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Choose your student Edition

Last drop https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/41121563/

Archived threads:
>What is this thread about?
A place to talk about humanized/EG fillies

>Why /jdb/?
Based on the very first threads with greens that opened with "Hey anon, just dropped by"

>Some pastas:
https://ponepaste.org/6155 - For Whom the Bell Tolls
https://ponepaste.org/9645 - Love Games
https://ponepaste.org/9646 - Icarian Love
https://ponepaste.org/9647 - I'll think of a title when I'm done writing (Apple Bloom story)
https://ponepaste.org/9648 - Freshmen, Drama, and Prom
https://ponepaste.org/9548 - Silver Spoon Story WIP
https://ponepaste.org/7980 - The Man Who Fell For Sweetie Belle
https://ponepaste.org/575 - Soarin's Silver Lining
https://ponepaste.org/9649 - Of Sweetie Bots and Young Love
https://ponepaste.org/7910 - Anon and Sunny Shimmy
https://ponepaste.org/9650 - Ska Anon x Sweetie Belle
https://ponepaste.org/2308 - Silver Spoon is an Expensive Friend
https://ponepaste.org/9653 - Wind Sprint's Daddy
https://ponepaste.org/9652 - Daddy's Little Scootaloo
https://ponepaste.org/9816 - Raising Scootaloo
https://ponepaste.org/5391 - SS/DT Kidnapping
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Anon, please post a link of that piece of art and the previous one on twibooru if you can or upload everything in some catbox file so someone else upload it to derpibooru.
The one that updated this stopped for some reason.
Its a shame that there aren't really any artists that draw Cozy Glow consistently, and the vast majority of the subjectively good looking renditions of her being made these days are with AI.. soon its all gonna be AI.
I need to touch these nipples...
That's what you get when it's not season 1 slop that every 4 year old can make. Cozy's mane is skillgapped
The issue of her filly mane being annoying is exacerbated by the fact that she never got a canon EqG appareance, which means that every artist does their own interpretations of how it would look in a human.
That aside, EqG in general seems to have odd or inconsistent hairstyles in general when it comes to the kids so that's also annoying.
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Tried using Bing but still couldn't get it to come out right
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Can confirm, Cozy's hair is a confusing mess to try and draw.
>What if Elsa had a daughter
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Now go draw your own golly
I've got a big tube for her, iykwim
I wish little girls were real bros
When I still drew, her curls kept coming out like rolled up crepes. @の𐬞
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The online generators are fine but you can only get so far if you want to make specific characters and have them look consistent. Get yourself a decent graphics card and run Stable Diffusion locally. The AI thread has instructions on using the Pony SDXL model and MLP loras.
Yeah, that's pretty much where I landed with it too. I like how Crade and Pestil draw it
Cute Belle
>that little cameltoe
My love is already getting drained...
Elsa-looking ass.

Now this is better.
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Busy writing a sailing green, all this talk of the seas has tickled my fancy.
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That's a shape breakdown of her in the show, give or take more tubes it's pretty much the same. Pestil just does a bigger hair hook when she's humanized to compensate for the fact the pony ear is missing to divide up the hooks
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if I undo the bows, will it fall off?
It would be extremely embarrassing
She's a big girl
For you
removing that bikini with no coverage
good to hear, we await
>in a secluded corner of the poop deck
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I’d like to make good use of her poop deck. If you know what I mean
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>Apple Bloom is having intense wet dreams every night
>She wakes up every morning frustrated consarnit i wet the bed again
>washes her sheets so Applejack doesn't find out
All that loli juice, wasted—what a shame.
Imagine she's too shy to have her friends over for sleepovers until she solves this problem.. then when Anon comes over for a late night boring adult talking party and she falls asleep in his lap...
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What's going on here?
it's a shame these threads can't be banished to /trash/
You accidentally hit sage there friend
Hhaaa xddd mareschizo!!!!!! numget! LOL!!!
>A place to talk about humanized/EG fillies
Bunch of a fucking pedos.
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as opposed to... ?
Fucking new guys
it's a shame you were allowed access to the internet but here we are
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the technical term for having an adult woman (or man, whatever it's PRIDE MONTH) fetish is teleiophilia
I want hoilidays already
Even the word sounds unappealing.
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You seem sour
Have a candy
I feel this is a set up, but thanks.
liking adult men when you're a girl is normal though
Jumping rope, how autistic are you?
Why is she in a medieval dress?
I trust her completely.
>google "Scootaloo"
>cute pics
>google "Apple Bloom"
>cute pics
>google "Aweetie Belle"
>porn and degeneracy in all kinds of forms and fetishes, some aren't even related to the show
Swibbles confirmed the queen of perversion
>symmetrical eye shines
>Aweetie Belle
this is woll smoth territory
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A set up?
The real question of this is what siren will be more gentle with Anon.
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working on green
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Still working on the next Pie piece...About 90% done.
Fuck yes
very cute. she's got a right foot on her left leg though
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Don't worry that foot won't be visible in the final picture.
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Sonata, of course
That doesn't mean she won't be reckless with Anon, just not as Adagio and Aria
My vote goes to Adagio. She doesn't want to break her new toy so soon.
Sadly, Aria likes to play rough, and Sonata plays A LOT with them, leaving them without energy.
Totally Sonata, she look like the one that like more the post-coital cuddles than the sex in general
I need socks or leggings at the very least
Human filly that would describe that pic? Of course, maybe these condoms aren't needed with a human filly.
aw but i wanna see her feets
pinkie has soft ones and she puts them everywhere without asking.
Chrysalis, Cozy, or Pinkie.
No , condoms are needed, not because pregnancy (human fillies don't have that risk) but as score to brag with her friends.
>not because pregnancy (human fillies don't have that risk)
Girls start ovulating before they start menstruating, so unless I'm missing something your child gf could become fertile at any time with no warning.
Cozy, Pinkie, Diamond Tiara
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Time to work out!
A bit bright but otherwise nice
Is this koikatsu?
touch fluffy hair
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>POV: you’re hiding in a tree from your three insatiable mini-wives
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