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Latest pinup: System Weapon part 2

--useful links--
>official Reboot illustration list, missing first few entries

>scans of some of the earlier entries

>samples of the ongoing manga

>weibo page of Watership 4.5, a fan circle that makes 3d models and prints of many AoZ designs. Good insight into how they function.

>another page with their stuff

>internet archive has scans of The Flag of Titans compiled in 6 volumes, this is the first one

>WIP translation project for AoZ Reboot, beginning with Dengeki entries

>last thread
Does the regular release HG Hrairoo (the white one) come with the pointy chin as an option? Or is it something new added to the purple version?
So would this have won the war with the AEUG?

Feels like so much of AoZ is "check this out, shame it didn't get used".
Not really. Even if the Titans beat AEUG, they would've been too depleted to fight off Axis unless Gryps was a complete gamechanger. Keep in mind most of these units are prototypes for Zeta units. At the end of the day, a Hazel is a GM Quel with a lot of bells and whistles. But something like the Byarlant is pretty much superior to everything pre-TR6
Haman in the Qubeley would've probably been able to fold everything from AoZ that isn't the Inle.
Not really, by the time TR-6 could have been deployed the outcome was already decided. The only thing that would have changed is raising the death toll.
>Keep in mind most of these units are prototypes for Zeta units.

And yet each and every one of them makes the mobile suits actually seen in Zeta look like chumps.
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It's up to pilot skill. Quattro was keeping up in the Hyaku Shitty, so a good pilot (worse than char) in something like an Advanced Hrairoo or a Hazenthley II could probably do the same or even better, Funnels aren't that opressive when you're covered in sub-arm shields and enough beam guns to arm a small zeon revival uprising. And Queenly, El Ahrairah, etc could probably go toe to toe with Queen Mansa.
They LOOK cooler, but are all flawed or otherwise inferior. For example, Hazel can't really use all of her guns well because the OS needs more time in the oven. And the Gigantic units are 90% dead weight. IIRC the only pre-TR6 variant that is actually superior to the version in Zeta is Hrairoo and all her forms. But again, a Gabthley can probably assrape most of the TTT machines
Not really. Everything Paptimus made aboard the Jupitris is better than anything the TTT had.
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never heard of it before, looked it up

I have no idea what the fuck I'm looking at.
Bit of a loaded statement since Scirocco's creations were one-of-a-kind masterpieces made with zero regard for budget and not meant for mass production.
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The manga is named after that thing. Think of Inle as too MAs stuck otgether. The top half has I-fields, a bunch of weapon containers like Dendorbium, and those little discs are basically docked Asshimars. The bottom half is like a giant Baund Doc with Big Zam legs. And the "dick" is a massive beam cannon with fuckoff range. If you squint, you can see Hazenthley II "piloting" the thing in the middle
True, but that also means TTT stuff wasn't the foremost cutting edge MS designs of the Gryps-era.
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If mobile suits and armors are the equivalent of infantry, tanks, planes and all that jazz Inle is the equivalent of a nuclear strategic weapon.
Two Haze'n-thley IIs, more accurately.
You're going to have a hard time convincing me anyone in the Titans corp after a potential victory at the Gryps colony laser would be on the level of someone like Char. Provided Scirocco is still dead of course.
>If you squint, you can see Hazenthley II "piloting" the thing in the middle

Everything that comes out of the Woundwort concept is incredibly strange and feels more like form over function.
to be fair it is kinda weird that the Titans equivalent of a S Gundam has to pilot a MA
I'm sure a regular TR-6 could do the job just fine
Of course not, but the far superior MS would make up for it. Someone on the level of Yazan piloting a Hazenthley II would dominate.
Out of universe, it's literally mecha musume but with a literal mecha. It's got the small shoulders, fat thighs, painted nails, rounded head, noticeable bulge, bunnygirl theme. All of the addons try to preserve that silhouette in the middle of the MS
>it is kinda weird that the Titans equivalent of a S Gundam has to pilot a MA

It worked for the GP03... I think?

My understanding is the Woundwort itself is basically all the stuff they made to attach to the Hazels just stuck together to make a mobile suit out of th parts themselves, which itself is pretty strange. I can never keep all the different branches of the Woundwort separate from memory alone personally.
It's really not as difficult as you're making it out to be. The idea was instead of producing different models of mobile suits for certain purposes, the Woundwort could be reconfigured to fulfill the exact same roles. Versatility was the actual goal.
I'm sure people can figure it out.
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Anyone have Haze'n-thley II legs spare to slap together a Vervain? Apart from the torso piece it looks like we should have all the parts already.
We already have the torso armor, it comes with aqua hambrabi. We're missing the rifle and the backpack gubbins
torso is different on the aqua hambrabi, its more bulbous with different details
Oh shit, you're right
So the Aqua Hambrabi isn't a mobile suit?
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I've seen a few custom builds but the proportions on them are a bit off due to Haze'n-thley II kit using the Flag of Titans design rather than new Reboot version. On the other hand, a conversion kit that fixes that looks quite scrumptious.
If we count the legs as a-okay, we are still missing the head attachements, torso armor, Sayaad rifle and backpack gear.
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nope, [Hambrabi II] is basically just the name given to the Hrududu 3 pack. Aqua Hambrabi is the water version. Look how they massacred my boy
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Hambrabi II is more of a small scale mobile armor or a space fighter, though it uses the same core parts as Woundwort and is part of the TR-6 family. Stick it on a mobile suit, and you have an amphibious spec.
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I do not agree with this but it is very funny
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>POV: You're Jerid Messa
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Yazan was kicking Kamille's ass when he had already surpassed Char
Anyone know where I can find more info on Effect Wings? Interested in that new Kehaar Rifle shown last thread, but cursory searches haven't exactly brought anything up. I want to know where Anon got those screen caps.

In exchange, I offer some absolutely sexy modeling from weibo. No clue if this has been posted here before.
You're gonna have better luck asking in the gunpla thread
Also, please share those individual pics or link the posts, your image has like 5 pixels per MS
The Kehaar rifle pics were from @KRW_KRW_KRW on twitter, he posts announcements and updates about new bootlegs and 3rd party kits straight from the sources for the benefit of us western pigs.
Effect Wings in particular is a pretty damn solid studio, their molds and engineering are high quality approaching Bandai despite mostly being original rather than straight copies of the Bandai runners. They are comparatively a bit more expensive than most bootlegs, but still way cheaper than Bandai. Got a few kits from them myself, can recommend. I fully expect the rifle to be high quality as well.
Also seconding the bigger, separate pics request.
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Thank you kindly Anons.

Here is the post I got the pic from.


The guys profile is like 70% of his personal life, had to scroll a fair distance to find some pics that weren't pixels. Still new to Weibo, so I have no idea how to search beyond a singular tag.
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This was what I was trying to show off in particular. It's not all that dissimilar to what Walpurgis does, I think.
Pretty sick
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Maybe call it The-Owsla?
oh shit, that's good
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It think its using Gabthley waist parts? Whatever it is, they can swivel out the way for the bulk of the armor to attach to.
If they are, they've been modified a bit
Ah, yes. Prototype Oberon.
...it would make sense that Scirocco wanted to test the idea first, and Hazel is suitable to it. Hell, sticking (regular, "old" style) chobham armour was one of the first tests.
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Here's what it looks like from the back. Having trouble finding a pic of it with the radar disk. Looked like the one that Asshimar and Kehaar use.

Definitely seems that way. The Fedayeen Rifle is what gives me the impression it might be.
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Ah, here we are.
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Yeah, its definitely some kind of Gabthley TR-1 or something. This is some eldritch sorcery right here.
All the armor plates are basically armored fuel tanks with attached boostersm essentially, form-fitting shield boosters. The design philosophy is right at home in AoZ. I doubt the armor is actually Chobham, since that was unreasonably heavy and always failed. Probably just regular armor material. Gundarium or what have you
Looks to be using the Gabthley leg frame with Hazel armour and feet slapped on top. Genius idea
Gundam really just uses Chobham as a term for Alex's armour and a few derivatives. For the record, Oberon's outer armour IS called Chobham already.
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Oh just you wait, it gets better.
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...Bloody thing can change forms.
Chobham is an acronym, though I can't remember what it stands for. Its a special kind of anti-ballistic plating that's also super heavy. IIRC some TR units mojnt a couple bits but only around the torso to reduce weight. I think there's a Gundam purpose built to incorporate chobham as the base armor instead of a cover? Can't remember. Point is, the tech is obsolete by the late stages of the OYW. Its only use case is fighting zeon remnants with nothing better than a zaku or gouf. Pretty sure even a bazooka will force you to purge the thing. You could argue that's still a bazooka shot you wpuldn't have otherwise survived, but maybe you wouldn't have gotten hit in the first place without it. Also as soon as a gelgoog or rick dom shows up you're cooked
[Hazenthley 1.5]
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Here's the post I am getting these from so that the ones that haven't been posted yet can be seen. Hopefully this is AOZ enough to belong here.


Last pic for now. Looks like >>23029273
was right.

Weibo really is a goldmine for this kind of stuff.
>Going through old boxes
>Found my only Gunpla: HG Gabthley, HG Byarlant, RG MkII
>Realize I could do this
I wish I had modeling skill and supplies to pull it off. Also, it seems like younger me was already a based Titans fan. I don't think I intentionally got Jerid's MS though...
...Does this thing have a beam gun of some type facing almost every direction?
depends on if you count the scattering beams on the shields, and if the Fedayeen is rigged to fire backwards or just mounted there for storage
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Then again, this thing exists, and it's basically a TTT MS with the logos filed off. A shame there are no better pics of it, at least in the wiki
I lied, one more picture, because I think I understand what this pic is going for a little bit better. I'll dig around and post some more later if no one else has.

Crazy to think that its not just a normal Hazel underneath all that The-O thickness, but a [Hazenthley 1.5] as that one Anon put it.

I'm having fun trying to imagine what this things use case would be with all those different parts involved.
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Very similar to Gabthley I imagine. If I had to make up a story to fit into canon:
>The Titans got some of Paptimus Scirocco's research material and schematics, and decided to test whether the concepts would be suitable for mass production. The "Gabthley" was deemed as a promising concept, being a versatile transformable MS with fearsome close range capabilities, perfect for pacifying the cramped interiors of space colonies. TTT engineers used the Hazel frame as a base, and decided to incorporate shield boosters into the machine for cost-saving purposes. For similar reasons, the shoulder-mounted cannons were omitted, as it was deemed that they would be too expensive, and too powerful to use inside the colonies.
>Initial test results were promising, although the machine was too expensive for anything but limited production. Another notable issue was that the improvised transformation systems left a lot of the frame exposed, leading to damage by small arms fire and space debris.
At the same time, Titans engineers had taken interest in another of Scirocco's machine, "The O". While much of the information was encrypted, the suit's strong armor plates combined with heavy duty boosters seemed like the answer to the prototype's problems.
It was decided to build a set of detachable armor covers for the entire MS, which would protect the MS from the ballistic weapons and debris that were its weakness. The additional sub-arms helped to compensate for the loss of the leg claws, which were unusable while armored.
While impressive on paper, the project started running into several issues. For starters, the constant increase in scope of the project meant that this was no longer a viable MS for mass production. Additionally, all the extra equipment was custom-made for the unit, meaning it would be hard to adapt for uso into other TR plan models, going against the project's stated goal. Finally, it was noted that the MS was supremely difficult to pilot, which eventually lead to the death of one of the test pilots when they crashed into an asteroid during a test flight. The armor's purging system misfired, resulting in the pilot being trapped inside the exploding MS. The project was shelved, but the concept would later be refined into what later became known as [Hazenthley II]
What's your go to place to get Effect Wings stuff? Their rather generic name makes it a pain to search for their kits.
aliexpress, it can be a pain in the ass to find stuff there but it's at least reliable
I was hoping that it wouldn't be aliexpress, but I suppose that beggars can't be choosers. Do you have a specific seller that you frequent or is it a case of finding the best deal?

Also, do you know if Effect Wings has an official site or social media account?
NTA, but DABANDAI FIGURES Store has a pretty solid selection of odds and ends for Gunpla. I'd keep tabs on them and periodically search for "Kehaar II rifle" while hoping for the best.
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>Do you have a specific seller that you frequent or is it a case of finding the best deal?
Rule of thumb is at least one year old and ~97-98% positive reviews, in practice I just go for whoever's cheapest and it hasn't fucked me over yet.
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Chobham is a name of some kind of IRL composite tank armor, for Gundam it generally refers to that specific kind of high quality purgeable armor originally developed for NT-1 Alex, not to be confused with other kinds of reactive armor somewhat common on various units.
It's kind of strange to say it was obsolete in late OYW when that's when it was developed, and it's exactly what allowed NT-1 Alex to no-sell Kampfer after it had zero trouble blasting through the entire Feddie and Riah garrison. Beam weaponry is not utterly ubiquitous and reflective coating can protect to a degree, we have numerous cases of armor shrugging off or completely negating beam impacts, especially glancing blows. It has of course limits, any armor does, and that's why avoiding damage is the first choice but that's no different from real life. Yet people, tanks and other vehicles still tend to have at least some kind of armor.
That being said the idea of sticking extra heavy armor onto a MS was tested with Hazel, though in that case it was only the chest and waist armor rather than the full Chobham set. It sortied in this Full Armor form against Zeon remnants and, well... there's a reason it had to be repaired and renovated into Hazel Custom afterwards. Which doesn't even have the capacity to equip Chobham anymore.
what did that guy in?
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Wire trap that immobilized it followed by a whole bunch of beam and missile impacts. Most of the unit was wrecked, but to Chobham's the pilot survived and the machine was recovered.
Shit that is so good.
Look at her go. Which Hazel is this?
>mecha musume
>noticeable bulge
Bloody good question. Some time ago I spent hours trying to figure it out and honestly unless I missed something obvious it might be fanmade.
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Either a girl with a "subarm" or a boy with "thick chest armor", take your pick anon.
I'm sorry anon, minovsky interference is too thick, you're breaking up. What was that?
Oppai mecha musuko it is then.
If it's going to be a gay degeneracy either way, might as well go for something less boring.
Sorry to say, but Woundworts are flat. Even Hazels are.
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you guys suck
You're not supposed to
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mogged by the G-Commander
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We know from picrel that Titans remnants on the Earth Sphere are a thing. Do you think there was any communication between Earth Sphere Titans remnants and Mars Titans remnants?
I could probably remake this as an mp4 now
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Titan remnants have been a thing for a good while before Moon (arguably as early as ZZ), it's just that they're rather minor compared to Zeeks. Which makes sense when one was a special military task force and the other a whole nation.
Either way, given their small size and lack of organization I doubt they have much or any ability to contact Mars, which seems to require somewhat specialized equipment. SSD has the capacity for that and some TR Plan staff is there, but that's not quite the same thing as Titans.
>Do you think there was any communication between Earth Sphere Titans remnants and Mars Titans remnants?
distance is too great, you'd need to use a dedicated satellite or some kind of orbital radio/laser relay to have regular communications, hard to say both sides would have access to that
These are badass, what manga is this? I love Punished Gabthley
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Gundam 0094 Across the Sky. Don't remember it too well at this point but I found it okay. Lots of cool MSV suits getting their time in the sun though, worth it just for that.
>Hazenthley II
Would a Hazenthley II really be that superior to something like the Hambrabi that Yazan already piloted? And he strikes me as the type to get close and personal, a brawler more than a gunner.
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So that's were the Delta Kai is from! And apparently its sequel is the one with the fatass Guntank-assfucking-ZZ creature. It's really dumb, but also looks badass so I can't criticize it too much.
>NITRO system
What if we put a cyber NT in a TR6 with BUNNyS, put HADES on the head, and NITRO in the cockpit. Would the schizo personalities and various tulpas get along?
It was meant to counter the ZZ, Ex-S, and other "gun clusterfuck death star" MS. Especially with Rah equipment, I'm pretty sure it'd clobber a hambrabi.
>up close brawling
That's always felt like an aspect the TR plan MS ignore. All the melee weapons are just heat blades and the occasional backup beam saber, but nothing past that. According to the G gen games the CSB can deploy a beam saber, but if that's the case then why include a heat blade in the first place?
>That's always felt like an aspect the TR plan MS ignore. All the melee weapons are just heat blades and the occasional backup beam saber, but nothing past that. According to the G gen games the CSB can deploy a beam saber, but if that's the case then why include a heat blade in the first place?

Melee combat is always dangerously unpredictable, and the one who comes out on top might not necessary be the better pilot. Yazan is a devil-may-care type, but probably a lot of pilots won't want to get that close to the enemy in the first place.

And to be fair, what can you even improve with melee weapons in Universal Century? It isn't like Post Disaster where you can't avoid melee, or Anno Domini where your swords can turn into BFS/BFG, or Cosmic Era where a lot of people have super perception, mind reading power and clone jutsu. Axis basically made the R-Jarja and called it a day.
I'm just imagining the terrorists deciding to use the mobile suits' hands to knit giant shemagh scarfs because the Titans space combat MS they just bought didn't come with protective filters or covers against desert sand and they didn't buy extended warranty for their MS
By ZZ every MS worth using carries hyper beam sabers, even grunts like the Zaku III. And even earlier on, beam bayonets start becoming commonplace. I'm sure they could've fit a beam bayonet emitter on the modular rifle, maybe a coupe of hyper beam sabers that double as cannons instead of the "gabthley" shoulder canons on Hazenthley II? Even some "beam tonfas" which I think even some OYW GMs used. Hell, if you have access to Zeon engineers you could use their expertise on shaping beams and get something weirder like beam naginatas, or maybe heat rods like Gouf.
I think it's just a big nylon tarp
The Federation already have beam javelin and twin beam spear, so it isn't like a beam naginata is going to be an upgrade to them.

If you really want to find weird melee Federation MS, you better look at the Striker Custom and other suits that came from its manga. Even then those machines were piloted by a couple of madlads and not your average pilots.

There is likely to be a good reason for why the Federation just didn't care that much about melee mobile suits after they made the G-Line Assault Armor. The GM Striker is good for what it does, but if you really want to get into CQC, just do it like the GM Raid and carry a bunch of ballistic weapons and an odd heat dagger.

And to be fair:

- Weird melee weapons have always been Zeon's territory. Remember all those knives and swords carried by the Southern Cross Corps's Zaku II, the Efreet Nacht, the Gyan Eos, etc. The weirdest melee weapons the Federation ever made were the Gundam Hammer, the G-Line's heat spear, and the Striker Custom's knuckles. They arguably think that a beam saber is good enough for most case.

- The reason why ZZ suits could carry hyper beam sabers were because they had pretty insane generator output for the time. Even the Zaku III had a lot more raw power than the GM III. Aren't the models descended from the Hazel be limited by its generator output? And secondly, the hyper beam sabers also act as beam cannons and not become dead weight at range. But then you can just slap a bigger beam cannon and call it a day.
Forgot to add that the GP01 and 03 had beam bayonet, but since it was the Gundam Development Project, how many people even knew about them? The Zeta's rifle with its ability to project a large-ass beam saber is probably more useful, and the ReZEL's rifle could do that too.
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When in doubt, bigger beam sabers.
On serious note, with melee it's less about better weapons because there's ultimately only so many options (particularly with this era's tech) and more so about how they can be used. Agility, responsiveness, range of movement and so on of the suit itself. What made Gyan excel as a melee-specialized suit wasn't a beam saber, it was new generation fluid pulse tech that enabled faster and more precise limb motion, hence the fencer-like footwork years before mobile suits reached complete human-like mobility.
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cute little guys
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itty bitty guys
I love the Rick Dias. Wish we got more Stutzer units. Imagine a Kampfer or a gouf
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rare old Flag of Titans Barzam appearance!
(!!!very rare!!!)
>Alicia Zabi is a character from Advance of Zeta Re-Boot: Gundam Inle.

>ReZeon supreme commander and advocate of female supremacy. She knows Char Aznable is raising an army but saying the Inle is mainly for protecting Mars, she opposes participating in the war.

>Alicia Zabi has her own personal guard, the Alicia Guard, which is made up of a total of 10 clones, including Diana, a defective clone, and Cynthia, captain of the guard. These clones are clones of Alicia Zabi herself.

There's a lot of holes in this story.
Such as?
Not saying that there aren't any, just curious.
Who is Alicia Zabi? What's her connection to the Zabi family? Why is she a Puru clone? (I'm aware this has no answer yet, but still)

What is Rezeon? What does she need clone guards to protect her from? WHY does she have clone guards instead of regular human guards? What does her believing in "female supremacy" mean in regards to the structure of Rezeon?

I really hate the fact that so many people don't take the poor documentation of AoZ into account when explaining individual things from it.

>Just look it up yourself

Most of the translated aspects of AoZ seem to focus around Flag of the Titans and Traitor to Destiny, not so much Inle. Nobody even seems to bat an eye at the fact Bernard Fucking Monsha of all people is a part of Rezeon thanks to sticking it out with the Titans.
look it up yourself
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through AoZ, you can even make Byarlant look cool
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>What is Rezeon?
A Zeon remnant group on Mars. Though it seems like they lean more towards the "we love living in space" bit and less towards the "All Earthnoids must die" bit
>Why guards?
She's a ruler, of course she needs security.
>Why clones
More trusted than regular soldiers, probably more capable too since they're Purus. Also work as body doubles. Also they look like this (this is a boy btw)
>Female supremacy
Lots of Gundam characters have weirdo psychology, and "Female supremacy" is one that comes up often. Scirocco does it, Zanscare does it, Jupiter does it. Every dictatorship needs some type of cult for their leader to be validated
But she was already cool
>Who is Alicia Zabi? What's her connection to the Zabi family? Why is she a Puru clone?
Probably a Kycilia's clone in the same way Glemy is Gihren's clone. Like, duh.
>What is Rezeon?
A splinter faction from Zeon Mars that won in a civil war.
>What does she need clone guards to protect her from?
Silly question, but obviously a ruler needs a guard regardless of the enemies. In her case it's a returning fleet of Zeon Mars that was sent to assist Haman, that nope'd out when they found Neo Zeon split in two factions and bringing refugees, as well as Titans remnant that doesn't like what ReZeon is doing.
>WHY does she have clone guards instead of regular human guards?
It's an elite resource available to her. I'd also assume some kind of (cyber-)newtype enchantments, akin to Puru.
>What does her believing in "female supremacy" mean in regards to the structure of Rezeon?
There are a lot of female officers from the looks of it.
I thought your problem was more about the story itself, rather than the easily available information about it in the English-speaking internet.
Bootleg Hizack Custom announced.
GBO2 has given me newfound appreciation for the Hizack
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Where would one find cool pictures and videos of custom AoZ gunpla? And no, I don't know Chinese to use Weibo
If both Axis and Mars Zeon already had got clone tech, then why didn't the Sleeves just clone Char instead of taking the long road with Full Frontal and Zoltan?

Maybe Zeon didn't have enough samples of Char's tissues? Or maybe the power that be at Side 3 actually didn't want another Char because they knew he wouldn't follow their orders? That they wanted a facsimile of Char they could control?
Leaning towards not having Char samples. The likeliest place to find those would've been Axis, but that went poof
>The likeliest place to find those would've been Axis, but that went poof
Twilight Axis establishes that at least one of the two halves of Axis stayed in orbit around Earth and the Sazabi's wreckage was still sitting on the surface of that orbiting rock like 3 years later the Axis Shock
That ass has a lot of volume
Yeah but the cockpit itself was gone and that's where the DNA would be. Even if samples somehow survived all those years out in space, you're more likely to find ass sweat from the mechanics than Char's DNA
You could say it's very...attractive
Char spent some time on Axis, there could be DNA samples there, but telling them apart from others would be difficult without something for comparison, or it being specifically identified and stored as such like maybe Haman had a secret vault of Char's collected saliva/blood/urine/feces behind a hidden door in her personal quarters

Other than that, Char's Rewloola flagship did survive CCA, only to get vaporized in Unicorn's final episode.
I mean, we don't know which part of Axis survived, could've been the place where the janitors lived, not the royal palace. Isn't Axis 90% rock anyways? But yeah, point is they don't need an actual Char clone, they just need a symbol to rouse the masses. So disguise a guy as Char and say he's the guy, done. They even got him a femboy sidekick to mimic Kamille.

The REAL Char clone would show uo much later into UC, around UC 200 or so
Oh joyous day. Watch them throw out Titans and ReZeon color variants before Bandai uses the mold for regular Hizack.
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>I thought your problem was more about the story itself, rather than the easily available information about it in the English-speaking internet.

Inle has a story?
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It's a manga, of course it has a story
If Alicia is indeed a Puru wouldn't that make her a Ghiren test tube baby, same as Glemy?
I thought Puru was a Mineva.

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