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>What is Flutterrape?
Flutterrape is a collection of stories about ponies trying and failing to have sex with Anon, the only human in Equestria. While the title implies that it is Fluttershy trying to rape Anon, others may follow in her stead and attempt their own versions of rape. There are different versions of Flutterrape, but most are light-hearted comedies about the ponies failing in their attempts to get into Anon’s pants. Just because your story has Anon in it, doesn't mean it fits in this thread. Check other threads (AiE, RGRE etc) about story content before posting.

>It's been 11 years, how is this thread still alive?
A perverse mixture of necromancy and spite.

>How do I start writing?
Use your imagination, you nitwit. Additionally, brush up on your grammar and abandon your standards.

Writing Guides:
Clever Dick's Tips For Short Stories -- https://ponepaste.org/1274
Driverbang's Writing Guide -- https://ponepaste.org/1275
Navarone's Writing Rules -- https://ponepaste.org/1276

For additional information, lurk. You could also check out the T:EM/P/O or /bale/ threads for further writing advice, unless they're dead.
So many threads have died, but only Flutterrape has remained. We shall always remain. We are bound to the fate of the board as a lich is bound to its phylactery.


Masterlist: https://ponepaste.org/user/FlutterrapeGeneral
Author List: https://ponepaste.org/1270
FIMfiction Group: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/211640/flutterrape
Request Bin: https://ponepaste.org/1268

Thread Archive: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/search/text/Flutterrape/

OLD THREAD: >>41134013
Confess your sins.
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Yeeeah, work that grill baby.
>Avoiding stalkershy, you go to pony confession
>Sit in the little horse confession booth
>Eventually hear hooves clip clopping towards you
>Door next to yours opens
>A pony sits down in the booth nextdoor
>Feeling awkward, you take the initiative
Forgive me, father, for I have sinned.
>Hear a feminine sigh from the other side
>Mare priest? Nun?
>Do those exist here?
>"You may confess your sins, my son... Whenever you're ready, that is.
>"Tell me all about what is troubling you, anything at all, and I promise that I will do absolutely anything you want me to...
>"To help you feel better, I mean..."
>That's fucking Fluttershy on the other side of this thing
>Well, you were finally going to admit to cutting the heads off of those statues in the Canterlot Gardens
>The filly one makes for a good doorstopper
>But if it's fucking Fluttershy on the other side of this, then...
>Does it smell like gas in here?
>"Please, just take lots of deep breaths, and tell me all about what's stressing you out. If you'd like, I can even come in there with you and--"
A yellow pony keeps trying to rape me.
>She gasps in shock
>"Oh my goodness! That sounds terrible."
It really is. She's ruining my life.
>"I'm sure she doesn't mean to... Maybe she just really, really loves you but doesn't know how to make you see that yet... Right?"
>You can hear her sweating in that box
>She gulps down a lump of air, her dry tongue stuttering
>"But you must feel so stressed with all of those c-clothes on."
>Hear the little confession slot open
>Fluttershy holds her little pink camera inches away from the hole, tilting the lens so that it's somewhat aimed at your crotch
>The camera's plastic sides squeak between her shakey hooves
>"P-Please, take them off and try to relax--"the flash goes off"--Eep!"
>The flash lights the air around you, which is swirling with gas
>"P-Please ignore that!" Fluttershy says, sliding the slot shut. "Um, whatever your sins are, you're free to go."
>You were just leaving anyway
>"You just have to have sex fifteen times with a shy, yellow pegasus pony first. And I think I know the perfect one too."
Oh really.
>She flaps her wings in anticipation, fanning the gas, so it swirls like mist up in the corners of the box
>"In fact, I know that she would just love to. Her name is--"
Before you get into all that, tell me, what would she be willing to do for me?
>"You mean you'll do it? You'll make up for your sins?"
>Hell no
>You just want her to start rambling about HMD so you can sneak out of the booth without her noticing
Well, I'll think about it. I'd just like to know what this pegasus would like to do to me.
>Her eyes sparkle
>"Oh. Lots of things..."
>She mutters "Oh my goodness, it's working!" under breath
>"Um, maybe I should just come and show you--"
But describe them to me, in great detail. I want to commit everything to memory for later.
>"I'll go get my list...!"
>Try to get up
>Breathed in too much sleep gas
>"You wait here, I'll be back...!"
>Fall asleep
>Fluttershy comes back
>Starts reading her degenerate list of things that she wants to do to you
>They will haunt your dreams forever
>You're actually banned from the dream realm now
>You and Fluttershy
>Luna's orders
>Fucking Fluttershy

I want greggums to eat all the eggums
>These legs
Feels slightly anthro
Not long after Anon passed out, of course he was raped.
come on, Fluttershy would never do something like that
she's too sweet and innocent
>Yellow hooves typed this.
>those digits
Subscribe to Fluttershy's onlyfans.
Are you a man? Got a dick? Have that verified by our mods in under ten seconds to start your free trial today!
Poor anon, he shouldn’t have waited so long
Don't let the habit fool you.
She will still rape you into the mattress.
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>The first time she asked you your fetish you were disgusted and morally outraged.
>You told her flatly, hoping she would get the hint and stop bothering you.
>Instead, you got this on your doorstep for about a week.
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She thinks she's St. Francis of Assisi or something.
So, is this just a Sistershy thread now? Cause I won't object.
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>"Don't forget about me."
>"I'm the sister in charge of your penance."
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>"Don't forget about me, darling."
>"I'm the sister in charge of draining your balls."
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So the horses are getting religious now?
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>"Don't be silly, Veggie-nonny!"
>"It's just another fig leaf to conceal our true intentions from you!"
>"Until it's too late for you to resist us!"
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Fuck you Pink.
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>"You figured out our sexy plan!"
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VegetAnon... was not /harmed/ that night. At least not intentionally. But he was raped, many, many times. His pelvis was utterly destroyed by the ponies' ceaseless desire to "Absolve" his body of sin. That sin being; not currently fucking the horsepussy. Be vigilant out there.
Who taught these horses about Catholicism of all things? Then went out their way to get nun costumes.
Would they become priestesses of Ishtar or Aphrodite? It wouldn’t be surprising if after learning about various human goddesses of sexuality and myths of rape, Flutters would try to get some of their power to help her out
I could see her starting a cult
stop giving her ideas
He never had a chance really.
OP pic reminds me of Powerwolf music videos where the hot nuns have sex with demons or flagellate themselves with whips. I don't think Fluttershy would do those things though.
>That pic

>Regina Celestia, you know I am a righteous mare
>Of my virtue I am justly proud (et tibit mater)
>Regina Celestia, you know I'm so much purer than
>The common, vulgar, weak, licentious crowd (quia peccavi nimis)
>Then tell me, Celestia, why I see him dancing there?
>Why his sinful hands still scritch my soul? (cogitatione)
>I feel him, I see him
>The sun shone' off his emerald head
>Is blazing in me out of all control (verb o et opere)
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>Like fire
>This fire in my skin
>This burning desire
>Is turning me to sin

>It's not my fault (mea culpa)
>I'm not to blame (mea culpa)
>It is the monkey man the brute who set this flame (mea maxima culpa)
>It's not my fault (mea culpa)
>If Harmony's care (mea culpa)
>Has made the Devil so much stronger than a maaaaaare (mea maxima culpa)

>Protect me, Celestia!
>Don't let this siren cast his spell
>Don't let his fire sear my flesh and bone
>RAPE Anonymous!
>And let him quench the fires of estrus
>Or else let him consent to be mine alone...
Man, the ending of this movie would be anticlimactic when you knock her off the building and she just flies back up.
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I wouldn’t be shocked if she’d forget she could fly
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She’s getting far too bold
Help her "forget" by grievously injuring her wing earlier in the story.
That is an option I suppose.
Fluttershy invented the telephone just so she could leave obscene messages on your answering machine
She knows you're not reading her dirty letters anymore, or at least pretending to
Hey Fluttershy, remember when you almost fell to your death when you were a filly? Let's do that again, with hellfire.
not a bad idea
On the topic of the thread's apparent theme...

Beata Princesses
You know I am a gentle mare
Of my kindness I am justly proud

Beata Princesses
You know I'm so much nicer than
The simple, horny, mean, unfaithful crowd
Then tell me, Princesses
Why I see him shouting there
Why his lashing words still sting my ears

I smell him, I taste him
The sweat smeared on his hairy skin
Is surging through me out of all control

Like estrus
Fell estrus
The estrus in this prude
This yearning it does thus
Compel me to be lewd

It's not my fault
I'm not to blame
It is the monkey man
Who started this whole game

It's not my fault
If in Faust's prayer
She made the primate so much stronger than a mare

Protect me, Princesses
Don't let this scoundrel steal my heart
Don't let his musk stain my sense of smell
Remove Anonymous
And let him live a world apart
Or else let him be mine and mine alone

>"Sister Fluttershy? The human has escaped."
>"He's nowhere in the Town Hall. He's gone."
"But how...? Nevermind. Get out, you silly goose! I'll find him. I'll find him if I have to upturn all of Ponyville!"

Fell estrus
Dark estrus
Now human, cursed ape
Am I just
Be mine or I'll just rape!

Faust have mercy on him
Faust have mercy on me
But he will be mine
Or I will rape!
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This is art
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>"Confess your love, Anon, and be spared the judgement of lesser mares."
>"Confess your love, Anon, and receive the rapture of the one who truly loves you."
>"Confess your love, Anon, and be blessed with love all night long."
>"If that's all right with you, of course."
Alright, I admit it... I love Rarity
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Sorry I'm more of an Eris kinda guy
I like the pic where puts her heart into baking a cake for, Anon. I don't even know anything about Eris, but I would be forced to admit that it's a very sweet gesture.
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Yeah, I like that one a lot too.
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I would impregnate the fuck out of a Flutternun jk....maybe
I regret to inform you (and by that I mean, I intend to delight you) that it has given me an idea.

>Be Aphrodite, goddess of love, beauty, pleasure, and arguably most importantly: procreation. Afterall, what is a city state without new warriors to defend it?
>As it turns out, humanity really didn’t need a goddess for that last part. They fuck like rabbits, and as a result they reproduce like rabbits.
>Ah well. They still gave you offerings befitting your status as goddess, for a while.
>But over time, the city states that worshiped you steadily diminished, and with it your power, while still infinitely vast, became harder to use to influence the mortal realms.
>And so your gaze drifted away from the cradle, and you gazed outwardly, bored.
>You didn’t hate humanity for leaving you behind per se, but you were certainly jealous that upstarts got the spotlight instead of you.
“Fuck you, Yahweh.” You mutter to yourself, from time to time.
>Still, you and other gods are not entirely forgotten, as the scholars still remember you. But they do not worship you. And those occasional edgy teenagers that decide to worship old gods are just not enough to sustain your power, or interest in the mortal realm.

>However, one day something of great and fantastic interest calls unto you. Another dimension whispers, and your gaze is brought away from this mortal realm, to another. One that you paid great attention to, yet none at all.
>This world, you and the rest of the pantheon had more control over, which ironically enough bored all of you. Turns out, without challenge from rival pantheons, things get stale. Go figure.
>Nevertheless, a small pink pony looks up at your alter, expectantly.
>With her is a little purple pony. And a yellow pony. Hm. Garish colors, but whatever. You see the beauty of the inside.
>Be cadence, princess of Love.
>Fluttershy has come to you with, what is honestly quite the problem.
>She explained to you, through a letter written by Twilight (which, ultimately was written by spike but who cares about semantics? . . . Well besides Twilight, come to think of it).
>Yes, she explained that her heart fell upon a creature most foreign to Equestria, having come from somewhere else. Hard to say where.
>The creature had integrated well into ponyville, and you had completely missed it in the news cycle as Flurry was very, very fussy that month.
>Problem is, Fluttershy’s love was unrequited, and though you tried to help, even suggesting that she tried to figure out what sexually delighted this Anon.
>Hey, it worked for so many mares in seducing stallions, maybe it would for a less equestrian one.
>Unfortunately, months have gone by without success.
>Ah well. You brought Twilight and Fluttershy all the way up to the Crystal Kingdom, courtesy of a masterstroke idea from twilight.
>While Anon has been masterful at deflecting Fluttershy’s attentions, even the ones you find less than ideal, he still maintained some amicable friendships in town, including with Twilight.
>In one of the myriad of curiosities Twilight had of Anon’s home, the question of religion came up.
>Celestia knows how, but the important bit is that he mentioned his world had gods and goddesses.
>It just so happened that one of the little pantheons he mentioned, had names most familiar to Twilight, though she hid her excitement from Anon at the time.
>She wrote a letter to you, posthaste and well. Now here you are, staring up at the mighty goddess Aphrodite herself, woven flesh and form through quite potent magics. There are perks to being, and having for a sister in law, an Alicorn.
>Of course, since it’s her plight that needs addressing, Fluttershy was allowed to be here too.
>Be Fluttershy
>By Celestia, this is the prettiest mare you have ever seen.
>If you weren’t so hard on after that HMD, you might consider becoming a filly fooler for the mighty mare in front of you.
>She had the tight muscly frame of rainbowdash, yet the muscle definition of applejack.
>She bore the elegance of Rarity, despite her nude form, with naught a spec of makeup or jewelry.
>You could practically feel the wisdom radiating off of her, yet you know she would temper it with kindness rivaling your own.
>And that jovial smile on her delicate, beautiful lips. She sees comedy in these little ponies before her, but you don’t think it’s one of cruelty.
>The mare stands easily two hooves taller than Celestia, with horn resplendant, wings wide enough to take all your friends in a hug.
>Her crimson red coat is flawless, her mane an ethereal breeze, yet formed together in mighty knots and braids intertwined.
>Oooh mamma.
>Once you stop gawking, you realize that Cadence and Twilight are bowing, and you quickly follow suit.
>This gets a little giggle out of the goddess in front of you.

>Be Aphrodite once more.
>Oh, isn’t this quaint! The little ponies summoned you, and even still remember to revere you. Would it hurt for them to send some offerings from time to time, though?
>With a girlish giggle, and smile.
“Rise, my little ponies. It has been so long. Praytell, why do you call for my aid?”
>Despite what has to be the lowest pony here on the totempole, the yellow one speaks up.
>”Uhm, mighty goddess aphrodite? I seek the love of a man, but no matter what I do, he doesn’t love me back.” Fluttershy says up to the crimson mare, shaky but not excessively so.
>By you, these things are so cute.
“Well, far be it for me to force lo-” the gears in your head suddenly stop turning.
>The ponies stare, confused for a solid few seconds.
“Did you say man? But you are pony, and man is not supposed to be here?”
>Your eyebrow raises.
>”That’s correct, your grace.” The purple one speaks up now.
>”Anonymous the human arrived but a few months ago, and we never figured out how he got here.”
>Still aphrodite, the now rather interested.
>This world was more or less reforged to be a place for the mythological creatures of Earth, a refuge as the greek city states moved out of myth and into the “age of reason”. Such a stupid idea, letting them do that, but the other pantheons got pissy.
“I see. And you have… fallen in love with this Anonymous?” Your gaze returns to the yellow one.
>She nods a couple times.
>You let loose another chuckle. This one much less feminine, but nevertheless divinely perfect.

>Be Cadence.
>The goddess of love has just cackled like an old mare about Fluttershy’s love problems. Oh… Oh dear this may not have been a great idea. Fluttershy is already starting to hide behind her mane, and Twilight looks dissapointed.
“Mighty Aphrodite?” You ask with trepidation, hoping to get this back on track.
>Aphrodite’s cackle ceases, though her mirthful smile doesn’t.
>“Yes, little pony Cadence?” She looks back to you now, and while that gaze is loving, it’s still unnerving to have a goddess’ undivided attention.
“Will you help us? Fluttershy truly loves Anon with all her heart, and it makes us all sad that her love is unrequited so. I know they’re destined to be together, but the human is just too stubborn to see it?”

>Be Aphrodite once more. Through your nigh infinite power, you can feel out the lone human on this world, as he sits upon a couch drinking beers and reading. Dionysus would be proud. . .
>It would take nothing more than a snap of your fingers, metaphorical they may be at this second, to make him adore fluttershy for eternity.
>But… That would be just too damn easy. You are bored, and this could provide a welcome distraction! Sorry husband Hephestus, baby is going on vacation without you. As she always does.
“Mmmph, that Adonis.”
>”Sorry, what?” The purple one asks, as she looks up at you.
“Oh nothing dear, Nothing at all. Yes, I will help you in your quest to make Anon yours, out of the goodness of my heart alone.” You smile lovingly down at the little yellow one, and for the first time in weeks she has hope in her heart, true hope, that Anon will be hers.
Good stuff so far, thanks for sharing
MOAR!! This is good.
quick bump
This is real good
Oh this is gonna be fun.
Y'all pray for Anon, he's got a lot going against him, who's gonna be on his side I wonder.
>this instantly made me diamonds
is it over for me?
yep, only a matter of time before you get raided.
I ain't greek bitch!
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She'll lick it off
>pink-skinned anon
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Trust me.
The last thing you want is her undivided attention.
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Too late.
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jesus christ, longinius knows how to make some sexy mares
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>"Me too!"
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>"I will rape your face!"
>"With my tongue!"
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Who let this fetishist into FR? He's gonna get raped, and probably get somebody else raped, too
Anon, if you post one more fucking vore pic, I'm going to take a shit in your corn flakes.
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>Ask Fluttershy to stop licking your windows
>She starts doing this instead
I hate her so much
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>Be mine or I'll just rape!
what the hell is this slut saying, lel
Agree to be her special somepony, or else she'll settle for just crushing your pelvis while you cry.
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>Surely this is Anon’s fetish…
dum mare
New day, new gears to turn.

>Be Anon
>That magnanimous, lovely bastard with a gold plated heart of stone.
>You’re enjoying your weekend with a cold brewski in your hand, and a the third daring doo book.
>Rainbow dash badgered you until you would read the series, and inevitably, you caved.
>Twilight did have to teach you how to read though. Oh sure, the spoke languages are the same, but the written language of the ponies is like a deformed russian crylic. krylak? Curlic…
>Hrm. You never did learn how to spell that word, and auto correct always did it for you. You miss having technology some days. Many days, actually.
>Whatever. As you turn back to the previous page to re-read what your internal monologue managed to drown out, your smile returns all the same.
>Fluttershy told you two days ago after her most recent attempt to get into your pants that she was going on a trip to somewhere with Twilight. As such, your life has been unusually stress free these last three days.
>Today in particular, has been an exceptionally good day. There’s been no magical catastrophies in the town, the weather has been just right in terms of heat and humidity, and best of all, no annoying yellow mares have been disrupting your precious Anon-time.
>Just then, you hear a knock at the door, and your smile falters just a little. But you remember, Fluttershy is away, so it must be something more fun. Perchance a pink pony prejudged you should party with the ponies.
“… Mmm, too many P’s. I shouldn’t have thought that.” You say quietly as you put down the book on your end table, and make your way to the door.
>Once you open the door, you are greeted with a menagerie of colors. Pink, oh good! Wait, no that’s too much pink, too tall a pink. Ah well. Purple? Not bad, not bad. Red? That’s new, but new isn’t bad. . . Yellow and pink together. Oh. Oh no.
“Fuck. There goes my smile” you say as that faltering smile collapses into a barely concealed frown.
This is gonna be good
quick bump
Save us from the vorefag.
Tranny discord.
But Eris was never male
Cease shilling your disgusting fetishes here.
these creepy bitches really do just be showing up at your door to beg for dick
Normal behavior in Equestria.
Anxious mares just proposition random stallions for relief.
As per usual, Anon refuses to adapt to his circumstances.
Most mares respect his decision, but there are obvious outliers.
>Human legs on pony again
Hold my hair I'm gonna fuckin hurl.
dude, it's ugly. I didn't even notice the legs until you pointed them out
I would feel bad for Fluttershy if her looking like that art was my fetish
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wouldn't be too bad as a plushie tho it won't actually be fluttershy, so it's okay.
i don't think it's that bad, maybe my brain is fried from all the ai slop i consoom.
also fucking checked jfc
It’s all fun and games until you wake up with something on your face that wasn’t there when you went to bed.
> https://derpibooru.org/images/3402077
>i don't think it's that bad,
It looks exactly like a human leg (with the foot missing or fucked up) in a sock that ends with a hoof, it's weird as fuck and kinda gross.
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Reminder: Rarity does not rape because she cannot. She seduces.
She also eats rice with every meal and doesn't celebrate Christmas.
I could see Rarity leading a cult. Starlight could give her tips.
>What Rarity wants to be seen as:
>"All alone? Oh dear, such a shame to leave a strapping man such as you untended... Such a big world out there, and not a single human lady to see to your needs? Poor thing. Just lay back and I'll make you forget all about your own species."

>What Rarity is:
>"All alone? Oh dear, such a--"
"You've got parsley in your teeth."
>She rushes to a mirror and shrieks.
>"No! No no no, has that been there all this time?! Oh this is ruined-- I can't-- Get out!"
"Wh-- this is my room!"
>"Get OUT! I need to fix this! Do you have any idea how embarrassed I am right now-- get -out- you -swine-!"
>She hurls you out your own room with magic, runs into your en suite, locks the door, and sobs in the tub for three hours in histrionics that rise and fall as the moon crosses the sky.
kek, this guy gets it
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you make a good fucking point holy shit
>She fills the tub with her tears.
>Ends up taking a luxurious bubble bath.
>All night you hear her sipping on wine and sighing whenever she eases herself down into the water.
>She comes prancing out from behind your bathroom door the next morning, making your house smell like her shampoo wherever she goes.
>She's wearing her bathrobe; her mane is wrapped up in a pink towel that's from her boutique.
>You question how she got both.
>Along with the wine.
>She never even offered to share that.
>You can see she left the empty bottle in the waste basket by the toilet.
>Hear one of her sighs again, this time while she's fluffing the curls of her mane.
>Her towel is now folded into a thick square on your bathroom counter.
>You're pretty sure she's just going to leave it there, unless she expects you to put it away for her.
>"Thank you so much, Anonymous. That relaxing soak was exactly what I needed. You cannot believe how stressed I've been feeling."
>She goes on to tell you about it.
>"I've just had so much on my plate lately...!"
>With her chin down and her rump up, she dips her neck as she stretches, but keeps talking to herself.
>"--And all of those orders I have to deal with, not to mention our own tumultuous romance! As well as..."
>Just below her neck, you watch her back muscles pull themselves up tight, tighter, until she lets them go.
>With a contented sigh, her ears flop down sideways so that they're shading her temples.
>"Yes, I was really letting things get to me earlier. But now?..."
>She straightens herself and begins lifting the swirls of her mane, gently pushing them back up to wherever she feels they need to be.
>"Why, I feel so relaxed that I nearly forgot about all of those ladies who are waiting to pick up their swimsuits from me today. By now there must be a line outside my door. I just hope that Opal isn't hissing at them all from the windows again."
>The curls of her mane, fine from washing, bob in the air as she heads out the front door.
>"Not to worry, though. I'm sure they'll understand it when I tell them why I happen to be a bit late opening up today. After all, it is a long walk to my boutique from your bedroom."
>She looks at you from over her shoulder.
>Gives you her "I've got loose lips!" wink before flicking her tail your way and then trotting off.
>She giggles like a schoolgirl the entire time she's trotting too.
>Her gossipy giggle.
>Fucking Rarity.

It's pointless trying to keep these ponies out of your house by this point. Just get a cover charge going. Let one pony in at a time. Have a bouncer, maybe Dash or AJ idk, collect their fee at the door. Every pony gets whatever time that they've paid for. Cuddling is extra.
>Have a bouncer

>The farmhouse door explodes inwards, on account of you kicking its hinges off.
>"Consarnet, Anonymous!" shouts the room's occupant.
"Ffffffucking Lord my leg--" you manage through clenched teeth.
>"Ya gotta stop doin' that, it ain't good for you!"
"How do you people kick trees all day?"
>"We're bred for it, man! It's in our blood! Are you alright?"
"I think I fractured my shin-- by the way I'm hiring you as my bouncer."
>"I don't-- what?"


>Big Mac stands outside your front door.
>He's now being paid a hundred bits a day to do so.
>Rarity approaches, still high off her own farts from appropriating your bath the other night.
>She calls in an irritating trill as she draws near.
>"Yoo hoo! Big Macintosh! Are you visiting our mutual friend too?"
>"Nnnope. I'm a bouncer now."
>"Really! Well isn't that adorable. May I just scooch past you? Anonymous is expecting me."
>She moves to slide past the mountain of farm-born muscle, but he shunts her back with about as much effort as it would take him to remove his coat.
>Mac checks his sheet of blacklisted mares.
>It's literally every single one in Ponyville, except Bon Bon, who would never lower herself to coming within fifty yards of you, and that suits you just fine because she's fucking awful.
>"Nnnope. Sorry, Miss Rarity, I ain't gonna let you in."
>Her broad smile doesn't fade.
>"Aha, Big Mac, really. Are you -sure- you can't do me a little favor?"
>She bats her eyelids and strokes his jawline with the edge of her hoof.
>"Perhaps... we could blow off some steam, no? I see no reason why Anonymous should have all of me to himself. And just look at -you-, what a specimen! I bet you could stretch a--"
>"Ma'am, I'm happily engaged to a stallion I love very much."
>She blinks.
>Blinks again. Draws back and gives Mac a bewildered once-over.
>"...Oh. I didn't... really?"
>"Yes'um. Now please get off Mister Anon's property, or I'll be forced to use... uh, force."
>The unicorn rolls her eyes and titters.
>"Aha, now, I know you're a gentlecolt, Mac, you would neverACK--"
>He hooks around her midsection with a hoof, rotates her in a wide circle twice, and hurls the entire mare a good forty feet into a nearby shrub.
>She screams the entire distance.


>About thirty of Ponyville's most desperate, aggressively single mares all glare at Big Macintosh.
>Big Macintosh, sporting his sunglasses and immaculate fitted suit that'd bought with all the money you've been paying him, glares back.
>"I ain't gonna tell ya'll again," he says in a raised baritone. "Ya -ain't- gettin' inside Mister Anon's house, ya'hear? He don't want any business with you good-for-nothin' molesters!"
>"Big Macintosh!" an enraged Applejack hurls her hat at the ground. "This is absolute -horse apples-!"
>He cringes, but stands his ground.
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>"I'm your -sister-, fer Celestia's sake! Do I not get some sorta free pass here? What about Fluttershy, she's your friend! She ain't gonna lay one hoof on Anon!"
>"Um, actually I'm going to lay a lot of hooves on him..." Fluttershy mumbles to herself, but thankfully no one hears her.
>Big Mac shakes his titanic head.
>"Nnnope. I ain't gonna compromise on my principles by engagin' in somethin' as ugly as nepotism."
>"Nepowhatnow-- those books are fillin' your head with fancy ideas way beyond your station, big brother! Now get the HECK outta my way!"
>"Applejack, if I told you once, I told you a thousand times, you -ain't- gettin' in."
>"Like hay I ain't, I'll show you--"
>She rushes from the crowd and takes a swing at Mac.
>Her hoof connects, and a sound like a lightning bolt hitting a boulder echoes around the vale.
>Mac's head slowly turns back to Applejack, his position unmoved and his glare maximised.
>Applejack stands rigid, her forehoof still outstretched and confidence shaken.
>"Ya still hit like a dainty lil' filly, -Appleseed-," he intones.
>She barely has time to gulp before she finds herself soaring skyward.
>The mares yell out, and an equally-incensed Rainbow Dash shouts above the noise.
>"C'mon ladies! He can't take all of us at once!"
>They rush him, one and all (except maybe Fluttershy, who hangs back somwhat), and Mac stares down the coming horde with the same expression he'd regard a broken cart wheel with.
>He switches the stalk of hay between his lips over to the side of his mouth, and cracks his neck.


>You watch your bouncer perform a variety of mixed martial arts, wrestling moves, and improvised CQC on mares a third his size with an expression of smugness so powerful it ought to be illegal.
>From your place of safety behind your first-story bedroom window, you slurp your lemonade.
"Best eight-hundred bits I ever spent, and that's God's truth."
>Fluttershy slams against your window, her dazed eyes spinning in their sockets.
>"Mpphmm rrrrmmp uuurrgg," she says with her mouth smeared against the pane.
>You waggle your fingers at her in a wave as she unconsciously slides down and off the window with a sucking pop.
>Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy the closest thing to it.
This is pure gold. Thank you.
These are the words regularly used when describing the events that led up to the great Anon heist of 2024, the incident where a crack team of mares tunneled beneath Anon's house at approximately midnight, aka the Luna hour, with intent to steal their human husband from his own home. No records currently exist that tell us whether or not they were successful in their enterprise.
but I do want to fuck Big Mac
>"My legs hurt..."
>"Do you -ever- shut up?"
>Marble Pie flinches and shies away from her older sister, Limestone Pie.
>Limestone rubs her sweaty forehead and grunts.
>"Not much farther, I think. We're getting more clay than sandstone, and Maud said his his house sat on more of a clorite blend than kaolinite."
>"Where is Maud?" Marble all-but whispers, as if afraid to disturb the oppressive silence of the tunnel.
>Limestone shrugs, readjusting the pickaxe held across her shoulder.
>"Who cares. She's always running off. What I wanna know is where the hell Pinkie--"
>Pinkie Pie's head emerges from under a rock right next to Marble, who screams and drops to the soil like a fainting goat.
>Limestone's expression only hardens.
>"Left me to do all the work as usual," she spits.
>"Oh, don't be so grumpy, Limey," Pinkie airily waves a hoof. "I just went to get snacks!"
>She reveals baked goods of various sorts from her mane, all piping hot.
>The siblings gather around a low stone and use it as a table for a well-deserved break.
>"How's things outside?" Limestone grunts over a mouthful of jam tart.
>"So-so," says Pinkie. "Mac's a doozy. No one's getting past him."
>"Not even you?"
>"I got close! Made it in through the front door, then things got a bit cloudy, because I was suddenly flying through clouds-- hey, I saw a duck up there! I didn't even know they could fly!"
>"So, you failed."
>Pinkie shrugs.
>"Don't have to been so hard on me, Limestone, I'm doing my best."
>"Whatever. Where's Maud?"
>Pinkie rubs her cheek absently, only getting mud on it.
>"Dunno, actually. She said she'd be here, but I've not seen her since we started tunnelling. Not up top, either."
>"She'll be off fucking a rock or something."
>Pinkie shoots an annoyed look at Limestone when Marble winces.
>"Oh come on," the elder sister says. "It's just us, not like mom's around."
>"Marble doesn't like it when ponies swear."
>"Marble needs to join the -fucking- real world. Ponies swear, Marbs, it isn't that big a deal. Try it sometime, you might like it."
>"It's not polite," Pinkie insists.
>The three continue to eat in silence.
>Eventually, Limestone shrugs again, and says to the wall.
>"Thank you for the snacks, Pinkie Pie."
>"You're welcome, Limestone Pie."
>Pinkie giggles and slides past her sister, giving her a peck on the cheek as she goes.
>"Love ya', sis. C'mon, let's get diggin' for that monkey man!"


>Another half-kilometer of disciplined, methodical digging later has the trio coming to a stop.
>Limestone digs a hoof at the clay wall, tapping it and feeling around.
>"It's good clay. This'll be the spot."
>Pinkie cranes her neck back.
>"Yeah, I think this is where Maud said it'd be. We should strike a foundation if we dig up."
>"I'll go first, we'll rotate me-you-Marb. Faster that way."
>Limestone heaves her pickaxe, and the clay dissolves steadily under her powerful blows.
>Her coat shines in the orange lamplight, the pony moving with a certain graceful purpose that belies her acidic tongue and rough exterior.
>Pinkie watches her with a smile.
>She'll be a great mother once they're done with Anon, she thinks.


>Funnily enough, it's Marble that strikes gold.
>She chips away delicately, in hard contrast to Limestone's rough blows, but on the final swing meets a hollow 'thunk' instead of the expected dull thud of metal-on-clay.
>Limestone, who had been leaning against the wall of the tunnel, her head bowed and eyes closed in a light sleep, jolts awake.
>"That was--" she starts.
>"Wood!" Pinkie exclaims. "Oh, well done, Marby! I knew you could do it!"
>She squeezes her sister, the smaller pony allowing herself a shy smile.
>Pinkie looks back.
>"This is it, Limey. It's go time."
>Limestone flexes, performing a few redundant stretches more to alleviate the restless anticipation than to loosen herself up.
>"Alright. Me first."
>"You sure? Anon's kinda scary."
>"I'm scarier."
>She pushes past the other two, rears up, and kicks both hooves straight ahead into the clay.
>Wood gives way with a crash, and Limestone clambers up and out of the tunnel.
>She coughs, dust entering her lungs, and squints.
>Marble comes up next, nervously looking about and clutching the feebly glowing lamp to herself like a safety blanket.
>"Gimme that--" Limestone swipes it from her.
>She turns about, still squinting even with the meagre light.
>"Yeah. Basement. I'm seeing canned meats, this is the place."
>"Wouldn't it be funny if we tunnelled into some randos house instead?" Pinkie giggles.
>"A rando that eats meat?"
>"Hey, maybe he's a psycho? It'd be like that movie we saw when we were kids!"
>Limestone, despite herself, smiles.
>"Hah, who'd die first, though, right?"
>"Me, probably. I'm kind of a klutz."
>"At least you're self aware."
>Limestone's smile fades, and her nascent scowl returns.
>"And so I ask again. Where the -fuck- is Maud?"
>Marble scratches at the floor with a hoof, shrugging without comment.
>Pinkie frowns.
>"I... really don't know. It's not like her to just vanish, and definitely not like her to miss digging something. I hope she's okay."
>"Maybe she got into a fight with Big Mac."
>"Maybe, but Maud's as smart as she is tough. She wouldn't start a fight she couldn't win."
>"Don't think our sis could take him?"
>Pinkie shrugs. "We're here now, that's what matters. We'll just have to take pictures and show Maud when we get back."
>She forces a smile.
>"So! Once more into the breach, dear friends! I know his house, I'll go first."
>Pinkie makes for the stairs, but Limestone rushes ahead.
>"I did the most digging, so -I'll- go first."
>"But you'll get lost!"
>"In a fucking -house-? Are you kidding me?"
>"Limey, just let me go first for once! Why are you always so stubborn?!"
>The door at the top of the stairs creaks open, and light pours in, overpowering the lamp.
>The pair pause their bickering, then glance back.
>Marble is gone.
>The two sisters share a glance, then scramble after her.


>Marble Pie creeps down your hallway away from the basement door, open wide enough that it obscures the other side of the hall.
>Her perfect hearing is taking in everything from the shouts outside, no doubt a few mares are making an attempt against Mac, to the creaks inside, perhaps you're moving around upstairs.
>Limestone and Pinkie bustle out of the basement and crowd around Marble, Limestone looking around as if expecting enemies at any turn.
>She flexes her hoof around the haft of the pickaxe.
>Pinkie rolls her eyes.
>"Limestone, you won't need that anymore, just leave it down here."
>"If I need to break a few limbs, I'll need it."
>"What're you expecting zombies or something?"
>Marble squeaks, and the door to the basement slams shut behind the trio.
>They all yell, turning around before stopping dead.
>Limestone seems too enraged to speak, but Marble smiles.
>Pinkie is elated.
>"Shh!" Limestone gestures with a hoof. "Keep it down!"
>The middle-sister leaps at the new arrival and throws her hooves around her neck.
>Maud stands as stoically as ever, barely even registering Pinkie's hug besides a slight inclining of her head so that it rests against her sister's.
>"How'd you get ahead of us so fast?" Limestone shoots.
>"Where'd you go after we started, Maud?" Pinkie asks.
>"H-hi Maud..." Marble mumbles.
>"Hi Marble," Maud says first. She looks straight into Limestone's eyes, and the other sisters wait with held breath for revelation.
>Maud blinks.
>"I used the back door."
>The sounds from outside fill the void.
>Limestone drops her pickaxe and cranes her head back to see the slightly-ajar door leading outside from the kitchen.
>"Son of a fucking bitch," she says at last.
>"Please don't swear in front of Marble, Limestone," the eldest sister says.
>"I don't ca--"
>"Do not swear in front of Marble, Limestone," she says again.
>Limestone swallows and nods hastily.
>Maud gestures at the stairs.
>"He's up there. I've been waiting for you to arrive."
>Pinkie trots on the spot.
>"Eee, this is it! I'm so ready to be a mom!"


>You're enjoying the sight of Big Mac piledriving Twilight Sparkle outside. Soft jazz floats from your gramophone, though the sax is interrupted by your bedroom door being unceremoniously barged open and four ponies flooding into your room.
>You don't react.
>"Hi Anon!" says a thrilled Pinkie Pie.
>"Hey, fuckmeat," says her bitch of a sister, who then gets clipped around the ear by Maud.
>The final pony hides behind the other three, but she offers you a shy wave.
>You nod at her, then look at the eldest.
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"Thanks, Maud, looks like you were right. I'll toss in some bonus pay for the effort."
>Limestone's eyes bulge out of her skull.
"And the tunnel?"
>"There's now an emergency tunnel leading from your basement to the Everfree Forest," Maud says, calm as ever.
"Is it safe?"
>"It was dug with Pie hooves, it's the safest tunnel you could ask for."
"Thanks, Maud."
>The other sisters look at their elder, aghast.
>"You..." Limestone begins. "You fucking traitor!"
>"Don't swear in front of--"
>"You FUCKING traitor!"
>Limestone leaps at Maud.
>She makes it about half the distance before Maud becomes a grey blur.
>The next moment, Limestone is on her back, staring at the ceiling with a thin wheeze escaping her lips.
>Marble hides behind her mane in a manner disconcertingly like Fluttershy, whilst Pinkie simply watches with a sad expression.
>"How long've you been working with Anon, Maud?"
"I hired her around the time I hired Mac. I needed someone to keep you in check," you nod at Pinkie.
>"But... what about being a mom?"
>Maud glares down at Limestone, daring her to move again, but softens her look for Pinkie. She tilts her head somewhat.
>"University is expensive, and my job isn't bringing in the money it needs to. Anonymous is paying for extra tuition."
>"So, this whole thing was a set-up?"
>Maud nods.
>"Well, what's stopping us from just telling everyone about the tunnel?"
>Maud nods, as if expecting this, and steps forward.
>"Pinkie Pie, will you please Pinkie Promise me that you'll make sure no one finds out about the tunnel?"
>She offers her hoof.
>Pinkie's eyes widen, and she looks at the outstretched limb like it's infected.
>"Wh-what, no! I-I can't, I won't--"
>Maud takes a firm step forward.
>"Pinkie Pie. You're my sister, and I love you. Please promise me, I need this for university."
>Pinkie trembles, or more like vibrates.
>Her desire to get freaky with an alien and have weird babies smashes headlong into her indomitable love for her sister, and she folds almost immediately.
>Bursting into tears, she collapses against Maud.
>"Oh Mau-hau-hauud, of course I promise! No one in this room'll ever tell! I'll take it to my grave!"
>You lean back in your chair and nod with a satisfied smile.
"Thank you, Maud. Meet with me later and we'll sort out the payment for an exemplary job."
>Maud nods and ushers her sisters from the room, though she drags the near-comatose Limestone out by her tail.
>You hear Limestone's head banging on every step on the way downstairs.
>You enjoy the stillness for a while, then stand.
>You chance the record on the gramophone, return to the window, and swirl the iced lemonade in your glass as you watch Big Macintosh perform the People's Elbow on a woefully unprepared Twilight Sparkle.
"Everything's coming up Anon," you mutter.
Incredible, that Bon Bon line has me hoping you’re Neb back from the grave though.
10/10 anon. Incredible stuff
The mental image of Big Mac doing wrestling moves is killing me
Getting two married horses to protect you is the best idea Anon came up with.
How will BigMac deal with Luna and Celestia when they show up?
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That can’t be hygienic
>Big Mac sits in his usual spot outside your front door.
>Being the generous employer you are, you've provided him with a camping chair large enough for his heft, and a cooler of his favourite drinks.
>With such comforts, your trusty bouncer is enjoying an unusually quiet day - unusual in comparison to the last four weeks of constant melee.
>Only Fluttershy came by this morning, as she often does, and was swiftly ejected, as she often is.
>There have been no further attempted entries since then, and Big Mac settles in for what he's eagerly looking forward to being an uneventful day.
>Then the front lawn vanishes and it all goes to Hell.


>You're in your study reading only the finest mare-on-mare erotica when the entire house trembles.
>At first you fear a break-in, but the tremor felt too off centre for that.
>Your next instinct is to rush for the door, but if there's a commotion outside you'd be in the firing line, so you'd better let Mac deal with it.
>Reason asserts higher ground and a vantage point, so you launch out of your high-backed chair and up the stairs to your bedroom.
>From the window, you see your front garden in ruins, a single massive crater where your garvineas and gazanias once were.
>Mac is stood at the lip of the impact, hooves firmly planted, but for your part your legs have turned to jelly.
>Within the basin stands a tall, proud pony. With deep blue pennaceous and a midnight mane, you now realise you've reached the end-boss of attempted celibacy.
>Princess Luna herself grins up at the peering Macintosh.


>Big Mac is unlike his sister.
>He doesn't hob-nob with royalty, so he's unsure how to respond to the triumphant expression of his superior.
>His father always told him that where doubt emerged, honesty was best, so he nods to himself and resolves to be honest.
>"That's vandalism. I hope you're gonna pay for that."
>Princess Luna throws her head back and laughs.
>"Vandalism! How quaint. Would you be the owner of this property? I was told to expect a bouncer of some repute."
>"I'd be the bouncer, ma'am."
>"Excellent!" She seems unfazed by the destruction of her landing. Mac vaguely recalls an appearance by Celestia, many years ago, but she had descended - ethereal and untarnished - from the heavens in a wash of sunshine and harmonious music.
>Luna meanwhile doesn't seem bothered by the generous coating of earth covering her, nor the sole surviving gazania sitting on her head in a hump of rooted soil.
>"Word has reached my throne of a duelling club here in Ponyville. That ponies may do battle with its greatest champion, and the reward is strenuous fornication with an otherworldly personage. Are you that champion, my little pony?"
>Mac shifts his body into a more relaxed posture, but one that is only outwardly calmer. In truth, he's poised.
>"Yes ma'am, I've been hired by Mister Anon to defend his property from indecent ponies that keep tryin' to sex him up without his consent."
>"Very good. Very good!" She gives a brisk nod to emphasise her winning smile. "I hereby challenge you to a duel."
>Mac clenches his teeth. Upstairs, you clench your sphincter.
>Your bouncer speaks carefully.
>"I ain't averse to hittin' a mare if she's causin' trouble, your highness, but I ain't gonna lay a hoof on royalty."
>"Bah, don't feed me that old excuse. I've taken your measure, stallion, I think you're more than capable of it."
>"Ma'am, I ain't gonna fight you, but I will ask you to leave. This is private property, and I don't want you mussin' up anythin' else 'round here. The gardener spent an awful long time on them plants you've just ruined, and she's gonna be a might upset when she sees 'em."
>Luna's smile shifts from a radiant beam to politely curled lips.
>"Are you denying my challenge?"
>"Yes, ma'am."
>"Then I shall consider your title as champion forfeit, and I will proceed with the fornication. Is your master within the premises?" She turns her gaze directly to you, watching her from above. Her teeth show. "Am I to assume -he- is the one to be fornicated?"
>"Ma'am, I ain't gonna let you do that."
>Luna turns her gaze back to Big Macintosh.
>She judges the distance between the two of them, and makes a show of surveying the surrounding landscape.
>She turns back to him at last. A breeze passes through. Her mane wafts with it.
>Her smile vanishes.
>"Then defend yourself."
>Luna hurls herself forward, but Mac rolls out of the way before she can impale him with her horn.
>He twists and kicks out with a hoof, planting a square buck directly against her barrel.
>You hear the blow from behind the glass, and Luna is lifted away from Mac, carried a good couple of feet by the hit.
>She gasps, and you involuntarily cover your mouth.
>How much would legal expenses cost if she took you to court over this?
>Luna lands on her hooves and staggers.
>She stares at the farm pony.
>He watches her back, cautious, his eyes flicking between hers and her horn. He's fought Sparkle a few times, but knows this will be far beyond the bookish introvert.
>Luna's expression is at first guarded, but her smile returns, bigger and more vicious than before. Despite being a pony, Mac could swear she has canines.
>"Hah. That hurt," she says. She giggles. Then laughs properly. "Hah! That hurt! -Excellent-!"
>Mac swallows the lump in his throat.
>"EXCELLENT!" she bellows, and you back away from the window immediately.
>You don't see what happens outside, but you hear a shockwave and something smashing.
>Grunts and cries echo from outside, and you see Luna take to the skies.
>She hovers with fast, shallow wing flaps, and a torrent of blue magic rages forth from her horn to score the earth below her.
>A launched stonework birdbath to hits her directly in the chest.
>The princess falls, Mac is upon her, and the real battle begins.

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>You've stuffed whatever supplies you could quickly grab from the kitchen in a bugout bag and sprinted for the basement.
>The tunnel leading to the Everfree has been touched up to be more presentable, and hidden under a deliberately-placed barrel.
>Dust falls from the ceiling beams as something large hits the ground and an outside blast rocks the house.
>As good as he is, Mac's no match for a princess, but God love him for trying.
>You? You're getting the hell out while you can. The Everfree will need to be your home for the next few weeks or months.
>The tunnel is long, but cramped. It was dug at haste by ponies, after all, so you spend much of the kilometre hunched over trying to avoid banging your head too much.
>The torch in your hand is the only illumination, and you have memories of old horror games back home.
>This would be the perfect spot for a jumpscare.
>With that thought comforting you, you head deeper into the dark.


>Mac staggers to his hooves, coughing, doing his best to ignore the lancing pain in a cluster of ribs.
>His vision swims, and he finds himself tilting over to the right before correcting himself. It happens again, and he becomes worried.
>Luna lands at the end of the garden a few metres away, furling her wings.
>She is battered, but uncowed. Her coat marked with welts and scores beneath helpings of mud, but she shows no sign of hurt.
>The princess looks upon Mac with the sort of pride only a mother could otherwise muster.
>"To last so long against an alicorn, a simple earth pony! You're an absolute credit to your race, bouncer. Please, tell me your name, I would honour you with an official title."
>"My... name's Macintosh Apple, ma'am. B-but I can't let you, g--"
>He slumps to the ground, wheezing.
>Luna is by his side in an instant, fussing over him, her wing drooped protectively over his body.
>"You've more than proven yourself," she says softly. "No need to keep it up. Please, tell me where your master is, and I'll speak with him about--"
>Mac grabs her.
>He hoists, rolls, and the Princess of the Night, twin-ruler of Equestria and at once lunar tyrant, finds herself on her back and at the mercy of a farmer.
>She looks up at him, speechless.
>He stares down, his vision spotty and breath haggard.
>Luna can't help but beam. She runs an affectionate hoof down Mac's shoulder.
>"You have a place in my Lunar Guard. You need only say the word--"
>Mac's body finally gives out, and he collapses on top of her, unconscious.
>She lies under him for a while, enjoying the feeling of a huge stallion's weight pressing down on her, her legs splayed out to the sides awkwardly, Mac's bulk comfortably nestled against her own.
>"Ah," she breathes. "Reminds me of courtship so very long ago."
>She pats the stallion's head.
>"Rest, Macintosh Apple. I will give you the sweetest of dreams."
>Luna rises and looks at the now vacant bedroom window above.
>"And now, my prize."

Uh oh.
Oh lawd she comin
Oh no! Did BigMac bite the big one? Has Anonymous made it safety? And what will Princess Luna do when she finds her prize absent?! Find out next time on the next exciting episode of PONY RAPE Z!!
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>Anon escapes into the Everfree
Uh... I hope Zecora isn't a rapist...
>>This would be the perfect spot for a jumpscare.
>>With that thought comforting you, you head deeper into the dark.
>With Luna of all fucking horses about to be right behind you.
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>Anon, Pseudonym and Incognito are employed as the local Ghostbusters
>One of the jobs involve horny ghosts
>Anon gets a blowjob from flutterghost during a job
RARITY *clap* DOES *clap* NOT *clap* RAPE!!
Poor Big Mac. Need to invest in some kind of anime power up robot suit to fight off these ancient alicorn sorcerers.
No she does, she's just as pathetic as the rest.
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She so totally is.
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Dear god... I don't think I could resist her.
>”(You) can’t resist me, Anon.”
> https://derpibooru.org/images/3303870
Sorry Fluttershy, too busy going for Zecora.
Fuck I'm retarded, I forgot to add pic related.
Oh my
quick bumpo
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>"Good job."
>"This fella knows what happens if y'all forget to bump the thread."
>A launched stonework birdbath to hits her directly in the chest.
Fix this if you decide to bin it.

For a paranoid alien who spends all his time hiding from horny ponies, it must be admitted that Anon has a very decorated property. Might they all have been gifts from mares to try to get him on their good side? I think he's just an expressive guy.
We all know it's a lovely green. So, let's talk about flowers.

There's a lot of flowers in this green, and in a lot of greens, and in Equestria. And Anon always seems to have bushes outside of his house for these ponies to hide in. I've always liked the idea of a paranoid Anon, one that would rip up all the greenery on his property solely so Fluttershy can't hide in any of it. But we can't rule out earth pony magic here. I think beautiful plant life grows rampant in Equestria, like weeds do here, and that city gardeners are needed around the clock to keep the ivy off the walls, so to speak.

The greenery in this green is explained by mention of one such gardener. As for our Anon, he knows all the names of the flowers, but it still remains to be seen whether he is just an admirer or if he actually does have a green thumb himself.
>"I had a dream about (You) last night."
>"Want to help me make it come true?"
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Psst! Hey, Carl! It's me, Hush-Banana
>that image
fucking kek
Beware of this thing.
It came to my house and forcefully sucked my cock without introducing itself.
You're not supposed to let it do that.
don't smell the tissues in the confession booth
I've always liked the recurring theme of Big Mac being an absolute bro to Anon
Sorry for the delay, things have been hectic.

>Still be best man in Equistria, Anon.
>Technically also worst man, but dammit you’re a beacon of positivity, and fuck anyone who says otherwise.
>Not literally though, you’re not a zoophile.
“…. So. Here to guess my fetish again, Fluttershy? I see you brought friends?” you say wearily.
>Fluttershy seems to think for a second, and considers the sheer amount of power at her theoretical disposal right now.
>”Is being swallowed by a giant mare your fetish?” She asks, hopefully.
You look at her in abject disgust. Twilight looks at her with abject horror. The goddess of love and procreation looks maintains a neutral face, with considerable effort on her part. Cadence barks out a laugh, thinking it a joke.
“No. Not even remotely. What the hell is wrong with you, flutter nutter? This is the worst damn guess you’ve made yet. And you tried to peg me with a cactus once.” You shudder as you remember the attempt. Applejack was quite proud of how hard you could kick that day.
>Cadence’s laugh dies off quickly as she hears that, and she gives fluttershy a stern look.
>You go to close the door on her face, hopeful that your wonderful day of happiness could resume, severely tarnished it may be.
>Unfortunately, Cadence puts her hoof in the door, quite wide and speaks. “No Anon. You’re not blocking love out of your life today.”
>“Did you say that just because you’re the princess of love, Cadence?” Twilight asks, a small smirk on her face.
>Cadence just smiles back to her.
>As for you, your frown deepens as with a pinkish aura, you are lifted bodily to your couch, as the mares walk their way in.
>Of course you are annoyed, but you’re hopeful if you play along a little, they might fuck off like Fluttershy normally does. It’s unlikely you can punt this much mare. Speaking of ‘much mare’.
“So. You going to introduce me to the super sized alicorn?” You regard the goddess before you, though you know not of her divinity yet. “Celestia’s mom? Certainly tall enough.”
>Cadence shakes her head and laughs. “No, Anon. Meet aphrodite. The Goddess of Love. Twilight mentioned to me that you knew of her. She is indeed the one and the same from your world.
>A myriad of thoughts run through your mind. But you decide to voice the loudest and first from your mind.
“Bullshit. The ‘Gods’ of our world are nothing but myths.” You roll your eyes. You’re not sure what trick they’re playing at, but at least it’s interesting. You mouth the word ‘Traitor’ at Twilight.
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an green i thought should be linked here

>There are certain things that take time only in the order of miliseconds in this world. Chemical reactions, the shifting of eyes, the flaps of the wings of insects, reacting to movements instinctively.
>Other things, take time in the order of seconds. The process of making full sentences, to fully process what others said, to meaningfully plan.
>Unfortunately for you, the very screwed Anon, while everyone else in the room was firmly in the second group, Aphrodite was a goddess, and was very much in the first group.
>In a great and terrible flash, Anon felt himself pressed up against his wall, with the mighty goddess face to face to him.
>Her face full of contempt, her ears pinned backwards, horn somewhat pointing dangerously towards his neck, Aphrodite spoke. “Myth? I will SHOW YOU myth, you insolent cur!”
>You stare into the eyes of this mare, and something in you clicks. This presence, this aura… You can’t place it. You have met even Celestia and Luna once at a little get together with Twilight.
>Neither of them put the fear of god in you quite like this, even when you managed to accidentally face plant into the plate of Luna’s dish, ruining her meal by covering her in it.
>Aphrodite’s horn glows all the brighter, as you see the pleasant smiles on all the ponies behind this crimson mare drop into shock.
>Out of everypony there though, it is Fluttershy that screams out a defiant “No!” and rushes for aphrodite.
>Twilight quickly reacts, grabbing Fluttershy’s tail just in time to keep her from attacking a literal goddess, and the ponies do nothing more than watch as Aphrodite’s magic teleports a cow pie into your face, at a terrifying impact speed.
>Aphrodite drops you like a used condom and walks back to the rest of the group, leaving you to smear the cowpie off your face as you hear her utter “how’s that for bullshit, mortal?” with indignation you couldn’t get from Filthy Rich’s wife.
>Cadence and Twilight look at each other with great concern as Fluttershy quickly flies to your side, and helps clean it off of your face.
>A tense few minutes pass, but once your face is reasonably cleaned off, you look back at the assorted mares in front of you.
>Aprhodite is the only one to speak. “I have let you off easily, Anonymous. Show such insolence to me again, and I will not hesitate to throw you into Tartarus myself, and watch Cerberus have his way with you. However he sees fit. Fluttershy’s interest in you or no.”
>Your blood runs cold, and decide it best if you do not get back to your feet.
Deciding for once in your life that listening to that self preservation instinct might be important in this world, you decide to kiss her ass. Metaphorically. “Sorry Aphrodite.”
>Even if she isn’t a goddess, which you’re pretty sure she isn’t. She thinks she is, and she’s da biggest pony. And since pony hierarchy really does seem to be based on who is largest, you’re pretty sure she outranks Celestia.
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>Regardless, Aphrodite’s stern visage seems to soften just a little. “Good boy. Now, why have you denied the interests of fluttershy?”
You resist the urge to be crass and piss her off further, as much as it physically pains you. “I’m a man, she’s a pony. Simple as.”
>With a frown, Aphrodite considers your words. “So, you find yourself above copulating with animals? My, how mortals have changed since the old days.”
>Every other pony in the room has just a bit more of a frown because they’ve been called animals, but do not interrupt.
“Well y-” you start to say, only to be cut off.
>”Mmm, then the answer is simple! I will turn you into a pony, and the problem is solved.” Aphrodite beams, as fear grips you. A pony, you do not wish to be, but you are powerless to resist.

>Be Fluttershy.
>No no no no, you don’t want that Hot Monkey Dick turned into a normal pony one! That’s part of the appeal!
>You start to panic, but can’t find the words as Aphrodite’s horn flashes with such brightness, you and everyone else in the room must shield your eyes.
>With a loud, and terrible bang, the spell ends and you slowly uncover your eyes. Amazingly, your hot human stud sits kneels there on the floor, still unchanged.
>With exceptional enthusiasm, you grin. Could Anon truly be so strong to stand up to a GODDESS?!
>You start to make a bit of a drooly mess on Anon’s carpet behind you, not that you notice.

>Be Twilight Sparkle.
>Princess of Friendship, Element of Magic.
>Although Anon certainly has some magically resistant properties, even you could have changed him to a pony with the right set up. You even offered, but Anon said he wasn’t interested and you never pushed the subject.
>Anon is still here, and still human, and quite frankly you’re confuzzled. You look to aphrodite, who looks completely pristine and untaxed by a spell that would leave you a worn out mess for a couple days while spike would have to feed you.
> Not that you couldn’t feed yourself, but you liked being taken care of some times.
>What aphrodite does look like, however, is annoyed. Deeply annoyed. After a second or two of thought, you start to understand why as the unmistakable voice of Discord snakes its way into the silence of the room.
>”Ah ah, where would the fun be in turning anon here into a pony? Why, just him being here adds so much color to this world!” Discord says, popping out behind Cadence’s left ear. His mouth doesn’t move though, as he continues. “I mean really, it’s not even what fluttershy wants?” The incongruety is solved as another discord pops out from inside of Cadence’s other ear, much to her discomfort as she tries to bat him out of her ear with a hoof.
>Discord snaps a finger, and stands next to Anon, putting a shoulder on his head on leaning on him.
>"I'm sure to win because my speed is superior!"
Great stuff
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drunk flutters best flutters i say
Incoming divine smack-down.
In Anon’s living room.
Even with his insurance paid up, this will still be costly.
No policy covers acts of gods. Or goddesses.
Hold on while I get some popcorn.
This gun be gud.
I would feed Twilight tendies in bed if she wanted me to.
kill yourselves
>Kill self
>Go to Hell
>Fluttershy's the devil
almost as if she PLANNED it you goofball
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I'm partial to this one, I really like her with the big poofy mane
I am a live sound engineer by trade.
This would work on me.
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>"Thats right, human!!"
>"You will be made IMMORTAL by yours truly so that we may spend eternity together!!"
>"Your consent is not necessary..."
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i spent all night and day today writing and revising my continuation of this >>41250640 if anyone cares
should be done tomorrow after more revision
im starting to see things that arent there
i know for a fact the dream im gonna have is gonna be warped as shit based on what ive been writing
Sounds great bruh. The Mayor can't keep getting away with it.
So please vote for change in this year's Ponyville election.
Vote Celestia for mayor.
Hey OP post more nunshy
“You’re not even real, a figment of Poochi’s dream.
>Anon pulls a Gilgamesh and go on a long soliloquy on how much of a thot Aphrodite is
>Anon gets raped and they all take turns eating his ass
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late night boop
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Cum inside mares
Marble is not for lewd.
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>"ᴵ ᵍᵘᵉˢˢ ᴵ'ᵐ nᵒᵗ ᵖʳᵉᵗᵗʸ ᵉnᵒᵘᵍʰ ᶠᵒʳ ᴬnᵒn ᵗᵒ ˡᵉʷᵈ..."
she's so dramatic
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>really? again honey?
>take that rope down from there
>now sweetie i get you have hooves and all but please
>the last time i showed you how to tie a proper noose i did it without using my fingers
>now let me show you again and see if you can do it right this time, okay?
>i know, i know. youll get it right this time
Still impressed that earth ponies can tie knots.
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[includes optional music recommended for reader immersion]

>"I'm sure to win because my speed is superior!"
>the words drifted through his mind
>anon shook his head in an attempt to focus his eyes and shake the arrant thought away
>he swallowed hard
>his throat was dry
>fear tore through the adrenaline quickly burning away in his system
>he started to sweat knowing he had to act fast
>but he was frozen there, swaying in place as he looked around for a solution
>his inebriated mind was racing
>clip... clop.... clip... clop...
>they hadnt stopped in their slow dissent since that saw him
>it was like they were of one mind as they moved,
>their hoofsteps met the stairs in almost perfect unison
>every time he looked back up to them he saw all three sets of piercing globes were still drilling into his soul
>he could feel their intent pressing down on him with every step down
>the mares slowed and halted before the last step
>seeing them now in the half light he got a better picture of the intruders
>he hadnt known them by name or mark but knew he had seen them in town once or twice
>at least he thought so
>they were in the same formation they started with when he first spotted their eyes in the dark
>the first two he saw stood side by side as the third stood a few steps above them
>she the leader of their "group"?
>>>[ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pS1hKvQZP24 ]<<<
>anon heard a piano silently start on the record player as Octavia's bass began to sing a new melody
>it was anon's favorite song off the whole record
>and he could hear the mares heavy breathing now that they were closer
>their breathing was deep, and certain
>almost like slow panting through flared, angry nostrils
>he knew why they were here before they even locked eyes at the top of the stairs
>there was no mistaking their smell for anything else
>they still hadnt said a word, but he could see they were all smiling at him,
>the look in their eyes betrayed barely hidden thoughts of lust
>youre running outta time man, tick tock on the clock
>he shot a look to the grandfather clock to his right, a few hooves away from the bottom of the stairs
>for a half second it felt like the old clocks pendulum swung in slow motion just for him
>there was no way he could bring himself hurt mares to defend himself,
>could he?
>"youve been a naughty, naughty colt, mister."
>the shrouded pink mare in the back said breaking their silence with a saccharine voice, evilly accented by the melancholic tune coming from the player
>he couldnt quite make out the color of her mane in the shadows
>anon could only see her smile widen as the two in front began to giggle at his appraising look
>double time private anon, think of something....
>assess the situation?
>the left mare, yellow coat, puffy mid length pink mane, pegasus
>to her right, unicorn, cream colored coat, flowing pink mane
>and the third?
>an earth pony? magenta, or is it a red mane?
>dosent matter
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>with the strengths of the first two in mind, the likelihood of doing a cut and run out the door behind him was out of the question
>either the pegasus would be on him in a flash before he could get the door open
>or the unicorn would just trip him u-
>the unicorn mare said breaking anon's focus making him jump as he shifted his shaky stance
>she and the pegasus resumed giggling at the pathetic display
>the mares knew he was in the middle of looking for a way out
>anon saw the pink mare still smiling as her eyes narrowed
>looking to the left of the stairs he thought of the hall that lead to the backyard
>past them, out the door, over the fence, and im gone
if you were covered in butter /maybe/ you could slip by like that but youre not that slick, nonny.
"tha fuck-"
>anon shook his head again to dislodge the alien thought
>"you know why we're here,"
>"dont you, anon?"
>the unicorn said with a giggle, first to step on to the carpet of the living room with the pegasus following suit
>unfolding her wings to their fullest, she now had twice the intimidating silhouette she had seconds earlier
>anon couldnt help but notice her slender frame
>"i dont know what your world was like before you got here, but youre about to learn how we do things here, you mon-"
>"the mayor didnt ask for much, anon."
>slurred the pink mare, cutting off the pegasus
>her wings relaxed folding a notch down as the pink earth pony walked between her accomplices, obviously taking her place as their lead
>maybe five hoofsteps away, the three of them stood firm before anon
>that smell, almost unbearable now that they were this close
was that....
oh, a shift just now?
something in....
>anon blurted out in an impotent cry,
>with his hands reflexively coming up to cover his mouth at the unintended outburst
>he was breathing heavy through his nose with his mouth covered like this,
>his heart thundered in his chest
>anon wished he werent so drunk right now
>"mare said you were weird but, WOW!"
>the earth pony said barely able to contain herself as the lot of them laughed at anon again
>"but it wont matter how weird you are when we're done with you..."
>she took a step forward making the distance between the waist high horse and the ape man just that much smaller
>anon flinched back as she took another step towards him
>and another
>the record hit its end and skipped on fuzz over and over again
>in his periphery he saw the pegasus walk over to the player instead of continuing her advance
>the pink pony's dark red eyes were like fire as she licked her lips still staring anon down
>concentrating on those eyes was the only thing keeping him from cracking
ya think a mare could steal a soul like that, just by looking at a man with her wild, heat-crazed eyes?
you wanna find out, dont you nonny?......
>he shook his head in an attempt to kill the thoughts bouncing about in his braincase
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>was it the unicorn or....
>anon's breathing hadnt slowed but his hands were back at his sides
>they were still shaking even as clenched fists
>he could feel lump of anticipation form in his throat as he gulped dryly in an attempt to dispel it
might even do you some good.....
>all anon could do was stare back into those eyes as he began to back peddle, dragging slow heavy steps back across the carpet as the two mares continued closing in for the kill
>the back of anon's head bumped into the key plaque on the wall next to his front door
>his back was literally to the wall now
>anon felt a bead of sweat roll past his temple and down his cheek, he was too scared to move and wipe it away
>those wanting nightmare red eyes still burned into his own, promising the unknowable and horrific fantasies behind them
>a new record scratched to life and was turned up as high as the dial on the player would go, grabbing his attention for a split second
>>>[ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=prGeZ0ocsnA ]<<<
>a saxophone screamed as he looked to the smiling pegasus in front of the player on its table
>with a sultry look she gave him a playful wave of her wing
>wait, did he even own that record?
>then she was on him
>like lightning the main mare jumped with a whinny to plant her hind legs in front of him while slamming her forehooves against the wall at either side of anons head
>giving him the best view he would ever get into those eyes
>anon hadnt remembered ponies being this tall when they stood
>she sighed and brought her whole body against his, pressing him against the wall and knocking all the air from his lungs
>tilting her self up to the tips of her hooves she ground her slick marehood and ample teats against the front of his jeans
>the mare's muzzle pressed and fought with his mouth, her long tongue digging greedily acquainting itself with his own
>he feared what would come if he fought back so he let it happen
>she relentlessly assaulted his maw as anon could taste the sour bitter wine on her pallet mix with the sweet heavy remnant of the eggnog he had earlier
>even between his clothes and her fur he could feel her powerful earthpony muscles ripple and writhe against his body as she moved in time with some unheard song, he was sure it wasnt the one the pegasus had playing
>she overtook all his senses when he closed his eyes
>her overwhelming pheromone scent was all he could smell and her tongue was all he could taste as she moaned into his mouth picking up the pace of the grinding she was doing against his crotch
>he would be lying if he said it didnt make his heart beat faster than it had before
>anon tried to stand strong as the mare continued to ride his hips into the wall and dig in the back of his throat with her tongue like he was hiding diamonds in his tonsils
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>suddenly a force pushed her barrel away from him an inch or two as the powerful mare whined in protest before pulling her muzzle back to look down at the unicorn mare kneeling at her flank with her horn aglow
>the pink mare relented rolling her eyes while taking half a hoofstep back, allowing the unicorn to take her turn while still keeping anon pinned
>anon had only a second to breathe before a field of magic surrounded his belt in the middle
> her magic began playing with the buckle, giving him a start
>the same energy groped about the front of his pants feeling like she was rubbing up and down over his bulge with an open hand and dancing fingertips both at the same time
>the magic phased between the layers beneath making his breath hitch in his throat as the blob of magical energy touched down on bare skin before it gave his member a firm squeeze like nothing he had ever felt before
>anon almost felt his knees buckle beneath him
>she must have been using an extra spell to make it feel as amazing as it had, he thought
>back on the outer layer she found her intended target, her magic focused and pulled down swiftly, opening his fly wide and ruining the zipper in the process
>both mares giggled as anon gasped in response,
>he flinched to the side feeling something unknown slip into the waistband of his pants as the third mare joined in, looking down to his left he met her half lidded gaze
>she was preemptively wriggling the tip of her wing down his pants to pull them down once the unicorn was done toying with his belt
>anon breathed hot and heavy not knowing what to do
>the mare still pinning him to the wall sloppily kissed the side of his neck
>he couldnt help but bite his lip as the combination of sensations almost teased a moan to escape his mouth
>there was no way he could let them have that
i bet you wish you did as the nice mayor asked now, huh nonny?
>the unicorn had most of her arcane attention on his jewels while she looked up at his face, feeling around for what got the most reaction
>anon tried hard to keep his thoughts straight while his mind spun like a top
>anon hissed sharply clenching his eyes shut in shame as he felt the pegasus mare start to shimmy her other wing down his pants for a better grip
>his heart sank lower than he thought dread could take it
>the pin of his belt buckle slipped free of its loop and the tension holding his pants up was released
>with an indignant squeal the yellow mare sprawled out and flopped on her belly as the pants flew down harder than she thought they would
>so hard in fact that anon was drug down with them
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>anon was sat on the plush carpet now with his pants half off his legs
>the earthpony was still stood in front of him leaning on the wall for support
>he was now face to face with her marehood
>anon could feel the actual heat that came off it with his face this close
>her smell made his head spin again as he tried to slow his breathing
>she winked a few times when she saw his proximity, all the while dripping a generous volume of mare juice on his naked thighs and boxers
>the cream mare hooked a forehoof around the pink pony's flank meeting anons wide eyes
>the other mare slid up to his left cradling the back of his head with a wing as she began to nibble his ear,
>anon could feel her free wingtips slowly tickling their way down the front of his underwear
you know what comes next, dont you nonny?
>the unicorn asked with out saying a word
>a wicked smile curling the edges of her muzzle
>the music wailed in his ears
>and all anon could do was nod

might write a third continuation or maybe leave it there
hope yall liked it anyway
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Anon's fetish discovered.
This is why Anon drinks.
Whiskey dick helps stop this sort of thing from happening.
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i like to believe marejuice has magical properties that cancel out alcohol induced impotence [for narrative purposes]
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I would tell her my fetish if she whinnied at me like that
Would hang out with her and drink tasty cocktails.
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>she makes that noise
>next thing you know you black out because she slipped something in your drink when you werent looking
>she was chrysalis the whole time
>youre in a cocoon now
>the rape cocoon
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She gets pretty hoofsy when she's had a few...
Well, you know what they say, it's not rape if they like it.
Unless they don't like it. Then it is rape.
Pay your taxes, folks.
>YouTube links in greens
I don't care what other people say, I've always liked this.
also that jazz was fire
Mares don't play fair.
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i know some anons hate links in their greens but im glad you appreciated teh song lel
The only thing I hate about links in green is when I'm reading some old green and I click a link and get "THIS VIDEO IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE" and youtube won't even tell me what the name of it was
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good nightmare eyes
currently fearing for my life, as well as my balls now
What would flutters do if anon has an ENF fetish?
Not sure how an Elephant Nutrition Farm could be anyone's fetish, but I guess she'd have to open one.
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>Elephant Nutrition Farm
anon this is a Christian pony board, please dont go saying things like that outloud
haha imagine if she mind controlled you to fuck her while she's tied down like that and her pussy kept gripping at your dick until you blew the fattest load inside her haha
quick bump
>Still secure in your lawn chair--having been tied up in it as you snoozed--you're sitting in the middle of the aisle of some pony church that Fluttershy dragged you to.
>It's the middle of the night. She's lit a bunch of candles, so she's probably not even allowed to be in here.
>She won't answer you. She's dressed like a nun.
>You have no idea what's going on.
>Instead of an altar, there's a giant green statue of your dick that reaches up to the ceiling.
>It looks shiny in the candlelight, like it's made of plastic, and Nunshy smiles at you with half of her face lit up by it.
>"If it pleases you, please watch me kneel before my desire, my lord."
>Ponies can't kneel.
>You watch as she approaches the altar.
>She's going to break her legs, and right in front of you too.
>This is what you get for falling asleep outside, for trying to enjoy a nice, cool summer night when you have rapist ponies in your life.
>And for still drinking that lemonade that was by your chair, after you fell asleep the first time.
>Like, come on, man, you always gotta watch the drinks around here.
>Remember lesson number two of Iron Will's anti-rape course.
>'If the drink is out of sight, you're in for a hell of a night!'
>Her eyes trail up the green dick in reverence as she approaches it, the hem of her robes brushing against the steps leading to the altar.
>You notice that Fluttershy's butt has been eating the little back flap of her nun robes.
>Her horse pussy and ponut, their sticky outlines clear, are sucking the cloth in.
>And the flap twitches whenever she winks, like someone's yanking up on it.
>She lingers a bit, making sure that you notice this.
>Fluttershy then kneels in prayer before the giant statue of your dick.
>Both of her legs snap in half when she kneels but she continues to pray.
>She is propped up by the jagged points where her knee bones broke off, and by her faith.
>Her butt is helping keep her balanced too, cause it's big.
>She did it though. She kneeled.
>You watch her bleed out silently.
Doesn't that hurt?
>"Love always hurts, my lord."
>Behind the altar, whenever the candlelight flickers, you can see that there's a stained glass window with Celestia's sun on it.
>Looks nice.
>Too bad your dick is blocking it, so you can't get a good view.
>And Fluttershy passes out from blood loss.
>She swoons backward, bumping her head on every step as she tumbles down to the floor.
>You know she's fine though.
>Her butt is still eating her robes.
>A little bit of healing magic and she'll be good to go in the morning, cause Equestria do be fucked up like that sometimes.
>Still gross how she bended her knees though.
>Fucking Nunshy.
the knees in the op have been freaking me out all week
>yellow hooves typed this post
>And what will Princess Luna do when she finds her prize absent?!
I 'unno. Lesfindout.

>Princess Luna drifts about your house, keenly interested in every little detail.
>She treads carefully, her solleretted hooves tapping lightly across thick treated floorboards.
>She has never met a human before and is fascinated by your belongings.
>One can learn a lot from a person's possessions; she is surprised by how floral it all is.
>The sofa, for example, is upholstered with an unremarkable beige linen, but a heavily-bobbled cotton throw of intertwining flowers and leaves, rich in warm autumn colours, is draped over the back.
>The walls are done in earthen hues, except the wall facing the main lounge window, which portrays a vast mural of a southern-Equestrian vista: rolling hills dotted with stone houses and vineyards.
>She admires it for a minute. Displayed in waning afternoon light, Luna could almost be there smelling the grapes.
>Little potted plants are dotted about the rooms and hallways, always near a source of natural light, their colours not always matching the overall aesthetic, but clearly tended to.
>For every two pots, there are watering cans scattered about strategically; some tiny things of thin metal with straw-like spouts, some great, bulky plastic things far too large to be kept indoors.
>She wanders into your study and inspects the books.
>Gardening, botany, arboreal studies, it all fits the theme.
>She comes to your desk and peers down at the book you were reading, expecting further plant studies.
>She instead arches an eyebrow.
>"Lesbianic erotica? My my, how adventurous," she says to the empty room.
>Luna thinks about what she's seen, and decides she likes it.
>Anything with a connection to nature stands less chance of being the sort of pretentious, high-minded toffs Luna is weary of entertaining in Canterlot.
>She thinks about Macintosh, spirited away not minutes earlier to a hospital, his dreams carefully tended and the strictest of instructions barked to the frightened staff that he is to receive a royal degree of care.
>There's something about living rurally that breeds good stock, she decides. Perhaps she should visit Ponyville more often.
>Yet, her reason for being here eludes her.
>Luna marches around the house, checking each room on the ground and first floors with rapidly-depleting patience. Before long, she is exasperated. She is not used to being kept waiting like this.
>The search remains fruitless, save a few suspicious gaps in your pantry stock and tinned foods lying on the floor.
>You've obviously fled, but where?
>She stands in the centre of the house and beams a strange blacklight from her horn.
>The light reveals anything it touches, and she can see from one end of the house to another.
>There is no hiding, quivering human, but there is...
>The overlooked basement door is found and thrown aside, and Luna gazes into the small abyss between your floorboards, the dust betraying the path of the barrel that had hidden it.
>The princess smiles, tracing a hoof over the scuffed shoe prints beside the barrel.
>Her heart-rate increases, and she thinks of a falcon hunting a field mouse.
>The smile splits into a grin, and she leaps into the hole.


>Your skull throbs, and yet another ridge in the uneven pony-tunnel smacks against your forehead.
>At this, you sit, one leg arched and another lying forward, catching your breath.
>A kilometre isn't that far, but in the voracious dark and silence of the earth it could be several.
>You rub your head, mentally cursing the sisters that carved this path for not being more considerate of the vertically endowed.
>It's been thirty minutes, your watch tells you, so there can't be that far left to go.
>You flick your torch back and look at how far you've come.
>The light reveals a slight bend - the tunnel isn't straight, instead rising, falling, and drifting sidelong in its meandering path to your home.
>In fairness to the Pies, they were digging under pressure, and you got a secret tunnel out of the whole ordeal.
>So long as Pinkie keeps her promise, you've no fears of Ponyvillians discovering this place.
>Until a distant, but disturbingly clear howl echoes down the tunnel.
>The hairs on the backs of your arms and neck rise. You switch from sitting to a low crouch in a blink.
>Your eyes are fixed on the direction of your house. The direction of the howl.
>You strain your ears.
>Beast or pony, you aren't sure, but what sends a thrill of ice from your throat to your heart and stomach is this: There's something down here with you.
>Seconds pass, the circle of light pointing down the tunnel quivering in your now shaking hand.
>Another howl, this one almost playful and ending in a barked laugh. And then a voice, amplified to vibrate the very walls of the tunnel, but unmistakably feminine.
>"I see you, little mouse!"
>The word is an electric shock from your brain to your entire nervous system.
>Adrenaline and cortisol wells from primeval genetic memories of a time of long-forgotten humanity.
>Thoughts vanish. Considerations of the future, gone. There is only the present: You, this tunnel, and a predator coming for you in the dark.
>You hoist your bag, spin in the other direction, and fly.
>Ridges slam against your head, your arms collide against solid rock, and your soles adjust poorly to the ragged contours of the tunnel, but you flee.
>Manic laughter echoes behind you, and it's getting louder.
>You find yourself cursing between breaths, the words rising in harshness and frequency as the whooping laughs behind you grow closer and closer.
>Your foot catches and you trip, your chin hitting the floor and wind punched from your chest.
>Still you rise and run. A slight curve in the tunnel reveals blessed day.
>It beckons, dragging you, and with the tunnel opening wider and higher you're at last able to rise to your full height.
>The run becomes a sprint. With arms pumping, legs weak, acid in your throat and pain throbbing to the beat of your heart, you burst from the mouth of the tunnel through carefully positioned bushes.
>Into the Everfree Forest.


>Returning daylight is joined with returning reason.
>In your single-minded drive to evacuate, you mercifully followed the right path into the undergrowth.
>Under normal circumstances you would be stopping to smell the flowers, but in your mind's eye you see only your objective: the stash.
>Buried deeper in this forest is a small hideaway, a place with all the necessities you wouldn't be able to grab in your flight from Ponyville.
>A sleeping bag, dry foods like dehydrated fruit and pemmican, enough clean water to last weeks, changes of clothes, and more.
>You've been ready to jump Ponyville for a while, but hadn't expected things to escalate so soon after the creation of the tunnel.
>You'd wanted a few more days, at least.
>Miss Moss -- your gardener -- hasn't been paid this month. You hope she'll understand.
>Trees tower over you, and the oppressive silence of the tunnel is replaced with a stillness of a new sort: The cautious quiet of a watching forest.
>There are things watching you right now, you know that.
>But they're studying you. Seeing if you're a threat to the order. If you keep moving and don't make too much of a fuss, the forest will adapt. Small animals will come out of hiding, birds will resume their chatter.
>You're a foreigner everywhere you go in Equestria, but all creatures of brick and fire are foreigners to nature.
>The long moments of uneasy peace stretch on, broken only by your trudging down a half-remembered path you'd carved only the other week.
>You're both surprised and not by how quickly the forest was reclaiming your attempt at leaving a mark.
>Still, you pass a tree daubed with a white painted arrow, and know you're close.
>By a lazy brook beneath an aged, drooping rowan tree, its trunk split in two and half its leaves wilting in the permanent shade of its neighbours, you find your stash.
>Something has disturbed it. The carefully piled packets of food knocked about no-doubt by a curious muzzle, but thankfully unopened.
>For a moment, you sit on the grass verge and take inventory, unpacking and repacking your bag like a repeating game of Tetris until you manage to cram everything in.
>It's heavy, but your entire life is now in this bag, so you'll have to shoulder it.
>And then you sit. Knees close to your chest and eyes wandering over polished stones in the brook.
>You chew the inside corner of your lip as you contemplate the state of things, fingers absently picking apart a stray leaf along its veins, taking small solace in the sunlight spying through the canopy.
>Gradually, you lie back, eyes feeling heavier, the grassy verge ever so comfortable.
>It's been a long run, you can be forgiven for wanting a short rest.
>A lazy cloud, untouched by pegasus hooves, rolls across the sky above, obscuring the sun enough for you to look unsquinting at the blue.
>And so your vision is clear enough to see a dark shape split the cloud in half like an axe blow.
>You sit bolt upright.
>The shape comes to a stop, hovering; its royal regalia glints in the sun, its midnight mane a stark contrast to the daylit scene.
>The shape rotates slowly.
>When it turns to face your stash, you're already gone.


>A splash of panic has washed away the growing cobwebs in your mind, and you growl harsh words at yourself for your own complacency.
>Of course she can fly, did you forget?
>The forest has realigned itself in your mind.
>Now, every shadow is an ally, its lurking denizens your brothers against the hated sky.
>The sun is treacherous, luring you with its peace and warmth.
>You need to be more careful, but your legs ache.
>A tiredness unlike anything you've known crashes over you in waves, despite the recent shock.
>You're a man who prefers the tranquillity of a garden and a good book. Running for hundreds of metres with fifteen kilos weighing on your back is a new and profoundly unwelcome experience.
>The other issue is direction. Where to now? You'd imagined sleeping under the rowan tree, but now the idea of such open vulnerability makes you sick.
>What if you ventured across the forest? Reached the other side?
>There's a plan. If you make it out, you can use the money you've got in the bag to afford lodgings at a hotel or inn.
>But you'll be damned if you can remember if there are any towns beyond the Everfree, or even how large it is.
>A vague number comes to mind: a thousand square miles. Was that the Everfree? If so, you're in trouble.
>Can you trek through this place, with its dangers and mysteries, and survive?
>If you do, will you find salvation, or will you emerge breathless and hungry from the treeline and into the waiting, open arms of Princess Luna?
>There is of course the other option.
>You go back.
>So what if the princess wants to bed you, is that so bad?
>You think about ponies as you walk aimlessly in the shade.
>They're cute enough, hay-breath aside. Animal stink dismissed. Uncanny eyes and alien proportions ignored.
>Could you sleep with one?
>Your mind provides a helpful overview of the sordid molestation that's become an increasing problem during your year in Ponyville so far.
>Perhaps they feel that because you're not a pony, you're fair game? That the ordinary rules of social etiquette don't apply to you?
>There are numberless stories of humans disrespecting others for the simple crime of being outsiders, why should this be any different?
>Xenophobia was something you'd expected when you arrived, here, but not xenophilia.
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>The local stallions (and a few certain mares) are mostly safe, but the open displays of affection you've been getting from the rest have been building for a while.
>These thirteen months spent in Equestria have been pleasant and not entirely without drama, but the last three in particular have been worrisome.
>You may well have been mobbed and abused weeks ago, were it not for the emergency requisition of one Mr. Macintosh.
>You stop walking and rub your eyes with a finger and thumb.
>The voice of conscience whispers to you: Go back, if only to check on him.
>He's tough, but Luna didn't seem the merciful sort.
>They were throwing birdbaths, so it was easily the most violent fight you've seen so far, but ponies are big on forgiveness. Perhaps they sat down and sorted their differences over a cup of tea...
>You pause before a hole in the canopy long enough to see a dark blue streak thunder overhead, the thrum of wingbeats following after.
>...Which would mean Mac betrayed you and allowed her into your house, even showing her the tunnel.
>You can't see him doing that, nor can you see Luna as much of a tea-drinker. Even so...
>Your mind dwells on this for much of the afternoon, even as day submits to dusk.
>The shift to darkness is both gradual and sudden.
>The shadows twist with the angle of the sun, but beyond a certain point it all snaps into focus, and suddenly you're doused in shadow.
>A good thing -- were it not for the fact you're being hunted by the princess of the night.
>Diligence. That's all that's needed. The thought has your body sagging against the rock-face of an exposed rise.
>You've never known such strain, you -have- to rest.
>The idea of setting up out here worries you. Alleged monsters stalk these trees, and then there's Luna.
>What will she do to you if she finds you?
>You recall the more 'forward' of your would-be suitors, and recall further the violence of their failed advances.
>Though they never laid a hoof on you in anger (though plenty have laid hooves on you in other moods), you've seen ponies tear apart solid wood when angry.
>You dread to think what an alicorn driven by lust would be capable of.
>To still be hunting you well into the evening, she must be determined to have her 'prize'.
>Even fogged with exhaustion, your brain provides a motivational idea of a hefty moon mare crushing your pelvis, and all its associated agonies.
>You snort a laugh, amazed at your situation.
>To think you were enjoying a book and some toast not six hours ago.
>A weary hand yanks a branch down and away from your path and, eyes watching the ground, you stumble into a shaded hollow.
>You look up. Your breath catches.

moon mare moon maRE MOON MARE MOON. MARE. MOON. MARE.
I got like a whole actual story planned out for this thing. It's gonna get fantastical.
A whole actual story? My word. It must be Christmas around here.
this is way too damn good, I get a jealous knot in my gut from reading it
This is gonna be real good
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>"I'm so happy!"
>"Princess Luna will teach Anon the magic of loving ponies for sure!"
I look forward to every word. On the moment of the story, hope Luna doesn't forget about her job of running the kingdom. Just a small thing.
Here is a better version of this one. Not sure if it crosses the line so I put it in catbox.

Honestly depends on how the jannies are feeling. Half the time they don't really notice something like this.
I've seen full ponut survive as much as a week.
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>"Good grief, that Rarity does sound like a hooffull."
>"Maybe if you pinned her down and raped her, it would teach her a lesson."
>"Oh, and don't even think about pulling out. I'm absolutely positive an unwanted foal would really get the point across."
"You make an interesting point, Raribro."
>Anon nodded at the sagely advice of this radical Stallion in front of him.
"But you know what? We could do much worse than that. She's the element of generosity yeah? I should instead rape Twilight in front of her. Imagine how awful that would be for Rarity to watch her best friend to get raped instead, she'd keep offering to take her place, but no."
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>"Ohoho, I like the way you think. Imagine the look on her face as the man she loves breeds another mare in front of her."
>"Why if I were a betting mare, I'd wager she would actually enjoy it."
I like the cut of his gib. I'd trust him with my house keys and wallet.
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late night boop
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9 is no place to be
On and on the story goes. When will it end? Nobody knows.
(I know)

>What strikes you first about the clearing -- besides the obvious -- is the trees.
>In contrast to the plethora of ashes, feyfriends, hornbeams and more crammed together in uncomfortable cohabitation, the trees lining the clearing could be tropical.
>On closer inspection, they aren't, and you momentarily forget your fatigue and sense of danger to confirm as such.
>Arms folded and doing your best to ignore the straps of your bag trying to drag you earthward, you squint at them in the meagre light.
>They look like gnarled poplars, hunched, some even grovelling near the floor. Whether by necessity or the force of some malign will, the trees are contorted.
>You're troubled by it.
>Trees are beautiful. You've thought so your whole life, and seeing them bent in such unnatural ways disturbs you.
>Creepers and vines hang lank around the shoulders of branches like grimy troll hair, each tree around you part of a mob penning you in.
>But the poplars, of course, aren't the main feature of the clearing.
>It's the treehouse in the centre.
>The largest tree in the vicinity, it has been hollowed out much the same way Twilight Sparkle's library is, albeit far smaller, with the misshapen door and windows giving a monstrous impression.
>Carved masks of tribal aspect lean against the roots, and earthenware vases hang from stooped branches with organic twine.
>Candlelight dances in the windows. Between it and the surrounding gloom, the house could be glowering.
>A breeze rustles the scene. You shudder.
>For a while you study it, thinking. You've heard nothing about any residents of the forest. Perhaps they could be of help?
>You chew your lip, frowning, hands tucked under your armpits.
>Eventually, you nod. It's for the best.
>You march forward and plant three firm knocks against the door.
>Your heart beats faster. You've committed now. No going back.
>Measured steps approach the door from within.
>You are washed in comforting light as it opens.


>Her name is Zecora, and she is the first zebra you've met.
>She drifts to and fro about her home, speaking in melodious tones about herself -- rhymes, no less.
>You're slumped on her low bed in the other room, watching her through the hanging beads dividing the bedroom from the central chamber.
>Shoulders sagging forward, head nodding like a donkey, you're trying to stay awake for politenesses sake, but her voice is motherly: an unintentional lullaby.
>She sets a pair of steaming bowls on her corner table and pokes her head through the beads.
>A warm, good-natured chuckle rumbles in her chest.
>"A journey long; you've run and crept. I would not be offended if you slept. Please," she nods at the pillow-end.
>You regard her bleary eyed for a moment, blink, and flop backwards, asleep the moment your lids close.


>She lives a humble life out here on her own, and your camaraderie is instant.
>Zecora, an outsider to these lands, largely prefers her own company. She is a shaman and an alchemist. A delver of secrets concerned with matters of nature over the affairs of civilisation.
>Naturally, you find much in common, especially your shared knowledge of plants.
>Her wild ways are an unexplored frontier, however, something books could never teach you.
>And there are things in the Everfree you never could have imagined.
>The following morning, you stand before one of the windows, the sun shining through on your work.
"I've not seen it before," you're both looking down at a mulched specimen in a mortar, the blue leaves crushed to pulp with your pestle. Its distinct scent -- like oranges and nutmeg -- demands attention, but you can't place it. "Poisonous?"
>Zecora tilts her head, waiting a beat before answering.
>"In a sense it would poison folk, but only if it can turn a joke. Its leaves are magic, a mysterious plant, my knowledge unfortunately is quite scant. But don't ever touch it, harmless it may seem, its effects are troublesome in the extreme. Transmogrification is the least of your worries -- I've heard my fair share of horror stories."
>You pull a face.
"Magic. Never liked the stuff."
>The zebra smiles up at you.
>"Non-magical beings such as we must take extra care in this arcane sea. The Everfree is a place of power, its effects damning, no matter the hour."
"Day or night, it'll try to kill you?"
>"It would only kill the unwary. Once you're settled, it is not so scary."
"How long have you been out here, Zecora?"
>She shrugs and wanders off to check the wide cauldron in the centre of the room.
>"I have no use for calendars and time. The seasons pass and I remain in my prime. I left my home several winters past, but my days spent here have gone quite fast. I think perhaps three years or so, without record-keeping, I'm not to know."
"You aren't interested in logging how long you've spent here?"
>The mare plucks a vial off a carved shelf and pops the cork-on-twine, pouring barely a few grains of whatever was in it into the mix, speaking as she does so.
>"I keep records of things of use to me: plants, places, history. I will live as long as I need. All things die, some slow, some at speed. The worries of mortality are Civilisation's invention. I am one with nature, I have no such pretension."
"And the rhyming?"
>"That is my culture."
>You watch her, waiting. She watches back with a coy smile, then winks and goes back to sprinkling.
>You can't help but laugh.
>The cauldron hisses, and the zebra opens her nostrils, breathing deeply.
>"Ready for drinking, I should say. May I trouble you to stay?"
"What is it, a potion?"


>To your honest surprise, you end up spending the day with her.
>The first few hours were easy to excuse as you needed the respite following what your watch reports was a ten-hour slumber -- plus the soup was something you could never find in a restaurant -- but even when you've recovered you find that you want to stay simply for her company.
>She's grateful, you think. Isolationist she may be, you can tell she enjoys chatting.
>Perhaps she tires of people easily. You can sympathise, you've known many like her.
>She doesn't dislike other people, but she grows weary easily.
>You doubt she'd be able to tolerate Pinkie Pie for long, but you could be mistaken.
>The two of you work shoulder-to-hip at her worktop -- you tower over her much as you do ponies, but at least her home has a high ceiling.
"Do you visit Ponyville often?"
>"Once in a blue moon I walk into town. For news and shopping, sometimes the odd gown."
"Hah, the wild woman is still a fan of tailoring?"
>"I seldom wear clothes, they are not my scene, but Rarity's creations are like a dream. I still have a cloak she made for me there, it is finely made, and has survived much wear."
>You think about Rarity for a while as you peel the outer layer of a large nut with a warped iron knife at Zecora's instruction.
>She started all this, in a way. You only hired Mac because of Rarity's flagrant dismissal of personal space.
>And at that, your pleasant sanctuary here in the tree is intruded upon.
>Luna may still be out there. No reasonable person would assume a princess would spend more than a few hours chasing you, but you recall the laughs in the tunnel.
>Excited, eager laughs. One of someone who enjoys chasing others.
>You suspect Luna won't easily give up on you.
>Zecora studies your work with a critical eye.
>"I think that is enough ryenut for now, we must mix again, I'll show you how."
>You join her by a small fire in the corner with a metal pot.
>The fire sits in a hollowed basin of stones, the smoke escaping through a small chimney carved through the wood to the outside so it doesn't suffocate the house.
>She apparently didn't create this house, and said she found it as is, with no sign of the previous occupant.
>You don't like to think about what might have happened to them, and she shares no theories.
"This will be..."
>"A tonic for lovers, so we must take care. One wrong step and she may lose all her hair."
"Right. This'll need... this one?"
>You point at a tall, red vase amidst a crowd of other similar vases on a nearby table.
>"No," she smiles, "that is sea salt. Unless you want to give her tastebuds a jolt. It is the one just beside, we will need but a drop. You add it in, I'll hold the pot."
>You pluck the vase, strikingly similar to the sea salt one, from the crowd and pour a slight amount in.
>Zecora angles the pot for you, her hard hooves seemingly unbothered by the heat of the cast iron.
>With a flash of acrid smoke, the liquid changes from a swirling blue to mercurial. You watch the change, fascinated, and Zecora watches you.
>"I know that look. I wore it once too, the mysteries of alchemy have now claimed you! The shift is interesting, no? With different ingredients, that change wouldn't show."
>She grins, showing flat white teeth and crows feet at the corners of her eyes. You wonder how old she actually is.
"And ponies really buy this stuff?"
>"Most chemical matters can be solved with a brew, magic or alcohol, either can do. Love is a matter of body and mind, so alchemy's fruits have long been pined."
>You lean closer to her, giving her your most scrutinous expression.
"Go on. How much are you charging?"
>She grins.
>You chuckle, she giggles. You think you're a fan of Zecora the Zebra, you've decided.
"I promise I'll come back once this has all blown over, Zecora."
>She waves a hoof.
>"Ponyville is often mad. The ponies aren't cruel, of that be glad. Passion overtakes the best of them, so don't begrudge or condemn."
"I know, but it's hard to think that when you've got a mob of them outside your door wanting to fuck you."
>Zecora's laugh is explosive. She covers her mouth and her cheeks go pink.
>"Such an image! And did any get what she desired, or were their offers unrequired?"
"Firmly unrequired, thank you. I'm not one for interspecies."
>She shrugs, still smiling.
>"An odious brew may yet be tasty. Considering principles, don't be too hasty."
"You think I should try it?"
>"It may help bridge the gap between man and pony." She hesitates for a spell before continuing. "For many, there is little worse than being lonely."
"But not you or me. We like our solitude, don't we?"
>Her smile shrinks, still there, but smaller. She looks past you at a window, her eyes seeing things you can't.
>"At times it gnaws, my bed a cold place. It would be nice to wake by a pretty face."
"If it gets too bad, can't you head home? Find a nice zebra to settle down with?"
>She peers up at you, and you almost take a step back in the face of the profound sadness in her cyan eyes.
>"Love is for many, but for me it is not. I have settled and unsettled, it is not my lot. Faces have come and faces have gone, but my inclinations remain stubborn. I am not meant for long-lasting affection, just brief interludes of fiery attraction."
"I'm sorry to hear that, Zecora."
>She waves a hoof again, her worn smile returns.
>"Such is life. We do not know until we try. Once I was wed, but that love did die. He left for another, citing my ways, it is hard to argue; I'm given to craze."
"You're too much for him?"
>"Like Ponyvillians, my passions are fierce. It lasts for a week, then like a balloon it is pierced. I think I'm in love, then wake the next day, only to find my heart's run away."
"I think I understand. You fall in and out of love too easily."
>"Solitude is best for a mare like me, it means I won't hurt others so easily."
>You look away, tapping your fingers against the handle of the long spoon you're clutching.
"Well... your cooking definitely isn't hurting me, but how about I make us some food this time? I'll be heading off after, so it's the least I could do for your hospitality."
>Her ears perk up, earrings jangling.
>"Ah, now you are speaking my language! Please, use my kitchen, just don't make a sandwich."
"What's wrong with sandwiches?"
>She doesn't elaborate.


>You attempt soup, trying your best to replicate what Zecora made the night before.
>She offers a few clipped phrases as to the ingredients, but largely leaves you hanging. You judge by her small grin that she's enjoying watching you run around scratching your head at the ingredients all around you.
>Every wall that can have a shelf carved into the inner wood, does.
>The bottles and vases outnumber you a thousand to one, but eventually you're able to cobble together something approximating a herbal blend.
>Its pleasing aroma wafts around the room, and Zecora's nostrils twitch. You notice her wetting her lips before she returns to her own task.
>You're engrossed in your creation, and dip a long-handled spoon into the mix to taste it.
>Fragrant, light, but...
"No. Needs salt."
>Zecora's turned away carefully chopping the root of some exotic plant, so she just hums in agreement.
>You reach back and pluck the red sea salt vase from the table you'd seen before, sprinkling a bit in, humming, then adding a bit more for good measure.
>The mixture bubbles beneath you, and you sip at it again.
"I'd say that's ready. C'mon, Zecora, let's eat."
>You join her at the table with its two short, pony-sized stools, and set her bowl before her.
>Then, you knit your fingers and watch her carefully.
>Zecora sniffs the soup, bobs her head.
>"The smell is different from what is expected. The wrong herbs, perhaps, but not objected."
>She drinks some, licks her lips, and drinks some more.
"Don't you want to cool it off first?"
>She's had half the bowl, lowering it with a grin.
>"Zebra mouths are used to spice. This heat is nothing, it's really quite nice!"
>She smacks her lips, her tongue running over them again and again.
>"A very pleasing heat... what herbs did I eat?"
"Oh, just what you said. Thyme, rosemary, that sort of thing."
>She frowns, licking her lips once more.
>"That is... wrong. There is something more, a distinct taste I can't help but adore."
>She pushes back from the table and trots to the cauldron. You follow her, puzzled.
"I'm sorry if I used something important, Zecora, I was sure I used all the things you pointed to."
>"You did, but still, there is something else that..."
>She trails off, staring at the sea salt.
>"Did... you add salt?"
"Sure, I said I was going to."
>She points a hoof dumbly at the vase, and gives you a shocked, wide-eyed expression.
>You stare at the vase. The tall, red, incorrect vase.
"Oh," it hits you. "Shit."
>Zecora puffs out her cheeks and half-gallops away from you, into the bedroom behind the beads.
>"N-not much was used... ah, perhaps a lot. I-I think you should go, I'm getting quite hot."
"Zecora?" You follow her into the bedroom. "Are you--"
>"No! Out! Do not stay near! You may put yourself in danger, I fear!"
"Danger? If I can help just tell me--"
>"You have added a p-potent marital aid, it induces a fever of the highest grade."
"Right. Then you need water and cooling down. On it."
>You march back into the main room, turning with your hands on your hips.
"I'll need to grab some water from outside," you call. "is there a bucket? And are there any towels we can dampen and put on your forehead?"
>No answer, only laboured panting.
>The panting quietens, and you feel bristles on the back of your neck.
>You turn.
>Zecora stands in the doorway to her bedroom, her body splitting the hanging beads on either side of her.
>She's fixated on you with a look you've only seen a few times. One that sinks a stone into your belly.
>You hold up a hand and back away, taking care to dip down and take your bugout bag from the straw-covered floor as you do.
"Zecora, I think you need to go back and sleep."
>"So long..." she swallows. "So long it's been since I've known a male's touch, would you deprive a poor mare of even that much?"
"Please, Zee, you're under the influence of something strong, you know you are."
>She shudders, taking a step forward. Another. Then, raising her hoof, she leans back and clenches her eyes.
>"I, I am not in control of myself, Anonymous."
"Then please, rest and take--"
>She lunges for you.
>By this time you had your back at the door, and you throw it open and slam it before she can grab you.
>You feel her tugging at the handle from the other side in a frenzy.
>She shouts, her voice coming through the door and out the windows, but you don't understand the language.
>Her native tongue is deep and authoritative, and you're glad you can't parse it.
>Then, she stops tugging.
>"Please," comes an almost frightened whisper. "Get away from here, please..."
>It pains you to do so, but you saw the look in her eyes.
>A part of you still pining for soup, you take off at a run for the treeline behind the house.
>But where you're going, you have no idea.


>Only as you thrash through hanging vines and trip over your fifth tree root do you realise what this means.
>There are now two equines in this forest that want you.
>You slow enough to take breath, and review your situation.
>The original plan still stands: get out of the forest through the other side.
>There's money enough to pay for lodgings whilst you get on your feet, and you could look for work in the meantime to cover any expenses whilst you consider whether you want to return to Ponyville.
>But, your mind muses, why would any other place be different from Ponyville? There are mares in other towns, presumably, won't they also fall victim to the madness that befell your neighbours?
>Doubtful, the ever-sceptical area of your mind shoots back. Ponyville is renowned for being the residence of crackpots and eccentrics, it's likely you just happened to settle down in Equestria's version of an asylum village.
>Other villages will surely be more normal. You're not the problem - Ponyville is.
>At that, you nod, and take a step forward, only to hurl yourself to the side before you finish the step.
>A rope dangles from above, its end lying on the floor in a familiar loop.
>You crouch to inspect it.
>You've seen these -- animal traps. The animal steps in the loop, disturbs it, and a counterweight drags it higher, helpless. But why here?
>Zecora mentioned the dangerous animals of the forest.
>Perhaps that's what these are? Traps she's laid around her home to ward off wandering dangers.
>You've yet to have sight or sound of anything so far, but you trust Zecora's words regarding the Everfree, and even (to an extent) the frightful stories you'd heard from neighbours.
>It's one of the reasons you wanted a tunnel here in the first place -- if you fled to the Everfree, you were banking on no one following you.
>That is, until a princess demolished your garden and declared she wanted "fornication".
>You leave the trap behind and proceed carefully, keeping an eye on the ground for more ropes.
>At one point you emerge into sunlight, and are grateful to see the area so well-lit, as it makes searching for traps much easier.
>But then you straighten and find yourself staring up at the clear sky.
>A heartbeat passes before you jump back into the shadows, squinting at an innocent cloud accusingly.
>Mustn't let the danger behind distract from the danger above.
>You venture on.
>A decayed carcass greets you in a clearing, dangling by rope from a high branch above the leaf-strewn floor, having been picked clean by what you hope were only birds.
>Further on, heavy wing-beats pass overhead, along with an annoyed shout, confirming that somehow, even after a full day has passed, Princess Luna is still on the hunt.
>From the sounds of it, she's getting angrier. You can see that translating to a more frustrated (read: dangerous) fornication.
>You steel your nerves, thinking about warm inns and fresh bedsheets.


>You're crouched in a bush, letting nature pass, when you hear the horn.
>Birds explode from trees, and a rodent of some sort leaps over your foot in its flight away from the noise.
>It just about forces the rest of your lunch out of you, and you stand scrambling with your belt.
>You remain still, eyes darting around the eternally green veil surrounding you.
>The horn blows again, and you hear a distant yell, like a warcry.
"You're fucking with me," you whisper.
>The familiar harsh tones of Zecora's native tongue sound out, and your heart begins to race.
"Not again. I'm no good at running," your voice sounds strained.
>Still, despite aching calves, you run.
>Low branches and leaves slap at your face, and suddenly you burst out into an area where the trees are much farther apart. You can see for a distance between them, but that means something could also see you.
>However, you're a better runner in the open.
>You take off, vaulting roots and deftly avoiding thorny outcrops.
>The light is clearer here, great holes in the canopy around you tell of an area of forest sparser than the rest of the dense, jungle-like environs.
>Hairs all over your body stand on end, waiting for a blow that will come from nowhere.
>When it comes, it's not a blow.
>One moment you're running for a line of crowded trees and bushes at the far end of the sparse area.
>The next, you're upside down.
>You gasp, growls of "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" coming through clenched teeth.
>Flailing doesn't help, and you rotate as you swing, Zecora's hidden trap doing a fine job of suspending you.
>You wonder if she even remembers setting this one before your inner voice reminds you that you have a knife.
>As best you can, you fumble with your arms behind you in the side-pockets of your bag.
>Another blast of a hunting horn sounds, and a Zebrican shout alerts you to a striped figure at the far end of the passage, standing on the ceiling.
>You find the knife.
>It slips past your hand.
>You catch it with the tips of your forefingers and thumb before it's lost above you.
>Cursing your lack of core strength, you heave yourself up and hack away at the rope feverishly.
>It snaps. You fall. The shock of impact reverberates from your coccyx up your spine.
>You rise. Weight collides with you. You fall again.
>Atop you, Zecora pants, her eyes frenzied.
>She babbles in her tongue, grinding herself against you, and you shunt her off, rising in a crouch with your hand outstretched, the other clutching your knife.
"Zecora, please, just--"
>A birch tree behind her shatters into pieces, bark and splinters clouding the area as a dark shape descends like a thunderbolt straight through the canopy.
>She lands on all four hooves, gouging the earth as she ploughs to a stop.
>She corrects her posture, and with terrifying coolness regards you face to face at last.
>"There you are," says Princess Luna.


>Perhaps it's because she can smell another female -- potential competition -- that Zecora fully turns from you to face the newcomer.
>You get a good sidelong look at your little striped friend.
>She's dressed in green warpaint, angular stripes set against her black and grey coat, and across her body is a plethora of vials and hanging bags. You see the mouth piece of the hunting horn strapped to the far side of her barrel.
>Luna, by comparison, looks as though she's just worked 48 hours at the office without a break.
>Yet she remains tall and proud, looking with distaste at this strange foreigner stood by her mark.
>"And what are you supposed to be, Zebra? A lost headhunter? You're a long way from home."
>Zecora begins speaking in Zebrican. Rather than scoff, Luna's scowl tightens.
>"-Your- mate?" she says derisively. "Not a chance. I won the right to bed him in fair combat, I defeated Ponyville's champion, Knight Macintosh."
"Knight?" you can't help but mutter.
>Zecora speaks again, the words tumbling out of her. You don't need to understand her to know she's speaking frantically, trying to iron this dispute as soon as possible so she can get back to what she wants: You.
>Luna snorts.
>"Please. I've been searching for this man for far longer than you. I've already spent enough time away from the throne and my royal duties, so I'd rather resolve the matter now and be on my way. Come, human, the chase was fun -- at first -- but now it's time to conclude our business as per the terms of the duelling club."
"Duelling club? Princess, what the fuck are you talking about?"
>She blinks.
>"The duelling club. Fight the champion and win a night with you. Is that not right?"
"Who the hell told you that?"
>She cocks her head.
>"It is a rumour that has swept Canterlot. All the nobles are talking about it. Many are talking about visiting Ponyville themselves to try their hooves at it, so I thought I'd get ahead of the curve."
>And so the contagion spreads. It's not just Ponyville after all.
"Listen, it's all just a misunderstanding. There is no duelling club, and no one has any right to rape me."
>"Rape you!" she seems shocked. "What a barbaric concept."
>The princess falls silent, considering something.
>Zecora tries to talk, but Luna holds up a hoof.
>The zebra whines, trembling in place and casting longing looks at you.
>You do your best to ignore her, the sodden sheen beneath her thighs, and the pungent smell she sends your way with every flick of her tail.
>Luna nods to herself.
>"That being said, I'm ever so tired, so I'm afraid I'll have to skip the foreplay and be a bit more direct."
>You balk and move back several steps.
"Stay back, I'm warning you," you hold up the knife.
>Luna regards it with an amused look.
>"How charming."
>With a flick of her horn, the knife is torn from your fingers and sent ricocheting to parts unseen.
>"We'll settle this now, I've never done it in a forest besides--"
>Zecora plants herself in Luna's path, a hoof gouging at the ground.
>"Oh, get out of the way, Zebra," the princess says dismissively, "you can have him after I'm done--"
>Zecora jumps at her.
>Luna leaps to the side and a reactive conical shockwave from her horn grooves the earth where Zecora had been standing, bark stripped from nearby birch trees.
>Her magic grabs the zebra before she can move again, holding her close as a consequence.
"Don't hurt her!" you hear yourself shouting.
>Zecora's head twists, and a small edge revealed from nowhere, pinched between her teeth, scores the princess's cheek.
>Luna gasps and drops the zebra.
>"How dare--"
>Her attention now fully on Zecora, she aims her horn again, the bone glowing a menacing blue.
>But then you tackle her. Arms wrapped around her neck, clenching as hard as you can, you drag her to the ground, steel-shod hooves kicking out wildly and catching you in places.
>Luna thrashes beneath you, your grip shrugged off almost immediately in what you instantly realise is a lost battle.
>"Time for that later, mouse," she growls. "I have to--"
>You're thrown back by Luna's magic, possibly for your protection, but it's a good thing she did.
>As she does it, Zecora darts in and blasts a cloud of green powder right in Luna's face.
>The cloud enters her eyes, nose, and mouth, her deep blue coat dressed in a pale dusting.
>The princess coughs, sneezes, recoils from her offender.
>She coughs and coughs again, blinking rapidly to remove the dust from her eyes.
>"Coward." The word is said simply, directed at the now-grinning Zecora. "You despicable coward. I'll see that... you..."
>Luna attempts to stand, but falls immediately.
>You see up close how tired she must be. There are bags under her eyes, and considering she was up all night and most of the day flying over the Everfree, you can only imagine how weary she was even before this brief struggle.
>Zecora reaches into her pouch and retrieves more powder, but pauses.
>Luna slumps over to one side, facing you.
>You see the internal war within her, her eyes desperate to remain open, but powerless against the strange alchemical weapon.
>"S'not... fair..." she murmurs, and is then still.
>Zecora watches the princess closely, as do you.
>Her great chest rises steadily, then falls.
>The nick on her cheek from Zecora's blade seems to have already congealed, her alicorn physiology no-doubt the reason.
>She'll be fine, you judge.
>Zecora turns to you, her eyes still wide with drug-fuelled mania.
"Zecora," you try, but there's no use.
>She canters to you, and you get yourself into a lower position like a quarterback ready to take a hit.
>The zebra bowls you over anyway, her hooves scrambling for purchase on you.
>There is the sort of close, body-on-body confusion typical of a schoolyard brawl. Your hands are full, then your face is pressed against her side. She's near, she's far, your hand are full of hair. You shove, gain respite, and she's on you again, tearing at your clothes like a mare possessed.
>Her teeth grip your shirt and yank, ripping the fabric -- and more than a few chest hairs -- away, partially exposing you.
>As she draws back, you notice the pouch hanging on her neck. For a second your mind fails to catch up, then you remember what it is.
>You grasp it, ignoring Zecora's efforts to undress you, and force your fingers into the mouth past the cord tie until they feel a substance fine like flour.
>She's gasping in your ear, grinding herself against you again and babbling in both Zebrican and half-attempted English rhymes; her hooves pulling and teeth tearing at your clothes, kissing your face, biting at your shoulders hard enough in places to draw blood.
>With grim determination, you withdraw your hand from the pouch, lean back, and ram two fingers up her nose.
>The zebra is startled.
>Honestly, so are you.
>For a moment you're both frozen, you half sat on the floor pinned under the sizeable weight of the shaman, and the shaman blinking at the sensation of having a finger lodged in each nostril.
>The sensation is warm, tight, and gooey, but it's the dust covering your fingers you're concerned about.
>You pull them out with a 'pop' and she regards you with sudden clarity, her expression confused, a momentary break in the aphrodisiac fog.
>Her efforts resume, but you each know there's something wrong.
>She's sluggish, her movements increasingly laborious.
>Eventually, she sags, and you have to exert yourself to stay upright.
>Hip-height she may be, she's got heft.
>She mutters something, but you don't hear.
>For good measure, you reach into the pouch again, her hooves feebly trying to stop you, and hold more of the strange dust under her nose.
>She inhales it as she naturally breathes in, and her eyes seal shut much like Luna's.
>With a sigh, she deflates.


>You survey the damage, unsure of yourself.
>A shattered tree, torn earth, your upper body covered in bites and bruises, your shirt in tatters.
>Luna lies comatose on the forest floor, a few leaves having already come to rest on her from the canopy above.
>Even at rest, she looks exhausted. You think she'll be out for a long time.
>Zecora snoozes just by your leg, lightly whinnying in her sleep.
>But you're confronted now with a serious problem: what to do with them both.
>Luna, you can't possibly move. There's too much mare for one man to handle, and you're hesitant to even touch her lest she rouse.
>Zecora, you might be able to carry if you hoisted her on your back and supported her legs with your arms, but that would mean leaving your bag - you can't bear both.
>If you left them here untouched, the forest might claim them.
>If they wake up at the same time, Luna may well kill Zecora.
>You can't take the zebra back to her hut, you don't know which way to go.
>You absently scratch your stubble with dirty fingers and sigh through your nose.
"Of all the things to happen," your words are soft and don't travel far.
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>You look down at the sleeping Zecora, your mind instantly made.
>You won't abandon her here.
>One glance at Luna, then at the leaves covering her, and an idea forms.
>A reckless one, but an idea all the same.
>The best you can do for Luna is hide her.
>And so, you set to work.
>With leaves, twigs, and an hour of foraging for appropriately-sized branches, you cover the fallen princess with forest detritus.
>By the time you're done, you're soaked in sweat, but the princess is hidden from view.
>And whilst not your finest hour, you even found 'filth' of a sort, and smeared it in a circle around the mound in an effort to ward off any nosey animals.
>(You then washed your hands liberally, thanking your past self for having the foresight to pack a small tube of sanitiser.)
>Admiring your handiwork, you swig water from a flask, conscious of how little is left.
>But when you return to your bag, you notice that the fabric is dark.
>At some point during the confusion, a sharp stone must have pierced through the back, and one of the two large water bottles you'd packed had spilled its contents all over your supplies.
>Luckily, most things were waterproofed, but your replacement shirt is drenched, and the water bottle is useless now.
>You pick up Zecora to see what you're working with and find that she's actually a bit lighter than expected when you're standing properly.
>You chew your lip and nod to yourself.
>It'll be hard, rough work, but it can be done. No other option is acceptable.
>You haul your drenched bag onto your back, clip it in place around your midsection, and hoist Zecora into your arms.
>You stagger a moment, eyes bulging from the weight of the bag and zebra, but you find you can do it. The bag acts as a sort of counterweight against the front load, but it'll be hell on your knees.
>With a final look back at Luna's mound, you trudge on into the deep forest clutching your friend.

Stay tuned next time for the aliens and time-travelling robots!
There are no aliens and time-travelling robots.
Nicely done, and brave of you to take on the challenge of writing dialogue in verse. Most greentexters avoid Zecora like the plague for that reason.
How come Luna says "S'not" and Anon beats Zecora by jamming his fingers in her nostrils? Nose fetishists be going hard in FR rn

Time to run away to Zebrica. This green do be firing on all cylinders. It sure would be a shame if someone in it died, even if it was just a robot or an alien. I am reading all of it. You've pulled the cork.
Very nice! thanks!
Sending Anon my hamon, he's going to need it for the time-freezing not-robots.
Good stuff, we really don't see much Zecora.
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Horny Luna=Destruction.
I forgot to mention
>She's near, she's far, your hand are full of hair.
All your hand are full of hair!
I think Anon got some of Zecora's sleeping powder on his fingers, and that probably seemed to him like a reliable method of delivery.
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Guess what?
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Well you aren’t wrong
Yeah, that's literally what the story says:
>and force your fingers into the mouth past the cord tie until they feel a substance fine like flour.
>With grim determination, you withdraw your hand from the pouch, lean back, and ram two fingers up her nose.
>The sensation is warm, tight, and gooey, but it's the dust covering your fingers you're concerned about.
He literally used her knockout powder on her, he just needed to force her to breathe it in
Looking forward to more anon
quick bump
Shut up, idiot.
We all read the story.
Four days? Has it really been that long? Good god I get distracted.

>Be Aphrodite, goddess of Love and yada yada yada.
>You’re a bit too annoyed for titles right now. Some insolent welp calls you a myth, and now a mere toy interrupts YOUR will?
>You regard this glorified pool noodle in front of you with barely contained contempt.
“And what are you supposed to be? Bastard child of anything and everything at the same time?”
>Discord smiles and nods a couple times, bringing his shoulders up in an extended shrug. “Perhaps the wording is a little crass, but that about sums it up. I am Discord, reformed spirit of Chaos and disharmony.”
“Oh. That’s cute. A little demigod of chaos?” You smirk, and look across the room. Anon seems somewhere between relieved and confused.
>Fluttershy off in the corner has stopped drooling on Anon’s carpet, but she’s nevertheless happy to see her friend in the room with everyone else.
>Cadence seems almost as annoyed as you are, and Twilight’s emotions are surprisingly hard to get a read on. Clearly this thing is a pest even if he is reformed.
>You mentally shrug as Discord gets a bit indignant.
>“Little Demigod? There’s not a drop of mortal blood in my metaphorical veins, your sluttiness.” Discord quips
>Cadence gasps. Twilight gasps. Fluttershy gasps and nearly faints. Anon laughs then quickly shuts up.
>As for you, all mirth is gone. You are now officially fed up with this.
>In a terrible flash of light, your horn ignites as a great, terrible beam of energy rushes into the cloud of dust that Discord used to be. Anon’s sofa is now gone. And a bit of the floor, too. Oh dear.
>Discord, on his part, is laughing his ass off, sitting on Twilight’s back. Said twiggly wiggler is now bucking trying to get him off her back as Aprhodite’s horn recharges for a second attack, only for her to forcefully teleport Discord to her instead, and smashing him hard into the ground.
>Discord’s surprised body rebounds off the earth under Anon’s house, smashing into the ceiling and damaging a few of the joices of the attic of Anon’s single story home.
>Cadence yells out “Aprhodite, please stop! This is too much!”
For your part, you just let loose a girly giggle. “Oh this is just playtime for me, Cadence. Just putting a child in its place.”
>Still dazed, Discord is yanked down by your hoof extended to his tail. You gently carry him in your magic, only to spin around quickly, your divine muscles tightening as electrical energies dance across your form.
>You buck Discord in the face with the full strength of your godly form, with a deafening crack as the hoof connects to his face.
>His body slams into the kitchen, obliterating the sink, the oven, and the meager fridge of Anon’s.
>To your surprise, Fluttershy runs to his side, as his body starts to fade away. To your greater surprise, she even starts crying.
Well I certainly didn’t see that coming
Think you meant to link >>41250722
Sure did buddy. Sure did. Am a bit tired. I have the correction lined up in the following part.
>Discord jobbing
kek, good thing Fluttershy was there to save his ass. still took out the fridge though
being around ponies is exhausting
I think Anon in the other green would be absolutely fucked if Aphrodite showed up
Not another Discord shaped hole in the house.
>Discord jobbing
I'm kinda of half expecting that he's just fucking around, or faking because he doesn't want to get into a fight that might hurt Fluttershy
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Yeah, I definitely think he went down too easy to not be faking it.
Irredeemably hideous.
(You) have been warned.
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Thanks for sharing that with the class.
You're going to respond to that abomination with a zaphamster?
Buddy, I think I'd rather fuck Pikachu than the cancer I just saw.
>Fluttershy fursuit comes to life and tries to rape you
imagine the smell
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And this exists.
Well done.
if it wasn't obvious, number 22 there was the correct post. Let my own laziness get to me. Woops.

>Still Aphrodite. Still make every goddess jealous, every god barely contained in their lust. To say nothing of the mortals...
>You strut to Fluttershy’s side, as Cadence and Twilight keep their distance from you. Anon’s eye twitches, but the concerns of mortals are far below your interest.
>You think for a fraction of a second, and remember that the whole reason you are here is for the sake of a different mortal. Hrm. Okay, it’s just Anon’s opinion of you that’s shit.
>You plop your finely toned ass next to Fluttershy’s nice but severely inferior derriere.
“Do not cry for this clown, Fluttershy. He’s nothing more a spirit of annoyance. Besides, he’s not dead. I have merely banished him back to his mother. He’ll be back to annoy you ponies again in some number of days, I imagine.” You stretch your back a bit as you talk.
>That was kind of fun to exercise like that. Admittedly, a very short bit of fun. You idly wonder if anything in this realm could put up at least some kind of real fight.
>Fluttershy stops crying openly, now reduced down to just sniffles, but she looks up at you with a mixture of disappointment, and no small amount of anger.
>”I don’t think I want your help anymore, Aprhodite.” She says, which makes your blood pressure raise just a bit.
>How dare she. How dare this mortal question your methods. You’re here, in this playground of a realm for her sake, and she forsakes you!?
>A terrible frown starts to make its way across your face, but you just turn your nose up at her.
“You do not like that I am fixing your pathetic attempts to woo this ape for you? Fine!” You start to strut for the door, leaving these mortals to their pathetic squabbles.
“Come with me, Twilight and Cadence. Since my time has now been wasted, you will treat me to a tour of your village. Maybe plan a ceremony to honor my visit to this sad host of hovels?” You continue your trot through the door, leaving Fluttershy and her Ape be.
>Be Anon. You’re having a truly miserable day. This is your punishment for having such a nice weekend, it would seem. Your home is now half busted and beginning to take on water, courtesy of a destroyed sink.
>Honestly, it’s surprising the gas stove being broken like that hasn’t caused a fire. You sigh and get up, and walk out the back door. You flip the green, corroded valve to turn off the water to your house, and start to head back up.
>You then quickly turn around, and flip the one for the gas before something unfortunate happens. You head back up and look for a mop, only to see the Kitchen isn’t soggy anymore. Or broken either. Fixed… is putting it to far.

Shout out to everyone who correctly twigged on to Discord jobbing.
>Still be anon
>The clash of a goddess and a spirit of harmony in your living room was decidedly one sided.
>But, you look across the room, and see none of the holes that the oversized sentient pool noodle generated via high velocity yeeting.
>As it’s the first thing you noticed from the backdoor you came through, your kitchen is now largely restored in function, maybe. Form definitely not.
>The oven has been replaced by a brick fireplace, complete with fake plastic electric log fire in the middle. A tentative testing with your hand though, and you feel the heat radiating off of it to be about as warm as a real one. Your cabinets have been replaced with a mishmash of foals’ toyboxes and now a painting of Discord riding pinkie pie whilst in knight’s armor.
>You frown some more.
>Looking further afield to your living room you see where the holes obviously used to be. The floor in their place matches about as well as a polka dot dress, and a HAZMAT suit.
>The reason you say this, is because the floor in fact looks to be made out of those two materials now, and the hazmat portion gives a very unsatisfying squeak as you test it with your shoes. Glancing up, the ceiling drywall has been replaced with a birdbath. Glancing outside your window confirms, that it is in fact your birdbath, now acting as a load bearing chandelier.
>You decide not to question it.
>Fluttershy is still here at least, and while normally that would be annoying, you decide you’d rather have at least something to talk to, and she will do in a pinch.
“Fluttershy. What the absolute fuck did you do?” You say, leaning against your new floral and squid printed couch. You find it’s surprisingly more comfortable than your old one. A tiny silver lining in this shit sandwhich.
>Fluttershy goes to answer, but is stopped as her mouth opens by a long tail reaching up through the floor. You recognize that tail. Seems Discord isn’t very gone afterall.
>You decide to follow Aphrodite’s exampe, and pull him up by the tail. He’s a might bit lighter than you would have thought.
>You learned early on that expecting anything from discord is an effort in futility. But you still weren’t expecting the blond wig on his head.
“…. Fuck it, change gears. Discord, what the fuck are you doing?” You ask, patience thinned as it may be, you’re still a tad more humble than normal.
>Discord smiles his cheesy grin, and with the least convincing female voice you have ever heard, he speaks. “Whaaaat? Discord? You have me mistaken, Anon. He’s been banished by aphrodite!” He stops and sniggers. “Why, I’m Eris, his sister. My, what nice uh…. Biceps you have?”
>Discord bats his now longer eyelashes at you in the most literal sense, as a closer inspection reveals they look like bats as he does so.
>You rub your temple. You already had a headache somewhere in there, but now that the adrenaline is gone, you’re starting to feel it.
>spirit of dis- harmony.
Gods dammit, not the worst error I've made but it's going to annoy me for the rest of the day.
Anyway. I wanted to poke fun at the old tranny discord joke, and this is a fantastic way to do it methinks.
This is the



What a ploy
It’s okay anon typos happen
Good stuff, can’t wait to see what’s next

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