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unofficial thread I guess, but it's been almost a month since the last one died and almost two weeks since OP said he'd make a new one. Con is less than two months away and I (and probably others too) need to start planning stuff and talking to people about things. Copypasta below

>What is /mlp/ con?
Together we're going to organize an online convention by and for /mlp/
It will focus on: 1) the show, 2) /mlp/, and 3) the fandom
Check out some of our events from 2023 that are linked from this site: https://mlpcon.online/schedule.html

>When is it?
June 28-30 2024

>How will the con be held?
Special events in this thread or others
Live streams on YouTube, Picarto, or private streaming platforms, broadcast via CyTube
Pre-recorded videos made for the con viewed on CyTube
During the con, most activity and interaction will occur on the con thread and/or CyTube

>What now?
- Apply for a panel! https://forms.gle/QE4AfEm4JU2dqyf67
- Apply to be a vendor! https://forms.gle/Ba3XggLdMUo7iLSH8
- Recruit others to be panelists or vendors
- Discuss how we can make this year's con better here in thread
- Take the initiative and reach out to people who would make for a good interview, guests from the show or others in the fandom that aren't from the board (don't lie to them; if you are uncomfortable actually performing the interview, we can get someone to help with that)
- Make some art of our con mascots
- Make a new con mascot
- Keep the planning thread bumped
- Host a panel or event or record a special video to be premiered during the con
- Create short funny videos that could be shown during downtime
- Help organize panelists
- Create and maintain a planning document for the con that can be updated by the thread
- Make a better web site
- Be a CyTube janny who does it >for free
- Organize and run a charity event (for Fallen Oak, Days End, Snowpity, or any charity you want)

Last thread: >>40876407

Discord drama and bait posts are off-topic
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First for dashie
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Second for >reading that huge OP
bumping for two more weeks
I like mares.
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I shit my pants and now it stinky
Thanks for taking initiative
Sorry I was absent, had some other shit happening unrelated to /mlp/ con

Here are my updated notes:
Reply to this post to suggest changes

Updated source: https://github.com/mlpcon/notes/blob/master/NOTES.md

# Decisions made
- /mlp/ con 2024 will be June 28-30!
- There will be vendors
- There will be a web site
- CyTube will be used
- Spec remains banned from hosting panels

# Panels submitted
Reply to this post if I missed yours. If you haven't yet, post about your panel in thread to get others hyped.
- /mlp/ the Antithology Volume 4 >>40884331
- Antithology Post-Premiere Wrap Up Party >>40884331
- Marecurial Sonority >>40884791
- Fallen Oak farm tour and q&a >>40913635
- Filly 101: How to draw filly >>40992531
- Traditional art draw panel >>40994454
- Horsewords & (You): The Place To Be >>41005932
- Painting with Lyric
- My Dinner With Anon
- Making comics with frenchanon
- Cuisine Canter: Saddling Up for a Six-Course Feast
- Analyzing Cringe: The "I'm on a Yacht" Music Video
- Opening Ceremonies
- Closing Ceremonies
- Mare-itory Control V

# Panels mentioned in thread but no app submitted yet
If you are going to host one of these panels, make sure you sign-up here so you can get on the schedule https://forms.gle/zKWHAkbRRutm93rn6
If you signed up with a different panel name, reply to this post and let me know
- Genuine IRL concert >>40882654
- Sermonanon >>40892776
- How to start a business >>40899775
- Making a small business >>40899775
- How to make lists >>40966392
- G1 >>40980967
- Fluttershy >>40988830

# Vendors submitted
Reply to this post if I missed yours
- Mare Fair 2
- Rocket's Equine Outpost

# Vendors mentioned in thread but no app submitted yet
If you are planning to be a vendor, make sure you sign-up here so you can get on the site https://forms.gle/vrF3dqvbHnuU43rS8
If you signed up with a different vendor name, reply to this post and let me know
- Fallen Oak Equine Rescue and Rehabilitation >>40913635

# Organizer's to-do list
Reply to post to suggest things I need to do but forgot to list here
- Try to keep thread alive
- Archive 2023's web site and create new one for 2024
- Start creating working panel/event schedule
If thread does, I'll make a new one in a couple weeks
What will the thread do?
Very rough draft schedule: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1caxwKZ3jDgkeHPDXGWjJmKMm5fXht-zGNzAysSZq57Q/edit?usp=drivesdk

Oh uhhhh sorry that was a phone post
>fallen oak farm tour
are you retarded, the person running the charity is a morally reprehensible person who abuses elderly equines in pain.

Imagine if you took a senile male who's clearly in pain from arthritis in the legs, and has no teeth left so he has to eat mush. You wouldn't want to be in that position would you? THEN WHY THE FUCK IS IT OKAY TO DO IT WITH HORSES?

Fuck, they even "surpassed le donation goals" and "needed 2 grand" just to build a shitty shack and fences, what type of 2x4 even in the worst case scenario costs 100+ dollars for a couple feet?
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Unofficial submission for mascot or logo or poster etc, you choose
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When I thought about signing up a panel the thread died, now I don't remember what I wanted to sign up
Let me help you remember anon. Did it... Involve ponies?
who even gives a fuck about a boring ass online con in 2024? go to mare fair instead
Oh yeah, IT DID involve ponies, I remember everything now, it was a shit idea so I'm scrapping it
oh yeah, i forgot i ordered one of those shirts from fanny and havent gotten it yet. zamn
>just spend hundreds of dollars for a con on a completely different date and don't attend this free one now
Dashfag intelligence continues to amaze.
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shitty con that shouldn’t exist. we already have the winter one we don’t need 2
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Ladies and Gentlemen, I'd like to announce our first special guest for /mlp/ con 2024: Brandon The Brony Pony!

He's excited to be a part of the fun this year, he'll be in the opening and closing ceremonies that I'll be hosting again, unless someone else signs up to do it and we'll hopefully have a few panels featuring him as well! We're still workshopping what those could be, so if you have any requests or ideas please let us know! There will definitely be a Q&A/interview panel, but I want to do one or a few fun ones with him too

as far as other news for me, I'll be running another Mare-itory Control and HLVRAIMLP again, and I have a few more panel ideas I'm either looking for help with I've learned my lesson about doing panels on my own lol or I'm trying to determine if they're worth it

I've been trying to reach out to a few more potential community guests, but so far prospects don't look amazing :/
let me know if there's anyone else you'd like to see as a guest

and I'd also like to find a person or two that would be interested in meeting up with me for the weekend to help with streaming and panel stuff. Probably won't be at the same scale as marecon hq, but it'd be fun and it'd help me out a lot

Also, if any vendors want their store or product shilled during a panel of mine, (like the billboards during last HLVRAIMLP and stuff) let me know. I'll definitely still call everyone out during opening and closing ceremonies regardless, but if you want some extra shilling outside of those, get in touch with me 0c<
My time isn't free
Got something more important to do than ponypony? Gay.
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May god help us all
Isn't he that retarded eqgfag? Also, do we really need "community" guests? Can't we just bring ourselves?
>Can't we just bring ourselves?
reserved for mare fair. Tiarawhy is going, for instance.
But mare fair isn't /mlp/. I was meaning the Anons, the people /mlp/con is meant to be for and by. Even if it's just the radio graffiti of Anons dialing into the closing ceremonies, it would be more entertaining than the eqgfag or most other "community" guests.
Are the opening/closing ceremonies going to be kept pony at least?
Yes, we'll have a janitorial team ensuring that the opening and closing ceremonies will be kept away from ponies, and anyone on the chat that posts a pony image, pony emote, or a pony name will be banned
this is what you get when you keep spec banned
Fantastic trade
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I miss the guys who did that /mlk/ panel
I will reiterate my rant about how rampant shitposting and lies get spread specifically when it comes to anything here about people coming together to have fun.
>implying purp would berryflag and post some nonsense about someone not even the anni stream still cares about
>Analyzing Cringe: The "I'm on a Yacht" Music Video
This is a DRINKING PANEL. You know the vid is shit, so bring your painkillers. I just wanna get sloshed with my lads and have fun dissecting a huge pile of shit, just like my idol, James Rolfe (full head of hair version). I'll play the proper pony Equestria Girls/California Girls video at the end to heal our collective anus.
would be cool to see another /mlk/ panel even if it's different anons
It should have never been allowed on the schedule. It's presence there is a failure of the con organizers.
if you love the music video so much you can just watch it on your own
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bedtime boop
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>The "I'm on a Yacht" Music Video
Will Fluttershy's feet be a topic of discussion?
The video will be paused for half the panel length so we can deeply discuss that and all it's intricacies
Because they hate /mlp/, they hate fim, they hate the con and they want to do it harm in this way.
I genuinely don't wanna believe these posts were made by humans
I know mine was.
Let's talk about hooves instead
have a bump
I will not be able to attend the con or do my panels on these new dates. what i have planned on that weekend has already been in place for months and i cannot negotiate. i'll try to make a pre-recording for the "making comics" panel, but the "my dinner with anon" panel must certainly be cancelled. ^:(
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rip, I'm sorry frenchie, we'll miss you
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>Cuisine Canter: Saddling Up for a Six-Course Feast
I hope it's a Pukeanon panel
The dates didn't change
I didn't open panel apps until the dates were finalized
Please let me know when you know what needs to be cancelled
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Applejack Appreciation Appointment will be BACK at /mlp/con
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What's this? Another food based panel with your favorite chef, Anon? We're having dinner again, this time from the comfort of my home. Maybe the stream will actually work this time
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EqG Alarm!
This is a WiP but I'm very busy these few days so I'm posting it in case it doesn't get finished in time, in which case it's the final version.
I especially like how this equates eqg fags to immigrants/illegal refugees
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>Antithology at 4AM
Hey, do you need a script to transform the schedule from google spreadsheet to jsom/html?
Why are you bri'ish?
Not bri'ish, for britland anons it would be at 2am
>Greenwich is one hour ahead of Greenwich
What in the fuck?
Daylight savings
What kind of script?
I'm probably ok, I've got some very specific HTML I'd need generated
did you mean to post this in the antithology thread
forgive me for my ignorance, then. the con is on the dates of june 28-30, correct? if this is true, I cannot attend, and need to have the "My Dinner With Anon" panel cancelled. I'll do a pre-recording of the comics panel and send it, though, if I can.
It's a nodejs script that I ran every hour to update the site schedule by simply replacing content in index.html. And it already works with your spreadsheet. But it needs credentials.json with google spreadsheet api. It gets the panel name, time, duration, description from the note, and cytube channel. Can also generate json.
Tell me, anon. Are (You) ready for more Horsewords? & (You)?
god im so ready
Anon you're fucking retarded, 2k for a shelter is reasonably cheap, you're just thinking of material costs, LABOUR is what costs money. Depending on the area a shelter like what fallen oak had made could cost up to 5k+
Hey, Chad! Let's GOOOO!!!
Can I cum at any of the panels
As in me?
Nigga I'm fucking ready, let's go.
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>another cooking anon
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>so much empty space
Especially (You)!
It's gonna be great, three panels in and we're almost ready to start talking about writing. Presuming Marefair happens as planned, we'll have a writing panel that is finally going to have writing and story telling and mare titties and who knows what else.
I'm thinking of organizing another late night Deep Rock Galactic stream, because the pony mods for it have gotten some updates.
Hi. Im a nigger. Can I make a panel? Or is this a no nigger zone?
what pony is that anyway

we don't discriminate based on your niggertude my friend
that'd be cool
Make it.
Just don't be a zigger about it and do it.
Hehe shit ill make a striped panel then. you whites already love it when i ve talkin about it at the cons.
What's your favorite /mlp/con memory?
Nopony in particular. The mane and tail design is just easier to draw
There's nothing stopping you glimmerfren
do it
checked and based
Spec trying to strongarm and defend Dicksword, making it all about the sekrit klub in the closing ceremonies and getting banned
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>so much empty space
>sunday is one panel on its own
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chill nigga we still a month out
Believe in the last minute panels. I'm trying to figure out if I can pull mine off.
I'll be trying to look into something this weekend. Really should have started sooner, but that tends to be how it usually goes.
Don't worry, I'll take over the entirety of sunday with my panel "How to better optimize your secret discord cabal to take over the board" it's gonna be a very useful workshop and all the hottest names on the secret dscord cabal industry will be there, including the Mossad agents
bumped it 8 seconds after me award
Can I get an award?
You get the dubs award. It's this (you)
I look forward to spreading the holy name of the holy princesses again, Its been a while since I let out my inner zealot priest
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I've heard rumors that /mlp/con will have the star player from /mlp/'s last babby cup title, Numget as their community guest
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bump aaaaaaaa
that looks like fun
Con's in five weeks
oh shit im not prepared
Eagerly waiting
cant wait
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I have yet to start working on my thing
Make a pannel then, fill up the space
I'm hopeful we'll get more panels than last year
Outside of Horsewords, is there any sort of writing-themed panel that anons would be interested in? The most I can think of is coming up with a story with a few crowd thrown prompts but it might just turn into a bedtime story hour. Or something incomprehensible by design and committee.
A panel about writing a story/greentext alongside anons/chat? Sounds interesting
It does but given the nature of it, it wouldn't exactly be a green. An oral story has it's own pacing to it. It could at least be good to see how you can just start a story from a point and let it roll along. It'll be impossible to prepare for which will help the point of how little you need to get something started. The more you get going, the more you see the paths you can take and eventually have at least a basic map of the landscape.
Is it just me, or is the spreadsheet schedule the one from last year?
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not sure if you're looking at the wrong schedule or making a joke about panels that repeat every year
>>41084463 is the correct schedule
I did. It's on the list.
>the schedule is so empty the minecraft server might get activity if it comes back
Would there be any interest in it? Ideally it would be the version from uhhhhhh
2021? 2022? Whichever year the hidden temple was added and actually worked.
Horsewords is super duper late.
It's kinda what they requested
Evening when everyone's intoxicated, preferably last panel
can I host a panel if I
>speak like a spastic
>have the charisma of chrysalis
>possess an internet connection that's on the bad side of flaky most days
Chrysalis is pretty charismatic so at least you got that going for you.
sounds kino
Might have to scrap some of the high effort panel ideas I had (that I haven't put in apps for), rip
I could definitely do a bunch more low effort ones that don't require much prep time lol. if we need time filled I can fill it, as long as you guys aren't sick of me
I'll give other people a chance to sign up before I bloat the schedule though
once again HLVRAIMLP is taking up the majority of my planning efforts ;_;
Was going to spend the holiday on Monday planning out and setting up for panels, but just that one took up almost the whole day
I think it'll be worth it though \0c0/
I've seen worse, be entertaining enough and people will like it
>not treating /mlp/con like having two simultaneous full time jobs that both require mandatory overtime and leave you with as little as four hours to go home, sleep, eat, shower, and go back to work
Are you even committed?
EqG is being forced into the antithology by a clearly biased shimmerfag organizer.
I didn't participate in this antithology specifically because of the barbiefag OP. Very disappointing to see nonetheless even if it isn't surprising. We'll have to make a cleaned version after the con. I wouldn't be surprised if that barbiefag is also responsible for the other barbie-faggotry being forced upon the con.
Cool drama bro. Keep it in your thread.Is there another gurren lagaan ponification being kept out of the antithology again this year?
OP is disregarding the rules in the OP and adding EQG clips to the antithology.
There was a need to bring attention to the issue as lots don't lurk the antithology thread to avoid spoilers. Thankfully, the problem is resolved now.
You weren't going to participate anyway
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Will the cytube have that feature the anni stream does where you can choose from different providers? I don't know how many belarussians and normalrussians we have here, but the YT copy of my panel won't be available to them.
Good, Antithology deserves it for the bullshit they pulled last year
Is bilbo banned?
Probably not

He means the main character in Hobbit. You know? Frodo's uncle?
How long does it take for an account to be verified on pony tube usually?
Uhhh sorry I can do it now
Kinda been out of pocket but usually I get to it within 1-3 days
Thanks. Wasn't in a rush, the account verification was just new to me on pony tube.
If you saw how many Vietnamese accounts are created just to advertise online gambling
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New Fallen Oak website
Add to the next OP?
Are you in the wrong thread, friend?
just applied for vendor
I've been thinking about it, screw it, I'm gonna do a second panel.
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>a second panel has hit /mlp/con
do another mare panel
I like mares
what's your idea?
I'm going to get very oral with mares and orally tell a story on the spot, likely late at night so anons can have something to listen or fall asleep to. Different kind of storytelling and will have nothing pre-planned.
It'll be a new challenge. And much like Horsewords & (You), it still won't have any writing.
Sounds good to me
>nothing pre-planned
Really? But what if things get lewd
Restraint and tact, anon.
I'm thinking that it'll be a Horsewords topic one day, going into lewd stories and how to broach adult topics like that. Anyone can write porn but it takes some form of adult control to write a story that can also have some form of sexual intimacy that exists.
What unironically can destroy a story is the inclusion of sex. The pacing, tonal whiplash, gratuity that is never seen anywhere else or in any other context.
You also have shit like Twilight that thrives off of the topic of sex to the point there were extended scenes and conversations. But those are shit stories for many reasons.
If you don't have a panel dedicated to your waifu, do you even love her?
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My vacation for days after the con is approved now. I'm hoping for a fun con.
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guys, I really don't know what to do now.
A close family friend is getting married the same weekend as /mlp/con.
This guys father is an actual friend of mine who got me into the occupation I love.
I would do both, but the wedding is an ~8 hour drive one way. There is not really a feasible way to do both.

Maybe I'll get sick and won't be able to do either.
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>tfw missing the thread for three weeks
>tfw could no longer apply for leave
Watch the stream at the wedding
Stream the wedding for us
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>2h long panel where anon walks with camera among drunk wedding guests and explains that the bride is actually eerily similar to bug Cadance and it should be investigated
I was in this situation before. It sucks. Don't make the wrong decision. If you already promised to be there you have to be there. Whatever you do, don't break your promise.
Enjoy the wedding, you can watch the panels VODs later if you so desire
Wedding is more important because he got you into the job you like. Bad situation :/
Set up an emergency con panel that is a livestream of the wedding ceremony.
yeah, leaning towards the wedding at this point anyway.
I can still hang out friday anyway.

I don't pay for cellphone internet, so won't be able to.
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>imalou noped the fuck out
>shawn noped the fuck out
>anontheanon noped the fuck out

I'm not feeling it
>>anontheanon noped the fuck out
Did i miss something? What is this about?
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But I'm gonna be there! And (You) are gonna be there! That's pretty awesome.
>anontheanon noped the fuck out
Did he really?
>thinking imalou would ever do anything for /mlp/con when she let herself be bullied out of being irl friends with anontheanon by twitter and is transitioning to furry
>shawn has better things to do than be shown futa foalcon incest by spec, like enjoying retirement
>anontheanon probably has a spot on wetbrain and other things to do rather than doing a solo panel
>anon is probably making shit up anyway
was he here last year?
He was
i scoured ponytube some but could find any signs of him. What panels was he in?
Day 1 is 20 days away
Damn, so close.
Any updates or anything?
Update: I saw a horse yesterday
That's kinda cool I guess
I just wanna know if my panel got accepted
I'll try asking the horse about it tomorrow
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I've always thought that now that we have an mlp game (yeah, I know, >G%), there could be a panel with a speedrun race.
It makes it more entertaining than a normal speedrun, and the simplicity of this game helps in that someone who hasn't even played it can be encouraged to try it since it does not require much speedrun tech.
Also, the fact that there are several people makes it more bearable for chatting, especially if there is a commentator who is not participating in the race.

The point is not even to see good speedruns but entertainment.
Since the game is not that long with the known tricks, you could do the race several times and whoever gets the best times on average wins.
And yeah, we could just invite those who already have good or decent times here

Idk, it's an idea.
Maybe someone will be encouraged to do it either this year or next year.
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I was promised a game jam where is it?! Reeeeeee
And before any of you say it, I did consider hosting it myself, but my internet is way to shitty to host a livestream
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Give me game jam, or give me death!
I tried asking the horse again, he tried to bite me so I think that's a no
Schedule updated with a few new panels
We have until the 14th to submit pannels, right?
Yeah but it's a soft deadline, if there's room in the schedule we'll take panels day of
Bedtime Bedlam bamboozled it's way into the schedule.
Have you gotten your shirt yet?
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>day 1 still has 5 hours of NOTHING because opening maremonies and the first two panels start absurdly early
>day 2 has huge empty blocks
>day 3 has two morning panels and a ton of NOTHING before midnight closing maremonies
if it's any consolation I'm gonna be gooning for the entire con
I'm open to doing more than two panels if there is any interest or ideas.
Everyone is so used to consuming that the pleasure of producing no longer exists.
It is not even a problem of this fandom, but of all fandoms, the internet and society in general.
We all want /mlp/con but few are willing to organize even a small panel.
Even me, ignoring my 14 year old computer and my wifi and that I don't speak a very fluent english kek
Opening and closing are subject to move
But yeah stuff might still move around a bit, thinking of getting rid of Sunday if we don't get many more apps in
Midnight bump
/mlp/con was never good. I'm just here to emote spam.
Where is /mlp/con HQ? I suddenly have a lot of time on my hands and it could be fun to join and lend a hand
If my social anxiety wasnt so damn fucked id run a How to do a Waifu custom keyboard Panel. Fuck i hate my brain.
Fuck, I really need to get my computer rebuilt before the con. The last motherboard I got ended up dead on arrival
But anon, if you do the panel, you will only feel bad for like half an hour, and afterward you will feel great, accomplished. And if you don't do it, you will regret it for a long time.
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I'm interested, anon. Do it! Apparently there are custom keyboards with trackpoints, so I could finally sell my KU-1255 and build something pony.
>recommendations for key switches that make adorable clopping sounds
>picking keycaps that are as soft as pony cheeks
>tickling trackpoints like it's your waifu's snout
Sounds awesome.
That sounds like a really comfy and really useful panel
How about not g5
If I did a game jam myself it would be no voice, reason I decided to not do any of the panel ideas I had so far...
Sheet music creation
Recreating a song from the show chosen by the board
Live instrumental performance
And now gamejam, I suppose
Iunno, every panel seems like it needs a voice, an announcer, so just been stuck
do it fgt
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Fuck it, looks like I'm not the only one that wanted a game jam, and it looks like no one was about to make one. So I submitted a panel for it! You fuckers better participate.
As soon as I see confirmation of the panel aproval, I'm making the thread, so stay tunned for that! Seriusly though, don't leave me with an hour o
Cohost with me, I'll make a thread in a bit
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Oh no
I'll try my best, whatever ya might need
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*Don't leave me with an hour of zero content.
I should start proofreading stuff before posting
Here's the thread for the game jam! For anyone interested >>41155816
But is it a jam made of games or it's a bunch of games about jam?
I read my post >>41154151 again today and now I really want all of >'s to be real. If you can do some educated research for dumb me and all other anons (smart), that would be great. A slight problem would be that I'm using docked laptop as desktop, so I get a free keyboard+touchpad+secondary screen already, but I think a nice pony keeb would make me reconsider my 'puter behaviors.
Do it for $her, anon.
This. So much this. Getting off the internet sometimes and just doing stuff is amazing. it makes me feel so real. it's a shame more people don't do it because sometimes i feel like the only real person
I'm a real person, fellow humanoid. I just convince myself what I'm doing is in a void with no one paying attention. Nothing gives you more confidence and creative freedom than that.
There is literally no other game
How am I supposed to talk to ponies on 4chan without the internet though?
>>41154074 >>41154151 >>41154455 >>41155032 >>41156307
Well people do seem really interested but are applications still open it says by the 14th. Im willing to give it a go. Dont expect a proper waifu board as i canget decent keycaps deliverd in the timeframe. I will be dooing a build to show how easy it is. Thtas if applications are still open.
See >>41149608
Please do another lfd2 map skit with rose luck and linky. That shit was so funny
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draw pony panelist here. I sent in an application some days ago.

I getting in some early practice and now I have a good idea what the theme will be this time
now that's some ponies I'd take doodle courses from
basically I did iterative drawing for 30 minutes everyday. My inking is dumb though
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trying to work out some logistics so I can put in a handful of last minute panel apps
not happening this time around, unfortunately. It's just gonna be me in my basement oco
I'm always down to help if you need a host/voicefag for anything. Seems like you found someone for the gamejam though! \oco/
>and now I have a good idea what the theme will be this time
Oh sweet, well I just ordered the parts so there is no going back. Hopefully the keycaps for a simple Applejack build should arrive in time but I have a backup set in case they dont. I just noiw have tio work out what timeslot.
Correct, 10 more days until the con
That close? Damn.
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One week to go!
Shit, 10 more days....I should really get the updated website up soon
niggers put a booru on to show shawn and showed him futa loli flurry heart
Is Sunday kill?
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Is this really the final year?
with season 10 releasing in 2026, i dont think this is the last mlpkon
>the final year
Oh shit, is this the last /mlp/con? When was this announced?
this dude shit hisself bro
I think a good chunk of people that would have made panels in the past are focusing on making IRL ones on Mare Fair instead, we need to shame those people for trying to have a life and interact with real people
> releasing in 2026
How can you be so sure it's going to be in 26?
how dare you question me? you dumb nigger! I. JUST. KNOW.
It shall go on as long as /mlp/ exists
No backing out now. Just sent in the application for the Waifu Keyboard Panel.
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antithology deadline tonight
also new anti thread
how long did you leave the internet?
otherwise fake and gay, same as lucid dreaming which I’ve kept a dream journal for nearly a fucking year and had no results other than 2 near successes which were shit
>mare fair and marecon stealing everything away from the OG
Alright, can't wait to see it man
how long have you been on hormones?
>mare fair
I wouldn't doompost about /mlp/con panels (it's already looking better), but I'm feeling especially inadequate as an europoor who can't really justify the overseas trip.
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Can we still count on someone recording or backing up all of the panels? There's no way I'm going to be up early enough to catch the fallen oak one on saturday.
I'll do my best, as I usually do.
How inspiring, good work anon, I appreciate it
>/mlp/con is in one week
Cool, it'll be f...
Oh shit, I applied for a panel!

What's the best way to make a one-time stream?
I've been streaming/recording to YouTube while doing my panels so that'll be kept.
OBS and youtube, do a test to make sure your good and before your panel make sure they got your shit so they can embed it
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I've talked about this a few cons before but never committed. Would any musicians be interested in participating in a live music collab panel?
Would probably use Satellite Sessions for the live DAW-to-DAW collaboration.
Likely to be a few hours of several anons just adding to a song project and seeing what we end up with.
Be careful with YouTube
They have a lot of requirements you gotta meet before they let you stream if you haven't before, including a waiting period
Test it out asap and if you need to borrow someone's YouTube channel to stream, OP can help you out
I expect OP will be reaching out to panelists this weekend
talking about myself in the third person
Sounds fun, I would try to join
Just b yourself
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for sure.
website was changed over to 2024, vendors and schedule page are still pending (probably will get to that tomorrow)
all panelists have been contacted, if you weren't contacted let me know
and schedule spreadsheet updated with some new panels and such

That is more then 1 second. Too long.
>Friday, June 30
>antithology is on 9PM EST
One. Job. You guys had one job and you dun fucked it up. I seriously hope there will be a restream at a more accessible time at the very least.
>2am euro time
WTF? bloody hell, I do like staying late for poni but this is pretty fucking silly.
I regularly stay up till like, 3 am when I got no work the next day. Still, pretty annoying.
Lucky you, try 4am
Website updated with schedule and vendors
a day or two at a time. when I say "leave the internet" I mean "stop watching youtube/engaging in online spaces." If I have to use it to check email for work/irl connections that doesn't count.
>lucid dreaming
I tried that too. Couldn't get it to work either.
It is. Especially because it shouldn't be too hard to replace zoomzoom company placement with antithology(+afterparty if possible). Hell, that's probably what should have been in the first place.
Hey, the furaffinity links in the google doc from the ".taski" vendor are broken, you might want to get that checked out
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B'jour everyone, my comic panel will be pre recorded. I want to apologize in advance: I wanted to work with chat commentary and interaction, but the situation has made it impossible. Here is the example comic made on stream (spoiler if you want to wait until the panel to see it!). Though i will be absent, I hope to everyone a good /mlp/con ^:)
wtf this is not a mare
You're half right ! It's a mare dressed as a bear^:)
Thank! I love you!
Y-you too
More panels added, looks like Sunday is here to stay
there's still room on the schedule for a few more panels
and if you wanna do a comfy long panel, there's tons of room on CyTube 2
>have to go to cytube 2 to see the actual antithology
what if both versions turn out to be identical?
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Had a busy time I'm about to start the renovations.

Anyone have any sins that they want to admit to me so I can burn them in the holy fire of the holy princesses
Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. I've watched G5 and enjoyed it
Managed to get a day off on Monday so I'll be able to stay for the closing ceremonies after 2 AM.
Bless me, Father, for I have sinned.
I have a quite substantially large Sunset Shimmer pic folder despite hating the EqG (folder is 99% pony version of her), and on several occasions I do end up drawing her because she is waifu of a fellow Anon friend.
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I drew things other than mares unironically
i put in for a panel, luna bless me for the RNG that might have to take hold to let this retard scream at people for a bit
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excuse my blogposting but why do I feel incoming sad whenever I go to (an online) con? I can't wait for it on one hand because ponies and panels but I feel sad/weary already, where does this come from?
they do this shit every year, probably because one faggy mod on the west coast doesn't want to miss it and put it at a time that's only convenient for him
bless me father for I have sinned I am lying to the welfare office so I can get neetbux and use it for horsecons
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Sometimes it really feels like grief to me, for lack of a better term. Poignant nostalgia for the good old days, mixed with the distinct sense of bittersweet pride that comes with watching the new guard fill old shoes. I often find myself wishing more of my buddies from 2012 were here, or maybe that I could be back there with them, but I take solace in the fact that there are still plenty of people from every era around today to help keep the classic traditions alive with fresh new ideas. It’s almost like a family-owned business, you know? What helps me deal with the occasional bout of melancholy is spreading pone content to some far-flung corner of the internet in hopes that more people might have their souls stirred the same way mine was all that time ago. It’s just one of the many reasons I love events like /mlp/ con so much.

Whatever ineffable emotion this is can be tough to bear at times, but please know that what you’re experiencing isn’t wrong and you aren’t alone in how you feel. Just remember your love of mares and you’ll be alright.
OH BOY only two days to go. Is the Minecraft server still a thing?
I love these mares. Who are they?
Spare the conspiracy theories faggots. It's a con run by the east coast of the US for a primarily US-based website and fandom. Petition for a replay on sunday in europoor-friendly hours like we had last year. It's that shrimple.
The time was chosen by the Antithology OP
Feel free to follow advice of >>41186211 and even put in a panel app specifying the time you'd like a re-run, I'll throw it in the schedule

No, nobody used it and the maintainers took the hint and stopped spending hundreds of hours on it lol
The last year it was available, the hidden temple broke somehow I really hope the real-time sync with irl time didn't break it and peak player count was in the single digits, not counting the end where everyone blew it up. By the last year, it was down to one person working on the map.
The best you're going to get is the farewell video with indev screenshots.
>The time was chosen by the Antithology OP
well that fucking explains it.
tell him to pound salt and change it so it's at least an hour or two earlier.
>panel for re-run
not quite the same, but at least it's an option.
I didn't realized the map was so huge. I recall back when there were the first two /mlp/con map was more modest. Oh well
>nobody used it
I didn't even know it was a thing, Do you mean nobody used it last con? Or was it open in this one?
They're the OCs from /mare/con
Next year I'll make an effort to set the premiere on Saturday that's reasonable for North America and Europe.
So I've uploaded the Anti to Youtube and it is 100% blocked. I registered an account for Pony.tube. Is there anyone who can help expedite that registration?
I gotchu senpai
Once you create the account (registration approved) poke me and I can increase your initial quota
Okay, it's all set up! Now I just need an increased quota.
Hey I see that open 2 hours on Sunday. Anyone got a pending panel for it, or could someone potentially get something stupid in there?
There's nothing planned yet for the 75 minute gap (not 2 hours)
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Wait, are we both doing math wrong?

I just noticed Making Comics w/ frenchanon runs to 12:15 EST, but wouldn't that be 105 minutes between that and the next panel? Is there something else that isn't on this version of the schedule?
I think he's accounting for 15 minute gaps between panels. So you'd have to discount the first and last cells there.
That makes sense, but I also see panels that don't have that gap, mainly when run on different channels. I wouldn't be running on a YouTube stream, so would those 15 minute buffers be negated?
if comics with french anon is meant to end at 12pm, then it should NOT have the 12pm box colored in, since a filled in box means it's going until 12:15pm
It starts at 11:15 anon, it's safe to assume that it runs for a full hour, ending at 12:15
The buffers are so we don't cut one panel off if it runs long in order to start another
That caused a lot of problems the first year or two
Between channels doesn't matter since one panel won't cut the other off
The only place this rule isn't followed is with the Antithology after party which specifically will begin after Antithology is over

Since Frenchanon's thing is prerecorded we might be flexible on that first 15 minute buffer
I don't have the recording yet so not sure how long it is though, he's estimating an hour
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The nostalgic pony panel I'm putting on is now starting a couple hours earlier on Saturday, check the schedule on the website for a more specific time in (You)r timezone.
Gonna be doing the same thing as last year, streaming a bunch of classic pony videos from the early days of the fandom, as well as an old episode or two. Panel will be hosted on the rewatch cytube channel! Hope to see you ponybros there!
Shouldn't the eqg panel be on cytube 2 and not 1? Wasn't there a rule that primarily non-fim panels would not be shown on cytube 1?
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>bored as hell browsing the catalog
>notice mare con is tomorrow
Marecon's a different event, baka.
Unfortunate, but I'd guess it's because the cytube2 slot is taken by a long thing that can't be swapped without disturbing several other panels.
Same thing, basically.
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Less than a day away!
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Do you think the reason the schedule looks so barren is because we're starting so absurdly early on friday? It's scheduled like friday is a saturday.
I sent you an email about it.
Have you looked at the schedule recently? If that chunk on Sunday gets filled, it's basically nonstop all weekend.
Is there a recipe list for dinner with anon in case I wanted to follow along with the making of some fresh manmade horrors
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simply make more panels anon :)
No need for recipes anon, cook with your heart and I know you'll make a masterpiece
I can try, will be recovering from surgery, but will try to be alive in time.
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>reasonable for North America and Europe
I knew it, your a fucking Californian! This explains everything!
All you had to do is run it on the same time when the show was premiered, 10/11 in the morning and everyone would be fine with it!
Just don't live in the 3rd world and you'll be fine
if anypony wants to be a moderator on CyTube (>for free) message me over there and ask
wiped entire moderation list from last year so we can start from scratch
What exactly does a cytube janny do?
pushes anthro videos to the top of the queue to make people seethe
pushes EqG videos to the top of the queue to make people seethe
pushes pony videos to the top of the queue to make people happy
pushes mare videos to the top of the queue to make people happy
My absolutely retarded brain can't figure out timezones without countdowns so it in 6 hours from now?
who the fuck titled "Brandon the PONY BRONY Interview" panel? it's Brandon the BRONY PONY you infidels
The Opening Maremonies panel is 11 hours and 30 minutes from now
ah thanks
its kinda fun. mainy its for the circlejerk, but peasants like you, (a nobody), should be able to enjoy it a little. not going to spoo nfeed a mor alfag like you though. go back to red dit, etc etc
but you could thing about thinbk about to ddd
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have fun bro, fuck that other guy
Have fun anon. Ignore the schizo
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Perfect picture, here's the superior /bootleg/.
Just linking to that. Not really used to shilling and I'm sure anyone who's interested is already going to drop by. Talking settings with the attention to detail and personal view I've shared regarding characters (singular) and characters (plural). It is a good preamble to Marefair's Horsewords and (You) because we covered the three most important things for a story.
Saturday night is also oral storytelling. Still not writing, not even a green or prose. It'll be an adventure nobody is expecting and an experience no one knew they sorta-maybe felt like wanting. It's also a fun experiment on my side. Half the fun will likely be from me floundering or having inconsistencies.
sorry I'm retarded
it's day 1!
remember the 6-2-1 rule (6 showers, 2 hours of sleep, and 1 meal per day)
also, remember, if you feel sick please wear a mask
when should i open the playlist?

the panelist did
could you go ahead and fix that panel name for me?
ok done
i hope yall are vaxxed and anti-racist
niggers are people, too!
oh god I'm too excited and I can't sleep
I'm looking forward to this
t. true third world Amerimutt
Same here, I've been laying in bed for the last couple hours trying to get at least a little bit of shut eye. I foresee needing to drink a shitton of coffee tomorrow
I'm buying a pile of energy drinks to survive to the anti. I think it ends at around 6 am my time.
I'm so excited I can't fucking sleep I am gonna be tied as balls when I gotta wake up in 4 and a half hours for opening mar>>41190463
who had the retarded idea to have opening ceremonies at 11am on a friday?
I blame spec
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I can definitely feel every hour of sleep I didn't get. at least I'm awake on time and have plenty of time to prepare some more
I'm setting alarms to nap at certain times, my sleep schedule is going to be peak fucked
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>still have to work today
>probably gonna miss some of the best panels of the whole con
I guess I'm gonna take what I can get and be happy that I'll probably be free tomorrow
oh shit, I forgot to buy food and drinks
gib suggestions
considering marshmallows
Frozen peetzer
Eat a horse.
Some electrolyte drinks

I got some Caymen jacks myself
benis with benis sauce
Water brand water
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hey chat is this real?
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can you be a little less obvious
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alright ponybros, heres my plan for the 8 hour long HOW DRAW MARE?! 2 panel:
first will be an entirely unprepared lesson on how to draw mares, mostly lead via drawing mares requested in the chat
second will be a CYOA with minimal planning. all ive done is set the stage to get started, after the introduction everything will be improvised and drawn on the fly(im expecting this to suck since ive never done anything like this before. i doodle quick though so it shouldnt be so tedious)
third will be taking requests with potentially other artists via a drawpile or something. by this time ill bring out some booze to really become a hooligan.
if everything goes according to plan, you will all be able to doodle silly mares before mareitory control begins, and the rest of the panel will serve as a sort of chill time-passer between the other panels.
Thank you for helping me understand this, anon. I hope this con will make me feel poni more and for longer.
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this is a nice con
i got da peetzer
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I have recieved reports of MARE LOVERS on /mlp/con, is this true?
>MDT is one hour after MST
It’s so fucking over, fuck me.
I won’t get free art now, fuck.
10 min now till opening mareamonies
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Remember that /mlp/con is a skub free convention, Skubfags shall be killed and die of death
>still have an hour at work
Shrimply leave early anon
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Wake up Twifag, your mic is off!
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I can't believe Twilight ate the audio
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post numgets
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>*breathes on mic*
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>takes the glasses off
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ain't the Twi-pile, Purp's got, but still cuddly.
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>actually inviting Brandon here
You all know this is going to go horribly, right?
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Just enjoy the start of con.
I can almost smell the braps.
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I love smug trixie
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What could POSSIBLY go wrong?
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Cute long snoofa!
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>cytu be2
TWIFAG! the other cytube is down
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plushie pic because I'm slow
Rarity has cute little skeleton arms
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This mare is perfect in every way. Strawberries also make my grandma have convulsions.
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I love my wife
I love my batty wife.
>apple on a windows
>Pinkie is breaking the fourth wall again
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She's perfect
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how draw mare???
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thanks for tuning in to opening ceremonies, I'm peeved that the mic was muted in the beginning, but the joke was that it was going to be silent for a bit anyway before starting, so you didn't miss anything
see you guys around the con
Ugh, I lost the opening. It's a very busy hour for me. Will it stay recorded anywhere so I can watch later?
See a doctor about your holes
you can watch it here for now, someone else will upload it with chat later, just keep an eye on the thread
How do you ever bring yourself to remove your face from Twilight's ass
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Second how draw mare page, this one turned out a little better I think
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I think I'm learnding Christ I am so out of practise
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Instructions for how to join the Mare-itory Control V Drawpile game, starting on Friday at 2:00 pm EDT

1. install Drawpile https://drawpile.net/download/
2. open this link in your browser and let it launch Drawpile drawpile://drawpile.wolvan.at/01g4nbvprtgskx69n89fsx8m3n
2-1. if you don't want to do that or it doesn't work for some reason, open Drawpile, go to session -> Join, put this link in the text box at the bottom (drawpile.wolvan.at/01g4nbvprtgskx69n89fsx8m3n) and hit Join
3. type in a name (or Anonymous or something, it doesn't really matter)
4. draw!
Since no one else said it: CUTE
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Demanding panel where you just keep pressing numget button for 8 hours.
Sad to see the pixel ponies be nonfunctional.
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Why are we having an appreciation stream for a background pony?
Because you didn't love your mare enough to dedicate a panel for her
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guess I’ll never know since I missed the panel
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a third page full of mare drawn by someone who struggles with art. perspective is hard
how the fuck is she so fucking pretty

pocket ponies! I 'member
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Look at this NERD, everyone should bully her
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I love her!
warcrim aj
Applejack on a Tank con when?
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mmmmmmmm book
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>verification not required
Applejack can't handle her own perfection...
Lauren Faust had an explicit anti Applejack agenda

we updated some stuff and there's a new way to connect, just click this link!

no need to download drawpile anymore either! you can play from your browser now!
is the stream worth joining, seems like the only people talking to each other in the thread are just going to circlejerk.
missed the draw panel and none of the other panels are good, I just wanted free art.
Why don’t you find out?
>I just wanted free art
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Lifehack: You can get unlimited free art if you draw it yourself
I prefer to install drawpile so i have more control
Thank you everyone who joined for the Applejack Appreciation Appointment, hope you all had fun and I hope I can keep doing this panel in the future
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This would surely break the economy if word got out.
cant join in.
whats the password?
It was great! Thanks for always doing these. I forgot to vote this time but I will for sure next time.
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any time, king
I don't have the time and most of the resources are shit.
drawabox is also a total fucking meme that people still keep shilling, when the owner of that website puts out retarded rules, has a unhelpful guide, and supposedly has the only good portion of this "lern 2 draw" guide just be about perspective, which a beginner shouldn't give two asses about when they can't even lineart.
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SErver is gray out, cant join in, plz help.
You have to join through the browser instead of the app
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>noo you must come.. just for the shitty panels and bad scheduling that doesn't fit in your schedule.. because ???

do you want new people or not, I was going to come to watch had I not missed the draw panel

now I don't know how to draw mares, and I don't have mares drawn for me.

its a loss loss situation, plus all the other boards are shit, literally just the literalwho background pony appreciation board which >>41191177 mentioned and a bunch of other garbage that's no fun unless you're blackout drunk.
are you dumb or just pretending
the draw panel is still going
there are about 10 more draw panels this weekend
what are you talking about lol
nice bait post
New thread
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Are you the faggot always complaining in the Fallen Oaks threads
I can’t into drawpile please help
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I was following along with the draw thread, I have drawn these poorly made mares for you now
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We're already topping the cytube charts!
Oh great, look who won Mare-itory Control AGAIN. Big surprise, it's Pinkie Pie. Because, of course, the universe just wouldn't be complete unless Miss Perky Pinkie Pie managed to snag the top spot in a drawing game for the millionth time. Who would have thought that a character whose entire existence revolves around being as in-your-face as possible would be the queen of Mare-itory Control? I mean, really, what are the odds? It's almost as if the game was designed specifically for someone with an infinite supply of hyperactive energy and a flair for drawing obnoxiously adorable doodles. Every. Single. Time. There she is, giggling away, connecting her tiles like it's some kind of art masterpiece.

And let's not forget the past few years. Oh no, we couldn't possibly overlook those glorious moments when Pinkie Pie, with her never-ending enthusiasm, has dominated Mare-itory Control. Year after year, like clockwork, she comes out on top, and we're all supposed to act surprised. What a joke. Seriously, it's like watching a rerun of a show that was barely funny the first time around. Congratulations, Pinkie. You've done it again. You've managed to turn a drawing game into your personal stage for the umpteenth time. Can't wait to see you win next year too. Because that's definitely something we all look forward to.
Oh shit my Keyboard panel is in less than 2 hours. Hopefully we can get the demo build done in the time allotted.
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I finally bought a drawing tablet because of you anons and this stream. Thanks for inspiring me to take the leap /)
Good luck on drawing!
Wow, I can't fucking wait for ponkfags to win. AGAIN. Jesus Christ those arrogant fucks think they're so fucking tough by picking on unprepared drawfriends, what a load of shit. What's the point of having a mareitory control if we know what the result will be anyways. Fucking Ponkfags ruining the panel, they should be out
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every time I see this image I imagine that Pinkie is trying to grab a bite of Celestia's ethereal mane because she wonders what it tastes like.
update: I'm retarded
the adventure!
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