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Rare species edition.!

Fallout Equestria, a story that bleeds two franchises together to build something magical. On one side, you have death, destruction, decay, and misery - on the other, you have ponies. Doesn't sound like it should mix? You'd be surprised. When the world around you is wasteland, all you're left with is hope, and as we all know, ponies can do spectacular things with just a little hope.

Read Fallout Equestria by Kkat to appreciate the setting that many writers have then lent upon after being so captivated by the wonders.
The original story which spawned its own fandom can be found here: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/119190/

These next four stories comprise the rest of what is considered "the big 5", alongside the original. They were biggest hitters early in the fandom, be it for having started before many others, their length, or overall quality.

>Project Horizons:

>Pink Eyes:


>Murky Number Seven:

Though, a reminder; just because these are the most well known, that isn't to say that there aren't other stories out there! There are many hidden gems that simply don't get the love they deserve purely because people don't give them the chance. Why not open your heart and try to find a new favorite? Anons are absolutely welcomed and encouraged to return with fic discussion of even the most obscure fics!

Fan games:
>Fallout Equestria: Remains
A Fallout Equestria Roguelike. It is the best thing to come of the fandom recently. Seriously go play it https://foe-remains.gitlab.io/main_en.html

>Balefire Blues
A Hearts of Iron IV mod. In it you take control over various FoE factions seeking to conquer the wasteland. steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2307988796

>Ashes Town
A derivative of Pony Town, set in the Fallout Equestria universe.

Thread Topic: Whats your personal head-canon for some of the non equine races in FOE??
Consider the following: FoE and The Witcher crossover
At that point just make it normal MLP x Witcher which would be kinda boring since MLP is already a fantasy setting with magical creatures.
A bump to keep the thread up for today.
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that is one fucked up looking ponk on the wall there lel
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Cover image for my FoE story
STALKER > Fallout
Fallout doesn't feel mysterious and dead/apocalyptic compared to STALKER, in Fallout it's more like "life is in full swing"
We need STALKER Equestria, it will very much beat Fallout Equestria by atmosphere and setting
Due to the conjunction of the planes shit either a witcher gets to the Wasteland or a mutiecorn gets to the Witcher world?
Why not?
I can't imagine how that would work, I think it won't really
Unless detailed and backed by valid arguments explanation provided
Conjunction of planes is literally how monsters and magical anomalies appeared in the witcher's world in canon, that's when a different reality into another one through magic fuckery.
Is there any history that delves in the inner workings of each faction?
If not I just found the idea to carry the history, I had a character, a setting, but no real history to tell.
>Kirin in FoE
Now that's a rarity. Any backstory behind those?
First one is Spring Haze from War does change
Spring Haze.

And the second one is a OC comission named Culture Brew
I could save her
She can sense that you're a GAMER
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he was an alright father, ya know in the time he had with his daughter.
He was. Though he still cucked out in the end when he decided to rail Blackjack again.
He got date raped by her at a party and then god gaslit him into thinking he was never gay. Bro should've left her immediately but got himself killed and BJ then turned his daughter into a slut. Moral of the story is never get back with your schizo GF who raped you.
>god gaslit him into thinking he was never gay
Fate can be whacky sometimes.
Blackjack wins worst mare award
feel fee to write it, bro.
no, seriously. anything's better than nothing.
Still would though.
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>and BJ then turned his daughter into a slut
it was an inevitability being as she was scotch's only real "role model" [at least imo] but scotch fucking the gunslinger dude on the rocket back home [even though he felt ashamed of doing it afterwards) was fucked when i read it for the first time
im not even a moralfag personally, shit was shocking is all
and yeah she mindbroke the fuck outta him to get him to stay up to that point even after he tried hanging himself on top of a whole bunch of other heinous shit she perpetrated
Blackjack was... le bad mare.
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noe vey
Ironically, she was much better than most in the story.
>"Fallout Equestria is pretty cool and Interesting"
>Don't like the 2 main stories
Anyone else feel the same way?
I liked Heroes, reading about what Black Jack does in this thread and learning how the shit gets super depressing thanks to the author of PH going through some shit. I’ve decided to just stay away.
Murkychads win again
I just want to say this is the only good thing to come from Fo:E
Clearly you haven't encountered Lacunae yet.
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one of if not the most cursed piece of art ive ever found
humanized blackjack as jason brody from farcry 3
Wtf do those tattoos reference to?
Blackjack may be crazy, but at least she's a good kind of crazy.
Tats in Farcry 3 represent you completing local rites of passage and getting in good with the locals. They're a visual representation of game progression and usually come with mild perks.

Been so long since I touched the game I can't really remember specifics.
It was pretty much the perks in-game every time you levelled up you could put the points to getting another tattoo that offered a bonus. You could see it on your arm in-game so it was kinda cool to watch your guy go from regular white guy to douchebag with a sleeve tattoo.
Would (let her bust my balls).
Been in this fandom for over a decade at this point and I never touched FoE for its sheer length and never having known too much about fallout. I've played a couple fallout games but not too much and I'm pretty unfamiliar will the lore, should I brush up on that before reading FoE? Working graveyard and I'm thinking I might give this a go.
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no need to know the fallout lore to read foe, you might get more references but the story makes its own lore
FO:E shares a number of elements but for the most part you don't need to know anything about Fallout to read postnuke horse stories.
Not worth the time. And compared to other books worth reading, FoE is kinda mid. You might consider reading whole Game of Thrones, or Lord of The Rings books, unironically all combined are less by length than just original FoE, not kidding

"The Pony" put into <something> doesn't make anything automatically better. I once read some lengthy fic called "Anthropology" and I fucking regret my valuable time spent on it instead on something actually good, just frustrating and disappointing. Learn from my mistakes, don't read slop and make sure you spend your time on good and interesting books instead
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but anon, you need to read fo:e to have context or the best book
NTA, but I feel like this story gets really hyped. So much so that I assume that reading the whole thing couldn't live up to the hype.
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nta also, i remember reading the original with the mindset of it being a pilgrimage
i saw how massive it was and i knew for a fact that if i decided to start talking about it anywhere with anyone i would be playing with half a deck if i didnt read the original fully
or if i just started reading side fics and spin offs after only reading a synopsis of the original there would be massive holes in the experience
reading through the entirety of FOE is the ultimate filter of the fandom
bar. none.
and putting aside any preconceived hype or comparison to other literature, the only thing that stops you from biting the bullet and taking the plunge is (you)
its not about it being a good story or not, its something of an obligation
you either read the doorstop or you prove to everyone that you dont have the fortitude to do so
>"The Pony" put into <something> doesn't make anything automatically better
Ironically, FoE is the inverse. What if <something> were put into "The Pony"?
I mean yeah, FOE does a good job of blending the two IPs togethor to a point you really dont need to know anything about both IPs to understand the story.
>>41247752 here. I was referring to Murky though. Been through the original and most of the big ones except for Murky and Heroes. So how does it hold up?
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started murky a few days back, already 4 chapters in, can say i have enjoyed murky's taste.
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murky is pretty good, theres an ongoing reading of it on youtube right now if youre lazy
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I hate Homage!!!!!!
I'm a firm believer of Total Homage Death
Me and 99 of my greatest most evilest cyberwizards and technobarbarian gangsters are coming to Tenpony Tower and we're gonna hit Homage with beams and rays and spells and blasts until the entire place is reduced to ashes!!
Someone's mad.
I'm sorry to tell you this because you're not there yet but Murky is definitely a massive faggot (good)
Isn't he usually shown with a mutiecorn?
Thought this was Deus for a moment.
nah just art for an unfinished story
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>see murk in that shirt
>am reminded of the word jerkin again
jerkin muh gherkin
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would (you)?
Calmest Littlepip waifuer
Crazy horses tend to atrract crazy people.
Found this video, goes kinda well with it
Skybolt's song adaptions fit much better than this.
I love it
cute art
Wasteland bump.
Handsome guy.
I generally don't do tattoos. Never liked the idea of them.
i feel like there should be a list [if there isnt already] of abandoned foe fics
Broken Bonds never ever
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i think sombra would be cool to see wrecking the wasteland with his slave army
I wonder how he would fare against Red Eye.
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not enough alicorns
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Kip left us to ROT
Mutiecorns are a treasure.
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it would have been funnier if even with that name and cutiemark, she was comically bad at cards
like a gambling skill of 10
Nah zigga you lyin'.
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I headcanon the Kirin as being a nearly extinct race of immortals whenever I do FOE stuff. No Sounds of Silence if everything goes to wartime, either the Kirin would deal with negative effects from balefire radiation in their isolated village, or get absorbed by the wartime equestrian economy and separated and spread out.
I just like headcanoning them as immortals because it's a great hook for angst and drama. "You know, the problem with being the last of anything: by and by, there be none left at all." Of course my ability to actually use this has been limited to private roleplays and a story I've been writing that's been slow.
Good thing about FOE is that you really don't need to know anything about the games, a decent familiarity with the first season (first two and a half seasons for most side works) is all that's needed. If you have a dead graveyard shift that's probably one of the best times to read it.
Of the big five stories it's the most bloated. Every individual chapter is written as it's own gigantic story in itself. Yes PH is longer but the OG and PH both spend alot of time juggling multiple plot points at the same time so something is always going on. For Murky, almost every chapter puts a halt on every other happening to focus on one. Emotionally reading Murky is just as much of a chore as basically any other big fandom work as well because the first half is filled with misery porn, but MN7 feels like descending from sea level into Death Valley before climbing to the top of Mt Shasta. It's exhausting but the final payoff is well worth sticking around for.
I have never understood the incredibly high fetishization of Murky over the last few years though. Is it because he's the only straight male MC in the big 5?
Well, imagine medieval equestria, pre Celestia and Luna ancient times. Equestia is not the golden age Utopia of the FiM, it's a harsh, clannish world. The weather, seasons, wild have not been dominated. Everywhere is like the Everfree. Beyond the relative safety of herd villages, predators lurk, and when they get bold only magically enhanced ponies, Witchers, are strong enough to fight them.

Sounds badass, not gonna lie.
When I narrate Murky I actually get depressed when I get into character for him.
Listen to the audiobook by CrazedRambling
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i forget, did he ever give a reason why he stopped doing horizons or no?
i remember he stopped on like part 20 or something
Not that I know of. It's pure rumor, but I remember reading through comments on his channel and someone saying he took up voice acting as a career.
Wubway has been doing the story though and is alright. The initial mic quality is dogwater but it's a lot better by chapter 20 if you choose to pick up there.
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nah ive already listened to shiki's a few years ago
I'm sorry
Does stealing shit help?
Ah yes, an average day in PH.
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Is there a wiki or something for all the characters? There are so many OCs that I’ll come across with little to no information. Apparently, this one is wearing Luna’s bones.
There is one. But its pretty barebones in many articles. It isn't all that well maintained from what I've seen in the past.
>Apparently, this one is wearing Luna’s bones.
Yes, she does. It's one of the reasons why she is shit, despite being a mutiecorn.
No Littlepip.
I will not join your party, and I will certainly NOT join you and your autistic friends in settling down in NCR territory.
Join up with Blackjack instead. You've got to shoot her at least once before you can become her friend. That's a rule.
But that means my balls will be in high danger by being that close in relationship to her...

So how much do they suck each other's dicks?
Mutiecorns don't have dicks, Anon.
Nightseer did nothing wrong
>There is one. But its pretty barebones in many articles. It isn't all that well maintained from what I've seen in the past.
>Yes, she does. It's one of the reasons why she is shit, despite being a mutiecorn.
I think it's cool. Normally I wouldn't pay it any mind or anything. Something about it being Luna's skeleton is really interesting to me. Like, imagine if someone dug up FDR or Teddy R and worse his skeleton?
>Like, imagine if someone dug up FDR or Teddy R and worse his skeleton?
The difference is, I'm emotionally attached to Luna. Can't say that about some dead presidents.
The author was afraid to say but the answer is clearly about every five seconds.
Would you want Luna to live in the toxic, broken world of FoE? Maybe it's for the best she's dead.
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Someone clearly never finished the story.
Perfection always comes with a price.
Why does it look like she has a human nose?
Same problem late stage show artists had. The facial structure is pretty whack.
I dont know

Can someone translate that to english?
Chineseum mare
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luckiest little stallion in the whole wasteland
Where's the uncut image?
Also a pony riding an alicorn is absurdly cute for whatever reason
cropped to dodge anniejay, sorry
Oh, that's certainly a different type of riding...
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just finished reading murky, I cried like a little bitch
Caps are gay. Embrace using sugar cubes as currency.
They dissolve in rain and water though, caps don't
Bad anatomy + adding a line to represent the snout afterwards without actually drawing a snout
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They're rad
But...those are like alcohol. Imagine licking one to see if it's real and ending not holding back and eating them
Imagine poisoning the sugar cubes
Finally read it. Having spent a good 2500 hours in vanilla FNV and the past few months rediscovering my horse obsession, this hit the spot. I very much enjoyed the blending of concepts from Fallout with ones from mulp, and the entire thing painted what felt like a pretty unique scenario.
Dead Money is my favorite dlc of the four, and the whole Canterlot arc did that justice.
Thanks for prompting me to read, OP.
Still at chapter 8 here. Why does the text imply Sandy Sculpt and Night Breeze are guilty of the downfall of their stable in equal measures? It's not fair. It clearly were her own autistic effrontery and her own belief that people will blindly trust her if she yells "you can trust me I swear!" loud enough that have caused this whole situation. I wouldn't have expected any group managed by her fat autistic ass to live long enough even if there were no other groups, even if the scientists found the stable empty. Teacher did nothing wrong until the very end when there was little left to salvage anyway. I guess it's natural for Murky to be biased because beneath all her incompetence she's technically an authority and he's a major sucker for that, but then Barb comes and describes the situation in absolutely the same fashion, as something caused not by autism, but by mutual misunderstanding and the lack of healthy insolation of all things? Insolation? Come the fuck on. Misunderstanding? Certainly, but not a symmetric one: only one side gave the other a chance to understand itself by explaining its stance, and the other laughed it off, assumingly because every second spent listening to other ponies or, even worse, explaining anything is a second not spent wailing in misery about the loss of that Aurora Star gal and it was unacceptable. Breeze held all the cards, all of them.
And where was their previous overmare during the crisis? Want it implied she was scatterbrained but kinda diplomatic?
do play the interplay fallouts if you havent
theyre worth the experience
i hate hearing that people ONLY played fnv
I forgot, did they prevent the non scientific vault dwellers from coming to see the experiments because of secrecy or safety? Cause if not, the whole ordeal could have Ben easily avoided with a guided tour
I never played any
What do?
Skill issue
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>What do?
-find yourself a freemium discount on fallout 1 and 2
-download them
-and play through them
-look up a build guide or walkthrough if youre an uninspired faggot who cant rpg
-see how many times you can attempt a backflip before the brain damage gets to you
idk man just play the games
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>Idk man just play the games
So 1 and 2 are the best ones? That's basically my question Anon.
If I never again touch a fallout game besides Remains I'm telling Todd to blame (You) in particular
yea yea just go play the first two and get back to me
Okay, okay gee.
No need to put on the srs bsns mutiecorn suit, I'm going already...
>So 1 and 2 are the best ones?
Speaking as someone with a fable for old school games, yes. They're a world of their own and later titles can't compare at all.
Already did
1&2 were great, 3 was good, NV was goat, 4 was fair and 76 was bad and is currently fair if you play with friends. I would say start with NV just because it's probably the easiest to get into of the lot, unless you play a lot of shooters in which case maybe start with 4.
They're all heavily discounted on g2a and probably will be heavily discounted during the fall sale
Pretty much. Breeze was warned about a spy in Applejack's ministry, a spy that could have easily ended up in the stable. To make matters worse, it was no one else but Breeze's personal hero Aurora (I don't know if it was her own pony or Twilight's nickname btw) who warned her about the spy. Apparently, in her autistic mind it has become a part of her legacy to be demonstratively afraid of this spy, a matter of fetishism. It would've been nice if she did anything to find the spy, or to provoke him, or to make their laboratories hard to infiltrate. She did nothing of the kind. Until the very end literal fillies were spying on them. Her plan, apparently, amounted to publicly ridiculing and diminishing the original dwellers and waiting for the spy to die of laughter.
Yes I'm mad.
Big raider gf
Hot, but violent.
Based Littlepip
Tiny raider mare. Like a breezie but angry.
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Pick up the pone.

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