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This article is 100% on the money since 2014 and it still is now in 2024.

We do not have pony video games because there is no demand for them. If we had people actually interested in video games then for every 100 players we'd have 1 game designer and for every 10 game designer we'd have a proper jack of all trades game developer. But from how many Equestria-themed games we ALREADY HAVE none are ever discussed so the demand is 0.


And here I was expecting specific mechanics. Damn ponyfags really do not play video games. No wonder they have no imagination for coming up with good detailed ideas

on a lore and setting base of the FIM world sure, just like Twilight's Escape could be used as a picture book/something less than a comic book because of its voice acting and images acting as cutscenes, but those aren't really games. VNs aren't games, they're less than Dating Sims and Detective games.
This is why we don't have an Other
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>for every 100 players we'd have 1 game designer
Is this bait?

>But from how many Equestria-themed games we ALREADY HAVE none are ever discussed so the demand is 0
What games? The big ones are TFH and Equestria at War and those are discussed a lot. Everything else is pretty much just flash animations and small bad games.

The biggest problem is that games are fucking hard to make, need multiple people working together and give almost nothing return. You need art, music, animation and story and then on top of that the whole game development stuff, so pretty much all things in that list combined and everything has to work together.

Go on, make a game. Fucking retard.
>none are ever discussed
There are small communities, FoE Remains being a good example. There's a discord server where people are still sharing mods, discussing whether the shovel is a viable weapon, etc. I'm sure other similar communities exist.
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Oh no no no ahah aha ha a
>inb4 "it's not a """real""" game
Everfree Outpost did it better (albeit it didn't have the same colourful graphics, EO instead used typical RPGMaker medieval-fantasy graphics.)

Don't lie you little Cadenza shit, we have over 30 big games and over 130 small games.
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For me, trolling people on /mlp/ and reaching Anon's breaking points is a game so I'd have to vote for Games.
>30 big games and over 130 small games
And I made 250 of those.
Ponytown 3D. Get the team who made the 3d pony mmo.
>3,889 people like the music the most
>3,889 people like the music at all
>If people were actually interested in hollywood then for every randomly chosen 100 people 1 would be a director, 10 would be combo writer-actor-musician-cinematographers and the other 89 would be buying movie tickets
Bro I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this but you might have a case of profound mental retardation. Please see a doctor.

What part of the fandom do you like the least? The one that takes the most effort and the most specialized skills and has the most moving parts and takes the most time and dedication to actually finish and is the easiest to fuck up oh and as a reminder if you even try to monetize it to help you fill in the blanks you're at risk of getting the entire project C&D'd or having it collapse under management problems
Oh geez I wonder why there's so few of them and the ones that do happen are lackluster?
>but those aren't really games
>VNs aren't games, they're less than Dating Sims and Detective games.
What do you actually want? God of Pony? Call of Mares? If anything that isn't triple A isn't a game for you, then what the fuck do you want from a closeted autistic community?
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Brb dropping my game for good
This fandom is also the most irresponsible one just like their immature hobbies it matches their personalities.
You never see a brony taking responsibility and saying "Yeah I fucked up" a similar thing happens with the anime community.
It's the animator wanting to tell a story problem.
for every 100 players we'd have 1 game designer
>Bro I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this but you might have a case of profound mental retardation. Please see a doctor.
>Is this bait?
Do you projecting retards who need to go see a doctor have reading comprehension problems? I know all your generation does, "BRUH/Bro".
I love how you guys explain only on the side things only you understand, but try to explain what you don't like about somebody's idea by focusing on his idea, not yours, is completely impossible to you.
Fake Autism at its finest, meaning lack of social experience leading to seemingly poor cognitive abilities leading to what seems like a low IQ while ironically talking about smart things but only from your perspectives.

Focus on his assertion and tell me exactly why it's wrong without going off topic and beating around the bush , without using metaphors & comparisons which you think are self-explaining or easier to understand, but in fact are comprehensive only to you.
Dude what the fuck are you even talking about?
> for every 100 players we'd have 1 game designer
Thats a retarded statistic. I'd give you 1 creator per 100 users at max here on 4chan where people are deep into this shit, maybe a fifth of that anywhere else. That is 1 dude who does art, or music or writing on an amateur level. Then I'd give you 1 game designer per 20 of those guys. Then come all the other complications of game development.

>We do not have pony video games because there is no demand for them
False, we don't have pony games because they are hard to make.
>Damn ponyfags really do not play video games
Fucking offboard newfag.
>VNs aren't games, they're less than Dating Sims and Detective games.
Demanding, are we? OPs link even talks about how mods and similar stuff doesn't count, give me a break, this has to be rage bait.

>I love how you guys explain only on the side things only you understand
>his idea
Whats that idea? That we need more pony games? I only see a retard making stupid claims and drawing some wrong conclusions from a ten year old post.

>Thats a retarded statistic.
>Here's my own retarded statistic
You truly are a retarded hypocritical teenager.

>False, we don't have pony games because they are hard to make.
False, 99% of bronies do not play video games but the most garbage of garbage like grinding farming games, mainstream shit like LoL or some niche like Hearts of Iron, but never the full plethora of strategy games that encompass multiple genres such as RTS and RTT.

> I only see a retard making stupid claims and drawing some wrong conclusions from a ten year old post.

And once again you didn't explain shit. Try this shit on my board and you'd be banned in a second or simply relegated to posting on the equivalent of /b/. Giving /b/posters the ability to post anywhere was pure retardation. Any forum and even imageboard has the ability to keep people from posting on specific boards.

How about the other anon? any reply? >>41200095 or is this also you?
Games just suffer the most from the same problem any form of pony media suffers from: Project death. There are a lot of games, but they're either old and short, or abandoned partway through.
It's hardly PONY town now, with all their catering to nonpony races.
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Wow what a genuinely worthless post. Instead of a proper discussion and counter arguments, all i see is bitching, mockery, masquerading your opinion, pulled out from your ass, as objective facts. Rich calling others' takes projections.
Not to mention that schizophrenic ramble about "your board" and /b/. Who the fuck do you think you are, you monumental retard?
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>I think your statistic is off
>This is how I think it is
>You truly are a retarded hypocritical teenager.
>mainstream shit like LoL or some niche like Hearts of Iron
What is it, mainstream or niche stuff?
>False, 99% of bronies do not play video games
Honestly there is nothing to say here.
What is the proper protocol here? Dilate?
>And once again you didn't explain shit
And once again you didn't explain shit
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>but never the full plethora of strategy games that encompass multiple genres such as RTS and RTT.
Oh shit, didn't even read that through before. Have you eaten a thesaurus or something?
Nice projection, dashtard. You done copying insults from other equally dumb people who copied some random word they heard from a doctor?
Did you samefag post? or we just call that double posting?
>No demand for games
That's not how you should be reading this. This isn't polling "which media would you like to see more of?" it's "which media do you like most?" There are basically no games, so naturally not many answered games. There was massive demand for games back in the day, but almost no takers, and the biggest game got shut down by DMCA, if you'll recall. That was a big deal back then.
Here let me doublepost too.


Tell me why should I continue attempting to converse with you again, kid? This is the last (You) you're getting out of me.
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>My take could never be so bad that multiple people would think I'm a giant retard.
Problem, samefag?
The only thing anyone has to do is look at the pathetic shit /mlp/ puts out in the 'game james' to see OP is right. No one in /create/ will ever amount to anything either, just spinning wheels for autistic babies for retards to clap along just like /bale/
hopefully you will live to be proven wrong sometime
quite literally DON'T LOSE HOPE
The closest that /mlp/ came to a game was the spyro copycat that would be 1% of a real game, with babies first level design of big arena and infinite baddies. and it was just an elaborate shitpost for the anti
And that guy behind the gryphon game didn't even come from /mlp/ and he worked on all of it by himself cause all help he'd get was useless.

The guy behind Clockwork Stallions said he head +32 members helping him, but most of them didn't do jackshit.
Barely 2 members helped him; one who did the animations for the bosses and one who did the music and that was it. The rest were slacking off severely.

Not sure how Ponyvania and Megapony was done.

Legacy of the Pony was originally done by an indie dev who only finished 2 levels before another indie dev behind Rainbow Wake who completed the rest of the game by putting 4 more levels in it.
https://mlp-gaming.fandom.com/wiki/Legacy_of_the_Pony (look at how fucking awful a wiki article for these games are)
This board in general is pathetic.
>/bale/, /create/, game jams, etc.
Hugboxy kindergarten shit. 12 year olds submit better games to real game jams (where you only have 1 week instead of 2) and draw/paint better than the 30 year old autists here. Same goes for music.
>fetish/prompt generals
Barely literate retards writing shitty dime a dozen self-insert coomer fantasies that the other barely literate retards hardly even bother to read. Astounding.
>g% g# g! fags/filly funtasia etc.
Literal baby toddlerslop cartoons.
>Mare Fair
Wow, a discord clique organized a convention for gay furries. Even ignoring the homoerotic and transsexual overtones, it's just a con. There are dozens of pony cons every year, they don't contribute anything of worth.
Unfunny shit just like the regular anthologies. Half of it is just taking a scene or joke made by funnier, more talented people, and dubbing it over with AI voices. Lazy and dull.
AItroonery has no value. Even from a technical standpoint the only accomplishment /mlp/ ever managed was 15.ai, which was mediocre and quickly surpassed by outsiders.
The best you can say about /mlp/ is we've had a handful of "decent" drawfags over the years. But they're only decent compared to the abysmal trash that is pony fanart. Compared to weeb fanart, or even compared to furnigger "art", this fandom and board is below bad. But what else can you expect when the average ponyfag is a depressed, retarded, autistic loser.
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>hello fellow my little ponyers
>don't you agree that everything anyone makes that prolongs the life of this fandom I am totally in SUCKS?
>we should all just leave and let this thing wither and die haha
>Low quality shit
>prolongs life of the fandom
>But what else can you expect when the average ponyfag is a depressed, retarded, autistic loser.
Don't put yourself down like that.
Whatever you say, totally real pony fan and not at all someone from /v/, v4c, /pol/, reddit, etc. who hates pony and thinks gr15 isn't extreme enough
Can I ask why you're still here then?
Nothing that was said is inaccurate, you just dont like looking in the mirror with a wake of failures and shit
i want call of mares
don't try to abbreviate Call of Mares...
>my chronic depression is the true way!
Please get help, anon.
we gotta leave this shithole, it's possibly the worst mlp community
Post the song, song poster.

AI will save the video game industry.
Somebody make a thread titled Fandom discussion.


"True commuinism has never been tried before"
Yes it has, it's called socialism.
" ... like I said ... communism has never been tried before "
lol faggot "muh sacred cow" suck a dick, faggot.

You ever think what this fandom would be like if it took responsibility for itself and acted more mature?
Equestria Daily could be a base of operations
Each segment of the fandom would be actually different in mentality and demeanour and not just at a surface level. Not just different sides of the same shitcoin.
Building, collaborating, socializing and discussing on a normal person level and on an academical level.
But then I guess it wouldn't be a fandumb anymore if we had those just like EQD wouldn't just be a news blog and Seth wouldn't readily suck Hasbro's dick and betray people like the stinking jew he is.
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>"Everything on this board sucks and I hate it here"
>"No, I'm not gonna leave"
Why is this bait so common, and why does /mlp/ swallow it every time?
If you hate everything around you maybe the real problem lies with you and not with everyone else.
Hi /v/, I miss your daily reminder threads, those were funny.
Idk, that's still quite a bit of creative output for a niche, past its prime board.
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I'm just stating the obvious but the amount of effort expended is not the same
even as a team you require leadership which is scarce between autists like us
Nobody wants to organise according to the desires of some autist, buddy. If you wanna see content you like, make it yourself instead of haranguing everybody else for not catering to your whims. Faggot.
How about you give us the poll, and let /mlp/ do it again
I'm not engaging with the shit flinging contest itt. All I will say is, I am absolutely up to play pony games. Games take a lot of resources -- generally they take all the resources of every other medium and put them together, requiring either a decently funded team of artists and programmers/designers or a single polymath like Pixel for Cave Story.
A big part of the fandom is the social element behind frenship. For this reason the biggest pony games are just social hubs with chat boxes, and Equestria at War is a mod of an existing game that moves at a snail's pace developmentally.
Many people forget the resources that go into a game you don't simply play once and put down such as with Filly Astray. Those games are fun, but not "come back for years on end" fun like many online games. If the statistics in OP's image are true it's not a black mark on /mlp/'s gaming subculture, it's just a reality that outside of corporate shit like Fortnite or indie darlings like Cuphead, people aren't overall sticking their necks out to sink extended hours into any game they see.
To the arguers, just give it up. The argument accomplishes nothing. Argue with purpose, and filter the meaningless insults out of it. Otherwise it's wasted mental storage.
In terms of the indie market as well, they can generally sell their game ideas, you can't sell an MLP game without a lot of effort put into making it legally distinct from the IP. Fighting is Magic alone proved that Hasbro will come down like a hammer even if you aren't monetising your fan game, so any project that gets enough backing and interest to really get off the ground is at risk thanks to the suits at Hasbro.
And what genres of games and specific games do you horsefuckers currently play or have played in your childhood?
Action Shooter
RPG (rocket propelled grenade)
Really, just about everything but grand strategy, MOBA, or RTS games. My main game lately has been Risk of Rain 2, sometimes I open Shotgun King or CoD BO3 Zombies for a few hours. I've had a cookie clicker save going for over a year and am about 30 achievements from the 100%. I picked up the metroidvania indie title Iji, by Dan Remar, since I played that as a kid.
i like how the board just collectively forgot about MareQuest

Here's 2 games you casuals might enjoy. Sulphur Nimbus isn't for casuals.
How dare you, I beat Dark Souls PTDE at soul level 1 without summons up to NG+5.
Anyway, will look into after payday. Still got the summer sale, gotta get Survivors of the Void and POST VOID to try. I'm so poor I get all my drinking water from work and have been eating ramen and costco food court hot dogs for weeks. Send help.
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And Slaughter Horse 2.
What is there to forget? You just walk around an oversized barren wasteland of a map with nothing to do but scroll through randomly generated dialogue from randomly generated ponies with randomly generated names. Oh, and throwing apples at shadow ponies.
Is Horse Game going anywhere really? It doesn't seem like there's been any substantial progress in years.
>almost no pony games around
>why is no one interested in pony games?!
People have always been interested in "[game] but with ponies", mods do satisfy to a point but you're going to tell me that literally nobody is capable of for example adapting a pony card game into a digital format and calling it Horsestone?
sounds like you played the first version and never again
What, am I supposed to go OGM SNOWBALL FIGHT TIEM when I find the designated minigame pony that has nothing new to say? This ain't the cartoon network website in '05 anon, this is a Steam game.
I mean I had fun with it and thought it was really cute and to be fair it's free at least.
Time is money too. Four hours of mindlessly clicking to collect friends is no more engaging than the average phone game.
I know one thing. If I ever made a game I'd sure as fuck never make it for the bunch of ungrateful fuckheads that populate this place.
If I made it I'd suck the money out of them, but most horsefuckers and bronies are poor as dirt.
A heavenly pony game costs serious cash, motherbucker so pony up the dough.

Oh you want my porn game to be about ponies? So you want me to sacrifice the rest of the people that might enjoy games without ponies in them just so you can imagine fucking deer-looking horses? YOU CAN'T AFFORD YOUR WAIFU.
10k a month if you want a proper game.
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>money money money I don't do anything unless it gives me MONEY
Well yeah, most mlp games are shit. BFE is the only good one that springs to mind.
Problem, poorfag? You can't afford your waifu? However unlike those faggots at Mane6/Fighting Is Magic/Them Fighting Herds I don't laze around and I also know how to ask for extra money.
The real reason why Hasbro didn't want bronies. Too many standards and too poor at the same time.

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