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Fine Dining Edition

ITT we talk about stallions (and other non-pony males) and R63 versions of mares.

Last thread: >>41004820
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male kirin, deer, gryphon, ... allowed too?
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If it was in the show and is male in some form, yes.
Though you'll get furry-suspicion points for certain races.
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Just go with the race with even less fur, simple.
Bonus points for the majority of named and speaking members being male.
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those are allowed, however liking griffons or other beakniggers means you have absolute shit taste
It's gayhomofag month
My dude has markings on his markings
fitting that you post an image with such a gay art style
>ywn go grazing with your stallion
why live
Thorax was better when he had more holes to fill.
>male kirin
>male deer
Uhh, okay?
>male gryphon
Oh god no.
This artstyle reeks of being made by an ftm fujoshi
Probably I just like these two
That Sunburst looks like Sunny Starscout on HRT.
>even more thorax/sunburst
Yeah I love gay month
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I love this beeg gay beetle
His goatee looks so wispy and ill-kept. There's so much attempted detail through marking things up. They don't even look masculine or feminine, especially not Sunburst. He really does look an FtM Sunny.
I actually LIKE Sunburst, these pics just hurt me inside. This is why I hate the 'community' so much. Nothing can ever have graceful traits. Everyone they make art of looks like a mixed-race transmasc blob. Even the simple identity of someone is hard to tell when everyone looks so damn ugly.
I hate June...makes me feel even more like an outsider among outsiders.
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Not great art being posted so far.
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finally, I can unfold the full extent of my big gayness, letting it shine like a beacon.
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I'm not gay, but it would be interesting to fondle their balls.
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G% has some cute males
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dat ear twitches
I wanna scritch Hitch
Little dude just needs some lovin'.
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>gayhomofag month
>thread is filled with tumblr tranny art and g% dogs
go back
No, he's got a point.
So homopeople cringe from the prideshit as well?
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I fucking despise lgbt and pride shit.
t. flaming homo
I am thinking that you need to go back instead.
Saying that isn't going to save you from the firing squad.
Wtf based faggots exist?
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He is nice. I want him to be Rainbow Dash's boyfriend.
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Here's a better "Unique" artstyle
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It's so strange that people can't fathom gay dudes having taste. Either you'll eat up the excessively-detailed yet vastly unappealing tumblr artstyle of some ze-xer with six diagnosed disorders, or you're not gay? I wish faggotry wasn't such a deeply embedded part of pride month. Stallions and femcolts deserve better art.
I just want gay horses...
Nobody thinks that.

The stereotype is that tumbler-ish art is made by gays, not that you're only gay if you like to consume tumbler art.

This is just exclusively something in your own head. I would correct your category error but it's much more than a category error. You're doing some really wild shit.
Leaving these threads until pride month is over
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dubs confirm this could be me and (You)
I would side with them if these firing squads exist but unfortunately, they don't. Not anymore (or yet) at least.
>You gothe?
>I like you!!
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>Goth Hitch
when I first saw the thumbnail I thought there was a human penis cumming on sprout
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Grump bug just wants a hug
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unf I love stallions with a big wing span
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You know what they say about big wings
Yeah, big wing hugs
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that they're fluffy and warm and great for cuddles?
Yeah. They're sexy.
What do they call r63 Celestia? Cosmos?
>>41131848 prince solaris
just because I cant impregnate him doesn't mean Im not gonna try my FUCKING hardest
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no the Prince [X]olaris position is already taken by some blue faggot
What faggot I'd nail him
fimfiction porn writer or something
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i want him i want him i want him i want him i want him i want him i want him i want him i want him i want him i want him i want him i want him i want him i want him i want him
How are you gonna try? When you try impregnating a mare you don't do anal or oral, so it wouldn't make sense to do either of those.
you fuck him until he moans like a mare
you punish and reward certain mannerisms until he acts like one, then you have a beautiful coltwife.
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this is the way
no that's too far, I don't want to change his personality.
King Sombra looks breedable in this pic
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fucking the masculinity out of a twink is the only way twinks should be treated, especially pegasi stallions, who are prone to humiliating wingboners and their less dense bones and muscle mass makes them weaker and easier to pin down and mating press whenever they thought they could act coltish around you.
t. Shackles
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I want a stallion because they are a stallion, not because I want a mare with a dick
>>41132334 looks like that boykisser meme fox
I want to fuck faggot sombra
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>faggot sombra
bit redundant
buff zebras are overdone and come with a truckload of unnecessary drama and fetishization but cute femcolt style zebras are fucking hot and i want them to put on a skirt and sit in my lap and call me gay
tfw no femcolt zeeb bf who cums literal buckets
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I like zeeb butts and I cannot lie
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Happy slur stallion month
Would. I would so fucking hard.
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Zebras were made to be exotic twinks and I am beyond disappointed the fandom took them in the opposite direction with added drama
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fuck i wish i lived in the world where zeebs were formed into the hot exotic twink femcolts they were destined to be
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I want to hit those slopes.
No they need to be big and burly powerbottoms
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You guys don't like stallions, you like mares with dicks.
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aw hell naw look what they done to rockhoof
Yes. Very good.
I like both
Is that a blu ecig?
I haven't seen one of those in years
This is anti-kirin propaganda.
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Stallion bump.
His mane and tail needs a good brushing.
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Braeburn seems like the kind of stallion who would let you brush him because he knew you enjoyed it.
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he's so perfect, bros...
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poor guy
He looks like he gets pegged by cadence and she's really bad at it
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I want to spoil him rotten.
I want to hold him close and brush his mane and
I wonder what could be behind the blur...
It's a mystery
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this is a board about wanting to fuck cartoon horses it's all furfag shit stop coping
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try posting furfag shit here and see how well it goes then
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Looks like someone bit him on the ass.
Who wouldn't?
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I hate the eye glitter so much
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tfw gay thread is still less gayer than /opg/
I love you all
Imagine having pride for being a faggot; couldn't be me. I'll be rightfully ashamed about wanting a stallion to mating press me, as we all should be.
whenever I glance at that thread it just looks like a shitstorm or pure degeneracy.
every so often I come back to /mlp/ but I only ever hang around one thread at a time, it usually would be the MPPP thread, sometimes the /r/place thread, and now I've ended up here somehow

it's not bad though, stallions are nice
Guess I'll have to check it out
It is a little embarrassing. I hope my horseband bullies me for blushing while he's balls deep in me.
I want my stallion to call me a faggot while he cums on my face
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pet him pet him pet him pet him pet him pet him pet him pet him pet him pet him pet him pet him
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Imagine pride month comes along and your stallion(Braeburn) is so excited to celebrate with you that he bought one of those little pride flags to wave around, but you tell him not to do that because it's cringe and ashamedly goes "Ha- ha ha yea.. it is. Ah was just joking with ya'. Ah'm not gonna go takin it out in public or anything like that. Didn't even buy it, just found it 'n picked it up is all" and then you watch as he throws it in the garbage

I hope you weren't trying to make me feel guilty, because it's not working.
thank celestia there's no fag month in equestria
They don't need one because it's normal and accepted
0.1% is not normal, fagola
Earth stats have no meaning in Equestria
No I just have a degradation kink

Hell no. This is your fault and your fault only, anon.


"W...Wait!" you stammer, feeling your heart tear in two simply from the look on Brae's face.

"Y-yeah?" He weakly asks, ears flopped down in a defeated manner as he struggles to meet your gaze.

A sigh escapes you, and you say "I'm... sorry, I didn't think before I... I guess I was just worried about you getting teased for it, and..."

Walking over to the trashcan, you reach in with a green hoof to pick up the flag, and... oh. He had two of them.

As you pick up the flags, Brae nervously said "Ah, d-don't worry about it, it's just a... I wasn't gon' ask you to..."

You hesitate as well, taking a deep breath as you gaze down at the flags. Appleooza wasn't a town with many gay couples, and all of the ones that did exist were mares. Hell, most gay ponies across equestria were lesbians, mostly due to the majority of mares, so gay stallions were... the rare kind.

But you would do anything to see him happy. To see that smile on his face as he bounces alongside you, to hear the joy in his voice as he wove an excited speech about whatever he'd been interested in that day.

"....how about we go out for dinner tonight? Take the flags with us?" You ask, finally looking up to meet the farmpony's gaze as he slowly reached out to take one of the flags.

"I... Anon, you sure...?" He weakly asked. "I-I did get one fer you, but... you don't have to do this just fer me..."

You shake your head, then lean in close to nuzzle him. "No..." you softly say, closing your eyes as you enjoy the softness of his fur on your cheek. "If it means I get to see you with that big smile on your face, it's all worth it".

As you expected, when you pulled away, the silly yellow apple horse was already starting to smile, an adorably blushy smile that sent tingles of happiness- or perhaps love- through you.

"W-Well let's go then!" He chirped, already bounding towards the door. "Ah'm hungry!"
it's what I do best
Disgusting. I would never say those things. In fact, I knew it was a mistake to be more than fuck buddies, and I never wanted to be your coltfriend in the first place. I'm breaking up with you.

This part is kinda unnecessary but I figured I'd finish it as well rather than doom it to the pit of unfinished writing


The icy chill of potential embarassment is hard to keep down as you trot out into the street at Braeburn's side, both of you holding the silly little rainbow flags, but...

...all it really takes is the immense metaphorical warmth from Braeburn's contagious happiness to melt the (also metaphorical) shards of ice away, and before you know it, you're gently leaning against him as the two of you trot together, tiny little flags fluttering in the wind.

The sensation comes back pretty quickly though, as a mare trots out of her house, looks at the two of you, and snrks, audibly, right at the two of you. As Braeburn begins to sag with shame at your side, you expected to feel a rush of embarassment yourself, but... you feel something else, instead.

Anger, though admittedly, a pretty mild level of it. Cringe or not, if Brae wanted to trot around with little rainbow flags, what right did she have to make fun of him for it?

Right as one of her friends peeks out the door to give you the same snarky expression, you glare at them, grab onto Braeburn, and pull him into a kiss. On some level, you register that the surprised little noise he made was downright adorable, but your focus is obviously elsewhere at the moment.

You pull back from it, flashing the mare your own cocky smirk, and she rolls her eyes in annoyance as she stomps off in the other direction, her attempts at shaming the two of you clearly having failed.

Poor Braeburn is a bit dazed as you start walking again, his cheeks a faint red as well, but at least his smile had come back. You open the door for him once you get to the saloon, and the two of you head to a table together, sliding into one of the booths so you could cuddle somewhat.

You gently place the little flags in the empty flower vase on the table, and as Braeburn cuddles up to your side, he meekly says "Y-Ya didn't have to do that..."

You chuckle softly, and you gently brush a hoof through the exposed part of his mane... "It's... if I'm gonna be your coltfriend, it's about time I start acting like it, right?" you ask softly.

The yellow apple stallion squirms a little, but his smile is uncontrollable as he glances up at you, saying, "That's why ah love you...~"

The downtrodden expression he'd been wearing as you made fun of the flags hurt... but this time, the look of love and happiness in his eyes did the exact opposite, stitching your heart back together as it swells in your chest.

"....love you too" you say, before pulling him, gently this time, into another kiss. A small part of you couldn't wait to get home with Brae and snuggle him in your bed like your life depended on it, but the rest of you was more than ready to enjoy every single minute of your evening together, no matter who or what was watching, tiny little rainbow flags and all.
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ok I'm done this time no more gay fanfiction or whatever I guess

also ur disgusting and you don't deserve the gay apple horse if you're going to be mean to him like this
>He had two of them.
Based and heartfelt
if my coltfriend got a pride flag I'd do a whole pride parade just for me and him if he wanted to.
thank you <3
Based faggot
I think it is more than 0.1%. But still far from normal.
why do you hate yourself LOL
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Brae's such a precious qt3.14
cute little green
Least colorblind anon.
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thank you, anons
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an odd little stallion to be sure
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I don't want him anyways. Braeburned isn't the kind of stallion to pin a colt like me down and take me the way I want to be taken.

Don't call me a faggot, faggot. I'm not a faggot.
That's a really cute story anon!
Some fanart of dick-in-ass guy
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Thank you!! I don't get to write about stallions being all cute and gay with each other very often...
Horse cock
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love him love him love him love him love him love him love him love him
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Who are the cutest colts in the show? Rumble seems to be a favorite but Featherweight has a certain charm and I'm a sucker for cute teeth as weird as that sounds.
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>anon look I can turn into lewd things!
>*transforms into holding hooves*
that always gets me
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Lil guy
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thinkin bout writin more cute braeburn and stallion anon things
I NEED to bury my face in my stupid coltfriends fluffy chest and I NEED to have him wrap his hoovesies around me and I NEED to tell him how much i appreciate him for always being there and I NEED to brush his mane and I NEED it now now nOW NOW NOW NWO NOW!!!
The universe always denies us the things we need. Then it gives you the things only if you don't need them anymore. I hate how that works.
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Based and medial ring-pilled
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I concur.
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>female zebras all a bunch of big milfs
>male zebras all a bunch of little twinks
What did they mean by this?
There's a video of that.
it means I want to fuck all of them
>tonight, on "Images that Make Me Salivate":
I want him more. Why??
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There's a whole lotta faggots who want him and he knows it.
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Imagine asking to get your dick sucked at any point in time and 10 Anons already standing in line to do it
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Gross. Cute horses only thanks.
what do if your Kirin bf becomes a Nirik bf?
Any good story with Anon hanging out with the bro(s)?
Get a burned dick I guess.
They're in the freezer, you horse-deer.
give him ice cream
Fire blanket burrito
You're not the kirin.
Cony pock
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want him want him want him want him want him want him want him want him want him want him want him want him want him want him want him want him want him want him want him want him
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Sexy stallions
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He's so fucking cute why can't he exist in real life and be a girl
??? so you want a giant woman that has absolutely no thoughts other than working on her family farm?
She would have other thoughts: She'd also be a giant nerd.
She'd have lots of thoughts. She just wouldn't talk much. And she'd want a big family for free labor. It's fucking perfect. What are you gay?
Gross, I want him how he is
That just means you're not using enough ice cream
same, but my family wouldn't approve of me marrying a man probably
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Don't worry, a stallion isn't a man
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I'm not sure it's safe to be sitting in the same balloon as him
If he loves you, he'll protect you
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>>41165143 this would be fun as animation
Boop stallion snoots
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what a qt
would absolutely suck his dick
He’s so cute here
Tickle his dock.
I need to fuck that rockruff so bad. I want my dick be covered in that huge fat ass.
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>wanting to fuck a cute little puppy
>>>/vp/ you sicko.
LITERALLY me when I think about stallion studs
post hooves
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I think it would be really funny if Artemis seduced and impregnated his sister.
>"Mommy, why did you name me 'Eclipse'?"
You forgot they are monsters, opposed to ponies.
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damn dude you're the biggest faggot in a thread full of faggots
look at him sitting there at that bench, shyly twiddling his non-existent thumbs and tell me he's not cute
you fags cant keep doing this to me, its not fair!
im just seeing guy fieri
Daddy, I'd like to fuck.
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> stallion thread
> posts a femboy colt
>2010 was 14 years ago
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I can't believe I was 13 in 2010. Where does the time go?
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He's so handsome
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Man I was 5 years old in 2010
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you fucking zoomers make me feel old
So you think I'm young?
Well, not only was I 13 in 2010, but I was 15 when I started posting on /co/ and /vp/, and that eventually led me to /mlp/. I never stood a chance :(

How old are you though?
It's cuz you are, grandpa.
Don't worry faganon, I was an adult when the show started too. Most of the original takers were, there was markedly less underaged B&s on /co/ in the before times.
No you're doing it wrong retard, you have to come in bitching about how no one is allowed to like ponies if they weren't around in 2012 and how zoomers are le bad because "YOU'RE STEALING MY CULTURE!!!!!!!!"
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Thoughts on BBSes?
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I haven't use a bulletin board system in many years but they were kinda cool at one point.
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Do you keep your stallions in the fridge or the pantry?
lol I miss them
I don't want my Soarin' cold.
It's still gay month
nothing like coming home after a long day and sitting down on the couch with a cold one (bottle of stallion cum)
Don't worry, this is just how he trains for high altitude temperatures and wind chills. And afterwards, he'll want to snuggle on the couch. You know, to practice survival training for raising body temp.
>both forehooves off the ground
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Never actually used one, since I only got Internet in 97 (BBSs were mostly college-aged and older and I was only a kid then). Usenet, IRC, and early forums were cool though. I still think imageboards are the best discussion style since they can handle realtime and delayed responses. It's kind of weird that forums/reddit/etc still don't have a way to easily reply to multiple posts without directly quoting them
And it still sucks.
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>there will never be an anatomically correct stallion plushie
Not with that attitude!
>he doesn't know
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I'd like to know. Is there a fag out there doing plush? Because I have a complete mare, but I still need a stallion for the full package. Then I will be content. Not sure who I'd want tho.
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>that guy on the left
knotted horse cock
Anatomically impossible
Knots require Baculum
Horsecocks require the absence of one.
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whatever NERD
still gonna clop to it
kill it with fire.
i really, REALLY want to wife a twink stallion, deny him his ability to act openly masculine, turn him into a weak and fragile boyfriend who loves me with the same intensity as a dog to its owner
This except with Troubleshoes and instead of trying to turn him into a twink he's my big cuddly faggot horse who sits on my face
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And I really really really want a buff and manly stallion to dom me
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Gay horse
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I know not everybody on /mlp/ is a fan of tamers12345's stuff but I'm sharing it here anyway because stallions
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we really fucking won with this episode
do you also happen to have a webm of when they wave to each other?
get your dirty monkey hands off my husband.
only my dirty monkey hands are allowed to brush his mane!
Don't hog him all to yourself anon, there's enough of him for all of us to pamper
Thanks for posting these
NTA but yes!
thank you my liege
No problem, I absolutely love making these clips!
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More like
I like both Soarin and Thunderlane and can't decide which one is better.
Now let's see what happens after
Soarin' ofc
For me it's thunderlane
Why not both? At the same time?
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>At the same time?
that would be kinda gay
No. Only a mare could handle being squished between both of their rumps at the same time. No man is strong enough.
>Only a mare
>No man is strong enough.
You don't know me.
They're both athletic, and most likely sweaty. You wouldn't be able to handle it.
>squished between both of their rumps
I'd rather be squished between their abdomens IYKWIM
joke will be on you when equestria turns out to be featureless
Saeaty stallions are my thing, mate. I'm a jock that easily can handle being sticky with these two.
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I don't like macro, but I'll gladly have stallions and mares be the size of real life horses.
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anon, source? pretty please? with a cherry on top?
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Horse ass
I would like having a macro stallion bf.
image link?
I actually don't like most of his art, too much rear view focus with asses and ponuts that are too big to be appealing. Just like >>41190972 But that Big Mac face is just 2cute
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Ah, but how big would you want him to be?
it varies a lot for me
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He wants to study mathematics with you.
Damn. I'm terrible at math. Can he just absolutely piston my asshole with his cock instead?
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I'm sure something can be arranged.
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Horse seman
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Elusive bump.
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What happens when you give it a tug?
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I'm not staring, I'm clopping
Stallion rump.
Literally me when 16yo.
You were a cute bat femcolt?
How many fingers do you still have left?
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The full version of the pic is 10/10.
big pp
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Sauce on this picture anon? Googling the artist name doesn't bring up any results.
starry5643, should be on every booru.

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i want him
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I'm so dumb I thought the 5 was an S
I want to toss him on the bed and preen his wings
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I still can't believe this is Doctor Hooves.
Thanks bbc
To be fair, it's better than the current Who.
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tag: size difference
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mares love big cute stallion butts
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He's canonically straight though.
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I wish to suck the cum through a stallion's underwear

could always be bi
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They all said 'no homo' so it doesn't count.
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I bet they do gay things to each others bodies.
No bro, are you telling me your never hugged and kissed your bros before?
I want to be a colt.
Me on the left.
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stop dying
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What a soft cuddly snuggly stallion
now post the animated version
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what's the optimal position for stallion cuddles?
Belly to belly, hooves around your stallion for maximum skin contact cuddling.
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does it reflect more poorly on us or them that people from this thread also post in the tf2 thread
Last week, I had a dream I was watching an animation about Spearmint. It started off with him singing and dancing in this outfit, then it eventually went into lewd territory as he started getting his ass magically penetrated underneath his panties. I'd say more, but something woke me up before I could finish it.
I wish Spearmint were gay, so he'd get his ass penetrated more often
That purple stallion looks like he's getting frisky with him. What if he took this opportunity to have his way with him?
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This guy does good music
I never understood the people who would cry about their fictional waifus and husbandos not being real until I found Big McIntosh. I want him, I want to be him. I want to live by the values of stoicism, hard work and loyalty to family that he embodies. I want to cuddle up with him in a fluffy toasty bed in a farmhouse on the prairie. I want to be glazed head to toe in his cum. I don't care that he got Flanderised and turned into a joke.

I love you, Big Mac.
>i want him
>i want to be him
Mutually exclusive.
Oh I see, nobody says anything when someone posts photo after photo of slutted up stallions with big bulging packages and juicy muscular chunky asses, but whenever I express my genuine love for Big McIntosh on a deeper level than mere lust, I'm the faggot.

Not at all. I'll happily accept either scenario.
you have good taste in horsebands anon, I hope you get to meet him when you go to Equestria with a heart full of pure love for your stallion.
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>say something from the heart about your true love of something
>expect NOT to be called a faggot
come on anon, look where you are. it's very sweet though, I'm glad you've found a horse you can truly love.
Here a good Mac fic you might not have read as the author nuked their Fimfic years ago:
Only the one chapter unfortunately.
I understand you perfectly.
Hot, if he's gonna dress like a mare, he might as well get mounted like one
we're a bit closer to mare fair. what should us stallion stable chads do and talk about there? (i missed the panel last year because i forgot)
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How stallions ponuts are great.
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not sure, but I'd like to keep at least some of the panel's focus on stallions, and not have it only be some faggot hookup thing.
I can fix him
So close >>41222222
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Horse sock
Thank you my friend. If I go to Equestria instead of heaven/hell/purgatory, I hope I get to marry Big Mac. Or Fluttershy. Or both.

I guess that's just how the fuck it is on this bitch of an earth.

Very hot, thanks anon! I do prefer more tender and romantic pony fics though.

Hell yeah
New gay retard adventure this week?
Why him specifically? Also, the Wiki claims this is the one and only time this stallion had a white mane and tail. All other appearances apparently he's some other stallion. I don't know how they came to that conclusion considering we can't even see this one's cutie mark.
I hate this fucking type of art style with the fury of a thousand suns, because you JUST KNOW, that the bitch who drew it is some genderspecial bullshit xe/xer/xem retard, or a woman who wants to larp as a man, and for whatever reason, these types of individuals ALL draw in these grotesque, dirty looking art styles that make the characters look like they smell really bad and are also melting at the same time.
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They mind broke you so you can't enjoy things anymore and now you're angry by literally looking at art.
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ur gay
I'm gay and I'm actually offended by someone defending that fucking shitty artstyle.
I think Tamers reignited my old crush on Braeburn, God bless him.
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Gay horses
zoomer horses
celestia I wish that were me
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can anyone supply me with some skinny twink marecolts with socks on? muffinz made my drugs (pic) for a while but has seemingly disappeared of the face of the earth.
>males on 10

what has society come to
Terminal gayness.
Where's anon stallion?
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agreed anon muffinz makes great stallions
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>On life support this close to the bump limit
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Can you post more bat pony stallions? Some faggot made me start liking them and now I want to see more of them.
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only bat stallion pic I have
Very manly and ruggedly handsome.
It's actually just how batponies greet each other.
As a bat pony, I can confirm
You know he likes it
I thought they'd screech hypersonic at each other's balls.
all I want is for a stallion to throat swab me, cum in my mouth, and then cuddle until we fall asleep. Is that so much to ask for?
Why do you guys have to make homosexual relations with stallions sound so fucking gay? Jesus. You talk like a fag and you're shit's all retarded.
Why are you expecting a male and a stallion together aren't gay?
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For a moment I thought those were his balls rather than the tip of the tail.
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and then trixie sucked his hot throbbing cock and they were gay and it was hot and
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Have seen more appealing stallions but
New thread >>41235226

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