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Last thread
Welcome one and all to /mlp/'s third Game Jam! As you might remember (or not) we've had about two other Game Jams, this being the third! Isn't that exciting?
This Game Jam's theme is about LOVE! Now, what is love? Well, that's for you to decide and interpret!
Although the spirit of the Game Jam is to make a game from scratch with the given time, there's nothing wrong with re-using a handful of assets from previous projects, reviving an abandoned project and addapting it for the Jam! What matters to me here is that you complete a pony game in two weeks! You could say that's the only real rule.
The deadline for submissions is on the 28th of this month. I'll be streaming it on /mlp/con in the 30th, be sure to be there and watch me play your game and your fellow horsefucker's live!

Submit your games here: https://itch.io/jam/june-mlp-game-jam
Or send your submission via email: littlehorseappreciator@proton.me
You can also contact me via that same email

TL;DR: Soft deadline is on the 28 of this month, the theme is love, make sure it's pony related, you can either publish it in the itch.io page or email it to me. The submited games will be streamed on /mlp/con on the 30th

If you have any questions, requests or suggestions be sure to post them!
>inb4 no one finishes a game
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Remember! There is no skill required for this jam, what we're looking for here is that you complete a project for the deadline! It doens't have to be grandiose or anything like that, following tutorials and using outside resources is fine!

Speaking of, here are some resources from last thread
Don't be so pessimistic fren, I'm sure people will pull through!
I'd settle for a pone Nuclear Throne mod - a Nuclear Pone mod if you will.
>Love edition
well we have to mention this engine now: https://love2d.org/
>LÖVE is an *awesome* framework you can use to make 2D games in Lua
disclaimer: I've never used it
Hey, that's the engine from the game developer guy on youtube right? I forget his name
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hey anons I finally figured out what game I'm gonna make
I need the nuclear poniponi
Already!? You are way ahead of me.
>Unironically recommending Byond, in 20-fucking-24
Dude, come on. You don't have to use Unity/Godot/Gamemaker, but using Byond is beyond retarded. That language and framework is a gigantic piece of shit. It was acceptable back in the day, but basically everything is better than it, now.
>t. ss14 shill
Unironically haven't actually thought up what to do yet, I've just been making pony sprites but I think I'll manage something by the deadline
Custom graphic? Nice!
Yeah! I'd figured it'd be nice to have, I'm planning on using it for the panel too!
4 days left now, hopefully I can finish in time. Hope everyone else's stuff is going well.
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yeah it's going great haha no unexpected time-wasting bugs over here
Not participating, no way I could make anything in that amount of time, but maybe I'll give my old idea ane more try.
Yeah not much time left, though to be fair somehow people during Ludum Dare manage to make decent games in 2-3 days. I could never do that though with how I make games.
Well, if you're just staring and time is what you need, then you could submit your game the day of the panel, just email it to me. It's not like it'd get disqualified or anything, this isn't a competition.
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At first, I was enthusiastic, but now I think my idea sucks and the implementation sucks even more, and I'm embarrassed to post the game.
The goal has always been more about just making something rather than polished or genius it is.
*rather than how
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don't worry anon I kinda feel the same but I'm gonna post mine and you won't be alone
The love theme sucked anyways, it was doomed from the start
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I don't have time to make a game so do it instead of me, anon, if you have time. If it's any consolation, I don't know shit about game design so you'll probably do better than I would, and you'll be doing thing for those little ponies, and that makes it great already in my eyes.
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That was the best I could come up at such a short notice, I thought a nebulous concept would be good. If no one else steps up for the next jam, I've got a couple of more interesting ideas that I think could work for the next Jam!
That's some unexpected wholesomeness...
I dont know if game jams even need themes
I've found that having some sort of starting point helps in the creative process. If someone tells you to just "make a game", it's actually harder to make anything.
You can do anything, but what do you actually do.
I've never actually seen a game jam without some wort of theme or prompt, I actually find it hard to even imagine
I've made some progress today. The mare can now walk, jump and even lie down!

If it cheers you up, I have no idea, and I think I'll easily have the worst "graphics".
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Upon further though, I think I get what you mean. Yeah, just simple promps might be better from now on
Ah man! I didn't notice this game jam was going on until just now, and now there's so little time left. Will there be more game jams in the future?
Well, if no one takes innitiative to do the next one, then I'll keep doing them. So one way or another, there will be.
Though I think I'll change some stuff for the better in the next one, starting by making the thread well before the Jam even starts, you're maybe the fourth anon that saw the thread "too late". I honestly wasn't planning on making this, that's why it was so sudden, I just did it because I saw no one was going to.
How does one Jam per /mlp/con and marecon sound?
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>3 days left
somehow I feel more motivated now that there's so little time left
> How does one Jam per /mlp/con and marecon sound?
Two per year sounds fine
Thanks for stepping up and making this thread. It's great to hear that you plan to keep it going. I will make an effort to participate in the next one. Twice per year sounds good to me too.
4 days since I started and am mostly done with the code, now to get all the assets drawn and should be about as done as I can get it to be.
Early morning bump
That's one thing I like about these threads, I feel like most people here understand the struggles of creation
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2 days left! How're you holding up anons? I myself feel like I've procrastinated an awful lot, and I'm making up lost time just now
I have procrastinated a lot too but I think I'll finish on time.
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I finished all the scripting and 3d stuff yesterday, today I've just been placing prefabs to set up the "levels". Hopefully I can finish that tomorrow and then I just need to add sound effects and polish what I can.
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I "just" need to make a level and code the "gameplay". I don't think it'll be any more than simply "get to the place".
I wish I had more free time this week.
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I was actually planning on hosting a game jam of sorts for this /mlp/con, but my idea for it fell through. Hopefully it gets off the ground for Halloween or Christmas. Or maybe the anni. I think one jam per board convention sounds good, but personally I'd also like to make a couple jams for select holidays, too. Only problem is Halloween and Christmas are so close to one another, and lots of people are busy around Christmas. Marecon is in the latter half of the winter, and /mlp/con is right in the middle of summer. As much as I'd really love a game jam for both Halloween and Christmas, because those holidays are fun for themed games, that might be too much for people. It might be better to condense them into a single game jam in November, where you can make either a Halloween game, or a Christmas game (or both at the same time). A "Decemberween" game jam, if you will. I feel like November is a pretty chill month for most people, with university mid term exams being over by then, and family obligations not really being present outside of Thanksgiving weekend for the Yanks. I don't really see room though, for a game jam after marecon and before /mlp/con, so maybe it'll stay at 3. Of course, Anons could always team up and make games in the interim and release them to the board.

I'm gonna try and crank something out in the next 36 hours.
You're the guy that did the first Jam right? Glad to see you're still around.
Well, marecon is 4 months from /mlp/con, which is 4 months appart from october, but becausethese things happen at the end of the month, we could make the deadline on november 1st, and that would ne roughly 4 months from marecon, I think that would work.
I feel like RDPD Rainbow Dash trying to explain this
So, you're doing the next one right? I'm asking because I'd like the thread be done a little in advance, maybe two weeks before the actual jam starts, so people know that it's happening and not having another situation like this one, where it was so sudden.
Do you want to plan this out a bit better? My email is in the OP, if you'd like to get in contact or similar.
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Bump for games.
Almost done now, just need a title image and to get the level design all set up, then everything should be set
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Been busy with irl job stuff, looks like it might be a Saturday submission here
Can I update the project after submitting it to itch?
You should be able to. Worst come to worst, you can send me the finished version via email
I did something terrible. I'm sorry in advance
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>have game basically done last night
>save and close stuff and go to bed
>open project again today
>one of my 3d animations just disappeared (??) and the others are fucked up
It happened to me last jam too. If you remember what your animations were called, look for them in the game folder. What happened to me was that somehow, my assets were saved on a different folder and my gmae couldn't find them
Fuck it, I'm tired, and submitting this. I'm disappointed in myself and need to find a drink.
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You've done it anon, congrats! I'm not going to play it now because I want to give my first impressions on stream. But I love the look of your game page!
If you feel the need to polish it or similar, you can still send it before the panel via email.
Though I'm sure it's a good game anon, and besides, a Game Jam isn't supposed to be big and magnificent games, I assure you, my game will be the worst out of the bunch. I look at it this way, there is one more pony game out in the world!
I'd like to say that I finished my game, but it's more like I gave up on working on it. Anyway, email sent.
Hmm. Haven't gotten anything on the email. Are you sure it's sent? Did it throw out an error? I know for a fact that cock mails are blocked by proton
Now that I think about it, I've got no other emails, so if you've sent me something I probably didn't recieve it.
Try to send it again and see if it throws out any errors, what email service are you using? Alternatively, you can share it via any other method of your choosing via the thread.
Hmm anons what should I do, I don't think I am going to be able to finish my game before the deadline, but I could probably finish enough to make it playable, just minus a menu system (no title or tutorial or score screen etc).
Should I still submit it on time and then work on updating it to have the menus after, or just not submit until then?
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Done and submitted. It's a janky mess but that's what makes it fun(?).

My animations were all in the same file with the model, I just had to fix them. Irritating but not really that difficult.
Game as complete as I can get it to be. Now just to get the build out and submit it once that's done.
awh shit wish i found this earlier i would've loved to contribute. maybe next time. found the little turn based game pretty fun though i wish i read the description before jumping in lol
There's plans to make Game Jams a constant event! Maybe 2-3 times a year
Woo, finally got it to build correctly, and is now submitted.
I think I'm going to delay submitting, wish I could've made it but yeah I just think it's better to wait than submit something missing some of the things it's still missing, plus it'd be a bit less stressful if I had another day or two to work on this.

Good job to the anons who actually submitted on time lol.
Well, you can still submit it if all you need is a day or two. Since this game Jam was so sudden, I decided it'd be fair to accept late submissions.
Just email me your game before the panel and we'll still play it!
Still haven't heard from this anon
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loved it
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And that's time! i noticed some people still haven't submitted their game, they can still do so by sending them via mail at littlehorseappreciator@proton.me
Drop a message in the thread when you do so, so I can confirm it was delivered.
The panel is on sunday, so try to send it before then!
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Kudos to the anon for the space pone game, love me some space! Made it this far before I ended up getting softlocked by the jump portal not appearing after booping the button. (or was this as far as you managed to make the game?) Either way, had a lot of fun with this one!
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there's more! i just realized the secrets would've spelled the word 'love', i wonder if you get anything special if you get all the letters?
>>41189184 here. I'll send it again in a few hours, when I get back home.
the ponies vs zebras one is harder than the actual pvz lol
Email thinks it's a virus, so I sent you a catbox link.
Yeah.. I might have created an unbeatable game with that extreme difficulty curve. Had no time left to balance the game or do audio or sprites.
Next game jam I'll overscope again.
i managed to beat it, was actually pretty fun and kept me on my hooves. i don't know if this was just placebo or not but i felt like i got more hearts if i spammed boops at the snowpity mares
Recieved! Thanks
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Latechads where are we at? It ain't over till the panel ends!
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not late myself but I believe in you nonny!
You can do it anon! I myself am running late too, props to the anons that managed to stick with the deadline.
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Hey anons, I was wondering if you guys wanted to do any interviews. They'd be at the end of the panel and you could talk about the designing process of your game, any hurdles you came across, or just your general opinion on the event!
Anyone interested feel free to share your contact information via the mail
In the op, just your prefered method where I could reach you!
These would be live of course, not pre-recorded
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I couldn't tell if the bar was either the horde of lings or anything else until I was basically dead. Since its infinite time. I feel like this is cookie clicker, but more engaging.
But since it's cookie clicker, not likely to play again. cookie clickerfags will probably love it though.
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I'm making a VN about a dinner date with Twilight by the way
Arg so much to do, think I should be able to make the late deadline though. I promise it'll be worth it though.
I'll miss the stream, is it going to be saved somewhere?
Well, there's a guy recording all the panels, so hopefully he also records this one.
It's going to be automatically saved on youtube, which I plan on downloading and uploading into pony.tube.
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Like the system, fun little puzzly levels. I would love if it were extended!
>Bug Begone!
Cute pones as always, and the concept got a chuckle out of me.
>Ponies VS Zebras
More to this than I expected. As someone who's played a few PVZ difficulty mods I appreciate that this is on the challenging side. The dynamite ziggers were especially tough to deal with.
Those games are going to be available for download somewhere, right?
>browser games too hot to handle for my shit browser
>over 100mb for a shitty PvZ clone? do you think Im made out of data?
>space pones.exe is not a valid Win32 application

That was fun.
I might have added two wav files for the music not realizing that together they are 150+ mb. Fixing it right now.
what browser do you use
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Uploaded a 32 bit version for you anon. Hopefully my unoptimized shitcode runs alright on your computer
Yep! The itch.io games are already downloadable (most of them, there are a few that aren't. But you can still play them in the page)
I plan on making a list and of all games from this, past and future jams with download links. Probably on ponypaste so it's easier to find
It's almost done, I swear!
Ok, submitted and email sent to OP!
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Just recieved a couple of emails! (Tiny pony island and dinner with the librarian)
Remember to send me your game before the panel tomorrow! If you haven't sent it in that is.
I shall sometime later today, taking forever but I think I'll make it a few hours before the stream starts.
Stupid menu systems just take a lot of time lol.
Remember! If you'd like a chance to talk about your game and/or share your thoughts live, contact me! Currently we have one person lined up for the interview!
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I'm sorry bros, I was occupied for most of yesterday and all of today. I won't be able to submit before the panel. I'll try to submit it before the thread 404's.
I know the feel, I've been up all night working on mine trying to get it in a playable state. Kinda had to half-ass some aspects of it, but I'll be updating it after I release it to make it better in time (after I get some sleep).

I'll be uploading and sending out an e-mail for it though in a few hours, just to give enough early notice before the panel (I won't send it like 5 minutes before or anything lol).
Thank Celestia it's finally done, well at least in a state I am happy with shipping it. Still missing a fair bit of polish because I had to rush it but I am happy I got something right on time with my planned deadline (which is in like 2 minutes from now).

Will submit it in perhaps a hour, just need to do some testing to make sure nothing explodes, cross-compile for different platforms etc.
>cross-compile for different platforms etc
My thoughts on this are "play on Windows, or go fuck yourself"
It's the opposite really, I work on Linux so I cross-compile to Windows. I do wanna make a build for macOS too but I'll need a friend of mine to come online to do that as I can't do it locally without installing the whole macOS SDK which is rather annoying.
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Recieved! Thank you!

One hour twenty minutets for the panel!
There's still time to send your submission if you haven't already! And remember, if you'd like to come and talk about your game, send me an email with your contact info! >>41192448
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Anyways here's my game at long last, really coming in hot in the final few hours:

It's a rhythm game, the goal is to have Derpy eat muffins, because you know, she loves them, while also deflecting parasprites. If you time an input poorly or do the incorrect action you'll get a miss, otherwise you'll get some hit class depending on the accuracy. More info about how to actually play it is on the Itch page.
Here's a video which shows an example of the gameplay (a bit poorly played because I got more used to using the mouse for it and shot the video with keyboard instead, but you get the idea): https://files.catbox.moe/qrcq2f.webm

I did have to cut a number of things I wanted to add so I'd argue there's still a good bit of polishing, beatmap design and functionality left to add, but I just wanted to get something end to end playable and at least succeeded in that.
Also if anyone has any issues with the game just let me know. I do think it'll have issues running on Linux ironically because I had to compile it against a specific glibc.
raylib (which I used for this) doesn't seem to like being compiled with musl and I just have to go fix that, I just didn't want to waste time with that for the submission given how late I am already.
Should work fine on Windows though, and macOS build coming soon(tm).

Good to know you got it.
This looks so great!
Reminds me of that Rhythm Heaven parody
>verification not required
Yeah the description on the Itch page says that's what I based it off of (this specifically: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1zbGFGQTq0). I could've probably done something a bit more unique but figured using an existing "good" idea and turning it into a game would save some time rather than trying to come up with something myself, since the ideas I was having initially around the theme and what I wanted to make were pretty similar to begin with.
FYI anon in /mlp/con thread has an older game but maybe it's worth considering, since it's apparently about love and also done in limited time. No idea if he'll reach out to you, so just FYI. No idea if that's a mare virus either. >>41197728
I made a fluffy pony dating sim once. It was made a long time ago, but it is about love AND made in just one week: https://mwe (dot) ee/FluffyDatingSim-1.0-pc.zip
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>fluffy ponies
>sketchy as fuck link
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It's almost time!
It's a legit Renpy game with some puzzles for getting each mare. Protip: leave the boss last.
Good job anons, lotta cute things made, was fun seeing them showcased and all that.
FYI, the fluffy game is safe for work.
Great games!

I don't care about this argument but I am begging someone, anyone, to use these resources and make a pony server


My idea for what to do:
>Cartoon violence instead of splatter gore
>Lots of pie throwing and slipping
>Ideally some frien makes assets to do Ponyville
>Growing wheat and crops to make cakes and pies
>Mischief with magical objects
>Antags could be changelings, Discord making disharmonious ponies, a cutie mark thief, etc
>Relaxed silly roleplay fun times
Dev for Tiny Pony Island here. I missed the question but yes I did also make the music
Thanks op
stop streaming, OP
thanks for the panel, OP! and thanks for all anons who made gaems of course!
Posting link to textbook for game design as I mentioned in the stream. Maybe someone might learn something from this?
Op here, I'm going to eat somethign that Isn't tequila and bananas and lay down. I'll post the links later today
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Fluffy pony

Space ponies

Mare game

Ponies vs zebras

Dinner with the librarian

Tiny pony island

Muffin Love


Pone begone
Tiny pony island is still fucked
Am I retarded?
Use the arrow keys to move. Arrow keys or numpad, select wit "Z"
no the only thing in the zip folder is a shortcut folder
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>The only thing not a shortcut folder is the fluffy game


Fluffy pony

Dinner with the librarian

Mare game

Muffin Love

Ponies vs zebras

Space Pones

Tiny pony Island


Bug begone
Also, the youtube recording of the panel.

Though I recommend waiting for Mys_Elf to upload the version with chat, it's way better that way
Might be better to link to the Itch pages, I might update my game at least so the latest version will always be there.
Plus all my instructions are on Itch lol.
Space Pones was cute but hard asf
found no secrets
I’ve found only 3/4, but am gonna find that last one eventually.
the muffin love one was so fucking cute im going to cry
Nice game
Is catbox down or have they blocked me and all proxies in existence again?
Can't load up any links either, so I think catbox might just be down at the moment I hope.
You can still download most of them here, just not Tiny Pony Island or Mare Game: https://itch.io/jam/june-mlp-game-jam/entries
Try a VPN. For some reason, they blocked my IP because they fucking hate me for no reason there, so thats what I need to do to access it.
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fake and retarded
I've played enough SS13 to learn of Byond's limitations. I remember one time, someone discovered you could crash the server by making the AI us a particular foreign alphabet. It was great for the 2000's, it was okay for the 2010's, it's bad now. Which is to say it's fine, but every alternative is better.
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okay that's fair I'm not even mad anymore
have a qt scoots
Ok. PonyCiv SMO (Small Multiplayer Game) programmed using SFML coming up
Do this, we'll play it next jam
i really really love tiny pony island. thank you so much for making it
Thank you! At first I was very reluctant to share it, but I'm glad I did.
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Found them all! Took a while to figure out where the last one was, but got around to it. Very fun despite the bit of difficulty!
Is there anything to do in it beyond the part where she brings you random sea objects? I couldn't figure out any way past that point if so.
Sadly that's it. I had a lot more planned but learning how to use godot took a lot longer than I had hoped.
Understandable, had to cut some things from my game too, always easy to underestimate how long things take :p
It's a cute idea tho.
this will haunt my nightmares for the coming weeks
lulu's gonna be fucking bewildered
still working on this?
picrel is just an example, also I can't into art and it feels like anons wont install shit (shit being BYOND) just to play a game
so I just put it away for now
this is why we have no games. cmon next gamejam we'll probably have a small playerbase to bounce off of and it'd be a good learning experience. i can't art for shit but all ponygames are made by nonartists anyway. you up for it?
apart from godot, which tools did you use to make the music and art?
Music was made with Deflemask and all the sprite work was done in GraphicsGale.
Recording of the panel with chat is live
could someone share a link to all games in one post?
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Original game jam page:

Twilight's nightmare (MLP Game)

Everfree Fishing

The Legend of Mareghoul

Vinyl ate a hayburger and died


Haunted Hooves

sleepless in everfree

Pumpkin Linky

pony war game

The Manor Adventure
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Pony Arcade
From: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sw4CZZqXDFXXGPNK_qBs6QmfTLN6f6R5nbGp1awjviM/edit

Name: cadance against bugs
Description: (You) are Cadance. (You) fight bugs.
Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HJRZ6uccuuJUn3uFw18VFeipbCOgj7n7/view?usp=sharing

Name: Poneroids
Description: An Asteroids clone. You play as a familiar green mare defending Equestria from asteroids, or something.
Link: https://files.catbox.moe/xcuoe8.zip

Name: Annie's Adventure
Description: Anonfilly and her trusty sidekick Sweetie Belle fight the vermin that plague Ponyville. Classic-style RPG Inspired by the likes of Pokémon and FFVII.
Link: https://files.catbox.moe/t62l8n.zip

Description: Reskin of space invaders. Fun for 30 seconds
Link: https://files.catbox.moe/6s1dsk.zip

Name: Mare Miner
Description: A mare explores caves looking for treasures
Link: https://seafooddinner.itch.io/mare-miner

Name: Canterlot Rails
Description: Grind rails to increase your score and avoid the guards. Also there's an obstacle course
Link: https://sleepypony.itch.io/canterlot-rails

Name: Twilight Sparkle's Race to the Finish!
Description: Twilight is competing in the Running of the Leaves. She's not the fastest pony, so you have to help her place anything but last!
Link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1VQCkPxixP3xPDeStuDcDN7IqDu-zWbDz

Name: Lemon Heart 3 (I think I missed this one when I was doing the panel)
Description: A poor anon's attempt at DK3 missing all the gameplay/levels, but hey we have spinning?
Link: https://files.catbox.moe/pvem5o.zip
And of course
>was done in GraphicsGale
wtf based
why are you even here

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