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Thread to discuss the upcoming show and toyline "Wild Manes"

What you have to know:
>TYT but mares are hot
There. It's THAT simple to get me interested. Why couldn't Hasbro do the same?
You're in fucking /mlp/ what you expected?
>Dead eyed stare as it goes off screen
Animation already worse than TYT
they cute i guess
Honestly I won't stand even the mares if the show ends with a dumb and retarded premise. They said they're aiming storytelling to girls around 7-10 meanwhile MLP delivered some good shit for a show for ages around 4-5. The 5 min format is not a big deal for me as long there is more worldbuilding than TYT had.
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They aren't hot, furfag
I'll take 1fps janky shit with good design over disgusting obese beanmouth monstrosities with smooth animation any fucking day.
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If no pony is as annoying as Misty I'll switch over to this
>hfw she swallowed my load
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>Literally Who teams up with Toy company to sell you toys and shill roblox
>Airing on Youtube Kids
This is barbie 2.0 go back to /co/
>Basically every cartoon with a toyline nowadays
Is this a five minute format? I can't stand tyt being five minutes long
Yes, sadly. They could deliver a lot if was at least 10 min.
If a show is made to sell toys first and foremost then it will be soulless shell for market jews. See: EQG
All toy companies are run by the same braindead execs trying to pander to tiktok retards.
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She's ready.
>Here's your writer team bro.
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>no unicorns
>no pegasi
At this point, all Wild Manes has to do is be better than FiM season 9 and I'll be happy.
>Mansour age of ai, jeets and browns goyfeed broadcast
>The new series will explore themes and global issues that speak to the current generation of children, including AI, the role of and reliance on technology, climate change and space exploration.
Looks weird, but I thought the same thing about G4 and G5 at first.
>good design
It's weird at first, but we get used eventually
Okay, so I'm just gonna speculate based on what we know. Severe autistic cringe inbound, btw. Trigger warning. But anyway,
Is a baker/barista. I see croissants, coffee, muffins, milkshakes. Suspiciously similar color scheme to Starbucks kek. Since she's in front and mentioned first in the teaser so I'm betting she's our conscientious, diplomatic leader type, like Twily and Sunny.
Surfer mare, and she makes smoothies. Probably our sporty Rainbow Dash type. And the bluetooth speaker makes me think she's a fun loving party gal too.
Serves tea and macarons. She has one of those fancy Chinese fans. Definitely the Rarity / G3 Rainbow Dash.
Obviously a neurotic, ADHD type based on the teaser. Guess what kind of treats she has available at her cart? Also notice her toyset comes with some kind of crown/tiara. Maybe she's royalty

Anyways my first impression ks this concept is quite clever and adorable, unlike G5 which was basically "here's $5000. now slap something together out of the haphazard fucking wreckage left from the ANG movie". The character designs are even more unf than G4, so I don't care if the animation is subpar. I don't care about the five minute episodes, I don't care that they have cell phones, I'm not gonna sit here and demand a repeat of G4 because that was a different time. All-in-all I'm pretty stoked and optimistic about this.
Looks like ponified Monster High+Strawberry Shortcake. Better than g% anyway.
based on what they've made before it's going to be as shit as TYT S2. Mindnumbingly trash stories like makeup and surprise parties
Looks very cheap.
My favorite so far is Cocoa, mostly because of the colors.
>Everything to sell toys
Looks super cheap and souless.
Pure little goyrlslop.
>The character designs are even more unf than G4,
offboarder detected, opinion discarded
At least it's not an entire show running only on tiktok.
They also love to shove DEI into their babyslop, so it's expected to have some level of woke
Hmmm, if thats true then which board am i from?
...he says, before rewatching Yuru Yuri and K-On for the millionth time.
Are human eyebrows here to stay because "recent research suggests eyebrows in humans developed as a means of communication"?
>/co/ /an/ /trash/
take your pick
I don't know what the fuck that is, and it says more about you than me
I emailed Jakks about my intent to purchase some toys and gave my thoughts on how to improve the brand's impact, eg make all the limbs have full articulation and keep going with human-horse blended fashion. If you plan to buy the toys it doesn't hurt to let them know. If they know they have adult collectors interested as well as 10 year old girls, they may go a little harder on making collectible quality toys for us sickfucks to hotglue
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>Mindnumbingly trash stories like makeup and surprise parties
The issues with TYT ran MUCH deeper than the things the characters did, and there were only like 2 or 3 episodes about these things anyways. G4 definitely has more surprise parties, and about the same amount of makeup.
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How does it feel to have less development than a tween?
>I need my 5 minute pony show to be filled to the brim with intellectually stimulating dialogue i can tip my fedora to
>Somehow g4 wasnt the frivolous, saccharine faggotry im afraid this will be
Okay well you know what have fun dying on that hill asshats. For a lot of us, all we want is something watchable and currently airing that we can enjoy and meme about and draw porn of together. It's been years since we had even that.
Finally someone said everything.
I'm going to be ripping the Roblox assets day 1 for SL and SFM porn.
>10 year olds moving away from fantasy play
Bullshit, have you seen the nutcases in the LPS community who collect the fucking things like their life depended on it? Half of them are hitting their 20s and they still need their bobbled headed mutant animals so they can record themselves playing with them.
I haven't checked nothing from the roblox game, but everypony and players are mares?
That's the difference. Kids nowadays have other ways of "fantasy play" such as toca boca life. Meanwhile young adults don't want to lose what gen alpha already losing.
I don't think it's out yet
Well that's woke in a nutshell for you
Trust the experts, recent studies show that margarine
Omg let's make it human eyebrows representation
>random cherry picked nutcases disprove a visible, overwhelming demographic trend
Sci-Fi pony show? Alien ponies and robot ponies? Count me in!
I have to admit, Pet Shop Zombies looks kind of promising lol.
Shut up lps fag
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I thought the same thing
I'm watching now. It's not really all that funny but I guess it's more of a toddler show. Definitely cute and amusing, art is really creative and fun.
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>we've moved on to the horse enthusiast side of the furry fandom because we're burnt out on mlp.
Yes. And you zill like it, better than blatant EQG and other garbage furshit being shilled.

Regardless, it’s the future, and change is coming
> Well that's woke in a nutshell for you
> Trust the experts, recent studies show that margarine
> Omg let's make it human eyebrows representation
What? Do you think those who draw "eyebrows visible through hair" are woke, too?
I just can't get used to thick separate eyebrows on ponies.

picrel is advertised to the woke, btw
Is MLP not about horses? Are the Wild Manes characters bipedal? What point is this post supposed to be making?
Look I think it's retarded to decide you hate it before you even see episode 1 too, but to say it's the future is just jinxing it.
Let's not play dumb while turning the thread into another "ponies/zoos are/n't furries" debate thread. You know full well that the poster above is completely done with MLP, while pushing for more generic horsey acceptance in a fandom hyper focused around My Little Pony. And that's badong.
I'm the poster in question, and I'm literally pausing my second annual Trixie episodes only rewatch right now to respond to your purity spiraling autism. I also don't care if people who aren't "true bronies" watch the show. If it's good and we're having fun together and there's no LGBT shit then I'm happy. And I will continue to post about MLP and read and write greens as I watch this new series, and MLP will continue to be my main, I will continue to be in love with Trixie. Honestly, I would be just as surprised if it's better than MLP as I would if it's bad. We shall see though. But you're retarded and can fuck off.
It's literally a combination of MLP G1.5 plot and MLP G2 style. Very obviously on-topic, as much as the old gens or Filly Funtasia.
MLP: TYT is based on unreleased Boulder Media 22min 2D show.
> MLP: TYT is based on unreleased Boulder Media 22min 2D show.
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See logo at the bottom
What the fuck? That still looks like shit, but the final version manages to make it look good in comparison to what we got.

Anyway, does this mean that the show was in development before the movie? What changes do we know that happened? I have a theory that they were super late into development before they decided that G5 was supposed to be in the same world as G4, leading to all the unreconcilable inconsistencies. Was Boulder’s version going to be its own thing?
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It was going to be 22min show, more adventure focused than TYT s01. But I don't think it was a serialized show.
No, it was developed in parallel with the movie, not before the movie.
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Fuck off furry
"If you know what I mean"
Back pedaling hard.
>It's been years since we had even that.
This place still has fun with porn and memes around mlp, even if you don't. I wasn't even one of the first posters shitting on your show, but then you go running your phony mouth about how dead things are and wanting to revive /mlp/ with anything else horse related.
There's going to be so much porn.
Promo art uses different artstyle. Looks like they anime-fied them for the show itself.
>outgrow unicorns and ponies
God why are women so retarded?
That one in the middle is such a cute hoers.
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Holy shit this looks way better than the puppetslop that we got.
It's funny how if they changed that n to an r /mlp/ would be all over this shit lol
Who the fuck said anything about ponies, shill? That's a muslim sandnigger show staring sandniggers by the same cancuck studio
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I wish they would hire Lauren Faust and lots of the other Seasons 1 & 2 crew to make their own pony knockoff. It’d be much better than anything Hasbro’s pumping out.
>Ponies are all brown because brown fur=brown skin
>Studio makes only cartoons with brown people and Muslims
>Toca Boca shit some Anon said is all diverse girls and brown boys without any white guys and even vitiligo freaks
Holy shit kids shit is pozzed
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That's a minor character. M6 and M5 weren't all brown mares. Even AJ, the most realistic one, was orange.
FiM and TYT look near identical
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Freckles are cute. But missing pinto and leopard coats.
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Anon, the horses are brown because horses are fucking brown >>41202110
>Digging into the cliff that supports the whole building
This is why architects are retarded.
Illiterate. It's been years since we had what?
>something watchable and currently airing that we can[...]
MLP is not currently airing. You clearly just want me to be your furry boogeyman. Wild Manes isn't even furry. If talking quadripedal horses are furry then you're a fucking furry for watching MLP.
Shut the fuck up. “They look like dogs.” FiM assclown.
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You would fuck the Izzysaurus? Gross.
>beanmouthnigger newfag
Lower than subhuman. Die in a fire.
wait what is this? cute aesthetic mares? setting and premise are tasteful? you cannot deny this is already better than the current incarnation of mlp. i bet you the people behind this saw tyt and thought, "holy shit the time to compete with mlp is now". even if the writing is banal AI generated shit (it likely will be) I'll probably still watch it 2bh.
>draws TYT worst way possible
>draws FiM best way possible
>they still look near identical
It is drawn better than FiM and will likely be more enjoyable than the twilight "mary sue" sparkle shows.
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>If talking quadripedal horses are furry then you're a fucking furry for watching MLP.
Keep your horse furries separate from the little pony furries. Simple.
Literally every horse you don't like looks "like a dog" to you.
Maybe you retards were the furfags all along.
>twilight "mary sue" sparkle
Cocoa doesn't seem much different from her, maybe more like Sunny, but still.
Let's hope the actual furries doesn't find this and think it's theirs, like they do to everything with talking animals. These bastards.
Still, the toys look more identical to the show than this promo art. I bet they're going to use this for the box, stationery and lunch boxes.
Esl fingers typed this. Not that i disagree, but racism takes precedent over talking horse drama.
Unfortunately it's likely furries will find this, but they'll get bored really quick just like they did with MLP. So when they do, just be cool & wait for their new FOTW to sweep them away. At least we'll get porn out of it.
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Horsefuckers was a mistake. We should return to brony and kick indiscriminate zoos like this back out.
/mlp/ was always horsefucker territory. You belong on Reddit. You get the fuck out.
I, for one, advocate for furry/brony solidarity. The cringe autism youtube channels were cyberbullying us both. Don't forget about that. We were in the trenches together. The real enemy is the rainbow zoomers spamming their ugly pride flags everywhere.
I want stallions in this show. I think they're going to look cool in this style. Maybe way cooler than MLP stallions.
>return to
Always was, retard. Go back to- oh, they're all gone because whiny faggots like yourself.
>astroturfing since 2012
kys, ponybro.
>they're all gone because whiny faggots like yourself
Is that gif what you think is happening? You're the one who feels so violated by the coomers. I'm not going anywhere, I like pony pussy too much.
>wild manes
>they don't look wild at all
They're average horses with colorful and uncommon manes, that's why "wild manes".
Come now, I'm the biggest pervert around. Horsefucker has extremely little to do with being a coomer and everything to do with anons filtering and distancing from brony cringe. You're proving my point by hiding your real life horse fetish behind that label.
>Is that gif what you think is happening
You brought up people leaving, not me.
oh that's a good point I want to see them too
Don't give those execs any ideas, otherwise G& might just be aired at TikTok, that was purchased by Meta or Alphabet.
>Deviant art shit
>Furry snouts
What's the matter beanmouthnigger? Are you afraid? Yeah, you should be. Because your shitty show is dead and got mogged by some literally who poorfag studio.
So when does it come out? It's already summer.
>Deviantart shit
The earliest concept arts of FiM were posted on deviantart. One could say DeviantArt was the birthplace of FiM. I know that's not what you meant by DeviantArt but I have no clue what you did mean so thats all I can really say kek
>Furry snouts
Well, I guess the definition of "furry" is defined by the shape of the snouts starting today.
If you think horse snouts are unaesthetic you can take that up with God. The Wild Manes have objectively good character designs, even the people who are pessimistic about the show seem to agree. Just get ready to hide the Wild Manes threads. I think there'll be a lot of them.
I want this to be good because if it takes over My Little Pony, Jakks could end up buying out the franchise and doing good with MLP too. Well then again why have 2 horse toys... maybe not. I don't know how this shit works, am I onto something with this?
Sure is shilly in here
watch these fags overhype this as the next 2011-2013 and it turns out to be fucking unwatchable shit
Don't like how they look. Their designs are just bad, no regard for color theory whatsoever.
Most FiM mares don't either, to be fair.
Reminds me of a show I watched when I was still a filly

Found it! Anypony else remember this?
I subscribed to their channel just waiting. They didn't gave any release date yet, so it can pop out at any time soon.
Oh my god that's ugly
>the first edgy black and red OC
My god
It's the shading/lighting effects on the poster. They look great in the actual promo for the cartoon.
Oh my god. Both shows have good tasteful use of color.
I don't think Jakks is willing to have two franchises that are exactly same thing. If Hasbro is willing to sell MLP, I hope they sell it to Basic Fun. I believe they handle Care Bears good and the new LPS gen sells pretty well because they listen the fans.
Don't worry these posts Anon, both are just trolling or trying to start a ragebait.
Okay, Rasheed.
Oh no, they did a tiktok version of the promo
What do you expect? More people have tiktoks than have emails
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Any fanart yet?

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