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(formerly known as /tempo/, or T:EM/P/O)
A conglomerate of content creators since we couldn't keep our own threads up alone. If you're working on something, be it musicfagging, writefagging, drawfagging, poetfagging, craftfagging, or game-devfagging come by and post for some feedback or give some of your own. If you want to start content creating why not start today?

This thread is intended for ALL SKILL LEVELS, from complete beginner to seasoned expert. Don't get intimidated. We're all just hobbyists here to have fun and help each other make more pony stuff.

Active Community Projects:
Antithology 4.0 >>41112718 (Deadline June 14th)
/mlp/ con 2024 >>41082707 (June 28-30)

Resource Bin:
https://ponepaste.org/9401 (needs updated, bug me about this later)

Tempo Music Archive:

Drawing Room:

Previous thread:

Current /bale/ thread: (a great place to learn/practice drawing)

PPP thread for all your AI-generated voice needs:
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>>40989220 (/clop/ magma wipe)
>>41019482 (/create/ magma wipe)
>>41080304 (/create/ magma wipe)
>>41112480 (/create/ magma wipe)
>>41118221 >>41118223 >>41118232 >>41118706 (hand-drawn comic)

>>40926051 >>40927412 (sheet music dump)
>>40960887 (litterbox link lost to time, rip ucu)
>>40981754 (shilling new AI music software, example not pony related)
>>41046571 >>41057343 (wip collab stuff)

>>41025198 >>41025199 >>41025201 >>41029370 >>41029570
>>41094360 >>41094634

>>40989372 >>40992980
>>41049435 >>41049442 >>41052477 >>41058812 >>41064520 >>41078121
>>41106022 (finished dash animation)

>>41034272 >>41034274 (smol plush ear embroidery pattern)
>>41088248 (putting lead bars in pony plushies, kekworthy discussion)
Another anon said it was a shame I posted these so late in the last thread, so I'll post them here again for posterity. Working on more pages today. It's a lewd Starlight x Double Diamond honeymoon comic.

Pg1: https://files.catbox.moe/lrm0ne.jpg
Pg2: https://files.catbox.moe/zo2eqk.jpg
Pg3: https://files.catbox.moe/jdnhxg.jpg
Pg4: https://files.catbox.moe/jc5jk7.jpg
Pg5: https://files.catbox.moe/ns3hn6.jpg
Pg6: https://files.catbox.moe/udw6ht.jpg
Pg7: https://files.catbox.moe/2dfbww.jpg
Pg8: https://files.catbox.moe/je3mdx.jpg
Pg9: https://files.catbox.moe/ez3hw5.jpg
Pg10: https://files.catbox.moe/ehj5qo.jpg
Pg11: https://files.catbox.moe/o6l431.jpg
EqG is being forced into the antitholgy by the shimmerfag organizer. Make your voice heard if you care.
Merry May is so cute!
Woo, antithology drama!
(very justified drama, but still)
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Holy fuck that's pathetic. Remember when Antithology was a counterweight to the original Anthology? I hate how they're repeating all the mistakes now.
>brother marrying her babysitter
pretty based writing desu
fluttershy best
"Fixed and reworked a lot on the map, made style more coherent. Optimized AI processing, the replies are now about twice as fast. Still have complex action formulation system on my checklist."
Godspeed blob
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Dude, get a scanner, you can probably pick one up off craigslist for $20 or less. Then for extra credit you can zip it up, give it a .cbz extension, and you've properly "self-published" your comic!
It doesn't matter ultimately, because I plan on digitally colour each page. The paper versions are sketch only. However, you guys will be the first to see the full coloured versions.
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That's cool, but black and white comics are cool and deserving of love too. Pic related.
The problem is that my sketches aren't without flaws, and while I enjoy doing black and white only pencil sketch comics, I have too many things that will need fixed digitally. Maybe someday I'll do one that's all black and white.
kind of a milf
Mom is smokin' hot, this is known.
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Based on my schizo theories the missing link appears to be human contact. Not having someone there to pressure you into the task can be a huge problem. Reminds me of how horses develop mental health problems when stalled away from herd members. Im pretty much fucked in that regard myself.
I want to create...
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I don't even lurk in this thread usually, but thanks. Pic is early celesita, inspired by molestia, i'm finally learning how to make models proprly.
>like highwaytotartarus
>check him out after a while
>artist takedown request on all derpibooru uploads
>they live in saudi arabia and work at a cleaning company (per their tumblr that used to post clop but now posts about this in may of 2023?)
RIP a great artist.
Very nice anon.
Just put all his art into a big folder and upload a torrent of it so it can't keep being removed.
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>no hair
>looks like she has no coat
Can someone explain to me why greentext is so fucking adictive?
I read some of the greatest pieces of text writen in the history of our species but it does not get my juices flowing like green.
because they're typically written in 2nd person
it puts (You) as the main character
Because self-insertion lets you get over the hump of needing to actually feel the story and forcefully immerses (You) in the action. It's cheap writing that usually comes at the cost of the story's quality, but irl books have also been doing that more and more in the last few decades to reach wider audiences.
What is causing that odd texture in her eye in the top left? It doesn't appear to be present in the bottom right Celestia, is it trying to overlap with her skin because she is looking right?
e-hentai had 88/127. Ended up scraping e621 and manually sorting to download the 5 that failed scraping.
Maybe the muzzle reflection?

prolly that but also looks like a missing texture maybe, it also shows on the bottom picture but just some pixels
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This thread seemed like the right place to post about it, since the original thread died ages ago.
You say that buy i prefer vastly all of fausts sketches to every bit of the show.
been messing around with some older mixes trying to make them less shit. my old headphones had almost no bass and way too much treble so i guess a lot of my mixes ended up really muddy, so i just started over. i doubt i'll end up actually finishing so i didn't bother rerecording the vocals in a newer ai engine (this was 15.ai) but it's been good for practice

original: https://files.catbox.moe/r3k22p.mp3
wip: https://files.catbox.moe/qvy4sv.mp3
Yeah you're right. Looks like texture problems maybe improperly wrapped mesh. Still extremely high quality work.
Post Faust sketches.
Actually it's light plane reflection, I forgot to disable it
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Nice work, definitely much more cleaner than the old one
Dashfags are the most creativefags
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I thnk my uv map is trying to tell me something
Are you making a saddle?
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I wish, right now, I'm making some steampunk style assets for a group project probably gonna sneak mares in at some point
Are you GamedevAnon?
I'm a gamedev anon but not one who posts often in thread given that I have yet to make a real pony focused game an I'm still learning, so probably not the gamedevanon you're thinking about
This makes me think. How many anons are there with decent 3d skills, like >>41129071 assuming that you made it yourself and know how autosmooth works?
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the tank is the only one I made from the ground up in this, the suit is another model I remade and took the texture from and the helmet is downloaded, I'd be too slow to finish in time otherwise from what I've seen there are many amazing 3D artists on this board
Oh, ok. It's a shame we never actually come together to create something. It's surprises me, even.
There were countless attempts my man.
It shouldn't surprise you that much, everyone has things going on in their life and I doubt most of us are even in the same timezone. It's hard enough to do stuff as a group even when you all share a time zone.
>nooo we live in different timezones and coworking is hard
Those are excuses. You either want to work on stuff or don't. From personal experience, truly passionate people are a rarity, and I could go as far as saying that I haven't met a single one in person. It just seems so alien to me how most people do a small set of generic activities every day of their life
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So, I have been working on a model for animation.
Been reticent to post since every time I share some wip I eventually lose interest on it but since I already finished the model and only need rigging and textures might as well share it
Wild fucking question anyone here smelt metal? Because I have questions!
Is the following possible:
>Carve a pony out of foam
>Burry it in some packed sand
>Small access hole to surface
>Pour say ?molten aluminum? down hole
>Aluminum melts foam
>Takes foams place
>Aluminum replica of your foam carving of pony?
I just was thinking of those like aluminum ant nest videos and thought is it possible to make it a pony.
That's just casting from a mold, dude.
>make a mold of your sculpt
>fill with something
Though it'll be way heavier and more expensive if you make it solid metal rather than hollow, but that's more than I want to go into
Try out Lost Wax Casting. Here's the general idea:
Stuff like the debubbler isn't needed you just might need to do some more filing with the metal model. And the crucible can be swapped out for a propane burner and some kiln firebrick in a box depending on the metal you pick.
Not bad. I would make the eyes smaller the muzzle bigger. She has filly energy because of the big eyes.
I've only made a doughnut in Blender for now. I plan on doing more, but it's on the loooooong list of things I want to do.
I've been dabbling with it and must caution that it's much harder than those youtube videos make it seem. You need proper type of sand for the mould so it retains the shape properly. Also you need to take care choosing your casting medium. Aluminum is easy to melt even with improper setup, but has very high surface tension and needs good vacuum or deep mould to have enough pressure if you want fine details to show up. Also if you plan using aluminum you should get the stuff with proper additives made for casting. Pure stuff like soda cans or extruded beams will melt yes but the flow and ability to show details is bad. Also those un-coated wool insulated forges will fill your lungs with fibers without proper respirator.
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I tried going with the cannon design but that make the general form of the head kinda triangular and looked horrible on perspective and the eyes protrud from the face, so I ended up with a design similar to DjThed models
anyways, I'll probably change some details after if I don't like how looks in the end but in the meanwhile I'll keep it like that while I continue working on the hair/rig/textures/etc.
You can use lost PLA casting from a 3d printer for something much higher quality with less effort.
this is good work, anon. have you read any books on comic storytelling/theory? i think if you would crack some of those open you could take it to the next level
Yep thats the basic gist of it. Theres a bit more to look into and it won't come out super detailed, but then again ponies arent super detailed so it should be just fine with some post processing

Lost PLA casting typically requires an extremely expensive if you want to make anything good out of it. You can't just "melt" out the wax/resin/plastic at a hot temp and have that be it. You need specialized programmable kilns that will hold the mold at specific temperatures for hours while increasing/decreasing it at a specific rate.
You not only need to melt out all of the model in a specific way, but also fire/cure the casting shell which is why these specific temperatures are needed.

You're thinking of sand casting which uses special sand that retains shape after removing the model. Foam casting is different since you dont remove the foam. The metal just vaporizes it as you pour it in meaning you don't need special sand that retains its shape.

Either way anon, foam casting in relatively cheap and a good starting point if you want to try and make metal ponies. You can also try and buy scrap aluminum which is relatively cheap and typically is an alloy that casts decently. I get mine for around $1/lb.
I've started invest a lot more money into equipment and improving and would like to hopefully start making a lot more pony stuff to show here.

Sorry for the massive info dump. Feel free to ask some questions if you need. I'd love to help someone else get into the hobby, especially for ponies!
>Lost PLA casting typically requires an extremely expensive
Lack of sleep has gotten the best of me.
Lost PLA casting typically requires expensive equipment
>lost PLA is expensive
??? It's one of the easiest casting methods at home
Ah sorry. That method of lost PLA is the shell method which is nearly the same as foam casting, just with a bit more set up and more post processing. Same method, same results.
When I called lost PLA expensive, I was more referring to refractory investment/slurry casting.
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Need some visual feedbacks on this, especially with Winter Wonder's (one on the left) posing and Cold Shoulder's (one on the right) foreleg.

Context: Mane3 Snowponies experience crystallizing.
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I prefer canon proportions on ponies, even real life ones have longer legs, also asscrack is too wide.
>(one on the right) foreleg
I don't think they can bend them so much, see pic related
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OP, please do the fixful.
Not sure about "undefined" specifically, but I restarted the auth server. The hosting company recently moved that site to a new server, and it seems like the way I had it set up before doesn't entirely work any more. It's gotten stuck in a weird state a couple times and I'm not sure why.
Thank you for getting it working again.
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Big faggot finally got some hair after being bald for 2 months.
nice work as alwOH MY GOD TWILIGHT
Nice filly would cuddle no homo
The little filly was already a bit much to keep in check. Now that there are two of em, she has hopelessly lost control of the situation.
>squeaky noises
unf god I wish Twilight would step on me
Fin + Min does wonders
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Rainbow Dash and her beloved apple wife
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random bullshit
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I wanna be your-
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Got a twofer today. /create/ and /clop/ are both yours again for the taking! Archives linked respectively.


This certainly will be helpful, thanks.

I think I still have to take a liberty with bending on this one.
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Posted an unfinished WIP of this song forever ago, I can't even find the post. That version is rotating on the radio.horse playlist. Well, thanks to soundbandit, it's finally finished and up on yt. yay!
oh, found the original WIP post
And thanks to Partly Pinkie too for video editing.
Does anyone have a list of pony models I can use in Blender? I want to make an animation for the antithology. I don't mind SFM models, but I'd prefer native blender ones. It'd make animating them a lot easier.
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>Does anyone have a list of pony models I can use in Blender?
>I'd prefer native blender ones
MLP has been around for over a decade, i'm sure some autist has gone through and made blender poners at some point.
best i could find is: https://www.deviantart.com/mythicspeed/art/DL-CreatorOfPony-s-Mane-6-Blender-Models-1021478045
personally, they look like shit
the SFM versions aren't much better but put through the wonderful lens of blender, they at least look somewhat decent-
I import these models into blender using SourceIO the eyes will need some finagling but you can sort it with a texture node and importing the pupil vtf texture
if you need any help on importing sfm models into blender let me know, i assume you already know if you're asking for blender models off rip
I've posted my models a while ago

Though I don't like ther eye shapes, will redo later.
And they only work with Cycles.
I got those in my bookmarks:
>sfm ponies blender version
>procedural pony generator for blender, very well made but is more g5 style

if you're looking for specific ponies, you can probably find sfm versions in here:

and for some other shit that you might have a use for:
>collection of mlp models on sketchfab
>gameloft dump, usefull if you want a really obscure pony
>for making custom ponies, it's very tedious to ready for rigging but it's there
the body is leaning back
and when she starts to walk, the body does not lean forward
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Notice anything?
AJ has a red hat.
Pinkie and Aj have copypasted eyes
Dash's eyes are purple
removable tail?
She's filthy Stinky Linky
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>when she starts to walk, the body does not lean forward
How's this? i know the hoof timings are fucked up but i've made her lean forward slightly when walking
Twilight has wings.
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Linky no longer stinky!
Cleanky! \oco/
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this is what i think its happening with your animation
also, the front legs movement feels like a griffon or like a bird because, just above the hoof the leg does not bend.
Please render this animation in side view. lets see how it fares in that perspective
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Holy smokes, this sucker filled up fast! If you miss fast wipes like a lot of folks do, come help us chip away at it!

hey /create/, is there anyone around that works with wood?
I've been meaning to get a salt cellar (basically a little wooden box with a flip top for storing salt) but after looking at all the crappy ones on amazon, I thought it might be more fun to see if I could get someone to make something for me (and maybe to put a little bit of pony into it too)
so yeah let me know if you'd like to make one and sell it to me
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Aaaand just like that we're back. Are fast wipes here to stay???? You decide! Come draw!

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>the front legs movement feels like a griffon or like a bird because, just above the hoof the leg does not bend
I think that may be due to how the model is rigged, there is a bone there but it doesn't bend that much with IK, is there a way to sort of 'encourage' a bend in an IK path?
>Please render this animation in side view
>pic rel recorded with OBS because i wanted the armature showing too but apparently blender can't render bones in the final render without attaching meshs to them
Thank you, i'll use this as reference
>is there a way to sort of 'encourage' a bend in an IK path
maybe with some copy rotation/limit rotation shenanigans
I'm absolutely in love with this Linky. Who made her?
I made her, as a gift for the now brushing anon.
You can follow me on twatter at cleverscrname
Hey, I think you're the one who tipped me about that fabric store in other thread. I really like those embroided hooves and that Flitter is super cute, how did you make her mane? Is it just a patch of long faux fur?
Yep, it's just faux fur with a hair length of about 8cm. I got it on aliexpress.
show off doing cool full colored peices and stuff. i hate you because you make me feel insecure about myself, and i dont know how to process those emotions! reee
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Will there be another gamejam panel like in previous /mlp/con?
busted a fat move to this, good stuff anon
what voice model are you using?
I don't have the right tools right now, but I'll give it a try this weekend.
the link isn't working for me ucu
so-vits-svc 5.0
Looks like catbox died
>recorded with OBS...
In the View menu there is options to render the viewport.

Also want to see that armature because the leg looks like there is a missing articulation or at least a controller which is probably the reason the movement looks so stiff
>is there a way to sort of 'encourage' a bend in an IK path
Usually the bones would bend against the direction the joint is pointing so if the bones are set straight you will have issues trying to bend them if they bend at all
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Hey friend!
If the other anon doesn’t have the time feel free to hit me up, a little personalized pint box sounds fun (though don’t count on me for pretty joinery like that.) woodchipchisels@gmail.com
Speaking of which, here’s a Redheart pipe from a couple months back. Done in Redheart, of course.
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Try keeping the walk cycle legs limited to these areas
see how it will look like
as i see on the keyframes, the leegs stretch too much, the back leg "invades" front leg space
I don't like pony porn, but damn, you know your anatomy.
Cutes pones.
If you make a normal comic one day, please share it
figured this might interest people here https://youtu.be/bMmNPp3U9iE?si=kLLmxMOaNBtkmbII
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embroidering Celestia's cutiemark for another headband thing. the circles are kind of oval shaped but its too late for changes.
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like this?
damn right.
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Shilling the GameJam! Be sure to check it out if you want to participate!
Fuckig forgot the link I'm so fucking stupid >>41155816
I want to try my hand again at composing. Can any anons take a look at https://youtu.be/hzsww_2iuPs?si=UyIinGMKbk6pCB52 and give thoughts?
this is fantastic anon! full of whimsy and joy!
i like the harmonic motion and overall progression of the piece; suggest working on dynamic contrast and especially phrasing (e.g., expression) to complement. the extent may depend on the libraries you have, but i feel each instrument, in particular the piano and strings, could "sing" much more.
I like it, but I kind of agree with >>41157330
To my ear having what is essentially the same motif being repeated and traded between different instruments combined with the rapidity of the trading is a bit awkward. I would add some more variation of the actual motif, and/or extend each accompanying texture to have them last long enough to sink in, or reduce the number of different textures?
To the point of dynamic contrast, I think everything else is overpowering the piano melody a bit. This is as much a mixing thing as much as it is an arranging thing. This is true for most of the rest of the song--it feels like a half-commitment to focusing on the melody.
This transition is neat but again the way the motif is passed around is a bit repetitive for my tastes
The buildup to the end is cool.
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Maud brought something for you.
Thank you anons, this will be very useful ^^. Ill try to whip up something new with your guys suggestions when i have the chance.
I wish i had better libraries, but i havent yet committed to any paid ones. So far ive been using free sample packs I've found on forums and such.
Unrelated but I'm looking for something. There was an official comic artist page that another official artist remade just to prove to the first guy that he was terrible at comic drawing. Do you guys have the images?
New image to video ai just released, it has a lot of potential.

free image2video just dropped
it's proprietary trash, get the fuck out
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probably the mcdo mare comic, I have the edited ones but not the original
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blender fucking sucks
followed a beginners guide, placed a cube, try to sculpt the cube and it just turns into a triangular mess and doesn’t even fucking sculpt.
this shit is not clay at all, plus clunky UI and requirement of a drawing pad just to sculpt? Only actual thing I’ve accomplished in it was just uploading deviantart models with texture into VRC. Otherwise blender is complete dogshit.
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You're thinking of jay fosgitt (left) and pencils (right). Here

I thought about this before
If her special talent was just working at a MareDonald's she would have something like a burger or fries or like a spatula or something
Instead she has THE company logo
That means her special talent has to do with MareDonalds itself as a company, which is huge. She might be destined to be a high level executive who gets hired because she's just so fucking good at MareDonalds management and leadership with good ideas and stuff like that.
>trying to sculpt without entering sculpt mode
skill issue
every time I see someone say skill issue I wonder what your motives are.
Is it to bully people from learning a hobby? Or is it to just be an aggressive retard who can’t do the hobby himself and has to project.

If it was a “skill issue” then maybe elaborate on where the issue is instead of saying this decrepit zoomer meme over and over
I wonder if Pencils's opinion changed at all once he experienced the deadline pressure for himself

Did you look up even a basic tutorial on how to sculpt in Blender before declaring that it "fucking sucks"?
>followed a beginners guide, placed a cube, try to sculpt the cube and it just turns into a triangular mess and doesn’t even fucking sculpt.

Maybe if you had better reading comprehension nigger, same guide said to use a stylus and drawing pad for sculpting too instead of mouse.
I have a pretty good idea what you did wrong. If you follow the tutorial exactly instead of skipping steps then you should get better results.

Using a mouse instead of a tablet should work fine, but you could also try looking up a different tutorial that uses a mouse specifically. There's no shortage of Blender tutorials out there.
>if you follow the tutorial exactly instead of skipping steps

Nigger I followed the tutorial back and forth, and it still failed me.
>I have a pretty good idea what you did wrong.
Then fucking elaborate instead of just saying that garbage?
>Nigger I followed the tutorial back and forth, and it still failed me.
Then try a different one. There are videos all over youtube of people sculpting in Blender, so the feature obviously works, despite what you claim.

>Then fucking elaborate instead of just saying that garbage?
Nah. You clearly didn't do even the most basic troubleshooting on your own before coming to whine ITT, so I don't particularly feel like helping you.
blender has more features than just sculpting (which is one of the hardest aspect of the program to master), its hard surface modeling is one of the best and it can also do animation, texturing, compositing, etc...
if you wanted to use blender solely for sculpting then maybe an app that is specialized in that might be a better choice but if you really are just interested by the sculpting, then a drawing pad is heavily recommended in all sculpting apps so I don't get where your anger about that comes from
if you're using to make 3D models, then I'd recommend learning the hard surface workflow which works amazingly with keyboard and mouse
>Nah. You clearly didn't do even the most basic troubleshooting on your own before coming to whine.

Yeah as if there’s a guide on “basic troubleshooting” that exists for everyone in your mind. What is the “most basic troubleshooting” one can do nigger? Why don’t you show how wise you are instead of just being a retard who claims to know everything. And then will just attack people who just started using the program by saying “lol hurr skill issue” and when they ask for you to elaborate you go “lol find a guide on your own despite not knowing the software or how things are supposed to work or what’s true/false”
>What is the “most basic troubleshooting” one can do nigger?
You could try a different tutorial, for starters. Or go over the first one very carefully and try to make sure every part of your setup is the same as the one in the tutorial. If whoever made up the tutorial followed those steps and got X result, but you followed the same steps and got Y result, most likely you didn't actually follow the exact same steps (possibly because the tutorial as published didn't lay out the steps specifically enough, in which case another tutorial might be more helpful).
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She does
are you a CMC?
NTA. and I was right the first time, it's clearly a skill issue: you lack basic skills in both reasoning about your problems and in human interactions. If you can somehow stop being an angry retard for five minutes, things might get easier for you.

Also, somebody remind me, what kind of artist is it who blames his tools?
I much prefer Autodesk Maya for 3D modeling and animation. That said, Blender is perfectly usable once you get the hang of things. At the end of the day it’s just another tool to use, another language to learn. Just be patient and follow tutorials from more than one source if you have to.
Or, alternatively, the more fun option is to say fuck the tutorials altogether and teach yourself; there’s really no one right way to sculpt a cube.
>ate all the cake again
Right now I'm doing a short animation in which she gives you a good night kiss, and swings her glorious ass around.
I have finally finished the rest of the sketched versions of this comic's pages. I put more effort into page 13 for whatever reason. I was just really into it and liked how it looked. Please excuse the sloppiness of the less worked on pages. The point gets across regardless, and as I said before, these are going to be digitally coloured eventually. It will probably take me a while in that regard, but in the mean time, enjoy!
Cover: https://files.catbox.moe/asu3mj.jpg
Pg12: https://files.catbox.moe/fon892.jpg
Pg13: https://files.catbox.moe/ynpg6t.jpg
Pg14: https://files.catbox.moe/ho0wo9.jpg

I am happy to finally be completed with these pages. My hand hurt the night I finished drawing. I have to build my calluses back up again.
Looking good, the feathers seem a little messy but could be just the perspective
Whew nice work!
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I usually just lurk in this thread but it’s getting close to page 10 so I’ll use this opportunity to say you’re all awesome and talented
Keep up the good work anons
>"Sweet Celestia, Pinkie, they're minerals!"
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Working on chat UI this week
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co-op puzzle time?
Yes, eventually. Though my current plan for the initial release is a kind of versus mode, where two players get the same set of puzzles and race to solve them first.
Literally the only purpose of co-op in puzzle games is for one of the players to block the exit.
Sounds like bad puzzle game design. Castles of Dr. Creep was a fun co-op puzzle game way back when. I had fun playing it with a friend, there was a whole multiplayer set of levels that you had to work together to complete.
Pool’s closed due to mares
Ok no-frens.
comfy mare game good
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So hot and adorable, this comic is already my favorite! I'm glad you did Double Diamond too, he is quite underrated.
It's great to see pony games being developed! I wish we had more of them
Looks uncanny and disgusting
is that a twisted grimm pony?
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Stuffing mares tonight for Mare fair.
I don't think cytube links are blocked, are they?
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bompen with muh progress. took a long ass time
>could have done satin stitch on most of that bro
didnt want to.
Every time I see these XL plushies I want to buy one.
>that bonnie
wew lad
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Human Fluttershy doll posted for your love or hate dear thread
Poe's law is a bitch.
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This, but unironically!
But it's cute, I guess
Looks more like Granny Smith
Unironically end its and your suffering

This goes beyond locking yourself out of Equestria, this is glassing Equestria with an orbital ion cannon
Looks siiiiiiiiiick
I won't even delete that one.
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Anon's hot new business venture doesn't quite go to plan.

A low(er) effort thing in between larger projects.
I made a pmv and was hoping to get some honest feedback on how I can improve: https://youtu.be/NMBQl_xbXfA
This is fucking awesome, thanks anon!
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ok sewed the headband thing. learned a lot from the first attempt (ponk). it was fun. i think ill make another but with Luna, the other God Princess, now that im slightly more capable. Luna's is going to be more involved on the embroidery.
May Celestia's light be your eyes Brothers.
Nice anon!
Yeah the edge stitching on the 2nd looks a lot better.
ahh so this is what these threads are about... So anyway I made an MLP Parody dub abridged(?) thing and it blew up and now I'm making more.


My analytics told me that one ya anons be shilling Horse Friends in a thread so I thought I'd finally post it for all the homies here that inspired me to get creative.
It's very cute, I like it
It's nice to see a new abridged series (I think it qualifies), and your later videos definitely show improvement, too. Sort of in the vein of Ultra Fast Pony series.
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Today, I learned to never whittle against the grain again. fuck
I'll start this again, eventually
>All these calls
>Spike abuse
>Only moonbutt gets off
This is amazing, please create more, anon
RIP Rainbow Crash.
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Hate to see it, looks (looked?) nice though, good job
I love her eyes going wide in wonder and amazement.
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What the hell is that material you're working with? At first glance, it looks like styrofoam, but the chipped material around suggests some kind of plastic. If it's the latter, I'd suggest to use a fret-saw.
Anon, I'm pretty sure that's wood. Whittling is about taking off small chips of wood to gradually sculpt it into the shape you want
This, he also said he fucked up by going against the grain, which also heavily implies wood
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They have been for awhile I think.
I'm working on sewing ears on tonight.
saving this bread before i go to the fabric store and get some minky
First time making an actual song in Suno instead of fucking around. https://files.catbox.moe/8n0qme.mp4
I usually just make AI covers for myself, but this was kinda fun.
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Is anyone here a FO4 modder? I'm looking to learn some stuff and video tutorials aren't enough.
I don't fallout 4 mod. What's giving you trouble?
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Added a text input and made the chat pane scrollable. There's no server-side support yet, but the client UI for it is almost done.
Looks good anon, it's a little hard to read though.
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Yep - I added a tinted background to help with that
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They just need tails and manes now.
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Cleared the canvas at https://magma.com/invite/DXPPI_ZG
png: https://files.catbox.moe/wnvy9j.png
psd: https://files.catbox.moe/jlq2d2.psd

Hello, I am your new host for the Magma(Aggie) group draw canvas. Previous host, ChrisCocks, stepped down sadly.
Thank you ChrisCocks for keeping the pony pony draws alive! You will be dearly missed. /)(\

Previous canvas: >>41174437
This is amazing
thank you anon 10/10
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I'm actually surprised that the paint stays on after washing it.
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You and me both!
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She has done nothing but frolicking all day.
I like the pone slide mechanic, there needs to be furniture and pots you can knock over while sliding.
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I know how to make stuff using the game assets and have learned enough about the Creation Kit to be able to put them in the game. But I want to learn how to port my own 3D models into the game, including pony stuff.

This takes me back to Robot Unicorn Attack Heavy Metal Edition.

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