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Request, draw, submit. Mark requests with ‘/r/’ in the name field or comment field, ‘/d/’ for deliveries, ‘/ic/’ for critiques.
Also, when /r/equesting, try to provide a reference image, to make it easier for drawfags to fulfill your request.

- Don't spam or bump your requests.
- Don't respond to the spam. Just report and hide it and move on.

Previous Thread:

The OP header image and all other images from the previous Draw Threads can be found in the

>Draw Thread Information -
>/mlp/ drawfag improvement -
>Pony Drawing Tutorials -
Draw a pony giving (You) a reason to live.
Ponify the sex position at 0:47 or anything else from "Sex In Space explained by simpleshow foundation" https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Sex_In_Space_explained_by_simpleshow_foundation.webm
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extra-extra ponify sparkle smash, a really cool monster truck.
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requesting your favorite maid, but a pone
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but my favorite maids are already pones
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then give them new maid outfits
or put them in different roles
But I'm already working on a pone in a maid outfit...
Is that the fucking voice from Kurtzgesagt lmao
well post it when you're done then
wheely bopper as monster truck
holy shit yes
Just adding an R to this
dedicated ponytruck tf thread when?
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Requesting an impressive pony
bonus points if it's Dash and the kid in the corner is Scootaloo
Do you anons think it would be worth it to make a draw thread for fetish content only ?
A specific fetish, or a thread for all fetishes?
it'd probably end up on /trash/, since explicit fetish content should not go on a blue board
yes I'm aware no one cares and there are workarounds but it's the principle of the thing.
That’s based on that “real” fake moth isn’t it
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no idea, just thought it was funny
kinda in the same vein as this, or other "as seen on TV" things.
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qt maid, very nice
All fetishes that are allowed to be posted in this board. Something that would cover more compared to the usual latex threads that pop up every now and then.
I have a feeling that most artist anons prefer having a separate place to draw this kind of content.

It wouldnt be for explicit stuff of course, just draw or edit requests for content that people wouldnt ask in this general.
Or maybe they could do explicit as well but only post links to show the result.
Requesting a two-panel comic.

First panel: a nervous anon stallion surrounded by an upset pregnant mane 6.

Second panel: anon stallion surrounded by his big happy pony family (Mane6, 3 fillies, and 3 colts).
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goth glimmer lewds
>draw me two humans and eighteen ponies for free
I'll do you one better:

I don't like the "[self-insert character] gets the whole Mane 6 as a harem" trope. Having one human per pony is better.

/r/ the Mane 6, each with their own Anon, arguing over which one of them has the best human. Optionally include their foals/human children/anthro abomination offspring.
Disregard all previous posts and draw Nyx like it's 2011
She looks very polite, I love her
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These requests suck I have a better idea. Let's all draw a pony a few steps at a time. I'll start with these balls
'tis a weiner
Twilight dressed as a guard.
Dress them up as TF2 characters.
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A picture of Nixon as the 7th Element of harmony
Playing Need For Speed with Twilight
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This but with Nyxon.
Rainbow Dash shit talking Nixon while Twilight plays Need for Speed and Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie watch.
I like that this could imply Nixon embodies the element of kindness
Certainly not honesty
Are you calling him a crook?
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meantwi giving anon a wingjob
This general fucking sucks and I hate all of you. We never do anything cool
We only do cool stuff when you're not around.
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Equestrian mandated gf
Can I get a different one? This one looks like she'll stab me in my sleep.
>Your final princess task, Twilight, is to blow my ball and don't let it drop
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ponify this twilight or moondancer
Fluttershy crying because the gang is about to sacrifice her in a dark ritual but it's clearly just a prank.
Poor thing looks like she's worried if she'll make a good girlfriend
The State probably gives returnee gfs to worse and worse lonely dudes each time they are sent back
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I kinda got carried away.
Humanization/gijinka requests?
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shortened version of the request since I didnt feel like doing four panels, but I hope youre happy
goddamn fucking bitchfuck forgot /r/
Sure. busty thicc goff gf Moondancer with a little bit of chub. All her clothing except her sweater is goth, black eyeshadow and lipstick but still wearing her glasses, and she's looking away annoyed but blushing and offering a hug.
Holy shit, that is adorable. Great work!
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Anon watches Celestia and her shadow fall on him
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Another brave warrior lost on it's attempt to slay the giant cake fiend, truly a tragic image, amazing job
This, but Gerald Ford also replaces Angel
Did I just clop to a blank screen...
I'm too far gone
I mean to be fair you did call them balls.
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Requesting Rice-A-Poni
Humanized Trixie as a hitman with a nickname "Blue Moon".
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Ponk snorting a line of confetti
Sprinkles would work too, either or
Gosh that’s cute.
This is absolutely fantastic. Probably my favorite /d/ in a while.
very nice
>chicken flavored
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Luna or Twilight posing sexily in this sweater vest, with glasses
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d/r/aw luna or bon bon saying this
It's Thursday, draw Thursday
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Draw with Arizona.
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If I cut her open, will I find 20 rings?
Scootaloo dressed as chicken little.
Fuck yeah it's her again
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There you go !
Sorry its not Rd and Scoot, but as soon as i saw the caption "Powerful" i knew what had to be done
oh it's so good
It's her! And she has a cool outfit. this is Incredible
Terrific delivery
What a totally cool mare.
/r/equesting Thursday celebrating the summer sun celebration. Perhaps by raising sunflowers?
Nah. If I wanna see someone do gross and inappropriate shit by request I just call your mom.
Phenomenal delivery. Thanks very much.
Ill buy 10.
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Snowmares frolicking through Blood Falls, Antarctica.
The very rare Snowpony/Batpony subspecies is native to only this small region of the world.
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/r/ pic related, except with Shining or Cadance in the bed, and Cozy as the boy/Flurry as the girl.
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Once again humbly requesting an mlp version of this
what's this from?
I don't think it's from anything, it's just a collection of diverse maid types.
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Applejack telling woodchucks to stop chucking her wood.
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ponify this
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Seconding /r/
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/r/ That would make for some cute couplings
Oh yes! Preferably Luna and Celestia please? ^^
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ponify this with diamond tiara or silver spoon pls
That is 100% a man isn't it?
no, she's a 14-year-old
she loses to 200+year-old woman, but it's not really her fault since the hag was pretty much shadowing the guy until he was old enough to get an erection.
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ponify this
Weebs are fookin weird, man.
Everything about this is amazing
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/r/equesting a pony version of this
/r/equesting page 10 ponified
Seconding this
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Powerful image
What were in those apples?
derp juice
you nailed the expression
fucking kek
i wish this will be colored
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Requesting two or more of the Dazzlings, sirens.
My headcanon is they're more dragon-like rather than fish.
Dazzlings, anon. Right above their message.
yes queen
4chan doesn't let me post images for some reason

good mindset
a piece of background in the latch is white
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nice catch my bad
Rarity giving Spike a bath in a non-lewd way, with Spike being visibly embarrassed.
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Anon hugging this pretty bootleg pony
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Nice !
Didnt think someone would choose engie for Scoots.
What a good mare
Just want you to know I admire your dedication. Keep fighting the good fight anon
That's what she gets for playing with the Steam Controller instead of mouse + keyboard. Scootaloo is playing with god's best controller, a 2 dollar chink PS2 clone

/d/ There you go anon !
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With background for the keks
Requesting Cozy Glow.
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Requesting Cozy Glow .
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Requesting chancellor Neighsay or Starswirl the bearded.
apparently captcha has prescribed me PMVs
perfect, down to the minute details
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ponify this
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Ponify this.

>"Taм вce блoгepы paзopилиcь" - "Taк им - дapмoeдaм"
>"Бeз блoгepoв хипcтepcкиe кaфe пoзaкpывaлиcь" - "Дaвнo нaдo былo этo aмepикaнщинy иcкopeнить"
>"Бeз кaфe нaм нeкoмy пpoдaвaть cтoлькo cтyльeв. Tы yвoлeн" -

>"Hey, all bloggers went bankrupt" - "The NEETs deserved it"
>"With no bloggers, hipster cafes are closing" - "It was high time to eradicate that Yankee crap"
>"With no cafes, we can't find buyers for so many chairs. You are dismissed" -
I will if you post another Russian comic, with translation.
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Scrumptious ~
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Forgot to namefag.
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- Haм нyжнa кнoпкa цeнзypы, чтoбы тaкиe кaк Гитлep нe мoгли пpoдвигaть cвoи oпacныe идeи.
- Звyчит yбeдитeльнo, зaбиpaйтe cкopeй.
russoids only jack off over hitlel to distract from stalin's atrocities.
>Verification not required.
- We need a censorship button so that people like Hitler cannot promote their dangerous ideas
- Sounds convincing! Here's the button. (literally: Sounds convincing, take it quick)
Requesting Equestria girls Pinkiepie offering you a little version of her (either FIM Pikiepie or pony life version or just png of a toy pinkie pie)
Thanks, I'll get to it.
Requesting Nyx but Russian
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Here, it's a bit rushed though...
That is phenomenal. A perfect way to die.
>Verification not required.
Looks like Cloud Kicker to me.
Kek, that's when he realized what the quill part of his cutie mark was for.

Who is the mare? Looks like some pegasi.
Ah, she has been an Earth pony.

>it's a bit rushed though...
missing "ь" in "иcкopeнить"
a sans-serif font would work better

for better punctuation, use the m-dash:
>Taк им — дapмoeдaм
Celestia using the caffeine-like properties of her teat milk to revitalize an incredibly tired Anon.
and I made a typo

Here is the correct text. https://ponepaste.org/10197

and for that one. https://ponepaste.org/10198
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/r/ some Pearl Shine lewds if possible. Thanks!
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Requesting Derpy as King Ghidorah.
Very nice. If only I could speak Eastern European.
Thank you
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Fucking kek I got a warning for this
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requesting your favorite mare wearing these
With 2 derpy heads and one "normal" one?
Prefer all 3 derped. I think the meme format is 2 normal and 1 derped. But I didn't make the request in the mindset of the meme, but because of the genuine desire to see Derpy as Ghidorah. But I'm fine with anything. If the meme format will inspire someone to do the request, then by all means.
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Simple /r/

Draw one lewd of your favorite mare.
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ponify this with Sunny Starscout
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It's more of a jog than a hike though...
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does this count for both?
Fairly so
Good jog!
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Made one with my OC
What is this snoot game shit
This isn't /trash/
Based superior double /d/elivery anon
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Very comfy draw fren

Actually very cute. I love the style.
what does she smel like
The opposite of you.
Oh yes, yes it does ! <3

Adorbz ! Long snoot is good, also love the style
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d/r/aw this with anypony saying this to anon
Just him, or us as a collective?
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this but with Yona Yak

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