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Fallen Oak has a brand new merch store with horse related merchandise and memorabilia featuring their adorable pony mascot Fallen Oakley!


At the moment it has some keychains as well as vinyl/holographic stickers for sale, and they say that many more items are in the works.
Everything in the shop has global shipping and all of the proceeds go directly towards supporting the rescue and the many beautiful mares here.

They haven’t got much up at the moment, so mention what other Fallen Oak merch would you like to see in there (like physical artwork, shirts, plushies) and I’ll pass it along.

Horse Hater Anon please keep this thread bumped again
Hot. Glue.
Where did Fallen Oakley come from?
>adorable pony mascot Fallen Oakley
I have to admit, that pone is cute.
>No penis
Are the key chains double sided?
I would totally buy a plush of this cutie
Will they be selling these at Mare Fair/Mare Day?
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international shipping is brutal
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Ordered a Framework Laptop 13 yesterday, so I was thinking about some pony stickers for it. Oakley a cute! It's one of those OCs where she feels like a pony from the show. I don't know why, but I love this, and her too.
>Horse Hater Anon please keep this thread bumped again
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Should I put up an ad for this? i still got another 20$ campaign to spend. What image should I use? I don't have any ideas for what would be good.
An ad is a good idea
As for the image maybe drawthread could help you out?
Fallen Oakely's design was created by Batsy as a gift for Fallen Oak
Didn't know he was into vitiligo
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>fellow australian
Are you going to marefair anon?
yup, gonna be a long flight
It's based on a real horse
Damn. Wouldn’t it be easier to have them sent stateside then pick them up from a buddy at Mare Fair?
it would be cheaper, but not easier
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>horse hater anon keep this thread bumped again

it's so tiresome, I'll ask again, what the fuck do you do with your money? The horse shelter you built with 2-3k in cash is incredibly shoddy and we have not seen the elderly horses you mention, even the fucking vet too.
Hey, there he is! Man of the hour. How are you doing, buddy?
Will be good to see another Australian there, did many go last year? What state are you from anon?
They used the money to fund your sister…I mean brother’s transgender reassignment surgery.
Heard it was a stunning and brave success, friend!
Hope their table at Mare Fair has things in stock. I won't even be mad if it's sold out the first day

>have not seen the elderly horses
This zigga didn't even attend /mlp/con he really does hate horses

Sorry to break your heart but a Kiwi attended, the Aussie I drank with and smoked with was cool though
Not hater anon, but I'm genuinely worried at how dependent on /mlp/ they seem to be becoming. This board cannot single-handedly fund a horse charity forever, but FO really seem to be going all-in in cashing in their fame here. I worry it's not sustainable.
I remember a post already talking about how their usual previous donors had stopped bothering after the $50k Mare Fair payout; and now they're continuing to focus their fundraising efforts on /mlp/, potentially at the cost of regular, local patrons?
That’s a fair concern. I think Mare Day will be a pretty good benchmark for how things are going in that department. Hopefully for all of our sakes they don’t put all their eggs in one basket and vice versa
>did not attend /mlp/con
>scheduling so shit that you couldn’t even have attended the panels, not that I wanted to anyways.
plus that old hag’s voice would’ve been annoying, and I would’ve rather not entered a name like “niggerfucker” into chat just to spite the lack of anonymity
I'm from victoria, I didn't go last year but another victorian friend did.
nta however I feel like Kim could use help not with just getting money but also handling the money. I can understand horse feed and medicine cost a fuck ton of money but at the same time I can't shake the feeling that the charity is applying some boomer logic of just not spending money without looking into alternatives (or even simply getting screw over by the suppliers jacking up the price) .
I'd reckon so since they'll probably have a vendors table again like last year

HHA coming out with the retarded, easily disproven points yet again that then just boils down to "Reeee I don't like thing!"
50 fucking grand? Are you serious?
That’s enough to build that shoddy horse shelter 16 times and a half over, hopefully it isn’t pissed away by boomer finances, but nope they can’t be assed to provide financial statements despite being a registered charity by the American revenue agency or whatever it’s called
just post a photo of this old mare faggot, I shouldn’t have to join a stream hosted on a shitty website with a shitty schedule just to “see le point”
Their website has details of plenty elderly horses you fucking imbecile. How can you bitch about things so consistently when you don't even care enough about it to check if what you're bitching about is even remotely true?

>posts link, not a photo
>you must get your data logged upon visiting and let us fingerprint your browser!!

I accept your concession
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Jesus Christ you try so hard to be insufferable
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first page second horse is over 30. How about stop being a paranoid schizo about IP grabbers. Or I don't know use a proxy? Or VPN? Are you technically illiterate too?
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>>you must get your data logged upon visiting and let us fingerprint your browser!!
You are on 4chan right now you fucking retard
Kim lives in this anon's walls
Inb4 shopped
S̵̛̥͍̻̼̠̪͖̜̰̪̩̪͇̦̬͚̔̌͝h̶̨͎͚͈̳̮̩̓̔́̓̈́ę̷͕̰͔͓̩̳̙͚̖̣͙̮̽̈́̓͘͘͠ͅ ̵̟̔̒͊͛̽͂̃͋̀̐̉̊̓͘͝j̴͙͙̖̾͛̚̚u̶̢͚͑̀̓̓͗̓̀s̶̢̢̛̬̣̠̳͓͓̒̿̀̔̋̾͑̆͜͝͝t̸͙͓͙͕̄͋̋̌́͋̓̐̐͋́̈́̈́̇͊͝ͅͅ ̸̛̛͇͔̣̠̺̣̮̹̔͌̐̍̌̾͆͠w̴̟̳̗͗͂̈́́̄̈̌̒̄̑̚͘̕͝͝͝a̵̡̹͚̳̟͎͈̣͑͂͛͜ͅn̵̛͍̙̜͂̂̿̂̎̈̀̓͘̚t̸̯͈̟̹̭͎̏͑͐͆̏̀̀͒̏̔͗̍̊͂̕s̶̤̤͍͈͉̠̜̖̹̫̰̾͂̃͗͐̕ ̵̛̠̯͈͖͓̂̉̑̊͝t̵̹̟̪̹͚̯͗̈̋ŕ̶̠̾͗̀͂́ȩ̴̱̫͚̳͉̬̙͇̝͍̗͕̱̝͇̯̾̀a̷̙͈̱̟̻͂̍́͊̈́͛̉̋̍ț̷͖̩̱̖͇͈͐͊͆̆̃͗̒̂͊̋̿́̚͠ş̵̧̢̨̜̤̪̣̞͎͎͕̥̩̦́̓͜͝ͅ ̶̛͔̮͙̝̳̠̩̯̱̙̬̪̞͕̮̈̿̀̒̿̀̃̎̈́͗̋̋̒̀͝f̶̡̱͍̬̮͉͒̆̎͒̓͑̆̒͠ó̴̢̡̝̬̫̝̜͚̣̀̈́̔̉̉̒̍͂̋̂̄̾̕͠͝ͅr̷̰͍̪̹̺̺̽́͐͆̂̋͒̾̔̀̓̽͐̀͊͜͜ ̸̡̨̤̞͇̞͓̬̹̺͉̪͙̜̈́̽̓̓̓̆̑̀̌̀̕̕̚̚͜͠h̶̹̣̣̝̣̝̱̙̜͓̪̍̀̎̆̈́́̎̇͗́͌͘͝e̴̡͉̪̫͗̾̐́͊̔͋͑̓͒̏̀͠ŕ̵̺̣̳̜̩̩͋͜ ̸̛̹̝̻͇̯̞̤̖͙͖̗͓̗͗̂̊̓͗͂̊̽̀̍͋̐̈́͠h̷͍̼̰͉̏̄̂̇͑͒͑̉͝o̶̢͍̗̳̻̮͋̉ŕ̴̝̼̀̀̌̍͆̀͠͠s̶̡̠͈̻̦͆̂̋̿̋͗͘͘ͅî̸̢̧̖̪̝͕̫̺̤̩͕̹͒̂̃̕͘e̵̪̜̙͚̫̣̦̯͉͇̍̾̽̄̃̆̎̌̄͌̾́̓̚͜͝s̴̨̧̳͍͈͉͆̆̐
finally you post a photo.
and is 4chan inside your walls linooxtard? Compared to a individually owned website there’s no reason why 4channel will doxx me over disliking a horse charity for being too needy/leeching off of /mlp/ when they support blatant furshit (sfw art pack has many griffons but only one pony on the cover)
>Compared to a individually owned website there’s no reason why 4channel will doxx me
How would they tell you're the one who clicked brainlet
>wanted to be spoonfed this fucking much
derpibooru has proven time and time again that they can just pull that info on a whim and ban you with it, or harass you.

Don’t surprise me that this website can do the same
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>when the pony purity takes hold a little too much...
you end up rallying against real horses and lash out at anything that isn't pure G4 MLP. Sad to see that you can't see beyond the neon hooves and look at the real kind, that actually need help and care. It's like a Greek tragedy in terms of irony.
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He can’t even read a time table. Don’t expect too much out of him
whomever is helping out with the main https://fallenoak.org website, can you add link to the merch store on it?
>Anon clicks on link
>His IP is grabbed and hired fallen oaks staff search for all posts made on 4chan with his IP
>Once they determine that Anon is the one who made critical comments about fallen oaks they somehow find anon's house from the dozen or more houses in his IP location
>4 fallen oaks agents break into anon's house later that night and kill him
>can’t even read a time table
tell me why the fuck they can’t use UTC as a timezone and instead insist on making things more complicated by using retarded timezones like “MDT” and “EDT”

Google of course was very unhelpful in getting time conversions properly done when I googled “MDT to UTC-7” where it still didn’t give me the proper hours ahead/behind of the timezone
>strawmanning this hard

>“when le pony purity”
No, griffons aren’t fucking ponies, what type of retardation are you on? Griffonfags, Batfags, Mothfags are all furfags whether they like it or not, so are creaturefags, you don’t call shit “a pony pack” if it has two griffons on the cover and has multiple pieces of fur/anthroshit artwork
You still haven't told me how fallen oaks would dox you if they grab your IP
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It all makes sense now.

This poster is actually Aryanne Hoofler in real life.

shut the fuck up, please.
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>tell me why the fuck they can’t use UTC as a timezone
Anon. Answer this question honestly and carefully. What do you think Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is? Read over your reply a couple times before hitting post.
>le GMT
GMT-1 doesn’t exist retard
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Aryanne pls, no one said that, you are making up scenarios in your head. Also known as the stray man tactic. It's not gonna work on me. You need to up your debating skills instead of relying solely on your shitposting skills.
I love watching this dude's descent into complete schizophrenic madness in every thread.
Are you telling me you live in Cape Verde?
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I don't even know what he's mad about anymore.
He's mad just to be mad. When cornered he just shitposts and ignores you.
>many more items are in the works
You had my curiosity, now you have my attention
>shipping cost from usa
yeahhhhh, imma gonna wait to Mare Fair to buy handful of stickers for secret santa postcard and such.
Credit where it’s due, horse hater anon certainly keeps the thread bumped
Are you that one "accept your concession" manchild, or are there multiple clones of you sperging around the board? Ought to donate to Fallen Oak to build a corral for your autistic ass
Anon, I'm pretty sure nobody here hates real horses, the main question is whether a tiny local apparently 2-3 man (actually no, worse, woman) operation is the most reliable and non-shady place to sink vast amounts of crowdfunded money that kind-hearted board users will funnel "for the sake of the horsies".
Like, when you send it to DEFHR, you know it's a big, well-managed rescue. There may be a bit higher administrative overhead, but at least you know they have tons of experiences not only taking care of horses efficiently, but also managing large amounts of money properly to do so, and are very unlikely to e.g. be embezzling anything.

But a mom-and-pop small rescue that's suddenly found a golden cash cow and is trying to go all-in on courting autists on a web forum as their funding source? There's far, far less assurance and confidence that they're actually good at managing their money efficiently, that it's going to the right place, that there's absolutely nothing shady going on.

The way I see it, there was a partnership for the con auction, and they got a big windfall. Amazing, that should've given them a comfortable cushion to cover any outstanding big expenses, and/or a safety net for the future. If it got mismanaged, oh well.
But now they are insistent on forming some kind of long-term relationship with /mlp/, and in my view, that needs a lot more assurance that they're using the money properly. We already gave them a big five-figure sum; where did it go? How did they use it? Who has checked that it was used intelligently, and who around here is qualified to go through and audit their expenses?
In fact, as mentioned earlier, we already know that they fucked up their normal fundraising after getting the mare fair payout. So rather than getting a windfall to boost their safety net, instead it seems like we just replaced their regular donors. That's not great management.
It's not her fault we are pariahs to real horse people. And game theory teaches us that when humans are involved all bets are off.
Accept your concession is just another memephrase, anon. It's on every board now
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I visited Fallen Oak for the first time yesterday after sponsoring one of their horses, Sunny. I wasn't even fully passionate about this charity until spending time 1:1 with Kim, hearing her story, and seeing what the con has done for her and the horses.

I don't think anyone can realize what an impact you can make to this charity unless you see it firsthand and understand how expensive and labor intensive it is to maintain an operation like this.

I am absolutely heartbroken after hearing how her involvement with the fandom has negatively impacted her normal doners perception and the horse community in Ocala. I can't even blame the normies who see our weirdness and blacklist Fallen Oak because of it. What can anyone expect?

Kim is not bad at managing the funds, she's an experienced accountant, and she knows exactly what she needs to maintain and improve the operation. Everything she has goes to this. She is the one that will take in horses that noone else will and give them a second chance at life. Her passion is contagious.

What Fallen Oak needs is actual volunteers and people who are capable to take time to get involved long term. DEFHR is a great operation, but honestly we can't make a dent in their business. With Fallen Oak you have the opportunity to make a legitimate difference and I hope more people can get on board.

Kim is not what I thought she was and we're all she has left. The way I see it the board got her into an uncertain situation and she wasn't brought up to speed as she should have been from day 1. That is not on her. We're the only ones that have her back at this point. So if you care about making an actual difference for a charity and the lives of horses then Fallen Oak needs all the support it can get.

I have never in my life been one to say "spread awareness" for a cause, but I will really advocate everyone here to do so.
>Donors stopped supporting fallen oaks because some bronies gave them cash
Literally why?
Because Bronies are weird and also le ebil nazees
Well that is both reassuring and also extremely disheartening to hear. Is it really over and done with for the normal community? Is there no coming back from having a one-time big donation from a fandom that randomly selected you? Because in my eyes, that's really quite different to then going in and branding your entire website for that fandom, pushing a mascot based on that fandom, making merch for that fandom etc. etc. Was it really all lost as soon as she got that donation from Mare Fair? I hope she's not merely sealing her own grave and digging herself down deeper and deeper by doing this.

Because if you're right that she's genuinely good at managing things, then I wish her and the rescue the absolute best, but I am genuinely worried about the capability of /mlp/ to single-handedly sustain a charity on its own. Even the richfag anons around here don't usually have limitless pockets, plus they didn't necessarily willingly sign up for patronising a single charity till the end of time.
But that's completely braindead
Are they afraid that they'll be gossiped about or something? Why wouldn't the tangible moral pros of donating outweigh the shame of being very loosely associated with some online weirdos
It’s not over because she simply took money from bronies. Her reputation in the Ocala horse community was tarnished after some jerk sent mlp porn to another local charity who was horrified and word spreads quickly. These are conservative Christian people. What are they supposed to think other than she’s getting her money from people who may support beastiality. We know that’s not what the fandom is, but they don’t. How could a normie outsider who sees this side of the fandom at face value think anything less though? These people do not understand fandoms in general. What’s done is done, but you can’t think of this whole situation as “oh people just hate mlp” it’s deeper than that. These people dedicate their lives to protecting horses.
Now see my next question is, why is this only being publicised here after I kvetched for half a thread, and nobody else on /mlp/ has been saying this about the situation. I regularly lurk FO threads, and this sounds like the kind of thing that should be in the OPs - "since FO is now relying on us due to the reputation hit, here's merch/a donation drive/etc.". That'd at least explain things rather than just making it look like they're milking us and being incompetent with money.
I can’t speak to why things were or weren’t said. I went to mare fair and I was an associated act for mare fair but I’m an independent llc and not officially affiliated with mare fair. I’m also only speaking from my personal experience and im out of loop with these threads. I’m currently thinking of independent sfw ways to support fallen oak in my own way and I hope others do the same
>some jerk sent mlp porn to another local charity who was horrified and word spreads quickly
>These people dedicate their lives to protecting horses.
It took me a while to realize this. Now that's a very, very cruel joke to do, but it would explain a bit. It would be good to see a FO tripfren confirm or deny this, if deemed to be "good" for them of course since this situation would be pretty fucked up to talk about publicly, I guess, to prevent possibly fake rumors from spreading.
But if the situation is indeed fucked, and if we're the supposedly bad people who "caused" this, then helping her financially would seem appropriate response to this. It's "just" a horse rescue far away from me, but if we can scrap together money to help her keep going, I guess it would signal to normal people that those ponyfags can't be as evil as they might think, and perhaps fix "our" collective reputation => bring normal people back to helping FO.
Like the other anon, this made me relieved but also a bit sad. I know nothing about care for horsies, but to me it seems that MF anons took great care to make sure it's a good charity, so the money isn't wasted.
>Kim is not what I thought she was and we're all she has left. The way I see it the board got her into an uncertain situation and she wasn't brought up to speed as she should have been from day 1. That is not on her. We're the only ones that have her back at this point.
Well, if the other post is what happened, then shit. I have the same concerns as >>41233441 in second paragraph, but if we're really the only ones she's got left because of a cruel joke which was taken too seriously by people not in on /mlp/ brand of "horsing around", then fuck. Fucked up situation but something worthy of ignoring those concerns and just making it another board moment of "le evil 4chan ponyfags being good hearted people", helping those that got hurt by affiliating with us.
I don't know, I hope you anons and OP know what I mean in my heart. It's not hate on the charity, not at all, it's just fear of being "responsible" for them forever. Yeah, that's the best way to put it, I think. But if there really is a need to help them longterm, then well, it seems like the right thing to do.

If memory serves, during the /mlp/con it was mentioned that this horsie was sponsored by an artfren. Having a recognized trip confirm this post or seeing it linked somewhere on this artfren's online pagrelievedeast temporarily, might be good too, for credibility. But I don't think it's as necessary as confirming/denying the rumor above.
>I am an independent LLC
Dang, we now have corporations posting on /mlp/, what a time

This. Confirmation would be good.
I would unironically consider adopting one of their horses for a couple hundred bucks a month IF we could get some real, trustworthy confirmation that this is the situation. Because that's much more understandable than "oh they saw a bunch of internet horse lovers and got dollar signs in their eyes for the new cash cow, and also started ignoring their regular donors thus becoming dependent on us in the process", which is the impression I had been slowly forming up till now and which had kind of soured my desire to actually contribute.

So to the anons communicating with FO, please take this into account and give us some actual transparency as to what the fuck is going on.
Even better if there's any kind of plans or prospects for fixing that situation, because like that other anon said, /mlp/ is not the right entity to make responsible for the upkeep of a charity till the end of time.
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sorry, fucked up words somehow. Correction:
>artfren's online page, at least temporarily

I looked at that AJ picture after posting and a word came to me: honesty. If they're really fucked, then I fully understand if they don't want to talk about it publicly, I can see how it'd be a shameful thing to acknowledge. But just saying that they're fucked because of normal people's disdain for ponies would be a good sign for more or less vocal neighsayers or concerned anons here.
Ponies don't deserve to be hated, and this board is a prime example of making ponies a cool thing. If someone got fucked by liking ponies, then at least for me it's a solid incentive to help them in turn.
>which is the impression I had been slowly forming up till now and which had kind of soured my desire to actually contribute.
Yeah, I'm one to give a huge benefit of doubt but it's all just people I saw on the internet, some with real name, some without even that. Honesty in that rumoured situation seems good, even if saying it out loud will hurt.
I spent last few hours thinking about FO, even before the rumour was posted, since Kim seems honest and she knows what she's doing so I should help anyway, especially since she was brave enough to trust ponyfags. Literally was thinking how much money I can realistically donate longterm so I don't feel like I'm donating "too much" irresponsibly now and I'd have to feel like a bad person if I ever need to reduce money donated. You know. It hurts.
It's pretty easy to confirm. I'm the MareQuest dev. I posted a thread about FO on my X account yesterday as well with other pictures and videos of Sunny.
> sent mlp porn to another local charity who was horrified and word spreads quickly
>We know that’s not what the fandom is
God you're fucking retarded. you completely put beastality in the forefront of it and you should off yourself if you think wanking it to animal pussy isn't bestality.
I looked on their facebook and it's where they actually show finances, like vet bills. It's not obvious if you start only from the site.
Given that their self-declared annual cost seems to be about $60k, I think they have problems rn but marefair 2 charity auction will last enough for at least a year

>This month I have only received $110 in donations and last month it was $85. I realize the economy is bad now and everything is extremely expensive, However, there are currently seven horses on the waiting list waiting to come in,2 of which are horses that were adopted in prior years that need to come back on June 14. For the past four years, I have primarily supported this rescue, I can no longer afford to do that my money is running out. I am begging all of my faithful followers to help. I will not be able to continue to say yes when I get emergency calls if we do not raise some money. Due to all the changes with Facebook pay and all the fees we have signed up with Zeffy to receive donations. We receive payouts every week from Zeffy and there are absolutely no fees. I have included the link below to donate. It cost more than $5000 a month to take care of the rescue horses 3 of our seniors alone are $1800 a month.
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>What are they supposed to think other than she’s getting her money from people who may support beastiality.
99% of the general public generally don't give a shit. Trust me, normies are more likely to be curious than anything.
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Thanks anon with trips, but as far as I can tell this only confirms that EK visited FO yesterday, and doesn't validate or disprove what was posted here. Out of caution I'll keep treating it as just a rumour, since it's not implausible that some anon might be trying to stir elaborate shitstorm, you know. Anyway, I'll still try to set some money aside for FO.
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I am EK and these are my posts

Here's a picture I took of Sunny yesterday I haven't posted anywhere else. I mean, you are right, you can really only go off my word for all of this but lying about anything and starting rumors would be pointless and only hurt me. Kim needs all the help she can get I'm only here to share my experience yesterday and advocate for her.
haha i bought a framework 13 too a month ago and have been thinking about stickers as well
This anon is correct. This is the my little pony board on 4chan, majority of us have cranked it to technicolor horses. It'd be silly to pretend like a significant portion of the content made on this site isn't sexual in nature. Setting up snowpity inc as a charity and donating to a horse rescue was obviously a cover to avoid tax while hosting mare fair. It's the vanity project of a bunch of namefags who fancy themselves as community leaders. I'm not against charity, and I don't think that everyone involved has ulterior motives, but it was reckless to so publicly associate FO with this place and even go so far as to influence its branding as such. This is after all a pretty degenerate place, we'd be silly to pretend otherwise. The average normie would take everything on here at face value, it doesn't help that a lot of us do not know how to act in public.
>It's the vanity project of a bunch of namefags who fancy themselves as community leaders
The rewatch cabal and its consequences have been a disaster for /mlp/
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>concern trolling
None of the ones in charge are even rewatch stream regulars, dumbass. Different "cabal" entirely.
From what I'm hearing, the "branding" came much later, by the time the normies had already dried off
bumping for a noble cause
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I am in contact with Kim and others since my visit and am working to make the incident 100% transparent with her help. One of the things she had mentioned as vital was needing a small ATV capable of towing something (can't remember the specific name of the device) to clean up after the horses across her land. This is important for sanitation and to keep the land habitable for them. I've ordered her an ATV to do this.

I'll make the transparency information available once I get everything compiled.
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And not trying to toot my own horn here, but in the spirit of transparency and folks know I'm not pulling this out of my ass here's some proof.
inb4 >discord
If anyone asks there's another individual who is able to assemble this for Fallen Oak as it comes packaged.
I was going to suggest reaching out to Bass Pro or something as I know they do charity work for conservation and the like. Also I'm sure you're putting this as a tax gift or something?
>$400 shipping on a $1600 buggy
the fuck? lmao.
i'm pretty sure it costs less to deliver a real full-size car by courier chauffeur

what even is the point of prime then, absolutely useless
>can pay $250/month for an empty plot of virtual land in Tranny Life
>decides to stop paying $250/month for upkeep of a real horse
The $250/mo I mention is money from the SL server which if have cancelled at this time to help Kim.
zigga what they did was just a bulk payment of sponsorship via an ATV
>which if have cancelled at this time
Oh, I wasn't up to date on this, if so please ignore my mis-informed shitposting and carry on. That's my bad for shittalking without actually knowing what I'm talking about
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I get griffons, I get the dragons. But bats are LITERALLY ponies
mareadise over. have been wanting to spend more time there since it's so quaint
If any of you wonder more about money. You can look on their website how much it costs to sponsor each individual horse. These numbers aren't pulled out of thin air it's the actual amount needed to maintain each one monthly. https://fallenoak.org/sponsor/
Really while unfortunate I feel like this sort of thing is inevitable. Degenerate fandoms like pony/furry and especially unhinged communities like /mlp/ just have the most insane kinds of people in them and I think that having a close relationship with a specific charity is just bound to have someone do some le epic trolling like this.
Just seems like a mistake to get so associated with this fandom as a normie horse rescue thing, it's really just a reputational risk imo. All it takes is one person on Twitter to start screeching about how you're funded by horsefuckers (while generalizing it is not entirely incorrect for some percentage of people in this fandom I'd imagine) and you're fucked.
>But bats are LITERALLY ponies
What is common between Echo (the knockoff edition), Eventide, Panne, Sanguine Morning, Stormdancer, Qetesh (and many, many others, the list is very much not exhaustive)?

THEY ALL DROPPED THE "PONY" PART. And some of them also "bat" part.
Bat ponies might be ponies, but batfags are furfags beyond any doubt, and must be ostracized.
Christ, that's so many horses, I think I'd rather sponsor a horse than get a keychain, seeing that with shipping it'll be about the same.
I didn't even know about this page, I may not be a devoted lurker, but still. I think these type of stuff and information should be better spread out, many anons are very out of the loop on fallen oak's situation, including me
LTL shipping is not inexpensive, but $400 is kind of ludicrous
Anon if you do sponsor I truly thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Yeah, I'm not saying I expected $10 next-day shipping or anything, it's just... a quarter of the cost of the buggy itself
I'm happy to chip in for now, but this isn't a sustainable solution.
>in order to le fix “reputation” we must donate more money!
nice moneywhoring and concern trolling. No.
Just because one faggot sends porn to a charity it’s not my problem. Regardless you claim for this senile bitch to previously be a accountant but they SUCK at managing it, look how much of a shelter fucking 2 grand paid for, just 4 posts in the ground and a shoddy roof which only hides out the sun and not wind or rain.

Plus being in a flawda based area so when a hurricane inevitably comes the entire ranch will be nuked and they’ll begin demanding more money (which is silently embezzled and pocketed away)
You have no idea what you're talking about. She has what every penny went to. You have no idea how much it even takes to just feed these horses, especially the sick ones.

Ocala is referred to as "The Horse Capital of the World". The amount of horse owners here is more than anywhere else in the US. https://www.marionfl.org/our-county/horse-capital-of-the-world

Hurricanes don't affect this far inland like they do the coastlines, and when they do hit there are rigorous safety procedures to protect the horses.

I agree it's not a sustainable solution to donate $5 here and there, but if there are genuinely people on the board who have the capability to sponsor their own horse and take it as a meaningful commitment, it's a start.
this is just that one dumbshit anon who is mad about everything and wantonly posts in many threads now it seems, don't respond to him or take him seriously.
need to come up with a good name for him though. dumbshitanon? rageanon (except /mlp/'s version)? I mean, he could be the dude that sent the porn in the first place.
>you have no idea how much it costs to feed horses
nigga grass is free, you got a entire fucking plot of land to grow alfalfa and you refuse to?
>the sick ones
the ones who are in suffering, yet in some "ethical" perversion you decide to keep them alive instead of just euthanizing them like a normal human being?
>Hurricanes don't affect this far inland like they do the coastlines, and when they do hit there are rigorous safety procedures to protect the horses.
>but if there are genuinely people on the board who have the capability to sponsor their own horse and take it as a meaningful commitment, it's a start.
No. Fuck OFF. Volunteering doesn't even give jack shit and it's retarded that its required by everything, even fucking colleges and universities to get good grades because apparently doing good in the course isn't enough.
>b-buh volunteering make you a good person!
no, especially not when you're forced to do it like the commies did to everyone.
The whole point is to rescue abused and malnourished horses and give them a happy life. There are two pastures that 5 of these horses are free to graze off of, any more horses there will damage the land as they'll eat more than can grow back. Some of the horses need a very specific diet to maintain them back to good health.

But you know, keep trying.
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>There are two pastures that 5 of these horses are free to graze off of, any more horses there will damage the land as they'll eat more than can grow back.

Fertilizer nigger, ever heard of it? What do you think feeds the fucking world?
>waaah global warming muh environment waaah!!
And yet we don't give a rat's ass about china and would bitch and moan about fertilizer usage and automobiles, funny how that goes?
lol ok
It's done. Sponsored Starlit Skies. These horses deserve the best life they can get
You would be smarter if a horse kicked you in the head
>given tons of evidence that this is a well run org
B...but muh shiddy shelter
Nigga seriously grow up, go and make me a quote for a shelter for that price. Don't forget tax and work hours too
You're amazing anon. I'm told Starlit Skies, Sailor, and Sunny are all sponsored. There's an issue with the website not updating to reflect this. Kim is working with the webdevs to get that corrected.
Oh, well that sucks. I guess that I could sponsor a similarly priced horse when you guys figure the issue out.
I hope it gets fixed soon though. It'd be a bit akward if 5 anons sponsor the same horse, you know?
It's been updated at this time! I haven't gotten official word back from Kim on the status, but I refreshed the page and they're marked as sponsored now
Ok I discussed this website limitation in regards to sponsorship with Kim. Once a horse is sponsored the site does have to be manually updated by the webdevs she's working with. She gets notified when a horse is sponsored and reaches out to them so there is definitely a window where two anons could sponsor the same horse.

If that happens, though probably unlikely, I've advised Kim to go ahead and make a draft for verbiage to send with a refund if needed. Hopefully the webdevs can get the site to automate this process in the future.
>due to a computer glitch, 5 anons sponsor the same horse
>Florida law deems this sponsorship as legally binding
>Amongst all the other rescue horses, Fallen Oak strangely has a single buff chad horse with a mane like Fabio
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>well acktually you'd be stupid to think (not my opinion)

Stop trying to speak for the board, faggot.

Also, your opinion on the con makes it clear you didn't go, didn't actually look up any information, and have no idea what you are talking about.
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>you didn't go to le con
then maybe make attendance free once rent is paid retard, instead of extorting shekels from everyone for "le costs"
NTA but the pass itself is like, the smallest and most negligible part of funding a convention experience. Room, travel, and food are overwhelmingly what breaks your pocketbook.
>t. entitled retard
Your parents are failures and so are you.
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>The average normie would take everything on here at face value
Average normies are too busy paying for unwanted child support to care about zoophilia imageboard in the first place.
>errmm ackshually you're entitled because you didn't pay me extra shekels ontop of already paid off con fees!!

retard, whine about entitlement all you want but the con owners are profiteering.

fair, but the con should help pay for those with the extra funding they get, or somehow give discounts.
but a badge/attendance isn't even that expensive, you'd pay far more for the trip there and a hotel stay than for actual admission. And you can look up their earnings report - they made it public. It isn't a "gotcha" to point out that a non-profit retains some extra earnings if able for its own operational costs - that is pretty standard procedure.
So far they haven't showed any hint of misusing the funds that they receive, and secondly the non-profit and those running it do have to be able to KEEP running it, which takes money (revenue).

You seem upset that you can't ride on the backs of those that did choose to pay for a badge to attend (again, a minimal cost compared to the personal cost of the hotel stay and travel, which obviously doesnt go into the cons coffers).
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Both for his shelter nonsensical rambles and being of a sheltered mind

Also I want to name a horse Moon Moon. So imagine there's a horse named that there, kek.
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>things cost money???
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he was also complaining how he didn't get free art during /mlp/con, so it sounds like he's just an entitled, bitter grifter
sure as hell not doing anything to make me less bitter ponka, thought you had better jokes.
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I don't need better jokes when I've got the best one right here
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I thought you were supposed to make people smile, pinka po
Bro thinks a 501(c)(3) is "profiteering".
Weird how they call it a "nonprofit" lol. Sure nonprofit owners can take a salary and etc, but their financials are required by law to be public, and Snowpity Inc has never paid its owners anything.

I know it's a difficult concept for you to imagine but things do need to make money beyond just the bare minimum to do things like expansion. Sure greater attendance counts can pay for greater scaled things but you can also afford nicer equipment and stuff that everyone can share on top of that if you charge a bit more, plus it's hard to actually know your true attendance count months ahead of time where you may need the money to start purchasing equipment and renting (unless you unironically think taking out a loan is a better option than having a cash reserve, but in that case I'd say you're a banker just wanting people's interest).
Also, extra money in reserve can also handle unforseen events like you know, your hotel of choice self destructing 6 months before the convention (this costed them something like $15k more than they were planning from what I recall due to having to seek out a more expensive venue).

Tldr, don't talk about things you don't understand.
>this costed them something like $15k
golly, I wonder how much you have to pay for tickets if you have that much cash just sitting around retard.
because if you have 100 attendees, and the tickets are 50 dollars, that's only 5000 dollars minus taxes and fees.

anon, please do a little perusing into the topic, for the sake of being knowledgeable. They have sponsor badges that cost more, and the majority of their badge sales this year have been sponsor tiers.

Also, they cycle that extra revenue into the following years operations.
why are you still talking to it
You are totally ignoring the point. The point is if they did not have extra cash in reserve for things like this the con would not be happening, genius.
Unless you think they are going to retroactively beg every person who bought a ticket to suddenly pay the difference, good luck with that.

Anyways since you're incapable of doing basic math, Mare Fair is likely going to have over 600 attendees easily, so 600 * $65 is at bare minimum $39k. In reality, 1 person bought the highest tier sponsor for $22k and numerous people bought other thousand-dollar sponsor tiers, so they likely had over $80k or so from badge sales, 15k is a perfectly reasonable percentage of that to have in reserve as a result.

For more real numbers just go look at their public tax filings: https://projects.propublica.org/nonprofits/organizations/920304588/202411209349200016/full
In 2023 they made $131k and had $111k in expenses (renting the building and paying for equipment).
They had 14k of assets from the previous tax year so that extra 19k landed them at 34k of assets to pay for things in the future.
It is hard to say how much each "Mare Fair" has generated revenue wise and costed exactly since the tax years do not align with it, e.g. their 2022 filing has probably some sales from Mare Fair 1 (filed in May 2023) and similarly the 2023 filing is the remainder of Mare Fair 1 + Mare Fair 2's finances up to April 2024 I assume, but you get the idea.

If you're really so greedy that you think them making 15% more than their expenses is some great sin then you're just retarded and again don't understand the benefits of having cash in reserve when hosting an event like this.
Reducing the badge price to barely scrape by (assuming they are making 15% excess) would mean it'd be $55 instead of the already-discounted $65 if you're curious, but keep in mind such a price is only possible due to the higher tier sponsors subsidizing you by paying way more than everyone else is.

Tldr, you're retarded.
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What if, I don't know, they gave free helicopter rides?
Also I guess I should correct one thing, revenue wise they made $131k but this includes the money from the charity auction (counted as grants/contributions/etc).
$58k in the 2023 tax year was charity-related (though they paid out $63k or something like that but yeah you get the idea), so really only $78k of that was from badge sales and stuff directly (actual sale of "assets").

Taxes are a nightmare to understand though so I can't read it perfectly but I think that means they paid around $68k for their actual non-chairty related expenses from the $78k of non-chairty profits, so change the 15% excess to 13%, still same ballpark though.
>Anyways since you're incapable of doing basic math
nigger I just did 100 x 50 and you're already ranting about me not knowing how many retards attend the convention and going "durr you can't basic maff" before you continue shitting your pants and writing a essay on how marefair is funded
Yes, you were incapable of using any realistic numbers and instead chose to compare an absolute figure of $15k from a con with over 500 attendees with an arbitrary number pulled out of your ass like 100 to make it seem like a lot.
So sure you know math, but you don't know how to pick realistic numbers or really just want to make things look worse than they are because you're salty.

Anyways, you're free to not come to Mare Fair if you think the badge price is unresaonable, the rest of us are happy to pay an extra $10 on the badge price so that they can afford better equipment shared between all congoers and opportunities in the future.
the issue I have with mare fair isn't the price of the ticket it's the fair being 960 miles away
Yes as other Anons have said really the main cost with attending a con is stuff like travel/lodging.
For most people other than those living like right in the same city you're looking at like maybe $100-200 domestically for a flight depending on how far away you are, and in Mare Fair's case, $140 a night hotel wise (so around $280 for 2 nights, though most people probably stay 3 if they don't wanna leave or arrive on the same day as the con, so more like $420).
Of course there's also food costs to consider if you end up eating out (which is pretty typical when traveling).
Paying an extra $10 to make the con just better overall is hardly anything compared to that like $500 to even go to the con to begin with, so it's quite silly indeed to complain.
Another thing I forgot, I to be fair you probably will be sharing a room to cut that hotel cost down a bit, but still it easily costs hundreds of monies for people to go to the con so yeah still the main expense compared to the cost of admission.
Oh, hello there.
Appears this is becoming a Mare Fair thread f;a some reason
If you have any questions about our finances, I'm an open book and I'll try to figure out accurate answers for anyone
Feel free to reply to this post or post over in the more proper thread >>41223801
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tongue my balls bitch
you posted this to disgust me but its actually hot
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How much have you sold so far in gross income from badge sales so far? How much from simple fairgoer passes as well?
I'm hoping you're talking about gross revenue and not gross income
Gross revenue from badge sales is $155,067 YTD.
Fairgoers make up $13,635 of that.
I'm kinda doing the math on the back of an envelope, but these numbers should be pretty accurate as of right now
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>Setting up snowpity inc as a charity and donating to a horse rescue was obviously a cover to avoid tax while hosting mare fair.
No, actually we set it up as a charity organization because we wanted it to be clear nobody was profiting from the convention
501(c)(3) organizations are some of the most transparent in the US and we must report the highest paid members of the corporation
Check our tax filings and you'll see that page is empty because nobody draws a salary from Snowpity
It'd be far easier to run the con as a private LLC (like some cons in the fandom); it's easier to set-up and the transparency requirements are very limited
I see you have about as much insight about what it takes to put on a convention as the Dashcon organizers.
does this include any spirit badge sales?
sorry, no, i didn't.
$1,635 in revenue from spirit badges
Daww, what a cute mare
For future merch (stickers especially), might it be a good idea to put the name of the rescue on there? Something small below the mare, just so people know it's for an actual thing and not just a random OC.
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I have permission to share this from Kim and she wants people to know her story and understand who she is. Fallen Oak couldn't be run by a more compassionate and wonderful woman and I hope you all reach out and get the chance to know her. If you can't do anything else, send her messages of encouragement. She is an amazing person who has deeply inspired me.
>he always comes through
>not "He"
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I think we already knew Kim's a sweet gal, her history told in the first Marefair actually teared me up.
The screenshot doesn't really tell much besides the horse community turning their backs on one of theirs for absolutely no reason, just like the pharisees back then. I have a feeling that what she's going through and whoever shared the false info and pony porn might be jealous of the tremendous help she received instead.
But we don't do it for those fags, I want to believe we don't do it for Kim either, not just for her at least, her being open and forward helps us to keep helping her for sure, instead of going to help another one who also needs it, yes, but above it all, we do it for the mares. If we were tied to Kim and not the ponies and then if she ever lets go for one reason or another, then we'd let go too, so hopefully whoever takes place after her has just as much love for ponies like her and we all do, so every pony can live better without worries.
Thanks for getting it for her! I have to go out there sometime soon to build it.
I appreciate that. My neighbor is retired and works on vehicles constantly. If needed, I don't think he'd mind taking a trip with me down there if there's any issues with it. That will have to be after August though when I'm free next.
Thanks! I'll be sure to let you know if we need some extra help.
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>Her reputation in the Ocala horse community was tarnished after some jerk sent mlp porn to another local charity who was horrified and word spreads quickly.

I asked Kim and the team helping her and they confirmed that it did happen. Many of their donors and volunteers pulled out after receiving word of what convention Kim was receiving funds from and associating with. The email which was sent also included many other accusations in a purposeful attempt to make her connection with the fandom appear as though it was the worst thing on the planet. This event is responsible for the loss of local support.

>Now see my next question is, why is this only being publicised here after I kvetched for half a thread, and nobody else on /mlp/ has been saying this about the situation.

Kim did not want Fallen Oak to be an ongoing target and she did not want to perpetuate vindictive feelings towards anyone involved in this mess. Simply put, she wanted to move on and avoid any additional drama.

>Even better if there's any kind of plans or prospects for fixing that situation, because like that other anon said, /mlp/ is not the right entity to make responsible for the upkeep of a charity till the end of time.

Kim and the team helping her are planning on getting donations from outside of /mlp/.
When Kim reached out for help from some of the people working with her now, the rescue was out of money, had almost no donors, no website, and no volunteers. Their first priority was getting the funds that Fallen Oak needed to keep operating, since Kim couldn’t continue to cover all the costs out-of-pocket indefinitely. A problem was that this team didn’t have connections in the local community. After all the drama from the email, they felt that it would be better to work on raising funds from the fandom as well as building Fallen Oak’s infrastructure before tackling the issue of local area interest and donations.

Their second priority is finding enough people in the area to volunteer at the rescue, freeing-up time for Kim to work on obtaining other donors and rebuilding Fallen Oak’s image. Kim and the team think that it probably won’t be until shortly after Mare Day that the necessary help is found to accomplish this.

Kim was placed in a hard spot and she could’ve chosen to completely dissociate from our community but she had come to consider many of us her friends and she doesn’t turn her back on her friends.
With all of the donations and support she’s received from the fandom, she is absolutely humbled by our generosity and can’t show enough appreciation.
Whoever sent that email is a horse hating gay cunt, I hope she can rebuild trust.
Does anyone have access to the email or address which sent it? Some sleuths might be able to use that
As four of the (You)s in this post - this is a very reasonable response and reassures me that you (at least seem to) know what you are doing. It puts my mind at ease in terms of helping you now, knowing that it's important to tide you over in the interim but that you're keeping the long-term longevity in mind.

Also I understand not wanting more drama, and I really get that it probably seems easiest to just try to deal with things silently and try to rebuild, but do consider >>41239861. Sometimes, being more open can be good - for example, the explanations given in this thread culminating in your post have really changed my impression of FO from "weird operation, bit shady, trying to latch on to easy money from internet bleeding heart horsefuckers for some reason?" to actually understanding what's really going on.
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>Many of their donors and volunteers pulled out after receiving word of what convention Kim was receiving funds from and associating with.
Big deal, they are worthless prudes that couldn't be trusted anyway. I hope Kim could get her funding from someone who is less retarded soon.
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wait you guys had them put ponies on their official website without telling them that this might go over poorly because we are all degenerates who constantly scream about how we'd rather be called "HORSE FUCKERS" than "bronies" and have a horse vagina as a logo? seriously? I thought this was just a quiet donation, not that you wanted these people who don't know anything about the fandom and how obscenely horny it is to fully endorse mare fair.
Blame 15. He thought it was a good idea.
Calm down anon, it's just the new mascot
>Kim and the team helping her are planning on getting donations from outside of /mlp/.

This is the most important thing I believe, and glad to hear that's being pursued. While im sure many on the board are more than happy to donate to help, especially at the cons, we can't all offer continuous support like we may want to due to our own financial situations, and living far away from the actual rescue. We should not strive to be their primary lifeline for funding the rescue, and I hope nobody thinks that is or should be the case.
IMO the website mascot is fine, but whoever designed the site included WAY too much of her in what is supposed to be a professional front and face of the rescue for anyone/everyone. It just feels like they are trying to show off the pony art rather than actually showcase the rescue.
>a mascot for the horse charity was designed by a group of people who want nothing more than to fuck ponies and do their best to make that as publicly known as possible
how could this possibly go wrong
>trying to show off the pony art rather than actually showcase the rescue
agreed. and the art is adorable aside from the very obviously horrible optics
As far as I understand it, this new website has been created AFTER the PR disaster happened. Timeline being, as far as I can piece it together:
>Mare Fair donates $50k, this is public information
>some fag sends out emails to the local area slandering Fallen Oak for their /mlp/ association; donations dry up
>the $50k can only last for so long, rescue is in trouble
>Kim reaches out to "people", presumably this happens to include some of her /mlp/ contacts
>here is where 15 gets involved and makes them a website, presumably Batsy designs the mascot around this point also, and Fallen Oak threads pick back up a bit with stuff like the painted sign auction
>Fallen Oak is now relying on pretty much rebuilding its volunteer network from scratch and living on scraps and /mlp/ donations while it tries to rebuild its image

So I agree that the website is maybe somewhat questionable as far as "rebuilding the image" goes. But it's not the cause of the problems.
that's slightly better, i suppose
>IMO the website mascot is fine
No it's not. Especially when the mascot uses the same color scheme as Krystal from Star Fox.
aww the website is adorable i like it
fucking meds
This is basically the timeline.

For the website, I think the original plan was to was to have more pics of irl horses. And the pictures that did have Fallen Oakly, were to have her edited in with photos of irl horses doing horse things and guiding visitors around the site.
However, the website had to be built on short deadline with a very small and new team, so a lot of things did end up getting downsized.
Personally, I think 15 did an absolutely amazing job considering all that.

But the use of the mascot might be a little heavy at the moment.
Hopefully during Mare Day they can get a good chunk of real content to put to use. Mascots cute. It's generally not offensive and helps give a personality to the rescue. But definitely need to make sure the horses are put more to the front in the future.
this makes me want to cry.
They designed the mascot too sexy, IWTCIFO
Also correction, apparently Batsy made Oakly around MF last year (so around the 1st point in the timeline). Doesn't change my point, but since I put it in my post I thought I'd correct it
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At the very least I'd say on the about us page, instead of using 3 pics of the mascot would be better to change to this
>Our mission - Kim's favourite picture of her favourite horse, Earl, the very one she showed off at Marefair. [OR] A picture wih plenty of their horses out in the field
>Our history - A picture of her and her family, together as one to note union in the visitors eye
>Our mascot - Well, this is obvious, and should remain as the pic it already is, maybe edite the blue behind her to be grass as if she's rolling outside and happy, but it's good as is
Based Seth
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Well damn.
I tracked them down and figured out they weren't who they claimed to be in the e-mail (a local horse owner).
I don't want to get into too many details, but I think going after the person isn't going to be constructive and could just cause more drama and negative attention for Fallen Oak.
You know what must be done, and it's not merely send them peetzer, no... spread that info across the local owners with the truth, said person lying about being a local horse owner should help discredit their difamation attempt, right?
What? What you think I meant? The image? Oh, right, yea that too...
I'm pretty sure he built the entire thing in only a couple weeks because no one else would help them lol, give him a break
As much as we'd all like to show up to this guy's minecraft base in minecraft, there's little it would do. Going around to the people who received the email to explain it wouldn't do much either, we would just sound schizophrenic.
>Hey look we've tracked the guy who sent the email, see we don't actually diddle horses guiz
He is also busy working on the HarmonyCon 2025 website which is supposed to be revealed next week when registrations open and it's supposedly even better than the Mare Fair website
So just let the lie be and leave Kim to suffer? I don't mean to contact every single one of them, but surely there's some kinda governing body from the sounds of it that can be made aware of the defamation.
gonna send more horse porn, just because you guys treated me like shit
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Send it to me instead
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anon i swear to god
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Not sure how this falls in the timeline, but did/will this all affect the relations with this years secondary MF charity, Skip Over Trouble?
I find it hard to think that, even if they didn't cut off Kim like all the others, they would want to associate with us and alienate themselves too.
why shouldn't I
nothing is fun anymore, people hate me, nothing I do matters
>I am upset because I believe people hate me and that nothing I do matters
>so let me do something that will guarantee that people hate me

I don't understand your logic, Anon.
>so let me do something that will guarantee that people hate me
because even if I was "le nice corteous goody two shoes" I wouldn't get anything from it and people would still hate me.
simple as.
>I wouldn't get anything from it
>can't do good without the promise of a reward from others
Time to grow up, anon.
>Time to grow up, anon.
then tell me how to, retard.
unless you just expect it to magically happen
I'm not gonna. Fuck you.
Not sending horse porn to a horse rescue facility is a good start
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>can't just be a normalass, good person for the sake of it
Good advice, one step at a time angry dejected anon, I believe in you
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Nta but if you feel like people are still gonna hate you anyways, then isn't that more reason for you to just help them regardless instead of trying to hurt them? I don't want to say that what you think actually is true, but if it is, and you truly don't have anything else, then there's nothing that's stopping you from doing a good deed either. Try it, if what you're saying is true, it's not like you have anything to lose anyways
Oh yeah, good point. Wonder how much they're aware of the whole situation
I don't get anything from doing good deeds retard.
good deeds don't give me money
It isn't about money, anon. Money is always good to have more of, but it shouldn't be the focus of "doing good".

If you do good, and you see the fruits of your labor or the results of your deed, a genuine thank you and appreciation from others, a laugh, a smile, money can't replace those, nor will money make you feel any better.

Besides, what money do you get from doing bad purposefully? literally doing good would net you a better chance of making money from it.
Will what you're about to do also give you money?
>what money do you get from doing bad purposefully?
what are drug dealers anon?

>but it shouldn't be the focus of "doing good".
so you'd rather starve on the street than do "something le bad" which is something I know you wont.

>If you do good, and you see the fruits of your labor or the results of your deed, a genuine thank you and appreciation from others, a laugh, a smile, money can't replace those, nor will money make you feel any better.

Ok but I don't get those regardless of what I do, even if its acting fake-nice.

>a genuine thank you and appreciation from others, a laugh, a smile.
no, those don't make me happy, and nobody has given me any regardless.
no but it's fun seeing you retards panic
>what are drug dealers anon?
That is not what you are planning to do though. In this hypothetical where you are sending malicious emails, which involves no money going to you. You say you find fun in causing strife among others, making yourself out to be a bad person who desires to commit bad actions, and then complain and get upset when you notice people don't like you when they know the bad thing you did.

>no, those don't make me happy, and nobody has given me any regardless.
You don't get what you want just because you want it. And its never guarenteed you will get it when you try. But it sounds like you have tried a couple of times before and when you didn't get immediate gratification, you got upset and sour that it didnt work out how you wanted. This is a poorly behaved child's mentality.
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Hi anon, I was about to post "oh shit oh fuck" response but I've noticed that the tripcode doesn't match one that was posted for Artemis in earlier FO threads, for example: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/40938235/#q40938235, where it was !!l+yxPdPL8km.
To me your post sounds truthful, but since it's 4chan with le evil trolls sometimes, I'd really like someone with known FO tripcode to validate this post as well. I'll leave my comments to myself until I'm sure this isn't an elaborate spoof of a shitstorm, but to be Applejack I don't think a troll would want anons to help anyone financially and by volunteering, and this is too much effort just for a bunch of (You)s.
This trip code should match.
Got on an old computer and checked what the trip pass was and it looks like I accidentally left a character off when I typed that.
My b
skip over trouble is the one who trashed kim reputation in the horse community
skip over trouble is nigers
fuk skip over trouble
Good job Dashie
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skip over trouble more like fagots over nigers
corp i know u reading this accept my staff
I believe in accelerationism. I will send horse porn to every rescue in the area (including fallen oak). I will spoof emails from various other rescues in the process
Unf Dashie plap plap plap
What is the point in causing more pain and ruining lives? Stepping on someone's broken back for fun? I'll never understand this mentality. You all wanted to ruin someone's day? Congrats, you did. I feel like shit reading these threats. Keep it at my day ruined, don't bring the horse rescues into this. That is just the lowest of the low and there's no fucking point to it. You got your (You), just move on.
send dashie porn until they rename mare fair to dashie fair
this thread has so much drama it's mentally tiring
You misunderstand, I am not the anon from earlier. I am not doing this out of a desire to do evil.

Simply: when every rescue is implicated in weird horse porn dissemination - then none of them are. And when weird and shocking emails with dubious claims are commonplace, then perhaps it will become equally commonplace to ignore them and their contents wholesale.
A bit more pain is merely a stepping stone that must be pushed through, in the path to ridding all of the pain. If some temporary suffering is inflicted along the way, so be it.

Equibooru will be my sword, and email spoofing my shield.
And it will all be traced back to Kim and you will ruin her reputation and condemn her further. She wants to move on from this drama not perpetuate it.
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Don't be ridiculous. Kim only needs the money.
Sending pictures of horsecocks won't net her more money.
zippers I swear to god if this is you
>It's not out of a desire to do evil so it's hecking ok!
No, you're evil, quit coping.

Also you're retarded, you can't spoof e-mails. We solved that problem like 20 years ago. Google DKIM and learn.
>he thinks sending cartoon horse porn to multiple organizations will make them want to associate with the only rescue with said cartoon horse as its mascot
>>he thinks working in le dark to serve le light is more than a cope by people who can’t otherwise justify their actions
>>>he thinks “email spoofing” makes him untraceable
I promise you if you try anything it won’t go the way you intend
Why the fuck would you leak this?
Is it true that Skip Over Trouble caused all this mayhem for Kim?
It's 99% a shitpost anon. It was someone who claimed to be a "local horse owner", that turned out was lying about that too >>41240092
It wasn't a charity that did it
For evil to triumph, all it takes is for good men to do nothing.
Enjoy every charity Mare Fair ever works with in the future being ostracized by the guy.
it was skip over niggers that did it i confirm it with high rank offical at mare fair
Why would you take dashieposting as anything but shitposts
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I'm not taking the Dashiefag at face value, I've heard rumors that SOT was responsible for all this from a Discord server a while ago.
>calling an anon who seems to have actual grievances a horse hater
Why do people do this? This is twittard argumentation. The first step to resolving the conflict is to understand that FO donors and this "horse hater" anon all want the same thing -- the welfare of the horses under the care of this rescue. The second step is directly addressing the concerns he has.
Now I have intentionally kept myself ignorant on Mare Fair happenings because I'm poorer than dirt. But the things I've happened upon in everyday discussion include concerns about the loss of repeat donors, potential conflicts regarding where funding goes, and lacking transparency.
>is Fallen Oaks losing the support of previously-consistent donors due to the smears of twittards and 4chan's overall reputation? If so, then what is the plan to keep consistent funding? Seemingly, by marketing to /mlp/.
>How much of their efforts are spent on amenities for existing horses, rescue of new horses, or marketing? Are the elderly horses getting what they need?
>How are these issues being addressed by the FO staff? Is it their most public facing option, or does it require digging? Is anything being hidden?
I don't claim to know the score here. But these are all valid questions to ask. Like I said, dirt itself could buy my ass like a nigger in the south. I can't help them, as I'm too busy with my own shit. But for those with money to throw around, these questions should be addressed.
go away spec
accept my staff
nta but how the fuck can you think anyone would want to accept any help from you after your behavior here? imagine trying to hold a charity as a hostage so you can get your way.
bad buy dude. those dont last for shit. should have bought a honda from 2004 or something for a similar price.
that chink shit will die in months with farm work. kinda sad, but its how it is.
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>skip over niggers
fucking kek
shut the fcuk up
You're probably right and update on this actually. Amazon locked my account and cancelled the order for suspicious activity since it was a big purchase and not being delivered to my billing address.

After that I went to the manufacturer and ordered it, I saved a bit of money on shipping but they ended up doing the same thing and placing the order on holding asking me to fill out a form and send in my ID for verification.

I spoke to some of the FO team and Kim and we agreed it'd be better for me to just donate the money so FO can purchase one, which I did. This is also easier for my taxes. FO is looking to find a local ATV potentially. We actually found some decent options in the area, but that's with them now. I'm hoping they can actually stretch my donation and get a better deal on something reliable and putting the rest to other needs.
Jesus. I just read the thread in the waiting room. I take it back. This shelterfag is just The Worst. Kim never struck me as untrustworthy before but I definitely have more faith in FO's staff now. I admit that I'm curious what those emails that were sent around the local area accused FO of, but aside from that I feel pretty comfortable with them being a fixture in the fandom.
Kim, if you're reading this, I am genuinely sorry that your association with us has done the harm it has. I hope that the local community sees the organization with more clarity as /mlp/ continues to do its best to put its best foot forward. I've seen 4chan-led charities go well before, especially /v/'s handling of The Fine Young Capitalists' women in gaming campaign back when GG/NotYourShield was full boar. Kinda sad that it faded into obscurity after the news blitz...
ok good, just dont let them get a can am. they suck ass. hope they get a honda or yamaha.
>$1000+ is suspicious activity when gayming PC costs that much
Do they hate China that much?
Nevertheless, avoid chinesium.
Anon, most people don't have a habit of regularly buying entire prebuilt gaming PCs on a whim, let alone to be delivered to a brand new shipping address
It's the same retard who shits up every single FO thread. His points are the most low hanging, easily disproven bait that just results in him shitting the bed and throwing a tantrum when they inevitably get disproven. Said retard couldn't fathom why wooden posts need to be concreted into the ground in order to stay standing and thought a tarp sheet was a good enough substitute for a metal roof.

He earned the name horse hater because he thinks killing all of the old, ill and neglected horses is the morally correct choice compared to sheltering them and letting them live out the rest of their days in comfort,
>killing the old and ill
To play devil's advocate, I do think artificially extending lives for a long time (see: boomers) is inhumane and wasteful and causes more pain, but since we're talking about older horses that have a few years in them anyway, I'd say let them live naturally and show them some love before they go.
>wooden posts needing concrete to stand
I'd say it depends, but since they have a large volume of horses to care for and many may have been hurt or abused, that's a reasonable security choice so they don't ram the fences.
>tarp sheets > metal roofing
Wow he really is retarded.
You're unbearably autistic. You'll probably double down too and do it anyways despite us telling you how fucking retarded that is to be le ebin trolzorz on the internet and cause more damage though so go ahead, We will figure out what to do about it from there...
don't enable him anon even in the slightest. it's not a game, this is Kim's life and the lives of 21 current horses and many more out there that may need her in the future
can I be fallen oak staff
He's just gonna fucking do it. Plain and simple. I've seen this shit way too much with dumb fuck retard autists like this. There's nothing that can be done. He's a stupid faggot and he's going to do what stupid faggots do and ruin it for everyone. It is what it is. We got too involved and now Kim is gonna get dragged through the pile of shit that is 4chan and anonymous.
>>41242655 has a point. Of course we don't want to enable him, but what are we reasonably going to do? The most we could do is some shit like using 4chan traffic to find his IP and narrow it down from there to try and intervene, but he's got a computer and probably a phone. It's not hard to do these things. Should we talk him down, beg him not to? Tell him he's a nigger? Tell him to do it or he's a bitchmade little pussy? Reverse psychology could be at play.
All we can feasibly do is completely leave him alone to act like the pig he is, and deal with whatever he does when it happens.
God this shit is so stupid. I'll see if I can get in touch with the people who run the threads and offer free forensics services when the sperg inevitably spergs out...
Yes Dashie for your application send pony porn to all the horse rescues in Florida
Why damage the reputation of a small, privately owned charity, and not direct your autism at one of the giant trans/pedo charities the other conventions use? You shouldn't be doing this at all, but since you are, for some reason you chose to be a massive faggot and attacked the one who deserved it the least.
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He has terminal autism and retardation. I wouldn't be surprised that he doesn't even know how to use an email.
The dashfag has had a couple correct leaks before, but plenty of false ones too which I think this is.
Though if the charity is at MF this year it'll completely disprove it and if they aren't I doubt we'll ever get any official answer since they could've just pulled out due to all of this.
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Ah yes. The extended circlejerk threads. Perfectly great for us anons to dox ourselves and fund some random charity.
Maybe the threads are a little early since MF 2024 isn't happening for another month and a half to two months. But they have a place.
mair fair was partnered with skip over nigers but then somepony send skip over nigers an email telling about bad thinfs bronys do and then they were like bronys are fagots and anypony who still talks to bonys is niger but kim islike no i like bronys theyre my frens so then skip over niger is like ok were gonna tell all the horse rescue that ur a brony lover and then all the donaters and volunteer left so kim is sad and thats when 4chan helps them
if u want more dashieleaks give me (yous)
Reminder to report and ignore the dashiefaggot
More leaks Dashie
With how wet the ground gets in Florida and the windy storms we get, cementing the posts is probably a necessity...
Yeah, generally, although an anon in the thread did mention that the place isn't in the hurricane prone regions.
Gonna draw some porn of her, nice design.
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dashiefag pull-through???
How about you accept my staff spec
haha you want accept my staff (cock penis) ur gay
It rains very hard with lots of rain everywhere in Florida during the summer
At least down here in the peninsula area
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Better deliver, fgt
The plot thickens
Isn't skip-over the charity that kim shared a portion of the mare fair proceeds with? If they're the slanderer, I wonder what became of that - did they end up returning the money or something?
yes they didnt take the money and said fuk u mair fair and fuk u fallen oak
subscribe for more dashieleaks
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More dashieleaks, drop a nuke
nigga we call ourselves HORSEFUCKERS
Good idea, let's tell all the horse rescues in the area that she's not taking money from bronies, she's actually taking money from horsefuckers.
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to be fair i think the amount of people that have any interest in actual horses is very very very significantly low. the show characters barely look like actual horses
>i think the amount of people that have any interest in actual horses is very very very significantly low
even if someone is into more horse-accurate art, I'd still say being into a drawn image is wayyy different than the real thing and actually doing something
Fuck off I donated to her too retard
that doesn't cancel it out
Hey anon, Kim just messaged me saying:
"Good morning can you please let the person know whoever posted this that I saw it and I appreciate them"
Please tell me kim isn't here right now shifting through shitposts to read the one nice message someone posted in this thread
Missed you buddy Floorb is a good choice
Well I for one would do many unspeakable things to a real mare. Like petting her snoot, feeding her carrots, and reminding her she is loved as I brush her hooves. I'm real fucked up like that.
and also like, if she shows interest and doesn't mind, I'd probably get out a bucket. That's like a fourth date thing though. Mares are big and smart girls, I'm just bein' cash money here.
Dammit. Thought I was real funny too.
Sorry, Kim does not visit the threads. Someone had sent her a screenshot of that message so she could see the nice words of encouragement.
the spoilers are working fine for me
Nah man, I meant to spoiler "eeding her carrots" and "eminding her she is loved" so as to imply other things with the F and R
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So shit happened and things were said in the local horse community. It is all very frustrating for sure. Please keep in mind that skip over trouble is still a rescue that takes care of their horses. I've been to their farm and I know horses when they are well taken care of. They check out. Any retaliation towards SOT would also impact fallen oak especially in the local community.

In the past 20 years I've been to many local, private, and rescue barns all over the country. In all that time I have met very few people in those horse communities that truly care about the equines in their keeping. Kim is one of the very few that puts all else aside to make sure the horses in her care are happy and living the best lives they can.

This has been a sensitive issue for sure. If you don't like what's happened and feel the need to do something, maybe give Kim some support. Things as simple as nice words can go a long way.

Please remember the effect that negativity can have on the horses, SOT and fallen oak both. They all want what's best for the horses and I hope we collectively do too.

Your faggot in horse christ, -that guy
I don't think
Yeah, we know
Yes, that much is blatantly obvious.
I just don't know what went wrong
Thinking is overrated
Well, at least they bump the thread
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what should dashie leak next
My waifu
How many keychains have been sold?
Your brain matter?
Dashie doesn't know anything more to "leak"
This retard has probably already been kicked and locked out of anything important by now.
That's why he hasn't "leaked" any new shit about Mare Fair in ages
sshut fuck up
>Cute Fallen merch for horse charity
GIGANTIC if true, I hope they do more
More is in the works :)
Kind of suspicious how the jannies do absolutely nothing about the blatant dashiefag shitposting. How deep does the dashie rabbit hole go?
The dashfag leaker is Spec, by the way. He told me in confidence (big mistake lol). He's doing it because he's mad at Fallen Oak and he's still made he got fired from Mare Fair. This is a real leak.
who u
The hacker known as 4chan
I knew that and I didn’t hadn’t even heard of him before /mlp/con
I'll still believe this even if it was a lie purely to hate on Spec.
Is spec short for special needs?
Haha, kachow
He got fired from Mare Fair? When and why?
fake news
next dashieleak is coming soon
just bought a sticker from them. I recently removed my car's rear seat to save weight for racing and the carpeting in its place can be lifted for a secret storage compartment. That secret area will be my tool storage and mare haven. I will marestickerbomb it.
dashieleaks here
im proud to anounce that skip over niggers is now getting fuked in ass by lawsuit coming soon by snowpity inc
more details will come soon
Yay Dashie
Don't you feel bad that some mares would be covered by others? That's a concern of mine.
Good job Dashie
So awesome Dashie
The TF2 general was a mistake. Ban this off-topic cancer.
I don't think
There is literally nothing wrong with Dashie.
get out of here skip over nigers ur honrse rescue sux
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>gay brony spec ops litigation
2024 is magical
>spec ops
Really? There’s a lot more to this than I thought
Not really
The canvas will expand to fit mares indefinitely. I do have an entire car to work with. A rather big one at that.
I wouldn't believe what a dashflag writes
corp is not gay
thats bullshit but I'll believe it
damn never knew corp was a flaming homosexual
guess that's why he likes futa twi so much
dashieleaks here with another leak
its offical 15 has left fallen oak to work at harmony con and now the new tech department is wolvan
subscribe for more dashieleaks
Yay Dashie
so awesome dashie
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Fine work, Dashie
I want to attend Mare Day so bad but I can't because my flights are a fuck
Are you on the path of the Mare Van? iirc it’s driving from North Texas
Just walk
These hooves were made for walkin and that's just what they'll do
Midnight bump
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Dashie bump
Page 10 bump
Now that the shitstorm has settled, any word on that new merch?
no. Probably will be a while
dashieleaks here with another huge leak tonite
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just got my stickers in yesterday, thanks so much!
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I'm working on it
Wow nice leak thanks dashie
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Rise and shine, Anon!
dashieleaks here
breaking news somepony at fallen oak brought a gun to winny city last month but somepony else stole it and tried to shoot another fallen oak person and they ended up going to a mental hospital
he has been fired and winny city is saved
that was me sorry
if you're gonna make shit up at least generate some believable photos or screenshots
yay dashie
Dashie, now what have I told ya about lyin'?
I heard something like this actually happened so I wouldn't be surprised if the Dashfag leaks were true
That sounds like too much. You had me but now you lost me. Dashieleaks is a dumb neighbor cattle.
Was there, knew some of those people, and only the part about the gun being brought and stolen and the mental hospital is true.
Pretty confident no one tried to shoot anyone and don't think they had anything to do with fallen oak.

this is no secret; lots of people already know about this.
Feels like the dashie is running out of things to ""leak""
So it was actually true, what part of that leak was false
all of the dashieleaks are true so far
dashieleaks assistant here
the person who had the gun is mare fair and falen oak staff he still staff
so awesome dashie
Can you please stop larping. Even if any of this is true none of it matters.
shut up niger
skip over my cok
dashieleaks here
another big dashie leak coming soon unf
plap plap
You're such a dumb annoying faggot I'm going to spend even more money on the horsies just to spite you
Midday bump
The bumping will continue until every daughteru is accounted for
It has come to my attention that this is not the /mppp/ thread
My statement stands
Proof or fuck off
dashieleaks here the staff member name
is ardent u can ask him he is mair fair staff
Good job dashie
I love Roseluck
so awesome dashie
Again, proof or fuck off
I love Luna
But Roseluck is heckin cute too
why u need proof niger
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What a train wreck of a thread

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