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Previous thread: >>41050564

/ourlobby/: Leaf (rip)

Console release is here! (Nintendo Switch, Sony Playstation 4 and Playstation 5, Microsoft Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psdeHoARfYM

========= Events =========

None at this time


>Steam page:http://store.steampowered.com/app/574980/Thems_Fightin_Herds/
>Patch Notes:http://store.steampowered.com/news/?appids=574980
>Notation and Input Primer:https://forums.themsfightinherds.com/index.php?threads/785/
>Fighting Game Beginner's Guide:
>Mizuumi Wiki:

>1.0 trailer:
>Shanty trailer:
>3.0 trailer:
>Texas trailer:
>Stronghoof trailer:
>Nidra reveal trailer:
That image is literally me at most hours of the day
dumb whore
smart whore
beautiful queen
queen of sluts
Lies and slander
So how about those TFH projects?
What projects?
You know, projects
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What was the date on this? It seems way too positive.
>as early as this year
Wouldn't that be "as late as this year"? Or "as recent"?
From Combo Breaker, this very weekend
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Here's the full poster that Stronghoof comes from.
oh, it's Tagers arm
I thought it was some sort of cropped anthro gay porn
Also Reptar's arm.
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That pom of her is a dangerous weapon
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She drawn
Do you think Pom is constantly on the verge of a heart attack with how nervous she is
either a heart attack or an anxiety attack
This is probably the saddest thread in the board
that would be /dad/
a monthly thread that still dies
Flex that butt
thats dealing with Discord right?
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it appears so
haha...fun as he is to draw...fuk discord haha
90% likely that shadowking wrote it, man really trying to revive the game
I admire the autism even if it is fruitless
The majority of this board is sad, clinging to a dead generation that was butchered by it's runners
Man...I don't care what anyone says. I'm drawing the girls anyway
dont forget the boys
There’s a minority of us still left. I’m holding out for hope too.
Based determination
Gentlemen how do we deal with the alpaca menace?
If you can't beat 'em, main 'em.
Pom:Paprika is a 7:3 matchup, embrace sheep
I will embrace the sheep's butt, no more
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Why is Arizona driving a car? How canon is that meant to be?
It's about as canon as Stronghoof being a big buff guy. Now where Ollie got those ideas is another story.
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CB 2024 character representation
for top 16*
I have been playing this game for too long to just now notice you get meter for blocking/blocked attacks
how tf do you 0.5 a character?
you play 2 characters but equally each the same
A Paprika is a Paprika. You can't say it's only half.
you can when the other half appears to be Texas
though anyone having a Texas pocket is deserving of mockery and scorn.
one of the players is a special snowflake paprika/texas main
>Oleander and Tian still at the top
Is it because people will rather play with waifus or because Texas wasn't as overpowered as people believed at first?
Texas is very strong but not the broken game killer he was thought to be on release
he's just really good at noob stomping because his counterplay is kind of advanced and making little mistakes costs you a lot of health
he's kind of like the Marisa of TFH

oleander and tian staying top tier is not surprising, they're both totally suffocating in neutral for different reasons, they have some of the best normals and mobility options in the game
(still top 3 btw, even with the asscancer velvet mu)
Foreshadowing for a kart racing spinoff? (You know, before everything got canned)
Foreshadowing for a kart racing spinoff? (Your know, before everything got canned.)
Foreshadowing for a kart racing spinoff? (You know, before everything got canned)
Oleander is stronger than Texas and Tianhuo is the strongest "not OP" (ymmv) character in the game, I think you could argue they're the top 3 non-banned characters currently, and all three have three players representing them (Texas says 2.5 because one player used both him and Paprika)
Aren't you glad Mane6 chose not to nerf Oleander OR Texas before they got fired?
Foreshadowing for a kart racing spinoff? (You know, before everything got canned)
tierd are so hard for this game is so hard because almost every character feels like complete bullshit when piloted by the right person

honestly paprika and shanty might be the only two characters that are 100% unquestionably not top 3-5
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My tier list actually has Paprika in top 5 if you ignore the banned bitches
DLC was a mistake
no way velvet is that bad after the chip buff (plus she has good matchups with dads and arguably the only winning one against oleander)
pom also seems underrated here
>bought all the DLC
>shanty became free
>got 2 bara bait characters
>got 2 OP banned characters that crash the game
Never buying fighting game DLC ever again.
Velvet is in a real weird state right now. The chip buff is fucking stupid and probably the worst thing they could have given her from a game health perspective, it does almost nothing to help her bad matchups but makes her good matchups way more consistent for her. All her character flaws remain intact and they're pretty severe, she just has more of an opportunity to rob you blind after getting space once. If you have good anti-projectile tools and force her to actually use her weird and very flawed buttons she's just as bad as she was before 5.1

Pom is also a disaster of a kit whose highs and lows are so extreme that she either robs or gets robbed, no in between. She has the best sustainable mix in the game besides Ole+Fred or Ran Shao Feng Tianhuo and doesn't have to use a super to gain access to it but her lack of a real jab and the oddities of some of her other ground buttons let her get bullied pretty hard by any character who can play around her reversal. Her level 1 super is also OP as fuck against characters like Paprika and Stronghoof while other characters like Oleander and Shanty literally don't have to care about it a lot of the time.

All the characters in the bottom two tiers of my list suffer from volatility. They CAN fuck you upside down when they get into their advantageous state, but they either have to work hard to get there and/or suffer immensely outside of that state. All the top tiers feel much more comfortable in neutral and can more seamlessly transition into their advantage state, barring maybe Stronghoof who I really should move below Tianhuo but the dads being "$ tier" is too funny for me to do that
It's really important to note that this bracket is pretty small for the standards of a major, only 60 players before DQ and 52 after, so all it takes is a mildly lucky bracket for a player to get to top 16. Gothoppression fought two people who I have never seen enter a TFH tournament before and then fought Shadowking, who got a round 2 bye to get as far as they did, to reach top 16. Take it with a grain of salt
Link for the combo breaker stream?
I'm never buying a fighting game again
this game and nu-Elphelt broke me
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>be me
>bought shanty DLC
>shanty then became free
>complained about this in the thread a while ago
>got shutdown because i "got to experience shanty earlier"
mother fucker, if it was stipulated that shanty would be free later then i wouldn't've bought fucker.
>bought the dlc
>don't even play dlc characters
They're all too gimicky and have a million little unique mechanics. Except Shanty, she's pretty simple I guess.
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>because i "got to experience shanty earlier"
One day you will realize that this was a good thing
That's what I'm wondering. The anthro Stronghoof and the car are strange ideas for the setting of Foenum. And don't point out Velvet's sculptures. She had to get those ideas from somewhere. Maybe from the humanoid Winter Sprites?
Even with the team at its full capacity, I doubt they were thinking of creating any spin-off games at all.
Jesus Christ this wasn’t meant to be posted three fucking times. I blame 4Chan’s shitty captcha and update system.
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Four, actually. :)
>Bought an unfinished early access game
>Content gets delayed for more characters and DLC
>Company gets bought out and everyone is fired, all future content is cancelled

Why even bother
Why are two characters banned?
they're playing in 5.0
They're just that unbalanced.
He is a broken game killer, but most of his players are mildly retarded and don't know how to abuse his kit to the fullest
Baihe is overpowered AND crashes the game
Nidra is probably not OP but does still crash the game, and nobody's in a rush to legalize her because nobody came to TFH for the season pass characters anyway
Yikes, tfh really went downhill
I just wanna say a certain lolcows very strong opinion of marshmellow has aged very poorly
Sir this is not a pony thread
>beat an intermediate Stronghoof and an intermediate Pom
This tournament wasn't very stacked outside Zale and Solarnia
>tfw no kurolamb
rays is a really damn solid player, probably second only to seeri
the game was also on an earlier patch that undoubtedly fucked with his combos and timings because of the wind changes
why are you always so determined to be unimpressed?
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Wait, was it actually on patch 5.0 and not 5.1?
That would MASSIVELY buff Stronghoof, giving him his old touch of death, being able to attack during his wakeup animations, 2B into 5B into 2B etc.
You're fucking with me and they didn't actually play on one of the most broken TFH patches of all time right? They used 5.1, right? Right?
it was the one pre armor breakers lmao
I don't think he realized in time to do TOD shit though, this was found out mid top-8
solarnis also got shafted because that was pre velvet buffs

weirdly the pools were current patch so it's just a total clusterfuck lol
nta, but it's a true observation. If you want to be genuinely impressed, you have to have higher standards.
just direct me where I should be looking for this game's talent if it's not at the largest competitive event of the year

inb4 jerking off some washed up has been from when I was young and the game was new
Largest? In quantity, yes. In competition, no. If you wanted a better competitive experience, you'd be better off with some of the online tournaments, or better yet, an invitational of all of the current best players. Not an offline assortment of randoms, mid-levels, and like 3 decently up-there (but not quite the best) players.
name the best active TFH players that are better than zale and solarnia

hard mode: no amaron
Is this a copypasta or some genuine reaction to something that happened
It's a natural response to saying marshmellow is a good player
don't be a gossip
kinda problematic that Zale "101 trannnies is how many should get the bullet every day" won again
kinda based more like it
Probably from the sprites, I mean Vetr is pretty stacked. The car is probably some fuckery that Fred made known to Ollie which she found amusing.
I like this idea that Fred shows Oleander things from other universes or timelines. Kind of like Merlin the Wizard, and Genie from "Aladdin".
Are we hated?
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That does sound like his thing to do
By whom?
Like, we as the thread or we as the people in the thread
because I know we're (the people) not exactly popular with the "enabling mental illness" crowd.
if you were forced to either buff every character's gimmicks to make them as strong as oleander or make every character toned down and fundies-based like pap/shanty which one would you pick?
fundies, because playing "Rocket Tag: The Fighter" sounds boring as fuck for the average person (which is who you'd need to maintain any sort of playerbase).
As strong as Oleander? At that point you may as well go play Marvel, because Fred essentially enables the same degeneracy as assists do in tag fighters. TFH is so much more interesting when neutral exists and options have risk. The second option. Not a hard decision at all.
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Just balance the game around 2.0 and aim to get everyone's power level about where Arizona was in that patch. 2.0 had strong defensive systems and the defender-privileged wakeup system of that patch in particular made it so the game would reset to neutral much more often unless the attacker sacrificed damage for stronger oki.
2.0 with a nerfed cross canter (not as nerfed as it currently is) and a slightly weaker Oleander and Pom would have been almost perfect. Maybe toss Velvet, Paprika and Shanty small bones as well since they were on the weaker end and the latter two actually struggled a little with the aforementioned strong defense.

If I have to pick one of your two extremes then bring everyone down to Shanty's level
Kiss this cow
that's the choice i would have made, but i'm surprised it's the more popular one
i see a lot of other people in the "community" always shitposting about how they should make everyone even more broken
those "people" think Touches of Death are "hype."
it ain't fucking hype. It's boring as shit.
It's funny to watch a stupid ToD as a spectator
It's just different if you actually play that game and have to deal with that
>you're listening to Reine Radio, the coolest station in Reine
>*pom stage theme starts playing*
What a disaster of a game
Here's that (You) you wanted
Bro everything in the combo breaker guide book is written by combo breaker staff, Shadowking is not a staff member of combo breaker, there’s no way he could have wrote this, also it’s an Interview with Poco, those are his words, how can you even reasonably assume that?
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im stupid
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these two together can do anything
Damn that pony is thick. Paprika lookin cute as always.
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lmao 2shy
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my two wives
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bluefast and lizardhonor
imagine the yuri
Except become real
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more like booksluts
both at the same time
Twilight sucks, I'd pound the shit out of Ollie however
Twilight sucks, Ollie fucks.
>do not repost
rip anon
pre-princess bookhorse is cute
Pom's mom is a hippy
I already like imagining ponies as big, Tollie stirs things inside of me
Can you draw them passionately making out?
is it just me thinking this or would simply making metergain scale like the damage does have been a really simple solution to the "why ever use HKD" issue of 3.0+?
with the base values adjusted of course so you get a little bit more than you do right now from a short combo but a little bit less from a long one
This, but replace Twilight with Himmel
this, but replace oleander with himmel also
like, some mirror-mirror version that's a girl
who is also evil
That would still be gay
it's only gay if the balls touch and as a female alternate universe clone has no balls it cannot be gay for the balls never touch.
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How do I get a Shanty gf?
so the Oops! icon is a donut because it's a horse's butthole right?
just so we're clear
seconding this one
no it's because the o in oops is round
like a donut
It's because they made too many donuts and they're giving them out to get rid of them while acknowledging that it was a mistake that they made so many
Should I get into this game?
you're a bit late to the party anon
Only you can answer that question. It's a good game to get as one's "first fighting game".
It averages 10-15 players per day, the dev team literally doesn't exist anymore, it's in one of the least stable and least balanced states it's ever been in, and the already shrinking community is fractured due to dumb drama. Your call
I hate how her dogs disrespect her
What happened?
Is this game still dead because niggerlicious devs?
Have rum, salt and Ibuprofen because you're going to be sore in the morning
Oleander always looks so exhausted when you draw her.
If you had to deal with people you think are idiots wouldn't you be?
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Magic bitch
Say no more, I'm in
I imagine she has some sort of a personal stress relief
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Fred doesn't like his tentacles being described like that in public, and Oleander especially doesn't
Where to start? How much do you not know?
Pom's dogs keep her in line
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How much for the two of them for an hour?
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Rarity is the type what doesn't care how much you can give her, as long as she knows it's way more than you should spend in a night of luxury. She demands upfront pay, and she doesn't give a fuck about how much you pay her or your performance. What she craves for is looking at your eyes as you pay her, and sensing that dread feeling of "what I"m doing with my money. What I'm doing with my life. I should be paying my bills, I should be buying food with this!"
wow way to completely delete her actual character and personality in the service of your fetish
surely it's never been done before
I've been in that position before.
And what about Velvet?
She's a refined and dignified royal who upholds her lineage with utmost deference and respect and if she had to choose between selling her body and death, she'd gladly commit sudoku, even though the burden of bringing shame to ther ancestors would be almost unbearable.
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remove your mask, deceitful reine cow
that ho-ho-hoe vacuums up dick like pomfey empties a buffet table
So you're saying she'd do it for free?
But that's Oleander
Vixen hooves typed this post
Honestly sounds more like something Velvet would do.
Velvet would say this
And then Vixen would state a price of $500
And then Velvet would immediately undercut it with an offer of $450
The two would keep lowering the price until they both do it for free in a threesome
A freesome, if you will
You can't afford them.
imagine the double fellatio
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that's some nice apple
and a gud cao
How would these two get along?
AJ would probably try to put AZ in the barn with the rest of the cows, but she'd be a constant escapee.
Too many p*nies in this thread
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I think they would start a bidding war instead.

Damn these are pretty dang good!
is there any interview, statement or anything anywhere on WHY mike made the engine so hard to modify in any way?
it's a damn shame it turned out to be a double edged sword because this game is ripe for a community driven
good luck convincing anyone of a community revision, when the community's already so splintered
You'd have to ask why Mike Z made the Z Engine so hard to modify, when making Skullgirls.
that's... what i was asking lol
was just wondering if anyone had gotten an answer before
Best way to do it would be to add new content alongside the balance revisions, people would download the patch for that
If you told people "HEY WE MADE CHAPTER 2 and also nerfed Oleander" they'd take a lot more interest than if you just did the latter
Shanty belly rubs
Pom belly rubs
Velvet cummy rubs
>cummy rubs

What did he mean by this?
ewe just know
>Game cancelled without the story mode
To be honest this only show the MLP curse is real, even anything that have some roots with MLP is destined to never be finished and make everyone mad, not even making the game non pony will save your from this fate
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lol, tian wouldn't burn you if she liked you tho
>not a sellout
gurl they sold you twice
This aged pretty fucking bad
Getting Pom is quite the challenge compared to some of the others.
She's shorn too much!
does not even look remotely like Pom
Have you made a lora for her or are you just trying to fuddle with prompts? I would not recommend hoping that the latter will work out.
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Is that paper-mâché?
I really like this floof
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It's a cute lamb, but I would suggest trying to locally make your own character loras.
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Nice Longmas. Are the loras you're using publicly available?
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No. I am still working on them. I am just turning the values in a direction as I work on stuff. If I ever feel confident in publishing them, I will.
lmao 2noodle
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If only we could mod the game, I would pay to have Himmel in it
recreate TFH in MUGEN
That's just it. I can get Arizona, Velvet,Oleander, and sometimes Paprika (minus the blanket) just fine,but Pom has such a crazy specific design that no matter how detailed I make the prompt, or how high I set the impact,you can't get even Pony Diffusion anything like the original character.

Loras would fix that, though.
That's fair
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Never forget what they took from you
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They took away tian butt and oleander butt wiggle
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haha small butt
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They used to say they were planning to find somewhere to reuse this animation after removing it but that was one of the things they never got around to finishing, like the other 80% of the game
Maybe they could have reused it at some point in story mode.
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the heart
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I drew Belly Rub Tian again cause she is a cutie
Did we get anymore news after the big end?
I haven't kept up with the game and the discord suddenly wants your phone number to post there.
What happened?
Her butt has expanded
What's the current game's state, 'nons? Since that company bought it i've heard of lots of backlash. I didn't have a chance to experience this game yet.
its dead. ponk.
A very small community split into even smaller chunks based on annoying, petty online political lines? Broken, unfinished characters? Barely any resources, tutorials, guides, etc to speak of? Yeah good luck.
She is giving belly rubs to (you)?
God, not worth it.
>Barely any resources, tutorials, guides, etc to speak of
this can be traced back to your primary point, since the guy who WAS making guides and resources was on the wrong end of the dead weight community managers.
the base gameplay is still pretty good, all things considered. I wouldn't say it's worth "getting into" at this point, sadly, but if you've never tried it you might as well run through the one story mode chapter that got finished and maybe the arcade modes and shit, it's fun to play and it'll make you disappointed in every other fighting game story mode you try
This doe is too good to be stuck in a cancelled unfinished game
Also important that the wiki intended to be a central repository is watched like a hawk by a literal teenager who sucks at the game but convinced themselves they're good, and they WILL get into an edit war with you if you say something they disagree with like "this character has weaknesses"
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which wiki are you talking about?
Mizuumi wiki
The Pom/Strategy section was almost all written by them and despite it being so short you could put "this article is a stub" at the top it's full of so many glaring, fundamental misconceptions about how the character is played and what she wants that reading it would probably make you worse at Pom than winging it without any resources
I once drafted a proper page for it but realized that to get it up I would have to get into edit wars with them to keep it up so I never finished it. They make it harder to spread proper information for this game, like a wiki troll except they think they're doing good
hm, i haven't noticed any issues editing information on that wiki, even sections with subjectivity
maybe it was just that particular person on that particular page at that point in time
They also got into edit wars over the Texas page that was the inciting incident for the player mentioned in >>41127115 taking down their frame data page and not trying to further help the community. They and another bad apple were extremely rude and dismissed that person's knowledge solely because of the dumb idpol shit mentioned
Rub lower!
Sounds like something you should bring up with a wiki administrator to resolve.
stuff he's talking about happened literal years ago at this point, there's not much to do
i suspect if that person went back and tried to make the edits again there probably wouldn't be as much of a shitstorm, the most frequent contributors have changed hands
Worth a try.
You should go back to the Mizuumi wiki and try again - correct any inaccurate information you find.
So, any new news about this game?
Is the game going to fade into obscurity?
Or does it still have a dedicated community?
there's supposedly going to be another patch (we don't know when, they just said there would be one)

there's a double digit number of people that still play the game regularly and it will probably stay that way for a few years longer
He's talking shit about a teenager over something that happened years ago? Really?
i mean 2 years ago roughly
i have no idea which specific person is supposed to be a teenager either or if they even are
Which ones are queer?
None of them. At least three of them aren't adults.
you, for asking
Oleander and Velvet are implied to maybe have a thing for specific individual women (Cashmere and Vixen respectively) but neither is explored and the latter could have easily developed into a purely platonic obsession rather than having any romantic tension. Oleander very likely would have been 100% confirmed bi or lesbian if the story mode wasn't cancelled and from what's already in the game very strongly implies it
Cashmere is 1000% no contest turbo-gay
>Velvet gay for Vixen
nah bro, you don't vandalize an entire museum wing just out of misplaced lust
those two fucking hate each other.
Also, it's canon Velvet likes super-buff dudes, as noted by her taste in sculptures
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Oh I hate you so much Vixen, that's why I think about you ALL the time and bring you up just to talk about how much I HATE you
They're tsundere for each other
love and hate are parallel conditions, alike in all ways except favorability
To think such intense dislike is only a mask for base sexual attraction shows you've never had a proper enemy.
You're delusional.
I always thought the guy on the left was talking when the guy on the right was talking and vice versa.
They just looked like they'd sound like the other guy.
I know better now tho.
Paprika literally and canonically kisses girls.
>Paprika is canonically a rapist and sexual abuser
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She long
She could be longer
Paprika is asexual.
Paprika is rapesexual
>he doesn't want to hatefuck his archrival
Have you ever had a proper enemy?
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Why is this the image that pops up when you look for /mlp/ on google. What did you fags do
We're the biggest fags on the board so we get visibility during pride month
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Six month anniversary of Mane6's greatest cope
Press S to Spit
Nah barbiefags are definitely the biggest fags on this board
I don't know anything about barbiefags but I'm sure that show at least has male characters that aren't another character's father, straight shipping in this fandom is almost as rare as in Touhou and 99% of the time it involves incest
Well there's Dakota and Arizona
Stronghoof x Arizona and Velvet x Texas are my favs.
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Background character(s) with no established personality, and also still incest, they're cousins
and? this is common in the animal kingdom, also much less dangerous for animals than humans
so drawing more them now then
>Velvet x Texas
Explain the appeal. Stronghoof x Arizona is a crackship but I can see the personalities gelling enough if you handwave the age difference. I can't see Velvet going for Texas at all, not even with her muscle fetish
>Explain the appeal.
Solely so Velvet can taunt Arizona by saying she fucked Ari's dad.
she would not do that
It would have happened in chapter 2 if it wasn't cancelled.
S for them, F for the potential game.
We might have seen more if Woogums or Blitzen showed up in story mode. But, you know, everyone at Mane Six is a stupid cunt.
...nah, I dont see it
No it would not
Boy I'd love to see Arizona getting railed by Stronghoof
this but stronghoof x velvet and Texas x Arizona
And I'd love to see Velvet getting railed by Texas.
why are you guys like this
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Nobody wants to talk about the gameplay now
Some never did
I haven't been here since the final QT. What's been happening since then?
Everything got dipped in milk.
wakeup backdash as stronghoof, bro must have had a deathwish

puppets eating hitboxes is such a meme mechanic why is this still a thing
(it's not even like the game can't physically handle it, you can hit nidra and her orbs at the same time with one attack)
Wakeup backdash as SH is better than you might think, you can use wind during the backdash still and this can make a button whiff
I'm too bad at the game to post cool combo videos but I still play it every week.
I hope it was Velvet's milk
Never noticed that Stronghoof was bigger than Big Mama/Papa. Could have sworn they were bigger.
At this point this make me wonder if they did this to kill the game and not have to deal with the history mode. The storymode was nice because they were creative with the design of it, but they just don't wanted to be creative and decided to cater in a really bad way the competitive aspect of the game and they didn't even were good at that.
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Typical gross cow
>"Make me"
I want a fanfic where the fighting six dom Anon.
Was anyone at Mare Fair last year? I'll probably go this year and bring a laptop with TFH on it if anyone wants to play.
There were a few of us. One person even had a TFH panel and tournament. However, nobody really showed up to the tournament. There's too much other fun stuff going on at Mare Fair, not worth missing just to play some TFH.
As expected from a ponyfaggot
that's why you do it in the evening/night where less is going on
Imagine being scared of a game with tiny animals.
I can count about 10 people who were part of these threads; past and present. Good times. Lots of alcohol.
I'm scared of Pom's wild side
>However, nobody really showed up to the tournament.
Sounds like the perfect chance for a shitter like me to win a tournament.
and sex
with pom
I don't think they could bring a 2d talking sheep to Mare Fair
Why is she like this?
Poorly drawn? Purely a skill issue.
Let's see you draw her better
sorry anon I'm a genuine certified shitter.
best I ever did was editing this.
Unrelated, but I can't think of anywhere else to ask.
Does anyone else remember a freeware fighting game from a long time ago where all the characters were fakemon or something like that?
One was a blue-white robo skeleton, I think called Skeletron. The other character I remember was a pirate boxing octopus, I think.
I can't for the life of me remember or find it and it's driving me crazy.
2D, handrawn art.
You could have asked in the /vm/ fighting game thread
Good edit
I found it.

It's called Battle CAPacity.
TFH Remastered
I prefer the original tbqh
Since this shit is cancelled, hopefully they remake it with new characters by Lauren Faust and nobody sells it this time.
There are no characters that can be as good as what we got with TFH
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she sing
She must have a nice singing voice
Ollie mains what went wrong?
You can tell this poll is rigged because voters are higher than the actual playerbase.
It's not surprising for a niche fighting game to have a larger community presence vs active players
how many of you started playing this game as teenagers?
im surprised at just how many of this games top players are like, 20yo giga zoomers
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does leaf discord server still exist?
no it got banned off discord years ago
>banned off discord
zoo porn
sheep posters never change...
how'd you know it was sheep?
I mean, you're right, but how?
Naturally they are the sexiest animal so it's a 10/1 chance
Sheep posters have been the horniest posters in this general for some time. Which is a feat considering Velvet is the game's sex icon.
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I was only shitposting when I said that
Come on ewe're not THAT zoophilic
That’s deer.
You'd think that but if you measure the various components it turns out ewes are sexier. Why do you think it's legal in NZ and Wales to wife one? No country puts deer banging on their flag.
I wish I lived in the nz or wales for unrelated reasons
it's sad I'm not even sure whether or not you're shitposting
I mean there's probably less ghetto trash living in nz/whales compared to where I live. I'd dig it.
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I used to work in a park where the deers would come up at night and eat all the berries I brought in for them right out of my pockets
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Who knew an ewe lamb was almost as popular as a calf.
Oleander and Velvet must be jealous.
Jealous of horny fans who only want to fuck Pom? I think not.
Velvet would be mad people want to bang Arizona at least.
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Arizona is made for sexual
when the what?!?
She is made for kickin' stompin' and kickin'
ewe know
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>hey keith, we need you to voice this new character
>nah bro i'm busy
>yeah but the character's face is a skull
>fuck it, i'm in
Arizona does CBT?!
For you
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reminds me I have to draw him with the rest of the girls
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Best ungulates for this?
>"A hero never gives up!"
>He said moments before Paprika, Pomfy, and Arizona drained him completely empty.
>drained him completely empty
not true
>no Herrel
All of them
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Of course there's a Herrel, who do you think is mopping Mop? Unless that's also Himmel
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Ronin TF|2
Mop is being mopped by r64 Velvet
why is the cat predator such an asshole bitch
I just try to keep it as far from me as possible otherwise it'll fuck my shit up. It feels like it goes straight into a command grab while I'm in hitstun how the fuck am I supposed to get away from that?
The cat predator is secretly the weakest of the bunch and trivial to defeat. It literally, and I mean literally, does not have a low attack. It also doesn't have a command grab, the lunge it does is a hitgrab you can block and it's super minus. Worse still for it, that annoying crossup move it has CANNOT take the corner, meaning it stops functioning as a crossup. If you purposefully back yourself up into a corner and block high there's literally nothing Flopsie can do to open you up besides try to get close enough to normal throw you, something it struggles to do because it doesn't have any moves that are plus.
This is the kind of stuff that should be covered on the Mizuumi wiki.
details about the predators are hard to document because you can ONLY fight them in the salt mines, where you don't have access to training mode tools
well and story mode* obviously but it's the same issue
Isn't there someone here with debug cheats figured out that they could do scientific testing with the predator characters?
Pomfy bumping her ass
Into my face
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what would you do with all of it?
Grab and knead like I'm making biscuits.
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Happened a while ago
See, this is the kind of data we need on sub-pages for the predators here: https://wiki.gbl.gg/w/Them's_Fightin'_Herds
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I'm the guy who made the Huggles page, I'm just too lazy to do it for the other ones. Seems a bit pointless when they aren't playable and you can sum up their counterplay in one line each
>Fluffles: sweep from a distance, they'll only command jump which can be easily anti-aired or block punished
>Flopsie: hold back in the corner until you can punish
>Cuddles: Block low until they jump, go in after blocking sweep or the jump attack
Huggles is the only complicated one and the only one whose behavior can change based on who's piloting him
>check who made it
>a user named "HugglesFan" that contributed exclusively to the Huggles page and nothing else
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>You distracted Solider?
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is it over, has Himmel met every single playable girl?
her scar is vertical
do you even play the game?
Course I do. Just misremembered it as Vertical
horizontal I mean
that shit happens to artists all the time
sometimes i just absentmindedly forget to draw a character i've drawn a hundred times with features like a tail or horns and don't notice until it's done
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Longshot, but is the anon who made this stage still around? I want to ask if you were able to import geometry into the game, or if this was just custom texture work on the training stage
Based censors
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don't feel bad, a bunch of other artists fuck it up too
>still no human x baihe art
Why do you want to see Baihe turned into a human? TFH humanizations never turn out good
human x baihe =\= humanized baihe dummy
I'd be fine with seeing both.
So, like, half-human? Fuse a human with Baihe? Isn't that banned on this board?
DEA.... Nah, too easy.
"humanized" means "this character drawn AS a human". That's different from anthro.
I'd say it's more like USDA
We need art of Baihe crushing Anon's pelvis.
Which ungulate would be most likely to "buh" under duress?
Agree, Shanty and Baihe belong to human men desu
doctor pom-io
doctor pom-io's nuts
i like how you can immediately tell when someone is an old 2.0 player who hasn't played 3.0 much because they keep doing resets instead of combos, backdash incessantly and just generally play really defensively
I play defensively on any fighting game tho...And I don't lock people into the corner cause how is that fun for them
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I'm all aggression all the time because blocking's for NERDS
yeah fair enough me too
i guess it's mostly just the first two things
Guess that makes me a nerd, then.
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it's okay, we're both nerds 'cause I block too. Not blocking was beaten out of me in shitshows.
Guys pls no more tiny cao I'm gonna have a heart attack
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>ITT: games that are impossible to discuss on /v/
>thread get deleted
We can't have anything...
>Mods are cocksucking faggots
What's new?
I do all three of those things and peaked in the 3.1 era
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>zoning with bitey pup
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>pressing 5C
Pick up the tiny cow.
>check the thread
>totally ignored by the majority of /v/
>started to talk about Fighting is Magic
I guess that would be our fate over there, archived because no one care until someone bring up MLP
Well yeah because mlp is banned. TFH shouldn’t have the same fate, though.
That make me wonder how the whole concept and story would have change without MLP, after all Faust helped to build the base of the story and designs of characters and that allowed to work from that base.
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Alright Steelsoul, what's the catch?
you're usually a lewdposter but you're posting wholesome
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aside from the one where she gets picked up, the rest are old
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>Are y'all seriously ogling mah butt again?
you will never have sex with a cow
meh, sheep and horses are better
they don't want to fuck you either
too late, we already fucked
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don't fucking touch the cow
Careful, the other girls might get jealous.
I want to hug all of them ahhhhhhh
damn that shanty is cute
She's the cutest out of the lot there desu
it's interesting to me that Oleander having magic barely even affects the damage vs. her resourceless combo routes - maybe by 50-100 damage at most

there are a dozen different ways to incorporate her magic in juggles and they all just don't matter at all, so basic bitch launcher jC fireball yadda yadda is pretty much always optimal

to be fair this is also true of Paprika (who can't really use magic mid-combo, but she hits like a truck resourceless anyway), Texas (whose magic system is cosmetic)

but the other "resource management" characters like Velvet and Stronghoof have a very apparent trade-off between saving magic for damage vs. neutral tools - the gulf between their resourceless damage and their magic+meter damage is enormous
Well, magic combos do have a use, in meter stealing routes. But meter steal on its own is a whole other can of controversial design choice worms.
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Yeah, as an Oleander player that was kind of always my biggest complaint, all the cool stuff was mostly just worse than the simple stuff.
Magic never really did anything very interesting, you didn't have any fancy setups or big extra combo options, you just dropped a trap on their face during pressure to be +2 or spammed them in neutral for zoning and random crossups, maybe once in a rare while use 236D wallstick for a conversion or something, even using it in combos you did basically a very similar loop as normal but with traps instead of fireballs. It did steal more meter, but they could never really decide how significant a part of her game they wanted that to be anyway so outside of when you had Fred and were doing the admittedly cool Fred magic combos to extend his timer it never felt that rewarding to get a hit with magic vs without, even if it was subtly extremely strong.
Then you look at 214C and stuff and think "Wow cool setplay tools!" but the fact that she never really had a reason to end her combos early for hard knockdown, the strength of pushblock and absolute guard and some specific numbers on things meant that even if you took the time to lab out setups that made the trap fall on them immediately after 6C it actually just makes you even more minus. You just end basically every combo in j.2C read because it does the most damage and soft knockdown tech chasing is just as good as anything fancy you could set up. Even if you do want to do mixups it's all magicless stuff anyway like j.B fuzzies and having a trap on them just lets them pushblock for free.
who gave pap majora's mask
so how was the glue cup 100?
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Ironic since she’s, comparatively, the ugliest of the playable fighters.
You're gay (for Mop)
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NTA but true
>the ugliest of the playable fighters.
>ignoring the dads
>ignoring the fat tapir
Stronghoof is hot though
only if you're gay or a woman
Pap takes what she wants
>she never really had a reason to end her combos early for hard knockdown
She actually had some pretty decent HKD mix using her double jumps or teleports for ambiguous left/rights. People just weren't interested in it pre-3.0 because they preferred the read ender, and post-3.0 Mane6 made HKDs almost worthless due to how strong SKD mix is; Oleander might have more fucked up SKD oki than HKD oki due to the extra plus frames, she can even fuzzy guard break because rollteching has a standing hurtbox for some reason
In the first few frames, Pom starts out looking normal, but things just get worse from there.
The horror
it always seemed strange to me in general that HKDs are shorter than SKDs when HKDs are supposed to be the "stronger" knockdown option
but going for them often screws you out of being able to do certain setups you can do on SKD
The tradeoff used to be that SKDs, while they gave you more frames, were extremely hard to cover every wakeup option between the directions the opponent could land at when they teched and the different tech timings they could do.
Mane6 just completely fucking bungled that, like straight up ruined it, and teching is more likely to get you killed outright because doing so resets your juggle decay and lets the opponent get a more damaging combo if they hit you without the tradeoff of you being harder to hit. 3.0 was a mistake
We have a genius over here

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