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Welcome to the Original General for discussion pertaining to the first three generations of My Little Pony!
A True Classic Never Goes Out of Style... edition!

>previous thread: (we fucking died)

>where to watch
heartshine.gay and yayponies.no both have it all!

>why did you make this fucking thread again
It's better than shitting in all your other threads. I'm probably gonna do it a fourth time, too.
Alright lads. Who's the best G3 pony?
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Thistle pisstle
Cheerilee. No bias at all.
Pissile missile
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Thistle Whistle is a good contender for best pony, she's kind of a bitch. I like that in a mare.
Piss missile makes the most noises and they are loud
I like kimono personally
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lost bitch
Let's talk about stinky eye
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Stinky eye
Woah. That's a crazy face.
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Gotta love Pinkie Pie!
I feel like this is worth mentioning
Y'all best recognize some damn socks if y'all wanna go on and recognize. Make it socks
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>you know what they say
>the boa is always greener on the other pony
Truly this is magnificent writing the likes of which I've never seen before.
What if it was thistle whistle in the challenger disaster instead of big bird
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>January 28, 1986
>Thistle Whistle saunters out of the facility
>She stares up at the challenger
>It's an imposing machine, most definitely
>Big plans for this little pony
>More than being shot up into the sky though something is bothering her
>Her gaze shifts up past the challenger
>The sky... it's not very clear at all
>So many clouds!!
>"Oh n-no.. *whistle* somepony call my fucking agent."
>"I'm not getting on that thing! It's cloudy!"
>She takes the bus home, avoiding the cloudy sky
>curls up in bed and turns on the TV
>watches the challenger detonate like a firework
>"H-H-Holy fuck!! The *whistle* clouds got 'em!"
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I'm a long time shady lover. Oh that irreverent fucking horse
Are you saying she final destinations it
I'm not saying she DIDN'T Final Destination it, anon.
>>41150714# nah anon you got it all wrong. that's exactly what happens in final destination 1
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me rn
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>Pinkie Pie is chasing you down the backrooms
>She is a pony, you have no hope of outrunning
>Absolutely positively nowhere to hide
How do you avoid her GETTING you??
The way she scarfs down this entire cake and then burps loudly at the camera just makes me fucking diamonds and I can't even explain it. Not a burp fetish btw, just a mare fetish. God I want Rarity to burp in my fucking face so I can smell the residue of the lemon icing on that stupid rainbow berry cake. Ughh she's so cute, I bet if she burped on my cock it would probably vibrate and be all warm and stuff. Link is timestamped, in case you need a free boner today.

I'd play dead so that the worst she can do is eat me.
>The way she scarfs down this entire cake and then burps loudly at the camera just makes me fucking diamonds and I can't even explain it. Not a burp fetish btw, just a mare fetish. God I want Rarity to burp in my fucking face so I can smell the residue of the lemon icing on that stupid rainbow berry cake. Ughh she's so cute, I bet if she burped on my cock it would probably vibrate and be all warm and stuff.
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I love mares. I want her to mareburp in my face while I brush her mane and take her to the bakery to get her a treat. But only one treat bc I have $7.21 in my pocket and our order at the bakery will cost $7.48 and I'll say "I'll get you next time." to the person at the register and I take the pastries and walk out and they're like "H-Hey, wait!! Oh.. shit." and I give Rarity her pastries in the park with a warm coke from my car and she enjoys it and she burps again and it smells like lemons but then as I rub her belly she fucking farts and it's honestly kinda cute but also it's gross so I start crying bc I didn't know mares could do that but she licks my cheek and says "Can I have some more? :)" so I can't stay mad at her. We go to my car but I'm out of gas so I have to ride her to McDonald's bc she's a pony and she pays for our food and we eat. She's so gassy haha. She's a horse so she just eats a mountain of fries and I look into her eyes and giggle bc I'm a whole ass human person eating a burger. We go home and cuddle and I pretend like everything is okay. It's not. She farts in her sleep, but I'm asleep too so I don't even know it.
She licks good
This is the fourth thread
Each of you has a gross fetish, don't lie to yourselves
It's also supposed to be OG General
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I wear this ribbon with honor.
I love classic mares :)
long live OG!
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fat miserable fuck (i love her)
>be me
>have boner
>sex with g3 pony
>we cum
>we giggle
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>penis lights up
Yours or hers?
They both light up as the tips touch.
Is there any porn of Lily Lightly with a glowing penis?
holy fuck g3 makes me so fucking horny this isnt even a joke man this shit makes my dick so hard i wanna fuck the shit out of minty and razzle dazzle and wysteria and pinkie pie and razaroo and thistle whistle and rainbow dash and sunny daze daffadaisy and rarity and kimono and star catcher and skywishes and coconut grove and sweetie belle and scootaloo and toolaroola and cheerilee and sew and so and lily lightly and starsong and whimsey weatherbe and cotton candy and sweet berry and mayor flitterflutter and puzzlemint and brights brightly and tralala and zipsy and tiddly wink and fiesta flare and sparkleworks and desert rose
who stinks the best?
what is it about them that makes them so plappable? maybe it's because they look closer to horses than the g4 designs.
G3 ponies don't stink, they have scratch 'n sniff scents. Minty smells like mint, Wysteria smells like wisterias, Daffidaisy smells like daisies, etc.
What do you suppose Sunny Daze smells like?
Maybe sea salt, since she likes surfing?
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Check out this detailed pic of Sunny Daze!
Pure sexo!!
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>Oh, you got an ass on you alright. See that's what he's talking about. Spread your ass open, dude. You can do the rump shaker, huh? The thug shaker; gimme the thug shaker, dude, shake your ass! Take your hands off it and shake that shit. Pull your shirt up, I know you can shake it, shake it! Yeah that's some thug ass right there. Oh yeah, that'll work. You got the booty, dude! God damn. Look good, bro? Yes. Yeah nice, huh? Alright that'll work for him. Put that condom on.
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I want to cum inside Sunny Daze. She's probably so sweaty and firm, god, I bet she'd be grinding back the whole time.
I love it when they went to a picnic and it rained, and then she said they should've ate before they left
The beach and sweat
That's not Sunny Daze, that's Light Heart from G2
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The average man couldn't handle this much snowpity.
humid marestink
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You're not biologically compatible
Breezies are too small
What the fuck
Imagine having a tea party with your dick out, and they keep giggling.
Is there even any G3 porn?
That ad always unsettles me kek
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So which one of you is going to stream it?
Come on, don't be shy.
what is this on
I like the innocence of g1.
But not g3? Is it too brutal for you?
It WAS on Discovery Family at 1:00pm.
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KEK I was getting comfy to watch a mid summer "Very Minty Christmas" and suddenly my TV colour was getting weird.
>I put my pony's on top the TV.
>My G3 mares.
>With the magnetic hoofs.
>On the tube tv.
I remember doing the same fucking mistake as a kid with my g3 pony's! Not the same pony's I had as a kid mind you I unfortunately lost those, but it just is making me laugh so hard.
that lamp makes me nervous
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It's not plugged in....I broke the lampshade a while ago.
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Nice ponies, particularly jealous of that Sunny Daze. Our magnetic poners hang out on the fridge
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I keep them top shelf on these G3 mini pony Ponyville playsets, although it makes them look like giants.
I'd like to get a proper G3 full size playset but it all comes down to whatever is local, I'm not really a online shopping kinda person.
Sunny Daze is like proto-Celestia in my mind, she deserves all the love.
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I have posted them in /merch/ but you probably would enjoy seeing my G2 girls here
The only G2 pony I ever owned was a McDonalds toy I got way back when I was a munchkin. All I remember was that is was white with silver markings on its body.
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The animators could never decide on the structure for the pony's faces apparently.
comfy and mega based
I don't think i want to be a G3fag anymore...
2 is my fav
Love their smiles, not quite as offensive as the hybrid horse faces the G# toys seem to have. I've never actually seen a G@ toy in person even though I scour thrift stores constantly. There's a spot near my house that actually has the Paradise Estate in really good condition though. Id like to pick that up
The blue one in the middle is actually a boy.
Femboy Clever Clover
G2 stallions are the prettiest boys
I can't believe someone hunted rainbow dash and put her head on a wall like that.
The innocence of G3 is peak mare and ironically what many G4 "purists" project onto G4. The entire Kinderquestria is more G3 than G4.
Not enough, but it exists.
I have very smol pp. It will work.
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It was hard to chase her down, but it was nothing next to what it takes to hunt a Alicorn.
This, but unironically.
I didn't even see it at first and now I'm nervous too
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I was not kidding for what that is worth
Kek. Imagine the game wardens reaction.
It's just a true fact; G3 is the oasis of snowpity and comfy kinderquestia that people don't realize they want.
Wtf was Hasbro thinking with these? Kek.
They absolutely ree when you tell them this, too.
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>these chuds finally neck themselves
>pony afterlife
>not equestria
>it's fucking ponyland
>Wysteria greets them
Do you think they'd *ACK* themselves again?
Do you think g3 mares fuck?
I think pretty soon they'd get it. A few ponies being nice. A few petting and brushing sessions. They'd want for Equestria, but they'd live out a full life in Ponyland.

I for one would love Equestria but the constant villain attacks would get a bit much. Plus that fucker Discord is there.
Ponyland is just a different country, maybe they can get a job at the cafe and eventually afford to fly out to Equestria for a vacation?
Make them featureless and they might
That would be like vacationing to Ukraine.
If Ukraine had mares, I'd be there.
>instead of trying to teach them blowjobs, you ack yourself
Low INT.
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>No dahling dahlicious dahlussy.
It's a tragic loss. She does have a mouth, though. A cute one. I want in, bros.
Jeez what does Rarity sound like when aroused. Orgasming?
>Rainbow Dash
A-Ah! Ahhh!! Hey, that was fun! Let's do it again!
Aaaah. aaaaaaaaAAAAAAAH! Daaaaahliiiiiinnnnnnnnng!!!
But how can they cum when they don't have a vagina?
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I'm a pussy believer, personally. I bet it's gushy goodness.
Cheerilee will be there either way, it's a win-win for me.
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The pigtails are pure sexo, I can't believe they got away with that.
>just minding your own business
>chibi pink pony with giant head ambushes you
Damn that's cute
I want to grab a g3.5 pony's head and swing their body around like a helicopter. If there was a way to do that without hurting them I would be doing it all day long
I think that would be lethal.
I think there should be stim toys that are plastic g3.5 heads but with bodies made of rubber that are filled with sand like those monkey toys. for swinging and slamming on the ground
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...you wanna slam mares into the ground?
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Name a goddamned pony smarter than Kimono.
>canonically the wisest pony
>never gets into stupid shit
>moved out of the place
>only shows up once and leaves in the first episode
>only shows up once and leaves in the first episode
She really is the smartest pony
Can't blame her.
>friends make giant charms too big for you to wear
>they run out of time so they decide to just give you the giant charms anyway
>also they made regular sized charms at some point despite previously clarifying they were short on time
I wish I could see her face when the pegasi started flying through the waterfall. Do you think she saw that from the horizon?
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Kek, I'm never calling her anything else again.
im trying to research the bodily evolutions of ponies over their generations to make deductions about their evolutionary functions over the years. anyone have any good comparison pics?
Do you want to compare toys or animation?
More ponies need pigtails
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Tink-A-Tink-A-Too and Mish Mash Mee are the most odd but adorable names I've ever heard.
>ukulele gayly strums
what did they mean by this?
>ukulele gayly strums, bongos keep the beat
obviously Sunny Daze and Sparkleworks are gay for each other
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Fellas.. is it gay to strum a ukulele?
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It's gay to be a G3 pony
They're all mares
I hate G5 names this is peak pony names right here
you just posted her
Cute mare, anon!
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I ship them
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The original is kino and that thing you linked is auto tune noise
these are trash
real g3 music is where it's at
How often does Sparkleworks take the Sunny D?
Well *I* think it's fucking kino.
Well shit, I guess we'd better just post the same old songs from g3 instead of anything new, fun, or interesting. Fuck you.
>verification not required.
the only trait out of those this has is it's new
this is just generic rap and generic rock with pony lyrics slapped on
This. Remixes are based. Keep it up.
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Yeah no arguing. Let's just be like picrel instead.
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love this little nigga like you wouldnt believe
She’s gonna wake you up every day by hopping up and down on you like this. She just wants to play and spend time with you, so don’t be upset okay?
How uncouth.
is this AI music? we're in the middle of the g3 fanmusic renaissance, why post robot tunes?
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I see it as experimenting, and I'm having fun. I think the result is interesting and harmless enough to share. It doesn't compare and represents no threat to proper g3 fan music, which I encourage and make, too
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You made it? Not to suck your dick, but this is peak and it's my ringtone. Hope you make moar.
I guess I should've answered the question more clearly. I prompted it, it's an ai's work—little effort on my part.
She's an excited little filly. Any parent or pet owner is familiar with that.
Peak wife behavior.
>it's ai music
that explains a lot
Let's have a conga line?
bumped the thread award
I'd rather have a simple post to bump the thread from page 10 than let it fall off.
I'd rather let it get slid.
Minty for sure
So, why was Hasbro so quick to drop the core 7 and move right into G4?
Probably because the core 7 was a total flop. Surprise surprise, only making toys and animations of the same 7 characters in a series with character variety as a selling point isn't a good recipe for success.
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Tfw mare to sing to you.
Too bad she only gets 5 minute shorts with this design.
But... isn't that what fim did?
No they shilled the other characters. And basically only released the mane six and the princesses.
Pretty much the exact opposite.
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What are they all looking at??
this thread falling to page 10
my flaccid, broken cock
Toola roola's cute little pussy
raw clopping
Starsong and Toola Roola were the only good things about core 7
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Why were the G1 ponies so chunky?
idk but i want them so fucking bad
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Heft so that you can really fuck them hard and not hurt them.
She's perfect.
>inside sunny day? God you're based!
I fucking NEED to cum inside Sunny Daze! NOW!!!
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Bros, be honest. Would you laugh if you saw the way the way she shines?
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I'd never laugh at her! I love Lily Lightly, and shining is just another thing that makes her special
don't you mean
>cumming inside Sunny Daze? God you're so based!
>implying pulling out was an option
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Stuff her sweetly!
What was sweet about her.
Her aroma.
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my wife!
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>that arch
who is this?
some faggot's OC
>Sweet Stuff(ing)
I can only imagine the OC's creator never saw MLP 'n Friends, because that name is too close to be a deliberate ripoff
Isn't a wisteria a choking vine?
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Seems like a safety hazard.
I know it's an invasive climbing vine
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I'd like to have an invasive Wysteria and give her my climbing vine if you know what I mean
There's probably some magic bullshit that makes it work
That would be scary for a human man to ride
I want to invade her womb with my climbing vine
Wysteria is for fertilizing
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Fizzy Pop tripped and tumbled all the way to page 10!
>face down ass up
My favorite. Any mare that presents like this is getting what she needs from me.
Just Bee yourself
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Sunny if she comfy.
Oh no!
What kind of awful things does she find there? I’ve been wanting to write a dark G3 green forever, but my stupid brain won’t let me sit down and do it
Pretty Silver Glow, anon!
Good, there's nothing more boring than 'what if cute/fun thing was dark'
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It's nothing scary, just the place at the bottom of the hill when all the ponies are playing at the top.
Love those pigtails
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What's she reading?
Wrong answers only.
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sorry the other image got turned sideways
Oh right, they were sisters. I forgot.
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What the fuck were they thinking?
I think seeing that when you look at it says more about you than anything desu
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SparkeDaze smut (written by Razzaroo of course)
Hoof fetish greens.
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I want to go to Ponyville and get everybody pregnant. Even Spike, as a power move. Get bred, you purple cunt.
I hate this bitch. She’s so negative.
Yeah. So negative. Yup. Total downer.
He looks annoying
He sounds and acts annoying too.
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Kimono's manifesto
You DARE insult the GREAT and AMAZING Brian Drummond!?
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>simply gotta laugh
>or i'm gonna BUST
Oh Rarity, if you only knew how close I was to busting.
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Ah yes, unicorn Cheerilee. I forgot about you.
She cute
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