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This is a thread for all things Starlight Glimmer. Post pics, greens and discussion.

Previous thread:
Topics discussed:
>glim drinks (she doesn't like boba because it looks like changeling eggs) >>41075130
>Do people really not like Starlight’s post-reformation mane? >>41078152
>pick up glim and hug her
>what if glim was “evil” and reformed? >>41080339
>how would you proceed? >>41085017
>glim and princesses
>Glimmy calls you a pussy, what do? >>41093904
>Alicorn of Forgiveness >>41098583
>uh oh, glim found THAT memory >>41099408
>glim has a cute bow (glimmy bloom?) >>41105739
>glim acquires a taste for meat >>41110289
>anon acquires a taste for glim >>41112732
>new glimmother lore unlocked >>41117275
>lewd, slightly smoked glims
>You vs Glim, who wins? >>41127545
>dommy glims? switch glims?
>devilish >>41132614
>g l i m s gloms GLAMS >>41141740
>glim gets drunk then becomes a serial killer >>41144073
>Starlight and Dash's relationship >>41149623
>And then Starlight with the rest of the mane 6 >>41153201
>lewd and silly glims
>Invaded by the Great and Powerful Trixie >>41176277
>bastardising glim's name until you summon demon starlight >>41182747
>What if Glim, somehow, gave birth to a human baby instead of a foal? >>41183704
>lingering lewdness
>Glimmy gives Anon strength >>41197278 >>41199126
>Discussion on why Starlight sold Trixie's wagon >>41208368

Art created:
>Kissy kissy glim and trixie

>Starlight Glimmer X Double Diamond comic
the rest of the comic can be found over at >>41119770 and >>41166880

>Anon drew a Starlight

>Sultry Starlight with questionable panties

Edits conjured:
>Do it for glim

Photographs taken:

>Waking up to glimmy

Titbits scribbled:
"Ice Ice Glimmy"
>Starlight makes it snow


"Glim Glam and Ice Cream"
>Starlight and Anon have ice cream

"The Taste of Glim"
>But how does she taste?

>Starlight lewdly bosses Anon around

>Councillor Starlight and the shy student
>>41137830 >>41140430

>Glimmerlight Star writes a book

>Glimchild chronicles
>>41184874 >>41186179

Legacy archive: https://ponepaste.org/7897
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Some selected fanfics and greens:

"Punkish Pasts" by Glimbrain
>Starlight (begrudgingly) takes Anon to see her old bedroom at Sire's Hollow.

"Taking in a homeless Glim" by CrookedIronsights
>(You) take in a Glim with nowhere to go.

"Double Glimmy" by Glimbrain
>Glimmy and Glimmy (from the past) team up to drain Anon's balls.

"Public? Sexo" by jrudie
>Sexo? In a public space?

"Can I stay in your house?" by Marehouse
>Looking to escape her troubles at home, Starlight seeks refuge at Anon's place.

"Starry Darling" by Climaclysm
>Starlight Glimmer's parents discuss a recent incident she had with another foal in town.

The Pink In Pinko by HK-47
>Anonymous is locked up in Our Town by Starlight Glimmer, who tries and fails to convert him. He converts her by way of dicking the communism out of her.

Some essential fanfics and greens:

Collection of shorts from Starlight threads:

>It's easy to shake off regrets when you don't know how better it could have turned out. But, what if..

"Because I Choose To" by Mercury
>A very influential and iconic SPG story.
part 1 - https://ponepaste.org/2560
part 2 - https://ponepaste.org/2561

"Glimglam doth Flimflam the Green Man" by Empty_Philosopher
>It's a whirlwind of insane goofs between Anonymous and Starlight Glimmer in this one-of-a-kind adventure that uses its green medium expertly.

Grim's pastebin
>Writing with his heart more than with his hand, Grim's short stories radiate warmth, spark joy, evoke nostalgia and cause heart attacks.
>Deftly tugging on our heartstrings with his slice of life stories and drawings, this multitalented individual lures out and then intensifies all of our love for shy, sweet Starlight.

karwler's ponepaste
>karwler's midnight scribbles are weird, arousing, heart-warming, dark, playful with their medium and often times all of the above at once.
>Inspirations stemming from his bittersweet longing for the lavender mare, he reflects the everyday daydreamy state of a glimmera.

Glimbrain's ponepaste
>A cuddlebug packed with witty remarks, Glimbrain's sweetly endearing (and devilishly playful) Starlight has made me fall in love all over again.
>Clever twists and lively characters are signature skills of this incredibly talented individual. We can only muster a humble 'Thank you!' for all the sweet, sweet glimgreens he has spoiled us with.

Unlisted List
>Titles and links of damaged stories or otherwise unfinished works of pony literature.
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starlight glimmer is a lumpy piece of dog shit
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Shut up AVGN, you're balding.
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God I love this mare
Shes so perfect bros....
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I like your big Glim from BlackWater and her hair poof on the back of her head. I've had my 50-inch for almost a year now.
how much of the bed does she take up?
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That's a full size bed, so they are both about 3/4 of the length. I'm running out of space. Too much mare.
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i am once again asking what her fucking problem was in that episode where she sells trixie's wagon and then shows no remorse like, at all. "who said you could do that?" "nobody, I just did it!" actual psychopath behavior. i can't get over this
I view that more as a
>the writers are being retarded to create drama again
than anything actually attributable to Glim herself. At some point, its the only way to avoid the scizo spaghetti of contradictory OOC moments they shove in.
Doing loving things for glimmy that make her feel beautiful and special.
Socks are a very important plushy preservation tool
Making her breakfast in bed! Getting Glimmy her favorite energy drink! Cleaning her hoofsies(non-sexual)! Taking her out to an expensive restaurant and giving Twilight the bill! (Spike gave you her magic bit card)! Flying kites with Glim! Hanging out with Glimmy, Maud and Trixie! Not acting bored out of your mind as Maud talks about rocks and minerals! Restraining yourself from beating the shit out of Trixie!
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I have glim
This is basically Glimmy's Trade Ya and Look Before You Sleep combined, but not as severe as trading a friend into indentured servitude of course.

Why did Glimmy do it?
Look back to Hearth's Warming Tale, Snowfall is a reflection of Starlight's psyche. She is a utilitarian that believes actions are right if they are useful or for the benefit of the majority. It's a trait that manifests a few times such as her cult leader days of wanting to provide friendship and harmony to ponies, the risky maulwurf plan meant to invigorate the changelings to work together with Pharynx, and switching the princess's cutie marks to get them to understand each other's hardships.

What caused her to do it?
During their travel, they encountered many inconveniences and misfortunes from the lack of space and the trip in general starting with Starlight's luggage and Trixie herself feeling insecure about the space. Later Glimmy overhears Hoo'Far reminding Trixie of his offer to trade wagons. This plants the idea of trading up in Glim's mind while serving as foreshadowing. The arrival to Saddle Arabia is where the cascade starts, Glam impulsively buys street food unaware of the strict budget they're in, this prompts Trixie to get the cheapest food available which meant waiting in line for hours, the delay caused them to miss any available rooms at the inns which forces them to attempt sleeping in Trixie's wagon. They both lost sleep, but Glimmy had it far worse from Trixie sleeptalking all night which is evident by the massive tired eyebags Starlight gets.
They start off the day in frustration exacerbated by not having enough food and drink for breakfast. The magic show is consequently a disaster from the two silly ponies bickering which continues into the night. The reason I'm summarizing everything is that all these things add up. Stress levels are at maximum for Glimmy, she is severely sleep deprived and starving, which combined with her main character flaw of impulsiveness ultimately causes her to accept the trade with Hoo'Far.

- - -
- - -

What is her justification?
After getting a good night's rest and rationalizing her thoughts Starlight first states:
>"I traded the old, worn-out wagon that was too small for us, for this nice spacious one that we can both enjoy."
This follows with her utilitarian trait. In her view it was the best course of action for the greater good. But that is not all, she then states:
>"Now we both have plenty of room, and you didn't even have to give anything away."
This line is interesting because it shows that Glimmy is aware some things may hold more sentimental value than other things. In this case she didn't consider the wagon as important while she did for Trixie's other belongings and there is a reason for that. Earlier in the episode Glimmy made a comment:
>"You could get rid of this junk."
Trixie immediately reprimands her, telling Glim that all her magical items that took her years to collect hold value to her. So Starlight learns here that these items are special to Trixie. But what about the wagon itself? Near the beginning of the episode Trixie exclaims her love for her wagon that she would never trade away, however Starlight was NOT present during that moment. Starlight had no clue how special the wagon really is so that factor was absent from her decision to trade.

In conclusion, yes it's a bad thing to make certain decisions on the behalf of others without their permission. Her utilitarianism and impulsiveness got the better of her, but it wasn't out of malice. She cares about Trixie's, everyone's, well-being to a fault. This is a mistake Glimmy would absolutely make and I'm glad she learns her lesson here. I hope I clarified some things for you in my analysis or perhaps showed you a perspective you haven't considered before. Whether you can forgive her for that or whether the writing was good is up to you.
I can understand if you don't like it, many don't like what Dashie did either (I still like to defend her though). Personally I think Road to Friendship is very well written. It is one of my favorite episodes, both wholesome and hilarious which I value a lot in my cartoons.

Your feelings here are similar to mine with Suited for Success. Rarity's friends are forcibly made to look like psychopaths blatantly taking advantage of her generosity. They're spitting on her face and disrespecting all the time and hard work she is doing for them for FREE while being completely oblivious to how stupid their suggestions look. Literally insane writing. Some things just grind our gears extra hard it seems.
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who is she cheering on?
When will you kill yourself?
Where did that come from? Lol
I just fucking hate people being this dumb. Why wouldn't they try to figure out by themselves? Literally takes minutes to find the answer. Even if there's no expected answer, then try to come up with one. Jesus christ
Nothing against Glimmer, this guy just pissed me off and I've had enough.
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jeez dude I was setting up a “its (You)”
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Nice. Looks like you've kept BlackWater busy. I still have my 50 inch Tixie coming from her. I kind of want a Flutter too, but each one costs me a month and a half in the wage cage.
That's a lovely collection, 50in that's a really big mare!
BlackWater just happened to have a pre-made Glimmy so I jumped on the opportunity. I love their designs, such cute boopable snoots! I want a bangs Glimmy next or a LS.

They're adorable! Is that Wallflower? She cute.
The fuck? Lmao
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Thanks. They are big mares. For you. I had saddles made for the both of them too.
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>Is that Wallflower? She cute.
Yes, she is my favorite

Glimmy got new BGM music!
Settle down, okay?
watched the Glim x Trix episode last night, really enjoyed that, I didn't get how Glimmer had so many fans, but I'm starting to get it now
she gave away trixie's HOUSE
i just can't wrap my mind around what kind of psycho gives away someone else's belongings full stop, let alone the thing they live in full time
and she wasn't even sorry
the lesson of this episode is basically "stealing is ok" and i wonder why they didn't just steal food and drink from the bazaar in that case
It's more like replacing someone beat up car with something way more expensive.
Thoughtless maybe, it could have had sentimental value. But it's not that insane.
a beat up car that they lived in with their belongings.
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It’s okay, Glimbro. I like setting those up too, and I know there’s others who do as well. As long as we outweigh the negativity, we win.
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>the location they arrive at just happens not to have room for travelers
Because they arrived too late due to waiting in line for haycakes and juice for hours.
>they run out of money for food, somehow
Trixie did mention early in the episode that Saddle Arabia is farther than her usual route, along with now having to account for a companion, it's likely she underestimated the budget.
>that motherfucker that took Trixie's wagon KNEW IT WAS TRIXIE'S
Perhaps he thought the wagon was owned by the magic troupe and not the individual.

>And what's with "at least we don't sing" and then smash cut to them fucking singing? Pick a lane!
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic, but this was a great joke. It's also super adorable that they were having so much fun together that they couldn't help but start singing their little mare hearts out. It's clear they're a little embarassed of expressing their feelings openly, just look at their reactions to Twilight and Cadance doing their little dance. Which makes it so fucking cute when they start trying to make up a dance to convince Hoo'Far of their friendship at the end.

Every FiM episode has a conflict and moral though, but I wouldn't mind seeing ponies just being cute for 22 minutes. Watching a full magic show beginning to end would have been great.

Chill out man, you're acting a bit psycho.

I wish Glimmy would trade my shitty townhouse for a mcmansion!
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Startrix is an amazing duo, I love their chemistry a lot!
I really like how they became friends and how it upset Twi, great episode and looking forward to more :D
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Are we speaking of No Second Prances? Despite some questionable morals, it's just about my favorite episode because of these two.
yeah that one lol
I thought it was hilarious how Trixie just conceded to be eaten by the manticore after having the breakup with Glimmy, sort of dark, but tickled me. Especially with Twilight and Glimmer just talking nonchalantly while Trixie is committing suicide hahaha
Yeah I can see how the morals could be considered questionable
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Look at her cute
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Any Glimfren have the finished version of this?
I can see it
I don't think it ever got finished unfortunately.

Also I don't like when the series can't pick whether the songs are diagetic or not. In a musical, you sing when speaking doesn't communicate your emotion well enough, and you dance when singing isn't strong enough. But in-universe as they characters percieve, the characters may still just be speaking and having an intense conversation. By blurring those lines where they're like "yeah we sing" it takes away a little bit of the specialness of a musical number. As well I don't like when a series goes "we're not gonna do XYZ!" and then immediately does XYZ. But that's probably because I think it's funnier when Jerma does it.

...........And she STOLE Trixie's HOUSE and didn't even apologize and there were no consequences!
I can't get over that part
He said he was gonna update, but I don't think it ever happened.

Sorry but you're giving me these vibes.
the mic should be shittier and the voice feminine but yea
how big is her snowpity?
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This big. The Earth is blowing up because it can't handle her sbowpity.
Her ass looks juicy in this pic
>Anon cries after every time he cums in Starlight
>Starlight has to comfort him and calm him down everytime
Starlight, you need to give Anon a 5 minute break after he cums, you can't just keep going forever!
Nothing a little magic can’t fix, I’m sure.
take this chuds cutie mark away NOW
He feels wrong tainting something so perfect with his lowly self
newfag here, any recommendations on where should I start reading?
homeless glim and double glimmy
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First, for greens, I would suggest you pop open this bin https://pastebin.com/u/Grim_Ponka
They're all short and super sweet, so you can pick any few of them to read.

Then, for a more conventional writing form, you can check out Fimfiction. Here are a couple of links:

After that, feel free to peruse the rest of the selection.
Also, welcome faggot, you're now here forever.
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>glim has you at magic point in an alley trying to rob you
wat do?
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I don't know how to say this but sometimes i think it would be cool if glimmy had paws.
No! There are FOUR Starlights!
>take off my pants and submit
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As long as it's a temporary transformation. Would be fun going around town trolling ponies as cats or whatever until Fluttershy notices and tries desperately to befriend us.
>Kirin Glim
Yeah, I kinda get it. The hardness of actual horse hooves and the fact they're completely desensitized are a put off.
Glim loves you
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Her love keeps me going.
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I treat pastel ponies as their own unique race separate from horses so their hoofsies can be tickled.
Yeah they are fantasy horses. And their behaviour in the show itself suggests their hooves are sensitive and used for discerning texture quality.
Hooves can't even sweat. It's a bummer.
Why did you ignore my quite reasonable answer to your problem?
It makes zero sense in universe, at all. You have to look outside the context of the show for the idiotic decision to "make sense".
>It makes zero sense in universe, at all.
What doesn't make sense to you?
Mmmm glimmy hoofa...
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that long-legged bastard knew it was trixie's wagon from the intro to the episode
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I appreciate that he makes Glimmy songs, but his version of "Glimmer" is so incredibly OOC. This song in particular is literally the opposite of the Glimmy that is portrayed in the show. He follows the glimhating fanon that thinks she is still secretly a villain that hates having friends and wants to be alone, only pretending to follow Twilight to take over Equestria later.

Maybe his next song will be about how she actually hates kites and only flies them to charge her hatred magic so she can destroy the world.
Yeah, I agree. Admittedly, it does work really well contrasting in "I Won't Apologize".
But "Trying" might as well be renamed to trying-too-hard to make a le funny glim-is-bad joke into a song.

>Maybe his next song will be about how she actually hates kites and only flies them to charge her hatred magic so she can destroy the world.
He doesn't like Glim. And to be honest I'm not sure why anyone likes his shit in the first place, it's literal AI slop. You'll have threads shitting on past brony music artists but than praise this guy because he has epic /mlp/ words like ponut in his AIslop songs.
I don't think it's just trying to make fun of her. This feels very in line with 'mind control all your friends' and 'literally bottle up your emotions' Glimmer who was still trying to use magic to get around her friendship lessons.

She's an anxious, neurotic mess early on. When she says "All that I can say is that every day I'm trying, or maybe I'm lying" I'm not even sure *she* knows which it is.
I cannot get behind hoof butts
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It's fine. I just posted it for whoever was interested. I only have three of his songs saved to my playlist anyways.

>only pretending to follow Twilight to take over Equestria later.
It's not my idea of an ideal personality for her, but I do like this idea within an alternate universe. Of course, my ideal Equestria is also alternate universe anyways. That being unicorn Twilight, Trixie and Glimmy as the head professors of the Canterlot Magic Academy in a Season 1 and 2 Equestria.
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I like "I Won't Apologize" because it's a love/coomer song that doesn't take itself too seriously and it's mostly at the expense of Anon. A pushy and clingy tsundere Glim desperate to win our affection is also really endearing and something fitting for a mare that's been alone most of her life.

>Glimmer who was still trying to use magic to get around her friendship lessons.
The reason for that is she was anxious about how others would judge her performance NOT because she's a psychopath that hates friendship as the song tries to paint her.

When Sunburst left her she blamed cutie marks, but that is merely the tip of the iceberg. Why blame cutie marks specifically? Because it highlighted the disparity in their abilities, Starlight remained a talentless blank flank while Sunburst got accepted into a school for gifted unicorns. In her eyes, she lost a friend due to her failure to perform. It's all part of her old ideology, making everyone equal to prevent the lording of abilities over others and thus preserving friendships. Starlight WANTS to have friends, it's the core of her character, but she has many insecurities and misunderstandings that get in the way of her dream.

To say she was lying or pretending to want friends the whole time is a total assassination of her entire character.

AUs are fine. No one is treating Pinkie like she would actually torture and use Dash as a baking ingredient or killing her friends on a whim and destroying the world. I have several AUs I like to think about too, one similar to yours even. The what-ifs with Glimmy are so fun, her potential is limitless.
I'm hugging my pillow imagining its Glim.
Me irl
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nighty night Glimmy
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>she has a loose belly like her age
That is a soft, stroke-able, plush looking belly...
Glim has the pony flu, wat do
Make her soup and give her some Dayquil then watch a comfy movie together.
Imagine how utterly adorable a pony movie is. I wonder what Starlight's fave movie is?
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>Glim's face when she wakes up and sees that you styled her hair into her cult bangs hair while she slept again
Bridge to Teribithia
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How can I still think about her every day even so many years later?
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Anon, no! I can't believe how long I cried during that movie.
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Sorry Glimmy, it just looks so much better.
/glim/ feels deader than usual
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I think she'd look super cute in the manestyle she made the others wear. Ponytails are great.
Playing elden ring seamless coop with glim
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What did you expect from a FAKE thread.
Honestly she should turn Anon into primordial goop for violating her during sleep.
This is the kind of thing you should talk about with her first, Anon!
>she turns anon into primordial goop, only temporarily of course
>she puts goop-anon in an Anon shaped balloon and fills it up so she can still cuddle him in bed
>Anon is having the most horrific mental an physical experience of his life while Glim happily snores and cuddles with him
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Imagine her trying to sexo balloon goop-anon haha.
I figured she could relate because of one of the themes is about moving past trauma. People make fun of Starlight’s origin story but stuff like that is genuinely scarring.
Who's your favorite m6? I wonder if there's a pattern, I'm gonna guess Fluttershy or Twilight for their similarities.

Mine's Dashie, she has traits that I admire and respect the most, and she's a great "bro" to hang out with.
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I used to be a huge flutterfag. Twi was my second fave, than Pinkie, Rarity, RD, than AJ in that order. The DiscordxFluttershy ship got to me and i gave up on FS, good thing with her character going to shit quickly after Discords reformation. Glimmy came along and stole my heart the minute she showed up on screen.
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>"Anon, get your things, we're going to the Crystal Empire!"
>"Hey wai-" *poof*
>Glim teleported you into the train with her
>"Did you make sure to pack everything?"
>"No! You telepor-" An excited Glimmy cuts you off
>"Ooohhh! I can't wait for you and Sunburst to meet!"
>Anon groans as Starlight drones on.
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Gosh, Glimmy is so adorable!
Sunburst is pretty cool, I feel a kinship with any neet "wizard".
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She certainly knows how to make an entrance.
Sometimes I hold my glimmy and I don't feel anything.
It's like she's not really there.
It's a terrifying feeling.
Damn I need Glim to tell me what to do all the time.
I need her to train me like a dog.
Where's this from?
>Glim has a leash and collar for you
>She will and does take you out to in public with it on, also completely naked so everypony can see your massive leaking boner
I wouldn't feel a scrap of shame. I'd want everypony to know that I'm her little doggy, and that when we get home I'm going to be doing the cooking and cleaning. And that when I'm done, I'm gonna be eating her ass out like a rabid animal.
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A Family Guy meme.
Glimmy is just asserting her dominance!
>It's like she's not really there
Don't tell him
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You're going to make the whole town jealous!
I should learn how to do more than just microwave lol.
>I should learn how to do more than just microwave lol.
You really should. Both for yourself and to be a better man for glimmy.
Imagine she has you cooking for her in just an apron, she comes around every now and then to smack your bare ass and check on your progress
Imagine the Pavlovian responses.
That's a tantalizing thought.
Cute goats/sheep
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g.. glimmmmy...
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erm, based?
and redpilled.
But would she believe in equality for her boyfriend?
Nope. Ponies, specifically mares, are above all other creatures.
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depends on her bf, I finally finished watching S6 last and I don't think Glim Glam has learned enough about the magic of friendship to treat a boyfriend equally, I was surprised she went as far as casting those spells to do those friendship lessons, she has a LOT to learn still!!
Why does Glim hate math?
She has embraced differences so she'll treat her boyfriend special!
When this first got made It was genuinely overwhelming to look at. I couldn't have more than 2 loops before tapping out.
> You kinda ruined everything all the time...?

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Twilight. She is still special to me even now.
A bit of a confession: while I still "like" them, I've never liked Pinkie or Dash anywhere near as much as the other four.
Rarity. She's just nice. I think she'd get along really well with glim if they ever got the opportunity.
Also she reminds me of my big sister before she became insanely mentally ill.
What an honest apple! Pinkie probably isn't the type of mare you can beat around the bush with, gotta be real with her or she won't take anything seriously.
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fug, look at her, she's adorable
also, I'm glad someone shot Pinkie down, and it's even better that Starlight is the one to do it.
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I paused to laugh it up when she said it and the frame was perfect, deflating Pinkie is always a good idea
Dear Princess Celestia, today I learned violence is magic!
me love glim
Unga bunga glimmy sex
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What wedding ring do you give to glimmy?
>Horn ring
>Ring that fits around the base of her tail
>Hair jewelry
I give her a Ring... Doorbell. Can never have enough home security!
I think she'd like stuff like Harry Potter or magic/ability-based anime since she loves magic. Judging by how she jokes about the m6 being too saccharine she likely enjoys adventure more than SoL.
>Dock ring

Maybe a cute little earring as it's the most subtle.
>didn't even apologize
She did. Watch the whole episode.
>there were no consequences
She had to do that silly friendship chant thing which she very dislike.
AJ and Pinkie
Glimmy likes bloody, gorey media.
why do they have a furry :3 face
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Cause she's kawaii as fuck!
Teenaged Glim, sure. But adult Glim appreciates the little things.
I don't think that kind of media even exists in Equestria.
Adult Glim loves to watch liveleak and goresee videos.

Yeah, but it's just funny to think about Glim being shown Cannibal Holocaust and loving it. In reality she and every other pony would be heavily traumatized by it.

Come to think of it, what do ponies even consider edgy? Teenage Glim was obviously a part of some edgy counter culture.
>what do ponies even consider edgy
dark colours and cartoon skulls.
I don't like rings so I wouldn't give her one.
Probably any subject matter that reveals their saccharine society isn't so perfect, that there are those that fall into the cracks. Most humans have accepted that the world sucks and the only thing you can do is play the hand you're dealt.
Friendship is literally magic in Equestria. Just being a friend to somepony down on their luck will solve all their problems unlike on Earth.
She might be disappointed.
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More like pissed
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commissioned my fetish with glimmer, will upload later
Is this headmare Glim and a younger human male student? Unf, i always loved that scenario.
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Glimmy fluff fucking hot!
Being trained by Starlight through positive reenforcement.
anyone have the alts of this?
If I do 30 minutes of exercise I get to kiss her flanks.
I think a tasteful ankle bracelet might work for her instead. Should have made it a bit clearer, wouldn't not get her anything, I don't fancy being zapped with a magic laser beam.
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>older headmare Glim realizing she's spent so long on her aspirations she hasn't made time for romance
>Sunburst already found a mare by this point
>There's so few stallions, especially her age, in ponyville, that she's sure they're all taken now and she doesn't have time to commute across Equestria to find a suitor
>what's a mare to do?...
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>Anon not now... I have a headache...
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Glimmy is such a good singer, love her voice and range.
also, those anons have some really nice legs
>Guaranteed virgin
Do we sell for more or less if over 30? Haha. Just asking, haha.
You'll be worth more since your wizard powers will manifest when you enter Equestria. Glimmy would happily pony up the extra bits for a magical humie.
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Wow, that's a really uplifting thought!
I need Glim... So bad. I legit feel no purpose without Glim telling me what to do all the time...
Just imagine it.
I can't i need to her voice telling me.
Live your life and be powerful for her, anon. Make something of yourself that she'll be proud of.
Listen carefully enough, and you'll even hear her commands.

One thing is for sure: she wants all of the amazing people in this thread to thrive!
You don't understand. I NEED Glim to tell me what to do, to give me a reason and a purpose.

Without someone giving me a task, or chores, or ordering me around i do nothing but loaf. I have no drive, no ambition or motivation.

Only reason I'm still alive and haven't killed myself is because right now I'm tasked with watching after my nephew during the days? What happens when my sister doesn't need that anymore? Idk, Glim would tell me.
Imagine her telling you to do it. Do it. Then imagine her being proud of you.
It's quite an addictive loop.
Don't blogpost please
Do blogpost thank you
>also took g5 cutie marks
no generation is out of her reach
Huh, I didn’t notice.
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Aw yis, I love these. Thanks for sharing, friend!

>that messy imprint
Let's hit the shower and get you all cleaned up.
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Breakfast with Glimmy!
What about dinner with glim
Out for dinner, perhaps at the Tasty Treat.

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