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>Watching 1st WM episode because some faggs overrated
>Same g5 cashgrab level
Still liked better than G%.
At least mares are hot this time.
Three episode rule. Why do Zoomers fail to understand this.
You need 4 of these "episodes" to get a proper 20 min one.
This was shit and all of you are faggots for making me watch it. Kill yourself
>he fell for the copehype
What you want simply doesn't exist anymore. The industry standard for girl's TV shows are five minute episodes you can watch on YouTube for free. In the case of G5 and Lego Elves, the YouTube show ended up being better than the "proper" TV show. By the way, I singled out Lego Elves in particular because it shares a few VAs with FIM.
Wild Manes is better than the cash grab G$.
Hi Zippers
Jakks literally paid Seth to shill this to bronies.
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>He thinks Hasbro never paid Seth to shill their pony shows
Was MLP: FiM just lightning in a bottle?
Why would they do that when they know he'll do it for free?
FiM actually isn't that special in terms of girls' shows. See Winx Club and Witch.
They only need to pay him a few dollars cause Seth is a cheap hoe
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felt the same way about EQG and G5, I really tried to get into it. At least the G5 concept was kinda cute, still not watching it. Really hard to believe the industry can't replicate a winning formula.
yes, and it was released at precisely the right time. I'd have to type a paragraph to spell out exactly why.
Whoa, an entire paragraph?
Jakks literally paid for ai music to shill this to bronies
Is this the wild manes hate thread? Stay the fuck out of /wd/. This is your containment thread.
Why is this furnigger out of >>>/trash/?
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the art style, the little impact font image macro type cutaway gags, the eye to skull to body size ratio, the 2009-2010 newfag turning point on /b/, the moe slice of life with a greater plot writing, it was all a perfect storm that requires context to understand. Not gonna type all that shit when 90% of current users skim threads on mobile only read posts with images attached.
Shit, I intended >>41227945 for you.
The only difference is just a level of care into the product. TFH could have been just as successful as FiM if it was an animated show because there was a lot of effort into the world and characters to have a big fan gathering around. This garbage has no effort and it shows as a kids cashgrab
You're welcome :3
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I like dit
Don't rape them goku...
>bean mouths btfo and are rioting
I get cute new horsie show and also get to farm tears
I win you lose
>G5chad out of NOWHERE
we're all too busy laughing at you and your cows
ummm, hate to break it but these are cows...
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A cow is fine too
...if you hold the mistaken belief that ponies should look like cats
At least they're more fuckable then the My Little Beanmouth designs.
Anyway, once three or so more weeks have passed and the astroturfed fandom stays dead in the womb, will the people pushing this go back to EqG spamming or will there be a resurgence of Pony Life baiting?
devs can suck a dick though
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I harshly disagree, this feels cheaper and worse than TYT. The sound design and pacing is significantly worse and really this also looks worse in practice. Sure fucked realism with a cow face looks better in a screenshot; but these stiff ass rigs might as well just be those screenshots. The dialogue is pure nothing, which TYT has sometimes as well with its weird cutie mark ending shit but every character is basically saying weird unnatural sounding shit as most of their dialogue. Almost makes me appreciate that TYT isn't this bad. However since TYT is still ass and I actually feel inclined to keep track of it perhaps its still the greater evil to me. Cause I ain't remembering this sludge by the next week atleast.
>They would just miraculously change species if G4 didn't exist
pure /co/pe
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They look like g1 ponies
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No they really don't even if you say so, in fact G1 is much closer to actual horse so you can see the dissonance much easier.
lol dumb doomtranny
>The dialogue is pure nothing, which TYT has sometimes as well with its weird cutie mark ending shit but every character is basically saying weird unnatural sounding shit as most of their dialogue
Ayy lmao
>"FiM actually isn't that special in terms of girls' shows."
>ignores literally everything surrounding it to include its massive success and fandom compared to the two shows he mentioned

>sees a Holstein Friesian

Friesian horses are pretty you dick chopped freak
Might wanna run that through google translate again
>sees an Arabian Horse
You should do the same thing queer
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>Coco sounds like a chain smoker
Not enough to compensate
>Arabian Horse
Where, in your schizo hallucinations?
Rage all you want. For as long as you want. You already know, deep down inside, that it's time. The ride is over. G4 wasn't special. You liked some random little girls' show. And Wild Manes is proof. The only difference between WM and FiM is that FiM had some fantasy worldbuilding/lore. But the worldbuilding was shit. Half-baked, half-assed, skin-deep aesthetic-level-only worldbuiliding. This is what the fandom sperged out over. You all depend on the illusion that FiM was le special. But in truth, FiM was no different, no better than the other preschool girls' slop airing at the time. This is why Wild Manes makes you so angry. You are seeing the central core of what you actually liked about FiM, without any ornaments that help you convince yourself you're not a manchild, or a girlman, or a creep, or whatever. It's time to accept Wild Manes as your new master. I'm sorry Anon. I know. It hurts to let go. But the ride is over. It's time.
You understand that these recycled posts make anons even less willing to watch the show, right?
No one cares about your copypastas.
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>words words words

>word salad Wild Manes word salad
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>so mad at the fim phenomenon after 14 years that you make a dozen threads to own le bronies
How does OP /co/pe with being such a collosal faggot?
>tranny gaslighter spams threads everyday
>dilates screaming and sharting when seeing a few horse threads
Take your meds
So you're saying Skibidi toilet is better than FiM?
Yeah that's pretty accurate.
Yes. High quality show made by talented people and its success shows it. "making it enjoyable for the whole family" was the largest factor for success.
It was released right before the internet died.
You're half right. I mean FIM is unique. You're never getting a show exactly like it again.

But that's the thing. I said "exactly".

There are SO many shows that capture the same or similar vibe and aura that FIM does and it's kind of sad to see that WM and G5 have failed so much, but I think I see why.

DC Super Hero Girls 2019 is FIM with superheroes. Berry in the Big City is FIM as a workplace comedy. Tiny Toons Looniversity is FIM in a toony school, LPS: AWOO is basically S1-2 with the style of the 2017 Movie if it leaned into being a sitcom, and so on and so forth. And they all excel because they're not exactly TRYING to be FIM, they just happen to be LIKE FIM while still standing out on their own, a skill that shows like WM and TYT fail to realize.

Also I mean it's because these shows are actually good and not mid with shitty writers like WM and TYT lol. That too.
Why do you guys keep appeasing to the purist spergs? The jannies aren't even on their side. Just admit it was good
What are your issues with the writing for Episode 1?
For starters, it's the basic premise.

Yeah, misunderstanding plots are cliche and whatnot, and I mean the episode doesn't stand out on its own, but that's not exactly the part that shocked me, it's that they chose THAT for the first episode.

Absolutely no introduction to the world and the characters who all literally feel like they have flat to no personalities. There's no attempt to ease anyone in.

I may not like TYT but at least its first episode was something. Like, you could remember it (barely). This was such a huge, embarrassing fumble.

Also. Your show is just 5 minutes. Which can work (see BITBC), but then why waste it telling such a nothingburger of a story that's not well paced and um. Doing a "I bet your wondering how we got in this situation" joke..? We don't have time for this!!

I'm sure there's like a 5% chance the show could get better? But this first episode left a sour taste in my mouth. I mean nobody wanted it to be an epic adventure comedy (that would be cool though actually I kinda wanted that a little), but it just looks like its your average baby show for 2 year olds. And that's fine! But it's not for me.

MLP: FIM S1-2 were simple too. Simple can be great! I like simple. I loved how slice of life the show was as the ponies had relatable issues that get solved with fun characters to be around. Wild Manes.... was not that. This episode wasn't rewarding at all, and like it's the first episode. It's the one they WANT you to see first. That can only speak for how the rest of the episodes are gonna go.
>The episode doesn't stand out on its own
Fair point, agree
>Absolutely no introduction to the world and the characters who all literally feel like they have flat to no personalities. There's no attempt to ease anyone in.
Not fair and objectively wrong. Cocoa intoduces us to the characters. That's the whole point of her fourth wall breaking.
Fair, agree
>Not well paced
Hard disagree. It was very well paced.
>Doing a "I bet your wondering how we got in this situation" joke..? We don't have time for this!!
It works very well. It's to start the episode on a high point, and also to establish Cocoa's fourth wall breaking. That way, the exposition she'll give the audience later feels earned rather than tedious.
>your average baby show for 2 year olds
Ummmm... when was the last time you've been in contact with children Anon? I'd say FiM is closer to the baby crowd. Wild Manes would more appeal to an 8-9 year old. I don't know if you're being hyperbolic here but goddamn. But overall, it seems like the more of a kicker you think you have against the show, the more objectively wrong you are. At least you're actually putting thought into it instead of senseless reeeing like most g4 anons here though.
The biggest point against it is the 5 minute episode length, especially since their goal with rolling out toys and a Roblox game next to it is cultivating a fandom. If you want your show to get fans invested in the franchise, you need enough runtime to form stories fans can really get invested in. 5 minutes isn't nearly long enough for that, and I hope they realize that mistake after the first batch.
>FiM is closer to the baby crowd
Just keep repeating this troon dogma, I'm sure someone will believe it outside of your discord sister!
You're right. Look at the way the conflict with NM was handled in the pilot. Twilight is sad for all of two seconds and then Nightmare moon gets blasted
it's starting to get to him. fucking kek
How can this be a g5 cash grab when it's not even a sequel and the fim fad has been in decline for a decade and has bottomed out.
Please be patient with OP, he's a retarded faggot and can't describe things logically.
He is attempting to say that Wild Manes is an equally cheap thrown out production like TYT; though that really isn't the case as WMs actually succeeds at clearly being worse on all fronts ironically.
And not in a funny way. This is stale bread in animation form.

He's merging concepts in his head, TYT bad so he describes bad thing in relation to G% without thinking about the actual words he's producing.

A talented and passionate team who stuck with the show for almost a decade and refusing to dumb it down just because it was children’s show is sadly rare nowadays. Especially since a lot of kids nowadays are brainrotted by social media, so their standards are rock bottom.

I don’t think you can make another FiM unless it’s a genuine passion project (which is what FiM mostly was).
Here's your participation (You)
>I like coffee
>I like surfing
>WTF they said they were leaving!
>no don't leave!
>I'm not leaving
Kind of, like a few said, it was the right conditions for it all around, and it came at a critical time when the internet was exploding with creative potential lots of people had bottled up to express in something, right around the time meme culture was advancing, and before kikes shut the internet's free spirit down. Normie adjacents will insist lots of other shows are equal or superior or even for fucks sake, that current dogshit like vtumors is a superior cultural phenomenon but nothing had the explosive influence or anchored itself in the psyche of so many as deeply as FIM, and that's due to alot of factors. It contains within it, perhaps without the awareness even of the show creators, a primal European spiritual essence that sparks something deep within many fans who may not realize either what they are feeling and why it compels them so strongly to follow it and contribute their own devoted work and reverence to its rich tapestry. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B15JKXtwsHM
Liked it better than FiM
Kek. I liked it just fine tho. Its only episode 1 I wanna see the whole series come together.
Season 9 of Wild Manes will be so epic
I love g1 ponies, they don't look like g1 ponies.
That shit's all retarded.
The hype's already died down, give it 3 days for the next episode
Getting hyped up again Wild Mane fans. Lets keep the herd running until the last sunset!
We need to last until the 19th
The other explanation for why it won't get the same glowing reception and fan adoration as FiM is that it actually deserves the reception it gets on its merits.
I like this explanation a lot more because it doesn't sound like it was written by a cackling schizophrenic.
I like these 4 horses.
There are 12 in the line
In just 5 minutes?
5 minutes of Wild mares will do that to you
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Jakks knows the attention spans of its audience.
Its a race to the finish
Mym is better, s2 has introduced a lot of nonsense
MYM is a pony show. Wild Manes is a horse show. They are both good.
How do you extend a Wild Mares episode?
>Show them doing their morning routine
>Show them interacting with customers
>Make them have longer conversations
>Make them do more activities
>Make them get into slapstick
put it at 0.5x speed.
Watch a few in a row
take screenshots
(You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) Mommy mommy i posted it again!!!
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No. Early seasons average out to above average. Autists are swept away by the art and design and overhype it, is all.
Surfs up
God I love bailey
Because it had a male fandom of adults
>A talented and passionate team who stuck with the show for almost a decade
Stopped reading here. The "talented and passionate team" was mostly gone by the start of Season 4 onwards and all that was left were those who hadn't left yet (individuals) who eventually would later on.
Thats totally radical Anon
See, that's why Bailey is more popular with Cocoa
No way, an anon reference??
Yes, certainly
if moose are anything to go by then black mares >> all other mares
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Stop yelling that in the theater we are trying to watch a movie
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>uncensored snoof
>tortoise in the nostril
how dare you
>shit animation
>shit character design
Aesthetics haven't failed me yet in avoiding shitty horse shows.
>Oh sand dunes
Does she really say that?
>Only Cocoa can see us
Bros she needs help
We can help her
Poor turtle
Cocoa need meds
The side effects aren't worth it
She needs men hugs x3 day
That is medical
She needs her medicine, who is going to provide it?
Wild Manes is spiritual?
Wild Mares is a new religion
>It contains within it... a primal European spiritual essence
This is very true. I remember watching ponies with Burzum playing in the background and I actually muted the show because I was so awestruck by the synergy of the art of the show and the music
Wow, that video. Totally highlights how much potential FiM had with worldbuilding only to deliver the half-assed pastiche of the fantasy genre we ended up with.
you bet your surf board
These Bailey-isms are totally tubular

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