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Filthy Claws Edition

Discuss vidya and play with fellow horsefuckers.
Pony vidya, pony mods and related videogame discussion are also encouraged, any type or genre of videogame is welcome.
If you want to play a certain game with /mlp/ don't hesitate to ask. People might just join and play with you. Don't be afraid to add each other. Who knows, maybe (You) will start up a new staple group?
More importantly, have fun!

Vidya's played last thread: Age of Empires 2 DE, Barotrauma, Deep Rock Galactic, Equestria at War, Golf With Your Friends, Minecraft, Megaspell, Left 4 Dead 2, Rust, Sven Coop, War Thunder
Vidya's played before: Black Ops 3 Zombies, Killing Floor 2, OpenTTD, PAYDAY 2, Project Zomboid, Satisfactory, SCP: Containment Breach Multiplayer, SRB2Kart, Tabletop Simulator, Terraria, Vintage Story.

Previous thread: >>41038964
What civ would Rarity play?
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Wutelgi returns to the soil
Water her often
don't know. haven't played AoE since the early 00s as an underageb&.
also in hindsight i should have said 'wahaha'
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You should give AoE2 DE a gander if it strikes yer fancy
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What is Spike playing?
castle autist here, the server is going to expire soon? got a harsh work schedule of 4 12 hours 3 off so little time to even log on in work days

if so I guess I can kick it into gear and lose some sleep to at least finish the outside
>got a harsh work schedule of 4 12 hours 3 off
Are you me? (Same schedule, main reason I dropped off the server after only managing to claim a ruin.) Don't kill yourself if you give up the sleep.
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Bellator with escorts.
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My beloved
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Anchor for Mare4Dead and Sven Coop. OUR SCHEDULE IS CHANGING! READ BELOW.

We are now hosting both Left 4 Dead 2 and Sven Co-op every week!
Sven Co-op will be every Friday at 12AM UTC.
Left 4 Dead 2 is every Saturday at the usual time of 9PM UTC.
Do you like shooting zombies on scuffed Chinese maps?? Do you like autistic old source-engine jank? Then join us! Everyone is welcome to play. Both servers are up 24/7 if you wish to organize a game at some other time.
To join Left4Dead, join via "connect mare4dead.poni.best" in the console, if this won't work use "connect"
To join Sven Coop, join via "connect sven.equulei.wang" or "connect", password is iwtcirb
>Do I need something
Yes, for L4D we host a variety of custom campaigns on the server, they're all included in this collection: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2857941932; Remember to subscribe to the collections nested inside of this one, they're at the bottom! For Sven, fastdl will serve up everything you need to join.
>I want ponies
Check this collection out: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=240330680; it has (almost) all pony mods on the workshop listed, do NOT subscribe to all, it WILL cause conflicts, instead pick and match whatever fits your fancy.
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Looks like players are returning to the server. Join us.
Someone needs to teach that faggot better taste.
Died in a few seconds.
Good day lads. I've recently gotten access to Valve's new game and I'm allowed to invite some people.
Just need an e-mail, you can use a burner and discard it after receiving the CD-KEY to download it.
alright I'll bite, here you go pone.quartet879@slmails.com
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Done. Check your e-mail tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.
thanks friend
Region EU
If you have another invite, it would be much appreciated
Please, thank you
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Playtest for Europe is not open yet, but Europeans won't be barred for joining in if they filled North America rather than Europe. Get ready for some lag, though.
I've got a bit lazy to record a webm and compress it down in order to fit 4chan' filesize. I hope this screenshot suffices.
EUanon, you've been invited too, I realized I didn't make that exactly clear on the post.
Thank you!
I get pretty good connection to NY servers so hopefully it's not too bad.
These servers are in Seattle, there will be lag for sure but I'm betting on 150ms so it's still pretty playable.
would love to see what valve is cooking
hey chicken, what shader and texture pack are those?
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its on monthly auto renew i can keep it on for as long as want x3
If you still can, please.
Me in the middle eating the watermelons
Seems like Multiversus just came out. Doesn't seem that amazing, but its free and it could be good. Is anyone playing it?
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It's the Vintage Story modpack.
Shaders and textures are built into the modpack so idk.
We are playing version 1.19.8.

I am building a tudor-style bridge between the windmill and townhouse. Now the townsfolk don't have to step over gearshafts and helve hammers to go upstairs.
could try it. its been many years since ive played a platform fighter and fighting game in general
Played it a ton during the "beta" or whatever they want to call it. Was a really fun Smash clone with fun characters but don't really have much interest in reinstalling it if I'm honest.
oh nevermind. Their anticheat is blocking linoox now. It used to work in the open beta, but alright
Kinda curious to see what it's all about, so here you go
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Hello gaming thread DARLINGS! I will be hosting Lethal Company today in 5 or so minutes! Heres what you will need. R2Modman at this link https://thunderstore.io/package/ebkr/r2modman/ to easily add and manage mods.Then once you have modman installed boot it up and search Lethal Company and select the game. Then once selected you will press the (import/update) button and pick import new profile. The you will be prompted to add a profile which will be FROM CODE. You will then just simply copy and paste this 018fc102-25ed-41dd-aa1c-91c9797ea603 . Select the "MLP space is magic" profile. Then simply hit >start modded button on the top left and once in game start in online mode. Go to server browser and look for the server name which is filename. See you there DARLING!
If you're still doing it.
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9 poners lootin
do any of you guys play FF14? I was about to start up again to prep for the expansion launch next month, I'm on primal, famfrit myself
Dang, I assume you'll have probably ran out by now but just in case, comeoverflow@nigge.rs
Any of you fags play any long-term browser games? I got the itch after the 4clop threads, logging in every day or so to get more resources and progress in our builds with alliance buddies is fun, but too bad the game is near-dead so there's nothing to actually do, especially long-term.

I've been looking at alternatives - not necessarily similar nation simulators, just generally text/spreadsheet style browser games to get into as a regular time-waster. So far I've seen Torn and Prosperous Universe as options - but getting into a big normie game alone also sounds very lonely, so would any horsefuckers be interested in trying to get into something like that as a group? Or even better, anyone already playing something of this sort they can rec?
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hind can you give me (joyride) perms on your claim or at least leave this door open, I cant get to the chalk mines without access to the teleporter in this tower
You can get into it from the smithy.
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Can you post another e-mail? I don't think Valve would approve an e-mail with a big fat nigger as its domain.
Okay you know what, good point, especially if it's manually approved rather than an automated invite.
I'm guessing @nuke.africa is also out? Let's do
I don't have wings to fly up there, all the doors are closed
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ey thanks anon
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No problem anon
uooooh mare belly erotic
If you've still have some, I'll drop this just in case
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You know, I'm wondering, is this just an unlimited form that you submit and then they have to approve manually? I wonder if, givent he phrasing ("invite a friend that you'd like to play with!"), they might raise an eyebrow at your account if you send out dozens of invites, and they don't like the idea of you just publicly inviting tons of strangers.

I hope I'm being paranoid, but I'd hate for, say, nobody to get the invite because they decide you're spamming invites and don't like it.
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unironically spider solitaire
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CDDA anon is back

Was planning to go to a mine to get some limestone or manganese dioxide for welding rods, but ended up stopping at a wind turbine and climbing to the top (9 on the z-level)

From there when it turned day it revealed a huge complex of formless ruins which I began to explore. Found lots of good loot, mainly lots of EMP/Scrambler grenades which will be very useful for future lab raids. Found two huge radio-isotope generators that’ll give me about 100W of power indefinitely, which is nice. I gotta pick up the other one though since I didn’t have enough space in my trunk.

I also found this one of a kind relic which has insane power capacity, which should be good for my laser guns I got from that run.
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Here’s a image of the radio-isotope generator, which is currently connected to a recharging station for my batteries.
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And spoilers ahead but,
I got a mission during a portal storm, went to the location it gave me and found this weird area with a shimmering portal. Upon entering the portal it sent me into an area where I couldn’t use the map key because I “didn’t know where I was”, I ran around for a while, using debug mode to remove tiredness debuffs and pain debuffs. After running around I eventually figured out that you can exit by just going to where you get teleported from again, and ended up getting a weird artefact
After exiting the portal that was at the mission location, I was given a relic in picrel, which I think summons the portal again. I’m not sure what to expect though, or what to do next.
I might prepare myself by bringing some stimulants and wearing heavy armour, I found some spacesuits in the formless ruins so I might use those? And maybe a blindfold too along with the earplugs I have.
Literally the opposite of what I'm looking for, I said long-term browser games where you can work on some goal (building and levelling a character, building/managing a nation or empire, etc.) over time, whereas solitaire is just a board game where you win or lose in the span of some minutes/hours and then start a brand new game

I suppose "text-based browser MMOs" might be a slightly better description of what I'm after
lies and slander, I wasn't the one who put that there I merely haven't cleaned it up yet
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>>41116504 Your supposed inability to enter the tower has revealed to me countless security issues
I loaf you, I loaf this game
I tried extremely hard to like Vintage Story but I played with only me and a friend and we kept getting raped by wolves while we tried to make stick and rock tools. Is it different with a bigger group?
wow this sounds epic im buying this game right fucking now
Did you try avoiding the area with the wolves?
Same pretty much but even worse it was just me.
He didn't mean literally, anon.
Have you tried getting gud?
Unironically skill issue.
yes and then we ran into a fucking bear

That's fine if I suck at the game and it's not for me, just asking if the server is less wolf-rape simulator and closer to actual minecraft towns experience.
Thank you, kind sir!
wolves are an early game issue, the moment you make half decent armor they become a non issue, i use flax armor and I face tank them and just spam left click like its minecraft in 2012 and I have never lost, my only deaths since passing early game have been to bears and fall damage as I keep falling off my castle mountain

I see I am just incompetent
much obliged
I loaf you too anon, you got any CDDA runs to share?
BN is fun, but is too gamey for me since literally every gun store is just packed with ammo and guns so zombies quickly become a non issue as you magdump them
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Also bump.
i am the person with the derpy email for some reason i didn't received anything in my email so can you just send it to hankh873@gmail.com
fug, I didn't realize there was a new gaming thread. Just in case you're still open: pony.flanked833@aleeas.com
Anon, you're not gonna receive anything until you're accepted. All that anon did was submit you into the queue, you don't get any confirmation or anything, you just have to wait and see if Valve will pick you from the list now.
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this picture is the perfect example of why chalk sucks so much ass to mine, its a thin diagonal strip

ive gotten 4 giant stone slabs of this area so far which is about 1300 blocks and only about 500 blocks of chalk from that
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Yeah it usually takes a while, Valve told us they were slowing down the intake of new people because there's enough already and folks have been leaking too much these past few weeks, and that it'd be too much of a hassle to keep track of all these leakers and they don't have the resources to spread themselves out and crack down on leaked footage.
My invite took 4 days to show up on my inbox, please be patient.
In another note, please let me know if y'all have got in.
Also, I've sent you a new invite with that email you linked, just in case.
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Also, in yet another note:
If you're wondering if you've been selected but still haven't received the email. Try this:
>Go to https://www.project8.dev
>Write down the e-mail you've sent here
>If you get "Incorrect Password", it means YOU'RE IN! Expect an e-mail in the coming days.
>If you get "Email couldn't be found" (Or something of the sorts), that means you haven't been selected yet.
oh shidd
I got my approval this morning, thanks anon
Well? Is it good?
i played it today, its okay, its a third person shooter 4 lane 6v6 moba, not a fan of mobas myself but the game has a lot of potential with the verticality that other mobas lack
Will be my first time playing sven tonight, anything I should know?
Same as what the other anon said, I'm not particularly interested in mobas. I think the fushion of moba with third-person shooter might be somewhat unique, but I dunno.
I'm also very disappointed in Valve for calling it a "hero shooter", when Valve themselves were once the kings of the class-based shooter genre and then blizzard et al. tried to rename it to seem like they were pioneering their own genre.
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I just wish for a game from them that isn't esports bait.
Third person moba is just Smite. This sounds like Overdoot with a moba gamemode.
Hero based and class based shooters always felt different to me, heroes being insanely rigid with predefined abilities on visible cooldowns. You are a slave to the abilities and how they force your playstyle and role. In class based, each class just gives you a box of tools you gotta figure out what you can do with and use right.
I dunno. Excuse my babbling, I just had a lot of thought about this since Overdoot and everyone comparing it to tf2.
>This sounds like Overdoot with a moba gamemode.
Basically. I've never played it, but from what I've seen it's very much like that, yeah. Though I suppose the whole abilities-on-cooldowns with a set of different-themed playable characters is not that unique nowadays, so it's as much Dota/LoL with an fps gamemode as the other way around.
In a way I fucking hate the modern trend of just giving abilities on cooldown to things. Even shit like valorant has it, IIRC. Every game genre now has to have a MMORPG-like set of spells you can cast, even fucking tactical shooters.

>Hero based and class based shooters always felt different to me
You're probably quite right, actually. Which just makes me even more annoyed that the entire industry is rolling with the hero based paradigm.
Not least because my goodness, all of the designs are fucking hideous in almost every game of the sort, and they all follow the same soulless artstyle.
In terms of depth, you do get a bunch of customization in terms of how you upgrade your abilities, and what bonuses you grab from the shop. I haven't played enough to see if there's much in terms of playstyle-altering synergies yet, or if it's mostly just straight up stat boosts and the only decision is which ones you prioritise purchasing.
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Would anyone be interested in some party games in Tabletop Sim tomorrow? Around this time or later.
Thinking about Mysterium, Codenames, Avalon, So Clover, Send Love etc.
I will play anything.
depression quest?
I will play anything in tabletop simulator with anons tomorrow*
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It's time for spacemares.
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any gregtech pones want to play with me?
I'm sitting near the end of MV and just made a bunch of polyethylene, nothing is automated yet and I don't have ore processing other than the steam grinder.
I'll share the mod-list and way to join (hosted via Radmin VPN as LAN server)

reach me at Bobilicous@outlook.com
Is it GTNH or something sane
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Let's play some Sven! In the console, type:
Password is iwtcirb
sorry but I don't have severe autism
What game is this?
Star Wars Empire at War. More specifically with the Thrawn's Revenge mod.
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Hosting tabletoppery
Party games edition

Room: /mlp/
Pass: mare
2 in
3 in
doing a quick clover, feel free to join us anytime
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the results
the most difficult clovers get the most points this time

Doing Deception in Hong Kong, a murder mystery game where people die from amoebas and dirty socks with 4
Join us!
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Killed a man who hates apples through starvation in his own room.
Doing Mysterium with 5 in a minute
AAA, it crashed!
I'll open it up again, maybe a quick little game of something before we split
Playing some Left 4 Dead right now, if you'd like to join. Hop on via "connect mare4dead.poni.best".
We finished off the evening with a game of Mysterium and then a Game of Only One
Thanks for joining me on this board game variety night, have a very marey Saturday
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T-posing rat
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where is the canterlot homo
winter has come
the orchard is barren
no zegros in sight
come sit by the fire.....
being called into work because assholes keep calling off is where I'm at, more money to spend on plush and marefair though, i suppose
GTCE “gregtech community edition” which has starter quests throughout the entire mod
>not CEu
pretty sure it’s CEu but I have to double check.
Unfortunately my ass has been too lazy to do mining or much so I haven’t played in a while. Think I need to make a bunch more steel again, atleast the new blast furnace coils will let me use up all the tasty graphite I got.
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never mind it's CE, I might check out CEu later if you're up for it anon.

sorry for the slow response, got b8 for a day on another board.
I'm in
Does anyone play racing simulators? Does a good and cheap wheel exist or is the G29 the only option?
>Does anyone play racing simulators?
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Cool ships.
>Try lethal company, brain goes goblin mode doing puns...
>Lethal CUMpony.
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>Gleeful FunPony
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I've been try to contact you for weeks about your extended warranty. Let us know when you're playing so you can show us exactly where this chalk quarry is, and maybe we can help with construction.
the time I'm playing is now ^:)
will be doing a big session today to try to model the third floor, finish the twin princess towers, library, and archmage tower, will probably make a few trips to the chalk mines today
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canterlot castle update, I have an incomprehensible amount of building supplies, made no progress on the actual construction today but I should be able to dedicate near 100% of my time in game on just building now, not the direction exactly I wanted to go in today but techoff wanted to help me get build supplies so I probably have enough to never need to complain about chalk or mortar ever again, thanks techoff

the major build update will be tomorrow instead, im finishing the shell and layout tomorrow or so help me god
I own the G29, and I really enjoy it.
Definitely worth the price, but make sure to get it on sale, as it does often.
I play Assetto Corsa and some arcade racing games on it (Daytona etc).
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Hello gaming thread DARLINGS! I will be hosting Lethal Company today in 5 or so minutes! Heres what you will need. R2Modman at this link https://thunderstore.io/package/ebkr/r2modman/ to easily add and manage mods.Then once you have modman installed boot it up and search Lethal Company and select the game. Then once selected you will press the (import/update) button and pick import new profile. The you will be prompted to add a profile which will be FROM CODE. You will then just simply copy and paste this 018fe5b0-5597-6bd2-413c-722f34699204 . Select the "MLP space is magic" profile. Then simply hit >start modded button on the top left and once in game start in online mode. Go to server browser and look for the server name which is filename. See you there DARLING! WE ARE LIVE AND WAITING!
tag is still MLP just used another image for today
>imported profile from code
>start modded
>no servers available to join
Anyone else get this issue?
Launching vanilla shows servers like normal.
I've tried restarting and verifying the game files, but no change.
use the server browser. search MLP. server name is called Lethal poners
The server browser isn't showing any servers, it just says 'no servers available to join', even if I search MLP or Lethal poners.
If I launch the game unmodded, the server browser displays vanilla servers like normal, so seems to be a weird issue with the modded version of the game.
It's late here so I'm probably just going to head off, hopefully it'll work next time :(
You will only see the server while the ship's in orbit in between rounds.
>progression based modpack
ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I don't know I've never played it for many a-reason. I don't think I'm smart enough,have enough short term memory or have enough patience for the tedious crafting
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>Repeatly die on the Citadel of Eternity entrance with amazing boons
No games bump
btw I gave everyone in the group perms
just so you know
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Canterlot castle update: the shell of the castle is complete all the rooms are layed out and all but 3 rooms have something they are, if anybody wants to hop inside the castle and give an idea a room can be used for feel free

the first room is on the second floor over the main entrance of the castle, the second room is on the second floor next to the solar guard barracks, the third room is a thin room that is basically an attic of the entry hallway and is connected to the gala room on the third floor

currently I am taking a break from construction and getting ideas for how to decorate each room and how I am going to go about the stairways for the princess towers

server owner (xeth, I believe) can you add bricklayers to the server so I can have access to more colors to chisel decorations with? I have a MIGHTY NEED to use red and blue for carpet colors for the floor in most of the castle and they simply don't exist

poor quality picture from the library, its foggy so no good places to take one

I'm not in a group, i believe
How long does it take to make a small portion of these?
if you mean the castle itself, a few hours at most if you use a more readily available stone type in a more convenient location assuming you already had the tools at the ready to start

if you mean the stupid chiseled fence I thought would look nice, the whole fence took like 30ish minutes i think i just kind of zoned out and did it while the idea was in my head and I was thinking about what furniture other rooms need

for the amount of work involved, if your only comparison is minecraft the chalk ashlar blocks that make up the whole castle atm are more work than most blocks in minecraft to get each though making a massive build out of colored concrete in survival is probably a solid comparison in difficulty
NTA but colored concrete is pretty easy to automate, doubly so if you build an auto-bartering setup to give you gravel since it boils down to strip-mining a desert with a few mending-enchanted shovels. (Or you can build a duping setup for both sand and gravel, though that's finicky depending on the version and probably a lot more work than your average survival world is worth, so I'm not counting that).
Most dyes are piss-easy to automate, as is setting the concrete powder.
I've never played vintage story, how's the automation in there?
There is little to no automation in vintage story, best you get is helve hammers which can make plates out of two ingots or fix your ore blooms, grinders for grinding flour, and crushers for pulverising rocks, everything else you do by hand

No duping as far as i know, and my example was if you went and hunted the materials manually and used bomemeal to fish for dyes, time consuming but easy
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hewwooo can u go in creative single player & tell which vanilla color blocks could b used instead we could do recipes mod or a happy merchant @ spawn who sell i dont want 2 add brick layers bcuz its a bloat adds 1000s blocks last i heard it slows game load times lot also & i boycot add ukrslop moddrs
Should I play vintage story? It seems interesting but I don't know much about it other then my friend telling me it's a 'better minecraft type game then minecraft' is it easy to mod? does the poner server have lewd?
>Should I play vintage story?
>is it easy to mod?
>does the poner server have lewd?
ok good, all the minecraft servers ended up having giant TV's with horse pussy all over the place or map art of it. it just gets annoying when i want comfy pony game
>this nigga hates horsepussy
coom =/= gaming
simple as
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You forgot to mention the chute, hopper and archimedes screw system, which allows you to move items any distance from container to container, and automatically process materials in querns and crushers. There is significant automation in that.

Of course, there are mods in development that add electricity and other forms of automation.
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>Minecraft, a building game where you could create map arts that happen to be lewd using game mechanic
>Not gameplay
sometimes you only want marepussy at the privacy of your browser
whats the ip for the vintage story server?
see >>41104666
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I was asking for it as there simply are no vanilla colors that can be used, there just is no access to red or blue, closest to red is more orange in bauxite

if you truly think it would be purely detrimental to the server I suppose I can live without but the castle will look significantly worse without as I'm basically stuck without a paint brush, as the games default colors are just not sufficient for a lot of decorations for recreating things from such a colorful world, with a lot of notably missing simple colors

a compromise, if you think its possible, is the colored creative mode blocks though, if you could find a way for us to gain access to them without directly cheating they are already loaded in game and are basically what I'm looking for

Kinda forgot that stuff existed, though still basically no automation when compared to a game like minecraft
I think I'm too stupid for this game, or is everything really tedious and annoying
the game definitely isn't for everyone, but its very rewarding

the hardest part is the start when you have nothing, after you move on to copper equipment and have a small farm setup you can actually start the game
it just feels like a job so far, and sadly I already have one of those
Unfortunately yeah. I can't bring myself to do anything major because there's not enough in the game that eliminates tedium as you progress.
that sucks, I like the concept. same as i like minecrafts concept. I thought it was going to be a more thoughtout well crafted experience but it feels more tedious then the 'ultra hard' minecraft modpacks
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Bug fuckoff vehicle.
Yes, everything is really tedious and annoying and the devs prefer fucking up the base game rather than adding progression rewards that would make early stages less really tedious and annoying.
Compare it to modpackless TerraFirmaCraft, since that's what its a knockoff of.
And the host is a retarded futanigger who refuses to install any mods that would eliminate some of the tedium as you progress.
There aren't controls of "when" to automatically process materials in querns and crushers, so it's not actual automation, just assistance to manual processing.
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I suppose it can be tedious yeah. Though personally I enjoy that part of it and I've never been keen on automation type things in games so it's a plus for me.
>human only
>'no come to MY general that is about nonpony!'
please, take a quick jump off the nearest building
Playing some Sven Co-op currently, feel free to join if you'd like.
5 on right now
V if you come back to Vintage story. im sorry but uh my house is surronded by a ton of scary things and I can't do shit
GOOD LUCK!!! (close my door if you leave. thanks)
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based, that's going in my Wallflower folder
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I made a mistake, I should not be in the forest. big mistake
big mistake
big mistake
no food, wolves all around. spears broken. out of sticks. raining. its over
it's over
very, i get back to pcik up stuff and with some reed chests. still no food. still wolves. It's a lost cause and I give up with this game
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Teamwork is bloody magic
Wanna TTS tonight?
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Playing some Left 4 Dead right now, join via "connect mare4dead.poni.best" and don't forget the maps, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2857941932
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I'll be hosting a HOI4 EAW game tomorrow Sunday at 18:30 CET. Your all welcome to join!
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>"Here, have 20 Arc Titans"
I almost forgot about this torture
oh shit titanfall, does titanfall 2 multiplayer work again or is it still fucked?
Works again, hackers got axed a year ago more or less
awesome, need to hop on again then fucking love that game
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Frontier Defense is bloody amazing, and to lesser extend Titan Brawl is alright
Couldn't care less for pilot combat tho
Frontier Defense was the pve thing right? I never played it.

also nice digits
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>Frontier Defense was the pve thing right?
Correct, also you are given 7 different Titan-specific upgrades you can unlock with progress that turn you very fucking OP
Being able to chainkill titans with sword core while getting healed is so fun
sounds cool, kinda like tf2 mvm, ill have to check it out
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Starting up the lobby. The game will start at 18:30 CET, around 15 minutes from now..

ID: 90198984235055115
PW: /mlp/
Mods: Equestria at War, Player Led Peace Conferences, State Transfer Tool MP, No Slowdown For Lagging Players
nigga go say something interesting instead of self-bumping.
Being away from my desktop for 2 weeks is mind-numbing. I'm resorting to watching video essays. Send help.
Age of Mythology Retold has been announced for 4. September. I'm gonna cum.
So am I!
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Not only all these gods look like they were AI generated, but Loki looks like a smiling coomer.
I mean just look at him!
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And Gaia looks like the Gaia from God of War, which I'm not entirely sure I like
Otherwise the game looks alright in the trailer, I still have some healthy skepticism.
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I made a few shitty unscripted videos so people can experience a bit of the Vintage Story pony experience. It's just solo survival and I don't tour the existing civilizations. Lemme know if you guys want a video tour of the world.
(Or you could just get the game and tour it yourself!)
He's just like me
Very hyped, I love the OG.
The Tadakatsu playthrough was the most satisfying I've done so far. What a great character.
I am a Man of Peerless Might
I wish I were back in me swamp
Shooting zombies to metal music
I always did want to try one of those warriors games. Is SW2 the best one available for PC?
The native pc version of SW2 is horrible. When I tried to run the game, it couldn't produce more than 10 fps, but PS2 version works fine under pcsx2. I've also only played this and the 4th game, and can't remember anything special of the 4th. I think, just pick a game whose artstyle you like more.
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Who is this pony and why are (you) cooking her?
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>being hyped for new games in the current year
The MareCraft "Vanilla+" server is down.
I turned it back on
>civ 7 announced
can't wait for climate change propaganda game #5438 is released
god I miss microprose and civ 2
Tried out vintage story because people said it was similar to MC but game is way too complicated for my stupid ass, I just wanna build a nice house and explore and stuff.
Dynasty Warriors 3 XL is challenging enough that the game recommends you to switch to baby mode when you first launch the game.
yeah I have this issue too. I'm trying to start in singleplayer even and it's just too much. I want to like it really badly but I just don't want to memorize all new kinds of recipes again. there is a guide book with recipes but not even a button that auto fills the crafting grid.. modded MC has this forever
yeah, I've been doing singleplayer and playing on the server (the server makes things 10x harder because time passes while you don't play) and just not really enjoying it.

it made me realise that the part of Minecraft I actually enjoy is the building, vintage just adds too many steps before you can actually make anything cool and it just feels really tiresome - I have seen some pretty cool builds though.

Do we have a Minecraft server btw or is it ded?
I think there is one but last time I tried it. It was just covered in horse pussy art, Maybe you'll like that but for me the contrast between cute block game and coomer art is bothersome to me
not against horse pussy or pixelart spam but I can see how that might get annoying.
yeah if i wanted to see mare's bits i would want to do so at the privacy of my web browser
I find it extremely weird and kinda gay to look at lewd with other dudes. especially when everyone is playing as mare, Gmod does this even worse and they put mare bits on their shitty OCs too.. It's terrible and I hate this site and what's left of the pony community
>all these spergs
Then don't live at spawn like a hobo?
>just run away from everyone and hide!!!
so singleplayer? but with the chance of server going offline so I can't play? wow what a great plan cumbrain
>move 8 chunks away from spawn
>smut mysteriously stops rendering
>b-but muh multiplayer
If you're not samefagging with yourself, there's easily enough people right here to establish a Smut Free Zone[tm] and play with others.
yeah I get you, that is very strange when you put it like that. I like the pony mods and player models cus I think they’re cute but when it starts to enter erp territory it’s just cringe.
I don't think I am but the other response reads much like something I would say too I do agree
In any case, i think there's been all of one server that didn't have some form of Forestry, so it's just a minor bootstrapping before you can send and receive mail unlike an SP/self-host deal.
I don't personally see a problem- it's their build, they get to choose what to do with it to some degree.
furniggers still get the rope tho
ofc they can do what they want, I just don't want to play with people who do that stuff so I don't play the MP minecraft servers anymore. modded horsecraft was some of the last ones I did without any weird porn everywhere.. I miss it before people stopped playing
don’t really have a strong opinion about the smut stuff but I did play the recent horsecraft server, it was a lot of fun but no body was ever really on at the same time as me, either that or it was just kinda dead.
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very cute
These are amazing
Minecraft server is still up (both vanilla and lightly modded vanilla). I haven't bothered advertising it in awhile do to a lack of players, but I can post the IP if you're interested.
Regarding the smut, I'm not sure if this anon joined our server or not, most pixel art anyone created was sfw. Some of the paintings the resource pack replaced are a bit risque. I wouldn't say spawn was plastered in porn, but then again, it's up to you how much of a tolerance you have for that, and fair enough if you don't want to see it.
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To add on to this, most of the nsfw pics on the lightly modded vanilla server were from other users plastering them everywhere with a custom picture frame mod.
I went around and removed most of them all quite a while ago, but mainly because the mod is terribly optimized and causes the game to completely shit itself if abused so it'll likely be removed.
I don't want fags that cry about horsepussy playing desu
They've already done us a favour by filtering themselves out
yeah, I'm down for some Minecraft if you wanna drop the IPs, also what mods are required for the "lightly modded" server?
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Praetor II vs Praetor Battle Carrier.
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Pentastar Aligment has lots of carriers, which makes corvattes a neccesity.
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A ground vehicle bigger then an AT-AT.
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>Blue kept sending barely upgraded weak Tarkans into my group of 20 roided up angry Berserks
These pissed off norsemen must have killed more than 80 Tarkans together, easily
The battlefield scattered with the remains of dead mares
And I shed a tear, for the slaughter I was forced to do
Torpedo sphere my other beloved
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Bada bada bump!
i am destroyer of moosen
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Breath-Inhale deep, hero-things, yes-yes
it says i have to download the origins 1.11.3 mod to join where do i get it from?
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What's the first?
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Fighting the Hutts.
Minecraft servers always end up as shit.
Joined a “le running since 2012” one, where supposedly “free speech” is allowed which I just know is fedbait, regardless I ask questions about the server and most of the replies are just trollposts, but they cry wolf when I begin insulting their retarded asses and ask for a proper answer.
Banned over breaking two fucking blocks in the middle of nowhere that were abandoned, and as if that wasn’t enough salt in the wound they were treating a player who broke twenty blocks with more respect because of “le acting like a human being” bullshit.

Why can no fucking Minecraft server be good? Why does it always have to be some combination of constant dramashittery, ass moderation/administration (extra points for dick sucking and pages made to only bring attention to specific moderators on the wiki), and then completely retarded moderators who’ll teleport to you in the midst of building a house, expect you to not fucking yell at them and not be attacked for trespassing because they had le “special colored name” despite everyone else’s name also being fucking colored from the “le donator” circlejerk to just people who bought kits to use. They always whine about not being treated like normal fucking people but lose their shit if they’re treated as a normal player in the server. Anyways not even one message in the shitass moderator just went “hurr looks like you want to be banned im banning you” with no other messages, no warning, just bans for me destroying two blocks of negligible value in the middle of buttfuck nowhere despite me being a hours new player. As if that wasn’t enough cancer the community was also shit and kept insulting me (but lord forbid I talk in a public chat and they complain and moan endlessly about the yapping boogeyman despite them always talking shit about something or doing /opg/ tier drama and gossip)
Here it is:
Here's the entire instance from the anchor post if you prefer that or if you're still missing something else:
Further up
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it's because minecraft is a shit game.
Who asked?
Since when are there moose?
Since the last update, which added a bunch of hooved creatures to the game. Moose, whitetail deer, elk, fanged deer, uhh... stag deer? reindeer? A lot.
All I've seen is the meese. They're regional.
>tfw you met npc twilight sparkle mining resources in elite dangerous and you are range banned for uploading images
imagine being a mobilefag on your PC
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Is that an ai name? It's gotta be. I love spotting pones in the wild though, it's always fun
yes it's ai, indeed. I'm not ready for open play yet. but there are carriers available in solo play owned by real players and these usually have interesting names. My friend found a generic MLP carrier, there is more in the milkyway for sure.
i once came across "princess luna seeks sightseeing adventure". no idea where the fuck I put the screencap of it though
>/mlp/'s Pony Gaming
this is the ip
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Shilling the GameJam, I figure it's tangentally related. Check it out if you want to participate! >>41155816
Deep Rock Galactic is getting a free weekend. Is it worth downloading?
Don't bother with AoE2 anymore. Gooks ruined everything.
Spoken like someone who doesn't play the game.
Still have invites?
it's really fun and there are pony mods so I'd say yes plus a new season started this week and it's a pretty good one
cod zombies?
video games?
what game, anon
bogos binted?
mares minted?
you have to be steam friends for over 30 days now to be invited
So that's a no, then?
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Anypony here play Hunt Showdown? I've been looking to give that another go.
Left 4 Mares in 3 hours
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Holy shit, it's really hard to be a racist. Spent 2 hours but could only do 3 or 4 clean laps, but it was the best VR experience that I've ever had, especially the night ride.
Playing some Left 4 Dead, join via "connect mare4dead.poni.best", and don't forget the collection! https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2857941932;
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"Sacrificial Lion" moment
wow it's been a while since the last mareraria
>beat delirum as jacob and esau in isaac
>was the last completion mark i needed
fucking finally now i never have to play this character ever again
>inb4 tainted jacob is even more suffering
>inb4 tainted jacob is even more suffering
anon im so sorry
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So if a hypothetical Terraria server happened (again), what mods would Anons like to see?
>Mare texture pack still isn't updated
>many mods are still shit
>tmod 1.4 requires steam unless you have a prescription
>Does a good and cheap wheel exist
Are you really, really into racing games? I have a T150 (reviews were correct that the wheel's good but the pedals are cheap) that's gathering dust because it's a huge pain the ass to clamp to the desk, play for a few hours, then unclamp and move out of the way when I want to play something else. Only makes sense to me if you're addicted to the genre or have a big enough desk you can just leave it permanently in place.
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me when done video editing

I present another slice of the VS experience.
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>Are you really, really into racing games?
No... But I already got the t150 picrel a few days ago. Bought it because I already have vr and racing is the best genre for vr and playing on a controller sucks.
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Double Praetor.
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Accidentally but absolutely foiling grey's plan
I do play, but I'm a controller/keyboard fag.
Wish I could get a wheel and VR someday though.
thred is ded
I love AoE2... Goths or Bohemians are my favorites to play as. :)
I never have but nobody responding to you made me sad so I'm letting you know I see u
search for the post number in desuarchive
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Elden Ring's Shadow of the Erdtree DLC comes out in 3 days.

Are you ready? Because I am.
Who's starting a new run for this?
I did start a new run, but if I don't get to Mohg in time I'll probably hop on my old character for it.
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Nah, Dark Souls 3 sucks too.
wait what new game?
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Appreciate it, anon.
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>He doesnt roll 99% equipment load builds and be tanky boulder in spite of all roll spammers
Aren't you the retarded namefag who die 20 dozens times to the same boss?
You speak like you killed Midir on the very first fight.
After I found out that there's a NPC summon, the boss fight is a joke.
Nice """Alpine"""
That's a lie, she gets rolled really fast, most of the heavy lifting is still on you.
You're better off fighting Midir on your own.
skill issue
I honestly don't even know if I'll play it.
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octavia anon is right, midir is far better alone
Been working on an MLP mod of a popular open-source Warrior Cats fangame called Clangen. Most stuff hasn't been replaced yet aside from character sprites, some coding, and a bit of writing, but it's playable. The eventual goal is a pony settlement simulator in a similar style to Clangen.
sounds awesome
What is that game about?
What possessed Redigit to put uncrafting into Terraria?
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New code waiting atleast 10 minutes.
marecraft vanilla+ is down i think
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"Hey private tin can, I might have taken a bit too much of... YER HEAD!"
Clangen is a text-heavy simulator of a procedurally generated tribe of cats called a 'clan', based on the book series Warriors by Erin Hunter. It's pretty fun to use as inspiration for Warrior Cat fan characters.
There's an very active modding community because it's open source, and people have made forks that convert the game into other fandoms or species other than cats. Most are shared in the game's official discord tho
I beat it with brap gas and get over it.
the mist spell?.. why would I care how you played the game. I was just trying to say the fight is easier alone since he is a big fella that can quick charge target making the fight harder with a summon
I suck at dodging.
Yeah it hard, summoning makes it harder to 'predict' what he's gonna do next. I think the most annoying move is that charge attack. you know he tilts his head to the side when he's about to do it? that helped me beat him
Any anon here that still plays Adventure Quest World? I made a new account for some nostalgia trip and now properly grind for some stuff.
any cool games with pony overhaul mods? i want to try something new
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>12 hours for Elden Kino
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>12 hours until I can't open the internet until i complete it
I bet it's gonna be shite just like the rest of the game
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I completely forgot about that.
And starting from scratch will take a long while for my to reach Mohg, even if I'm trying to speedrun it,

well as far as I know.. all you need to do is beat both Radahn and Mohg.. I don't know why both but.. better safe then sorry.. If you want to not play the base game and just get going to the dlc.. well.. there's always cheat engine to give yourself whatever weapon you want to use. upgrades and shit and just get going. all you need is the medal to get to altus. do varre questline to get to mohg without mountaintops/snowfield. EZ. I only suggest this because spoilers will be everywhere and playing it sooner rather then later is better (I tried to avoid bloodborne spoilers for a long ass time.eventually i gave up and bought a shitty console to play it since it's never getting a port. nearly every dark souls videos mentioned bloodborne in some way so I had to just stop watching. fuck sony)
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To this day I can't believe there's no PC port for Bloodborne
It is immesenly stupid
I think I might just wait until Convergence makes a big update for the DLC.
Giga based. you should try dark souls 3 convergence if you haven't played it. seeker of fire for dark souls 2 is fun too (removes adp being a needed stat for one thing)
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Greatsword find bump
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you ever try the Marias Executioner sword? It goes hard with the right build and talismans. First try on this character for the DLC. and I suck ass at the game
No but I had a mental list of weapons I wanted to try, besides the Greatsword, the anchor, the giant bonker, and Omen Cleaver at first, then the beastmen Cleaver
I haven't played it in awhile, but I think I still remember my old login. Could party up if you want to.
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Pretty red maned, armored enemy mare
When I tried to approach her, she walked off the cliff and died
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this is the first and last image of the DLC I will show. don't want to ruin it for anypony
Elden Ring is the only Fromsoft game I've actually played. Is DS3 Convergence really that good? Will it work with a pirated version?
If you have any experience with Bethesda overhaul mods, you know the modders are always retarded.
You didnt answer his question.
it was a different guy trying to sow seeds of doubt for some fucking reason, mf clearly never played it, and yeah its the same thing as ER convergence but for ds3 and I'd say more fun in some ways.. theres a Moonlight Swordspear. and I don't know if it works wiht pirated version. ds3 convergence is good but if you search you can become insanely overpowered
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>Downloaded shadow of the erdtree
>Radahn and Mohg both dead
>Still can't access the dlc for some reason
>Tried verifying files
>Tried reinstalling
>Tried everything
brb killing myself
>wont want to show it to anyone because “le spoilers”

Faggot, do you just want people to pirate the DLC before they realize how shit it is and never buy it?
Plus imagine paying extra for shit on a game you already own, ultimate cuckoldry
>imagine paying for a game
That too.
But even more cucked is paying for a game you like, which in this case would be Elden Ring at eighty fucking dollars, then paying extra ontop of that because “le DLC!!”

Fucking retards like that let Tynan (who owns rimworld) release 120$ worth of DLC on a 60$ fucking game because they’ll just lick up the slop and buy it despite Tynan’s 1.5 update being a shit show of broken mods, performance issues, and forced DLC, with the only actual features for everyone being wall lights and ((performance)) improvements even though performance fish still does a way better job.

But because publishers and game devs always FOCUS solely on fucking money from games instead of making a good fun game, then they deserve pirates en masse when they jew people out of updates and content. Game development is a fucking hobby not a full time job, I really wish niggers stop forcing the “lol I work at starbreeze studios and get to shit around all day as a game dev making 80k a year!!”
Game dev can be a full carreer, and that's especially needed to the quality and scope of some games today.
Still, I agree with all the rest, DLC just isn't worse than subscription models, which is the lowest of lows.
>Could party up if you want to
Sure, I'll be hanging around in Yokai server around afternoon at my region (utc+8)
>the quality and scope of some games today
lmao even
Being angry and/or a contrarian does not make you intresting
Go back to /v/
They don’t let me post ponies there though
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Then where are your ponies in your posts?
buy it or don't retard. if you want spoilers go watch videos. I'm not spoiling it for people who don't want them. you telling me to makes you the faggot, not I
"erm its cuckoldry to pay for something you want" I want dlc. I buy. I want more cool shit by fromsoft. so I pay them. It is a simple transaction. every fromsoft game ive played is in some way better then the last. not always perfect but they try new things and do listen to the players. so I pay them. they offer a service I enjoy

so I pay them. so I can get more of it. that's it. if you hate teh DLC so mcuh why even pirate it? why even play it? you seem to hate it already so theres no point. buy it. don't buy it. why would anyone give 0 single fuck what you do with your time or money? they don't. shut up nigger
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For those who have Popup Dungeon, 4 years ago i made a Twilight Character. Code is 2196223602
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I hate this boss so much it's unreal
I actually loved these bosses, I specifically left one alive so I could fight them forever. I live dodging their attacks, one of the few bosses that doesn't wind up their attacks for two hours
Asylum Demon but actually Stray Demon but actually a tree this time. and now there's 40!! KINO???
cause most their moves are just Stray Demon again kek.
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WizWars tommorrow?
Buttslam it back.
this isn't bad advice. jumping the slam is good plan and that works the same
go away ss13 fag, games long dead, shit, and no fun after hippiestation died off.

we don't like mass furfag ERP migrations.
I miss hippie
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>playing isaac, keeper
>beast run
>get brimstone floor 2
>get mom's knife floor 6
>roflstomping ghenna
>have coins left to heal for curse room
>brain fart when I see a spiked chest
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whatever i got a tractor beam + cricket's body run and just shitstomped the beast run as keeper that way
felt like pic related
tainted characters here we go
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>Get 87% magical damage reduction greatshield against Rennala
>Still get blasted to kingdom come
Gonna see if I can get home and start WizWars on my own in 6ish hours, if anyone wants to join
I could go for a game of wizwars
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Expectation: Undertale with some parkour to relax to
Reality: I don't know where the fuck I am and I feel like I've been sequence breaking for the last 2 hours
It's nothing like undertale lol
30 min to it, just got home.
Yeah, I went into it practically blind.
Room is open, WizWars is now
Room: /mlp/
Pass: mare
2 in
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2 Racist mares in Thunderdrome while we wait for more mares to join the TableTop Sim room
Server crashed, back liv
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This is the bullshit we're doing rn btw
ALL the cards are in play
Someone stop Lightning Dust before it's too late.
She's too damn fast!
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Game froze, thankfully we were done for the day.
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Gonna start up some L4D2! Feel free to join if you'd like to kill some zombs.
Join with "connect mare4dead.poni.best" in the console and don't forget to sub to the maps!
Sleeping with horses for free? Don't mind if I do.
where room?
They stopped playing 5 hours ago >>41176877
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im dumo,sory
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cool island.
benis :DDDDD
Must be preparing for one seriously massive shit.
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13th Winter on the server is starting, it's gonna suck but at least the Anons were kind enough to leave their farms growing before it set in when they stopped playing.
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Took me like 50 tries, but holy fuck it feels good
>greatsword with fire or flame infusion
>magic shield spell while using a SACRED infused shield
>ring of light
>golden order blade spell
anon what the FUCK is your build?? stop it
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>>greatsword with fire or flame infusion
Yeah? Crucible knights are weak to fire and lightning, so I took fire so I deal the most damage.
I switch damage types given the situation but most of times I stick with Heavy.
>magic shield spell while using a SACRED infused shield
Yeah? Magic Shield spell is great and Crucible Knights start doing holy damage on their second stage. I don't see a problem with it.
>ring of light
>Golden order blade spell
Almost never use it unless I stumble upon undead. Otherwise Braggart's Roar is always the go-to buff.
>anon what the FUCK is your build??
Heavy knight, with Greatshields and Colossal Weapons, support spells and incantantions, but plan to mainly use Horn charge incantation for offense. Maybe tail wipe.
>stop it
>endurance higher than vigor
>still heavy load
>not at 107 poise for easy r1 breaks
The types of players I love invading
>endurance higher than vigor
Because heavy equiptment, will bump vigor later. Figured 30 would be a good number to stop on.
>still heavy load
And I will stay heavy load.
>not at 107 poise for easy r1 breaks
>The types of players I love invading
No you don't.
You dont play the game.
I had over 600 hours upon the first 4 months of release and over 1000 in every souls game to date, yes, I have played the game
I bought a gaystation for bloodborne I love fromsoft games so much. I originally asked the question and all I can say is no mf you're doing it wrong. some people say 'you use magic you're doing it wrong!' no mf (you) are doing it wrong. what the FUCK is that
>Put vigor at 30
>No you don't. You dont play the game.
The most intelligent Argentinian
What Argentina has to do with the conversation?
you see he's insulting his country of origin as a whole and not just the octavia-anon as a way to call said anon stupid but not just him. his mom his dad and his whole family. his entire genetic line as well
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you're bad. you have to pick a fucking weapon and make your build around it, not that schizo random ass shit. no wonder it took you 50 tries to kill the crucible knight duo.

I use sword of Night and flame plus a new paired DLC weapon. you're FUCKED for the dlc my nigga. your build is fucking trash you are not going to be able to kill one boss even with that shit
Then I will win just to spite you.
I hope you win anon, you’re playing how you want to play and thats great :) even if it is not for everyone, playing in that style can be challenging and I respect that you’re sticking to it. Who cares if it isn’t completely optimized and meta viable, it is still fun, and challenging runs are some of my favourite things to do with this series
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>He leveled up
You didn't beat the game
>Maiden run
You didn't beat the game.
>you have to minmax and optimize your build
>you can't just do whatever you feel like
oh just wait this dude will come crying to the thread when he gets to the dlc and he can't kill a single boss because he can't choose a single weapon or stat to level
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Why you're such a fucking asshole, anon?
What made this way?
It's not uncalled for. That octaviafag is a retard.
what made me this way? I once tried playing the game with a random guy from online who made his builds just like that. NPC behavior. refuses to take advice yet complains and bitches about the game being too hard. instaed of learning he would just die 50+ times to the same ass boss. refusing to learn refusing to change strategy and this octavia anon is doing the same as shit and I know he's going to start posting about how the DLC bad because he cannot make a semi competent build.
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The octavifag said literally nothing wrong in this thread, why you're so being goddamm hostile without any evident reason?
ok octaviafag
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One of the funniest discoveries.
My bad, I forgot to put my username. It's Lijah_07 . As of now, I'm grinding for the eternal inversionist class.
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I miss this Zeeb.
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me when I see Dashie out of containment
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Winter is here and it's okay.
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working on a Stellaris pony mod, building upon the already existing Pony Stuff mod on the workshop
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I decided to hop on the server and was amazed to find a group of players online.
It's awesome when so many players are in the same place at the same time.
Moments before disaster.
(The accordion was actually a pipe bomb)
Many such cases!
>Immediate death after
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Mare....mare never changes.
>Wannabe Postal Dude, Raider gimp and a nutcracker
So... which one is the courier
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Another video done. Gosh. The fewer subtitles the better. I hate writing subtitles. Hate it. So time consuming.
Anyways...the server is lively once more!
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makes me want to get back on the server... 2 more weeks and I'll have time...
Just spent 11 hours straight playing Elden Ring Convergence. At one point I picked up an Altus Bloom and thought it said Apple Bloom. I really need to go to bed.
The one in the middle
It's difficult to offset the camera more than the predefined amounts.
Would join the fun, but life is too busy this time of the year for the kirin..
Oooh a Kirin~
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ive never even played drg before, i just thought this art was funny and cute
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new code now live! we are starting a bit early!
It's pretty good, Doretta starts wailing at the slightest scraping of her hull
and that's obviously her right foreleg, not her left like in the damage diagram
Don't forget mission control constantly bitching after the second scratch
Loretta is a big mare she can hold on for a FUCKING SECOND
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Nice try, but she starts taking damage from the left. She just does, ok?
Now have Doretta taking back shots.
does she drill with her horn?
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are there any pone mods for the the first two fallouts?
i feel like i would have heard of at least one but i just wanted to double check
also feeling like deleting my save and starting over on fallout 2 right now
Most modders for Interplay-era didn't do much for 1, though MOST things should work if they port 1 into 2's engine. Here be dragons is implicit, for obvious reasons, though NMA is somehow still kicking so if all else fails.
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I don't wanna know what it would look like carrying her head back to the ship
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>Turns invisible
>Swings Greatsword around, catching the assasin for +600 damage
"lmao, even"
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more work on Stellaris pony mod
if any Stellarisfag here have some ideas, I'm all ears
Nice. What races do you have available so far?
I'm working off the Pony Stuff mod already available on the workshop, so there earth pony, unicorn, pegasi, crystal pony, batpony, kirins, griffons, dragons, changeling, gay changelings and yetis
then you got an "all ponies together" race and the "united" race which is basically every species into one

I plan on removing the united races (doesn't make sense to me) and adding a separate alicorn race as well as hippogriffs and zeebs
Nice, but does it have options for custom empires?
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They put THOSE Bloodborne enemies into Elden Ring DLC
Islands of Insight is free to keep for the next 20-ish hours.
Some anons were talking about it a couple of threads ago.
Yup, one origin will allow you to personalize more or less your experience as Equestria (do you want Twilight to be there? does she have wings or not? batponies? etc...)
Already added some traits and civics, planning on adding relics as well (Elements of Harmony, Idol of Boreas, etc...)
Based. Might just redownload Stallaris for that and make a Golly empire.
now that I think about it, I should add filly portraits so that can be possible
Just got into Stellaris. A decent pony mod would be wonderful!
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dead thread
dead board
dead fandom
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I want to play a game Anon.
What game anon.
The game.
Sounds like something a "Brony," and furry would say.
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...what game?
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you fucking nigger
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Clever bastard
NEW THREAD >>41187322

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