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Previous thread >>41110972

Originating from a thread about a niche form of hypnosis, now encompasses varied hypnosis methods from spiraling specs to subtle spells, swinging watches to wafting brews. Post anything and everything about controlling a mind. All ponies (mares and stallions, fillies and colts) are welcome and encouraged. Greens and other content only tangentially related will be better recieved in SPG or SiM depending. Good rule of thumb is if it doesn’t involve taking control of a pony’s mind, it probably goes somewhere else. (e.g. no slavery without mind control scenes, IRL self-hypnosis audio, or tupperware rp)

Thread archive https://ponepaste.org/9352

I was thinking that spike, and starlight for sure.

Maybe we can have a scene with spike in a maid outfit.
But on another note what do you think of Anon hypnotizing Ember or someone else.
I do like the thought of that dragon being put in her place.

>someone else
What about Gallus becoming addicted to stallion cock ?
Anon doesnt need to keep them all to himself.
We can have more than one green I thought about dragon tamer Anon like dragons are feared by every nation.

Anon practices magic on Twilight and spike, and learns how to train dragons, so nations pay Anon to train dragons that scare him not knowing that they see giving him also of resources and slaves.
Just to suggest an idea for that.
What do you think of dragons having some innate, subconscious desire to follow the stronger beings who manage to overpower them, which itself could be in constant odds with their concious desires ?
Or maybe in Spike's case, follow the one who overpowered the previous one who had the dominant role ,which in his case was Twilight before Anon took charge of her.

Basically a "law of the strongest" impulsion that is naturally imbued into each dragon's mind.
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Anybody interested in writing a green where Cozy turns some unlucky mare into a slave of her own new shameful desires ?

>Gets her mind programmed into only finding little fillies attractive.
>Has her shame and self awareness of the change kept untouched and forever unchangeable (no way of "getting over it").
>Owner gets an endless amusement source from teasing and seeing the internal battles practically writing themselves on her pet's face.
I love that idea, like maybe it’s not the be all end all, though like Anon Still has to hypnotize Spike but it becomes a lot easier.

I was thinking Anon had Soul magic and once the creature was fully his he could cast a ritual and connect them forever and he would gain power for every creature he enslaved like this, the slave would not become weaker though.

Also I was thinking that Dragons are some of the most dominant but also some of the most submissive creatures, deep down dragons want to rule but they also deeply want to submit not that any of them would ever admit this, perhaps this is because of genetics where well dragons are extremely powerful them all being super doms right after they were born would piss off stronger older dragons, a lot don’t know this nature about them.

Maybe the reason spike freaks out about the being put in dresses is because he enjoys it and that makes him feel uncomfortable.

For ember she shows up up Anon is really rude to her fighting happens and then Anon grabs her throat and forces her to the ground then binds her with magic now she thinks about him fucking her.
>Spike and Ember both struggling in their own ways regarding their thoughts about how hot anon suddenly became.
Damn hot.
You know, there's this short lived green that someone made on /sim/ about an anon who claimed ownership of griphons both legally and mentally by fucking them into submission.
It could have some nice details to borrow from.
He becomes a lot more hot after an ancient dragon starts wrecking stuff, and he is sent to deal with her, he quickly collars her and seals her power dragging her along on a leash, forcing her to apologize to everyone she harmed.

Now he becomes hotter because he became a lot stronger by doing and by demonstrating what he would do to unruly dragons, since then ember has been on her best behaviour, expect when Anon is around then she is on her worst on some level hoping to get tamed.
Bratty type who wants to get humiliated and reminded of her place ?
What about Spike ? Would his master have something planned for him to make the dragon become even more unsure of himself ?

>she is on her worst on some level hoping to get tamed.
Being the veteran dragon, she should tease and denigrate Spike constantly for giving in so easily to the human, specially as male dragon. Be one more thing to the pile of constant reminders that trouble his head.

You can see I like mental conflicts in these stories. It makes all the progress towards the breaking a lot more satisfying.
Spike is masters ideal dragon, he loves feminine things, Rarity designed a wardrobe for him, which is very sexual he is required to wear a collar, which he can never take off, his cock is in a chastity cage and he is one magic hormones to look more feminine.

Spike isn't he story of slowly being pushed further and further, it's a cycle of this feels a but weird, it's normal Anon makes it a but more extreme. Rinse and repeat

Anon is also smart in that whenever Ember comes over he lavishs spike with praise and punishes ember for being mean to him.

This causes Ember to hurt spike more, because she wants master to put her in her place, but also serves to humiliate Ember as she loves Anon and he keeps telling her how much better of a female drake spike is than she is. Which causes her to feel jealously.
I would like more content with mares
>he loves feminine things
To be honest, the feminization part throws me off a bit. It feels way too overused in his stories.
I mean there's already a whole male dragon ideal that can be used to emasculate him for not following it all. Add the collar, the awkward boner moments he gets and tries to hide during the discipline sessions, and lastly the humiliating showings in front of others while wearing the cage and being pulled by a leash, and you get the perfect gay sub with conflicting thoughts.

Try suggesting something for Starlight then
I would like more content with fillies
i too would like the thread to die
Ok retard
Cozy tormenting Rarity with foalcon induced thoughts ?
Every mane6 taking turn to babysit cozy and reform them while cozy glow slowly get her way with some subtle hypnotism that will not fully activate until the six mares get hypnotized. The subtle symptom will be slowly getting attracted to her body but not full infatuation, that come when the hypnosis fully activated
>slowly getting attracted to her body
Hers specially, but also of other fillies. Just to add some extra trouble in their minds during their sleep, walks in Ponyville, in their "alone times".

>but not full infatuation, that come when the hypnosis fully activated
Not all of them would get the privilege of a complete mind rewrite.
Cozy would pick some of them to stll keep their feelings of intense shame amidst the intense attraction.
The question is which one of them would deserve that fate.
The reason I love feminizing spike in this idea, is because it represents the death of his male identity, it is him giving up everything so that he can earn masters love better, if we go by the idea that make dragons are even more aggressive than female dragons than it would be extremely humiliating and he would be extremely conflicted as it’s not like I cast a spell and your a female now it’s Anon is slowly changing his body, telling him that he is doing this so that his body matches with his thoughts.

Perhaps Anon actually receives pushback from spike even after all the hypnosis, and his Aura like spike says no he was okay with the dress and collar, he accepted having his cock in a cage, but this is a bit to much maybe he even runs away, and starts crying because he loves his master, he loves sucking his cock, with twilight but he feels way to uncomfortable to undergo a permanent change so Anon has to reinforce his training. Well pretending to be his friend.

As for ember, it makes her feel humiliated as spike is being a better drake then she is like despite the fact that she is in charge of dragons, powerful proud and a female Anon tells her that spike is a better female drake, then she is whenever she visits, this causes her to try and one up spike trying feminine things but is really bad at it.
Can you be more descriptive?

Another idea I had was human, colonizing equestia with sci fi mind control devices, turning the princesses into loyal slaves.
Speaking of the human thing, I also had a idea, where we do a classic Celestia and Luna had to do terrible things to unite equestia, and fought many monsters.

One group of these were the humans, who well having small numbers had powerful machines and magic well not stronger than Celestia the average human was still as skilled as a the top one percent of unicorns.

These humans were evil and took over many territory’s, War between humans and ponies, happen Humans lose and equestia gets a lot of the territory that belonged to nations that the humans took over.

Celestia thinks she kills us all, we come back a war happens with everyone on our side since the nobles of equestia are stupid and attack a bunch of other nations.

Equestia loses the war, and Luna and Celestia are given to the humans to stand trail, Celestia thinks that the humans will kill her and accepted it as the price to peace, but no we are far to cruel to just do that so instead they turn her and Luna into sex slaves.

It takes Celestia and Luna a while to realize what is being done to them.
What other dragons or other creatures should be tamed. I have a fic with bug butt that is in a constant state of almost done for the past year.
I also want to do something with slavekinis. I just find them so damn hot.
Smolder should be included. But how would that relate to your chrysalis story ?
Oh wait, add some griphons too like Gallus or Gabby.
The Chrysalis story is almost done I just need to add a few hundred more words and edit it.

But it’s been in that state for months, also I will probably just upload it to ponepaste, as I use bolded text a lot
Smoulder works, perhaps she convinces spike to keep getting feminized, like he freaks out and stops getting feminized, then he helps Enslave Somoulder, and Anon starts excluding spike inviting smolder, Rarity and Twilight to service him, well spike is mostly excluded.

Smolder talks to him and convinces him to try pink crystals, they are based of the feminization drugs he was taking before, expect instead of working slowly, they have a massive effect for a short period of time, though they do also have minor permanent changes.

They are also crazy addictive though spike does not know it.
What type of content what type of mares?
What’s everyone doing?
Trying to think of a way to get someone here interested in writing about Luna and her forced vacation in an isolated solar church convent.
Why not write it yourself.
Is there a way to get the pink text from this story.

Like some of the text was pink. I think
Sorry this story

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>it really was deleted
jesus christ that's so fucking retarded. foalchads just can't stop winning!
This guy had to have been blackmailed or something.
He hosted and catalogued all this degeneracy during all these years, and then one day decided to wipe it all out in a fit of moralism ?
Here's hoping that Floorb implements a sex tag catalog system in the near future.

But until then, is there a way to use fimfetch's API to see which stories were deleted there and compare to foalfetch's results ?
Have a bump. You guys are cool.
so is this just a diet foalcon thread half the time
This board is just a diet foalcon board half the time, yes. If you have a problem with that Twitter and EQD might be more your style, moralfag.
There is a conditioning, short on SIM
he didn’t even oppose you and you immediately call him a moralfag lol. foalfags are so painfully defensive
I just told people that the foal purity was dying down, and to come back, so let’s talk about something else.

Changelings feed on love right, so which If creatures modified love. Like made a product which was the love of a submissive slave what would happen if the changeling ate it.
>let’s talk about something else
Why ? Foalcon stuff isnt bad. Just gotta make it more creative than just the usual "anon makes flurry/cozy become his helper"
Even some actual foaldom takes like >>41142010 would bring some variety.
it just feels like every single time we have an idea focused on mare characters here, someone forces it to become about foals
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>so is this just a diet marefucking thread half the time
Implied bitching is still bitching anon. You can pretty much see the eye-rolling in the text, and if you can't, you have more autism than the usual poster here.
People posting what they like isn't forcing anything. You can't force people to post anything, anons here don't *actually* have mind control powers dumbass. Foalfags have never once bitched about the inclusion of mare stuff in the thread, whereas amrefags have bitched quite a lot.
Golly gee it's almost like the people in this thread who warned about moral-crusading purity spirals and the ensuing death of creative freedom in the fandom were right or something.
How were we supposed to know fimfetch's owner was going to one day flip a switch and decide to delete his shit ?
Did he ever show any signs of going into this direction ?
>How were we supposed to know fimfetch's owner was going to one day flip a switch and decide to delete his shit ?
Not his shit, our shit. It would have been bad enough had he nuked his own contributions to the fandom but no, he decided to try and nuke other people's contributions instead.
And by 1) realizing that there is not a single inherent argument against foalcon that doesn't equally apply to mind control, noncon/rape generally, incest (see: Twitter meltdown over The Coffin of Andy and Leyley), orgies/gangbangs/group sex, and countless other forms of "problematic" content, including ALL pony NSFW because it's muh glOriFiCatIon oF beStiAliTy (see: some furfags moral crusade against "feral" anatomy, yes, including all lewd MLP art that isn't anthro) and 2) trusting no one but yourself with a 3-2-1 backup system in place.
>Did he ever show any signs of going into this direction ?
All foalcon fics got silently wiped off the site despite having been hosted there for years a few months before The List dropped iirc, and a few other things to those with sharp eyes, more details can be found here: https://ponepaste.org/9926
Do you know if someone made an archive that saved the sex tags attributed to each story ?

If I understood it right from the alt booru threads, the stories that he removed from fimfetch are still present in a huge fimfic archive that can be torrented. But I dont know if someone went a step beyond and made something like that when shit was starting to hit the fan.
They looks so cute and breedable
Pretty sure they mean this: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/116950/Fimfarchive

It's supposed to be cumulative but I think maybe some stories get dropped along the way per request or something? I don't really know, if someone knows for sure I'd like to hear it. Otherwise the only surefire way of knowing everything is saved is to download every single release, which would be painful.
>some stories get dropped along the way per request or something
Well that doesnt give kuch confidence.

Do all the deleted stories on fimfetch still show up on the search and API fetches even if the text body was removed ?
If so that could already create the needed group to compare to the fimarchive.
*much confidence
bring me back to the good ole days with greens and real art…
I just told ebony glow to come back since we had all calmed down.
Fucking thank you, I wrote that flurry short, but please stop getting angry I like all mind control content, I get liking foals, I get that a lot of people hate on people without reason. The people in this thread are not those people, just relax please.
I mean many threads ago we pushed away a ton of the people making content just because they said they weren’t too big on foalcon. They didn’t shit talk it, literally all they did was say they weren’t big on it and they got attacked nonstop. The thread as a whole needs to chill and the foalcon anons need to relax a bit.
Yeah, I honestly think it's one guy, as in the past I have pretended to be a lot of people and spammed threads because I was at people for stopping a writing from making a green I loved.
Maybe someone can make a joke green about Anon mares getting calmed down with mind control to become danity and respectful
Calm down from what ? The thread doesnt have to go to quarantine everytime someone brings up the foalcon discussion.
I mean it has got a lot of people to leave.

let's talk about Cuddling hypnotized ponies preferably Twilight sparkle.

Or Anon being an incubus thing in an rgre equestria.
No, lets talk about conditioning and coercing ponies by controlling their senses.
It's pathetic when you guys treat him like he's some fucking god or something, grow a backbone. Also, you're not our fucking nanny.
Literally the exact opposite, like what just happened in this thread. People were posting foal stuff and a few autismos started screeching about it and calling everyone pedos. Your lazy historical revisionism isn't fooling anyone anon.
>the foalcon anons need to relax a bit
More like moralfaggots need to stop believing they're middle school hall monitors, let people post whatever thread related content they want, and stop throwing hissy fits every time someone does.
Ebonyglow doesn’t even hate foalcon either so I don’t known why that anon is acting like he needs to be forced back. Last I checked the dude is just busy with mare fair and other stuff
The way I see it is if people want to be here great, if not that's fine too. I'd rather be dead than caught begging for someone to come back. It's so pathetic when people do that.
I can care less about the foalcon here. I just ignore it, yall enjoy what you like. Only reason I’ve been absent is because I’ve been swamped with work (beyond just mare fair stuff) so I haven’t been around much. If I have some time I’ll happily work on some greens again.
Even if he (or anyone else) did hate it, why the hell should we be forced to censor just to adhere to someone's arbitrary moral sensibilities? The idea is beyond retarded. We've already seen where censorship leads, it leads to purging and deleting all hypno content from fimfetch because it's classified (correctly) as sexual assault, just like some people in this thread predicted over a year and a half ago. And it will only get worse from there if people let it. How anyone can argue otherwise after we have concrete evidence of this is absolute madness.
Okay let's just talk about mind control, and all stop bitching.

Also yes I am now be a good filly or colt and watch the crystal, watch the crystal watch the crystal, hehe get hypnotized.
How about Cozy Glow turning each of the CMC into her servants as the initial part of her plan in taking down the mane 6 ?
UNF fuck yes! How do you think she would do it? And all three at once or one by one? Which would be the first to fall?
One by one, with each of having a different type of insecurity she would exploit, and a different type of servitude resulting from it.
>Which would be the first to fall?
Im thinking Scoots, she just seems like the most vulnerable to manipulation when theres no one around.
What method do you think she would use?
Actually Im kinda stumped there. At best I can only think of her showing how to be a "mature" filly to them.

Anything with this pic.
That would be a good excuse, especially since the cmc tend to be curious.
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What do you guys think of snake hypno? Yay? Neigh? Where do you rank it on your tier list?
Care to elaborate?
Not this person

But my thoughts are also meh, and to me it's because well I find the mind control hot I don't really don't like the snake, especially with vore as it feels like a waste to get an asset just to discard it like that.
To be fair, those are actually two different fetishes, not every snake picture has vore (although there's overlap of course).

Another interesting question, if you could hypnotize only pony and nopony else (no harems, no using one character to hypno another, etc), who would it be and why? If the selection was limited to the mane 6 who would it be and why? If it was limited to the filly cmcs who would it be and why?
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What's up!
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Is that discord and celly?
Dragon tamer Anon, or Anon training flurry heart who is a brat.
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>Anon training flurry heart who is a brat
100% this. wasnt there a green about this a while ago?
I meant continuing it
ooh that would be great!
Agree 100%. Like >>41159560 said. I personally don’t like snakes, but usually the hypnosis is with the intention to eat the target and I’m not into the shit. That’s furry territory at that point
I love this picture, where did you find it?
It’s Ai right, if so where is the model
What's up?
Anything we should add to flurry hearts mind during her first session.
>Be Anon
>Honestly, you had thought it would have been a lot harder to get this stupid cunt, in front of the crystal.
>Sure, you came up with a script and made sure to praise her for things that you knew everyone else got mad at her for, like her studying Sombra old relics, and you knew she would like it when you made fun of stupid rules she hated, but still it was a lot easier than you thought.
>You even made up a bunch of bullshit about Twilight lasting an hour to try and get her to put her all into focusing on the crystal, hoping to ignite her competitive spirit.
>But as fun as it would be to keep criticizing this moron of an alicorn, you had to get to work if you wanted her to be your submissive slave princess.
>She really responded well to praise, so let's frame her first session mostly in the compliments
"You are such a smart mare, Flurry Heart, you know that, right? It's hard for most mares to go this deep on their first session, but I knew you could do it; you must feel really happy being able to go this far on your first session, and you seem to really enjoy this feeling, dont you."
>Flurry nodded her head, slowly and methodically, as if a robot following a program.
>"Of course... I can go this deep... I am an alicorn... it is only.. natural that I am better... than other ponies... I uhh do I enjoy this."
>Flurry says in a monotone, her pride still surfacing even when she is this hypnotized.
>You use your magic to reach out to her mind and flood her still-entranced mind with pleasure and happiness.
"Of course, you Enjoy this. What are you feeling right now?"
>Flurry says, still in a monotone.
"That's Right Flurry. You are happy in this state, so you must enjoy it. You are so relaxed that there is not an annoying thought in your mind; it is just focused on looking at the crystal and listening to me. So you must enjoy this state and listening to me."
>You worry if you pushed her a bit to far right off the bat, maybe you should have waited until later to say that she liked listening to me.
>"I like feeling like this......"

>Flurry says nothing for a while, thinking; you wonder if you should change the topic, but her mind is too focused on that last line, Fuck.
>You want to yell out you might have messed up. You start summoning chains and other devices just in case she breaks free from her trance for a bit.
>"I uhh, do I like listening to you.... I dont know."
>You are once again surprised by how easy it is to manipulate this cocksock.
>You can just imagine her worshiping your cock, her tongue running along your length to make up for the stress she just put you through.
"Yes, Flurry, you do like listening to me; you enjoy being in this state, right."
>"Yes, I enjoy... this state..."
>Before she can get another word in, you say.
"Half of this state is just listening to me, so it makes sense that you would enjoy listening to me; any smart pony could figure it out."
>She nods.
>"That makes sense."
>She says as if she was an arrogant pony who just realized something simple but did not want to admit that she just realized it.
>You scratch behind her ears.
"That's right, now. Can you say that you enjoy listening to me?"
>Flurry Heart thinks for less than a second and responds.
>"I like listening to you."
>"I like listening to you."
"Now, each time you say it, you will find that it becomes a little more true. Do you understand?"
>Flurry nods and says.
>"Every time I say it, it becomes more true."
"That's a good girl; now say it ten more times."
>"I like listening to you."
>"I like listening to you."
>"I like listening to you."

>"I like listening to you."

>"I like listening to you."

>"I like listening to you."

>"I like listening to you."

>"I like listening to you."
>"I like listening to you."
>"I like listening to you."
>You tussle Flurry hearts mane.
"You're such a smart and talented mare. You know that, right, Flurry Heart."
>She gains the faintest smile; even when in a trance, it seems she really likes the praise.
>"I know that."
>Flurry Heart says without any pauses as if on instinct; you could even sense a little bit of pride in her voice.
"You're so talented and smart, Flurry heart. In fact, I bet you could go even deeper, so deep that you just agree with my words; without resistance, can you do that for me."
>Flurry Heart nods.
>"Sure I can... I can do that... I can do anything."

>She stares at the crystal and falls deeper and deeper into a trance. You feel her mind slowly sinking further and further before stopping. She reached a far deeper trance than any other creature had during their first session, that said she was not so deep that she would unilaterally believe anything you said like she promised she would; still, this was a lot more than you expected, and it was now that you could really start moulding her mind.
>Let's start with some triggers that help condition her.
"Flurry Heart, you like feeling happy, feeling content, feeling proud, right?"
>"Duh...Of course, I do."
"That's great, Flurry. I want you to feel all those great feelings whenever you obey me, even if I ask you to pass me a glass of water or give me a jacket. I want you to feel all those nice emotions. You can do that for me, right."
>Flurry Heart nods and says
>"Yes, I can do that."
i was going to write more, but I have to go bed, also sorry for the spaces, on the second post they thought it was spam.
God damn this looks amazing, can't wait to read it closely!

Anyone have any fun ideas.
What’s everyone doing?
>>Honestly, you had thought it would have been a lot harder to get this stupid cunt, in front of the crystal.
>You start summoning chains and other devices just in case she breaks free from her trance for a bit.
Would be good to see those put to good use soon.
>You're such a smart and talented mare
I'm headcanoning she's a filly.
>You are once again surprised by how easy it is to manipulate this cocksock.
>You can just imagine her worshiping your cock, her tongue running along your length to make up for the stress she just put you through.
Unff, cant wait.
He is calling her, a mare becuase he is trying to make her feel confident, like kinda in the way a kid wants to be treated like an adult.
unf thats fucking brilliant, love the psychological manipulation there
Can we add something other than up, like what fetishes do you all like when combined with mind control.
What do you think about outfits that have mind controlling properties, like slavekinis with anthro stuff.

How do you like ponies to feel about their enslavement
What’s up?

I wrote a rp starter two weeks ago after spending serval hours, discussing a plot with someone who was really interested and now they tell me they are no longer interested in mlp.
What was it about ?

Fall of equestia adjacent

Okay one thing, I had in mind was an rp where I am dating Twilight sparkle she loves me I love her, she is pretty submissive in the bedroom and we like to experiment a lot already. One day we find a powerful dark magic relic a forbidden temple, a source of power something, as we explore it, I become attended to the magic, more and more, and I start using it, and it helps me control twilight, and i start pushing twilight more and more, I mean sure we role played me dominating her, but now I actually am stronger then the alicorn princess and deep down she loves it.

If we go with the forbidden temple, the culture that made it would think of females as nothing more than slaves.

Basically with the new power, twilight is transformed from my loving girlfriend into my submissive sex slave, the reason I like the relationship aspect is that it lets her rationalize a lot of what I am doing.

I am not mad master drained my mind and used the bitch tamer on me, I love him besides this temple would only let us explore if I was claimed so it makes sense, that he can regulate my intelligence, and magic.
Here is the starter or the first part

*I was with my loving marefreind Princess Twilight Sparkle; recently, some pony archeologists found a temple, and in it were books and artifacts from various different cultures; the only thing in common was that these cultures were thousands of years old, even the earliest ones were dated back, before the oldest pony records. Twilight being a princess and a total nerd, offered or, perhaps, it is better to say she made an unintentional command as no pony would deny the princess of magic request.*

*Twilight, being the genius she was, quickly started deciphering many of the books and artifacts, as the earlier scholars had very little experience with deciphering the lost languages and understanding the magical relics.*

*However, out of all the books, the one I was most curious about was a book with a red and gold cover highlighting pictures of chains and erotica; it was the only book in a case. It seemed to have a warning on it; I told Twilight to decipher it next, and her being a submissive eager to pleasure mare friend listen to my command, I had thought that the book would be about making enchanted items or something similar; I was more than pleasantly surprised when Twilight burst into our shared temporary room and said.

'This book predates any written text we have, even before ponies were separated. It's filled with rituals to make mares more submissive. Normally, it would immediately need to be locked up in Celestia's library, but I don't think it would hurt if I took a few days to study it.'

*Over the next few weeks, Twilight deciphered and skimmed the rest of the artifacts, well, I practiced the spells from the book; being human, magic worked very weirdly for me, but I was very happy that I could use these spells. Twilight and I had more than just a few fun nights together. Eventually, we left the dig site, picking more than a few to take home to her castle for further examination; however, we quickly left Twilight'a castle again; she said she found the capital of the nation or tribe that had written the book and suggested we go there on a vacation of sorts clearly hoping to find more ways we could have fun. We eventually reached the former capital, which was on a large island, uncharted on any map.*

*Shortly After we arrived on the island and confirmed it was uninhabited, we reached the entrance to the temple; the doors were open, and covered in murals of females worshipping males, all collared and naked, and all around the entrance were statues of similar things, girls on are fours, worshipping the cocks of their masters, and serval other similar things.*

"Well, it looks like this is the place, Twilight; I am very curious about this place, and why it fell and its different sort of magic, but I think we should be a bit more accommodating to our host culture, by which I mean maybe you should get down to your underwear." *I press my lips to your ears and whisper* "You told me you had fantasies about being humiliated in public and out in the open, so why not play some of them out here."
Anything close to a mare waking up from hypnosis or brain wash and finding out she became a married wife with kids?
>Provbably to anon and the mare probably a princess like Cadence

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