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What was wrong with Magical Mystery Cure? I genuinely don't know you guys, give me a list of flaws.

Also give me your ideas on how would you have fixed it.

it cured me
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>cum potion
>alicorn transformation out of FUCKING NOWHERE
>no new villain
It sucked.
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I for one thought it was a nice episode that showed how a friend who knows you Better than yourself can point out a better way for you to go. Plus, Twilight got wings!
Unlike most of this board, I don't hate twilicorn. However, I did hate that MMC turned cutie marks from a cute little rite of passage into basically a pony's soul that can be extracted and implanted.
The only time they implied cutie marks would affect your mind like that before was in The Cutie Pox, and that was explicitly a poison potion making Apple Bloom sick.
because im jelly that im not an alicorn
>50% Musical
>40% Twilicorn
>10% story
>Twilight "reaching" her character arc in three seasons yet the show lasted another six.

A season finale wasted in an odd change that ended up limiting the show more than actually expanding it.
I don't really hate her either, I just think she should've become an alicorn way later (at least by the end of season 6)
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>>cum potion
That was in Season 4 premiere.
MMC was a good episode, nothing to fix in my opinion

Majority of the board do not hate twilicorn. It is just a vocal minority of Faustards/Spastics/Autists that try to make the hate seem bigger than it really is.
Shuuuut upp Hasdroning Glimmernigger EQGBarbie *SMACK*
>making it this obvvious you are an offboarder
I do not know what to tell you
>give me your ideas on how would you have fixed it.
At least 2 parts, for more time.
Each of the ponies come to a conclusion about the problems the others face, forming a better connection with their friends in the process.
All six become alicorns. Having the new Princesses of Harmony work out how to bring their Element to the people would have been better than "Yeah, you all work for her now".
It had Twilight in it. Talk about the largest screw up of FiM.
*SMACK* Shuuuuuuuut uuuuuppp, Poochie.
how 2 b cum al e corn
In short, use twilight's prior magic studies as foreshadowing while also giving her some agency and you don't have to change almost anything.

wat wrong wid epi sode
In short, what the episode actually says is shit and everything about it is designed to make you ignore that or wait patiently for an explanation that will never come.

There is no way to correctly explain what happens in the episode without contradicting yourself.
The details of the spell and what it really does are never being clarified. The show tells us it changed the Cutie Marks of her friends and their memories, but with this explanation problems and inconsistencies arise like that it:
1. Changes the memories of every other pony like the Apple family who don't seem to care that Pinkie Pie is suddenly working for them and that Applejack suddenly decided to sew as if it always was the case or the citizens of Ponyville who act like Rarity always was responsible for the weather. Also, did the other ponies also regain the original memories of the Mane 5 member the moment she regained them? It seems like this was the case with Pinkie's memories and the amres of Ponyville. This would also explain why the amres were all grumpy because otherwise it wouldn't make sense that they grew bitter after just like max. 12 hours without Pinkie autism but with this non-show-explained explanation we learn that from their point of view, Pinkie never lightened up their day.
2. Didn't change Spike's memories like it did to everybody else even though he didn't cast the spell.
3. Teleported them into each others houses/beds while they were probably asleep - If this wasn't the case Applejack for example would have wondered why she woke up in her children's room and not in the Boutique. Also, did Rarity wake up in Rainbow Dash's cloud house? This couldn't be possible, because she would have died, but it had to be the case as the others location where also switched to the original Cutie Mark bearers and it would be inconsistent if Rarity was the only one to not have switched proper places. How would the spell know that Rarity would die if she teleported to Rainbow Dash's last position?
4. Would mean that the Mane 5 needed to have proper backstories for the acquirement of their Cutie Marks even though they aren't talented in the things their Cutie Mark signals. So what? Did Rainbow Dash pet a cat and she got her animal Cutie Mark according to her altered memory and then decided to build a cottage for them even though she doesn't really like them and doesn't want to care for the in actuality or what is going on?
5. Was never explained what the finished spell does. What does it actually do? Like, did it teleport her into Celestia's realm? That was Celestia herself and not the finished spell, wasn't it? So, what does it do?

I could probably go on, but I'm running out of space here, so I guess I'm done. Fuck you for being ignorant.
Well, for one thing, twilight's friends are still standing around at midnight while she's gone. They exist for a few minutes, outside, at night, while twilight experiences at least most of a day inside of the spell in some other ponyville.

If what we see it litteral, both these ponyvilles exist at the same "time".
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So... you say MMC was a literal fever dream?
It's a spell that undoes itself.
Hasbro got to sell more toys, and that's all they care about
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Nothing makes sense in MMC. That's not saying it can't make sense, but all five of Twi's friends get their traits and locations utterly randomized, and it's all to what end? We don't really get to see the impact of this beyond that it makes them all depressed/schizo, and there's no good thematic or in-universe explanation on how this ties into the spell Twi is working on and how either of these tie into her eventual alicornification. The epsiode needs more time to breathe, either by gutting the musical number aspect or making it a two-parter. The songs themselves last so long and take up so much time that they further railroad the broken writing and there's no time for any development to settle in and have an impact, it just bursts through one point to another.
Outside of MMC Twilight becoming an Alicorn/Princess was being telegraphed all through the series prior to this point. I'd also argue the change was for the better for Twilight and the show as a whole. If my memory serves correctly originally MMC was part of a bigger plot with what became the S4 opening and would have been spread out over three episodes, and that would have been far better simply because there would have been more time to let the concept breathe.
Poster in the first bit seems to have lost his mind early with the 'rarity was almost alicorn in S1' bullshit but at least he got his stuff back. second poster has a decent idea of what he's talking about.
>Twilight got wings!
Stop shoving your headcanon fanfic to canon content, faggot.
>Twilight becoming an Alicorn/Princess was being telegraphed all through the series prior to this point.
It wasn't planned at all until MMC itself started being written.
FUCK, twilight is so cute
>Rainbow's talent is literally just 'go fast'
>somehow this means Rarity needs to do weatherwork
Weatherwork is just Rainbow's day job when every other bit about her is 'go fast'.
RD's "talent" is rainboom, because only her and a very few can do it
Your mistake is thinking that those autists aren't the majority of the board.

This is /MLP/. It's a major containment board of advanced Autism, for 4chan. You know. The website for autists.
Newfags should get lost. I got the perfect replacement for you. back to >>>/b/reddit
Been here since before /MLP/ was a thing. Try again.
S1&2 > S3 > S4-7 > S8&9
I don't understand how this is the controversial part.
Alicorn = unicorn + pegasis +earth
Rarity was a winged unicorn

how is a winged unicorn NOT almost an alicorn?

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