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>Voiced by a handsome actor, not an actual established seiyuu
>Can be coerced to enter the battle
>Themed after jellyfish while Vram is based on jiggly stuff
>Appear one month before Vram

I have a hunch…
did he really?
What are your verdicts on this form now?
Mmm Joker 2.0
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That's a lot of effort for a throwaway form. I can't imagine this ever showing up again once Gavv has CaKing
Getting called "Karakida-san" was probably a dead giveaway
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Guessing CaKing becomes a big upgrade because Shouma makes the cake himself or something?
he's making the yule log though
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Mp4 format.
what are they implying here
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If you squinted you could call the twins Takumi's kids
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They're gonna repaint most of it for Valen.
assuming the one who ate hanto's mom is shoma that means he too is one
The generals' masks were designed by 555's monster designer, I assume their whole monster suits were also done by him.
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What would you like to say on Gavv's November content?
Keep it up. That is all
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Can't be Shouma. The wolf Granute's gavv has all its teeth in its upper jaw
>Bouche punches Granute Shoma that it broke its Gavv teeth
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That's also an adult Granute rather than a child, and I doubt Shouma's monster form (if he has any) would be a cheap kitbash.
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Would? Would.
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More misunderstanding kino
Remind me of the Boukenger's Questers
Maybe it's his incomplete child form. Sorta like unarmored Amazon Omega Origin form
Nice, a full length axe. I kinda prefer this over Revice's style short axe.
We're getting closer to the dreaded midseason retool. Hope Gavv escapes the curse.
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He didn't really need to do this, it really felt like someone on the staff wanted to see the actor dressed up as a woman lol

I hope Hanto turning into a Granute is an actual plot point
Starting with Gavv, Kamen Rider now films half a season in advance due to now broadcasting to China so they have time to approve it for broadcast. We should be avoiding that this time hopefully.

Same thing with the upcoming GoZyuger
meant for >>22950206
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I'll post the rest later, /wsg/ thread is at iamge cap and I'm too lazy to make the next thread.
Oh yeah, that's a thing now. It does suck that we also won't get adjustment like Gaim with Kaito getting more focus. That was was one of the better received midseason retools.
You can post mp4 now?
Why tf did it take this long
I'm unfamiliar with this mp4 stuff on 4chan, what are the advantages of it over webms?
How do you figure?
Kaito has always been the focus of Gaim. Urobutcher already envisioned the final battle between Gaim and Baron when he started writing script and everything that happened in the show eventually led to that outcome.
Baron always seemed like THE rival though
The only relevant changes were Blade and Hibiki
Chocolate covered chips was kino
Off the top of my head, Kaito getting Lemon Energy and his involvement in the Kouta vs Michy feud was expanded (like Kaito interfered against Michy's sneak attack)
Kaito was always gonna be final villain but it was originally supposed to have much less buildup. Like imagine George-Juga just fucking taking over the last stretch of Revice episodes
Shouma should dress as a girl more.
Yes i agree. Even with that development, kaito character's still incomplete to me.
Mainly because Kouta literally sagara's favorite so almost zero stake between him and kaito.
I'm guessing kaijin form Souma abducted Hanto's mum
Didn't actually spice her (but one of the Stomach Inc guys did instead) which was the last straw for Lango & co
and this memory is either repressed by himself (which would be lame imo) or was somehow erased by fat naked uncle or something at his dad's request for fucking him up mentally
Hanto's first conversation with Suga implied that his mother was eaten directly by the Granute because Hitopress technology didn't exist at the time.
I don't think anything Suga says can be trusted though
but he has that trustworthy kusaka smile
There's no reason for him to lie about that, in fact he's been telling Hanto way too much info about the Granutes. If Hanto was smarter he would've asked him how does he know about the Dark Treats and how Hitopress tech works.
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Could see Nylev testing out his own self-developed rider tech on him after gathering data on Gavv and Valen for the past 10 episodes. Maybe that would lead to the Stomach family becoming riders down the line using his tech, since every show needs a bazillion riders in it nowadays.
They’re not gonna use Vrastom Gear though, ironically he will share it with Valen, who will be extremely hostile towards Rage9 if he becomes Vram.
I appreciate that they made Hanto not a complete idiot by having him already have suspected that Gavv was Shouma. I wonder if Sachika has a similar suspicion already, she doesn't seem dumb.
>shared with valen
Is there a new upgrade for him?
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He’s gonna use Frappeis Gochizo with Vrastom Gear but it’s not gonna debut until late March (basically his Final Form)
>Sachika does catfishing

He's only making things worse for himself in the long run.
You are forgetting the P-Bandai final form
Well yeah, in a normal season pre-Revice that would be his Final Form
Sex with Sachika.
The final stretch's setup does feel a bit undercooked. Urobutcher could definitely have used the episodes that were set aside for shilling the movies and Kikkaider/Toqger
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the toqger ep was for the rider movie
also it has this shit so I can't fault for its existence
Not sure honestly. Umasho and the granute that killed Hanto's mom beig connected would be weird since he would have to be Hanto's age at the time or younger on top of being confined to the mansion.
Great episode, and I also like how even with the Rider reveal there's still an underlying secret Shoma doesn't want Hanto to know for future extra drama.

Cool team up combo but man that was disgusting
Glotta basically has her rider weapon already too
All stomach family does. >>22950106
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Not the scythe she had
Whose his voice actor?
early filming ruins Christmas and Halloween specials lol
exactly what you think it is: Shouma is the Granute that killed Hanto's mom... why did they had to do this?

sure, going by all the context we have, we know that Shouma didnt meant it at all, that probably was a failed experiment Grunkle Dente did and all. but its obvious once Hanto finds out that Shouma not only is a Granute, but the Granute who killed his mom, there will be a drama like nothing before. and its gonna be annoying as hell

Shouma reacted to that photo, it is him. and that Gavv is gonna be retconned into Shoumas' Red Gavv later in the story since Hanto's drawing showed a red gavv, and the footage of the flashback is not clear.

remember that Grunkle Dente was experimenting on Shouma so he could defend against his siblings. easily one such experiment could have gone wrong, turned Shouma into that granute and he ended up bumping into Hanto's mom. and the ages still add up, Shouma should still be around the same age as Hanto when that happened.

obviously, Dr. Shulk must have an alibi on standby should some gets to ask him that, Hanto really wouldnt be able to know unless he had proof, at least Hanto is smart enough to not tell him anything of his relationship with Shouma.
surprised suga isn't recording right now
>Shouma is the Granute that killed Hanto's mom
That's a BIG stretch.
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then why did shouma reacted to the photo?

however, its not like Shouma meant to do it, he was not an evil monster but a wild animal who didnt knew what he was doing.
>then why did shouma reacted to the photo?
We don't know yet.
>Grunkle Dente was experimenting on Shouma
And he said they all failed to produce any results.
Gabu... so good.....
Is it bad I thought Takatora was Kouta's rival during Gaim's first half while it was airing at the time?

All 3 were supposed to be Kouta's rivals to various degrees. Michy is definitely the most developed one though.
Sachika is already one of my favorite rider girls. I hope she gets to henshin soon.
and turning Shouma into a wild monster devouring humans for no reason CAN be considered a failure too.
Incredible fight, donut was kind of shitty as a power and design though. I loved how Shouma presented the Gochizos as a multiple choice on his sword.
Axebros we're so fucking back
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>I loved how Shouma presented the Gochizos as a multiple choice on his sword.
I wish they were all possible forms.
Wonder if these other ones will be used at some point
Probably not going to be anywhere near as dramatic as Faiz but there's definitely going to be some conflict between Shouma and Hanto at some point.
They won't.
> Dr. Shulk must have an alibi on standby should some gets to ask him that, Hanto really wouldnt be able to know unless he had proof,
The thing is, Suga has never shown to have these theoretical alibis you're talking about because Hanto has never been smart enough to ask. Even if he had alibis, asking him a bunch of difficult to answer questions at once would probably put him on the spot, and his reaction alone would be all sorts of alarming, making the interrogation useful in determining if this guy has some shady intentions and connections he's been hiding.

Imagine how difficult it would be for Suga to answer how he got his hands on Granute organ, how he knows that the Granutes come from another world and how Dark Treats are made while also providing proof for whatever claims he makes. Imagine if Hanto asked him the way to get to Stomachs Inc.'s factory.
Whether or not it's this guy, I'm hoping Vram ends up being a granute just so we have that nice spectrum of human/hybrid/granute among the trio.
But he claimed that nothing happened. So that's impossible.
Best girl
>here's your girl rider
I know Shouma is worried about Hanto's Granute muderboner but I don't see how telling him he's half Granute and his family is the one turning humans into food is that band if he also explains they kidnapped his mom, possibly raped her, tortured them his entire life and then turned her into food in front of him when they tried to escape but we need misunderstandings. Also when he crossdressed the camera focused in his feet too much, it was weird.
>Shouma : Half human-Half Granute
>Hanto: Human, but modified with a Granute special organ
>Vram: 100% Granute born

Dango-chan (who most likely is not gonna be sachika...): non-modified, pure human maybe?
if Shouma is smart, he will try to ease Hanto into understand that the Granute are also victims too, and the only ones who deserve death are the Stomachs and those who are so addicted to the Dark Candies to work for them. but he needs to ease Hanto little by little.
t. faggot that hasn't had chocolate cover potato chips
it's literally just another sweet and salty snack
my local candy shop has been selling that shit for years
you are literally a fucking retard if you can't follow a baby show foreshadowing
were you also surprised by Revice's "twist" too?
>he says, while falling for a red herring
I have a bridge to sell you.
There's a chance Hanto will just end up distrusting Shouma once he learns he was hiding his true nature from him for so long. Especially if he realizes he has a red Gavv like his mother's killer.
>the organ implanted in Hanto is either Shouma's (a leftover of Dente's surgery) or Bouche's (extracted by Nyelv after the Stomachs killed him)
>the granute who kidnapped/killed Hanto's mom is either Shouma's granute form (maybe he went berserk and that's the real reason Bouche made him undergo the surgery, to keep the beast under control) or at the very least a granute with a direct relation to Shouma

At the absolute minimum, Shouma has some repressed memory of Hanto's mom. He definitely met her at some point. Him being the kidnapper so far is the only already established moment where it might have happened. They can present a new possibility later on but so far it's the only reasonable guess.

Also Shouma falls almost on fours after transforming into Gavv, so there is this connection to a canine monster.

I'd like to think they wouldn't do a kitbash for the main character's monster form, but said form probably won't be on screen for too long so they might have just decided not to make an entire new suit for such a minor thing.
Nyelv implied there's part-timers that don't make it through the conversion surgery alive. Hanto's organ might just come from one of those.
The Future Daybreak hasnt come out yet, right?

in there, when Shouma transforms one can notice a monstrous sillouhette alongside the gummy entering him. obviously since the footage we had was a cheap camrip, we couldnt notice it. probably when the movie releases we will confirm if indeed Shouma was the wolf granute or not.
>Shouma has some repressed memory of Hanto's mom
He doesn't though. He gets a headache and the scene flashes purple but there is no memory flash.
ok... why do you insist something that obvious. you could have a point if Shouma had a headache like that all the time or whenever he sees a photo. but THIS is the first time it happens, and it happened because of that ONE image of that ONE person.

its more than clear that Shouma at some point became that monster and killed Hanto's mom. i also dont want for stupid drama between Shouma and Hanto, those guys deserve to be allies forever and we had more than enough misunderstandings and rivalries these last 6 years in reiwa. but its obvious this is what they are planning.

>Shouma is the dog granute

>Hanto's mom a was kidnapped and taken to Granutopia (why doesn't this place have a name?), and Shouma met her before she got processed

>The dog granute was killed sometime after killing/kidnapping Hanto's mom, One of his organs was used to assist in the modifiication of Shouma's Gavv, causing Shouma to have some sort of dormant memories of the dog granute within him
>maybe he went berserk and that's the real reason Bouche made him undergo the surgery, to keep the beast under control

that is the only comprehensible reason why would people be against the theory. they did explained that Shouma didnt had powers compared to his siblings. and EL SEÑOR DEL ESTOMAGO asked Grunkle Dente to make him stronger. its most likely that one of the Grunkle's experiments was to give Shouma a true Granute body and form, but Shouma, being a halfbreed and young, couldnt control it, leading to him running to earth and killing Hanto's mom. that can also be considered a failure in both Dente and Bouche's eyes.
Here's another one:
>There's another, older hybrid running around, who killed Hanto's mom and might become Bitter Gavv. Shouma vaguely remembers Hanto's mom because she had some sort of relation to his own mom, or because he managed to escape once to the human world (possibly alongside his mom) and met her before being taken back to Bouche's mansion and forgetting all about it
>red toenails
That's ultra gay and unnecessary, he could have just worn boots, even heels would have been less gay.
Sachika insisted
>its more than clear that Shouma at some point became that monster and killed Hanto's mom
It's not, that is just your wild speculation that you have no evidence to back it up with.
Gavv feels more perverted than the past few shows
>The dog granute was killed sometime after killing/kidnapping Hanto's mom, One of his organs was used to assist in the modifiication of Shouma's Gavv, causing Shouma to have some sort of dormant memories of the dog granute within him
I'm hoping it's this one, I don't like the stupid but obvious twist of it being Shouma

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