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>Spoonfeed me. What's this thread about?
This thread typically consists of Anon gone filly, as he's thrust into a new life as a cute little pony.

>What's to be expected?
Fillies, cuteness, Anon-tier shenanigans, bitchy Twilight, desires to be the little filly, etc..

>Any archive of photos or stories?
Dropbox (Photos):

>I'm a contributor.
Great! For writers, just notify ̶A̶l̶l̶ ̶N̶i̶g̶h̶t̶e̶r̶ ̶F̶g̶t̶ Lone15, so you can have your green added to the Doc. For artists, animators, or any other content makers, you can store your fillies in the Dropbox for future viewing pleasure.
Some especially based faggot also recently compiled nearly every filly image ever created, which you can check out here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1AowOdwFzlbRk0FVZsRGRYe2hyKhzo2h3?usp=sharing
Assess how well you fit into the filly hivemind: https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/personality-quiz/?group=-LdS-38NvfIG9PHPrYB8

>I don't like this thread because of reasons.
You'll never know how it is unless you try a dose of filly.
Old Mare: >>41089988
not regular op but since noone baked the bread i did it
that OP fuck wasn't quick as draw wtf
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no u
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Conjuring up a plate of nuggies.
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>lustful image
>irrelevant green fuck in it for some reason
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There's already a thread for turning Anon into a pony. >>41163515
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oh yea i forgot the last filly thread hit limit and then died so unceremoniously lel
>/aie/ -> /ptfg/ -> /anonfilly/
It's the inevitable progression.
PTFG is for losers
How long can the 'muh new anatomy' excuse last until Twilight realizes someone (not saying who) is pissing on her carpets purposefully?
filly still won
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What the fuck even is this thread

Like do you people actually unironically want to be turned into a child cartoon pony so you can be fucked or "bred" by people from /mlp/ or you yourself fuck an /mlp/ user that has been turned into a little filly? Do you realize how ridiculous that is
This is by far the most degenerate general on /mlp/ I mean it combines fucking pedophilia, transformation, beastiality and/or xenophilia and whatever other fetshes you might have and Tbh I gagged a lil bit upon discovering this thread
Please consider psychiatric help and reevaluate your life of you unironically browse this general and look at anon filly pictures
>Barges into the thread where few / no one is talking about fucking / getting fucked
>proudly proclaim that we’re all talking about anonfilly getting raped

Thanks for your invaluable input anon. Do you wanna add anything else or would you like to keep wasting everyone’s internet bandwidth?
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it's pasta newfriend
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It coming for you
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No its not, its a work of art. Its a reflection of the human condition, and how far we've come. Honestly its beautiful. It makes me cry every time I see it. Every day I wake up, just hoping, praying to our lord and savior that I can savour it once again. You only get one life, and I hope to spend as much of it as possible enjoying this work of art to the fullest.
Howdy there drawfren!
You really need to stop forgetting to remove your /d/
i dont normally deliver so i forget to remove it when i do
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it's the mark of the chad
the sign of that this shithole is not dead to ai yet
This but it's filly
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I needed this so badly, thank you
>>41171457 (You)

What is that from?
I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream the videogame, it's from one of the endings
>Twilight has violated my body worse than any rapist could.
>I am a soft cute filly thing, with tight and wet holes not yet filled where my dick and man-ass used to be.
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the decision between twi mom and starlight mom for the anonfilly in my head is so hard to choose for
I choose Anonmare mom. Fight me.
Damn, I wanted to be mad tonight, but this is trying too hard to be believable. Anon, I am disappoint. Do better.
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>anonmare rasing anonfilly
>basically a clone of you raising yourself
kinda baste knot gonna lye bro
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a positive twimom story
the only mother that filly doesn't have to worry about disappointing
False. Fluttershy's mom would have absolutely zero expectations.
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do you like structure or no rules
misses shy gets disappointed on the inside
You're gonna be fighting Foal Protective Services.
this will end in death
No mom, this is more interesting.
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all valid answers, hard to consider which is teh best thoo
/mmp/ is dead (for now) so I might as well should post this here https://files.catbox.moe/nxwt3u.png
I'd make Anonmare a mom
Huge Filler is Superior Filler
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I hope it returns, it's where I started to draw pone
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freesh anon fille
happy filly noises
That's a cute filly
That's also a cute filly
You're gonna boop that faggot. So sayeth the prophets of old. So sayeth the prophets yet to come.
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imagine spending decades of your life just to end up the most adorable faggot every grown man around you cant help but shower in love and affection

...at last i truly see the struggle
Same, if that doesn't happen soon though I might make the thread myself
Can you link some drawings anon? I'm curious to see
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I have almost none of my earliest drawings after some hard drive deaths but they weren't good by any means
https://files.catbox.moe/ha3jlg.png Forgot to post a practice piece here yesterday
>I have almost none of my earliest drawings after some hard drive deaths
I'm sorry to hear that, that sort of shit is a nightmare scenario for me
I like your draw of Autumn though (at least I think that's her from what I can gather from the archives) anon, serene (if that's the right way to describe it) macro drawings are underrated in general. I think I've drawn something similar once involving Anonmare and a small Anonstallion ontop of her walking in a forest, should do more stuff like that honestly.
>reasonable sized genitals
>proper teats in the right location
>ass that doesn't take up half the screen
>ponut doesn't look like im looking down the barrel of a siege gun
>actual horsey ass
you're pretty fucking goddamn based for a filly fiddler I'll give you that
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Thanks, I was actually practicing drawing more anatomically correct horse ass, I feel like I've kinda done it alright already, but good to know that I've more or less nailed it
>>reasonable sized genitals
>>ass that doesn't take up half the screen
>>ponut doesn't look like im looking down the barrel of a siege gun
Seriously I see a lot of artists draw like that, it already doesn't look particularly appealing but some just overdo it to the point where you immediately lose all interest (like how some artists draw the ponut like 300x the size of the rest of the mare's bits like it was stung by bees)
Also a more minor thing relatively speaking, but I also see artists draw the nether regions too high up, like the ponut would start right at the very top of the buttocks instead of being offset at least 1-2 inches down roughly, so realistically speaking if something were ever to be shoved in said ponut, that thing would be bumping right up against their spine in the best case scenario
>>Also a more minor thing relatively speaking, but I also see artists draw the nether regions too high up, like the ponut would start right at the very top of the buttocks instead of being offset at least 1-2 inches down roughly, so realistically speaking if something were ever to be shoved in said ponut, that thing would be bumping right up against their spine in the best case scenario
huh neat I never really noticed that till know but yeah I would not doubt it. i recently noticed a lot of artists tend to draw the pussy hallowed and gouged out like a dug out canoe absolutely cavernous in size with the entry straight ahead like a tube. horse pussy curves up at the entry to facilitate penetration from stallions. its kinda wild how so many artists have pretty poor anatomy when it comes to the genitals of ponies when resources for learning horse anatomy is literally at their finger tips at all times, reminds me a lot of the hoof butt fad. I say this as a fellow artist too.
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>horse pussy curves up at the entry to facilitate penetration from stallions
Huh, I actually didn't know that. I might have to look into this more
Taking note of these for when I try lewd again
https://www.ansci.wisc.edu/jjp1/equine/mare_anat/intro.html I recommend you this site it's fairly short and concise has images too try not to get too distracted by them eh? kek, hopefully you will find it as informative as i did. i just found it today lmao
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Ooh thanks, I definitely will!
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>Anon posts actual horsepussy.
>Thread goes silent.
Yeah, we all know what you pervs are doing.
kek fr fr
on god
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Because the millennial fillies have now grown up to be mares.
I don't like this and want to delete myself
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Gen Z is getting old now too. My mailman is gen z with a bussin broccoli cut. It's unreal.
Shes like a trailerpark mom, she wants to be a good parent but dont know how and shes also too exhausted from working two minimum wage jobs so more often than not its you who have to take care of her.
You’re all the worst ha ha <3
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An overdose of ass meat
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Filly is about to commit a fillony
No such thing
Pissing in the gutter, eh filly?
Anonmare asks a question she may not want answered
The tattoo ink bottles, duh
where does she keep getting those marbles from though?
A lady never reveals her secret smuggling techniques
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Enpretty the filly
Why is she so smug?
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the filly is eepy
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I love your stuff
Big filly
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>unnamed filly attempts alchemy, age of harmony 1002, colorized
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>turns out the Philosopher's Stone, aka the universal catalyst, is actually a filly
>Twiggles/some alchemist pone OC tries to create her Magnum Opus
>ends up with a filly homunculus instead
>doesn't want her but is too much of a moralfag to just get rid of her
>turns out filly can catalyze any reaction inside her
Something something alchemy, something something inequal exchange.
>cum inside the catalytic filly
>solid gold globules come out
>thus starts the empire of Anon, financed by jizz
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>putting anything inside the filly
Best invest in penis prosthetics. But hey, at least you'll get your own goldmember back, right?
A good rule of thumb is to never put anything inside catalyst filly you don't want to lose or suffer spontaneous transmutation.

Golden dildos? Crystal cucumbers? Paper eggplants? Anything is possible!
Only way to help the filly learn to control her gift is to keep shoving things inside her!
…but please at least be nice enough to only use the foodstuff as base.
I hear eggs are a popular choice…
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me at mare fair
>he doesn't know
My penis cannot be fully inside the filly, as there are anatomical parts that are part of my body that cannot be inside her, therefore my penis isn't 100% inside her, so it cannot get alchemized.
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Filly is playing a dangerous game, putting a spark that close to purple's rear
Dresses are the superior clothing item for mares, fillies, and hooman mares, even more than skirts are. The poofier and frillier the dress the better. Bring back 1950s and before fashion!
thread* not friend

I want to be the filly and be fucked in my tight little filly head
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Shhh, filly is sleep
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Can you two faggots get a room please? This is filli thread, not complaining about trannies thread. Go to /pol/ for that.
Wrong! This filly is deceased.
If she were a dead a the cats would be a eating her
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Update when?
last update (on another story) was two months ago, so not dead at least
I hunger
Noh, filli is cuddle with cats. Stick together to share body heat!
Fillies are NOT edible.
Do not make this mistake.
Whats that you say? Fille is abandoned in the Everfree and has to survive the winter by snuggling with wild beasts? Oh cruel world!
It's all fun and games until somepony loses a limb
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It's okay, we can rebuild her.
POV you're hogging all the tummy rubs
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I don't have a lot of anon fille on my phone
>I can’t breath, anonfilly!
Look at that grumpy little one trapped under Anon. Can't just breathe. Can't do anything.
anonfilly.com has you covered

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