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NEETmums Edition.
Previous: >>41055732

>What is this general?
NEET/Misfit Pone is a thread for ponies who despite their best efforts (or in some cases complete lack thereof) struggle to fit in with the rest of society.

>What sort of stories can you expect to find here?
• Slice of life stuff.
• Lots of odd cute ponies becoming the waifu stories.
• Lots of being the cute oddball pony stories.
• A few NEET-recovery stories.
• A lot of smut, if you're into that.
• Lots of ponies to get you started with a variety of personalities and quirks. Don't like one of them? Give another NEET a try!
• Much, much more!

>Quick rundown on the pre-existing ponies ITT:
Floor Bored - The OG OC NEET from the very first threads. Floor comes in all different forms, but she's typically portrayed as a horny and kinda dirty mare most of the time. (https://derpibooru.org/images/2321489)
Pardise Skies - Paradise is a pony who started off as a NEET but ends up going to univeristy in a PiE setting. She's very quiet, easily spooked, likes to wear clothes and speaks with a stutter. (https://derpibooru.org/images/2289220)
Moon Dancer - Huge bookworm.
Taku - Friend of Floor who is *very* into anime. (https://derpibooru.org/images/1722376)
Goldie Mops - Goldie is another friend of Floors, only she's into kaiju and big monsters. Speaks with a cute lisp and seems very adorkable. (https://ponerpics.org/images/6192935)
Chimney Peep - Floor's sports nerd friend (Pic above, pony with the hat and lazy eye)
Home Sick - Probably the least covered NEET. (https://derpibooru.org/images/1727410)
Wallflower Blush, of Equestria girls fame but as a pone. (https://derpibooru.org/images/1658572)
Cuppa Noodle - Cuppa is a NEET snekpony who likes cup noodles and very tight hugs. (https://derpibooru.org/images/1892447)
Cipher the Programmer - The super paranoid overthinking male NEET-pony (https://derpibooru.org/images/2236987)
Dot Matrix - A pony who is into retro gaming. (https://derpibooru.org/images/2577975)
Anon Mare - Anon Mare is entirely up to your own interpretation. Same premise as Anon Filly but all grown up. The self-insert pony.
Writer's Block - A NEET pony whos background is currently unclear. Know anything about her? Let us know ITT (https://derpibooru.org/images/2561414)
Starry Sails - A chubby mare who lives in a PiE kind of setting. Friends with Anon. (https://derpibooru.org/images/2657594)
Synthwave - A femcolt/trap NEET that enjoys making electronic music. Very laid back, somewhat flat in tone and expression. (https://ponybooru.org/images/3223846)

>List of some of the stories with known authors so far:

>Archive of unnamed stories and one-shots:

>Link to OP:
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I suppose I'll firstpost with Synthwave.
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>not the colored version
Now the catalog will NEVER know about Jubilee's pumpkin pie scented mane and salmon sweater!
>pumpkin pie and salmon
that sounds like an absolutely diabolical meal
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Damn I hadn't even seen the coloured variant.
Well this pic works too.
dumptruck rump
ok that goes beyond being a trap dudes ass is massive

>the ass was fat

who the hell are his parents? what kind of gene distribution did he luck out with??
It is a mystery.
She's doesn't like to talk about her first thanksgiving with her late hubby's family... She was so nervous she messed up preparations and got the whipped cream for the pie all over herself... It was an utter nightmare and she hasn't been particular fond of fish ever since.
She swears she can still catch a whiff of smoked salmon from behind the fridge, but she knows she's scrubbed the house down far too many times for that to be true...

Not too surprised. Didn't make a big deal out of it last thread.
Also, a combination of screen color wonkiness and guesstimating is why she's more 'pumpkiny' in that pic. I'm a little fond of it myself.
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>She doesn't know she's being taken to the bathroom for some hot and steamy nonnegotiable bath time
Made a Floorb alt from another pic. Was going to add a stock photo of a bath tub in the background but I was too lazy
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As an fyi I've been trying to update Coming Out of Your Shell recently and moved it to ponepaste. Home Sick needs love.

Is that supposed to be Velventeen's mom?
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A combination of (un)lucky genes, a bad diet, and lack of exercise.
Nice! Home is a cute.
Hope I get the chance to check it out from the beginning soon. Keep it up man!

Yep. She's kind of a bitch
The dumptruck gonna need signal lights when it starts backing up.
fatal mistake anon should’ve got one for her and him (he doesn’t actually want it it’s also for her)
Very based thread
>proceeds to get the full set of toys from poneBay later anyway
>They call her Dotty
Confused more than a few stallions, according to him in his story.
More of it when?
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someone stop her they’re overpricing them!
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Do you think Dot gets irrationally angry when she keeps losing at a video game?
I would never play Mario Party with ponies. That game only breeds anger, and I like ponies.
>That game only breeds anger
I think that really depends on who is playing and their competitiveness. I have had a jolly good time playing it with friends even when im losing. Its just a children's game at the end of the day. Monopoly though...
You mean Munchkin. That game is engineered to be frustrating and put people at odds. Monopoly is just tedious.
seeing the neets play among us would be pretty cash
I wonder if any of her kids could be canon ponies?

It'd be funny if she were, like, Cozy Glow's grandma or Derpy's mom.
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No, she's genuinely happy for you.
Once you’ve lost your entire friend group through Dokapon, Mario Party’s not so bad.
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Two cute nerds
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NEETrumpa bumpa
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Imagine the foals
I predict autism levels that shouldn't be possible.
>IQ through the roof
>EQ is room temperature tho
>NEGATIVE social skills
>not mean or anything, just very autistic
>magical prodigy, at least when it comes to theory
>can give you a full in-depth lecture on the intricacies of arcane theories, both modern and past
>might even be able to cast a spell or two
>it would be hyper-efficient
>which helps make up for the real smol mana pool
>good mana regen at least?
>relying on your own mana
DYEL (Do you even legerdemain)
>ywn bully an autistic self-proclaimed "archwizard" by stealing her mana-storing orb
I'm imagining her in a oversized, fluffy poncho and a ''authentic wizarding hat' (a starry nightcap she found in her dad's closet) with a pair of thick black rim glasses on her face...
>NEETmums Edition.
Damn it, I started writing a story about this months ago, but I haven't finished it yet. I'll let you guys know when I have the first chapter finished anyway.

I paid Scraggleman to make the cover art.
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Here's a qt manga artist I found
looks like that weirdo from katawa
It happens with cokebottle thick glasses. A lot of characters with nerdy complexions tends to look similar as a result.
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reminds me of the librarian girl from Shipuden
>when your eyesight is so bad, you have to wear glasses with Fresnel lenses
Don't forget you pet your NEETs.
...Be mindful of the drool.
>Don't forget you pet your NEETs
god i'm tired
Neat! Hope to see it someday.
>this is an order
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Dot when her friends are having fun
>read this as "Don't forget your pet NEETs."
That's it, I need coffee stat.

>pet NEETpone
Sounds like a dream gig tho, if the "owner" is nice.

Think about it.
>no taxes to pay
>no need to work
>free housing
>free food
>free petting
>free scratches
>get positive attention
>get genuine affection
>get toys
>you just know…
>You rise from a plume of smoke with your arms folded, cackling all the while.
"I, Amon'amous, defiles the mortal plane once more! Come forward, O' summoner mine and-"
>You pause, realizing the severe lack of a warm, tied up body beneath you.
"Wait, where's my virgin sacrifice?"
>"Over here, big guy."
>You squint through dissipating smoke towards a feminine voice, the outline of it's owner becoming clearly as it approaches.
>A small, unkempt pegasus mare shuffles forward, her glasses too misty to see her eyes.
>You scratch your head.
"Wait... If you're over there, then what's under me right now?"
>"A jar of my blood."
"A jar of..."
>You hesitantly look down, backing away from the summoning circle as you identify a mason jar filled to the brim with crimson ichor.
"What the FUCK, mare!"
>You narrow your eyes at her.
"YOU'RE my summoner? Did- did you-"
>She adjusts her glasses with a smug little smile.
>"Did I just play the system? Hell yeah, broski."
>You take a quick glance around what looks to be her dimly lit... bedroom?
>There was soft, marely scent that hung in the room, but it was almost choked out by liberal use of lavender incense.
>Locking eyes with your summoner once more, you clear your throat.
"First of all, don't call me that. Second of all, how did you even-"
>"Shush, hellboy. Oh, and do me a solid and don't move."
>Your words die in your throat, all you can do now is glare at the petite pegasus lazily circling you.
>"It was foal's play! All the ritual required was a nice, warm vessel filled with pure, innocent blood... Didn't say anything about it having to be inside an actual pony..."
>She gives her blood jar a light nudge as she slowly passes it, still staring you down.
>"Doesn't take a master arcanist to whip up a heating enchantment good enough to fool a hunky demon. The REAL hard part was learning how to extract the blood! Had to volunteer at a blood drive and everything... Bleh..."
>She stops in front of you and raises one of her downy wings.
>Nearing its soft pit was what looked like a bruise from blood drawing.
>"The veins all up in there are *really* good for this kinda thing. They gotta pump your wings fulla blood after all."
>She lets her wing fold back to her side. "So, anyways... You're probably wonderin' why I brought you here today."
>The mare saunters over to what looks like an almost nest-like mound of blankets and pillows.
>She twirls around and plants herself in the middle with a soft sigh.
>With her glasses now de-fogged, you can't help but see the quiet, needy look in her eye.
>She trails a hoof on her 'bed'.
>"I... I need your help scratching an itch."
>"I've had it for so long~" She coos.
>The room is silent up until she realizes that you can't respond.
>"Oh, uh... You can talk now."
>Immediately, it feels like a cork has been pulled out of your throat.
>She stares up at you expectantly.
>"So, uhm..."
"I'm not having sex with you."
>She flinches.
>"T-that's not what I-"
"Yes it was."
>"N-no it's NOT!"
Fucking kino, more please
>"I'm not having sex with you."
>after she gamed the system

>immersion ruined
>squad moral broken
>we'll get em next time lads
That’s adorable, I love this bucktoothed mare
mesmerizing neets truly are beautiful
Just finished reading all of last thread. Good stuff all around. Excited to see what this one will bring once it reaches bump limit.
…..so who is it?
The NEET version of >rape is >bathe
A bath is fine too
Gonna start using this thanks
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this is all you get pogo. [ ]

A qt
>You can hear Brook nervously knock her hindhooves together in the passenger seat.
>She's never been keen on car rides, but you know she'll change her tune once she sees what you have planned.
>"S-so uhm... We're pretty far from the city."
"It's a birthday adventure, dear Babs."
>Still focused on the stretch of road before you, you listen to her let out a soft, awkward 'hah'.
>"An- an adventure? I've- I've never been on an adventure before..."
>She continues to fidget in place, making her seat squeak quietly.
>You hear her place a hoof on her window. "Woah... There's- there's so many trees! I- I- I've never been around so many trees before! Do- Do you think there's a buncha birds in those woods over there? Or- Or maybe *those* woods?"
"Well... Woods *are* known for having birds in them, Brookie."
>"I- I know! I just... Sorry."
>You chuckle a little.
"There's no need to apologize. It's okay to be excited."
>"Eh- Excited? I... I guess I *am* a little excited... And- and I don't even know what for!"
"Do you wanna give guessing a shot?"
>"I... Uhm... Advanced Birdwatching 104."
>"It- It'sabookaboutnestingbirdsandtheirhabitsthatgivethereaderthoroughtipsonhowtospotthemand- and-"
>You glance in her direction as she takes a deep breath after all that rambling.
>"it'sgoodbook" She murmurs meekly into her turtleneck collar.
"I mean... it *is* bird related, so you got that right."
>You squint at the mile marker that you just passed.
"Almost there. Hang tight."
>...It's quiet for a time as Brook regains her bearings, but once she does, she's back to leaning against the window, mumbling about all the sparrows, cardinals, and wrens (oh my!) she's spotting as you drive.
>Actually, she's so focused on them that she doesn't even notice that you've pulled into a small gravel parking lot.
>"A-Anon? You should look over here and see this adorable little titmouse! Isn't she just the cute- huh?"
>Brook finally turns to face you, her flowing mane covering one of her mopey eyes. "Why'd we stop?"
"We're here, mare. That's why."
>You can't help but smile as she bolts upright in her seat once she catches a glimpse of the sign.
>"C-C-Creeky Beaky Museum of Wuh- Westward Waterfowl?!"
>She's practically bouncing against her seatbelt as she continues to stammer. "You ah- actually remembered that?! Look- Look at the c-carvings and- and the duck calls and- and- Ohmigosh!"
>She points a shaky hoof at the large wooden statue of a mustachioed mallard near the entrance. "I-It's Sir Quacksley! He's really here! In the flesh! H-hullo!"
"In the wood, technically." You quietly correct as she continues to gush.
>"I can't believe this is r-real..."
>You brace yourself as she finally undoes her restraints.
>A soft ducky dork more or less tumbles into your arms with an excited squee.
>"Thank you thank you thank you!"
"So... I take it this was a pretty good birthday present?"
>Brook looks up at you with a wobbly grin.
>"T-the bestest!"
she absolutely needs to meet fluttershy
Dot escaped the /neet/ thread, somebody catch that pony!
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I think they'd get along swimmingly! I bet they'd gab about birds together over warm chamomile tea and honeyed scones. I think Flutts would be happy meeting somepony so passionate about waterfowl and find her ramblings to be quite informative. Or at the very least entertaining.
Although I think Brook might be a smidge jealous of Flutters being able to understand duckies while she can't.
It's... Probably for the best, though. Brook is particularly softhearted, so I doubt she'd be able to last long around all the animals who *aren't* nice to her.
It'd only take a single tiny agitated sparrow cussing her out for her to start crying and run away, as opposed to Flutters who'd be more inclined to stand her ground and explain to the mean lil thing that she's being very impolite and that she should strive to treat others how she'd want to be treated. After all, she's never treat her sparrow friends like that, would she?
>NEET: Containment Breach
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New NEET incoming, created by the master of freckled asses and bushy pony vagoos Dibuhito himself.
Meet Nori.
She’s smelly and socially anxious,
Move over moondancer and wallflower
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Full image: https://derpibooru.org/images/3371822?q=oc%3Anori
I also misspelled *Dibujito
I wrote green about his oc in the past and we were able to crank out a shitpost thread to 500, and even got free art from dibu too. I’m hoping it’ll happen again if I can make an fun read about nori.
looks like unicorm Wallflower with glasses
Moondancer fused with wallflower
she looks like a seamonster turned into a pony.
Moondancer Wallflower fusion dance
Oh no wonder this looks familiar, this is the guy who drew Dib.
Got a paste for that green floating around? It'd be nice to know more about her other than her physical attributes.
I really should draw her more. I'm pretty sure I haven't done so in months.
Stinkfags deserve the rope.
Mmmm stank good mare
Kind of funky but dammit she hasn't had a new pic in forever.
One more for the road.
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While I agree with the sentiment that stinkfags deserve the rope, it does give me an idea.
I assume she smells like seaweed, given the name? She also looks sweaty on the second pic.

Now, hear me out. What if that NEET is actually some sort of water spirit, given life by some freak of Everfree magic or someshit?
>she was "born" in a pond of stagnant covered in pond scum
>as a result, she "inherited" associated traits from it
>namely stagnation as a way of life
>and staying motivated being akin to wading through mud
>she also smells faintly of the algae and other pond stuff she was born in
>the experience of waking up at the bottom of a body of water, however small, has left her somewhat traumatized
>because who wouldn't be traumatized coughing out a lungful of brackish water being the second thing you experience in life
>with the first one being drowning in said water with no idea how to swim
>naturally this made her afraid of water deeper than her knee
>her first contact with civilization was on Nightmare Night
>everyone thought it was some sort of weird costume or something
>kelpie, swamp monster, zombie…
>meanwhile poor mare thought they were making fun of her
>poor mare, which she was
>having coalesced into existence, rather than being born
>no cutiemark as a result, or any skills ponies learn as they grow up
>few more formative harrowing life experiences she's another case for the social security
>anxious, terrified of water despite needing regular soaking to stay healthy
>afraid of ponies and is a nervous wreck whenever her case handler comes around to check up on her

There. Now it's a NEET with something to go off of and an explanation for the very faint(!) smell of seaweed and the "sweating", which is just her semi-water elemental body's way of keeping her skin healthy.
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Paradise is so cute
Buncha NEETs got drawn during the drawing panel earlier.
That Dot is especially great.
Synthwave also got drawn but uhh
Poor dude didn't stand a chance.
SHOW ME. Also nice pones, and some Jubilee too!
behold! he uh
he got vored in a cyoa in cytube 2 of mlpcon.
Whyfor did mlpcon wish the trap pone death?
there was a dice roll of a random neet and he got pulled, then chat decided they wanted to eat him for his mass (ass). The whole cyoa was shitposty to the max and pretty
She's trying her best with what she has on hoof!
you know for a pony this food line up is decent so that’s a point.
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>She's trying her best with what she has on hoof!
Now I need a NEET version of picrel.
>Paradise cooking pasta be like
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for my fellow stinkfags
Go stink in the fartpony thread on /trash/, you're worst than footfaggots.
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Understandable, I just appreciate the interest more than anything else.
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>I heat up, I can't cool down
>You got me spinnin'
>'Round and 'round
>'Round and 'round and 'round it goes
>Where it stops nobody knows
>Every time you call my name
>I heat up like a burnin' flame
>Burnin' flame full of desire
>Kiss me baby, let the fire get higherrrr

Shitposting aside, Abracadabra is a song that for some weird reason reminds me of Vee. No clue why.

I unironically can't remember if I said it before but your Homesick green is nice! Glad you put it up on ponepaste.
i love being told im worse than other fags, it makes me so wet :3
Commit toaster-bath.
won’t that just warm her up more?
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i'd love 2, but ermm.. that isnt really my go to way of ending myself, maybe think of smth better?
man I really like this might be one of my favorites from him.
Yeah it’s real good
Floorb oreds from /mlp/con
i am not going to explain the bald pony
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dot mattress
weird, my bed looks a little different today
That's really cute
Reminds me of Edd eating his mattress.
Yeah I get the same vibe
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>Page 10
just wondering, has anyone ever held a self-confidence seminar in these threads?
Unf. Lemme eat your ass you worst person on this entire board
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floorborb, if she real
She's having a great time!
forgot the duck's mustache
fixed her mane
Off 9
Not bad

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