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Stallions in Socks Edition

ITT we talk about stallions (and other non-pony males) and R63 versions of mares.

Last thread: >>41124451
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I respect you stallionfags, I think I could be great friends with stallions but I have no interest in them romantically. I just wish there were some non-gay stallion lovers among you. I'd love to hear their perspective on the stallions of the show.
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I'm bi, is that close enough?
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I'm craving to have a stallion plush, but I'm a poorfag.
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>he didn't get the $5 Dr. Whooves
SMDH, desu.
>$5 Dr. Whooves
I'm a newfag, desu.
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Big Cat
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>Verification not required.
such a hot stallion unf
I don't get the appeal of ponies with socks, though. Looks so random and weird. When did this started?
It accentuates their curves, hetero.
Stallions don't need curves so maybe that's why I feel it's weird.
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Not sure I can rally help you there, cause I definitely would, but it's not like I thirst after every stallion in the show. In fact, I do think about them without sex once in a while, which probably means I'm the best you're gonna get in this thread. If I do say so myself.

I'm not super interested in anyone who really features in the show. I mean, Big Mac would probably be a fine friend, if a little boring. Braeburn might be cool, but he seems overly energetic and upbeat. Seems like it would be a bit much for me, but maybe it would be contageous and it'd work out? There's the Doctor. He's the Doctor. Sunburst doesn't offend me, but I dunno how much we'd really mesh. I think I'd be a bit too dull for him. Maybe Quibble. He seems kinda like a less smart Sunburst. Just a dork who could be fun to hang out with. Actually Shining would have to be pretty cool I reckon.

I'm more interested in the background stallions and stuff though honestly. It's carte blanche, you know? I don't want to like choose a character and be like 'I'm gonna be friends with that one.' I just want to live life in the PV and meet some ponies. "The boys" has to happen organically, you know?
If the thought of doing anything sexual with a male doesn't disgust you, you are gay. You can't cope yourself out of it by saying "I swear I like women too!"
Stallion belly slapping
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socks have and always will be cute and enhance sex appeal. it's just a universal law of nature.
>enhance sex appeal
For me it's just a spread fetish from this fandom. I don't see any sexual appeal from these, and thinking it in a sexual way makes me uncomfortable.
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you're a weird one
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to each their own
The most faggot stallion to ever exist.

Love him.
>tail tied up for easy access
literal gay
I want to rape a stallion
Stallionfags, why is anonfilly more popular then anonstallion?
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Show has more girls, Anonfilly has silly meme history beyond just lewdery, stallions in general are largely (but not entirely) preferred by gays, and statistically there are far fewer gays than straights.
Gay horse
Who tops? (the answer may surprise you)
I gotta agree. Well, except the uncomfortable part. I don't see the sex appeal in socks. It's just a cute clothing thing that ponies can wear to keep them warm and comfy. And wouldn't stockings make more sense realistically? The bottom of your socks is gonna wear out in no time and get all dirty if you don't have shoes on...
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Zeebs are cute.
built for breathplay.
Do females who want to ship the stallions (with mares) count?
>implying femanons exist
I guess? They're all OCs so they can be anything you want, really.
I love male zebras. Wish there were more though
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The gameloft ones aren't OCs
That's a thing? Still looks like a bad OC. Zebras should not have colors like that. I hate it.
I want to cum inside Thunderlane while he cums inside Rumble?
the fuck is that? if that's not an OC, is from like the comic or something?
My Little Pony: Magic Princess
It's a mobile game that still gets a lot of updates, there's tons of official characters and some bg ponies names was shown there.
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I'm still glad we were able to get more official zebras. I wish the show developed more about this species besides Zecora.
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Interesting! Never saw these ones before. They look very different from Zecora, barring the stripes. Still cool!

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The most horrendous socks incoming.
but what if they were hearts instead of apples?
What's truly horrendous is the image quality
Who wouldn't?
Is he a victim of domestic abuse? Because he's black and blue all over
I haven't even watched the show in a decade, I just started posting here again because I found a bunch of old pony fics and read them all, yet my love of Big Macintosh persists. What the fuck is wrong with me.
You love studs!
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Nothing, Big Mac is peak.
The things I would do to this zeeb
prostate milking with an actual milk pail to handle the volume of ejaculate
Zebras are cool, I wish they didnt get associated with raceplay though
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I was thinking more along the lines of smooching hoof holding and full-body cuddling but that sounds good too.
It's a fetish as any other, but it's sad that their reputation is tarnished around here because of this to the point that they hate zeebs. Retards will tard on, I guess.
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Why sombrafags are in every stallion thread?
there aren't that many stallions to choose from in the show.
sombra's hot. no wonder he has fans.
Idk what it was, I felt like I could see so much of myself in him because I was a shy autist, but in reality he's way better than I am. In excellent shape, incredibly tall and handsome, all the mares want to have his foals, hard working, loyal, confident, brave. All the things I'll never be.

Who hurt you big fella?
Given that Zecora has a boxy muzzle like pony stallions do, it'd be completely reasonable to draw zebra stallions as round-muzzled femboys and I wish more artists pursued this line of reasoning.
ppl who jerking off on this are fucking crazy
>there aren't that many stallions to choose from in the show.
Wrong. There are plenty of interesting stallions. Don't let the mare overdose from this board trick you.
>probably jerk off to her in even worse situations
i've never jerk off on my little pony sorry lol
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wtf is this, i cannot load this site
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ok i turn on vpn and why did you send this shit?
>stallion thread
>posts horsepussy
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Uh I guess, though I doubt those exist. Do they want to be the mare?
I want to give the little horsie pets until he falls asleep on me.
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Hay gorses
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Sure, I'd suck his dick.
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Whose dick wouldn't you suck?
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Zephyr Breeze's
No, I'd suck his too,
What about Late Night's?
Who's that?
Poop bat
just some sperg with an oc
Cute little feller. Would fall asleep with.
Course hawk
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>>41242267 show accurate porn is always so good
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Not getting plowed...
fr man
Brae is bae
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Ah AJ, living up to the southern stereotypes.
There's def a joke to be made about blasting him right in the face with your hose.
I like this ship
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I like most ships, but bonus points if they're gay or lesbian
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I love this art.
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I wish his recent stuff wasn't so fetishy and shiny, he made such gorgeous stuff before
You gonna talk about anal sex too, ya fuckin' fairies?
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