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Previous Thread: >>41122915

Welcome to Fingerbang: The Equestria Girls & Humanized Thread! Anything with >no hooves is welcome and encouraged here. If you like to write, draw, read, or critique the humanized versions of the ponies, then this is the thread for you.

Story List:

--Recent Writefags-- (pastebin.com can be swapped with poneb.in if necessary)

https://ponepaste.org/2937 (Luna)
https://ponepaste.org/9978 (Celestia)
https://ponepaste.org/9088 (Cadance)
https://ponepaste.org/3518 (Various)
https://ponepaste.org/7826 (Fluttershy)
https://ponepaste.org/9092 (All Four Pie Sisters)
https://ponepaste.org/10141 (Rarity, Cookie Crumbles)

Cosmic Butthole:
https://ponepaste.org/4863 (Celestia)
https://ponepaste.org/4864 (Mane 6)
https://ponepaste.org/4865 (Fluttershy)
https://ponepaste.org/9741 (Fluttershy)
https://ponepaste.org/10028 (Various)

https://ponepaste.org/9098 (SciTwi)
https://ponepaste.org/3985 (SciTwi)
https://ponepaste.org/7060 (SciTwi)

Magna Anon:
https://ponepaste.org/9460 (Fluttershy)
https://ponepaste.org/3235 (Rarity)
https://ponepaste.org/3940 (Pinkie)
https://ponepaste.org/4395 (RD)
https://ponepaste.org/4987 (Twilight)
https://ponepaste.org/6019 (Applejack)

https://ponepaste.org/9699 (Pinkie Pie)

https://ponepaste.org/8602 (Coco)

Less Recent Writefags:

Archival Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/u/FingerbangingMLP (pastebin.com can be swapped with poneb.in if necessary)
Thread Resources: http://derpy.me/b783H
FimFiction Group: http://www.fimfiction.net/group/204505/human-eqg-fingerbang
Applications: http://derpy.me/tQSuG
Discord: https://discord.gg/jXfKyJP
Google Drive: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zOXWA9Sk2Jx3mRzic0F-SMfBReeRLRXz/edit?usp=drive_link
>How did this Humanized thread get started? What happened to Fingerbang?

The Humanized thread was created when the various humanized threads (including Fingerbang) on /mlp/ decided to merge. The rest is history. Quite literally as of now.
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I wish this was colorized
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Might as well make an anchor post for this.
Out of the stories I could write,
Who wants more sleepover harem stuff akin to what Cosmic's writing?
Who wants non-lewd sleepover stuff?
Who wants something different entirely?
I'm currently considering rewriting the Wallflower one to not be such a mess, and actually starting the story myself this time would really help with that.
What's funny is that I just tried that today to see if I could finish it in time to make it the next OP, but doing it neatly is turning out to be more tedious than I expected, given JJ's line work here. I'll manage, though.
I just want more forbidden sex between Anon and the married MILFs.
Gonna repost an idea from last thread.
>Anon assists the milf six's book club or something as a means of establishing him as already knowing them
>The milfs had been talking shit to Chrysalis for being single and a cougar
>Chrysalis decides to get back at them while also encouraging debauchery which she loves doing at the same time
>Invites both Anon and the milfs separately to a sauna
>Promising Anon he'd get laid as he thinks it'd be with girls his age, and promising the milfs feeling young again
>Then Chrysalis manipulates things at the sauna to make sure the milfs end up fucking Anon there
Gilda acting like a rude and crude delinquent who skips classes and is unfriendly to everyone, until having to partner with Anon for a summer project breaks that hardened shell.
Delinquent girls don't get a lot of love...
Similar idea I had a while ago;
>It's essentially inspired by the Rick and Morty episode where Rick made Morty a love serum for his school dance.
>But in this case, a cocky post-NNN Anon uses a love potion he got from Cadence actually Chrysalis through Cadance to ensure he can attract a date or two for the dance. But the potion is so strong that it sexually attracts all the female students, chaperones and principals to him while spiking his own libido, and an attempt to control the situation (and possibly escape the ensuing snu-snu unscathed) ends up with him pulled into a private room with three of the mothers urgently wanting him and his fat load.

>Instead of turning them into love zombies outright, the love potion's effects on Anon are less overtly mind-addling and more subtle, like all, and I mean ALL of the girls around him are suddenly more interested in him. He looks great, sounds husky and smells amazing to them. Those with girlfriends and wives are strangely okay with being as near him as possible, and flirting and the idea of intimacy is casually brought up with him with no resistance to the idea.

Then comes the dance. All the girls want to dance with him, including the teachers, principals and female chaperones. Things happen with a combination of his own spiked libido, punch spiked with alcohol and three of the moms wanting to dance with him leading to a "private dance" in a vacant room.
Not bad but the second one could do without the NNN. I think Grey said that part should stay in the initial fic he wrote about it and maybe that’s a good idea.
Okay, then he didn't save up his nut as a result of NNN. It was just Anon's way of "getting ready" for his date in the dance, hoping to get laid and containing himself for about a month so it would feel extra special. He just didn't expect to give it all to the chaperone moms, and not one of the female students.
That’s pretty good. I’d read it.
I'm hoping Grey can write it after he's done with the Rarity and Cookie story.
I'll keep a tab on these.
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Well looks like I came back to bump quickly at a convenient time. Yes, I might write it but if my other projects aren't eating up too much time. We'll have to see how things pan out. I'm getting more other stuff ready right now.
Still searching in vain for the 3 other panels of this iconic /hh/ celestia housemate growth comic
Some green ideas I've had bouncing around in my head:
>Anon and Applejack cool off in the stream after a long day of farm work
>Principal Celestia catches Anon and Twilight Sparkle messing around in the library, with surprising results
>Feelings fly on a day at the beach where the graduating class celebrates the end of the school year with Anon, who has a crush on Rarity, and Rainbow Dash, who has a crush on Anon
>A magical artifact from Equestria intensifies Fluttershy's secret feelings for Anon as mating season comes around for her rabbits
>Spoiled Rich decides to become Anon's secret sugar mommy to spice up her opulent but boring life
Shorter form stories like these will be refreshing to write after King of the Castle ends up being the first sleepover green to end up being over 100,000 words and Life Flutters By threatening to be twice as long. I've gotta think of something for Pinkie, can't leave her out of the fun
I like the idea a lot, but I doubt I'll tackle it because keeping track of eight characters in King of the Castle is enough trouble for me lel
I would suggest the idea of Anon having to mentally prepare himself for actually having sex. Like at first he'd be desperate to get laid but when he's first cornered and propositioned he realizes having sex is a bigger leap than he thought it would be, so he wants his first time to be meaningful
I'm most interested in what you could do with a non lewd sleepover story. If I trust anyone to lead the charge down the road less traveled, I'd trust a writer like you
>The heavy rain bearing down on top of the commercial building has finally started to lighten a little, indicating that the worst of the storm has passed by.
>”I’m happy to hear that you don’t see my track record as linearly as most.” Rarity straightens her back in the office chair.
>The vibrant green leaves of the potted plants in the corners of the well lit room stand tall behind her.
>On the other end of the shiny glass table is Sassy Saddles.
>”A portfolio as refined as yours simply does not evolve in a linear direction. A long history of trial and error is exactly one of the major things we’re looking for here. It’ll better prepare our associates for what’s to come.” Sassy flips through page after page.
>The copious amounts of hard work over the years stare right back at her.
>Sassy’s trained eye can pick up on all of the thought and consideration Rarity put into these clothing designs, and which materials were the best to use for separate occasions.
>Rarity’s neat little side-notes lining the white areas on the page shows her intricacy, and displays a level of adeptness that can come from no amateur.
>Rarity understands a thing or two about how clothing behaves on different bodies and in different scenarios, and how long certain fabrics and needlework can last depending on these factors.
>”I look forward to what the next several pages after these will show.” Sassy finally closes the folder. “And I would love to see them before you put them in your portfolio.”
>Rarity gulps but keeps herself calm, immediately realizing the implied invitation for her signature on a dotted line.
>”I’d love to show you more of my work. I have a lot of great things planned.”
>“We’d like to see them in our studios more often.” Sassy begins to stand up. “Would you excuse me for a second?”
>Rarity gives her a nod before watching her step out of the conference room.
>She knows the lady is about to go fetch some papers with blank dotted lines on them.
>Does this mean she has to spend more time here negotiating a contract?
>This is going to cut into her time to spend with Anon on their third date!
>What kind of girlfriend would Rarity be if she blew him off because of a small opportunity like this?
>Rarity can just say she needs some time to think about the contract first, or just take a copy of it back with her so she has time to read it first.
>Which is pretty much something she should do regardless.
>She should have already been out with Anon 20 minutes ago!
>Or at last it feels as though it should have been 20 minutes ago by now.
>Checking her phone, she confirms that the scheduled time of rendezvous with Anon was actually 24 minutes ago.
>A text from Anon’s number also came in.
>[how much longer?]
>Rarity immediately gets to typing with her thumbs as quickly as she can without making typos.
>[They might be handing me a contract right now. I’ll ask for a copy and take it back with me so I don’t keep you waiting.] Rarity keeps her message as transparently conveyed as she can.
>There about a minute or two before Anon responds.
>[thank you so much]
>Rarity could read a “please hurry” between the lines in that message, indicating that her new boyfriend is growing impatient but is too polite to say it directly.
>She begins to re-justify her lateness to herself to mitigate the slight guilt she’s feeling.
>Rarity feels terrible for keeping her boyfriend waiting like this!
>He drove all the way over for this next date, and she better make sure she’s on time for it!
>The last thing Rarity wants to conduct herself as is unprofessional, the intent of which also shows all over her resume on the glass table.
>That glass surface now reflects an image of the door opening as Sassy Saddles re-enters the room.
>In Sassy’s hand is a neatly stapled together stack of freshly printed papers.
>This is it.
>”I’m sure you’re aware of what this is, so let’s not waste any time and look through it together so everything’s in check between us.” Sassy lightly sets the papers down onto the glass table.
>”Oh, this is wonderful!” Sighs Rarity. “Uhm… is it preferred that I sign today before someone else does?”
>”Oh, not at all! If you’d like to take it home and review it with an attorney first, go right ahead! I’m glad you took initiative with that precaution. We see that is good business etiquette here.”
>”Absolutely. Thank you so much for this contract, I look forward to coming back here shortly.” Rarity sincerely conveys to Sassy Saddles.
>”It’s my pleasure! Would you like to skim through it really quickly with me so you have a general understanding of the main points mapped out for you and your attorney?”
>Rarity cuts her hesitation short as she sees another text from Anon come in. “I certainly would.”
>A quick glance at the phone shows the text saying “[wedfewsdx]”, a random entanglement of keys pressed.
>That must have happened in Anon’s pocket or something.
>Even with that very realistic possibility, Rarity begins to feel uneasy.
>Like there’s some undetectable force making her sense that something’s wrong.
>But she doesn’t dwell on this for long, as Sassy Saddles sits back down and flips to the first page of the contract.
>It’s only right for Rarity to be couth and not cut the meeting off so abruptly, especially when being considered for such a position.
>But something involving Anon feels awry, especially as the minutes go on of skimming through the contract with Sassy Saddles.
>Rarity can barely find herself able to focus now for some reason, and thoughts about Anon start flooding into her head.
>She can’t put her finger on why she’s suddenly feeling this way.
>As though something bad is currently happening.
>What could that random jumble of text mean?
>Is Anon okay?
>Surely if he was in any kind of actual danger, it wouldn’t happen without Rarity’s mother Cookie Crumbles noticing from elsewhere in the house.
>She’d be there to call an ambulance if Anon fell down the basement stairs for whatever reason.
>All the while, Rarity is trying her best to not only pay attention, but at least look as though she’s paying if she can’t actually pay attention.
>More and more minutes go by of gathering a synopsis of the contract, which looks really, really promising for Rarity’s career and future in general.
>Rarity stays polite and refrains from rushing Sassy Saddles.
>It’s starting to seem like the more Rarity thinks about Anon, the more the rain outside sounds like it’s beginning to pick back up.
>Looks like the worst of the storm isn’t gone just yet…
>Twenty MORE minutes go by.
>And without Rarity letting Sassy Saddles know she’s late for a date with Anon, as that might be seen as rude or unprofessional.
>”Aaaaaand, that should just about do it!” Sassy wraps up her quick preview of the final page. “Any questions? Concerns?”
>”Not at all, dear! I’ll be making a phone call as soon as I get back home.” Rarity promises while fixing her lustrous hair.
>”That’s great to hear. It was fascinating meeting you today, Miss Rarity.” Sassy Saddles reaches her hand out.
>”It was splendid to meet you as well, Miss Saddles!” Rarity takes her hand and gives it a firm but reasonably gentle shake.
>The rain is pouring, the wind is gusting, the thunder is occasionally rolling by…
>Rarity is lucky she made it into her car without her mascara being too affected; she still has a date to go on with Anon!
>She takes a few minutes to fix/dry her hair and restore her makeup the best she can.
>As Rarity is making herself presentable for the date she’s about to go on, Anon sends another text.
>[I heard your phone pocket-texting me as we were finishing up.] Rarity un-silences her phone. [I’m on my way back now, but the rain is going to slow me down a little. I deeply apologize for being so late! Dinner will be on me tonight!]
>Rarity continues to fix her hair and makeup the best she can, taking a few more minutes as the rainwater washes down the windshield in thick droves, illuminated by the bright lightning.
>If Rarity didn’t know any better she’d think she was in a car was-
>A loud thunderclap cute off Rarity’s train of thought, making her jolt and mess up part of her hair.
>She is forced to start over.
>Sacrificing at least three to five more minutes.
>”Curse this rain.” Rarity mutters to herself before another text comes in responding to her.
>[its okay take your time]
>So it seems Anon isn’t as impatient as Rarity had feared.
>After a few additional minutes of fixing herself up, Rarity finally turns the car on and pulls out of the parking lot.
>The whirring of the windshield wipers mixes with the heavy rain pelting the glass like the stream from a shower nozzle.
>”Ugh, maybe eating out isn’t such a good idea for today.” Rarity says to herself as she tries to make out the lines on the road the best she can.
>At a stoplight, Rarity checks the weather forecast on her phone to find that this terrible weather is going to continue until the wee hours of the morning.
>”Well! Isn’t just fantastic?!” She huffs before sending Anon another text.
>[Anon, the weather forecast says this rain won’t stop until the middle of the night, would you still like to go eat out or stay in my house for our date? Or would you rather we postpone this until tomorrow when the weather will cooperate?]
>As Rarity was typing that long message with her thumbs, that sinking feeling about Anon resurfaces, now worse than before.
>It’s almost getting stronger the closer she gets to her house.
>Something’s wrong, Rarity can sense it, and part of her doesn’t want to go to her own house right now for reasons she can’t explain.
>Rarity’s stomach churns, her worried glances into the rear view mirror become more frequent…
>Each turn leads to a new street she feels less enthusiastic about continuing down.
>Slowly in her car, through the heavy somber rain.
>Barely able to hear herself think through the shower of cold water hitting the car so rapidly.
>The roads are barely drivable, maybe this date isn’t happening today, but whatever response Anon gives back will be the judge of that.
>Rarity might as well let him decide, it’s only fair after how late she’s become for the date.
>It would be s shame if the date was called off.
>After making it onto her street, Rarity makes she she looks presentable as she gets closer and closer to her house.
>It must have been at *least* an hour by now.
>Rarity prepares to profusely apologize to Anon for making him wait AN ENTIRE HOUR, though, the at least the rain element of this was obviously no fault of her own.
>She watches the garage door go up, pulls in while taking mini waterfalls off the sides of the car with her, and momentarily steps into puddles of rainwater pooling onto the floor.
>”Well isn’t this a fine day for a date?” Rarity sarcastically comments to herself as she opens the door leading from the garage to the rest of the house.
>She removes her shoes to avoid slipping on the kitchen floor, noticing all the lights are on.
>”Hello?” Rarity calls out. “Mom? Anon? You here?”
>You immediately notice her step into view, spotting you standing in the living room.
“Heya there.” You wave and walk over to her. “You look great!”
>”I am sooooooo sorry, Anon! Bad luck got the best of me today!”
“I only just now saw your text. Must be the reception getting affected by the storm.” You say to Rarity.
>”I’ll say! I had no idea it was going to get this bad! I sincerely apologize, darling!”
“It’s okay.” You straighten your shirt. “I understand. I’m still down for going to the restaurant if you are.”
>”Rarity? That you?” Cookie Crumbles’s voice calls down from upstairs.
>”Oh! Have you met my mother, Anon?”
“I did. She had to go upstairs but I met her real quick.”
>”Oh, that’s wonderful!”
>Cookie can be heard coming down the stairs.
>When she appears, her hair is still damp from the shower she just took.
>”Oh, I’m so sorry, Anon! I didn’t know you were still here!”
“It’s fine, it’s fine.”
>”I got held up at the studio.” Explains Rarity.
>”Was the iced tea in the fridge good, Anon?” Cookie asks you. “The one I offered when you arrived. I forgot to ask you if you liked it.”
>You play along.
“Oh yeah, it’s pretty good. Didn’t have too much. Saving room for the date.”
>”Oh, I absolutely understand.” Cookie turns to Rarity. “Dear, you have found the sweetest boy I have ever seen!”
>”Mother… please!” Rarity’s face wears a blushing grin.
>”I hope you two have a wonderful time! Just be back before dark!”
“We will!” You immediately answer, showing Rarity that this is what you’re most concerned about.
>The rain has miraculously died down by the time you walk back outside.
Next update describes what Rarity will never find out about.

Sounds like a plan, and thank you very much. That's a nice set of ideas too, by the way.
The suspense is real
>Next update describes what Rarity will never find out about.
The suspense is killing me! I hope the update comes quickly!
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They actually fucked didn’t they?
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Writing it this way was actually clever. Cause now we know for sure Rarity never catches them. So if Anon and Cookie do fuck it hurts less. The texts hinting it is also good.
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Those titties look so fun to play with
I still hope he holds out
The first one sounds like it might be boring but the rest of them are really solid. I'd honestly give any of them a try.
Anchor for the anon coloring the bottomless humanized Fluttershy.

(NSFW, obviously)

Requesting that this sketch of bottomless humanized Fluttershy is colored. Be sure to expose her genitals.

Reference for color and painting style (also NSFW):

And this is how the original artist would draw female genitals in the similar pose and from the similar angle. (WARNING: NSFW, anthro and hyper)

Or, if you want to finish it yourself, here is the incomplete painting (it too is NSFW):
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>Bimbo Sparkles will never draw a Gloriosa
Why live?
>Sundown will never draw a G Daisy
Time to pick the wrong berries.
wrote a shitpost inspired by this >>41188733

>You are Degenerate Anon.
>You are such a loser that no one ever notices you.
>One day, you see that Fluttershy brought a bento to school with her.
>You decide right there that you're going to imitate your favorite mangas.
>And you’re going to cum in her bento.
>She's never brought one of those to school before, no girl here ever has.
>Especially not a super pretty and nice girl like Fluttershy.
>So you're going to jump on this chance to cum in one while you've still got it.
>Resolving not to miss this opportunity, and with just twenty minutes before lunch, you raise your hand and ask Cranky Doodle if you can go to the bathroom.
>Fluttershy doesn’t ever lock her locker so stealing her bento out of it is easy.
>You’re only worried about getting caught by Pinkie, actually.
>She’s the hall monitor right now, and she has a perfect record when it comes to catching truant kids.
>But thankfully you manage to avoid her.
>You take her bento into the bandroom with you, since no one will be in there right now
>After locking the door, you place the bento on a desk so it’s at waist height, and then take off your pants.
>You do your business while thinking about Fluttershy.
>You even hold back the first few times you’re about to finish, so you won’t get a dribbler or nothing.
>You want to make this one count.
>For her…
>Finally, thinking of Fluttershy licking your cum off of her lips sends you over the edge.
>You growl and, pushing the tip of your dick into her food, open the flood gates.
>Shoot your shit right into her rice eight times.
>Easily one of the best loads you’ve ever blown.
>But it's really noticeable too.
>You thought white on white wouldn't stand out so much but it does.
>It looks like grease, it’s just completely glazed.
>A couple of your pubes even got stuck to her sticky buns somehow.
>After pickering them out, you dip your finger in the rice and try your best to mix your cum around so it’s not as noticeable.
>It just keeps globbing to the rice instead.
>You hide the evidence as best as you can anyway.
>Then you slip her bento back into her locker, keeping an eye out for Pinkie while you do.
>You decide to just leave it in there and hope for the best.
>And just in time too.
>From the corner of your eye you catch Pinkie out strolling the halls, whistling that song that got Twilight elected queen of the formal.
>Princess Luna always gives the hall monitor a whistle, and Pinkie is swinging it in a big circle in the air by her left side.
>It looks like there’s a propeller spinning in front of her as you hear her heels skipping down the hallway.
>Thankfully, she doesn’t look your way, and you hear her skipping towards the cafeteria.
>Five minutes later it's lunchtime.
>You sit mostly alone (Microchip and a few other nerds silently tolerate you from the other end of the table) behind the Rainbooms.
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>They never notice you, no one ever does.
>But you're shitting yourself anyway as you watch Fluttershy inspect her opened bento.
>She has one eyebrow raised and is looking right at the rice.
>She starts stirring it with one of the cafeteria's spoons.
>You already know she isn't going to eat it.
>Especially when she puts the whole thing down and just starts staring at it like it's a bomb that’s about to go off.
>She clears her throat.
>"Um, girls…?"
>They're all chatting and don't hear her.
>To be fair, you have to read her lips to know what she’s saying yourself, though the rest of her friends come in loud and clear everytime.
>She stares at the bento again, considers it for a moment.
>Then she lifts the spoon up close to her face, right between her eyes, to inspect her new gooey looking rice.
>She squints at it, wondering what it could be.
>The fact that she hasn't been tipped off by the smell yet says something, but maybe that's more on you than her.
>It was a stupid idea anyway, cumming in Fluttershy's bento.
>Of course she wasn't going to eat it.
>Thank God she'll never know that it was you.
>"Whatcha got there, Fluttershy?" Pinkie says suddenly, swiping the spoon from her hand.
>You and Fluttershy gasp silently as Pinkie jams it into her mouth.
>When she pulls it back out past her lips, the spoon's clean.
>"Pinkie Pie!" Rarity starts wagging her finger at her. "What have we told you before about using our spoons?"
>Pinkie swallows.
>"I know, I know," she says blandly.
>She then repeats what she's been told, swinging her head from side to side as she does:
>"'Use your own spoon, Pinkie!'"
>"You know it ain't sanitary when you share like that," Applejack says.
>"I have to agree," Twilight says. "In fact did you know that there are billions of germs--"
>"Ugh!" Rainbow groans. "I just got out of biology, Twilight! Can’t we talk about something else?..."
>As the rest of them devolve into chatter, Fluttershy is shitting herself and looking at Pinkie.
>Pinkie's just smiling at her.
>She hands her the spoon back.
>"Sorry about that, Fluttershy," she says. "Anyway, can I have some more?"
>Okay, now you're shitting yourself.
>Fluttershy doesn't look any better though, her face looks as white as Rarity's.
>"Y-You liked it...?"
>"Oh yeah, it's super yummy!" Pinkie says, licking her pink chops. "I want seconds! I'll even get my own spoon if you want me to."
>Her tongue picks up any leftover rice that was stuck to her pink lips, which now have a sheen on them in the sunlight.
>”Um, sure…” Fluttershy says, pushing the bento to her. “I’m not hungry anymore, anyway.”
>”Great!” Pinkie jumps up and starts skipping towards the lunchline. “I’ll go get my own spoon. Be right back! Oh, hiya!”
>Pinkie waves at you for just a second, as she comes round the end of her table, then skips away, smooshing the bento against her chest.
>You sit there like a deer in the headlights, your eyes still frozen up where Pinkie acknowledged you.
>You don’t dare to look over at Fluttershy’s table.
>It’s so fucking quiet over there now.
>Finally, Applejack says:
>”When are you gonna stop letting Pinkie steal your lunch all the time?”
>”It’s f-fine, she left me some…” Fluttershy says as she points down at Pinkie’s tray.
>Where she left a big heap of your own cum rice out there for everyone to try.
>When the fuck did she even do that?!
>There’s even six clean spoons there too.
>Fucking Pinkie Pie.
>What’s worse is that none of them are saying anything, they’re just looking at the rice like it’s a puzzle to solve.
>”Pinkie don’t usually flip like that for anything that ain’t got ten cups of sugar in it,” Applejack says.
>“Yeah. And it’s just rice!” Rainbow Dash says. “That stuff is, like, supposed to taste like nothing.”
>”You must have followed a really good recipe,” Twilight says.
>”Yeah, what is your secret, Fluttershy?” Sunset asks, leaning forward.
>Prompting the rest of the girls at the table to crowd Fluttershy as well.
>She’s not taking it well.
>”W-Well, I… um…”
>Oh God, what could she possibly say?
>”I… don’t know. I just thought I made normal rice this morning. I didn’t think I did anything special to it. It just came out like that, I guess.”
>”Well, then I suppose you did a fabulous job,” Rarity says. “I mean you must have done something right, if you were able to overcome the hurdle that is Pinkie Pie’s sweet tooth.”
>”Ain’t that the truth,” Sunset says, looking at AJ.
>”I reckon so,” she responds.
>”So…” Rainbow Dash says, drawing her voice out, “you’re going to let the rest of us try some of this special rice of yours, right, Fluttershy?”
>The girls are all nodding along with Dash’s suggestion.
>Holy fuck.
>Fluttershy looks at all of their faces unsurely for a moment.
>”I’d sure like to try some now,” Twilight says.
>”Me too,” Sunset says. “I’m curious to see what got Pinkie to act up like that.”
>”I’d be willing to sample a morsel,” Rarity says. “After all, that bento of yours was absolutely darling.”
>What is happening.
>What is going on.
>Fluttershy swallows a lump in her throat, since even crowds made up of her friends will make her nervous.
>”Um, well…”
>But soon she reflects her friends’ smiles back at them.
>”Okay… Sure.”
>You watch in stone silence as the six of them all take a spoon and dig into your rice.
>What the actual fuck is happening right now.

all i've got, figured i'd post it here, lel
You can just commission Bimbo Sparkles to draw Gloriosa, you know.
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He won't.
I like it
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The interest in learning has skyrocketed.
>Rarity’s lips crash against yours.
>You can’t exactly place what her lipstick tastes like.
>You wanna say blackberries, but you’re not super confident.
>Placing the taste isn’t made any easier by how messily she’s making out with you.
>Her tongue slides into your mouth, messily tangling with yours.
>She kisses so gracelessly, it’s so unlike the Rarity you’ve gotten to know over the past few months.
>You’re much more used to the sensation of a girl’s tongue invading your mouth, so you swirl your tongue around in perfect synchronization with hers.
>She happily moans through the kiss in response to your tongue work.
>Rarity climbs onto onto your lap, keeping her hands locked in place while grinding her pussy against your dick, separated only by two thin layers of fabric.
>You’re already leaking some precum through your lingerie.
>She keeps a surprisingly fierce grip on your head while making out with you.
>Her breaths come out high pitched and needy, almost panting.
>It’d be easy to assume it’s the wine at work, but she only had one glass of wine.
>The mask didn’t just slip, it’s been tossed off altogether.
>She’s so enraptured that she’s thrusting her entire body against you.
>Her fingers rake through your hair like the world’s angriest lawn care worker.
>She’s reminding you of how Pinkie made out with you.
>Her lips serve as the faucet for pouring months of repressed feelings and desires from within her down onto you.
>Pinkie was more manic than Rarity is, but compared to her usual composure, Rarity’s a complete mess right now.
>There’s a lot of desperation in her kissing and touching.
>Her fingers alternate between gripping your hair and stroking your cheek like she doesn’t know what to do with herself.
>She’s sweating more than a little, as well.
>So unladylike.
>Well, you’re not gonna let her down.
>You grab Rarity’s hips and bring her body against yours.
>She squeals delightfully into the kiss, gripping your hair even tighter.
>She’s humping you so intensely you’re focusing the strength in your hands on just keeping her in place.
>You lean into her as you kiss her more vigorously.
>You’ve picked up a few tricks from the girls, like gently biting at her lower lip when you two come up for air.
>Rarity sharply gasps at your nibbling, but this only gets her more heated up.
>The hotter she gets, the easier it is for you to lead in this dance.
>Your tongue forces the party into Rarity’s mouth, which she happily submits to.
>You seize the opportunity and indulge in exploring Rarity’s mouth, dragging your tongue along her teeth and the roof and bottom of her mouth.
>Her teeth are just as pristine as the rest of her body, and just as fun to play with.
>Rarity’s legs wrap around your waist, wrapping you even tighter in her embrace.
>With a wet pop, Rarity pries her lips off of yours and gasps for air while still holding you tight.
>If there’s any truth to what she was saying about eyes being windows to the soul, then her soul’s been ignited with the flames of passion.
>Her lipstick’s smeared across her mouth and her usually immaculate hair’s become a frizzy mess.
>Even after parting from the kiss, she’s still slightly humping you and breathing heavily.
>She’s almost unrecognizable like this.
>The soft music playing in the background is like some kind of punchline, such sensual music serving as the soundtrack for you two messily making out and rubbing on each other like the horny teenagers both of you are, as opposed to the seductress Rarity wants to be.
“How’s that for freedom?” You ask her with a small smirk.
>”I feel as if I just sold my soul to the devil.” Rarity whispered as she kept her arms and legs on you.
“You’ve been saying such horrible things about me, I’m starting to think you don’t like me~” You tease her, then teasingly tugging on the waistband of her lacy panties.
>Rarity softly gasps as her panties snap back into place.
>”Would you like some more wine, lover? I couldn’t imagine sharing the rest of this bottle with anyone else!” She offers you, whipping around to fetch the bottle and two more glasses.
>When Rarity leans over the bed to grab the bottle, you admire the view you’ve been granted.
>She’s kneeling over with her knees spread apart and her back arched to present her body to you even more.
>It’s difficult to see, but from the faint glisten on her inner thighs, she’s soaking wet.
“What was that you said about a good hostess not letting me make a drunken buffoon out of myself?” You cheekily remind her while unashamedly staring at her ass.
>”Applejack promised her family that we would be responsible with the cider. I, however, made no such promise~” Rarity slyly answers, casting a wink your way when she sees you staring.
>The Anon that would have quickly averted his eyes and pretended he wasn’t looking doesn’t exist anymore, his place taken by the Anon that just wants to appreciate a girl’s body.
>Rarity’s body deserves appreciation.
>With a seductive sway of her hips, she turns around and pours more of the dark red wine into the two glasses.
>Rarity answers the question on your behalf by carefully handing one of the glasses to you.
“Seems to me like you’re no angel, either.” You softly remark, taking in the enticing aroma of the finely aged wine.
>Rarity mischievously giggled as she offered you one of the glasses
>”At least I’m more of an angel than you~” She counters, batting her eyes at you.
>She climbs back onto your lap and drapes her free arm around your neck.
>You bring her close to you by wrapping your arm around her waist.
>Her arousal’s soaked right through her lingerie, softly lubricating your dick.
>You’re breathing heavier and gently humping her in return.
>With each stroke of your dick against her pussy, she softly exhales with increasing arousal.
>She tries to keep her hand steady to hold the wine glass, but she can’t stop her hand from trembling a little.
>You clink your glass against hers and swiftly gulp down more of the wine.
>The drink’s easier to swallow now that you’re really feeling the alcohol, but you’re not experienced enough a drinker to drink it without cringing at the bitter taste a little.
>The alcohol hits you harder this time.
>You feel slightly dizzier and more lightheaded, but in a way that makes you feel more free.
>Less restricted by your inhibitions.
>You want Rarity, and you feel even more motivated to get her.
>Rarity finishes her glass of wine, lets the glass fall onto the floor, and wraps herself around you again to continue making out.
>Her breathing’s gotten even more intense and her body’s pressed firmly against yours.
>The faint flavor of the wine lingers on her breath as her lips stay locked onto yours.
>Following her lead, you softly drop your empty glass on the floor, capture Rarity’s body in your arms and intertwine her tongue with yours.
>You’re feeling all of her.
>Every heave of her chest, every thrust of her lips, every lewd exhale and flick of her tongue.
>The wine’s showing you a side of her nobody else gets to see.
>Your hands are feeling more adventurous now that you’re more drunk.
>Your hands explore more of her back, only stopping to tug at her bra strap or the waistband of her panties.
>You’re gonna feel more of her.
>You separate from the kiss, grip Rarity’s hips and push her down onto the bed, looming over her like a savage animal.
>The blankets and pillows billow around her like she’s sinking into a heavenly cloud.
>Rarity’s eyes widen to a frenzied look as her breathing quickens, thrilled to the bone by your show of dominance.
>Her body beckons you forth.
>You don’t waste a second in treating yourself to her body.
>Your hands roam up to her chest, greedily squeezing and kneading her breasts through her bra.
>Rarity openly moans at your touch, throwing her head back and arching her back up to present her chest to you even more.
>Her boobs feel incredible.
>They might not be as hefty as Pinkie’s or Fluttershy’s, but they’re just as fun to play with.
>But it’s a different kind of fun.
>The kind of fun that comes with running wild in an art gallery after hours.
>Rarity’s body, so delicately cared for, a shining example of the female form, all yours to play with like a new toy on Christmas morning.
>It’s tantamount to smearing your cheese curl dust covered fingers all over the Mona Lisa, but her lascivious whimpering is practically begging you to keep going.
>As you squeeze Rarity’s boobs even tighter, her reactions get more and more messily aroused.
>Her legs lock around your waist to keep you in place while her arms are splayed out on the bed.
>Her shut eyes and mouth hanging open convey how deeply she’s enjoying the sexual stimulation.
>Thanks to the grip her toned legs have on you, you two softly rock your hips together in a perfect rhythm.
>Your hands slide back down to her stomach, making Rarity moan a little in disappointment that you’re done playing with her chest.
>But when you begin stroking her soft stomach from just beneath her breasts to just above her crotch, her needy squirming begins again.
>It’s a very powerful feeling to have Rarity at your complete mercy like this.
>Such beauty, such grace, reduced to a horny mess by your touch with absolutely no shame to be found in her.
>You’re gonna enjoy playing with this mess you made.
>Your fingers curl back around the waistband of her panties and playfully tug at them, revealing slightly more of her womanhood.
>Granted, you’ve been enjoying the sight of Rarity’s naked body throughout a good portion of this sleepover, but unwrapping your presents is always a good time.
>You release the waistband of her panties from your fingers and let them snap back into place on her hips.
>Rarity squeals in response, humping even more vigorously in response.
>”A-Anon…” She moans, her entire body heaving.
“Yes, Rarity?” You teasingly ask her, tugging at her garter belt to get her even more wound up.
>She quivers again as she tries to speak.
“What is it, Rarity?” You ask her again in a firmer tone, trailing your hand down to her thigh and tracing your finger along the hem of her stocking.
>Her skin’s noticeably warmer and reacts to your every touch with incredible sensitivity.
>”Puh… Please…” She whispers through her vortex of emotions, constricting her legs around your waist even tighter.
>The angel on your shoulder is telling you to quit teasing Rarity and give the poor girl what she wants, but the devil on your other shoulder is telling you to see how far you can push this.
>And she HAS been calling you a devil…
“Use your words.” You instruct her, sliding your hand back up her hip and beneath her garter belt.
>”T-Tear them off.” Rarity finally manages to enunciate in a high pitched voice.
>This just got a lot more interesting.
>You fake a shocked gasp at her request.
“I could never! I know you think low of me, but to think I would destroy your hard work, it’s gotta be the wine talking!”
>”Anonymous, I wouldn’t even HUMOR the idea unless I was absolutely certain it’s what I wanted.” Rarity insisted, regaining control of her hands enough to grab your wrists and bring them to her bra.
>”And right now, what I want is YOU.”
>Your fingers curl around the fabric on their own.
>”Give in to your lust! Show me how bad you want me!” Rarity pants, keeping your hands on her chest.
>Her words are like nicotine, each enunciation weakening your ability to deny her what she wants.
>Like Aphrodite herself is submitting to you.
>You lean into Rarity’s ear and gently exhale, getting a soft moan in response.
“You sure you can handle me~?” You ask her.
>Rarity shakily nodded.
>”Show me that I can’t~”
>With a grin, you slowly kiss and nibble at her neck and stroke her cheek.
>She trembles at your affection and softly whines in protest.
>You sit up and bring both your hands to her bra.
>”Wait!” She exclaims before you could grip her lingerie.
>She hastily sits up, plants a messy kiss on your lips and leans in your ear.
>”Use your teeth.” She whispers in your ear, then letting her body fall limp on the bed and submitting to your will.
>Sounds beastly.
>That’s what she sees in you, after all.
>No matter what a good friend you were to her after all this time, she secretly saw you as a wild animal raring to be let off the chain and sink your teeth into her.
>Fine, you’ll show her beastly.
>You grip just below her chest and bring her body up to you.
>Rarity goes completely limp and bites her bottom lip to prevent more embarrassing sounds of arousal from escaping her and making her submission even more satisfying for you.
>Your breathing gets more intense, approaching growling as you bare your teeth and bring them closer to her shoulder.
>Her body begins to tense up in anticipation for your lusty wrath.
>You scrape your teeth along her shoulder, feeling more of your animalistic side surface.
>Rarity’s breathing gets even shakier and her body wiggles about.
>She reacts like your teeth release a paralyzing venom that leaves her unable to do anything to resist or escape.
>Your teeth slowly find her bra strap.
>Even when it’s in your mouth, you can really tell Rarity put a lot of work into this little ensemble.
>You can make out the detailing she put into the fabric as you lick the fabric up and down.
>Tugging at the strap makes Rarity whimper even more.
>Her patience is running out, but she’s lost the ability to do anything about it.
>You’re tired of waiting, too.
>With a snarl, you grit your teeth and pull you away, taking her bra strap with you.
>It doesn’t take much effort to snap Rarity’s bra strap, but you keep your grip on the garment.
>Rarity’s panting grows louder and her hips start bucking even faster as you damage her clothes.
>She doesn’t know what to do with her hands, judging by how they hastily roam up and down your back.
>Her fingernails try to trace intricate shapes, but she’s so clumsy in execution.
>You dive back in, this time biting at her bra cup.
>Your teeth fiercely scrape at her breast in the process, making her squeal in delight.
>Her head’s fallen back and her tongue’s almost fallen out of her mouth.
>She’s given up on hiding how horny you’re making her.
>You tear her bra cup off her heaving chest, re-exposing her breast to the world of her bedroom.
>Something about how the fabric tears galvanizes you even further.
>Like you really are tearing apart the flesh of your prey.
>Your moans become more violent and guttural, which Rarity really responds to.
>Her moans and whimpers become even more meek and high pitched in turn, fully embracing the role of being your prey.
>You cast aside your humanity and decency and ravenously tear apart her lingerie with your teeth.
>The sound of her lingerie ripping is music to your ears.
>You get so caught up in the moment that you can’t help but bite at her flesh, damaging her pristine skin with your teeth.
>Rarity’s whimpers get louder, bordering on screaming in pleasure with every bite.
>She can’t even bring herself to cover her face or muffle herself.
>Her hands clench the mattress covering with the strength she has left.
>Within moments, her bra is nothing more than scraps of fabric scattered about the bed.
>But you want more.
>You turn your attention to Rarity’s garter belt.
>She thrusts her hips upwards at you to make it easier for you to have your way with her.
>You grip her hips with enough strength to bruise her with just your fingers before sinking your teeth into her garter belt and ripping it to shreds, rabidly growling.
>”You- You beast! You fiend! You monster!” Rarity lewdly exclaims, gripping her exposed breasts and teasing her own nipples in an attempt to satiate the fire within her.
>You don’t answer her.
>Her lingerie tastes so good.
>Like an exotic delicacy from a distant land.
>Spiced with her desire.
>You barely even notice the bites and scrapes you leave on her body.
>Only one bit of lingerie is separating you from the body of the girl before you.
>Rarity’s panties.
>Hidden just beneath her skirt all semester.
>Her panties were slightly revealed to you on the day her skirt ripped, but now they’re on open display for you.
>You lean down and smell the fear and arousal radiating off of her remaining garment.
>If you could bottle the scent and sell it as perfume, you’d be a very rich man.
>And that’s only the smell.
>You want to taste it.
>Poor Rarity, she’s shaking like a leaf in the wind.
>Her legs are spread as wide apart as they can be spread.
>She knows better than to try to restrict you now.
>A small spot of dampness appeared on the blanket beneath her crotch, and it’s just as fragrant as the source.
>You lovingly stroke Rarity’s legs, giving special attention to her inner thighs.
>You just love the way she quivers when your fingers wander dangerously close to her pussy.
>Each time you stray away from her womanhood only makes her want your touch more and more.
>”I know your secret, Anonymous.” Rarity gasps, her entire body trembling.
>”Twilight and Sunset suspected it of you, but it’s as clear as day!”
>You lift your eyes from her dripping wet pussy to meet her wild eyes.
>”You’re a werewolf~”
>The only response you can manage is a throaty growl, making the blush on her cheeks another shade darker.
>A werewolf, huh?
>That’s a fun one.
>Fluttershy’s really good at nurturing the best of you, but Rarity’s great at bringing out the worst in you.
>And to think Twilight and Sunset call you a werewolf, too.
>Twilight’s next.
>Twilight secretly thinks you’re just as much of a monster as Rarity thinks you are.
>You’ll show her what a monster you can be.
>But right now, Rarity needs your attention.
>Your love and your anger.
>Passion in every form.
>You bare your teeth and bring them to the waistband of Rarity’s panties.
>”A-And I’m… Your helpless… Victim~” Rarity moaned, letting her body sink back into the blanket.
>You bite at her panties and pull.
>The stitching strains and begins to rip.
>The waistband gets stretched out but remains in one piece.
>Rarity’s breathing hitches.
>To tease her a little more, you tug her panties slightly down and expose her pussy like a mischievous dog.
>Her womanhood glistens with the love juices leaking from her.
>The smell’s even stronger now.
>”Please…” Rarity quietly beckons you, barely audible through her lust.
>You can’t hold yourself back.
>The full moon’s out and that wine gave you a taste for blood.
>You clench your teeth as tight as possible and rip her panties to shreds.
>Just like that, your prey is naked again.
Freaky Rarity is always something very appreciated! Love the werewolf bit too.
Awesome as always CB!
This is a horrible time to segue into this, but I've just had the thought. No idea which way CB will go on this topic (but I'm confident plans are in place), but I was wondering if Anon and the girls would make their relationship public?
There would be MANY reactions, most of the initial ones being "Way to go Anon!"
After the initial shock reactions will tend to vary in types and intensity depending on the individual. But somewhere down the line, everyone with a dating history will realize an unfortunate downside..
"That lucky so-and-so is going to be SO BROKE having 7 girlfriends!"

The financial reality may be grim, but our hero is a resourceful fellow! He quickly understands he may have an asset that can offset this unfortunate consequence. His body! Introducing the Anonymous dating fund calendar! Sold wherever they can manage with an upcharge for signed copies!

(This is an idea for mostly work-friendly submission ideas for what could be in the calendar. Picture ideas should feature Anonymous at least and as many girls as the picture needs to work. Actual drawings would be awesome but I lack the talent for that.)

Boxers or Briefs edition cover photo.
Anon is seen from the back wearing a towel, faintly glistening of water from a recent shower standing at an apparent intersection of a wall divided into 2 neutral colors. On one side of the divide above head level is the word "Boxers" and on the other side is the word "Briefs". As a cover photo it needs ALL of the girls, so all of them are directing Anon to the side that says "Briefs".

Sunset is on the Boxers side, actively blocking it with her hand on the wall and pointing to the Briefs side with a wicked grin.
Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash are actively trying to shove an immobile Anon in the proper direction from the Boxers side.
Fluttershy is facing the wall on the Briefs side, facing away from the camera with 2 fingers gently tugging Anon's towel to encourage the choice that's best for him.
Twiggles is standing next to a posterboard on the wall with various pie charts and graphs to high light the correct conclusion on the Briefs side.
Applejack has lassoed Anon of course and is facing away from him on the Briefs side with the rope over her shoulder as she leans hard into the pull.
And Rarity is farthest on the Briefs side looking at Anon with an eager grin, 1 hand on her hip and the other beckoning Anon.
When’s the last time you ever wrote something with all the humane 7?
Do that, it’s the only thing everyone wants. The reader pool is picky you gotta adapt.
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>it’s the only thing everyone wants
Not me, I want more MILFs. I want to see their moms/mom surrogates getting fucked by Anon instead.
ngl it's better nobody does. artists are at their best when they do their thing on a whim.
>at his best when on a whim
>"You're a werewolf~"
Oh Rarity. You will have your mind broken by dick soon enough.
Wasn't expecting that at all. Made me kek hard in the middle of... other things.
I’d say you’re in the minority here. Plus Grey made it clear he would rather write whatever the majority wants.
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I'll have to sit this one out. The guy flooding the thread with nothing but ai is being a total faggot.
Here's one ai pic to at least show I'm not against ai itself.
Wouldn’t surprise me if anti-aifags resorted to falseflagging as aifags at this point.
what makes you think that?
I doubt it.
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Just go stay over there. I'm sure there are other people who will still participate.
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>With the date still on, you step inside the car.
>Idle raindrops finish their journey from the sky to the ground after the shock from the door shutting sends them to the concrete and grass.
>”I’m sorry you didn’t have enough time to meet my mom properly. But we might as well get going. We’re already late enough as we are.” Rarity grips the steering wheel.
>You give her a smile.
“Yeah, and we don’t know how long it’ll be until it starts raining again. Can’t trust the forecast at this point.”
>”Oh, TELL me about it! Just this morning it said there would only be some light rain, and then THIS happens!”
“Sorry I butt-texted you a couple of times, by the way.” You apologize. “That must’ve been confusing.”
>”It’s quite alright. I understand.”
>You now think back to the actual moment that was going on when you mindlessly sent that gibberish…
>The freshly cleaned carpet beneath the two of you is luckily kept clean by the yoga mat.
>The yoga mat itself, however… it’s taking the brunt.
>”Let’s uh, try to stretch our hamstrings a bit, eh?” Cookie Crumbles notices how frequently your eyes continue to wander to her chest.
>Her cleavage rises and falls for you, still very openly exposed with very little effort to cover it up.
>You can almost sense her panicked heartbeat in the blush spreading across her face.
>Whatever attempts you make to keep your tent away from her view are not nearly full-fledged as your erection is.
>All the feral urges erupting in your mind hamper your actual efforts to keep your physical arousal a secret.
>Cookie begins to sit on the floor next to you, pretending she wasn’t leglocking you just a minute or two ago before she had realized it and stopped herself.
>You don’t even remember when she noticed and began to re-appropriate herself.
>But the damage was already done by then; her breathing now being quite audible says it all.
>And it’s getting slightly shakier.
>She’s trying to hold her own urges inside too…
>Maybe you’d have stood a chance keeping yourself convinced Cookie Crumbles didn’t have her own urges for you.
>You could keep at heart that she’d not welcome whatever advances you would start anyway.
>The flood would only be about 90% of the way up the other side of the dam… it’d be manageable.
>You’d be able to stay loyal.
>But this very nature deep inside now clearly being returned in a way without words puts the floodwaters 200% over the top of the dam.
>Your barrier between “should do” and “shouldn’t do” turned out to be a sand castle as the wave came crashing through.
>And you never even knew it was that weak.
>Though, a brief moment of intentional distraction was clinched when you grabbed your phone to text Rarity, praying that she’s just down the block by now and will save you with a knock on the door or ring of the doorbell.
>You text her [how much longer?]
>You knew the dam would break before her incoming text would appear on the screen.
>[They might be handing me a contract right now. I’ll ask for a copy and take it back with me so I don’t keep you waiting.] Rarity responded.
>The final words escape you before you get swept away: [thank you so much]
>She’s still more than 30 minutes away from the front door at VERY least.
>You’re not even 10 seconds away from Cookie’s soft smooth skin that’s very generously displayed aside the undersized tank top and leggings.
>As the powerful floodwater sweeps you away from your critical thinking, you fully realize there is no way you have a chance.
>”You gotta do it like this.” Cookie reaches down her legs as they lie flat on the floor, letting her sleek lower back greet you.
>Her skin beckons you over, telling you it’s okay to keep a little secret this time.
>But her eyes tell you that she’s trying really hard hoping you don’t think about it that way.
>Why is hoping the only thing she’s doing?
>Cookie is clearly not covering herself as you gradually crawl your way over to her across the plush living room floor to the sound of the downpour hitting the roof outside.
>”L-let’s talk about something…” Shivers Cookie, red in the face as she half celebrates you being inches away from her now.
>You can feel her body heat radiating off of her, watching her breathe in and out to her excitement for you that your physical outwardness in your pants set into motion.
“You uh… do yoga a lot?” You blurt, eyes locked onto Cookie’s chest.
>”Ever since I was Rarity’s age.” Cookie does her best to remind you that her daughter is your girlfriend.
>Part of her is delighted to see that this reminder fell on deaf ears, on leering eyes.
>Cookie tries her hardest to distract herself from wondering how big that thing is in there, in the front of your pants.
>It’s already giving her a pretty good idea right now, trying to pierce through the fabric like that.
>Cookie prays she didn’t lick her lips just now…
>”I… I would stretch after school… back when I was younger and thinner…”
“Before you filled out?” You go right for it.
>Cookie feels a shiver climb its way up her weakening spine after she heard you say that.
>And when they shiver reacher her brain, she sees a compliment in there whether intentional or not.
>”Y-yes…” Cookie shakily responds, holding how flattered she is inside. “I’m still pretty flexible though.”
“I noticed.”
>”Thank you for noticing…”
>Cookie can feel your eyes venturing all over her curvaceous body neatly wrapped up in not enough clothing to cover everything.
>You’re so up close that you literally have to turn and tilt your head to a noticeable amount to spread your gaze up and down between her thighs and chest.
>There’s no way to hide your ogling… it’s impossible.
>Cookie struggles to keep herself from reciprocating this and eyeing your arousal she started up.
>Why didn’t she realize her outfit was this revealing when her daughter’s boyfriend walked in?
>She couldn’t *entirely* depend on trusting his restraint, could she?
>Cookie Crumbles raised her daughter well enough to make a guy like you moderate himself to such a degree that he wouldn’t do so much as flirt with his girlfriend’s mother…
>She knows this.
>She also knows that she keeps allowing you to stare at her cleavage, with her hands unable to decide whether she wants to pull the front of her tank top over it or not.
>Watching you look at her breasts packed inside her small tank top excites her more than she will admit to.
>Cookie should have known that such a young man walking in here with her dressed in such a revealing way would look at her and be blinded.
>Everything you love about Rarity’s body, is something she got from Cookie.
>That soft silky skin that’s sublime to the touch.
>That hypnotic hourglass shape of her womanly torso.
>Those majestic gazing eyes resembling those of a movie star without trying…
>Those perfectly straight, pearly white teeth and luscious lips trying not to curve upwards at the corners…
>All of what your new girlfriend Rarity has is right here on Cookie, except even more developed and fertile.
>And Cookie Crumbles knows it well.
>”Is… my chest distracting you?” Cookie carefully resurfaces the question as though she didn’t already ask it. “…Anon?”
>She sounded more direct this time.
>And you’re more direct too.
>This moment of weakness has completely conquered you, and you’re gonna help it conquer her next.
>”I had a feeling.”
“It’s okay. I don’t mind.”
>You watch Cookie halfheartedly try to pull the front of her little tank top up over her soft heaving cleavage that’s too voluminous to allow this to be possible.
>She awkwardly giggles to play it off as your eyes remain glued to her goods slightly jiggling from the futile cover-up attempt.
>You’re about to make her arousal just as impossible to hide.
>”S-s… so… let’s l-lean back a-and… do another… bridge pose…” Cookie desperately distracts herself with more yoga talk as she tenderly leans back to fall onto her elbows.
>Her sot busty chest is out in the open, and your hand seizes the opportunity to reach over and grope her.
>Cookie freezes with the blush on her face deepening, but she can’t bring herself to do anything about your sudden advance.
>She knows that her daughter must have failed to tame you, or at least will have if this interaction concludes how she thinks it’s going to conclude.
>And Cookie doesn’t know how she’s going to keep herself from fully welcoming it.
“You’re not wearing a bra today…” You run your finger along the stiffening bump from her braless nipple through the fabric.
>”That I’m not…”
>Cookie leans into it at first, but then almost tries to pull away.
>Conflicting thoughts are crashing into one another in her head, and in the middle of it is her own sand castle trying not to get wet.
>But you intensify your grabbing and feeling upon her big soft mounds of flesh, massaging her bountiful breast and sending in stronger restraint-breaking waves.
“I know… I’m sorry.”
>”I’m sorry too.” Cookie gently huffs as she begins to lean into your groping once more, this time with no way to get herself to reverse it. “It’s okay.”
>She very quickly understands that this is happening, and allows you to now put both of your hands all over her.
>It’s easier at this point to just let this run its course instead of trying to fight back what’s inside of both of you.
>You’ve already lost to your waves of arousal, and they’re now spreading into Cookie through your eager hands.
>All Cookie can respond with now is a hesitant but all-stirred-up sigh.
>Your appreciation for her body can’t go unrewarded.
>The whole yoga charade falls away really, really fast.
>The rain pours even harder outside.
>And the ice officially breaks.
>Your emboldened hands enthusiastically work on Cookie’s soft beautiful chest, pressing onto them with loving grabs.
>Cookie completely relaxes in acceptance of mutual arousal with you, and lets out a sustained sigh.
>Your touch takes her to such an enthralling place, makes her want to squeal in delight and hold you tightly for hours.
>It’s so forbidden, but she can’t help but need more of it.
>As is how you feel about fondling Cookie Crumble’s big soft breasts.
>It was only her natural reaction to put her smooth bare arm around you.
>Pulling you closer to herself.
>Wanting to pin your forbidden advances up against her body as you lie on the living floor with her to the sound of pouring rain.
>Part of Cookie reminds her that this is her daughter’s boyfriend.
>And that she and you should NOT be touching eachother like this!
>What kind of mentor would Cookie be to her daughter Rarity if Rarity failed as a dating mentor to you?
>Cookie tries to recollect herself before this goes too far… but her own waves are becoming too powerful for her as well.
>She tries to tell you her daughter might come back for the date you’re going on, but the only thing that comes out is an encouraging whimper for more.
>Now she encourages you to touch her more sincerely.
>Both of you didn’t know how badly you needed it.
>You’re making Cookie feel like she’s a teenager again even more than usual for a yoga session.
>She begins to tremble and stammer, tripping over herself when she tries to cobble together coherent speech between welcoming moans.
>The rain outside is cold, but your embrace makes Cookie’s heart light up with a loving warmth.
>And your hands mercifully sliding underneath her tank top to directly graze along her silky midriff makes her breath hitch a little.
>She slightly panics, knowing where this touch is going to lead you two.
>But your touch quickly calms her with her own arousal the longer you sustain your welcomed caressing upon her perfect beautiful skin.
>Letting her sexy body finally become more unwrapped with that top slowly scrunching upwards along the smooth surface of her soft skin.
>Cookie is letting you help her stay proud of her fertile womanly curves, while she deeply breathes in and out in anxious response to your enthusiastic touch.
>You’d feel her up all day if you could.
>Admiring and enjoying her perfect hourglass form that became softer and curvier with time.
>With that now exposed cushiony tummy slightly swelling against you with every nervous breath.
>Cookie tries not to insist that you continue, but she’s hugging you back and caressing you as well.
>Not realizing that she’s doing so.
>Not realizing that she’s only encouraging you more now.
>An apology gets lost on the way out of her, must have taken a wrong turn on her tongue and got swallowed back down.
>Her lips wildly quiver for a few seconds as tries to think about what to do about you caressing her all over her soft exposed midriff.
>Her lips don’t know what to do until you help them out with a solution of your own.
>You lean over and press a humble kiss onto Cookie’s trembling lips.
>Her notion that she shouldn’t be doing this gets lost again, soon surrounded and crowded down to the floor by a flood of the natural response to kiss you back.
>And so she does.
>She really was trying to help you resist your urges, but didn’t know you were already completely taken by your lust.
>At least she knows now.
>Cookie can rest assured knowing there was never a chance to begin with.
>She can relax even more now, and just accept this new chorus of waves to ride with you.
>Her decreasingly panicked groans gently vibrate against your working lips, and her taste finds its way into your mouth the longer the kiss hesitantly widens.
>All the reasons why you shouldn’t be doing this have flown out the window in an undetected escape.
>Neither of you are pretending anymore; this isn’t yoga.
>You’re too numb to your own shame right now as long as the deepening kiss lasts.
>Cookie begins to passionately moan, you hold her tighter with her busty chest now mashed up against yours.
>The two of you will think of a way to pretend this never happened later.
>But you’ll cross that bridge when you get to it.
>You have conceded defeat by going out of your way to dry-hump Cookie Crumbles on your own.
>She responds by conceding defeat to this lust as well, reciprocating your movements for a brief moment of your motions haphazardly clashing… before slowly falling in sync with one another.
>And the kiss doesn’t even break until *after* that…
>The two of you couldn’t help but introduce your tongues to one another before gasping for air other than your hot breaths beating against one another’s faces…
>You only part lips when you’re ready to.
>Cookie watches in horny shame as a long thin strand of saliva stretches between your mouth and hers.
>Showing her that the kiss was just as deep as it felt it like was.
>You go back to gazing at Cookie’s huge busty chest.
>At her beautiful sexy cleavage that’s too much for her poor little tank top to be pulled up over.
>At her hard nipples proudly poking through the thin fabric stretched over them.
>”You… like… these~?” Cookie lids her eyes with a slight dizzy sway in her posture.
>With a nod, you begin to tremble yourself under your own overwhelming arousal.
>Cookie’s lips haven’t trembled a bit after that wonderful kiss you shared with her.
>You still taste her, craving more…
>Cookie’s weakly fumbling hands make one last fruitless attempt to pull the front of her undersized tank top up over her exposed cleavage.
>As though it’d not only be possible, but would also make your arousal go away and keep you loyal to, her daughter, your girlfriend.
>But Cookie can’t cover up her deep sexy cleavage~
>And now your hands gently grab her bountiful chest once more, feeling up all of its lovely softness to your heart’s content.
>Pulling the low collar line further down now, helping the article of clothing fail to cover Cookie’s areolae all the way.
>”Anon~…” Cookie whimpers once more, pleadingly, but only pleading you to persist.
>You can see it in her eyes.
>Grip the fabric as hard as your fingers can clamp and pull it in opposite directions with all of your strength.
>The rim doesn’t break at first… the final safeguard for your loyalty to your girlfriend.
>But your arousal pumps your determination past the ceiling.
>And your strength multiplies until the tank top finally fails to stand up to your no longer ashamedly horny strength.
>The tear in the fabric seals the moment with no way to go back.
>The once stretched thin fabric of Cookie’s tank top is forced to give way, even more under the tension acting upon it without the rim being in tact anymore.
>It’s now super easy to rip the entire front of Cookie’s tank top wide open, unavoidably letting her massive naked jiggling breasts to spill out unrestrained.
>If there even was any going back before… there isn’t now.
>That’s for sure.
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>Cookie Crumbles’s big bare nipples stare right back at you now.
>And you don’t even know what else to do now.
>Cookie continues to lean back onto her elbows, now with her soft naked breasts getting hungrily groped and played with in your hands.
>The raw direct contact sets on a switch that numbs her to her own shame, replacing it with primal arousal as your massaging touch exhilarates her to no end.
>Cookie loudly and appreciatively moans in response to your reckless fondling, no longer unsure of what to do next as she arches her back into your very responsive hands.
>Your pitched tent finds her crotch once more and resumes (semi)dry humping.
>It’s hard to tell who’s going to start seeing their own sex leaking through their clothing first.
>But your glans and shaft recklessly twitching and jerking around tightly inside your underwear impatiently reacts to the soft stroking against Cookie Crumbles’s cameltoe.
>Through all the layers of clothing, she still feels your manmeat jolting and twitching as though there’s already no clothing at all between you two.
>Arms nearly tangled around one another’s bodies, you keep the distance between you and Cookie Crumbles nonexistent.
>Humping and grinding against her soft sexy body that unintentionally did this to you.
>”Anon…” Cookie darts her eyes around before pushing you onto your back.
>Now you’ve done it.
>You made her lose all control of herself.
>She wantonly locks lips with you from above this time, loudly sucking on your mouth while positioning herself on top of you to do something that isn’t hard to guess what it is.
>A part of you makes you tilt your hips to get your erect bulge pointing away from the event, but Cookie is set on having you any way she wants now.
>She caught you in her den.
>Now she’s just doing what her natural urges are supposed to command her to do.
>You couldn’t get away if you wanted to.
>She has you at her mercy now.
I actually can't decide now. Feel free to put it to a vote or something. Does Anon cum inside of Rarity's mother, or just inside of his pants up against her? (which won't be found out about either way)
A very fine couple of posts, would be pretty cool if you continued it. I guess we may get an uptick in Fluttershy greens and I'm fine with it.
Clothing destruction ftw. Peak fitting fetish for someone like Rarity.
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(Also replying super late to >>41150665)
Let me be honest for a second, I absolutely would have written a sleepover green here even two years ago if I simply knew that's what people wanted.
Could have even told me to put intimate focus on the sweet moments between Anon and each character and I'd have done it.
But majority desire or not, I have *always* wanted to redo my two old sleepover greens from over five years ago. Always.

But I'll stop talking about it outside of actually writing it now. I'm sure it's getting annoying. Anyway, more Cookie Crumbles on the way soon.
God damn it, I missed your idea somehow. But I'll think about this one too.
Cum inside Cookie. Those sweets need some glaze.
There's no going back, may as well finish the job and plow Cookie!
What are the chances of Cookie spilling the beans if she remembers anon cumming inside versus remembering anon jizzing his pants
Cookie will be more inclined to keep quiet out of fear of consequences if Anon cums in her.
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Nice, what did you use?
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Photoshop. Had to use layer blending to work around flat monochrome image. I'm sure CSP could accomplish the same effects.

Also posting the original image. Solaire was supposed to be set in the middle.
Oh so this was done before, then. I didn’t know that. Great work either way.
>layer blending
What is this, exactly? Just a qrd. Asking to hopefully do it myself.
Figured I could color both versions in one go when I found out about the original sketch.

Layer blending basically modifies how a layer is displayed over the layers below.

All the colored layers are set over the monochrome sketch in a layer group set to "multiply". "Multiply" layers are also useful for dark shading, also necessary to give color to the sketch's grayish shading.

To add color to the grays on the monochrome sketch itself so it pops out better under the color layers, a "color" layer is use, like the reds on Solaire's sun symbol.

"Overlay" layers are useful for highlights. I usually complement it with white highlights in "normal" layers.

It's might be hard to follow but just play around with it yourself and you'll eventually figure out which ones work best for you.
I think I have another idea for Grey that's similar to the NNN thing that involves the military, but in this case, it's either just Anon not wanting to fap in an all-boys bunker, or something about his military resolve being tempered with "restraint".

Wait, or maybe the military knows full-well about the nofap challenge granting boundless stamina in exchange for more arrogance to men like with Anon, so they purposefully have the recruits prohibited from sexual release to keep them at their physical peak. That's where Tempest Shadow comes in, trying to sabotage them with her feminine wiles, either as a secret agent or as a test to how strong their "resolve" is.
Thanks for the tip
He could just be at a religious school or something
Actually true, yeah.
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These pictures are mostly edits, with the one of charliexe also being partially a leak but with the stupid shine edited out.
The tzc and Jakepixels ones are both edits of pics that have existent nude versions that are still permanently hidden from the public as I post this.
The Dieart77 and Riouku ones are edits of pics that didn't previously have nude versions, but I won't do any more Riouku ones after this since she started making things available on Gumroad.
As for the rest, I will do more in the future if I have to.
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Cadance/Chrysalis is a foul temptress that uses her powers to tempt Anon into sin, pushing him into letting go of his tightly held abstinence and spill his pent-up "sin" into a married woman, an older lady he knew and trusted.
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A decent, god-fearing Anon is magically tempted by either Cadance (an unintentional effect of wanting him to go beyond the religious restrictions he was set up with) or Chrysalis (the sins of coveting and adultery make it sweeter for her) into lusting after the one person he absolutely shouldn't. He lusts strongly for a sweet older baker partly due to his vow of abstinence making him avoid girls around his age, and mainly interact with older women.
>"Anon is so sweet and harmless, he even helps me bake cookies!"
Meanwhile, Anon has a hard stiffie in his shorts, desperately trying and failing to pray the sinful thoughts away.
>Rarity carries her nudity differently now.
>Before, when she tossed off the swimsuit you helped her fix, there was a real sense of empowerment to her nudity.
>Every step she took, every wag of her finger and bat of her eyes conveyed the power of her femininity.
>Her body was unburdened by the garments crafted by mere mortals, as free and intoxicating as Venus herself.
>But now?
>Splayed out across her bed with her fine lingerie ripped to shreds, gently trembling and heavily breathing?
>She isn’t empowered.
>Far from it.
>She’s as vulnerable as she possibly could be.
>And she knows it.
>There’s fear in her eyes as she gazes upon your growling, animalistic form.
>Now she really knows what you’re capable of, beyond playing around with Pinkie or lovingly bathing with Fluttershy.
>She knows you’re completely capable of pinning her down and doing whatever you want to her.
>But within that fear is the unmistakable glint of lust.
>More than a glint, it’s more like the sun’s rays reflecting off a chrome sculpture.
>She’s paralyzed by the evil combination and fear and lust, like a deer caught in the headlights, but there’s nothing she wants more right now than the impact.
>Her eyes, the only part of herself she’s capable of moving, shamelessly roam your body while she tries to not salivate at the sight.
>Her legs are spread eagle and dripping with passion where they meet.
>You’re the only thing keeping you from Rarity.
>And this lingerie you’re wearing.
>But fuck it.
>A werewolf doesn’t wear lingerie.
>You grip your lingerie top and tear it apart, freeing your top half from her handiwork.
>Rarity gasps, softly and shakily.
>The sound of the fabric tearing is lovely.
>Forget smearing your dirty fingers all over a priceless painting, now you’re shredding the painting with your plebeian hands.
>Such an act brings the kind of catharsis that borders on eroticism.
>With the shredded remains of your lacy top in your grip, you let out a throaty growl and toss it aside.
>This is all Rarity’s doing.
>Rarity stole your ability to speak from you.
>She reduced you to the animal she always saw you as.
>Your feral side has taken control of your body.
>And it’s about to take control of hers.
>In one swift motion, acting on raw instinct, you tear what remains of your lingerie to shreds, fully revealing your nude body to her once more.
>You’re almost foaming at the mouth.
>You don’t give Rarity time to stare at you.
>You lunge forward, viciously grab Rarity’s head, and force her into another make out session.
>Rarity immediately submits to you, returning the kiss with all her might and opening her mouth to allow your tongue entry.
>Your tongue isn’t dancing with hers anymore.
>Your tongue is dominating hers.
>Her shameless moans of pleasure are only slightly muffled by your mouth.
>Her hands hastily and messily rake through your hair, like she’s trying to get a grip on you but was too overwhelmed.
>When you come up from the kiss to get a breath of air, you hiss through your teeth and snarl at her.
>Rarity’s arms and legs are draped around you, but she’s not holding you tight at all.
>Her strength has left her.
>She can’t resist you.
>She doesn’t want to resist you.
>There’s hearts in her pupils.
>You’re seeing red.
>Red like a valentine’s day massacre.
>Your hands roughly travel down her face, briefly lingering on her neck.
>Her throat fits so nicely in your hands.
>Her chest’s heaving is restricted as she struggles to breathe.
>Before you could wonder if you’re being too rough with her, her hands clamp onto your wrists, keeping your hands in place.
>The fire within you flares up like gasoline was poured on it.
>You’re in control.
>This isn’t about what Rarity wants.
>This is about what you want.
>You yank your hands off of Rarity’s throat and go back to groping her.
>She’s just about able to produce a whine of protest before you force her back down into her pit of hedonism.
>Her body writhes to rise up from the bed wherever you touch her.
>She pushes her chest up when you pinch her nipples.
>She thrusts her hips up when your hand trails down her stomach.
>She’s so fun to play with.
>The scratches and hickeys you gave her earlier appear on her body with greater prominence.
>Her body resembles a glass case filled to the brim with trophies memorializing your conquests in the form of the faint redness and bruising on her skin.
>Your curled fingers descend upon Rarity’s pussy, quivering with anticipation and glistening in the mood lighting.
>Her whimpering and whining for your touch only invigorates you more.
>But before your animal mind could command your body to claw away at your helpless prey, your civilized human mind pipes up from your mental passenger seat.
>Your human mind speaks to you with the same anger you felt when wrestling with Applejack.
>You shouldn’t tear into your prey.
>You should play with your food.
“Rarity…” You growl at her.
>She leans up to meet your fiery gaze.
>There’s a hint of uncertainty in her lusty eyes.
>”Yes, my werewolf?” She breathily asks you.
>You sharply exhale through your nose like a bull ready to charge.
“You’ve been making me out to be such a monster…”
>You crawl your way back up to Rarity.
>Her bare breasts heave so hypnotically as you draw closer to her.
>Your fully erect cock dangles menacingly beneath you.
“You’ve been saying those things about me behind my back, treating me like a dress up doll, bringing out the worst side of me…”
>Your face hovers an inch above Rarity’s.
>Your cock gently prods at her soaking wet pussy.
>Each poke makes her softly gasp.
>You refuse to let your bestial demeanor falter as the warm wetness of her pussy teases the head of your cock.
>Deep within her eyes, you can see her desire to close the distance between the two of you and kiss you.
>You want to kiss her just as much, but you have other plans.
“You know what I think?”
>You lower your mouth to her ear.
>Your voice drops to the lowest, most menacing growl you can produce.
“I think you’ve been a bad girl.”
>Rarity’s eyes widen and her breathing halts for just a moment.
>Like calling Fluttershy your mommy, calling Rarity a bad girl flipped a switch within her.
>The emotions behind her eyes flare up.
>She’s even more scared, but even more horny.
>Your hand drifts to her cheek, and Rarity tries to lean into your touch, but then you remember: she’s been a bad girl.
>Instead of lovingly stroking her cheek, you grab a handful of her hair and yank it back to stare her down.
>You get off of Rarity and sit on the edge of her bed.
>The lights behind you cast an intimidating shadow over you, making you appear even more monstrous to her.
“Lay across my lap. Face down.”
>You glare at her, baring your teeth.
>”Yes, daddy.” Rarity squeaks out through her trembling lips.
>That’s a curveball.
>You’re momentarily jerked out of your fierce persona by what Rarity just called you.
>Rarity called you daddy.
>...Fuck yeah, she did.
>You’re her daddy.
>...Would that make Fluttershy her grandma?
>Don’t think about that.
>Rarity wastes no time in crawling over to you and laying flat on your lap.
>Her navel is directly on top of your fully erect dick.
>The gentle teasing is reminding you how much you want to fuck her through your haze of carnal rage.
>Precum leaks from your tip and gently glazes her stomach.
>It’s a little uncomfortable, the way she’s pressing your dick down, but the discomfort is alleviated by how her stomach gently rubs it up and down with her hot and heavy breathing.
>You’re gonna indulge some of your other senses.
>First, your eyes.
>Rarity has such a nice ass.
>Many guys at school have tried to get the coveted glimpse up her skirt.
>All have failed.
>Those two little shits Snails and Snips even tried getting an upskirt photo of her.
>But here you are, with Rarity on your lap and presenting her ass to you.
>She’s got a very satisfied look on her face, visible through her messy hair.
>She’s proud of her ass and she wants you to admire it.
>Like stroking the luxurious coat of a prize winning show dog, you run your hand down her back and over her butt.
>Even though you’re no masseuse, you can really feel the tension in her body.
>You feel her muscles tense up just a little through her exquisite skin.
>But in spite of this apprehension, she’s raising her butt up from your lap, yearning for your touch just like before.
>She knows what’s coming.
>She knows what happens to bad girls.
>She knows it’s gonna hurt, and she still wants it.
>Your animalistic side has given the wheel back to your human side.
>Both parties want to have their way with Rarity, but your human side understands how much a dash of sadism can add to a romantic encounter like this.
>Your fingers spread across her ass cheek and give it a squeeze.
>Her ass feels like the world’s finest stress ball.
>If only you had her around like this when you were studying for finals.
>Rarity softly gasps like she was bracing herself for something worse.
>”D-Daddy…” She whimpers in a higher tone.
>You get a little harder just hearing her call you that.
>But you don’t say anything in response, you only relax your grip on her ass.
>”...I’ve been such a bad girl.” Rarity moans.
>Oh, you know.
>You raise your hand up.
>Rarity tenses up even more.
>Your dick gets even harder.
>Your hand fills with righteous fury.
>Then, in one swift, powerful motion, you bring your palm down upon Rarity’s ass with a brutal smack.
>Her head shoots up and she lets out an ear-splitting scream, mostly in pain but accented with pleasure.
>The skin on her ass immediately begins to feel more tender and sensitive.
>Unlike Applejack, her skin was never toughened by a life of manual labor.
>Her fingers dig into the mattress and her toes curl up as the pain you’ve inflicted upon her seeps into her body.
>She’s far too tense to relax her body back down onto your lap, but that’s all the better for you.
>You raise your hand up and once again bring it down upon her ass.
>Rarity didn’t have the time to recover from your first spank, so she reacts with even greater intensity upon being struck a second time.
>Her waist lurches up into the air as she screams.
>It’s quite a scream, too.
>Thank God nobody’s out on the street to hear this, you wouldn’t like their idea of what you’re doing to Rarity.
>But you’re not done with her.
>With your other hand, you grip her waist and force her sensitive body back down onto your lap.
>Rarity is now full-on panting as you grip her squirming body.
>But one hand is enough to completely immobilize her.
>Your vicious side surfaces once more as you raise your hand up again.
>Again, you smack Rarity’s ass, but with even greater force.
>She screams so loud you risk hearing damage by continuing.
>But you’re having far too much fun to stop now.
>In between spanks, you greedily grab her ass just for the Hell of it.
>No respite is given to Rarity, you just keep smacking and groping her ass.
>As much as she screams in pain, the wetness dripping down onto your leg from her womanhood urges you to keep going.
>”I’m sorry, daddy!” Rarity cries out through her quivering lips.
>You ignore her and smack her ass again.
>Her voice gets shakier and her moans get even more raunchy.
>”I’m sorry for saying those horrid things about you!”
“No, you’re not.” You sternly scold her before spanking her again.
>She’s almost vibrating on your lap.
>Each word she speaks is more warbly than the last.
>And that’s when she can speak, most of her noises are a saucy mixture of whimpering and moaning.
>Your leg is getting soaked in her pussy juices.
“Good girls don’t lie.” You reprimand her further, cruelly rubbing her sore ass to make her feel your wrath.
>She tries to apologize further, but all that comes out are slurred noises of arousal.
>While Rarity hisses and sighs at the searing pain, you notice your hand’s gotten more than a little sore from all the smacking.
>Like it’s some kind of plea from your inner decency to stop
>You should know not to hit a girl, your mom taught you that as a kid.
>”Punish me, daddy~” Rarity shakily moans, arching her butt right up into the air for you.
>But this girl wants you to hit her.
>Your hands are tied.
>Rarity shakily moans as she spoils herself in how you rub her sore ass.
>The normally creamy-white skin on her butt has a faint red glow to it, visible through the subtle lighting of her bedroom.
>It’s gotta hurt like nothing else she’s felt before in her life, and yet, she wants more.
>You hesitate slightly, feeling a pang of guilt deep within you through your angry lust.
>This isn’t you.
>You don’t really want to hurt Rarity.
>You might’ve had some fantasies about what you’d do with Rarity if you managed to land a date with her, but they weren’t like this.
>But Rarity wants more, in spite of how you’ve struck her already.
>”Is something troubling you, daddy?” Rarity asks you in a slightly steadier voice, looking at you from over her shoulder.
>More of your handiwork is visible on her beautiful face with how her eyes are slightly puffy and her cheeks are stained by tears.
>...You’ve got an idea.
>Werewolves aren’t COMPLETE monsters.
>Sugar, spice, and everything nice.
>That’s what you are.
>You ignore the soreness in your palm and smack Rarity’s ass once more to give her an answer.
>But when her butt shoots upon being struck, your hand that’s been gripping her hip slides under her body and towards her crotch.
>Before she knows it, your index and middle fingers slip inside her soaking wet pussy and saw away at her clit.
>Rarity produces an extremely horny sound unlike anything you’ve heard from her before.
>Like the primal scream of an apex predator in heat.
>She’s paralyzed by your assault on two fronts.
>It’s like she’s choking on the air.
>In moments, your hand is absolutely drenched in her love juices.
>She may have cum already, she may have cum the moment you started fingering her, it’s impossible to tell.
>The Rarity you know from school is gone.
>The girl that seemed so far out of your league you couldn’t bring yourself to talk to her has vanished.
>In her place is a perverted mess of a girl so without decency or composure that you almost don’t recognize her.
>You started tugging on the stray string of fabric hanging free from her dress, and now her dress has finally come fully undone before you.
>She’s on her hands and knees, gripping the luxurious blanket with all her might and sticking her ass straight up in the air with her legs spread widely apart.
>All Rarity can do is scream at the top of her lungs in pleasure and pain.
>Now this is more like it.
>With an evil grin, you begin snarling once more and pick up the pace.
>You quickly find a rhythm of striking her ass and fingering her pussy at the same time.
>With each rub and smack, Rarity’s body becomes more and more putty in your hands.
>Her fingers lose their grip on the blanket as she allows her body to simply fall limp on your lap.
>Her legs would twitch as she’s brought down to just as bestial a state as you.
>Inside her pussy, she’s scorching hot.
>Your fingers are almost getting boiled as you tease her clit and trace her labia.
>Every slight twitch of your fingers sends electricity throughout her womanhood, making exploration of her body even more perilous.
>Her ass has become so sore that even lightly grazing her rear end with the tips of your fingers gets a sharp gasp out of her.
>That doesn’t stop you from smacking her ass more.
>”Daddy… W- Werewolf~” Rarity lewdly mumbles with her eyes rolled to the back of her head, slightly drooling onto the blanket.
Mrs.Cake reminds me of an idea I've had with her
>Anon is in her home ec class
>She has him play the role of her husband when she tries to demonstrate proper wife behavior
>However as it goes on she takes it further and further with him
>Starting to treat her relationship with him like it's real as it becomes apparent she's not good at just pretending and doing her make believe with Anon is making her have real feelings for him
I remember that. I like my idea better.
Oh man, things are really getting intense now. Cookie's real hot in this story.
It might be an unpopular position, but I don't want Anon to cum inside Rarity's mom. I'm rooting for Anon and Rarity to have a happy relationship and I don't want to see Rarity end up so wounded and betrayed by Anon getting with her mom.
That's an interesting idea! I especially appreciate the thought put into the cover photo!
My perspective on the matter is that it's a pretty unanimous decision among the girls that Anon looks better in briefs. Fluttershy would insist that Anon should do what he feels comfortable with, but Sunset would be able to prod her enough to admit she'd like to see him in briefs.
As for the money issue, remember that Anon's family moved to Canterlot because his dad got a big promotion at work, so the money concerns could be handwaved away by saying that his family is upper-middle class and his parents wouldn't mind him spending more than a little more than his usual allowance to be more social
I might keep the idea in mind to draw someday
Thank you! I had fun imagining Twilight and Rarity being super into the idea that Anon is secretly a werewolf lel. I always preferred werewolves over vampires, anyway.
Also have an idea with her that involves Cadence I think would be amusing.
>Mrs.Cake goes to Cadence for relationship advice
>Cadence assumes Mrs.Cake is talking about her husband when she's actually talking about Anon
>Cadence gives her advice with her husband in mind, and Mrs.Cake applies that advice to Anon
The money aspect was just a cover reason to make a calendar.., and a joke about how much is spent on just 1 girlfriend. :) Money doesn't often figure prominently in erotica after all.

Please do feel free to draw it if so inclined. I just regret that I wasn't able to think of good ideas for all of the girls. (Which is why Rainbow and Pinkie ended up pushing. Couldn't think of a better specific thing.) That said, Pinkie might be inclined to be a bit more handsy than Rainbow. If you have other ideas for them please feel free to go with that instead. :)
>Cadence inadvertently causes a teenage boy and a married baker milf to have an illicit sexual affair
>Anon is a religious boy at a religious school who works part time at the bakery to earn a bit of spending money and learn to be industrious
>Though he starts to get horny for Mrs.Cake and his efforts to subdue his horny thoughts actually make them worse
>He goes to Cadence for advice and she tells him such thoughts are normal and he shouldn't punish himself for them
>Mrs.Cake notices that Anon is horny for her and feels nervously uncomfortable yet turned on herself
>She goes to Cadence for advice separately
>Talks about Anon and his behavior around her and how she feels about it vaguely because she's too ashamed of the situation to explain it in detail
>Cadence thinks she's being shy about sex with her husband, and tells her giving into his desires if she wants it is okay
>The advice she gives both of them combines and causes them to have sex
Alt Idea;
>Anon regularly goes to church
>Chrysalis replaces one of the nuns Anon confesses to
>Anon starts feeling powerful lust towards Cup Cake, which he confesses to Nun Chrysalis
>Chrysalis convinces Anon that the covetous, adulterous feelings he feels towards Cup Cake are perfectly normal and healthy, and that Faust will forgive him as long as he repents
>The more he confesses, the stronger his lustful feelings towards Cup Cake
>Chrysalis tells Anon that he's overflowing with "sin" due to his abstinence, and that he need's Cup Cake's help in releasing it
>This leads to Anon sleeping with Cup Cake, who are both convinced that they are simply venting their "sinful urges"
That image is fantastic, and the idea of Chrysalis being a fake nun is good. Though I think I prefer if Mrs.Cake is given a reason to give into him or otherwise go along with having sex with him. Maybe Chrysalis could also be in Mrs.Cake's ear telling her she should fuck him.
This image give me a beach idea with Mrs.Cake influence by Chrysalis
>Mrs.Cake is feeling old and unattractive
>Chrysallis convinces her that purposely sexually teasing Anon and making him horny for her will make her feel young and sexy
>Chryssalis tells her that she can prevent actual sex from happening and Mrs.Cake believes it, but Chrysallis knows once things get too heated Mrs.Cake won't resist
>Mrs.Cake takes Anon with her to the beach and wears a tiny bikini
>Deliberately poses sexy in view of him and enjoys watching him get pent up and horny
>Like Chryssalis predicted when things head towards sex her own lust gets the better of her and she ends up letting sex happen instead of stopping it like she knows she should have
Idea for Anon himself;
>Anon is a sheltered religious kid
>He makes sure to avoid all signs of temptation as a decent, Faust-fearing boy
>He has little to no exposure to girls his own age, mainly interacting with older women who see him as a sweet young man
>Cadance sees a problem with this, and uses her magic to kickstart feelings of intimacy in him
>However, the closest female figure for him to ultimately be sexually attracted to as a result of his prudish life is Mrs. Cake, a baker he works for part-time
>For reasons unknown to even him, Anon finds himself staring a little too long at Cup Cake's curves with an increasing stiffness in his shorts
>Thoughts of Faust-worship are replaced by fantasies of Cup Cake without her clothes
>What exacerbates this is his pledge to abstinence making him pent-up and horny, fully believing masturbation is a sin and his metaphorical and literal bottled up feelings he finds himself in an increasing struggle to control with no way to properly relieve himself
>Soon, Anon can't even be near Cup Cake without the front of his underwear getting damp, and no amount of prayer and crackers mitigating his "sinful" feelings

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