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THE GUIDE: http://gunpla.buyfags.moe/


For those new to gunpla/plamo or even just new to this thread; please read the guide. Please read it before asking questions, as there is a chance it has already been answered there.

For the unclear, "plamo" is a shortened form of "plastic model". If it's made of plastic, someone can probably help you here!
If you're new, you're gonna fuck up. Don't worry! If you're experienced, don't make the new people worry!

And don't forget to report shitposting and spam.

>Why won't anyone answer my question?
Try being specific, especially about your materials and process. Post images whenever possible; even if the kit/part looks bad, you are more likely to get help posting images.

>Why are my pictures sideways?
4chan strips EXIF data from images when they're uploaded to the site from your phone, including the orientation display tag. To fix this, save your images separately, or use an app that will rotate and save the images for you.
One commonly used app that works well on Android:

>A guide to other types of plamo:
>Kawaguchi gunpla tips:
>Gundam lineart:
Explore our extensive lineart links collection:
>Funaka's gunpla guides:
Building Gunpla: https://files.catbox.moe/fj5azc.pdf
Scratchbuilding: https://files.catbox.moe/2d9ppa.pdf
>Falldog's gunpla guide:
>Saintism's gunpla photography guide:
>Dalong's gunpla reviews and kit documentation
>Schizophonic's gunpla and plamo reviews

Past Groupbuilds:

Previous thread: >>23025163
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Build/paint a robot with a loadout focused on melee combat! Anything from shields to swords to lances to axes to bare fists is fair game. There's no room for ranged weaponry here, however, so anything resembling a rifle, rocket launcher, cannon, pistol, or any other ranged weapon is a no-go (Small ranged weapons that are built into the kit itself like head vulcans are ok, however).

More clarification here:
>If the body part has a built-in ranged weapon (head/chest vulcans, claw beams, etc), then that's fine. If it's a separate part like the Alex's arm vulcans it's best to leave those off.
>Melee weapons with in-universe ranged capabilities (Like the Kimaris's lance or the Gyan's shield) are fair game too.
>Any scale, any brand, and any type of kit is fair game here. That means anything from Gundams to girlpla to miniatures are all free to use.

Send your entries to gunplaplamo@gmail.com with at least 5 photos of your finished build along with any WIP photos and a description of your entry.

START: 12/8/24
END: 3/31/25
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Show me what you're working on now!
oh yeah I guess he fits the groupbuild
I'll take a better picture of him later today
I got my sprue cutters my very fine tip markers and a bendy lamp with a magnifying glass on it. Any other tools I should have for plamo?
nano glass file for sanding nubs
a hobby knife
regular nail files, glass files for finer grit, and some even finer grit for polishing (you can get this from manicure "bricks" but they're a little harder to find than regular files and glass files)
also a hobby knife
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>mixing primary colors
gpg told me this was unpossible
Is the MG Rick Dias good?
ahh I don't know which 30 minute mission to get, I like them all.
Those are not primary colros anon, that's CMYK
CMY are the primary subtractive colors...
he uses violet instead of true black though because he says he likes it more for shading
Tell that to the retarded gooks who named them gaia primary colors
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>34.99 FOR 3 MINIS
Bbut you also get to consoom meaningless cards!
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That's a good deal
Don't look up Warhammer figs.
Wasn’t going to. Sounds like something for fags
this is a collab pack between the gundam minis and the (unrelated) gundam card game.
See >>23029241
Its dated for sure, but its still worth having.
I personally love the chonky boy but don't expect too many crazy poses with it. The only annoying thing I have with it is that the two miniguns are impossible to pose with.
this is for both the minis and a starter pack for the card game
which has nothing to do with the minis
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Nuh uh, I know you are but what am I
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I guess someone better complain about it.
he's trying to ape gaikotsu so bad
What is about gunpla that attracts nail polish people? Mecha and Citrus
the overlap is autism
mechs attract autists
and autistic males have astronomically elevated rates of autogynephilia
yeah, i wonder after bandai started pandering to woke western audiences with shows like witch from mercury that all these they/thems started showing up with their nail polish
Show your painted nails sistahs.
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>start painting MAILes
>end up painting nailes
slippery slope
many such cases!
I polish mine with my glass files.
shit you might be onto something here
buying all those nail files might lead to some spergs to try them for the intended purpose
Man alive, I haven't been into warhammer for some years, it's gotten that bad now?
RG unicorn or buy a couple 30 minute missions?
whichever one you like the most
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that's an old model from the premium resin line. But even newer plastic single characters are ludicrously expensive. Its always been like this, though inflation does mean they go up over time
They just feel nice and smooth. I also cut my nails with a set of god hands
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Shit is that it became pink?
Apparently unicorn is a really hard kit so I'm just gonna get some 30mm.
Already ordering the rg sazabi so it'll be nice to have some easy kits to chill with.
you could also splurge a hundred bucks on a third-party 1/60 "Legally Not Tallgeese"
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>a really hard kit
It's Bandai snapshit, there's literally no such thing as a hard kit.
How do warhammer fans justify buying this shit? goddamn, I thought about buying a space marine mini one time, saw it was like 60 bucks for ONE little shitty unpainted figure, like what the fuck? I ended up buying one of those joytoy warhammer figures instead to put on my desk which is a fully painted articulated figure with multiple accessories and costed around the same too.

Well Im going deep into the nail polish rabbithole.
dont forget polish, buff blocks, makeup sponges, naiil brushes, hell maybe some nail-polish-curing UV lights
How do I get better at painting? I have a skill issue and I can't post work because anons would make fun of me.
consider the following: hg unicorn (unicorn mode ver.) painted in glossy sazabi colors
paint more and try to do better than last time
that's really the only thing you can do
>can't post work because anons would make fun of me.
post it, see what they make fun of specifically, then work on improving that. simple as
most of the time anons are mean and dont try to help
Theres like only one sperg here who does that. Its very easy to tell when he’s posting.
I rarely post my builds but I did recently and nobody called out my shitty paint job lol
As long as you're not painting your kits like a 12 year old using dollar store acrylics, with thick, unthinned paints, then it's not likely anyone will be mean to you.
Oh shit, why didn’t my doctor inform me
is everyone in this fucking thread autistic
I thought Citrus was trans. They use the voice changer. Then again, I thought Gaikotsu was too
Prime92 uses the voice changer.
citrus is, gaikotsu is just a fag (not the gay kind)
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When are we getting a Dragon Fang goodsmile??
why do they paint their nails and not their kits
painting the kits doesn't give them the autogynephilia coom
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what the fuck
should have bot voted their moderoid surveys
Wait, the cards are for the TCG? Dang, I was assuming they were for some aspect of the minis game like how BattleTech has Alpha Strike.
I called a gunplafag homosexual once for his nail polish advice. Never regret it.
you wont be laughing when it's time to paint a candy red Qubeley and you can't ask for their advice
>Bandai's terrible engineering lead to nail polish usage
>Male Gunpla builders troon themselves out slowly because the nail polish collection gives them intrusive thoughts
>Latest Gundam anime literally said men bad women good
It is all according to plan
Once they make an Ordian with it in it as thumb-sized mini-model.
Surprised that Obari hasn't done that already.
>when you want to paint a fag but you don't have a Full Armor Gundam
How come I haven't joined the nail polish statistic despite being a massive faggot loser snapshitting kits in my free time for almost 20 years now
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you're not young enough to have gotten your hormones fucked and brain fried six ways to sunday in your developmental years
it has always been known that the starter sets are the only 40k anything with a remotely good value proposition
What are some good paints for a MG Blitz?
you're right, I probably have less microplastics in my body than them despite being exposed to plastic and plastic dust for all those years.
Modeling is much more vulnerable to nail polish usage than snapshit. Alot of boomers use color nail polish for joke builds but they are too old to troon out at that point.
I have no idea where did the whole nail polish advice originate from. Just thin some of these then paint the loose joints, why go out all your way to buy makeups for women?
titans colors from mr hobby
painting is for chuds, I rather use nail polish
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The artist versions are cheaper
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>xe doesn't buy xer model paint clears in 1kg cans
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guillie du is kinda cool
i did buy a whole can once, but didn't use it frequently enough. After like 8 years, there was so much empty space in the can that the remaining 1/3 reacted with the air inside and turned into a solid acrylic puck. Probably should've transferred it into a smaller container.
>finally finished one of my backlog
>buy four more models
I am retarded
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Thought on this chinkino Zaku?
So will it be using a modified version of Mekton like the old Gundam games from the 1980s? Mekton Zeta:The Movie really only needed a bit of cleanup and points values to be a decent wargame.
Looks like shit
13 months until I finally get my never ever.
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I had time so I made a Wing logo.
you can now buy an acrylic stand of PBandai to show everyone you slurp so much PBandai cock
I genuinely can't tell where the shotposting ends and the actual retardation begins when people post shit about it. What's the issue with $35 for a starter set and a precon for another game?
P-Bandai ain't being sold where I live. Can't buy stand to shit on it while streaming.
I can reproduce that if you like
I like it!
the figures are great price from warhammer pov and the cards are great price from mtg pov
>premium daban
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I recently built my first Figure Rise Standard kit and it was a decent built. But why a lot of FRS kits are pricey than average HG kits?
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prototypes of conversion kits for RG 2.0
Pretty cool. It's a shame resin gives you super cancer
I only have Fourze (my first KR show and among my favs, probably for nostalgia reasons) but others that I've seen reviewed seem like color stickers hell. I wanted to get Drive and from vids my hopes are very low
conversion into what exactly?
The uh... Aihao Gundam from the looks of it.
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I like everything except the pauldrons
Unit 4 and 5, what else
>what else
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nice. I never watched Vandread but I dig that suit design.
My never ever comes out this year too,
>13 months
but it leases in September
Alex got very different shoulders forearms and it also got leg verniers similar to pale rider
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fuck you volks
I just want my Bansheeca already come the fuck on
Any good acrylics for air brush that aren't Tamiya
It's such a shame the majority of AoZ kits are locked behind P-Bandai. For whatever reason, the aftermarket prices on the HGs are insane. The majority of the MGs can be found for cheaper than the HGs.
The Barzam redesign isn't that expensive
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they're plastic
the long torso on the new RG looks so ass
Consider me interested then. Didn't this studio mention also making Mudrock conversion or am I misremembering?
But who wants another Barzam?
the chinese developed plastic that also gives you super cancer so there's no need to pick resin over it now
does their plastic also turn you into a little bitch or have you been like this since birth?
Show your Zams impostors.
bought some glass files, said 2000 on the package so I reasonably assumed 2000 grit
2000 grit my fat retarded ass, these are all like 320 grit
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Man, the hands on this kit fucking blow. They're the old style trigger finger split hands. Those dinky little pegs can't properly hold the GN Bazooka or GN Launcher because they're just too girthy for them. Bandai abandoned this style of hands for good reason, what the fuck was Daban thinking? It's a solid kit otherwise.

Had to use some third party hands to hold the GN Bazooka for this shot. They're from my MG Sinanju Stein, but they were meant for 20m MS designs so they look a tad too big for the Astraea at 18m. Better hunt for new hands.
no i'm not retarded i've owned a set of 1000-2000 grit glass files before
man those purple stickers are rough
you can still do less things with a resin kit so it's less of a toy therefore for realer modelers
Which color should I use to panel line a grey totally gray rifle?
but darker parts like dark-grey or straight black benefit much more from drybrush or regular paint edge-highlights than panel lining
May as well use pigments instead. Mr. Color sells all 3 primary colors as pigments.
ad hominem
Mr.Hobby Aquaous
I see, thanks for the recommendation.
Is Mr. Color not acrylic
Yeah it is
Yeah they also said the Mudrock was a part of their upcoming works
Meeeeee :3
he is, but kind of expensive. tiny little guy the price of 2 RGs
You even build?
technically mr color, tamiya etc are "acrylic lacquers". but nobody in the hobby space calls them that, the word "acrylic" is used only for water- or alcohol- based acrylic paints
man, dude's more expensive than the girls lmao
his bike is pricey too
Yes, unfortunately you have a bad case of COOMsumerism. Its fatal. You will die with 80+ Kits in your backlog. Many such cases
no this is investments
in 15 years when i want to buy the new PG I'll fund it by selling one of my old out of print HGs
If the red wasnt there id wear this, its a low enough power level weeb shit
Im building a pointy ass chinaman kit right now actually. Thing is huge
but do you own any girlpla?
zased, which one?
nta but I have snapchadded two 30MS and I have an arnval in my 'log
HG Blaze Phantom Zaku
30mm Volpanova w/ Energy Weapon kit

HG Gunner Warrior Zaku

Waiting for:
A pile of other plastic crack including MG Gunner Warrior Zaku

I plan on kitbashing and painting a custom out of the two HG zakus
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2 hours of scribbling
Why did you get both hg and mg gunner zaku warrior? Are you regarded?
>nta but I have snapchadded two 30MS and I have an arnval in my 'log
the HG to bash with the Blaze Phantom
the MG to straight build
I guess it depends on what you value more, media attachment of a large franchise and value, or articulation
>do you own any girlpla?
Yes, it's funny to give cute girls some mobile suit weapons.
Why do you paint white parts white?
unpainted plastic has a different visual texture even under varnish
White paint looks better than white plastic
because plastic is transparent with paint particles suspended inside meanwhile actual paint is transparent with paint particles suspended in the thinner or something like that and it makes a huge difference actually but you wouldnt know it because you dont paint
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snaa is so peak bros
just don't forget to sharpen every edge to cut your veggies later
this is an hg kit though. im gonna scratchbuild some safety flags to get the bandai experience
When is the next time Bandai is going to announce new products? It seems like they've gotten kind of boring. I'm getting more interested in the other companies than Bandai.
they announce something every month. take your ADHD meds and wait
we're gonna be quuuuuuxmaxxing for the next few months
only a week until the first episode airs in japenis theaters and we get details on all the cool zakus
Bro I just bought a single mini for 40$
Was just looking at their God's Guardian kit eariler,looks awesome and its only 22 burger bucks. Definitely my next buy when its in stock. Also- Gundamit is based
i'm sick of zakus and think gcucks look like dogshit. guess i'm just gonna have to tune out of bandai for a while.
Building The Martial Emperor from SNAA. Really starting to enjoy this company. Yes, this>>23030183 is me
Il get pics later
Is 400 grit sandpaper too much for gunpla?
They just announced a new mini line, dipshit.
Are 3d printers good enough to make these at a tenth of the price yet??
Harder with 240/400, then medium 1000-1500, finish with 2000-2500.
who cares about that shit man. we already have model kits of all that stuff
Resin printers yeah.
I want an hg of this.
So what the fuck was Tomino smoking when making Zeta? There's so many awkward drama in it and Camiru punching Char everytime he gets pissy.
They are fine. Anything lower is just too much.
I don't know what his fixation with people getting the shit smacked out of them was. It was a problem in 0079 too but in zeta someone is constantly getting slapped.
>we already have model kits of all that stuff
i haven't seen a kappol kit sold anywhere yet. are you sure?
Corporal punishment was commonplace in that era
Zeta is gunpla tho.
How about basic gunpla kits? Or are the tolerance's too hard to get right?
Camille gets the shit slapped out of him by a financial backer to the AEUG who he doesn't know, and who doesn't introduce himself, and it's played like he's the good guy for smacking the fuck out of him. In 0079 sleggar smacks the shit out of mirai for not liking her cuck fiance. It's a fixation. People are constantly being smacked.
It's just so awkward whenever it happens. Maybe i'm not paying attention enough. Hashimar and the gaplant were cool tho.
>i haven't seen a kappol kit sold anywhere yet. are you sure?
theres a momoka kapool you can repaint and an old 1/144 one
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If you can find the files for gunpla you can use a really small nozzle on FDM 3D printer or just a regular resin printer. In fact a lot of third party parts are printed from a resin printer. I think pic related is.
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momokapool looks nothing like a kapool and the old one hasn't been reprinted in two decades
US release so I don't have to pay international shipping is in February 2026.
>want to get a different melee weapon for my kit but they'd have no way to holster it
Vallejo Mecha Color if you're wanting hard satin finish.
I get the feeling Bandai will use this line to do a lot of obscure MS that aren't cost effective to make a full HG out of, since game rules will add a value incentive to mechs you otherwise feel no connection for.

That or they'll blind box the hell out of everything and my Heroclix/Monsterpocalypse nightmares return.
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Build so clean it looks like CG
resin is quite bad for joints/articulation compared to polystyrene.
best you are gonna get is fixed-pose statues or conversion kits made of armor panels and shit that go on top of an existing bandai model
You will upset the AoZ haters around here.
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Best girl.
scratchbuild a holster.
Tolerances on FDM would be less about the nozzle width and more about corner bulges due to deceleration. My brother has printed some nice posable action figures using his Bambu that I wouldn't be able to do on my Mega 3 because the software/firmware is such an immense improvement.
Do the three XFS woundies have any differences beside color?
Parts become small enough that you cannot physically print them without a smaller nozzle. I tried to print some random anime figure I found one time. The slicer doesn't know what to do with it because the intricacies are too much. Scale it up and sure you can get something that works but then it's way too big.
Parts that small are better off done with a resin printer and ABS-like resin than with an FDM.
blue has new shield and gun
black has new V fin
same as regular kits, blue has different butt, two shield blade guns and a new gun and shield, black has a new v-fin and leg parts
for the longest time i thought drybrushing was about using a specialty dry paint, like just some kind of special powdered pigment mixture

i would love to try some drybrushing right now but the only normal, non-liquidy paint is grey and all my models are grey or black
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Just to double check, Epyon's wire is supposed to be attached to the side his beam saber is on, right?
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Aye, cause the beam saber is connected directly to the suit's generator, allowing it to adjust its output. Hence why the sword is often fuckheug.
Are the XFS woundworts worth picking up compared to the Bandai kits? Prices on the official kits are wild for HGs.
but you need the paint to be liquid in order to wet the brush in there and then wipe off the exess until only a tiny bit of semi-dry portion of it remains, then you "dry-brush" it.
yes i know that now
i was mistakenly assuming "dry-brush" refers to loading up the brush with dry pigment somehow
i hadn't started actually painting until like two months ago okay
Definitely worth it. Might be a little loose in some parts but honestly solid quality especially for the price
Do you like me /gpg/? Y/N
Holy fuck this design speaks to me, It's rare for kits to have a badass axe weapon + cool design overall
Get the Verdenova (green), the blue one is heresy and goes against its own name.
not that anon, and I really like the Verdenova, but I really wish it was like
10% maybe 15% taller

also i like the blue one
paint it for the melee groupbuild.
i believe in you anon
The blue should've been renamed into Azulnova or Azurenova.
I could buy green and snapshit it without guilt since it has this name?
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rate my first 1/100, sorry my camera quality is shit
because nobody cares about articulation except redditors who like to throw their snapshits at the wall while making whoosh noises
it's been very hard to get any koto girlpla in the first run for years now. hobbysearch have started doing a lottery order system because koto literally won't print enough
woahhh 1/100 orange
and it was all yellow
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I'm gonna paint him purple
how come gaianotes dont have titans color?
because they don't design their colors with gundam collabs in mind
just use Deep Navy
how come gaianotes no have gundam collabs? they are having all these other ones like dunbines and l-gaimes and votoms
too toxic for kids
weakness of character on their exec's part
Anyone use splash paints before? How are they?
Barbatos rex tests them. He says they’re pretty good.
I can't see shit captain.
He calls everything "pretty good"
To whoever recommended getting kits from hobby lobby a few threads ago. I appreciate the advice but
A. they did not have a very big selection
and B. It was not cheaper than ordering online
buying kits from HobbyLobby is worth it when and only when they go on sale
Nah he will call shit out if it’s junk like hobbymio metallic paints or mr ultra metallic
they dry to a matte finish which makes them useless for gunpla
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So how the fuck did this happen? I'm hating Crossbone now even if I haven't read it yet.
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i think this guy is ready to get line for painting
how retarded are you?
Because the reality is most of this shit is pretty good. Don’t be one of those guys who thinks you need the absolute most premium quality shit to make your shit look good. Even shitcrylics can be good. But especially these lacquers they are retard proof and easy to use and look good.
Not as retarded as you, thanks for asking.
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It uses Silver Bullet's face parts with a monoeye sensor.
Also you are weak.
Crossbone is based
>it's literally random what kit they give you
I love gambling
I don't acknowledge OP, groupbuild dude, or barbatos rex' authorities
In Dust the Earth Federation has collapsed and warlords battle for control of the Earth and the colonies. Mobile suit development became a lost art, so instead the various factions cobble together mobile suits from the scrap of old ones, regardless of how old.
I'm sure you also don't acknowledge your parents' authority when they ask you to get a job.
if you cemented and there's still an indent you did it wrong. why this general has such a problem with seam welding i'll never understand. but yes you can use superglue to fill any indent you left due to your skill issue. use an activator to make it cure in like 5 seconds. unscrew the spray cap and drop a drip or two onto it with the stem. you waste a lot if you spray it. i normally use surfacer 500 (applied unthinned with a toothpick) but ca is great for when you don't have time or don't want to wait for a blob of lacquer to cure
the amount of retardation in these threads is crazy, people just make stuff up and state it as fact. using ca+activator for filling is a trick that's been used in modelling since before we were born
That's just how it works, you apply putty to smooth it out.
I refuse to believe that the MK V/Doven Wolf developed into a fembot.
That's very true
I'm sorry you can't read.
Such a cool idea wasted on Hasegawa's utter lack of mechanical design ability.
god I love crossbone so much
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It isn't?
It's an in-universe kitbash. Carmen is developed from Silver Bullet as much as Ez8 is from Zaku because it uses reforged Zaku shoulder shields as chest armor. The table on the wiki doesn't explain that but reading the actual article does.
so fucking what? man up faggot, even if you're good someone will still shitpost at it. try not being such a fragile baby
if you can't take someones shitpost/flaming and see the genuine criticism that it's based on then that's on you. anything beyond "looks like shit" can be used as insight into what to improve on. you have the entire internet to use to research things that could lead to improvements in those areas
I think that's not improbable, but if and only if this actually gains traction and bandai doesn't abandon it in a couple of years.

captcha: doot4
the trick is not posting anything here
beaten housewife syndrom
you don't need superglue if you actually achieve proper squeeze out AND allow for the cement goo to properly offgas before sanding. it's that offgassing phase where it sinks if you sanded flush too early.
yeah like i said, if there's an indent left you did it wrong. i'm sick of posting a seam welding tutorial every 4 threads
No, that's just inevitable.
How come other anons told me ca glue sucks and that it doesn’t cure under the surface?
that's what the activator is for
Ok thanks. You seem like you know this better than those other anons. Can you recommend any good ca glued and activators for me?
Why does the Dom look so bad with shoulder cannons when it's a heavy MS
It's the way the cannons look
I took the Bazooka away from my kit and wanted to find a different way to give it more firepower but shoulder cannons are just not it
At the same time mounting missiles on its arms or something just sounds like it would look silly
Am I supposed to scribe after priming
Tell me Anon, why you should do it after priming.
after surfacer
before primer
i'm not the anon you responded to
isn't surfacer already a primer, just with additions to make it also fill surface defects?
i figured out it was better to cut further away from the part and trim off the excess with a hobby knife (don't have anything smoother than 300 grit right now so i can't sand it down without leaving the plastic all fucked up looking)

on one hand it looks way better

on the other hand i have several new cuts on my fingers
at least they're only skin-deep
Technically no they’re too separate things but everyone just uses surfacer as primer and it doesn’t really make a difference.
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Anyone have experience with Jumpwind leveling thinner? I did a few quick searches and didn't tons about it. I'm curious if it's comparable to the Mr. Hobby stuff. I know it's all just chemicals, more or less, but I wanna see if anyone here knows about it.
Barbatos Rex used it. It’s fine. Like you said it’s the same slop as all the other leveling thinners. Just generic lacquer thinner with some retarder to make it retard proof.
To get the detail back that you lost from the primer, no?
I thought I could only use Mr. Color Thinner on Mr. Color...
No the brand doesn’t matter for thinner. It’s all the same shit.
And now paint won't properly adhere inside of the new panel lines that you've scribed, or in the general area near those panel lines because you probably scraped away a bunch of surrounding primer as well. Good job, idiot.
Yeah this is true. Mr. Color paints have DRM and they all turn shit-brown if you try and use other thinners with them.
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They just say that to get you to buy their shit
So it won't turn shit brown like this guy said>>23030656
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Third party hands came in clutch. Sturdy as hell despite how huge the blade is.
How enclosed is your room?
i think you mean shitcrylics
If you had to pick two different MS to be husband and wife, which would they be
*Have to be from the same universe
Hamma Hamma and R-Jarja
Gyan and Dom
no i mean BONEYAMOMcrylics
Has anybody ever painted their gundam skin color?
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Plenty strong. But he's already all wobbly on the action base and there's a lot more shit that I need to slap on. This is not gonna end well.

Is that a trick question? There's an open window right behind me.
Not at all, I'm just wondering if that's really all I need. Do I really just have to crack open a couple of windows and I won't get the rainbow lung?
when it comes to most paints yeah that's usually enough
you SHOULD have a respirator
but good ventilation gets you most of the way there
in most cases
i don't recall what paint it was but there was this one type that would poison you well before you smelled it
I hate working on a kit, it locks me out of working on other kits
>looking at gundam central since I havent ordered from them in nearly a decade
>They charge shipping now
>separately for each item
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C'mon bros tell me this doesn't look fucking sick.

Yeah there's an big open window right behind my desk. Do all the airbrushing outside on the patio. Sometimes I do topcoating inside in an empty room that I have, but I make sure to wear a respirator and open all the other windows.

I do regular check-ups every year and the doc hasn't found anything wrong with me yet so.
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>C'mon bros tell me this doesn't look fucking sick.
I love astrea f so yeah it is sick
No its not fuck off.
Draped Infront makes it look busy/crowed, pose them above or next too the shoulder like the zoids geno-breaker
It’s troll hours huh
Nigga, I dont think its gonna come out fast enough
Wait so who is right about the thinner thing
>i'm sick of posting a seam welding tutorial every 4 threads
get in into the guide in the op, then you can just spam "read the guide" when people repeat the same question.
we'd need to redo the guide because right now it's a shit out of date pinoy buying guide with some building tips on the side
>It’s all the same shit.
there are some minor brands with different chemical formulations that react to mr color thinners by clumping up
>read the guide
the guide is old and doesn't explain sink marks
Is anyone here actually good enough at modeling to make a new guide?
Painting some parts. Unfortunately I'm not painting the white parts white again so that one guy is still gonna be mad.
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that's literally one paragraph. the burger buying guide needs surugaya and some chinkgod kino sites added though.

just write the additions that aren't in it already and send them to gelgoog guy
>not longsnapping
I don't know what that means. For what it's worth I paint with a brush and this is just for drying them.
>I don't know what that means
painting white over white, blue over blue etc in the exact same shades so you can say you painted
don't respond to forced millhouses
The problem with the long snapping meme is you have to paint if you want to close seams on HGs or make modifications…
My bad

Yeah I only really paint something if I want it to be a different color.
>you have to paint if you want to close seams
sprue goo chads win again
No fuck that fag. Id rather someone just make a new one then have to run through his discord gook clique to get him to fix his shitty guide.
just paste in the reddit guide, it's 10x better than whatever the goog faggot will make since the redditors have less of a life than even us
Will that base fit with the Mr. Almighty Clip Stick?
No idea. These are cheap clips and a stand from hobby lobby.
>he got one of the meme clip bases
You paid money for this shit? I just used some styrofoam from a box for free. And it’s way bigger.
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It's going to be a shtity Miku colored Haro isn't it.
they only have basic ass gundams and zakus though
miku nobell, please.....
I spend more money in a day on slim jims and red bull than this thing cost.
I got a master grade kampfer there
that depends on the guy who orders the kits for any given store
omg it migu
it already happened, it was just 3d models in the ~gundam metaverse~
Does anyone here actually use the gundam metaverse?
Didn't it get shut down?
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my inner weeb trying to take over me for the past week to paint my guillie du into a samurai priest.
Are the decals that RGs come with waterslides like MGs?
kinda sad
even chinese bootleg HGs come with waterslides
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https://x.com/Katori62/status/1876601465420325082 paint your weapons
Is that a sword?
Kamen Rider midseason big upgrade form type design (Build TankTank/Rabbit Rabbit, Gaim Kachidoki Arms, etc)
It's a super soaker.
What do I type into aliexpress to find the cool chink third party gunpla accessories? my brain is fried, I cannot think properly atm.
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Will Bandai put every major characters in 30MM or anyone who got action figure will be excluded?
they'll keep adding characters as long as there are sales
god willing we'll have a full plastic AC builder
So far the HAL and Ayre got figurine’d. I would honestly be surprised if they decide to go for a special edition 1/100 scale. What I would give for Ortuz and any of the PCA mechs to have a kit.
>PCA mech gunplas
don't give me hope
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>bought this after giving up on a reprint for a while
Man, surugya prices werent as rad as whenever we raped the site like 2 years ago.
Will we ever get the white glint?
now that's cool
very chuuni sword though, wonder what it's from
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do you want resin or plastic?
https://www.aliexpress.com/store/1100857369 has a bunch of resin ones.
or just search "resin conversion". but you may be better off buying from GK-M

for plastic effect wings makes a bunch (also search "effectswings"), or try searching for specific ms with terms like "for zaku"
oh yeah also "[model name] modification parts"
you can find stuff like metal shoulder spikes and power pipes
I hope Koto will make a 2.0 version for White Glint instead of Bandai because it is such a pointy design. It can use some of that Hexa Gear strength.
>>I hope Koto will make a 2.0 version for White Glint instead of Bandai because it is such a pointy design
I doubt we'll get one anytime soon since they keep fucking reprinting the thing and it keeps selling.
of course it keeps selling
but maybe the yakuza dinosaurs at bandai will think "wait we can slightly improve the old kit and market it as shiny and new for even more money"
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The Aegis is so cool.
Now this reminds me how the existence of 30MM is literally just a cheap knockoff of Hexagear, both in price and quality.
Well they shown a White Glint kit in primer during last year's hobby show. There is a small hope to be had here.
I just built FM Aerial and now i'm scratching my head. What is the point of this line? No cockpit, no cool hidden details, just Le Big?
They just want to do MG without making frames.
That's what Full Mechanics and RE/100 are, yes. 1/100 scale Gunpla that has more properly color-molded parts than 1/144 HG and generally good availability, but lacking the inner frame or high detail of MG. And still costs the same (or more) compared to MG.
i know of at least 4 "MG" kits that fit this description
Design wise how would you fit an inner frame to that without it being flimsy.
I'm fine with the kit lacking skeleton, but damn, without the cockpit, these things are pale in comparison to actual MG. Bandai could have atleast include cockpit as a detail without innerframe, it is not that difficult.
Aerial has a really fat thigh and feet, it is quite ideal for an innerframe design. Afterall, it is an extremely compromised design and screams " i'm a modelkit ".
The real troublesome MG would be Darilbalde, it is very top heavy.
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>no inner frame
>no cockpit
>only slightly more detail
I can buy the Nilson Works 1/60 Legally-not-Perfect-Grade Legally-not-tallgeese for two of these
note: for THREE of these if I'm charitable and assume i don't find a really good discount

3 1/100 not-MG Aerials
or changkino 1/60 tallgeese?
They took the Tallgeese and made it ugly.

>Gandabada gandabada
>Gandabada gandabada (x4)

show us your chinageese's cockpit, anon
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I don't have mine yet
slow ass shipping
The urge to snapshit.
snapshit some hg to get it out of your system
I have a noob question. What is the proper airbrushing technique for applying matte top coat? Do you layer up some light coats or do you blast a thick wet coat and have it dry to be matte?
Thick coat is never a good idea.
Why come?
You must coat the kit with gloss coat first, then matte later. The technique for coating that involves decals is gloss - decal - matte finish. For the airbrush, you must not give the kit a wet thick coat because just like regular paint, top coat can be pooled and clogged.
Just like those Warhammer memes said. Thin your paint.
While the coat being transparent, you can still notice the pooling, loss of details and so on if you coated it too much.
I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream written in the modern day. As in, written by a retard. I'm shocked there's no fart fetish nonsense in there.
Ok thanks. How many light coats do I need then?
Around 2 to 3 thin coats is the standard.
Ok thanks for the clarification
post snapgod kinos
What are snapgod kinos?
A spam phrase from a shitposter.
Can you give me some examples?
thanks camille
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Do you guys have any recommendations for melee oriented or bulky knight plamo? I ordered the Black Knight Spinatio but wanted more.
I'm not sure how much of that niche is covered with Gundam specifically.
I know there's the 30MF line but I wanted to know if I was missing anything else.
Frame Arms Durga
This is some kino
No, it's a model kit, retard.
You can't watch movies in it.
anyone made use of the ebay replacement part seller? I need right thigh frame parts replaced (i was a retard to cut it short) and im not sure how trustful it is
Just setup a custom small screen and an usb port to watch movies on your kit, are you not a true modeller ?
It's fucking ebay not Caesars Palace you son of a bitch stop acting like you're gambling your house
Hexagear has some bulky plamo
This is the most no balls post I've ever seen.
Vthor Gaifu Kaisei. This dude is an absolute unit.
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Hexagear also has upcomming Bulkarm Wolfzerker if you want something both knight motif and bulky.
are bandai spirits sanding sticks okay to use wet? or is it strictly dry sanding only
They are sponge so i think just dry sanding.
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Snapped a GM space type together, going to get parts primed for my first paint job tomorrow. Not sure how exactly I want to paint it yet.
Olive drab + Orange. Turn him into John Halo.
A few suggestions.
Gself SEX
Arizona's pretty slick
thank you anon
This Geymalk looks really sweet, but where are it's mother funnels?
Which AoZ kit am I getting bros?
Liked and reposted!
Hazel Custom.
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bootleg ortlinde coming soon
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Will deal with the nubs at some point, Currently figuring how should I go with the cape, and what should I do with the the chest.

As much as I wanted to, due to circumstance, I would like to avoid painting as much as possible.
Is IBO really popular among Changs or something? Stop bootlegging this shit niggers give me something actually GOOD.
that's some serious delulu
Develop some taste.
I was thinking that or the hazel owsla.
what the hell even is that
That's a "30 minute missions totally doesn't look like cheap toys".
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oh i'm Nuing
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some sort of wizard with lots of weapon under cape, supposedly. It's still missing a lot of stuff, and I am currently deciding how what do I want to use for it's cape.
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whoops, wrong cape.
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it has one
and the hg has one too
titans colours
Is that a beam magnum?
looks retarded not even paint can fix that
It comes with the Mega Launcher? Sick.

Is there anything I should expect from a metal frame? Never owned anything with one.
No, that's average AoZ beam rifle
what's Component BA3-C 10 from the Gundam Action Base for?
no, but it is a titans test team design, so I wouldn't be surprised regardless
>BA3-C 10
most likely an adapter for some ver ka's
Whats that 3rd party called again? I just bought some funnel effect part but i still love the old redesign.
Expect a fucking wildcard since unless there are screws to tighten and whatnot, it can easilly become a floppy mess.
>compromised design
Is this a new buzzword
Anything is a buzzword to you, retard
its not that heavy on the top, only the shoulder shields could be annoying but only Ur has fatter legs iirc which would have even bigger issue on feet, while daril has heel stabilizers
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you WILL wear ze mask
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What does it mean then? There are no context clues. The article "and" as in "and screams 'i'm a modelkit'" indicates that is not what makes a 'compromised design'. Seems like a word he said just to sound smart, and given his lack of mastery over the English language I can see why that would be an attractive option for him.
What scale is this and where can I get it?
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I WILL wear the mask.
my bouncy castle is still in the mail
post chinkgod kinos
nice, so glad i held off buying the original
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All of them.
Started snapshitting brady hound
The surfaces feel very nice but the plastic is EVEN SOFTER THAN 30MM
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Just a beam rifle, one of the first types equipped with an E-Pac. Basically a smaller version of Mk-II's rifle. Definitely not beam magnum.
It can, however, have a revolver magazine.
kinda awkward for me when I already have the Effect Wings mega launcher but oh well lol
no idea about metal frames, hoping people share experiences about them here
apparently it's "KMR cloud ghost" company and they're calling the kit "hi-v sir".
1/144, should be available at the usual places like gundammodelcenter, mofiho or aliexpress
seriously? damn i got a nyuren in my backlog
positive point, the joints are nice and stiff, this thing won't be doing bitch leg splits any time soon
you just have to be careful not to gouge the parts while removing the nubs
Not sure what he's talking about with the Brady hound but the plastic on my Nyuren wasn't different than any other recent Bandai kit I've built.
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another bootleg F90 MG, out now so we should have access to it within a week
it goes for 48 RMB so comically dirt cheap even for a bootleg MG. Appears to be made by gaogao so expect moderately shite quality. However this is the second bootleg F90 already so there might be more down the line and they'll start throwing in more stuff and color variants as with GM Spartan.
You seem to be unable to notice the pattern, huh? There are some mecha designs created solely to be converted into modelkit, toys and so on, there is no fantastic and ridiculous element to them due to concern of their functionality as a product. Protag gundam designs have been heavily compromised since the conception of RX78-2, this is not a buzzword but a well known fact. Aerial is an even bigger offender because it looks like a fucking kids toy with built in LED and having a smooth and round appearance for children safety. Even for a 15+ kit like FM, it looks the same as its HG counterpart.
I don't know why they didn't lead with the colour varients first. It's not hard to get a hold of a legit F90 for a reasonable price.
It doesn't have built in LEDs though. And compromised by what? By plamo? You don't like plamo then? Why the everloving fuck are you in the plamo thread?
With full MG innerframe, Darilbalde would be a disaster in the making because the torso is just so fat along with its large backpack and giant shoulder shields with of contents inside them, yet the legs are gonna be inevitably skinnier compares to the top. You can argue that the basic Darilbalde would do just fine, but what about the retrofit form? MG Daril's innerframe must be either a masterpiece or a bottom of the barrel garbage like RG Akatsuki with no inbeetwen.
stands and action bases are forgotten technology I guess?
update. it's not all the plastic, just the frame, presumably as a concession for the sake of the joints
the armor bits are normal
one i got from mofiho still has no shipping update. it's been two months.
HG TR6 Psychoblade Custom if you like the woundwort, and an HG TR1 Hazel Custom or MG Hazel Owsla if you like more traditional gundam designs. Getting both HGs is also an option since they are designed to be compatible for kitbashes.
If you want to buy an expansion for one of the kits I recommend getting an HG Hrududu ii for either.
Probably going to get teh Owsla in the end and pick up the bootleg Woundworts since the aftermarket price on AoZ HGs are pretty stupid right now.
Do you have to apply another coat of a color, if the primer is already the color you want?
This belongs in one of those oddly satisfying youtube vids. Wish he did the rest, Capillary action gives me a chub. Also, what kit is that? Z.O.E?
It's a scribed to fuck Palace Athene.
No, i use black primer and keep the parts I dont want painted black. It looks fine
Damn, thats some impress scribe work.
I don't own one but I've heard nothing but good things about the MG owsla
>wait we can slightly improve the old kit
this is not something bandai would say
it would go something more like "wait we can turn this kit into a rounded gummy mess for kids with massively out of scale panel lines and details"
Plamo should be a sloppy immitation of the subject, not the other way around. Even in an interview, the designer shown his disdain toward the compromises he had to make. One day Bandai is gonna give every Gundam canon safety flags on their fins and you fags will still find a way to defend that.
holy schizo
There's nothing in that about plamo retard, having to do revisions is normal for professional artistry
You already replied to me.
I don't hate this idea, but the issue comes from how angular the defining features are (the cape, hat, and staff), compared to how blocky the body is.
Nice schizo cope. But it turns out not everyone who disagrees with you is one person.
What are some other compromised designs?
This question is gonna start a shitstorm. Quick new thread guy, make one so we can avoid it.
The RX-78-2 was altered and made a combiner for the sake of toy designs, and it can easily be argued that all main character suits are compromised.

Only the Zaku and other MS that were not intended to become toys when they were designed are truly not compromised.
scopedog, it had to appeal to groonting military otakus
It's extremely unlikely there are two people in this thread stupid enough to disagree with what I said there.
All of the victory gundam mechanical designers were asked to simplify their designs. The mobile suits had to be redrawn to reduce the number of lines so they’d be easier for the animators to draw.
And it turned out great.
literally everything nagano made for banrise
You must be a giant retard to unironically thinking Gundam designs are some sort of unfiltered artistic pursue and not bunch of toy slops that were commissioned by the sponsors. Gundam in general are compromised designs, Okawara confirmed it, Jnthed confirmed it, how you feel or what you think doesn't matter.
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Where are my over the top designed mechas Bandai? Where?
anything from Crossbone, fight me fags
backback could be offloaded by the carpace, which might look shitty but it would be one solution for frame to not be carrying it directly, shields can be hollow or flatter than normally. I think we'd be due more RGs than MGs from witch, if at all it will be likely Calibarn and Schwarzette (good luck balancing the greatsword)
You must be a giant retard to think that this is something worth singling out a singular Gundam design over when you've just admitted it applies to all of them. And if you had a serious problem with it, you wouldn't be here except for if you're a chronic shitposter.
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First time building a kit with the proper tools.Think I seriously messed up the oil wash and the sponge weathering (still missing the silver highlights). It's a Kampfer HG by Star (bootleg brand).

My next build will probably be the
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>00 raiser
>Age 2 magnum
>Zaku warriors
All of these niggas have tons of shit on or around their shoulders which could make them top heavy yet they're fine as MGs. There is nothing remarkably unbalanced about the darilbaldy that would make it unfeasible. The shields aren't even big
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1/60 Tallgeese III Monument Repair Type Custom
Name some kits that exist that /gpg/ would insist could never exist if they didn't already. I'll start with MG Deep Striker.
oh shit Star makes a kampfer? how was the build? any needed fixes?
Ex S Gundam. MK V, MK III.
Not bad at all for your first proper kit anon. You did go a little hard on the grime, but thats just a learning experience. Keep at it
Psycho Mk-II
Will Canadian gunpla prices be lower as a US state?
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>at least 2 days of waiting between final coat and final assembly despite all the work being done
Skill issue
executive dysfunction has destroyed gpg
Get an air fryer and dry the parts in it.
>WSD are from the P-Bandai Kampfer Schwer
>Antenna does not fit snuggly into the helmet
>Head details are soft
>Spiked shoulder parts fit a little poorly, had to trim the PC quite a bit
>Feet have a loose fit that'll cost you when trying to pose it due to the heavy backpack
>Mold lines in the hands

I quite enjoyed it. 8/10.

I've straight built the XingDong GTO RX-78 and that kit is a fucking nightmare. Bad quality plastic and tons of mold errors. Terrible build.

Thanks. Yeah, I'll probably try pastels (stand-in for the Tamiya weathering set) for the RX-78-02. Got no liquidity ATM, but my next haul will include some other shitty aliexpress tools.
oh cool so it's actually fine, i'll probably get one then
you know what's sad?

even the kinda shitty gunpla kits are still better than most historical scale model kits. like what the fuck.
Foster puppies have taken over my gunpla room /gpg/, please adopt.
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>I wonder what /gpg/ is discussing.
>Wuh oh nevermind then.
That's why I don't have kids. That and that alone. Yep.
I won’t have kids because creating life is evil because life is suffering. I’m proud to put an end to the cycles of life.
isn't it because you're bitchless?
Okay so maybe there's two reasons
>hlj quacks preorders still not closed
>best selling kit on the platform since it appeared
how the hell do they expect to have enough stock on release, isn't it dishonest to keep preorders available at this point
They don't like always. You think they won't shaft people who signed up for the preorder?
Who cares, money.
>how the hell do they expect to have enough stock on release
they don't
>isn't it dishonest to keep preorders available at this point
it is but they keep doing it for bandai stuff. they put you straight into a backorder queue without telling you instead of closing preorders
meanwhile koto's arcanadea ermeda went up today and is already order stopped
HLJ doesn't do order stop on gunpla, they just make everyone who doesn't make the first print enter the backorder queue automatically.
>meanwhile koto's arcanadea ermeda went up today and is already order stopped
The problem with Bandai is that you won't know how many kits you're getting until they ship. Multiple stores have talked about this. Koto likely gave HLJ a specific allocation.
Why doesn't Koto just make more stuff? It's all made by chinks right? How hard is it to just make them wage in the factory a little longer so people can get stuff to coom to?
small family company sorry, just enter the hobbysearch lottery for a chance to order
this doesn't sit right with me
nor anyone else
It sits right with me. cuckfags get what they fuckin deserve.
It wouldn't with me if they were a bitch about cancelations like Amiami but they don't give a fuck if you cancel so there's no harm.
are exias popular nowadays? im starting to find quite a bit of mg ones and exia avalanches
>preorders still not closed
>best selling kit
yeah i've noticed a lot of 00 stuff shelf warming these days. at the hobby stores they are all massively marked down and it looks like a lot are being shipped off to micheals and sold at 40% off.
probably they are hoping bandai is gonna reprint that protag suit in multiple waves within the coming months so they won't have to sit on their thumbs and hope bandai-sama is kind enough to send over at least 100 units
Why not? They dont really charge you anything.
Are ABS nubs supposed to be a giant pain in the ass to clean? I had to use 240 grit to get this shit to go away
No. Sounds like a skill issue.
use a glass file
fuck i wish shit was marked down outside of biyearly sale, instead of just warming shelves at msrp+ % of import fee for like forever (it does allow to find nice stuff sometimes however)
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Nadleeh done but I won't be able to take any good photos until the weekend so only a moody sky shot for now.
A hobby knife works, you can scrape it too with a chisel but that requires skill so you may not make it.
never had this problem
aliexpress has bootleg nadleeh for literally 5 dollars for me
should i?
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Can confirm Durga is a good kit. Definitely get the Durga 2 RE:2 if possible tho as it has the updated frame and all the parts for both Durga 1 and Durga 2. And even then be ready to actually be a modeler. I had to repair several joints right after finishing painting back when I used it for a GB before.
don't resist, got it
Why did you even ask.
it's only 5 dollars you probably spend more than that on a gallon of gas
I don't drive :3
He's just shilling it to attract traffic to his bootleg shop.
which one? there's like 20.
All of them. You think chang doesn't prop up shops? They do this in any platform.
I can’t blame him. Chang is just trying to make a living. I respect the hustle.
What are the chances of ever getting an amakusa Jupiter kit?
Experimenting with real touch marker and seeing some people talking about "blending with qtips". Does this have a specific meaning or is it just "rubbing most of it off"?
Idk what this psychological effect is but you're making me want to buy a bootleg out of curiosity
If you don't reprint the TURN X I WILL NYOHOHOHOHO YOUR ASS.
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>anons were talking about MG Sazabi Ver. Ka being sold at Hobby Lobby
>thought they were pulling my leg, because no way in hell they're stocking such a good kit that can get discounted
>it's actually real
>MG F91 2.0 as well

Not the best eighty bucks I spent on a kit, but certainly well up there.
MG boxes are so fucking fat
I bought my first MG recently and it's like 2.5 times the width of a HG box
it doesn't look nearly as big in videos or images
Holy shit, I might have to check HL today. I checked like 2-3 weeks ago because of people saying the same thing but couldn't find it then.
I heard someone found a Virtue but mine don't got shit
Where is this hobby lobby at? Last I heard about a sazabi at one it was in LA.
can you chink shills ask your overlords to make a bootleg mg turn x? i might possibly actually be tempted to buy that one as long as you don't put a bunch of stupid spikes and unnecessary panel lines on it or adjust the proportions. but only maybe. best chance you have of getting my money
I will make the appropriate appellations, m'lord
>That gundam ground type.

I would snag that in a heartbeat.
In my experience, HL's stock tends to be random outside of the usual suspects like HG Barbatos, MG RX-78-2 3.0 and Breaker stuff. Of the three that I frequent regularly, only one has ever stocked RG Zeta, only one other has ever had a RG Exia, and so on. My line of work takes me all around my city so I get to regularly check the stock of those three, which gives me a slight advantage.

If your city/town has more than one HL, it may be worth visiting all of them to check.

This one is in Arizona, they had two (the other one was tucked under my arm as I took this picture). I also happened to pop in on the day after they got restocked, which is yet another advantage in my favor. You could try talking to a manager and asking what day their restock truck gets in, and dropping in either at the end of the day or at the start of the next, just so you get a leg up over other HL frequenters.
oh shit they sell it in evangelion colors
the green parts are stickers. they aren't going to engineer a kampfer with color separation
honestly? fair
i've seen much more egregious stickers on real HGs
just paint retard
where's the saber pic
Nah, acrylic markers will do just fine for that.
snaa iron sickle & the new axe one
for bandai stuff maybe gyancelot? most melee oriented gunpla are sleek skinny fuckers like the astrays with katanas.
there's also tallgeese1/2/3 who are pretty knightly looking and have shields but don't come with melee weapons so you'd have to kitbash something
>due to circumstances
if you have nowhere to spray you can always become a spongechud
>3d printed parts
that redditor is gonna get banned from gwbc
Speaking of Epyon, it's the RG person again here. How do I fit in G28? It feels like I'm gonna break something.
Would help if I posted the image with that
get the jms g-line
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Okay maybe NOW
>no way in hell they're stocking such a good kit
stores don't get to choose which kits bandai sells to them or how many, that's why hlj preorders are so fucked
they just get a shipment and have to deal with whatever boxes they got.
Trim your nails
Paint your nails :3
What kind of sponge is best for that btw?
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Not sure. I bought a pack of disposeable wedge sponges from the drug but haven't used them yet.

just make sure you get ones with flat surfaces, not the curved teardrop-shaped ones, if you're trying to do even coats
>HG Balls are back in stock for $20 CAD
>Balls are pretty essential to have
>but each one is the price of a GM and they're so tiny
>MG ver Ka is never in stock, and a two-pack of HG Balls don't seem worth it, maybe if they were $10 or $15
>but the HGs keep getting sold out for some reason
Are they worth it, do I get my Ball pals for my lonely GM
get the polypodball
Think a melamine sponge would be enough or do i need to order specific stuff online?
>4-5 times the price
Come on anon this is serious
it has a bootleg too
Get a job
i saw a youtuber painting with melamine sponges the other day, seems to work fine. kind of weird though since they're abrasive, i thought they were mainly for buffing/sanding.
the ones i got were $3 in store though, not a big expense. next to the nail clippers and combs and shit.
>due to circumstance
you're not being one of those retards who goes "muh no space" instead of trying to solve their problem and work with what they've got, are you? if you really want to paint, you will figure out how to make it work instead of making excuses
>several-year gap in employment
Come on anon this is serious
China beckons.
it's kind of hilarious how bandai just ignores the order forms that they send out to stores and just ships them a whole shipping container of battleogues and kyoukai senki kits instead. bandai deserves to go bankrupt
oh shit, i can use melamine sponges for buffing and light sanding?
I've got more than enough disposable income and I just refuse to pay crazy aftermarket prices. Polyball is on my list but I'm not paying ¥11/12k when it retailed for ¥3,240. Same with the MG V2 Buster Ver.ka, AoZ kits and the full metal panic kits. There's a point where the price becomes far too unreasonable and it's the principle regardless of if I can afford it or not.
Build a time machine and fix that
That's not how it works. You get an order form which shows you the projected print schedule for the next few months, usually one half of the year. None of the items on the list are set in stone. If a certain kit doesn't get enough order interest, they'll either move it to another month and consolidate the orders or they'll take it off the list completely. If a kit gets enough interest, you'll see it get reprinted multiple times during the schedule. Once you've filled the form in with what you want, and the amount, you wait until Bandai starts to print them. It's only until the moment where they start to ship out orders that you'll find out how of what you actually want will arrive. No one is randomly getting shit they didn't order.
'kotsu's silence on assemble is deafening
Judging from the fake wood grain on his desk, he's in a college dorm
nobody cares
Retvrn to daban. You can get mg v2ab for 40 burgers shipped
Nobody enjoys building daban. Anyone who gets baited into it will regret it everytime they start building the kit.
Yeah but I enjoy money
I looked into the daban version and it seems pretty shit. Looks close pretty visually but the general quality of it doesn't seem worth the hassle.
so what's up with AMAIM kits?
did they just print a fuckload of them assuming the anime would be popular and it wasn't?
Shokunin has the ver Ka in stock
They must be insanely cheap to make. Some of them are cool though, I got the FM mailes kenbu for under half the retail price recently.
Yep pretty much. Well I don’t even know if they printed a fuckload of them, it might’ve just been a normal amount but just nobody bought anything so they have a ton of stock.
well the Brady Hound kit was actually fairly interesting and different from typical gundam HGs and the Amaim Ghost looks cool as fuck so I might buy that next

the designs definitely do feel like they were conceived with gunpla production in mind
I'd recommend the FM mailes kenbu/kenbu Zan. The Zan looks better but the regular kenbu comes with a better weapon loadout. The HG Nyuren is great too.
So they’re compromised designs?
I want a Strike MG, Which one should I get?
The Brady Hound and Kenbu, I would say they are compromised but not in a toyetic sense of the word, they don't feel like toys

the Amaim Ghost doesn't look compromised at all, it immediately makes me think of the Gespenst from SRW
Both the RM and Noir derivatives are good.
Ootori is my recommendation, or Noir.
>light sanding
sure, they're very fine though so you'll want something lower grit for most of the work
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>Amaim Ghost
hey this one is cool. there's even two of them.
never saw it in the pile of amaim stuff at my local hobby store though... probably because those ones actually sold
good, good
I have some regular and glass nail files and they're all too rough, I think the finest one I have is like 400 at most
so hopefully melamine will tide me over until i get some proper 600-800-1000-2000 sandpaper

haha yeah the ghosts were the only ones I actually saw out of stock when i looked them up
I will go with regular RM since it's cheaper than the Ootori one.
Yeah it's cheaper cus the Ootori pack fucks.
>wfm kits now in the scarcity rotation
fuck i still miss a couple ones i wanted
Just wait for the mgs
You don’t like chink spikes?
anon he said the pack fucks, not sucks
I guess the vocal minority didn't generate enough revenue for a stable reprint.
quxfags... we WON
Congratulations on winning the special olympics.
thank you :3
gonna buy myself some ebay pbandai kits to snap together in celebration (no nub cleaning)
i still see some shelfwarming heindrees and demi trainers here, but yeah WFM kits are much rarer than before now. if ever they get reissues, we'll only see the Gundams now
good riddance
i NEED this heindree
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Full Armament Volpanova, soon
this shit really is just gunpla bionicles huh
I feel like you have no idea what you are talking about. It is not even gunpla to begin with.

it's bandai plastic models and most of the designs are directly aping gundam MS
i don't care that it doesn't have the gundam brand sticker it's gunpla
30 minute sloppa
look forward to the other lines:
30 minute gooning and 30 minute isekai
Next you are gonna call Kamen Rider FRS Gunpla because they are Bandai kits. Never go full retard, anon.
that's a ridiculous mental jump, you understand how that's a big jump to make, right?
or is your autism too strong to realize why 30mm is still gunpla the same way Kyoukai Senki kits are gunpla?
Gunpla means Gundam model. Calling 30MM and Kyoukai Senki Gundam is retarded
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anon you are such an autistic fucking retard holy shit
Gonna have to look into both kits then.
Just absolutely fucked the elbow on the master grade crossbone. I had to take the nuclear option so now it has a single bend in the elbow.
Just letting you know I'm not the guy who you're arguing with. I just chimed in to say you're stupid as fuck.
I'll take "What is inspect element" for 500
jesus fucking christ you retards are really arguing definitions?
it literally doesn't matter, it goes in this thread either way
Scopedog is my favourite gundam.
Yeah having capability to not mixing up trucks and sport cars means autistic and retarded.
you mean a Leo?
you have 1 minute to tell me what the P in /gpg/ stands for and means
* Full Armor Gundam ( Ver Okawara )
this but unironically
The original guy said 30MM isn't gunpla. He did NOT say 30MM isn't plamo. How did you make it out of grade school with that reading comprehension?
Good job not understanding the point or properly following post chains (the anon I replied to is the one who originally called 30mm gunpla bionicles, or at least someone responding in defense of him), which is that 30mm is plamo and not gunpla, and that he's a retard who doesn't realize what the terms even mean or that there's another term other than gunpla which is the appropriate one to use here. I swear to god it's nothing but retards here.
Yes mr president
My comment was misdirected. I agree with you and think bioniclenigger is retarded.
I don't care what 30MM is, they look ugly
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truly this has been our me tard you tard we tard nation
I don't care what 30mm is, I just want my not-zaku HG with a separately molded monoeye
simple as
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Hey the alto ground type kinda fucks
The elbow holding the sword is just fucked. I think I'm gonna paint all the navy parts burgandy.
you don't understand it doesn't have child bearing hips, smooth curves, and a v-fin, so it's fuck ugly sloppa
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get acerby and point her twintails upwards
I want to fuck this robot
how do they fit these into the 3-faction-war lore
what purpose do 20m tall robot lolis serve in the jovian military
really putting the COCK in cockpit huh
fleshlight based psycommu
we need to make another AU rehash of the 79 anime please understand
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one swirlie comin up

That can be fixed.
This is the same faction that larps as knights and samurai.
Just impulse bought this kit because it aroused me.
I would buy an acerby if they weren't all borderline monochrome.

wait nevermind i just noticed the Type-D
I'm buying an acerby
guess I'm set for life as I bought 20 Zowort Heavys in an autistic fit of rage and only built 3 of them
My issue with it is that they tried too hard to make it fuckable.
i don't believe you
show autism tower
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Another banger from Akira Tani
I’m late to the conversation but I call all the mobile suits in Gundam “Gundams” regardless of if they are actually Gundams.
>retard trying to act superior to another retard
Many such cases
gunpla is freedom
30mm is explicitly designed for maximum customizability (freedom)
therefore 30mm is gunpla
checkmate atheists
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Gunpla is freedom, but freedom is not gunpla. Freedom, however, IS gunpla. If 30mm is not Freedom, then it is not gunpla.
I could probably make a 30mm freedom out of a Verdenova (marine type) and some option kits
America is freedom. Ganoo slash Linucks is freedom. I, a NEET living off neetbux, am freedom. Are America, GNU/lincucks, and I also gunpla?
you're missing the key aspect that neither ganoo/linecocks nor you, a fat fuck, are plastic miniature robots
mikunigger said nothing about plastic miniature robots, only that gunpla is freedom.
you got me
the truth is we can only achieve true freedom through plastic models
sorry anon
gentoo? prisoner to the kernel
you? prisoner to your 600lb life
america? prisoner to (((bankers)))
Hi-Zack going to get BOOTLEGED
Just because I'm a neet doesn't mean I'm a fat fuck. I clocked in at 170 today. I only eat raw meat and fruits.
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I've seen enough, I'm gonna cum
what did Q2 mean again
Quarter 2
second quarter
i need a runner stand for when i'm snapshitting
i spent all my money on paints so i could stop snapshitting
i'm gonna make a stand from all these empty boxes i have laying around
wait hold on why is there no bootleg mg mk v
You can just use binder clips on the corners of the runners.
I demand a HG MK-V
gruntfags are winning so hard with the pbandai bootlegs lately
it's gonna happen when Katoki dies
Chink love grunts apparently
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6001 OV cartridge is good enough for primer / top coat / cement, right?
they mostly love spiky SEED style mc suits
that's why bootleggers have been around so long but didn't see the underserved gruntfag market until recently
what would kids ranqe say
Don’t be a pussy. You don’t need a mask. Even shitholes like commiefornia don’t make you wear them anymore
you don't need a mask for most paints if you have good ventilation*

there are some that will still poison the shit out of you
like that one that can poison you through many filters before you even smell it
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It's always hard finding the line between just enough decals and too many decals
>like that one that can poison you through many filters before you even smell it
2-part polyurethane "2K" clears
you should be using MG for MG kits, HG for HG kits, and FORM for kotobukiya
>FORM for kotobukiya
Because armored core?
Most do
Ignore the troll replies. OV/P100 is what you want for spraying lacquers. For spraying acrylics you mainly just need something to stop the particles from entering your lungs, there aren't fumes to worry about. Combine the mask with a good spray booth.
Has anybody built the PG Strike kits? Are they any good? Place I typically shop at has got the Rouge and Skygrasper set in as well as the Perfect Strike.

Was kind of eyeing the Rouge since its got the Skygrasper included and just grabbing the Striker Pack set down the line but I've also heard the Perfect has some changes that make it hold up better.

Aile Strike Rouge is just a recolor and combined package of the 2004-5 PG Strike and PG Aile Skygrasper, with different stickers and waterslides.

To my knowledge, PG Perfect Strike doesn't have the Grand Slam sword from Gundam Evolve nor the PG Skygrasper, and has made cosmetic changes to the armor pieces to make them look more detailed. Fundamentally it's the same kit, it's supposed to hold up since the original PG was well designed but the internal structure is the same between all the kits.

Your question should be: Do you want the Skygrasper and/or Grand Slam sword and then pray that P-Bandai eventually sells the expansion parts (which, from a bit of searching, has never seen the light of day in the US)? If not, just get the retail PG Perfect Strike.
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>Check local Hobby Lobby
>Has a MG F91 and MG RX-78 3.0 hidden behind it
MG RX-78-2 3.0 is a general shelf warmer, but mainly because Bandai prints so goddamned many of it.
holy shit they sell the digimon kits?
More like there are so many RX78-2 kits, including the recolors.
Man I wish that the local HL was that based. Getting a Kshatriya at 40% off would be great.
Listening to this banger while I sandgod my 1/144god kino
It will be Ado, I'm calling it now.
Man it feels like forever since they teased the G-Line light armor. When are they officially announcing it?
This shit slaps
>iron sickle shipping $13.50
>eddas asgard shipping $36
>put them in cart together
>combined shipping $53.50 ($4 MORE)
what the fuck is going on at mofiho
U gotta get the full facepiece
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I use 6006, or MG
Presumably they have fixed size boxes and combining those two kits uses a bigger box that isn't an optimal shipment size with just two.
i've never seen a Granddady shelfwarm ever. the longest it stayed on a shelf here is 3 weeks.
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Got most of it primed up, few touch ups and maybe another layer on the red. For painting the exposed grey bits in the legs and shoulders I was thinking it might be easier to get a base grey on those and then stick the lower legs glued together- is that right or am I just making more work for myself trying to avoid a little masking?
I like the look of these, will look up some more simple recolors like these and pick one
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Looks good. Just one more layer of white paint. Sprayed too much of black because I forgot to properly insert needle into my airbrush.
looking good brother looking forward to more
God I want it so fucking bad...
It doesn't even look that good, the way the black panels stick out from the clear armor looks terrible
>buy an FSS kit
>snapshits it
the true /gpg/™ experience!
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>koto distributing a chink brand kit in Japan
the chinks are evolving!
desu, I've seen some pretty neat evil chink girlplamo that japan doesnt seem to touch
i'm actually looking forward to that kit because it's the first time i saw a chink girlpla that actually looks good!
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How long does it take to get to this look when you're painting?
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Koto advertises stuff all the time. I remember how they shilled a gaogaigar fig on their website and it is not even their own product.
>Panel line
>Spray with matte topcoat
Not that long.
Thanks anon.
in this case Koto is acting as a "publisher" so they can distribute their kits on the japanese market.
I am currently in a place that forbid me from doing spray painting, and possibly hand painting directly from paint inside the glass container as well, if the odor was too strong. That said, I am currently considering doing dry painting using paints from the Gundam Marker with brush, but I am not sure if it would be practical enough for me, so I will either try it out with something else first or prioritize the stuff I need to paint on the entry.
Heard you can rebuild the original armor panels of the original Strike and Aile Striker because Perfect Grade never omits parts except whole plates. And the additional Striker Packs do not have the gaudy chrome panel add-ons within themselves, so keeping your Strike clean of chrome parts is fair game.
no need for paint even. just use some brown enamel or oil wash, blend it a little and topcoat. ideally use shitty varnish to achieve the orange peel.
New thread

Looks like Assault Lilly

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