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THE GUIDE: http://gunpla.buyfags.moe/


For those new to gunpla/plamo or even just new to this thread; please read the guide. Please read it before asking questions, as there is a chance it has already been answered there.

For the unclear, "plamo" is a shortened form of "plastic model". If it's made of plastic, someone can probably help you here!
If you're new, you're gonna fuck up. Don't worry! If you're experienced, don't make the new people worry!

And don't forget to report shitposting and spam.

>Why won't anyone answer my question?
Try being specific, especially about your materials and process. Post images whenever possible; even if the kit/part looks bad, you are more likely to get help posting images.

>Why are my pictures sideways?
4chan strips EXIF data from images when they're uploaded to the site from your phone, including the orientation display tag. To fix this, save your images separately, or use an app that will rotate and save the images for you.
One commonly used app that works well on Android:

>A guide to other types of plamo:
>Kawaguchi gunpla tips:
>Gundam lineart:
Explore our extensive lineart links collection:
>Funaka's gunpla guides:
Building Gunpla: https://files.catbox.moe/fj5azc.pdf
Scratchbuilding: https://files.catbox.moe/2d9ppa.pdf
>Falldog's gunpla guide:
>Saintism's gunpla photography guide:
>Dalong's gunpla reviews and kit documentation
>Schizophonic's gunpla and plamo reviews

Past Groupbuilds:

Previous thread: >>22937558
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Build a mecha encompassing different aspects of the horror genre. Examples include
>A mecha that incorporates general horror tropes from literature, film, and anime
>A corrupted version of an existing mecha/robot through magical, biological, or alien means (ie Symbiotes, parasites, Daemonic possession)
>Organic mecha (ie Evangelions) and monsters from /m/-related media (ie: the BETA from Muv-Luv)
>A mecha that draws inspiration from various demons or monsters from different mythologies and religions.

Submit your entries to gunplaplamo@gmail.com , include at least 5 finished pics and any WIP pics you took while working on your entry, as well as a brief description of your build.

START: 8/14/24
END: 11/21/24
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Post your WIPs!
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phone camera sucks ass so I hope the picture is clear enough
Whats the cheapest hg kit that comes with tiny machine guns? I got some spartans but I'm not a huge fan of beam gatlings. Iirc the gm sniper 2 is $15 and comes with a bullpup while the ground type comes with the really nice small machine guns but cost way more.
Iirc the gm
I think cold district GM is the cheapest guy next to the basic GM and comes with the bullpup
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Gm atriker is about 15, has that ground type machine gun with a better pistol grip(revive ground gm/gundam has the stupid straight handle for the holding hand.) Gm cold district has that aten looking mg, gm command has the 90m the gm sniper 2 has. Gm custom has that 90mm and the gm rifle.
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Type C has the small 90mm too.
btw Spartan just has a regular minigun, not a beam weapon
What's the best GM kits?
Cold district is also 15 at my local. Does it come with other guns?
I always assumed it was beam, I might buy a bootleg zaku cannon to get the belt mechanism. The tiny mag on such a huge gun isnt the best fit for it imo.
Original is my favorite. The beam spray gun is really nice on grunt suits. Gm cannon/missile from the doan ova is more detailed and poseable and also comes with a ton of weapons.
>Does it come with other guns?
No. It doesn't even come with a proper beam saber
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For anyone looking to save on waterslides; the chink waterslides (the 'Flaming Snow' brand ones) I ordered off Ali Express arrived and there is no noticeable different in quality at a FRACTION of the price of G-Rework.
Bandai can sucks my balls I'm buying these ones from now on.
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1/100 Exia bootleg
completely brand new mold
includes Devise and Repair parts
Y-yamero.... goyjin san, we plomise to ease up on the taliffs!!!
Those feet are absolutely tiny.
Chink should make rg bootlegs already lmao. I cant believe I'm rooting for them just because I hate bandai so much.
Seriously, has nobody tried putting the HG Gunpla Builders' Beargguy backpack on the Nobel Gundam by just taking off the latter's lapel parts? It uses the same joints, it had to work!
Am I tripping or did they announce a bootleg Hazel Custom some time ago?

And while we're on the topic, any news on the Bootleg90?
It's already available for purchase.
>MG Providence now out of stock.

I hesitated and this is what I get.
those drills and scribers are literally useless. neither are sharpened and the sizes aren't what they state (especially the thinner ones). cancel them if you can and get madworks or dspiae chisels and get some tungsten steel pcb drillbits like these https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004411348630.html
Does this really need to be a general?
Not seeing it on AliExpress though. Don't tell me I've been shopping for bootlegs at the wrong place all this time.
Yes, shut the fuck up.
would you rather us spam the board with 1000 threads
explain something to me please
so i was looking up panel lining and it said that abs handles it badly
but what about painting on abs or using markers for small parts, is that bad too?
like i get that panel lines use oil/alcohol or whatever, but my paints are acrylic, i should be good right? no matter the type of plastic?
Acrylic markers are fine on plastic. Soft tip markers are advertised heavily for lazy builders who want to color correct with minimal effort. Panel liners are a mixed bag. I heard they make plastic crumble (unless you use gunpla markers which are designed for bare plastic), but I've used tamiya panel liners on a dozeon snap builds and theyre fine, which is weird because tamiya is allegedly the one that fucks plastic the most.
The only time you will have an issue with Panel line paint is when you let it pool on a thin plastic piece or if it seeps into crevices. There's a very high chance that it will crack the plastic. Happened to me already when I didn't notice that the paint seeped into a gap. Otherwise, you're fine.
Why would the American government be talking in a Japanese accent?
Yeah I've always been wary of trying Tamiya Panel liner as a result because of that. I either hear that is rips through plastic like butter or it's completely fine. Doesn't help that trying to get it in Bongland is a nightmare.

that white dingo GM and visch donahue gouf



GTO GM missile/cannon
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bootleg gm spartan
Its less the panel liner that eat the plastic but more the thinner to clean it.
I only use lighter fluid with tamiya liner which may be what has kept my kits alive.
Ah I see, so it doesn't react well with Isopropyl alcohol or something?
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No females sighted at the shop today
A tweaking hobo was wandering the MG corner
The friendlier staff guy was manning the fort today, he had a lisp he didn't have before and was almost too chipper, I think he was on drugs
Held off buying the burglarydog, feels like the stock didn't deplete at all so there might be potential discounts. Though the kyoukai senkis have been literally overflowing for months and are still at normal price

Had time so i went to the other gunpla place and the guy wasn't straight up a cunt but kinda cuntish, must have come at a bad time. His input has always been pretty much rubbish anyways
Rorschach sounding ass
Why is there a 24/7 bootleg shill in /gpg/?
That would be nice really. I would rather have zhang consistently update me on plagen than refresh ali express like a maniac whenever I'm bored.
As long as you dont let it pool up or forget about it you will be fine. You Just have to be careful on small parts because it can get behind them and you will end up missing a spot to clean up. Did it on my RG EW Wing. Basically, when you manage to get some- just be mindful of where you put it along with how much you use, because a little goes a long way
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Its fuckin amazing.
Why tho when you can refresh PB everyday.
Why is g reco dead to Bandai? It’s a tomino show. And they just made like 5 movies for it. They don’t want to give it 1/100 model kits? Or a rg?
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Heya, I managed to make my first properly modeled kit with scratch building and kitbashing. I've still got some ways to go, especially with stuff like scribing. But I'm eager for feedback!
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Looks good to me, I don't see anything that stands out.
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very cute idea, I like it
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And here's the back
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What would be a good online site to resell the model kits I never started building or did anything with? I found myself with a lot of stuff that I ultimately don't really care for, due to fear of missing out, and I now find myself with a lack of space for it, so I figured I might as well try selling it at a reduced price.

I'm from Europe.
Wouldnt it be better if the tank fed downward so it doesnt increase the suit's vertical profile?
sounds about how I'd imagine MGfags to be like
They already did, so far only of God and EVA Unit 1. Dunno about their quality though.
They also have their own OC donuts RG line from super nova.
Maybe shorten the tube so that it has better aesthetic.
Thanks! I've been working on getting stuff like seamline removal down cold recently so I'm glad it's paying off.

I'm glad you do! It's based on the fire-fighter Jegan from the Hathaway movie, I kinda like the idea of MSs used for more civilian purposes.

Unfortunately I had to cut some corners with that. Initially I was planning on including two subtanks on either side of the main tank similar to what was seen in the movie, but I only had Butayrate cylinders to work with and I was having some difficulty working with the material (at least when it came to cutting them into ideal sizes). Something for my next shot at this for sure.
Bootlegs are gaining more traction in discussions because of how dead Bandai's releases have been in comparison to before the plague. Shit doesn't get reprinted as often anymore (partly due to Bandai printing all sorts of non-Gunpla stuff instead), the second factory still seems to have not taken off, and we're looking down the barrel of one RG and two MG releases per year plus one PG per six years.

Bootleggers may be committing IP infringement, but they're picking up the money that Bandai is leaving on the table. Barring shit like hand-melting plastic at least.
Consider getting the aftermarket cylinders that go on zaku tubes. It will add more detail to that cable thingie.
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How do I convince the chinese to bootleg the MG V-Dash? bandai refuses to reprint this more than they refuse to reprint Fazz, Turn X, and the O. I should have bought one from a scalper w hen it was 70 dollars.
stolen from twitter/reddit
Cool build
You'd tell me it's an actual kit i'd believe it
Rg bootlegs sound like a bad idea with all those small parts. The fittings would be shit
It is actually meant to be shorter, or go into the tank a lil further. I underestimated the fit following me priming and spraying the hose. Here's a pre-paint pic for reference.

That actually sounds interesting, especially at the connection base of the water cannon and the tank.

That honestly means a lot Anon, although I do wish I did a better job with the skirting. the front and back is missing some detail that the Ground Jegan's lineart showed. I wasn't too confident in my scribing to attempt it.
And here's a pic of the back, I need to get a vice if I wanna do more scratchbuilding in the future.
>wanted to paint a kit in mostly grey
>realized the shade is not too different from the grey primer
bros..... now I'm brainfarted, what's a good main color for a "commander" type grunt? no blue or red
will you marry me
You don't want to buy a The O from Bandai. Shit is like an old 2005 MG priced to the same tier as Sazabi Ver. Ka. Purportedly they only sell them at Gundam Bases and such now, to continue to try to recoup the losses from the initial production run. Artificial scarcity and such.

You could go with Jegan green, or different camera color like the ReZELs.
>such now, to continue to try to recoup the losses from the initial production run. Artificial scarcity and such.
>source my ass
>Artificial scarcity
>initial production run
>We want to recoup our losses from when we first made this by ... making it impossible for anyone to buy it
Yeah, bandai is the dumbest company on Earth that lucked into success. Imagine having a literal pre order service (Pbandai) where you can direct sell to anyone to to minimize risks and then instead opting to sell at in person events instead.
Uhhh if it didnt work then why is valve doing it for their cosmetics????
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their preorder service is a farce anyway, they already scheduled a specific amount of factory time for those kits otherwise they would actually let as many people preorder as wanted them in the preorder period instead of s"elling out" instantly
First time ordering from PB, do they ship at the end of the month?
You are correct. However, bandai could easily do what e2046 does to save themselves further embarrassment/pushing people to bootlegs.
They usually tell you when it will ship.
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I'm glad that vises are 3D printable now.
I've read some that said PB just ships it out with no notice. I'll wait on their email i guess.
The item tells you what month it ships. You can usually consolidate separate purchases to ship in the same month to reduce on paying shipping twice.

The "In Stock" shit ships immediately though, so you want to buy those in a single purchase.
bandai is dropping the ball lately. An anon here said he didn't receive a notice and it just showed up. I received a notice but then never received tracking information. I think they used to use UPS but then switched to fedex?
Honestly with my current very-positive experience with chink waterslides being the same quality as Bandai but literally half the price I'm open to all things bootleg at this point, I'm going to try my first chink kit soon and see how they compare.
Bandai can fuck off an die for all I care.
What bootlegs to people recommend?
I got mine for like 20ish, but I get the sentiment
effect wings, xfs and jms are best quality but anything other than gaogao is solid
holy fuck, my respirator filters I kept sealed in a ziploc bag is still fine since 2018 when I last painted a kit. I procrastinated this long and did nothing but shitpost but now I'm back into the game, baby
Carbon doesn't go bad. Some materials may go bad which means certain filters will stop filtering literal poison gas attacks, but for spray painting you'll be fine.
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two days...
Gto gm missile/cannon, kamfer and gm spartan are all good. The missile cannon gm needed a bit of knifework on some wafered mold overflow on a few parts, but the xfs spartan was pretty seamless.
All kits come with free waterslides btw.
after tidying up and doing an inventory it turns out i only have 9 kits in my backlog
glad i'm not a freak
Does the rise of third party kits mean that there is demand for more kits that Bandai is failing to capitalize on? Or are there other factors that would make more Bandai model kits not as profitable such as production capacity or economies of scale?
There's very few sites that do this and you're very unlikely to get a price that's worth it after you include postage/shipping. Probably better to sell on facebook marketplace, ebay or other regional sites like that.
Chinese bootlegs/originals are at the point where the good quality kits are almost as good as Bandai. The only issues are they use ABS for everything and the quality on each part isn't as solid. A lot of the original kits can have thin plastic, much like moderoid kits actually. They just need to get over their obsession with putting 45 degree angle spikes on everything.
People are probably just tired of paying extra because reasonably priced resellers sell out within minutes and go to scalpers who literally charge you double.
That and its a bit of a slippery slope like buying bootleg ps1 games. You quicklu ask yourself why you'd pay $40 when you could pay $7. There are flaws but they are easy to get around for the most part, and shit like decals come free when bandai would try to take another handful of dollars out of your pocket.
Demand rose like crazy during covid and hasn't gone down all that much since then, meanwhile Bandai can only scale up so quickly. Even once the second factory is operational in january they'll still have less than a hundred injection machines total. Add in that tech has advanced to a point where random bootleg companies can nearly match Bandai quality without worrying about things like workers rights, safety hazards, or even really marketing and you have the current situation.
At the same time Bandai doesn't really go after these companies too often or too effectively so I guess they don't perceive them as serious threats to their revenue
old bootlegs are legitimately awful. the daban zz ver ka is the most miserable building experience i've ever had, and i've built 90s wave fss kits and volks kits (honestly the volks kits aren't much better though)
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I want to get a justice gundam. Should I get MG Justice or MG Infinite Justice?
>Bandai can only scale up so quickly
Nah, that's bullshit. Bandai has always had demand. They are constantly announcing that their sales increase year after year.
I agree, there used to be a time where bootlegs were a joke, but then there was a stir about a ridiculously cheap spartan floating around in the market. There was a lot of skepticism but it turned out to be good and bootlegers sort of just rode the momentum and gave you shit like psycho zaku and gouf flight type for less than $10.
flip a coin, faggot
There is always demand for plastic coke. Regardless if bootlegs keep on coming into the market, it won't change Bandai's stranglehold on the entire gunpla market. Also they pretty much dictate the future of gunpla since they can shit out another hit gundam tv series.
You can see how it peaked with the MG Justice gundam.
yes, but production has a hard limit by how many machines they have. The new factory is supposed to increase production by 35% relative to 2023, and that was in the works for a while now.
The Justice share the new frame with the MG Freedom 2.0, while the Infinite was made from the same time as the MG Destiny. But it's all boiled down to which design you like more.
honestly I'm getting kind of tired of more hit gundam tv series. i wish they would just make them independent shows rather than attach the gundam label to everything. it'd be interesting to see a different design philosophy for the main mobile suits. at least they seem to be getting experimental with some of the other mobile suits though by giving some of the design work to artists with different styles
bandai's problem is that they bit off more than they can chew with diversifying all the different products they're making and now they can't keep up. They used to produce toys for different series but not to this extent that they are today. Also they seemingly have a civil war in their own HQ between two groups of idiots who are constantly fighting for what gets produced.
Pick the one you like the look of more. Personally I'd go with the Justice 2.0.
Japanese companies are insanely risk averse and the complexities of their economy mean they can't over step and then correct, they have to inch forward. Meanwhile the rest of the world have enough runway to shoot their load everywhere, scale back and fire everyone they don't need if things don't go well.
is the gundam group of idiots losing, given the lack of new releases?
Why wish for gundam to become something it's not rather than just reading/watching other things?
>Civil war on what kits to produce

Seems like /gpg/ in a nutshell.
is that it??? jesus christ bandai
It seems to be that way. Kind of a joke post but that one episode of Keroro Gunsou I think was a legitimate criticism of bandai.
Because Im hopiuming that Masaya Takahashi finally croaks and Bandai scoops up the rights to everything Sentinel.

Its huge if you factor in that currently Bandai is producing over a million kits/toys every year.
>i wish they would just make them independent shows
They tried with Kyokai Senki & Synduality which both flopped. Honestly I'd like to see them come out with original kits from designers that aren't based off already existing IPs.
>insanely risk averse
Bandai is an international company that has laods of emone. They're not risk adverse, they're just morons and also very petulant.
They also need to get rid of their obsession with undergates, they put them everywhere just for the sake of it. Most of the time it's in really inconvenient places that you can't reach even with just the tip of a nipper
I have a backlog of around 50 kits. I am really tempted to load up on some more when the holiday sales come up. But at the same time I know I shouldn't because I already have so much. Should I just say fuck it and get a few more?
we have 100 kit backlogs around here, whippersnapper
Name recognition is a major factor in moving plastic kits. If it weren't named Gundam, it would have a huge uphill battle to get any sort of traction.

Besides, you're acting like companies don't try new IPs every now and then. You only hear about the big successes (Code Geass) and easily forget about the major flops though (Buddy Complex, Valvrave). Gundam is Bandai's golden goose, so of fucking course they're going to milk it for all it's worth, though they'll also directly intervene if they don't like what they see (pretty much every show from 00 S1 onward had had direct executive intervention).
Bandai Namco might be an international company but Bandai Spirits are a Japanese subsidiary that behaves like typical Japanese companies do. Just because the overall holding group might be doing well, doesn't mean individual units get to do what they want, when they want to. This is the same for all conglomerates. I work for an IT company that has scaled up massively in the last 5 years and I lead one of our regional teams. I still have a budget & goals that need to be maintained each quarter regardless of how well or poorly we did in previous quarters and how well or poorly the rest of the divisions did.
alright thanks bros. definitely finna cop that mg cow now that its been reprinted
>bandai spirits
bandai spirits has been producing toys internationally for 50 years now. bandai spirits is especially profitable constantly announcing sales records being broken year by year. bandai spirits are morons that do stupid shit like exclusively reprinting a titanium finish version of a kit that they then only sell at pop up tents in random cities across the US.
Ask yourself if you really need or want more. I got into the habbit of buying anything I thought looked decent because GBP to Yen has been so strong for a year now and I looked at the pile last night and realised I really didn't want most of them.
Im at 62 with 3 more kits coming from preorder. Im tempted to buy the netflix kits and add an MG providence.
This. I have over 200 snapshits staring at me with a look of disappointment and shame
I bought the Full mechanics mailes kenbu just because it was like 70% off the retail price in my local stores and when it got here my only thought was, why did I buy this. It's a cool kit but I didn't have any strong want for it.

Are these the type of filters that you need for lacquers?
Those'll work. I use the same ones.
This anon >>22942758 speaks the truth. Buy because you want it, not because it's a good deal. If you find yourself hesitating because the kit isn't something you really want, then don't buy it. Impulse (lol) purchases are your enemy.
the most popular panel lining fluids (like Tamiya's) are thin enamel paints.
enamels will eat up unprotected ABS and easily cause it to crumble apart. supposedly you can avoid this by ensuring the part is under 0 stress in any location before panel lining. or just prime or topcoat first
What Gundam universe would the Huckebeins pass as actually fitting into best?
i have 10 and it's too many
Unironically CE.
late uc
it's literally just a knockoff v2
if you wanna resell them on a nice friendly storefront online, move to japan and use mandarake or surugaya
otherwise you'll have to do networking and shit. find local groups of gunpla/plamo fags with a buy/sell/trade board and sell directly to people who want the kits
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It's the actual paint thinner that hurts some plastics. The #1 don't use would be on poylcaps, the slightly rubbery feeling joint sockets, they can flake. Technically ABS plastic is not recommended but majority of builders haven't encountered an issue. The recipe for disaster is doing panel lining on a constructed section with seam lines between (thin) parts, and later stressing the part too much. The pooled thinner in the liner mixture will compromise the plastic.

Only time I cracked a part from liner after a dozen detailed kits was on an HG zaku head. Built the head, panel lined the gaps in the head tubes separately, laid in the tube piece, then snapped on the nose to secure the tube and top dome on. Then I panel lined the grill inside the nose, unknowingly letting too much panel liner sit between A2 and A1 in the pic. Hour or two later, went to remove the head to move the monoeye and put too much pressure on it; got a little cracked triangle off A2. So as long as you apply minor wisdom on panel lining, you'll be fine.
mainland europe?
we have a single store in the uk that buys preowned model kits but i haven't heard tell of any on the mainland

Don't insult the Hucke by insinuating anything belongs in SEEDshit. I wouldn't wish that crap on my worst enemy.
Facebook marketplace. Reddit also has a buy and sell thread.
SEED has the most kino designs outside of UC albeit
Thanks, anons.

Yeah, I'm from the Balkans, which makes me really fucked for trying to resell this locally, but oh well.
What do you have for sale?
SEEDshit looks like the name. Shit.
Shouldn't you be stocking ammo and not gunpla? Your ass is going to be in a war in like, 5 years tops. Hell, everyone that isn't mainland US is going to be.
that's why he's selling and not buying
>everyone that isn't mainland US
Bro you need to read the writing on the wall because it is SCREAMING at you. Pay attention. We doubled the amount of fighters (specifically INTERCEPTORS HINT HINT) along our coasts, increased navy patrol and started training our ground forces to fight an invading force. Do you get what I'm saying?
I don't care.
>he thinks anyone on the planet could actually invade the US
Bro you been playing too much Cawwa Doody.
Quite a lot, unfortunately. MGs and HGs predominantly, with the occasional RG.

I'll be looking to compile a full list and post a link to it in one of these threads, I'll probably catalog everything tomorrow.

The only thing I won't be selling is my Macross and Armored Core model kits.
You got a vdash?
Actually, never mind me. You're in Europe it wouldn't be worth it.
Just the MGs from the top of my head:

MG Sazabi Ver Ka, Zeta Ver Ka, MS-09R Rick Dom, Eclipse Gundam, NT-1 Ver.2.0, Gunner Zaku Warrior Lunamaria Hawke Custom, Banshee Ver Ka, Providence Gundam, Freedom Gundam 2.0, Hyaku-Shiki Ver.2.0, RX-78-2 3.0, Hi-V Gundam Ver Ka, Tallgeese, Sinanju OVA, RX-93v Ver.Ka, Epyon, Gundam Blitz, MK II AEUG Ver.2.0, Barbatos and a few more. I know I definitely have a P-Bandai MG for the Hazel TR-1.
That's a good selection. Might as well keep them and build it slowly over time.
>MS-09R Rick Dom
>Providence Gundam
>NT-1 Ver.2.0
>Sinanju OVA

I would buy these but shipping costs from the Balkans to here is very shit.
Yeah, it's not that I need the money, it's just the sad realization I bought more than I have space for and it's kind of sad seeing them sit there in the boxes. But yeah, who knows, maybe I get a bigger place for myself eventually and work on them.

Yeah, I know, I mostly imported all of this from Japan, and the shipping and import taxes really do stack up, but I didn't mind because I really love this hobby. Dunno why, but I feel at peace when I'm building kids and then working on them for extra detailing after.
there's some reaaaal tempting stuff and I don't live too far from there but I just don't think I can trust an offer here
Would this idea work? Im not home right now to test it
>put compressor in a large plastic container
>pad the bottom with clothing so it wont make rattling noises when refilling air tank
>maybe put more clothing onto it
>make hole in lid to fit airbrush hose, put lid on
Don't put a compressor into a small, unventilated space. Doesn't matter if some retards out there do it and get away with it, just because they have so far doesn't mean you will.
Why not just buy those dirtcheap soundproof foams?
Funny that they just announced reprints of this and the Formula today.
>my Newtype package sticker got all crumbled up in the box
>it was a cute one with a Red Zaku in a christmas hat that I would've actually put on something
I'm surprised at how small the paint bottles actually are - how far do these actually go?
yey long
it's impossible to give an average between different kit sizes, paint techniques, skill levels and tools
>prime a old snapshitted kit
>it looks so cool fully matte black
>suddenly consider dropping my initial plans and just leaving it as-is
bwos am i mr.retarder...
Just do a couple of highlights and be done
You'll be thinning the paints so as long as you're using correct ratios and spraying right, they last much longer than you think.
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I needed to consolidate shelf space so I either had to put this old snapped RG Amatsu away or do something ridiculous with it. Gonna try turning the big wing claws on the backpack into actual wings and converting the beam blade/shield on the left arm into weapons for the new wings. I guess I have more money than sense cause my current plans would need me to buy 2 more RG Amatsus
your part has dandruff
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I saw the page on HLJ. Sadly, I'll have to abstain. The only model kits I still have preordered are the Armored Core stuff, like UCR-10/L AGNI, Mirage C-03-Helios Victoria, UCR-10/A Vengeance and the CREST CR-C89E ORACLE Ver.
Yeah probably from sanding pieces I cut. I wanted to get the concept down first before doing any kind of cleaning
Demi Garrison
surely drop #5 will have something good, right?
Where do you think you ar- no wait that's not the right one to use.
What the fuck do you even want? They already reprinted everything and there's nothing new coming anytime soon. I honestly can't imagine what you could possibly expect
If Seed bad then why are the gundams so cool?
Gunner zaku warrior live concert ver
More mg narrative b packs because it ran out
>What the fuck do you even want?
G04 and G05
Act Zaku Kycillia's Forces
Gyan Krieger
Gelgoog Marine Cima Custom
Zaku FZ Fritz Helm
Dreissen (Either one)
Because the vast majority of the shows are mediocre at best.
fazz ver ka
zeta plus (test machine image color)
>Be in Europe
>Want the RG destiny impulse
>it's 2.5 times the price
Really though what the fuck is with the spam of boxart in every thread after a new one is made?
Think someone is trying to get it to die faster and also hit image limit
not sure why we bother making new threads before image limit/page10 in the first place
what are you talking about
Some dumbass is using up the image limit to "prevent shitposting" or what the fuck ever. He does it in other generals too. It's trying to solve a nonexistent problem while also reintroducing an old problem we had like seven years ago.
Fucking pointless spam that the mods don't care enough to deal with.
Who even gives a shit? Nobody is even in the old threads.
>Some dumbass is using up the image limit to "prevent shitposting" or what the fuck ever. He does it in other generals too.
Some people's brains should be studied in a lab
I have to keep in mind the speed of the board, my own availability, image limit, upcoming model kit showcases, and stuff like that. The previous thread was on page 8 when I went to bed, it could easily have been on the bottom of page 10 when I woke up. It's happened before. Just something you get a feel for after doing it for nearly a decade.
they arent
The gat-5, freedom, justice, impulse, and providence are all good gundams
ill give you providence
>What the fuck do you even want?
FM 1/100 Barbatos Lupus Rex.
This whole site is full of edgy contrarians so literally anything you picked was going to get called shit.
No, it's just retards who refuse to admit SEED is shit. I'd call them China shills, but your average mainlander bugman doesn't understand enough English to post here.
it's philipinos
I’m not saying SEED isn’t shit, I just like cool robots. Okawara and Akutsu’s designs don’t have anything to do with the storytelling and direction of the show.
Another day another Seed seething. It feels very good to have better taste than five star sloppers.
The designs are some of the worst parts.

What the fuck are you talking about retard?
okawara's seed work is the worst of his entire career
I absolutely hate SEED but its mecha designs are cool. I like basically every main Gundam except maybe Duel and Saviour.
Five slop seethers are still assblasted their golden boy got fired from 3 gundam shows. He couldn’t compete with the gundam designers like okawara and GODtoki and now they sour grapes cope that they didn’t even like gundam in the first place
Typical for a retard not to understand English.
no we just dont like seed lmao
Honestly I think seed was sort of a renaissance for Okawara. I felt like he had declined as an artist during the 80s with a nadir in Gundam X. His designs in that show felt a bit tired.

But he wasn’t even the only designer in seed, akutsu did the gat 5
*90s not 80s
it's the only good depictions of seed mecha
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read muv-luv
i hate women
Based wu fei
Who gives a fuck about any of the shows lmao
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your loss
first time buying somewhere other than my regular place, don't boxes always come with binds? feels like i bought an already opened one
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Does anyone know if this thing is compatible with the RG Zeta? I know it's a hand grenade and I should just pick one mode and stick with it, but I kind of want to be able to attach this to the waverider.
Based. I don’t need to watch the commercials to buy the toys.
if it's not it should be an easy mod
Some do, some don't. It's genuinely random.
so it's on bandai's end and not the shop's?
No idea. 90% of my kits have came with no bindings on them and I've bought kits locally & directly from Japan. There are kits where the runners don't have any packaging on them as well.
If you're buying from stores in the US, it's the shop or seller removing then.
tfw IBO genuinely put me off building for a while
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Too much or not enough paint for my first ever paint acquisition - building HGs
Out of these I have 1 big bottle of matte coat and 2 of gloss
Too much. Just get stuff for what you need. You don’t need a box fort equivalent of paint racks
I pretty much bought what colors I felt I needed for the HGs I had on hand but eventually I was like well I want free shipping too
Distributor's end. Middle?
no, it's not normal. they come from bandai without them, some retailers (mostly american ones) put those on themselves. most stores in my country, and all of them i've ordered from japan, come without them
Well more than enough. Please take the time to look into how to thin your paint properly and please test on spare parts or a plastic spoon. So many people in this thread refuse to do the minimum research, fuck things up and then come in here looking like a total retard. Shoutouts to the guy who was buying multiple bottles of gaia prism blue black because he was pouring it directly into his airbrush at 30psi and wondering why it was so expensive to paint kits.
You can see barbatos rex' leveling thinner in the pic, so I assume he already knows that.
>Shoutouts to the guy who was buying multiple bottles of gaia prism blue black because he was pouring it directly into his airbrush at 30psi

Is this real or a shitpost?
don't see the point in the bindings unless the box has been sitting on a brick-and-mortar store shelf
I wish there was a website where you could pull up the concept art of the mobile suit and previsualize your desired color scheme on it
Not a website but a $60 game, Gundam Breaker 4?
>all those specialty Evangelion colors
You probably went a bit overboard, but you do you.
No I'm being completely serious. Guy was blasting paint and when people told him how dumb he was and what he should be doing he said, "How was I supposed to know any of this".
lmfao did that really happen? i come here daily but i either somehow missed or forgot about that
Don't listen to the other faggots telling you it's too much, it's literally not enough. Your paints are some core shit and a lot of niche colors. You will 100% end up buying more anyways. Also stop buying upbranded shit like barbatos rex garbage, a chinese company literally goes up to him and tells him they have a business opportunity where they can brand one of their products with his name and give him a cut of the profits, aka. you can get the same shit for even cheaper without his shitty branding.
it's called visualising it in your mind's eye
He has more than enough to cover multiple HGs, which is what he said he's painting. Obviously it's not enough paint forever.
>Also stop buying upbranded shit like barbatos rex garbage
I would have bought mr. hobby if I had been able to find it in stock anywhere or the gaianotes stuff but that shit is sold out everywhere
What cheapo chinese unbranded stuff should I be looking for?
why buy extensive paint setups and invite health hazards into your home when you can't buy creativity nor invite bitches into your home
Some of the EVA colors are pretty good for general use like the purples or the Asuka/EVA02 reds
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I don't need bitches, I have Tamamonomae
I was thinking about buying her after I finish my Susanowo
new 'ku
>a chinese company literally goes up to him and tells him they have a business opportunity where they can brand one of their products with his name and give him a cut of the profits, aka. you can get the same shit for even cheaper without his shitty branding.

Source on this?
She comes with a lot of stuff so she can be a bit of a slog, but I was simply enamored by her expression so I really couldn't help myself.
He literally says it in his videos, they send him shit to test, he likes it and agrees to have his name and brand on it to sell. It's called OEM branding.
Gaahleri did this with him. Sent him one of their trigger airbrushes and then did a branded line with him which was the same thing but with his logo on it. Anyone who suddenly comes out of nowhere with any line of hobby tool is just doing rebrands. Even most of the major brands themselves have rebrands within their own lineup.
Okay then name the brands.

Well at least with Barbatos is that he tests this shit in video unlike the others who just show the product and have no feedback to it.
GTO GM, GM III, GM Quel, GM/GM, GM Kai, GM Custom, GM Ground Type.
In terms of HGs, that is.
I have a chance to buy the MG GM Sniper II White Dingo version, is that one good?
dunno, i only build HGs
Buy mg gm sniper ii and paint
It's not fair, these manga Gundam get RG kits before other anime Gundam
What other manga gundam even deserve rg? Sentinel gundams are way too chonk
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>ching chong ding dong behind u
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So what is the gpg consensus on this model kit. Are we thinking its cool or nah
I'm getting one. I don't really care what you retards think.
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Look at the joint parts of the premium HGFC kits. If we are getting the Rising, we should see this frame getting used in place of the Shining's old C plate and polycaps. We are getting an RG, the Rising can no longer use some outdated tech while not needing to get the RG treatment, so going over what else should change from using the base Shining mold, I have a feeling there will be lots more to take in...
>A plate is mostly the same, but with all the Shining-exclusive parts cut and replaced with ones the Rising could use, like a new rotary mount for the Core Lander and the tips of the shield
>Original B plate could get a relabel to the C plate since this set of joints is the B plate, with all-new extensions to add the extended shoulders for the Rising Shield and covers for the sides of the legs
>D plate will be the weapons and added ab crunch tech to replace the immobile block of the original
I care what you retards think so that's why I'm asking. I only get gundams that are gpg approved. Like mg sazabi ver ka, mg nu ver ka, mg hi nu ver ka, mg barbatos, and mgex unicorn ver ka.
I think it's cool and looks great but I only buy kits i want to customize and there's no space left on this one
I can't decide if I like it or hate it
I wish it was Kimaris Vidar instead
ill have to see how it looks when its released, I'll either love it or hate it
IBO Gundams are theoretically perfect for making MG kits, because you see their fully exposed inner frames and external armor throughout the show, and even with the armor on you see the inner frame exposed in many places.

That being said, despite how different they are from "standard" Gundams I don't like the anorexic look. And I don't have any more space in my backlog for more of this shit.
bro you can already see how it looks
i don't need creativity to longsnap. i just need the manufacturer recommended paint combinations
>I only get gundams that are gpg approved.
So only detailless kits from the 80s that are as misshapened as the poorly drawn art frames that came with the shows.
This is what a lack of new releases does to you.
He just wants to see Mechgodkotsu’s painted fingers fiddling around the kit.
I have used them a few times. Not really that great. The decals are super thin, which can be good but not for larger decals that will cause bunching up and the decals to tear. Also some may say they are uv reactive but they are not.
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>when you get your pla into a perfect pose and the nagging urge to touch it up finally dispels
That, or trying to find a way to retool the heck out of a kit that was 13 years overdue.
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>Gundam Katana
>Gundam Dis
>Gundam Valpurgis
>Moon Gundam

Theres a shitload of good designs in the manga spinoffs that Bandai could tap into but they just dont.
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>Delphinium never ever.
Yeah nah this is retarded. Nobody even knows what that shit is. RG is only supposed to be for the most popular mobile suits. It’s an exclusive line with the standard of being “excitement embodied” to maintain. They don’t just accept any random slop like the HGs will. These gundams don’t even qualify to be RG.
Stupid, but I like the design.
Is mixing paint really that hard? As long as you have a dropper and basic color wheel paints it seems simple to maintain a ratio.
To be fair they are cool as fuck. Especially Red Frame, there's a taste in its simplicity. I hate how they don't reprint the MG and I have to settle for the buildslop variant or the kai (overdesigned pieces of shit)
you mean buildkino?
>Yeah nah this is retarded
That's exactly why bandai will consider it
Gonna be unfortunately buying Faiz Blaster from P-Bandai but I’ll need some more shit to get free shipping. Should I just get the MG Tallgeese III or all RG Tallgeese II and III. On one hand obviously two kits is better than one but on the other hand I feel like the MG Tallgeese III getting reprinted in the future is much lower odds than the RGs.
Alternatively open to suggestions for any cool P-Bandi kits, like A.O.Z shit.
i guess i could see it being a pain with airbrushing when you're working with relatively small amounts of paint and can't mix shit on a palette to see what you're doing.
but mostly it's just ignorance in the hobby
It's not a fully sealed box, and the container is like 10x the size. Came home, tried out the idea, filled bottom with a blanket and some clothes, put lid on, and holy fuck, I can still hear it but my spraybooth fan overshadows it, looks like Im painting all night and not get yelled at for waking people up.
I'm not gonna keep it in there, just for the following 2.5 days to meet the deadline hopefully.
I wish I had the foresight to sound proof my work room but that would require a bunch of time which I'm short on
>They don't just accept any random slop
>Meanwhile RX 78 slop number 2 is already out.

Well there goes your argument. Being asked what manga gundams are there available for an RG, I just pointed out some cool shit but I guess your taste is just trash.
You can literally just use the soundproof foam to surround the air compressor instead of using your clothes. Frostedsnow does it and it seems to pretty much kill the sound.
blame it on Japan's copyright autism. Bandai had to relegate every new AoZ release to p-bandai because Dengeki owns the copyright for the material and Bandai had to go through lots of red tape just to produce a gunpla kit out of that series. same with Sentinel. probably why we aren't seeing a FAZZ/EX-S/Deep Dark Striker reissue for years now.
So why were the first few AOZ kits retail and why would releasing it on PBandai make any difference when it comes to copyright issues? I'll never understand the mental gymnastics people go through to excuse Bandai when the reality is, they release things on PBandai because they make more money.
Bandai has no problems with Sentinel kits. AOZ's problem is the royalties. It's just not worth it to print them as retail when they get a smaller cut than a design that they wholly own.
>leaf post strike
How fucked am If I shipped with air sp while in canada?
Will inhaling metal dust give me giga cancer ?
Whenever I've ordered and used Air SP, it always goes to Canada Post. So you may be waiting a while.
I just want some goddamn RG grunt/mass production suits. Where the fuck's the RG GM and Gouf Bandai?
Fuck. I just want my blue asshimar
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Bandai even retconned the previous retail AoZ releases to p-bandai because of that fact by adding some adaptor parts on it so it can be counted as a "new" kit. they never released the retail ones again after this.
Do gruntfags really need greebled mobile suits? Grunts are generic mass produced machines, they should have generic mass produced model kits.
RG GM would be fairly pointless but an RG gouf/custom would be great. Surprised we haven't seen it by now. They should make more RGs in general but with the amount of kits they have in their printing circulation, making new kits obviously is not a priority for them any more.
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>they should have generic mass produced model kits.
I WILL have my greeblegodkino GM. I don't care how expensive it would be, how impractical it is, or how unrealistic it is, I NEED it.
Cellulite jiggling is excitement embodied.
Someone help me with this problem instead of having retarded arguments.
get the MG. it's cooler because bigger.
Right, that’s good logic.
Think they’ll ever reprint the MG Tallgeese II now so I can complete the family?
I might be going completely schizo, but wasn't there a release a few months ago? I see it every so often on P Bandai, so I imagine you'll see it again within the next year.
Huh yeah actually you’re right. Granted it was a 2023 preorder delivered in January, but I’d say that counts. Also seems like good odds it comes back then.
I hope you find it anon. As a leaf, P-Bandai is simply delusion for me.

You ever plan on getting that chinkgod 1/60 thickgeese?
Get whatever you think you're most likely to purchase a companion kit(s) for.
The RG Tallgeese II can be put alongside a Leo army, whereas the RG Tallgeese III is basically just standalone since there are no other 1/144 Endless Waltz kits other than RG Wing Zero Custom. MG Tallgeese III is an easier sell since you can get MG Tallgeese, Proto Zero and Epyon and make yourself a Zechs MS collection.
The MG Tallgeese II was available for like one day over the summer as a sudden "In Stock" option, and before that it was in the pre-order catalog a little over a year ago. Unfortunately it's near impossible to predict if/when the next time a kit gets reprinted, for example it's been over two years since the Sword/Launcher Packs for MG Strike RM were on US P-Bandai, and the RE/100 CCA Base Jabber has apparently never seen the light of day in the US.
>You ever plan on getting that chinkgod 1/60 thickgeese?
Honestly probably not. Chinese kits basically always have some small thing that unreasonably pisses me off and turns me off in general. Maybe if I happened upon a lot of money or a large increase in pay.
>make yourself a Zechs MS collection.
Now this is a good idea. Thanks anon.
There's one on surugaya right now, shipped, for 43USD.
Fair, but there were preorders in 2023 and 2021, so surely that means it's popular enough that Bandai will consider a reprint at the very least within the next couple years, right?
Fairly certain that’s an ancient as fuck one. IIRC it needs painting too.
hol up. wait WTF. I got mine on p-bandai preorder for $59.51. wtf dude its not fair why is it so much cheaper second hand then from fucking bandai itself
First few were retail as a test run of sorts. Obviously, the sales data decided that it was more worthwhile to keep them P-Bandai exclusive but what's already been released at retail will remain retail. The HG Hazels, and Gaplant Hrairoo continue to get retail reprints today.
Unless I'm completely wrong, it should be the one you're looking for.
Yen is in the shitter and kits are cheaper in Japan by default. Of course it's cheaper.
Actually yeah looks like you’re completely right. Thanks for spotting it anon.
Yeah but most pb stuff I see on there is either marked up a ton (like Tallgeese iii is $122) or around equal to what you’d pay on pb web store. Never seen it be like $15 cheaper
I'll be honest, I was tempted to grab it myself but you seem much more into the tallgeese than me. Better grab it before someone else does.
Honestly if you want to grab it go for it. I can use the excuse of being nice to help me save money for the time being. Plus even if it’ll be more expensive next PB drop I at least wont have to make a different $100 PB order at the same time.
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>Turn X for 200 buck.

I am tempted.
Given that I have around 65 kits in my backlog, I absolutely don't need any more kits.
Nah bro, I insist. You were the one who found it, I don’t want to take this sweet deal from you. I can just wait.
>Want a grunt suit RG
>Doesnt like it when its greebled and with added articulation
>Well heres the HG

Whats even the point?
aww get a room you two
yeah it will basically never be cheaper again and you should definitely do this.
MG Turn X and MG The O will get retail reprints next year.
I can see it happening along with FAZZ and V-Dash. But only after April.
Honestly you might be on to something. Raise all prices then just reprint every fucking kit. I'll be kind of pissed but at least I'll have muh grails. Hopefully these gay ass tariffs don't happen so it'll all only be slightly more expensive.
I hope they do happen so you guys get screwed over. Fuck you I got mine
"Fuck you I got mine" is how we ended up in this situation. Become a better person. Remember the Buddha's teachings.
>Hopefully these gay ass tariffs don't happen
Given we're firmly in Clown Reality right now, you better lube up your asshole, because you're about to get fucked.
Nah at this point I’m completely jokerpilled. I voted for trump because I knew he would cause the most suffering possible. I am waiting with a thousand raptures for him to sell out Ukraine to Russia and Taiwan to china so millions more people will have to suffer under brutal authoritarian oppression, end the ACA and cut Medicare and have rfk and fucking dr oz fuck shit up in the healthcare industry so people get sick and can’t get treatment, cut social security so all the boomers get fucked, end the department of education to fuck over zoomers education, use the military to forcibly deport millions of illegal (and naturalized) immigrants, tank the economy, weaponize the department of justice to go vanquish his political opposition, and hopefully stay in power for more than just 4 years. I’m getting excited just thinking about how much people will suffer and seeing them whine on Reddit about it.
You will be very embarrassed when you remember saying things like this once you're older than 18.
Is the deadline 11:59am on the 20th or 11:59 on the 21st?
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Ah yes, because under 18s can vote…

I guess we won’t lose much by cutting the department of education. Doesn’t seem to have been working anyway.
Yes but an 18 year old can vote, and one day that 18 year old will be older than 18. 18 year olds can also legally post on 4chan. I chose my words very intentionally.
Were you seriously calling me a retard you drooling dumb fuck?
you need to be 18 or older to post here.
at least post plamo or fuck off
plamo for this feel, /gpg/?
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the troon-colored GM's that sometimes gets posted here
How is the build quality of the Daban Sazabi compared to Bandai's Ver. Ka?
as with 66xx series, expect them to be bad.
meant to post this earlier, who ever told me to get the daban FAG, kill yourself
yea modern bootlegs go together fine, but there is so much extra flash and the ejection marks are even bigger, every single piece basically will take twice as long if you plan to make it actually presentable, this has been an un enjoyable process
buying a third party custom kit is one thing, but never buy a 1:1 bandai clone unless its maybe a ultra rare kit
You'll have to ask Groupbuild Dude the next time he shows up.
does lacquer fumes cause hallucinations? I know it's dumb but I was being lazy and was microdosing on fumes that my spraybooth can't suck up as quickly, and I swear I saw a book open up in my peripheral vision
you posting in /gpg/ was caused by you huffing lacquer fumes
No, but hallucinations cause lacquer fumes.
I'm thinkin they must really hate G-Reco for it to not get a single MG while IBO which came after already got 2.
ackshually, IBO only got its MG 5 years after it began airing. you're probably talking about the 1/100 No Grades.
actually nvm. yeah IBO had two confirmed MGs so far, but it did took them long enough to get it.
I hate the fact that instead of making a ver Ka or 2.0 of God Gundam, they made it a Metal Build instead
you'll get the RG and you'll be happy!
different divisions
>local toy store reprinted the p-bandai exclusive Turn Red and Avalanche Exia as retail
i can relax again.
these aren't exclusive in the west
i remember there was a scare that they're going to retcon Avalanche Exia as p-bandai everywhere when it was announced together with MG Astraea a few months ago lol.
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Avalanche Exia is always been P-Bandai, along with Qanta Full Saber and Astray Turn Red. its just that they made them retail outside of Japan
hmhmmmhmm there seems to be a UC > Seed > 90’s AU trend with RG release order hmmmm
I'm new to airbrushing, does applying metallic paint require different techniques from normal glossy paint, for the gloss I tried the barbatos rex method of 2 mist coats and 1 wet coat, can I do the same for metallic?
The people that recommend Daban are legitimately 3rd worlders and/or don't own the Bandai kit. The vast majority of bootlegs aren't good. Nothing has changed just because 3 HG bootlegs have recently been decent.
The show bombed & the kits bombed even harder. Of course they don't care about it.
RG Gerbera Tetra is right around the corner.
I tend to panel line each part individually while I build if I'm just looking to topcoat. That's good to know, thanks anon.
For metallics you'll want to spray lighter coats, not full on wet coats. The faster it dries the better, so that flakes don't have time to move
i'd only resort to Daban if it's not available as bandai (like their 88xx series), or if it's very hard to find as Bandai (like The O). otherwise i'll always recommend Bandai because the hassle of building a bootleg isn't worth it.
Yeah I remember seeing them doing something similar with that HG Lancelot Albion kit.

And then proceeded not to do the same for the Gurren or the Gawain.

I was almost tempted to buy the Daban 8827 (Snow White Prelude). It looks great but the moment you see someone move it, you immediately see all the issues. Same with the 8825 based off the hi-res wing. Looks great but has one of the most awful knee bends I've seen in a modern kit.
It's what I call a "trial run", to see if people outside Japan with no P-Bandai are ready to get stuff that are meant to be P-Bandai by the time the fan channel goes live in those places. Southeast Asia is one such region that got lots of P-Bandai exclusive kits as retail, but would see them again in their rightful place. The Dragonar-1 is one of those kits.
That sounds about right. We got Lancelot and Dragonar-1 in bongland as retail releases here, but that was during a period where Bandai didn't really have their own distribution here like they do now.
haha imagine if they only do this on the monochrome box releases, or even the recent p-bandai stuff with colored boxes like MG Mk V...
Time to sell my Gunpla.
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>November 20th
>Still no sign of the Murasame Kais
What in the actual fuck is going on bro
man, i feel silly, i placed an order for the HG hyaku shiki a few hours ago as i like the design and a basic hg will be going up in price over time, only to see MGK posted a video about it today, now the guy at my LHS will know i watch troons
they still don't have even the netflix kits here
Hey do me a favor and piss off.
Sorry about the botched transition anon.
MGK really does live rent free in /gpg/‘s head.
That's okay, next time maybe consider not cutting off your penis and then shitting up /gpg/ and you won't have to apologize for it.
Apparently they're gonna show up in December.
Is it? I saw them in retail a couple of months ago. I should have snagged one.
Metal chads just keep on dabbing on us its not even fair.
Turn Red, Avalanche Exia, XN Raiser, Qant Full Saber, PG ARF Kai, HiRM Wing EW, HiRM Wing Zero Ew Pearl Coating are p-bandai exclusives that saw retail releases overseas.
Sounds about right, XN Raiser and Full Saber I got in retail.
Why are you like this
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Don't Metal Builds have a lot of QC issues and are not really worth their asking price?
this is what rgs are like if you believe mgk
Oh nice a scene from the bandai toy story.
you could turn this into a pretty cool marionnette
>sand down joints
>take video flopping it around
>people think it's out of the box like that
that's what he call EMBS
Like a puppet whose strings had been cut...
There are rgs that eventually do this. Sinanju, Tallgeese and Zeta does this for me.
He'll never be a big shot anymore..
If you seal your parts with a gloss coat then you should be fine. You should do that before panel lining anyways as it helps the paint flow better.
I'm pretty damn sure MG Avalanche Exia and Qan[T] Full Saber were never P-Bandai exclusive, because I've seen both of them at my local brick and mortar. The only reason it's on the P-Bandai store right now is that it's surplus from the Mobile Tour.
Dude all the local stores in my area got the Armored Core kits like a month ago except for the store that just pre-ordered it from. Dude must have picked the slowest shipping option just to save a couple bucks
MG Avalanche Exia is P-Bandai in Japan but retail in the rest of the world. Why? Who the fuck knows.
don't know if something's going on but both my shops skipped a week of restock
Such detailed models at that size and they can't make plamo version. It ain't fair.
it was for the Japanese market. it's retail release everywhere else.
Does anyone have the screencap that spawned this image?
How do I pull off the anime MC all nighters? Am I too old? I get sleepy as fuck at 1am, and my body seems to tank caffeine and it does nothing for me anymore. I wanna meet the group build deadline so bad but working a demanding job sucks ass, I cant have fun anymore and my manager is a cunt who wouldnt let me take a few days off this week
MBs like most robot figures have a big problem of unsanded nubs, really awful nubmarks, slight paint defects. You really need to wear down the metal joints for metal frames to become loose, I'd say loose metal frame is the least of MBs problems
Why are you old?
How does a eurocuck get their hands on a Solomon Physalis? I've never bough anything from Aliexpress and every listing feels like my pc is getting infected just by looking at it
stop being a tech illiterate boomer
>scared of aliexpress
just give up
you answered your own question. that's how i as an americuck got it.

getting the batteries on the other hand might be harder as a eurocuck. might need to contact your shady hobby dealer about that
Aliexpress, gundamit, mofiho, that one other chink shop I forgot. Don't buy local and don't buy outside china, otherwise you'll get import fees.
I see, thank you. I will attempt a purchase from Aliexpress then
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Why are newer RGs so expensive? I thought one of the main goals of the RG line was affordability, but most of these are just as expensive as MGs.
??? either way, bandai has raised prices on everything for everyone. HGs go for 50 +. Small trillion dollar family company has to ensure that they boost those profits.

>Real Grade (RG) (リアルグレード Riarugurēdo?) is a line of Gunpla kits that was introduced by Bandai in 2010 as part of the Gundam 30th Anniversary commemoration project. These consist of Mobile Suits from both the Universal Century and the Alternate Centuries. The RG line combines the best aspects of the other three Gunpla lines: The small size and AFFORDABLE PRICES of the High Grade, the advanced inner frame technology of the Master Grade and the massive parts count and details of the Perfect Grade.
>Wiki fandom.

Do I have to search through Bandai's announcements to find affordability?
Most of these got a lot of plastic. As for Unicorn, I guess it's the popularity tax. Same with God probably if it's a western shop.
Well I can't find shit. Bandai doesn't mention affordability anywhere.
>kit is large, complex, has a lot of accessories, or any combination thereof
>Bandai charges more for it

Yes, they are still by and large cheaper than their MG counterparts (the RG Sazabi is like half the price of the MG). But price always varies, and you're a fucking idiot if you think otherwise.
Earlier RGs would go for like $30. Now they go for $40-$60. Do you need me to do a statistical analysis on it?
Oh no not this guy.
Because they're typically bigger or have more parts. This isn't hard to understand. The only real outlier on that list are the EVA kits which are more expensive because they say Evangelion on them.
Having come from Warhammer originally, these all feel cheap to me.
bandaibabies constantly whine about price as if they don't have it better than anyone else in any related hobby
IS there anything I can use to clean up a kit painted with acrylics without damaging the paint? I color corrected a kit using acrylic markers, and I Want to clean up the plastic before clear coating it.
No you're right, Bandai has been raising kit prices across all grades. But at least it seems like the kits themselves are getting better in terms of engineering, color-seperation. articulation so it's easier for me to accept the prices.
But who knows, we could hit a plateau where kit prices just keep going up without any improvements and less plastic in the box ala figma
Imagine being proud of being scammed.
i mean the nus, saz, fa unicorn, zeong has as much plastic as your typical mg. But they're still alot cheaper than their mg counterparts (besides zeong). EVAs is because muh license.
Real retarded rg price is rg epyon, that shit is costs nearly as much as its mg counterpart and the MG 3.0 and I can tell you that thing has only slightly more plastic than rg impulse.
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RG Epyon is beeg
Wish they'd make a goddamn TV Wing Zero RG already
The Epyon has a transformation gimmick which is probably what adds to the price.
>paint my Calibarn's joints in a nice metallic color
>peels off immediately when I finish assembling the arm
well fuck me I guess
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Unicorn mode is so beautiful
It looks like led mirage but actually good
>a normal sized mobile suit is big next to a manlet MS
wow your point?
No matter what anyone says, Base form unicorn is far superior than destroy mode.
it looks like led mirage but bad
I actually hate how the destroy mode removes the single horn and turns it into a shitty v-fin. They really should've just made it extend a bit and add some red to the horn.
Unicorn mode looks so fuckin good, I almost feel bad for the designers working on making the transformation as good as it is
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"Wasn't able to get all my shit ready to paint until yesterday so now I've spent the last two days in a drug fueled last minute painting bender to try and finish in time for the groupbuild" bros, where we FUCKIN at? We're gonna make it.
Looks horrifying
Looks nasty in a good way
I think this is the guy that convince GBD to extend.
How come people call build kits “buildslop”? Why does it seem like they aren’t as popular as the normal kits?
Aren't they mostly chinese re-color tier of original robots?
they are, this general is just kinda retarded
What fucking people?
i got ways to go as a builder
Like this guy
Less people watched the build series because it was marketed towards children, there are some decent unique kits that came out of it but there's also a bunch of shitty recolours, low effort kitbashes, or ugly unique kits. Grimoire Red Beret, Zaku F2000, Dom/Gouf R35 are some pretty well liked kits.
I did it specifically to trigger you and because it's fun. I'm sorry you can't penetrate the superficial veneer of cynicism.
Also it's a baby toy commercial that is more baby toy commercial than my baby toy commercial. Yes I'm an ironic weeb. Yes we exist.
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Now I feel the need to buy two MG Unicorns even though I have two HGs and the RG of it...
>Why does it seem like they aren’t as popular as the normal kits?
are you seriously asking this? i feel like the answer is pretty obvious
Is this the mgex or ova mg unicorn?
A lot of them look goofy and silly to me. There are a bunch of cool ones though, like the Wing Fenice, Grimoire Red Beret, mobile dolls and uohhh Qan[T].
Why do you have so many Unicorns??
Please understand that there are literal retards shitposting in /gpg/
I think it's the old Ver. Ka. It has the pointier top calf piece, and it's missing the extra greebling on the MGEX.
Is it worth paying $150 extra dollars for some more greebling and lights for the unicorn?
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You don't need that many Unicorns.
No. The psycho frame plastic on the original reacts to UV, so just display your thing with a black light or something.
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I have HGs of the Luminous Crystal and Perfectibility and the normal RG, they're exclusive!
I just need an MG of the normal Unicorn and Banshee OVA and maybe a PG Phenex (Daban) and I'll be done collecting Unicorns I swear it's not a problem.
But can't you just like other Gundams
What if I like greeble
Sex with Katoki
I found him! This is the guy that keeps buying the Unicorns!
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Add your own. It's like 90% nubs and holes anyway.
>store shipped an order I cancelled
>I let them know and shipped it back
>Store ships my actual order
>later, I got a partial refund on my second order because one item went out of stock. Even though I received it already.
>2 month later I got a shipping notice that the reat of my order shipped
So yeah, they're shipping my second order twice. What am I going yo do with 2x Lfrith, Calibarn, chu chu's demi trainer, and Zowort?

Or should I let them know they fucked up again?
can't have too much witch kino
demi and zowort are great for squads and highly customizable, lfrith and calibarn are just great kits out of the box and you could leave one of each unpainted if that's your thing
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Do you guys have any pictures of your displays for all the model kits you've built? I feel like I bought too many and am quickly running out of space and wanted some inspiration.
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I'm in a similar situation. Probably gonna get an Ikea Rudsta and install LEDs into it.
>not on Newtype
>not on USA Gundam Store
>not on Amazon (sans scalpers)
>not even Target or fucking Hobby Lobby have them
What the fuck is going on with gunpla shipments this season?
what exactly is "ex" about this? it's barely different
no i have chris chan shelves with too many kits on it and they haven't been dusted for 2 years and have cobwebs on them
i don't want to turn any room into a toy store so I do rotations on the corner of my desk with one to three kits
imo it makes the displayed kit look better and more unique while also not polluting the room
It comes with a clear psycho frame with LEDs so you can have it either green or red. Besides that, the articulation is a bit better. The MG Unicorn's leg had an infamously bad knee bend thanks to the shape of the armor, but the MGEX has a gimmick that lets it achieve a full bend.

If you don't care about lighting or articulation, then it's pointless and you shouldn't bother.
Has anybody tried drybrushing silver or something on the back of a psychoframe? I'm just trying to think of some ways to make the psychoframe really stand out and look cool for my RG Unicorn.
I think I remember seeing a post here about somebody doing it a few months ago but can't find it.
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The proportions are a little different for the MGEX (left) too.
The EX has different proportions (slightly) and also the LED system.
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Idk I think the mgex looks way better
What you and most don't realize is that anything under the Gundam label is intentionally underpriced completely so they can make bank off selling the kits. When they branch out, like with Kyoukai Senki and Synduality, they end up having the "IP Tax" inflate their prices to ridiculous levels.

There should be MORE Gundam shows, but without the focusing on the Gundam of each show and instead do something more akin to 08th MS Team and IGLOO where you get to see more interesting designs shine and have their times in the sunlight. Not necessarily in the same plot type, setting, or fashion of the shows, either.
08th ms team was complete junk. You know the main designer for that show was the one who made the Netflix gundam right?
Making the Unicorn just that little bit chonkier really improves the design imho. But what if we went further?
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Any Gurren Lagann enjoyers? Is the Plaiobot model kit the best plamo version?
I wanted to get it but didn't realize that it's been out of print for a while and being scalped...
Yeah, who intentionally sent out an overloaded design expecting it to be whittled down and simplified between takes like with 08th MS team and all other collaborations he did in the past, and was genuinely shocked every design was instantly accepted and pushed to production even though he intended to never have those designs be final.

You have a point here?
did anyone buy the Gunleon?
>08th ms team was complete junk.
it had one of the best renditions of the Dom
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how thicc should hexagears be?
They should be heckin chonk
Why is the currrent trend in model kits to twinkify the proportions so much when 99% of mobile suits look better when they’re chonk?
I like both twink and chonk but i hate square bitches like the unicorn
Chonk is better than twink though. Look at how much better the old mortar headds were compared to their gothicmade equivalents.
I can't believe Bandai charges 100 dollars for some lights that you can't even plug into the wall
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I like chonk, twink, and everything in between.
Wall mounted shelves and another basic but big shelf made of wood planks. Do yourself a favor and get or make something that's closed, dust is a cunt
Best kit for the Zeta?
Mg ver ka. It’s the most anime accurate and one of the best gunpla kits in general. Whatever you get, avoid the RG as it is notoriously bad.
probably the MGEX going by the proportions. Ver Ka is a skinny twink
For the Unicorn versions of the Neo Zeon suits - are the sleeves stickers on a flat surface or are they actually molded onto their body and the sticker just goes on top of the mold?
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My biggest disappointment with ver Ka kits is how long he makes the legs. In the past it's been kept at an acceptable level but the new ones are just egregious. Wing Zero I get because it's his Gundam but the Zeta is so far off from Fujita lineart.
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it's the MGEX. they brought back the Katoki-respecting pointy top calf armor, but introduced a new gimmick that it can spread apart to accommodate the knee articulation.
My PG Unicorn just arrived and I still don't know how to display it. I prefer Unicorn mode all the way, but with the LEDs I feel it's a waste not to have it on Destroy mode
fuck katoki
i want to fuck katoki
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i'd like to settle for a compromise.
i kind of find it funny that Zaku F2k is well liked, when it was actually a parody of how modelers go overboard with their kitbashing/customizing.
They are a raised detail on the mold so you can reverse wash them if you're painting.
>Plaiobot Gurren Lagann

I have that kit, the Super Galaxy Gurren Lagann, and the Lazengann. They're all pretty good, but do need some paint apps depending on the kit as they're all very sticker heavy in different aspects.
the LED would bleed under the armor seams, creating a nice effect.
I guess I'm going with the ZZ version even though I don't really like the exposed cables...
Fuck you exposed cables are cool.
I know. I mentioned it because the OVA MG's calf looks shorter, so the pic can't be the OVA MG. But like I said, the pic is missing the sticky out bits and the hole details on the torso, so it can't be the MGEX unless the modeller filled those details in.
Reprint this you bastard! I don't want to spend a lot of money for transformation RG
Nice, I guess I'll test both modes and see. If the transformation hopefully isn't too hard maybe I can change it every week or so
Don't be embarrassed and just post your shelves. Own it.
Feels more like it comes from how prominently separated the panels were.
Just saying, can you replace the no-vulcan parts with ones that have the vulcans onto the MGEX?

Speaking of Wing Zero, has anyone tried placing the Messer Zwergs of the old version's Special Coating variant onto the Ver.Ka? It still baffles me that only the Metal Composite figure had the complete set of Messer Zwergs and Neo Bird Mode in one set, but the model kits only have one or the other.
What is the best Ver Ka kit? My vote goes for either Sazabi or Nu because those are the ones I own
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FAZZ because i own one too. MGEX Unicorn for the ones i don't own.
zeta because i have it
Destiny Spec II, comes out in 2025
I can't be assed whipping out my phone, taking a picture, sending it to my pc and posting it.
I wish feet/leg design was more chonky these days
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Is there a way to make it looks like a skull? According to EX designer, he designed it with skeleton aesthetic which I can see it but not the head
>MG Exia Avalanche restocked coincidentally

Well thanks anon, now I added a new kit to my backlog.
I think the v-fin and crest is supposed to resemble a goat skull, so maybe lean into that?
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Tbf this would look really good if it had a faceplate. Kinda like the one with nightfall.
Man I really should just get the ZZ, its been on my mind for the last couple of months.
I can't tell if I like the Exia Avalanche. I'll see one photo and love it but then I'll see another and go completely off it. It, the 00 Raiser, Astraea Type F & the Union Flag are the only 00 kits that stand out to me.
Been trying to decide between the regular release & the enhanced version myself. Either that or wait for the next FAZZ reprint.
what should i impulse buy? keep in mind this is in CAD and theres no tax, a very good deal
Do you guys topcoat different parts of your build differently? Like one part matte, and the inner frame gloss/semi-gloss?
I wanted to do that after I drybrushed silver on the inner frame.
Is this all real grade?
I don't topcoat because it looks like shit unless you really knoe what you're doing
ye, i only have the hi nu and the 00q
you should impulse kys
You should really only buy the kits you absolutely love, otherwise you'll end up with a backlog of shit you don't really care about. I speak from experience. Out of those kits here's what I've built that I'd recommend. Skygrasper, unicorn banshee, force impulse, god, epyon, Nu, hi-nu, Sazabi, zeong.
Assuming these are all RG, all of them are pretty good.

One option available to you is Aile Strike and Skygrasper, and then buy the NWS Perfect Strike expansion pack (only way to get the RG Perfect Strike in your part of the world since you don't have P-Bandai). That one might be hard to find and expensive to ship, but you could also try to buy third-party waterslide decals for the Strike and Skygrasper at the same time to spread the shipping cost out a bit, maybe even a knockoff Action Base for aerial posing (the NWS expansion comes with one but it's one of the crappy ones that hoops around the waist so it might look awkward).

Otherwise, it's all up to you. At those prices the only ones I would hesitate on are the Hi Nu and Wing TV (I got mines for even cheaper than the advertised price here), and I forget whether it was the Sinanju or Sazabi that were problematic at the RG scale.
Have retailers raised prices already? Looking at some of the shit and don't remember it being that expensive before. Like MG infinite justice is $61. Fucking 61 bucks for a 2008 release. While MG Barbie in comparison is $55.
In that case you could consider an Exia and 00, complete the collection.
I'm waiting for MGEXia. Anons told me that they will be coming out soon with either a 2.0 mg using the CB frame or an MGEX with a Trans-Am color changing gimmick
may as well just get the PG
give it to me straight bros. what are the chances we will see the mg age-3 released in any sort of form? like even just pb or gundam base exclusive? i've been waiting here for so long.
That's an educated guess at best. Nobody actually knows what Bandai will do and what they'll release next. They could very well just not do jack shit with it at all for several years.

In all likelihood it's been forgotten about. You'll take your HG and you'll be happy with it.
I feel like this is a very boring time to be into gunpla. I mean, for pretty much the next year, what do we really have to look for ward to? The only exciting kits are MG Vidar and RG Shining. And you look at the past couple years, that's pretty much normal. We get just 1 or 2 new releases from those lines a year. Now maybe for the hobby as a whole its more interesting, but for gunpla specifically it feels kind of dead.
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actually not that big, jap women are just tiny
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Just my luck that I got into this hobby in April, especially with the stupid price hikes next year.
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maybe you should get into girlpla.
how do i get into girlpla?
This is probably HG Gunleon/MG box size. In fact, it shouldn't be this heavy to crush the Mighty Strike Freedom and Infinite Justice Type-II's boxes when emptied out.
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by purchasing a PuniMofu Mao
You chose a bad time.
take this opportunity to reinforce your box fort with the upcoming black friday sales to weather the storm anon. usually places like newtype will mark things off 20-30%. you can also cop some great deals at hobby lobby and michaels though selection is limited.
Seriously who is buying this for the Destiny and not for the Zeus Silhouette?
i am
no you're not.
ok you got me. how did you know?
where? the scalper market?
Go back in time and preorder it.

Alternatively, buy it on USAGS. It's in stock.
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I can tell with how you paint your nails.
Well, there isn't really anything stopping you from purchasing older kits. There's so much Gunpla in the world that even if there isn't much new coming out right now, you could easily spend years building and painting and customizing stuff that's come out in just the last ten years alone.

The stupid thing is that the HG Revive kit came out back in 2019, and it's very trivial to just grab one of those and paint it in Spec II colors.
I was inspired by /ourguy/ MGK
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should be easy to find on kotobukiya resellers if you live outside japan.
needs more dakka
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When is the mg fazz ver ka gonna get reprinted?
Probably never cause bandai is run by retards.
I unironically like him.
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>no reprints of the turn x, fazz, ex-s, deep striker, or kshatriya repaired in the near future
it's so fucking over
Bandai's reprint schedules are completely fucked, even if you want older kits good luck waiting years for them to reprint them unless it's a super popular MS.
What would you rather have: mg turn x, mg age 3, or a night with Sydney Sweeney? You can only choose 1.
MG Turn X
MG Turn seX
>mg turn x
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I'm going to be the odd anon out and say ___MG AGE-3___.
>that one other chink shop I forgot
That one other chink shop he forgot is legit. I got mg v2 ab for $40 shipped.
needs titans colors
Entry submitted :)
There are a ton of kits for other franchises and from other companies at least. I'm sad about price hikes but at least Bandai hasn't gotten as bad as legos or w/e.
build bolinoakKINO
>but that's only an hg, it will be over too fast, i need high partcount
git gud, scribe details, do more intricate custom paint jobs, scratchbuild some bullshit
turn x is ugly and i hate women so age 3. never watched the AGE though so i have no idea what it looks like
for everyone bitching about high prices, you gotta understand how shit jp's economy that it took this long for them to finally fix those prices. You've had too you filthy gaijins.
How come mr color flat clear looks like cum
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Is tamiya TS-80 just as good as Mr hobby flat for plastic builds? The shop I buy from is out of stock on the latter, and I don't want to wait.
the nice thing about it is that if somehow Japan gets their shit together and actually brought back their economy to pre-pandemic levels, the gunpla prices would still remain expensive as fuck because it got normalized on us, and bandai will see record profits again because they never adjusted the price for deflation
if we do a /gpg/ secret santa, im sending someone deodorant and body wash in a mg turn a box without the actual kit inside
I'll send out empty bootleg runners and leftover stickers!!!
someone can still make a new gundam out of it, so he'll certainly appreciate you're gift :3
is "airbrush hand" a thing? or maybe it's cause I'm using a cheap airbrush and I'm holding it weird? I didn't realize my hand would hurt the whole next day, will my body get used to it and not hurt anymore?
i remember giving someone a neck pillow sealed inside an MG Banshee box during an exchange gift on our company's christmas party. now i think about it, i kinda regret giving him the box since it's a red Bandai logo and they're very valuable now compared to the blue and bamco logo ones
I already have Turn X and AGE 3 so Syndey Sweeney.

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