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It's been a while since the last one.
Discuss pony animated media not from Hasbro, like Filly Funtasia, Unico, Ico, Guardians of Pondonia, etc.
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The new pony cartoon is on the way: Wild Manes!
Teaser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLOtnXdyaZI
Article: https://kidscreen.com/2024/04/08/jakks-pacific-and-epic-story-media-giddy-up-for-wild-manes/
Episodes: 40x5min
>The show is set in the fictional town of Wild, where the friendly townhorses Cocoa, Bailey, Cherie, Candi and Perla reside. Together, they cater to the town’s citizens by serving up drinks and treats before going on adventures to solve their troubles, such as finding missing smoothie ingredients, offering mane makeovers and throwing a surprise birthday party.
Release date: Summer 2024
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Mermicorno: Starfall is still set to premiere in 2025 on MAX streaming.
>The new adventure-comedy that takes place in a fantastical and magical undersea world, where a team of enchanting half-Unicorno/half-fish creatures join forces to save the ocean from the threat of the evil Ika Inkblot. During their epic mission, our heroes unlock the magic of creative self-expression, discover new depths of friendship, and find the best bowl of ramen in the sea. The series takes viewers (and the Mermicorno) on a hilarious and stylish subaquatic adventure and is also the first animated series to bring tokidoki’s wondrous underwater world and characters to life.
Episodes: 26x22min (2D)
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Kino song
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>Pink one
Looks much prettier than g%, might watch.
I'm interested
not totally sold on the design but I'll wait to see it in motion

>5 minute episodes
that's a bit worrying though
>but I'll wait to see it in motion
There's a teaser linked in the post
well it didn't improve much, and the VAs seem B tier
I'll proceed to forget about it until someone posts a thread for the first episode
VAs remind me of MLP G3 voices
G2 finally gets it's show. It's so cute.
2d. Good design. Guys. I'm unironically intrigued.
>aesthetically pleasing pretty feminine designs
>no beanmouth abominations with fat distorted bodies
Unironically much better than gee percent already. Will check it out.
This is definitely a downer. As is the lack of pastel colors. But it's horse. I'll give it a try.
>to solve their troubles, such as finding missing smoothie ingredients, offering mane makeovers and throwing a surprise birthday party.
Shit. Looks G3 but way dumber.
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i lov jer
Looks like they want to copy Strawberry Shortcake: Berry in the Big City. Episode length is also similar, 6min on average vs 5 min. At least it's not yet another school cartoon.
In the Jakk's official page, it's said they are fillies. So there's a probability of having middle or high school girly episodes.
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Unironically hotter than any MLP mare
Eh, the designs are okay. They're way more horse-like than G4-G5 which I understand it can attract some people
What the fuck this actually looks adorable. Like everything Tell Your Tale should've been. I really hope they don't have crushes and boyfriends and shit.
They even have more launch toys than G5, too.
This feels like it could be 2011 all over again but I doubt itll happen. If it does tho... itll be fun to be the one of the first wild mane bros
Nah, the writing seems too stereotypically girly. And 5 min runtime won't help it either. At least mares look hot.
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>cute designs
>not calarts
sadly its 5 min but i might check this out for sure
the awakening
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i love unico
Oh come on, you'll love living in my basement forever.
Let's see. That's what 4chan thought when FIM come, wasn't it? Maybe it can deliver some interesting characters and stories, without the high fantasy from FIM world.
Wtf... this needs it's own thread. I think there's no way this can fail purely by virtue of mogging G5 into fucking oblivion.
Seems mildly interesting, will check out
>5min episodes
It all depends on pacing.
Tyt has a great pacing for 5min episodes-things are happening, but there is no rushing to the next scene.
Bad pacing in 5min show will absolutely break it, no matter how many cute mares are in it.
>The fictional setting of Wild
Who the fuck writes this shit? GPT could do better.
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What if this board opened up to more ponies in general?
And the thread immediately derails. Beautiful. I wouldn't have it any other way.
>dog nose
>floppy ears
It would spark a massive controversy, where the board would essentially have converted into a zoofreak gooncave. So lolifreaks, shotafreaks, and furfreaks would raise hell about "why dont we get our own special gooncave, why are we delegated to /b/ and /trash/" and then /mlp/ would get deleted to make them shut up.
Really hoping this one won't suck like nearly everything else mentioned ITT.
Good points
For some reason it is incredibly hard for Japanese to draw equids.
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>5 minute episodes
It's going to be like pony life at best.
I don't know, Pony Life, G5, and even G4 all had a very chaotic cartoony tone about them. This seems more focused on slice of life and silliness. That's only based on the trailer though. We shall see.
Filly Funtasia Season 2a (aka Season 4) is taking it's sweet time.
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What kind of new kink is this?
ribcage unf
no one finna watch ts
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It's 2D, 22min, and adventure, so automatically better
Artstyle is too cutesy and babyish. The best writing team in the world can't save this. Doomed to be slop.
G4-ification when?
>no neurotic adorkable mary sue characters
>no boring country gal characters
>no wholesome smol bean characters
>no obnoxious dyke characters
>no le random holds up spork characters
>no heckin epic reddit tier high fantasy bullshit
this is gonna be better than fim
I kind of don't like Filly Funtasia just because the focus on male characters and crushes and stuff. Man, what a shame. Everything else about is was good but I want to see the fillies not the colts.
It’s a shame this seems to be dead. It seemed like it could have been cute.
What is that?
Fuck you
pretty mare
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It's not dead, it just turned into nightmare-inducing 3D CGI. Also episodes are no longer 22min, but 11min.

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