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Previous thread>>41192535

Originating from a thread about a niche form of hypnosis, now encompasses varied hypnosis methods from spiraling specs to subtle spells, swinging watches to wafting brews. Post anything and everything about controlling a mind. All ponies (mares and stallions, fillies and colts) are welcome and encouraged. Greens and other content only tangentially related will be better recieved in SPG or SiM depending. Good rule of thumb is if it doesn’t involve taking control of a pony’s mind, it probably goes somewhere else. (e.g. no slavery without mind control scenes, IRL self-hypnosis audio, or tupperware rp)

Thread archive https://ponepaste.org/9352
The thread just died.
Huh, I remember this thread being quite active recently.
When did the fall off start?
Regardless,>>41198751 this pick makes me want a green where Cozy Glow and Anon are secretly brainwashing each other to be their sex slaves.
Like, instead of just an instant mind control power, they're trying to use subliminal manipulation to make the other dependent and addicted to them.
They're both slipping their sexual fluids into the other's food, but making sure the food is always delicious so they subconsciously relate good food with the other's sex.
They're both periodically sneaking into the other's room to do sexy things, like Anon eating sleeping Glow out while a pair of his used boxers are next to her snout, and her doing the equivelent to him if he falls asleep before she does.
Anon has replaced her records with copies that have a very quiet voice behind the music telling her to "obey daddy" and she's taken his comics and written in the margins, "love cozy" in very small print.
They both end up coding an activation phrase in the other's subconscious that makes them instantly horny when they here it and end up using them on each other in a big, sexy climax.
Fuckk that sounds amazing, I would love to read that. You should definitely write it!
Tell me who else are cozy and Anon trying to brainwash.

Surly both are trying to build a harem, are they also fighting over slaves.

Also will how they brainwash each other have unintended consequences.

Also if you write this, I might make a update to the flurry green.
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Just re-read Fire And Sky and was wondering what happened to SPG
Not enough posters?
Maybe, also a lot of threads die before they reach 500 posts is fire and sky any good what’s it about

By consequences I mean things like maybe Anon, was not really interested in fillies before cozy glow. Her method to get Anon to love her with things like subliminals causes Anon to want to enslave her.

Also maybe Cozy’s methods are built for ponies so despite her head start, a lot of her attempts to train Anon result in him being more dominate than less.

Like if you love someone, you are going to want to listen to them and respect them, not treat them like a slave. But since Anon is so twisted some of Cozy’s subliminals make him want to own her more.

Also getting Anon attracted to Cozy, would mean she could control him, with her looks and teasing him, as creatures don’t rape, or seek to control.
I was actually thinking of aging Cozy up a little.

Like, the premise is that Cozy was freed and attempts to reform her have been being made, but she mostly just kept doing evil and getting punished.

The most recent stint after being in a dungeon for a few months is in a halfway house, but since Equestria has such low crime rates, the only other person in the halfway house is Anon, so the do are pretty much ex-con roommates.
Could work, I was thinking that Anon would not be a criminal but it is your story.

Also why is Anon in the halfway house.

Also I hope Anon wins in the end, but don’t spoil it for me,
Just I've checked the last few days and no SPG thread, SAD!

F&S (And related shorts/sequels) are probably my favourite fics by far.
Anon is a pilot with a cargo plane for hire, buys Spirtfire as a slave for co-pilot, shenanigans ensue.
If you wanna give it a read just don't expect anything explicit for a while, it's a (slow burn) genuinely good story that has mlp characters in it.
Anon is probably in the halfway house for general misconduct.

I wouldn't be surprised if he tried wooing a fair number of mares who weren't into him, and he got pissed at the rejection and vandalized their house or cussed them out in public.

Ironically, a lot of his problems and criminal behavior originated from being lonely and sexually pent-up, so in the end, when he and Cozy are together, he becomes an upstanding citizen.
Cozy is too focused on her new kinky sex life to care about villainy anymore.
Maybe a event where mine control magic covers equestia, and everyone is effected, like everyone gets mind control powers but also becomes more venerable to mind control magic.

But you can increase your power and defence by building a slave harem.

Each creature enslaved gives you a portion of their magic.

How many betrayals would we see.

Maybe something like this but you know, with Anon.

Maybe Anon uses his power to train twilight.

Other creatures find out and get really fucking mad.

And twilight has to convince them that Anon is not hypnotizing her, she has always had a bit of a submissive side, and she has grown to have a crush on Anon.
Uoh cute cozy ToT
Wow the board is moving fast today

Why is it so fast?
How do you feel about fucking a pony in a trance?

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