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Quarter Muncher Edition

Discuss vidya and play with fellow horsefuckers.
Pony vidya, pony mods and related videogame discussion are also encouraged, any type or genre of videogame is welcome.
If you want to play a certain game with /mlp/ don't hesitate to ask. People might just join and play with you. Don't be afraid to add each other. Who knows, maybe (You) will start up a new staple group?
More importantly, have fun!

Vidya's played last thread: Age of Empires 2 DE, Barotrauma, Deep Rock Galactic, Equestria at War, Golf With Your Friends, Minecraft, Megaspell, Left 4 Dead 2, Rust, Sven Coop, War Thunder
Vidya's played before: Black Ops 3 Zombies, Killing Floor 2, OpenTTD, PAYDAY 2, Project Zomboid, Satisfactory, SCP: Containment Breach Multiplayer, SRB2Kart, Tabletop Simulator, Terraria, Vintage Story.

Previous thread: >>41110479
Mare RPG
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Map of the VS Server.
Vintage Story Server Info

Host is horsefucker.party
When you join the server, mods download automatically.
If you are new to the game, I recommend loading a singleplayer world to learn the UI.

You can't create a new character without admin intervention, so make sure you get it right. Do not upsize your character or it will look goofy ah. Here's a basic tutorial.
It took a group's effort of autism to get a map this accurate.
>Do not upsize your character or it will look goofy ah
strongly disagree, you need to upsize your pone to max size to mog the ponelets
There's around three filly sized anons' running on the map.
>Imagine not being a cute filly
What are you, Gay?
No, seriously. If you have an upsized character and someone has the waving foliage setting enabled, your character looks like Discord came along, turned you into a dried up corn cob and threw you in the microwave for two minutes on high. Butter and salted to taste.

Here's a screenshot of the mod list if anyone is curious.
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I'm aware of that.
And if you touch the size slider at all you won't be able to place beams properly.
These are the names of places. Remember that folks~
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Hanging out in the cellar.
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>Struggle vs Mogh
>Cave in, lose greatshield, equipt big bleeding bonking stick instead of Greatsword
>Mindlessly spam rolls and swing at Mogh all the time like an angry chimpanzee
>Win on the second try
I fucking hate to see it.
Oh well, DLC here I come.
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AT-AT's deploying troops.
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Engaging enemy Executor.
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Cute Hunter pony.
Should I unclaim fortade since no one is using the land anymore?
Yes, let me plunder it for Greater Mudland.
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Artwork I mentioned doing while having that sleep over, Bud!
Another Ruin to plunder?
Put artist tag on when uploading, it's not a personal gallery (so it won't get automatically added) and anyone can make new tags, just write it in and hit enter or comma.
Also that pony consists mostly of butt.
Thanks, and will do so next time and correct. c:
>Sea of Velvet allure
Is that a horse pussy reference?
>let me describe this really funny and quirky visual glitch that happens!
>also here's a screenshot of a loading screen
fuck you too
Art thee a furry? Wherefore art thee obsess'd with being non-pone, art thee a griffon?
what? meds
is this a server or single player?
Server that's listed here, >>41187603
>Two other pones in pov
Temporal Storm is gone, you can come back safely now.
What does the race spread look like on the server?
Earth pony majority.
Earth pone majority and Pegasus minority.
No unicorns? Maybe I'll update this game from whenever I last played and hop on
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Requesting Waffle Rarity holding a bundle of air-treading earth ponies above a sheer drop.
Best I can do is Zeebs.
No. The fortade is still my active base of operations. I couldn't play without the cook room or my farm.
how difficult is it to get into?
>inb4 “just play it”

I only get a free few GB from tunnelbear a month I want to make it worth it
It can be pretty rough to get the hang of. It does have an in-game guide book to help you though, so you won't be wandering around completely clueless.
where should I pirate it from? And how big is the game?
Pretty sure there was a post in one of the past few threads about it.
on a scale of 1-10 what is the effort put into the players' cutie marks?
also what classes are most people?
Evenly spread as far I know, with Black Guards being majority by two players.
I put 7-10 into the ass mark.
Also, commoner.
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me and my buddy finally beat the Elden Ring DLC.. you guys might like the end and the last boss but me personally found it to be the most cringe thing. just a warning to lower expectations
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Semi-offtopic but I wanted to post about this somewhere, I posted in the /v/ steam sale gifting thread asking for pony drawings and - well, most are mspaint scribbles as could be expected, but I also got some actual bona fide gems
Like take a gander at this beaut that some random guy just dropped in exchange for a roguelike. He doesn't even have a booru tag apparently

I'm still not fully convinced it's an original drawing, but none of the reverse image searches brought anything up
Hey, if it isn't archived, good enough.
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Or this one
Random /v/tards coming out of nowhere with actual pony drawing skills
Absolutely based artfags drawing pone for games, goodjob with the bartering commissions
Anyone up for a game of Cossack 3?
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The Rakehell. Got it for beating the Duskhan League.
And this is why I told you to pirate it you bumbling fucking retard.
Any game recommendations for the summer sale?
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You think I could knock them off with a rock?
They are trying to build the tower of babel. STOP THEM!
until this they had not disappointed me, next time I doubt I'll be so careless. Didn't buy it for myself anyways it twas a gift
I missed.
Clearly, you need a bigger rock. Or maybe a catapult even
TTS is 50% off. All the board games ever for just 10 bucks.
Arkham Knight is super cheap; fantastic game, if you can digest the superhero nonsense.
Anno 1800, Hunt: Showdown, Hades, Disco Elysium, Hitman, Frostpunk are all great pickups.
Sekiro is 50% off and at $30, and I'm actually kinda mad. It's a 5-year-old game now, and they haven't knocked the price down at all. Admittedly, it /is/ undoubtedly the best Fromsoft game.
ARMA 3’s on sale for about 5 bucks Canadian, otherwise the other game sales are dogshit
The tower grows.
>implying I don't own EAW on disc and on steam already
this looks kinda fun
I try not to look at how many hours I have in arma
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The Tower is almost completed.
Mostly Earth ponies, one or two pegasi? Two batponies, one Kirin (what I'm aware of.)
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still working on Stellaris mod, started adding relics
Do you have a workshop link for that? Imma download Stellaris for this. Just hope I can find a good pirate for the DLC's again.
not yet, if I do upload it I will also upload it somewhere else than the Steam workshop so that piratefags can be sure to find it up to date
I see. Be sure to upload it though.
New thread? It's been moving so quickly. Anyways, anchor post for the weekly Left 4 Dead and/or Sven sessions. We usually play on Saturday, but both servers are up 24/7 if you wish to organize a game at some other time.
To join Left4Dead, join via "connect mare4dead.poni.best" in the console, if this won't work use "connect"
To join Sven Coop, join via "connect sven.equulei.wang" or "connect", password is iwtcirb
>Do I need something
Yes, for L4D we host a variety of custom campaigns on the server, they're all included in this collection: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2857941932; Remember to subscribe to the collections nested inside of this one, they're at the bottom! For Sven, fastdl will serve up everything you need to join.
>I want ponies
Check this collection out: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=240330680; it has (almost) all pony mods on the workshop listed, do NOT subscribe to all, it WILL cause conflicts, instead pick and match whatever fits your fancy.
Playing some Left 4 Dead right now!
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Funny looking island.
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Alright, that's too much.
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Juggernaut vs Tie Mauler. A fair fight.
Is anyone else's penis shaped like this?
Only on rare occasion.
Work's been knocking me flat on my back for the past two weeks, but after some rain risking, I feel pretty confident in my Artificer buildcrafting and movement. Anyponer wanna play in about 6-7 hours after my shift? I got nowhere to be in the morning, so all-nighting sounds based. Just gimme some precious (You)s so I know there's interest and then if we aren't already steam frens we can share lobby names.
>trying to run the Pinkie Pie mod for Pizza Tower
>game crashes
>spent an hour updating sprites in a new version of the game
>it works, but the sprites are shifted.
>tried installing the original mod again, but without english.txt
>works fine
I like to do pointless shit
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haha benis :DDD
Risk of Rain 2? I haven't play much so I'm bad but I'd be down to play with some poners, would I need any DLC or anything?
rare benis
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I don't think ponies were suppose to be this far north.
Mare belongs wherever she wants to go, and she'll do plenty well when she gets there.
>trying to find a Project Zomboid MP server
>ah here’s a OK looking server
>spend 49 minutes downloading all the mods in queue
>join but the game refuses to load the map despite decent ping.
>tfw this server has 50 map mods, and 59 car mods
>leave and never join back

Now I remember why I hardly touch zomboid at all, because 99.9997% of all servers are piles of dogshit that you can’t play on. That and the countless mod incompatibilities and mixing mods that add the same shit instead of sticking to one, (britas is plenty enough you don’t need “amazing swat officer pack” that uses fucking b40 hydrocraft armor code for its riot shield.

Where’s zomboid server anon when we need him?
I don't have Survivors either, I plan to get it after I complete the major achievements and buy it during the summer sale. If anyone in a multiplayer match has Survivors though everyone gets the benefits - kinda like Payday 2 heist packs ^^
Skill levels aren't a dealbreaker, but I miiiiiight play Monsoon difficulty just for Artificer's last unlock, kek
I'll let you know when my shift ends and I get home!
There was nothing 16k blocks north.
There was, it was death.
You didn't try hard enough.
You'd need a full expedition to the north. Winter will be nothing but death over there.
>Server is still spring.
mare Utumno when?
Alright anon, I'm home and my nightly obligations are over with, sorry for the delay. Work had me an extra hour and then my stream-mate didn't show up for an extra hour so I was kinda thrown off in my schedule. If you're still up for it, I'll make a lobby momentarily ^^
Alright, RoR2 lobby's open now, the lobby number is:
Password is the board name, slashes included.
trying to join with 'join clipboard lobby' but i just get 'bad password' error message and no opportunity to enter one.
weird, sorry anon. If you check the server browser thing, mine's called Horsefuckers Anonymous. Maybe the password prompt will show up that way?
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Hell of a night. It was crushing to lose on the 9th vent of the void fields with you that first run. Felt like we would breeze through the rest of the run completely, beat mithrix in seconds. You played very well for Monsoon and not just because I gave you all the bestest build items~
gn poners
RoR2 was fun, thanks for hosting would be cool to do it again with more ppl
got a couple homies who might be able to sometime, they just weren't in the mood to play tonight
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peaches last 8 days in a cellar ???
the harvest is complete
food for a town
only one mare in said town...
its actually time consuming to buck all these trees
Now imagine just how much longer it'd take if you couldn't buck.
shut the fuck up and get your own general Jesus Christ, you just always flood threads with the “le vintage story game” chat and how quirky it is to die to fucking winter or grind 8 hours for materials.

fuck off
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NOO THEY'RE GAMING IN MY GAMING THREAD!! nooo not that game!!!! play my kind of games!!
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erm actually a few of the posts you replied to were in reference to the video game Risk of Rain 2, not Vintage Story...
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get back in the con thread zipper
Go back to /v or /vg then.
>Doing the polite thing and using pony gaming thread to talk about pony vintage story.
>Not flooding /mlp with different gaming threads.
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You can construct what I am talking about with less information right?
here's your (You)
>giving me a (You)
Anon, I was posting about Risk of Rain 2, and when we met ingame we shut up until after we split up for the night. Calm down.
They didn't screech about Elden ring players posting earlier, while yes I find elden ring a bore. I do not bother other players posting about it, they enjoy the game and are free to post in pony general.
I won't ruin their fun.
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>Dash is Tarma
>Flutters is Fio
That's perfect.
Yeah, that's basically how I feel about Vintage Story. I'm not interested in playing it personally but I'm happy to let them post and interject with RoR or Zombies whenever the mood strikes. Just...basic courtesy.
The DLC is pretty fun and good so far
Rellana was tought nut to crack, had to change my set up a little
Respec is a thing since Dark Souls 2.
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SSD meeting.
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Run finished.
Excellent Campaign, anon.
It's a shame that the multiplayer campaign was turned off on it.
don't even try. he refuses to make a build that isn't just random shit
considering joining the Vintage Story server, I was just wondering if there are some comfy hills and valley that generates, got a knack lately for that stuff
There's quite a few to setup in.
oh -golly- gee anon.. it's not as simple as modded minecraft is. it's very convoluted and tedious
I am aware my dear nigger, I've already sunk a good amount of hours into VS, I was just wondering if the terrain gen on the serb is any different from vanilla
golly draw
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I was just trying to be helpful cause I found it extremely tedious. especially crafting

it's ok fellow faggot, but don't worry, the autism knows no bound
It's funny how you find the need to be a cunt at every opportunity you get.
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can't we all be frens
no, it's forbidden
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we can be frens :)
the golly silly anger filly is correct. we must argue forever and be mad at each other
What do frens do with frens?
>Call me a cunt for making an honest suggestion
Sopa de macaco
According to the devs, it couldn't work due to the mod's complexity.
First, I did respec, prior to the DLC, I realized I never really used my crucible aspect incantations, so these 27 points into Faith went down to 17 Faith and put it elsewhere. These new crucible aspect incantations almost make me regret that decision.
Second, by changing set up I meant merely changing my Greatsword for an Electrified Armament heavy Anchor with Wild Strikes, which made short work of her.
But your answer of respecing makes you sound like a condencending asshole, like Seluvis. And nobody likes a Seluvis.
I don't think you could survive with crippling HP but feel free to play the victim card.
>if you're having too much trouble just respec
How on earth did you get as far as you did into the souldborne franchise. You're DSP-tier with the justifications and complaints.
He dies a lot.
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any gamers?
something something pony not allowed outside /mlp/
Too busy gaming I guess
you are fren :)
You cannot talk about videogames here without someone throwing a hissy fit
yeah I game. do you want to game? what game
I don’t usually play much multiplayer stuff so I’ve been wanting to try out some games I bought but never really got to play: Deep Rock Galactic, Risk of Rain 2, Gunfire Reborn. I was also thinking of picking up Abiotic Factor since it’s on sale and it looks interesting.
did you ever find out where to pirate?
if only the project Zomboid server anon came back, since Project Zomboid multiplayer servers fucking suck in their current state and the owners always cram 50+ fucking maps onto the server and expect people to play when you can’t load any section of the map despite having 20ms ping.
That and unironically waiting 30+ minutes to install mods
>Abiotic Factor
that's nice game, played it with my buddy. we didn't finish it yet though

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