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/mlp/ - Pony

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Quick rundown
>We're making an anthology made up of a compilation of short pony clips.
>No need to be high quality and flashy, but of course if you want to make something more ambitious like an animation please go ahead.
>There is no need to volunteer to do the final editing. I can handle that myself. Thank you.

How do I contribute?
>Make pony related clips! It can be a PMV, YTP, Animation, or whatever.
>Please render them in 1920x1080 resolution, 29.97 OR 23.976 FPS, and using progressive scanning.
>Upload them to your preferred file hosting site and post them here with a title and the sources used or what it is parodying.

June 21st 11:59 PM PST

If you have a high quality submission that you don’t want leaked to the internet early, please email to the address provided below. Submissions through the email will still be added to the spreadsheet.
Email: ZWRpdGFub25tbHBAcHJvdG9uLm1l
Spreadsheet: http://tinyurl com/3wrxtf53

>2021 anthology, submissions, and threads: https://derpy.me/DR3L8
>2022 anthology, submissions, and threads: https://derpy.me/FCzOF
>2023 submission spreadsheet: http://tinyurl com/ycxzeu68
>MLP Episodes and Movies:
MP4: DL from Heartshine (ensure you're on 1080p, it defaults to 480p) https://mlp.heartshine.gay
MKV: DL from yayponies, iTunes Raw 1080p https://yp1.yayponies.no
>Video editing software: Da Vinci Resolve (Be sure to download the free trial version. Latest versions support MKV.) https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/products/davinciresolve/
>Audio Recording Software: Audacity https://www.audacityteam.org
>Vocal Remover and Isolation https://vocalremover.org
>Talknet (Visit the Pony Preservation Project thread)

Some guidelines/restrictions:
-No porn
Pretty self-explanatory. NSFW and suggestive submissions are welcomed of course, this just refers to straight up porn images and videos.
-Anthro/barbies will be evaluated on a case by case basis
>But this just means you’re going to sneak in furshit!
Remember last year the problem with the Gurren Lagann submission? This does not mean I am going to allow any anthro or EQG. If it has merit, it will be considered. Anything explicitly or unironically anthro/EQG won’t be allowed. Calm down.
-No politics or fandom drama
This may be somewhat lenient depending on what the submission is, but we want to avoid too much /pol/ circlejerking or submissions that spend time bitching about Twitterfags or the like.
>All submissions must be in 1080p and should keep their original aspect ratio. Letterbox them when needed. No portrait submissions.
>No static image submissions.
>Submission length
Keep it brief. Anything longer than 1 minute will be evaluated on a case by case basis.

>G5 inclusion
lol. Is there even any content to use? If there are any submissions, they will be decided on a case-by-case basis.
>AI generated videos
-Evaluated on a case by case basis. If it has merit, it will be considered. If it’s just slop, it probably won’t make the final cut.
It's likely this thread will take us all the way up to the premiere, so I'm going to announce this now.

There will be a wrap-up party after the premiere. Featuring a Q&A with myself and Jhaller. Jhaller wanted to do a joint panel with me at Mare Fair last year, but I couldn't attend. So now we're doing it at /mlp/con
holy crap
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uh, who exactly are you? What did you do for the anti last year? Why would jhaller want to do it with you out of all the people that worked on it
oh hey we're back, was wondering where this thread went
As we're on the home stretch, I'm bringing up a few clips for debate. Namely, I've noticed a few people slipping EQG into the project. I haven't been watching all the clips as I do not want to spoil myself, but my concern is that if I was able to spot two EQG clips of the 20 or so I've actually seen, then that is a little worrisome - that means 10% of the clips I've watched have been EQG. By the rules stated in the OP guidelines, anything unironically anthro/EQG won't be allowed.

I'm bringing this up now because if these slip through there is a high potential for backlash from a number of denizens of the board. At the least it may be worth voting on whether or not to include these (and any other clips that toe the line, if anyone is aware of them).

Clip is entirely relating to Sunset Shimmer. Concerns for this clip were raised last thread but the clip still made its way through to the spreadsheet.

Clip as a whole is good and fine, but it uses EQG AJ for a few seconds. I get it's to match the lyrics, but still worth discussing. The clip could probably be reworked to omit the EQG.

To clarify, I am not taking any sides here, I can just see the potential for conflict and want to make sure people are aware of both the content being submitted and the risk of including said content in the final video. If we include content that a majority of the board actively dislikes, then that may kill the project, as we would be alienating our target audience and the majority of our contributors.
I'm the event organizer and editor for Antithology.

And I also stated that those types of submissions will be evaluated on a case by case basis, and that if it has merit it will be considered. The Shimmer submission has merit, and I think it's a good submission. I can tell the person who made it went through a lot of effort to put all those clips together.

As for the Applefried clip, it's fine. People need to calm down. The overwhelming majority of submissions are still non-EQG related.
do not die
very well.
dont you die on me
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>OP post establishes unironic EQG won't be allowed
>Shimmerflag OP allows EQG because he likes it
What could go wrong?
bumpy bump
once again
This. No matter your personal stance on EqG, this seems like a disaster waiting to happen.
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To preface, I don't personally care that much for or against EQG; consider me about as neutral as you'd get on this site. I'm more concerned about potential backlash damaging the project and possibly future iterations of the project.
I can tell you as a first-hand witness that a large number of people on the board will not tolerate any EQG whatsoever, and including such content without any discussion on its inclusion shows that OP is out of touch with how the board perceives such content. I have seen how the board gets when even a few frames of barbie slip into a pony video; that anger is going to be magnified tenfold if said video originates from the board, as they will see it as betrayal / downfall. I wouldn't be surprised if including these clips leads to boycotting of some degree.
I am voicing my concerns as I would rather avoid such a situation; we should be playing it safe. I am also calling bias if the poster with a Sunset Shimmer flag is the only one judging whether or not a clip of this nature is acceptable, as it feels like a conflict of interest. I believe an open poll or discussion would lead to more fair judgement on the matter.
Also the Friday night timeslot kinda sucks for anyone outside of the US, what happened to prime time Saturday?
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Unofficial poll about the Sunset submission
Oh, good grief.
We should not ban good work from this project to appease people with no love or tolerance who get bent out of shape when they see EQG. And I disagree that including those clips will lead to any boycotting. Quite the opposite, in fact; slapping those contributors in the face by disallowing their work which clearly took a lot of love and effort to create could cause artists to leave the project on principle.
>Anything explicitly or unironically anthro/EQG won’t be allowed.
This has been in the OP since the beginning of this year's Anti cycle. It should be upheld.
>Good work
>a lot of love and effort
The clip itself is fine, I wouldn't say its anything special, and it's just going to agitate certain groups (i.e. basically anywhere outside of EQG hugboxes). I don't say this to disparage the creator as there are clearly much lower effort clips in the antithology, but setting show clips to a music track is hardly labor intensive work, especially compared to the anons who spend upwards of tens of hours working on animations. Those are the items that the "If it has merit, it will be considered" rule should pertain to (Gurren Lagann submission last year). Something like the sunset video could be knocked out in a few hours, so I don't think the amount of effort put into the clip is an argument here.
Reposting the clip in question
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personally, I think that, so long as they aren't overwhelming the project, EOanon is right to allow some in.

The point that other anon makes about alienating the audience and contributors is a really important one to make. After all this whole thing is reliant on community subs. Nevertheless, if people in the community are submitting EQG stuff then that means there is a demand among the contributors the project is so reliant upon.

If people who don't do anything to contribute to the antithology but still enjoy up to an hours worth of content get so pissed that some of it involved equestria girls that they whine about it on the board, they can eat shit and die. If they hate it so much they can go watch the (no eqg) reupload I'm sure someone will put on youtube. Better yet, just tag all eqg & g5 clips and upload 2 official versions.
It's a community project, some people in the community like shit other people don't, tough. This isn’t twitter, get bent.

I don't like EQG but I'm happy to let other anons enjoy other things because I'm not a lousy hatin ass jigaboo.

why don't you make the antithology anon?
I really want to agree with you, I truly do. I won't reiterate my arguments but I do feel as though perhaps the people in favor of the clip's inclusion are underestimating just how petty a large number of people on this board can be at times (at least ~40% of the anons from the regular hangouts I've attended). One false move and you're dead to them. And I know for a fact that a number of these people contribute each year.
I genuinely hope for the best with this project. I have put countless hours into my submissions over the years - hell I'm still working on some - which is why I'm so afraid of the project taking negative hits. I just want the antithology to continue strong for as many years as it can.
Beyond liking or hating EQG, this is an inconsistency problem.
Ok, forget about people that hate EQG. Imagine how many EQG ideas people had DIDN'T get made because it was clearly stated on the OP that it wasn't allowed. And then they see that actually it would've made it. Because what the OP states doesn't matter out of the sudden.
Do you see how this inconsistency becomes a problem REGARDLESS of your side on EQG?
Not adhering to the OP rules is a slap to all the previous contributors who agreed to participate under the assumption that the project was of a given nature, truthful to the OP post. This can also cause some to leave.
as an outsider to this thread who just wanted to drop in and see how things were going, I say fuck this clip; it'd hardly be worth including if it was normal pony stuff, let alone eqg dreck
I don't know the song, I couldn't care less about the character, and sticking said song over random clips like your average mediocre PMV isn't anything to be proud of
I wouldn't mind as much if this primarily had pony Sunset, but this is just blatant barbieshit. It has no place in the anti.
I don't see a large influx of people submitting EQG content for the Antithology. It's still overwhelmingly FiM related. The amount of EQG related content in the total runtime amounts to 0.8%

So calm down. I don't expect there will suddenly be more EQG clips since we're coming down to the final weeks before submissions close.
>it's just one or two clips bro calm down
>Anything explicitly or unironically anthro/EQG won’t be allowed.
Pick one.
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>>41119633 People conveniently ignoring the other part of the OP where it's stated "Will be evaluated on a case by case basis. If it has merit it will be considered"
It's not even an especially high effort clip, it's basically a short PMV that doesn't even have ponies. You only see it as having "merit" because you're a Shimmerfag.
Antithology has fallen.
I can set aside my biases long enough to evaluate the submission in question. And another thing
>short PMV
And? There are plenty of other submissions that are just short PMVs. Should they not be allowed?
>doesn't have ponies
So? Other submissions don't have ponies either. Should edits of live action media not be allowed?
Keep your EQG and b&thro shit away from me satan.
>I can set aside my biases long enough to evaluate the submission in question.
>And? There are plenty of other submissions that are just short PMVs. Should they not be allowed?
You're being disingenuous and you know it. A clip that goes against a rule that you yourself stated in the OP should be something special, not just a run of the mill clipshow. This implies that anything blatantly EqG is allowed as long as it has at least the quality of the Shimmer clip, which is not a very high bar.
>So? Other submissions don't have ponies either. Should edits of live action media not be allowed?
Again, this is being disingenuous. You know full well that this is different from jokes/gags that are directly related to FiM.
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Can we get a new organizer please
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I use a brief clip of EQG Fluttershy in my Bottom Pone submission for the "feet" part, and no one bats an eye.
But when someone submits an EQG PMV, well... then everyone loses their minds!
>This implies that anything blatantly EqG is allowed
No, it doesn't. I'm not going to allow any EQG content just because. I'm making the one exception in this case because the submission is of good quality and focuses on a singular character. If it was just a scene from EQG with the audio of some movie or tv show or something, it wouldn't be allowed.

Furthermore, I seriously doubt that there will be any further EQG related submissions anyways. The floodgates aren't opening up. The Antithology isn't going to turn into an EQG wankfest. It's one(1) clip, barely thirty(30) seconds long.
>I'm making the one exception in this case because it's my waifu and I don't care.
Fixed it for you. Is having your stupid barbies in the anti worth the backlash at the premiere?
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Why are you forcing barbie agenda where it doesn't belong? Is this some kind of neo woke pandering I'm not aware of? Asking as someone who isn't aware of modern ideology pandering.
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I'm pulling out my submission if you overrule the board and hand the antithology down to eqg offboarders.

This is your only warning. You do not joke about stuff like this.
I'm not handing the antithology down to eqg offboarders
Remove the eqgfaggotry.
it's only there for one second with a "tfw eqg" thing on the bottom left, the rest of it is pure pony
A one second joke is much different than unironic barbie wankery, you're fine.
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Don't try to impersonate me, faggot. My submission stays.
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>Antithology is totally better than Anthology guys






It's funny you mention that, because I'm of the opinion one of the biggest mistakes of the Anthology series was it being decided on by committee.
This is a board project. Not your project.
Even one second is too much, "Anon".

Either way, this is how a small circlejerk overtakes board projects.
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In the Anthitology, the OP literally decides against the wish of the board.

You are the tranny here.
>Anything explicitly or unironically anthro/EQG won’t be allowed. Calm down.
Fuck off with this bullshit. There was supposed to be no eqg in this barring extreme circumstances, and I was working under the assumption you wouldn't arbitrarily disregarded INSTANTLY anyone sent in eqg. This 'sumbission' is as "unironically EQG" as they come.

>literally implying "well it's a good thing I get to say what's allowed and not you, /mlp/"
Jesus fucking Christ, reread what you're saying.
And I'm not making it my project? I'm not directing people the clips they need to make. I'm not saying we need this, that, and the other. I've been hands off in regard to submissions. The Top Gear thing? Happened organically. Had zero input from me.

I don't know, Anon, the poll seems pretty split so far. Picrel
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Bumping the poll and the clip.
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The slope keeps getting more slippery and slippery! Another board projects overtaken by a circlejerk!
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Allowing a shimfag to organize was the deathblow. Everyone should have seen this coming.
compared to a one minute submission, one second is barely anything.

quit your whining
fun while it lasted
Yeah, I don't like seeing even a second of eqg, either, but it's clearly not an "EQG submission" at that point, just a single joke that can be overlooked. This shimmer PMV is something entirely different.
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>Anything explicitly or unironically anthro/EQG
>explicitly or unironically
Is the distinction, in faggot OP's own words.
So what was even the point of putting the restriction about not allowing unironic EQG into the OP if you're going to just ignore it as soon as it would be relevant? An EQG PMV (or AVM, I guess, because it certainly isn't pony) is pretty much the most EQG kind of content you can imagine.
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>thread ruined by eqg
another one bites the dust
We've got a month left. Seems like enough time to replace the current OP with someone better. Despite how poor of a job the current OP is doing, it's not that hard of a job. Assemble the clips and make sure no one tries to slip in eqg or anthro.
All the clips are easily accessible on the archive even if shimfag tries to be spiteful by taking down the doc. This might be the best course of action.
funny that op is a snake just like his shitty bargain bin waifu
Perhaps I should have been more clear. That's on me. I was thinking that people would consider the entirety of my statement, including "If it was merit it will be considered". But it looks like I was wrong. And it's looking like the poll is leaning more against the inclusion of the clip. If that's what The People want, then so be it. I have no problems omitting the clip.
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What's the point of changing the rules halfway through the submission process then, only because it happens to fit the agenda you're trying to push? What was the point of the rules then in the first place?
>Remember last year the problem with the Gurren Lagann submission?
You used this as an example yourself. Painstaking, detailed animation is "merit", not a fucking PMV to an overused meme song.
There's no agenda I'm pushing, Anon, calm down. And I didn't change the rules halfway through? That statement has been in the OP since the first thread.
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They can't help themselves. Pushing their precious barbies EVERYWHERE they possibly can is the only thing that keeps them alive. It's kind of similar to the LGBTQ+ agenda in that regard.
>This might be the best course of action
I'm thinking so. Even if OP were to do 180 on his retardation I don't think I'd trust him to pull it off. He'd probably lie and put it in anyway just to spite /mlp/.

There should be no eqg at all. The fact that you ever intended to put that shit in shows how little you care about pony and /mlp/. The fact that you would degrade a board project like that shows just how unfit you are for the position of organizer.
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The previous OP wasn't all that bad after all ...
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Lots of talk about replacing the dude but none of you retards stepped up when it needed a new person last time and none of you will step up again this time. Cos all you niggas are just baby birds with your mouths wide open, chirping until you get fed and then dying when no one feeds you.

That being said, I'm voting against the clip being in it. But you everycreatures can stand being less nigglish about it. This "it's joever" posting is ridiculous.
Previous OP stepped down and didn't want anything to do with this project, probably cos you niggas made his ass itch.
OP has agreed to rescind the clip, so I think we should give him the benefit of the doubt. He's been good aside from this up to now. Everyone deserves one slip-up as long as they can course-correct.
That being said, whilst the thread has everyone's attention, if there are any other clips in contention those should probably also be debated, get all our dirty laundry aired as it were.
I would love to have him back.

I was thinking about it, but the current fag stepped up first. I suppose I could think about it again. But I do think it would be good to have more than one person prepared to step in. Maybe have a screener session to give Anons a chance to review the final work.
And I've updated the spreadsheet to reflect that
I'll try and give things another look after work. I would encourage other Anons to do the same.
No you weren't. Namefag to show your experience running projects or stop lying.

You won't. You know why? Because like I said, you are nothing more than a miserable little baby bird with your miserable little baby bird beak open ready to gobble up slop.

If you wanna take it up next year, go for it. Running projects is easy from the baby bird POV (because again, all you, yes YOU, faggot) get to do is gobble gobble, but nowhere near easy when you actually have to...you know...do more than that.

Having two or more people running this is a good idea, if only just so no one person gets overwhelmed with the work.

Picture related: Captcha knows exactly who I am replying to
>Remember last year the problem with the Gurren Lagann submission? This does not mean I am going to allow any anthro or EQG.
I do not like namefagging, hence pretty much all of the projects I've been involved with have been done anonymously. I've previously been heavily involved with PPP, projects in the Fan Site Alternatives thread, I was OP and helped organize a decent chunk of Marenheit. As well as other less successful attempts such as Pastel Dreams, /mlp/ makes /mlp/. And more. I do want to make it clear that I am not claiming to be the sole hero and champion of these projects, these were board projects and it is the Anons who make these things happen, but I have certainly done my part to help make the dream a reality.
Why doesn't the OP just make two versions of the submission? One with the clip for his circlejerk, and one without the clip for the board?

True, it stings that he/she are arbitrarily changing the rules of the submission halfway through, but there can always be a new OP for the next anti. This would be a way where all parties are happy.
>Anthro/barbies will be evaluated on a case by case basis
Yeah, and I'm Princess Celestia herself and I am suffering from a 1000 year old yeast infection as we speak.
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It's always the goalposts with these types.

They will allow ANYTHING the moments it fits their agenda.
>Anything explicitly or unironically anthro/EQG won’t be allowed. Calm down.

You guys are such fags, it's infuriating. He put it up to a vote and the board voted against having it, and so it won't be on it. I know it's funny to say we're schizos but not literally everything is a big barbie conspiracy.
Namefagging is generally a cancer unless there is genuine need for it, which there very rarely is. I've always tried my best to do what I can for board projects.
I'm just surprised he didn't go the obvious route of publishing two versions of the video, one with the clip and without. One version for the board and one for the eqg theythems. It would have made both the public and the circlejerk happy, and wouldn't have escalated like this. It's not like previous antis didn't have separate versions published before. This should have been obvious after he claims his many accolades here >>41120032

Whatever. As long as the project comes to fruition the way it was originally envisioned and has the pony board as its one and only audience, I don't feel bad about my submission being here.
>not literally everything is a big barbie conspiracy.
It is for these niggers. They unironically believe in the boogieman they've created.
No one is going to take away your mares, retards.
There are two other submissions containing EQG content
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>last year
>gurren lagaan meme with ponies gets rejected because the robots are "too anthro"
>this year
>eqg foot fetish clip
At least the poll shows how the board feels about EQG.
And they are blocking 19 utterly desiccated threads as you boldly lie.

Face it. Your ugly show failed spectacularly back then and cause literally a million of fans to drop out, and it's utterly detested to this day.
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Okay, this is straight up barbie transfaggotry. Not even a small clip, but full on garbage. How did this slip in? How are we becoming WORSE than the Anthology? What the fuck?
The EQG portions should be removed at the very least.
I hate barbie shit just as much as you, retard. I just happen to hate how you all absolutely devolve into a stupid purity spiral to the point where you all start demanding OP be removed even more, even after the last year or two of faithful service.

Again, not everything is a Barbie conspiracy. Sometimes a duck is a duck is a duck.
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>Your ugly show failed spectacularly
>Still afraid it's gonna replace mares
lol, lmao even. keep seething over nothing.
The applefried one has a one second clip in it of her wearing jeans...
>after the last year or two of faithful service
This is a new, significantly worse OP, than last year.

There should be no EQG.
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I think the bottom gear one is probably fine, its an ironic inclusion, but you could just as easily substitute in a hoof and it'd still be just as good. If the original creator is around and wants to take a stab at subbing out the clip it might be nice to see.
The applefried one is a bit more on the fence, I get why they used the clip (there are no shots of AJ in jeans in the actual show) but its a fairly blatant and unironic shot. I'm 50/50 here.
This is the exact same OP that has been at it since the original guy dropped out. Stop lying.
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so this guy should also be held accountable for the clip getting cut last year then
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If you didn't want people to hate barbies, then why is it being slipped into everything?
I didn't do the editing last year. I just organized the threads and submission sheet. It's directly because of the Gurren Lagann submission being cut that I said I would be editing from the onset of the first submission thread this time around.
Don't care about your shit fest, but there have been 3 people running the Antithology. The original person, a different guy who took over that had that clip removed because he was afraid everyone here would cry because anthro, and the guy who took over last year who ran it with no issue (and is running it this year)
>its a fairly blatant and unironic shot

Oh, it's 100%. It directly violates the sumbission rules. Of course this violation is being ignored in this case because it happens to fit the OP's agenda.

Imagine the OP had been transparent about his biases before starting the submissions. You really think I would have submitted if I had known this event was compromised?

No way I'm ever trusting these shitbags again.
I Actually want people to hate Barbies, so that's fine. I can also recognize you everycreatures are being ridiculous calling for heads to roll and projects to switch hands over this.

Kind of like how an offboarder would see something good going on and try everything they can to destroy what we have...hmm..
>It's fine if the OP tried to slip in EQG clips despite telling he wouldn't because he apologized when someone caught him.
>/mlp/ we know drama
why is this even a problem
It's not a problem anymore
You reek of the pants shitter who brigaded the con to ban things you dont like
I've seen far lower quality submissions than that for FiM.
If you rescind it you're a redditor who caves to the twitter mob
>The board
>easily botted poll
kek lmaooo >>41119987
Barbiefag discord woke up
I drew a pair of pants for AJ.
Now with AJ hoof.
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Fuck you both sides.
Fuck you for pushing eqg into pony project, and fuck you for making it much bigger >muh circlejerk conspiracy about how barbie trannies are taking over the board -drama than it has any need to be.

Fuck you and have submission.
>Rainbow Rocky
Audio source: Rocky theme song
If the miniscule amounts of EQG bother you so much you want to see it changed, take it up with the original people who submitted those original clips. I'm not going to accept anons changing other people's submissions on their behalf.
The one guy said he couldn't find a clip of AJ in jeans, so I have provided a clip of AJ in jeans. Either way EQG has no place being in this thing.
I'm not the one you need to petition this change to.
You are the one allowing EQG into this.
Damn man that's wild, but I'm not going to allow people to just change other people's submissions.
Since OP can't be trusted with the simple task of keeping EQG out of the antithology, I will begin editing together the clips tonight. Hopefully I should be able to have something up to date with current submissions by the end of the weekend. As I've said previously, it would be good to have other Anons prepared to help out as well.

One thing I will ask, have we decided upon what the main clip transition will be for this year? Maybe I'm just forgetting or perhaps I just missed it. Unless we're just wanting to use something similar to previous years.
I look forward to seeing what you put together.
>There is no agenda to force Barbies, bro. You are just paranoid.
You are paranoid.
These minor edits should be used instead. It solves the issue entirely and lets the clips stay in. It's not like people take ownership of clips to have their "fame" "stolen" with this; it's all done by that dastardly guy, Anonymous.
If we allow strangers to make edits to other people's submissions as they see fit, when will we draw the line? If that gets allowed, why not just let the entire board dictate to people how exactly they should edit their submissions?

No, this is where I draw the line. If that means people get all pissy about it and fuck off and make their own edits of the Antithology, then go ahead and be my guest. Ya'll are acting silly and unreasonable over nothing.
It's about the retard OP forcing his decisions overruling the will of the board. If you don't see a problem in this you clearly haven't been here very long.
>will of the board
For time being it seems to be just one retard screeching about needing to edit existing clips. Just put another poll to see the will and we'll be in similar limbo like the silver coin project was lmao
I think the Sunset clip should be nowhere near the anti but one second of EqG as a gag or to fill in space is fine with me. This is getting autistic.
My brother in Christ, I have kept an eye on the poll, and when it veered against the inclusion of the Shimmer clip I immediately marked it as "not included" in the submission spreadsheet.>>41120013
I agree that the clips shouldn't be edited; they should just be removed.
They shouldn't have submitted eqg, and it shouldn't have been accepted.
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I don't particularly like EqG myself, but the sheer hate some people have for that show is bordering on the insane. You're dealing with some Barneyfag tier autism here.
Do you retards even know the clips you're talking about? Post the links to them right now, they're not hard to find.
Make another poll.
This, but if there's an alternative version of the clip without eqg, it could be used instead.
>getting autistic
Anon, I...
If the edit is approved by the original submitter OR the original submitter makes the change himself (with proof that it is the original submitter in both cases), then fine.
To be fair, it deserves every bit of hate it can get.

Now remove/edit the clips and move on. You don't need to be replying to this garbage.
I've made my position clear. I won't be moving on this point.
This is why you should never be an organizer of anything on the board.
I think this is a very reasonable stance to hold; not allowing other people to to hijack other people's submissions and take away from the original contributor's submission. I don't see what's so offensive about that.
The eqg is the offensive part. The original submissions should have never been let in. By including eqg they forfeit any right to have it unaltered or even included at all.
And all I see is >(you) getting bent out of shape over it. No one had any problems with the other submissions until the doomposters showed up. Hell, there have been plenty of other people saying it's fine.
go dilate about it
eqg has no place in the antithology.
>And all I see is >(you)
Go ahead, make another poll.
You make it since you're so invested in this. And be sure to link the clips so people know what they're voting on.
You should just stop replying to the low functioning autist, he's done this before from nhnb
It's not like the barbiefag OP will listen. As long as he's involved he will ensure eqg content is included.
Maybe if the niggerfaggot who made the poll actually linked the clips he's sperging out over I would have taken this poll seriously. But he didn't, so I won't.

Post the clips. Let the people see what they're voting on. Otherwise go fuck yourself.
The real question is whether /mlp/ anons want to see EQG content in Antithology or not.
Your reaction shows very well what your real goal is.
And in this thread and previous threads there have no objections to the clips in question. Based on the interactions I've seen, anons don't mind the level of EQG in those clips. They said they were perfectly fine with it.
I, in particular, did a quick 180 seeing what any level of leniency will bring. I though we could compromise and be civil about it, but seeing it used as an argument for more eqg shit in the anti was what changed my mind.
>Based on the interactions I've seen, anons don't mind the level of EQG in those clips.
Then they can vote YES on the poll.
>contain ANY EQG content at all
I put ANY in uppercase for a reason.
I honestly don't see why you are mad. The poll is crystal clear and goes directly to the heart of the debate.
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Let's be civil about this.
t. guy who made the first poll about the Sunset clip
What kind of botting protection does this have
The poll answers the question for both the current clips and any potential future ones.
The poll that says ANY is better because otherwise you'll probably try to squeeze in eqg clip after eqg clip claiming
>Hur dur this clip hasn't been voted on yet
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You insufferable communist party purging tier faggots have successfully ruined the concept of the Antithology for me, after 3 years of showing everyone what we could achieve together. Can't have this be a middle finger fuck you to Jhaller and his cronies for thinking they're the gatekeepers of content for this fandom. No. We have to be at each other's throats trying to see who can reach the bottom of this purity spiral the fastest.

I'm going to be pulling all of the shitpost videos I've made (none of them have shitty EqG clips in them) and both animations I have planned for this. Fuck you all. May hobbies be adapted for modern audiences.
>acting like this is anything new
Have you already forgotten the drama regarding the clips explicitly MOCKING g5 in the first or second antis? They didn't have any eqg, and even that was enough to get a significant portion of the thread up in arms. Of course eqg will have a much stronger reaction than that. This is just /mlp/ as usual.
The fucked up part is that I hate EqG and G5 probably as much as these cunts trying to stage a coup and make a giant deal out of this, but I can tell when something is actually an issue and when. It's not. This is fucking ridiculous.

This stupid shit is exactly what people who want Mare Fair taken down and the Antithology hidden want, for us to go down a purity spiral so hard that we tear our amazing projects into pieces with zealotry. If I didn't know any better, I'd say that we're being false flagged, even.
So that makes the results of the poll null. This is the original contributor of the Applefried clip (among others).

Congratulations, you miserable losers, you got what you wanted.
I think it's just anons being too dramatic about this, but I can't imagine expecting this thread (or any large board project, really) to not have some stupid drama.
I hate eqg and my take was that the clips were kind of fine, but if this stupid tribal war continues and forces everyone itt to pick a side, then, well, I can't really see myself agreeing with the pro-eqg posters, even if the anti-eqg opinion strikes me as exaggerated.
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Fun fact: none of the niggers whinging and complaining actually submitted anything to the antithology
There's no "pro-EqG posters" dude, it's literally just clips. The Applefried one had one second of Applejack wearing jeans because I couldn't find anything of her wearing jeans, figured that would be fine. Again, I hate EqG. But I know when it's an issue and when it's not.

The real sides are self-destructive purity spiral retards vs regular content makers who wanna shitpost.
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Just cancel the antithology and nuke this fucking place already.
Nothing matters anymore.
Take some rest and think about it later with a cool head. It's ok if you come to the same decision, but please, take some time.
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This is going to be the worst antithology ever, isn't it
It's shaping up to be that way.
eqg is an issue.
You are the issue. Show us your submissions
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Well good going dipshits the pure barbieshit submission got dealt with and everything was fine.
Yeah, although there is the case by case basis point. If it were me I'd just relegate EQG subs to a "bonus" extra vid. It's a simple solution because ultimately you're right about the rules op laid down. People can still submit and see EQG. Whiners can avoid it. Simple.
you have no place breathing the same air as me, jew
The submission links at pyroserv net appear to be dead.
Not to worry, I've already downloaded them.
Can we get a copy? The clips in question are 51, 52, 53, 54, and 55.
I don't know Anon, are you the autistic niggerfaggot throwing a fit over some minor inclusions of EQG in the submissions?
For completeness of the clip archives, and I suppose to just see what they are I guess. Usually I'm a bit better with grabbing links as things happen in these types of threads but I've been a bit lazy in this thread in that regard. Something I'm working to correct.
You will never be accepted, EqGtroon. I blatantly speak for everyone when I say ANY inclusion of barbietranny anti-FiM shit makes this entire project invalid. The community rejects it. It rejects you and the rest of your TROON kin. DELETE all of it on principle, give the reigns to someone who isn't a repulsive Barbietranny, snd fucking hang yourself Shimmernigger.
Is there any chance of getting a copy? I can offer up similar archives for other board projects if wanted. I know I've got for example all the raw lines for all the board episode dubs. I think most the PPP redubs as well as other stuff if that's of interest. I keep an archive of a lot of board stuff.
I'll provide updated links for you to download tomorrow.
That works I suppose. Are they like larger files or something?
I know you aren't supposed to make drama memes but I felt compelled to make this anyway.

>The Final Solution
Source is Generation Kill

eqg is gay but whiners are gayer btw, you anons are acting like trannies do when you get their pronouns wrong
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This has to be controlled opposition.
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Now this is false flag if any.
Anon please, do it for the mares!
I didn't submit anything or follow those threads, was is really as bad as this?
It's been a while, there's usually some instances of OP being a fag in these threads trying to sneak in eqg or g5, but I don't think previous OPs were quite as adamant as including it as this one. The fact that he flaunts it with his flaggotry should have been enough of a warning to find somebody else, anybody else. But to answer your question the main instance that comes to mind that was as bad as this was when the OP was going to include anthro in the antithology. That might have been the first year. And I think he actually did, people hadn't really been paying attention to the clips being submitted back then and it was an awful surprise when it aired. It's what started the push to have no anthro, no eqg, and no g5 in the OP.
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>ooh all these people angry about a picosecond and a pixel of EqG are like the cool and edgy nazis with a zero tolerance mentality

No. These people are pic related. They are incompetent and offer nothing but entitlement and drama.
He actually did, yes. Iirc it was futa SFM anthro Vinyl
>eqg is gay but whiners are gayer btw, you anons are acting like trannies do when you get their pronouns wrong

I'm on your side you illiterate gorillanigger
I call him illiterate but here I am with the curse of the mobilefag once again, fuck me.

You are still a retard and a stinky jiggy boo boo though.
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I'm starting to think this is all just one retard samefagging and botting polls.
I don't believe there was botting. Most anons just hate EQG that much.
The amount of it in the two videos isn't something I would get my panties twisted about, but I suppose allowing the Sunset video led to a retarded witch hunt.
Jesus Christ. It just shows the extent of the slippery slope.
Why is this surprising? The majority of the fandom at large disregards eqg, and the board is just in accordance to this fact. Deserved to, eqg was a remarkably bad product.
It's a fine edit, but that type of submission really has no place in the Antithology.
I'd say keep it, it's funny
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Let's keep board drama out of the Antithology. We need to keep in mind that people not overly familiar with the board will potentially be watching the Antithology as well. They don't need to see that shit.
The majority of the fandom loves EqG.
>Lots of talk about replacing the dude but none of you retards stepped up when it needed a new person last time and none of you will step up again this time. Cos all you niggas are just baby birds with your mouths wide open, chirping until you get fed and then dying when no one feeds you.
>That being said, I'm voting against the clip being in it. But you everycreatures can stand being less nigglish about it. This "it's joever" posting is ridiculous.
This is my own opinion.
Ah yes, it's obviously pride month already.
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I'm making a poll to remove this image.
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NEVER ask for a poll to remove eqg threads from /mlp/
Yeah on account of what a massive faggot you are.
It wasn't meant to be included, just for shits and shittles
>Let's keep board drama out of the Antithology. We need to keep in mind that people not overly familiar with the board will potentially be watching the Antithology as well. They don't need to see that shit.
Who the hell cares about whether off boarders get it or not. Antithology was meant to be by the board for the board.
Clip 27 has eqg, anthro, and g5.
Clips 35 and 110 have eqg.
Clips 26, 45, and 80 have g5.
Thanks for the heads up.

As you can see, offboarders have clearly already subverted the project and are submitting anthro and eqg. The slope is getting more slippery.
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So are we going to let rouge Anons take over? Because if so, I'm not going to submit my animation either.
I honestly think you're the only offboarder here. You and the "people" you're responding to.

Post your submissions.
>rouge Anons
They're just Anons.
Post your submissions
No, I'm not, because this retard nigger monkey>>41124806 is 1. clearly lying about what clips contain EQG, and 2. his equally retarded brother >>41124810 is falling for it and getting worked up over fucking JOKES.

I'm half tempted to tell everyone to go fuck themselves and reinstate the Shimmer submission that kicked off all this bait and drama to begin with.
To quote the illustrious J. Rebel
"Quit your bitchin nigger and just let things be, you're messing up big time take ot from me."
I don't think so. The OP has clearly shown willingness to work with the board, despite his biases. It's more about if the project is suddenly going to allow non-pony content from offboard or keep consisted with the initially posted rules instead.

If the project is declared dead for the next installment, is an entirely different conversation. An OP who will easily surrender the project to offboarder non-pony posters can not be trusted very far IMO.
Do it and get them to die mad and gay. I'm pretty sure Corp will only show your version at /mlp/con anyway, which honestly is all that matters.
Post your submission, offboarder
Their goal usually consists of moving things to their offboard circlejerk. It is to be expected.
The Shimmer submission had to go but now I'm convinced that the thread is filled with falseflaggers just trying to stir drama for the sake of drama. Don't fall for it.
A lot of misinformation here.
The whole point of the clip is to mock such content, which means the content is not "unironic" and so abides by the defined rules in the OP. Though, you could argue it perhaps violates the "no porn" rule.
There is no EQG here, Its literally just the songbird serenade dance from the MLP:FiM movie.
There's no EQG here, unless you mean anon but he's meant to be human. (Or TF2 medic?)
>26, 45, 80
The OP doesn't explicitly ban G5 but rather states they will be decided on a case by case basis. 45 and 80 are clearly in jest of G5 rather than in support of it anyway.

As the person that first bought up the shimmer clip, I'm sorry you had to put up all this shit - I did it only out of concern. I didn't realize the thread would get so messy. I can only imagine how much worse things would have been if the antithology had aired with the shimmer clip though. This is but a fraction of the board speaking right now.
Who is "they", retard. Post your submissions.
>Clip 27
Anthro blowup dolls at 11s
G5 at 24s
EQG/jdb at 47s

>Clip 36
EQG at 34s

>Clip 110
EQG at 6s

>Clip 80
G5 throughout

>Clip 45
G5 at 16s and 39s

>Clip 26
G5 at 6s
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Alright calm down dude. What the fuck is wrong with you? What got you so unhinged?
>Doesn't post his submissions
I want eveyrone here to take note that this is what we're dealing with. The anon up there is right, this is probably an offboarder false flag trying to subvert the antithology.

OP, just remove the shimmer clip and put everything else back in. Fuck these "people".
I wouldn't say OP is wanting to work with the board. He's doing what he can to maintain appearances while trying to weasel EQG in all the while, discouraging other Anons from taking up the mantle and doing it right.
Pretty sure he's talking about the Eqg Troons. You can clearly see them trying to circlejerk here >>41124855.
Hey brother, I get it. I don't blame you in the slightest. You have no control over the bait and doomposters.
Actually go fuck yourself.
Post your submissions, baby bird.
New poll.
Calm down. Throwing insults around doesn't help.
I just find it funny that eqg always attracts this kind of horseshit. I just wish it didn't exist. We would have none of these problems. Our board would be paradise.
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Finally, a poll that matters
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>making content

why do you think these retards act so entitled?
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>post a random submission
>one random anon take the heat
>Who is "they"
>hasn't visited these threads in a few months
>some shit is happening

what is it again? qrd?
Some Shimmerfag submitted a <30 second Shimmer PMV and autists started sperging out over it claiming it a part of some larger conspiracy/agenda
>Some Shimmerfag submitted a <30 second Shimmer PMV and autists started sperging out over it


>...claiming it a part of some larger conspiracy/agenda

This rule is in OP since the start.
>-Anthro/Barbies will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis
>But this just means you’re going to sneak in furshit!
>Remember last year the problem with the Gurren Lagann submission? This does not mean I am going to allow any anthro or EQG. If it has merit, it will be considered. Anything explicitly or unironically anthro/EQG won’t be allowed. Calm down.
This clip gets accepted, despite violating the rule: https://files.catbox.moe/9tc2b2.mp4
An Anon sees it, reports it. OP bitches a bit but allows a poll to see if it gets removed or not.
The remove option wins.
OP removes it.
Some anons believe OP has a bias, the Sunset flag doesn't help.
Some anons start to verify the clips submitted, more EQG content is found, but not at all at the level of the previous video.
In this one, EQG AJ is used because she has jeans for instance.
Some anons still want it removed.
New polls:
The original contributor of the Applefried clip removes all his clips following that >>41122576
We are here.
>This clip gets accepted, despite violating the rule: https://files.catbox.moe/9tc2b2.mp4
That was blatantly EQG, how was that even accepted?
>OP bitches a bit but allows a poll to see if it gets removed or not.
This should've been removed immediately, and not after a poll.
meanwhile i'm having a drama of my own where i'm supposed to make a 1 minute long animation in less than a month because i spent the last one procrastinating :(
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does anyone have ideas for shorts others can steal? I have the time to make something, but I'm creatively bankrupt
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Looks like I'm ahead of schedule. I've got all the clips into the timeline, noise levels normalized, and everything's looking pretty good so far. Not that it's that difficult of a task, but it does take a little bit of time. For anybody else looking to get involved this really is something that anyone can get started with.

There's only really a few things to do other than wait for more clips to be completed and to work on clips. Currently I'm using the clip transitions from a previous year. Should probably try and make something unique for this year. Maybe even a few to mix it up? Other than that maybe tinker around with the intro/outro and that's about it. I'm wondering if I should put in for a panel application myself as I doubt OP would be willing to let something air without eqg in it, so it may be best to set up something a bit more guaranteed.
Make a new Panel application so it can get rejected and you can die mad and gay
Fuck. I accidentally voted Yes.
>Numget on The Price Is Right


>Audio sources
You can tell he is one simple ass simon because he bitches about a clip clearly making fun of the anthro dolls and shit. A prime example of why these niggas are clowns.
Love it
Well Anon, I wish you the best. I hope you can still squeeze in a time slot during /mlp/con. Will you be making a separate thread to distinguish our different versions?
It's not like /mlp/con is short on time slots, and I have submitted a panel for it. I think it may be best to keep activity in this thread as it is what the product of these threads should have been, regardless of the fag who made the OP. For the next year I might see whether Anons want a separate anti-antithology thread.
Why are you doing it this way? Why not just edit the EQG out of OP's video rather than duplicating the work? You're more likely to miss clips unless you're carefully watching the document - bearing in mind some clips are submitted via email rather than via thread. So you could end up missing submissions unless you use OP's as a base.
I'm also not sure this is even required. All of the "unironic" EQG has been removed at this point (Sunset Shimmer + Applefried) and anything remaining can be seen as ironic / poking fun at EQG. Most people won't care about this.
Also a second /mlp/con panel would probably cause confusion and split the audience, which would suck for the contributors (bigger chat reaction = more exciting), so I'd rather not see this.
There are no lengths too great to ensure total cleansing of barbiefilth. The Shimmernigger has to be totally divorced from the true antithology to ensure its sanctity, so Anon has the right idea. The original project is inherently tainted.
Quite simply I don't trust OP. I don't trust that he will keep EQG out of it, and as far as we can tell he is going to be including at least some amount of EQG and G5 (see >>41124873). Editing OP's video is not going to be viable as he may not provide the final video early enough before the con or he may not even provide it at all. And given that I don't trust OP, whose to say he doesn't try some fuckery with what's previewed vs. whats shown at the con. Ultimately the only way to know it'll be done right, is to do it yourself.

Clips have been pulled from the spreadsheet, so at least up to this point it should have most of them. In the future it is possible that OP may not update the spreadsheet with email submissions, or even disclose their presense at all. It is unfortunate, and there's nothing I can do if OP tries to hide submissions from Anons in this way. I wish this wasn't the case, but I will do what I can to gather as many as I can. I don't see why we really need email submissions, my preference would be to post everything in the thread, but I suppose if there actually is a good reason I could offer the same.

There will be a split in viewership, but that is the price for giving Anons the chance to avoid EQG. There are a lot of Anons who do care, even in this thread. And you only need to look back at the anthro fiasco in year one to know there will be many more Anons who care at the event. It is a board event. EQG should have never been on the table to begin with.

I care very much about the projects that happen here. Of course I would have preferred if we had an OP who was actually going to do things right from the start. But that's not the case. And it's why this is necessary.
You should make a separate thread then
You realize that Anon's post was schizobabble, right? He was literally fabricating shit for (You)s
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WE HAD A GOOD THING, YOU STUPID SONS OF BITCHES! The Shimmer clip was removed, we had clips, and it all ran like clockwork! You could have shut your mouths and made as many clips as you needed! But no! You just had a blow it up! (You), your pride and your autism!
Obviously thread submissions are preferable, but email submissions are kinda important in rare cases. For the past two years running, certain high effort clips have been taken directly from this thread and spread around twitter etc by third parties. So having a more subtle submission option helps protect higher effort clips that are more likely to be leaked (though obviously it does nothing to prevent such people lurking the spreadsheet, but most people who are going to share on twitter are also too retarded for that).
But yeah, I stand by my statement that fracturing the userbase is never the right option on collaborative projects - especially in a community as starved of participants as this. But if you think it needs to be done, you do you. I guess we'll see how it pans out.
I wanted to privately send mine but I have no idea of how to turn that mess of letters and number into something resembling an email address.
> The CMC perform It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Dayman

> Sources

erm that's it right? I haven't submitted before
>>-Anthro/Barbies will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis
Just let it in who cares.

>>41125018 ask >>41124997
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>The original project is inherently tainted.
Make new thread if this one is tainted. Clear them out! There needs to be a fresh start.
That's fine. It would be more ideal to link to the original clip on Youtube somewhere, but it's fine.
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Who the fuck cares. It's just eqg. It can burn to the fucking ground as far as Anons are concerned. Literally nothing of value was lost.

Also the OP brought this upon himself by making the submission rules even more ambiguous than last year's. After "promising" that he would be communicating with the board more closely, the board now assumed that he would do better.
Yeah, you're right. I should have been more mindful and less vague and contradictory with the rules. I might rewrite that portion for the final OP, but then detractors might come in and say "He's changing it again at the last minute."

So I'll just commit to it until the premiere. Once the con is over I'll weigh how the community feels when they vote on Best/Worst panels.
>as far as Anons are concerned
No, as far as (you) are concerned. Most of the anons seems to just want to finish the thing, without Sunset PMV if I'm not completely mistaken. Stop stirring shit and start posting submissions.
There is another poll that might reverse that decision, so it's hard to say at this point

You contribute absolutely nothing, other than sheer negativity. You expect to be catered to like some spoiled child, throwing a tantrum when mommy accidentally brings you the wrong brand of tendies. On the stepladder of /mlp/ respect, you lie at the bottom, rolling around in your own piss and shit, reeeeing at the other guys climbing the laddder 'wrong'. People like you are the reason bad shit happens. Unironically end yourself, you are nothing but a burden. I wont even grace you with an image response. You don't deserve it. Fuck off.
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I don't think it's wise to follow such obscurely worded polls.
I'm the anon who made it. It was meant as an obvious shitpost to lighten the atmosphere.
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Well I don't trust you fag for throwing a tantrum and bitching over the smallest things. I posted my submissions for the OP to include in the anti and I don't want them to be used in some other asshole's personal project.
you mean to gatekeep ESLs looool I see you statistician anon finding the correlation between ESL and eqg, you're a sly little Machiavellian right curver
I can't believe you all are falling for the false flaggers again. It's already been called out, we KNEW this would happen.There are people who genuinely hate /mlp/ and will keep throwing shit at the wall until something sticks. If it's not EQG, it's AI; if it's not AI, it's too many 'circlejerk memes'; if it's not that, it's something else. This kind of thing happens with every /mlp/ project: the antithology, mare fair, anatomically correct edits, mppp, games, /mlp/con. You can't seriously be this blind. They goal is destroy projects and demoralize people to discourage them from creating, are you are falling for it every single time.
>see >>41124873 #
Those make fun of G5/eqg/anthro. It's not unironic so it goes in accordance to OP rules. The only problem was that sunset pmv and it got dealed with.
>There will be a split in viewership, but that is the price for giving Anons the chance to avoid EQG.
So you're taking that decision in behalf of everyone who contributed. I for one don't agree, I'd rather have a single premiere. Pretty sure I'm not alone on this. At least a poll might be useful, instead of deciding by yourself something that affects everyone in the project. Board project, not yours.

But polls are easily manipulated aren't they? I start to think there's an intention to sabotage the project by falseflagging as one side or the other and acting utterly retarded. Whatever the case, it wouldn't be strange at all from all that's happening to have the polls botted and rendered useless.
So idk
This, exactly.
They might not even be real people.
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Bro it's just eqg. Shut up and move on. You don't have to defend it.
I wasn't defending EQG, just pointing out a pattern.
Extremely low quality
amen >>41126730 I almost fell for it too but by the time I was calling him a Mossad agent I woke up and pulled the hook out of my mouth. You're a good anon, he's a glow nigger
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Just make two versions
A purist version with only FIM ponies and an anarchist version where everything is allowed.
Would be sensible, but the problem remains, as before, that this bends the rules halfway through the submission process. It should have been stated in the original OP that the OP is allowed to make personal taste calls on submissions even against the creators' wills.
What do you think "will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis" means?
That the board is asked instead. Should be obvious for non-ESLs
The problem is that you have:
>Anything explicitly or unironically anthro/EQG won’t be allowed. Calm down.
Then the Sunset video got accepted when it's clearly against this rule.
In this case, what was your 'basis' to accept it?
It should be obvious that He/She doesn't have a consistent basis.
And for the next Antithology I plan on rephrasing that entire section. As for the Sunset video; the focus of the video being Sunset aside it had a higher level of effort than I would expect from someone submitting EQG content. I would have expected some lazy audio edit of some random scene. I thought the contributor going through the effort of compiling a variety of clips and syncing them to the music was enough to get over the bar.

Furthermore, and as I suspected, it was the ONLY EQG centric clip that's been submitted, and I doubt there will be any more EQG related submissions. It constitutes less than 1% of the entire run time of the Antithology. With all those factors combined I thought "Surely people will be reasonable and not care for 1 (one) clip barely 30 (thirty) seconds long."
Oh, now the sabotagers are trying to undo the progress made on excluding the Sunset clip, I see. Identified OP's weak spot and proceed to exploit it to stirr up more drama.
>Oh, now the sabotagers are trying to undo the progress made on excluding the Sunset clip, I see.
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I want to take a break from drama to say I'm grateful for the contributions and the organizing effort on this project, imperfect as both might be.
Whatever direction things take, it won't be boring.
If you thought that, you are not very smart.

What is this schizobabble?
I gave /mlp/ too much credit.
Anyways, submissions! Keep sending them in!
Shove a blowup doll's penis up your ass, EqG is a total dealbreaker.
We give you an inch and you'll take a mile. I won't submit the 3 high-effort clips until barbies, G5, and anthro are completely removed off the Anti.
And I encourage you all to do the same. Don't upload your clips until Corp sacks this retarded fucking shimfag.
My brother in Christ, the Shimmer and Applefried submissions have already been removed. Every other instance of G5 and anthro are ironic jokes.

Little Dark Age https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETEg-SB01QY
Sorry Anon, no.
Do G%niggers really
You don't even have any clips.
Bump for more clips/drama/whatever. Times running short, anons.
I don't care, it's deal or no deal. Irony shouldn't excuse any of this at all. If I shat out an explosive diarrhea onto the wall and then claimed innocence because I was doing it ironically, I still painted the fucking wall with shit.
I won't upload a single second of these 3 clips that I made unless G% and anthro is 100% off the anti.
You don't have anything. You haven't made anything. You don't know how to make anything. You're just stirring up shit.
I did make clips, and you're a damage controlling asshole. Fuck outta here.
Post them, baby bird (you won't because you haven't made shit)
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This is some irrevocable salted earth shit, isn't it?
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Anon from this post here >>41122576

I've thought about it for a while now and I think I've came to a decision. If OP and the sane non-schizophrenics here ignore all the demands from the samefags and offboarders and non-contributors beyond the removal of the original Sunset Shimmer clip, I'll put all my submissions and animations in.

I think it's pretty clear that we're being brigaded and that one or two authentic schizos are being egged on by then and that neither have the best interest of the project in mind. I'm not going to let them ruin this for me if I can help it.
Shut up and post your submissions fag. You won't because you don't continue anything but sucking cock and taking dick in the ass.
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I'm working on my first clip and i have to say that the AJ one to me was okay. Other than that I'll just mind my own business and post the things when they are done
Brigaded by /mlp/ maybe.
Nah, he's right, this has the stench of offboarder bullshit all over it. Probably Anthology types jealous that the Antithology is better by miles.
Offboarders love EQG and anthro though. Most of the time it's them who try to force it.
It's fine. The polls were very clear, by a wide margin.
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Some of my posts probably more than bordered on the schizo side in reaction to the shit stirrers. You're right, it's time to move on and ignore the bait. Looking forward for more submissions
Whatever else happens, I'll do that. Really that should be the standard procedure. Curated Version & Anarchy Version. Best for everyone really.
Now you really are being a faggot. I think that's a fine submission.
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>sperg over ironic jokes involving g5 having even one second in the Antithology
>but this one is fine
Okay, Anon
Hey, I never threw a shit fit about any of the other clips, but denying a quality submission like that one is where I draw the line.
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Should I make this into a full video and then submit it
no, please kill yourself for making this abomination
yes, please live yourself for making this pure kino
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good. leave it out
>verification not required
It's second time this thing is posted. I wonder what that Anon is trying to signal us.
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>horizontally spinning pony
Audio source: Lynyrd Skynyrd - Free Bird

Lord help me, I can't stop these shitposts
We need to build a generator around her.
>My Lucky Star
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-F1yxY1U4M
>Donkey Pictures
Source: The Grand Tour S03E02 (Columbia Special Part 1)
Don't you die on me now, we're so close to the end!
I’m bumping this at 3 in the fucking morning because nobody else will
Can you faggots kiss and make up already
I think not. Really hope people didn't get scared off from little board drama.

Question to OP, are you going to compile the clips in order they came or making some more coherent order for them?
The latter. I've already done some light editing of certain clips and the order I want them in. I have the beginning, middle, and end of the Anti put in place. Now it's just a matter of filling the spaces in between.
That one got me. Nicely done, Anon. Thank you for keeping up with this year's theme.
oh my goodness gracious
lowest quality submissioner
And that's perfectly fine.
he didn't mean it literally you DOOFUS
Oh I see
Shoulda named it
>movie quality horizontally spinning pony
Welp, too late now lmao
>Let's go browsing!
Audio source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IPFiKEm-oNI
kek, I love this one
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>Yet Another "Dear Princess Celestia"

Source: https://youtu.be/yZnvWcrRgzc?si=aTx-aC7H7XOpf7Jo
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Internet Pone:
>inb4 corrupt file
Stop using Pozilla products.
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Forgot sauce: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIELY-UeEnQ
Rainbow Daesh:
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovd99lnCM_Y&t=280s
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Twiggie's Crimes


Audio Source is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fwHe_MmeeM
Keep the dream alive lads
Any game from the Summer Games Fest catch your interest, anons?
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why haven't YOU submitted a(nother) clip?
"Rainbow Dash, she walks up to anthill... and then, she gets covered with sugar water, and then ants, they crawl on her .c."

"The Spirit of Hearth’s Warming…"
im working on it applejack calm down
Here's my list of antithology ideas I don't have time to fulfill myself again for anyone who wants to use them: https://controlc.com/9a8ba993

Thanks for the idea!
ooh thanks anon
> Tucker's weird soft spot for donkeys

>Landlord the Horsefag

>Video references

>Audio References
Use this one instead. I fixed an issue where the Landlord looked pixelated at the end.
Need to add these to the spreadsheet bump
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Add this one too bump.
Fuck it. I need to finally admit to myself it's done and won't get any better how much I try to tinker with it. I started this back at march and it's "biggest" video project I've ever done.

>See you space pony
Audio source:
Also fuck me for forgetting to add that I'm not the original author of that pic, credit goes to the anonymous artist whoever you are. It's a fucking neat pic.

source: https://youtu.be/ILvd5buCEnU

you might wanna lower your volume
>Holiday Moodkiller
ok this is the best one hooves down
>Landlord the Horsefag goes to Equestria

>Video references

>Audio references
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>Is That a Rainboom?
Reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4gKaXHFrwDk
for silly continuation purposes, put this a few clips after the let's go gambling submission lol
b u m p
All aboard the bump train!
because I only have g5 idears and I don't want to get that very important anon working on high quality clips mad :'( LOL
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A.I. Ponies

reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2uZ4WeU1_4
audio: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azuSxl9sHmc
Time to get a new thread ready
nuh uh
yeah, we'll make this one last 2 more days, dont worry about it
choo choo
B is for Bumping
cant believe tomorrow at midnight is the deadline. I think I've got 2 of 3 submissions through the censors, I am soooooOoooooOoOoo
Read the OP
Oh, does anyone want to provide any assistance for the credit sequence? Otherwise I will probably just make it a simple text scroll on a black void.
oops, next friday, I wonder how my calendar got screwed up

>Tell Dall-e to make Mario and Peach robbing a gas station
>makes them black
What did AI mean by this?
I could lend a hand, what program do you use and what do you have in mind?
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>Marble in the Middle

Inspired by the Maud Daria submission from Antithology 2021
>Rainbow Dash has a landy Roommate

Friendship is Magic (Season 2 Episode 16)

I am editing with Adobe Premiere. This is going to be the final clip of the Anti. So something Top Gear/Grand Tour related would be best, just to keep up with this year's theme.

Hmm, I'm not sure if I could do much.
I still have a sixth entry to finish and my editing can be basic, so what I can offer is making a few doodles in Krita as decoration for the credits.
Use this one instead.
The mask wasn't syncing properly due to framerate issues.
I am loving the Smiling Friends contributions, Anon. Thank you for your work.
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You're welcome.
I still have an entry left for the collab, but it's animated and it isn't related to Smiling Friends. I'll try finishing it this saturday (else I'll exchange study time to finish it on time)
Actually ignore this two and use this one.
I had to fix yet another issue with the masks.
Whatever you do, please for the love of Molestia keep James May playing the Top Gear theme on his toy piano. That's premium excellence right there and shouldn't be removed.
I won't remove it, but please Anon never say that again.
You'll have to be more specific. Was it "Whatever you do, please for the love of Molestia" or "keep James May playing the Top Gear theme on his toy piano" or was it "That's premium excellence right there and shouldn't be removed" that shouldn't be said again?
Here's a small submission, I hope youtube links are fine.
Pim and Charlie find the portal to Equestria (They learn a terrible truth)
S9 spoilers
If you want to submit it for the Antithology first unlist the video and upload to dropbox or google drive or something. We can't accept submissions already uploaded to Youtube.
Oh damn, Made the video private on youtube in the mean time, here you go then as a Poomf link
apology for the error
That works. Thank you, Anon.
What the fuck hahaha
Eqg is a fucking piece of shit why is it suddenly allowed?
Think a political takeover of this project has happened
I think the logo looks like eqg
Mostly pure pony
Reignited two week old argument award
I never see this thread becuase of OP'S avatar
Go back
>Mr. Big McIntosh

>Video references

>Audio references
Reddit behavior award
Goes to:
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Same goes for you. When I import your video into Premiere it has no audio track.
Also will the contributor who submitted "What Scootaloo Dislikes", can you attempt to re-render that clip? I don't know if it is an issue with where you got the original video from or if it was with the project settings, but it looks like the video is interlaced. If you are able please re-render it with progressive scan
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>You're so old
Newcomer here.

"More Morning Mimosa"

The Incredibles

Working on another quick entry beyond this one. Hopefully, I can get it done in time.
>Dead nigger storage - Source: Pulp Fiction

>Sodium Chloride part 1 - Source: Jimmy Neutron / https://youtu.be/iAIhcXdeZyo

>Twilights special cousin part 1 - Source: Drawn Together S1E5

>Happy Pony Friends - Source: Happy Tree Friends S2E7

>SIT DOWN AND STUDY! - Source: South park

>Twilights special cousin part 2 - Source: Drawn Together S1E5

>Lactose intolerant - Source: Beavis and Butthead Do America

>Twilights special cousin part 3 - Source: Drawn Together S1E5

>Rarity's Sneed&Feed - Source: Anon at Whinny >>41139582

>Grill Me a Cheese - Source: Archer

>Where's the cave man? - Souce: https://youtu.be/EsUsURAj0y0

>Who is she - Source: https://youtu.be/AddjMh8-Qsk

>Ima bout to bust! - Source: King of the Hill / https://youtu.be/of4HL-bnWtE

>Y'all with the cult? - Source: King of the Hill

>SCOOTALOO GETS GROUNDED - Source: Original Content.

>Sodium Chloride part 2 - Source: Jimmy Neutron / https://youtu.be/iAIhcXdeZyo
Based Larkin
I think that's the source clip because I used the same file to export it as I did all my other stuff. I'm guessing that since the rating is in the upper corner that it was a broadcast. If I can I'll find a different source, but honestly I think the way it looks fits the old audio. I'll let you decide.
holy crap
Anon you madman, damn good work
I'll leave it as is then.
I'm dumber than a tree so I may have cocked that link up, but I did some fiddling to make it look old. I'll add it again just cause.
Alternatively, I found the episode on yayponies and screen recorded the mkv. But now it looks stretched and weird, even the fuckcock link seems to not like it but still, it's not a tv version and I know adobe is set to progressive.

Since some anon is flexing his numbers I think I've made at least 16 subs, not counting the aryanne shimmer clips video, and this one still makes me giggle like like a small racist child more than anything else. I'm giddy to see the finished antithology.
Thank you, I'll probably go with the film grain one. And yeah, it's coming together pretty nicely so far. I look forward to seeing everyone's reactions.
>Rainbow Dash is worst pony (again)

>Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzbtdclsJXw
>Rainbow Dash is worst pony (again)
Did you mean to include the extra "but" after the credits?
Do you think I would ever do any mistakes?
how are you doing credits if the submissions are anonymous?
Everything will be credited to Anon.

I really love the caveman one lmao, can't wait for the audience to recite the whole thing while watching
Title: Ganggets
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uR-eD9tKLgo
Title: Coco HONKel
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XSf9MFpoSoU
ooklay in the amre
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Title: Twiggie Bots

Don't mind if this doesn't make it in, but I thought it was a funny quick mod.
I can't really load all of the content on the speadsheet with my crappy internet, but it looks like a good one! Hope it goes well!
Fyi, I'm taking a dump rn. Call this a dump bump.
Petition to put this post in the video

In case any of you can't see the videos, it might be a web browser issue so try downloading it. I'm not sure why this happens other than something to do with the framerate.
pones that go bump in the night
Title: "My Little Pony Funny Shorts Trailer!"
do we still need a transition clip? deadline is in a few days I think
Nope! We've got transitions!
Glad to have you on board anon
Title: Chrysalis is revealed!
>Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2u2CiqWsuw
I saw that there was another transition clip that was Simpsons related a thread back, so I made this to go along with that one.
I love this, nice work anon
Title: 3 AM At Wawa
Source: https://youtu.be/1bxpkrUW3Ns?si=JI46bQI6Kueyn9GC
Title: Flutterhorse
Sauce: https://youtu.be/Sv5woNs9WRE
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>4 clips left to finish
>tfw I'll need to scrap my 2 favorites in order to get anything done in time
Fuck i thought deadline was the 24. gotta finish my stuff then
You can do it Raribro!!!
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i dont get the pic
Collated drama necropost, (You) can hide this if you don't care. It's also very apparent that there was at least one faggot false-flagging to instigate further drama and people were biting like retards.
Coming back after a month since I didn't like following the drama, here's another anon's take on the bullshit that happened.
Personally I would prefer if the rules didn't allow any eqg/anthro/whatever, even as "ironic" or jokes, in part to have clear guidelines and avoid this exact kind of a mess. Anti, being an /mlp/ project, should ideally focus on what's common to all of /mlp/.
But I also know that some actual anons want to make those, and I don't really think removing or banning it would be very productive, not here of all places. If it were up to me, the applefried clip would've used the edit version since it avoids unnecessary eqg and it's not like we're claiming ownership over anything here (or at least we shouldn't). Removing "your" clips is extremely gay, though. Once you submit them, they're no longer yours and should be included, full stop. Not everyone feels this way as proven by half of clips being reposted to YT afterwards, but that's how I view board projects. They're anons' projects. I know why mail-in submissions were included, but it'd also be better if everything had to be posted itt for the same reason.

This is funny, but yeah, no drama entries or we go back to the disaster of anni#1.

>We need to keep in mind that people not overly familiar with the board will potentially be watching
That's less relevant than the fact that they age very poorly. The clips should be related to the ponies, and viewable without knowing and remembering some fagdom drama.

This. Things have been going fine despite OP's apparent preferences.

>I don't see why we really need email submissions, my preference would be to post everything in the thread, but I suppose if there actually is a good reason I could offer the same.
To keep them a surprise and to let ip-banned anons participate, basically. As an aside, I think what you're doing is premature, and it'd be better to see what actually makes it to the final cut and judge OP based on that, instead of relying on some vague-ass posts that might be entirely manufactured bullshit. Also, most people viewing at /mlp/con or anytime after that are not /mlp/ regulars so your version will get like 1% of the views.

>making the submission rules even more ambiguous than last year's
Yeah, at least it happened relatively early and not release week like last year's unfortunate misunderstanding.

>I might rewrite that portion for the final OP
The deadline is basically over, but wait with discussing any changes until next year's planning. More clear rules would be better, though.

Then you get two suboptimal cuts instead of one. The issue is that a line needs to be drawn somewhere, and that not all anons agree where.

Yeah, no.
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Okay I'm almost Done. I should be able to finish it tomorrow just in time before the deadline ends
Tempest's Horn Gets Ripped Off

>Video References

>Audio References
Open Up Your Eyes - My Little Pony: The Movie
I hope I got in time

Title: 2004 vs 2024
Link: https://files.catbox.moe/ip4ud6.mp4
I literally binge watched smiling friends last night so seeing this really puts a smile on my face.
Title: Taviscrem
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8qsXtRgGDQ
Dump in the night
Title: Rainbow Chippi
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVI5vY6U-Ew
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It's-almost-a-time bu-
Oh wait that's a wrap for this thread.
We're almost there lads!
Title: Spike and Rar: https://files.catbox.moe/0t4m46.mp4

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5TN9eVuKLaM&ab_channel=zarni000
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Title: My Speakers Vs. My Situation


Videos used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwYJX04K5-M

Managed to make something finally
I will repost this next thread after this one dies.

Title: [GMOD] The Small Companion Horse: Antithology Edition

This is basically a remake of a video of mine from 4 years ago (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tFaSiSABF4Q). I had an original idea, but it did not work out the way I thought it would, but I still wanted to make something for this and was already running out of time. This is a little bit closer to the inspiration (Doctor Lalve's Tiny Desk Engineer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5v01iAfQvQ) of the original video with an added short "customer testimonial" section. I thought of making this a sequel to that original video at first, but then I realized it wouldn't make sense for those who never seen my videos before and feel out of place. So having something unique to the antithology is a better approach and I can make a sequel of it for next year!
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What makes you think that you submission is good enough to be reposted?
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Yes i'm drawing the last scene which means the version with the closed mouth and then the open mouth so it can talk
Title: It's Still Over
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kuQCeNyFr5c

>No static image submissions.
Yeah, I thought about using a show clip instead, but it'd work a lot worse and it's very short. Juxtaposing that 20+ years old template with a more contemporary meme was essential. If that ends up not being enough to not get rejected then I suppose that's alright. I thought it's worth posting.
based wapa submission
>last thread in catalog
We're dead! Dead I tell you!
Can't post a new thread with the same image until this one dies lol
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Every end is another beginning!

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