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Howdy, partner!

What you see here began as a series of comedy-centric stories with the concept of an alicorn-ascended Princess Applejack trying to change a mismanaged Equestria for the better by humorously interacting with the other, quite lazy, princesses. Plus late night pink antics.

Not to mention a whole bunch of Changelings with nothing better to do but cause mischief.

The whole thing was set in motion by this gem:


>So, wait, why am Ah' a princess again?

>Because you seem to be the only goddamn one of those ponies who gets that a Princess need to do actual work regarding maintenance of the kingdom. You know how much city planning or trade negotiations Twilight or Luna have done? Fucking nothing. Everyone is obsessed with the world ending threats they think I should fight, but the minute I point out the free health care I have to work to maintain everyone goes quiet. And don't even get me started on Cadence, who can't even manage a basic meeting with the Equestrian Games representative. Fucking annoying. Go do actual princess stuff, because apparently everyone else got the pamphlets mixed up or something and thinks "Princess" means "Beat cop."


Are you feeling creative? Try your hand at writing a story! No contribution is too small and we love having new folks around.

If you're more artistically inclined give a drawing or sketch a shot. Don't fret too much; it doesn't have to be fancy and we appreciate artwork a lot.

If that isn't your style either, writers always need feedback. So tell us what you liked - and what you didn't - to help us improve.

If you are unsure about anything, do not be afraid to ask. We will gladly bring you up-to-date or explain anything you feel is unclear.

Thread 372, and after all this time, we meet the big girl herself!
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>Tia? Gotta question.

"Make it fast, this might very well be the last chance either of us have of saying it."


"Because I might just burn the world so nobody else gets to have it."

>Reasonable. Ah'm just wonderin', did you know the Tree of Harmony was, like, sapient?

"I did not."


"I'm afraid not."

>That's weird.

"Isn't it?"

>Ah' mean ya' walked up to it and took a bunch of stuff off it, ya' figured she'd talk to ya' iffin' it was an option. Just a, hey howdya do, maybe put them there things back when yer' done with them, they're kinda me or somethin'.

"Right? I built a castle over the Tree, but apparently after Luna she just never gave me a "Hey, since you're done with them, maybe instead of just leaving rocks up there, you put them back in the me which is alive."

>It don't make no sense! She can have full on conversations, apparently!

"Put ponies, or changelings, into whole other visions or the like!"

>But never once did it occur to her ta' say 'Howdy' until way, way later!

"It's like it just popped in out of nowhere!"

>Dang silly, is what it is!

"Right! Wait, did we just agree on a silly part of this world, one that is in no way my fault?"

>Looks like we did, looks like we did.

"Oh dear, it really is the end of the world, isn't it?"

>Ain't nobody Ah'd rather spend it with. Celestia? Thank you, for answerin' mah' questions.

"And, I suppose, thank you, for wanting to hear my answers."

>Iffin' Ah could do it all over again, Ah'd ask even more. Thank you, for bein' mah' friend.

"Thank you, for reminding me, I need them."
Pinkie Preview Prophecies

>It's end of the world as we know it, but Applejack feels fine.
>Pinkie's a mother lover and you're a mother lover, so we should-
>Celestia and Luna realize they should have brought a gift for this day.
>Derpy completes a major order in time.
>Angel Bunny acquires one wing.
>Time Turner thinks his time might be ending.
>The Crusaders wonder what's a God to a non-believer.
>Remembering fanservice!
Friendship. It’s what they got.
That’s a cool picture.
She’s a cool girl

>...kinda thought it would be instant.

"Same, same."



>Bwop bwaaabebebeb.


>I was just making noises.

"Oh, okay."



>Anyone bring cards?

>So, what do we do now?

"Punch Sunset in the face?"

>...Ah' could go for some mild pointless violence...

>...so is that the actual literal Tree of Harmony turned into a giant crystal golem trying to throw hooves with a dark god?

"Pretty much."

>...member when we had a nice little fight in a magic room and it was a big deal?

"I remember when I just used to throw chemicals at Fifty Six and it was a whole thing."

>I remember traps in Everfree Forest.

"Don't think that prepared us for this."




"...wanna make out?"


"Nothing! Talking to Sexy!"

>Oh okay.


>...you think if we'd tried to join in, it would've worked?

"Iffin' we'd tried to use the Elements of Harmony to aide the actual literal embodiment of the Elements of Harmony?"




"Sounds like askin' the mailmare iffin' she needs more envelopes."

>I mean... she doesn't make them, she might.


>Think about your metaphors is all I'm saying.

"We're gonna die, Twi."

>Well then let's die correct.
She’s gonna die a nerd, as she should
Dt you have no more chances

>Just go for it, what's the worst that could happen!?





>She blocked it. But thanks for the motivational speech.


>...Mom's going to kick her ass.


>SHhh! She'll hear you and ground us!

"She cannot ground us, we're adults!"

>You know not her power! She can delete dildos!




>I was not supposed to say that out loud...


>It... it's canon...

"...Tia the fuck-"


>I warned you!
>> 41061627
>> 41061640


Ya’ll always giving artwork when I ain’t looking lord have mercy

>...why did you just chuck a bar of soap in a random direction?

"She knows what she did and this gag isn't going to die!"
Not until she does at least
Faust bout to get the belt
The slipper too
let’s not go overboard.

>Thats it, Chancala is coming off!

“So… this is how the universe dies…”


"Ya... okay?"

>I'm gonna be honest I thought I was going to "die" again.

"That has happened a weirdly high number here recently."

>That I'm actually fine and kind of sitting here is... weird.



"...Wanna talk while ya' got the chance?"

>I have nothing to talk about and it sucks.
>… I saw a cool bird the other day.

“Neat. What happened with it?”

>It left me without talking like EVERYONE ELSE

>Sooo, nice to meet you alllll.

>Is there something in my teeth?




>… whelp, blew that first impression../
I just realized, she’s like that because she’s only been used to talking in peoples brains.
And she’s like super tall


"Hi! Nice to talk to you, more directly!"

>...why did you never talk before?

"I have to go, my planet needs me."

She floats into the air.


Celestia goes after her.
That move don't work when she can fly

>So is you being huge... required?

"Probably not."


"...I like being tall."
"Finally I can look down on you like I always wanted!"


She earned that.

Took a long time to grow after all.
Or instantly, it was unclear

>… is someone chipping at my leg?

“LET ME STUDY YOU! The alchemical properties of this must be amazing!”

>Oh, okay… they were kind of laying there before don’t know why you suddenly- hey!

~I’m not gonna lie I was just waiting for someone else to do it first.~

>Darn it twilight!

>So... yer' mom any good at fighting?

"I have absolutely no idea, for all I know she's so rusty she could use the flakes to blind him."

>...would that be better or worse, fightin' wise?

"She doesn't seem the type to play dirty, she wants to keep it clean."

>Don't think this here's the time for honor.

"Or is it the most important time for honor? I mean if the highest herself is willing to do whatever it takes to win..."

>...this here's gonna bring up some awful moral questions.

"Like bringing a little sister to a battlefield?"

>Diamond Tiara ain't got no sister.



"Nothing, nothing."

>...Ah'd kick him in the dick.

"I know."

>Ain't even bein' mean about it, he just deserves it.

"You might hit our Shining."

>Ain't like he uses it.


>Sorry, sorry...


>But am Ah' wrong-


>Ah' deserved that.

>...We better get him back when this is all done.

"I mean, surely he doesn't need Shining when it's all over, right? Wouldn't he have to be a petty vindictive clingy asshole?"


"Dang it. I hate it when people other then me do that."
That’s why you monopolize being an asshole

>So, what do we do now?


>Don't say punch him.



"Poke him?"

>...it's just crazy enough to work.


>No, I didn't want you to feel bad.

"Oh. Good."


"I sort of do now that you said that though."

>Guess this is a day that sucks for all of us.

>Just so you know, I'm not happy about this.

"Never implied you were."

>I'm deeply hurt just like everyone else.

"I'm sure."

>He's a cool guy.

"He is."

>And I'd never wish this on him.

"Nobody would."



I’m sure he’s got a great speech about being strong and nothing else. Nothing else.
it is the end of the world, if he’s gonna shoot a shot.

>… shit we might still survive.

>Damn you asspulling!
>TTTTTT- we still have to deal with the very real fact we might have to figure out a way to attack Shining Altmor which would theoretically hurt him, and though that's not something we want it's potentially unavioidable and we need to be ready for it.

"Oh... oh! I thought you were going to say "But at least they're single!"

>That's a terrible thing to say... out loud.

>I honestly don't even get why you guys came up here, didn't you already mess with the world?

"I'm just here for her, I honestly am fine getting my groove on."

~And I'm not stupid, if you managed to bullshit Delight figuring out how to summon the Tree, it was only a matter of time.~

>...you know Delight?

~Miles Delight? Sargent of the Guard? One time wrestling star? Friend of Sebjek, Vermilion and Dazey? Known by the Griffon royals? Has an overbearing mother and an overly enthusiastic father? Wears loafers on friday after he gets off his shift when he reads smut while skipping past the sex scenes because he likes the worldbuilding? That one?~

>...ye... yes.

~Never heard of him.~
Think his real name is Tails
>...What about Rochi?

~Love the guy. Even have his trading cards.~

>Ok, now I ... Trading cards?

~The ones that gray filly has been selling. I even got the Ultra Rainbow Rare print.~

>Dang it, SIlver Spoon!
I has new meme art.
>Spilled her cupcakes
DT corrupting Caddy yet again
She’d still eat them
It's a classic meme sir, but still good.
Poor ponka, she spilled her cakgetti
But why does the ponka cry
>And as Pinkie lie there on the ground, her hard work splayed out and reduced from tantalizing treat to subject of mockery, she knew.
>The world must burn.
>But first, she must bring Sunset Shimmer back from the other world... and set it all in motion.
>How does she work so fast!?

"Right? When did she even have time to work on the Faust Prayer Beads."

>...how does she even KNOW ABOUT ME!?

>… alright the timing with them there sky lights is… something.

“Wasn’t my fault!”
>Story breaks heaven
>Sudden solar anomaly that makes lights across the US

Yeah the lights were something.
Quick, somewhere they were hit see if anybody dropped off.
Soon, flying horses.
The future is now.
And so much red and green reported too!

Truly a /pa/l miracle.
No fucking way did he predict a possibly once in a generation storm…

R… right?
Lumberjacks know these things

>He he he…

“… is that a twenty?”

>Twenty bits is twenty bits!

“You recolored the sky for twenty bits!?”

>Twenty! Is! Twenty!
“… so how much for a-“


“That doesn’t seem like a lot.”

>More than someone who forgot their wallet can afford.


>Beat it broke bitch
“Imma run back-“


“It’ll just take a minuutteeee
~Can you not think with your dick for TWO MINUTES!?~

"... Starting now or two minutes ago?"
Hug yo mamas
Damn right.
And call her!



>Ah’ just realized!


>Shes actually here this time!

“… bwa?”

>We ain’t gotta do world punches this time! Look!

Proud of herself, little Two strutted right over to a certain pink princess, and poked her.

>There she is! Right here! On mommy’s day!


>Right?! She’s right there and we can say happy mommy’s day!

She looked up, she waved, and she declared.

>Happy mommy’s day!

‘Awww, thanks, my little darling.”


>… what?


>… w-well, no, Ah’ mean, Ah ain’t had no time to shop.


>Ah’ve been doin cheers for lasers! It’s been a whole thing!


>Ah used up all mah malleys, mah hoofie holes is empty! They’re empty!


>Shoot! Okay! Ah can get a gift!

‘Two, just being here with my two little girls is all I need-‘

>Nah! We need a real thing!

‘It’s the thought that counts.’

>… that’s it!

Confusing both, Two suddenly turned around.

>Ey! You!

And a certain Queen who had not moved finally acknowledges her.

>My real mommy is ten times the mommy you ever could be, plplplplppppp!

It was small, it was petty.

‘… darn right, I am.’

It was a perfect gift.

>Happy mommy’s day!


>So… what did you get her

The baby began to sweat.

>...Ah'm almost impressed.


'Right? There's a creativity here I did not expect.'

Both watched, rapt, as the baby scooped up more and more chunks of the ground, and drooled all over them.

Then, before their very eyes, managed to mold that slightly moist dirt into something approximating a quadrupedal animal's shape. By spit and dirt alone, she forged.

>Ah' think sissy might have some art skills.

'I might need to get her some clay.'

>...she'd probably eat it.

'Sure, but only once.'

>Don't taste that good?

'Not that I would know from experience, but no.'

>Huh!... Oop, looks like she's done.

It was distinctly equine in shape. Pointier nose than most, longer legs than most, and bearing half molded wings and the approximation of a horn, but it was enough for her to look proud of herself and take off.

'Awww, thank you, sweetie-'

Right past Cadence.

>...do ya' think she meant ta' do that?

~Hm? Oh, hey, kiddo! What you got there? Is that... a little me? HAH! That's something, I love it. Thanks, baby! Hey, Caddy, look what...~

Chrysalis looked over, and locked eyes with Cadence.


Slowly, she lowered the gift she'd been holding proudly, as the other mare stared on.

~What did I do?~



Flurry seemed proud of herself.

>Oh hey, we're actually here to do this.

"Do what?"

>Happy mothers day!

"Awww, thank you Dashie! You know you being here is all I need!"

>Well that's good because anywhere I could buy stuff is currently folding inwards through space and time.

"Tuesdays, am I right?"

>My mothers day gift to you is letting you have that.

>OKAY! SISTER HUDDLE! Quick, everyone!

Huddle, they did.

>Okay, we need a plan!

"On how to stop that giant guy who's mid destroying our reality?"

>No! For mother's day! We don't have a gift!


'Pull something out of your hair.'

~I was gonna say, you do that all the time.~

"That is not remotely the problem right now!"

>I already pulled it all out in the fight!

'So pull out more, you do that too.'

~Always when it's empty, too. Like, we see it.~

"Are you serious!?"

>Right?! That would never work right now, anything I pulled out would just make her look silly! Like a pie to the face!

"Not what I meant!"

>Well I could've said bomb that just makes your face black too, but I didn't think I had to list them all, we're on the same page!

"We're absolutely not!'

'I could carve something out of rocks.'

~Think mom has enough rocks.~

'She could use more.'

>Oh oh oh! The giant crystal tree pony thing!

"Right! Maybe if we power up her-"

>We can ask her for some crystals!

"She needs those!"

>Shoot, you're right, that would be rude. Woo, thanks for saving me, I almost looked like a real jerk!

'You would've, that's her body.'

~And she just got it back.~

>Thanks, Limestone!

"...I want to correct you so hard but I like winning so hard."

>Come on, thiiiinkkk!

Beside them, their mother beamed in pride.

(I'm so happy when my babies work together, this is the best thing.)

>...I'm sure he would've gotten you a gift.

"Honey, please, all I need is my children."

>But... he's-

"Well then you'd better hurry, shouldn't you?"


“Zephyr Breeze”


“I cannot fathom a single reason you won’t magic a gift for mom from me right now. You can make anything, you have nothing to lose, it costs you nothing and it’s just a nice, nay, kind thing to do. Give me a reason, one reason besides being petty!”

>Because I don’t want you bringing mom here by accident.


>You didn’t already didn’t you?

~Hi, dear!~


“With that in mind-“


“That’s fair.”

It was a sad thought that crossed his mind as he gazed upon the battelfield.

All they had given, all they had lost, and it seemed for naught. The end was upon them, the final curtain about to be drawn. He had seen much lost, and had lost much himself along the way. Among them, worst of all, was the one who had given them the miracle to fight back against the titans.


The one who had given herself for him, yet again. A chance, perhaps, he was unsure he deserved.

>Thank you....

"Yer' welcome, sugar cube!"



>Have thou been there the whole time!?

"Well no, Ah' reckon Ah' was round the bend a minute ago."


"Wassa pretty big bend, 'spose."

>The fu

>Here you go!

"...why are you giving me gifts."

>I... I don't know, I just feel like I need to give you lots of pretty flowers today.



"Soooo, what did you get me?"

>It... we're in the middle of a battlefield!

"...so you're saying you forgot."

>Go ask Sweetie Belle, then!

File: Spoiler Image (520 KB, 2477x1801)
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Maybe it's a spoiler, maybe it's not, who knows?
Awww, das cute.
I’m not a mama but I’ll take the gift
>...So we're leaving Luna out then?
She has a favorite!
This feels familiar...
Ya'll better have said hi to yo mommas
And hugged them too.
"Big Mac"

>...Ya' know, Ah' wondered with Heaven being cracked open...


'Guess ya' don't wanna blow yer' load on that one.'

>Don't say it like that, it sounds weird.


'Ah'm just sayin'!


'...Ah'll call ya' mom iffin' ya' feel like it.'


Calling her mommy might mean something else

>...boy I wish we'd been in the fight instead of tossed back and forth in time.

"I see the past future and present all at once and they're all boring."
>Granny Smith

>...the fuck'er you lookin' at me for?

>Mah' mom's dead.
She is mom tho
I knew she was gonna haul ass out of there and let Tia handle it
Turnabout is fair play!
It’s called delegation!
>Granny Smith

>Ah friggen knew someone would break heaven right before ah got there!

>All that being a good person, wasted!
>...wait does that mean the other place is real!?

It’s under the school

>Yeah the bad place is like, right underneath the school.

“Or in it depending on age, am I right? “

>… no just underneath.

“But if you’re a kid.””

>It doesn’t teleport.

“Let me be relatable!”




“You’re welcome.”
can’t out cool logic
Sure you can, put some sunglasses on it.
And USELESS for battle!


>...not supposing the demons are here for one last hurrah?

"They hid from her when she was just a big stompy, you think they're going after her now?"

>Curse villainy being far weaker than good!

>...You know I wish I'd stuck a camera on Chitty's armor, thinking about it.


>Would be neat to see what's happening.

"...In, like, eight hundred years?"


"Sunset, what kind of latency would you be thinking beyond space and time, here?"

>...well I am immortal.

"You can just admit you didn't think of it."

Assuming he’s just a mere teeny tiny 100 light years away, the sun would literally be gone before the video reached
And he just jaunted there
>Salt does not understand time dilation
Boy is he in for a surprise back home

>Honeys! I’m hooooowhyarethere flying cars.

“Hi! I’m Sunny Starscout!”

>… scorched earth it is
It’s for the best
>Wait, are you related to me?

"I don't know!"

>...better be safe...

"You don't seem the type."

>SHIT she is my grandkid!

"Wait wha
Sounds more like AJ
Yeah the brutal arch fits her better.
do you want him to blow the planet? This is how he blows up the planet.
Yeah but like… that planet

Not gonna miss the farting dragon

>Sooooo, looks like team me is gonna win.


>...just so you know, if I do win, I'm asking really hard for you to be let on our side.

"I don't think they're going to take me."

>I know, but I'm going to ask, really, really hard.

"..thanks, mom."

>Hey, I had to do one good thing for you at some point in my life.

>Fool! Now you will see the folly of your choices, as we gain VICTORY!


>But perhaps, should you beg, I might be swayed to say a single word of hope for your forgotten soul.


>Speak now, beg now, or be destroyed!




>...Don't make me sad and proud of you at the same time.
She’s got conviction.
I mean she wasn’t that bad, just stupid

>...You know, even when we win, I won't-

"Oh wow look at all the cares Ah' don't give! Look at 'em! They're in mah' hoofie holes! GASP! Waaaaa!? Nothin' in there!? But how can that be!?"

>...you know I am still your mother.

"Yer' a big dumb dummy is what'cha are!"


"Ah'm sorry, real mommy who' Ah' listen to."

I love how she brings out her nasty side
Two is very hard to tork
but when she torks, she tweaks
She forked, now she torked

Go for the eyes
She goes to the heart.
>Everyone else swears like sailors but she gets chided for the most mild of insults

Seems unfair
She’s a kid!

>Ya' know, sissy, sometimes it feels unfair how much not-mom gets ta' swear but nobody cares, and then Ah' say doody and everyone flips their cookies.


>...yer' lucky Ah' don't know baby

>...I wonder what it tastes like.

"Absolutely not."

>Come onnnn, this is my last chance!

"You are not going to lick the tree of Harmony!"

>Well, duh... I'd just take a bite like a normal dragon.

"Absolutely not!"

>You're not my dad! He's my dad, and I don't even listen to his dumb ass!





~First off, grounded.~

>I am not! I defy you!

~Second what the actual fuck is going on.~

"Wow I... do not think we have enough time to go into that."

~Third... is she single?~



"Oh dear god no."

~I too would worry about holding myself back during, but I'm willing to try. Nom nom nom.~



>Hey, Tree of Harmony? While Ah've got'cha here, Ah've always wondered-

"I'm sorry but I'm not accepting questions about existence right now."

>Oh, okay.




>Ah' ain't rude.
What you're saying is Applejack is cool, not rude?
Anypony got another Country yeehaw ass song to base a picture on? Last one was fun (I'm gonna miss her)
Considering OP and the the holiday the thread hit, only one that fits. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=noTahf1EsGU
Mr Applepost, regards.
My default, especially now that we have a "Devil". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ut8UqFlWdDc
Wow all my country songs about heaven are SAD, what is up with that?
I have exactly one country song about rules.


I realized I'm not familiar enough with thread lore to do anything too dramatic, and I did the devil went down to georgia with lyra a while ago
Holes in the floor of heaven isn’t yehaw but like… think about it
>realized I'm not familiar enough with thread lore to do anything too dramatic
Oh, nothing major, Alt-Shining and Chitty broke into heaven and are currently squaring up to fight Faust, she’s the one in the OP.

Just normal thread stuff, it’s why everyone is thinking of heaven and moms
In honor of our fallen country soul, I nominate https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=o1JOFhfoAD4&pp=ygUSQmVlciBmb3IgbXkgaG9yc2Vz
Yeah just the climax of the war and the end of all reality, thursdays, am I right? Faust even pulled the gotta question
I actually second this one, he did a great pic with AJ and another character who's name I don't know swapping drinks.
Man I hate being this far down after someone already posted theirs, since I don't wanna overload you, but I would be remiss if I didn't throw this in the ring just to see how you would make it work.
Regardless, enjoy

Applejack wakes up one morning, a foul taste in her mouth and her limbs tangled in sheets.

>Whelp, knew Ah' shouldn't have gone for the tequila.

She reaches up.

>Oh no, mah' hat fell off! Well so long as Ah' kept on mah-

She reached in her hair, to find her hairtie was gone.

>Oh no! Ah'm indecent! Ah-

Finally, she notices that her tail band is gone.

>Ah've gone too far and can never show mah' face again.
Bit off more than I could chew with this one lads.
Not gonna lie, that face is something magical.
Whiskey for my mare!

Beer for the horses.
I love the sad implication she went up to heaven and made a pit stop in the bar, and Toby knows her by title
Well effort's always appreciated.
>Ah'm gonna go kill god. The She god.
"Which one?"
>Ah' hate that ya'll can ask that and Ah' gotta think about it, that redheaded ninny leaves more messes than her kid.
Toby would still be proud. Raising his glasses against evil forces, even now…
She's the only mare country enough to earn his respect.
>He didn't have to go for full realistic with Toby, but he did

I admire it
no one should fight God sober.
Make it a double.

I don’t even know what that means but I’m saying.
Aw, I miss everything.
This fits Salt weirdly well
>Silver Spoon

>So, if I wanted to get a liquor license...

"Absolutely not."

>Age discrimination!

"Yes, correct. Absolutely. Nailed it in one."



>You're a doody head.

"Where did you even get alcohol?'

>Anything with sugar turns into alcohol eventually!


~I needed the bits and she offered a good rate!~
Time spells have to exist

And before anyone asks the Faust pics we’re already in the wiki for a bit

>What's she asking for?

"She wants to make drinks."

>What's wrong with that? I could use a drink, this battle made me thirsty.

"Alcoholic drinks."



>I have dealt with so much crap here recently, we need some alcohol in me! We! Plural! This is the best for everyone!

"Ya'll ain't a drunk."

>And yet, here I am, begging to put some happy juice in me!


>...I can override you.

"No you can't."

>Let me have my happy juice!
>Filthy Rick
"Silver Spoon"

>You know, I have a liquor license.


>As a business partner, right?



He’s the local garbage guy, makes moonshine in his basement
Do not make the joke
You know the one
Zucchini Rick?
She wants to be filthy.
No cap?
That cannot be where that came from


poke poke

>Come onnnnn, do a twience and save the day.

"Pinkie, I do not have time to come up with something to beat a god out of my butt."




"I don't know if I'm angry or genuinely touched you think I can pull this off."

>Alright, Dashie, you're up!

"...I beg your fucking pardon."

>Your turn to stop a major threat. Good luck!


>...Is this the one thing you don't do fast? We need fast.

"The fuck do you want me to do against that!?"

>I'm not here to tell you how to do your job.

"That's not even my job anymore, I got replaced!"

>Fine, delegate then.



"...She is not my friend apparently."


"Lightning Dust."

>Ohhh, she's over there.

They both notice a mare staring off into the void, her eyes blank and her mouth gaping.

"Has she been here the whole time?"


"...is she okay?"

>Absolutely not.

~It keeps happening... it keeps happening...~

>...Lightning Dust, you're up! Save the world!


>I think she's working on it.

>...wanna go two for two?


>Oh sure, now you don't wanna do it. Complain till the last moment every time!

"I'm telling mother."

>Good, then you'd be there!

Like so many others, the young agent stared through the veil torn across the fabric of reality - high above the battlefield. Beyond it, he saw an image of stars and lights that left him in awe and dismay. It was a beautiful sight which filled him with a sensation he could only describe as the comfort of a child's cradle.

>Faust above...

And so it was all the more disheartening to know he could do nothing to help stop Chitania and her ally from destroying it.


With a jolt, his attention darted to the source of the unexpected voice: a certain grey mare, her head low as she looked to the earth beneath her feet. Shy, but guarded. It was a posture he expected of someone like Marble.


But Limestone was the one talking.


If you could call it that.

"I... Grrrrrr!"

Though it seemed she was ready to stomp away-

"This might be the end. For all of us. So..."

Her gaze shifted to his - the bangs of her hair covering her eye.

"I just wanna thank you while I can."

He shook his head - one part a show of humility; the rest an attempt to loosen his shock.

>You don't have to. I was doing my-

"But I want to."

She stood taller, gaining a hint of her usual assertiveness.

"Really. I was trying so hard to keep you away from my sister and family and...acting like a total gravel-brain... But you stuck around and pulled through for us. I'm sorry I acted like that."

It was his turn to look away - his heart pounding as blood rushed to his cheeks.

>Well, I won't say getting yelled at was fun, but I know how it feels to wanna look out for your sibling.

"You've got a little sister, too?"

>Little brother. Age-wise only, as he loves to point out. Makes it difficult to have a teaching moment with someone who's a head taller than you.

She let out a dry laugh.

"Like height's gonna stop'em from ignoring good advice."

He gave her a smile.

>Yeah... But that's all to say, I accept your apology.


And she to him - hers light and a bit bashful.

"Good. Good!"

Just a bit. Tinged by her usual assertive edge.


It seemed she wanted to say more.

"...Guess that's all I've got. Before we all get killed or whatever..."

But she took a step back, as though preparing to leave.



>Uh... I wish I had something comforting to say. Like we'll pull through this and be alright, but... It really does seem like things are just completely out of our hooves now.


>So, if the end is coming anyways, do you... maybe wanna brace for it together?

Her eyes went wide, mouth agape.

"Sure! Err..."

Before she cleared her throat and put on a frown.

"I mean, if you really want to. Not like I've got anything better to do."

But the pop in her step, the quickness with which she moved to stand by his side, betrayed the agitated aloofness she hoped to convey.

And so, the two of them looked toward the tear in the veil, unable to change the course of this grand story.

Powerless, but comforted.
>Learning someone could want HER above the others got her to make her move

Proud of the girl
What does she have to lose?

>...Not it!

"Neither of us are it, you don't have to pretend."

>I know but like, now you can't blame me, specifically

"...not it!"

>...Think I could hit him from here?

"Probably not, due to the speed of light.'



>Have you been standing there the whole time!?

"It hurts ever so slightly to learn you weren't talking to me."

>I thought Cadence was there! When did she move!?

"I think Flurry set something on fire."

>That does sound like her.

"Does it?"

>Babies are destructive.

"Not really. More, like, pukey, and poopy."

>Like you would know.


>...so, uh, thanks for restarting the Tree, or something? I don't exactly know what happened during that whole war, wasn't in this universe when it happened.

"Long story."

>I've got time.

"Do we?"



>...Think I should try to kiss her?

"What exactly do you have to lose?"

>Shiny might be mad at me I made a move on her while he's not here.

"Fair? I genuinely do not understand whatever the buck your whole home situation is. I've glimpsed it and worry it might lead me to madness. This feels like the sort of thing that either you understand or makes you wonder if there is a god for them to find."

>That's an accurate description, yeah.

"Glad to know I can gleam situations."

>...Names Chrysalis, by the way.

"I kn..."


"Delight. Miles Delight."

>Nice to meet you.

"We have met many times before this."

>Yeah, I know... think I'll remember them fondly too, whatever happens.

It’s oddly fun seeing Chrysalis pretend this is the first time talking to him, every time. Then referencing times she talked to him.
Who’s Johnny. When less robots
From short circuit? Holy shit that’s a throwback

>He seems nice, doesn't he, Tentpole?

"Is... is that really your nickname for me? Because that has implications."

>..y-you're right, I should use something else.



"No way you thought that was my name,"



I buy it
"How do you not know my name!?"

>Two keeps calling you Tentpole! You're not mad at her!

"She's calling me tempo."


"Tem Po."


"Like the musical speed thing."

>...Stop making up words!
It never gets old

>I've been lead astray! You said his name was Timmy!

"It is."




>Be straight with me-


>-how much of what she’s doing is an act?

“Timmy, I am her closest confidant, her most loyal soldier, her best friend, and likely a lot more, and I still don’t have the slightest idea if she’s doing this to fuck with us or if she sustained brain damage.”

>… that’s not a good thing.

“Eh, I find it fun.”
I mean as long as she's enjoying herself.
Smiles are the most important thing.
it is mostly 50-50.
It’s whatever we remember to do later.

>Why does my intelligence feel very situational?

“… do we tell her?”

>Tell me what?

“Ehhh, nahhh.”

>Who are you looking at?

“Technically nobody because that’s how words work, but they’re imagining it.”


“She’s not ready yet.”

>Now, Pinkie, that's just rude. Clearly shattering her perception of reality while reality is literally shattering is much more fun!

"But she won't laugh!"

>Oh, she will... maybe not the type you're expecting, buuutttt...

"Chaos till the end, eh?"

>Oh my... yes.
Fuck I did imagine her looking at the camera

>...So, who the fuck are you?

"Who starts a conversation like that!? Who just out of the blue just looks over and says something like that!? Dude!"

>I just have to know before we all die because it is confusing the fuck out of me.

"Stop swearing, dude, there's kids around!"

>Oh, sorry.



"I'm Sunburst's teacher."


"The guy who delivered Flurry!"

>Oh, he's a doctor?


>The flop!?

"Look, things were very stressful!"

>I can see why! So what, you just moved in after that?

"Well more they didn't kick me out."



>...I'm Soarin'.

"Yeah, Spitfire talks about you a lot."

>Good things?


>G...good things?


>I know, but I wanted to imagine she actually liked me deep down.



"You heard me, I'm not doing that gag."



>Sounds like she's not gagging much either-

"I'm gonna go stand over there now."

>Nice to meet you!... he seems cool.
>he seems cool.
Well at least he made an impression






"If you're mad at me for standing here, I'm just getting away from that guy."

>Hm? Thou thinkth me perturbed by thine presence? Thine thoughts be cast away, let fear be assuaged, for mine ears lie ever open, and mine soul ever ready to connect with another.

"Oh, neat."


"You are staring really hard though."

>Neigh, tis thine mind a wander.

"You're staring really, really hard, like you want to ask something but won't."

>Perish the thought!

"Is it my weird situation with the Empire?"

>Neigh, I shant be interested too much of them, for mine presence was barely tolerated.

"Is it something to do with Spitfire?"

>Mine meetings with here were brief, and impressions little more than wisps to fade.

"It seems like something."

>Thou bleed paranoia, let go of thine thoughts of fancy while we've time to be free of them! Tis nothing but thine mine, nothing at all.

"...Is it the gloves?"

>They look so fancy and I want them but I HAVE HOOVES AND CAN'T USE THEM!

"I get that a lot."
Of course, the fancy one
Hey he’s more than fancy now. Not much but more
Let it be fancy.
'Fluer De Lis'

>...So, who's got the better city?

"Oh, Ponyville, easy."

'What?! Are you insane!? All the most interesting things happen in Canterlot!'

"Exactly, it's mundane by now. Oh no another giant monster tried destroying the city, but this time it's a dragon woooooo!"

'It's different!"

"Meanwhile we get actual unique stuff, because our mayor who won by default is a goddamn lunatic."

>I'm gonna argue the Empire is more interesting, we do get the occasional giant monster but we also get the weird stuff too, AND the ponies there are actually nice. We're a mix of the best of both worlds.

"Ponyville ponies are nice!"


"Most of them, even!"

>She's not wrong, it is more like, four standouts and two of them are sisters.

'True, but Canterlot is so dignified!'

"You mean snobbish."


"Lady I lived there, there's a lot of jerks and like, six not jerks."

'...am I one of the six?'

"I've never met you so I don't know."


>I would like to remind you all that Empire is land of love, so... you know...

'...I hope she resets that back out of spite.'


'We all know she hates the Empire!'

>She hates Canterlot a lot more, if the smashing is any indication.


"Yeah I'm going to keep the number at six."

~Ah' would like ta' toot mah' own horn for a second and say APPPPPLEOOOSA is the best place ta' be!~

>Name one reason.

~Ain't never been stomped by a giant monster not once.~

"...If your place is still there I'm so moving."
"Come to think of it, does Chitania even know about Ponyville? You think she's just going to... ignore it?"

>...fuck, she is.

~This is sum bullshit.~
>"Meanwhile we get actual unique stuff, because our mayor who won by default is a goddamn lunatic."
At least she kept Ponyville in the know.
I think Sunset would ask her to spare it if nothing else, her buddy is there.
>Just don't fuck it up too hard.

~...Define too hard.~

>Is he at least okay?

~I don't know, I might've messed up his voice.~



~He sounds fine-~

He gets it from his mom
>I just wanted him to get a bigger dick!
Relatable even.
~…. Whyyyyy?~

>He just needs a confidence boost! This is for him!


>… and I mean it’s not like he’s opposed to-

~Fuck it.
as in she doesn’t care, or is that a command?

>Did you want anything changed in the new world? Just in case you visit.

"Nahhh, it's fine."



>Not, I dunno... your mom alive?


>Your mom?

"What about her?"



>Isn't she...



"Think twice before saying something stupid."
So like... if Salt resurrected her mom, would that count?

>Happy mother's day! I brought your mom back.


~Your boyfriend seems nice... you didn't tell him about the goth thing, did you?~

~I didn’t say when she was dead.~
Wrong universe so doubly fucked
Like getting a collar for the cat you ran over
For your twin sisters cat
>...so is your dad okay?

"Fuck that guy."


"He's a jerk!"

>Daddy issues, who could have imagined?

"Says the girl with more issues than Power Ponies."

>You are three seconds from watching me seduce and marry your dad just so you can have two parents who think you're a disappointment.


>...Ah' wonder if you'll still hate me.

It might be over now, Applejack supposed. She hadn't been able to stop the other Shining Armor once more, just as she'd fallen short in his climactic final battle against the primal forces in his mind. She'd been just as powerless, witnessing his grand might unfolding while she could only watch on the sidelines, plead for sanity, and be rebuked. She simply did not have the might of magic needed to hold him down, and make him understand. Now, she was left behind once more as he set off to change the world. Left on the ground, just like her once student.

>After all is said and done...

Sunset Shimmer hadn't attacked, she hadn't struck, she hadn't done anything at all for reasons the alicorn could not possibly fathom. It would've made perfect sense for her to take this opportunity, with every card on her table, and strike out in pettiness if nothing else. Just knowing she would be untouchable in the veil of a grand being. Instead she watched, just like everyone else. She waited, just like everyone else. She was a spectator, just like everyone else.

>If you do win...

It left time for some inner questions to be asked.

>If Chitania manages to change the world again... will you still hate me? Will the anger carry over, in a world where it was never made, or will ya' forget all about it, and try ta' talk ta' me again? Will ya' even let me be there at all.. or will ya' get rid of me once and for all, just ta' be sure?

Something to vocalize, knowing there would be no answer given. Something to pass the time as the inevitable draws ever closer. Something, anything, to keep her mind elsewhere.

>Will ya' hate me for failing you, when you succeed? Or will you finally figure you can forgive me, now that it's all made better?

It did little besides venting.

>Iffin' Chitania cracks open time itself like an egg, looks back on everythin' that happened, sees what Ah' did, what Ah' thought... will ya' finally understand Ah' never wanted you to be hurt? Will ya' understand Ah' always wanted ya' ta' succeed... kept believing in you, even when everyone told me Ah' lost mah' dang mind?

But, sometimes, that was all she could ask for.

>Will ya' hate me for what Ah' couldn't do? Or will ya' finally understand why Ah' couldn't do it?

All she could do, as events unfolded.

>Will you finally understand me, in the end? Will Ah' finally understand you, in the end? Will we, both of us, finally be able to say...

As the world ended.

>...Ah'm sorry...
She hasn’t gotten her musical number yet!

>I bet she's thinking about how to kill me. She does that a lot, you know.


>Yeah! Like this one time she sent the dragon to come kill me!

"Really? The purple one!"

>YEAH! He... okay, TECHNICALLY...


>I mean I was present.


>Did she try to kill you too?

"Several times."


"When I was trying to kill her out of the blue."


"I'm not gonna pretend this was some kind of retaliation I nuked her orchard."

>...weirdly honest about this...
She don’t care she’s a bitch
More like she knows there’s no repercussions because nepotism
And also universe reset
>My sugar daddy says fuck you

>It's so amusing, isn't it? Watching them seethe, knowing they could do nothing to harm me, for even if they attempted it, they would be smoten in an instant! Reduced to ash! Torn asunder by the power of a god! HAHAHAHHAAHHA!

"Unless he's distracted by fighting, which you think he would be."


"Not a lot of time to pop down and smote, in that case."


"They could punch you in the face right now, and what's the reprecussion? They get deleted harder?"


"Don't hide behind me."

>I'm not! I'm just in the shade!

"...did you just call me fat."


"GAH! I went to close to someone!... you wouldn't punch me, right?"

>I... I literally don't actually know what's going on, I was in the back. Did you come out of the princess's magic or something? Then you said some stuff about fucking the big thing, which... dunno how that works. Who are you and why am I supposed to be mad at you?

"...it occurs to me that, like, ten individuals total know the bullshit that went on..."

>Who is she, exactly?

"I dunno but she looks upset about it."

'..I'm not saying I'm upset you guys don't know what I did.'




>You think I've got time to tell everyone my master stroke of genius?

"...that will make them incredibly angry at you."

>But they'll KNOW
It's kind of nuts that AJ has not had a chance to tell even Luna about the sheer bullshittery
>Speaking of, Applejack, how doth we fare in the other world?

"...currently or like, right before the himmining."

>Is there a difference?

"...Don't get pregnant."

"You too, Ever Essence!"


Boy fucking howdy if Limestone got mindfucked by that revelation, Ever would have a full on mental breakdown.
Or flipped and goes full love it

Tried to bottle the smell somehow
Stink of god, limited edition
Very limited, smells like gamer

He bathed.. I think…

THE MOST SHOCKING, CRAZY, INSANE RUMBLE YOUVE EVER SEEN GOES DOWN WITH A 2 ON ONE, YES! TWO ON ONE MATCHUP AS THREE GODS talk. They’re just gonna debate stuff, that’s all. Just a nice little talk.


>...Sooooo, are you going to pay child support?



>I'm just saying since all came from you, that means you're their mom, right?

"That's not how that works!... right?"

'...Oh dear I'm out of milk.'
As the minutes turned to hours, and hours to days, days to weeks and weeks to months, they waited. Months to years, years to decades more, and soon centuries began to pass. They stood waiting as the ages grew long, the seasons short, and the stars began to dim. Only when the last glimmer of a shattered world fell silent in an empty void of nothingness did the being of nothingness turn to the creature of rejection.

>So how much longer till she gets back, you think? The milk is gonna be warm at this rate...

She brought a hoof to her face, and wept.
>Chitty actually staying just so she can look annoyed by him

It's the dedication that makes it wonderful

>They're gonna notice yer' not comin' back.

"Normally yes, but have you considered the fact they're incredibly stupid?"
>Are ya' sure?

"I left them with a game of monopony."

>...what have you done...
Destroyed heaven with capatalism.

>So, anything you want to ask me really quick?

"Yeah, just one... how ya' doin'?"



"Here it comes.'

>I-I've wanted them to ask me that for so long...

"Let it all out girl."


"Yer' more than a necklace."
That’s our girl

>Soooo, how are you?


>Yeah! I don't get a chance to talk to non-ponies very often, I figured this is a good chance to talk it out! How are you? You having fun being a dragon?

"I... guess?"



>...Don't want to ask me anything about the Elements of Harmony or something?

"My powerup?"

>Well yeah, but also the physical ones! Like the necklaces!

"The what now?"


"...We... we don't... know much about all this..."

>Come on, ponies! Share the love already!
We do not need idw in here
You know they’d eat it

>Are you implying I’m a beast!? A slave to my nature! Someone so easily swayed by shining things she can’t help but chow down knowing it would bring destruction!? Is that what you think!?

“I just said hi.”

>Because you’re wrong when it comes to me!

“What about any other dragon?”

>… you’re wrong when it comes to me!

>So you're saying dragons could've gotten the Elements if we stumbled upon them first?

"Why not? It's not like you need magic. Applejack used it."

>And the pink one.

"Do not underestimate the pink one."

'So, even diamond dogs could've gotten the Elements?'

"Probably! I mean, sure..."


"I'm not saying I would've excluded you if you tried to kidnap my elements, specifically."

'You mean take them.'

"What did I say?"

~Surely, Griffons could've taken them, right?~

"Right, no reason to think I could've stopped you guys stealing them."

~You mean obtaining them.~

"What did I say?"

>...is this... personal?

"No, no no no... I don't know if I'd call you a person."


"That is not as bad as it sounded there's a whole thing with magic universes. No need to dog me."

>...why did you emphasize that.

"You think Yaks would've tried stomping them off?"

>Don't you ignore me!
KKA here, debate is getting delayed till tomorrow.

I wish I could say this had some unexpected event happen or something like it normally does, but this time the threadghosts left me be, the real problem is I'm just not as happy with the debate as I thought I was. I was all set to post it and re-reading it to double check it for spelling errors and the like, like I normally do, made some flaws jump out at me and I can't shake them. Just made me keep second guessing and re-reading. I might be overthinking this, but I feel like if ever I'm going to overthink something it's a debate with three godlike beings.

Sorry for the delay, I know I promised sunday fun, but I delay for quality and not because some weird thing happened, so I hope you'll accept my apology and know I'm trying to make Faust's big moment the best I can make it. If some bullshit does happen, I'll post what I have in a pastebin or something to tide everyone over while I finish the rewriting, but if not I should hopefully have it redone by tomorrow. It's been a long time coming, and I don't wan to fumble at the goal post. See you then!
Gonna be honest here of all the possible shenanigans that could lead to a delay, quality was the last thing I expected. Which means either there was a flaw you caught or you’re being too hard on yourself.

Either way, best of luck fixing it
We believe in you!

>Sooooo, nice to talk to you again! How have you been?

"Was that actually my mom?"


"You know what I mean was that my mom or was it like you pretending to be my mom. That has bugged me for so long I have to know!"

>No you don't.

"Don't you fuck with me giant sparkle horse did I talk to my mom or did I talk to you pretending to be my mom!"

>Technically she never said she was your mom-



"I'm so confused."

>Exactly as it should be
Only kind she gets.
She also gets fucked over.

>Cadddyyyyy tell the giant crystal pony to stop picking on meeeee.

"You want me to order around the very embodiment of Harmony itself, while she's currently in the form of a mountain sized punch-capable pony?"

>Yes! Tell her to stop!


~Just so you know, Love isn't technically an Element of Harmony, so, good job! Way to go, you! Got your own power and everything! Didn't even need me! I'm so proud, not at all a little sad this means you had even less reason to talk to me!~

"...Chrysalis I can't."

>Don't be swayed so easily by compliments! I can do that too! You're very pretty!


~But your magic is so capable!~


>I like your mane!

She’s not complaining
“Compliment me harder!”

~Aren’t you worried about your husband?~

“He knows how cute I am.”
It ain’t about him
“Living my best life getting compliments.”
>Your husband is vanishing
“This ain’t about him”

>...Friggen stupid crystal thing.

"Hey! That's our deity, kind of! Instant win button at the very least!"

'Yeah! Be nice!"

>She might've mindfreaked me!

~Now hold up, iffin' that's true Ah' gotta say Ah' ain't a fan of that there neither. She's a good sort Ah'm sure, but iffin' she's gonna be doin' that she at least needs ta' say sorry!~

"You're only sticking up for her because you're in love with a changeling!"

~Ah' am not. What made ya' think that?~

"Gonna be honest I just swung for it, I notice it happens a lot."

'It's not that often. Not like a Wonderbolt is in love with a changeling.'

>Does Spitfire count?




~Ah'm startin' ta' think ya'll got some other issues ain't no harmony gonna sort out.~
>>Does Spitfire count?
I mean no

She fired

Also did Chrysalis mean herself or 42
Either works
I think Spitfire likes Chrysalis but hasn’t had that much with her

>… nice to see you back.

“Nice to see you while I’m back! Have fun while I’m gone?”


“Awww, didn’t seal the deal with Forty Two?”

>Nah. Lifes been busy and we wanted you guys back.

“Awww, that’s sweet.”

>…. Anything interesting happen over there?

“I got punched through a lot of buildings and fought a killer cyber Chitania.”

>… neat.
I like that shes trying to be a wingmare to her bestie

>Guess we're screwed.

"Of all the ways I thought I was going to die, only a select few of them involved Shining being in the center of it."

>...How many of those were him destroying you in the bedroom?


>And you went for it anyway, dedication!

"I want to die happy."


"...I'm glad you're back for this, even if I hate that it's happening at all."

>Yeah... I'm happy to be here with you for this too.

"...should we kiss?"

>I'm considering it.

Once again, victory was in the hooves of the changeling Queens.

No longer did they have to fight against the ponies (and themselves) to assure their continued existence in this new age. It was only a matter of time before the battle for reality was over and her kin could enjoy their new lives.

But the last Queen of the Dermaptera line couldn't help feeling cold at the thought of victory - worried, even - as she chanced a glance at that red-headed, pegasus stallion.

"We've won..."

Only a glance, though.

In a blink, her gaze snapped to the tear in the veil of reality as a familiar mare approached her from behind.

"We've really won."

>So it would seem.

"No need to be so aloof, dear. Were there a time for celebration, now would be it."

>Truly. But I'll have you know there are quite a few others who share my "aloofness".

"They're just in disbelief."

>Or uncertain about what the future holds.

"For us... or that little pegasus?"

The Queen's lips curled into a grimace, her gaze shifting to side-eye the mare beside her.

>You know I despise when you read my mind.

"Then rejoice and recoil at the truth: your thoughts are as obvious as stink on a dung beetle.


"Really, dear. Did you think I didn't catch you looking at the pony every now and then? Or see how you tried to capture him?"

A heat rose to the cheeks of the Queen, her gaze darting to earth at her feet.

>I... I was just...

"Save your excuses."

Blunt as the words were, there was no hint of accusation or anger in them.

"You don't need to justify yourself to me, of all people. Worry as you please. Doubt as you want. But..."

The Queen feels a hoof wrap around her shoulder. As her mother leans close to her, her eyes close and she leans in to the light hug she offered.

"Realize our future is bigger than one pony."


She was right.

In the face of a another chance at life, in the face of having her mother again, what was one pony's life?

With so much to gain, it was foolish to worry about such relatively miniscule loss.

"And who knows! If he isn't erased from existence or banished to some dark corner of the earth for his insolence, the Wallbreaker may let you have him as a pet."


It was a crass, but mildly comforting thought.

Yet the Queen still couldn't shake her uncertainty.
Take him! Who will stop you!?
Do it

The sky above looked almost beautiful, in a way. Terrible, but beautiful. With the wild changing colors, infinite possibilities of time unfolding and the world seeming to become all it could be again and again, it was something the simple changeling number Forty One thought she'd never see.

"Quit moping."

Much like how she thought she'd never again see the great and terrible Queen Titania, her mother.

"Are you really so pathetic that you're afraid I won't at least ask her to spare your meager life? If anything, I'd be remiss if I didn't request her to at least attempt to fix the deep flaws burned into you by your worthless father that makes you incapable of using our family's grand power. You may one day be as glorious as I was, in my day."

Silence followed her words, and it built an ire in the dark Queen that threatened to burst forth at any moment.

"Are you so paranoid, that you believe she would deny me? Once upon a time, I was her greatest rival, our battles so grand maps need be redrawn and dragons fled from the sounds of our clashing. She respected me, I'm sure of it. Enough that if I made a simple request, she would no doubt fulfill it. You need have no fear of eradication in the seas of time."

Emptiness still followed her.

"Speak, child! Your mother stands behind you!"

>What about him?

It took very little to suppose who it was she referred to.

"Your little toy may still survive."

>But this won't be his home anymore. It won't be the place he grew up in, the world he fought so hard to save.

"So? What difference does that make to you?"

The great false Titan had never been more disgusted than when her child looked back, with tears in her eyes.

>Because... I wanted it to be my world, too. I wanted to share it with him...

She had never felt that twisting in her stomach either.

>This was going to be our world.

Her hoof came up, as if to strike.

"...There are many worlds, child."

But, instead, it came down softly on her shoulder.

"Perhaps... you can make another one."

For once in her life, perhaps the only time in her life she ever may feel it.

"There's always... a chance."

>...I don't want you to go, either.

The great Queen felt sad, as she sat with her daughter.

"I lost my final battle a long time ago."

And watched the world end.

"Perhaps... you can still win yours."
Chitty probably would at least tell her to cut the corpse stuff out
Or a participating trophy.
Damn that would be cruel
But deserved due to the murder.

>…. Soooo, good news, I’m pretty sure she likes us.


>Thats a normal reaction to being around me in general yes
Yeah we ignore the murder part of murder rapist bugs a bit…
No we don’t, they died and have been the bad guys this whole war

>Hey!… I didn’t MURDER anyone!
And he’s not complaining

>We want to win... right?



"Yes ma'am, please don't melt me."

>I'm just asking here.

"And I'm thinking about providing sacrifices to appease your wrath."

>You know, I actually wasn't all that powerful in my age. It's not like I was some unstoppable terror, Chitania had to rescue me a couple times.

"... nuh uh."

>Oh yes indeed, it's the reason I considered her and her alone my only real friend.


>Well I did reconsider when I fell into Cordyceps induced madness, but aside from that yeah. She's also Arana's godmother, technically.

"...did you do each other's mane?"


"Did. You. Do. Each. Other's. Mane."

>...one time.

"EEEHHEEEEHEEEEE! Tell me everything!"

>I thought you were afraid I was going to eat you.

"Bitch I can't compete with Chitania, let's be real."




"...TELL ME!"

>Alright, so...
I’m sure she’d get a non-cordy reset
"Did you unfoof the hair?"

Betcha 10 it’s still got knots
at this point? With how she.maintained it, it is a knot. Enough to make a stylist cry.
Can we fix it!?

… Fu

The changeling known as Eighteen hadn't much to say regarding the complete and utter loss of any chance at returning the world back to its (sometimes insane) sense of normalcy. Nothing that could be spoken aloud, at least. Partly because the youngest ones of her found-family may overhear and mimic her coarse cursing.

But mostly because giving voice to her thoughts might open a floodgate of emotion she wished to keep closed.


And so, she appreciated the little distraction a certain doctor/alchemist pegasus provided.


Though her speech was a bit terse.

"...It looks like this might be the end."

>Might be.

"Sooo... I just..."

>Wanted to take one last shot at trying to get with me?

And maybe a bit too blunt.

Tiempo was a good guy. A bit shady, but a good guy.

Still, try as she might, it was hard to fight that lingering, nagging feeling of suspicion she had that he was, for lack of a better phrase, taking advantage of a certain unicorn being gone. And with things looking as bleak as they are, she wasn't exactly in the mood for any obnoxious pestering. Or he could keep things tame and show her worries to be unfounded. So, she'd let him speak his piece. She'd roll her eyes at his sly smile or smirk as he lets loose a playful little line of flirtation. And, who knows, she may even find a bit of needed levity from it all.


Yet, he didn't smile. He didn't smirk. He simply shook his head.

"I just wanted to thank you."

And shook her composure.

>Me??? For what?

"For the kindness you've shown me. Like doing the paperwork for my parking and business and taxes. And those moments where you looked after little Flurry Heart a little longer than you had to, even though it was my turn and Faust knows you deserve a twenty-year vacation."

Ah. That makes sense. Nothing grand, just typical thanks. She was almost disappointed, but it was to be expected. They weren't that close, after all.

>Well, Flurry's a bit more of a hoofful, but paperworking's just what I do. So, it's nothing. Really.

He smiles, lightly. Another simple show of appreciation.

"For one so versed in her craft, I imagine it would be."

Then it fell.

"I just... I just wish it wasn't like that."

And things started to get a little complicated.

Her brows furrowed as he continued, leaving no chance to ask for clarification.

"I wish I had something more personal to say than just appreciation for work you can do in your sleep. With the uncertainty surrounding what will happen to us when this is all said and done, I look back at my time in the Crystal Empire with you and Spitfire and Punchy and Two and Mane-iac and Sunburst and Poindexter and... and... and I just wish I got to know you a little better."

To call his words, punctuated by a melancholic look, "unexpected" would be an understatement

>Oh... Wow.

So much so, the mare could hardly gather the wherewithal to provide a timely response.

>I didn't know you felt that way.

"I didn't either. But the prospect of death has a way of coaxing out our greatest regrets. Even ones we've never considered."

>And here I was thinking yours would be not getting a kiss from Spitfire.

Melancholy dissipating, the stallion gave her a smirk.

"Well. I won't say that isn't A regret."

And the mare let out a laugh.

>Just the main one, right?

"I'll leave the answer to your imagination... But I'd settle for hug, at this point..."


Their gaze drifted, shifting to the tear in reality, as she mulled over his words.

"Well, it's been fun."

He made a move, ready to leave her to her thoughts.

"I can only hope and pray the next life is even better. If one could even exist for us..."


But he stopped and looked back at her.

She took a breath and raised her foreleg, stretching it out at a peculiar angle.


One meant as offering for a hug.

The stallion looked surprise, but soon moved to allow her to hook her foreleg around his shoulder as he gave her a hug of his own.

Within their friendly embrace, the mare's mind wandered to thoughts of what could have been had he tried to "know her better" earlier. She couldn't help the inkling of worry she felt - the thought that he could have become a pest to her on a level that would make Twenty Nine look chaste - which prevented her from outright welcoming the idea.

But as her mind drifted to those moments of kindness he'd shown, moments like when he seemed to truly enjoy caring for Flurry and Two, and as she felt the love radiating from his heart...


>...I'm glad you stuck around...

She can't help thinking she may have warmed up to him a little sooner.
What's the song? I've grown accustomed to your face?
Does he have to convince Chrysalis or would she be cool via 42 extension? She's down with Spitfire because 42 likes her so much.
It is a pity he didn’t really get to know her all that well, it feels like they barely know each other even after all this time
He knew what he wanted and it was spitty!
To be fair 18 is kind of a wall most days, took forever for Shining to get to her

>So... we cool?

"Uh, sure?"


"I don't get this."

>Yeah, really difficult when you were gone for all of that, I didn't even get a chance to see the weakpoints and try again.



>Ahhhh shaddup! I'm not going for the secret boss yet!

"I'm so confused."

>You know what that's about?

"No idea."




"I'm not in a kissy mood."

>Right right right.


>But the world is gonna ennnndd-


>Fine, but I'm totally not going to invoke niece privileges to get you back in the Empire's throne.

"Yes you are."

>Yes I am...

"And you're going to ask her to remodel the kitchen."

>But I like the kitchen...


>...move the island to the left?

"You know me so well."

>I'mma stub my hoof...

"But you won't have back pain."
>"But you won't have back pain."
Maybe she wants that
>Maybe I want by back all twisted.

"What was that?"

>Something DEEPLY insinuatory.

"Not a word."

>Oh so only ya'll can make up words, okay. Racist.
If she can't control Shining...
so uh, where do I start if I'm wanting to get into all this? seems like a lot.
Quick note, this is all one long... long... loooonnnng story. This isn't a bunch of one offs or sort of started then abandoned stories. It's a collaborative effort of a lot of writers over the years all focused around mostly short funny gag stories in script format in between massive arcs that have big changes with characters developing and a total lack of status quo.

With that, I advise you start with thread one, post one right here http://pastebin.com/u/PrincessApplejack because that's the start of the story with all inbetween and chatter removed, just the stories. Then just keep going if you like it.

If you want to see what kind of boneheaded choices made us go down the weird ass unstable beginning that eventually smoothed out, check out thread 1 at the top of the "Tree" links, and keep going from there.

Or if you just read a couple and want to skip most of it, there's a timeline here http://princess-aj.wikia.com/wiki/Princess_Applejack_Wiki that's missing some chunks but should at least give you a baseline.

Have fun!
I'm certainly no stranger to million+ word stories. not sure if I want to try piecing things together from several hundred threads though. It's all one big collaborative story? seems almost impossible. how do you all decide what is canon?
Unless we say NC at the top or I guess just got consensus voted by it being too wildly out of character or like that. Or omake at the end of threads.

Most stories are quick funny gags that just happen to usually build to something though
There were… debates…
Long ones
>not sure if I want to try piecing things together from several hundred threads thoug
Pastebin in his post has just the stories.
"I'm also not the secret boss."

>What!? Who is?


>Ohhhh I get you now. Neat.

"There you go."

>No but seriously WHO ELSE!?

"I'm gonna be honest with you, if this meager number is bothering you than that dude's count is going to make you flip."

>What, like, five?




>...T... ten?

She points up.


"I didn't ask but I assume it's a variety."

>It's just not feasible! I know there's a gender skew in this world but it ain't that high! HE NEEDS TO SHARE!

"He's not even from this dimension."

>I'm thinking about alternate me. I'm looking out my other from another mother!
...what is the deal with other him anyway?
To be fair there were reverse ones in that world too…

And a crazy high domestic dispute rate…
I liked that we at least had them confront the crap side of that




"...The fuck?"


"Are you like... here? With them?"

>Long story.

"How long?"

>Literally story of my life.

"Beg your pardon?"

>Purple one is closest thing I have to a mom sometimes when she's not my sister.


>And I have a gun.

"I do not know what that is and it's pissing me off! ROCHI! Get me a gun!"


"He's gonna do it, he's just being a dick about it."

~You'd blow your eye out!~

"I would not!... Dragon, how do I avoid blowing my eye out?"

>My name is Spike.

"I asked one question and you failed, that's... typical dragon behavior, honestly. You are one of us!"

>Don't know why you thought I wasn't. If Garble counts, how could I not?

"Who is-Oh, you mean Smolder's brother."


"Smolder's Brother, I said."

>But who's...



"Alright Rochi better get me a gun, if someone this dumb can use them then I'm going to be an expert within ten minutes."

>If you don't kill yourself staring down the barrel, that is.

"And what is that?"


After a pause, Ember moves out of the way of the barrel of the gun.

"Touche, dragon, touche."

>This shit is why I prefer ponies.
Their first meeting didn’t go so well as in the show
To be fair on drowning
Depending on which part of the fan of urine into, that might be a negative.
And domestic violence, the violence with the best gas mileage!

"I can sell you a gun... for a price."

>You can!?


"Hey! Don't cockblock! Get it? Cockblock? Because gun... and also I'm a-"

>Shaddup! What's your price?

"Oh, we can discuss that over a nice bottle of wine."

'Ember, trust me, you don't want this!'

"Wow, and I thought we were friends. Is this a personal thing? Because you snooze you lose, buddy."

>Exactly! I can buy things from whoever I want!

"Exactly, she can get it from whatever source she wants. If she wants to get it from me instead of you because I can do it better, well... that's just the game."

>Why did you say what I said, but longer?

"I'm longer in a lot of ways."

>I prefer shorter, though.



'That... was not the brag I thought it was.'

>Just tell me what you want for the gun!

"Maybe I want a nice dinner with you, get to know you, eh?"

>Ohhhh, I get what you mean.

"Do you, now?"

>Yeah... you want me to pay for the gems!


>Those things are freaking expensive, jerk! Just give me an actual price for the gun so I can see if I have it on me!

"I can lower the price if I'm also on you."



"Yes, oh blocker of the cocks, and my attempt to get through some blue?"

'Just know I was trying to save you.'


THOOM goes the giant foot, as the great Dragon Lord Torch slowly brings his head closer to the now very still griffon.

'And I will make sure to leave flowers on your tombstone.'


~No innuendo, for me?~

"Oh no."

~Because someone's about to be outtheendo.~

>Daddy I just wanted some bang bang!


"...momma always told me this was how I was gonna die."

>One of these days, child, you’re going to bite off more than you can chew!

“Oh my I hope so!”

>You are the only one I worry is so dumb I’m going to have to write “tried to fuck a dragon” for the obituary.

She knows him so well
>Oh my I hope so!”
Wait hol up



>Somewhere they know what they did! Mom powers!

“Our world is exploding.”

>Yes but I’m right which is more important
She would celebrate it
Morning thread.
That’s not a flashback, time fuckery means it’s happening right now
So wait does he exist over there and also in the bubble?

Shits all crazy
"Sweetie Belle"

>See? We technically are still outside, like she wanted!

"If that justification would've worked, Dash wouldn't have put us in the hole."

'I like being in Dashie's hole...'

>Ah'm just sayin'!

"You have a better chance praying to that god dude and asking him to help you."

>Ah' don't believe in that.


>That's a load a hooey.


>Don't mean he's a god. You wanna know what he is, ta' me? A big old pony, nothin' more.

"...and you called me stupid."

'I would like to change my answer.'
She’s not wrong though.
AJ would either be proud or pissed depending on how southern she is
>'I like being in Dashie's hole...'
Oh myyyy



>As your dragon princess I command you!

"As the one who serves the one true princess, I rebuke you."

>I don't even know what that means!

"It means plplplpp."

'Are you trying to piss her off?'

"What have I got to lose, uh... you."


"No yeah, I knew that."

'Uh huh.'

"No, really, I just didn't want her to-"

>TIMBER! Command your pet to give me a boomstick!

"Do that."

'I'm actually used to others messing up my name. Not so much them thinking I'm a princess, though.'

>Are you not?

'I'm not even a mare!'

>...you're not?

"Warned youuuuu."

>Does that mean it'll hurt when I kick you in between your legs more or less?


"She's trying to figure out internals."

'I'm gonna stand near someone else, now.'

"Probably a smart move."

>Don't ignore me! GIVE ME BOOMSTICK!
Everyone looking like a jerk but being a bro
>"She's trying to figure out internals."
Ain't nothin' there
Goddamn standards and practices
Hiding all the horse parts for themselves, I bet!


"In the bathroom, mostly..."

>Ah' wonder what's happenin' out there....


>Go to the Summer Sun festival?... Nah. Fuck that shit Ah'mma buck apples.
And thus, the end…
>Princess Applejack ends by nobody asking questions
>Fluer De Lis


The alicorn started, having not expected anyone would actually approach her knowing what she was capable of. Yet, there she was, Fluer De Lis, just waiting for her like a stranger trying to warn her of a lost wallet.

"Can I... help you?"

>So, miss...

"Starlight Glimmer."

>Miss Glimmer, yes.

"Why does everyone use my last name?"

>Regardless, I have some questions, if you don't mind.

"No, I didn't try with you. I mean I didn't go for literally anyone! I had standards! By the end. When I was running out of time..."


"Also we never had sex."

>About that.

"I mean, right now? When he can't even enjoy the show? Keep it back till he gets back and then try, he'll probably smash just for the victory lap."

>But won't other me get jealous her stallion is messing around with another version of her?

"What? You're not in a relationship with him. You were never in the running, my plan always needed one of the two sisters in charge of Canterlot."



>Now give me the details, tell me everyone who got into his godly no-pants!


>For the gossip, of course! Now that I know it's not going to blow up in my face, I simply must know the list!

"...you want pre-reset or just the current total?"

>Give me all of it!

"I mean, alright. But it's not your universe, what are you even going to do with this information? The world is going to reset."


"...this is totally gonna be worth it."
>I knew it! Rarity you cheap slut!

~Darling other me was anything but cheap. SHE GOT EVERYTHIIIINNNNNNGGGGGG!~


~I'm not over it.~
>...Ever Essence? The... perfumist?

"We needed someone from Sire's Hollow and either that or he fucks Sunburst's mom."


"Not the worst reaction he had."
I wonder what life she lived…
Full of apples.
His dad probably isn’t even dead!

>Well, ain't this a crock'a dogshit.

"Language, Dazey. If we're going to die, we ought to do it with a bit of class and dignity."

>Dignity's what I call goin' down swingin'. Not waitin' and prayin' those gobshites get their teeth kicked in by Faust above.

~If she's even up there...~

>If? Didn't you say your folks raised you on the Good Word, once upon a time?

~Well, yeah. At least, Mom did. It's just hard to imagine it all really being real, you know? Or at least getting to find out if it is. The idea of a good and all-powerful god isn't exactly easy to square with how things have been going, even when our world wasn't a mashed up mess.~

>Fair enough. The way my folks put it always came down to us havin' the choice to do better instead of bein' glorified puppets. But, even when ya set aside yer common scumbag, when you got folks like Shimmer and her freaky little gal-pal weirdo pullin' shit like this, well...

"It makes one wonder why they're allowed to tip the scales so far. As a test for us? For their character? Or because there's no way around it?"

~Dunno which is better...~

>Whichever one means The Mare Upstairs is getting ready to prove herself. What about you, Lieutenant?

"Well, I won't say no to an omnipotent god fighting in our corner."

>You're not sounding so sure.

~Pretty sure Robin's family doesn't believe she exists.~

"It's a bit more complicated than that."

~Don't you guys worship some kind of dragon god, instead?~

"The Dragon Whose Shimmering Scales Hold The Cosmos, yes."

>...Bit of a long name, ain't it?

The stallions smirks.


The unicorn rolls her eyes.




The earth pony just nodded along, like she understood.

"Some of the names for our dragon god have sparked debate on whether it's another view on what others call Faust. Hence the complication."

>Huh. Wait. Does that mean you consider those two mountains of flesh over there gods or something?

"My people only worship one dragon. Who is far removed from THOSE types of dragons, I should add."

>Sensin' a bit of tension there, Lieutenant.

"I'm just clarifying. The One of Shimmering Scales is of a particular breed, or rather the progenitor of said breed. More regal, more powerful-"

~More dragoner?~





The trio look to the heavens beyond the veil, a moment passing between them.

>...Feels like we never get to just talk like this anymore... Just shoot the breeze.

"It's a shame. Truly."


>That includes you, Delight.

The stallion let out a dry laugh.

~That's a shock.~

>Hey, we showed up when you called didn't we?

"We can't exactly pretend that doesn't mean something."

And he felt his stomach tighten, comforted by friends.

~Yeah... I guess we can't.~

But weighed down by a feeling of failure.

>Dont snap, me, they don’t know… they don’t know how FUCKING WRONG YOU AREEEEEEEEE… shoot

>... so is that one retarded?

"You can't say that."

>And I can't be cancelled. What are they going to do, fire me from my position of prime booty bumper with the god of my world?

"Be nice."

>A giant blue chunk of faust WAS HERE. SHE WAS HERE.

"I know."

>You talked to her!

"Sealed her up, actually."

>I had her in my brain!

"And you're just so well adjusted."


"We don't know that, time was stopped."

>How much more evidence could you POSSIBLY NEED!?

"I guess it's weird she didn't come down to get a chunk of herself."


"You'd think if ever she was going to do something, it's when a piece of her is the main attraction."

>Yeah... yeah, that's weird.

"I mean, unless she's not up there anymore."

>Pffft, of course she's there. She just didn't want to deal with it, surely!

"Or Shining."

>Or... or Shining...

"Which she should be able to beat, right?"


"But she didn't even... try?"

>...oh no that makes so much sense.

"We confirmed she's still, like, there, right?"

>Surely she's still there.



"...if they get up there and it turns out we've just been breaking heaven for no reason I'm going to be so pissed."

>Oh my god it would explain so much about my world...

"Great, another abstinent parent who makes me feel stupid..."

>My life is a lie.
>Alt Faust literally fucked off
>This is why there’s no Blue
Mother of god
>A giant blue chunk of faust WAS HERE. SHE WAS HERE.
No one knows it was "Faust", though, since AJ didn't even put a name to the greater whole. Anyone who was there to listen to her explanation only knows that it was a piece of whatever or whoever created their world.
Not to mention they might not believe the creator bit, Mecha Chitty punched her in the face.

Puny god

>Did anyone actually confirm that was Faust or just, like, a really big blue thing trying to destroy the world?

"I mean Applejack's the only one who talked to her. It. Them? There was a lot in there."

>My hair is not nearly colorful enough to care if you use the wrong pronouns on a god.

"Was it even a god? A metal thing punched her really, really hard."

>Metal thing powered by changelings, which as we all know are BULLSHIT.

"And apparently can nullify magic, too."

>Yeah that's a new flavor of bullshit. Could Chrysalis always do that?

"Think it was just the god changeling."

~Oh no, she's just using the same magic we use with our Thrones. Any Queen could do that!~


"Then why didn't you to take over Canterlot?"

~B... because...~



~Alright I didn't know how to do it at the time.~


"Contrived, some might say."

>You know, Pennydrop talked to her, maybe I can ask her-


>...ish sher ah reashon ya hih meh inta' sha ground?

"Sorry sugar cube but iffin' ya' called who Ah' think ya' were about ta' call we would'a died. Just instant. One hit, no mercy."

>...she ain' that bahd.

"Changelin' god would come down from above and smash us proper!"

>Yer' bein' shtuped.

"No, yer' the one bein' stupid! How do ya' not know their beef!"

>On time she tried to kill her...


>Two times.




>...Message received.

"And it only took one concussion."

>TBDRLIATU, reserve power... fire.

"Worth it."

Free hit for back-and-forth.

>Am I crazy, or are those two seriously listening in on our random conversation?

"They are. And the purple one's being especially obnoxious about it."

>Super obnoxious. But that's actually good news.

"I... really don't see how..."

>Because it means they're close enough that I can do THIS!

Her magic surging, the earth pony created a shimmering shamrock shaped pane of magic as she swung her hoof toward the two eavesdroppers. Upon contact, her hoof shatters the pane and unleashes a focused shockwave of magic.


That blows the unsuspecting mares away.

>HA! Been dying to do that for a while now.

"You know that was extremely petty, right?"


"And I wish they were close enough so you could do it again."
That was a poor idea


"You okay?"


"I am, I could take an actual nuke to the face and be fine. Protection, baby!"


"You know what a nuke is. You told me!"


"...you feel embarrassed that she caught you off guard, don't you?"

>First thing I'm having Chitty do is punch the world hard enough that mare gets terminal chlamydia.
Didn’t she turn that off?
I feel like he wouldn’t give her an option when he found her

>You cannot put me in a bubble.

"Yes, I can. Regular me could. It's what I do!"

>I mean, morally!

"You look me in the eye and tell me if you asked any other pony on this earth if it was more moral to put you in a bubble where you can't do anything or let you run loose, they'd be on your side."



>I demand sex in the bubble.

"Finally something we can agree on!"

>...Is there a reason you're staring, odd griffon fellow?

"You know, mom kept saying how impressive it was, but it's... bigger up close."

>Oh yeah?

"Yeah, she said it was powerful and like... I believe it."

>Oh, it's powerful.

"Is it hard?"

>Obviously it's hard, it needs to be to contain all the... force.


>So much force. Breaks anything in it's path. Some folks think, "I can take it, I love a challenge."


>And by the time it blasts... they're not getting up any time soon.

"Oh wow. Can... can I touch it?"




"I felt it pulse."

>Yeah he does that sometimes.

What a twist!
Oh sure when it was a sexy long bang
He has limits
All right that got me.
It’s a long tube what else would it be
“No homo no homo!”




"You do not have to hug us this much."


'I appreciate it.'

~I don't, I'm on the pokey part of the hooves side.~

"Don't lie, she's pure marshmallow through and through."


"In. My. Ear."

>Especially you, Limestone!


~Yeah, ouch.~


>Because you got poofied.


'Now I feel bad, that must've been traumatic.'

>Almost as traumatic as learning you snoogered Shining Armor!

~What's wrong with that? He seems nice.~

'Very strong and steady, like a rock. If he wasn't so soft on other matters, he would be fine for me even. But alas, the crying... it dries me like the desert.'

~I like the crying... I just wish he had a nicer flank.~


~I'm allowed to look! IT'S ALL I DO ANYMORE!~

"So I really died? That sucks, other me sucks."

>Yeah she does, a lot!


>It's more traumatic for me. I heard it. I heard the sounds.

"More traumatic than watching me die?"

>I didn't see that so....

"So I clearly didn't die."

>Well, he did an undo, but-

"Exactly, never died. You're stupid."

>...you know I did never actually confirm that...

~Does this mean you'll stop hugging me?~

>No, I'mma hug tighter.

~Didn't need much lung capacity anyway...~
There is that old theory Glimglam had about the kids blinking their parents to safety
I think that was just her bluffing so Salt didn’t make her reset
Hopefully, because it would be stupid if it was true.
The way she put it made sense, which is essentially since all the kids were infighting and Alicorn powered, if they really wanted to they could've gone back and aborted their siblings so they put a failsafe to make sure they get born, or blocked off the timeline so nobody could hop back and abort them.

Which... maybe? Salt did see a future where they get born and seemed to be at odds with each other. Then again it's just as likely Glimglam could've overpowered them but obviously, you know, wouldn't.
>made sense
Sure. It's still stupid and comes across more as an "out" to backtrack on killing the alt-harem.
Maybe that was the plan if people hated the Throne Snap or something.

You know I'm sure someone pointed this out at the time but I'm just now realizing, this means that she let one timeline just keep going, right? Just one time she just let Salt grow older, have kids...
>Just one time she just let Salt grow older, have kids...
Maybe after he chose her instead of going into the battle, the apparently only one who did that, maybe one time she just... stuck around. Saw how it all played out. Went into the era with him.

And when they fought, she went back.
Poor girl.

Well… in this one contact and nothing else ever.

Everyone has a moment..
I mean why not, not like she gives a shit.
>A pity, a shame.
>Oh well.
>God will sort them out


From where he stood, even if he were to shout, the stallion's voice would typically be little more than a whisper to one as massive as her.


But through the link of friendship which bound hundreds upon hundreds of her allies, she could hear him as clearly as the chirping of birds on a summer morning.


Just as clearly as she felt the turmoil twisting his heart, like clouds on a stormy day.

>How are you?

"Good! Definitely better than I was dead."

Her tone was light, hoping to alleviate the storm.


But it only grew a little stormier.

>I like the new look.

He offered a light smirk, lacking the spark it'd usually hold.

>Feels more 'you' than the Princess Twilight look.

"Thank you. And don't worry about staring. My flanks ARE pretty big, so it's difficult not to."

But that sparked a sour look, parting the storm just as she hoped it would.

>Can you please not voice my thoughts to the whole world?

"Technically, I'm not. This is all strictly mental, so no voicing involved! On my part at least. I can still hear you talking."

>Well, it's a little awkward not to. Still don't want anyone to eavesdrop.

"On a random conversation? Who would do that?"


"It's fiiinnne!"

The stallion frowned, totally unconvinced, but let out a sigh of resignation. He couldn't convince her and there really wasn't a point in trying. His frustration soon faded and, with no other emotion to bury it, she felt that anxiousness in his heart return.

>...I'm Sorry...

"For what?"

Her voice was level, as though genuinely oblivious. But she knew the answer. And he knew she knew. Still, he appreciated the chance to speak for himself.

>For failing to protect you. You got hurt because I wasn't able to stop you from getting stabbed.


But her chipper response sent him through a loop. It was a little irritating.

"I got hurt, was dying, nearly died, ACTUALLY died... It was a pretty traumatic experience overall."

Yet, the sympathy he felt for her outweighed such a meager grievance.

"I'm still not sure why you're apologizing, though."

He stared at her, eyes wide, flabbergasted.

>I... Because all of that was kinda my fault!

"Did you let me get stabbed? Secretly plan for it to happen all along?"

>No! Why would-

"Then how can it be your fault?"

>Because I-

"Wasn't paying attention? Should have paid attention better? Should have been more aware of your surroundings? Should have seen a sneak attack coming?"

>Yes. All of that.

"That's silly talk. Silly! And you want to know why?"

He wasn't sure if he did.

"Because there's nothing you can do now, when you've done all you could have then."

Even less so now, when her words touched on the truth of his on inadequacy - that his best wasn't good enough. Not a particularly comforting thought.

"Sure, you can feel regret. You can feel upset. Who wouldn't? But to feel like a fool? Like an idiot? I don't think that's fair to the stallion who did his best to keep me safe and fight for the safety of his world."

But there is Kindness in truth, in Honesty. And Beauty in seeing the best even in failure-

"I mean you, by the way. That stallion is you."

>Yeah. I kinda figured that.

"Just clarifying!"

He let out a laugh.

>...But you've got it wrong.


>It's not just my world. It's ours. Yours. Unless you've got another planet you're thinking of sneaking off to."

The golem let out a laugh, which chimed like the light twinkling of precious stones.

"Nope! I've only got this one."

"...Thanks for taking us this far, Harmony. We wouldn't have had a chance without you."

"You're welcome, Miles."

And the stallion's mood grew just a bit brighter, despite the uncertain future ahead.



>Heh. You know, with how blunt and soft you can be, I'm starting to wonder whether you're more like Luna or Celestia.

~We think you mean, Princes Luna.~

With a jolt, the stallion stood straighter and felt someone land beside him.

~'Tis Our proper title, after all.~

+Come now, Sister.+

Followed by another, on his right side.

+I think a bit of informality is excusable in these circumstances, hmm?+

~'Tis why We only corrected Our title.~


>Uh. So. Uh. How long have you two been listening?

+Well, we weren't exactly listening, so much as just waiting to talk to the Tree, or rather Golem? And-+

~Twas around the mentioning of staring at flanks!~



"Huh. I was sure no one would be paying attention..."


~We don't know what the issue is. They are rather unavoidable to look at.~


The eldest sister leans over the stallion, leveling a light frown toward her sister.

+Now, Luna. Even if they are, it was still a private thought and we ought to respect that...?+

She felt a bump, a light touch to her side. Looking down, she notices Delight's form is a bit squared in, as though he was trying to keep from accidentally touching the Princesses at his sides

+And respect a bit of distance. I'm sure the poor stallion doesn't want to get smothered between us.+

"Actually, he-"

>Can you NOT?!
I kind of love how chipper she is despite it all, she's a lot more like how people thought Celly would be.

>I have so many questions.

"In order, yes yes, sixth power, no that's not how it works, yes that is how it works, no it's not fair, yes seriously that way, no, no, absolutely not, sure why not, yes I'm being sarcastic, what does that even mean, oh I see well no the answer is no on that one, and yes I'll be your friend!"


"No, you're just predictable."

She’s still working on being social too
...wait if someone died, would they end up in heaven during this bout?
so much for eternal peace and happiness.
can’t have nothing.
>Well this is awkward

>And that’s why you should totally kil-… uh…



“Ah choked on a peanut butter sandwich.”

>Really? You ate that now?

“Not like Ah’ had another chance!”

>Well shoot we’re fucked burn it down.
“Hey, where’s mah ma and pa?”

>… so there was.. an incident with a cart…


>Yeah bodies make great fertilizer they found.
Now I’m imagining AJ putting a gun to her head with a
If KKA can’t post for some reason by tomorrow I’ve got a thread ender

Hoping for that debate though…




"Did you just snap? I know what it's like, it's crunchy."

>Nah, I got my order done on time! I was really worried I wouldn't make it before it was over! I mean really worried! Really really... really... worried...


>But I got my order done in time! Here you are, madam!

'Oh hey, my special delivery! Oh hey you really did do same day shipping!'

>Sure did!



Cloudchaser looks to Derpy, and then... Thirteen.

"That's the enemy."

>I'm a mailmare, I have no enemies. Only mailboxes.


'See? We can all get along.'

"What exactly did she order?"

>I'm not allowed to disclose packages, federal offense.

"Oh, okay... what did you order?"

'Booze. A lot of booze.'


'I'm either celebrating or washing my sorrows away.'

"Smart. Where did you get-"

>Don't worry about it.

'This beer tastes funny.'

Derpy smiles.

>I have no enemies...
Not supposing it's Kirin flavor...
>Mah' heaven...

>Is about to become yer' hell.
>When Ah’m through
>Yer soul will be bruises
>Ah’m not a killer cause yer already dead

How it happened, the stallion wasn't quite sure. He had been moving to talk with another of his allies, flying above the crowd of friend and foe to a clear spot from where he could find them...


Only to find himself face to face with her.

>Sunset Shimmer.

"Random Guard Guy."

>Delight. Miles Delight.

"Really? Your parents used the same name twice?"


"I think it's sad, really. Kinda shows a slow thought process-"

>Don't shit talk my parents.

"Fine, fine. I'll keep this between us, if it'll make you feel better."

>...That's all it took?

"What? Surprised I'm not as evil as you thought?"

>More Mean Girl Cheerleader than outright evil, honestly. Despite the whole busting up reality shit you helped Chitania with.

"UGH. Never took to cheerleading... But fair enough."



>"What do you want?"

They blink. They stare.


"Yes, YOU!"

>You're the one who bumped into me!

"I was just trying to get to my friends! Then YOU showed up out of nowhere to get in my way!"

The stallion let out a scoff, obviously not truly buying her explanation.

>And here I was thinking you were angling for a date or something.

"Please. You're not my type."

>Ruggedly good-looking and incredibly charming?


He stared at her, gaze going flat.


It was a rather annoying show. But he felt an odd sense of levity from it, a tinge of sincerity at finding a joke funny rather than mockery. In another scenario, he could see himself laughing along.

>...You know, I'd think you wouldn't be in the mood for chuckles...

"Haaaa... Why? Because you guys almost won?"

>Because your guys could still lose.

"Still clinging to hope, huh?"

>Well, it is an Element, so...

"...What? That... Oooh! So that's why that Friendship Beam Cadence and her little group used felt off. Good to know, I guess. But it doesn't change anything."

>I wouldn't be too sure-

"I would. Because we've already seen how well you guys fare on a cosmic scale."

His muzzle curled into a grimace.

"So, let's not stress out and lie to ourselves about how you guys can maybe definitely probably find some way to win this."

In part because he couldn't deny her words, couldn't muster the confidence or delusion to cling to the notion.

"Let's just sit back, watch..."

Nor could he latch on to anger at some semblance of presumed malicious cockiness, as she spoke with neither no malice...

"And wait for Chitania's new world."

Only with a bright, burning assurance.

>It's kind of weird to think my mom might be god or something like that.

"Does that mean you have to die for our sins?"


"Inside joke."

>Sunset the fuck!

'She's kind of right. I mean, I get it, but she wouldn't.'

"I told you about that?'

'In one of the loops, yeah.'

"Huh...weird to think how much happened between us that I just don't remember."

'You two totally made out one time.'

>No we didn't.

"You're lying."

'Ahhhhh almost had you.'

"Not even close."

>You can't just say any possible event could've happened, but loops!

'I mean, Shining managed to hit Dash, so...'

"That's because Dash is a whore deep down, she just doesn't know it."

~HEY! Don't you talk about my friend like that, I'll fluff you up!~

"Then stop eavesdropping you pink nitwit!~

>Has Pinkie really been there the whole time?

'She's always there, it's super annoying.'

~You're annoying!~






~...why did I get a sense of deja vu?~

'Don't worry about it.'


'You screwed his mom.'

~HE DID NO-wait, I did that?~

>I beg your pardon!?

"Why would you just say that unprompted!"

'Well we're talking about Thirteen's mom, so...'

~No no no, how did that happen!?~



~So, Shinywhiny, I've been thinking... I'm a mother lover, and you're a mother lover, so we should-~




"Oh dear lord that one actually happened, didn't it?"

'Mother's day was weird...'


'Teach you to eavesdrop you cutie.'
Hey. I’m alive. Cannot get into it but I can’t post it tonight. It’s been.. rough this last little bit. If you want to drop the thread tonight it’s fine, I’ll be able to post what I’ve got for tomorrow. It’s funny, l made it to just before the end, the ending that’s the most important part, before things went… south. It’ll be easy enough to finish tonight, it would just be way too late in the evening for a thread ender.

Sorry for the silence, I didn’t know how to say I was going to be away after saying I’d be right back, but things just kept going wrong. It was almost comical at a point. But I made it, I’m alive, it’s over and finally I can have a little fun. It’ll feel good to finally end this debate that’s been sitting mostly done for literal days but just, untouched. Jokes on me for second guessing my quality issue, huh. That’s a lesson about second guessing yourself right there. Just go for it and if need be rewrite, that’s what I should’ve done.

See you all tomorrow, and be ready… for the final bout
Not that anon, but I think floating the thread until you have a chance to drop what you have tomorrow seems like a fine idea. Sunday's one of the slower thread days, anyways. If you still find you can't drop the story tomorrow, whether you're not satisfied with the writing yet or something else comes up, then at least that Anon can drops theirs and we'll just wait next thread.

Take care of yourself.
I figured something happened. Was worried you got isekai’d for a bit there. Most of all I’m glad you’re alive and kicking! That’s obviously the biggest thing. Yeah I’ll just drop it tomorrow if you can’t, like >>41145126 said, and don’t fret none about us being upset about it. We know you’re gonna bring it and we’re content to wait to see it, as long as your life can work with it!

Regards buddy, sorry you went though it and hope for sunny skies ahead
Oh myyy
I mean Faust did beat both of them at one point, their power anyway, nothing to say she can’t preptime
>So, I have a question.

>Why did you ever think you had a chance?


>Chigger please
Honestly them getting there at all means she’s got a plan
PP-Anon here.

I'm busy working something that's due tonight. My portfolio project to apply for graduate school.
If the thread goes down tonight I will not be able to post, so I'll need a sub to fill in.

>Applejack, I don't want to point out the obvious, but it's the end of the world and you seem to feel fine.



"Look, she's been watchin' all this?"


"She's known about it for a while?"


"So... ya' think she managed to figure out a means to deal with them."


~I have a question... have either of you played Final Fantasy?~

The two would be gods share a look.

~And have you ever wondered...~

They go stiff, when they hear a scrape of a sword.

~Why they call him Angel Bunny?~

Carried on one wing, the rabbit rises.

(Weep, heartless.)
Gotcha buddy. And Congratulations!
>My portfolio project to apply for graduate school.

We believe in you!
Alright, in about an hour-hour ten or so, the Debate! DROPS!

Specifically here


This is JUST if you want to proofread, if you're just in it for the story then wait till it posts for reals. Now I don't have to worry about second guessing myself about if the quality is up there. Tell me if it works and if so, I'll post it! I left off the ending for obvious reasons. But that aside!

>Anything jumping out as not fitting?
>Don't like Faust's Character?
>Missing something major?
>Just don't like it?
Tell away and if you don't care for it, we can just have the other thread dropper drop and I'll post this first thing next thread.

>>Missing something major?
Yeah, why's the description abruptly stop at
>“How dare you.”
>She weathered the

Was that hiding something, or?
File: Ithurts.gif (1.14 MB, 288x162)
1.14 MB
1.14 MB GIF
Oh, that's because I wrote out the dialog separately and then wrote all of the descriptions on top of it due to how dialogue heavy it was, and having to constantly go back and fix descriptions when I fixed talking was a pain.

All of them. They should all be there.

They're not there.

They're not in my file. I think I fucked up when I saved it.

Good news! I have the actions saved elsewhere, no need to rewrite this thing from scratch! That's why you keep backups, children! Otherwise you lose several hours of work!

But I need to grab it and paste everything and that's gonna take like 30 minutes and it's already late. So, uh... drop the thread, anon?
I could do that! Or, since we’re not yet at 50, and >>41147486 pp anon would need a sub…

Tell you what, someone says “drop the thread” in the next 10 minutes, I’ll drop it and we go into Omakes, you get all next thread top to yourself. If it’s after that, we just chill like we’re frozen. Up to you all fellas!
Well that answers that.
If you’ve got time maybe have Chitty react during the Salt side and vice verse. It’s not needed per say but I’m kind of interested to see how they think about what’s being said
It’s kind of funny actually. No worries since you have a back up.

I think it’s fine as is, I wouldn’t change your thing.
I was gonna drop it if not for the PP sub
Descriptions aside obviously I noticed a gaff
>She could not turn back the clock a second longer or risk a universe where both exist, and o not.”
>Time Turner
>Excuse me, miss dragon, do you have any sand on you?

"Excuse me!?"

>Sand, little crumbly dusty bits?

"What makes you think I have sand on me, weird brown horse!?"


'Don't do a racism.'

>I beg your pardon?

'Listen, as a wonderbolt, and also just.. me it sounds like you're going to do a racism, don't do a racism. Trust me, I know, I'm an expert on doing a racism.'

~Hold up!~

'Accidentally, you goddamn street magician.'

~Hey, just because I wear this dapper hat, am obsessed with magic, live in a cart and currently am performing magic, does not mean I'm a common street magician!~

(And what is wrong with being a street magician!? Trixie will have you know the GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie had some of her best work on the street!)



~You did make it sound innuendoy. Trust me, I know all about innuendo.~

(You do look like someone who puts a lot in his endo.)

~Ahah, ahahah... if she's into that. Land of Love, baby!~

(You there, Wonderbolt who's name Trixie doesn't know, back Trixie up!)

'It's Fleetfoot. And I'm not into mares.'

(Trixie means you were quick to help with that racism, help Trixie, he's doing a Racism back!)

'That's not a racism.'

"I don't know what a Racism is, but that sounds wrong. Obviously what he said to me was more important."

(Trixie is one of a kind! Which means she is the only one of her race! Which means when she's insulted, it's racism!)


"No no, she's got a point."

~She absolutely does not.~

(Oh yeah!? Have you ever seen another Trixie!?)

~I... have not?~

(There you go!)

'...did we just lose?'

(It felt like everyone lost.)

>Excuse me! I had a request!

"Why do you think I have sand!?"

>Because sand is just crumbled little rock and your teeth turn rocks into crumbled little rocks!

"That... wait is it a racism if he's right?"

'It shouldn't be but ponies who cry racism are dumb.'

~He's also not right, that's not what sand is.~

(Trixie has sand if you need it.)


"Why do you need it, exactly?"

>Hm? Oh, my time might be ending, so I'm jamming a little more sand in the hourglass to pad it out.

"...there's a metaphor here."

>Sand, please?




(Trixie admittedly should not have thrown it, force of habit.)
Dis gon be good.
I hope so! I might do it around 8 though. Because it's, uh... long. Very long. Might sink the thread long.

Hey did we get all them previews out the way or

I mean it this time unless an actual literal sniper shoots me.

“A question?”

So grand was the Queen’s might, the stars themselves rumbled with her mirth.

“You may bleat out whatever nonsense you deem worthy of your final breath, as I beat it out of you.”

Yet, as the power began to gather upon her and her grand being shifted forth, ready to attack, something was amiss with the one brought to aide her in this final bout.

With nothing more than a thought, she was stilled. Not by force nor by spell of magic, nothing more than a feeling that washed over her that screamed out as if it were a dying star. A desire, a request.


For her to stop.

“Going back on your word so soon?”

If the one who held the power of the Primals within his being felt any offense to such an unspoken threat, he hid it well within the dark shade of his being. Instead, he merely nodded as if in the slightest of bows, a sign of respect minor though it may have been. It was enough to give her pause and lend her ear.

“I swore to aide you in becoming the highest of this world, as cost for my own ascension, and I’ve no intention of betraying that well deserved reward. However, if there is a means to achieve that state without a battle, then surely we would be remiss were we to simply cast it aside. Surely, if she would be willing to surrender with but a question, it would be wiser to take that path, would it not?”

There was a sincerity in his words, an openness to it that seemed to have little to hide.

“And if this is some sort of trick? Will you really be willing to risk so much with our victory so close?”

It made it all the easier to see there was just a bit more to be seen beneath the surface. Some other desire within him.

“If a mere few words are all that is needed to defeat you, you were never worthy of ruling this world.”

For a moment, she wondered if it was born of fear, of cold hooves that rattled now that they stood upon the edge of a war that could only have a single side in victory and the other in destruction. A war that, once upon a time, had ended with victory belonging to the golden armored alicorn before them. Fear, in this most devastating of time, she could certainly understand.

“Worried about upsetting my daughters, are you?”

Such a notion, the Titan could understand as well, though she was far less lax about it.

“After all that transpired, they may think you deserving of far worse.”

For such a serious accusation direct to the heart of her matter, the grand being seemed jovial as she waved her golden covered hoof in his direction.

“Or they may bring resentment to the beastly soul who battered their dear mother so, you monster.”

With only a single step forth, the Titan shook the very edges of reality by the might of the emerald blazing hoof. With another raised, it was as if the heavens themselves feared it, and shied away.

“If he is unwilling, I am more than willing to do the battering myself and save him their scowls.”


She nearly stepped forwards again, only to have the sensation of another tug at her and bring her pause. The dark feeling that crept along her was far from a pleasant one, yet her hoof was stayed as the darkened stallion moved to her side.

“And you feared my falling of trickery? Trying to face her alone would cost you this battle, we either face her together or not at all.”

With the calming of the great storm, came soft words on a gentle wind.

“Not at all. Whatever his reasoning, his thoughts served him quite true. For I indeed am offering a means to avoid a clash between yourselves and I in exchange for something as simple as questions, and answers.”

Such a cost filled her burning heart with anticipation, yet the changeling could not keep a sourness from her maw at the implication.

“Questions? Plural?”

“You did not think I would give away a chance to clash in battle once more in exchange for a singular question, did you? Come now, you may not be of that realm, but certainly you are not so boorish in your bargaining.”

Neither of them knew much of the other realm she spoke of, and with such an offer before them neither had time to care.

“Truly? You would give up so easily?”

With a single nod of her head, it was as if the light itself had joined in her agreement.

“I speak truly, as only the light should, that should you answer my questions, I shall not fight you. Never shall I cast a spell against you, never shall I try to strike you. What follows beyond my questions will be a bow of my head, and a raising of my hooves, this I so swear upon the light of my world.”

There was little to be seen as far as lies upon her tongue. True to her visage as a glowing being of light and life, she seemed to exude an air of honesty and almost motherly understanding with each of her words.

Even with the very light of honesty upon her, it was not enough to sway a cautioned heart.

“I sense a deception.”

That much was clear to the dark being beside her as he nodded in agreement.

“As do I. An exclusion, no doubt. But, regardless, she has sworn to surrender by the end, whatever trickery she hopes to pull surely cannot be as mountainous to overcome as clashing against her in battle.”

Teeth bared in a grin, she regarded him from the side of her eye, unwilling to take the other off their foe lest trickery be her downfall.

“Do I sense fear in you, as she claimed?”

With a raising of his chest, there was an offense in the air around him.

“If so, you’ve become too blinded to fight on regardless. Understanding the outcomes of battles once waged by others who held this power is key to our victory. I am certain that together, we could do as neither could alone. But, should you ask instead for a mere question, we may spare this universe the scouring of so many worlds in the wake of grand battle. Do you agree, my ally?”

She felt trepidation.

Yet, she did not argue.


“...very well. Though I dearly wish to break her face in at long last, even I could not lie convincingly enough to make you believe I haven’t wanted to have words with one who has caused such strife after all this time. Speak now, and hurry along until you step down in defeat.”

A sigh as gentle as a summer wind wafted across the air. Bittersweet, like a freshly plucked fruit of a tree that shall bear no more.

“My heart is heavy to know guests finally arrive after so long, and they’re in such a hurry to see me leave. But, I suppose, all things must come to an end. That is a truth beyond even my power.”

With her regrets laid bare, the sun shined once again on her smiles as she turned to the darkness among her world.

“My first question, if you would, goes to you. You, my dear… why are you here?”

Offense once more flashed across his darkened grin.

“If you’re going to have us repeat ourselves to stall, you run the risk my patience will run out before that of my esteemed ally. You know why I am here.”

It brought nothing save a neighborly sigh to the highest.

“Oh? Say it again, so I may allay my confusion.”

Paradise itself trembled as he raised his hoof, and upon the end he cast forth wisps of black flames that danced and waved into the shape of another. With that fire, he showed the tale of another world, of a choice.

Of his birth.

“Without the aide of Sunset Shimmer in the creation of the containment spire that enshrouded me, and the portal to call forth this power from the world I now reside, I would never have ascended on high as I have. She pledged her aide in my eventual creation, and she followed through with her words until the very end regardless of the strife and horror it may bring. In exchange was a promise that I would come to side of her most favored, Queen Chitania, on the dawn of her battle with you, and now I stand ready to make full that promise.”

Despite the show, she remained unimpressed.

“A promise that was not made by you, is that true?”

Nor was she saddened, when he cast his flames away, and snuffed out the dancing life upon it.

“It matters little, it was made for my ascension after all.”

“Even so, you were not the one to swear yourself into a battle of this magnitude, correct? It was that other mare who pledged this battle on your behalf as she began to put in motion her plan without your knowledge, nor consent. Or have I misunderstood, and speak lies out of ignorance?”

He struggled, holding back bileful biting words at the implication.

“...You speak the truth.”

Instead his concession slipped out, like a thief in the night.

“Is it honor, then, that brings you before me? Nothing more than mere words that spurs you on, a sense of need to one who acted without your own thoughts on the matter. Ready to slay me at the behest of another, made in pursuit of ultimate power while you continued on unaware?”

“You may call it such.”


A hoof touched her chin in ponderous jest, despite the fact all four of her hooves remained on the ground.

“Or shall I call it a debt, then? A fear that if you do not act as they wish, your powers will be stripped away?”

He bristled once more as the implications lie.

“They would not be able to take it.”

Such things brought no fear of being stung to the one who neared him ever closer, willing to touch against their spine just to ensure she may gaze deeply into the powerful orbs he called eyes.

“Ahhhh, but it is not them you fear who might strip you of your powers, is it?”

With a tap of the golden material, too grand to have ever existed in a physical plane, a song sang out across the land.

“You fear the one who defeated those four powers, so many eons ago, don’t you?”

The unspoken threat from the one so close to him did not go unnoticed, by him nor his ally who moved ever closer into position should a battle be brought to bear.

Despite the danger, his voice remained as cool and cold as the void he so resembled as he moved closer to her, his power pulsating enough to rattle the edges of paradise itself.

“...To call it fear is to ignore the wisdom in caution, and understanding that facing one who has already claimed victory with the same powers, foolishness. Did you think my pride so grand I would avoid the obvious? That I would claim I am far more unstoppable than they, at the peak of their powers? It is the most simple of understanding to be aware of such a possibility.”

“The possibility that Chitania would fall in battle, and I would come for you, knowing you’ve no chance of victory, just as the previous holders of that power failed to achieve despite their very best efforts.”

He waited after her words had faded, yet soon he realized she held for his own response instead.

“...Is that a question?”

“No, dear, my question is… what would you lose, if I were to take it away from you?”

He laughed.

A dark and bitter laugh, flecked with anger and disgust, yet it was a laugh all the same. A laugh that brought chills to those within this realm, and terror to those beyond it. A laugh that promised pain, yet delivered instead a promise.

A laugh he stopped abruptly, and spoke with conviction.

“My world would fall into death and destruction, plagued once again by the war that swept through it and claimed those I love. I would be thrust back into a world held by a thread, without any of the love I had or now hold once again. Your victory would bring forth a world better off burned to the ground, so hopefully something better could spawn anew. As I am now, such strife shall never again be born within my world, I may snuff it in the crib. Never shall my world fight among itself, for I am beyond any who would bring up their sword. Yet, I’ve no desire to bring ruin to those who I know would attempt such a feat if only their blade were sharp enough."

So sang his challenge, to any who dare.

They will live on in peace and harmony, forgotten of the world they once forged of fire and destruction. You, who let my world become a state so terrible, must never sit atop the throne I claim, lest you reduce it all to ash once more.”

She tilted her head slightly in curiosity, spilling forth cosmic dust upon the side of her head in droves enough to form a new star.

“You blame that on me, do you?”

“Be it through action or inaction, you were the one who brought it to bare.”

He barely held from stabbing his hoof to her heart, yet the mare before him seemed only more curious by the claim.

“But, I wonder… was it not she, who orchestrated all of that? The one below, the one who made you like this through deception, trickery, and the desolation of those you loved? She certainly seemed willing to put the world through misery if it meant her success, in the end.”

He waved off the implication as easily as he could wave off the falling stars.

“A challenge to you, I should say, and a necessary evil to bring me to this state, and one I was able to wipe away without a trace. Her sins no longer live on in that world, I’ve seen to it personally. Her successes, however, continue to this day to bring peace to the land.”

She nearly hopped as she danced around him, graceful long legs bounding as she studied him from all sides. He remained still despite that, yet ready to lash out at her should she try anything.

“Curious that you may praise her necessary evil, yet cry out in offense when you suppose I had brought you strife. You believe wholeheartedly in the plan of a madmare who sent a world not her own into terror and chaos time and time again, yet believe I incapable of causing you pain for any reason other than malice or laziness. She is the grand designer who has brought peace to the land, while I the monster who merely wished to see you suffer for my own amusement, or the sloven wretch who held no care for your cries that were beneath my notice, is that right?”

He scoffed so powerfully, a distant star began to shake.

“...The difference between the two of you is too vast to compare.”

He waited for her response, yet it was not until he looked back and found her floating above him with chin rested atop both hooves that she finally spoke again.

“Attempt so, if you are able.”

The mockery did not go unnoticed, yet it did go without physical reprisal. For he feared a strike of her brow may break the contract of her surrender, and he would not be goaded so easily as to bring the ruination of battle.


“She was unlike you in both ways imagined in your words. If she only was she willing to act, to do as she thought was needed and beyond to bring about the new age, it would be enough to give pause. Yet, what makes the gap so much grander between you is how willing she was to let the one most capable be in control of all things. For all she wrought, she herself never sought to hold the crown, never demanded she be the one in charge despite all she had done. Godhood was never her price for the salvation of the world. One who would allow destruction to unfold merely so she may continue to reign, against one who would bring forth a moment of pain so another may lead paradise, the choice is clear.”

For once, the strain had left his voice. It had become lighter, smoother, as if speaking from a far different place than had been before.

In his eyes, she could witness the unraveling of a story, a thousand events unfolded.

Something, special.

“Is that truly all the separates her and I? Willingness to merely step aside and let others lead, in their stead?”

“She did not merely step aside. She forged the path to the grand world she herself would never rule, and did all she could to keep it from falling back to what it once was. Even with her task complete, with my reign established, she sought to ensure nothing could undo it and bring it back to destruction. Unlike your willingness or influence that lead it there, once again.”

He seemed so assured in his stance, yet something about the way she lolled her head brought an uncertainty to his being.

His powers may have been ready, yet he found soon his mind had not been as set as he had believed before.

“How strange that she might create one supposedly capable of ensuring an everlasting bright future, yet still needed to step in when the time came.”

“I never said she needed to, only that she attempted such a thing while I faced another in a reality away from my own.”

“Oh? Then she was wrong to do what she did?”

That struck into the silence, as vast as the void.

“...it was ill advised.”

With the opening given, there was little to do save press forwards.

“So you disagree with her.”

“I did not feel it needed to remove Applejack from the equation permanently.”

Every word measured as carefully as a chemist forging a bomb. Every thought dolled out gently yet firmly, to show nothing of any doubt nor worry that may have crossed his mind.

It was good that a shadow had covered his face, for he doubted he could hide the shifting of his eyes otherwise.

“So she disobeyed you.”

“I never ordered her one way or the other on the matter.”

“And if you had? Would she have stopped?”

The stillness, however, could not be hidden so easily.

“...Likely so.”

So unlike the mare who nearly bounded around him atop steps of sparking magic.

“Such uncertainty! Most unfitting of a supposedly all powerful deity, wouldn’t you say?”


He bared his fangs against her, yet it did little to hamper the graceful dance about.

“I do not seek to control her every move. Just as I do not seek to control the every thought of others.”

She stopped at once, directly before him so as to force him to gaze directly into her eyes, and not a single inch besides. So taken aback, he was stilled with she spoke her question without a hint of jovial nature or motherly love.

“Is your malice against that mare so great you would allow such a pain to befall her, or is your indolence so grand you would simply allow another to run rampant rather than deal with your own creation? You were the one who imbued her with such might, after all.”

Silence, quite telling silence, followed her words.

“Nothing to say? You did agree to answer my question.”

He struggled to hold his hoof in place, struggled to keep the darkness from lashing out against her as close as she was. Perhaps, just perhaps, she would be taken off guard and he may end this battle of minds and body with a single strike. Perhaps, he mused, this was his chance given to end the clash before its birth, to strangle in the crib a bout that may end with damage to this cosmos, and beyond.

His powers called to him, begged him to let them taste the ethereal blood once more.

“...I could have undone any mistake she made, and I would be willing to.”

He held it all back, knowing it would be nothing more than the anger of a beast.

“So you would defy her wishes and undo any harm to dear Applejack? Heal her broken orchard? Undo the fear in her heart? Bring her back from death itself, despite what your darling wished?”

He nodded sternly, resolutely.

“If I deemed it necessary.”

“Would you have, in this case? Or would you be so fearful of angering the one you love, fearful she might declare you love any other more than her, your most favored, and fear loss once again?”

His scoff came with a dancing of a gaze, finally freed from her own burning one and allowing him to look out into the everlasting white that spread out in every direction.

“Do not pretend you have no favored among the living. Clearly, some are granted more boons than other.”

“Oh? And why did I do that? Was it malice, or laziness?”

Once again, silence had befallen him.

“No answer to be given? How unlike one who knows all.”

It brought enough bitterness to his mouth that he had to spit out the thoughts clouding his mind.

“Perhaps I would have simply deemed what she did was in the interest of this world and allowed it to pass.”

“If that were true, would she not have asked you to see such a future with your all seeing gaze? A mere inquiry to the god she created should have been as easy as crying out to the sky, no?”

He almost smiled.


“She never was one to ask for permission.”

“Neither was I, yet you seem to think that was a deathly flaw in my regard.”


Eyes rolled back to her following her quip, a gaze narrowed and bereft of a shred of the amusement she herself seemed to have.

“There’s a great deal of difference between you two, I’ve said.”

“Oh? Is it a matter of intimacy?”

She pranced beside him once again, her movements as smooth as a flowing river as she nearly brushed him, just beyond touch, and bent forwards ever so slightly at his side.

“Would you be so quick to forgive all my sins should I be mounted by your grace? A roll in the hay and all my problems go away? Let your forgiveness fill me up, from peak to bow? Speak quickly, I may yet consider it.”

Despite a second of hesitation, he turned away with a scoff and certainty in his response.

“I meant nothing of the sort.”

Curiously, his gaze fell expectantly to his changeling ally, who seemed confused why she should have been worried at all.

Telling, he recalled, that she knew so little of his reputation.

“Such a gentlecolt, I see why so many others stuck by you in such trying times. It confuses me all the more why you would stay with the one among them, who does not share such feeling.”

What noble look he held fell away in an instant. Fire and fury surrounded him, darkness alight and fire as black as night dancing in this place of white.

“Am I missing something?”

Even his ally was forced to step back, as his power threatened to consume all.

“Pathetic trickery on your tongue. She has done all she is able to bring me to the highest on high. Without her, I would not have a fraction of what I am to bring to battle. She is the one who saw my potential above all others, and fought until her very last breath to see it to fruition.”

“Your potential among many others, no?”

He reared back, sneering at the insult.

“If you wish to strike at my sense of self with such a notion, save what little time of yours remains. I could not claim with twin faces that I am able to love as many as I can hold and scowl upon her for the past before our union. What she did before we came together is of little consequence, what matters instead is what she is to me now.”

Yet, for all he was certain of her mockery, she seemed sincere when she brought her hooves together and leaned her chin against them.

“How noble, wonderful even! Those speaking of love from the heart has always brought to light my fancy and my smiles, to see the connection of love between two ponies is to witness the sunlight itself shine upon the land!”

The great emerald demon rolled her eyes at the songlike voice drifting out into the land. Her armor rattled as she muttered her disgust, a sight that nearly brought a grin to the dark face beside her. For while she held annoyance at the notion, he could not help in his recollection of another swayed quite differently in time.

“But I wonder, and please hold from striking me if this question seems offensive, I wonder if she would share that notion... had you failed?”

Though she smiled on, there was something more beneath her gaze.

Something, that made him turn away.

“...we need not ponder that.”

“One might claim such is because it has happened, again and again.”

He scoffed as he had before, yet it lacked any real power to it.

“They abandoned her, it is not the same. Only my heart was open to her and held to her as the world fell apart. She sang of such things to all the world when the time came! It pained her so to be away from me as my journey went, it pained her to watch me in the arms of others, yet she held to her belief until the very end. That is what love is, to hold to another even as the world may burn.”

“Was that Her flaw, then? That love so long ago… Leaving you, as your world began to burn?”

That was enough he could hold back no longer, and he advanced upon her with a thunderous steps that brought cracks across the vastness of Paradise. In his gaze, she could spy the powers that had been within them, powers of a time long before this age that had threatened this very plane once before, and hungered for its destruction yet.

His threat upon his face was every bit as dangerous as the one upon his tongue.

“Do not speak of her again, or I shall cast aside this favor and strike you now.”

Yet, she held no fear.

“Don’t let her rattle you, like a child.”

Nor did the Changeling beyond him.

“We changelings know well how to get beneath one’s skin and force them to break first, do not fall so easily because she brings up some other mare. I do not know you, I do not know what she speaks of, and I cannot shield you. You will have to hold back yourself.”

For one born of deception, her words rang quite true. Even so, the stallion found each word escaping his dark maw in a hiss.

“Do not speak of her.”

His power did not strike her, yet they promised a sudden end should she try again.

“How I wish to grant you that request, yet I cannot. For I must know… do you love her, still?”

For there was a question to still his flames.

“...it matters little.”

A coldness, to quench his power.

“It matters a great deal, to me.”

“She made her choice, and I shall respect it.”

There was a resignation in his voice. A defeat, even.

“Is that why you did not seek her out, even when you became as powerful as you are now?”

A sadness.

“If power was the reason for her departure, we are both better off for her absence.”

“Power may not sway her, but it would grant you insight into her reasoning at the very least, would it not? Finally put to rest all those nagging questions you held in your heart, put at peace that which was wounded so.”

He waved her off, yet not in brutal shoving. Instead it was almost the gentle brushing of a friend, to one who worried for another.

For a smile had grown upon his face. A forced one, perhaps, yet one that held a genuine light to it all the same.


“My heart was healed when I filled where the love had been once again. I have many loves now, ones that I will carry on and see to it that they never want for anything.”

“Nor leave you in bitterness.”

The question left him more confused than anything.

“Such a question will never come.”

“Not unless she deems it so, no?”

That was why his eyes began to narrow, as the implication set in.

“Explain yourself.”

“I merely am pointing out the obvious. She’s the one who stripped them from you once upon a time, did she not?”

Truth, he could not deny. Though, he need not state it all

“Never permanently.”

“Come now.”

Even if she would not let such a lacking answer suffice.

“The power you gaze upon now proves it so.”

She remained unimpressed as he gestured to himself, her sight remaining fixed on the dark visage she studied, even now.

“And how was she to know that’s what would come of such things, hm? She had failed every time. She had lost every battle, in her own way. Never was it perfect for her no matter if they were the highest of heroes or the grandest of monsters. The slayers of primal forces that cast away the Nothing that could threaten that world did not impress her. No, she always wanted it to only end a single way, with no proof it would ever come. Are those lies that I speak, or the troubling truth of her actions?”

It took some doing to shrug the question off, yet he performed as admirably as any god would.

“It would only be troubling were I not capable as she knew I was.”

“She knew all of them were capable too. All of them had a multitude of loves and lives to live, yet none of them carried on when they did not suit her needs. Why would you have been any different?”

He could bring no denials.

He could form no lies.

He could only stare at her in understanding, as she looked back in regret.

“I need not ponder that terrible fate. For it is now I who control the world, and I will see to it that such events will never pass.”

He almost felt proud of himself, in turn he almost felt shame.

He swore she nearly rolled her eyes.

“I have another question for you, oh grand being who controls that world.”

With that, she drew close.

“What if I were to make a promise?”

He almost laughed, the edges of is mouth curling in the would be rumble of mirth.

“Another one already? How quick you are to abandon your word.”

Behind him, a familiar power began to gather within the confines of this plane, as it had at the dawn of the last rebellion. The will of the Changeling had grown weary as their words had burst on, and with hope anew of her temporary allies insult, she sought to put an end to it at last.

“I told you, it was a trick.”

Her advance, the imaginings within her mind of a meeting of powers nearly made manifest, were both ended with a smile.

“Nothing of the sort. Merely, an addendum to my previous one, conditionally of course.”


He stared at her when she turned back to him, as if she held a deck of cards, and promises of fortunes.

“You need not hold thoughts of such deception, my dear, it will be quite straightforwards.”

He did not believe her, yet did not still her as she began to speak.

“You speak of knowledge of what happened in the previous bout between the powers you hold, and I. Yet, you seem ignorant to the truth that the being that stands before me on this plane does not hold the will they once had. At your core, perhaps, the idea springs forth from the same seed. The same need for control, the same need to make reality as you feel it deserves to be. The same thought lie at the base of it all indeed. Yet none should be so foolish as to compare you to them, for they sought to return things to a time where all held no name. You seek something quite different. You seek a world I perhaps cannot share, yet understand all too well. So instead, I offer a promise in exchange for a single act.”

With her hoof upon her chest, there was a song. A glow.

A light.

“I promise upon my dearest heart, a vow unbroken, that I shall never challenge you, never go against your will and never shall I undermine your control of that world, in exchange for a single act on your part.”

A demand.

“Starlight Glimmer must remain in this universe.”

One that brought the darkness into her world of light.

“How dare you.”

She weathered the storm that was cast upon her world. Stood strong, as the darkness formed beyond him like an ever seeping cloud of smoke promising a fire of ruination beyond. She had called forth something bitter, powerful with those words.

She had summoned forth something monstrous in his heart.

Even so, she spoke as if she stood before a classroom, her words careful, reasoned and calm.

“In this universe she was birthed, in this universe she must live, in this universe must she meet her end.”

His response held nothing of the sort.

“How dare you!”

It was full of bile, rage and offense. Teeth bore like a wild animal threatening to tear forth her throat from her head for the sheer insult she had spoken.

It was as if she could hear the beat of his heart rumbling across the plane of the Highest, a staccato symphony akin to the song of an erupting volcano. Within twin burning eyes, she could see a vile thought brewing beyond them, a desire to snap forth and break down the distance between them in a single thunderous blow and finally let loose the song of battle.

Once more, as she had so very long ago, she tasted the rage of a power from the very beginning of it all, and must once more wonder if she would win should their powers clash as they inevitably seemed ready to.

In the middle of that ever growing storm, she stood as resolutely as she had that day so very long ago.

“These are the terms I lay upon your hooves, a victory most absolute, a surrender beyond compare, all in exchange for a single mare.”


His roar rang out through paradise, down across the vast cosmos beyond and striking even the ears of the gathered warriors safe from the storm of time beneath Harmony’s gaze. So great was his denial that even the highest herself must step back, and the grand Changeling behind him was struck with a sense of kinship who’s origin she did not know.

Though stern, a sadness began to befall the white face of beauty.

“So quick to cast away my offer, surely a moment to compare would not be beyond asking?”

Her reasoned words were met with with a spite so foul, the light around them began to dim.

“How dare you ask me to cast away the very reason I stand before you in the first place! Without her, I would be helpless as my world fell into disarray!”

“By her doing?”

His hoof came down with a snap, shaking the very foundations upon the plane he stood, threatening to shatter it and all with it into an eternal paradox of existence yet nameless void.

“By Applejack’s! It was her rule that built the pain upon my world, my Starlight’s own actions were what finally washed away the damage of her sins!”

Yet, the Highest would not be shaken.

“Yet, she is not your Starlight, is she? She is of another world, this world. Her mere presence has brought about the threat of contradiction and ever encroaching Paradox in your reality, you know this.”

Her light would not be dimmed.

“My power itself is Paradox, I fear no such threat of her existence!”

Only by the grace of understanding, yet regret, did her face fall from the stern stare, and turn as soft as the ethereal grace of luminous clouds that danced upon her form.

“Shining Armor, dear. You know what I say is true. By her being there, actions that would never have been are now taken, the changes to the timeline made will continue to splinter forth. Her existence is the contraction brought about by the shared reality she inhabits with the Starlight Glimmer who was meant to be there. With both inhabiting the same world, a world already pressed to the edge by her actions, eventually it will descend into Chaos as contradiction and Paradox become the basis of the world.”

There was an assurance to her words, ones that he dare not believe to be truth. For with a raising of his head and with a thunderous call to all things, he let loose a challenge that lay not just on her shoulders. His cry was a promise of war, to the very notion of reality itself.

“I have defeated Chaos itself, I have mastered Paradox, if any were able to find a way to ensure her continued existence in my reality without unraveling it, it is I! I am the one who holds the power to unmake as easily as bring forth in creation! I hold the knowledge to shift the world upon the path of peace should it fall askew! I am the one who may traverse through a timeline as easily as a fish may swim the sea and spot the blackened mark of rot among its waves! I am the one who has conquered the primal forces!”


With a raised hoof aimed towards her saddened heart, he let loose the words that lie in his very soul.

“I will not abandon her! I will love her forever, as she wished, as she deserved! You were the one who brought her against your breast before throwing her back to the cold, forgotten. I shall not!”

Such a time remained fresh to her, as the very ages passing always shall. She could recall a time when a face much like her own, a piece of her lost that was yet found still, made a choice.

One that even now, some part of her would regret.

“I wished her to live in the world she was meant to, until we would be reunited once more in time as all things are. You need not forget her any more than she will lose sight of what she once was, only a parting done to save herself and all others you shall love. By keeping her, a risk of an eternal end hangs over all you’ve built and give your heart to. A possibility of a descent of the world into… nothingness. A world without names, meaning, thought… or love.”

Never did he waver.

“I challenge it to try.”

“You would risk all of them, every single one you have ever loved, for her and her alone?”

Never did he falter.

“I would do it for any of them.”

“Even for one… who would not do the same for you?”

It had nearly been enough, with a few steps forwards she foresaw the clash she had feared would come to pass would become unavoidable.


The emerald flame burned brightly as the song of battle began to play in the Changeling’s soul. She had been waiting for this moment as eagerly as a shark may wish upon the smell of blood to seep into the water.

Eyes that could peer through time knew what would happen should she hesitate, should she falter.

“Do not let your rage deny you the truth!”

For the first time, she too matched his advance, away from the changeling eager to match with blows, and met his words in kind as boisterous and loud as his own.

“Scowl upon me, threaten violence upon me, you shall not change what is truth known to me, and to you!”

For only with her heart ablaze in truth, the Honesty upon her tongue, could she still his hoof just long enough to speak again.

“One needs not the power of a god, the sight into a mind, to know that had you failed she merely would have left that world behind. Departing while crowing back that you had abandoned her in some way with your failure, you had not done as she commanded. For that there was no greater sin in her eyes, and proof you deserved to be left behind in the smoking ruins of the place you called home, a destiny she herself set in motion the instant that your world’s Applejack and my children appeared in your world. She could not turn back the clock a second longer or risk a universe where both exist, yet could never be.”


She cast her limbs above and summoned forth the light of the world. Dancing remains of light and fallen stars that moved as one to form an image beyond the understanding of any mere mortal, a tale weaved together from a singular form alone that showed a past, present, and future undone beneath the incompatible insanity of contradiction and lies to the very nature of the world. She summoned forth sight undeniable of a world where those that had entered had never been, their existence changing forth the path of time itself, broken without them to mend their every steps.

She called forth an image of a world that could never have been undone, so long as the last vestiges of the act of a craze madmare existed.

Proof, to her final words.

“A paradox that even you could not undo nor control as you are now!”

He did not falter, nor did he step back.

Yet, he did not deny the sight before him, either.

“She was prepared to leave you, and all she had wrought, should you have chosen to stay behind and lead your subjects like a true ruler would have. Had you not fled in desperate hope of something, anything to undo the terror she herself had caused, you would have been doomed to wallow within it. Now, facing down the same destruction of your world, the contradiction that leads to an inconsolable paradox, do you suppose she will do the same?”

Though his stance remained strong, his words did not hold the power in every tone there had been before.

Only an assurance, soft as it may be.

“She will. Even if the world should crumble, she would say with me. She would sooner tear off her own heart than depart a world that finally worked as she sought to make it. She has succeeded, I stand here now with the power to prove it. She will remain.”

“If Power is the only reason she stays, you are both better off with her absence.”

The battle had not yet been met.

Even so, a true blow had been struck.


A tinge of regret came for her upon feeling the emotions laid bare in this world, as all were. One who had seen lifetimes pass before her in an instant, learned of many grand and small alike as they passed on their final moments, knew how hard it may be to release that which lives on within their hearts.

She knew, all to well, how hard it was to let go, when all one’s soul screamed to hold close.

“I don’t doubt that you... love them.”

It was that knowledge that let her voice drift to him, as if a warm breeze on the wind. To cover him without a touch, lift him without strength, and to raise eyes blazing with a cosmic storm of emotions to meet as pair glowing with the gentle life of a loving star.

To whisper with emotion, more than any word could form.

“Even if the means to bring about such love, were ones that should never have been. You know this as well as I. To repeat such events over and over, bending time itself merely to force forth a love, cannot be called destiny, it was never meant to be.”


He scowled, the shade of his powers etching closer to her and threatening to overtake her.

“Not fated, by your design then? Are you so vain you cannot comprehend a love blooming you personally did not summon forth? Love existing when you deemed it should never be?”

She did not fear it.

In all these ages, she had grown to understand it.

“I understand why you would lash out against such a notion. It’s natural, expected, that you would sooner cry out in joy for all you’ve found then challenge the idea if it was meant to be. That it worked out as well in one of the many tries it took, and the happiness it wrought alone would be proof that it was only as meant to be as you decided it. You challenged fate on that matter, in a way. And in a way… you stand victorious, and fate the liar who would deny happiness for its own false truth. You won, in a way.”

She had grown even to appreciate it, enough to bring forth a smile to her face.

“I do not resent the idea of your love. I shall not deny some part of me finds it admirable for it to have bloomed despite it all. For your heart to spark as it does for those whom, in a world I had foreseen, would never have been. I will not deceive you and claim this union was always meant to be, or that it would have bloomed brightly without her intervention. Nor can I deny that such a victory is proof perhaps that fate is not always perfect. That much, is truth.”

A smile that grew sad, as time itself poured out before her gaze. The path of another world, rolling down a stream of reality, playing forth all the different twists and turns that brought it to this point.

Letting her see clearly the mare who cast a stone into every bend, so it may only flow as she deemed it.

“But she did not bring it about so you could be happy. She did it so she could hurt you in such a way it would send you running to her, and be willing to do whatever she asked. This is not supposition on my end, it is mere fact.”

Though he rankled again beneath the statement, there was no fire brought forth from his void in an attempt to burn such a truth away.

For he may not hold any element of Honesty nor Truth, yet he was not so blind to deny what he had seen himself with his own timeless gaze. The endless repeating events that had transpired had allowed him a great power in his world, the power to see the minutia on a level most simply could not.

It had not come without a cost.

“You are clinging to a love that’s tearing your world apart, all because of a mare so desperate to feel wanted, a mare who raged at the idea any might leave her behind.”

A cost that had weighed heavy on his heart.

“...she does love me.”

Yet, not so great a cost to sway that very soul.

“She loves what she made you.”

“I love what she made me into as well.”

It was almost humorous, almost a joke. A deflection, by the very best of ideals.

An admission, in its own way.


“...will you truly not consider it? A simple act, a single mare that poisons your reality with her very presence taken away, and you may command the destiny of your reality unabated and unchallenged.”

He held his nose high, regarding the world around him with an appreciation for the splendor to be held, the smile on his face a mixture of wonder and an assurance in his chest risen in pride.

“I will hold that regardless, when we defeat you, by surrender or by battle should your words prove false.”

A power tingled across his form, and briefly he wondered if she should bring to bear her powers to clash against him. Yet, instead he felt only the prodding of another, as if it were that of a dear relative poking at their kin in inspection and mirth.

“Do you not have their memories? Do you not recall the last time those forces and I clashed, at the dawn of all things? Do you not see clearly what befell the universe, for a time?”

He did.

He could see vividly, through the echoes of the minds of those gone to oblivion by their own choice, what was wrought across the cosmos in the final battle for reality. The eve of the deciding victor between creation, and nothingness. That which filled the darkness without name nor solid form, without thought nor definition, where a thousand creations floated without reason nor name. Against a world filled with thought, life, definition for what was and what is, the indisputable truth versus the thoughtless void.

A battle that ended, with a name.

“I am no stranger to battle nor war.”

He witnessed that battle from a mind not his own, and he did not blink.

“You are no stranger to their cost, either, yet you seem quite willing to trade its weight for that of a single mare. Is her weight so grand, you would risk the world itself?”

Heavy was his heart to think about such a choice.

“It is.”

Stronger still was that heart, in love.

“Is her sway so powerful, you would put to threat all those you love? Even… my daughters, who love you so?”

He did not know if her words were threat, or if the concern of a mother had finally sprang forth. It mattered little, for his response in strength was the same.

“They are under no threat.”

“That is a lie.”

With a slight hiss of her words, her true intentions were made clear, and the stallion brought his power to bear.

“I could hold back the paradox by will of my own!”

In a show of force, he cast out his might in every direction. All may know of his might, and all may know of his power.

All must know, what he was capable of.

“That is yet to be proven.”

To her challenge, he let loose his command.


“I would never allow harm to come to any of them! I would fight the edges of the stars themselves for Luna, or Celestia! It is no different for Starlight Glimmer than it is any other! If you stood before me and said you would bow away from that world if only you may take your daughters with you, I would deny you and meet your challenge all the same. If the stars themselves came to collect a debt owed by the Princess of the Night and threatened catastrophic cost upon the world should I deny them, I would meet them among the darkness in battle! I love them. I love them all! I will not lose them to you, or to reality itself should it try to tear itself asunder to take them away. Let the Paradox come, for I have tamed it. Let the Chaos meet me in battle, for I have defeated it. Let the highest among all challenge me, and finally I will lay her low.”

When the last echo fell, he whispered his promise.

“Such is the power... of love.”

With that, the final hope could burn on, no more.

“A pity.”

“I think it quite different.”

A shake of her starry head, casting out lights of all colors across the cosmos as easily as a single gesture. A sadness lie in every hue, their every shade leaving any who should gaze upon them with a feeling of morose and regret.

It was with an ache unseen she spoke again, and a head hung just a bit lower than the grandest of all beings should.

“I spoke in Honesty when I made my offer, I wish you to know. I truly would have not only stepped aside, I would have aided you as you took the place among the stars in your world. I would have watched with knowing as you took hold of a destiny you may well have earned.”

The spark of hope in his own mind was extinguished with nothing more than a simple frown, from the highest above all.

“But one who would give away their world, threaten those they love for one star among the cosmos, is not the one who should rule. A ruler must know their heart, feel it deeply, yet be willing to sacrifice when the time comes. To know that those they love must carry on without them in times of strife, beyond them in times yet to be. A ruler who rules with the might of Love must know the cost of that Love. I do not resent you, I do not hate you. For I sensed not a single doubt among your heart when you cried out in such a way. There is no falsehood in a love brought together by another, there is no deception in your action as you seek to hold them close and keep them from any harm that may befall them. That, instead, is why it is such a regret. To know you would do anything for those you love among all others is not a joy. It is a cruel reminder there will always be those who are granted the favor of the highest.”

He did not cry back to her. He did not turn away.

He did not deny her.

“I do not resent that you love them. I resent your fear.”

Not until she spoke such words that struck to his very pride.

“Fear of loss, fear of pain, fear of regret.”


Even so, he was stilled upon her words. Each one seemed to hold a power to them that even at his grandest, he did not know. There was an authoritativeness in every single inflection of her voice that left no room for him to interject, a motherly pain of disappointment far beyond any anger, or hate.

“For it is not your love that makes you unworthy to rule.”

A certainty, with all she spoke true.

“It is… fear.”

With that, the spell on him had been lifted. He realize his stiff body had finally been free to move again, and he could once more watch as she stood as tall as her regal body would allow, and witness her looking down upon him with a solemn warning upon her tongue.

“Ruination awaits your world with your victory.”

A promise, of what was to come.

“It tried to take hold once before, that same seed, that same fear that denied them the ability to make something grand, with nothing more than a single change. A battle, for an unworthy rule.”

A promise more, of how it would end.

“It was defeated then, as well.”

So ended her words.

So ended, his chance.

“Have you more questions?”

So ended, their debate.

“Perhaps… but not for you, at the moment.”

With sadness, with regret, she turned to the other so neglected by all this time. The one who stood waiting with barely restrained patience, coiled like a cobra who could not wait to sink her fangs into the blood of her enemy, and poison them at last to bring their end.

Against the stare of the grandest being in the universe, the Champion of the Changlings let loose a smile.

“Have you finished your prattling?”

“You’ve nothing to say on the matter regarding your ally?”

With all the gusto of a bored child, she shrugged.

“I’ve no idea what either of you were babbling on about, this is the first I’ve ever laid eyes on him. I’m certain you spoke of matters of great importance, yet they are ones I’ve never known. I had no desire to see what happened in his world, either, before my ascension to this world. While he is no doubt of importance, if Sunset would ally herself with him so, I had little care on the matter. More pressing matters awaited me here.”

“Hm. Unwise for an ally to know so little of their companion. He may be a demon most foul, who tricked your friend into this alliance and cannot wait to slip a final blade of betrayal into your back. Ending your reign, before it had began.”

A flippant roll of her hoof was all the wise mare gained for her trouble.

“Far more unwoise for you to continue gabbing on and testing a patience wearing quite thin. I listened to your attempts to sway him to your side already, such a challenge was nearly beyond my might.”

“I see… then you’ve no argument to answering questions of your own?”

A roll of her eyes, a scoff upon her lips, so gestured the most powerful changeling to ever exist.


“If you’re planning to try and reach into some fear of manipulation on my part by Sunset, we may skip the matters and you may pretend I’ve a care for such things. I know my stance with her, and I realize the blatant favoritism I will show her, and our shared friends. I care nothing for that. And if you wish to debate me about the horrors of destruction that may happen should we battle, save it. I was the Titan long before I wore this armor, the thought of laying low cities for my goals has never haunted my mind.”

She smiled, and all three heard the cries of a rampage long past, ones that never haunted a mare once lesser in her dreams, and ones that held no sway over her as she stood above all the world.

That much, even the grand ruler of this plane could not deny.

“You’re quite right, it would be a fools errand to try and speak to your conscious in hopes of some seed of reasoning worming in, with hopes of becoming a tree of knowledge. I have no such question regarding if you fear a skewed rule with those who remained by your side, if you sleep well at night knowing the destruction you wrought, or what sadness you bring as you try to reshape this world to be as you saw fit. I only ask, instead, if you truly do blame me for all that transpired in your life. If that final cry you made in the desolated village of the Kirin still holds true, or if you’ve grown to see the folly of your thoughts?”

There was a sneer upon the dark face.

A shadow crossing her eyes, cast by the raging tempest above her head.

A disgust, laid bare without thought.


A word, full of venom.

“Folly would be to assume it was mere chance.”

She did not summon forth an illusion, nor a play of her power to illustrate her point. Such visualizations on her matter was simply beneath her.

For the one who could see beyond all things, she need no power to see vividly those moments in time.

“It was always something, wasn’t it?”

Those dark events in a day long past, when everything fell apart.

“Any time I found peace, you found a means to destroy it. Events so contrived and unexpected I could never have seen them coming, yet always assured to spell the end of my rest. It was always something, no matter how improbable, that I knew right away it was divine in design. In truth, you’re correct, I have realized the folly of my thoughts and my despair. I should be thanking you, perhaps. Cheering you on for your sacrifice of all you have built so I may reshape a world you clearly don’t hold much love for any more. Was it boredom? Interest? Was this world simply not like what you imagined? I can’t picture it myself. Dearly I hope I never am able to, either. Is that your only question? I do so hope it is. For you’ve wasted enough of my time with it, and I’ve much to do in a world that must be broken before it can be built again.”


It was as if her words had summoned them forth, that another shattering of the reality just beyond the crack in the veil of time passed forth.

“Oh yes, you’ve certainly mastered the destruction aspect of your acts, that much is certain.”

Her ally was quick to step forwards, raising a hoof and holding back the ever shattering timestream beyond the edge of paradise and into the cosmos beyond. He stood strong, unwavered by the uncertainty of what lie beyond. Uncaring to the cosmic storm ever raging, threatening to tear reality asunder.

He feared no such horrors, for the power within him thrived in such a world.

“Not to worry, I shall help guide her in her rebuilding before my departure to my own world. An assurance, so it may become as it was meant to be.”

The hum of amused mirth tittered out into the plane as the cosmic haired being struggled to keep from rolling her eyes in humor. His stance, trying to look so regal and proud, reminded her of another from ages ago.

Another, who even now could make her smile.

“So quick to take command of her world, does this not bring you offense, oh great and powerful Titan?”

In turn, that very Titan let loose a low hum of dissatisfaction, not a hint of it directed towards her ally.

“I’m more offended at the mere idea I’d lash out at him for the suggestion.”

“Are you certain? After all, he does have a bit of a reputation he gained as he spread his love across the land, do you not worry he will ask a price most uncouth for his aide?”

Shadows danced and power sparked by the offense of a one who could reshape the universe, his unseen fangs clenched tightly as he struggled to hold back a word of spite to the very idea he would be so crass.

“What do I care if he does? I have a child, I’m not ignorant to such matters. If the price for something so grand is something so simple, I’d be a fool to cast away my chance at victory out of some offense. If that is his price, I would pay it.”

She spoke every word with all the gusto of a librarian reading off a pamphlet. Lacking offense, trepidation, disgust, any emotion one might expect of her.

For her, it was little more than a statement of fact, as boring as any business transaction may have been.

“Let me allay your fears, I would ask no such thing of you. I would never betray the trust of my dear beloveds by intimacy of another without their knowledge, or consent. They have given me no such permission to lay with her, be she of godly power or not! And without their word, I would never even try, to say nothing of something so absurd as such an act made in payment of my aide like some…”

The very notion correlated with him nearly made him spit upon the ground.

“I would never betray them like that, I certainly would not harm my own Chitania's heart by bedding one like her, if more powerful! She needs no godly power to hold my love!”


The addition of her name, at last, gained some reaction from the grand Queen. A sensation, as solid as a gust of cosmic debris, brushed across all as her emotions slipped from her armor like exhaust let free to relieve pressure.

Though her stance had not shifted, there was a curiosity, brief though it was, before it was hidden away.

“How comforting. It matters little, for the grander challenge remains, I’m not so brainless not to see there is a struggle beyond the expected as I remake this world.”

She winced as she heard the crackling of time itself beyond the barrier. She had not meant such transpiring, that much could be gleamed by nothing more than a curling of her lips. Her hoof shifted as she recalled the first time she struck at reality itself, bending it to her whim as any Titan could break the mountainside to her power.

That first shift had been every bit as messy.

Vividly, she could recall the simple change rippling out into the cosmos itself, far beyond what she imagined something as simple as a mare brought back to life could ever have been. She dared not look for too long, her mind already almost overwhelmed. It was as if she had grown limbs for the very first time, and tried to swim. So many things to consider she had never imagined. Such a vastness, she would never truly know. Such possibilities through actions, so small.

She was not one who was alien to the idea of a single movement sending out countless reactions, a single step of her hoof could have shaken a city and done more than she cared to know. She knew what it was like to see things from above, and watch them react to the slightest of her steps. Even so, she had never pictured in her minds eye a step of her hoof shaking the very planet itself, to knock over a teacup on the other side. Even now, as she readied herself for battle, her hooves grew stiff with worry that she may strike out, and break it all apart.

Such a fear brought a smile to the face of her foe.

“It’s something, isn’t it? All the individual threads of connections where thoughts and stories are met, the multitude of chances that spawn from a single act no matter how inconsequential or ignored by most. A single choice, seemingly made without any thought to it other than the most basic of needs be they life, laughter, or anger, could overturn an entire kingdom! Or perhaps, an entire race…”

The implication struck the worry from her face, and replaced it instead with a disgusted scowl. Though she believe it to be a means to spur her on into striking with victory so close, bringing void to the words she spoke earlier, she could not help the heat that rose to her face at the thought.

“Is that how you did it in the end? A simple act, a slight nudge of some thoughtless pawn? I’m almost insulted it was so easy to you. It leaves me with a thrilled heart to know I too shall be able to do the same to those I deem unworthy, as you have.”

The threat gave little pause to her foe, only a look of contemplation that bubbled to the surface.

“You still believe it to have been my act, in the end? You who can now witness the intricacy of the universe, the singular inching of a soul that could lead to reshaping the cosmos themselves, and your mind still lingers on the dreams of a child not yet awakened enough to see the day had risen? You still see me as nothing more than a scowling figure in the distance, a storybook villain to be overcome as she plots against you? A monster that would burn down homes, crush friends, all in pursuit of a single creature among the countless others? Is it hubris born of a notion you are the hero of this tale? Insanity brought on by loss that lingers on after the last ashes had gone to the wind? Or is it merely folly that you think I so petty to single you out for some perceived sin?”

The accusation was there, yet the Titan shied away from it no more than she would any other battle. She held no pride in her words, only a straightforward truth unblinking as she stared into the vastness of the other’s power.

“You need not pretend my sins were alleged or up for debate, I’m well aware why they called me a monster. Neither should you imagine I think myself some hero slaying a great evil, I’m well aware the ponies songs of you and your victories against the Nothing once upon a time. A villain, perhaps not, instead you are my foe as clear as day.”

“So you admit to your own horrors, yet still wish my end despite it all?”

The question seemed almost amusing to the grand warrior.

“It would be odd if I did not hold at least some resentment, wouldn’t it? After all that I lost, all that was taken? Even if I understand your reasoning, it hardly changes things.”

Such implication sparked a tapping of hooves by one so regal, an interest lighting upon her face as would the rising of the sun on a new day.

“And what is my reasoning, if you peer so easily into my thoughts as any changeling would a child?”

The hardest part of such a thought, absurd though it seemed to some, was the contemplation the changeling had for the words needed to explain her thoughts.

“I believe the term is cutting off the head of the snake.”

It nearly brought a laugh of jest to the star headed being.

“Do you think so highly of yourself?”

Which made it all the more odd that the response to come was stiff, and straightforwards.

“It is simple correlation. We changelings defied you. We, your greatest insult, began to spread upon the world. To understand why you wished rid of them is no more a question than why any homeowner would wish insects that defied them continued to live where the residents of the home commanded them away from. The defiance alone of your judgment to whom may live in joy and who must be cast into punishment by your laws alone would’ve been enough to bring forth the ire of a thousand suns. Yet... it wasn’t enough."

A scowl of a memory, a defeat, a foe.

One that stood before her.

"As you deemed us a slow and eventually extinction, someone decided to defy you yet again. Someone saved the changelings time and time again from the… I believe you called it, a nudge of a thread? The unlucky events that defied explanation that brought them danger, the slight oddities that eventually would end in their demise, were challenged. I had made the choice to defend them, and such was the insult to your destiny. True to your intentions, as plainly as the day, with my defeat came the fall of the Changelings. With my loss, came your success. If only I had truly died as you intended… or perhaps you wished me to see the world without them, knowing nothing could have stricken me more. The ultimate punishment, for the final defiance against the one who controls this world.”

Her reasoning laid bare, emotions pouring from her in green mist that spread to the very corners of paradise itself, all may understand why the great beast laughed.

“Looking back now, I feel so…”


Though her humor remained, the smile upon the fanged maw did not.

“Ignorant. I thought the raiser of the sun some grand deity who would control this world on a whim, who would wipe us out with the very power of light itself should I challenge her. Little did I know that something far grander than she lie beyond my sight, only glimpsed at my very peak. Now, after all this time, the Sun Raiser is a mere speck below… and the light is now mine to challenge.”

Her heart raced with thrill at the thought, her hoof coming up as if to demand the battle at last be met and for the last word to cease, as all battles should reign.

It weighed heavy on her pride when instead, the world was filled with genuine laughter. A laughter of the heart, a laughter of the mind.

A laugh, from the very soul.

“You seem to have such an idea to my thoughts! Why, I would swear you invented an entire backstory for me by such a point, I do so hope my words have not wavered off the script you’ve written in your head, have they?”

She held her bitterness close as she tried her best not to show how much ire such mirth had brought.

“Not at all. The pointless stalling to hold back my wrath and prolong your life just as bit more is down to the letter.”

The laughter finally ended with a smile, and a playful tilt of her head.

“I merely wish to understand you, after all. You’ve taken such care to understand me. Do you truly believe this is why such pain has come to your life? That I have weaved the world so precisely in pettiness to destroy those who rebelled against me and rejected my magic, and Harmony?”

“It is the most obvious explanation.”

It was so simple, so blunt, that she may as well have spoken with a club.

“Is it, truly? Is there no other means you can bring to imagine what brought about their downfall? Is there no other explanation, no other reasoning?”


Memories of times long past flared in her mind. Memories of the Queens of old, long before their eventual end.

Few of them pleasant.

“If you are referring to their common and severe mistakes, you will find little argument from me as to their proclivity to endanger themselves.”

“Such a simple response, and yet you’ve clung to the idea of grand conspiracy, why?”

“They were never discovered.”

It was said without much gusto, without the grand reveal of a mask pulled back and shown to all the world. A mere statement, as obvious as if she had looked around and declared the world quite bright. Even so, her look was contemplative, as thoughtful as a philosopher as she began to think back to all she had seen.

“It was the one thing I could never figure out in those nights all alone when I arose from my slumber. Such stupidity, brazenness, backstabbing and guile, and yet they remained hidden until seen upon the day of the wedding. How fortunate they were the bodies did not fall in front of one who might study them. How fortunate no deception was uncovered. How… unlikely.”

Though there was no admission of any such guilt from the grand being beyond her, it did not escape either notice.

There was no denial, as well.

“I wondered if the gods above were truly so incensed they would seek to erase the very name of Changelings from the stories of history, just to ensure their defeat absolute.”

It seemed so obvious, such clarity like a single bird among a clear blue sky.

“Hiding, deception and remaining unseen was the strength of your race, was it not?”

The grand ruler’s tone was more even than before in her response, lacking much of the jovial gait so present before.

“As you have proven, there is always a flaw…”

Such things were beneath the notice of the Titan. For her eyes stared off into the light, watching the dancing wisps beneath her stance. A glimmer shined in her eye, that of a single flicker of a time so very long ago.

If one looked closely, they would swear they witnessed the falling snow itself in her eyes.

“Flaws that reached even one who wondered to herself one night, as she looked to the glowing lights above, if her friend might help her as she brought the dark race into the light.”

The light was gone away soon enough.

Replaced with emerald flame.

“What a coincidence that should happen, on the very next night, to take those thoughts away.”

So vivid were the images, that the ethereal things below seemed to tremble in fear.

Those who did not feel the sadness within, as her emerald power leaked out her every emotion to them all.

“Was that my doing as well? Did I plant thoughts in a mind, sing a song of hate to a waiting heart? Your heart, perhaps? Or was it them to blame, for swaying you so?”

Both golden shining limbs flung out, and with her thoughts she offered forth another. A light before her, tiny and insignificant to most.

Familiar, to another.

“Shall I bring forth the guilty of the night, those that doomed your race with their act as you so claimed, and let you wash your pain away with a strike upon them? Will that soothe the rage of a Titan? To know that even in paradise, they could not escape your wrath.”

There was a hesitation, unbefitting the Titan of old. One who would rampage unheeded, unimpeded by wall nor warrior. A thoughtful look upon her face so out of place compared to the nightmare that lived in the minds of many.
A question unspoken, a twitch of her hoof that nearly reached out.

A pain, seen in the very glow of her power around her.

A choice made, when she brought it all back, and brought her ire back to the expectant face above.

“If you wish to distract me in salivation of your own hide, waste not a singe moment more on that desire. I know why that stallion lashed out one snowy night, and took from me my hive. I understand his pain, his grief. I felt it much the same myself. I’ve no love for that cretin who never trusted me, but… I do not hate him, either.”

The light within her grasp glowed ever so briefly, so strangely, before it faded away.

For once, even the one who knew all, seemed at a loss.


“No. Just the opposite… I wish him to have his life returned, once more.”

Such was enough to shock even the mare who had seen the changing cosmos herself.

“Not so long lived he would be around on this day, but a life lived beyond that fateful night all the same. All I need do is save a single life.”

As senseless as it all was, she came to understand.

“I see.”

“A single change is all it would take, a slip on the ice, a hungry beast wandering just the right way, a scream in the night that went heard before it was too late. That is all I need do. All you could have done, and be spared my wrath. Instead, you chose to have her wander off with little reason.”

To nothing, the grand monster gestured, painting a picture in her mind.

“A glint of magic was spotted in the distance, she looked into it in fear one of your hive had wandered off, just as the caster intended.”

Behind her, the great being whispered the tale. Beneath her, the Titan continued on.

“Chose to have the ceiling crack above me so I must shrink down, where I could not see her trailing into the distance.”

They both looked above, seeing it clearly as it had been against the flicker of torchlight.

“A bit of water had seeped in and expanded when the roof grew cold.”

“Chose to have the wind roar that moment, and only that moment, so I did not hear her scream.”

Her flaming mane wavered in an unseen wind, whipping about as she followed unseen tracks along the white base of this world, so familiar to that very night.

“A moment waited for quite carefully, by the one who struck.”

Two sets of eyes looked off to the endpoint where those tracks would stop.

Seeing the shadow that rose, and faded away with a snap, and silence.


“So many chances and unlikely events correlating together in a song that would spell the doom of my hive, and the end of the Changelings. So many small moments that could have been changed.”

She scowled, and with a shift of her body brushed off the one waiting so expectantly, so close. Freeing her, so she may gaze upon her glowing face, in accusation.

“And indeed… they likely were.”

In turn, the highest being shifted in regret.

“Do you truly believe it so?”

“I’d be a fool to assume it anything else as I stand before the divine being who’s name was spat upon by my race itself, and who’s very magic I defy with my existence.”

Once more, the accusation was laid bare.

“Have you proven it, then?”

It was only right to be returned, in kind.

“Have you looked into the past, witnessed my change, followed every thread of fate pulled by my gentle grasp?”

She gestured once more to the unseen, her light glowing brighter than any mortal flame to show it as clearly as the day.

“Have you seen the mighty hoof that cracked that ceiling?”

She flared her wings, casting opening them so they may be inspected beyond doubt, beyond chance.

“Have you seen the wing that cast that wind?”

Upon her horn, burned the sun. So unlike the green tint, that shined so brightly against the white snow.

“Have you seen the glimmer of magic cast to lure her to her doom?”

Upon her heart, she asked once more.

“If such things had progressed, you surely would have seen them, no?”

The accusation was made, just as the titans own had been.

“I have been rather occupied.”

They could not be denied.

“Shall I give you time to witness them now? A brief respite in the end of the battle of mind to be, long enough you may confirm your suspicion and return with fury anew?”

A moment of hesitation was broken by the call of another.

“Do not be so foolish!”

Her ally, snapping her back from her thoughts before they drifted away.

“She merely wishes you to become distracted, do not-”

He was silenced with a nod of a grand burning head.

Perhaps, with it, a moment of respect.

“You need not worry. If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my centuries of life, a mere blink to one such as yourself, it is this.”

Once more, she regarded her foe.

“Never turn your back on a god.”

One who did not yet hold the fire of battle in her heart.

“Convenient, is it not?”

“If you worry so, then skip to the part where you surrender as you so claimed, and I shall have all the time I need to catch that hoof, to break that wing, to snuff out that magic.”

The mockery on her tongue would have moved a lesser being. To the one before her, it only brought forth more questions.

“And if you should find nothing save emptiness in your pursuit?”

“Then I shall have to console myself by throwing myself into my work, bending the cosmos to my will.”

She held no worry, she held no doubts.

Only, a grin.


“You will have no regrets? No shame to learn such things had never been? To learn there was no grand maestro, no script written out that dictated your failure, shall you still hold anger in your heart for what has happened to you?”

She held no means to be turned from her choice.

“There is a single path that leads to me finding out, isn’t there?”

“Perhaps, perhaps there is more, according to your words.”

Just as the divine being herself had been, so too did the beast of rebellion now find herself at a loss.

“My words?”

“Indeed. For you have claimed I held the pen to write your story, down to pushing the most absurd of events to foster the tale I wished to weave. So obvious were my actions that your disbelief snapped as soon as you’d thought of them for a second. Was it my will that brought the mare in the machine to the Kirin Village? A random chance, a random thought?”

“Likely so.”

“Then I ask you, oh great Titan. I ask you, Wallbreaker who stands on the gates of paradise. I ask you this question. If my scheme was to be so grand, if my every thought and action moved towards your defeat, your shame, your regrets, if all the world has conspired against you so, then I must know… how is it you stand before me on this day?”

Such a grandiose declaration could only have come from the highest herself. Such a power left no room for distraction, avoidance nor denial. Such a cry demanded it be faced head on, nothing short would suffice.

All of them were answer, with a smile.

“You believe this some shocking twist? Pitiful. I realized in seconds what it was that caused such a downfall to come to bear. Sunset Shimmer was beyond you as she schemed. A world away, a reality apart, the threads of your world could not be pulled to strangle her in the crib as you so wished. Had she been within the sight of this universe, I’ve no doubt you would punish her for her alliance with me just as you had before. She has suffered enough already, yet I’m certain it would take every scrap of magic in the stars to hold you back from simply crushing her in anger.”

Such certainty nearly took the wind from the divine mare’s sails.

“There was still time, was there not? As you flew to the portal, surely I could cast down a bolt of magic to end you if I were so brazen. A bird flying into your face, a dragon in your path, so many means of death awaited you.”

Just as easily, just as quickly, the grand hoof brushed away the thought as simply as it would a building in her path.

“The Will of Devonia protected me, the power of the only one who had defied your will before was now all that watched over me as I made my final journey. It’s no coincidence, I’m certain, that such a reckoning fell upon my head, by a pony no less, on the dawn of the day where I may finally challenge you.”

“A reckoning brought about by me? Or… was it not your mother, who burned the Kirin Village to the ground?”

The cosmos themselves felt the pause, and the rush of regret escaping the twisted maw of a monster.

“There is a reason Devonia held little love for her upon her defeat. To be used by you, and nearly end the last chance of victory for the Changeling race? Shameful. But, mother never was a clever one, that Pennydrop, and by extension you were able to use her was sadly… expected.”

“Quite a lot of work to fail before the end, isn’t it?”

“There is a reason I stand here today.”

“Yes. Because of Rainshine, and the Kirin who aided you.”

With those two names, a strike had been laid. A blow to the mind.

A means to reach her heart.

“Just as the only reason you awoke from your slumber was the love that still remained in your heart, given to you by another.”

A memory still fresh, a pain still lingering. A denial, that could not be made.

“You speak of schemes, of possibilities and chance, of ruination at the most unlikely of places, yet you speak so little of the strange events that kept your heart beating, when it may well have ceased and gone still.”

She thought only briefly of it. Yet, with such truths laid bare upon her mighty hooves, she was forced to ask the burning question that bubbled now within her.

“Are you implying you saved me?”

Truly, of all possibilities to unfold as she stood upon this plane, not once had it crossed her mind that the divine, save her own first Queen, would ever come to her aide. Truly, speaking it aloud felt wrong, as if in defiance of the very notions set out by this world. All that was and all that she had knows cried to her that such a fate could never have been.

“Would you believe me if I said I had?”

Yet, with that question gifted to her as if from a stranger, she found she could not heed the cries within her. She opened her mind to the possibility, however briefly, and admitted the truth.

“Perhaps so.”

“Do nothing of the sort!”

Her ally cried to her, worry etched across his dark face that his only chance at victory may yet be swayed. It horrified him, yet even that expression was nothing compared to the oddity that came across the pure white smile.


“Yes… and in such a case, I would indeed stay my hoof during, and forever after your surrender.”

Relief simply did not describe what lived in the stallion’s soul.

Nor would disappointment suffice in the mare who watched the grin upon the massive face grow.

“Perhaps I might even go so far as to preen in pride that you would choose me among so many contenders on the eve when you allow your ultimate defeat, and smile with pride upon my ascension to the one above all in this world. If you did indeed allow, by whim or by choice, to have me stand before you on this day among the hordes who sought your crown, I would think you wiser than I imagined. What a wonderful feeling it would be, after all, to know all the suffering was leading towards my victory and a new world within it."

She almost leaned forward, as a filly would in her eagerness to hear of some exciting secret to behold.

"Is it so? Did you truly design my every step to be your replacement, in the end? Was I, so used to standing tall above others, always destined to stand above all?”

So hopeful, so jovial, so expectant, it caused the grand being a pain she’d not felt in eons to know she must not carry it on into happiness. Were she able, the regretful parts of her soul wished to let her carry on into the enticement as she would have wished to any of her children.

So much joy, taken away with an answer so simple.

“I’m afraid not.”

Yet, Honesty must reign within her, no matter how saddened it made her to watch that face turn dark once more.

“Pity, I almost thought you a better creator than I imagined originally. For a second, it felt worth it.”

“Does it sadden you so, if there was no grand design? No plan laid out from the moment you were born, nothing more than chance bringing you to where you are today? To know there was indeed one who held the pen that wrote your story, and in the end… it was your own? That one day in a snowy mountaintop, a Queen appeared by mere chance, never intending you any harm and instead merely did as any other Queen would do?”

Though she wished to cry out in denial of any innocence in any measure of the foul wickedness that was Variolus, she found she could not when an alien sensation began to creep among her legs. Looking down to the ethereal ones below, she swore she felt an anger within uncharacteristic.

An anger at her, so familiar to the one that lived in her heart.

“How many do you think cursed to the heavens when they found their loved one slain by monsters they would never know? Do you suppose they too declared their pain must be by the design of another wicked ruler, never knowing just how true it was?”

A spite, swirling around her by the dozens, hundreds perhaps. Seeping into the emerald flame that was born of her emotions and power.

“You saved many Changelings in your reign. Yet how many continued on to slay another for their mere status, replaced so they may wear the face of a beloved and steal the very love from their hearts?”

Betrayal, regret, loss, so many things within that light, surrounding her from every side, casting down upon her without eyes a gaze that looked directly into her soul.

“In your dark and lonely nights, you cried out in declaration that the unlikely, the unfavored is what brought you to your knees upon that mountaintop. Yet, it was not I that stood opposite of you that day in battle. It was not I that had plotted to have your daughter replaced so a more favorable Titan could be born. I was not the one who cast you into the cold, who hid you from your kin, who let your kind perish one by one. I was not the one who held her tongue in her head as the numbers became critically low, knowing there was yet one left who might turn back the tide.”


The trill of her power rattled against the confines of her armor, the wicked power of the First True Queen threatening to overwhelm and cast away those who’s light burned in her eyes. Yet, such a power would never come to be, for the light parted before her gaze so that the Highest of High may move past them all, and gaze into the past, the heart, the very soul of the who who stood against her in challenge.

“I was not the one who struck your child.”

To strike at her, as no blow ever could.

It was only after a time passed that the light around her faded, that the one before her stepped back.

That truth, may be spoken.

“Perhaps I could have stopped it all. Perhaps I could have saved you from your fate, nudged that thread to have you stand before my daughter revealed to the world, and usher in an era of peace before the last of the changelings began to fall. It was within my power to sway such a thing, I will not dare lie to you so. As such, I must know with this question. Would you have cursed me just as loudly had I controlled your life to bring it to such a point, as you now curse me for letting a fate befall you that could have been avoided.”

The grand maw of the Titan did not open.

For she had no answer yet to give, as her mind tried to make sense of it all.

“Upon your descent from my creation, the Changelings defied against me and declared they would hold their own fates in their hooves. They would take control of the world of their own choosing, they would be the ones to decided where they may lie when their time on the earth had passed. They would decide which magic they would allow in their land, and it was not my own. Devonia chose this for you all, do you deny this truth?”

She did not, for not even the deceptive heart of a changeling could lie to herself enough she believed it so.

“If that is so, if truly you were to forge your own fate, then who is to blame now when a Queen, starved of love by her own evil, comes across a snowy little town in the middle of nowhere, and decides she must feed as all others had done before?”

Beneath the stern gaze with the weight of a fallen star upon her, there was a sympathy. A regret, a shame, for what had been. There was no malice within each measured word, yet there was no mercy held back to spare her feelings ether.

“Who shall hold the blame, when a wounded soul strikes back at those who wounded them so?”

She nearly cast her gaze to the side, where her ally lie in wait, ready to face their shared foe if only the signal be given. An assurance in battle.

Yet, beneath the hardened gaze, she saw little assurance else to be seen. Were it a trick of her foe, a glint in her eye gone wrong or anything between, she would swear the dark foe held far less love for her than before. A wound still unhealed, after all these years, was glimpsed momentarily before it was hidden away.

She was granted no such mercy to hide such a thing.


“When the Queens, given chance anew, try take another life of by reasons their own, will you nudge the world to protect those they may harm and prevent a rage that may one day knock at your door? Or will you give them the chance to choose their fate in this world, as all others are given. Will you move to end those who may one day challenge you, knocking down any who may yet bring you fear. Or will you allow them to make their grand strides, make their mistakes, and still hope they learn and grow from what has been?”

She was bore down upon by the one she had sought to overthrow, the true holder of the light of this world as she had once seen in her nightmares. No grace of height nor power could shield her away, from the question yet to come.

“How will you rule, Queen Chitania, when the Titan stands as tall as she could ever be?”

The means to strike without a single blow against her, and the one that left the other with no defense.

She could only take that gaze, that shame the question brought forth.

“...as well as I can.”

Stand against it, as she had all others. Knowing she did not hold the answer.

Unwilling, to let that be the end.

Such a sad song played upon the highest’s lips, when at last the silence could stand in paradise, no more.

“Why are you here, Chitania? Is it truly to rage against me, and all I’ve done to you? In vengeance for a fate undeserved? For salvation, to those who deserve it? Why are you here? Tell me quickly, tell me truly… tell me, I ask of you to let me know.

Stillness was not a familiar look for the once proud protector of the changeling race. She was no stranger to being cautious, despite her reputation as a thunderous brute. Contemplation was not beneath her, she’d proven so on cold nights hidden among books, searching for answers. Questioning herself, the universe itself, was as known to her as equally as her prowess in battle. These acts were not unfamiliar to her.

What was unfamiliar was the weight in her chest, the thoughts in her mind that betrayed her assurance. The look on the face of her foes who waited patiently. Not to hear the roar of her charge, only the simple nature of her words.

She had seldom known such a feeling within, when she finally nodded her head in acceptance.

“...It’s true.”

Though her ally started, fearful she had been taken over by a will of mind beyond him, he remained stilled, hopeful that more would be shared.

A hope shared for reasons entirely different, by the one who awaited the next words without breath.

“It’s… true.”

Both witnessed her gaze upon the hooves that had crushed nations, with shoulders slumped low.

“Despite all this power I have… my reasons for being here aren’t Godly, in any sense. I’m not a higher being here to challenge you, I’m not some destined hero.”

They watched her curl them inwards, as if to take hold of those that had long since passed.

“I’m here because… I miss them.”


With those words slipped from her maw, the power she held in visage and stance, broke.

She could only let it all out now.

“I miss those I cared about, who I always seemed to lose despite trying my very best to hold onto them. I miss those stupid, stupid Queen changelings, who always managed to get themselves into trouble. I miss those times when I’d arrive just in time, save them, and we’d… talk. They’d say their thanks, and I’d learn about them, hear their tales, know of who they are, and what they had done. I miss holding my hoof over my friend as the snow fell down, so she may witness the beauty without any falling into her eyes. I miss playing my music to put my child to sleep, so she may have wonderful dreams as she rests. I miss when I loved my sister, and the grand dreams we used to have for our future. I miss them.”

No matter how tightly she grippe, no armor of metal nor shield of emotions could hold back what lie inside, and wished to be heard by the world for the very first time.

“I miss Sunset Shimmer, her ambition behind a kindness and a wile, a mare that just needed someone to believe in her. I miss Sweet Note, a mare who’s life turned downwards yet always held on with a smile and love in her heart. I miss Flash, a broken soul who put himself back together, held to whole by the grips of others who would be there for him. I miss Fizzle, his ambition, his desires, and his need to be something more.”

She saw them.

“I miss the librarian who’s child loved my books so.”

Those images in her mind.

“I miss the songs of the Kirin that would fill the night.”

Those memories of a time passed.

“I miss Rainshine’s smile that held on when I would scowl.”

Those times, when she was happy.

“I miss them.”

Times, that even a Titan could not hold to, before they faded away.

“I miss my family.”

Leaving her alone with only those memories, and nothing else.

“But… most of them, are gone. Most of them were taken away, no matter how hard I fought to preserve them.”

Nothing, save her own two hooves.

“I’m still just, Chitania. I always will be.”

Ones that came together, stomped to the ground just as they had the day she’d become the Titan, a move of triumph and challenge to those who used to be beyond her.

“That’s why I’ll fight you.”

None could tell if it was still the Highest who she saw in her eyes, or if she witnessed her mother, her most hated villain with venomous fangs, or the very embodiment of fate itself as she rose to challenge them once again.

“Call me selfish, I accept it.”

The exact face did not matter.

“Call me a monster, I deserve it.”

For she would meet them all the same.

“Call me shortsighted, narrow, stupid… I’ve earned it.”

Be they god, mortal, or anything between, she held no fear for what was to come.

“But this is the only chance I have left now.”

Only the knowledge, of the last battle to decide her fate.

“Maybe.. the world you made wasn’t some dark and terrible abyss with a fresh coat of paint. Maybe I could have lived more peacefully, if I’d tried.”

It was an admission of defeat, in a way. An acceptance that despite her woes, she was not so brazen to deny the beauty beneath the surface.

If only it had been the deciding bout, she may yet have stood down in defeat, rather than risen for the final war.

“But I would always wish I’d tried to make the world how I wish it would be. A world where Sunset got to be as creative as she was meant to be and bring about all sorts of wonders others couldn’t dream of. A world where Saturnia learned to bake a cake. A world where Autumn got to have her play and wow the Ponies as she imagined. A world where Gerridae learned to swim like she wanted. A world where that librarian got just a moment of peace. A world where Chrysalis could have sat on my lap for a day longer, as I told her another of her mother’s wild adventures.”

A war to bring forth those dreams, impossible as they may seem. A war to bring forth a world that existed only in her mind.

“A world where the drones got to live, like they should have. Not expendable, not forgettable. Alive, to see a sunrise on a world that accepts them. A world where a drone wore no disguise, and yet never felt uncovered.”

A mind that, at last, could hold on no more to the nightmares of a child, and awaken.

“I don’t… hate you.”

She could finally see the light.

“I don’t.”

She could finally accept the truth.

“I don’t hate your world.”

If only it had ended there.

“I just like mine better.”

Instead of beginning, with her smile.

“I don’t know how long it will take to learn. How to untangle this… mess, into a world where everything makes sense, yet I still have my family.”

She looked back, and the stallion nodded once more to give his assurance.

For a beast of darkness she had just met, she was starting to like this one.

“But I have an eternity to figure it out.”

She could already see that sunrise on the horizan.

“I may seem like a god in armor…”

The cosmos rang like the bell of war had been struck when her covered hoof beat to her chest, the power from the strike alone enough to shatter stars as if they were mere clumps of dirt. Boisterous, smiling and proud, the final Champion of the Changelings stood proud.

“But I’m still Chitania, on the inside.”

Content in knowing, who she was.

“And Chitania, is a protector.”

Why she was here.

“You wished to understand me? That is who I am. That’s why I will not give up my fight. It is selfish, it is unfair to those who will be hurt by my actions, for every one I save I will no doubt bring strife to another. I know I do not have the wisdom of a god, not yet. Sunset did not choose me to make this final challenge because I was a god.”

Why, she must win.

“She chose me because… I understand what it means, to be small.”


That battle of the mind was decided.

“You will not sway me to walk away and return, I’ve come too far, I’ve given too much, too many believe in me. If my rule shall bring about the end of the world… so be it. Better to give my all and fail, than to cower without the courage to try. I am the Titan, I am the Protector, I am the Wall-Breaker, I am the one who holds the will of the Changelings, yet above every title I may hold… I am Chitania.”

With a hoof raised to the very heart of the last truly Divine, she declared her victory.

“And I demand you surrender, as you so swore.”

A victory, that brought such regret to her foe.

“It is a pity.”

A pity so fresh, just as it had been from the discussion before, that left her feeling as low as she spoke with a disappointment that would not be hidden.

“A ruler should always have the best interest of others in their heart. To wish to protect those beneath them is as natural as the air that gives one life. To wish for them to pursue their happiness and to fight to the end to see it through is as all rulers should be. To regret a loss, the wish to change what has been to a more favorable outcome, as surely a part of any soul as the light that gives them life. To accept the flaw of favoritism, the need to learn from mistakes and change them, is to accept what truly makes one happy in another and themselves. Perhaps if your ambition had halted there, I may yet have given your place among the stars, and watched with a smile as you grew to be one who belonged there.”

In ways known only to her, there was a defeat they would never truly understand.

“But no ruler should fall to the selfishness of wishing those they hold close to be above the world. To know that such changes will bring strife, yet dreaming so of a day that rises on their joy despite it, is the action of a friend… not for one who must rule. They must accept the good of all, at the fault of few. That some will choose folly and failure despite their very best efforts. No ruler should gaze upon failures by choice, and demand another try. With this, none shall learn, and none shall grow. None shall live save beneath a monster who devours all save the ones who are chosen.”

She rose once more, uncaring that her challenger was not swayed.

“A Queen you may be…”

For she knew the truth, that must be said all the same.

“The one who stands above all, is a title you should not hold.”

She turned to the dark figure who had waited so calmly, peering as deeply into the void as she may see to know what lies beneath, truly.

“Have you nothing to say to her rule? She has said openly what her rule will bring to this world.”

What she found did not impress her.

“It is not my world.”

“Your sister, your loves who live within this world, they are at risk of what her actions will bring should she return the Changelings to life.”


What she saw beneath that shade were thoughts only of his world, of his own success and happiness, one assured with the victory over her that would be held.

“My sister will live in happiness, those I love shall live in bliss, in my world. This one, is of no concern of mine.”

“The changelings shall rule this world, have you nothing to say of that?”

Such a thought struck true to him. Be he powered by the Primal Forces of the realm beyond or mere magic, what lie beneath was still the stallion who had been hurt so by those creatures, in ways that he could not describe.

“...I have nothing to say, of that. My Chitania is a noble heart beneath her bluster and occasional snarl. She is one who truly wished to see the Changelings persevere, yet willing to open her heart to a pony and be swayed when the time came. Perhaps she is as lovely within, and willing to open her heart when the time does come?”

Yet, not so much to sway him, and she must move to the other who stood aside, humming to herself in thought of his words.

“Have you nothing to say for his rule? He will bring about chaos and paradox as that mare brings about irreconcilable contradiction. She will cast them into a fracture of timeline that will bring misery, and eventually, nothingness.”

She too shrugged off the threat to behold, fearless and uncaring beneath the danger just as she had in any clash before.

“I don’t like it, but it’s not my world. He can do what he wishes with his own. Considering how capable he is, maybe he can pull it off? Who’s to say? He seems to know what he’s doing, and from what I know about that pony from my world, he’s a dedicated soul willing to fight against the impossible should it mean protecting his loved ones. If he’s willing to go hoof to hoof with me in a volcano to protect someone, even a changeling… perhaps he may yet win in his world, as he did in mine.”

She could practically hear the stallion preening.

“You care nothing for those changelings who live in his world? You will not protect them, as best you can?”

Though she hesitated, the same fear of loss to those she’d sworn to protect stinging as true for those she’d never met as freshly as those she knew by heart, she eventually nodded in acceptance.

“They are beyond me. I will have to hope he can protect them, as he claims.”

“As I hope she will come to favor all of the world enough they may see the sunlight on equal terms, in time.”

The cosmos themselves seemed to shake as the grand head swayed in distaste.

“You claim to be allies, yet you care so little for the danger that faces the other one?”

“It is of no concern of mine, I’m sure his Chitania will be happy and taken care of.”

“I worry not for this world. She knows the strength of Shining’s heart, she will be kind to his loved ones.”

Despite how at odds they may be, the two shared a nod of a head timed perfectly together as they made their final agreement.


“He is not my friend.”

“She is not my love.”

“But, Sunset trusts him, and that is enough for me.”

“But, Glimmer trusts her, and that is enough for me.”

She stepped forth. He stepped forth with her. They closed the distance, and ensured their foe may not flee.

“Our alliance, is strong.”

“Our might, ready for battle.”

They readied for battle, should her words proved lies.

“You have asked your questions.”

“Now, you must pay the price.”

Thus, came the truth.

“And so…”

Her words, at last, had ended.

“I shall.”

Before her, the Defier, Beast of Deception, the One Who Rejected Harmomy.

Before him, The Essence of Paradox, the Destruction of All, the Nothing Made Manifest.

The One Above All made true her promise.

She bowed her head.

She raised her hooves.

“Finally… we’ve won-”

They felt it, long before they witnessed it come forth.

“I knew she was tricking us!”

Twin streams of cosmic matter erupted from each of her raised limbs with all of the power of the Cosmos themselves, tearing forth through the distance through the vast expanse of reality and breaking past the ever shifting and shattering worlds around them. Time nor space may withstand the might she called and she the infinite of the universe itself seemed to dance upon her hooves. Such was enough to halt their advance, to raise their anger at the betrayal in this time most vital, enough to let loose their cries promising a brutal and relentless war.

“Nothing of the sort, I assure you.”

None of which was enough to take the smile from her face, overcast by the unfathomable energy of the cosmic birthing stars upon her hooves.

“My words are followed, to the spirit. I shall not fight you. Never shall I cast a spell against you, never shall I try to strike you. My place in this battle has been decided, and the power of what is to be is now beyond me.”

They held no belief in her words, not after her display, yet they still cursed themselves for allowing such an omission and trickery to befall them. For a God of the universe to be, they found such matters unacceptable.

They would not make the same mistake twice.

“Were I to bring my full might against you, there shall be no atom that will not hold the scars of our war. We would shake loose the heavens to fall upon every word, and crush the life of all until until we clashed in a dead cosmos. Were I to bring the power to create upon thee, I would only achieve the undoing of everything made down to the last letter in its grand tale. My power was not meant for this world.”

Something appeared within the twin streams on her hooves, a fracturing of reality as it connected two points across an infinite distance as cleanly as bridge across a stream. A small imperceptible speck, too insignificant to be discerned from the cosmic dust that may one day form a star.

“Instead I shall harken to your own words about a belief in others.”


Across reality itself, they were brought.

“For instead, I summon forth two champions.”

Upon one hoof, she held forth a brightness beyond compare. The most luminous star in all the cosmos could never hope to shine so brightly as to be seen within the luster she held. Somewhere within that light, a being of white stirred.

“To challenge the emptiness of the void, the cold of the Nothing, the stillness of death, there shalt be an Avatar of Light. For Light shall fill the void, Light shall bring warmth to the nothing, Light shall bring life upon the stillness of the world. Rise, my Champion.”

Upon her other hoof came the eruption of matter, the ever convalescing ever changing ever forming solidity that may one day hold which light may lay upon, and the lucky few may one day step. Certain in solidity, observable down to the minutia that shall never change, an orange figure stirred in its power.

“To challenge the Deception of the mind, the Lies of the form, and the rejection of the world as it is, there shalt be an Avatar of Truth. For Truth cares not for what is believed in the mind, it shalt only see what is as it has been. Truth cares not for the lies of ones form, seeing only what remains beneath the veil. Truth shalt not bend to the rejection of the world, for the Truth shalt always remain as to what has been, and what will be. Rise, my Champion.”

She held them both aloft, beholding these specks so small to the pair who would bring the world to irreparable ruin. Concepts made real, the embodiment of the very forces of the universe as assured as those they opposed. They grew to match them, in power and in stature, at last able to challenge them on a level beyond the boundaries of the universe.

She poured forth all she may give unto them.

Giving them her power, her blessings.

“Rise, my Children, for this is not my world to rule.”

To those two, most of all, she gave her deepest love, and hope.

“This world is yours to fight for.”

At long last, the battle to decide the fate of all things was met.



>New record for word count(I think, or it’s just for you)

it was worth the wait
Don't need to ask, I got this!

>It's end of the world as we know it, but Applejack feels fine.
>Angel Bunny acquires one wing.
>Pinkie's a mother lover and you're a mother lover, so we should-
>Derpy completes a major order in time.
Oh no>>41142569
>Time Turner thinks his time might be ending.
But is it a racism?>>41149518
>The Crusaders wonder what's a God to a non-believer.
Not stupid that's for sure!>>41127255
>Remembering fanservice!
Ahhh, pleasant days.>>41063665


>Celestia and Luna realize they should have brought a gift for this day

>...Why do Ah' taste every apple that's ever been? What a weird dang power ta' have.


'Hi, Sweetie! Welcome to being the Avatar of Light!'

"WHA-oh, you're going to make me do all the work, aren't you?"

'Well, I did try talking.'

>Doesn't work on that fella, Ah' found. He thinks with the... lower extremities.

'I offered that too!'


'In jest, obviously! Maybe... I mean the real Shining is in there-'


'But yes if you could be making with the hitting right now I would deeply appreciate it.'

"UGGHGHGH! Finnnne!"

'Neat! Now, before you go, where's my gift?'


'Just drop it off right there so it doesn't get smashed.'


'You do remember Mother's Day was this thread, right?'


'My goodness!'


'Luna, darling!'


'Can you believe your sister didn't bring a gift for today!? It's mothers day!'


'You have one, though. Right?...'




'How could you!?'

~Why did thou pick Applejack instead of me?~

'Beehhhaawaway, yeahhhh... huh.'



"You are not distracting her, she holds grudges. Trust me."

'Well I tried.'

>Did Ah' need to bring a gift too?

'Not for me!'

Applejack looks down.

(HI, SWEETIE!... What did you bring me?)

>...Mah'self, of course! Ah'm sorry Ah' didn't visit more!

(Oh you! That's the best present ever!)


~...can we switch-~


~Well we're mad at thee anyway.~

ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED! And PP anon might actually be here tonight. Might not, he might still be working on his graduate application, I'll keep an eye out in case.

Using our logo for Applejack and Celestia's Summer Sun Silhouette is clever.

That said, goddamn. It started with AJ and Celestia dealing with Shining Armor and the Changelings, it's gonna end with AJ and Celestia dealing with Shining Armor and the changelings.

Fucking WILD.

>Huh. Our sister and Applejack seem to have abruptly vanished.


>No doubt in battle to save the universe.

"It would seem so."



>Should we be offended more, or thee?

"I'm only slightly salty."




"I'm getting my agent on the line this contract is BULLSHIT!"

>Whoops, didn't mean to grab you.


>It was going to be Cadence. You know, Applejack's foe is the changeling, Cadence is...


>I'm just saying I'm not seeing a lot of synergy with you two.






>Alright, alright!... would've been cool though to have like the Crystal Empire represent-


>They were important!

>Hey can we timeout real quick.

"...n... no?"

>I'm just curious, you're in a relationship with other me, right? The one from your world?


>Is she like... into it?

"I mean, she seems into it. Seemed into even before, you know."


"... is that it?"

>No, I uh... I've always wondered...


>How's my head game?

"I beg your fucking pardon!?"

>I'm just saying, I don't do it a lot! So I've never really gotten a review on the matter. I've always wondered, and I suppose one who's as whorseish as you would know. Am I... bad at it?



"...Okay fine, she's lovely but she's got the glukgluk game of a mouthless mole. I have to put shields on her teeth because she cannot stop twisting her head and... look, I don't want to disparage her. She's lovely in all other aspects."

>Huh. Well, guess that's expected.

"And that ass game is smoking."


"I mean you got so much back leg control, and that shit claps. You'd swear it would be rock hard, but somehow you got that jiggle with it. Sometimes I just rear back and it's like, AIM."


"Thought you'd stop me."

>I'm just glad I have some game. Thirteen's father never looked all that impressed...

"Well, all the same, we only do that sometimes. Other times are spent on mountaintops, wrestling, enjoying the finest popcorn..."

>That does sound nice.

"It is. It is..."

>...did you fuck my daughter? If I find out you did-

"Wow, no, no no no."


"I already feel bad for killing her."


"Ohhhh I've made a mistake."

Annnd dis is bump.


>After a long debate, Faust bows out of the battle! But in her place, she summons forth Applejack and Celestia to be her champions in her place, it's a battle for the Cosmos themselves!
Oh good. Now that the thread is sinking I can go GodDAYUM that was amazing. Faust disassembling their arguments while explaining the exact reasons they’re not meant to rule, it’s amazing. We got to understand them to their cores and why they need to be stopped without turning them into one note villains. They’re understandable, but flawed.

And of course Applejack and Tia taking center stage, perfections.
Was waiting to post so we didn't sink before people finished reading.

>Faust being motherly, but fun
>Neither Salt nor Chitty actually being able to prove they're worthy of godhood
>Faust still doesn't fight and leaves it to the main characters

The longest debate we've had and it's going to get even crazier, I love it!
Poor Luna, forgotten again

>Honey? Did you want me to handle this? I'm a god of war, I think.

"No thank you, I'd much rather send our child and a far mare out do to it."




>… so, IF I got permission-


>Thats fair, I respect consent.


>But you know that this is the only time you’ll ever get god level sex, right!


>Sorry, didn’t mean to seem pushy-

“I’ll think about it.”


“If we win and they’re fine with it… maybe a quickie.”


>Can we come out now?

“Do not risk me getting my ass beat!”
NEWWWW THREAD >>41150451
I'm awake! Friendship needs some sleep.


"Yer' hooves aren't fireproof!?"

>No you IDIOT why would they be fireproof!? Do you realize how stupid you sound!? OW! OW OW OW-wait a minute.


>Are you fireproof?



"It kinda tickles."

She floats away, ash.

>Son of a


"Finally, we meet in battle! You, my grand failure, the sign of my incompetence and what it may yet bring. You who proved what happens when I fail, what horrors await my giving up! Now I am able to prove that I-"



>Nnnnggh it's jiggling.

"...Oh, mother damn it! MOTHER! Did you make my flanks even BIGGER!?"

~They were supposed to shrink...~



"You can say it."

>I'm just saying if she COULD summon ponies to fight, why stop at two!? Get us all in there, Ballroom Blitz this shit! Mare in the back says everyone attack!

"I'm just as confused."



>...You wanna kiss?


Pinkie Preview

>After a long debate, Faust bows out of the battle! But in her place, she summons forth Applejack and Celestia to be her champions in her place, it's a battle for the Cosmos themselves!

>Applejack unleashes her ultimate technique...er-no it's not apple themed... Sorry, I was meta-gaming a little. Trixie's a firework. DT knows spells too...EXPLOSION! Harry isn't sure if he should choose the mare. Spike gathers his dragon balls. The Crusaders get into a serious of fortunate events. Find out what happens next time on thread 373: My Deerest Friend...and of course Final Countdown fanservice!

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