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AI Art Thread #39 "Please wait a while before making a thread" edition.


This is more of a one click manager that you can install / run the other backends though. Easiest by far. Recommended to download Forge through it and use its built-in Civitai browser to download models with.

For models not through the in-built downloader just download and drop them in Stability_Matrix\Data\Models\* (lora folder if a lora, TextualInversion if embedding, stablediffusion if checkpoint...)

>Stable Diffusion Automatic1111
I would recommend installing this through Stability Matrix.

Has a learning curve but is extremely customizable and usually has the latest methods / papers implemented first.

>"But I don't have a decent GPU"
NovelAI also does great pony: https://novelai.net
You could also use a service like civitai.


>Pony Diffusion V6 XL

>Autism Mix (Alternative model based upon pony diffusion, I prefer the DPO version of it. Better anatomy / more coherent.)

>Seaart (Less pony knowledge but has artist tags and is very high quality.)

>Useful artist style LoRA:

>LoRAs by /mlp/:

>LoRAs by /h and other useful info:

>How to make your own LoRA:

>Prompt tips for new users:
Grab a image you like the style of from the desired model's citvia's site and drop it onto the PNG info tab in SD, you can then click send to text to image to reuse its generation info for your own images. Change the seed so you do not get just the same image. Use tags from e621 and natural language.

>No, AI art is NOT stealing.
Here, all the usual misinfo already addressed in one easy place for your viewing displeasure:

>Previous Thread

>Past Threads
Tried making new thread at page 8, got 2 "Please wait a while before making a thread" cause 4chan is going to shit and forgot lol.
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So nothing has changed then? Thank you for letting us know copyright law still exists. Fair use also still exists just to let you know.
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Ai is stealing? don't care, i steal.
1.) None of this is commercial
2.) No one cares if it's theft.
3.) No one has come up with a solution to internet piracy and no one ever will.
huh this is pic barely resembles AI apart from Applejack's cutie mark and the end of her mane.
It's kinda sad how dead this thread is. The AI thread on /b/ hits limit in 2 hours. Too bad it's 99% lolicon garbage and 0% mare.
Probably because spergburgers would rather argue than just post mares
It's not the thread that's dead, it's the board.
We had a thread that didn't reach 500.
Dead board = dead thread. Also, /mlp/ is full of anti AI autists.
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not having much luck trying to gen plones either
>board with both voice and text generation generals in addition to this
I don't think that's the case. I mostly just don't post my images.
Do you really need a Lora when you want to create show accurate generations I have tried a prompt or two and some require a model you only get from downloading while logged in to CivitAI why?
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nah you just want to use some specific tags. Should work with both base pony diffusion and autismmix.
show accurate, vector and flat colors are a good combo in my experience.
Believe me I have tried and for some reason they're always somewhere a visible fraction of an inch off so I'm considering whether or not I should use the batch option and let my machine lag for a while.
ah yeah that can be a challenge. Sometimes it's some negative tokens other times it's just ordering or you got unlucky with the seed.
Ordering is my greatest weakness and as such I have been asking random anons to give me their prompts so I can learn how to write a good one but some had a Lora that needed to be downloaded and without they aren't too bad but not exactly great as the nice request takers deliver.
oh which one? I think all the /mlp/ made loras are available in the rentry but I can upload any you might want from civitai.
Give me a minute to look it up.
piracy is cheap
training is expensive
novelty wore off. you can't easily make things exactly how you want it, and lowest common denominator prompts are all already exhaused.
Try making a simplest multi-page comic with an AI without changing your original plan. It's easier to just draw it with stick figures.
I hope genners will stick around and I hope they will get desperate for our attention.
Draw it with stick figures then inpaint the characters.
POV: you're Pinocchio
This video is about music but the same concepts apply. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bZ0OSEViyo
So much for the moral superiority act, ainiggers mask only lasted as long as the grift was in their favor
>moral superiority
>">No, AI art is NOT stealing.
Here, all the usual misinfo already addressed in one easy place for your viewing displeasure:"
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more fillers on the beach
Nobody cares what you think faggot.
Yet discord trannies here spent a shit ton of time astroturfing support.
Does anyone know what happened to Tial (aka Darkly_s on X)? He hasn't posted anything in ages.
Not me. I'm just shitting on your stupid head and your retarded opinions. Honestly all anons in this thread should do that.
Ummf, that shot from under is nice.
Stop responding to the schizo. He's just getting off to your attention.
>your stoopid head
Underaged banned detected. Aitroons consistently prove to have the most mentally underdeveloped brains.
Don't think anyone knows, but I wish he'd stop scrubbing the metadata on his images.
AI pros: I can generate pics myself
AI cons: don't fucking care about images generated by others, stop spamming Google Image Search with that shit.
i like seeing what people do so i can steal their prompts. We need more people posting in a variety of styles.
Some anon made a Suno thread the other week and it reminded me that I had abandoned an AI pmv project a couple of months ago. Ended up getting back into it and finally finished it today. It was fucking awesome to get a worthwhile suno gen.

With Lyrics on Screen

No Lyrics on Screen

Song MP3
Not when I search for images.
Dark wizards from the eastern swamp lands.
>Verification not required.
Someone needs to train a lora on making mare vag not have weird double/broken/perfectly smooth ball clits. So many good pics genned with weird internal vaginal anatomy.
I'm not into pee fetish, but this was really well done. Need one with just regular mare juice.
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Don't care, still posting gens.
Thanks, now this song is stuck in my head
Give it a few years. People just don't have graphic cards capable of sdxl. It's pretty damn niche since a lot of midrange Nvidia cards are still only 8gb. You have to go out of your way for one good for ai. Very few people buy the high vram 4060 when it does fuck all for games compared to the 8gb one.
>are still only 8gb.
SDXL runs fine on 8GB now. I just think the models we have, while much improved, are still too limited for most.
I had my headphones on the table next to me and thought you'd put some actual song into this.
After listening to it a bit close I realized it was generated.
Too many songs are autotuned garbage with a very simple catchy tune, like that.
If you don't mind waiting an hour for a batch of images sure. Ain't no one got time for that.
(You) took a zeeb on a date!
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The AI image generators are still extremely barebones and require you to set up your own workflow if you want to go beyond extremely basic stuff. That creates a enormous barrier of entry.
In addition to needing either a current or at the very least previous gen GPU.
If we get an uncensored DALL-E some day that can take Lora's, these threads will explode. We are a long way off from that though. This stuff is both complicated and hardware intensive.
We are probably about 6 months to a year from that. Something like a auraflow pony tune.
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Though astralight might get close with 6.9. Depends on how good his captioning ends up being.
Stable diffusion won't do it. It's still way too difficult to get into. Dall-e made these threads a thing because it was easy and anyone could do it. SDXL needs a beefy graphics card to get anywhere close to what spawned these threads, where you click a button and generate 4 1024x1024 images in 15 seconds.
>way too difficult to get into
How? Even if you dont run it local there are a million in one services that you just pay, type in a prompt then press generate.

When models are captioned to where natural lauange like dalle works well then it will be the same level of difficulty.

Instant 99% decrease in interest
I mean thats literally everything then.
Do you pay for Dall-e? It's still free.
I mean if you want a shitty version without controls then you could just use astralights discord for free. Still better than dalle for pony at least.
The discord bot is garbage compared to dalle. The only negative to dalle is no NSFW and no Lora.
Im talking about for pony stuff. Dalle is garbage at ponies.
You are smoking something if you think the trash people generate all day in there is better than the pony dalle makes. The only thing its better at is cutiemarks. Generating 4 super detailed 1024 ponies at a time in 15 seconds on Dalle vs average to low detail pony 1 at a time on the discord isn't even close. Commendable for an indie project, but they ain't a billion dollar company. If M$ came out tomorrow, removed all filters from Dalle, allowed loras, and said go nuts, SD would immediately die.
Here, just made this right now. Make me something equivalent in dalle. Obviously without the junk.
>allowed loras
The architectures aren't even the same. Without access to the weights it wouldn't be possible to make them, unless they also decided to create some kind of service to train these.
and that horse bastard is talking with my zeeb?
Based human on pony enjoyer.
>Not wearing red panties with a red dress.
What was she thinking?
Need more human on pony gens
Request an earth pony stallion working as a carpenter; maybe building dressers or something. Request SFW.
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>prompt stallion
>get mare
I don't think this AI should ever visit Thailand.
>request SFW
Just erase balls and sheath with Photoshop
>erase balls in photoshop
>digital castration
Feels wrong.
they're still there, just invisible. think of it as underwear
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Altering AI in photoshop is not how you do it, please keep it for yourself.
Better to prompt it again and be specific, but please, please don't alter your gens unless you keep it for yourself.
Are you the Anon who's paranoid about "fake" AI gens?
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Too many wet mares, got to have some wet stallion too
I alter all of my gens. I also alter stuff in these threads and derpibooru since people here apparently can't see obvious glaring flaws. Particularly around the genitals which always look like shit in some way from smudged pouts to clips that aren't properly heart shaped.

The eyes are basically garunteed to be artifacts and shitty too. They need the smoothing.

I didn't learn to draw then burnout for nothing. I fix ai til it can do it perfectly.
Absolute state of the schizos.
Modifying images is not only acceptable it's encouraged.
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You are mentally ill. Kindly buy a rope.
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Need more pony on horse gens
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I wanna make pictures like this, but with ponies. Any suggestions on which loras I could combine for charcoal sketches of outdoors scenes with guard ponies
Charcoal drawing maybe. traditional art lora perhaps, im sure their are some style lora's that would look like this

Maybe xenotrip 2
Looks useful, thanks
is this a nowisee lora?
Not bad Mr. Bing, but where's his legs?
The anon of >>41238464 here so I slipped and hit my head on the table and passed out for an hour or a day now give me one more day I'll come back to you, promise.
i really did liked the music, not the piss, but the music was good
Based Japan. Hope other countries follow suit. Otherwise all the AI companies are just going to move there.

AI Manhattan project to eliminate "unnecessary and burdensome regulations"

"The draft order, obtained by the Post, outlines a series of "Manhattan Projects" to advance military AI capabilities. It calls for an immediate review of what it terms "unnecessary and burdensome regulations" on AI development. The approach marks a contrast to the Biden administration's executive order from last October, which imposed new safety testing requirements on advanced AI systems."
Kek. Rainbow Dash's dad as a young stallion.
No worries, have fun with the concussion.
first time i see homage AI
is velvet remedy possible?
gr8, more killer drones and mass surveillance
And AI waifus. Don't forget about those. War leads innovation. War and porn.
Why must they always focus on the least relevant things first.
Kind of. The model doesn't recognize her, but you can make a unicorn with black coat and blue eyes. The mane would be a challenge though, and the cutie mark would have to be added manually.
>>41246424 #
It's because the military industrial complex is now fully obsessed with unmanned aerial, sea, and submarine drones for warfare. Imagine the US with autonomous robot armies and navies that they could just seek on anybody that does not do what they say. That is what this is all about. Sounds insane, but I can guarantee it's true.
looks like jannies are hinting that politics are offtopic.
That's been always the plan.
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Whose dick do I have to suck to get a piece gen'd?
I love this!
Mine. Get to it faggot
huh, guess she wasn't trained on AI as littlepip was and because she's also so much simpler
The op should include a short section with recent developments. I don't mean links to niggerish news articles but something like "sd v3 released" and link to civitai.
SD3 Is hardly newsworthy until a proper finetune is developed.
Anonzeeb is the best.
I love it, he's handsome.
No that's too much effort they can't do it
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>gay bugs
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How do you do inpaint?
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You're 97% sure you brought home a lovely earth pony mare last night.
And this is what you wake up to.
God dammit, change back please
>Either they pulled a two bugs in a trenchcoat trick, or she's multiplied already
You examine the bugs in more detail
It appears you did not discriminate.

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Wait, what?
This is getting out of hand.
Great stuff, although Rarity's right arm is missing and a part of her mane is floating. Was it generated with the Pony Realism model?
>#150 in the catalog was bumped little over 3 and a half hours ago
Is this a slide?
a very small slide
The duality of /mlp/
>/ai/ is crawling
Sometimes I feel like it's my fault.
Nah I've just been busy.
AI friends. Can one of you generate some gamer Lunas in Magnaluna style?
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Dead board.
Jewish hands typed this.
She's a married mare. Why is she showing it off?
Are humanizations okay or not?
They are never okay
Then enjoy dead thread.
They're not against the rules but they're also not liked. Just make sure you don't skirt the line of b&thro
I will take every single one.
Although I prefer humanized FiM, I take every show accurate EqG.
I've been mostly playing with text gen and waiting on next gen image models which is still likely a few months off.

>Implying threads can't live without humanizations.
Fuck off, seethe, mald, go to hell.
So, this is how you jump start a pony
I feel like there should be an AI clop thread. Since /mlp/ is a blue board, is there anywhere on 4chan where people post AI clop? I see some in this thread but the links are often dead in the archives.
There already in a thread on /trash
They are always okay.
It’s very gay.
yeah just been busy too
Where is this thread on trash? All i see is furry and regular clop
Good stuff.
I wish to enjoy Thanksgiving at the pony table.
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Any idea what a monsot is?
>Queen Chrysalis has a gift for (you)
mon sol
moon sun
It's a type of demon that wears the mask of Anon. It infiltrates the collective of good, pony loving Anons and inserts trash, garbage, and sperging. Ultimately, if it gets too powerful it will multiply. It's terminal effect is that what was once pony no longer resembles pony at all. It is a serious and dangerous demon. That's why Luna and Celestia have such serious faces. They are teaching Anon (who is the 1st person viewing the card), about how dangerous it is and how to defeat it. Drawing the monsot card portends subversion and decay.
How long would it take on average to generate one 1024x1024 image with an RTX 4060 Ti 16GB?
Twilight tries Twilight in the court of law. Kek. Would be hilarious. Imagine the intellectual convolutions of law and precedent they would toss at each other.
>AI generated crystal mare
>Places mare into Haiper ai
>Prompt: "Camera rotates around pony figurine made of quartz"
>Receives better view than anticipated
wait is this based of NC mares art style?
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Someone needs to inpaint panty removal on the closest we ever got to an NCmares horse vag just for completion now that he's done drawing pony.
Cannot believe how close to greatness we were
He will live on in ai.
thank you ai chuds for this gift
Seems like new pony will be based on auraflow. If he manages to keep auraflows prompt comprehension we could totally have scenes this complicated with only prompting soon.
What is auraflow? Can we use artist tags or is it another "hurr make artists happy by removing their tags even though they will hate us anyway" thing?
A new open source base model with dalle / ideogram level prompt comprehension. And the artist thing will likely be a permanent thing to due legal concerns with it being such a gray area. But that is what loras are for.
If it allows loras it would be good. The first model someone makes that just lets you use derpibooru tags will be the pinnacle though. Hioshiru in Novelai back in the day was the only way to generate anything good.
And just because she's a pony
A mare would like a little bite to eat
She wants no talk and a lot of bull
That gives no hay or wheat
So I hear you need to create batches in a bunch and select the best?
? What?
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She movin'
Kling is now global btw.

It has begun...
>"Green filly pony with black hair nods in approval"
That is terrifying... I like it.
>POV the filly spots you
Which model and what prompts are you using?
NAI has been neat
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Remember: edgepones need hugs, too! This may have the side effect of removing edge from pone.
This is absolutely amazing.
We need run the entire MLP:FiM through this model.
Generate the show in its perfect form
Troubleshoes seems very uncomfortable about this situation.
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Butt hugs?
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I think AI just took another big leap.

Maybe a changeling could manifest fingers though?
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Perfect pink princess pony pussy.
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She's a shapeshifter, after all.
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Rainbow Dash fucks fish.

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