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/mlp/ - Pony

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Request, draw, submit. Mark requests with ‘/r/’ in the name field or comment field, ‘/d/’ for deliveries, ‘/ic/’ for critiques.
Also, when /r/equesting, try to provide a reference image, to make it easier for drawfags to fulfill your request.

- Don't spam or bump your requests.
- Don't respond to the spam. Just report and hide it and move on.

Previous Thread:

The OP header image and all other images from the previous Draw Threads can be found in the

>Draw Thread Information -
>/mlp/ drawfag improvement -
>Pony Drawing Tutorials -
Requesting that all of our drawfag friends give themselves a pat on the back. Thanks for all you do to keep the community alive.
ponify your mom
Anon asking Trixie how much it costs to kiss her ass.
Dubs and (You) must draw your favorite pony sitting on your face. Bonus for giant pony.
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>Loose Crack is a craftsmare who has never seen a piece of furniture she couldn’t fix, counting everyone from the residents of Cloudsdale to Canterlot’s elite among her varied clientele.

>Soggy Squirt’s hoof-stomped wine is a mainstay in Equestria’s fine dining scene, so popular that bottles can often be found on the black market despite a lack of scarcity.

>Nutty Juice is famous for her invention of the now-ubiquitous protein substitute of the same name, popular with ponies of all ages and dietary needs.

>Hot Dingus, credited with the creation of the first magic-driven engine, is a household name well-respected in scientific circles worldwide.

>Holy Butt, so named by the Yakyakistanis who raised her, proudly serves as both a ritual combat referee and Equestrian ambassador to the nation her heart still calls home.

>Rancid Knob established Equestria’s first waste disposal service, singlehandedly increasing Ponyville’s life expectancy by several years and setting a standard for hygiene that lasts to this day.

>Sticky Spill and Sticky Bits are siblings who, after earning their claim to fame with the invention of crystal-based synthetic resin, have gone on to spearhead conservation efforts for endangered plant species found only in the Badlands.

>Smutty Belly is a famed luthier and personal friend of Octavia Melody, often seen tinkering with her many instruments or dreaming up new ones in her expansive workshop.

>Best Whiz is a leading expert in the field of caseiculture, second to none in regard to the sheer number of cheese varieties her dairy produces. Her proudest creation is a type of cheese that remains liquid at room temperature.

>Thick Cuddles is an artisan and toymaker, beloved by foals and fillies across the land for her adorable stuffed dolls. She is rumored to be working on a toy that can withstand the wrath of a playful manticore.

>Messy Lips is a civil engineer, best known for her grand dam designs and intricate yet elegant waterworks systems. She enjoys building putt-putt courses in her free time.

>Naughty Scent, a candlemaker renowned for her ability to turn even the most outlandish ingredients into delightful aromas, attributes her talent to a deep-seated spirit of optimism.

>Jovial Wink is a standup comedian distinguished by her incredible storytelling and “quick wit, slow delivery” style of deadpan humor. She is known most (in)famously for her recent act, “The Sun Can’t Win For You”.

>Strong Seeds is a veterinarian-turned-horticulturalist-turned-biologist committed to documenting and domesticating the many plants and animals of the Everfree Forest. Labeled as multipotentialite from birth, her almost uncanny ability to bridge the gap between any two fields of study has brought her no shortage of prestige and acclaim.
>reposted with reddit spacing
Better readability
I don't know what kind of retards you keep company with but the first one was perfectly readable.
The ghost of Anon haunting a portapotty in Ponyville.
anon may have dyslestia i mean dyslexia
>I don't know what kind of retards you keep company with
Redditors, clearly.
kek you forgot to remove the /r/ from your name
>The Sun Can’t Win For You
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Once again humbly requesting an mlp version of this
Lyra trying to cook human food.
>that but with rares
fuck yea
Requesting Messy Lips playing minigolf
A mail order pony bride from Equestria.
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this but its anon looking at flutters on his phone
See >>41094693 since he forgot to say /r/
>Cheez Whiz reference
I kneel
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Yellowhoof Heysel wants a hug, will you give her one?
Nice bios.
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Requesting Anon sniffing Derpy's wingpit. She should look confused or unaware of Anon being weird.
cute CUTE
/r/ Smutty tuning an instrument
>removes helmet
>her head looks like a giant mushroom
Anon cracking his knuckles and a pony trying to imitate it with their hooves.
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requesting ponies trapping Anon in a horse thread
Are /bale/ anons allowed in here
No, only high effort intermediate level or higher is allowed.
someone will shitpost at them but it's not like they can stop you
Is the old OP dead? The one that took a /d/ from the previous thread and edited it to include "Draw Thread"?
new thread makers have just not decided to edit them for whatever reason
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ponify this with diamond tiara or silver spoon
Sweetie Belle riding on Rainbow Dash's back as Rainbow is flying fast. Sweetie is barely hugging onto Dash's neck, scared while Rainbow is happily flying.

Say, Sweetie had to get somewhere fast and Rainbow was her best solution.
I miss the old OP images and wish I was around when a new thread started to continue the tradition
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The royal guard when Loose Crack comes in to fix the throne
This image with one of the princesses and a guard
NEED cute crystal spa mares
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Marble doing something cute
Great job anon.
>Smutty Belly
This is the only one I can't make the link to the name. How does it relate?
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I just so happened to have done that 5 days ago.
Autumn blaze's hoof puppet wearing a Mitch Conner makeup and a war helmet.
NTA but the belly is another name for the soundboard of a violin or similar instrument, and according to google smut is an old word for soot
Huh. Neat.
Whoa, very cute!
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>I have a sister, you know. Her name is Incontinentia Buttocks
>from offscreen: "No it isn't!"
>"I have a vewy good fwiend fwom saddwe awabia named Biggus Ponus."
Perfection, thank you Anonymous Maximus
Guardian Angel a good pon
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this pic but its applejack with the same look on her face and a mug of cider between her hooves
Requesting tiny pony maids
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Requesting bushworld rick to be edited to look like discord
Do you find it wisible when I say the name Mareus…Flareus?
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you mf
Will she hold it in?
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ponyfy the toad box, make all the toads in the box anonfillies
preferably have some of them reeeeing
This, but with Pinkie Pie
microsoft paint. Keep it in the same style as the picrel
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requesting a pony aggressively missing a boop.
>....stick a cupcake in your eye
Requesting Twilight showing off her new Fanny pack to Rarity
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Requesting Anon going hiking with your choice of pony
Requesting Sweetie Belle angry at Rarity. Reason for the anger to be determined by the artist.
this, but rain shine (the kirin queen/chief/leader)
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Welostify this, please.
Bonus points for a windmill and/or water feature
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/r/ Flehmen response.
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is this ok?
I always think back to that one Thingpone comic
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requesting Anon taking a bunch of changelings home to play games with
(They're all bad)
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I found this old comic about a big guy that goes around avenging horses. Can anything be done with it?
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He's not just on horses, he's got a bit of a temper for everything.
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d/r/aw anypony saying this
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he was fun to draw ngl
This but the pony is telling you to pay more attention to Nyx
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/r/ this smug-ass horse being flown on a leash like a kite
This but with Dyx.
The original brony.
Cute mare on his head.
File deleted.
I like to think he’s one of the first Anons in Equestria, helping give rise to the stereotype that humans are kind but take no shit from anyone, especially when it comes to protecting the innocent
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He's a good feller.
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Wrong pic
This is nice. Good for him.
Applejack giving Spike a bath.
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Dash looking dashing.
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I drew this a few months ago, does that count?
so okay, 'Everett True visits Equestria'. Fine, all the lovely ponies, great.
But what sets him off? You know he's eventually gonna get pissed at something there. What will it be? Derpiderp? Maybe some mare complains about his cigar?
I can seriously imagine him being Futters in 'Putting her hoof down' during the second half where she starts acting over assertively
Teenage dragons acting rowdy
necklet fillers lol
god damn that is a sharp horn. Fucking needle head over here.
not shittalking, it's just funny
good thing she didnt miss and poke apple blooms eye out..
no offense taken will make a mental note for nextime to not make it so sharp
>no offense taken
Cool. Never sure with artist types. Some of y'all are so goddamn sensitive lmao
cute dummy
her targeting cursor needs calibration
Anon rescuing Rarity from the toilet. Grabbing her hoof and trying to pull her out as the toilet is trying to pull her in.
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Ponify, pretty please.
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Ponify this using Capper
or should i say catify this kek
Cute fillies.
fluttershy doing the pedro pedro meme
This is nasty as shit
Apple Bloom POV https://youtu.be/o5p80IIyn-I
kek so good
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ponify this?
Ponify and lewdify please. Steamy makeout sesh
only if it involves me
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>they're teasing anon with the erotic mare display

Okay, now I'm wanting them to also be slightly chubby with some dark teat-cleavage in a crotchbra
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this pic but with Tirek with a forehoof on the skateboard and discord gesturing to the empty pool with a wicked smile on his face
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Requesting zebra influencer giving a non-breathing stallion a life advice
Sounds hot as fuck
Requesting Octavia for my birthday
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Can I get a filly version of this?
skoots is best filler
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happy birthday friend
not him but baste
undeniably cute
Ok I will
no, no and no. faggots
not OR but that's a great birthday burro.
I love donk
So cute!
It’s graduation season. Please draw filly in her gown and cap all grown up and finally graduating from kindergarten.
Damn, forgot the /r/ AND forgot to delete the reply I clicked to open the text box. Big winner here today.
its okay anon, we all have our moments i made like ten unrelated posts elsewhere before i realized i still had / r as a name
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goth glimmer lewds
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I don’t understand the meme but I love a cute Scoot!
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/r/ Anon, among ponies who don't care about his presence, trembling
Caption says "I feel uncomfortable around short horsies, what if they give me head"
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Requesting a pony running away from his or her own shadow.
Hard mode: no anonfilly.
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Ponify this with Seabreeze or any other Breezie
pg 10 bump
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ponify this with fluttershy or anypony of your choice
Floorb would be a good fit for this imo
An adult Flurry Heart angrily dragging away Cozy Glow by the ear. Ideally Cozy would still be a filly.
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Blessed. Thanks drawfren
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Thank you so much friend
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anon mid air flying off derpy's back in a perfectly stiff pose like pic related because she just ran face first into a cloud
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I met a scorpion this morning. She seems nice, ponify pls?
damn lyra is hot in those shorts
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Any chance someone could remake this classic of Anon doing a silly dance with anonfilly or anonmare?
>Inb4 it's been done before and I missed it
Isn't it from a porn comic?
if you mean the shino one then it's trash since its wasted on furry tier pony on pony subject matter.
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>furry tier pony on pony
What kind of insane bait is this anon? You've gotta be more subtle than that, even if you're bumping a dying thread. Maintain some class.
I'm not joking. the majority of mlp porn is pony on pony shit or horsecocks with all telltale signs of furfaggotry in the art style. horsefuckers don't need to self-insert as a horse to find horse pussy hot, furries do.
Imagine being the kind of person who looks at pony, porn or otherwise, and demands that it involve humans. Sad, really.
Imagine wanting to look at human penis
to be fair, I'd like more depictions of me hugging my wife too.
I don't, I just want to see animal dick, furfag.
Imagine her sticking her tongue out, panting. Then imagine lightly grasping her throatchin and then licking directly on her tongue. The pony would be breathing a lot. She'd be so exhausted you could lick all day.
>I don't, I just want to see animal dick, furfag.
ahem, *don't want to see animal dick. the air in this place is already warping my speech.
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Freudian slip
what about my post isn't true? look at all the shit on derpi, only furfags like to watch animals fucking. every other non-furry degen just wants to actually fuck the characters.
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fuck all the bullshit time for cute obscure background amres
>my degeneracy is better then your degeneracy and I'll take any opportunity to boast about it
>my degeneracy is better than your degenracy
Yes. only furries will seethe at this fact unironically.
>what about my post isn't true?
Your post falls apart in the first sentence btw.
>the majority of mlp porn is pony on pony
pony on pony action has 2700 tags and human on pony action has 13300
just learn to use filters newfag
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The only one reeeing around here is you, buddy.
Less argue more drawgue
My brother in Christ, I think you need to seriously consider that you are taking your own personal preferences and turning them into codified rules that simply don’t exist. You’re seeing ghosts where there are none, and I don’t know if you’re just having a rough day or sperging out a little or what, but if you think telling /mlp/ that pony-on-pony makes you a furry I think you need to take a breather. It’s cool if you like humans, man, but come off it with this extemist, black and white, “everyone who disagrees with me is a furry” nonsense. You’re clearly being a little bit silly.
Rainbow Dash and Rarity arguing over who has the prettiest ponut. Dash thinks her ponut's awesomeness wins the debate but Rarity argues the fashionability of hers should make it supreme. They take it to Anon and ask him who has the prettier ponut while both presenting to him.
this but they're arguing over actual donuts instead of horse assholes.
Anon arguing with a random stallion over whose dick is better, while two lonely mares in the background look at each other.
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need to see this meme ponified
this, no notes
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Rare Capper /d/, neat
not OR but good kot
Nice thanks
Sick as a dog, requesting nursepons
I laughed like an idiot at this idea.
Please draw a changeling enjoying cuddling with another stallion, then in the next panel when anon catches him/her and yells "HEY! Bad bug!" the 'ling goes full retard chihuahua feral growling and biting said stallion with no seriuos injuries
Feel better anon.
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I think what he wants is anon scolding a bug for being cuddly with his gay horse, and the bug, being a retard, fruitlessly gnaws on the gay horse in response to the scolding.
Think the dog thinks "I'm mad" and then "wait it's time for aggression" and then bites the wrong target.

With changelings, this has a different meaning, since the stallion is literally their prey.
male 'ling or female 'ling with mare or stallion. I'm not picky and any combo is still gonna be funny.
not really referring to any existing scenario. Just the idea of the 'ling panicking and just acting like the cuddle-ee was an intruder even though the 'ling was caught in the act (and looking completely retarded) was a hilarious thought. Though the description "wait it's time for aggression" as a cover for them misbehaving isn't far off
Thinking on it now, wouldn't be out of place with two 'lings being caught by Chrysalis and they both go full retard too
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/r/ this with human anon and a pone of your choice
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Ponify this with applejack and apple bloom and replace lemonade with apple
d/r/aw bon bon doing cuddling or cute stuff with anon
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/r/ Nyx attempting to comprehend and draw this prompt
Hot damn! I can fap to this!
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Just need more pictures of my stinkin filly, lol
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This is a fucking BANGER
it hurts I can't be a part of that forever mini-herd
Shockingly good ship.
Best goddamn delivery I've seen in a WHILE. And originating from EQG slop, no less!
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here ya go friend. hope you're feeling better
11/10 delivery, very mare
I fucking love mares so much dude you don’t even know
literally me, by sunbutt
Day 3 and 4 so far have been much better, thanks. Cute definitely-not-a-cognitohazard Reddy. Side note, it is not written anywhere on the bottle, but do not take Flu syrup an hour or more before eating your first meal of the day.
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someone please ponify this furry shit
Requesting AppleJack beating Rainbow Dash cause lesbian abuse
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ponify this
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/r/ ing this face but as anonfilly. I was honestly surprised to be unable to find this already existing, you will be doing the world a great favour
Minuette flossing. (Whichever interpretation you prefer.)
this is the best pic in the thread
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No, this one >>41115624 is.
With Rarity please, she's the one not tainted in the end of a show.
the only reason she's "single" is because she is already getting pounded by gigachad spike on a nightly basis.
>thinking the twitter headcanons matter
The only one who canonically got fucked is Pinkie, as evidenced by Weird Al admitting it and their spawn existing.
If you wouldn't help out a pal with chores then you're no real friend.
two anons in a knife fight while derpy looks on at them with a confused look
(theyre fighting over her)
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Vaporwave styled pones are cool, so ponify this
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Requesting this salute gesture with anon filly, make it look like a vector from the show pls
anon sitting with his laptop hitting the f5 key on the drawthread expecting someone to deliver his request
Safari Anon on the hunt for the last drawfag.
this all those other ships are bullshit.
eqg-ify this but replace moon dancer with sunset shimmer.
This but with the flag of Bhutan.
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Good enough?
Based fellow Bhutan enjoyer
Makes me very happy
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requesting a mare asking if you're a demopat or a rebooplican
Very nice.
Do you have a problem with Bhutan, Anon? Why do you hate Bhutan?
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ponify this
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It is time once more to request this ponification.
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d/r/aw this with your favorite mare saying this
requesting a ponification of your favourite album cover
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Humbly requesting a sweet Mr. and Mrs. Cake drawing to combat the approaching faggotry. Preferably, she would be pregnant, because I like that and it emphasizes something lesbians can never do.
extreme funny, showed all my friends
qt drawing anon
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Your favorite pony dressed as a little witch.
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/r/ing instead Rainbow saying to anon "What the hey do you mean 'Oh no, it's the June horse'?!"
Alternatively "I'm not a dyke, you dumb faggot monkey!" with Flutter or pic related in BG reacting to it
Great job
Millie is such a good mare, protecting the foals from such harsh language.
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ponify this
An origami mare able to slip under doorways by folding herself flat.
/r/ origami mares sending themselves through the mail to sad anons
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Made this
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we truly live in a society
>horn holding
Words every Twifag wants to hear.

very unf
requesting maud chilling with Lily from duolingo
cheeky nerd correction
>best pony
>VERY unf
I cannot overstate how incredibly good this is.
I didn't know I needed this until now
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draw this meeting of the wizardly pones
besides the hair that outfit is really hot
Skirts on ponies are always hot af.
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Requesting this mare being forced to sing the “Ding Fries are Done” song and doing it unenthusiastically
Good fucking god I haven't thought of that video in so long
This meme could register to vote
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Ponify this with Trixie
How to do you guys write up commissions? The only ones I think of seem too short and non-descriptive
Now do one with Pinkie.
generally I have a character in mind, as well as a pose and scene (if it's something complex)
and, when all else fails, I mspaint a rough idea of it so the artist knows what the fuck I'm talking about.
>horn grab
Thanks for the new fetish
That meme can drink, anon
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Hello. I'm trying to do something with NMM and this is what I have so far. The main thing bothering me is her raised foreleg, which I can't seem to really get to look right. Pointers for it (or anything else) would be appreciated.
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just remember your shapes, pony "arms" kinda act like normal arms (the hoof is the knuckle/fingertip joint), and that horses are 3D where they live.
I'm nowhere near good enough to comment on the leg, but I can say that there shouldn't be enough perspective to make that much of a difference in wing size - make the left one larger, more like the right one
this is an awesome tip, tysm
just remember there are a lot of resources to pull from in the OP
Draw Nyx excited to go to work on Monday morning
This, but it’s still Nyx. Why don’t you draw my sweet baby girl?
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Thank you! I'll probably still fiddle with it but I do dislike this a lot less than the original attempt.
That and lots of stuff under "how to draw" tag on the pony boorus. Since it's all pony-focused.
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ponify this
Nice ass.
The your art style looks familiar, do you have a artist tag?
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Already done a few of these, posted them in bale. I find it is a fun way to practice. Anyway here is a fresh one for you. Wanted to try something new so not my favorite but in my top 3 for sure.
fluttershy angrily pounding on a door and yelling "ARE YOU FRYING CHICKEN IN THERE?"
Ancient arcane knowledge is being shared, powerful meeting, very productive, amazing job drawfriend, thank you
I like that artstyle.
NMM cute.
>on the other side of the door is anon at a large switch connected to a little electric chair with a nervous-looking chicken strapped to it
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Today is Killdozer anniversary day, and also Chrysalis Day according to EqD.
So, requesting Chrysalis driving the Killdozer.
I think that I took your idea some time ago and forgot it was yours lol, it's a nice concept, i'll try to see if I can cook up something in bale too
Requesting Fluttershy beating the absolute shit out of Jax from The Amazing Digital Circus
Some of these requests are hyper autistically specific and dumb. I can't believe some of you think that somebody would happily draw these for free.
Requesting Thingpone in a talent competition tentacle tap dancing while wearing a stylish top hat and using one of her secondary mouths to play the harmonica at the same time.
Dan from Dan Vs plays the role of Simon Cowell and is unimpressed, calling her act “hyper autistically specific and dumb.”
Requesting a pony
Discord wearing a wacky arm waving inflatable tube man as a scarf
Rarity telling Anon she has a reservation at Dorsia.
>haven't drawn anything in several months
>decide to try and /d/ something here
>be way out of practice now apparently
>utterly fail to sketch anything even remotely okay looking for three hours straight
>get progressively more frustrated and disheartened
Well shit.
To be an artfag you have to fight against your own brain discarding a useless skill
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/r/ this with a mare of your choice
one frame is fine
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/r/equesting picrel ponified as a Pegasus. I like collecting tokidoki unicornos. This one is called Edelweiss.
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Ponify this with Big Mac and Appel Bloom
I can't believe my eyes - an /d/!
This but chrysalis is transformed into the killdozer and is raping Thomas the tank engine while he makes that shocked face he does like in ytp
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rip in peace candyass and shiny
she can plow me any time
Can we get just Killdozer-Mare?
>With what sound breaks the last straw of mare's patience?
>With a sound of a bulldozers engine reving up.
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Very pretty new friend!
I like your artstyle a lot, good stuff
Very cute and regal
Amazing work.
I love her
Cute mare.
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Draw Cadence and Peppino discussing about peetzer
your self as a pone
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Thank you for the mom pone and the you pone.
Your mom seems like a real g. I’m glad to have another mom pone to make me smile.
Draw some Friday, maybe?
kino as a muthafucka
Cute nice milf.
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Ponify this with Cozy Glow instead of Steven Universe
feel free to either ponify Charlie and Pim or not
...But Cozy never got traumatized. She was traumatizing other ponies instead.
I'd say getting put in a cage and then being turned to stone is pretty traumatizing.
I mean ponies aren't naturally like that, something had to have happened to her to fuck her up like that.
Anyway, she's not the type to cry while tl;dr'ing about stuff.
have you considered she might just be a sociopath
ok so i need to add this context
Pim and Charlie are traumatized by her actions and they call the cops or Royal guards on her
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this but its anon and sci twi and he should have an EQG dvd in his hand in the first panel
also the first panel text should be
>a lot of people were thinking "what is this a gay ass barbie knock off or somethin?"
kek I recognize her
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ponify this
The joke requires fingers though
ponify this with anypony comforting anon while he says this
Requesting anon playing a plinko machine, but it's a ponko machine
Magic hand?
Anon watches Celestia and her shadow fall on him
I don’t into EqG, but this is a pretty good setup, I’ll second.
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this but its applebloom eating the orange
and aj mad at her in the background
sorry i forgot to say
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rate my rainbow dash
cute / 10
you did the mane good
five outta five stars, cute
epic thx
please do poast moar, hand drawn stuff is kino
It's all hand drawn.
The word you're looking for is traditional art lmao
thx, unfortunately thats all i have mlp related.
i was bored at work so i decided to draw rainbow dash, im glad it turned ok.
will draw more next time
oh shudup, you know what i meant
besides calling it traditional art feels very alien to me, makes it sound like youre talking about a painting
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Still a WIP
better than i could have ever imagined lel thanks
I’d cum inside of her.
Looking swell.
I am excited
Fucking kek
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make bren here into anon wearing AJ's hat with AJ herself wrapped around his right leg looking up at him expectantly
You could be drawing Nyx right now but instead you're just wasting your fucking life. You're just withering away minute by minute, hour by hour, accomplishing nothing and slowly turning back into the inert matter you hijacked to maintain your body. Today was yet another day without Nyx, and it's all your fault. Every second that passes without Nyx is another failure added to your long, long list of missed opportunities.
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I am once again humbly requesting a ponification.
Sorry, all I got is Dyx
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kek, have a lil sketch
Anon going to Applejack's farm and ordering a load of horse apples.
this request is shit
yeah that's on point
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Requesting Twilight "princess" Sparkle reacting to a new frien, or Sci-Twi reacting to a new magical artifact.
today's my birthday /r/ing a dash and scoots :)
i should say that more often below my Rs
"hai guyzz iz my birfday :DDDDDDDDDD"
i would get a delivery every time i bet
Only if you add the :DDDDDDDDDD after it.
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Quick lil sketch for you anon
This is quite good. I'm sure CPS will save Golly.
I mean statistically speaking it's probably some Anon's birthday almost every day.
thank you very much anon, it is perfect
Requesting this ponified
Which pony?
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Kinda finished this one.
Checked and beautiful.
You're the anon who did the cheerleader Twilight drawing too, right? Do you have a tag?
Rainbow Dash, or whoever you like!
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Will probably finish colouring in the morning lel, also fix text font but in the mean time here u go :v
KEK great work so far, I love it!
fucking adorable
Why do I feel like you saw the new Sseth vid today?
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Requesting older Rainbow Dash on the left and older Lightning Dust on the right.
"I'm a Wonderbolt!"
"I made five."
ponify this
the original says verbally harass online
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d/r/aw anypony holding this sign
I do it in person as well
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is this it?
Skellinore & Cheerilee.
its her independence day, draw some lewd of pearl shine
instead go in public dressed like said imaginary women to get the guys who.. jerk off to.. uh.. imaginary women..

What's the plan here exactly?
Primarily to insult weebs, I'd imagine.
Cute based mare.
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scoots screaming as she falls off the equestria world trade center on pony nine eleven with a bucket of water in her hooves
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also the text edit
The eyes are too close to each other. Other than that, nice job.
Eyes, got it, I keep forgetting horse eyes anatomy
Yeah the bridge between the eyes is much wider on a pony than a human. Not as wide as a real horse, but still wider.
based mare, thank you friend
Coco Pommel's ponut.
pls make it pony
Cute filly.
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/r/ing a ponification of this
that but with trixie would be kewl
>places her in foster care in your dimension because of a paperwork mix up they didn't care to fix because they work for the govt.
Do you go the path of dad-anon or be a cliche pervert?
>inb4 both
Pervert with a master/slave dynamic, attempting to properly correct her. No matter how much raping it takes.
Hnnnng my heart
thanks, i like it
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Ponify this and you have the liberty to put any pony you want
Now make a version without wings
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Finished her yesterday, isn't a delivery, you can have her anyway cuz this is her home.
I love her, thank you
i dig the eyes there
I love her!
requesting AJ and her mom, younger or not
A pony wondering how it's equinly possible to be this tired.
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Ponify this rock formation I saw in Fårö recently. Although officially this formation is called a dog then I can clearly just see a pony there
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anon sitting at his laptop coming to terms with the fact that every r he makes will only ever be glanced at as drawanons scroll the thread
Adult twist making candy
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Hey! yeah it's me. And no i don't have a tag just posting art :P

PD: more mareeeees :PPP
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And aryanne
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anon in place of this dude
would make a good reaction pic
very nice flutters :D
Oh my...
messy haired and breedable
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rquesting a change of color to make this drawing be Littlepip from Fallout equestria
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That's a cute Golly.
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Breath sharing?
>It is the way horses greet each other. They put their noses together and share breath. It is also done by old friend members of the herd as reinforcement of the bond and friendship. It is a privilege when a horse wants to share breath with a human. It is acceptance, acknowledgement and a shared experience.
What a cute
saffron masala saying this
would have been better with any other pony
oh hush
No one asked you filthy habernigger.
I fucking love your art
Wish you had socials
Seconding this >>41158734. Your style is super adorable bro, and you can actually draw humans worth a damn.
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Wasn't expecting Rara, she looks pretty cute. Thank you for the delivery.
>windmill spin le wrong way
Every time. Very cute though
Cutie marks are mirrored. One side will be backwards.
such a good golly right there mang
Can somebody draw anonfilly or Sergeant Reckless shooting a tommy gun with this pose/expression?
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meantwi giving anon a wingjob
>not evil twilight
baka my head
Since the 24 hours of Le Mans just finished, requesting some pones in race cars
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Attempts at imitating AnonTheAnon's style.
gud chin
Cute pone grr >>41160972
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the ponut of eternity
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dash throttling scoots from behind with her hoof-hands
Industrial strength mares.
.....a bottle of em?
Oh, you know.
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Requesting an anon going through mare withdrawal
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Twilight or luna in this outfit
She looks so comfy sleeping, which means that tuesday will be extra harsh
Draw adult Nyx starting a private security business with her cutie mark as the logo
Looks 3D.
Yeah you got me lol

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