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Previous thread: >>40980613

Almost made it edition

Choose Your Own Adventure. AKA Quest.

>Discuss Current, Finished and Upcoming CYOAs
>Give advice on CYOAs
>Pitch ideas
>Get critique
>Trade art

List of stories: WIP (formerly anonpone). Your best bet is to search via desuarchive.
List of related content: https://poneb.in/JfNFvCxZ

>How do I run a CYOA?
>I can't into art, but I'm a competent writer. Should I still run a CYOA?

>What day is best?
>What time is best?
>What race would you play?
>What genre are you interested in?

>Can I run a CYOA in this General Thread?
Yes, just take care to differentiate yourself if there's another ongoing CYOA here.

>Active CYOAs as this thread was posted
Moonlit >>Here
Rise of Paradise >>41221173
Does anybody actually do pony D&D?
Hell I don't even know how to play regular DnD
Tales of Equestria is a thing. As is Ponyfinder.
But good luck finding a group for either. I know some exist since I'm in a ToE group.
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Apologies for those who were expecting more of Growing Village soon, but the quest will likely start again in august instead.

[blog]Couldn't get motivated to write/draw these past few days and the time is getting short for me to start a new thread since I'll be spending the next two weeks with the family, and among other things, having to entertain a 18-months old doesn't mesh well with the mood I need to get it for writing smutty horse adventures[/blog]

See you there.
Thank you for the heads-up Growfag can't wait to see you back with a new thread for Growing village on August I'm eager to play and see lance having loving sex with black fang and tasting more of her gigantic milky crotchboobs it will be an experience to remember.
Sorry to my players for all the delays but it looks like I won’t have the opportunity to run until at least next Monday. I appreciate all of your patience.
Don't worry
It's cool, consider it a summer break. Goodness knows the team could use one if they ever get out of those caves.
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smonk horsey
Traversia #2 is up.
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>You stared at the silver void for a few seconds, then shook your head.
“How about we take the tiara and go tell we found too much stuff to find anything?”
>Sassy, still keeping her distance to the mirror, glanced back the way you came.
>”I have no objections. We’ve overstayed our welcome, I feel.”
>You arched a brow and looked at her.
“You feel? What do you mean?”
>She sucked her lower lip between her teeth, lifted a hoof off the floor, and glanced behind herself.
>”It’s just… a feeling.”
>With a solid clop, she drove her hoof to the floor and trotted off towards the tiara.
>Glancing in the same direction she had, you saw nothing.
>You perked up your ears, but only heard the unicorn’s hooves on stone.
>Well, she had a sense you didn’t, so you wheeled around and took off after her.
>But not without stopping to pat one of the pony statuettes on the shelf.
>It felt and looked like a painted clay figurine.

>”Well. I hope nothing happens when I open this thing.”
>Sassy had a hoof on the glass case over the crown and didn’t bother even looking at you as she heard your steps get closer.
>She gulped down a bit of saliva and lit up her horn.
>Magic tingled in the air as the case rose up just enough for her to snag the black metal tiara.
>Her ears perked up and swiveled all around, but there was nothing to hear
>She let out a sigh and let the case fall back to its place.
>”Right. Let’s get out of here.”
>She stood still for another second, staring at the crown.
>And lifted it onto her head.
>”...nothing. It really is just a status symbol and nothing more.”
>You cocked your head and arched a brow as she glanced back at you.
>”I was curious, okay? It’s not every day I get to try on something like this.”
>The corners of your mouth curled into a smile as you rolled your eyes.
>Her cheeks and the tips of her ears gained a slight red tint.

>The vault, thankfully, remained dead silent apart the sound of your muffled hoofsteps as you made your way towards the hatch.
>You felt nothing, but Sassy kept glancing around and stopping to listen.
>Eventually, you did reach the rope.
>It was precisely as you’d left it, with a few loops on the floor and the rest swaying back and forth in the air.
“Do you want to go first?”
>You nodded at the rope.
>”Sure. I’ll pull you up once there.”
>Her horn lit up with magic as she lifted the crown off her head.
>”Hold on to this. I can’t while climbing.”
>She tossed it to you.
>Your aura enveloped the tiara before it hit the floor and placed it on your hoof.
>It had tiny scratches on it and the parts that weren’t dark blue could’ve used some polishing.
>But, just as Sassy said, it felt perfectly normal.
>You plopped it on your head.
>It made you feel a bit silly.
>The unicorn arched a brow as her lips curled into a sly smile.
>She let out a chuckle as she took a hold of the rope.

>It took a lot of sweating, swearing, and you pushing her with your magic for her to get up.
>But get up she did – and collapsed into a panting pile of spent pony as soon as she dragged herself through.
>”Okay. Gimme. A moment.”
>You looked up at the hole in the ceiling, but saw no trace of her.
“Sure. But don’t leave me down here for too long!”
>Your ears swiveled around to listen for any changes.
>There was a faint thump in the direction you’d come from, somewhere far away.
>It made your stomach lurch.
>Was that what’d made Sassy feel so uneasy and eager to get out?
>Not that it mattered at the moment.
>You took the end of the rope and tied it to a loop, then sat on it.
“Whenever you’re ready!”
>The unicorn peeked down through the hole and nodded.
>”Right. Don’t drop the crown!”
>The rope tightened after a second and dug into your behind.
>You wrapped your front hooves around it and hung on as another tug pulled you off the floor.
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>The first thing you shoved through the hole and into the corridor above was the crown.
>It was followed by your front hooves, and then the rest of you clambering out and rolling onto the floor.
>You rubbed your butt where the rope had left a nasty welt – you’d feel that one for a while.
“Ow. We made it, though. Safe and mostly sound.”
>Sassy, standing next to you, let the rope fall onto the floor as she wiped sweat off her forehead.
>She pulled the last bit of rope out and lifted the hatch cover.
>It fell back into place with a heavy thump.
>”We’ll no doubt be back. I just hope she comes up with a better way to get in and out.
>Rolling her eyes, she coiled the rope around her neck as you got back onto your hooves.

>”You’re back! About time.”
>Nightmare’s voice welcomed you before you even rounded the final corner to see her.
>”So? Did you find it?”
>She sounded excited and, as you caught sight of her, was trotting in place with a beaming smile on her lips.
>Which turned into a frown as you shook your head.
“No. The vault is enormous and full of stuff. It’d take weeks if not months to go through all of it to find anything specific.”
>Her hooves stopped as she looked down at them.
>She didn’t even glance at Sassy as she strode past you.
“We did find something, though. Here.”
>You dug the tiara out from the depths of your floof and stuck it out towards her.
>Nightmare’s eyes lit up and her lips curled upwards again as she looked up at you-
>-and then she froze.
>She didn’t even breathe as she stared at the crown for a few seconds.
>Sticking her snout up in the air, she swung around.
>Her shod hooves beat the floor as she headed away.
>”Is that what you want me to wear? Perhaps you’re hoping it’ll turn me into her?”

What would you like to do?
I'm not giving you the most interesting choices, am I?

New thread, linking the paste again.
Kiss nightmare moon give the princess of the night some love.
In hindsight, her reaction was completely predictable and it was kinda cruel of us to bring this trinket. Fuck. Admit to her that we didn't think about the implications. If she doesn't want the crown, we may wear it ourselves. Is goes good with our eye color! Wait, no, we have the same eye color as Nightmare. Then it goes good with our mane!
Maybe she can enlighten us about some of the stuff we saw down there. Do tiny painted clay ponies mean anything to her? Can we perhaps somehow employ them to search the vault for us?
We felt it was better not to return empty hooved and we didn't want to risk bringing an object with some unknown magic on it. Besides, even if it relates to your other half, it's still technically yours. On a side note, we heard some movement deeper in right before we were lifted out.
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>But not without stopping to pat one of the pony statuettes on the shelf.
Pat the clay pone

>”I was curious, okay? It’s not every day I get to try on something like this.”
Sate her curiosity with some cock, will you?

>You plopped it on your head.
>It made you feel a bit silly.
Who's a silly little kirin princess? You, you are!

>It took a lot of sweating, swearing, and you pushing her with your magic for her to get up.
>But get up she did – and collapsed into a panting pile of spent pony as soon as she dragged herself through.
I like these two sentences

>It was followed by your front hooves, and then the rest of you clambering out and rolling onto the floor.

>”Is that what you want me to wear? Perhaps you’re hoping it’ll turn me into her?”
What the fuck! Cute pic, though

Remember to regularly water your horse and make sure it gets plenty of sunlights
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Trauma Bump

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