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No new art though, using the latest volume in hopes of manifesting it.

--useful links--
>official Reboot illustration list, missing first few entries

>scans of some of the earlier entires

>samples of the ongoing manga

>weibo page of Watership 4.5, a fan circle that makes 3d models of many AoZ designs. Good insight into how they function.

>another page with their stuff

>internet archive has scans of The Flag of Titans compiled in 6 volumes, this is the first one

>proof of concept for a translation project of the Reboot volumes

>last thread
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Hello, fellow TR plan MS
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Eh, close enough. Fujioka was inspired by Sentinel more than anything else.
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Ok but would the Hyzenthlay ACTUALLY be able to counter the Zeta/ZZ/S Gundam like it was meant to? I get the feeling that whoever would be inside this thing would just get washed by Kamille/Judeau/Alice.
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You're comparing pilots to machines. Assuming a no-name fed grunt, the power rankings are likely Ex-S>ZZ>=HZ2>Zeta. ALICE is plain broken and works regardless of the pilot, and Ex-S paper stats are in "sci fi writers don't understand math" territory. Pretty sure it has more thrust than the V2 or some similarly retarded figure.
>Pretty sure it has more thrust than the V2 or some similarly retarded figure
That's because of the stupid meme comparison picture that only counts rocket thrust and the V2's minovsky drive is not considered rocket thrust

>ALICE is plain broken and works regardless of the pilot
That's only if you had a fully developed ALICE AI. In Sentinel, she has to learn from the world around her and how the pilots, enemy and ally, interact with each other.
I mean, if we're comparing the MS then we should compare them as a finished product, not pick some arbitrary mid-development point before the MS is fully operational.
One thijg I forgot to mention is Newtype BS, mainly Biosensor, but that'a hard to quantify. Can't remember if ZZ has one either
Problem is that ALICE never reached the projected full performance so we don't know what the actual result would be like. Maybe she'd be so good she'd put Amuro Ray in the dirt in 3 seconds, maybe she'd be a glorified Mobile Doll.
Only thing we could infer is that since Anaheim gave up on the project despite other S Gundam units in operation suggests any results their prognosis suggested would not be worth restarting the project from scratch.
ZZ does have one. Far easier to forget is Full Armour EZZ having a full body I-field, which is a pretty strong bit of gear for this matchup.
AFAIK it only has an I-Field for the chest, seemingly of similar type as Ex-S's actually. And even that depends on the source. Might have anti-beam coating as well, or at least be remarkably tough on the outside.
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>if we're comparing the MS then we should compare them as a finished product, not pick some arbitrary mid-development point before the MS is fully operational.
Yeah that's not wrong, but I can't help thinking that if Ryu wasn't the pilot, ALICE would have turned out differently. It's less than Ryu is more than the average-ass pilot that he is, more than someone else who acts differently might have not let ALICE understand why make illogical decisions like putting yourself in danger to save others, or what is worth doing rather than not. There's no question that ALICE has faster reactions and pure combat capability, but there's no guarantee she still comes to the conclusion to forcefully eject all 3 of her pilots and sacrifice herself chasing that target into the atmosphere at the end of the story's conflict.

>Can't remember if ZZ has one either
Yes it does
The only source that matters is the anime, where it's shown being full body.
It's not though, it's never explicitly called an I-Field in the first place, we only have an enemy character wondering if that's what it is.
And using this generally retarded argument is supremely retarded in this thread of all things.
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It's explicitly called an I-Field in the MG manuals and "it's not though" is a really dumb counter when I can just post this image proving it is.
So is anime the only source that matters or not? And deflecting a beam that would have hit the torso doesn't mean it necessarily covers the full body, which anyway would be completely unreasonable for a MS of that era at that size.
>where it's shown being full body
>we only have an enemy character wondering if that's what it is

By the way, in the hangar before launching, Astonaige tells Judau that the anti-beam coating will only last for about 5 seconds. You'd think Astonaige would tell him it's an I-field barrier that only lasts 5 seconds but if given enough time could cool off and be reactivated again, but whatever.

The effect in the scene is definitely I-field-like rather than anti-beam coating, since the beam is warped around an invisible sphere around the suit rather than simply being negated or absorbed. That said, it's totally different in another scene.
It is the only source that matters. Follow the curvature of that field, it's a full sphere around it.
>MS of that era
sorry I thought we were in an AoZ thread where MS mounted multiple shield boosters that are also very powerful beam cannons that were also mounting non-full bodied I-Fields all over the place. It's perfectly in line with this era as the final machine of the Neo Zeon War.
The EZZ has anti-beam coating as well.
IMO who would win questions like this are inherently pointless because it comes down to whatever works best in the context of the story and its themes rather than some meticulously planned out power scaling chart the writers must obey.
But if it's comparing the mobile suits themselves on paper, Haze'n-thley II ought to at least put up a good fight, just like Gabthley against Zeta which had some close calls at a few occassions.
IRL it appears to be inspired by some features of Ex-S Gundam like ability to leave the atmosphere on its own thrust, but that doesn't necessarily mean more than just a cool reference.
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>sorry I thought we were in an AoZ thread where MS mounted multiple shield boosters that are also very powerful beam cannons that were also mounting non-full bodied I-Fields all over the place. It's perfectly in line with this era as the final machine of the Neo Zeon War.
All of which are explained and elaborated on ith great effort put in to maintain consistency and verisimilitude. Composite Shield Booster's I-Field is small in range and strength, there's a reason it still functions as a regular shield.
By comparison TR-S El-Ahraihah carries an I-Field generator in one of the huge weapon containers on the back - this one is big enough to cover the whole unit, but it also has limited duration to the point replacing it with fresh equipment is a core part of its usage doctrine.
>All of which are explained and elaborated on ith great effort put in to maintain consistency and verisimilitude.
Not really though. The CSB is crazy no matter how much you wanna say it's not.
>By comparison TR-S El-Ahraihah carries an I-Field generator in one of the huge weapon containers on the back - this one is big enough to cover the whole unit, but it also has limited duration to the point replacing it with fresh equipment is a core part of its usage doctrine.
Shame they didn't figure out how to do it as well as Anaheim did with the FAEZZ then.
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>HG Barzam II just came in
awww yeah
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Enjoy it, lords know I am. It's so much fun combining AoZ machines.
BRB, breaking into anon's house
>The CSB is crazy no matter how much you wanna say it's not.
NTA but how? It's nothing the setting hasn't seen before in Zeta and ZZ. It even settles for a heat blade instead of a beam because it lacks enough output left to generate one when even Zeon remnants were all sporting beam weaponry.
Name any other machine in Zeta or ZZ that has a wireguided booster equipped I-field equipped beam rifle shield
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I'm so behind on the AoZ collection game, I'm currently waiting for a HG Hazel Rah to come in.

Tbh I'm disappointed they jumped to Re-Boot and seem to have left the Flag of Titans line incomplete. Where is the HG High Mobility Galbaldy or Hrairoo II? Might not ever happen at this rate.
That just combines tech we've already seen into one and it probably doesn't perform any given task better than a dedicated unit. If I fire a Hyper Mega Power Launcher at a Full Armor ZZ or Woundwort I know which one I'm banking on getting fucking insta gibbed.
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I reckon they're doing the most popular ones, simply. I'd eat my foot if Hrairoo II doesn't happen though. It got very very very pretty art in Reboot, not to mention variants. And its whole thing is using the same upgrade parts as Advanced Hrairoo. And Gaplant just got the AoZ kit with some updated parts, no shot they're gonna end it at just the two Gaplant kits.
I see you managed to avoid talking about a possible Galbaldy kit in order to not hurt my feelings.
>It's explicitly called an I-Field in the MG manuals
Genuinely kinda curious, is that from the new ver Ka or the old MG Full Armor ZZ?
There's not a new one, only the FAZZ ver Ka and not FA EZZ ver Ka. The old ones.
Didn't we get an updated Galbaldy kit fairly recently?
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Sexual heels
It was announced alongside the HG Woundwort IIRC. High Mobility still hasn't happened despite being a shoo in. I don't think it's happening anymore chief.
We just recently got Barzam and Hizack. GM II/Type CR, Galbaldy and Marasai + variants are just a question of time.
I regret getting the MG line instead of the hg’s since they get some cool shit that wont ever have an mg variant.
Love Bar-GM. Hope Banrise will wake up one day and decide to give it a bunch of MSV.
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>growing impatience over lack of new art despite Dengeki going back online
>Fujioka just goes to McDonalds
>draws a cute girl to celebrate it
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So what was wrong with the first Hrududu unit that they felt the need to make a second one?
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I was ZOOM ENHANCE random images and I've just noticed how similar the shape of Woundwort's head is to the Hazel equipped with the monoeye sensor. I wonder if it's sensors are similarly upgraded? The Woundwort seems more like a long range unit with the CSB acting like a sniper rifle with it's heat blade and INCOM mode being more like backup options.
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Also the Hyzenthlay II Rah + Gaplant booster + 4 winch cannons + Big Wig cannon looks so sick. I wish Fujioka gave it proper attention and not a fucking napkin doodle.
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I love the spare mags(?) On the back. Surprised we never got a Gundam version of the P90
I especially appreciate on how A.O.Z. reboot elements are slowly creeping their way into other stories like F90 Cluster
Surely, soon they'll have no choice but to translate it r-right?...
officially? lmao barely anything gets translated, only like 4 manga in the last decade I believe.
scantalation? all it takes is someone deciding to do it or getting paid to. One group is slowly working on it afaik.
I assume these are fuel tanks attached to the booster pod. The gun is the beam spray gun II with a modified rear so it shouldn't even use mags.
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Bunny Maid
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It has great mobility and speed but it's poorly balanced because of the asymmetrical binders.
This can be solved by using a second Hrududu unit as the Second Form does, but at this point you lose out on agility and maneuverability that are the entire point of mobile suits, it's basically a small mobile armor.
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They are deliberately compared and presented as related, but Woundwort itself is pretty much the definition of "general purpose MS". That said, Woundwort is also very modular, head included. Even the blurb right next to this drawing notes Woundwort's head can be equipped with optional sensors and weapons - even the basic form is actually equipped with a vulcan pod (totally not a bonnet) that can be taken off just like on Mk-II and Hazel.
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It's not much but it's also listed in Inle vol 2
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I'm pretty sure it's a reference to this SAO character
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Is it just me or the CBS wielded in Dandelion II form has a crazy long blade?
I'd also love to see a smaller form that uses this shield, it's so cool.
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That shield has always been an enigma. I don't think we've ever seen a diagram of its features (does it open like a claw? Is it wire-guided? How is it an improvement over the CSB's I-field?) but it looks cool.
>Blade length
Heat blade length is always "as long as the illustration demands",. Some diagrams (and the gunpla?) show the blade being roughly as long as the shield, while half the HZII illustrations have it be like twice the length instead
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The shield itself is Dandelion II's "head" being used as a cover for Woundwort when it's not completely hidden within. Dandelion II in general doesn't get much love so all we know about the shield is the scattering mega particle cannon on it - tuned for defensive use against missiles and such but it should still pack a punch by virtue of sheer size.
And the heat blade length varies a lot but in fairness heat weapons are basically disposable in general, and double so for one that doubles as a beam cannon barrel. There absolutely could be versions with different lengths suited for different purposes.
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Did they even build enough TR-6s to warrant these many specialized variants? Or were they fielded one at a time using the same machine as a basis?

With how in vogue bootlegging Gunpla is right now, you'd think a third party company would specialized in selling add-on parts to the AoZ kits. Shit like the Hyzenthlay head and chin to add to a HG Woundwort, shoulder pods to the Hyzenthalys, standalone packs of shield boosters, winch cannons, the Big Wig cannon, Hazel arms and lower legs, etc. Their market wouldn't be huge, but their customer base sure would be dedicated.
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And the follow up question.

Why a Barzam II? What is there to gain from adding Barzam parts to a Woundwort? Other than it making a sick looking design, I mean. And why does it's V-fin open and close like the Unicorn? I think Unicorn was still ongoing when Fujioka designed this so he was probably inspired by it.
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For Gryps Conflict only a handful was built and most of the forms are theoretical. The ultimate goal was the entire armed forces switching to TR-6 format with every single machine using the same core parts and compatible with one another. By extension, this would be a new start for the entire organizational, manufacturing, logistical and operational structure around mobile suits and thus the military as a whole.
The individual forms are all either designed with specific situations, environments or targets in mind or they're more like proof of concept and intended for data gathering for further research rather than large scale implementation.
On Mars Woundworts, while still limited in number, had a much better chance to shine both during the ReZeon Founding War with many forms used to full effect, and afterwards as the elite force of ReZeon's army.
Barzam II is a replacement for Barzam in this plan, with the role of a main mass produced MS akin to GM. In the interim before that can be implemented, it's like a commander unit compared to regular Barzam. Retaining the limbs means it still has the same functions and a Barzam pilot can easily switch onto the upgraded platform without much need for training, all the while having all the advantages of TR-6 such as built-in Primrose II escape pod greatly increasing pilot survival rates, ability to swap to other loadouts and switch equipment in countless forms on demand and BUNNyS system learning from past experiences and calculating optimal counters to new situations. In Barzam II's case the modularity comes into play with the psycho blade antenna - when opened into a v-fin shape it acts as a psycommu receiver allowing for data transfer without Minovsky particle interference. It also doubles as simply a v-fin with all the psychological impact on friend and foe that comes with that.
>Did they even build enough TR-6s to warrant these many specialized variants?
Titans didn't really. ReZeon did.
The idea was to mass-produce Woundwort and use it as a core only changing the equipment.
A lot of those variants leverage components already built for other mobile suits too. Like [Hazel II], [GM II], [Hizack II], [Gaplant II] and [Barzam II] is basically just cosplay.
>Or were they fielded one at a time using the same machine as a basis?
Yeah, for most of them.
Original Barzam was a stopgap measure until Woundwort goes into mass-production. Barzam II is basically what a grunt-tier Woundwort would look like, with Haze'n-thley being the high end one.
Granted, the Titans version of Barzam II got less parts from the original Barzam, having some of the Owsla ones instead.
As for the V-fin opening, IIRC it's just a powerful antenna or something. Also to scare opponents shitless.
What's the timeline for this ReZeon stuff? Shouldn't Gryps tech be rather outdated by then? The Neo Zeon suits from ZZ already look like they could give the TTT designs a run for their money.
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Titan remnants reached Mars in UC 0088 and the TR Plan tech - especially Fiver II but not only -finally got a chance to shine and within the same year managed to turn the tide and let ReZeon win the war after 5 years of guerilla warfare against Mars Zeon.
Mars Zeon was working closely together with Axis and shared a lot of tech but they sent a large force into the Earth Sphere to assist Axis so they didn't have an overwhelming numbers advantage against ReZeon and Titans alliance.
By UC 0089 ReZeon has established itself as the sole nation on Mars, but Mars Zeon guerillas continue to be a problem. And yes, on paper Mars Zeon suits are better than Barzams, Marasais and Hizacks that make up the majority of ReZeon forces but that doesn't mean much when they were already reduced to hiding in the deserts while ReZeon rapidly builds up industry. Plus, the Barzams are upgraded using some standard TR-6 parts to help enhance their performance. Primarily via the hover units, which are the go-to transport method on Mars because flight is forbidden under pain of orbital beam cannon fire.
AoZ Reboot is set at UC 0093.
I'd say that most of Gryps tech is highly relevant for the next decade at least, though in reality you could see it being used even in Late UC.
It's basically the time where all the big development relevant for non-super prototype tier or newtype suits happened. Only GM series (including GM III) and Hizacks are outdated as 1st gen MS, but even they have fighting chance and can be upgraded.
Think about it this way, in ZZ you could see Gundam team comprised with MS from Zeta (except for the titular suit) take on advanced Neo Zeon suits, as well as struggling against OYW relics in the desert. Ellie's Mk-II didn't even had G-Defenser, yet she was fairly useful.
Jegans and Geara Dogas do nothing that moderately upgraded Nemos, Marasais and Barzams wouldn't do and are more of a result of EFF and Char's Neo Zeon being cheapstakes.
Check the OP links buddy
You kidding, yeah the jegan had only titanium ceramics alloy but it was still a fantastic mobile suit that got its job done as a true successor to the Gm that’s easily modifiable and versatile
The antenna's open mode is a psycommu antenna. In Mars specifically, they use it to cimmunicate with the kill sat in orbit that applies Laser Cannon Death Sentence to anyone unfortunate enough to be get caught in the open.
IIRC said kill sat has a Puru clone ontombed within and that's what they're communicating with
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>fantastic mobile suit that got its job done ... that’s easily modifiable and versatile
That applies to the three mobile suits that I mentioned higher as well. Though, I guess I also forgot to throw in Owslas too.
TR spec Barzam and Advanced Marasai should be enough of a clue for that.
Like, Jegan is great and a big improvement over GM III, but you're underestimating earlier suits a bit too much. A new beam rifle, some extra thrusters and improved sensors is pretty much all they need.
Of course, the barzam could easily last well into late UC being already the accumulation of both the TR series and gundam MK2 as the titans ultimate jack of all trades machine, absolutely nothing to sneeze about and had it properly been deployed as depicted in AOZ, titans could’ve easily gained the edge
My logic just goes that if Nemo got Mk-II derived upgrades, similar to what GM II recieved as a stop gap until Jegan, it wouldn't fall behind Barzam too much and Marasai is also fairly modular and is a direct predecessor to the Anaheim's Doga series.
Basically, my point was about Gryps tech being in vogue at least until miniaturised suits took over.
Talking about all of that made me remember a question I've had for some time now: what's up with Galbaldy to Gaz to Gaz Grau modifications? I get that Haman's Neo Zeon had to stick with ReGelgu due to limited resources, but there's no reason to base limited production escort suit on a 1st generation relic like that, unless they managed to fit in a movable frame somehow, which should be critical for a close quarters MS.
Gaz-L/R are described as continuous improvements from the Galbaldy platform in pretty much all aspects despite looking nearly identical on the outside. It might have at least partial movable frame for all we know, but that's not an absolute must have.
Galbaldy Alpha takes after dual Gyan and Gelgoog heritage for an all around excellent MS for its era, only hampered by heavy strain on the pilot - in fact, it's not impossible the Galbaldy Beta we know is a largely unchanged variation of it save for implementing modern tech like linear seat to make it actually usable. But that's kinda up in the air, and other sources suggest at least some bigger changes were made. AoZ in particular says Gaz-L/R look so similar to Galbaldy Beta because Anaheim was involved in the refit and transferred the data to Axis.
Also while most Regelgus are modified old units, the royal guard ones are brand new production runs with higher performance, good enough to compete with "genuine" modern suits.
The Jegan and Geara Doga were AE's product replacement to the Nemo and Marasai. The Nemo and Marasai would most likely be modified by second hand sources along with one off units from those who couldn't get a GM III or Jegan.

Barzam had the unique qualities of being cheap to make, powerful stock configuration, had a refined moveable frame/drum frame?, easy to update, and is a home-made ms. Which resulted in the EF and colony militias using them far in to late UC.
Jegan is a lot more than just replacement for Nemo (it's itself a successor to Barzam) and while Geara Dogs certainly includes Marasai data courtesy of AE, the Dogs series began at Axis before the fall of first Neo Xeon. It just wasn't the priority at the time due to the situation. We can see some influence on the Reben Wolf though, it uses several parts and weapons that would later be associated with Geara- and Jagd Doga.
Yeah, pretty much, except it's quite ambigious if GM III is actually better than Nemo, unless it's Nouvel GM III, of course.
depends by what metric, in sheer performance I don't think there's any significant gap but Nemo production lines were closed down due to cost effectiveness and GM III was a replacement solving that exact issue. And especially in terms of grunt suits, ease of production, supply and maintenance are the most important things.
Replacement meaning that was what AE was going to sell the EF and their enemy instead of last years models. It seems AE makes more money selling new models rather than updating older ones.

Nemo with a GM III upgrade package would probably be better but as >>22933503 says turning all those cheap numerous GM IIs into GM IIIs was much cheaper and quicker than making more Nemos. Especially after the AEUG suffered heavy losses in operation Maelstrom.
>Nemo, GCDT, GM III, Nero, BR-GM, Barzam Kai, Jeddah, Jegan
UMP, but for post-Gryps War EFF mobile suits featuring Transpack 2.0 when?
isn't that F90?
I strongly suspect at least Nemo, GM III, Nero, Barzam Kai and non AoZ Barzam are Transpack compatible desu. Matter of fact Jeddah and Jegan might have at least a degree of overlap as well, perhaps to a limited extent.
Imma be be honest I'm kinda last at what's GCDT
I meant upgrade packages for existing suits meant to make maintenance easier.
I wanted to say that Nemo might be not compatible, but then I recalled that it's based on GM II, which actually got it.
But what I meant by 2.0 is a new set of backpacks with extra equipment.
Ah. It's Guncannon Detector from Z-MSV, Karaba's homegrown MS based on Methuss. I only threw it in the list because it's neat for what it is and was seen to be still in use in Unicorn in a number more than one unit.
I'd throw in Dijeh too, if we actually saw any of them in use by EFF, but unless we're counting the singular extensive space modification one from Moon, they threw it out alongside most Zeon looking suits.
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Ah, wouldn't have guessed that funny Methuss thingie. In theory I think anything in that era could have been designed with Transpack in mind - between GM II and Hizack it was common technology and one Anaheim was actively involved in. Nemo may have been intended to work in teams together with Marasais too, so sharing equipment would have been useful. And with Guncannon Detector, well it's not like Zeta Project and its offshoots are against optional equipment, particularly backpacks (pic related). AFAIK there was at least a handful of units out there, at least one remained among radical AEUG remnants till UC 0110s even.

A 2.0 system could be interesting, though I'm getting the feeling there was not much desire for a new comprehensive cross-platform project like that. Federation was very content with lowering military spending at that time while also moving to Jegan as an all-purpose platform with some support from closely related suits like ReZEL and Anksha. Not necessarily one that can be adapted to excel in every environment, but can work there decently.
Though D-Type does go further into modularity, which appears to be at least in part less a new development and more a return to original Titan parts. The Black Hares Barzam specifically uses Jegan D-Type boosters, for example. And D-Type can be relatively simply refitted to various options, though it's nowhere near the same extent as TR Plan.
Jestas also play a role here, both Cannon and EWAC form are just sets of option parts to be attached onto the basic model when it's needed and only then, which is significantly closer to TR Plan concept although also smaller in scale. Interestingly, Jesta's HG manual noted you can switch out the backpack for Jegan's or Stark Jegan's - good few years before we saw that "officially" in Narrative.
As for Dijeh it seems to have been limited in use, probably due to similar cost issues as Rick Dias. To me it comes across as best suited to ace use, and especially after Gryps Conflict there were more modern and/or more economically viable options for that. Some remained in use but mostly in private hands, Liuo & Co seem to have taken a liking to it. In addition to the squad in Narrative, they also have their own Rick Dijeh models.
And for use of Zeon-like suits, one interpretation apparently is that using *Zeon* suits is fine and dandy because they are essentially spoils of war and proof of their victory. But *Titans* suits are problematic because Gryps was a civil war, and Federation would rather try and divorce themselves entirely from that episode.
I imagine all the transforming suits, like the ones based on Zeta and Methuss, wouldn't be compatible simply due to their transforming geometries. Can't really fold up into an orginami butterfly if there's a backpack on the way.
Depends entirely how the transformation works. Zeta Wave shooter is right there, as are ReZEL Defender packs. Hell, Woundwort herself is Transpack-compatible, though we have no idea how exactly that looks and if she can transform.
Xeku Eins is compatible as well.
>they also have their own Rick Dijeh models.
That's neat. I really thought that there was only one of them. Is that from NT manga?
>And for use of Zeon-like suits, one interpretation apparently is that using *Zeon* suits is fine and dandy because they are essentially spoils of war and proof of their victory. But *Titans* suits are problematic because Gryps was a civil war, and Federation would rather try and divorce themselves entirely from that episode.
Really? That's curious, because there are documented usage of certain suits, like Barzam and continued development of Titans tech like Byarlant Custom, while the only Zeon suit I remember them using is Geara Doga Kai.
>Heat blade length is always "as long as the illustration demands",. Some diagrams (and the gunpla?) show the blade being roughly as long as the shield, while half the HZII illustrations have it be like twice the length instead
It's worth noting that even on the HGUC kits they've actually released two different blade lengths. The Hyzenthlay's CSBs have longer blades for whatever reason, while the Hyzenthlay II/Woundwort/everything else use a different one.

Not quite as weird as the booster pod that has been made nearly 10 times in varying sizes though.
which one?
The space use boost pod, the one on Hazel II/Hyzenthlays. Angular instead of round. Has a mega cannon in it. Almost every single kit that comes with it has a newly molded one of a slightly different size. Hyzenthlay II Rah comes with the super tiny one to wear on its crotch.
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>thought about the Barzam all day at work today
kek the AoZ brainrot is real. Guess I should nab one of these guys myself.

I know about those guys, but as far as I know they don't sell their stuff. And even if they do it's not on easily accessible marketplaces like AliExpress. Just the other day I saw some pieces for the FM Aerial that extended it's thighs and stomach to more closely match the proposal scene from episode 1 for sale. We need some autistic shit like that but for AoZ kits.

So poking around I found out the Barzam is basically the equivalent to the Zaku for ReZeon? That's odd. And it's equipped with escape pods styled after the Woundwort? That's cool. What's that bit that shows a drawing of the VSBRs of the F91 in your image btw?

And where does the Aqua Barzam fit into all of this? Underwater warfare seems like a strange niche to fill when you could upgrade your MS with, I don't know, maybe more armor and a bigger gun?
There's a lot of aquatic combat on Mars, and Earth's oceans are important areas to operate in too. But it's mostly a big deal and is actually used in Reboot on Mars.
>There's a lot of aquatic combat on Mars
Fucking how? And what are they fighting that warrants the trouble? Don't tell me it's Acguys.
The Barzams are more like the Gun-EZ with the Woundworts being the Victory Gundam. ReZeon also uses upgraded Hizacks and Marasais to fill out the ranks.
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Mars is terraformed, there's oceans and underground waterways. And AOZ Reboot is a Zeon civil war, with one faction using TTT MS and the other using more traditional Zeon-style MS
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>Is that from NT manga?
These are also from Moon I believe, though they don't show up much. Liuo agents are using these and the Hyaku Shikis with shield boosters.
> That's curious, because there are documented usage of certain suits, like Barzam and continued development of Titans tech like Byarlant Custom, while the only Zeon suit I remember them using is Geara Doga Kai.
And with both Barzam and Byarlant making them look different than their original forms was a major goal of the projects.
Meanwhile OYW Zeon machines were used at large scale after the war like the Zaku F2s or the absolute smorgasbord of MSVs seen in Jaburo in Zeta. Or even outside that like Zaku Flipper or Cannon used by Titans and Act Zakus at Newtype Labs.
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Fujioka definitely plays fast and loose with the proportions depending on the illustration. Just look at how small the CSB is on the Hyzenthlay Rah II lineart.
It's just very cold
Why can't this shit be not regular store stuff? The playability between each kits so high and P-bandai can be a pain in the ass to get

On A side note, has anyone order stuff from P-bandai while in Japan before?
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He'd be too dangerous with access to GTM designs
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Not the same thing but I like this mini-Dandelion custom build and how it uses a modified version of standard issue shield in the same role
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Maybe not so much Zaku equivalent as just main standard MS. Marasais and Hizack shore up the numbers while Barzam is the primary unit, basically like in the Titans.
The escape pod isn't just styled after Woundwort's, it's the exact same model. In a way Barzam II can be seen as a replacement of the parts between Barzam's cockpit block and the limbs rather than attaching Barzam limbs onto Woundwort.
The drawing compares how Barzam's optional shoulder binders (with subarms holding beam rifles) are a similar concept to F91's VSBRs swinging out from under the armpits or Godzorla's beam guns in the area or Mk-V's beam cannons that swing out in a similar form.

Underwater warfare is relatively important on Mars (arguably more than on Earth) because due to terraforming there are underground oceans and lakes. Especially under the north pole, where Inle is undergoing repairs and the planet's main power plant was constructed.
I really like that Haze'n-thley on the left
It's got GP02 vibes
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I've always loved the Tribooster arrangement. I was considering the double booster pod of the Advanced Hazel on it but I used those bits for my super Barzam II. I took the beam cannons off the backs of the shoulders because I thought it looked nicer without them, and I'll probably stick them on my Hyzenthlay II somewhere as an extra set.

Wish I had more MarK V beam rifles though. Need to order another Chinese Hazel II. Never was a big fan of the Hazel rifle personally, it's just a less cool MK II rifle. Have another slightly nicer picture.
Where are the Messala arms attached?
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And one more of my Reboot styled Hyzenthlay II for funsies.
It's a bunny farm!
How did you attach the two HZII guns together and onto the arm?
They're the Hyzenthlay Rah Second Form's CSBs placed together with 30mm joint parts, which are then connected to the forearm shield connection piece from the Kehaar.
How does it look from the other side?
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It looks like half of Messala's torso section is attached on the back
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good stuff
A bit gory, but pretty cool anyways. The "radiator" fins are a really nice touch
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Does Vervain's rifle have a beam saber emitter? Where is it located?
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It's a successor of Fedayeen rifle so it works the same way, the beam saber emitter is at the opposite end from the gun barrel. In this case Vervain Rah II's rifle also has a beam scythe built into it.
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With the saber and scythes activated (artist's impression). The scythes could very well be straight blades, GM Striker style, but curved blades can exist too.
That's both so edgy it's retarded by also sick as fuck at the same time. Bravo Fujioka.
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When in doubt you can stick the beam cannons on something this way
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The Hizacks with Hrair Units look like oversized versions of Barzam's beam rifle
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That's Black Hares for ya
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I want to see the old AoZ Barzam design again somehow
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Why does this work?
The Zeus Silhouette look like an equipment for the TR series.
except bad
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>if Nemo got Mk-II derived upgrades, similar to what GM II recieved
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After double checking, Jegan is explicitly not Transpack system-rated. Jeddha could still be though, it explicitly uses Mk-II parts.
I really need to read Walpurgis
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>if Nemo got Mk-II derived upgrades, similar to what GM II recieved
Man, what could have been.

Jegan confirmed transphobe?
Why the fuck does the woundwort have a sub-arm without a beam saber to use it with?
Is it so it could be used in one of the mass produced custom version?
Am I missing a use for sub-arms?
Or is it just pure sex apeal
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It has a beam saber though.
Also it's used for general utility hands can be: holding things, especially when the main arms are busy. Reloading, grappling, that sort of stuff. It also helps make attaching extra parts faster and easier.
It has a saber stored in the shaft. Also, that's hpw it holds the CSB when transformed
That Kehaar panel is the MS equivalent of a cock slap
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Ah somehow never knew that, thanks anons
Speaking of reloading, does the CSB have any sort of mag or e-cap system? Or does it pull directly from the MS' reactor? Or mayve it has its won since it's a remote weapon with an I-field
It doesn't use E-Pacs so it's probably E-Cap based. Woundwort's generator output is not specified but it's estimated around 1500kw which would track given the nature of the basic suit. In that case it seems unlikely to me it could easily handle the energy and power requirement of CBS's systems alone without an E-Cap smoothing things out.
I would not be surprised if it could be switched to using E-Pacs though.
Given that Mars Zeon circa F90 is also using mobile suits deliberately designed after classic Zeon MS, we can probably assume the faction using TTT MS got defeated, right?

Yes, we've always known that. By the time of Victory both Titans and Zeon of any form are just a memory on Mars.
yes, we know from F90 that Mars Zeon wins and Rezeon loses, or at least isn't on Mars anymore. There's even some cheeky name references to F90 Mars Zeon characters in Reboot
What is the suit between Act Zaku and Jegan?
Also is it TR-S alongside Barzam and Woundwort?
What would be the way to go for Advanced Galbaldy, same as TR-6 due to the multi-connector pod?
I feel like I'm getting even dumber trying to understand some of those schematics, especially when some things lack labels and I can't OCR text to MTL it.
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>What is the suit between Act Zaku and Jegan?
Ground Gundam I think. Represents an earlier suit with somewhat modular backpack options, and it's a pure Feddie suit unlike the others here.
>Also is it TR-S alongside Barzam and Woundwort?
Most likely, yes. TR-S next to Haze'n-thley II and Barzam.
>What would be the way to go for Advanced Galbaldy, same as TR-6 due to the multi-connector pod?
It was modified to have a multi-connector pod that would be later seen on Advanced Hazel and also has a drum frame so it ought to be compatible with anything.
>I feel like I'm getting even dumber trying to understand some of those schematics, especially when some things lack labels and I can't OCR text to MTL it.
You can check it directly here, it might be higher resolution. At least I haven't had trouble getting the text recognized there.
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Here's some shots of the assembly. It's quite basic. I'm surprised a simple joint holds it fine. Of course, the wench cannons help hold it in place a bit, too, otherwise it would like to spin upwards a little from the weight. It's a shame the only way to get these specific CSBs is from the two Hyzenthlay kits.
I think I might do this. My next project with my Hyzenthlay II is to figure out how to mount the Hrududu subarms on the chest/shoulders like that. Going to take some scratchbuilding though.

I hope to turn my other Hyzenthlay into my own take on the ZZZ/AoZ/Lambda Gundam too, but that's longer term.
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Guys I think the TR-plan is getting carried away
Titans would never use zeek machines
excuse me sir can I take a closer look at that hizack and marasai though
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Any claims of it being a "Zaku in a trenchcoat" are baseless and will put you on a list
Anon... have you watched Zeta recently?
Yeah, the Act Zaku and Galbaldy were operated by the Feds
And the Zaku Cannon and the Zaku Flipper and the Marine Hizack? The last one has the insides of a Hizack, but it's Zaku Mariner on the outside.
>And the Zaku Cannon and the Zaku Flipper and the Marine Hizack?
I spent a while searching autistically for some evidence. Found a grainy-ass screencap on Gundam Wiki of some repainted Zaku Cannons but couldn't find the scene in Zeta, but it did lead to this article from Dengeki web mentioning the Zaku Cannon being used by the Titans.


Further autismal thinking finally figured out that the screencap was labeled for the wrong episode. Found the scene from episode 11, where they have Zaku Cannons on board a ship that's planning to intercept the AEUG drop operation on Jaburo. Wasn't really expecting them to have Zaku Cannons in space, usually that's more commonly seen on the ground. That said, this seems to be an EFF unit that's assisting the Alexandria. The Zaku Cannons belong to the EFF crew in the normal tan uniforms. Scirroco tells them NOT to deploy their Zaku Cannons because they're old shit compared to his Messala.

So YES, Zaku cannons were used by the Titans. Mainly as reserve and second-line units, taken from Federation stock.

>The last one has the insides of a Hizack, but it's Zaku Mariner on the outside.
Marine Hizack is the Federation's name for the captured Zaku Mariner, which is an OYW model and definitely does not have the insides of a Hizack. Or are you talking about the AoZ Marine Hizack, which does have the insides of a Hizack, but looks nothing like the old Zaku Mariner?

...why would they name it a Hizack then? PR reasons?
I applaud your autism, fine work. Regarding Zaku Cannons it is indeed a it strange to see them used in space but in fairness the base Zaku platform that Cannon uses is so distinct and different from other MS-06 types that it's anyone's guess what it's capable of. And that's before accounting for post war modernization from the Feddies.
And yeah my bad on Marine Hizack, I misremembered things. Thought that the story went AoZ Marine Hizack fell through but components were reused for new run of MS-06 type Marine Hizacks, but they actually only kelt the name and were just standard Zaku Mariners besides standard modernizations like panoramic monitors.
Original (AoZ) Marine Hizack project didn't pan out but the name was retained by the Zaku Mariner lot that replaced it because bureaucracy is fun like that.
But hey, I believe this is the first proper explanation we've gotten on the topic since Zeta came out.
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So the AoZ Barzam is basically a TR-6 in a Barzam cosplay? Interesting. The Vervain is starting to make more sense to me.

Shame we can't get a good look at this shoulder binder/subarm gimmick. This is where that hypothetical third party group would come in and sell the pieces for the HG. Which I just bought kek.

I really like how Re-Boot is about a civil war in Zeon turf. My first thought when I saw AoZ was leaving behind the Titans to focus on the Zeeks was to retch uncontrollably. But then I found out it wasn't Zeekwank so I was all smiles.

I wonder if Fujioka himself leans more towards the Federation or Zeon.
TR plan's Barzam is basically mass produced version of TR-S Hazel Hrair, which was the competing model with Woundwort for the culmination of the project. They are conceptually similar and as part of TR plan are compatible in many ways, so in effect Barzam shares many parts with Woundwort and it's easy to attach more even if it can't be called a simplified version of it.
It's more like Barzam is the GM to the Woundwort's Gundam. It's an oversimplification but essentially they needed a MP suit and used all the data they had to make one.
That's a slippery slope weith TTT MS because the nsture of drum frames makes them exttemely plug and play. Technically hald the MS in the lineup are different addon packs attached to the same drum frame, so you end up in a ship of theseus situation more often than not. If I remove Barzam II's limbs, is it a limbless Barzam? Or a Limbless Woundwort? Or maybe you'd call it a Kehaar II torso?
>If I remove Barzam II's limbs, is it a limbless Barzam?
Well, I dunno, but if you'd attach Owsla limbs to it, it would become Barzam II (Titans ver.).
You would call it Gundam TR-6, simple as.
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Hrududu II comes with dedicated connection parts to replicate the look, though transplanting them onto Haze'n-thley shoulders might be difficult.
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Zaku Cannons are supposed to be ground-type MS, they don't have thrusters for space. What the fuck is it supposed to do, tether itself to the ship? Stand on the hull and be an extra turret?
>I wonder if Fujioka himself leans more towards the Federation or Zeon.
Probably the reasonable stance of both having good points and bad points, and more importantly being made up primarily of just regular, normal people.
The main plot of The Flag of Titans is about how the rank and file of Titans was mostly just people that wanted to serve the people and protect them but the leadership was rotten to the core and controlled them for their own goals.
Gundam Inle starts off with talking about how both Titans and Zeon wanted to have a home on Mars, simply put. They had their own reasons and motivations that were mutually exclusive, but neither group was made up entirely of bloodthirsty killers just like how neither group was made up entirely of angels.
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>I really like how Re-Boot is about a civil war in Zeon turf. My first thought when I saw AoZ was leaving behind the Titans to focus on the Zeeks was to retch uncontrollably. But then I found out it wasn't Zeekwank so I was all smiles.
There's even a whole scene about it, talking about how no matter how noble the ideals of Zeon, how good the intentions of some leaders may be, it's an ideology born from internal strife and it always - ALWAYS - returns to its source.
From Zabis killing Deikun, it was tainted from the start.
Yeah, those parts don't work on the Hyzenthlay II at all unfortunately.
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Since it's called REBOOT Gundam Inle this thing is kicking around on Mars I'm guessing?
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Yes but actually no but actually yes.
It's complicated, but yes.
Give me the autistic breakdown.
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Only [Fiver II] made it to Mars, but it was still powerful enough to serve as centerpiece of the conquest of the whole planet and was dubbed [Wings of Inle]. Since that's basically what it is, really.
Afterwards it was taken to the power plant at the underground ocean of the North Pole where it's being slowly repaired and upgraded into complete [Inle].
This in turn results in the previous pic, [Inle] with a massive hover unit serving as a movement unit, turning it into a gigantic Shamblo-like ground use Mobile Armor. Claws included, too.
"Gundam" and "Inle" became core parts of ReZeon's identity due to their role in its founding and are seen as symbols of the nation. This also plays into TR Plan's ultimate goal, as Inle's true purpose beyond just destruction is facilitating human expansion across space. In other words...
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>Gundam Inle is a rabbit that flies.
>It can make any dream come true.
how tf is Rezeon gonna lose this?
Remember when a single mobile suit blew up the Big Zam?
And every other MA to ever exist?
Kinda like that honestly.
It always comes down to the people, not the weapons.
Isn't it also implied that Inle is serving as some sort of central computer or otherwise managing the entire colony?
It's built with terraforming in mind so it's certainly helping out somehow, and the OS is a super space powered learning AI, so no doubt it's doing quite a lot.
iirc their support base is already fractured. Alicia's goons treat Titans remnants like shit so they started helping the Mars Zeon side instead.
clones, genetic memories and human connections
they forgot femboys have type disadvantage against fascists
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So next question, how come we don't see a lot of Hazels being employed by ReZeon? I mean this Hazel model with the intakes on the shins. Did they deem them not worth the effort to haul them all the way to Mars?

Wait, I got it. It's less Woundwort cosplay and more like it uses elements from the Woundwort design like the drum frame and escape pod. And the escape pod isn't even exclusive to the TR-6 line, as the Hazel Owsla also has them.

Man does this AoZ rabbit hole go deep.

Uh well with the Titans it's a little iffy because most of the ones who fled did it for a reason, right? It's not like the Federation was systematically executing everyone who was affiliated after the Gryps War. They probably realized prison or the gallows awaited them so they fled. I'm not one to say all X are fascists, but the Titans members who went to Mars likely weren't the cream of the crop.
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By the time of ReBoot, the TTT project was already at the TR-6 stage, which is both a more powerful machine, and also has a lot more modular variations to form a cohesive fighting force. No reason to build an outdated machine.
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>Rabbit Hole
>that time /u/ got tricked into translating the first chapters of AOZ ReBoot
that's just fucking sad
why do we gotta swindle people into translating Gundam when every isekaislop under the sun gets picked by in less than a week by at least two groups trying to snipe each other for clout

I honestly don't get it
I get mecha isn't the biggest in the west but goddamn you'd think we'd have a few guys other than that literal faggot Zeonic
They tried to throw Elliard Hunter under the bus as a war criminal despite not committing any. He had to lawyer up to defend himself. May or may not be related to scuttling a kitted out TR-6 during the last days of the war.
Its possible EF might have had a quota of Titans members being needed to be made an example of and all the worse/hardcore members fled to axis, mars,went into hiding, or got vaporized by the colony laser.
There's also the fact that the Queen was broadcasting a psychic message calling refugees over for a new start. Maybe they figured their chances were better there even if they'd done no wrong
That only started later when ReZeon was founded properly. Black Hares and assorted troops that followed them came to Mars to continue the TR Plan. Other people stayed in the Earthsphere to continue working on it there.
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And no one thought to say "But he looks so cool THOUGH?" before the trip? C'mon man.

So since they brought over the TR-6 line because it was more up to date, I assume the TR-5 line didn't see any action on Mars either?
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They actually took a bunch of GM Quels with them, but their vision for TR-1 was a bit different.
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ReZeon itself didn't use any as far as we know because there was no purpose in building any when anything it does can be done by Barzams or Woundworts.
But when the Titans rose up against ReZeon they modified several GM Quels into Early Hazels - the performance wasn't any different, but they were still given to aces as symbols of their cause.
Post Gryps the Titans who remained in the Federation were, at best, hauled off to backwater bases which functionally meant a glass ceiling for any further career progress. Some lucky ones found themselves in special units and basically carried on as before, but in many cases Federation military courts tried their best to load as many crimes onto them as possible to be able to give as brutal a sentence as possible, up to execution.
The leadership of the Titans who fled to Mars was really only using Titans as a means to facilitate TR Plan, but the rank and file included upstanding individuals like Monsha.
>upstanding individuals like Monsha
Doesn't Yazan have a side manga where he gets a loli wife and a GM sniper custom? Was he in a special Fed unit there?
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Messala boosters are the gift that keeps on giving
*loli niece, and he's a honest to god cool uncle to her, it's hilarious
But that's exactly what I was referring to, in Return of Johnny Ridden in UC 0090 he's the leader of a special forces team for secret operations. He didn't have any ideological ties to the Titans and he's damn good at his job, so there's really no reason not to keep him around.
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They done gone Kondo'd my Barzam
I really want to see how the TR-S's skirt works as subarms.
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looks good, if ironic
Ironic how? Doesn't HZ2 predate the MkV?
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what an absolute legend
>But when the Titans rose up against ReZeon they modified several GM Quels into Early Hazels
You speak as if the Titan remnant insurrection is already over.

Current status of the ReZeon vs Mars Zeon vs Titans conflict?
Well, the manga is on hiatus. But we already know how the conflict ends due to later UC entries (and IIRC there's a timeline in the manga that also spoils it)
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AFAIK as of the current state of things:
>Diana in the Inle after going berserk is calmed down by Hoshimaru and joins the Titans
>Eleanor is convinced to join the Titans-Mars Zeon alliance, turning the tide in their favor by bombarding ReZeon forces from orbit.
>This includes blasting Alicia, but her honor guards sacrifice themselves to save her life
>pic related: Fujioka confirming Alicia and Rehaze survived even as ReZeon falls apart
This isn't sourced but the wikipedia page claims this is almost the finale of the Mars arc and afterwards the story will move into the Earth arc. Which would make sense, SSD keeps being built up in the background. Sooner or later TR-S turned AoZ and TR-6 turned Rehaze will clash.
what could possibly happen on earth? feels like the timeline here when reboot takes place is already pretty booked with major happenings
I was expecting more of a quick rundown than that?
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well ain't that something
im painting my psychoblade woundwort anodized red, what colour should I give the inner frame? personally I was thinking maybe black, but I was also thinking of painting the torso black
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Bretty good
Is the Early Hazel just a Hazel head on a GM Quel body?
Pretty much. Not too unlike TR-1 Hazel II (not to be confused with TR-6 Hazel II)
what is the relationship between Konpeito Arsenal and Anaheim?
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Not just pretty much but literally, to the point it's still RGM-79Q model number. T3's Hazel II was classified as that too when it was just a glorified spare parts rack before entering combat service.
I don't think there is much of one, really? Before Titans-AE relations soured more Konpeito was the one in charge of evaluating new machines for Titans, including the Hizack which was accepted by the Federation and the Rosette which Anaheim tried to sell shortly afterwards.
Later on I don't believe they really dealt with each other directly. Anaheim had no qualms against backroom deals with Newtype Labs which for all intents and purposes meant deals with Titans, but I don't think there was anything involving Konpeito arsenal.
You can get more funding if you pretend you're working on multiple MS projects at once
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I love how AoZ mechanics can look like an utter schizoprenic mess but when you actually get into it you learn how each individual part has specific functions and logic to it.
Something about the pilot being so far back is hilarious to me. G-forces are probably killer back there though
They're not. Well, wouldn't be. The Primrose II on the back there has no real reason to be there.
Actually wouldn't that be a second cockpit for a second pilot? Could help with handling things, and linear seat should take care of most G-forces. It might be like an ad-hoc training spec.
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I think it falls in the same "don't think about it too much" ballpark as the cockpit on ZZ's gun
Also isn't BunnYs the whole point of the MS line? Meaning it's a line designed specifically so you DON'T need a guy in the back? (Then again, isn't Inle a two-seater too?)
That one is explained as a backup and maintenance kind of thing I believe. So long as it's in G-Fortress mode it works just fine so I imagine during testing they could have used it to gather data. ZZ rollout was already delayed anyway so there might have been no time to remove it for negligible gain. And it's not like it requires a pilot there.
BUNNyS is a very powerful AI system but there's no evidence it can or is intended to replace a human pilot like ALICE. Haze'n-thley II can somewhat control the second unit when split apart but it works best with two pilots. By that logic you still gain something from a dual pilot setup even though the cost is obvious.
feels like with a force as elite as the Titans, stronger single pilot units would be more desirable than multi-pilot units (or hizacks...)
Where exactly does the Pilot sit in a TR-6? I always assumed it was either in the chest like a normal MS or at the center of the Drum Frame. The wiki says the pilots in the head, but information on there is dubious at best.
ZZ explicitly does think about it though, it has (naturally) a sequence with someone getting stuck in the cockpit (Iino, I think?) in a battle.
The chest. The Primrose II is the entire chest block. The cockpit is actually sticking out the back of the torso, you can see the nose of it folded up anytime you get a look at the TR-6's back.
Single pilot is generally more desirable since coordination is required only on team level and every machine loss only risks one pilot death. But there could also be a case made for a cyber newtype + handler setup, but again rather ad hoc. Still, the fact this can even be done quickly with existing parts proves the versatility of TR Plan
I ask because there's this illustration of the HZII with the Mk V legs
there's also the Hazel II testing the Mk V beam rifle
so I assumed there was some crossbreeding going on
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oh uh this illustration I mean
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Wasn't >>22943944 a fanart?
I'm not sure if height is right.
I keep thinking about a different suit when I see that abbreviation.
Mk-V is a Newtype lab design though, not Anaheim
Stop anon, we're still in November
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nah it's legit
The fact that this is the only pic we have of Psycho Inle is criminal. I love the cross motif used on the NT-use TTT weapons
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what in the world
Is that a dick size chart on the right?
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close enough really, the little graph illustrates how the idea at the time was for the combined forms to be roughly on par with 20m suits. That doesn't quite work out for the kit that eventually happened, but who the fuck knows what the real proportions and sizes are anyway.
Also cameo of that very strange, forgotten Woundwort head configuration on the Gaplant II
yeah the HG TR-6 is slightly taller than the TR-1 while it should've been considerably smaller
tack on extra crap on it and the proportions start to become all out of whack
not sure what they were thinking when designing the base HG
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The kit's designer is on record saying the ~18m height is according to official data, so it could have changed since the initial setting especially to account for realistic kit possibility. We haven't gotten any height charts in Reboot AFAIK so it might still be somewhat in flux. If nothing else I think there have been some adjustments, Haze'n-thley II's lineart has pretty different proportions for example.

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