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Thread to discuss the franchise Wild Manes, saddle up and join the herd!

The 1st episode premiere was yesterday! Have you watched it for the 20th time already?

Last threads:

What you have to know:
good morning sir
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Good morning!
good marening
Second episode is set up to be next week, July 19th, with the introduction of a new mane, Perla.
The way they carry stuff on top of their muzzles and on heads is cute.
>big manes and hair transformations
Hair fetish chads, we're winning bigly here.
So what are we? Manebros? Horsepals? Personally i vote for /co/wboys and /co/wgirls
How did you make a gif?
Horsefuckers. Leave "Wildies" & Co for people from social media.
Kek at /co/wboys. That's actually kind of funny. Like acknowledging the trolls in an idgaf kind of way.
Manebros have been mentioned in more posts before, so I vote for that.
Wildies is new to me, but it sounds stupid.
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With reference to the ancient texts
>Horsebros or
>Brorse or
>Horny (pony + horse) or
I want her to walk on my jacking it so she makes the thumbnail face.
/co/wboys only works on 4chan though though.
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cowboys/cowgirls obviously
I really want to hear the full theme song. The song in trailer #1, instrumental in the credits. I love how that V chord is only 1 bar. Very clever when a composer can "break the rules" without sogging the tune up with needless complexity. All around really catchy tune too.
Wait, this is how i remembered it. I relistened it's actually 6 beats of IV and 2 of V. It gives it this rollercoaster like feeling almost. Like when it suddenly stops and jolts around.
Fun fact: even though they're much less poison-resistant to it than humans, this is safe, because milk chocolate glaze contains negligible amount of theobromine compared to the animal's weight. And the reverse is also true: rats are even more poison-resistant to theobromine than humans, but eating a lot of baking chocolate is still very deadly for them, because their weight is minuscule (and their stomachs are big proportionally).
Finished the cowpussy song by extending an ending to it
Also generated a few duds, this one was funny https://pomf2.lain.la/f/rg592h4.mp3
Spotify upload when?
Did she just climax
Just imagine a kid finding this.
Unashamedly a cowfucker
psyop thread
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i'm a sucker for a girl with a beauty mark
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Why didn't they go with this art style? Finley is best cow btw.
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This art style don't seem to work very well for an animation aimed to younger kids, also it's too detailed which means more time (and money spent) to animate.
I loved Finley's voice the most, it was very cute
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Dam sounded like they said Terri in the show
Why is almost everyone here into Candi when Bailey is objectively hotter?

Why do most of them sell snacks by the way?
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Because Bailey doesn't look that hot in the show while Candi, just losing her tie+collar combo, is the hottest one so far
Do you really want to hear her yelling "SURFS UP DUDE" when you're balls deep inside her?
They look lke deer with a mane and tale attached
Finley and Sudae should replace Candi and Baliey in the main cast. Their designs are better. Thanks for the collage.
YES I do
Didn't they say they all work in carnival?
>they are all slop food producers
Where is the hardworking farmer mare
I want to have sex with this one the most
Ganna prepare the girls for reality when their only jobs are restaurants and fast food
>calling a horse a "donut artist"
I see issues
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Local businesses aren't slop tho
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>watch 20 seconds
>shitty voice acting
>le modern technology!
>dogshit woman humor
>not even that cute looking
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>that voice
You just know she smokes 20 packs a day and will blow the smoke in your face
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>fail to understand being memed on
>corporate filenames
I sincerely hope children find this and their parents get upset
it's just what the mpv-webm plugin puts out by default. I didn't bother changing it
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I want to cum inside the pink pony pussy.
Why do they look so slutty?
Mane 6 + Starlight + Sunset
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and me
i hate this image with every fiber of my being
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Yes. It would be CUTE.
Agreed, and her freckles are adorable.
>Be (you), Anon
>A miserable yet ever endearing mental deficient.
>Somehow, someway, you actually managed to escape the confines of your hellish reality, all to find yourself in...
>Well, it's not Equestria.
>It's not even any gen or type, it's something entirely else.
>"Wild!" is what the inhabitants refer to it as. And these mini equines, the ones who call this place home, were.. interesting.
>You've been here for about a month or so, living on the beach in a tent, and every day brings about a new histrionic escapade.
>You don't mind it all that much. It's kind of.. cozy.
>True, it's not exactly what you were hoping for.
>This isn't Equestria, and these aren't the 'ponies' you were looking forward to. But.. they've begun to grow on you.
>You've honestly started to enjoy it here.
>You feel better than ever, too. Maybe it's just the clean, fresh air.
>Or, maybe, it's also the genuinely happy go-lucky population of horsefolk, that INSIST you be involved in ALL their little events and activities.
>It's a bit much for you, considering you're an antisocial recovering recluse, but you're honestly beginning to enjoy yourself. Just a little bit.
>Anyway, back to the present.
>You just woke up, like half an hour ago, in your shoddy little beach tent. It's not much, but it gets the job done.
>You had to pee pretty bad, luckily there's a nearby restroom at a pavilion. You've been using it every day to freshen up.
>On your way out though today, you spot your 'neighbor' peeking at you behind her little beach store/home thing.
>She's been doing this for a couple weeks now, and she must think you can't see her or something.
>You don't have a clue what she's doing but she's honestly harmless. A bit cute too, if you're being honest.
>You've always liked dumb blondes, they've just always been way out of your league, and it's probably no different here.
>Then again, maybe you should just try and talk to her..?
>Eh, fuck it. You'll give it the ol' college try.
Here's my attempt at writing a green for the first time in years, it's probably pretty terrible. It's not done obviously, but I don't know if I'm competent enough to finish it. Guess we'll see.
I demand you to continue.
TYT would never show a sheath like this. You just know what Zipp is thinking about.
Its fine, keep going!
which mane makes you go wild
the catchphrase shtick got annoying real fast
I hope they drop that shit
You aren't their demographic, why would they care about what you think?
Great setup for a few more halfhearted bumps
Still Candi
>office tie
>great color scheme
>great mane
>great tail
They really love doing this face
>Literal stock expressions
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When a pony sees a cock!

When a pony smells a cock!
A human cock. They're psychologically powerless against a man's musk. Trust me, i've been to Mane Lane.
The most important question is:
Are they refereeing to themselves as horses or as ponies?
They need cock mouth edits
Btw, is "everypony" copyrighted by Hasbro?
99% exact same pic just change assets around.
This show is so godamn cheap they don't even have differing personalities when they emote
Hasbro officially rescinded their copyright on everypony and mlp when they antagonistically started using everycreature for pushing their leftist political agenda
After all this time, the best arguments fimpurists can come up with STILL inevitably reveal their double standards. Just hide the threads already. It's over.
Well, i definitely like this more than (You) do. Encouraging chapter 2, and a full length Bailey green.
One of them said "Let's go, fillies".
>le double standards canned reply
Then be fair with your criticisms, and i won't have to keep pointing it out
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>It's over
It never began.
This is 4chan, not google. Those stats dont mean anything here. Nice try tho, Mr. Hasbro Shill
>You're not being fair to me pointing out the overt gaslighting waaaahhh
>isn't a woman yet unironically believes gaslighting is real
I watched the first episode of Wild Manes because what the hell, it’s only 5 minutes.
Yeah, this show is low effort trash.
While I’m glad it was only five minutes, the time format inherently and fundamentally compromises a show in terms of pacing and story. Just because you can squeeze an episode into five minutes doesn’t mean you should.
>samefagging for the millionth time
Just hide the thread already
I guess Jakks didn't pay Seth enough
Why would they say everypony when all of cast of Wild Manes are cows (horses)?
>Just because you can squeeze an episode into five minutes doesn’t mean you should.
They assume every babby now is a spastic who can't take staying focused for longer than 5 minutes and maybe they are right
Cry more
That crown is fucking ugly though.
>99% exact same pic just change assets around.
Erm, are you talking about FiM?
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I shall do my best. Thanks, Anons.
>You walk on over to her little storehouse, with renewed vigor.
>It's a quaint little place. Larger and more 'home-y' than your tent. She sells some beach novelties and trinkets, but mainly surfboards.
>You've never really surfed before, and your only real knowledge of it comes from movies like Lilo and Stitch.
>Yeah, you're no expert, but you get by.
>As you begin walking towards her establishment you notice her frantically run back inside.
>Sure, you haven't properly introduced yourself yet, and you suppose you kinda look imposing stomping around with that resting bitch-face of yours, but you mean well. Honestly, it's not that bad, is it?
>You reach the front of her home in a couple gentler strides, so as to not go further, and unintentionally, frighten the little mare.
>You look down over the counter just a bit, and are met with.. nothing.
>Wait. She's actually just in the corner of the shop, looking around nervously, from side to side, at anything but you.
>She's kind of strange, but this is also the first time you've ever been this close to her. It's understandable.
>Might as well introduce yourself now.
"Uhmm, hello. My name is Anon, it's a pleasure to meet you. I, uh, live 'bout fifty feet down from here on the beach, and, uhm, thought I should probably try and get to know you..?"
>That didn't go so bad, you think. You've been practicing getting out there more since coming here, and that means trying not to stumble over your words as much as you used to. Baby steps and stuff.
>Also, she still hasn't said anything, just kinda looking at you now. Might as well give her a second. That's how these types of things work, right?
>"M-My, uhm.. Bailey, Bailey's my name, yup! Nice to meet you, dude! Guess we're neighbors, huh? Surf's up, Anon!"
>..Huh, she seems nice. Is surf's up like her catchphrase or something? Whatever, kinda cute to be honest.
>What with introductions out of the way, now might be your chance to shoot your shot. Or at least try.
"It's really nice to meet you, Bailey. Uhmm, I know we kind of literally just met, but.. would you mind going to get some cocoa with me? I, uh, still don't know my way around town all that well, and it would be much appreciated if I had someone to help me out. Would you be interested..?"
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>What follows is a strange display of emotions.
>First, she scrunches her face in concentration, which causes her to be slightly cross eyed, and it's just down right adorable.
>Next, she breathes intensely for a few seconds, followed by her rubbing her hooves together nervously, no doubt in deep thought.
>Then, she looks up at you and relaxes her face a bit, slightly smiling.
>"Sure, dude! Sounds totally chill, and I could, like, show you my favorite spots and stuff! This is gonna be sweet..!"
>Wow, you weren't expecting that much excitement OR interest.
>You're trying not to right now, but there's a dumb smile on your face after witnessing this cute goofball.
>You're just about to ask her when she'd be ready but she interrupts you before you get the chance.
>"C'mon, Anon, let's go! There's sooo much we can do today, so we, uhm, better get started! I can't WAIT to show you my favorite surfing spots, too, but we better get that cocoa before Cocoa runs out! It's always, like, totes busy on the weekend."
>Well, this should be an eventful day.
>Bailey's really fun and energetic and, honestly? Very pretty. You only just now noticed her little freckles. Absolutely adorable.
>Whatever undoubtedly chaotic events may unfold today, it'll probably be worth it.
>You just know it.
That's all I've got for right this moment. I kinda have a plan going forward, but I'm not 100% on how or what'll happen exactly. Kinda just winging it. Thanks for bearing with me, Anons.
Kill yourself triptranny
i can confirm from the show's leaked assets.
and it was better to have the original stock expressions than making a new one like they did in later seasons
blah blah blah, who gives a fuck about this slop?
Hide the thread
I don't want to. Love you, though.
do she be squirtin tho
how do I do that?
>go to catalog
>hover over thread
>click little triangle that pops up
>click "Hide Thread"
The flag next to the thread's title. Click there and choose "Hide thread"
Now here's a tip for you. Post on the right board or don't post at all.
thank you
You will never be a janny, and Wild Manes will always belong on /mlp/
>Catchphrase of the drooling shitposting spammer
>We're totally a legit fandom u guise
None of us ever claimed to be a legit fandom. That sounds cringe anyways. Now hide the thread. Surely you have something better to do than whine about a toy commercial with 10k views on youtube?
Well, this is a surprise!
>random guy ive never met before saying words for 7 minutes
Don't care to be honest
Let it go already, Nostalgiafag.
Why do all of these MLPtubers have blue OCs?
>Hypes up toy product more than believable
>Pretends to have a reaction video
>Skips over the worst parts of the animation
>Claims its all good and better than expected
Pay attention kids this is what REAL shillling looks like.
I want to impregnate all of them already. FUCK.
Why does this only have 5 minute episodes. God damnit, why is that today's media
Blue checkmark
Normalfags have extremely short attentionspans now
It's been the standard for a long time now. The most you get on TV is a fifteen minutes.
Found this
So THIS is where all the shills went. I was wondering, after the threads on /co/ got no traction. Perhaps I should've guessed that /mlp/ would have not taste.
The mods deleted the threads.
There's no deleted Wild Manes threads on Desu. Can you link them?
That's lie. They were deleting threads on multiple boards.
Link them on Desu.
>multiple boards
What other boards would you post a Wild Manes thread? Outside /co/ or /mlp/, it would be off topic.
I don't know how to use the archive
No deleted threads on /toy/ either.
>I don't know how to use the archive
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>I don't know how to use the archive
Jakks Pacishittic isn't sending their best
Cocoa is being dumb. A shoutout can promote her cocoa stand!
What are we? Cowbros?
/toy/ doesn't even have an archive you liar
go make a thread about Wild Manes on /co/ and see how fast it gets deleted
How many times will you repeat this lie ESL thirdlet
I found three threads from /co/, two of which I remember from last week. It doesn't look like any were deleted either. I do remember the ones from last week just falling off page 10, no mod interference.

>ten fucking posts
Yeah, real popular threads there.

I'm not finding anything in /trash/, but I don't know why they would be deleted from there. There's a 100+ post thread in /trash/ right now about with Pinkie Pie sucking dick in the OP, and I'm finding 300+ pony threads in the /trash/ archive, so I'm doubting a mod specifically deleted some MLP knockoff thread.
>/toy/ doesn't even have an archive
Hoo boy, you've got a lot to learn.
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Blue is a popular and kino color.
Make your predictions
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You know, I'm kind of feeling now that I should lurk this thread just to relish in the absolute salt of all the anons yelling about how shit it is.
I, too, think it looks like shit, but it's fun just to drink in the absolute tears sometimes, know what I mean?
fimbabies are so paranoid about wild manes replacing their tranny show that they can't help but seethe impotently every thread
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add meh on the blox
why are you edp?
it's habbenin, wild greens!
is this the first one or did I miss any?
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I'm being followed by a horse.
Let's just meet up in-game.
/mlp/ Roblox meetup when
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She won't stop following me so I guess we're buds now.
I'm still in the starting area for now.
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>Give you a horse friend to customize
>very few options
>most of which are unlocked
I guess I'm actually going to sink time into this game so I can customize my horse friend. Off to so my next task.
>Fat nigger and furry
She is dumb, but I still like her
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They did not even credit voices properly. Who voices whom?
Is anyone of them black?
Americans, everyone.
It's an extremely important information for low quality forced memes and offtopic shitposting.
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>they have a meegan on the crew
They're all literally whos, no matter how much you pay people to say "hmmm I think I recognize some of these"
Read the thread retard, this has already been posted
A lot of those times those mainstream people claim that they like something, but then quietly drop it. Actions speak louder than words. We'll see how it goes in the long run.
The thing is, they don't care anymore.
No, horses don't have races
I am going to assume Dhillon is Cherie's VA, and is indian probably
If you cant tell which ones the niggers then you might as well just assume theyre all white. Dont ruin it for yourself.
That not bad, though.
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I'm conflicted. Originally I thought Finely would be better for a, "I'm not a the beach this is a bathtub" scenario, but it seems that Bailey is the actual lifeguard because there is a lifeguard setup here.
I dont get it. You're trying to drown yourself?
This beginning part, but Finely and or Baily.
Why is there a roblox tie-in. Do girls even play that?
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I've done all that I can do for now. The stirring mini-game being broken makes it impossible to progress past a certain point.
RP and dressup sure sounds like small girl bait to me atleast. Roblox has that in spades.
And CoD lobbies have a lot of socialization and talking but I don't hear about a lot of girls playing FPS games.
Obviously presentation matters; and Roblox is generally cutesy. A CoD lobby sure as shit isn't, tranny bullets or whatever the fuck don't change that.

Roblox fits the criteria for shit women play, its a colorful (sometimes)phone game that you can play super casually; its filled with IPs that little girls also pay attention to.
It'd be incredibly jarring if little girls didn't.
It doesnt take long to make an account, its free, and its mostly toddlers that playing the game. Just having a server is probably cheaper to build than just making an entire new game.
Consider me wrong
Yeah, just look at the G5 tie-in game. >>41232360
is the game any good or just bullshit slop?
I put a couple hours into it, can confirm i saw lots of little girl accounts
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I mean, the entire game is basically (you) cooking food for the cast. They don't pay you for completing said tasks, so you have to pay for all the ingredients for the food yourself by exploring the town and collecting coins; a very RGRE type set up. Your reward for cooking for them is just developing your friendship.

The game itself is okay. Basically a less polished one of those DS games for girls you'd see back in the day. Like I said earlier, one of the core mini-games is broken and you can't do much to get around it. They clearly do plan on updating because a lot of the named buildings aren't open, some characters are missing/don't do anything, and there are some empty plots of land.

TL; DR: Wait for an update.
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I want to be a bad influence on Bailey, shes cute bros
>Your reward for cooking for them is just developing your friendship.
And new stuff to customize your marewife
No not weed! At least get her into a cool drug like heroin
Also this just made me realize how much fun wild manes look to draw
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it's an interesting change of pace from other pones. I'm half asleep in bed and not warmed up so mine are especially trash kek
no addictions, just positive aura brosif
Are you retarded?
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Oh yeah, my bad. I forgot about that because I was was planning on customizing my BFF after I unlocked everything.
>They don't pay you for completing said tasks
communism in Wild confirmed
Finley sounds like Jennifer Douillard.
>TL; DR: Wait for an update.
So never
we need to do it anon
Dude, it's the metaverse. NFTs and AI are coming next!
I want to plapp that dorky blonde tomboy!
watch out, 50% of bronies became bronies this way
>timid, unsure, and indecisive
>implying tomboy
she's fully autistic
That's the best kind of tomboy
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do I really have to be the one to report the news
There is no news. Wtf?
She gonna eat that pumpkin
Maybe the cow pussy isn't so bad...

Fuckin nice! Keep going!
Adorable tripping blonde tomboy
Died off already? Companies should learn to make a proper flagship launch. Instead of just one tiny little five minute episode.
That's basically modern age fault. Less and fast pace means more, they evolved to praise the ADHD generation. There's not much we can do anyway.
I started to visit 4chan regularly to see Anon's reaction to Pony Life
It's literally one episode. When TYT first release they smartly dropped the first four episodes all at once.
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Surf's up duuuuuude
Meh. Kids will keep clicking. Dont act like you have to keep them obsessed and talking about a single episode for a week straight to keep them interested.
>Bailey will never tease you after burying you in the sand
>Bailey will never jump over coming waves with you
>Bailey will never use her sweaty, salty body to gently guide you into proper surfing position on her board
What is it about Bailey that makes her a fan favorite? I’m indifferent at this point, but one detail I like is the water bottle that hangs from her shirt (???).
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Not sure, but I'm annoyed that she's getting all the positive attention instead of Finley, who I think is much cuter in design and voice
>dumb blonde tomboy
>"surf's up, anon!"
Both of them are getting attention I believe. I think you guys don't remember before the first episode that Candi and Cocoa were the fan favorites.
She's a tomboy Derpy
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a bit late but I use the mpv-webm for mpv. lmk any scene you want gif'd. or any other anon for that matter
It annoys me that they're 5 minute episodes.
This is ridiculous.
She's dumb, which means Anons think it's easy to trick her into having sex with them.
In premiere Finley seemed like a bit of a ditz, but also honest and with her heart in a right place.
She may be my favorite so far, Im curious if things stay that way.
Finley and Bailey do not deserve to sleep in a barn. They should at least get guest quarters.
Do any of you have the room to house them?
they're horses, not ponies. horses sleep in barns
>People will pretend this is good animation
They can sleep in my bed with me 0c0
Bailey plapie plapie
When is the next episode, I want more
Woh like what a bodacious mare
Fellow Finely enjoyers. I don't have an opinion on her personality, but I really like her design. It stood out the most during the trailer and her mane style is nice.
No, but there is a horse farm nearby.
Anon, you'll be crushed.
Crushed under Finley's perfect white mare ass...
This week, 19th
If youre going to make a thread again, don't use your trip since people does filter you. Three threads being up split the conversation
I've only made the generals anyway.
Do you think that each of the Wild Mares will get their own episodes? Or will some of them have to stick to being background horsies? Im hoping its not the latter.
There's only 12, and we know the next episode will feature Perla, so I imagine each of them will get their time in the limelight. The only problem is how short each episode's limelight will be.
the toys literally aren't out yet, neither is the roblox game, and there's only one episode on youtube.
you're right, it hasn't begun yet, it's just starting. give it time, and give it patience, because until merchandise sales start coming in, the wild manes team is working with a small, fixed budget.
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Whoops, wrong image. Who do you think lives here? And is it just me or is that an outhouse?
I want Finley to pin me down and put out cigarettes on my bare chest.
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she is so cute in the thumbnail
cute, but looks a bit drunk. and suffering from insomnia.
She's just tired after spending a night with me
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i would help her sleep
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tried to do one of those minimalist wallpapers for the first time
Oh my that's perfect!
You can't post marepussy without a spoiler, newfag.
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has nothing on this
Someone post a better worm dance pls
Does Candi's taste like peppermint?
Finley - blue citrus
Cocoa - chocolate
Candi - strawberry
Cherie - cherries
Woops, forgor Bailey - butterscotch
of the personalities on display, hers is the freshest one as compared to g4 poners, so it's nice and new and shes cute and I wanna drink beer with her at a beach bonfire
Surf's up!
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Oldfag here, what the fuck is this shit?
Where is Celestia? Where is Ponka?
Why are there non-MLP horses on my board?
if you're an oldfag, you would remember FF.
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I do and that was nothing compared to G4.
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Its a horse show on a horse board (ponies are horses)
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Is that really your fucking excuse?
>But never read the rules of the board that lets discuss about ANY pony and horse show that is not related to MLP
Clown. Now you can go back to other boards with your non-ponimages.
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>Ah yes, FOTM is the new thing!
Why did the artist take away Cocoa's clothes?
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Go get your hearing aids gramps
it's not a FOTM, it's literally not possible to talk about horse cartoons on /co/, what don't you understand
It’s clearly a FOTM that will flop
yes it will flop, but stop calling it a FOTM, it won't even be popular enough to be one. it's less than a blip on the radar
>retrogenia, recessed jawline
>negative canthal tilt, prey eyes
>hair loss evident, likely exacerbated by excessive mane bleaching/dying
>bulbous, forward projecting forehead
>manecut does not fit skull shape and draws attention to forehead
>severe kyphosis, cannot stand up straight
>poor fashion sense, nonsensical accessories, lacks a hat despite her cutie mark
>sloppily-applied mascara draws attention to unappealing lower eye area
>not financially self-sufficient

>strong jawline
>positive canthal tilt, hunter eyes
>mane is healthy, thick, and well-styled
>good posture, ready to stand tall and face the day
>good fashion sense, accessories serve a purpose and go with each other
>eyeliner and eyeshadow is well-applied, and complements her hair and eyes
>runs her own successful small business
>recessed jawline
>named after a strikebreaking antisemitic Nazi collaborator
mein gott
>runs her own successful small business
we don't see Cocoa charging any money
>Self-owns with hideous symbol face
So is this just a fad?
it's too early to tell
When you think about it, everything is fad. As time passes everything will fall out relevance, and then out of memory. You're a fad, I'm a fad, Earth is a fad; all of those things will one day fade into nothing, not even a memory will remain.
>WM could start the first great horse war of /mlp/ between Hasbro and Jakks

I’m scared
does this shit even have anything to do with MLP?
no i did not read the thread, fuck you.
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brojak horsewar
Want you want to do? Mini mod?
Yeah I think it’s safe to assume that it’s DoA.
I did not pay
The average CMC enjoyer
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This won't get as popular, right?

>Captcha: PONYSN
It already is
Jakks up top
Episode 2 tomorrow. I'm stoked :) So far they haven't fucked it up, but I'm still recovering from TYT so i dont trust it yet...
Sweet im on the Wild Train
They fucked up episode one. How do you figure they haven't fucked it up 'yet'?
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on the rickshaw*
No you're thinking of FiM.
10/10 genius writing right there kek
New thread >>41244785
Nowhere near bump limit tho
>risk letting a tripfag making a thread, guaranteeing removing a decent amount of anons because they have that faggot's name filtered
I was about to make that thread but that anon beat me to it.
That's dumb, but whatever.
They went to the other two threads, one died with a post limit and another having a bit more posts. The tripfag probably had a lot of anons filtering him, thus why this thread is so fucking slow compare to those other threads

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>price: one snoof scratch and a nose grab
A price worth paid
If they had 6, 5 minute episodes they could make a brainrot playlist and farm views
So how was the new episode? I refuse to even open the new thread because this one is still good.
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Dude this shit is completely rancid. There's no way these episodes aren't being written by an AI. The designs are the only redeeming part of this mess and even that's ruined by the cheap animation. Garbage.
It truly is lightning in a bottle then
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It turned out even chinks who wrote latest Filly Funtasia episodes aren't this bad.
Cocoa is basically Pony Life's Applejack.
Explain how
Constantly talks with a viewer.
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do prefer honses that dance because they're happeh rather than being trained for it
Why does she give her drinks away for free? Does money not exist in this world?
She does it for free
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Wild is communist
like a filthy janny
friesian horses have that weird canter that other horse do not.
Wild Manes look more like anarchists or anarcho-capitalists
>no money
anon I
I think anarcho-capitalism is about having no regulations.
Funny webm
>the people tied to the tracks aren't horses
so close
Why does good horse friends being nice to each other and giving stuff for free have to represent their economic state... Whatever happened to generosity?
(Also there's coins on the roblox game, right? Therefore capitalist, suck it commies)
because not bothering with money, giving your horse friends what they want and doing what you enjoy *is* (higher-phase) communism
>Retarded commie gobbledygook
And this is supposed to proof, what exactly?
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>no money
>no bosses
>every mare does a job she loves
you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink
Cows go moo
>cow on fucking meth
Does even anyone else live in that place?
Wild Manes set in post apocalypse?
Just like MYM lol.
>overthinking a low effort cartoon for little girls
check yo self b4 you wreck yo self fool
MYM is so cheap that you always see the same handful ponies in the background. It makes the world feel like there are less than one thousand ponies left in all of Equestria.
They do seem to have a small population. If I had to guess:
600 in Maretime Bay, 1200 in Zephyr Heights, and 100 in Bridlewood.
Just wait until you see Paw Patrol.
They're using the bathroom
someone should check up on them
Well who's going to perform a wellness check?
Its called "Wild" for a reason.
So do they live in a frontier town? Sherif horse when?
So there seems to be a lot of overlap within the cast of WM; Finely and Bailey are both swimmers, but in different locations. Out of the two, who do you think is the best swimmer?
Finley obviously. she is officially an "awesome swimmer" while Bailey is just a surfer chick
Bailey is the sand expert
That's less than minimum viable population
Viable for ?
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not looking like picrel
How to bog before surgery
This board is comprised almost entirely of illiterate, reactionary retards. They aren't going to engage with you posting a link to fucking marxists.org lmfao
How is she supposed to build a sand castle without fingers?
Fucking lmao, the absolute state of cowfags
By surfing the up
Make them into Candis
one must imagine Sisyphus happy
It doesn't help that this faggot clearly doesnt even understand what communism actually is
Imagine if Jakks had hired Faust to make a MLP competitor and it was good lmao.
It'd be even more hilarious if it was awful
Imagine being you.
it would've been canceled because Faust is a hack
Go back.
What the hell is this
It would've been cancelled because Faust can't into toyetic thinking and she would've walked out because she can't compromise
Go back.
She ran away from DC Superhero Girls after S1 like a pathetic coward once again.
Literally every project Faust has been involved with since leaving FiM has been canceled, scrapped, or ended badly
She's the problem
N-nooo she is lightning in a bottle!
That's a WM character in G4's style
I forgot her name
>I forgot her name
Epic derp moment. Look at the pic again.
so you should go back
Cute mane with pink tips
Sorry im blind
How the fuck is this thread still going on? And I'm not saying it in a "ugh let this cow show shit die". I like the cows a lot, but all the other threads died, why are you still using this one?
dear anon
you are baffled as to why this thread is still up, and yet you bumped it
Because this is the Wild Manes thread. That’s like like walking into an EQG and asking why they're still talking about it. The only reason why it’s so slow is because the OP listened to a sperg and made a thread before bump limit.
So you all are going to wait this thread reach its bump limit instead of moving on and let this one die?
Nah. The problem is that both of them are called general.
I'd let this one die and discuss the upcoming episode in the next, otherwise some squizo will create another thread to talk about the same shit.
Crashing through the sky
Comes the fearful cry…

Lightning in a Bottle!
Lightning in a Bottle!

Armies of the night
Evil taking flight

Lightning in a Bottle!
Lightning in a Bottle!

Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide
Panic spreading far and wide
Who can turn the tide?

Wild Manes!
(a real Hooved hero)
Wild Manes is there!

Wild Manes!
(a real Hooved hero)
Wild Manes is there!

Fighting for snacks wherever there's trouble
over land and sea and air,

Wild Manes is there!

Can the world oppose
the deadliest of foes?

Lightning in a Bottle!
Lightning in a Bottle!

Mares will risk it all
to end the evil call of

Lightning in a Bottle!
Lightning in a Bottle!

They give up, they never say die,
Walking tall with banners high,
they sound the battle cry:

Wild Manes!
(a real hooved hero)
Wild Manes is there!

Wild Manes!
(a real Hooved hero)
Wild Manes is there!

Fighting for snacks wherever there's trouble
over land and sea and air,

Wild Manes is there!

Wild Manes is the codename for Equestria’s daring, highly trained special missions force. It’s purpose, to defend human men against twiniggers, a ruthless, terrorist organization determined to rule /MLP/

Wild Manes!
(a real Hooved hero)
Wild Manes is there!

Wild Manes!
(a real Hooved hero)
Wild Manes is there!

Fighting for freedom wherever there's trouble
over land and sea and air,
Wild Manes is there!

Wild Manes!
(a real Hooved hero)
Wild Manes is there!

Wild Manes!
Nice job, ChatGPT
JeetAI not used
I unironically sung that.
Kill yourself
Nah not happening troon
Doubt it.
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>I cant imagine that apple so you cant either
I actually feel more sorry for you if you spent time typing up that dreck on your own than GPT.
That's pathetic
Okay, ChatGPT
go cry to janny you troonish baboon
Someone make a beat
ACKSs aren't sending their best.
When is the new episode?
Just now
Dreamer is very unf. Tilley not so much. Also did Bailey say "somehorse"?
The whole point of somepony is that it's a pun of somebody. Somehorse just doesn't make sense.
It does make sense because they are horses, not ponies or people.
But horses are "one"s and "body"s. Someone or somebody doesn't exclude other species. Thats why i say it doesnt make sense without the pun.
Thanks for the support Wild Manes Fan!
It does in these cartoons.
Whoops, how could I forget. Silly me.
you are really milking that

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