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Previous Thread (#124) >>41006415


Tamed bug edition.

>What is this thread about?
This thread is dedicated to stories that have clear dominate and submissive roles; both with and without consent.

>What exactly is welcome in this thread?
A wide variety of stories are welcomed here; from non-consent and sexual slavery, to abusive manipulation and psychological domination, to maids and extortion, and even healthy consensual relationships with BDSM role-play elements.

Other variations are welcome as well, so long as they are complementary to the domination/submission focus of the thread.

Up to date archives:
Thread story list: https://ponepaste.org/7575
Thread list: https://ponepaste.org/7446
Unsorted oneshots/prompts/unfinished greens: https://ponepaste.org/7672

Outdated archives:


Historical Note:
This thread was originally founded to support the “Submission is Mandatory” story by MrNameless. While the story has gone on hiatus, it’s content is referred to by a number of stories in this thread.

Submission is Mandatory by MrNameless (Recommended)
Nightmare Moon summons Anon to defeat the EoH. In return, she grants him ownership of the Mane 6.

(Non-Canon SiM Expanded Universe Stories)
Octavia POV (Recommended) https://poneb.in/Y2AahdQp
Other Stories - https://poneb.in/3AFdqxvs


Remember not to save anything of value on pastebin. Use ponepaste.org
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Active stories:

Last updated ini #124:
>Thralls of Twilight by ManicQuil
The retired princesses show Twilight a new hidden side in their relationship.
Starts here: >>41137667
Last updated here: >>41137667

Last updated in #124:
>Harsh is The Night by ManicQuil
EQG story with a sub Rainbow Dash and her mistress Luna.
Starts here: >>40261868
Last update here: >>41098147

Last updated in #124:
>The Culture of Rubber Ponies by ManicQuil
Ponies covered in latex.
End of the last update: >>41083802

Last updated in the previous thread (#123):
>The Carat and Stick by RapeApe !bwwXn5Gx.o
Cadance forces Rarity onto medifag Anon.
https://ponepaste.org/733 https://ponepaste.org/4327 https://ponepaste.org/9692
Non canon spin-off https://ponepaste.org/9701
End of the last update: >>40947597

Last updated in #121:
>Short EQG christmas story with Dom Celestia and sub Dazzlings by ManicQuil
Starts here: >>40663996
Ends here ( more to come ? ): >>40670457

Last updated in #118:
Applebloom trying out a special outfit for Nightmare Night
Starts here: >>40211580
Last update here: >>40241892

Last updated in #117:
>Title may be "A Reluctant Pride" by Keeper
Anon fucking his way into becoming leader of the gryphons
Starts here: >>40100154
Last update here: >>40117985
Post some show accurate latex ponies or EqGs pls
Is this ass accurate ?
Still waiting for whoever generated that to release the model he used.
Maybe not "show accurate", but "accurate" indeed.

One of the best latex pony pics.
Why the blur effect ? Is she getting gagged at high speeds ?
Any inputs ?
Imagine rainbow dash is tied up and has nowhere to go. Then the dungeonmaster (you) assembles that ball gag on to her, and now her tongue has no where to go.
THen (mmm), the dungeonmaste r(you), mmmhhj, licks her tongue. Imagine her squirming and trying to ghet away but there is no escape from her tongue being licked. oh my god it would be so wet. just licking her tongue over and over.
So the forced tongue contact is what you like more about it ? Because there are better gags for that.
What about her having a forced open mouth to spit in it ?
Yeah... Spit
How good do you think she would look if Cadance forced her to wear some skimpy, pink latex ensemble for a prisoner parade ?
Spit can have its own meanings.
It doesnt have to be just a middle step towards the other things she will have to swallow in the future.
Spit is great because although it really isn't any more filthy than a deep kiss, it's way more humiliating. Cumming on/in a slave is using them for your own pleasure. Spitting doesn't directly give you pleasure, so there's an assumption that they should be the ones getting pleasure from it. It combines humiliation and disgust with reward. Plus you can tease your slave by acting like you're going to give her a nice kiss, then drooling in her mouth instead. Lots of fun possibilities.
Not pink, but it will do.
>but it will do
Not really, that actually looks fitting and elegant for her.
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And theres the last diamond/belle spit art from the artist.
Mcsadat is a treasure.
That gave me a fun idea for a mental trigger.
What if the slave started feeling a really bad taste in her mouth if it was kept unused/ungagged for too long ?
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not my thing

There's a certain 'corruption' aspect I appreciate. You wouldn't get it....
>You wouldn't get it....
Come on, at least describe it
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Would you prefer instead if her gag and face were licked all over while the leash kept her head from pulling away ?
>When you first got Rarity, you were told she would be trouble.
>An excellent worker, with a keen eye for detail, but a troublesome personality.
>Obsessed with cleanliness, and would complain endlessly if exposed to anything... unsanitary.
>Beatings had no effect. She would react even if she knew she would be punished.
>But you weren't worried.
>She was used to being gagged, but this one was different.
>With a hole in the middle, it didn't do much to muffle her whining. But it did allow you to access her mouth whenever you wanted.
>Like clockwork, you'd strap her down and 'kiss' her multiple times every day.
>Your filthy tongue would invade her mouth and explore to your heart's content.
>No matter how much she'd struggle and scream, you'd treat her with the utmost care and passion.
>When her tongue lashed out in disgust, yours met it with loving strokes.
>You'd taste the roof of her mouth and swirl your tongue around, making sure no part of her remained untasted.
>And afterwards you'd be sure to give her a tasty treat, and let her wear some of her favourite clothes.
>She hated it, but she couldn't deny the pleasure that followed her torment.
>As she slowly got used to it, you increased the sloppiness of your treatment.
>You let your drool splash freely into her mouth and force her to swallow.
>You slurp your tongue along her lips and teeth, leaving a thick coat of spit.
>You pull her tongue into your mouth and suck on it like a candy.
>Your rewards become more intimate as well. Patting her head, rubbing her belly, and scratching her ears.
>Soon, the act of defiling her mouth becomes its own reward.
>She works with incredible zeal and never makes a single error.
>She's as quiet as a mouse and the model of good behaviour.
>The only 'problem' is her begging for more kisses, but you're always more than happy to reward her by painting her needy mouth.
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Conditioning is so hot, we need to see more of it here and on the mind control thread.
Funny, I was thinking more of how the non conditioning aspect of it can make it hotter as some softcore sadist tool.

The way it coerces the slave in a non violent manner, how it can make the passive flavour so foul it makes the gagged pony almost tear up in its begging look, and lastly the possiblity of limiting what would actually stave off the effect ( no use in licking some sweet candy or even the floor out of desesperation )

Speaking of it, Im beginning to think this is being used in some way in the rubber story.
>Her mistress thought for a moment then leaned down with a sinister smirk.>
>"Hmmm... Not yet." You shiver at just how evil the pony seems, holding one of her back hooves out toward Gilda. "But you know how to change my mind.">

>The three of you watch as Gilda needed no other prompt, her tongue attacking the hoof like it was made of ice cream.>

Making her whole body have a sweet taste ? Or simply making her hooves be the only palate cleanser she has ?
Im probably way off here, but it is a hot concept to consider.
Hey RapeApe, any possiblility of a chip doing something like this in your story ?
i want to not so gently choke that mare!
Coco needs her SPANKING
Did I kill the talk because of this ? If you guys want delve into the conditioning part then go ahead, just wanted to put out my thoughts.

What if we talk about a DJ who wants her lesbian pet to feel the taste of semen in her mouth whenever she's not gagged or eating her out ?
Not normally my thing, but you gave me an idea.
>Be Anon.
>Be very confused.
>You didn't really know Vinyl that well, so you were a bit cautious when she asked you for a favour.
>When that favour turned out to be going to some sort of classical music concert with her, you were too curious to say no.
>It probably helped that you had a tiny crush on her.
>Of course, this is Horseland, where all the cute ones turn out to be gay. You wonder how in the hell they're able to reproduce.
>Still, you could think of worse things to do than listen to some Horse Mozart while sitting next to an extremely pretty punk girl.
>As soon as you show up Vinyl practically drags you backstage.
>She's missing her shades for some reason, and you can see her trembling in excitement.
>You get the usual odd looks, but nobody questions Vinyl as she pulls you into a small room.
>Inside there's a grey mare in a bowtie, fiddling with her mane. She looks over to you and gasps.
>"Vinyl... really? Him?"
>"But... I've never... What if I can't hold it in?"
>"That's why it's fun!"
>The mare blushes. Vinyl turns to you with an evil grin.
>"OK, we've only got a few minutes before showtime. Drop your pants."
"Uh, what?"
>"Vinyl! You didn't even tell him?"
>"I'm telling him now, Tavi, chill."
>"I'm so sorry about her, this isn't what we discussed..."
>"I said chill. Now, you. Take your cock out already."
>A part of you wants to ask questions. That part is immediately outvoted by the rest of you that wants to see wherever the fuck this is headed.
>You slowly pull your pants down, followed by your underwear. Tavi watches your crotch all the while, her blush filling her entire face.
>Vinyl gives her a tiny kiss on her cheek.
>"Now be a good pet. Or no orgasms for a month."
>Tavi shudders. Vinyl smiles sadistically, and slowly extends her tongue. She licks Tavi from the base of her neck up to the tip of her ear, leaving a line of damp, messy fur that's obviously out of place with the rest of her well-groomed coat.
>The show makes you start to harden. You watch in stunned silence as Tavi walks right in front of your half-chub. Her eyes flick up to meet yours in a cute and fully submissive stare.
>"I... hope you enjoy this... Sir."
>Without breaking eye contact, she swallows your cock.
>Her eyes widen in surprise, and you hear her start to gag.
>But she doesn't release you. A couple deep breaths, and she starts to move.
>She's slow and hesitant, but clearly skilled.
>Her tongue doesn't stop twisting around you. Her head alternates between moving back and forward and side to side. Her plush lips softly stroke your shaft, then the soft insides of her cheeks rub your tip.
>Vinyl mounts her from behind, then rests her full weight on Tavi's back, all four hooves off the ground. The submissive mare groans with the weight, but doesn't stop her slow rhythm.
>"You're actually sucking an alien's cock right now, Tavi. Celestia, that's so gross."
>Tavi's low whine of shame just adds to your pleasure.
>"I don't know what would be worse. Are you doing this just because your sick freak of a marefriend told you to do it? Or are you actually getting off on being the cumdump of a weird monkey thing? Oh. No offense, dude."
"None taken."
>"You hear that, Tavi? He's still talking normally. Which means you must not being doing a very good job."
>She suddenly grabs Tavi's head with her forehooves and starts to pump her head up and down.
>Tavi's eyes bulge. You're hitting her throat now, at an intense speed.
>You can see her legs start to buckle, and she's groaning in discomfort. But her tongue still hasn't stopped its incessant licking.
>"What do you think, dude? Is she giving it her all? Don't be shy, she's a big mare, she can take criticism."
"I think... *hah* she's... really... amazing."
>Vinyl laughs.
>"Now that's more like it, Tavi! If you're gonna be a slutty disgusting cheating race-betraying used goods fake lesbian little cumdump whore, you should at least do the job well!"
>Tavi's mouth tightens around your cock.
>"I'm oh so very very sorry Mr. Alien, Sir." Vinyl looks at you with an exaggerated pout. "I really didn't mean for this to happen. My marefriend is just such a turboslut you see, she really can't help herself. She calls herself a lesbian, but she really loves to choke on big dicks, isn't that right, sweetie?"
>Tavi's eyes scrunch up. You notice that Vinyl isn't holding her head anymore, but her pace is still increasing.
>"You can punish her if you want, Sir. Just grab her head and rape her throat. She deserves it for being such a filthy slut, don't you agree?"
>Suddenly the fake puppydog eyes vanish, and Vinyl gives you that scary grin again.
>"Just make sure that you come in her mouth, not down her throat. I don't want any of it going to waste."
>Vinyl looks flushed, and you notice that she's slowly humping Tavi's rear end.
>Tavi looks up at you with a mixture of fear and lust.
>You lovingly caress her cheek, before gripping the sides of her head and thrusting into her.
>"YES! Yes yes yes... use that whore... put her in her place. Make her submit."
>Vinyl starts grinding with renewed ferocity. As she gazes at your cock plunging in and out of Tavi's mouth, she gets a dopey expression on her face, and a bit of drool starts to pour from her mouth.
>Tavi has not let your violent treatment of her affect her poise in the slightest. Your dick is still in a perfect hole, the various surfaces of her mouth and throat remaining tight for you, without the hint of teeth.
>You're extremely close. Heeding Vinyl's wishes, you pull out most the way, and let Tavi's tight lips finish you off.
>It's all you can do to remain standing.
>Tavi works your tip with her tongue, teasing out every last drop.
>When she's satisfied you're dry, she releases you. You sink to your knees, breathing heavily.
>"Now don't you dare. Swallow. A. Drop."
>Vinyl hisses in Tavi's ear. She slides off the abused mare, revealing the bright shine of marecum all over her plump butt.
>Grabbing Tavi's perfectly brushed tail, she uses it as a dirty rag to wipe her crotch clean before coming face to face with her sub.
>Tavi obeys, revealing a sea of your cum still inside her mouth.
>Vinyl spits, a large gob of saliva splattering against the cum.
>"Don't swallow. I want to see all of it after the show."
>Tavi nods obediently. Vinyl turns to you.
>"Hey, awesome job there, dude. Good size, great stamina, technique could use a little work maybe, but overall an excellent performance. We'll definitely be using you again. You cool with that?"
"Uh... yeah."
>"Cool. You should put your pants back on now though, we gotta get to our seats."
>As soon as you're decent, Vinyl drags you back through the backstage maze.
>You take your seats in a private balcony. Vinyl must have paid through the nose for it. Every pony here looks to be wearing extremely expensive clothing.
>Enthusiastic applause accompanies the arrival of the performers. Four impeccably dressed ponies holding their snooty noses in the air... and Tavi.
>She's not dripping with marecum anymore, but her coat and tail are slightly disheveled.
>Her bowtie isn't straight either, and it looks way too loose.
>Her expression and posture is almost the same as the others, but you notice a red tinge to her face, tension in her jaw, and a slight fear in her eyes.
>The performers take their places, and begin the show.
>The music is incredible. Each performer is clearly exceptionally skilled, and complement each other flawlessly.
>You're not sure if other ponies notice the slight imperfections in Tavi's appearance.
>Or if they spot those rare moments where it looks like she's swirling something around her mouth.
>This is usually followed by a quick wince of disgust, but more than once her eyes roll back as if in ecstasy.
>You can't help but start to get hard again knowing her secret.
>Vinyl stares at the poor mare with unbridled affection in her eyes, sighing with loving passion whenever Tavi's poise begins to falter.
>You can see she's grinding her thighs together.
>Eventually Tavi sneaks a glance up at you both.
>Vinyl cheerfully waves, before exaggeratedly licking her lips in a cartoonish parody of seduction.
>Tavi's face goes completely red. Her lips tremble, and for a moment you're sure she's going to spew your load all over the front row.
>But she pulls herself together, and closes her eyes.
>"Aw, she's trying to distract herself with her music."
>Vinyl giggles in an uncharacteristically bubbly way.
>"The taste must be driving her insane. It's just so cute."
>She's basically hanging over the balcony edge at this point. You can smell her musk.
>Eventually the song ends, and the performers stand up.
>You join in the applause. Vinyl whistles and stamps her hooves.
"Wow, that was... really, a great show. Thanks a lot for the ticket... and, well..."
>You rub your neck awkwardly.
>"Oh, this is just the intermission, you know. She's still got another hour of torment left."
>Vinyl shoots you her evil grin.
>"I just can't wait for her big solo."

END maybe. I kinda want to continue this but it would be a subAnon and idk if that's right for this thread.
Always hot to see Tavi being the cocksleeve in the trio.

I say do it. Its a rare type of anon, but not an unwelcome one.
I need to give it more praises because you really nailed down with the way Vinyl treated Tavi.

>Grabbing Tavi's perfectly brushed tail, she uses it as a dirty rag to wipe her crotch clean before coming face to face with her sub.
>Tavi obeys, revealing a sea of your cum still inside her mouth.
>Vinyl spits, a large gob of saliva splattering against the cum.
>"Don't swallow. I want to see all of it after the show."

Fuck, I wonder what she does to her when theres no one around expecting a dignified pony out of her.
Not sure if hypno is or will be involved in this, but what if Vinyl was picking up the taste that will be imprinted in Tavi's mind ?
Why would it be sub anon
Conditioning is hot because you are slowly changing a ponies mind.
I know the appeal of it, I like that as well. But for me lately I've just had a big itch for situations where more discomfort or disgust are present in a slave's life for the amusement of their owner.
There's certainly a way to condition the slave into getting used to and accept the abuse, but if you do it much it takes too much out of the cruel fun.
Because Vinyl has all the good ideas on what anon could do to her pet.
Just kind of seems to be the natural progression, I don't see this Vinyl being a sub at all so either the story would be stuck with just Anon doing stuff to Octavia while Vinyl watches, or Anon is the middle of the totem pole, which seems a lot more interesting to me. I got other shit to write though so idk when I'll get back to it.
>idk when I'll get back to it
Damn, right when it started good like that.

What other stuff are you writing ?
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>Cozy bullying the chicken.
Actually a hot concept.
If only the art didnt look this derpy.
Well this is a rare pair
It really is, although theres nothing rare about the idea of Scoots secretly being the biggest pushover of the CMC.
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Anybody writing or drawing something right now ?
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smol ponies need to be soaked in cum
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Is everyone just waiting for the weekend to post ?

Hope theres more of it soon.
dirthorses are for whipping to make music, not playing instruments
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Manic , got any more of that Celestia green from last thread ?
Oh shit the new thread is up
>Now be a good pet. Or no orgasms for a month.

What if after this concert Vinyl added a new rule to Tavi's "allowance" ?
Maybe a spell that makes her lesbian pet only able to get an orgasm from a real dick ?

>This is usually followed by a quick wince of disgust, but more than once her eyes roll back as if in ecstasy.
>Vinyl cheerfully waves, before exaggeratedly licking her lips in a cartoonish parody of seduction.
>Tavi's face goes completely red. Her lips tremble, and for a moment you're sure she's going to spew your load all over the front row.

Or does she already have some spell on her ?
You want to make it unpleasant for them to be without a gag or other such device? I'm open to the idea.
Unpleasant, but in terms of disgust instead of discomfort since this would be about inducing the pony into feeling a taste in its mouth, even if it didnt have nothing there.
Seems kind of far fetched for a tech approach but you can be the judge of that
I'll get something soon
Anyone wants to help me find a fic ?
It was about Chrysalis having won and captured the mane 6, with some chapters focused on Rainbow Dash and Applejack being broken, and Twilight being left for last to be convinced into taking the queen's side.
I know the repetitive overused theme doesnt help at all, but I know the story was old, it had a really hot part about a bound Rainbow being seduced by an underling of Chrysalis, and most specifically it had "villains win" in the name I think.
Wait nevermind, found it.
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She needs a nosehook to perfect the look! Or imagine force feeding nasty gruel, maybe spoon fed with a ring gag, or just shove her face in until she eats every bite.

Or panties or used jocks tied up around her snout to keep her engulfed in the scent of her superior :)))
And that is why we lock doors Celly
>Allowing them privacy
>Want to make a latex thread to attract drawing/edit anons
>Dont want to kill the movement in /sim/ and mind control

Man why cant the draw anons just take requests in the generals instead of wanting a separate place for that.

Are they all looking for a fetish version of the drawthread general ?
What about using this gag ?
Could you post the pic? Didn’t work for me sorry!
I cant post that here. Just picture a hollow dildo gag with holes all over it, coupled with a ring gag.
So, was she sentenced to slavery alongside Gilda in that rubber story ?
Maybe she is not here yet.
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Maybe not yet, but something might have happened in the past.
Something that perhaps could entail a short with the bird who has an adoration for ponies and their domineering ways.
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Actually, is there any good /sim/ content with Gabby ?
The slavery talk with that gabby poster on the >clop thread made me crave for something with her.
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This pairing never crossed my mind.
Why has no one talked about this pony tied up?
Ive seen one story scene where Rarity dreamt about punishing her, and aside from it, there has to be one of two stories out there of Suri being put in her place by Coco and her new employer.
But I have seen a lot more stories with her planning revenge on Rarity, cucking her with Coco, or simply molesting Coco.
Huh. You'd figure there'd be a ton of fics where Rarity turns her into a slave
Okay you guys have been really out steam lately.

Any ideas you have in your minds that could bring out the talk ?
Odd pairings, odd dynamics , any completely out of character scenarios you thought up in your head that are just really hot ?
Oh and here's some angry gagged Dash to spice up the thread.
RapeApe come homeeee
Page 10 fellas
Prim Hemline dominating Applejack, Fluttershy and Adagio Dazzle, Twilight and the Music Whorses
Older dominatrix mares are always a plus.

But is it just the idea of a favorite older mare having control over them, or did you have more spicy details thought up ?

>Music Whorses
Octavia, Vinyl and Lyra ?
Prim Hemline sees a picture of Applejack all dolled up from a picture Rarity too to display one of her designs and the older mare sees that the farmer could be a perfect model yet when she rejects the offer, Prim decides drastic measures are needed to not waste such a beauty.

Octavia and Vinyl yeah. Both of them want to Dom the bookworm and enjoy tormenting her with their different styles.
Anon using his imbued skills and knowledge to enslave princess Ember and become the new ruler of the Dragon lands.
I thought you were talking about a more wild idea with her being the owner of all of them.

>drastic measures are needed to not waste such a beauty.
Clothes that that magically locked ?
>tormenting her with their different styles.
What do you think Tavi's style would be like ?
Nope, change it up, make them both Doms.

Maybe, I dunno, I didn't think that far ahead. Something I did think about is perhaps Rarity helps Prim because she is already a slave to her mentor.

I was thinking about it but perhaps Octavia is more a domme who uses toys to torment her slave while Vinyl uses stuff like sensory deprivation and tickle torture.
>Rarity helps Prim because she is already a slave to her mentor

Maybe something common for apprentices in the fashion industry, and even after fully estabilished and acting on her own there's a lasting permanent bonding mark or acessory that never goes away, still binding them to their mentors somehow for a "favor" here and there.
Yeah, I should probably write something before I forget how.
With sufficient precision you can have almost arbitrary control over what somebody experiences. That "sufficient precision" part is the problem here. He doesn't have the means to reach inside and manually rewire a brain.
However, we have alternatives. Less precise approaches, while not exactly easy, are entirely possible. He can simply disable or overwhelm something. We could interfere with inner ear function to cause dizziness similar to a Ménière's attack, for example.

There's a possibility that I'd have to do some reading on involving the aortic body. This is where blood CO2 levels are measured, so we could make them feel like they were asphyxiating without actually putting them in danger.
I really want it to work because it would allow for a lot of fun, but this procedure would be pretty close to the heart so it's riskier than I'd like for recreational surgery. Plus we'd be working on something that serves more than one function. I'm not sure yet exactly what would happen. It might just kill you? If I can think of a way to make it work it would be a great addition, that would be some next level breathplay.
>That "sufficient precision" part is the problem here. He doesn't have the means to reach inside and manually rewire a brain.
Well if precision is an issue for a hidden taste sensor, how about an external one disguised as a tongue piercing ? Would it be too whimsical to make it detect semen on it and in turn signal the hidden implant that controls the taste buds?

>He can simply disable or overwhelm something.
Making a slave be unable to taste anything except semen, or things seasoned with it?
I could already see Cadence using that to force some lesbian pet project of hers into appreciating stallions.
Use the enhancement feature to keep the pony from getting used to the constant taste ? Or make everything that isnt the trigger taste too overwhelming for the pony ?

You already got some good alternatives here in case simulated taste isnt possible.

>so we could make them feel like they were asphyxiating without actually putting them in danger.
Adding controlled breathing to this ? Im definitely all for it.
I've seen that concept used in this Dombrus art, https://derpibooru.org/images/874311 , although I dont think milking is one of the things you are aiming for with this.

But if you find a way to make the concept work, I could see it being triggerable by plenty of things, specially coupled with the taste sensor chip.
hot, hot, hot!
Coco needs her SPANKING
She does
Coco needs an anal plug.
I mean that could work or at the very least have it be like an open secret that Prim does that to her proteges to better build her empire of fashion.
Which characters are best suited for ryona ?
Not just an open secret with her, but with a lot of apprenticeship/mentor relationsips in the fashion industry. Its something that newcomers just have to accept and endure until they gets famous enough to break away from the career leash their mentors have on them.

And maybe Rarity had finally managed to estabilish herself and be free from it before having to ask help from her crony mentor to help Coco.
Another fun way to look at it is the young up and comer is the new generation and line of thought that the older professional needs to learn from. So they teach techniques but must serve their younger and superior mentee and be degraded for their own old fashioned ideas. Haha
Fluttershy and Marble, of course
How would you feel about Dressage at the Equestria Games and how would you think it would play out?
Come again?
>Dressage (/ˈdrɛsɑːʒ/ or /drJˈsɑːʒ/; French: [dʁɛsaʒ], most commonly translated as "training") is a form of horse riding performed in exhibition and competition, as well as an art sometimes pursued solely for the sake of mastery. As an equestrian sport defined by the International Equestrian Federation, dressage is described as "the highest expression of horse training" where "horse and rider are expected to perform from memory a series of predetermined movements".

Of course, the rider aspect has to have some kind of workaround.
I could picture it being something focused on balance and grace instead of perfect obedience since its a sentient horse setting.
Maybe the performers would have some handicap that makes the movements actually be difficult to perform, like ballet boots or weighted shoes locked on to their getup.

>the rider aspect has to have some kind of workaround
Why ? One of them wears the saddle for a reason.
There's something about ponies riding ponies that feels silly.
This one.
Speaking of dressage, what do you think of using unusual mane styles for it ?
Picture a bridled, full tacked Celestia being forcibly dragged to performance with her mane dressed like this.
Not a fan of that one, personally. I like a little more flow to the mane, like >>41176356.
>Not a fan
Not even if the purpose is to look ridiculous ?
I can feel that
Oh I love that. Hell I love the idea that this was the real reward Twilight got for learning the value of friendship (getting her fantasy turned into reality with being the Princess's slave)
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Gets rewarded with immortality so that she can forever be part of her Princess's harem.
And maybe as a bonus she drags Trixie into this ordeal as well.
Its unrelated to the topic, but the same artist put out a nice concept for a training device.
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Im starting to think the apprenticeship/ownership relation would be a better fit for mages. Kind of like a not so dark ( depending on the mentor ) copy of how Sith masters treat their apprentices.

Like for example, picture Trixie being "graced" with a locking acessory marked with Twi's cutie mark, as a way of Twilight showing the world that the master mage has claimed that unicorn as her pupil.
And the only way for the acessory to ever come off is with Trixie's own magic, if she becomes as strong or skilled as Twilight to disable the magic lock that is. Basically a trial in itself that gives her the choice to either continue living away from Ponyville and try filling the huge skill gap with self learning, or swallow her pride an live under Twilight`s tutelage and rules.
Poor Trixie, I wonder if it'll break her to learn that the freedom Twilight offered was a lie? That Twilight was never truly in control, that while the cutie mark is hers, the magic she needs to overcome is not the nerdy mage, but the goddess of the sun herself. I wonder what can do to a mare
That would ruin the entire purpose of playing with her pride though. If you put an impossible obstacle for her to overcome, then she wont have any blame to direct on herself for not trying hard enough.
/spg/ when? Or is it dead? There wasn't any proper discussions for months there. Its only alive because of AWF.
I really hope it'll be back soon. Can't wait for more Meyermer/Thistle.
>There wasn't any proper discussions for months there
I thought you guys had more green writers over there to keep things lively.
All but one disappeared. Just like any other general. Writefags are a rare breed these days.
Have you ever played kinky dungeon ?
There's this trainee mage class who starts the game with a magically locked chastity belt as part of her unfinished training.
Actually, has anyone ever played that game ?
To whoever did, what do you think of that setting ?
Never heard of it before
Its a dungeon explorer game with a really big focus on bondage and escape mechanics, and it has a magic system that uses normal damaging spells along with kinky restraint summoning spells ( rope, metal, latex, leather ) for capturing enemies or being captured by them.
Stop calling just because the thread keeps grinding to a halt. At least help giving some ideas to the guy.

I wouldnt call it good per say but I did write a bit of a /sim/ story with gabby in it called "A Reluctant Pride" sadly a case of real life has struck but id like to return at some point.
I already read it, and I hope you can come back and write more, I want to see Gilda humiliated and paraded around after that duel.

Also I wanted to ask, what would you think of a dragon version of your story?
I think it would work great the Dragons already have a pretty decent hierarchy. I do already have a plan to incorperate more races into the tale its more of a how Anon fucked and dominated his way into becoming emperor of Equestria. So he would eventually have Griffons,Dragons,Ponies, and Donkeys under his rule.
>So he would eventually have Griffons,Dragons,Ponies, and Donkeys under his rule.
Nice to know ! I dont think I've seen any "anon takes over " fics where Ember was shown being put in her place.
We need some ember out in her place.

I think it’s also because there is not a lot of fics where Anon takes over
I swear there are plenty of those in the archive, specially ones focused on anon turning the alicorn sisters into his toys.
But none or maybe only a few were made after Ember was introduced so she never got a focus.
Anyone wants to help me work out this orgasm control idea ?

You know, think up motivations that could be played into this, pairs where this could work, details that could be changed, etc ?
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Cant wait to see Coco spilling out to Rarity about her past.
This is really brilliant
I think Celestia is the one confused.
Do you guys think the board is in a mood for a fetish drawthread ?
Doesnt have to be just for latex stuff this time.
You never know till you post it Anon
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Hmm I guess I'll try making one on friday. Maybe something bondage focused this time ?

Although I did want to get the opinions of any edit or draw anons that are lurking here. Hopefully the draw anon from the previous thread who made this is still around.
>fetish drawthread
/spg/ died completely?
In the past 2 months there were 0 discussions, only bumping and AWF posting green.
I'm pretty sure if someone makes a thread AWF will continue the green.
Sounds like the situation in most fetish generals, mind Control has anons waiting for greens from Ebonyglow, and /sim/ has most of us waiting for something from RapeApe or Manic.
Does the spanking general have its own resident green writer too ?
only speaking for myself and for this thread since i posted a ton half a year ago ITT, i am barely lurking anymore at this point due to work related stuff as well as having found another vent for all those BDSM-feels i projected onto ponies although rarara is still fard hard whipping
But in this thread we have more than just bumps. /spg/ dried up completely in this regard.
Are you the anon who I talked a lot about that Rarity gimp idea ?

>having found another vent for all those BDSM-feels i projected onto ponies
That just makes me wanna ask out of curiosity, but you probably want to keep it at that.
But I do get that venting feeling, sometimes the best ideas come from that.
I do try bringing up stuff to talk about in here instead of just bumping, although there are times when I just dont have any drive to think up anything.
Not fair, we had a small green or two per thread, and that anon who had the guinea pig on the oil rig
Sure, but in the last thread there was just AWF , the commenter guy and bumps. Even in the second to last thread there wasn't much conversation, and that was started in February!

Regardless, I would love some Meyermer.
I wouldnt have minded visiting your general to bring up ideas, but you guys only ever seemed to talk about maid ponies who misbehaved among other mild stuff.
Having said that, would that green check any boxes for me ?
Well, there are misbehaving maids, and there is Vega's spankopalooza which started repeating pretty quick.
Nothing prevents anybody from creating a new spg thread.
What about Naarkeotics or whatever the anon's name was ?
I remember convincing him to write a nice kinky story with rubber dressed griffons last year

Did he write anything else in this level after that ?

Doesnt mean the company isnt welcome. Its nice to have more anons here chatting.
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Manic I gottta ask this because the doll Tavia idea keeps coming back in my head.
Is it possible in your rubber story for somepony to be condemned to have an identity erasure as a punishment for a serious crime ?
Yeah... Of course there's a way for it to show up without being a punishment too
>there's a way for it to show up without being a punishment too
I know, but with the punishment theres the additional part in dragging a loved one into this as a forced legal guardian/owner, kind of a one and only chance for them to be together under these new conditions.
Forced to apply the training they taught her onto her loved one and make sure her partner's existence is forgotten by everyone around them, all under the failure penalty of seeing her partner being shipped away, forever gone to some unkown fuckdoll facility.
Ah, so that's what this was about. No, i don't remember anything similar later, I guess the thread was never about snu-snu to begin with and it didn't receive as much readers.

I guess not. Maybe after work.
>didn't receive as much readers.
Thats the impression I got, felt like I was the only reader of that thing, which sucks because he did write a nice piece.
He also mentioned continuing it but I dont even know if the writer still lurks there, much if he will have any interest in picking this up after all this time.
Just to ride on another unrelated/maybe related idea.
What do you think of this treatment being given to a doll by its former partner, as a way to not make it feel "left out" ?
Do I make a bondage/latex thread ?
I honestly don't care for it but if you like it then you write it man.
I meant this for you.
>then you write it man
I know I know, you keep recommending this to me but I just cant get my mind to focus right now on writing those ideas down into a story. Scenarios and fetishes are easier to picture but dialog is a bitch to put down, specially if I try writing something with the rhyming zebra who grew so fond of.

Sorry if I just keep pushing ideas onto your story.
That's hot
It's fine man.
Underrated ship.
Also unf
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I decided to go with a joke image approach.
I like to think there was a reason Rarity added thoses purple hearts.
How possessive would she be if Lightning or Spitfire tried to snag her pet pegasus ?
Breaking them into bottom bitches without Rainbow knowing who they are till after?
Unf, that would be an idea.
Make Lightning the bottom bitch who will be treated like a slave and learn to be happy with whatever scraps of reward her new goddess gives her. Maybe even turn her into a resident basement gimp that no one outside the Boutique knows about.

As for Spitfire, maybe Rarity breaks her before sending her to Soarin ?
Although showing Dash how her mistress could even turn the Wonderbolts captain into her bitch could justify keeping her.
Wait I never thought of this, are those two a thing in that rubber story ?
Could Rarity have enslaved Dash for that reason ?
I like it
anon i havent written a green for the mind control genral in like six months. i doubt theyre waiting for me. been tempted to try something for this general for a bit though.
I doubt your doubt, but Im not gonna say no to more greens in this general.

>been tempted to try something for this general for a bit though.
Im guessing it involves mind control ? Seems to be a main thing in your stories.
Lightning should get her revenge and be the domme of spitfire. And next time rainbow sees. Her own boss under the hooves of her once nemesis and competition. She’s a new wonderbolt of course! Appointed by her lovely slave spitfire.
that'd be a bit redundant to do no? i write other stuff beyond that, so id be down to try something different here. would just need ideas
My bad, just thought you wanted to try going with something you are used to write but with a /sim/ take on the story.

But sure I can give you some ideas ! Do you just want to hear random ones?

-Rainbow Dash becoming Lightning Dust's slave after trying and failling to win against her in a duel to gain back Scootaloo's admiration.

-The Rarity idea above

-The Trixie idea from earlier
where the accessories that are locked on her would tease and and torment the unicorn while she travels, taunting her with the possibility of going back to Twilight and becoming her pet/student, or keep her pride and try in vain to get stronger by herself with those things constantly handicapping her.

-Luna's experience during her "vacation" (temporary exile) as a chaste nun in an isolated solar temple, where she is staying until deemed appreciative enough of her sister and the virtues she extols
This one could have a nice backstory, such as it being the real banishment given by her sister instead of the moon one. Or being a post NMM treatment Celestia thought of to keep the demon out.

I got some more ideas that were shared in /sim/ that I can post later.
Oh and I know I already shared the nun idea, but if you dont mind latex I can share more ideas that use it.
Cute sub knowing her place
What about a story focused on a conquered Celestia ?
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So, anybody wants to talk about /sim/ crack pairings ?
I'm surprised this is the first time seeing this ship
This is such a hot pairing! I want applejack to be degraded and serve her mistress well! She can hate it, but she can’t help but obey, or perhaps she is being blackmailed.
No one suspected the innocent marshmallow filly would have the strong farmer mare as her toy.

Its hot to imagine her playing circles around her older sister.
It's also a hot idea to imagine not only is Rarity aware of Sweetie Belle dominating her friend, but she even helps her sister torment her... While toying with her own farmer slave.
Lol this feels like something on the side of a van (in a good way)
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Do you see it as a "strong servant who pampers the needs and requests of her dainty mistress" type of relation ?
Or more of a toy treatment, with it being sometimes literal ? Such as pic related happening on Sweetie's birthday, with Rarity's help of course

>toying with her own farmer slave
Applebloom ?

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