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Cheerilee thread
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Cheerilee best pony
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Private tutoring sessions with Cheerilee after school.
>Cheerilee tutoring me and being supportavice of my life choices
>Cheerilee being there for be every late night when I had to study
>Cheerilee being the first person I tell about how I aced my test
>Cheerilee being the only one there for me at graduation and cheering me on when I get my name called and get my degree
>Cheerilee telling me how she always believed in me
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God. That cushy middle aged plot makes me act up in so many ways.
this one fucks foals
Lego Cheerilee a cute.
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she a cute
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Her face when Anon claims the dog ate his homework.
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she knows the truth
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Imagine the warmth
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>"Like what you see?"
>You look up as the teacher twirls around in her sexy little skirt to show off her-
>There's... Nothing there?
>"What's wrong?"
>You stare in shock for a moment
>"A-Am I that hideous..?"
neutral ending
Would still bury my face in there
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>That ass
>This is how you’ll end up
>anon wakes up at the crack of dawn to break into the schoolhouse and draw this on the black board every morning
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I wish she would whinny seductively at me
>Cheerilee: I'm almost scared of what would happen if he applied that same effort to his regular work
what the hell is she so mad about?? don't give me that fucking look!!
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>what the hell is she so mad about??
You keep rejecting her advances.
Mayb if she'd stop doing it in front of the class I'd say yes
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The foals need to learn about these things!
her "advances" are sexual harassment and assault!!
I don't think her going into graphc detail about how she wants me to hog tie her, unload a can of whip cream into her asshole, and then eat it out of her is something the foals need to know
Sweetie bell is still taking notes
furthermore, trying to eskimo kiss my crotch and calling me her "sugar wugar shmoopie doopie pie" is NOT educational!! >>41247431
>the mentor and pillar of support you wish you had growing up
Fuck. I would be penpals with Ms. Cheerilee and make time to see her long after I had graduated. She is wonderful.
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Just have sex with her already.
I want to but I also want her to show she has some class
I'm not looking for just a pump and dump, I want a mare who wants to be there with me
And then have crazy weird sex
She does have a class, she's a teacher!
That may be but I still need her to act mare like in public
She can't jsut try to suck me off under the table at a restuant
Got to wait till marriage to do that
The foals keep teasing me after school for having a crush on you!
You think its easy walking around in Ponyville and groups of fillies suddenly sing 'Anon and Ms. Cheerilee sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"
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She's so pretty bros...
bruh every pony character uses the same rig base, they're literally the same, so she's pretty the same as other characters
Pretty? Yeah. Unique? No. That's it. She's not important.

I provided arguments to my point, where's yours? Why is she pretty? Explain.
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>so she's pretty the same as other characters
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why does she have Ukraine flag themed bow and details on some clothes?
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>pony artist draws swollen genetalias
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In the my little pony board?
can't wait for your father to check internet router logs of your device's internet activity when you searched this
By far not the worst thing in my browser history.
I just searched mare pussy though, and this was the first non-drawing to come up in Google search.

If you would prefer a link to a video site where you can watch people fuck actual animals, that can be arranged.
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>can't wait for your father to check internet router logs
HTTPS masks URL paths.
oh anon you filthy nigger
worth it
gr8 b8 m8
Guys... I'll do it. I'll take one for the team.
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Good luck, soldier. You'll need it.
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>Three faggots surrounded a metal door, the only barrier between them and the enclosure
>Between the three sat a basket of enriched oats
>They had a job to do
>They had to get the food into the habitat
>Eventually, one faggot spoke up, feeling courageous
”Guys… I’ll do it. I’ll take one for the team.”
>The two other faggots stared at him
>”You’re sure about this?”
>The foolish faggot nods
>”... Good luck, Soldier. You’ll need it.”
>The two faggots watched as he hauled up the basket, one of them entering the combination to unlock the enclosure’s door
>He rushed in once the opening was wide enough, they couldn't risk any of these ponies escaping
>The door shut air tight behind him
>The habitat was vast, filled with bright greens and blues
>It was like something out of a children’s television show, really
>Upon taking in his surroundings he noticed that this part of the habitat seemed vacant for the most part
>He looked over to an empty, knocked over basket near a river
>There it was, the feeding spot
>All he had to do was swap the baskets out…
>He made his way over as stealthily as one could whilst carrying a large basket of oats
>Once there, he hastily swapped the bins
>It was a piece of cake
>A piece of cake…
>He saw a piece of cake across the river
>It was half eaten
>A litany of questions flooded the faggots head
>Why was there a piece of half eaten cake here?
>How long has it been there?
>Was there a pony nearby?
>And most importantly…
>Was he in any immediate danger?
>There was no time for questions, he had to get out of there now!
>He turned around with the empty basket and moved his legs to make a mad dash
>However, something blocked him
>He fell back onto his ass with a grunt
>”Hello, Anon.”
>The faggot looked up, his eyes meeting that of a pony
>He felt a cold shiver as he identified the pony
>She was one of the mares, one who was often seen hanging around the foals of the enclosure
“Uh… Hello Miss bubblegum pony teacher…”
>She gazed down at him, her warm smile accompanied by half lidded eyes
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Grim but also giwtwm
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cheering you on
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rest easy, soldier.
Her butt smells bad
Nah, that's just the dried studcum on your upper lip
Built for loving and happy marriage
Gice her a lick from the bottom to her dock
>t. based
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With pleasure!
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I really like Cheerilee.
I'll never forget when Secret of My Excess first aired, when she walked up to Spike and said she wished she had a gift to give him (which in the first place is a touchingly caring reaction) and then she squished her cheek with her hoof and said "oh" in the cutest way possible before reaching into her bag.
I had her "oh" and squishy pony cheek in my head for weeks after that and kept imagining what it would be like to touch her face and hear her speak to me. I still remember how I felt in that moment, more than 10 years ago, like I couldn't believe that she had really just said and did something that appealing, or that I was watching a cartoon where things are just supposed to be moderately entertaining, and suddenly there's this total perfection. That was the first time I realized that I wanted to marry a pony.
That whole scene where she interacts with Spike is gold. The way she explains her cutie mark in Call of the Cutie is really great too.
well spoken. that certainly is a top tier cheerilee moment, the only one i'd put above it is "schmoopie".
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Thanks, Nurse!
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>4 Days and 20 Hours ago
>Dreams always mean something no matter how dumb they are
My dreams:
>Knees weak
>Hooves are heavy
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>Applebloom: "Mr Cheerilee why'd we stop in this part of ponyville? And why did you give Treehugger money for a large bag full of grass?"
>Cheerilee: "Oh, that was my uuuuuuh, my medicine."
>SweetieBelle: "My sister buys the same stuff from treehugger as well."
>Cheerilee: "Oh."
>Scootaloo: "I sometimes see Dash and the other's with the same medicine as well when they're at Fluttershy's house. They always smell like skunks while they use it and they say I can't stick around while they do. But that's stupid because they have all kinds of snacks in there."
>Cheerilee: "When they do this medicine Scootaloo, does Twilight seem...really relaxed?"
>Scootaloo: "Yeah, she's the most relaxed of them all. She once was staring off into space and the others had to carry her home at night."
>Cheerilee: "Oh they have the good stuff"
>Applebloom: "Huh?"
>Cheerilee: "I mean, I'll have to talk to them about this. The elements of harmony might have the same illnesses I have."
>Applebloom: "What illiness?"
>Cheerilee: "High amounts of stree and a underpaying job"
>Sweetiebelle: "How do you know when you have it and how long does it last?"
>Cheerilee: "When you turn twenty and for the last ten years."
i love this image of cheerilee carrying and then dropping an egg. i use this image on my steam account.
they toke.
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exercise outside of gym class
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>Teaching general relativity to foals
>Rejects the cosmological constant
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100, an A+.
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Nini cheerilee fren
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Thank you, Nursefren.
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I'm going to kill them
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that's the one good thing they did, fuck shipfags.
Yeah, she has a husband: me.
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Cheerilee is a wonderful and beautiful mare with a heart of gold. I know she will find a good stallion someday, have a family, and live happily ever after. She certainly deserves that too.
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Cheer up!
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>every time Diamond Tiara bullies someone at school, an unknown pony eggs her house
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Thats what she wears when she mugs you.
That's what happens when the entire education budget goes to friendship research.
imagine her smell after a long day of wearing this
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that horsey ass
Cheerileefag - Marblefag alliance when
right now
Like flowers!
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Dropping my spaghetti ma'am
(You) ;)
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Celestia can relate.

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