and Lacus, and that their forces are so overpowered when they have their shit together, that the plots of Destiny and Freedom only work if Kira and Lacus act like lazy retards every once in a while.
Any info on the special edition epilogue?
>Weakness doesn't fucking excuse Lacus thinking that people who believe in the Destiny Plan (literally strips humanity of free will) have a point.
The Destiny Plan doesn't remove free will. If anything, it enhances free will since people will be allowed to be their truest selves and do exactly what they want to do. It's good in theory, and it could be good with just leaders like Lacus and Kira at the helm.
>They stopped 3 genocidal maniacs and someone who wanted to turn humanity into slaves for 3 years, but one year of fighting against weak Blue Cosmos suits that get fodderized by Kira on their own make them consider the Destiny Plan?
Kira can't be everywhere, constantly fighting. And Blue Cosmos is only a symptom of the problem. There's an economic depression in CE 75, and that obviously makes life miserable and can lead to political unrest.
>Kira can't be everywhere, constantly fighting
Which would be less of an issue if Kira didn't have a Messiah complex and kept trying to solo armies in a battery powered suit. Either delegate some stuff to Shinn and Luna (fuck Agnes she's useless), or rip off the band-aid and use something with nuclear power.
Please rewatch Destiny, you misunderstood the Destiny Plan completely.
Is there any character that didn't act retarded in Destiny?
The issue with the Destiny Plan in Destiny is that Durandal was a hypocrite. He tried to replace Lacus because she's an Accord and he didn't want reasonable protest to his claims of having leader genes. Plus, it's strongly implied that he orchestrated the Junius Seven drop so that he could have the Minerva come in, save the day, and make everyone love ZAFT (Durandal tells Shinn that he wants the Minerva to be the new Archangel, and now we know that's because he was threatened by the genetic superiority of Kira and Lacus). The Destiny Plan is all about letting nature take its course and accepting your place, but Durandal manipulated everything to try to gain undeserved power.
>Please rewatch Destiny
There is no need for cruelty.
>He tried to replace Lacus because she's an Accord

This is just a retcon that Fukuda doesn't even try to explain and is only used for NTR purposes. I'm sorry but any conversation where Lacus is called an Accord is a waste of time.
Uh, Newman? It's really hard to actually pick someone who's not just some faceless who.
He went along with Kira and Murrue's shenanigans though. He certainly wasn't saying "Maybe we shouldn't just fly into the warzone and start shooting everyone when we're trying to avoid heat from Zaft as it is."
>It's good in theory, and it could be good with just leaders like Lacus and Kira at the helm.

The problem is it puts Coordinators at the top and will make people see genetics as the be all end all of everything in life. While people who remembered the wars of the old world might be able to appreciate things enough to make an effort to keep everyone happy, anyone born into the plan will be just the Accords, a bunch of spoiled asshats that think they deserve everything because their genetics are better and see anyone not them as less than human and not worth being alive.

To Durandal's credit he was seemingly not a Coordinator supremacist and was going to try to make Natural's comfortable in the system even if they were at the bottom, but the Accords were blatant Natural haters who effectively wanted to enslave and/or kill them and eventually people like them would be on top.

And it doesn't allow free will very much because people will only want to do what their genetics say they should if they're raised from birth to think that way. Otherwise there's no guarantee that will be the case, Kira and Lacus want to reject their genetic place in the world to be a programmer and housewife. It's not like the Qun in Dragon Age
Actually, in the Special Edition of the movie, just like in the in the novel, one of Kira's Darkness is actually about being proven wrong by Durandal.
I know, it's another reason for the movie being bad and Fukuda being retarded. Why was the original scene just about Kira's origin? Why were the Durandal and Lacus scenes only added 9 months after?
Lacus isn’t supposed to be a housewife though she’s supposed to be queen of the world
How is that make the movie bad? Fukuda was on the rush to finish the movie to run on theater, it was already in the novel which means it was in his mind all along
You do realise that it's just scenes that got copy pasted from the movie? How is Fukuda always releasing incomplete works that look like shit and need to be corrected?

He fucking said the script for the movie was done in 2006 and we know that's a lie.
The funny thing only in Seed Fandom is that I see fans of secondary characters complain about being treated as secondary characters.
He always has bad time management
I know, that's his problem.
>The problem is it puts Coordinators at the top
No, Naturals would still have the important task of reproducing. They'd have control over whether life is created or not.
> the Accords, a bunch of spoiled asshats that think they deserve everything because their genetics are better and see anyone not them as less than human and not worth being alive.
Not necessarily, Lacus wasn't like that.
>Kira and Lacus want to reject their genetic place in the world to be a programmer and housewife
Lacus was engineered to be a leader, and I highly doubt Kira was made to be a programmer. Why would you make the Ultimate Coordinator into a programmer?

Lacus wants to be a housewife, but she was genetically created to be world leader.
>No, Naturals would still have the important task of reproducing. They'd have control over whether life is created or not.

If you can design and grow people from birth Natural reproduction would be considered obsolete anyway. They'd just be cattle for genetic material harvesting.

>Not necessarily, Lacus wasn't like that.

Lacus wasn't raised in the Destiny Plan. Or in Foundation for that matter. If she was raised by Aura from birth alongside Orphee she'd probably have turned out quite different.

>Lacus was engineered to be a leader, and I highly doubt Kira was made to be a programmer. Why would you make the Ultimate Coordinator into a programmer?

Lacus was created to be a leader and Kira a warrior and neither want that role, Lacus wants to be a housewife and Kira a programmer or otherwise some non combat job. The Destiny Plan would force them into roles neither really want, as shown by the start of this film where they are in fact doing those jobs out of a sense of responsibility hate it and have no time for each other because their duties keep them busy and apart.
Overall Yzak is the closest thing in SEED to a character acting less retarded as time passes
Who's the sexiest SEED girl, and why is it Lunamaria?
>Lacus wants to be a ho
Morosawa said she just wanted to be housewife and raise kids, Kantoku dragged her into all these anime stuff.
Kira and Lacus should have just stayed retired in Destiny.
I always thought Buster was cool because it's one of the few Gundams that actually needs to use it's hands for it's supa beamu attack
Making the guns hands-free and giving them an over the shoulder position was just dirty
Objectively it's
>Lunamaria's sister
>Everyone else
in order
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now that the dust has settled, what are your honest thoughts on this machine now?
I love it. I always loved the Destiny. It's my favorite CE Gundam.
>Uses Fllay but not Stellar
Weebs are weird.
That would be hard to do with the assassination attempts against them

Yeah they wanted to stay retired to begin with until their house was blown up. Then they're only options were to either butt into the war or remain in hiding with AA biting their nails that they weren't attacked again
I guess that's what happens when you make your main characters the most important people in the world. I don't think anyone made any assassination attempts on Amuro between 0079 or CCA, did they?
While Amuro being put under "house arrest" and being monitored closely until Zeta obviously wasn't an assassination attempt but the Feds were definitely wary of him.
No but the Feds had him basically under 24-7 surveillance and probably would have put a hit on him if he made any hint of looking like he might get in the Titans way.
They didn't make any hit attempts but the Feds did seem to go out of their way to make sure the White Base was neutered post war via keeping Amuro under guard and demoting Bright to shuttle captain.
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destiny Gundam will always be a joke
Shinn remains 1-0 against Kira
>still coping
SHITnn lost to CHADira.
SHITnn then watched CHADira have sex with Luna like a good cuck.
This never happened. We don't sign our posts here btw.
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So why did she just talk to Orphee like he didn't try to kiss her in front of her boyfriend 5 minutes earlier?
Orphee was pretty much messing around with her mind from the moment she arrived in Foundation. You know that Accords can do that from a distance given what happened to Kira.
If this was true, nothing would stop Orphee from doing the same in the second half of the movie. Everytime he messes with her mind (which is mind control because he's always fine during those scenes) is during the resonance scenes. Here Lacus was perfectly fine.
Lacus has to act like a retard long enough for Foundation to get a head start.
Lacus didn't know what the hell was going on the first times he did it, only that she was being unusually drawn to this guy and she didn't know why. Once they outright told her they were both psychics and genetically programmed to be drawn to each other, Lacus wasn't going to fall for it. Plus Orphee was preaching generic peace messages here while in the second half of the film they'd already revealed to Lacus their peace was torching the old world and ruling over it as the overlords which is not something Lacus was on board with.

They can't straight up mindcontrol her against her will when she knows what they are and what they want to do.
Accords don't have full mind control, we see it fail against Shinn. What they do is try to implant subliminal messages/concepts into people's minds and hope it works. Once you know the trick, you can just shut them out. See Orphee failing at trying to get Lacus to have sex with him.
Main anime characters tend not to have any actual talent.
They survive on plot armor alone.
You actually thought this made sense when you sent this?

They can't mindcontrol her if she knows what they are trying to do? Are you serious?
Yeah? They don't have the power to completely brute force mind control people despite their resistance, if they did then nobody would have been able to fight against them. Their mind control trick doesn't work if you know about it and are resisting. They need something to get their hooks into. That's like a standard mind control plot point unless the character can just brute force take total control which the Accords can not. Even Kira was in a stressed mental state where he wanted the fighting to be over and was doubting himself when he got darknessed by that one guy.

Like anon says here. Most of their mental tricks are subliminal things
No wonder people ate up this movie with the amount of headcanons they create to rationalize it.
>luck isn't a talent
There's no headcanon when it's shown by Shinn and Athrun that Accord mind fuckery has obvious weaknesses. Do you really need the movie to spell everything out for you word for word
It's hilarious to think the Accords' plan would've failed if it hinged on using their powers on Shinn or Athrun, given how angry/horny they are.
Still Kira is the one beating the bad guy in the end even in Destiny when he appeared later talk about anyone who demand secondary characters to be main characters, this or that characters should be main next but none of them actually ever relevant to the main plot in the end Kira and Lacus would need to come back and stole the spotlight again and end up getting hate again, they can't be replaced as main characters except they want to create spin off.
>Main anime characters tend not to have any actual talent.
>They survive on plot armor alone
There is a difference between mind control (Lacus, Kira, Shinn) and mind reading (Athrun).
The weakness for mind control is having "too much darkness", in Shinn's case it's Stella in a gag scene. Somehow someone Shinn had zero conversations with is a bigger burden than anything Kira and Lacus went through in their lives.
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What happened to the Destiny?
irrelevant when compared to OUR GUYS
I didn't know Orphee was one of OUR GUYS.

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