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Been a hot minute since the last proper Trixie thread, post about everyone's favorite blue magic mare, whether it be discussions or greens.
I want her to make me gag on her cock.
hi spec
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I want to discuss her cock in my mouth
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I want to unpack her wagon!
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I've been wanting a good in-depth Trixie character analysis video that actually understands Trixie's character. It's annoying seeing her painted as nothing but a selfish cunt that doesn't care about anyone else when she's shown to be the opposite. She's shown to be selfless by nearly sacrificing herself twice and is very affectionate to her friends. I wish any of the anons that wrote these posts (pic related) would take a crack at it, they'd make a great video.
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>there are only analysis videos about her gender rn
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they honestly did her so dirty
it sucks that nopony gave twilight and the others a dressing-down like "hey, you're being a real asshole, she's an entertainer, not a criminal." i feel like pinkie and/or fluttershy would've understood that, but they weren't given speaking lines in boast busters for whatever reason.
Love me Trix, love me BGM. Simple as.
I will never forgive Faust for what she did to her.
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You mean create her and give her her whole character? Yeah, how terrible.
She didn't create her you dumb cunt. Chris Savino did.
milkin' trixie
oops, meant to reply to >>41174061
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>when bad things happen to Trixie Faust is to blame
>when good things happen to Trixie it was thanks to someone else
I know what type of person you are.
Yeah? And what happened to Chris Savino?
I use AI to make Trixie sad.
>Everyone thinks she's trans
>Gets tied to the toothpaste pony killed the franchise
Has there ever been a bigger character assassination
Boast Busters was such a trainwreck, it's amazing how bad she fucked it up in almost every way. Thankfully Trixie herself was done right, but everything surrounded her was absolute garbage.
You monster please post more
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>when good things happen to Trixie it was thanks to someone else
Correct. Haber saved Trixie and gave her some actual fucking character development. Starlight was the best thing to happen to her, their dynamic and friendship is by far the best in the whole show.
That'd just make me gag.
No, I'd literally vomit.
How is that unf-worthy at all?
>he doesn't want to chemically castrate his waifu by vomiting directly into her dickhole
Kinda gay, bro.
>Has there ever been a bigger character assassination
injustice Superman, at least half of the X-Men, pre-Gala Fluttershy
I'm not the original anon you replied to, just the one correcting your stupid ass.
Not relevant. He still created her regardless.
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I fell in love with an azure unicorn...
Gosh why is it so satisfying to see her sad... maybe its because you know she has lots of sadness in her but the show fastfowards through it and only shows her being mean... i dont know. I just love her so much
Just heard this today.
It touched my heart!!!
An excellent song by BGM, once again (I love ponies, too).
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>Haber saved Trixie
>gave her some actual fucking character development.
>Starlight was the best thing to happen to her,
>their dynamic and friendship is by far the best in the whole show.
Kill yourself immediately and never sully good ponies like Trixie ever again. I don't even care if you're baiting, posting something this abhorrent warrants death.
Here's your (You).
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I want to cuddle her in my lap and hear her purr like a cat.
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>"BGM" in title
>isn't background music
I'm basing my Elden Ring playthrough on her, and it's tons of fun. Mechanically, I'm using a lot of crafted gear and just dabbling in everything. Pots, stealth, rapier, polehammer, faith spells, glintstone, Trixie is a true jack of all trades, master of none (better than being a master of one). She might not be able to perform the highest level spells, but she can run up to you and trip you with this hammer she found and throw a bomb in your face.
Thematically, Trixie feels tailor made for the kind of nothing-to-godhood growth you get in a good RPG. By the end of the game she'll have travelled the land, learned magic and warfare from all walks of life, and she is going to kill that fucking space bear/dragon, not just for herself, but for every misbegotten castoff who suffered under the Asshole Tree.
Though she was exiled as but another deprived wretch, she will in time become truly Great and Powerful!

Yes, I am this autistic.
Honestly, Magic Duel made it much worse. Boast Busters ended on a fucky note but at the very least, Twilight did just let Trixie go in the hopes that she'd learn something.
Then come her next appearance we find out that someone in Ponyville had to have led a smear campaign, because Trixie spent the intervening years in near-starvation due to literally every town thinking she's a cheat and not even giving her bitch work for meals.
Starlight enslaves a fucking town for years and starts a time war, because her friend made something of himself and she's too much of a dumb bitch to write letters or improve herself? Cushy government job!
Trixie enslaves a town for a couple days, because the town actively ruined her life for no reason and barely, if any, fault of her own? Constant suspicion even when she tries to better herself without the princess breathing down her neck!
>another idiot who is unable to distinguish between different circumstances and nuances of events in a children's show
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You indeed are a super autist
>Trixie never exaggerates ever
I dunno. It's safe to assume Trixie doesn't want physical labor since she's a unicorn and a performer.
But, if she's being picky about jobs, why would she take a job on a rock farm (which is both grueling and peasant-work) unless it really was her last option?
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what are you on about retard
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I hate this Youtube channel with a passion.
spoilered to save your eyes
not just that, but the rock farm is also in the middle of nowhere. i don't think it'd be that much of a stretch to say that part of the reason she got hired there was because nopony there would've "heard" about trixie.

frankly i can't even imagine it'd be her first choice for manual labor, either. hauling rocks around is REALLY grueling work, especially since she doesn't have that natural earth pony strength. i imagine she'd (in theory) be more at home working as a farmhand, but if most earth pony farms are anything like sweet apple acres, they probably discriminate against unicorn applicants because "muh tradishun"
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God forbid people are passionate about a character they love.
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I'm not trying to start shit but I want trixiechads to understand my anger. One of my normiefaggot friends started learning a bit about pony through xitter. He said he watched a little bit of the show too while babysitting. We talked about favorite villains and I said Trixie was mine. He then replied with, "trixie is my trans queen" I fucking hate what MLP has become now. What the faggots say on xitter dictates what normies think of the show and us. Trixie deserves better than this. I fucking hate this shit.
Anyways, thanks for making another thread for the greatest and powerfullest magician ever recorded. Love ya, tixiefrens.
>He then replied with, "trixie is my trans queen"
Why are you friends with "people" like this?
Actually, better question, why have you not killed him yet?
Kill him. Kill him now. Do it. Kill him.
And people wonder why I'm so vocal about my distaste for Trans Trixie, this is why. Trixie's public image has been irreversibly fucked both in universe and out of universe.
>if she's being picky about jobs, why would she take a job on a rock farm
The Alicorn amulet costs a lot and the Pie family pays good money.
resistance will just cause a streisand effect, there's no winning.
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Starting to think politics both left-wing and right-wing is downstream from ponies.
I disagree with you, but I have to admit that does make sense.
I normally don't give a shit what the skittle-hairs want to 'claim,' but they don't just say Trixie is trans-coded or whatever. No, they have to insist that she's secretly canonically trans because her FUCKING EYE SPARKLES totally prove she's the one trans pony Lauren Faust JOKED ABOUT IN AN APRIL FOOLS POST.
It'd at least make sense if they were claiming Big Mac- he spent half of Brotherhooves Social in drag. That's at least a character I can look at and go "yeah, I can see why you think that, faggot." But Trixie? Hell no.
Look man, 99% of the time that channel makes amusing Trixie-themed shitposts. I ain't gonna let the dilators ruin my fun.
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>"I'm sorry. You're a hero, and you have to leave."
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Holy Cute!
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>"Dodge this."
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not so great and powerful
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pls sauce
This is the last thread on the board, so I will in fact link to my very fetishistic Trixie story:
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trixie spreading her legs for me so i can down her entire marecock and balls
>Big Mac
It's because Big Mac, even in drag, is a whole-ass dude. Even though all these troons are basically Big Mac in a dress, they'd rather clasp onto the already female pony to cope because they will never be a woman.
It also doesn't help that a growing number of faggots are into futanari.
>It also doesn't help that a growing number of faggots are into futanari.
Futanari faggot here, I don't like trannies, nor that a lot of trannies like futanari.
what what the hell
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I know you don't get a lot of attention, but thank you for your stuff man. You get it. Your angsty Trixie stuff made me realize a love for her I never thought I would have.
i'm in love with her... oh no... i can never return to human society after this... to fall in love with a small azure unicorn... truely forbidden... i have failed gods test... maybe when i die... i will be allowed to marry her... in heaven...
I always saw her as a character who was stuck in a cycle of her own narcissism. She was lonely, but rather than making friends, she chose to deny it and act as though everyone around her loved her. Then that ends up annoying those around her, making them not want to be friends with her even more, feeding into the cycle. On top of that she's eccentric, and an outcast due to her past actions.
She really makes for a sad character, but one you can feel for. One you just wanna reach into your screen and hug every time she gets upset.
Although she's not all sad. She's also talented in her own ways, and tries really hard to achieve her goals when she has them. Plus she ends up with Twily and Starlight for friends in the end, at least.
Well, if she doesn't actually think she's anywhere as great as she says she is then it's not true narcissism, right?
I think she probably believes what she says, which I guess would make her a narcissist. But it doesn't necessarily make her malicious. She's gone down the wrong path to connecting with others, and her character arc is acknowledging those faults and trying to fix them.
I think the way we were meant to see Twilight's interference with her was Twilight breaking the false reality Trixie was living in, forcing her to question if her behavior was actually helping her at all, then helping her on the path to making real friends.

Also I don't think its fair to point to characters like Starlight and ask why they weren't outcast or bullied. For one, Starlight did much worse things, but not to Ponyville. It follows that they wouldn't have as much vested interest compared to Trixie. Secondly and mainly, that just wasn't Starlight's story arc and animation time didn't need to be wasted on it. Trixie was the outcast ostracized by society who finds redemption, not Starlight.
The guy who made a relatively popular Starlight analysis video, MrVectorMV, is making a Trixie one soon, and judging from what little of the script he's shown (at 0:19) I don't think it's gonna be very good. Sounds like just more of the same shit you've been hearing again.
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I don't care for that literal glimmernigger's jewtube slop and neither should you.
The only thing i know that guy for is the legion of doom video that was actually a load of nothing in vocal form so that sounds about right.
Didn't come off as someone making much of an actual point beyond a basic premise.

Didn't even realize that Trixie tweet floating around was him because he was largely forgettable.
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ehh Starlight didn't really do anything worse in terms of town enslavement. The most important differences between the two is that Starlight had good intentions and the consent of the villagers. On the other hand Trixie had bad intentions and subjugated the villagers against their will. Another crucial difference is that Starlight was a respected individual, while Trixie was just a random outsider. Starlight's greatest sin from the perspective of her villagers was that she lied about her cutie mark, that was it, and it is much easier to forgive someone know than a complete stranger.

But yeah I agree that it's stupid to try comparing the bullying/resentment they faced (Sunsetfags also fall into this trap) because their circumstances are vastly different.
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>Starlight didn't really do anything worse in terms of town enslavement.
>Starlight had good intentions
>and the consent of the villagers.
I like his Starlight video, although it doesn't go as in-depth as I'd like, it misses a lot of the nuance in her character that makes her so compelling. Entertaining nonetheless, especially the way he edits and scripts his videos. I'm guessing the Trixie video will probably be similar, still looking forward to it.

Redeemfags eternally seething kek
>Redeemfags eternally seething kek
Believe it or not I'm not. My point was that his points were absurdly shallow, I got no value out of that video.
Called it nothing for a reason; it may as well literally just be the thumbnail because he isn't really saying much to extend. Even his Glimmer defense in it is blank; its pretty much just "It is and so it is right" logic.

Like in theory there's an interesting discussion for the legion shit(even if you skew to one side) which is why i even viewed the thing but as per usual its just shit flinging to this day.
His videos aren't that particularly deep I know. I think he is an entertainer first, analyst second. Which is how I still find them fun.

I'm disappointed the video essay trend never reached pony, I really enjoy long 3 hour+ essays on games/movies. They're fun whether or not I agree with them since it also gets me to think more deeply about stuff, they're also an interesting journey into the mindset of the analyst.
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>giving a fuck about random wordsayers and opinionexpressers on youtube
Fucking embarassing
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Here's a playlist with only the Trixie episodes, since most of them are in the seasons I never rewatch thought I would share with trixiebros here.
>Boast Busters
>Magic Duel
>No Second Prances
>To Where and Back Again
>All Bottled Up
>To Change a Changeling
>Uncommon Bond
>Road to Friendship
>Student Counsel
>A Horse Shoe-In
4 hours total
Let me know if there are any errors!
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why am i hard
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You saw a picture of Trixie
is >>41196126 your stupid ass?
no but its more funny if you think that
It's hard to tell with you faggots sometimes.
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Trixieloaf is gonna out pizza the hut.
>Superior design
>Superior personality
>Just superior all around
Why the hell wasn't Trixie the Element of Magic? I feel like a mistake was made somewhere, somehow.
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Nah. Also I swear every trixiefag switches back and forth between make "le trans trixie" memes and then raging when other people do it. I'll be the first to step up and admit I do because while it's fun to do it and make anons rage and cry, Im still very bothered by people insulting my waifu and get mad when other anons do it.
Making memes about it in the first place is insulting to your waifu.
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Thanks lad, that means a lot.
You know, Trixie is kind of a bitch who doesn't think before she speaks so she should be with someone who's not afraid to knock her down a peg every once in a while. Makes sense to me
I think you responded to the wrong post
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no way...
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That's why these two are perfect.
The real story behind boast busters
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Trixie fiddled Snips and Snails.
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with her massive throbbing futa marecock
night bump
>pregfag appears in half the fucking threads to shill his hyperpreg fetish fics
>fatfags get jannied no matter what size or shape
I hate this board so much.
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I look like this and i think about that all the time.
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trixie waifufags..I'm so sorry. he beat you to her.
Jesus has good taste I see
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>I wish any of the anons that wrote these posts (pic related) would take a crack at it, they'd make a great video.
i've tried writing one, i do have a yt channel where i've uploaded board content before but i've never gotten a video on trixie's character to the end of the production pipeline, i care about the subject a lot and i just never feel like i can do it justice when i try to put everything together which is why i lose steam when discussing trixie in anything more than just a thread post. anonymous never delivers...
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I believe in you anon, you can do our mare justice.
literally hunted down the artist and blocked him on every booru.
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Least based trixiefag

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