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Request, draw, submit. Mark requests with ‘/r/’ in the name field or comment field, ‘/d/’ for deliveries, ‘/ic/’ for critiques.
Also, when /r/equesting, try to provide a reference image, to make it easier for drawfags to fulfill your request.

- Don't spam or bump your requests.
- Don't respond to the spam. Just report and hide it and move on.

Previous Thread:

The OP header image and all other images from the previous Draw Threads can be found in the

>Draw Thread Information -
>/mlp/ drawfag improvement -
>Pony Drawing Tutorials -
/r/equesting Scootaloo.
That's it. Just draw Scootaloo. Preferably a cute one.
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Will you accept a Scootaloo I drew months ago?
It has to be new!
/r/ pony frothing at the mouth
/r/ Make this anon's dream come true.
>all that extra fluff
Has she been living in the forest like Mare Grylls? Still cute!
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A pony pissed off at a human for looking down on them
kek I was experimenting with drawing lots of floof.
...I should do that again.
fucking knife-ears
Pregnant thread and Draw thread crossover
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Well, when you put it like that, ponify pretty please.
Man what ever happened to editing the OP images to say DRAW THREAD?

>captcha M0YST
/r/ a M0YST pone
I thought you were just supposed to use a /d/ from the previous thread.
Sorry, I thought it was a /d/.
Reverse search from desuarchive finds one older repost and a worse older JPEG from 2022 https://twibooru.org/2735764
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I remember it used to be common to have the words DRAW THREAD in the image. My favorites the ones where existing text in the image was changed. But my personal favorite is pic related, even though it wasn't an edit.
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Requesting something relating to the 1984 quote “reject the evidence of your eyes and ears”.
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Requesting this but with Ms. Harshwhinny.
Anon causing the color green to get banned from Equestria.
Well if I make the next OP too I'll try and remember to do that.
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>"Prideful pose of a schizophrenic patient with delusional ideas of greatness"
ponify this with Trixie
The spa ponies helping a tired Anon relax.
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/r/ fluttershy cuddling with (You)
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Ponify this pls
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Oh hey that's me!
Follow this up with the TLOU2 meme quartet for maximum funny
Twilight getting high off Rainbow Dash's retard fumes.
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Requesting this with anonfilly
>not uploading all the porn too
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Requesting a really meaty Gloriosa Daisy.
Make of it what you will.
d/r/aw bon bon or any mare you want saying this to anon
Nice. Cute pony.
Draw Nyx strangling Cozy Glow to death
Seconding. This is great
Draw Nyx hugging Cozy Glow comfortingly.
Draw Nyx knocking Cozy Glow's head off with a homerun baseball bat so it flies to the moon at Mach 50 and makes a giant crater shaped like Cozy Glow's face
Nyx playing a friendly game of baseball with Cozy Glow.
Requesting Anonfilly dumping Nyx for ponified Gloriosa "Double D" Daisy.
Draw Nyx building a giant pony robot and giving it teeth made out of the wooden shards of Twilight's destroyed library and then using the giant wooden robot teeth to chew Cozy Glow into little bits
Requesting Nyx happily playing chess with Cozy Glow on the Moon with Luna awkwardly watching.
Draw Nyx taking Cozy Glow to the dump where they keep the toxic waste formed by Season 8 and stuffing her into a drum, then bucking the drum so hard it flies to pony China and hits a gong and bursts open and Cozy Glow falls out but she's a tiny shrimp because the toxic waste shrank her and the Chinese ponies put her into their soup because they think ground-up breezies are an aphrodisiac
Hell yeah man
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>>41232038 >>41232530
Version I found in internet
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1 hearty chuckle has been deposited into your meme account.
been a while since I've seen pigeon mare
>trixie cam
pony breaking plates for being an archaic invention
Adult Nyx taking Cozy Glow to an amusement park.
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one fresh chicken comin right up
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Ponify this
tasty chicken
Type B incorrect 100% of the time. Simple as.
No way Max Payne reference in /mlp/
Oh shit is that one of the old birdpones?
yes, it's peep. it felt appropriate.
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forgot the /d/
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perfect character for this.
These are great! Awesome job.
Can’t help but notice that none of you talentless hacks have drawn Nyx today. Why is that? Are you too busy making anthro sfm futa art? That’s the only reason I can possibly imagine for you not drawing Nyx today, so I have to assume that’s what you’ve been up to.
You are a gentlemen and a scholar.
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Wish granted, anonfilly seems to have gotten a little too excited in return...
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anon holding Seaswirl like that
Oh myyyyyy
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/r/ a redraw of this ai sloppa
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Requesting Fluttershy taking care of these two kots
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Godspeed Joe and Dusty
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Berry Punch hitting Ballmer Peak and turning into a godlike hacker
a family photo with anon, his pony waifu, and any number of their children. kids can be any species human, pony, satyr, etc.
Noticing a severe lack of any art like this.
sharing fluttershy /trash/ delivery
/r/ing a nervous anon stallion surrounded by an upset pregnant mane 6.
seconding but with a human anon as god intended
thirding but with spike because that would be significantly funnier
Fourthing to reestablish the correct way
Fifthing for pregnant anon with spike being the father
Good /d/ my friend, as to why /mlp/ doesn’t have a dedicated NSFW drawthread, as you can see in that trash thread, eventually it devolves into mindless coomer requests that gets 500 posts and maybe 5 /r/s and barely any original content. Most artists here are happy with doing funny little meme delivery’s or ideas. If you wanted to see any NSFW ideas, you can always just ask in the thread and read the different reply’s, I’m sure you’d get some good ones.
might do this, but with three of the m6
Rolling for Rarity to be one of the three. I guess Pinkie Pie is also nice.
I was thinking rd, twi, and rarity but I could just make sure that rarity is part of the set. no promises however that i'd even finish this in an acceptable state.

>no promises however that i'd even finish this in an acceptable state.
Even a sketch could be nicer to look at than nothing. Not a lot of unfinished artwork seems to get posted in these threads lately, but I always think seeing the creative process is nice.
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Cute, and saved. Say, if you don't care, would you use unicorn Twilight for this?
that was actually the plan before you even mentioned it
They were good cats, Boris took good care of them, and I'd like to think that Fluttershy will keep taking care of them in the afterlife
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Requesting a pony analogy.
What the heck did I miss when I wasn't paying attention? I'm never paying attention
/mlp/ probably has the most dedicated community for AI voice
I wouldn't be surprised if the pony preservation project was responsible for several breakthroughs in the field
well a ton of her porn was her being fucked by dogs and horses annoyingly enough
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/r/equesting a pony version of this with floor bored

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made an attempt. probably missed the point desu. they kind of look the same to me idk... apologies for making the text cringe lol
unf, very underrated pony. nice job anon!
good stuff anon! Not the one who requested but I think ya got it pretty well. I can personally see a difference between em.
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Scootaloo flying with Viktor Grebennikov's anti-gravity platform
technically sound but it's beyond my threshold of what I consider "not obese"
I read a while back in the PPP thread that uberduck AI, one of the first mainstream text to speach AI, had almost the exact same code as their voice models. This was followed by text to speach becoming more wildly known and availbe.
I could also be remembering this completely wrong, so don't fully trust an anon on the internet
Dammit I WILL talk to my pony wife one day.
WeLost and AeroZero are going to cum to death on sight.
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the image speaks for itself
do i need to say it kek
Ponify this with Anon and anypony you chose
Anon on the left with his stud husband horse on the right
Stallions working at a fudge packing factory.
This, but a second panel of her blushing/flustered hard at how excited anon is
Joe and Dusty, the cats that you could hear from time to time while Boris streamed the 4cc, and sometimes see them when he did cup draws, have passed away
Fucking hell, both of them?
Yes, not at the same time, Joe died earlier this year and Dusty 2 or 3 weeks ago
My condolences. That really sucks. Godspeed good kots.
Hot as fuck! I was so close to not posting that post, but I'm glad I did now that we got this from it!
Imagine the smell
a bunch of zebras with afros in suits blocking a pool
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here you go
>Lets him fuck
>Doesn't make him use a condom
>Doesn't go on the pill
>Lets him cum inside
>Doesn't go on the morning after pill
>Are now mad they got pregnant
These mares are retarded
so theyre just like women?
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This is gonna be me in Equestria. Suck it, losers
>implying any of the cheap cope out's are legal in magical pony principality
Captcha: AAAY
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Requesting ponified Gloriosa Daisy, possessed by dragonequus Gaea Everfree, telling ponies to come deeper into the Everfree forest.
Fuck, wrong pic.
they're mad he didn't just pick one of them, not that they're pregernat
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based monsterfucker anon
>It's illegal to pull out in Equestria
Pretty based of sunbutt, actually.
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Ponify this
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>that ponk ass
>tamed tomboy
we need more of this
GIWTWM! Great /d/, artfag.
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Requesting human and/or pony Fluttershy as superhero Shy
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Anon’s and cozy glow
was wondering if I did this one could I change the pone to pinkie pie? Or did you just want it to be the same but less “ai” looking?
/r/ Always wondered what canon character fits the ending part of this video best

Do it anyways.
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ponify this
How the fuck did you name that an emoji
I was wondering the same thing. How the fuck did he get an emoji on here?
yeah you can do any pone you want
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Can't you put literally any existing unicode symbol as the filename?
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forgot to remove namefag
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I guess technically yeah but most of them are just gonna do this
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/r/equesting art of Red Circle

Also check these out they’re fucking sick
Reminder: equines can naturally induce a miscarriage. They WANT anon's foal.
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i draw silly mare and she delights my silly heart
>Knocking up the worst 3 of the mane 6.
Poor bastard. All those foals are going to be retarded.
she can't be THAT silly
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She is quite silly I assure you
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>have like 10 of those big ass jars of applay sos that expired two years ago
that's not an expiry date, but a best by date. as long as that top isn't popped up it's still ok.
Your letting all the hard work those apple ponies put into making that sos go to waste anon! For shame!
decided to upload some art to derpi
uh. okay? You gonna tell us literally anything about what you uploaded?
That pic makes me feel so hollow.
Fell in love with Trixie while making this.
Based Trixie lover.
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/r/equesting bug mom
Immobilizing tiny pony
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Done long ago in a different age
it can be done again, with more ponies
or even a breezie
nobody draws breezies
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/r/ Color >>41246524
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An edit of this with a different pony please.
We have way too much floor bored
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Ponify this
No such thing
Requesting a group of tiny Floorb clones infesting this guy's house
Seconding this
requesting tiny maids setting the breakfast table (one is struggling to move a plate of pancakes)
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requesting Nightmare Moon "punishing" bad men
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That's really cute
floorb is secretly Tavi's cousin
I want art of the two of them now. Like imagine Octavia being embarrassed to meet Floob at a family reunion
Fucking perfect thank you.
That second panel is perfect, just full of the exaggerated smugness of a powerful blue pony.
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a funny draw from another thread

Good landscape anon, makes me Wanna Try my hand at that request when I get the time in between work.
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I made another silly
This is so majestic. It needs to be covered art for a story or something. Omegakek
it's rainbover...
d/r/aw bon bon saying this to anon
I love this so much
Perfect kek
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poor deshi
no they cant
they miscarriage from stress, they cant induce a miscarriage
looking good so far
but the guy in the basket was pretty okay with his situation, will that royal guard be the same?
the simps of the obese one should fear the mare of the moon
>the guards joking about her tiny butt is what set this off
would be funny if true
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Finished up this morning
damn anon, this is some top tier art thank you!
not to be greedy but can we get a creampie edit?
She's right
Here ya go
how to make thin pony
The hottest outfit. How did they get away with putting that in the show?
Twilight showing her butt to Spike, asking him if it’s too fat (could even have her farting if you like).
This but it's Nyx showing Twilight her report card asking if the grades aren't good enough (they're all A-).
>ywn lovingly fuck a peppy ponk wife
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>(could even have her farting if you like).
This but he pulls out the bellows and says "Can be bigger."
Beats me but I'm glad it got cleared, I REALLY love the fishnets
to continue dreaming of pink pone
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Unweebify and ponify this please
draw your OC
if you don't have one already, make one on the spot
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Holy fucking UNF
I want to see imperial Japanese ponies. Nip military might. Hot sakura mares. Japones, if you would.
DAMN that's the good stuff
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Class kek
You've not read enough fanfics Anon. It's >>41253032
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Once again humbly requesting an mlp version of this. I don't even care if it's EQG anymore
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/r/ anon hugging this mare
Very good.
Keep on keepin on, anon. Someone’ll grant your wish eventually
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look out lads, she's gonna gobble your backsides
Draw polio as a mare
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hope it's alright
thank you very much /d/bro.
/r/ pic rel. but ponyville schoolhouse
dashfags get all the good waifufag art man
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Any excuse to draw my mare
Adorable distress.
I came inside rainbow dash
Requesting a draw of the circle sisters
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link related with her
sheesh look how big anon is compared to her. and people genuinely think pony dick can compete
This looks great!

Super hot. Cheerilee must be desperate for some good company.

But not as desperate as poor Bon Bon, it seems. I guess Lyra didn't work out.
/r/ of Octavia in her rebellious teenage phase
She plays a stringed instrument and is actually good at it. She didn't HAVE a rebellious phase lmao.
i wonder if anyone would be willing to add the zebra jewlery to my pony, neck rings, earring, bracelets, tail rings maybe(maybe toe rings), though people will probably hate his design if i put it here
oh right, and 4chan doesn't let people in incognito post images, which is kind of stupid because last time i was here you were able to do images in incognito
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Wait, really? I'm testing this.
I really like that you used the show style to draw Dusty and Joe, you don't see that often besides when people draw Opalescence. Thanks drawfriend, amazing job
Probably have better luck making a whole "ziggerize this pony" thread, though it'd probably go much farther than you want it to.
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>stealing this frame
its too good not to use
welcome to the herd. we like to have fun here
i say pony but he's more of a pony/zebra hybrid(which is more obvious if you actually see him), i just say pony because I'm used to it
guess it's only on the boards like /d/, /trash/ and stuff
Requesting ponified Sonata Dusk or Sour Sweet imitating Fluttershy:
Warning: fake preggers.
Perfection. I wanna give her the biggest smooch.
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absolutely cute /d/
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Here you go.
I don't really have one. I'll draw someone else's though as long as it's interesting.
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Requesting optic nerve
nice sketchy style i like it
man she ZOOMIN
I absolutely love this, nmm looks absolutely maniacal and the expressions on the stallions lets them know they've done fucked up. the body language is so expressive too, damn
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Well, I tried. Any changes needed?
>Any changes needed?
Nope, your art is great as-is, I really like that style. /r/ you draw moar stuff.
gimme a pony. Gen 4 char or some OC, doesn't matter.
you're welcome, keep up the good work
This badass pair >>41254656 (>>41251169)
are those clown noses?
Yep. You can check thread I linked if you want more "lore" about them.
I imagine it hit her late. Could be one of the reasons she moved in with Vinyl.
Wow this is great. I’ll never understand how artists like you keep up with all those lines
I'm tempted, but last time i let a pony artist on 4chan look at my pony, they were super toxic
i wanna fuck your lipony. show me so i can fuck optimally.
part zebra, part pony, and a hint of fur dragon paws, though the ref is missing the earring, the neck rings, the bracelets and tail ring(and maybe toe rings for the paws)
Your linework is fucking badass!! Awesome concept, funny as fuck, great work anon!
Now I can see why that artist was toxic to you.
Unfortunate color placement, could I try my hand at a redesign?
if you want to, i don't mind
is it really that bad? the person who did the art in the color ref didn't say anything
Yea it's fucking deviantart-tier retarded trash. But don't you worry, there are plenty of nice people here on fourchans, not everyone is mean and toxic. And grow some skin already fag if you gonna stay here.
it's pretty bad. i'd suggest letting that guy redesign it for you. also you should probably get rid of the toes entirely.
i stopped coming to 4chan for a few years, and i normally do when it coms to most things, but my characters are one I'm touchy about, not like "why are you so mean" level, it's the paws mostly isn't it? or the color? i tried(minus the zebra stuff, paws and cutie mark) to stay as close to the very first of him i made on zoi's pony maker
i ended up gettjng a thing for paws awhile back with the version(which i know people would rip me apart on) before this, so i decided to keep them for pretty much no reason other then that and i don't mind people redesigning my character as long as they let me know about it even if they randomly decide to do it without asking
I suggest you throw that everycreature orgy abomination in a trash bin and draw a normal pony.
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you want an abomination? this was the version before this one, this version i know will cause people to go on a non stop insult train which is why i ended up changing it because wven i got tired of looking at the design
(also not my art for either, the other one is from midnightfire, this one, i actually forget since it's been so long since i last used it)
seconded, fuck away with your bs
why is the cutie mark a can of pepsi???? is it that hard to just make a normal oc???
>Pepsi can cutie mark
Fucking lost lol I'm fucking dying
it was back when i couldn't think of anything original for the mark, it was either leave him blank(like most ocs back in 2012) or give him something, i went with a pepsi can because i like pepsi, as for his first version, barebones and boring, also short looking
Why were your parents letting you on DA when you were 9?
i cant fucking take it anymore! someone link a pony maker so i can get this guy a new oc!
i have another pony more simple in design, only diffrent thing about him is one of his eyes is a different color along with his horn, no paws or stripes or anything like that
>sparkledog oc
>paws on pony
>dragon hybrid trash
>heavily off-color zebra
>clashing color scheme
For colors: https://encycolorpedia.com/
Can't help furry cancer though. That's terminal. Pick a pony race or don't do one. Hippogriffs are also just anthroshit who want the excuse of having hands with pony parts.
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This one was far better.
>barebones and boring
Give him a decent backstory then. Scar him. Give him maybe 3 accessories; jewelry doesn't count toward this limit but keep it in check. Equines are a varied species. Look up some other horses and draw some inspiration from them to assist if needed. Just NEVER do pony x non-pony hybrid dumpsterfire.
i mostly went with earth pony, simple and stuff, then i kinda let tumblr stuff influence me and thats what led to the dragon wings and stuff. yeah, i honestly regret i let tumblr influence me that much back in the early days of having a pony for the first time. i ended up scrapping down to what it is now, i only kept stripes and paws because i like zebra ocs and i got a thing for paws
Poor mare. Great drawing.

What is her favorite food? Would she accept headpats and belly rubs?
his* and mostly strawberries or starfruit, and yes he would
Imagine growing up with goals and aspirations only to learn that your life’s purpose is Pepsi
>and i got a thing for paws
begone, furfag
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You misspelled "documentary"
weirdly enough i didn't get it from furries, i got it from griffins and my own pony, not as into them now but i still like them
just make a griffon oc then you faggot.
You can keep the paws but make it make sense, a griffin zebra/pony hybrid makes more sense
he's so FLUFFY,he looks so cute, not sure about the wings but i still really like it
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>as long as it's interesting.
dang all mine are boring
Here, I think wings make more sense but it’s your oc!
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i like the blue paw on th3 mark, reminds me of blue clues
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also alt:
damn, this is great! thanks anon!
i wish sunburst was a mare in canon
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very cute flutters, anon. thanks a ton!
im half tempted to ask if you would do my mare also, but i haven't even figured out a good color scheme for her, and out if boredom i gave her one of those "augmented" tails(kind of like that super mario mare that has the pirana plant tail) for no reason, it's a while new mess and you did enough with that one(also we're probably near bump limit and don't want people filling the thread with more bashing)
not him but what's her name, sometimes that can influence the color scheme
regardless, you don't want anything too saturated or clashing. Complementary colors and hues are king unless you're using them to show how something definitely didn't come with the standard package (i.e. prosthetics, weird tails, etc.)
leona, and leona's color scheme used to be just, pure full on red, I've been trying to change that but still can't tell if the last color scheme was any good(i have 3 in my gallery i think i have more that i shared with someone else)
Well, just remember there are many shades of red, and you could dip into oranges and yellows as well and they'd generally still work as long as they're not supersaturated.
Pure red might work as part of the mane, but it all boils down to a balance issue.

That all said, if you want to make an eyesore of a horse who is functionally identical to a flashbang then that's your privilege as well.
i didn't, like with the other, i tried to keep the color scheme close to the original, i didn't get into the color balence stuff until like 2 or 3 years ago which was after i made her, luckily unlike the other she doesnt have stripes
Kill yourself furnigger
What’s she looking like? I can help you out a bit if you want
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Requesting this with appropriate horses
Every day without Nyx is a 4
with Nyx is a 9
maybe, i just know if i put her here the bashing will start agian and the thread is filled up
cant be worse than the other guys and we werent that bad to him
if someone calls your horse ugly you just call them a faget
that's how it works.
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I drew the second one, but it looked awful, so I'm not posting it.
nigga you should have kept that shit to yourself, or have better taste.
Sorry, I'm a bit done. Maybe next time.
>I'm a bit done
RIP but good job
This is fucking badass!!!!!!! Sick as fuck!!! Even if the second wasn’t up to your standards sure as hell is up to mine, love to see if you decide to post
Bump limit is 500 anon. Post your amre
Don’t be a pussy anon, my ocs all look like faggots can’t be worse than that
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fine, just letting you know she has paws also, this isn't the final color scheme either and i was bored when i gave her the augmented tail(and thought augmented tails looked cool, but i also agree the design is really weird, as for the mark i just didn't want her to be blank so i just picked something random from the internet
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ponify this with twilight or any mare you want
>augmented tail
Does the tail give good succ at least
it's a flower, no it doesn't
Sad to hear it. Really though, as far as colors go I don't see anything I'd call a crime against nature. The things that make it look weird are really just the tail and paws, it's pretty apparent that they were added for the sake of having them and not because it adds to the design. A more inspired cutie mark and normal appendages would make her a pretty decent mare I think
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there's nothing wrong with your mare having a blank ass.
So, now, several question.
1. Why paws?
2. why the bulbs on the flower? Does it shoot goo or what?
3. why her hooves purple
take paws away and she a cute
she's a mirror to the last pony i put up for paws, they store what the flower shoots, which is water, as for her hooves, i did that randomly after using a color wheel for the complimentary color and ended up liking it, i thought about giving her stripes on her back end only(like an okampi) but i decided against it
are the paws... necessary? Like, unless she's part manticore or something there's not much a reason for them to be there.
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like i said in the other stuff, i only kept them since i ended up getting a thing for paws from having them, that and i wanted something to stand out(other then her being as red as a stop sign) at the time, besides that I've seen other ocs with paws, i mean look at this one, only difference is the paws are on the front legs instead of the back(btw not my oc, i just wen and looked paws up on derpi and found this, spoiled for being suggestive, maybe)
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oh then theres this one
okay so you just caught furry from it.
That explains it. Carry on.
I will FUCK this fish.
she's married though
I will KEK the husband
do not kek
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should one of the main 6 gone nightmare in the series before it ended
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probably will get a little hate for the eye and horn
This is very tumblr
at least it doesn't have paws
nope, just a messed up eye and horn due to messing with a cursed book
>You can keep the paws
>a griffin zebra/pony hybrid
it’s a redesign of someone else’s oc, I’m not gonna make it a normal pony if they want it to be some hybrid with paws. I myself don’t like that sort of thing at all but I’m not gonna draw something they’ll hate
didn't know you didn't like hybrids, i kinda feel bad for asking you to drawxsomething you don't like, if you want a normal pony i could let you do my other oc since he's just a norrmal unicorn
is there a replacement for generalzoi's pony creator? so far i haven't seen anything as good when it comes to making ponies
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they really should've had twilight wearing glasses in the series
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/r/ ponify picrelated with Twilight Sparkle and a hayburger.
Overdetailed garbage that, as usual for people who push overdetailed garbage, misses the point. Also, horrible anatomy.
Your post and art go so fucking hard,
I enjoy
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ponies are the best pillows for ponies being pillows for ponies being their pillows
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Ponify this with anon and Princess Luna
how have I never seen that before
Ponify the kamasutra temple of india. Possibly with a disappointed Celestia and a excited Luna looking at it.
If you need something to help make something, the ponytown creator is unironically pretty handy. It lets you put colors and shapes together to get a rough idea of what might work, kind of like doing a thumbnail sketch before starting a painting for reals. The fact that it's kind of abstracted compared to GZ's works in its favor.
Stop encouraging furniggers or kill yourself too
I had fun drawing him in that one thread. He's cool.
>I had fun drawing him
the most anyone can ask for, really
glad you enjoyed yourself
>having fun drawing
how fucking DARE you
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I don't draw often but I love Scootaloo, so here you go.
well scooted
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requesting starlight glimmer complaining about how fast trixie forced her to fill her screaming jar
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A headstrong and confident fluttershy grabbing anon's tie and hastily leading him to her cottage after a fun night out.
/r/equesting your mom as a pone, please.
what did you learn
Mares are hot, also to be nice I guess
Even if I don’t like creaturequestria why spend time hating on people who do, I’d rather hate on barbiefags, there the real problem
Know any artists that draw exclusively human on pony?
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Ponify this
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requesting color
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This with a pony of your choice
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/r/ a "golden"(it's due to partial albinism) zebra mare, thank you(although on the topic different stripe color zebras, perhaps a gray-striped older zebra mare(think Harshwhinny, perhpas a bit older) might not be bad at all, but i think it'd be that she's been that way since birth, not due to old age, but given us being who we are(people) it does seem(to us) to play well with her mature age)
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Ponified with whatever characters you think fit best
bronies have absolute shit taste exhibit one
"i insult stuff because i have no talent" example 1:you
ok fren, do what what ever you want!
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draconequus stuff is interesting sometimes
You know what else is gross?
I like this
I will do this one day, I promise.
this is like an Animorphs book cover after it's been infected by tumblr
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Ponify with Lyra.
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/r/ Chief Thunderhooves wearing a headset and sitting at an outdated computer, shouting "No! Do not redeem!" What do you mean "not that kind of indian"?
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Requesting the horn removed.
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Today is my birthday, this promise is all the gift I could ask for. Thank you considerate anon.
God this takes me back to simpler times, /r/ this ponified
Bumping this. Also, wayyyyy too much creaturefagging in the thread this week. And across the baked for that matter. Are we joever?
Anonfilly posting on the mare-ternet that she wants to blow up the white horse and the mare-b-i busting down her door 2 seconds later.
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Anon and Luna
This but she's crying from her lost lovers while they try to hold her hoof
Rarity helping science Anon out after his vacuum pump died.
Draw Nyx erasing everything all at once so she can kick back and relax in the void of eternal darkness
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hell yeah time for some real-life diddy kong racing
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That's cute. I bet she's pretty stoked to fly that thing.

Amazing work man. I always look forward to see your work that inspires me to draw ponies. Hope to see more in the future!
this is cute as fuck
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cursed or not?
Luchador mask mofo
Luna knows who (you) are deep inside.
Heartwarming, 10/10.
it's certainly not a delivery or a request

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