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Previous Thread: >>41147465

Sponsor Badge Sales Are Closing On 7/14! If you’re looking to support the con further and get some cool benefits, make sure to grab a sponsor badge while you still can!

In addition, applications for our AD vendor hall close July 8th.

As we mentioned before, our venue has been changed to the Marriott Orlando Airport Lakeside! No changes will be made to the dates, so if you've made any travel plans from September 27th through the 29th in the area make sure you rebook your stay to the Marriott instead of our previous venue!

If you would like to know more please visit our website at: https://marefair.org/venue/

Fair Flyer and Morning Mimosa will be available as plushies at this year’s Mare Fair! (Sorry Soirée and Matinée, maybe next year.) We’ve collaborated with Symbiote Studios to make two of our mascots come to life, and we hope you’ll love them enough to take home your very own!

If you have any questions or concerns, please send us an email at: info@marefair.org

All official information will be made available by our staff using these tripcodes:
Ebonyglow !!eSW1dXRikgk
Rez !!fjenat+Ey8k
do I get a fair flyer fleshlight if I buy a sponsor badge
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First for Dashie
Panelist and musician apps close 7/20
>stickermule has custom magnet deal for another day.
neat, gonna get some pone magnets to share with ponebros.
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I've never donated to a con charity but I want to this year. Are there any sort of deadlines or specific people to talk to beforehoof, or do I just show up with the item before sunday?
Were you looking for an opportunity for a ticket to the Spaghetti & Tendie dinner?
Don't forget to fill out the Charity Dinner Waitlist form: https://forms.gle/7xDDx4GcfB9fe6yH8
We'll be doing a lottery from this list of people sometime in August
This is one of your mare fair vendors Anons...
see you when you get out of prison bro
I am going to kill myself. I fucked up my midnight alarm by two hours because I forgot to account for time zones and because of that I’m not getting into the Tendie dinner. I volunteered last year and I’m doing that again this year, who’s dick do I have to suck to be able to sit on the floor? I can’t take another pizza cope party. I’m not kidding, I will literally suck a dick to gain access to my tendies.
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Anons who attended Mare Fair 1
When it comes to these perks:
>Early access to Vendor Stalls
Would you say these are good perks worth the extra money? Or are they just kinda nice to have, but not really necessary?
I like merch, so getting into the vendor room early would be cool. But it's only a half hour early. Does it make that much of a difference?
>Front-of-line privilege to all lines
Does the front-of-line privilege extend to all panels? Will it mean that I'll definitely get in to the opening and closing ceremonies, as opposed to the overflow rooms? How real is line con?
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What's stopping you from ordering your own chicken tendie? Cheaper too.
just do the classic way and stick a bunch up your arse.
Literally all the good shit was gone by the time I got into the vendor hall, and I was middle in line. I hope those retards stock up better this year
I can say the early access to the vendor hall is def worth. There’s very limited merch in the hall that’s dedicated to Mare Fair Specifically. I know of a bunch of stuff that sold out real quick and the line was really long. For example, AZG plushies were 99% sold in about 45 mins, people who were back of the line missed out. There was a limit of how many people could be in the vendor hall at once, but I’m being told that there will be more vendors and a bigger space so hopefully that gets mitigated.
Nobody was expecting MF to be as popular and populated as it ended up being last year.
Expect more merch stock now that vendors know what to generally expect.
check my volunteer app plox
Show up with the item, the charity room will be open Friday and Saturday to accept all donations during the day (exact hours TBD)
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Would anyone be interesting in a morning time coffee/latte bar similar to the actual bars at parties?
I've got barista experience and think it'd be a fun way to contribute to the con.
I'd expect it should be fine since its the exact same as a normal party, just with coffee drinks instead of alcohol. Completely free, not sold and with pony themed drinks.
Unfortunately the art department is pretty staffed up already (and was when you applied)
Is there anything else you'd be willing to do?
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i had what can only be described as a nightmare.
>be me in dream
>on way to mare fair
>get to new hotel
>everything feels cozy, really excited to see con friends i made last year and meet new people
>walk around venue
>theres not a single horsefucker autist in sight
>ask the hotel staff to see if they know whats going on
>they say 'oh that was last month'
>check marefair website in a panic
>the site says august 30th to sept 1st
>heart drops, feel like im gonna puke
>i missed all the autism
>trying to cope with the loss
>start crying
>wake up
0/10 would not recommend
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Not sure how I could turn that down
Could I get special "cream" if I tip?
>>Early access to Vendor Stalls
This was def worth it, the vendors sold out on the good stuff fast. Anontheanon had a small stock of hats with memes on them and after I spent 10 minutes at other vendors there were two left
>>Front-of-line privilege to all lines
this was also super worth it, i got in the front row for the closing ceremony/auction (i was a retard and got in the normie line for the opening ceremony)
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>Mare fair is having an after dark vendor hall
Why are cons so degenerate, /mlp/?
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Brother I WILL be there
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This is an informational post for those that wanted to participate in the Post-Con Monday At-Range Experience for Shooting (PC-MARES) gun range trip, Monday September 30th.

This was posted in the previous thread (>>41176183), but if you would like to attend, please send an confirmation e-mail to moonanon@horsefucker.org with your badge name and any other info you think is pertinent.

I have received a couple of e-mails from the last thread, but I know that there were about 15+ or so people that were saying they would attend, so many never replied. I will be doing my best to organize this event, and having an e-mail contact will help to get everyone the info they need and finalize a list of who is going and if we will need to organize an actual group event with the range or not. If you have any questions regarding the range that isn’t answered on their website, either let me know so I can ask them, or you want, call them directly. And if any Anon wishes to help out with this, let me know how you can or would like to help.


Pic related is our options for both of the shooting ranges and prices condensed in one small infographic. Both places have a fairly large choice of weapons to choose from, as well as full-auto options. The Shooters World is a much larger range with more lanes and a larger store/building, so would likely be more accommodating for a larger group, as well as having no issue with non-ESTA Visas. I would like to get a general consensus as to which option sounds best, though I believe Shooters World would be better, as we may not even have to crowd-fund ahead of time if we can organize into lane-groups of 3 and your group can individually pay for your lane and ammo as you need/want. Let me know your thoughts in your email as well.

I believe best option for transport for the group would be a Transit Van rental or two (depending on how many people) – the hotel has a Hertz in the lobby - that can seat up to about 12 people (a little more if we really wish to try to pack people in) each and can be driven by anyone with a valid normal US drivers license, and this rental for the day would just need an even split among all riding to pay for. If you are attending and have a rental car, or are driving to the con and wish to offer a ride for others in your personal vehicle, please let me know so numbers for a van rental can all be figured out. Obviously, you can choose to Uber or something as well if you wanted to.

Of course, if you have any suggestions or anything - drop them here.
Calling this now, let’s keep PC-MARES classy. I say we all show up in suits and ties, like the men of taste we are.
Can I get an Irish coffee if I want one? I’ll bring my own whiskey, you can keep the bottle.
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I’m gonna show up in a burqa, aviators, and nothing less
I'm 20 and didn't read the check in minimum age before booking a room. Any anons >21 looking for a youngfag roommate?
We're still waiting on a message from Corp to see the ruling, though yeah probably best to go ahead and set something up
Do they ask you for id, like some fucking ‘cord server? Can’t you just lie about your age
congoers can be 18 apparently. unless im wrong. i'm gonna be 19 once the con comes around.
Have you never checked in to a hotel Anon?
so what exactly is this supposed to prove
At risk of sounding "no fun allowed" - This should go without saying, but the gun range isn't a place for silly shenanigans or joking around with the firearms, including stupid shit like comments/jokes about shooting others or yourself. They take safety and liability very seriously. They have every right to disallow you the use of a firearm if you seem suspicious to them or are acting weird, or even kick you out if they think you may be an issue.

Unironically bring your best behavior and dress presentably.
I actually was already thinking about offering either that or an apple brandy coffee if I can find a good recipe.
I've also heard that brandy and an espresso shot can make one hell of a corretto.
The plan is to hopefully offer drinks ranging from irish coffees to nitro bombs so theres something for everyone.
/r/ing a ponified version of this shirt
Official word from the hotel:
>"Your group will just need a valid ID for 18 and older and a credit card to check in."
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>barbie troon
>calling others degenerate
Sounds like he's the one looking for an excuse to be persecuted because he's tired of pony. As someone who would actually defend his anthro art and Gabby in the artpack, I hope he gets the cold shoulder at the con.
I'd say both perks were worth the money in the first Mare Fair, as someone who went to the vendor hall early there was a lot of stuff that indeed was sold out fast, but as another anon said vendors may have better stock this time (e.g. for big-ass plushies) so it may not matter as much. If you don't want to risk it though getting in early is definitely the best way to secure such things.
It was also just nice in general to be wandering around in there 15 minutes early because there was not many other people. When the vendor hall was actually open there was usually lines or little crowds around each booth which meant you'd have to wait longer to actually buy stuff. This again might change though if they get a bigger space for it this year.

As for the front of line stuff yeah that pretty much ensures you'll get into whatever (I never had to go into an overflow room or wait outside at least). In fact if I am remembering correctly they had specific seating allocated up front for Sponsor people during like the Charity Auction, but maybe I was just imagining that. Either way you'll probably get closer to the front if you get in early, in case you care about that.
Of course, just because you get in early doesn't mean there isn't a line still and if there's a lot of people with that perk the sponsor line might be pretty long, but I doubt it'd fill up the rooms fully by the time they get through it.

And finally, linecon is always a thing, though a smaller con is not going to have thousand-person infinity lines like say BronyCon registration or something. You will probably have to show up early though if you don't have the sponsor line skipping privileges though if you want to get into say a panel or the vendor hall early which may mean waiting in a line for a good while (since people do get there fairly early and sit in line).

Given Mare Fair is 18+ I don't see anything wrong with that, after all everyone is an adult there, and people have adult interests. The first Mare Fair had plenty of artists sketching porn and stuff casually because that's just the majority interest in the fandom.
Besides, no one is forcing you to go to the AD vendor hall and the con is not centered around such things, but I sense you just want to stir up more shit lol.
Who's up for a public stoning panel?
I'm a trained barista too so I can help too if I can get my butt there. Real issue is having a machine set up, but I'm sure you can source that unless we're going French/Manual Press.
I want your bubble butt in a tight apron.
I have a nice red and black plaid apron I can bring
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Oh fucking balling nevermind then
I’m gonna grab a revolver and spin the barrel against my arm before I make each shot
>tfw I tried organizing a range day before HC and no one showed up
Speaking of Harmonycon, it's Cigaranon from HC here. Considering how great the event went and how it also created the fancy dinner, I want to do something like that again.

Some nice cigars, liquor, and everyone all suited up having a good time. I just need to look into the smoking policy as well as drinking and then find a nice place to host it.
>smoke free property
Thanks chatgpt
I fucked up with my hotel room and now they're all sold out. Any chance of more rooms opening up for us?
I've got a theory that it won't matter. There's way more attendees this time and way more people are thinking same as you and buying the line skipper badge.
There seem to be some leeway at least with taking some mildly silly photos, examples from HarmonyCon.
If you're not coming in on a ESTA, do consider getting a hunting license regardless.
Granted the case below concerns someone with IS propaganda that the feds videoed and photographed at the range he went to, but getting sentenced to 78 months of federal prison for possession of a firearm, ie renting a gun, doesn't sound fun, especially when its totally avoidable.
The case in question
Also SCOTUS regarding a case that resulted in 18 months of federal prison
https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/18pdf/17-9560_e2p3.pdf which also referenced here
A non-resident time limited hunting license should attainable for about $40-50 and most likely worth it to not risk going to prison.
I was thinking it would be cool if we got the local theater to do a showing of the movie. They let you do private screenings of old films. It's only a fifteen minute walk away. Anyone interested? I was thinking Thursday night at 10 or whenever the other day 0 festivities are over.
Oh fuck yeah that sounds amazing. Seeing the one and only MLP movie in theatres was the most magical experience of my life. I wonder if we can recreate this.
If I go I'm going full MST3K using plushies as puppets and riffing the movie
For regular coffee I could steal a small french press or two from my work if it was really needed and nobody would care, but honestly I think just mainly doing americanos would be easier and then just use the hotel coffee maker for anyone who really wants actual drip coffee.
I've got a small 1 spout 1 steam wand espresso machine I would bring, but im not sure if that would be enough since interest could range from a sunday evening to a friday morning rush. Its a complete unknown.
The only two real issues I can think of are a place to put the milk since theres no mini fridges, but a cooler can probably fix that. The other being washing milk pitchers which would probably require me getting a suite with a kitchenette or seeing if someone with one will lend theirs out for the mornings.

I'm sure it'll all work out. MF is still 3 months out after all.
I want to go back to the Wyndham, at least they had fridges
Look nigga if they can make hayburgers in a $15 slowcooker in a bathroom you can make coffee
FUCK YEAH im down. Thursday or monday? It’s gotta be one of those. We could do it after the Nasapone meetup
I'd go with Monday as I think the Nasapone meetup will be running all day
I really am gonna miss the Wyndham.
Honestly thats what I might just do if the bathroom door is in a good spot
If we can get the theatre to play it that would be amazing. I'd love to see it on the big screen since I missed it when it came out.
Didn't we work out a few threads ago that they do have mini fridges in the rooms?
To be fair a few threads ago it was going to be impossible for me to attend but now it's basically confirmed if some things work out.
I actually had a range day with two people at Harmonycon, but we ended up doing that Friday morning. I think a lot of people were talking Thursday, but they flew in late on that day. I did mention it in the thread, but nobody seemed interested. If you are going next year, I'll consider bringing some of my firearms down, if you'd be willing to go probably Friday morning or something and potentially miss opening ceremonies.
There gotta be something else going on behind this case. I refuse to believe federal agents are this stupid.
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>find out that the Mare Fair KSC trip (not Mare Fair itself) has been rescheduled to the 4th of July
>hurry to get a flight and hotel room
>fly down on the day of
>realize I forgot to bring anything with me after I get off the plane
>call family members to see if there's any way they could help me
>also see that all of the flights for the actual Mare Fair have been cancelled
>sit down in the airport for a rest
>suddenly everyone in the airport stops and salutes to the nearest flag
>national anthem starts playing over the speakers
>everyone begins singing along with it
>try to get up and join them so I don't look out of place
>trip and fall over myself three times
>by the time I manage to stand up it's already halfway through the song
>start singing along
>but I'm saying some words too loud and some words really quietly
>it finally finishes
>everyone resumes what they were doing
>while I'm walking through the airport a guy comes up and taps me on the shoulder
>lets me know that everyone was laughing at me afterwards
By far the dumbest nightmare I've ever had.
Both definitely worth it. Both were huge differences compared to not having them.
Mare Fair nightmares seem to be a very common occurrence.
Is it too late to reschedule the KSC trip to July 4th?
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This is directly from their site
I can't imagine its any different unless someone actually called them to ask and I missed it
I think it's them saying they don't have full sizes fridges as opposed to the mini ones?
It was already confirmed that they do have fridges and their website is just wrong.
I am curious, how many of us are looking at going to Kennedy Space Center for the Nasapone meetup?

The reason why I want to have an idea of numbers is threefold.
1.) There is a group rate for entry and tours for groups of at least 15.
2.) I was wanting to see if it would be worth hiring a van for a day so we can have 10-15 people in one vehicle. Just chip in for rental cost/gas/tip for driver. The more attendees the cheaper the ride.
3.) So we can plan a proper itinerary for the day, as there may be a chance to visit a couple of other fun places nearby. For example Cocoa Beach to eat and get a drink at the diners the astronauts were at. Or even just to dip your toe in the Atlantic if you're not an East Coast fag.
I am.
From this it seems like 14.
Reminder for you anons that are awake now - to send an RSVP email if you are interested in the shooting range trip.
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Awesome thanks
We had a small discussion on it last thread >>41155155 plan seems solid enough
Every single review of their rooms that I've found state that there's small fridge in there.
>For example Cocoa Beach
Oh this sounds really cool place to visit after the center. I don't recall replying to the last post so that's one more interested.
T. eurofren
They aren't sold out
The inventory just needs to be adjusted
What days were you using?
Oh wonderful, I'll admit I've been out of the loop the past few threads because my chances of attending were low but now I just need to finalise some sales of stuff and then I can get booking. Airport Lakes Park Orlando is about 20 minutes walk with as an alternative if people needed to call into the cigar shop as it's a midway point
very cute coffee pone. would love to have morning coffee time too
With ID shit figured out, I can go.

Celebrating my 21st birthday with a pilgrimage to KSC and drinking and fucking around with some anons would be a blast.
I'll personally be bringing plenty of cigars to share (again), so no need for any anons to buy their own, unless they have their own taste.

I do like the idea of walking to that park later in the evening, but it is a gated public/city park, and closes at 9pm. So we would have to work that out around the panel schedule when it is put up, as I wouldn't want anyone to have to choose between a panel they want and smoking with the bros, if we can help it, since the park is that far of a walk.

Public parks seem to not have any non-smoking ordinances either, so that's good. The small lake in the roundabout of the hotel is much closer though. Again, let's wait until we have some idea of schedule
Thursday for me.
I'd love me a cup
How many emails are you at now?
I'm in
Still only 4 RSVP as of now, but we've got time. I'm pretty sure we can keep it open until last week of August or so, as that will give me time to organize everything for everyone if we need to book a group event and need a solid, final attendance number. Also likely many people don't have a throwaway email and don't want to use their real/personal email. But doing things by email instead of just in-thread keeps sudden last-minute people from throwing a wrench in the works.
I'd love to come, but I don't have a Nasapone plush. Is that ok?
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I'm in, replying in this thread as well
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Count me in
All of these sound dope as hell, I'm interested
What exactly would this be?
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Not much of a coffee guy myself but I could probably use the kick with the jet lag so I'm down.
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>tfw my plane gets to Orlando at 14:15 on the Thursday.
Anyone willing to protest the con?
I'm going to contest the pro.
Since there's some interest for the movie, please fill out this form. I need at least some headcount estimation before I contact the theater. It will also tell me what day you guys would prefer.
>he didn’t wait until July to purchase his plane tickets in case someone organizes cool events like these

Learned my lesson last year. At least you’re still making the gun meetup, right anon?
HELL YEAH let’s do it

Can we do Thursday night? A lot more anons will be able make it, it sounds like the perfect pregame for Marefair. Also the we can hit it right after the Kennedy Space Centre trip
>A lot more anons will be able to make it
Except those working for the con on Thursday ^:(
I would but my autism prevents me from enjoying it.
I feel like Thursday would probably be better since I can imagine a bunch would be leaving on Monday right? unless they're staying for Mare day.
Flying down with 3 others so sort of have to accommodate them too. definitely gonna try and make the range trip though since that's something we all want to do while over there.
Im in, away from computer right now but will send you an email tomorow
Just something for people to come over to in the morning to grab a coffee, lattse or tea and hang out
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>NASA field trip and possibly a theater showing of the MLP movie
>Baristas serving bomb-ass drinks
>hanging out lakeside with cigars
>Shootin guns with the lads
>AND a whole convention

If all of these things work out, this is gonna be one hell of a con weekend. Hype. All you fence-sitters still wondering if you should go to Mare Fair - come have some fun.
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If it’s a private screening, am I allowed to stand up and yell “KILL YOURSELF WETBACK FAGGOT” every time that midget spic yeti shows up
This better not be a nothingburger, this sounds kino as fuck. Even if not that many people RSVP, I guarantee that almost everyone who’s already at the hotel on Thursday night who knows about it will go.

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marefair 2 is going to be legendary
>And a credit card
Why does America hate debt cards?
Do I NEED to open a credit account just for this? Really?
"credit card" is synonymous with both credit and debit cards for all intents and purposes, anon.
That sounds like real life.
We have the differentiation here, but thanks for the explanation
Credit cards are good. You get a small percent discount on purchases and building credit is useful if you need to make big purchases but don't have the cash on hand.
You get an even bigger discount by not paying the tax inherent from doing it in multiple payments, or by not using credit at all. And better than building a credit score is not having to worry about it, ever.
I just save for big purchases, unless its like a house, a car or something huge like that, then yeah, save a huge amount, then divide the rest for a smaller tax increase, but in such purchases you usually need approval anyway, so doubt anyone's """credit score""" goes that high.
Pay off in full and you don't get charged interest. Yes you will need a credit score to get a mortgage.
Interest is embedded in each monthly pay from the tax straight up, I don't mean the tax from being late there
IDK what you're talking about and we're derailing the thread. If your monthly statement balance is $500 and you pay $500 on time, you don't get charged any interest.
Any purchase on credit has taxes, even if it's a small percentage and singular month, but easy to get far more expensive if you make a purchase to pay it over, say, six months.
But indeed we're derailing, so let's leave it as country differences
>your badge name and any other info you think is pertinent
Sorry to be a newfag but what exactly does this mean?
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Sent a confirmation email.
Yes, that would be fucking awesome.
Doing it Thursday night will be better as the NASA trip will be finished earlier in the day and the shooting range will be on Monday and lots of anons will be leaving by then.

Mare Fair 2 is gonna be crazy.
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Hmmm I was thinking I was gonna be able to visit MF2 by myself just fine and booked a singlebed room for the con, but some sudden costs came up and I'm realizing it might not be 100% possible unless I share a room - esp with the apparent deposit costs per night the Marriot wants to hold. What should I do in my situation? (ideally I'd like to share a room with someone nice, which ik is a tall order)...
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Roseluck sent email
I might get a signup form as well just to confirm things, because with the amount of folks interested I might reach out to KSC for a group quote in the next couple of weeks.

If you're who I think you are, that Kristoff Maduro you gave me was amazing. Also the small lake would be good too, just need to have someone recon that area to see if there is a nice area to congregate.

The more the merrier, it's for the love of Nasapone and space autism
Just gotta take the gamble nigga
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Anyone up for another pizza party?
Now what the fuck is this deposit thing and is it confirmed? And how does it work? You go to hotel to check in, pay your stay PLUS some stupid fee incase you mess the room with your fisgusting diaper fetish and then it will be returned if you behave like a human?
Eating pizza = good
furry pizza = bad
seemingly yes. 50 smacks per night billed at the beginning of the stay, refunded a few days after you check out. My room cost ballooned from 630 to 830 smackaroons and even with my roommate paying half of the non-deposit cost im still anxious about my unemployed heinie being able to make the money in time
I heard that you're happy without me
And I hope it's true (I hope, I hope it's true)
It kills me a little, that's okay
'Cause I'd die for you
You know I'd still die for you

I hope you're getting everything you needed
Found the puzzle piece and feel completed
Just wanted you to know every reason
Hope you really know that I mean that
Couldn't see the forest from the trees
Only time we speak is in my dreams

Burning photos
Had to learn to let go
I used to be
Somebody in another skin (another skin)

I heard that you're happy without me
And I hope it's true (I hope, I hope it's true)
It kills me a little, that's okay
'Cause I'd die for you
You know I'd still die for you
There are things going on at the con Thursday night, Monday night would be better
Don't forget Mare Day
Ask if we can get some kind of group rate on the Explore Tour as well.
Write whatever nickname you used for the badge to Mare Fair, or whatever other info so you get recognized when meeting up.
>inb4 15 variations on "Anonymous"
If you're a eurofag, chin up. I'll give you a gobby in galacon.
I wonder if it can be split so I can pay the room with debit and that gay-ass deposit with credit.
Lol now that I'm thinking about it, maybe I should've given some descriptor other than my badge name, cause mine is literally just 'Anonymous'. Surely that won't cause any confusion in the slightest
I will look into that as well about the Explore Tour group rate. I'll need to do that next week as I'm busy organising getting to Mare Fair and also /mlp/con is on. They usually require a phone call so I might just draft an email and send it this weekend.
Very excited for this year with all the plans being made! Had plans involving making chocolate bars, and still plan to try and go through with it, but the time and budgeting is gonna be a hassle, more so being a part of the KSC trip. I'll probably make be a couple dozen or so maybe bars, guess we'll see.
>tfw about to book my flights
>tfw the price of the ticket jumped up $600
God I hope that's because it's a holiday weekend. Going to give it until Monday or Tuesday and PRAY the price went down.
Skill issue git gud
In all seriousness where the fuck are you flying from? Fucking Timbuktu? Should have gotten voted by Lemon Drop to get them to pay for your flight
I think you mean VORED by Lemon Drop
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Sent you an email
You don't actually need to make any extra money in time as long as you put it on a credit card which seems to be required anyways.
It'll just put a hold on your credit limit for the extra amount and remove it once your stay is over. No extra money in hand needed.
If you honestly want to know. I am flying in from New Zealand
It depends whether credit card actually means means that payment is restricted to actual credit cards, or just used loosely for cards in general.
Anyways, if you don't have a card or are allowed to pay with debit cards, you would need to cover the deposit, and that would affect what money you need to have in hand.
Yeah, Mare Day as well, but that is a limited attendance and ticketed event, so while exciting, I didn't include it with all the other stuff happening around the con that is technically more "open" to everyone.

Also - Yes, please don't send e-mails RSVPing with your badge name as just "Anonymous". I already have one of you as that, so its fine right now, but just make a name you can go by, even if it isn't your badge name. I know a few people last Mare Fair used their actual names on their badges, but I am not asking for your real name, nor do I think I will ever require it to set anything up, but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it if it is needed.
Based long haul bro.
holy shit, have a good flight my kiwi fren
Can I bring pew pew? I've got something kind of weird and exotic id like to put some rounds through.
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Just got a North Carolina hunting license.
For all you non-ESTAs who wants to shoot a gun and not risk prison time (hopefully), the process is pretty straight forward:
Get your WRC number by registering yourself at the North Carolina WRC site
https://license.gooutdoorsnorthcarolina.com/, select more login options and pick Other, then pick US Travel Visa as document type
Do a Online Hunter Education course. The NRA has a free course, pick the North Carolina one
You can't seem to specify non-US state when registering though, I just put in my non-US address with North Carolina as state
When you finish the course, you should get your Hunters Education Certificate, and it should be registered in your account.
Go to the NC WRC site again and buy the cheapest non-resident hunting license they have, which should be the Controlled Hunt Preserve one for $22, total of $27 after processing.
You should get your license about instantly after payment. Download the file, and also your Hunter Education Certificate as well from the NC WRC site.
Both OGC and Shooters World lets you do this, but there are some limits to what they allow specifically, check the FAQs
My rifle won't be an issue to an indoor range, its not an NFA piece, or stupid high caliber that will endanger the backstop.

Of course a gun range will let me shoot a gun at the range, but I'm not sure if they'll let me bring an outside gun into a group event, if that's what we're all signing up for.
Right now it's not really a group event, just several persons coming in at the same time rent lanes and guns, at least for Shooters World.
OGC do want you to contact them beforehand to arrange something if you are more than four in a group, but if you have to do their shooting packages, or are free to just rent lanes and guns as you please, is a bit unclear.
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>tfw cock.li is fucking down
After watching /mlp/ con I’m 100% going to Mare Fair
I'm excited to see the randos who go to mare day based off of Scootertrix's ad and don't realize it's a Mare Fair event until they get there
didnt know witch taunter hated us too. bros..
Is the mare-iott full? Booking from 27th to 29th works but if I choose 27th to the 30th it says unavailable?
I'll contact hotel next week to get more inventory, sorry.
Are you confident in the space for the venue? Seems like it could be a tight fit for some stuff where most everybody would be participating like the opening ceremony

Also curious if you guys are expecting technical difficulties to the degree of mf1
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>got laid off

oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit OH FUCK OH SHIT
im still coming tho
on the bright side you dont have to worry about asking for time off for mare fair anymore
Quick update for those interested in the range trip:

Since the email listed in the first post is now being a pain to reliably have access to because of some apparent server issues, please send RSVPs to moonanon2@gmail.com. If you have already sent an RSVP prior to about 3 days ago, you are already accounted for and don't need to respond, however if you send one in the past 3 days, please shoot another response/resend to this new address. Current count is around 10 people so far. Sorry for the inconvenience.
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Operation: MOVIE is coming along swimmingly! I've been in contact with the movie theater. Yes, we can do a private screening! All I have to do is bring along a Blu-ray copy of the movie, which I just picked up today.

So far, the watch party consists of 19 people. Around 83% want to watch it on Thursday, so I guess democracy has spoken. I'm scheduling it for 10:30 PM, since that's late enough that everyone can do their NASA trip and visit pre-registation. It's also early enough that you'll have time to sleep at a reasonable hour.

My headcount estimate that I gave the theater is 30. But if there's more, I'll see if they'll let me add additional people before I have to pay, which is two weeks before the con. Oh yeah, I'm going to ask that you guys pay reimburse me for your ticket, which should be, at most, $15 each. I'll let you know closer to the con.
Movie time!
can you burn a blu-ray of the edited movie version with the extended intro and the Fixed opening song?
Holy shit I was gonna ask if he could do EXACTLY this. The original opening is kino. Burn a CD, and not the kind you see on /gif/
Are we allowed to put in more blu ray cds after the movies over? Can I legally put in a CD of Clopician’s best work?
Holy fuck that would be amazing. GET THE FIXED VERSION
Wait, if >>41190321 is true, depending on what they have planned, Monday could be better if its stuff that would suck to miss.
also this
>under payed theater employee puts in MLP the Movie blu-ray
>it's actually just 90 minutes of horse porn
>clean it up jannie
I might come if he does this.
That's cheaper than I thought. I'm totally in if you still have spots available.
file for unemployment benefits
I can look into doing this, since people want it. I'd have to make it a convincing fake because I'm sure the theater would have to reject an obviously burned disc. I'd need to make a custom disc label and probably clone the rest of the official disc so there's a menu and stuff like that. I'd also need to have the edit in high quality, because even the Blu-ray has a lower bitrate than what theaters usually use (they use DCPs that average about 200 GB vs the Blu-ray that's only 28 GB). I'm sure you can tell that a 4 GB rip or something like that's not gonna cut it visually on the big screen. So, I'll try to figure this out. No promises, though. Sorry for the nerdy, technical response!
Yeah, I don't think the theater would go for that. Also, we have to clear out of the auditorium 15 minutes after the movie's done.
I don't know what could be (officially) happening Thursday besides pre-reg. Certainly nothing at 10:30?
Check out the form!
Is this for the EPIC Theatres at Lee Vista?
>I don't know what could be (officially) happening Thursday besides pre-reg
They mentioned possibly have a few small official events since they've seemingly got venue access starting on Thursday, though I doubt they'll be at 10:30 PM >>41121717
Yes, it's the literally Epic Theater. Only a 15 minute walk!
I'm down, this sounds rad
>Sorry for the nerdy, technical response!

All good boss, you’re insanely based for doing this. Please for the love of god burn the fixed version onto a Blu Ray disc, it’s gonna be so kino. I don’t think the theatre guys will care if the disc looks a little off. Worst case scenario, we also bring the disc for the regular movie in case they reject the burned one.

Who are we paying for this? You, or the theatre?
>I'd also need to have the edit in high quality, because even the Blu-ray has a lower bitrate than what theaters usually use
IIRC there is a 4k upscale version available, at least of the official version. I don't know how good the quality of the upscale is, but look into maybe doing an upscale for the edited version to get it in 4k.
Might have to tag along for this one. Money's no issue. Moreover, if you can pull off the 'corrected' version...this truly could be one for the books.
I'm also interested Anon. I already missed my first chance to catch the MLP movie in theaters, not gonna miss it this time.
After looking into it, I think I can make this work. I'll let you guys know.
Don't bother. 4K Blu-rays are a different format and I'm not sure if the theater can even play them. I'm also incapable of burning one.
Thursday night definitely works better for me, since I leave Monday after the con ends.
It's not a Mare Fair event though

If you do this, bring the original bluray cuz they might balk at playing a bootleg
If there's ever a con in Indiana/Pennsylvania that would give me a lot of leverage to get it on TV lol.
If you do this, please make a new edit that preserves the surround sound. The existing edit floating around has the entire movie's audio compressed down to mono.
I mean, of course. I'm a film dork so I'll make sure it's presented the best way possible.
>this rolls up
What do
I forgot to answer your question! I'll be paying the theater, and you guys can pay me. If we go over 45 people, I'll have to request a bigger auditorium and that will be a little more money. Currently, we're at 25. I'm still thinking $15 per person will be the max, but we will see.
Oh holy shit you’re renting out the entire theatre? Im not Lemondrop but I’ll give you the good tip
Well, just one auditorium. Not the whole theater. Hence if we get too many people, I'd have to ask for a bigger one. And with people reimbursing me, it's not going to be too bad on my end.
>not uncanny fursuit
Rare, but by Allah he must still die! vnr
What kind of jackass put sound effects in the intro? I guess I'll just have to hunt down some replacements for my edit. I'm doing some surgery to the soundtrack here.
Rapidly approaching September and my life is still in shambles. I'm getting deja vu from the last bronycon.
>I'll get a chance next year, when my life isn't fucked
>one year later, worse than it was before, repeat until all conventions dry up and I'm simply waiting for a visit from SCP-4999. Or a mare. Or an SCP-4999 mare.
I considered that same thing - never went to any cons during ponies popularity, and finally as of last year, seeing the board organize a convention, I decided to finally top waiting and go to at least this one to experience a con. Totally worth it.
Going to buy my pass some time today. I may need to possibly sell it/get a refund at a future date if my travel plans fall through. Reading the T&Cs passes are transferrable and under some circumstances I can get a refund.
No need to by your pass anytime soon if you aren't sure about going.
Unless you're getting a sponsor badge which close soon, theres pretty much no difference getting it early
Was looking at a sponsor badge like last year
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>want to maybe volunteer for con
>minimum 12 hours over weekend

I wonder if those hours have to be decided pre-con or if you can just on/off help as you want.
Nah that makes no sense.
kind of want to go. not sure what i would even do, though. would going and bringing a sketchbook to draw some nonnies waifus be good or? im not good in full spaces but if its for /mlp/ i might because the chance of socializing is higher
Sure. You don't even need a plan to do anything. Just going to panels and wandering around is fine.
It's a lot easier to socialize than you think because a lot of other people there have the same "problem"/concern as you do or being a wallflower, so everyone is happy to talk with you because we all understand.

I went alone as well, but everyone was super easy to talk with and just have fun.
i do wish to plan out something, it would feel nice to "give" something to the community even if its just a little drawing of their favorite pony, plus it would give some time to talk
its probably the autism speaking though (and desire to draw more pones.)
speaking of, i think i want to draw the mascot ponies....
>also, fanny isn't a vendor this year
No fanny MF jersey this year. Its so over
I know Anons keep reassuring us that mare fair will be totally fine, since everyone is really similar and wants to talk, and it's easy to open up and everything.

What about autists who don't know when to shut the fuck up? Will avoiding those types be a problem? Watching /mlp/con right now is making me very concerned about this. I'm not the most normal myself, but I have at least basic fucking social skills and this thing sounds like a headache if everyone is the same type as the people I've been seeing at /mlp/con all day.
nigger nigger nigger nigger
As someone who went last year I can assure you it’s not that bad.
It’s a normal case of people being extra autistic when it’s online and most the people are mare fair are pretty well adjusted and can hold a conversation normally.
The few who aren’t/can’t are pretty easy to avoid since you can just make an excuse and walk away
Online cons are pure cancer. I guess Mare Fair got just the extroverted chads, because literally everyone I talked to was ridiculously gung ho to be there. The panels were alright but honestly the best part was just hanging out in room parties. Can’t fucking wait to see you retards again
Can we rent a 15 person van? I have extensive experience in moving retards in commercial vehicles.
Forgot to respond to this post, definitely am going.
They will be at Mare Fair, Purp was talking about /mlp/ con.
While I'm still on my post /mlp/con drunken high, I'm going to put out my offer for a spare bed at mare fair, before my autistic nonsober ass can syke me out of it. If anyone is in desperate need for a room, email me at johnpone@proton.me. I can work with you on price, to be paid on location so there's no chance of a scam
theres usually sketchbook swaps at events like these so there's always drawfags a prowlin'. if no panel interests you, pull up a seat somewhere and doodle, others will join
just called the reservation line for the hotel. the nice lady on the phone said that she wasnt seeing any group rate rooms on Sunday and Monday. I got Thursday to saturday and the lone Tuesday. but it's broken up in the middle. I got sun and mon just not at the group rate. she said I could always call back to check if more were made available. idk, their whole system seems kinda jank.
Flying in from the west coast. What would be the cheapest airline to get there?
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The Mare-iott appears full, however the Sheraton suites next door seems to have availability.

Can OP provide some advice here? I don't want to get jewed on a room.
Not OP, but I don't think anything outside the Mareiott would really fall under the scope of the convention. You would simply just be booking a hotel room in a neighboring hotel for the con dates at the lowest price you can find. Simple enough, and this particular venue seems to be REALLY good for that kind of "overflow" because all those other hotels are in the same roundabout around the lake, so its super easy to just walk 5 minutes over to the con center.

At least at the first Mare Fair, there are definitely some people that are on the other side of the "sperg coin", but they are very few and far between, and even then they weren't completely intolerable. Also, you gotta understand that 99% of the shit you see in the chat and whatnot is exaggerated shitposting for fun - Mare Fair was a lot of pretty well-adjusted people in person.
I recall Corp saying that they aren't actually out of rooms but just need to update which ones they have available or something. Doesn't make much sense to me but yeah I'd ask them before buying at another hotel.
I've emailed the venue and am trying to get more rooms added to our block for those nights
I'm working with the venue to get more nights added to our room block
I'm fairly certain the hotel isn't sold out yet
>Mareiott would really fall under the scope of the convention.
That's the thing, the Shart-a-ton is a Mariott brand, so when you try to book for those dates I get a "TRY THIS INSTEAD" popup.
now i understand how they do it. thank you brother.
yeah, but those hotels arent the ones with the contract for the convention
>watching marefair recordings
>hear myself speak
>I actually sound retarded
I know they always say that it's weird to hear your own voice but this feels especially bad.
It's not telling me that no more group rooms are available, that there's no rooms at all. Now this may not mean that the Wyndam is 100% full, but enough is booked that they're no longer willing to book an entire five day stay between the 27th to the 30th in the same hotel room.

Im betting the reason that anon here >>41200315 isn't getting 5 days at group rate is because they'll have him moving between three different hotel rooms over the entire visit. You can't set that up using their portal so I'm betting that's why it's just telling me "LOL SRY"

I've had experience dealing with this traveling for work. We'd often get put up in a week long stay at a Marriot run Residence inn mini-apartment thing near world HQ for business stuff, but if shit happens and your flight out got cancelled they could extend your stay, but only in a different room.
Dude, same. What recordings do you speak in? I’m on the Trixie panel reading some braindead Trixified version of the American Psycho axe monologue and the clip is pure cancer to watch. Why the fuck did they give me the mic?
Inebriation, also Trace amounts of methamphetamine in the water supply.
What do I do if someone tries to fuck me at Mare Fair?
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They can't fuck you if you fuck them first
Fuck them first.
The Furries v Bronies roast but I won't say which one because I was one of the ones who gave his real name which makes it feel even worse.
>I’m on the Trixie panel reading some braindead Trixified version of the American Psycho axe monologue and the clip is pure cancer to watch.
It wasn't that bad. Next time memorize what you're going to say beforehand and that'll instantly make it bare minimum 10x better since you won't be staring down at a script.
Floridaman here.

So this https://www.arcademonsters.com/ is in town, one of the largest arcades in the state. $25 gets you an arm band, and all the machines are freeplay. They have a ton of imported cabinets, and the /o/ fags tend to make pilgrimages over here to play JDM Initial D.

Two locations in orlando, closest one is about 10 miles east from the con.

Any interest in some vidya?
When were you thinking?
this is gonna be the first con i attend, any tips/what to expect abt this con in particular? ive seen some vids from mf23 so ive only got surface level knowledge on this con

They're open every day till 2am, and have a bar. Would probably be a fun thing to do after the vendor hall closes for the night.

The other thing is, what is everyone else doing? I've heard a KSC visit, a mafia trip to a cigar lounge, Private viewing of the MLP movie at a cinema, Sea world, Universal Orlando, Gun Range Trip, etc. Do we have any bulletin board on when people are considering these?
Id love to attend.
Sorry if this was already answered but what time would the Nasapone meetup be at? I'd like to know if I could get an early flight to be able to catch it on time.
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email sent
I hope someone organizes a fancy dinner trip like I saw in the HC threads. I still want to eat an expensive pork chop with the boys.
I'm so fucking in
>potentially arcade
Holy fuck there's gonna be so much fun shit to do with my horsefucker friends. A bulletin board wouldn't be a bad idea actually.
You know, Monday is when the gun range trip is happening, but I'm guessing that's happening during the day. So Monday evening/night might work, depending on how many anons are still around. Could also be on one of the con nights too, I suppose, but I assume there are room parties and such.
Do they have street fighter?
Whatever you can figure out about this, please let us know. As far as I understand, as with most hotels, they keep things pretty strictly "No smoking" on pretty much the whole property.
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>so many simultaneous events
>can't possibly attend all
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Just make a bunch of clones of yourself so you don't have to miss out on any of the fun.
you will attend all the events
Mid-Thread Update and Reminder for the gun range trip.
Remember to send an email to moonanon2@gmail.com with badge name if you want to attend of if you have any questions.

As of right now, total headcount is 19.

For our foreign frens,
mentioned the application for a hunting license in another (cheaper) state, something for you to consider as a "cover your ass" kind of thing. It does obviously cost a little bit of money to get, and the range has clarified that they have never actually had any issues with foreign customers so long as they have a valid identification (passport/visa) and have never had anyone come in that used the hunting license. I don't believe it will end up being an issue - but if you are a cautious person and would like to be on the safe side, it is there if you want it.

I understand many anons have flights out on Monday in the afternoon, so to accommodate the majority of people, I am planning to schedule this for 10:30am or 11:00am on Monday. We will probably be there for at least 2 hours, and a rental van would have to be returned to the hotel by 4:00pm, so we might have a little bit of extra time between getting finished up at the range and getting back to the hotel. Please shoot an e-mail if you have an earlier flight that you would need to be back for. In the event everyone is good until 4, do you anons have any neat ideas on how to use that time to hang out for a bit (if you want to)? I was thinking of a memorial visit to the Wyndham Wawa and pay respects to the Wyndham and whatever remains of it by the time the con rolls around.

I will probably be keeping this open until mid-August at the latest, to give me time to organize, which I believe should be a good many more Mare Fair threads to give as many people the chance to hop in on the trip.

Yep - this con is shaping up to have a boatload of fun shit going on.
>A bulletin board wouldn't be a bad idea actually.
We could make a simple shared spreadsheet schedule for everything and their respective timeslots. That would also end up being easy to adjust until the last minute and just print out and tack to the ACTUAL bulletin board at the con.
KSC, Nasapone event doesn't have a set schedule yet, but it's probably going to start early when KSC opens at 9 am, as it's a big place, and a pretty much whole day event incl the Explore Tour.
Wait for the redheartbro to post details I suppose?
Bring a gun to one of the other events, kill two birds with one stone.
>We could make a simple shared spreadsheet schedule
Good idea, made this
This looks like it will be useful. Thanks anon.
I would like to visit the big McDonalds with the moon man statue after the shooting trip
Okay KSC/Nasapone folks, I have sent an email to the Group Sales team at KSC and I am inquiring about group rates for 15-20 people for Main Entry & Explore KSC Tour. The moment I get a reply about rates I will let you all know and we can actually set something in stone.

In regards to van hire I did look into the Hertz and they do have a 12-seater I know some local anons are attending too and have their own vehicle. So the plan is to have two or three vehicles in a convoy of sorts. With anons chipping in for hire/gas/tipping the respective drivers. If I have done my math right it would be about $20pp for a return trip to KSC.

Now the Space Center opens at 9am so it would need to be around an 8:00am or 8:30am departure if we want to make the most of our time out there.

At the moment it would either be Airport Lakes Park or by the small lake across from the con hotel. Just waiting for an idea of a schedule and making sure my panel doesn't conflict with any plans

Having this all centralised is a brilliant idea
I'd advise not going with Frontier or Spirit if you can help it but they will probably be the cheapest options. When I looked at flights Southwest seemed relatively cheap if you don't mind dealing with layovers, they didn't have any non-stop flights to Orlando. For non-stop Delta was the next cheaper option of the big three. Be warned though if you get the cheap option for Delta you will not be able to chose your seat and will most likely be stuck in a middle seat.

>rape them first

Be sure to bring enough money for food each day and plan to bring extra if you are buying stuff in the vendor hall. Try to be social and make an effort to chat if you want to make friends, shower daily, wear deodorant, don't over think it and most of all have fun.
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Do you have upper limit for that trip? I'm still on the edge with that and don't want to commit yet.

Also does anybody have idea what's the best way to purchase mobile data for my phone as foreign tourist?
>purchase mobile data for my phone as foreign tourist
If you can do e-SIM, get airalo or anything similar, worked well for me last year, usually way cheaper than whatever roaming package your carrier offers.
I'll just blatantly shill my referral code and you'll get $3 off
My phone is sadly not e-sim model.
It might unironically be cheaper to go to walmart once you get here and buy a cheap ass phone with a cheap ass mobile plan to use for 3-4 days then return the phone to walmart right before you leave
I don't know, they have a shitload of games and rotate them out quite often. Hanging out with the Fl/o/rida bros, any time we do a meetup at the OG location on the north side, half of the entire entire gig will be swapped out and re-arranged.

I can guarantee that there will be fightan, but whether your specific flavor of SF is at that location on the day we end up showing. Well, idunno lol.

Also the arcade next to the con has a karaoke lounge, so if anyone wants to reach critical levels of autism, that might be fun to sperg at later.
Like it doesn't support it at all, or are you saying this because it has a sim slot?
My pixel can do either/or, might want to double check that.
God yes, I would love nothing more to compete against some br/o/s.
Any updates on this? The website is offering me acceptable rates for a nearby hotel, but only if I buy right now, non refundable. Also I'm not sure how anal the Mare-iott is, but typically outsiders are only welcome in the conversation halls proper. Id be b& from the pools and any room parties.
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going around the hotel should be fine as long as you make some friends! at least from my experience.
>can't possibly attend even one
>opposite side of the country, car repairs and credit debt too steep to save for the trip
I'm so tired
Florida law bans smoking in restaurants and hotels, with specific exemptions to bars and pool halls.

The law is specifically written to encourage self policing. (YOU) will receive a stern talking to by a policeman, but the property can face six to seven digit fines along with action against their business license for not having enough jannies.
Ok cool. I'm interested but I'll see how I feel on the day.
I can play me some Maxi Tune with some br/o/s
I remember smoking by the lobby of the Wyndham... I miss it so much bros
how do I justify going to pony cons if I don't have an income?
Sell art to horsefuckers.
1. Get an income
2. Think about how later on in life, this big silly wonderful pony stuff you like (or liked), laying in your bed, long after conventions may have stopped happening, and only being able to wonder what it would have been like if you did do what you needed to do to be able to attend at least 1 convention. Don't resign yourself to regret, anon. If you see any way to make it happen, try your best to make it a reality.
I spent my very last paycheck on a ticket and room, I play to drawfag for cash as best I can until the con to afford to get stuff while I'm there. Just say it's an art/media convention and your there to network
Not really any upper limit, but more people may necessitate another van rental unless other anons have cars they would like to offer rides in. Like the NASA trip posts mentioned, the rental vans have seating for 12. Don't worry about that, and don't hesitate if you want to come hang out, anon.
Worried about insurance liability on this. If an illegal plows into my car with a quartet of anons. That's one thing, but I'm afraid my insurance will go "LOL NO COMMERCIAL COVERAGE" and leave me stuck holding the bag with twelve lawsuits.
The rentals can be purchased with additional liability protection for damage to the vehicle and any and all passengers or people involved, and it's not terribly expensive to add on for only one day of rental. As of right now, the rental quote is in the ballpark of $250 to rent a van with full damage and liability coverage for the day, not including price of gas to refill.

Understandable concern though.
Wait Nasapone and cigar anon are the same guy? Neat
You’ll find that it’s a lot of the same people putting together events since they usually enjoy doing it and are the ones actually willing to take the time to put everything together
>damage and liability coverage for the day

Traditionally that only covers the van, the other party, and the owner of the mailbox that I just ran over.

With regards to injury Florida is a no-fault state. In a motor vehicle collision, by law you must pay for your own medical up to a certain limit before you can take action. If you're a car-owning, license having, insurance paying USA citizen, your auto policy generally covers you riding in someone else's car. Problem is that this is an Autismcon and the spergs may simply not have an auto policy that covers them.

In this case, if an illegal totals their shitbox in the side of the 4chan partyvan and sends uninsured anons to the hospital, they're going to have to pay the hospital bills and lawyer up. In which case, the driver of the van, the drunk uninsured meixcan, the rental agency, and possibly even the con itself would be named party just to see what sticks.

TL;DR might want to look into chartering a bus to avoid all of this.
cans i goes plz?
Not Redheart bro but I've been in the loop to how he's trying to arrange things.

Basically, the ideal time is to get to KSC as early as possible, so while KSC opens at 9, it's an hour's drive away so really it looks to be more like an 8-830 departure from the Marriot.

Most people, myself included, are arriving on Wednesday and spending the night at the hotel for the KSC trip, but for somebody to jump in right after arriving at MCO? Broadly assuming it'll take an hour between your early morning flight hitting the tarmac to you getting your shit from baggage claim, plus another half hour for a shuttle ride and all the BS that can potentially involve (it would be the beginning of rush hour traffic), your plane would need to arrive no later than 6:30 am assuming an 8am sharp departure time for KSC and you encounter no delays between exiting the plane to arriving on site at the hotel.

It's why I recommend coming in on Wednesday so you don't have to fuck about with airports, crash in another horsefucker's room for the night if you must.

Only if you allow us to strap you to the front of the lead convoy vehicle.

Like, you ever see Mad Max Fury Road? It's like that. But you'll also be wearing a horse mask because we DO have standards around here.
>10 miles east

Sunday night is sold out, either nights are also nearly sold out
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its true. they got me pinballing between rooms like the tard i am. they have me moving to a king bed room in the middle so i cant even get another person onboard to offset the cost.
>Sunday night is sold out, other nights are also nearly sold out
procrastination bros... its so over.
the nice guy on the phone said the hotel might be able to add rooms (which were said to be a different type, ie. not in the room block) to the group block but thats up to the specific hotel.
but i understand that some things are out of your hands, so thank you for trying brother.
Damn I might be fucked then. How exactly would I go about finding someone who would be ok with me staying with them? I've never had to do that before.
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Yeah, I couldn't get anything. Anyone know if you can still go to Mare Fair if you just buy a badge, or do you have to stay at the hotel? I don't know how cons work, this would've been my first.
Yeah, the badge is like a ticket, you just show up. You can rent a room from any hotel and drive over, the thing is with cons, is that if you rent at the con hotel they usually give you a discount.
Write something like below in the thread:
"Hey anons, anyone want to share a room, preferably with IQ within 5 points of my own.
Contact me at galaxybrainedhorsefucker@discord.com"
Wait for someone to reply.
Or just reply to a post of someone looking for someone to share with.
I remember seeing an anon post about giving rides across I-10 from Dallas/Houston to Orlando. I'm from New Orleans and I'd be interested in joining that ride (and splitting gas bill). Anon, if you're still offering, please drop an email and I'll contact you.
I just booked at the shart-a-ton next door, The online rate was about 120ish for a 1bed booking this far out. so doing the 25th through the 1st was a bit under $800 total.

I just hope they don't jew me with the fees when I show up. Like the $15/day parking charge.

Its basically group rate, but I'd imagine that's going to go to the moon quick if anons start piling in there since the mare-iott is full.

I have until midnight tomorrow to nope out so if i done fucked up, someone tell me.

>moving to a king bed in the middle.
So you can ask for a roll-a-way, and they'll just put in a folding cot in the room for the other bastard.
Thanks, but I was actually able to get a room on friday. I'm thinking I might stay at a different nearby hotel for wednesday and thursday so I can try and catch the Nasapone trip.
>TL;DR might want to look into chartering a bus to avoid all of this.
I actually did, and a mini-bus charter has a minimum hours required to be paid for, and for many places ends up being 3x-4x the cost of the rental van. The Goal is as little cost as possible since we are splitting the cost of the rental - I want the anons attending to be able to spend what they have for fun to the fullest that they can manage. I know that some are already stretching to even come to the con.
>may simply not have an auto policy that covers them
Another add-on to the rental is Personal Accident Insurance (PAI) that actually does cover passengers up to $2,500 in medical claims - this is also not very expensive. I definitely consider this a must-have. This is also all on top of the normal coverage I will get for the vehicle itself and liability.

Do you happen to be tagging along for the range, or are you just giving your vehicle advice? While I understand the concern, and you do bring up valid points, it does come across as FUDDy. I think everything will be under control and I am making sure to cover everything I can - God forbid an accident would ever happen. Thanks for your input regardless.

Also as a completely separate thing, on the off chance that there is anyone else going to both Mare Day and staying for the dinner, I will be driving there and I will have room for a few others if you are going and don't want to have to pay for the shuttle service or drive yourself.
>So you can ask for a roll-a-way
im so double plus retarded i didnt think of that.
>Do you happen to be tagging along for the range, or are you just giving your vehicle advice?

Im intending to be there and Imma bring the kraut spessgat if anyone wants to fondle german engineering.

>While I understand the concern, and you do bring up valid points, it does come across as FUDDy.

Yeah, that's just because I drive bigass vans like that for a living. Accidents are constant in my shop, with most of them being hit an runs. There also was that one time I got into a wreck at work and the other party decided to lawyer up eighteen months later and sue my company, and then sue me personally just to be an asshole. Thankfully corporate legal told them to fuck off on my behalf, but I still wouldn't wish that experience on anyone.
I am going to try and go if I can

I would say that ta good time for the cigar meeting would be thursday because of the casual social down-time of pre-registration, get to hang out meet'n'greet in/around reg-line and then go chill and smoke out by the lake - BUT unfortunately that might discount some in the NASA group unless they get back with enough spare time before the movie showing.
I am also down for Monday evening after the range if the Thursday schedule is too tight
but by then many people will already be on flights home or gone. I think it would have to be thursday - or weaved into con-time once a panel schedule gets released

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