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Last time, not a lot happened cause I went on vacation for a bit. Back now though, so if you want to catch back up on the short last thread it's here: https://boards.4chan.org/mlp/thread/41221173/rise-of-paradise-33-cyoa#bottom
Even with your ache quelled by Ruby's touch, and your problem kept well in hoof, you similarly unwind as Lupad does. Spreading your hind legs open and massaging your thighs, even the traces of snow on your hooves more than what you wanted to mess around with. One of your eyes shoot open to regard Lupad in her natural, nude state, before turning for a moment to Ruby who stretches and then lays down next to you.
"Yes and I recall quite well a few very good ideas to do that thoroughly~."
"I do recall that as well," Lupad nods, turning to Ruby, "You have any ideas that you want to do, Ruby?"
"Not at the moment." Ruby shakes her head.
"Could always do a roleplay scenario." Lupad suggests.

What do you do?
"I have more than a few thoughts there. We could use this carriage to our advantage like we did before. For one, if someone else wants to be 'King' for a bit. For another, entertaining a foreign dignitary. A Hippogriff prince or a Thestral envoy perhaps. Not to mention the Equestrian princesses."

"I do think that Breezie form of yours was cute as well. Huh, I don't think we've ever done anything with your doe form, have we..."
We stare at the ceiling for a moment, a somewhat esoteric but amusing scenario coming to mind, involving an ill informed Zebra seer declaring our and Ruby's foals to be not just wonderful, but essential for the survival of the Deer Nations, and the extents to which she would ensure our union. As we think on that, we hug Ruby with a foreleg, leaning against her as we caress Lupad's many limbs with our magic.
"That could be fun. It would be nice not to be the king for a while, after all of the kingly negotiations we've done. I do ache for some release though, so staying male would be nice..."
Deposit for a moment thinking of possibilities then lean over to Ruby, despite knowing whispering is futile to someone who can sense our thoughts.
"Remember what we had planned for her birthday? How about you return the favor for pleasuring you that one night?"
(Turning her male and spitroasting/gangbanging Lupad)
"That could be fun. We could use this carriage to our advantage like we did before. For one, if someone else wants to be 'King' for a bit. For example, entertaining a foreign dignitary. A Hippogriff price or a Thestral envoy perhaps. Not to mention the Equestrian princesses."
"I kinda like the sound of that," Lupad nods, "And there are quite a few options."
"I do think that Breezie form of yours was cute. Huh, I don't think we've ever done anything with your doe form, have we..."
She looks up at the ceiling of the carriage in thought.
"...Huh, we actually haven't done that before," She says in slight surprise, "I would be happy to do that."
As she speaks you stare up at the ceiling for a moment, a somewhat esoteric but amusing scenario coming to your mind involving an ill informed Zebra seer declaring your and Ruby's fawns to be not just wonderful, but essential to the survival of Highland, and the extents to which she would ensure your union. You hug Ruby as a different thought starts to come in, leaning against her as you caress Lupad's many limbs with your magic as you whisper to Ruby.
"Remember what we had planned for her birthday? How about you return the favor for pleasuring you that one night?"
She gives Lupad a quick glance before looking back at you and smiling a little, blushing up at you.
"I would be happy to do that~. I think she would enjoy it."

What do you do?
We grin, stepping up our magic to heat it up and start massaging Lupad's neck and shoulders, giving her rump and abdomen a little squeeze. While she distracted with that, we start conspiring with Ruby.
"Hmm, a pair of royal brothers taking down an insidious insect queen. Or are we just appeasing her? I could hold her attention for a little bit, let you catch her by surprise after getting your bearings. You're stepping out of your comfort zone more, after all. I think you'll enjoy yourself though."
... After Lupad's turn do you mind if I get my own taste~? To be fair I'll take that female form like before... And we'll switch roles~
"I haven't forgotten my promise either~ And I wouldn't mind checking out how you look as my brother. Your toned flanks are going to be tighter than ever, and I have to wonder just how warm you'll feel."
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Night, Pluto!
You give Ruby a grin, stepping up your magic to heat it up and start massaging Lupad's neck and shoulders, giving her rump and abdomen a little squeeze as well. Lupad hums and stretches once more, the act distracting her enough to allow you to conspire with Ruby.
"Hmm, a pair of royal brothers taking down an insidious insect queen. Or are we just appeasing her?"
"Appeasing? I think more like bringing her down~." Ruby smiles.
"I haven't forgotten my promise either~. After Lupad's turn do you mind if I get my own taste? To be fair I'll take that female form like before, and I wouldn't mind checking out how you look as my brother. Your toned flanks are going to be tighter than ever, and I have to wonder just how warm you'll feel."
"Sure, we can do that," She nods, "I am curious about how fight you'll be as well~."
"Then I could hold her attention for a little bit, let you catch her by surprise after getting your bearings," You tell her, "You're stepping out of your comfort zone more, after all. I think you'll enjoy yourself though."
"I think I will," She nods, "And I'm good with that. Just distract her for a bit while I get used to things."

What do you do?
We activate our sound bubble around the carriage.
"You'll gain some muscle mass most likely. Unless you don't care about the dress, I would undress first."
Once she's ready we use the spell, turning Ruby into a buck. We couldn't help not to watch her as Ruby's muscular legs gain even more muscle. Her antlers/dragon horns growing on her head and curves become chiseled.
'Wow! That's quite a transformation. He's more handsome than I thought he would be.'
We blush a little and give Ruby an approving nod. We stare for a moment longer before focusing our attention back to Lupad, switching sides so we're in front of Lupad/the window away from Ruby.
"That snow really did a number on my groin, and I can't seem to get it up. Can you help me with that, dear?"
"Better get that dress off quick. And focus on breathing through your nose, it makes the change a bit less jarring."
Kissing Ruby briefly, we hit her with the spell and move towards Lupad, fluidly slipping in front of her and kissing her neck a few times to keep her from looking Ruby's way. Not quite 'bringing her down' as Ruby had said, but a little subterfuge to catch her off guard later.

Knowing the Changeling won't tolerate our teasing for too long after missing the fun last time, and us being interested in the transformation going on behind us, we lean into it. Resting a foreleg against the wall beside her as we tease her 'fun hole' with our other hoof, we bring our hips forward so her abdomen sits between our thighs, letting our sack weight it down.
"For such a powerful fighter, you really are easy to catch off guard."
Letting a bit of smugness build up as we speak, we allow the magic 'restraining' her to lessen, anticipating her next move.
(Intention being her spinning us around/swapping places, so we're seated and she's on our lap, facing the wall)

Seconding! I leaned into playing interference more, since that made sense in my head.
You activate your sound bubble around the carriage first.
"Better get that dress off quick. And focus on breathing through your nose, it makes the change a bit less jarring."
She nods as she grabs the hem of her dress and gracefully slides it off followed by her panties shortly after. Once it's all off you kiss her briefly before hitting her with the spell. You then slip over to Lupad, moving in front of her and kissing her neck a few times, keeping her attention away from the changing Ruby while you keep a single eye on her to watch. Ruby lays on the other side of the carriage panting as the changes start: her muscular legs gaining a bit more muscle, a pair of antlers begin to grow out of her head rapidly, her curves becoming more chiseled and the scales on her back growing very slightly.
'Wow! That's quite a transformation. He's more handsome than I thought he would be.'
Your thoughts are brought away when you feel Lupad wiggle a bit underneath you, the Changeling queen getting a little restless at the teasing. Knowing that she wouldn't tolerate it for much longer, and you keep an eye on the transformation behind you, you lean into it. Resting a foreleg against the wall beside her as you tease her fun hole with your other hoof, bringing your hips forward so her abdomen sits between your thighs, letting your sack weigh the appendage down.
"For such a powerful fighter, you really are easy to catch off guard."
"It's hard when you have your magic rubbing all over me!" She pouts.
You just show her a bit of smugness, allowing the magic 'restraining' her to loosen a bit. As soon as it does she grabs you with both of her forehooves and flips the two of you so that she is on top of you instead, grinning down at you with her back facing Ruby.
"And you let your guard down quite quick," She retorts, "I'm starting to wonder if you like being underneath me or if that snow is still have an effect on you."
"Speaking of, that snow really did a number on my groin, and I can't seem to get it up," You say, "Can you help me with that, dear?"
"Hmm... I suppose."
Her horn lights up and a ring of her magic wraps around your flaccid length, shifting up and down slightly. Behind her, Ruby's transformation is complete as Ruby sits up a bit, sweat now covering his more muscular body as he looks around and then at the two of you, giving you a small smile.

What do you do?
We take care not to glance his way, but our smile widens a little when Ruby smiles, glad that he's here to help with our bug problem. We focus on Lupad's actions for now, letting out a sigh as she gives us some attention. The ice really did do a number on us: despite Lupad's efforts and our libido going strong, our member takes a moment to stir and leave its sheath, though gravity isn't helping us like usual. We rub her thighs, knowing that stirring up our bugwife tends to make things kick off.
"Maybe I enjoy being lazy? Maybe I want to look you in the eye when we make love? Or maybe I just enjoy some turnabout."
'Wonder if the blueberries will hit Ruby any different like this? I didn't notice a difference, but I'm hooked as is, and they are pheromones...'
Caressing her abdomen, we do our best to invigorate it and start getting it to do its cute little dance for the newly minted buck, wanting him to have a nice a juicy target to work with.

We keep an eye out for Ruby's tail, curious if it does that wiggle as a buck too.
We smile in return to the both of them, from Lupad working her magic on us, to the buck behind her.
We continue to prod our magic into Lupad, but also channel our magic to massage Ruby's sacks to help her get in the mood.
"You know I like my strong does~ does who can kick my flanks without breaking a sweat. But there is one advantage to this position."
Before she can ask, we boop her on the muzzle.
"No one ever expects it."
We then lock lips, wrestling our tongue with hers and inviting her tongue into our mouth and encouraging it to go down our throat without resistance.
We keep an eye open to peer over to Ruby to see how he's doing. (Hopefully he's figured out how to rub himself. I was tempted to make a clone to assist with the process.)
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Night, Pluto!
You smile in return to both of them, keeping your attention mostly on Lupad to not clue her in. Going back to her, the ice really did a number on you: despite Lupad's efforts and your libido going strong, your member taking a moment to stir and leave it's sheath, though gravity isn't helping as usual. You rub her thighs with your magic, knowing that stirring up your bugwife tends to make things kick off, but you also channel your magic to massage Ruby's sacks to help her get in the mood.
"Maybe I enjoy being lazy? Maybe I want to look you in the eyes when we make love? Or maybe I like my strong does~, does that can kick my flanks without breaking a sweat."
'Wonder if the blueberries will hit Ruby any different like this? I didn't notice a difference, but I'm hooked as is, and they are pheromones...'
"So multiple reasons then~?" She asks playfully.
You don't respond immediately, instead caressing her abdomen to do your best to invigorate it and get it to bounce back and forth for the newly minted buck. It begins to bounce without issue for you, Lupad giving you a smirk as it goes.
"I suppose, but there is one advantage to this position."
Before she could ask about it, you lift a hoof up and boop her muzzle.
"No one ever expects it."
You then lock lips with her, wrestling your tongue against hers before sliding back and letting her long, forked tongue slide in where it begins to explore. Behind you, the show was doing it's work on Ruby, his new length growing rapidly as he watches the two of you intently. After a few moments he trots forward slowly before wrapping his forehooves around Lupad, his little tail wiggling back and forth as Lupad breaks the kiss off in surprise.
"Huh, Ruby?"
"You guessed right," He smiles, looking over at you, "Well, I snuck up on her."

What do you do?
Smiling proudly back as we look at the dragon buck, our magic releases his sack but caresses his belly as it goes.
'Seems that in any form, that tail of his is always so cute. I suppose I'll get a good look at what he's rocking later, when he has to deal woth his big sister.'
"So you did, brother, nicely done. Seems our little infiltrator did her research, but made a predictable little misstep."
Using our magic, we bind Lupad's foremost legs to the ceiling of the carriage and move her next pair of legs behind her, a long strap of leather restricting one clawhoof, coiling around the base of her abdomen, and tying off on the other, leaving it propped up to almost certainly bump into Ruby's underside.
"Your spell was quite something, but you didn't think a king would really be without his bodyguard, did you?"
Enjoying the chance for a little roleplay, we look her up and down as if to really appraise her for the first time, swatting Lupad's chitin covered flank and keeping a little magic visibly at the ready in our horn. Secretly, we continue the work Lupad had started on our other horn, coaxing it out bit by bit out of her immediate view.
"She seems tough, but let's take this one a bit slow: better for her to be speaking coherently by the end of this."
'Not the only reason to take it slow. Ruby doesn't need to be thrown in the deep end for his first time.'
Smiling proudly as you look at the dragon buck, your magic releases his sacks but caresses his belly as it grows.
'Seems that in any form, that tail of his will always be cute. I suppose I'll get a good look at what he's rocking later, when he has to deal with his big sister.'
"So you did, brother, nicely done. Seems our little infiltrator did her research, but made a predictable little misstep."
Then using your magic, you bind Lupad's foremost legs to the ceiling of the carriage and move the pair behind them to be around her back, a long strap of leather restricting one clawhoof, coiling around the base of her abdomen, and tying off on the other, leaving it propped up to bump into Ruby's underside. Lupad tries to struggle, but pinned between the two of you there isn't much she can do to avoid the bondage.
"Your spell was quite something, but you didn't think a king would really be without his bodyguard, did you?"
"I... I should've known that he would be nearby, but I didn't think about it," She admits, quickly getting into the roleplay, "I hope you know that these won't hold me forever, in fact-"
As she speaks you look her up and down as if appraising her, interrupting her by swatting her chitin covered flank and keeping a bit of magic ready in your horn. Secretly, you continue the work Lupad had started on your other horn, coaxing it out bit by bit out of her view, a quarter of it now hanging out proudly.
"She seems tough, but let's take this one a bit slow: better for her to be speaking coherently by the end of this."
'Not the only reason to take it slow. Ruby doesn't need to be thrown in the deep end for his first time."
"Yeah, might've been a bit fast for the other ones," Ruby nods, "Give this one a bit of time to adjust~."
"What do you mean by that," Lupad asks, "And what do you mean by 'this one'?"

What do you do?
Damn, I thought I posted last prompt! I saw a full text window, but failed to post!
"You're not very observant, are you? Didn't think to consider why my brother isn't wearing his armor? Or for that matter, why I let you kiss me? You're not the first bug to try and seduce and take down the king."
We give her horn a tantalizing lick, then shift our magic around our flaccid horn to start rubbing on her warm chitin.
"You bugs are very fertile, a perfect specimen for siering many heirs for my brother and I. It's very convenient."
Sorry if this is too dark. I can try to think of something lighter when I wake up. wg4t
"Oh? Different hive, or have you really been kept that much in the dark? I'm sure you've figured it by now, but... you're not the first Changeling to get this close to us. You're not even the third~."
Leaning forward as we speak, we finish by whispering in her ear, giving it a little nip to punctuate our words.
"And I'll leave all the rest up to your imagination, for now... You are a little different though, I have to wonder, what makes you so special?"
We watch Lupad closely, taking her at her word for how quick she'll be able to escape our magic and running interference: every time we think she's getting an idea or trying to concentrate, we smack her flank, doubling up on occasion and rubbing the spot every time she simply sits and looks/glares our way. Our work on our buckhood progresses more smoothly now that we have more to work with, letting it grow naturally and waiting to see if she notices it, or is she too preoccupied with her bindings and Ruby to notice.
"It's funny, really. You keep crafting and using those clever little disguises of yours, but I prefer you when you're a little more 'honest'. That, and you all keep going out of your way to catch my eye and I notice that sometimes I can't actually look away. Giving the game away, aren't you. Also means I caught that look you gave Ruby when you thought he was just a guard, and that I wasn't paying attention. You know the one~"

Feel free to change things, tired post, so gonna try to come back with different ideas in the morning.

Know that feeling. Fertility is an interesting angle, and a tad dark, though some assumption about Lupad being some sort of 'incubator' caste could be fun. Think it's a better case if fertility is suspected, but Lupad was the one they decided to test the theory on.
Was originally thinking we left the previous ones popping out pink hearts, with a further thought about Changeling honey manufactured from it.
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Morning, Pluto!
Redact the last line. Replace with:
"Fortunately, your kind are better temptresses than assassins. We like to have some fun before locking them up. It's kinda a thrill at this point, and I wonder if your queen gets a thrill from it as well."
"Oh? Different hive, or have you really been kept that much in the dark? I'm sure you've figured it out by now, but... you're not the first Changeling to get this close to us. Didn't think to consider why my brother isn't wearing his armor? Or for that matter, why I let you kiss me?"
You then lean forward as you continue, finishing by whispering into her ear and give it a little nip, making her shiver on top of you.
"And I'll leave all the rest up to your imagination, for now... You're a little different though, I have to wonder, what makes you so special?"
"Well, being trained by some of the- ah! Some of the best- ah! The- ah! I'm being serious, I can slip out of these and bl- Stop that!"
You watch her closely as she speaks, but every time she tries to speak or you see her horn start to spark you smack her flank, doubling up on the spot occasionally until she eventually sits down and gives you a cute glare. Meanwhile, your work on your buckhood progresses more smoothly now that you have more to work with, letting it grow naturally as you watc her.
"It's funny, really. You keep crafting and using those clever little disguises of yours, but I prefer you when you're a little more 'honest'. That, and you all keep going out of your way to catch my eye and I notice that sometimes I can't actually look away. Also means I caught that look you gave Ruby when you thought he was just a guard, and that I wasn't paying attention. You know the one~."
"T-That was your mind playing tricks on you, I was looking at- Ngh~!"
You interrupt her by giving her horn a tantalizing lick.
"Fortunately, your kind are better temptresses than assassins. We like to have some fun before locking them up. It's kinda a thrill at this point, and I wonder if your queen gets a thrill from it as well."
"Infiltrators as well." Ruby adds.
"The two of you are really demeaning me and my hive," She asks, glaring at both of you now, "And my queen as well, no way she would get a kick out of that!"
She then huffs a bit, acting resistant but you could see her abdomen twitching a bit behind her and below Ruby.

What do you do?
"You have a point about infiltrators."
Our eyes flick down to Lupad's abdomen then immediately back up to Ruby, tempted to mention it but content to let it 'bother' the buck at his leisure, see if he speaks up, even shifting a little to give it some more motion. Plus, it works as something to keep up our sleeve for now.
"You act like we've treated you and the ones before you unfairly. I think a little humiliation is more than fair for getting caught on the job in the king's bed. Hmm... Tell you what: if you can slip away at the end of this, you can pass on our personal invitation to the Queen, whether she wants to open negotiations for her people, or take her own stab at this. Otherwise, we've got another chip to use against your Hive."
We stop running as much interference, caressing her thighs almost affectionately as we let Lupad get a few words in. Regardless of her words, our eyes drift repeatedly back to her lips, fangs, and tongue, snapping back up to meet her gaze, subtly inching forward, eventually locking lips with her again.

"I think I know what's so special about you: if you're actually capable and well trained, you and her must be close. So, what's she like? We know so little about our secret admirer, other than the 'gifts' she keeps sending us."
All too casually, we stick a hoof between the lovebug's hindlegs, toying with her more mundane lips and using the viscous gel we gather to coat our rod at almost 2/3s it's full length, stroking ourself as the scent of horny bucks fills the air.

In a bit of a rush, otherwise I'd fill things out more
"You're hivemind is open, isn't it? The queen is watching through your eyes lustfully starting at our features? Listening to you deny our allegations? Feeling the bodies and bondings you're stuck between? All to make sure you succeed in your mission?"
We lift a hoof from Lupad's abdomen and move it up to Ruby's cheek.
"You're doing well with the seduction, but I didn't think staring into my eyes is what your queen is looking for. How about we give her something more exciting to watch, brother?"
We pull his head down as we lift our's up as much as we can for a deep kiss, making our masculine bodies rub and sandwich Lupad's further, feeling her whole body and abdomen twitch.
When we release, our gaze is towards Lupad's deep blue blush.
"Hmm, that twitching means you liked what you saw? Is that why there's a strong blueberry smell?"
I think us knowing about the hivemind is a little odd, but it could really throw her off. Also, hot.
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Morning, Pluto!
DnD tonight.

"You do have a point about infiltrators."
Your eyes then flick down to Lupad's abdomen and then immediately back up to Ruby, seeing from his expression that he could feel it twitching against him.
"Your hivemind is open, isn't it? The queen is watching through your eyes lustfully staring at our features? LIstening to you deny our allegations? Feeling the bodies and bondages you're stuck between? All to make sure you succeed in your mission?"
"Y-You're really- S-She wouldn't b-be listening in on something so p-perverted like this!"
Smiling a little, you lift a hoof up from her abdomen and move it up to Ruby's cheek.
"You're doing well with the seduction part, but I don't think staring into my eyes is what your queen is looking for. How about we give her something more exciting to watch, brother?"
"Why not? I'm sure she will enjoy it a lot~."
Pulling his head down you lift yours up as much as you could so that you could do a deep kiss with him, making your masculine bodies rub and sandwich Lupad's, her whole body and abdomen twitching against both of you. When you separate you look down at her, seeing her staring at the two of you with a large blush on her face.
"Hmm, that twitching means you liked what you saw? Is that why there's a strong blueberry smell?"
"N-NO," She quickly snaps, her blush exploding, "I-It's just... d-defense! Yeah, defense for stuff like this!"
"Hmm, you act like we've treated you and the ones before you unfairly. I think a little humiliation is more than fair for getting caught on the job in the king's bed," You tell her, "Hmm... tell you what: if you can slip away at the end of this, you can pass on our personal invitation to the queen, whether she wants to open negotiations for her people, or take her own stab at this. Otherwise, we've got another chip to use against your Hive."
You stop running interference for her, caressing her thighs affectionately as she speaks. This time, a small smile crosses her features.
"Heh, I can slip out of these no problem, you'll see when I get out of them! And I doubt the queen would even consider your invite."
As she speaks your eyes drift repeatedly back to her lips, fangs, and tongue, snapping back to meet her challenging glare.
"I think I know what's so special about you: if you're actually capable and well trained, you and her must be close. So, what's she like? We know so little about our secret admirer, other than the 'gifts' she keeps sending us."
All too casually, you stick your hoof between the lovebug's hind legs, toying with her mundane lips and using the viscous gel you gather from there to coat your rod which was about 2/3 it's full length. Lupad gasps at this and arches her back, the ropes holding her forelegs wiggling a bit with the movement.

"M-More lies and slander about her," She stammers, "Why should I tell you anything about her?"
"Well, the gifts she has been giving us have been quite curious, so we were just wondering." Ruby says.
After this he leans forward and gives her horn a long lick, Lupad's whole body arching once more as she lets out a shuddering gasp this time.

What do you do?
When she archs her back, we go for the neck, kissing and nibbling the dark chitin as we breath in the growing blueberry scent, a little buck sweat mixed in from our and Ruby's proximity. Pulling back, we make sure she can see our eye roll.
"Why do you think we're pressing you for details? As I've said, we know so little about her, we've had to speculate, and we're inclined to think highly of your Queen in these circumstances. What's the harm if you're vague enough? We'll reward you even. She's beautiful, isn't she?"
As we speak, we brush Lupad's mane behind her ear, caressing her cheek as we inspect her face and eyes, an approving smile on our lips. (If she confirms, we surprise her with a loving kiss, breaking it only to grip her horn and guide her into a kiss with Ruby as well, leaning in to lick her horn ourself)
"We know she must be wise and/or powerful, given the company she keeps, and the respect she commands for multiple 'suicide' missions. Clearly the Queen is in charge, but is there a King or Kings?"
Based on our questions, it's pretty clear we're at least somewhat serious about courting the Queen.

"You said she'd reject our invitation... So, you will pass it along then? Cause we've got something that's a little hard to put into words. Maybe you can find better words, or relay it to her."
Releasing our length, we instead press it against Lupad's stomach so she can feel it, our magic gently grasping Ruby's buckhood and doing the same with her abdomen. A hindleg comes up to brush against his side as we give Ruby a few subtle, helpful tugs, briefly glancing away from Lupad and towards Ruby, then back again.
"... So, what does she think?"
Maybe the 'Queen' isn't actually listening in, but getting into character of tripping Lupad up.

Good luck with D&D!
You are at our mercy my Queen perhaps I should get right to the point and give you what your body desires maybe that will be enough to convince you to spill your secrets, Mmmph''! Suddenly he dives into Lupad's mouth kissing her passionately you feel her taste in your mouth greedily invades her mouth to wrestle your tongue with hers. The slimely flavor feels both slightly sticky, and insanely arousing like sweet honey at the same time. And most importantly, overwhelming, causing you to hold lupad with your hooves wrap tightly around her in a hug despite her being bondage but you also felt the need to rut her with all the might you can muster. Therefore, without further ado You drops all pretense sense of civility and slams yourself inside her vaginal mercilessly, thrusting and riding her fast and hard feel yourself going feral being on top of her, rational thoughts banished by the raw need to experience all of the wonderful things of this changeling mare’s magnified shapeshifting body has to offer. This was just becoming too much for Lupad she’s was tireless but soon ravenous begging for more''Nnnh...Give Me More of You! Is that all you got''?! Between the powers of her body and how good her touch makes you feel to pound her even harder, she soon felt us a little more than a living toy for her pleasure drain the batteries out of, but rather as a lover giving her genuine love for the changeling queen that she can feed off of naturally instead of taking it by force.
As our full lips come into complete contact to meet hers, and as she couldn't oppose the contact even if she wanted to, the changeling eyes were showing signs of lowering and dimming down halfway where she is actually showing signs of enjoying the heated moment, furthermore a hoof comes around her head so he may properly smother his face with hers and grasp her head in order to deepen and prolong the tight kiss even further. ''MmnMmnn''! You both moan cries of pleasure as both tongues from each other, makes their way inside the other's maw cause them to clash with the other's respective tongues into fiery fierce tango tasting one another's essences and seeing which one can dominate the other tongue into submission. Without warning, you feel like you could lose yourself in her embrace for hours. However, it’s sad to say you both will need to catch your breaths at somepoint but for now enjoy the outcome as much as you can. ''Aahhh'"! Eventually, you climax inside the changeling with your seed, and free your mouth with a wet ‘pop’ from your joined saliva, leaving both of you panting and flustered with deep red crimson blushes.
We join Ruby on the lick, wrapping our tongue around the horn to meet his tongue and joining the tips on the top, leading to another kiss.
"That horn is sensitive~ we'll need to play with that more~"
We use the detachment spell on it and offer it to Ruby to do as he pleases. If he declines, we put the tip on our lips as of we're smoking a cigar.
'I'm still not fully mast, and I think we've teased her enough.'
We use the fertility spell on ourself hoping that will get things going. Despite our concern, we continue to stall so it can grow its full length.
"Regardless of how you view your queen, here you are, an eager changeling between two equally eager bucks. But you do have me curious about those defenses. Ruby? Could you sniff out the source and find out if it's dangerous?"
As he does, we use our magic to disrobe ourself as to not remove ourself from our position. We wiggle ourself slightly so we can remove the clothes from our back.
As we do, we keep an eye on the two, particularly our brother as he inhales Lupad's pheromones.
"Well, seeing no immediate danger, I think it's about time we get started. You can go ahead, Ruby. I'll join soon~"
We move our hooves away from Lupad's abdomen to physically stroke our cock. We take the time to simply watch our brother fuck our wife as we grow our length further.
Cursed thought: detaching her horn immediately made me think of chewing on an icicle.
Also that other post seems to be AI? Cause I've read it multiple times and I've got nothing. Or at the very least, it's mismatched in terms of pacing.
It is detached from our roleplay, and it's written in story format. AI does seem plausible, and I'll give the poster credit for the editing. There are a few typos, and the proper use of "hooves". A lot of the wordplay is pretty good. (I may have to steal some of it in the future.)
Hurry up and post something already Pluto daze gosh you take too long.
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He's juggling life and college between posts. Be patient.
Sorry I didn't know that I'm new here I just found this thread today.
There is a massive back catalog of Pluto's other CYOAs if you're really bored. Alternatively, if you've got any questions or tangential ideas, usually discussion is a fun way to pass the time.
Also, to Pluto's immense credit, he basically posts daily with few exception, and has for years at this point. Certain days of the week are just slower.
When she arches her back, you lean forward to go for her neck, kissing and nibbling at the dark chitin as you breathe in the growing blueberry scent, a little bit of buck sweat getting mixed in from you and Ruby. Pulling back from the moaning Changeling, you roll your eyes at her.
"Why do you think we're pressing you for details? As I've said, we know so little about her, we've had to speculate, and you're inclined to think highly of your Queen in these circumstances. What's the harm if you're vague enough? We'll reward you even. She's beautiful, isn't she?"
As you speak to Lupad, you brush her mane behind her ear, fully exposing her face to you along with her scar, an approving smile on your lips. Lupad stares back at you, playing up being conflicted but also slowly crumbling to the desire.
"...Y-Yeah, she's very nice to l-look at."
At her confirmation, you surprise her with a loving kiss, breaking it only to join Ruby in licking her horn which she pants at, wrapping your tongue around the horn to meet Ruby's tongue and joining the tip with him at the top, leading to another kiss between the two of you for a few seconds.
"That horn is sensitive~. We'll have to play with that some more~."
You use the detachment spell on it and offer it up to Ruby, who takes it slides it into his mouth with little issue. Your attention going back to Lupad as you feel her shake with each suck that Ruby performs on her horn.
'I'm still not fully at mast, and I think we've teased her enough, or at least close to that.'
You then use the fertility spell on yourself, which doubles the rate that your length starts to grow.
"Regardless of how you view your queen, here you are, an eager Changeling between two equally eager bucks. We know she must be wise and powerful, given the company she keeps, and the respect she commands for multiple 'suicide' missions. Clearly the Queen is in charge, but is there a King or Kings?"
"N-No," She pants, "I-It's just her."
You smile a little at this.
"You do have me a bit curious about those defenses. Ruby? Could you sniff out the source and find out if it's dangerous?"
"One second."
He pulls back and leans down behind her abdomen. As he does you use your magic to disrobe, wiggling yourself back and forth slightly so that you could remove the clothes from your back without moving. Getting your clothes off, you pay attention to both Lupad and Ruby. Lupad was a bit of a panting mess already, occasionally twitching slightly from Ruby sucking on her horn. Ruby pulls away from Lupad's abdomen, shaking his head and blinking a few times as he smiles.
"No danger as far as I know, just a wonderful smell that I can't get enough of."

"Well then. You said she'd reject our invitation... So, you will pass it along then? Cause we've got something that's a little hard to put into words. Maybe you can find better words, or relay it to her."
Releasing your now fully grown length, you press it against Lupad's stomach so she can feel it while Ruby mounts her fully, your magic gently grasping his buckhood and doing the same with her abdomen. A hind leg comes up to brush against Ruby's side as you give him a few subtle, helpful tugs. Ruby smiles down at you, clearly excited in several ways.
"...So, what does she think?" You ask Lupad.
"Uh... w-well... I asked and she's... surprisingly receptive to seeing the two of y-you." She stammers slowly.
You nod at this and look up at Ruby.
"You can go ahead, Ruby. I'll join soon~."
As soon as you finish he thrusts into her, both of them freezing as Lupad gets penetrated and Ruby experiences something he hasn't felt before. After a few seconds of recovery Ruby starts thrusting slowly into Lupad, the Changeling underneath him moaning loudly with each thrust into her.

What do you do?
Got some stuff that has/is keeping me from writing. Will write in the morning. Until then, i need to sleep. Also, bump.
Night, Pluto!
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
We simply lay there and watch as two enjoy themselves. We feel our rod twitch and pulse in anticipation as it lightly grinds against Lupad's smooth chitin with every thrust Ruby makes.
"Mmm~ you're still sharing everything with your queen yes? Giving her a taste of my hot brother's dick?/Brother's hot dick?"
When she answers, we kiss her hungrily, feeding her our love and lust.
"I would like to give her a taste as well~. Hold her tight, Ruby."
Once we see his muscles clench/hold her up to his chest, we used to teleport spell to flip ourselves around. With a cock no longer being obscured, it stands proudly long and tall in front of the other two. We glance up to get a closer look at their parts smashing together, seeing Lupad's blueberry honey already dripping down between them. Unable to help ourself, we lean up to collect her dripping nectar into our mouth, savoring the warm taste of blueberries before focusing again, looking underneath her abdomen to find her fun hole nice and tight.
"Hmm, this hole is smaller than I expected. We're going to need some outside help for this, and if you care about your queen, some help from you would be nice too."
We start eating out her fun hole, licking and darting our tongue around and inside, using our saliva to get it nice and lubricated. We then use our magic to summon some slimy tentacles from the floor to work her in and lubing her the rest of the way.
"Are you good, Ruby? Her viscous honey isn't impeding you is it?"
If it is, we have some thin tentacles coil tightly around his cock and into Lupad to lube and loosen her abdomen.
(Half expect Ruby to join Lupad in 'lubing' our cock, but only if Pluto is comfortable with the idea.)
Seconding, got a lot busier than expected, still haven't had a chance to catch up properly.
You simply lay there and watch the two enjoy themselves: Ruby slowly giving into his new instincts and Lupad smiling a little as she enjoys it. You feel your rod twitch and pulse in anticipation as it lightly grinds against Lupad's smooth chitin with each thrust Ruby gives her.
"Mmm! You're still sharing everything with your queen yes? Giving her a taste of my brother's hot dick?"
"Mmm... y-yeah!" She pants.
With that answer, you kiss her hungrily, feeding her your love and lust while she tries her best to return it, her tongue wrapping around your own before you pull away.
"I would like to give her a taste as well~. Hold her tight, Ruby."
He nods and wraps his forehooves around her, lifting her up and thrusting upward leaving her dangling in the ropes, using this to teleport and flip yourself around. With your cock no longer being obscured, it stands up proudly in front of the other two. Glancing up to get a closer look at their parts smashing together, watching Lupad's blueberry honey seep from around Ruby with each thrust in. Unable to help yourself, you lean up and collect some of her dripping nectar into your mouth, savoring the warm blueberry taste before focusing once more, looking underneath her abdomen and between her hind legs to find her fun hole sitting there, nice and tight and waiting.
"Hmm, this hole is smaller than I expected. We're going to need some outside help for this, and if you care about your queen, some help from you would be nice too."
You then lean forward to lick and dart your tongue around and inside her fun hole, the Changeling immediately reacting by kicking her hind legs a bit and moan loudly, using your saliva to get her nice and lubricated. You then use your magic to summon some slimy tentacles from the floor, the tentacles sliding from their holes to work her in as well and lube her the rest of the way. All Lupad could do is moan once more and grind herself against you.
"Are you good, Ruby? Her viscous honey isn't impeding you, is it?"
"I'm more than, good~," He smiles down at you, "It is a bit, but I, honestly think it helps, a bit."
Looking down at you, he lowers Lupad back down and then raises her abdomen slightly, giving you a perfect view of her fun hole that you were just servicing.
"Gonna join me~?"

What do you do?
''Don't mind if I do even changeling deserve some genuine love from other species. Let us be the first ponies to prove that to her. Get ready Lupad because I'm coming for ya''!
"You know full well I intend to~"
We have the tentacles move out of her before giving her pucker a little nibble and a kiss. We then teleport ourself back around, but lowering ourself down to her chest so our doe splitter isn't obscured by her chest and beside her abdomen. We use the tentacles to coat our length in its own layer of slime before having them press it down and tease Lupad's back door.
"It's going to be a lot to take in so you better hold her tight!"
We then slide right in, it's getting ourselves forward so we can go deeper and deeper, occasionally thrusting inside speed up the process, untill we are back face to face with Lupad. Breaking character, we smile proudly at her taking it all in, before going back into character and turning that smile into a smug.
"It's never an easy task to get it all in. I take it you've been on missions involving yaks? There aren't that many does who can take the whole thing~"
Before she can answer, we start thrusting.

I originally had the idea to prop her up and make her slide into our cock. It would have involved Ruby either lifting the bug, or us conjuring a color and leash for Ruby to tug, but I figured it would break the pacing for Ruby's first time... Though she may be into it, I don't know. I didn't want to interrupt Ruby's rutting to wait for us to slip in.

We're deer, actually. Technically Cadwalader is a Unicorn, but he identifies as a deer.
And if it gets brought up, Ruby is half-deer, half-dragon. She's interchangable finding pride in both of her heritages.
Thanks for carrying, sorry for not being around. Been too busy to give this stuff the attention it deserves, partially cause of a heatwave, partially cause a strained wrist, and partially cause of a million other things on my mind.
"You know full well I intend to~."
You have the tentacles move out of her before giving her fun lips a little nibble and a kiss, Lupad twitching a bit in response. You then teleport yourself back around, but lowering yourself down to her chest so your doe splitter isn't obscured by her chest and beside her abdomen. You use the tentacles to coat your length in it's own layer of slime before having them press it down and tease Lupad's back door.
"It's going to be a lot to take in so you better hold on tight!"
She tries to get you to pause, but you slide right in, moving yourself forward so that you could get deeper and deeper into her tight fun hole, occasionally thrusting inside to speed up the process or when you hit a spot that's a little too tight, until you are finally back face to face with Lupad with her eyes unfocused and body a bit limp, only held up by you and Ruby and the ropes around her forelegs. Breaking character, you smile proudly up at her taking it all in, before quickly going back into character and turning that smile into a smug grin as she manages to look down at you.
"It's never an easy task to get it all in. I take it you've been on missions involving Yaks? There aren't that many does who can take the whole thing~."
She opens her mouth to speak but you start thrusting into her, pushing yourself back and forth inside of her. Watching the whole thing, Ruby starts thrusting again, the two of you getting into a rhythm where when you pull out Ruby pushes in and vice versa. Lupad's body starts to swing back and forth a bit in the ropes, trying her best to offer any sort of resistance to the two of you as her legs flex a bit, but all she can do is take it. Looking down at you, she leans down to you and brings you into a kiss of her own, her tongue prodding at your lips for access.

What do you do?
Seems lupad is starting to enjoy the special moment. You gladly open your mouth and wrap your tongue with her giving her the First experience of French kissing entangling each other's mouth tightly and full of passion. Enjoying one another's presence in a sloppy kiss.
We let her in, our breaths synchronizing as we share our love with her and our tongues perform their dance.
'You are the greatest wife I can ever have! I love you so much, Lupad!'
Eventually we do release ourself from the kiss, panting a little and turning her head over to Ruby.
"I think, someone else, deserve some recognition."
Using their kissing as a distraction, we cast the infertility spell on Ruby, then place a cockring on him to dampen his headstart.
(I really want to tease her horn a bit, let it be assaulted between two mouths.)
It would be hot to have Ruby impregnate our wife, but we have a war coming up.
Wrapping a foreleg around Lupad to hold her a bit steady, more for Ruby and Lupad's sake than ours at this point, we stroke her side and let her tongue in, though we quickly push past to dominate her mouth. After briefly exploring her fangs, our tongue retreats, letting her explore at her leisure, though we have to break off for air way quicker than expected with all this excitement.
"Focus on breathing. Don't want you nodding off too quick."

Looking over her shoulder, we 'whisper' to Ruby.
"H, hey. Which hole, d'you think the eggs, come out? Could be, an uncle, a father, or both."

Would have to be discussed before hand, not to mention the questions raised when her next clutch has scales. Thought that came to mind though: we get a little too arrogant, Lupad escapes and casts a spell, and Tuby has to deal with a horny Queen, just not the one he expected.
Wrapping a foreleg around Lupad to hold her a bit steady, more for Ruby and Lupad's sake than your own at this point. Stroking her side, you let her in as your breaths synchronize and you share your love with her, though you quickly push past to dominate her mouth, her tongue following along with a bit of delay. After briefly exploring her fangs, your tongue retreats back to your mouth, letting Lupad's tongue run over your own teeth in return.
'You are the greatest wife I can ever have! I love you so much, Lupad!'
Eventually you release yourself from the kiss, having to pull back your head a bit so that Lupad could pull her long tongue away from you, leaving the two of you panting at each other.
"Focus on breathing. Don't want you nodding off too quick."
Lupad manages to nod as you look over your shoulder at Ruby, his face just showing pleasure as he rapidly thrusts back and forth into Lupad.
"H-Hey. Which hole, do you think the eggs, come out?" You ask him.
"H-Here, I think," He pants, "The other hole, seems too small, for eggs."
"Could be, an uncle, a father, or both."
Looking back at Lupad who continues to stare down at you, she leans down to kiss you again but you simply grab her head and turn her over to Ruby.
"I think, someone else, deserves some recognition."
Looking at Ruby a bit in a daze, Lupad eventually leans forward and the two start making out in front of you. You couldn't see anything as their lips come together, but you could see their tongues flex a bit underneath their cheeks. As you watch, you quickly cast the infertility spell on Ruby, then place a cock ring on him as you could tell he is going a bit fast.
Ruby doesn't seem to notice though, continuing to kiss Lupad for several seconds before the two separate to get some air and then continue. His thrusting slowing down, but becoming a bit more erratic in it's pace as he thrusts into her again and again.

What do you do?
'I suppose I put that ring on him a little too late...'
"Getting close, brother? I guess I need to catch up."
We wrap all of our legs around her and thrust harder and faster, fast enough for our fluffy sacks to clap against her chitin.
When the two break off so Lupad can breath during her onslaught, we take the opportunity to make out with Ruby, feeling around Lupad's horn giving it light nibbles and tickling it with her tongue, while exploring Ruby's mouth as we both approach our climaxes.
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Morning, Pluto!
Thought I'd finally have a bit to write, but no. Work dropped something important on me at last minute.

Sorry for disappearing yesterday, I had a very busy day.

'I suppose I put that ring on him a little too late...'
"Getting close, brother? I guess I need to catch up."
You wrap all of your legs around Lupad and thrust harder and faster into her, fast enough for your fluffy sacks to clap against her chitin over and over again. Making an audible clapping noise that fills the carriage.
The two soon break off and when they do you take the opportunity to shoot forward and make out with Ruby. Lupad gets pushed away a bit, but this just lets her horn get caught between your lips in the kiss, giving it some light nibbles and tickling it with your tongue while you push it past her and explore Ruby's mouth, all three of you rapidly approaching your climaxes.
Ruby is the first to go, giving Lupad some powerful and rough thrusts into her abdomen before hilting as deep as he could go, his grip on Lupad tightening substantially. Several seconds later you begin to hear a steady drip from her abdomen as Ruby fills it to capacity. Lupad follows shortly after, a cry of pleasure ripping past her lips while she wiggles underneath the two of you, both of your cocks blasted by her blueberry gel as her fun hole tightens all around you, her horn sparking with magic as the pleasure reaches there and tickles your tongue with fascinating tastes. And shortly after her, you finally climax as well.

What do you do?
Our mouth falls opens to let out a blissful moan, finally able to release the sexual tension we've been carrying all day and from the euphoria of sensations that wash over us. The taste of her magic coating our tongue, the tightening of her fun hole gripping our cock as it fills it with fertile cum, and the drips of overflowing love batter between our wife and brother dripping down on us.
We pump our cock with our own strong thrust to make sure she gets every drop she can handle, which took a while from our extra fertility.
When our own orgasm ended, our grip on Lupad loosens, but still holding her in a hug while our and Ruby's mouth are connected by Lupad's horn. We just lay there panting, starting into his eyes in a half daze as we enjoy the glow.
Forgot to mention I'm going to be busy the rest of the day. I think the other anons are too, so take your time.
The knowledge that we're sharing our wife with our brother for his first time is exciting, but it's Lupad's climax that sets us off, quite handily, realizing we can't hold out almost immediately.
Not that we want to: the anticipation following this morning is almost too much to bear and our body won't be denied any longer. The satisfaction as we add several ropes of seed into the mix is euphoric, driving us to cling to our lovers as stress is forced from our body, eventually dripping onto the floor of the carriage. We pour our love into the big bad bug, more by reflex at this point.
Figuring we may not have this chance for a while, we reach out and swat at Ruby's flank with an audible smack, caressing it before brushing a hoof along his tail.

It seems to be the trend for everyone right now, but glad to know you're okay

The knowledge that you're sharing your wife with your brother for his first time is exciting, but it's Lupad's climax that sets you off, quite handily, realizing you can't hold out almost as soon as it happens.
Not that you want to: the anticipation following this morning is almost too much to bear and your body won't be denied any longer. Your mouth falls open to let out a blissful moan, finally able to release the sexual tension you've been carrying all day. The taste of her magic coating your tongue, the tightening of her fun hole gripping your cock as it fills it with fertile cum, and the drips of overflowing love batter between your wife and brother dripping down on you drives you to cling to your lovers. You pour your love into the big bad bug, more by reflex at this point. You continue to pump your cock with strong thrust inside of her, making sure she gets every drop she can handle.
As you all begin to come down you figure you may not have this chance for a while, reaching out to swat Ruby's flank with an audible smack, caressing it before brushing a hoof along his tail. Your grip on Lupad loosens along with Ruby's, still holding her in a hug while your and Ruby's mouth are connected by Lupad's horn. As Lupad goes limp between the two of you, you just lay there panting, staring into his eyes in a half daze as you enjoy the glow.
"T-That was... amazing~," Ruby pants, looking down at Lupad, "Did you enjoy that as well?"
Lupad is only able to let out a small groan and twitch a bit in response, letting the two of you know that she is still awake.

What do you do?
We let out a breathy chuckle.
"That's, that's a yes."
We reattach Lupad's horn before going in for a deep, passionate kiss, properly exploring Ruby's mouth with our tongue without any obstructions, everything feeling exactly right; feeling exactly like our dear sister."
"I'm glad you enjoyed your first time being a buck. How does it compare to being a doe?"
As he speaks, we take the time to explore his body with a hoof, feeling his expanded muscles beneath his fur and scales.
"Would you like to explore more possibilities as a buck? I wouldn't mind helping you, and it won't be long before Lupad burps some love hearts. We'll need them for our second wind, and while I have you, I wouldn't mind exploring this strong, muscular, handsome buck for myself~"
We give his ear a little nibble before whispering into it.
"I will give you the privilege of being my first cock that isn't my own~"
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Morning, Pluto!

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